Cancer is the best compatibility with other signs. The best compatibility of the zodiac sign Cancer

Mysterious and a little aloof on the outside, with a subtle sensitivity and vulnerable inside, the Cancer girl is a difficult choice for men. The meaning of her life is emotional unrest, empathy, complex mood swings. On the other hand, Cancer is a constant zodiac, integral within itself, closed with a shell, not tolerating pressure. Under this sign people are born in the period from June 22 to July 22.

Cancer: characterization of the sign

Cancer's intuition is like water - it leads its ward along the path of least emotional excitement. Cancer is a sign of the zodiac, compatibility with which should be based on intra-family relationships. If this condition is met, there is an object of love and adoration at home - Cancer can become an owner, a tyrant, corrosive and constantly demanding maximum return from a partner. This is all Cancer.

The characteristic of the sign exaggerates, often giving an erroneous idea of ​​​​a person. In fact, those born under the influence of the Moon and the sign of water very subtly feel the world around them, which they themselves create. Their world is calm, without sharp jumps in emotions and passions. Cancer is very dependent on intra-family relationships and on its own memory, in which everything is fixed by scarring: once and for all. And here it doesn’t matter what exactly Cancer will remember: a quote from a movie, his mother’s favorite juice, the smell of a neighbor’s dog, or a brooch donated to a friend.

Crayfish. Horoscope. Young woman

In the head of a woman born under the sign of the Moon and water, thoughts are constantly spinning about how one or another event could be experienced. Constantly thinking, sorting through moments, a Cancer woman can drive herself into a psychological trap, which, firstly, she will not tell anyone, secondly, she will wait until her loved ones figure it out for themselves, and thirdly, pull her out of her own depressing thoughts almost impossible. Here, as they say, you have to wait until it goes away. Yes, Cancer is a zodiac prone to long-term introspection, which, as a rule, leads to nothing.

Thought is the basis of the life of Cancer. There, in his head, the maximum of their life passes, but if there is a person nearby with whom it is interesting to talk, who knows how to listen and knows how to speak, Cancer will linger with pleasure and devote himself to the conversation completely. In addition, as we remember, he has a good memory, which means that he is an excellent interlocutor in front of us. True, it will not be so easy to talk to a Cancer woman.

Compatibility with other signs

Cancer is a sign of the zodiac, compatibility with which either gives freedom or puts on shackles. Why? Because regardless of gender, Cancers are either leaders or martyrs. Either affectionate or a little hysterical. Either they love quietly and gently, or they oppress both themselves and their partner.

Cancer Woman - Aries Man

The initial stage of a relationship is boundless romance. She is delighted with his reliability and impulses, he - with how caring and understanding she is. True, this relationship is not the best union, since Cancer often goes too far with care and homeliness, and Aries loves a change of scenery and strives for freedom. A good union here is possible with the help of patience, compromises and respect for each other's interests.

Cancer woman - Taurus man

Cancer is a sensitive and empathetic zodiac. Taurus appreciates it. Such a union is almost perfect: Taurus performs purely masculine functions, Cancer girl purely feminine; he acquires with her maximum care and affection, she also gets the opportunity to sit at home and not worry about the outside world. The only advice: a Cancer woman should give in to her Taurus more often. Even if his thirst for activity is incomprehensible and unreasonable.

Cancer Woman - Gemini Man

This couple will not be unambiguous: on the one hand - great love, on the other - a lot of disagreement. She wants peace and always be with him, but he wants to go for a walk, a new car, become a Buddhist, drink lemonade and all at the same time, or better, go to a monastery. Or eat a pie. The inconstancy of Gemini will one day bring even a calm Cancer woman to hysterics.

Cancer Woman - Cancer Man

This union is similar to communicating with a mirror: similarity in everything, the same aspirations and goals, equal strengths and an equal degree of perseverance in creating life. But it’s hard to live with a reflection: everything is predictable to such an extent that it even hurts your teeth. Cancer girl and Cancer guy will often come to blows. Moreover, these quarrels will be with the same arguments, but in complete silence. Because the girl-Cancer and the guy-Cancer are silent beings.

Cancer Woman - Leo Man

Sociable Leo will often disappear in companies, telling everyone a love story, torturing a closed girlfriend with this. Cancer will be offended and silent, bringing Leo to a boil. If in this pair everyone defends their interests and thinks about themselves, the separation will come quickly. If both of them sincerely admire each other, the relationship will be long and productive, despite the cardinal differences.

Cancer Woman - Virgo Man

This is a nice quiet couple who loves their family hearth, having common views on life in general, on comfort, on the family budget and on handling things. Yes, it will take a long time to start a relationship: the partners are very careful, but after a long buildup and grinding, they are unlikely to want to leave.

Such a union will be very gray and dull in appearance, but cozy inside. The downside can be the excessive pickiness of the Virgin and the vulnerability of Cancer.

