Tech tree for German heavy tanks. World of Tanks Blitz: detailed description of German tanks

Sep 14, 2016 Game guides

Tanks are the center World games of Tanks Blitz. Understanding the differences between tanks and knowing which country's tanks are best for you is half the battle. In this guide, I will try to describe the German tank development tree in as much detail as possible, but at the same time I will not go to extremes and will not paint huge tables with numerical data for each tank. The purpose of this guide is to give you an idea of ​​the direction in which you would like to develop your German tanks.

German tanks: general view

If you have already read the general guide on tanks of different nations, then this paragraph will not tell you anything new - but otherwise, or for repetition, you should read it before we go directly to the tanks.

German tanks in general are tanks for the sniper. Basically, they have good frontal armor and accurate, rapid-fire guns with high penetration. Most German tanks are heavily armored and sacrifice mobility. The task of most of the tanks of this nation is combat at medium and long distances. The main skill for the pilot of such a tank is to be able to correctly position his tank, i.e. do it in such a way that enemy shots ricochet more often and cannot penetrate armor - place the tank at an angle and hide it behind various obstacles. High rank light tanks are an exception - they lose armor for speed.

Now let's move on to a more detailed review of German tanks.

German light tanks

Relatively thick armor and high maneuverability (but low speed) allow German light tanks to quickly position themselves on the battlefield and shoot at enemies at medium range. The first tank of this nation, the light tank Leichttraktor, copes well with these tasks - an accurate gun with a high level of penetration allows it to shoot enemies even from a long distance without much difficulty, and a good health reserve allows it to fight at short distances. Its main problem is its size - it is very easy to hit it. At the same time, the low speed of this tank will not allow it to break away from faster rivals (for example, MS-1). After it, German light tanks are divided into two variations - Pz.Kpfw. 35 and Pz.Kpfw. II. The differences between the 35th and II are that the 35th has almost cardboard armor, but is very mobile and shoots high-caliber (40mm) shells with a high level of penetration, while the II is a more versatile tank with good armor and a high rate of fire, coupled with high accuracy and pointing speed. At the same time, he is much less mobile and very poorly overcomes the ride uphill. In the future, the 35th turns into the 38th, which differs from the 35th only in a greatly reduced weight (+speed, -armor), but its next version, Pz.Kpfw. 38 n.A., with the same properties, it also has a small size, which makes a difficult target out of a tank. In the future, this branch passes into Pz.Kpfw. IV, a medium tank, which I will talk about in the corresponding section. Model Pz.Kpfw. II, meanwhile, goes into Pz.Kpwf. III Ausf. G, a light variant that lacks strong armor and high accuracy guns, but has a powerful caliber and high rate of fire, coupled with high speed and maneuverability. This is an excellent light German tank for close contact with the enemy and reconnaissance. In the future, two varieties of medium tanks and one heavy one (on the fourth rank!) “grow” out of it. Also, II can turn into a variant of the II Ausf. G is a fast and light reconnaissance tank with high vision and fast-firing guns. The next II Luchs after him is characterized by the highest speed, but low maneuverability, and also has stronger armor. The light tank VK 16.02 Leopard brings a really significant difference to this development - it is just as fast, but has much denser armor and guns of a higher caliber (39mm). The VK 28.01 following it only reinforces the established trend - the highest speed of 72 km / h and the most powerful high-caliber shells make it a powerful opponent. The situation is overshadowed only by the high reload time. Germany's final light tanks, the Spahpanze SP I C and Spahpanzer Ru 251, are more like tank destroyers from other countries - they are small, agile, shoot far and hurt, but have virtually no armor. A separate positive quality of Ru 251 is the ability to use explosive shells with a caliber of 100mm - this allows you to pierce even some medium tanks and inflict huge damage on them from the inside.

German medium tanks

The first medium tank in Germany is the Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf A of the third rank - it is a small mobile tank with an accurate high-caliber gun (75mm). Its disadvantage is the relatively weak armor of the hull. Another variant of the German medium tank is the Pz.Kpfw.III - a tank with average parameters in almost everything, which, at the same time, has no pronounced disadvantages. Its good gun, thick frontal armor, and sufficient speed allow it to perform almost any function on the battlefield, but it is more difficult to take out heavy enemies alone on it. Tank IV Ausf. A later changes to IV Ausf. D, which differs from its predecessor primarily in the caliber of the gun, and then there is a transition to IV, a mobile tank with good frontal armor, which is very large in size, especially compared to its predecessors. The next VK 30.01 (P) after it does not become smaller, but it becomes stronger and more accurate, and is also equipped with an 88mm caliber gun. It does not have good mobility and gets stuck on uneven terrain, but it can accelerate well in a straight line. In the future, it "evolves" into the Tiger (P), a good heavy tank. The III tank mentioned earlier is developing in a slightly different direction - the next III/IV after it also remains a good-in-everything, but not-perfect-everything tank with good armor, excellent mobility and high penetration, suffering from low firing speed. The main difference between the VK 30.01 (D) tank following it is only its huge weight and high “health” reserve, while the rest of the characteristics are very similar. But this tank again divides the further development of German medium tanks in two - into Panther I and VK 30.02 (D). The Panther is a heavy (in terms of weight) tank with powerful curved frontal armor and an extremely accurate, though not the most powerful, weapon. It's harder to control and quite large, but otherwise it's a great German medium tank. 30.02(D) is significantly different - it's quicker and has very curved armor, which allows it to avoid many shots, but its armor is thinner and it deals more damage with a precise hit. He, in turn, has a rich arsenal of accurate and powerful weapons. “Panther” further turns into its second version, Panther II, and it becomes even better - speed and controllability increase, weapons become more powerful and faster-firing. The picture is darkened only by the weak armor of the lower part of the hull. VK 30.02 (D) upgrades to Indien-Panzer, a small tank with good mobility, good armor, high rate of fire and excellent penetration. His problems are that he accelerates and aims for a long time - but this does not prevent him from being used in battles at medium distances. The Panther II then transitions into the E50, a large tank with very dense armor, excellent speed and high weight, capable of ramming enemies. More interesting is its next form - E50 Ausf. M: A relatively slow but fairly durable tank with a great gun that can shoot as far as you want, aim quickly to penetrate any target and deal massive damage. Its minus is in the relatively unprotected lower part of the case. Returning to the Indian-Panzer, it should be said about the famous “Leopards” following it - Leopard Prototyp A and Leopard 1. Their essence is that they have almost paper armor, but at the same time, excellent speed and maneuverability are combined with powerful precision guns, and small size allows you to avoid enemy attacks.

