Why do women like sweets more. Sweet-tooths lack love, meat-eaters lack success

You might as well ask why we like to watch the sunset on the seashore or catch snowflakes in the palm of our hand - an analysis of the root causes of pleasure will not affect its character in any way. Forgive the gourmet-sweet-tooth women's magazine JustLady for its too mundane approach to the topic, but today we will consider the habit of the "dolce vita" not only from a gastronomic point of view. In this article we will try to answer the question of concern to many: what will happen, if there is a lot of sweet?

Love for sweets, all kinds of sweets, chocolate, cakes and ice cream arises somehow immediately. As soon as the little man has time to grow up and feel all the charm and variety of products from the "adult" table, he already draws his unequivocal conclusions: sweets are great. Watch the kids when they eat some sweets on both cheeks. On the face - complete immersion in yourself and endless pleasure. Try it, take it! And morals like: if there is a lot of sweet, then the teeth will hurt or something will stick together - in this case they do not go away. The sweet life is sweet because it does not leave the strength and desire to think about what will happen next. So why do people like sweets?

Energy for a growing body

What happens to the body when we eat something sweet? The level of glucose in the blood rises, there is an instant release of endorphins - hormones of happiness, which instantly cheer up. Young children intuitively feel the beneficial effects of sweets on the body, and therefore never refuse the offered treat. Carbohydrates found in chocolate, cakes and other "goodies" do not require large processing costs, they are considered light and quickly saturate the body with the energy necessary for growth and development. Another question is what if there is a lot of sweet, this will not have the best effect on health: constant jumps in insulin levels can provoke diabetes, and acidity in the mouth - caries. Therefore, try not to accustom your child to excessive consumption of sugar and sugar-containing foods. Supplement the baby with sweet fruits and natural juice - it's both tasty and. You can have chocolates with fruit jelly bars or marmalades - the gelatin contained in them is good for the body and does not affect weight gain so much.

Ice cream for children, flowers for women

Why, I wonder, did the hero of the famous comedy distribute the presents in this way? Many girls would gladly change the flowers for some kind of sweetness. It is later, after selflessly eating a chocolate bar or a small cake (and what fits on a plate), we girls begin to torment ourselves. I eat a lot of sweets, I'm fat, I have to go on a diet ... The idea is sound, but forcing yourself to do something under duress is not the most promising option. You can limit yourself to food and exercise regularly for a long time only if you have a strong motivation. Why do people love sweets? Butter buns, mouth-watering cakes and sweets help relieve stress (remember - the hormones of happiness). Are you constantly craving chocolate? This is the brain signaling that not everything is in order with your internal psychological background. Eating sweets is like drug addiction - gradually receptors responding to changes chemical composition blood, become dull and, with each time, you want sweets in greater quantities. This is from a physiological point of view. On the psychological side, the following happens: once in a difficult situation, a person intuitively wants to isolate himself from it, to hide. Excess weight in this situation, it acts as a lifeline, protects a person, makes him more "thick-skinned", immune. It turns out a vicious circle: I worry - I eat a lot of sweets - I get fat - I worry even more.

Up your nose or how NOT to eat a lot of sweets

So, there is no reason to completely refuse sweets. In small quantities, sweets are an excellent antidepressant and energize a tired body. No one is safe from stressful situations, the main thing is to find that balance in the use of marmalade-chocolate, which will add joy to life and will not affect the wasp waist in any way. Doctors and nutritionists advise eating no more than 100-150 g of muffin and other confectionery. If there is a need to increase the dose, replace the buns and sugar with natural honey or sweet fruits: bananas, strawberries (also excellent antidepressants). Do not avoid sports activities - these are the very first helpers for stress, psychological fatigue and apathy. Walk in the fresh air, meet friends and nice people, look at life positively. I ? Honey, that's why I'm so appetizing!

Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

After all, it's true that sweet men are very rare. If you offer a woman to choose her favorite food, she will most likely take a chocolate bar, a piece of cake, fruit. And the man? He will put meat, sausage or sausages on a plate. Scientists have proven that sweets are often necessary for the female body, this is due to the effect of the sex hormones estrogen on brain tissue and blood sugar levels.

Especially our body needs sweets during puberty, before menstruation and during pregnancy. So if sometimes you want, but it seems like it’s impossible, then maybe you can? Yes, you certainly may! In reasonable quantities, sweets can only help. So what are the benefits of sweets?