Cancer Woman - Libra Man

Two cleaners. Two family men. Two economic natures. She will rejoice at a prudent and neat man. He will be happy with a woman with whom he can find stability. Libra is a man of the mind, not loving the excessive tenderness needed by Cancer. This will lead the Cancer woman to accumulate resentment, which can be avoided through frank conversations and direct requests. It is also very important to take control of the financial part, as Libra can be wasteful.

Cancer Woman - Scorpio Man

One of the most successful unions, as he and she become each other's friends, partners, lovers and ideal spouses. There will be practically no quarrels here, as understanding is at the highest level. Outwardly, this is a very calm, chaste union of two spouses who honor family traditions and life. And inside - the intensity of passions and a storm of emotions. True, no one will see it. The main thing is not to give Scorpio a reason for jealousy.

Cancer Woman - Sagittarius Man

The frivolous nature of Sagittarius and the prudence of Cancer. He is a carefree dreamer who loves to tell the truth to his face. She is hardworking, vulnerable and thinks about the future of the family. His criticism can hurt her very painfully, and the constant frivolity of a man will make you think: is such a charming, but windy
guy? Solution: learn to listen to each other, make concessions and avoid sharp corners.

Cancer Woman - Capricorn Man

In this pair, there is a clear distribution of roles: he is the earner, she is the hostess. The union will turn out to be very strong and comfortable for both, because next to each other they best qualities will come out on top, and feelings will be supported by tender relationships. To strengthen the union, it is important for him to learn to understand her sensitive nature, and for her to remember his prudent mind and inability to scan emotions.

Cancer Woman - Aquarius Man

When the initial intensity of passions subsides, the vulnerability of Cancer and the insane craving for freedom of Aquarius will remain. A serious problem will be the mockery of Aquarius over the vulnerability of Cancer. Such a connection will be fragile and short-lived due to the coldness of Aquarius and his creative nature, looking for a new one. A Cancer girl, with whom Aquarius is unlikely to be compatible, is unlikely to be able to tie a free man to home and family.

Cancer Woman - Pisces Man

The union of Cancer and Pisces is built on tenderness, care, attention to each other. They are frank and love to spend time together, fully understanding and satisfying each other. In addition, the connection between them is established instantly. The conflict of this couple is zero: there are no quarrels here, since both are ready to put up. Their life is a solitary existence in harmony with each other. The disadvantage of the relationship will be that both are not able to make a serious decision about anything.

Making an alliance is a difficult step for a Cancer girl. She is indecisive by nature and expects her partner to take the decisive first step for her. The manifestation of determination strikes Cancer on the spot. A partner who is not able to take care of himself, about her, about their life and the material component of life, will disappoint her very quickly.

If the union was not concluded amicably, but by coincidence (family decision, unplanned pregnancy, settlement, or something else) and there is no way to disperse, then in this case we can only advise one thing: be patient and try to find good sides in a partner, how whatever he was.

It is not necessary to share everything with a partner and idealize him. The lack of heart-to-heart communication can be solved with the help of friends of interest, and sentimental communication can be replaced by writing poetry or another hobby. Of course, this will not solve the relationship problems, but it will allow the Cancer girl to remain herself and spend time alone with herself, in her shell, where she is best understood - in her own head.

Cancer is the most domestic, warm and sensitive sign of the zodiac. Despite their family and domesticity, the marriage of such people can not always be called happy and ideal. Indeed, in the interaction of partners, not only their personal qualities play a big role, but also their compatibility, the ability to get used to it. How it affects sensual, family and intimate life with other signs will give us an answer.

Active fidget

Cancer and Aries complement well. Oddly enough, there is mutual understanding and support between these two signs of the zodiac. Here Aries plays the leading role of a breadwinner in the family, the partner whose zodiac sign is Cancer takes over the household duties and chores. Compatibility with other signs may be more favorable, but in general, such an alliance can work out quite well if the partners do not cheat on each other.

Stable Stubborn

Taurus and Cancer are those representatives of the zodiac for whom the family comes first. Having common goals, they will achieve exorbitant happiness. If at least one of the partners begins to pay more attention to other areas of life, the union may be upset.

Talkative intellectual

It is unlikely that Gemini and Cancer will find mutual understanding. For the first, the second may seem too boring and uninteresting. Gemini is a sign of wandering and searching, so he does not like the homeliness of a partner. Cancer, on the other hand, may find a lover too superficial.

Household romantic

The union of two Cancers will be filled with mutual understanding, because such people have much in common in character and outlook on life. But they can get bored together. Their couple will develop one-sidedly, which means that the partners themselves will not grow in this relationship. If solar Cancers have other planets in other signs, then together they will be much more interesting.

Regal joker

The union of our hero with Leo is of great interest, especially if both of them were born in the same month - July. The zodiac sign Cancer gives the world family and modest people who cannot understand the lion's desire for fame and brilliance. In turn, Leo will get bored, constantly sitting at home. Such an alliance is unfortunate.

humble hard worker

Virgo and Cancer seem to be made for each other. Despite differences in characters, both partners show mutual respect and understanding. The union will be more favorable if the person whose zodiac sign Cancer is a girl. Then in this pair there will be complete mutual understanding, because the wife will take care of the hearth, and the husband will become the breadwinner in the family.