German heavy tanks

The heavy tanks of the Reich are really heavy. All of them are extremely slow (with the exception of the Tiger), but at the same time they have thick armor and large-caliber weapons. Their armor is almost always flat, which is why these tanks are called "boxes". From the Durchbruchswagen 2 to the Maus, they all specialize in dealing massive damage to the enemy and contain the damage. The aforementioned rank four Dbw2, for example, has extremely thick armor on all sides and shoots well, but the lack of armor slope makes it a relatively easy target for tanks with high gun penetration. For comparison, the aforementioned rank ten Maus also has flat but extremely thick armor, the largest “health” reserve in the game, high-precision weapons and a huge mass, and at the same time moves slowly. This description applies to almost any German heavy tank, and they are probably less qualitatively different from each other than any other tanks within the same class (unlike the German medium tanks described above). The famous Tiger is an exception to this rule - the original "Tiger" does not have heavy armor, but develops good speed and shoots 88-caliber shells very accurately. Its Porsche variant, the Tiger (P), differs from it in reduced speed but thick frontal armor, while the second version of the Tiger, the Tiger II, combines thick armor and high speed, and also gains the ability to quickly turn in one place.

Tank Destroyers of Germany

The first German tank destroyer can be obtained very early, already at rank two, right after the Leichttraktor light tank. The first tank destroyer is called the Panzerjager I, and in fact it is he who lays the foundation for almost all the following tank destroyers in Germany - this is a small vehicle with an accurate cannon that can shoot at enemies from afar and inflict quite a lot of damage. The only problem is that the armor of the Panzerjager I is almost non-existent, so you will always have to hide - shoot from afar, use bushes and cover. The next Marder II after him focuses less on accuracy and more on damage - being less accurate and not as mobile, Marder II is even smaller in size and must choose a good position, take time to aim and land a powerful blow. Germany's next tank destroyer is the Hetzer - heavily armored at the front due to the curvature of the tank destroyer's armor, capable of quickly aiming and firing from a variety of guns - both powerful and fast-firing. The Hetzer's problem is its low mobility and weak side armor - so it's logical to use it in ambushes and try to take a position where it won't be visible and try not to move. Next in the German tank destroyer branch is the StuG III Ausf. G, which is characterized by high speed and maneuverability, good rate of fire and high lethality. The downsides are thin armor and poor "vision" - this tank is difficult to control without a trained team and improved optics. The Jagdpanzer IV coming after it does not boast high penetration, but it is very low and quite fast, and also has a fairly high rate of fire - in order to play effectively, you will need to actively move out of the enemy’s line of sight and aim at its sides and rear parts. Next in the tank destroyer branch is Jagdpanther, fast tank very well-armed, able to fire quickly, aim accurately and deal good damage. Its downside is that it's fairly easy to spot and its armor is devoid of bulges, so the only way to keep it safe is to properly position it at an angle to the enemy so enemy projectiles ricochet against the curved armor. After that, the tank destroyer suddenly splits in two and gives you the choice between Jagdpanther II and Ferdinand. The second version of the Jagdpanther is significantly faster and its upper front has very thick armor - but if you shoot this car from the side, its thin high walls will most likely not withstand and will be easily penetrated. Ferdinand, on the other hand, is slow, but armored from almost all sides and has a good weapon (the same one that is on the Maus). The problem is that with its low maneuverability, it is large, and its armor, although thick, is flat - it is not difficult to aim at such a tank. The Jagdtiger, which follows both models, is a highly specialized tank destroyer - it doesn't have good armor and doesn't move very fast, and its vision range isn't that great, but it deals massive damage to anyone in front of it. He shoots fast enough and deals a lot of damage per shot - the main thing is not to let the enemy go around him. The last tank destroyer of the German troops, the Jagdpanzer E100, turns into a huge slow-moving bunker on tracks - its armor is extremely thick and effective, and its weapons deal huge damage and penetrate enemies well. It is almost impossible to hide it, but this is not a necessity - it is enough to stand at the enemy at an angle and shoot him until he stops moving. However, you should be careful if the enemy is flanking you or shooting from below - the bottom surface of the Jagdpanzer E100 is not thick enough and can be penetrated even by medium projectiles if fired correctly.