Prolongs youth

Have you noticed that as people age, they eat less sweets? With the onset of menopause, the level of estrogen hormones decreases, along with this, cravings for sweets weaken in women. Old ladies with a sweet tooth are a rarity. It also turns out that those who do not deny themselves sweets are not so subject to the process of withering. Sweets and cakes constantly replenish the supply of antioxidants, which in turn fight harmful free radicals. The most powerful sources of antioxidants from sweets: honey, chocolate, prunes, raisins.

Helps manage PMS

For some reason, always with the approach of critical days, we want a chocolate bar or some sweet fruit. So the body signals a change in hormone levels. And do not need this desire to just seize large quantity ordinary food. As a result, it’s still hard to resist the candy, and you will eat it. So, maybe it's better to just provide the body with some sweets without overloading it with the rest of the usual food? Magnesium contained in chocolate (50 grams is enough, where the daily intake of magnesium is contained) will help relieve pain in the lower abdomen. A regular biscuit can increase the level of serotonin these days, a substance that affects our mood.

Increases the chances of becoming a mother

Nutritionists advise to lean on vitamin E if you plan to become a mother. It increases the chance of conception. This vitamin is abundant in sunflower oil and halva. Now many exclude sunflower oil, replacing it with olive oil. Well, halva remains. It certainly tastes much better!

Increases IQ level

Among the products that affect brain activity, sweets hold the lead. First up is dark chocolate. Precisely bitter, because chocolate with nuts or milk chocolate are extra fats that will not allow you to concentrate and can make you slow and even a little slow. Therefore, if you need brainstorming, we take dark chocolate (namely, sugar plus cocoa butter). From nerves, among other things, it also helps. Sweets are the only food for the brain, since its cells take only glucose as food (at least 30 grams are needed per day).

Fights stress and bad mood

Sweets give energy, so necessary during periods when something is not going well. Sugar is 99.9% carbohydrates, which means it is an ideal source of energy. These carbohydrates are fast fuel, they are utilized almost instantly. Such energizers include chocolate, honey, dried fruits. When we eat them, we feel a surge of energy. Mood often directly depends on the energy in our body. Recharge energy in stressful situations, this will help to cope with them.

After all, it's true that sweet men are very rare. If you offer a woman to choose her favorite food, she will most likely take a chocolate bar, a piece of cake, fruit. And the man? He will put meat, sausage or sausages on a plate. Scientists have proven that sweets are often necessary for the female body, this is due to the effect of the sex hormones estrogen on brain tissue and blood sugar levels.

Especially our body needs sweets during puberty, before menstruation and during pregnancy. So if sometimes you want, but it seems like it’s impossible, then maybe you can?

Yes, you certainly may! In reasonable quantities, sweets can only help. So what are the benefits of sweets?

Prolongs youth

Have you noticed that as people age, they eat less sweets? With the onset of menopause, the level of estrogen hormones decreases, along with this, cravings for sweets weaken in women. Old ladies with a sweet tooth are a rarity. It also turns out that those who do not deny themselves sweets are not so subject to the process of withering. Sweets and cakes are constantly replenishing the supply of antioxidants, which in turn fight harmful free radicals. The most powerful sources of antioxidants from sweets: honey, chocolate, prunes, raisins.

Helps manage PMS

For some reason, always with the approach of critical days, we want a chocolate bar or some sweet fruit. So the body signals a change in hormone levels. And you don’t need this desire to just seize a large amount of ordinary food. As a result, it’s still hard to resist the candy, and you will eat it. So, maybe it's better to just provide the body with some sweets without overloading it with the rest of the usual food? Magnesium contained in chocolate (50 grams is enough, where the daily intake of magnesium is contained) will help relieve pain in the lower abdomen. A regular biscuit can increase the level of serotonin these days, a substance that affects our mood.

Increases the chances of becoming a mother

Nutritionists advise to lean on vitamin E if you plan to become a mother. It increases the chance of conception. This vitamin is abundant in sunflower oil and halva. Now many exclude sunflower oil, replacing it with olive oil. Well, halva remains. It certainly tastes much better!

Increases IQ level

Among the products that affect brain activity, sweets hold the lead. First up is dark chocolate. Precisely bitter, because chocolate with nuts or milk chocolate are extra fats that will not allow you to concentrate and can make you slow and even a little slow. Therefore, if you need brainstorming, we take dark chocolate (namely, sugar plus cocoa butter). From nerves, among other things, it also helps. Sweets are the only food for the brain, since its cells take only glucose as food (at least 30 grams are needed per day).