Charming diplomat

Cancer and Libra are those zodiac signs that know how to adapt and compromise. Therefore, in such an alliance it will be possible to avoid quarrels and misunderstandings. If the partners are really interesting to each other, then they will be together, despite the dissimilarity and various

Passionate warrior

Scorpio and Cancer have a lot in common. Both of them crave passionate feelings and unforgettable emotions. They can get what they want from each other. The only obstacle to their happiness can be an unwillingness to reconcile, vindictiveness and intolerance for the shortcomings of another. A couple can break up if the sharp corners in the relationship are not smoothed out by the partner whose zodiac sign is Cancer. Compatibility with other signs is unlikely to be characterized by greater electrification and sensuality.

Carefree optimist

Cancer will never be able to find mutual understanding with Sagittarius. Our hero is jealous and strives for complete possession of a partner. But Sagittarius cannot fully devote himself to one business or person. In turn, it is difficult for him to understand the complex nature of a partner whose zodiac sign is Cancer. Compatibility with other signs will be more favorable.

hard materialist

Cancer and Capricorn are two opposites. Their union will be successful if both partners have already acquired life wisdom and can accept another person who is not like them without trying to change him. Otherwise, the couple will face insurmountable difficulties.

Free rebel

Aquarius and Cancer would be better off interacting in creativity, work or friendship, but not in love. These people are too different to build a happy family.

distant romantic

Cancer and Pisces are the most romantic zodiac signs. Together they will soar above the clouds and dream. But in everyday life, problems can await them. They have different views on the common economy, money and place of residence. This can lead to a break in the couple.

A person born under the sign of the Zodiac Cancer (June 22 - July 22) is a mystery. He was created this way, and remains this way all his life, for he follows his planet by the ruler - the Moon. Cancer is the home of the Moon, this nocturnal female planet rules here infinitely, and endows the men and women of the Cancer sign with its own features. Her astrological principle is cold and moisture. Therefore, people of this sign often seem cold and categorical. In alliance with this zodiac sign, successful horoscope compatibility, which will help partners become truly happy. The moon governs the vitality of women and the feelings of men, which is why all those born in this sign, and especially men, go through life with the motto: "I feel." lucky love compatibility very important, because love is all he needs. The moon symbolizes the soul and the subconscious, it is the conductor of feelings and sensations, and it is she who controls the reaction of a person to the world around him. The sign of the Zodiac is characterized by such characteristics as sensitivity, heightened susceptibility, impressionability. The moon is not a creator, she is a keeper who both teaches and protects. External callousness and indifference to others is more of a shell than its essence. Each creature has a defensive reaction, and under its shell hides a vulnerable and sensitive heart.

I would say that love and relationships with loved ones are the essence and meaning of the whole life of men and women of this zodiac sign. He takes his deep inner experiences seriously, by and large this is life itself, its quintessence. Left without the one he loved, the Cancer man worries like no other. The Cancer woman is seductive and desirable for other signs of the zodiac, but, unfortunately, erotic appeal is not a guarantee of a happy family life.

Cancer Woman - Sign Compatibility Characteristics

Family Compatibility with Aries Man

The water sign of the Zodiac and the fiery one are unlikely to be able to create a harmonious pair. The Aries man always strives to take a leading position, but in marriage he runs into a blank wall of resistance from the woman of the zodiac sign Cancer. She is jealous and seeks to tie her husband to her. This union cannot last long.

Love Compatibility Cancer Woman with Taurus Man

The compatibility horoscope of these signs is typical. Both partners zealously take care of their home and prosperity in it. The union is strong, materialistic and mercantile - the influence of the mundane Taurus man affects.

Compatibility of a woman according to the horoscope Cancer with a man Gemini

Negative compatibility according to the horoscope, an unsuccessful love union between a Cancer woman and a Gemini, a stillborn marriage. However, it occurs quite often. Two people who have nothing in common with each other live under the same roof and call it a family. In such unions, the paradoxical nature of human nature is manifested.

Astrological compatibility of women of the sign Cancer with a man of the sign Cancer

Such alliances are rare. Partners get tired of each other, it is not easy for them to constantly be around. The fate of this union depends solely on the patience of the spouses, it can both break up and continue to exist for many years.

Love Compatibility with Leo Man

For the Leo guy, this marriage is not easy, and it cannot be called fruitful either. The classic Leo man is unlikely to be attracted to the Cancer woman, and yet the gambling Leo may be attracted by her mystery. It will cost him dearly.

Marriage and love compatibility of a Cancer woman with a Virgo man

The Union is quite viable and stable. Even despite the difference in temperaments. It is not easy for a sensual Cancer girl to listen to the teachings and lectures of a scrupulous man of the Zodiac sign Virgo. But this is offset by the fact that the Cancer woman will find a lover in the Virgo man who will take care of the children and the home.