We have covered almost everythingnon-premiumGerman tanks. Some models were considered in more detail due to their exclusivity and efficiency, others were skipped, as they are improved versions of their predecessors. After reading this guide, you can get a complete picture of the features of German tanks and decide how (and whether it is worth it) to develop the development branch of this nation. I hope that this knowledge will help you in battles both on the side of the Reich tanks and in the battle against them. Fight like a pro in World of Tanks Blitz!

Panzerkampfwagen VI "Tiger I" Ausf E wound up manually.

How did you get the Tiger?

Tank Tiger on the move. Recording of a Panzerkampfwagen VI engine starting in a tank museum. To start a tiger you need strong male hands. The engine of the multi-ton combat vehicle was manually started using a metal brace and a paper clip that physically closed the mechanics.

The first Tiger tanks appeared in service with the German Army in 1937.

Why tankers so quickly fell in love with the new German premium tank destroyer E-25? The answer is known to almost everyone who has already tried this car in battle.

performance and combat effectiveness of this low-profile combat unit periodically surprises even the most experienced World of Tanks players.

Screenshot of E-25 combat effectiveness

In this screenshot, the player skated E-25 only 10 fights. And this means, we can say with confidence that even more successful battles await him ahead.

Geschützwagen Tiger(from German Geschützwagen - carriage and German Tiger - tiger) - experienced German self-propelled 170 mm howitzer. The decision to create heavy self-propelled guns for artillery support accepted in June 1942. Work on the machine was carried out by Krupp. The ACS concept implied the possibility of installing three different artillery systems on one base chassis: a 170 mm 17 cm Kanone 72 cannon, a 210 mm Morser howitzer and a 305 mm Skoda GrW L / 16 mortar, in connection with which the vehicle received a rather long official name Geschützwagen "Tiger" fur 17 cm K72(Sf), fur 21 cm Mrs 18/1(Sf) and 30.5 cm GrW Sf I-606/9. A similar concept was the basis of the Soviet heavy self-propelled guns Su-14.

Research and leveling GW-Tiger

GW-Tiger can be researched after Gw-Panther for 166,000 XP

By purchasing the GW-Tiger self-propelled guns, you go to the 7th level of the German artillery tree. To start the game on the GW-Tiger with maximum efficiency, install previously researched modules on it. These can be a FuG 12 radio station and engines: Maybach HL 210 P 30 and Maybach HL 230 P 45, which are being studied on VK 3001 (H) and VK 3601 (H). First of all, it is recommended to study the chassis of the GW-Tiger-Ketten Ausf. B for 16940 experience. It will increase the carrying capacity and allow you to install all the necessary modules, as well as the top gun. The research can then be directed towards the 21cm mortar Mrs 18/1(Sf) for 67500 experience. This is one of the best tier 7 SPG guns in the game. Its projectiles have splash damage of 7 squares around the point of impact and deal significant damage to heavy vehicles.

On the image: Model ACS GW-Tiger

Combat effectiveness of the GW-Tiger

GW-Tiger- very efficient ACS. This is due both to low maneuverability and a long reload time, but to a greater extent, to the fact that the Gw-Panther’s predecessor art has a completely different effective play style, so you will actually have to learn how to play again. On the other hand, if you understand this tank, learn to reduce in advance, change position in time, then the enemies will be unpleasantly surprised by their losses from each of your shots.

Benefits of GW-Tiger

  • High damage shells 210 mm mortars
  • Large HE shell fragmentation radius
  • High (for self-propelled guns) strength

Disadvantages of GW-Tiger

  • The large size of self-propelled guns complicate camouflage
  • Low maneuverability
  • Very small traverse angles
  • Long mixing

The most anticipated in the World of Tanks game is the introduction of the second branch of German anti-tank self-propelled guns in the fall of 2017.

Popularity Tank Destroyers of Germany among the players is incredibly high. In addition, according to our data, kindly provided through the WoT API, the number of tankers with fully upgraded is quite large and is in first place among all the nations represented.

Introduction of the second full branch of German tank destroyers is expected to cause a surge in upgrades from gamers. Now the most popular type among combat vehicles is the tank destroyer. In anticipation of the second branch of the Germans, players have already begun to accumulate free experience. The ability to immediately upgrade several levels of the new branch of the German tank destroyers uncontrollably motivates players to gain experience.

As usual and 2 branches of German tank destroyers there will be a level 10 car. The portal site already knows exactly which machines formed the final new branch of germany, but we cannot openly share it, being a partner of the World of Tanks project and having assumed, as you yourself understand, certain obligations (in particular, the refusal to publish performance characteristics before the official announcement.

Anyway, detailed information will be immediately posted on our fan site of the game as soon as we have such an opportunity. In the meantime, here's screenshot of tank destroyers from the new branch for your judgment:

- Level 10 German Tank Destroyers. German military design thought during the Second World War. One of the representatives of the ambitious plans of the Germans can be considered self-propelled anti-tank installation JagdPz E-100.

Characteristics of tank destroyers JagdPz E-100

Heavy German tank "Maus" officially became the face of World of Tanks. When playing World of Tanks, you can’t help but ride on this miracle of German engineering.

Maus - the official tank of the game

There has been a lot of talk in the player community about invisible armor shields surrounding tanks. At the combat vehicle PzKpfw IV Schmalturm such screens can be examined in detail. After all, they represent a lattice protection of the undercarriage, giving the latter increased protection against damage to the harp.