Fights stress and bad mood

Sweets give energy, so necessary during periods when something is not going well. Sugar is 99.9% carbohydrates, which means it is an ideal source of energy. These carbohydrates are fast fuel, they are utilized almost instantly. Such energizers include chocolate, honey, dried fruits. When we eat them, we feel a surge of energy. Mood often directly depends on the energy in our body. Recharge energy in stressful situations, this will help to cope with them.

After all, it's true that sweet men are very rare. If you offer a woman to choose her favorite food, she will most likely take a chocolate bar, a piece of cake, fruit. And the man? He will put meat, sausage or sausages on a plate. Scientists have proven that sweets are often necessary for the female body, this is due to the effect of the sex hormones estrogen on brain tissue and blood sugar levels.

Especially our body needs sweets during puberty, before menstruation and during pregnancy. So if sometimes you want, but it seems like it’s impossible, then maybe you can? So what are the benefits of sweets?

Prolongs youth

Have you noticed that as people age, they eat less sweets? With the onset of menopause, the level of estrogen hormones decreases, along with this, cravings for sweets weaken in women. Old ladies with a sweet tooth are a rarity. Sweets constantly replenish the supply of antioxidants, which in turn fight harmful free radicals. The most powerful sources of antioxidants from sweets: honey, chocolate, prunes, raisins.

Helps manage PMS

For some reason, always with the approach of critical days, we want a chocolate bar or some sweet fruit. So the body signals a change in hormone levels. Magnesium contained in chocolate (50 grams is enough, where the daily intake of magnesium is contained) will help relieve pain in the lower abdomen. A regular biscuit can increase the level of serotonin these days, a substance that affects our mood.

Increases the chances of becoming a mother

Nutritionists advise to lean on vitamin E if you plan to become a mother. This vitamin is abundant in sunflower oil and halva.

Increases IQ level

Among the products that affect brain activity, sweets hold the lead. First up is dark chocolate. Precisely bitter, because chocolate with nuts or milk chocolate are extra fats that will not allow you to concentrate and can make you slow and even a little slow.

Fights stress and bad mood

Sweets give energy, so necessary during periods when something is not going well. Sugar is 99.9% carbohydrates, which means it is an ideal source of energy. These carbohydrates are fast fuel, they are utilized almost instantly. Such energizers include chocolate, honey, dried fruits. When we eat them, we feel a surge of energy. And the mood is often directly dependent on the energy in our body.

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Why do men like sweets?

You might as well ask why we like to watch the sunset on the seashore or catch snowflakes in the palm of our hand - an analysis of the root causes of pleasure will not affect its character in any way. Forgive the gourmet-sweet-tooth women's magazine JustLady for its too mundane approach to the topic, but today we will consider the habit of the "dolce vita" not only from a gastronomic point of view. In this article we will try to answer the question of concern to many: what will happen, if there is a lot of sweet?

Many men know that it is quite difficult to choose the most original and unusual gift for a girl, and especially if this girl is unfamiliar.
Of course, all girls love flowers, because they carry only a positive mood, but you can’t limit yourself to flowers, so you have to choose and buy some original and memorable gift.

Do not rely on a sugar substitute as a safe option, even though it contains no calories. Sugar in food helps the body evaluate the calorie content of incoming food, and substitutes do not carry such information, which removes the saturation bar.

Attitudes towards sweets are different all over the world, for example, in Iran, men believe that eating sweets helps to conceive a son, and therefore lean on sweets from time to time. If a man wants a daughter, then there is nothing to eat. True, this does not fit in with the Harvard University study, which claims that eating a lot of sweets reduces the level of the protein SHBG, which is responsible for the balance of testosterone and estrogen.

A romantic dinner can be arranged at home, so that no one interferes. You can cook your own meals, or you can order in a restaurant. The main thing is that the table is set and everything is ready for the arrival of the girl. If you are preparing a romantic gift, finish it to the end. After dinner, you can invite your beloved to take a bath with rose petals while drinking a glass of champagne. After that, you can come up with something else. For example, perform a striptease for a girl to pleasant music or give a foot massage.

After such a complex gift, your beloved girl will be fascinated by you and will love you even more.

You can have dinner on the roof of the house. Now in many cities of Russia there are companies that organize such romantic dinners on the roof with a beautiful view. They will prepare and prepare everything, it remains only to pay a tidy sum. And if you want and try to do the same yourself.

sweet heart

Sweets help with PMS, that's what
time a woman wants to eat a cupcake or a piece of chocolate. In fact
this desire is justified - the body thus notifies about the change
hormonal background. Sweet in these cases will improve mood and calm
nervous system.

I don't see anything surprising

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