Compatibility of a woman according to the horoscope Cancer with a man Libra

An abundance of conflict and deep internal disunity characterize this alliance. The Libra man with his evaluative attitude to the world is not interesting to the subtle, sensitive Cancer woman. The Libra guy, in turn, does not tolerate the dissatisfaction of his companion.

Compatibility in the astrological aspect with the Scorpio man

The best compatibility in intimate terms. Almost everything is perfect here, unlike other areas where relationships are based on the fear of the Cancer woman in front of the Scorpio man. This marriage is able to exist for many years, the spouses do not let each other go, quietly and for a long time take revenge.

Marriage Compatibility with a Sagittarius Man

This union is more successful than the option when the man is Cancer and the woman is Sagittarius, more accurate compatibility according to the horoscope. The Cancer woman is attractive to the Sagittarius guy with her femininity, natural softness. Even her effeminacy he likes. Changes are not ruled out. But, the marriage will break up not because of the hobbies of the spouses with other partners, but because of the disunity of interests and mercantile aspirations.

Compatibility for marriage with a Capricorn man

Every now and then the meeting of the union of the Cancer girl and the Capricorn man is unfavorable from the point of view of astrology. The compatibility horoscope shows that both spouses need other partners, despite the mutual erotic attraction. In the union, each of the spouses pulls in their own direction, and private and deep conflicts create unbearable conditions for life.

Compatibility of women of the sign Cancer for the emergence of a family with a man Aquarius

This is a difficult marriage for both spouses. Too little in common, too much rivalry and confrontation. When children are born, parents begin to fight for them too, which causes the children to suffer madly. And so, in the struggle, the Cancer woman and the Aquarius man are able to live for many years.

Compatibility horoscope with Pisces man

The Cancer woman, with her phenomenal jealousy, is not at all jealous of the Pisces man. This is a happy union, the best compatibility in the astrological aspect. Their house is cozy, hospitable, it has an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. Spouses are sailing on the waves of their fantasies and do not require anything from each other.

Cancer man - a characteristic of love compatibility with other signs

Love Compatibility with Aries Woman

These sensual lovers are unlikely to create a harmonious and stable family union. Not the best compatibility according to the horoscope, marriage, as a rule, is difficult for both spouses. How long it will last depends on the patience of the partners.

Cancer Man Compatibility for Love with Taurus Woman

This union is convenient for the Cancer man. The Taurus woman is able to take on all the worries and drag the family, while the Cancer man feels light and free. From time to time, serious quarrels arise because of this. But the Taurus woman is patient, and marriage can last for many years.

Cancer man compatibility with Gemini woman

This union cannot be called successful, but also unsuccessful. This is the golden mean, spouses can maintain their relationship for a long time, the zodiac compatibility of signs allows this. The Gemini woman tries to go towards her husband, so there are no serious conflicts in marriage.

Cancer man zodiac sign compatibility with Cancer woman

I call this marriage unsuccessful. This is a difficult, unproductive union. Spiritually, partners cannot give each other anything, but deep conflicts will not arise either.

Compatibility for love with a Leo woman

The Leo woman is a strong personality, the Cancer man, seeing this, strives for her, and it is she who makes the decision and takes the Cancer man as a wife, and not vice versa. Love compatibility is not bad, outwardly the marriage is respectable and successful. There are also disadvantages: the soul of the Cancer man is oppressed by enduring anxiety, and the Leo girl is obsessed with pride.

Love and marriage compatibility of a Cancer guy with a Virgo woman

This compatibility of signs gives marriage a chance for longevity. No matter what, because the Virgo woman torments her husband with reproaches, and the Cancer man cheats on her in revenge. Everything looks good on the outside though. Spouses can keep the money, if not enough, the marriage will fall apart.

Compatibility horoscope sign Cancer with a woman Libra

This union is rather difficult, but possible. The Libra woman attracts the Cancer man with openness. As lovers they are great. However, for the companion of the Cancer man, it is important how her husband behaves in society, how respectable he is. Guy Cancer does not stand this test, and his wife rejects him.

Love Compatibility with a Scorpio Woman

The complex love compatibility of these zodiac signs in an erotic aspect is seen as a wonderful relationship. Subconsciously, the Cancer man is afraid of his other half, it's true. It is also true that only a Scorpio woman is able to see a real man in him. gentle man Cancer is grateful to her for this, but it is still difficult for them to live together.

Family Compatibility Cancer Man Sagittarius Woman

This union is difficult for the Cancer man. The energy of his beloved is capable of burning him. True, he suffers pain from burns for a long time, but at one fine moment he breaks off relations.

Marriage compatibility of a man of the zodiac sign Cancer with a woman Capricorn

Such love compatibility occurs only between very young partners. These zodiac signs do not match: the Capricorn girl looks at the Cancer man as a household item. The understanding that they live in different universes comes over the years.