PzKpfw IV Schmalturm

German premium tank Schmalturm It has gun 7,5 cm KwK 44/1 L/70, which easily pierces the armor of any tanks of its level. The effectiveness of tank combat is achieved due to good armor penetration of 150/194/38 mm, high rate of fire of 13.04 rounds per minute, as well as amazingly smooth and accurate aiming. Average damage dealt by this weapon Schmalturm tank, not high 135/135/175 (HP), however, it is easily compensated by those positive aspects of the tank that we described above. As a result, we get an increased DPM (Damage per Second), which, together with a stable hit in the top three tanks after the balance of a random battle, allows us to have a stable income in the form of double game credits and double experience without straining in each middle battle.

A German light tank, best suited for destroying opponents of the same level or finishing off high-level tanks in close combat.
It is a starting tank for unlocking all branches of German armored vehicles, in particular the PzKpfw 35(t), PzKpfw II, Panzerjager I and Sturmpanzer I "Bison" tanks.

There are simply a huge number of German tanks in World of Tanks, eight can be distinguished

Heavy tanks

Of course, it’s worth starting the review with a review of the branch that ends with the legendary Mouse. Unfortunately, this machine has long lost its relevance. Once upon a time, Mouse was a real "thunderstorm of randomness", on many cards it was possible to put a competent rhombus and not be afraid of opponents at all. Over the four years of the game's existence, the situation has changed dramatically: the widespread use of Tier 10 tank destroyers and the widespread use of gold shells have greatly reduced the value of armor. Unfortunately, some tank destroyers are capable of penetrating the upper frontal part of the Mouse with cumulatives.

But this does not mean that all machines in the branch have lost their relevance. At the fifth and sixth levels are medium tanks Pz. IV H And VK 30.01 P. In general, these are pretty passable cars without bright pros and cons. Playing them does not require any special skills, but it is not remembered either. Once upon a Pz. IV H had a much more powerful gun (from a single-tier tank destroyer), then it turned into a real imba with a high-explosive gun when they introduced the possibility of buying premium shells for silver... But now, after several nerfs, it's a completely ordinary tank.

At the seventh level there is already a heavy tank Tiger (P), which is also called "Pygro". And this machine, with proper use, can show outstanding results. The fact is that the thickness of the forehead of the hull is 200 mm, the placement of the tank in a rhombus allows you to tank against tanks and the eighth level. At the same time, the gun pierces 203 mm with an ordinary projectile, but the one-time damage is only 240 units. But pleases with accuracy (0.34) and visibility (380 meters). All this is balanced by weak dynamics and large dimensions, but the Tiger (P) is still a very comfortable car. He can both play the role of a sniper and tank in close combat.

VK 45.02 A, which received the nickname "Alfatapok" among the players. This is due to the fact that a car with a rear turret goes further, which makes it look a bit like slippers. The VK 45.02 A itself does not have any bright advantages. In general, it combines the features of medium and heavy tanks: the maximum speed is mediocre (38 km / h), but the power density is quite high (almost 15 hp). The armor can hardly be called good (for example, in the front of the hull 120 mm at a slight slope), but good dynamics often allow the tank to be fired at an advantageous angle. Frankly small is the penetration of both a conventional projectile (200 mm) and a sub-caliber (244 mm). One-time damage is 320 units, this is the standard for this level and class.

At the ninth level is the very "Slippers", that is, VK 45.02 B. In patch 9.2, this car was heavily uplifted. Now the thickness of the forehead of the hull is 200 mm (this applies to both the upper and lower frontal parts), the thickness of the roof of the tower was increased to 60 mm, where the Slipper easily made its way. You have to pay for such a booking with very poor dynamics. And the gun leaves much to be desired. It has good penetration (246 mm for a regular projectile) and one-shot damage (490 HP), but the rate of fire is low (less than 4 rounds per minute), and long convergence (2.9) leads to frequent misses in dynamic firefights.

VK 45.02 B

Pro Mouse, which is at the tenth level, we have already said. On this tank and modern realities, you can play from armor and tank out a huge amount of damage. But, unfortunately, this can be done literally on several maps. On some Prokhorovka, Mouse is an easy target. Its record margin of safety (as much as 3000 units!) Will only please opponents.

The second branch of heavy tanks starts from the fourth level. D.W. 2 is one of the few heavy tanks at this level. He has good armor, but he has to pay for it with a weapon with weak penetration. In this way, it resembles the French B1. VK 30.01 H and VK 36.01 H are on the fifth and sixth levels. By the way, they used to be medium tanks (and both were on the sixth level), but the developers decided to change that. Unfortunately, when changing the class, the booking remained the same. These tanks don't hold up well in close combat. On the other hand, they perfectly show themselves as "snipers", because they can be equipped with the famous Konik gun (Waffe 0725), which has good penetration (157 mm for a regular projectile and 221 mm for a sub-caliber), which is complemented by excellent accuracy (0.34) .

On the seventh level is the famous Tiger I. This machine is notable for its large size and weak armor (for example, only 100 mm in the front of the hull), but this is compensated by a simply magnificent gun. It is identical to the one mounted on the Tiger (P), but it has a much higher rate of fire. Damage per minute is as much as 2150 units, which even machines of the eighth level can envy. The margin of safety in the top configuration is 1500 units, with many opponents you can simply go “for an exchange”. Right now, the Tiger is one of the best tier 7 heavy tanks, although realizing high damage per minute can be difficult for inexperienced players.