Compatibility for love with an Aquarius woman

This is a union of lovers, but not spouses. The Aquarius woman understands how pampered her chosen one is. Perhaps she would like to see a brutal man next to her, but the Cancer guy is not like that. The wise girl Aquarius forgives him for this, because you can’t judge a person because he is not someone.

Compatibility of love horoscopes of men of the astrological sign Cancer with a woman Pisces

This is a good union of two people who will never know disunity. In marriage, they are made for each other. The signs of the Zodiac Cancer man and Pisces woman for many years remain understated, a kind of illusory secret.

Horoscope of compatibility of the zodiac sign Cancer. What union of Cancer is considered ideal and successful? With what zodiac sign Cancer will find true happiness, harmony and love?

Compatibility Cancer and Cancer

This is a happy and harmonious relationship; they are likely to be very durable. Two "crabs", sitting side by side, can reflect on the days of the past gone forever. The past constantly haunts them, not letting them out of its arms. Both of them are emotionally tense and insecure, and, perhaps, can only be fully understood by representatives of their own sign. Both of them are characterized by uncertainty about the future; they are always worried about a rainy day and saving money for old age. The fear of being unloved, the constant fear of loneliness, the horror of possible poverty grow in them to grandiose proportions. Together, they may be able to cope with this horror. However, there is a chance that their life will go on the usual, beaten track and will not be especially funny and fun. Too many fears and too many tears - that's what they especially should be wary of. However, "crayfish" can also be noisy and cheerful; they are kind-hearted, receptive and gentle creatures, if not to take into account their episodic gloominess and sullenness.

Compatibility Cancer and Leo

"Leo" is energy and noise itself, and "Cancer" may find this somewhat tiresome. However, a Cancer can learn a lot from a Leo, such as lightheartedness and fun. "Cancer" needs a "lion" - that will give him love, care and protection. Their relationship can be very rewarding and rich - as long as they don't try to change their partner, but support and learn from each other. Naturally, the cheerful and open nature of the big cat will help the shy and sensitive Cancer look out of his shell. Dear "lion", just offer your care, but don't repress the "cancer"! Good-naturedly guide and guide your union, and both of you, hand in hand, will go through life in soft and sweet harmony, while "cancer" will spoil you with excellent food and tender participation. Leo and Cancer look at money differently. "Leo" believes that money exists to be spent on luxury goods and all the magnificent things in the world, "Cancer" is a very cautious buyer, his motto is to save money for the future! This could become a field for several sharp collisions.

Compatibility Cancer and Virgo

Negative qualities: excessive tendency to criticize, excessive accuracy and strictness, scrupulousness beyond measure and the search for flaws in other people, an undeveloped sense of compassion, pickiness and quarrelsomeness, stinginess.

This is a rich relationship. "Virgo" receives a lot of useful things from "cancer". Both of them are characterized by a love of work, the search for protection and security, they are both a kind of conservative. Together they can save and save money, trying to secure their future existence - after all, the only common nightmare that equally haunts them both is tomorrow without a bank account. "Virgo" needs maternal tenderness and protection of "cancer", and "cancer" pleases and encourages the cold calmness of a measured and methodical "virgin". Both of them are supporters of generally accepted views.

Problems can arise if the "cancer" becomes overly possessive, forgetting that the "virgin" is a person in the highest degree appreciating freedom and solitude. In fact, "cancer" itself is prone to solitude and, in addition, is very secretive. "Virgo", feeling bound by the passion of the owner, who often visits "cancer", can respond with sharp criticism, and her criticism can drive the "cancer" back into its shell. If the “virgins” remember that “cancer” is very good for them, and “cancer” is able to give the “virgin” a little freedom, this will be a very good couple.

Compatibility Cancer and Libra

This is a great relationship, at least for a short time. Both "libra" and "cancer" - both, at least for a while, are able to indulge in fun and enjoy the abundance of music. The deep characteristics of these two sun signs are so different that music and laughter are likely to subside soon.

There are too many fundamental contradictions, and yet this alliance carries great opportunities if both of its parties sincerely wish to learn from one another. They also differ in their views on money. Cancer loves to collect and Libra really can't spend less. "Libra" can suffer from ailments caused by overexertion and excessive entertainment, and "cancer" is unwell due to his excessive pessimism. "Libra" is obsessed with logic and a tendency to reason, and "Cancer" is the embodiment of sensitivity and emotions, almost always hidden under a protective shell .

Understand the basic idea - they have a lot to learn from each other. Libras are great peacemakers, while Cancers are very stubborn and never really give in. If they manage to combine their advantages, the benefits will be simply fantastic.

Compatibility Cancer and Scorpio

These two "water" signs are one of the strongest teams on the Zodiac playground. In this relationship, Cancer can win just as much as Scorpio. "Scorpio" has a huge influence on "cancer", and "cancer" will be irresistibly attracted to the prowess and mystery of "scorpio".

Representatives of both these signs are obsessed with issues of danger and security, confidence and uncertainty. Both of them know this about themselves and each other and therefore trust each other. Representatives of both of these sun signs love the past and will never let it go, clinging to the memories and things of their childhood. Both of them also think a lot about money and, of course, the further, the more - after all, money is never enough. The difference is that the "scorpio" is interested not only in their own money, but also in the money of others and how to get more of them. Cancer, on the other hand, is more interested in saving money, preventing it from flowing away from itself.

Compatibility Cancer and Sagittarius

In reality, the representatives of these signs, as they say, are not created for each other. The looseness and daring of the "archer" physically tire the "cancer". "Sagittarius" wants to go on reconnaissance, "cancer" wants a cozy dinner by candlelight - where can they find a place to meet? "Cancer" is sentimental and clingy, "Sagittarius" is independent in spirit and eager to move forward. Agree, this is not the best combination. Of course, the deepest contradiction is connected with the complete (albeit unintentional) tactlessness of the "archer" with the extreme sensitivity of the "cancer".

Compatibility Cancer and Capricorn

Don't miss this opportunity. This is a good, reliable relationship. Capricorn will make Cancer feel loved and protected. "Cancer" will make "Capricorn" laugh, cry and feel like a million bucks. Both may wish to stay with each other forever. This is a great relationship in terms of earning. Both have a love of collecting - they love antiques as much as history and the past. Music and other arts are also close to their hearts. Ruled by opposing planets, their characters are also very different - "Cancer" is emotional, dependent and dreamy, "Capricorn" is practical, sober-minded, arrogant and independent. Both of them have what the other needs and are able to make their relationship harmonious; or, with equal probability, they can turn them into a fierce battlefield - because they are so similar and so unlike each other. "Capricorn" needs to be more sympathetic to the sentimental and sensitive "cancer". There is much to be learned from these relationships and they are equally beneficial to both parties.

Compatibility Cancer and Aquarius

Don't be too hard on this combination. "Aquarius" is too nonconformist and too eccentric for the slow and traditional "cancer". The hurricane plans of Aquarians can completely confuse Cancers. Of course, they have one thing in common - this is their unpredictability. "Cancer" will find it very difficult to withstand the need of "Aquarius" to know about everything, including every single secret of "Cancer". "Cancer" also suffers as a result of the directness of the manners of "Aquarius", who never hides his views. "Aquarius" can not stand the variability of the mood of "cancer". In general, there is no particular similarity of characters, and this combination is not a very reliable foundation for love, friendship or marriage. Aquarius needs absolute freedom and he does not tolerate any interrogation. In all likelihood, this is a complex relationship - "cancer" would like to lead, "Aquarius" is stubborn and does not want to stand in line, and, to put it mildly, unpredictable.

Cancer and Pisces Compatibility

"Pisces" and "Cancer" have an instinctive and intuitive understanding of each other. Representatives of these signs are dreamy and sentimental. The combination of their forces can certainly become a great alliance. Both of them are exceptionally subject to mood swings, and in this competition, "fish", perhaps, could win the prize of "chief changer". "Pisces" are not at all interested in money, and "Cancer" are fascinated by the very sound, smell and touch of coins and banknotes. But no prayers and arguments will force the "fish" to turn their eyes to the accumulations that the "cancer" has managed to create; the nature of the "fish" is completely different - they will never save. You could, however, reproach the "fish" for wastefulness. Although both of these "aquatic" creatures love home and have a hard time enduring long departures, both "fish" and "crayfish" sometimes experience a craving for wandering. At the same time, in the competition "who loves the house more", "cancer" takes first place.

Compatibility Cancer and Aries

At first, this is a rather explosive mixture, lit up by flashes and sparks. But soon the water cools it down, leaving only the hiss. For an Aries, life is one big challenge, a continuous competition. The Aries man must boldly face difficulties and loves to look for ways and means to overcome them. After all, what is life without competition? "Cancer" behaves slowly, carefully, not forgetting about disguise. It moves forward, moving from side to side, and unlike the "ram" will never go straight. "Aries" is confident in his strength; if he is hurt, he responds with anger. But the "crab" is even proud of its vulnerability; in response to an insult, he locks himself in his shell, ready to become a small crying crustacean. It will not be difficult to notice how different their approaches are, how different their goals are. Fire is inherently optimistic, water is pessimistic. However, if these two find time to understand each other, then the Crab and the Ram will be able, hand in hand, to reach both the Moon and Mars.

Compatibility Cancer and Taurus

This combination is a wonderful combination. "Cancer" and "Taurus", so dissimilar at first glance, usually converge in many ways. Both of them love to eat - as much as they love to cook. Both of them are lovers of the hearth, both love a lot of greenery (of course, not some kind of grass; we mean banknotes). So far so good, but problems come with mood swings. "Cancer" is dependent on moods, very sensitive and needs constant sympathy. You can't talk to Cancer when his mood fluctuates between laughter and tears, and it can be difficult for a Taurus to express sympathy to him, especially if the Cancer has fallen under the sway of self-pity. It's not that the "bull" is not kind, it's just that the "calf" considers groans a waste of time. Both of these people are great savers, and not out of greed or avarice: they are driven to save for a rainy day by uncertainty about the future. In general, this is a harmonious union of two souls, and if the "crab" and "bull" decide to go through life hand in hand, they may well gain a significant amount of money.