At the eighth level is Royal tiger, which is a fairly versatile heavy tank. A gun with a penetration of 225 mm with a conventional projectile (and a 285 mm sub-caliber one) and good accuracy (0.34) allows you to successfully hit targets from any distance. The view is 390 meters, which is 10 meters less than the maximum value for this level. There are several vulnerable zones in the armor (lower frontal part, turret roof and observation devices), but with proper use of the terrain, they can be hidden. But the upper frontal part has a thickness of 150 mm and is located at a good slope. If you put the tank in a rhombus, then only tank destroyers of the tenth level will be able to break through it with great difficulty.

Tiger II

E 75 is a logical continuation of the Royal Tiger and is located on the ninth level. This is one of the few "real" heavy tanks with good armor. The gun is identical to the one on the VK 45.02 B. Good dynamics are also pleasing, which allows, for example, to return to the base if opponents have begun to capture it. Finally, it completes the E 100 branch, which can often be found in random battles. This heavy tank has several vulnerable areas in the frontal armor (a huge lower frontal part, the forehead of the turret), but if you put the right diamond and turn the turret a little, it will be difficult to penetrate you. Low penetration by a conventional projectile (only 235 mm) forces the constant use of cumulative ones (they already penetrate 334 mm). But the high one-time damage is very pleasing (as much as 750 units). The margin of safety is 2700 units, E 100 shows itself well in punching directions.

medium tanks

Medium tanks are also represented by two branches. First we will look at the one that leads to the E 50 M, because it appeared a long time ago. It starts from the sixth level, on which it is located VK 30.02M, it opens with the VK 30.01 H. The VK 30.02 M is a good medium tank that can both be active in the front line and play the role of an "ambush sniper". The top gun can penetrate 150 mm with a conventional projectile; against tanks of a higher level, sub-caliber ones with penetration of 194 mm can be used. Dynamics also makes a favorable impression.

But about Panther, which is located on the seventh level, you can’t say that. It drives frankly badly for a medium tank, which is aggravated by its rather large size (the famous German “shed”, which is typical for all tanks above the level). The top gun, nicknamed the “fishing rod” for its long length, penetrates as much as 198 mm, but the one-time damage is 135 units, but the accuracy is simply excellent (0.32). Panther suggests a peculiar style of play: you need to keep a respectful distance from the enemy in order to realize the advantage in accuracy. But playing the role of a classic tank destroyer turns out to be bad, because this requires a lot of one-time damage.

At the eighth level is Panther 2, which drives even worse, and the dimensions are about the same. The weapon was inherited from the Tiger of the seventh level. The upper frontal part has a thickness of 85 mm at a good slope, but this is not enough to tank the shots of single-level tanks. Parts of the turret front that are not covered by the gun mantlet are easily penetrated (other tanks of the branch have this problem as well). Another problem is the location of the transmission behind the frontal part, because of this, the tank often burns when it is penetrated in the forehead. Overall, the Panther 2 is a fairly mediocre medium tank of its tier.

Panther II

But about E 50(ninth level) this cannot be said. The one-time damage has increased to 390 units, while the thickness of the upper frontal part is as much as 150 mm at a good slope, which allows for good tanking, this makes the E 50 look like a heavy tank. Unfortunately, the lower frontal part is only 80 mm thick, and the forehead of the tower also breaks through well. The E 50 is also large in size, but this also has a positive side: the combination of large mass and high speed (up to 60 km / h) allows you to ram an enemy with a huge amount of safety margin. Unfortunately, this is not done so often: a competent enemy immediately shoots at the caterpillar.

At the tenth level is E 50 M, which is an improved version of the ninth level tank. The armor has not changed at all, as well as the one-time damage, but the specific power and safety margin have increased. E 50 M almost does not burn when penetrating in the forehead, because the transmission has been moved to the rear of the hull. The gun remained the same, but reloading was accelerated, accuracy and aiming speed improved. Sub-caliber shells are now the main shell, HEAT shells are available as premium ones. E 50 M can't boast of high damage per minute, but this is compensated by excellent accuracy.

The second branch appeared relatively recently. More precisely, this can be said about vehicles from the eighth to the tenth level and some tanks below the level. It makes no sense to consider cars from the second to the fourth level: they do not stand out in any way, and they are passed in a few dozen battles. On the fifth level is Pz.Kpfw. III/IV, which combines good dynamics with high one-time damage for its level (110 units). The review and armor cannot be called outstanding, but still Pz.Kpfw. III / IV is a very comfortable machine to play, which leaves mostly positive emotions behind.

The same can be said about VK 30.01 D, it is on the sixth level and is a logical continuation of its predecessor. The one-time damage increased to 135 units, the gun is identical to the one installed on the VK 30.02 M. It performs well both in long-range firefights and in close combat. But at the seventh level there is a rather controversial tank VK 30.02D. Its main problem is low penetration. For example, an ordinary top gun projectile penetrates only 132 mm! You can put a gun from the predecessor, but penetration of 150 mm is not enough for the seventh level. This should be compensated by good dynamics and good (especially for a medium tank) armor, but in modern realities, it is the penetrating gun that is the main advantage.

Next comes Indian-Panzer Nicknamed "Indian". The top gun can penetrate 212 mm with a regular projectile, which is a good indicator for the eighth level, but you have to pay for this with mediocre dynamics and cardboard armor. The forehead of the hull has a good slope, but the thickness is only 90 mm, so the "Turkey" shells rarely beat off. This tank easily penetrates directly into the gun mantlet, so it is difficult to achieve good vertical aiming angles.