Compatibility Cancer and Gemini

It is a relationship of love and hate with the possibility of an extremely successful combination. If the "cancer" gives the "twins" his intuition and strength of character, and the "twins" lift the "cancer" to the great heights of their creative ideas, then - yes, things are definitely going to success. "Gemini" and "Cancer" are similar to each other not in one, but in several ways. Both of them love to talk - they are able to tell long entertaining stories, embellished with many details and marked by depth and humor. Another similarity is that both of them are unpredictably changeable and are capable of instantaneous fluctuations from high to low and from pink to black without much difficulty! Both of them are dreamy and both love to be the center of someone else's worries. However, Cancer is secretive and will almost never reveal their inner feelings or fears. Geminis, on the other hand, are very open and show their fears, feelings, dreams and motivations without the slightest hesitation. In addition, we note that the "twins" are independent in soul, love freedom and cannot stand coercion. This can cause them to conflict with the possessive Cancer.

A feature of Crayfish is the association of the sign with the birth of a new life. No wonder it symbolizes tribal unity. The characteristics of the qualities of people born in this constellation are based on the principles of protection, preservation and integrity of the living world. And the house for them is a kind of shell, where you can feel completely safe.

The characteristic qualities of representatives of the water element are:

  • decency and pedantry;
  • scrupulous attitude to money;
  • truthfulness;
  • resentment.

Cancers are considered adherents of traditions, they know how to honor family values. They always return borrowed funds or things on time, they are very sensitive to the attitudes of others towards them. They have their own opinion, but never impose it on outsiders.

Romantic personalities always gather companies around them, becoming favorites in society.

In relation to other signs, representatives of the water element do not violate personal space. They are ready to listen and help, but only if the object is worthy. Crayfish will not serve deceivers and liars.

Among the negative qualities:

  • inability to forgive offenders;
  • not always distinguished by decisiveness;
  • capriciousness is characteristic, expressed both in relationships and food preferences.

cancer woman

Representatives of the elements of water are naturally endowed with incredible charm and feminine features. A piercing, but unobtrusive look attracts men. Women always feel the atmosphere and mood of others.

They easily support the topic under discussion, supplementing it with incredibly interesting stories. With all the ease of communication Cancers are very vulnerable. It is worth hearing touchy words or even criticism addressed to you, as all their insides begin to resist and express complete disagreement.

Quite ambiguous relationships are built in women with the opposite sex of different signs:

  • The union of two Cancers is considered one of the most favorable for the development of close relationships and the creation of marriage. The couple is endowed with similar fears and talents, they are not bored of spending time together. But they are burdened by uncertainty about the future, which contributes to the constant accumulation of funds for old age or for a “rainy day”. If at least one partner has a cheerful character and a penchant for active pastime. Deep feelings will save the union in difficult times, help overcome any difficulties.
  • Partner Leo for a woman of the water element fits perfectly. This is due to the classical distribution of roles: he is the earner, she is the hostess. Romantic and a bit mysterious, the keeper of the hearth is always desired by a partner. He is grateful to her for her love, always ready to talk, to give wise advice. Leo, most likely, will do it in his own way, but the participation of his wife in his affairs is important to him. Signs will be useful to each other. A woman will learn the ability to have fun from her husband, and he will surround her with care, and will fully support her in any endeavors.
  • Pretty good compatibility and the Virgo man with a partner of the water element. A couple at first sight may seem boring, but this is an erroneous opinion. They simply do not like scandals and showdowns, they are aware that everyone has their own opinion. The man is considered the breadwinner in a family couple. With their strong qualities and by his actions he will give Cancer self-confidence, although he owes many victories in his career to his wife.
  • An ambiguous alliance between a woman of the water element and a man Libra. In general, a close relationship is quite possible, but it will require a lot of compromises and actions. For Cancer, family values ​​are important, and for a partner, personal space and friends are above all. Often women give up, gradually re-educating their companions. “A drop wears away a stone” - it is this proverb that a wife should be guided by. Then a man learn to be inspired and have fun in the company of his wife. A representative of a water sign can be brought in a little in the educational process, which will introduce a crack into the relationship.
  • Outwardly calm Scorpio gives the wife the right to manage the family, however, this is only an apparent distribution of roles. The husband will not cease to control all family processes, because by nature he is prescribed to take care of his partner and offspring. Relationships are unstable. Either peace and understanding settle in the house, or the explosive nature of Scorpio offends the feelings and personal qualities of Cancer. Relationships driven into a corner begin to revive only thanks to the gentlemanly deeds of a man and his ability to surround his chosen one with care and attention.
  • The union of fire and water elements (Cancer and Sagittarius) raises many questions about the existence of two conflicting signs. But if the couple created a family, then the logic is seen precisely in their differences. A woman prone to creating home comfort becomes a lifeline for a freedom-loving partner, but only if his goal is a family. If Sagittarius is not going to say goodbye to his freedom, Cancer will only waste time and nerves on empty showdowns.
  • The compatibility of Cancer woman and Capricorn man is very doubtful. Completely different values, attitudes towards the environment and family often infuriate the scrupulous keeper of the hearth. Discord and conflicts deplete the energy potential of the partner, that she is from working with children and doing homework. The bed becomes the only place of reconciliation.
  • The relationship between Cancer and Capricorn is more like some kind of adventure, moreover, both signs doubt the strength of this union equally. The first favorable impression of each other eventually gives way to great disappointments.
  • A fairly strong marriage can happen between a Cancer woman and a Pisces man. They have a lot in common, if not everything. Understanding happens not only from a half-word, even from a half-look. Hidden opportunities, a rational approach to all matters, organization and love for the hearth can unite a couple for life. And sexual relations will only improve the quality of the relationship.
  • The mysterious union with Aries raises many questions among others. In appearance, the couple looks completely inharmonious, and the relationship in public is not very trusting between the spouses. However, lovers value love so much that they are afraid of general discussion and the evil eye. The family option is possible only if there is a deep feeling. Not all couples manage to find smoothness in mutual understanding, therefore compatibility is determined ambiguously.
  • Patience and respect between Cancer and Taurus is the key to a strong and friendly union. The couple is considered ideal not only in the eyes of others, but also relatives. This is due to the gradual development of relationships (from friendship to love) and high appreciation of each other.
  • The compatibility of Cancer and Gemini defies any logic. Absolutely different characters and levels of emotionality sometimes complement each other, forming a single brain center that fruitfully builds a family and equips life. The lion's share of a favorable outcome of a relationship belongs to a woman with her angelic patience and the ability to wait for her happiness. But in most cases, such couples break up.