At the ninth and tenth levels are Leopard PT A And Leopard 1 respectively. A huge disadvantage of these machines is the complete lack of armor: they can easily penetrate even the sixth levels directly into the forehead of the tower, and a high-explosive projectile always deals full damage when it hits. This is compensated by excellent dynamics, which some light tanks will envy, but on many maps it is of little use. Level 10 Leopard differs from its predecessor by a slightly higher margin of safety, aiming speed, etc. Penetration and one-time damage are identical. The problem with these two tanks is that they often have to portray tank destroyers firing from behind the bushes, but medium tanks are still expected to have active gameplay...

Leopard PT A

Leopard 1

tank destroyer

The German nation also has two branches of tank destroyers. The vehicles of one branch are characterized by good frontal armor at high levels, they are real assault tank destroyers, while the vehicles of the other branch are the implementation of the “crystal gun” concept, they are almost completely devoid of armor, but are capable of inflicting just a huge amount of damage. We will start the review from the first branch, assault tank destroyers start only from the eighth level, while low-level vehicles are rather classic ambush type tank destroyers.

Worth mentioning is the famous Hetzer which is on the fourth level. It has good frontal armor (60 mm at an angle), good dynamics and a low silhouette, which allow both successful shooting from behind the bushes and tanking, if necessary, on the first line. Of the guns, both a punching "hole punch" and a "fugaska" are available. The latter once made the Hetzer a real imboy due to the gold HEAT shells, but they were nerfed so that the Hetzer became a balanced machine. You can no longer call him Imba, but you can still show excellent results on it.

Next comes Stug IIIG, which can no longer boast such good booking. The cutting front is covered with 80 mm thick plates, but the large lower frontal part breaks through without difficulty. But the Stug III G has a low silhouette, which means a good stealth factor. The top gun with an ordinary projectile pierces 150 mm of armor and deals 135 damage. Good dynamics allows you to act actively and quickly change position.

At the sixth level is Jagdpanzer IV, about which there are many conflicting reviews. Some praise this tank destroyer for its low silhouette, which allows it to go unnoticed for a long time. Others speak negatively about the top-end gun, which only pierces 132 mm with a regular projectile, and the one-time damage is 220 units. Both sides are right: on the Jagdpanzer IV, you have to carefully choose the position so as to remain unnoticed and shoot the enemy in the side, because it will be very difficult to break through many tanks in the forehead.

On the seventh level is Jagdpanther, which also causes conflicting feelings. The main problem with this tank destroyer is that it combines the large size of assault vehicles with the weak armor of an ambush tank destroyer. Thus, Jagdpanther is easily detected by opponents and quickly destroyed. You can only hope for rare ricochets from the frontal armor, which is located at a good slope. You have to keep at maximum distance and look for double bushes. There are two top guns to choose from, they have almost identical penetration (200 and 203 mm), but the one-time damage is different (320 and 240 units).

At the eighth level, this branch has two cars at once: Jagdpanther II And Ferdinand. The first is a logical continuation of the seventh level tank destroyers. The armor still does not hold a blow, but sometimes it pleases with ricochets. The gun has been significantly improved: now it pierces 246 mm with a regular projectile, and one-time damage is 490 units. Ferdinand has the same gun (only the rate of fire is slightly lower), but its armor is noticeably better: 200 mm in the forehead allows you to quite confidently tank the same level tanks, if you put the car in a rhombus and hide the vulnerable lower frontal part. Ferdinand can sometimes even lead the attack, but you need to keep an eye on the flanks: this tank destroyer does not have a turret, and its dynamics make it very similar to a heavy tank.

Jagdpanther II


At the ninth level is Jagdtiger, it continues the concept of a heavy assault tank destroyer, which in the branch starts with Ferdinand: large dimensions, terrible dynamics and good frontal armor. The Jagdtiger's frontal armor is 250 mm thick, the upper frontal part is 150 mm thick and is located at a good slope. Unfortunately, the lower frontal part is very thin (only 80 mm) and is pierced by almost everyone, even at a large angle. Due to its large size and sluggishness, the Jagdtiger is favored by enemy artillery, because through a thin roof, a high-explosive projectile deals full damage. On the other hand, the gun of this tank destroyer is simply magnificent: it quickly converges, pierces 276 mm with an ordinary projectile, and one-time damage is 560 units. This is not so much, but the damage per minute reaches almost 3000 units.

Finally, at the tenth level is Jagdpanzer E 100(PT-SAU based on the heavy tank E 100). This tank destroyer is also simply gigantic in size. Booking boards has improved somewhat, but still leaves much to be desired. The lower frontal part easily breaks through, cumulative shells hit the Jagdpanzer E 100 right in the front of the cabin without any problems. But all this is compensated by a very powerful gun that deals an average of 1050 damage per shot, which is slightly more than the HP of top medium tanks. Penetration is standard for tank destroyers of the tenth level (299 mm for armor-piercing and 420 mm for sub-caliber). In general, this is a balanced car with bright pluses and minuses.

Jagdpanzer E 100

The second branch of the German tank destroyers is fundamentally different from the first. There is no need to talk about booking here, even a vehicle of the tenth level makes its way through some kind of MS-1 right into the wheelhouse. But first things first. The third and fourth levels are Marder II And Marder 38T respectively. The first one was once a real imba for its level, but it has long been nerfed. Nevertheless, both tank destroyers are distinguished by good guns and completely cardboard cabins. You have to constantly stand behind the bushes, but this can be said about all the machines of the branch in general.

Pz.Sfl. IVc is located on the fifth level, for the peculiar appearance, this tank destroyer received affectionate nickname"Coffin". This vehicle simply does not have armor, but it has good mobility and excellent guns. The top one pierces as much as 194 mm of armor with a conventional projectile (this is a real record), but you have to sacrifice poor horizontal aiming angles for this. And a rather long mixing exacerbates the problem even more. Many players go through the "Coffin" with the previous gun, which only pierces 132 mm with a regular projectile, but this is enough at the fifth level.

Nashorn, which goes further, completely repeats this concept: the complete absence of armor, which is compensated by a powerful weapon. It came from the Jagdpanther, a Tier 7 vehicle from another branch. A penetration of 203 mm is enough even for tanks of the eighth level, and damage per minute is as much as 2250 units. Accuracy also allows you to consistently hit the enemy from a distance of 500 meters. Pz.Sfl. V, which is at level seven, also suffers from extremely weak armor. The dynamics has greatly decreased, which is compensated by a one-time damage of 490 units and a penetration of 231 mm. There are simply no premium shells for this tank destroyer, and they are not needed, because ordinary armor-piercing shells are more than enough.

At the eighth level is Rhm.-Borsig Waffentrager, who received the affectionate nickname "Borschik". This vehicle has the best camouflage among tank destroyers at tier eight. The stock gun is similar to the one on the tier eight tank destroyer from another branch. The top one has a gigantic one-time damage of 750 units. Penetration by a conventional projectile is low (only 215 mm), but the cumulative pierces as much as 334 mm. The Borschik still has no armor, but it boasts a tower with full rotation. This allows you to sometimes even shoot around the corner with the enemy. A significant advantage of Borshchik is that it is absolutely not necessary to upgrade the top gun on it, it is better only in terms of one-time damage. Most players use stock.

Rhm.-Borsig Waffentrager

Next comes Waffentrager auf Pz. IV, which also has a full rotation turret. The dynamics improved slightly, while the dimensions and armor remained practically unchanged. The gun is similar to the one on the Jagdtiger, although you can also put a gun from E 100. Waffentrager auf Pz. IV is the best ambush type tank destroyer at tier 9, and the turret allows for occasional firefights from behind cover. But the lack of armor leads to the fact that after the light you will be instantly destroyed. Sometimes only small sizes save, from a long distance it can be difficult to hit this tank destroyer.

Waffentrager auf Pz. IV

Finally, on the tenth level is the famous Waffentrager E 100: a tank destroyer with a loading drum and a wheelhouse rotating 360 degrees, which is made on the basis of the heavy tank E 100. In general, this combination looks a little strange: the hull holds a blow well, but everyone shoots at perfect cardboard cabin, which can be pierced even by a tank of the first level. You can put both a gun from Jagdtiger and from E 100. The drum of the first holds five shells with one-time damage of 560 units, the drum of the second - only four, but one-time damage is 750 units. Thus, this German tank destroyer can deal about 3000 damage from the drum. Perhaps this is the most iconic car of the tenth level, which has already been nerfed several times. Huge size and cardboard cutting force you to stay at the maximum distance from the enemy, but this is redeemed by the ability to inflict about 3000 damage in 8 seconds.

Waffentrager E 100

Light tanks

The branch of light tanks cannot be called full-fledged: there is not enough vehicle of the eighth level, the developers simply have not found a suitable tank yet. Level 4 car Luchs) is absolutely passable, the tanks of the fifth ( VK 16.02 Leopard) and the sixth level ( VK 28.01) is not outstanding either. They have a decent mass for light tanks, which sometimes allows them to ram other fireflies, but perhaps this is where their advantages end. The Leopard (don't confuse it with a tier 10 medium tank) used to be a real imba, but it's been heavily nerfed.

At the seventh level of the branch is the infamous Aufcl. panther: light tank based on the Panther. This is perhaps the worst firefly on its tier: its huge size means a weak stealth coefficient, and for a light tank this is the most important characteristic. A large mass sometimes makes it possible to successfully ram even medium tanks, but it greatly reduces the dynamics. Big and slow light tank, what could be worse? The famous Konik (Waffe 0725) is installed as the top gun, but at the seventh level, penetration by a 221 mm sub-caliber weapon will not surprise anyone, and the damage per minute leaves much to be desired. With Aufkl. Panther you can open "Turkey", but it's better to go along the branch of medium tanks.

Aufklärungspanzer Panther

The ACS branch turned out to be quite controversial. Up to the seventh level, inclusive, there are vehicles with good accuracy, aiming speed and reloading, which is compensated by not the highest penetration and one-time damage. Some also have good horizontal aiming angles, and mobility leaves a pleasant impression. SPGs of the eighth and ninth levels are fundamentally different: huge one-time damage is balanced by a long reload time, terrible accuracy and poor mobility. They are very similar to the Soviet level eight and ninth self-propelled guns. And the German top-end self-propelled guns represent the “golden mean”: mobility is not the best, but it can no longer be called terrible, the gun is not very accurate, but this can be said about almost all artillery.