cancer man

Men of the water element are distinguished by courageous character traits, strong will and a rational approach to life. However, sensitivity to resentment makes it difficult to maintain balance and adequately assess the situation. This poses a great threat to the aggressive display of emotions.

Relationships with other signs are more difficult to build, but there are also good predictions for compatibility:

  • The Cancer man has a great chance of finding a soul mate in the Lioness. The main thing is that the impulsiveness and activity of a woman does not irritate her partner. Both signs value family values, which brings them even closer.
  • With Virgo, there is a chance to create a strong family, but on the condition that the wife is not passionate about herself and does not put her own interests above family ones. The Virgo's narcissism annoys the partner, and sometimes it even turns her on.
  • Scales are distinguished by frivolity, which angers a man. Compatibility is possible in rare cases, when "fish are fishless and cancerous."
  • The emotional and sensitive water signs (Cancer and Scorpio) have a lot in common. But a different perception of the same situation leads to frequent showdowns. The couple lacks wisdom and maturity. Everyone is trying to pull the blanket in his direction.
  • Union with Sagittarius breeds jealousy and resentment. The couple feels in love with each other from the first minute of meeting. But after several days spent together, Cancer realizes that his companion is constantly looking for the admiring glances of other men. This angers the owner.
  • Relations with Capricorn can be called more friendly. With this approach, the couple has a chance to live together. Love and jealousy will place doubts in the soul of the house-builder, which will eventually be confirmed by the rash acts of the companion.
  • Compatibility with Aquarius is illusory. Everything can happen in life, but a strong union is unlikely. Even friendships between signs are quite difficult. Therefore, do not waste yourself on such an alliance.
  • A couple of Cancer and Pisces can be called a little strange, but it looks like this from the outside, because the spouses are afraid to show their feelings for show. They value marriage and value each other. Life's trials are overcome with dignity.
  • The first impression of Aries can excite Cancers and even captivate. But fiery passion passes after the first joint day of living under one roof. Aries will not give in to Cancer, just as the partner will not give up his positions. The union is like two sheep meeting on a narrow bridge.
  • There are great chances to create a harmonious union with Taurus. Hard-working and emotional women attract and turn on Cancers. If you do not go too far in putting pressure on your spouse, then it is likely that these relations will develop favorably.
  • Marriage with Gemini is doomed to a short union. There is practically no openness and true understanding in relationships. Constant contrast, expression of discontent and reconciliation in bed exhaust the energy of both signs.

Who is the best compatible with?

Cancer women, thanks to their unique qualities, will be able to start a family with almost any sign, she should only remind her of love more often and surround her with care. Another thing is men born under this constellation.

Possessing no less attractive character traits, they are prone to the manifestation of emotionality. And their temper sometimes costs them dearly.

According to the general indicators of compatibility, Pisces is more suitable for Cancer. Good chances to start a family with Taurus and Scorpio.

Who is the worst compatible with?

Don't expect much from a relationship with an Aquarius. Big differences in principles and life values ​​will become an insurmountable abyss for the couple. Aries have little chance of forming a strong family.

There are many stories about life under one roof of two Cancers. There is an opinion that despite the similarity of characters, they will not get along for a long time.