There are really a lot of German tanks in World of Tanks. A beginner can easily get confused in the intricacies of branches, between which there are many transitions. But this nation can offer the player really different vehicles: there are well-armored heavy tanks, and something in between heavy and medium vehicles, and tanks with total absence armor.

Without German branch game about tanks of the second world, was not a game about tanks of the second world. The main antagonist in a game without a story allows you to experience all aspects of the historical part of the game. If you still decide to play this branch, then get ready. The Germans are the most long-suffering nation in WOT. Nerve problems in each patch affect the machines of that particular nation. This happens especially when introducing any other nation, to maintain balance and popularize new foreign technology. But even mentioning these problems, it should be noted that it is Germany that has the largest number of uniquely distinct models, and even historically, the design of German tanks is the most expressive.

To complete the information about this branch, covering it from the positive side, it is worth noting the most negative aspects of the machines of this nation. The biggest disadvantage (plus in terms of visual appearance) is the design of any Wehrmacht tank. They are really "fat". square shapes they will not allow you to hide in the folds of the terrain, as well as adequately tank with a rhombus. This backwardness in the use of armor with right angles played a joke not only with virtual tankers, but also with the Germans who actually fought during the Second World War. The probability of ricochet with this design is extremely low, and thick armor is impossible due to the unprofitable slope of the walls.

For many tanks, for some reason, the engine was moved to the most vulnerable zone. In the frontal This "excellent" solution allows you to set fire to the German crew much faster, lead to the detonation of ammunition faster than the vehicle of any other nation. Given the fact that German vehicles prefer to consume flammable gasoline, the developers took into account this historical design feature and added the ability for German tanks to burn like matches more often.

However, if we approach German technology individually with respect to a specific model, then the situation is not so deplorable. Each high-level tank is so massive that it has a great impact on the results of ramming. These results never stack on the opponent's side. Crush? - There's no problem! Immobilize? - Get in line. That is why the number of videos with rams of German technology prevails. The absolute leader in terms of mass, and the most terrible ram, is considered to be the E-50M. It can damage equipment of any level. Excellent accuracy allows him to stand next to the PT in the results.

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Choose this nation second and you will get a lot of experience in the game skill, and returning to the previous nation, you will notice a difference in your game in a positive way. How do you rate the German tank branch? And what do you like or dislike about it?

We started talking about German planes. Let's move on to the tanks.

First branch

The first branch is represented by Czechoslovak vehicles, with the exception of the Marder III anti-tank self-propelled gun. It is not clear why the developers put it here, but it is this anti-tank gun that deserves special attention, or rather, its gun with armor penetration over 150 mm (and this is at rank II). This PT is capable of punishing even the Tigers, but it suffers greatly because of its “cardboard” cabin, which even a machine gun pierces.

The first tank in the line Pz.38(t) Ausf. A is not very interesting, although already the second tank, Ausf. F, sufficiently armored - 50 mm each in the forehead of the turret and hull. Its 37mm cannon makes the tank far from the most efficient vehicle on the battlefield. It will be very difficult to hit anyone with this weapon, and if you consider that they can throw it with some Soviet T-50, his fate becomes completely sad.

In general, the first tanks in the first branch are quite passable, which cannot be said about the latest modification - Hetzer. This self-propelled gun will deliver a large number of problems to the enemy, and many shells will bounce off its ricochet forehead. She herself, having a 75-mm gun, will punish opponents very often. Throws this anti-tank hard, even to the IS-2, which doesn't care what slope its armor is at.

Second branch

The backlight of heavy tanks becomes really heavy only starting with the legendary Tiger - Pz. Kpfw. VI Tiger Ausf. H1. And the Royal Tiger II modification has become a favorite tank, which is rolled out in regimental battles. Before the Tigers, we will have to ride medium tanks, which can please you with good armor-piercing and rate of fire. However, the ultimate goal is to reach the Tigers.

Third branch

In the medium tank branch, the Pz. IV F2 with its powerful 75 mm gun, which is capable of hitting the Soviet KV from a distance of up to 1.5 km. In the same branch, we will meet the legendary Panthers, which cause a lot of pain to the enemy. But you won’t be able to get pleasure on Panthers in battles on medium tanks - they are heavy and clumsy, they are still heavy tanks.

Fourth branch

In the "anti-aircraft guns" branch, the Kugelblitz is of particular interest - it has firmly registered in the arsenal of regimental fighters. In "direct hands" this anti-aircraft gun is capable of destroying both enemy aircraft and heavy royal Tigers. The rest of the anti-aircraft guns do not stand out in anything special, they just do their job well - they destroy aircraft. Although it is worth noting the Ostwind with its 37 mm gun. It can be used to destroy enemy anti-aircraft guns and disable modules and tank guns, which is useful when the enemy is busy with an ally.

Fifth branch

The tank destroyer branch is interesting as long as tank destroyers have at least some mobility. But already starting with the Yak Panther, the game turns into waiting for the first bomb from the plane. At the same time, such monsters as Ferdinand, YAK Tiger are priority targets for aviation. However, in simulator mode, these ATs feel much better as long as there is no aircraft. But they are very annoyed by light and medium tanks, and the artillery they call in very often hits these gigantic vehicles.

If the first PTs are quite maneuverable and it’s interesting to play on them, then you don’t really drive on the Yak Pantsir. In general, we chose a place for ourselves - and sniper, changing our position as much as possible.

This concludes our review of the German tank development branch from War Thunder finished. Don't forget to check out the German aircraft development tree if you haven't already.