Sleep at 3 months Komarovsky. Doctor Komarovsky on what to do if the child does not sleep well at night and often wakes up

The stronger and healthier the child's sleep, the healthier his whole family as a whole. It is no secret that a twitchy, nervous, screaming baby and the same, but also sleepy, mother are a wonderful powerful tandem to ruin the life of each other and all household members, young and old. That is why it is important to organize the normal sleep of the crumbs from the very first days of his life. Everyone understands this. In theory. But how to do it in practice, represents only a very small percentage of moms and dads. Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky tells what needs to be done for this.

About sleep in general

Children need daytime sleep. The kid learns the world, sometimes very actively, and the abundance of impressions greatly exhausts him.

Sleep during the day allows you to restore strength, give rest to the nervous system and the whole body as a whole. It is important for a growing man in the same way as nutrition and treatment if the baby is sick. During sleep, the composition of the blood is updated, the muscles and the musculoskeletal system rest, the most important enzymes and many vital hormones are produced.

The norm of sleep is a rather vague concept, but it nevertheless exists alone. A baby sleeps longer than a baby after a year. It is considered normal for a newborn to sniff sweetly in the crib after each feeding, for a total of 19-22 hours a day. From 1 to 3 months, the child makes 3-4 daytime sleep, taking into account the night they sleep up to 17 hours a day. From 4 months, the child can lie down during the day 2-3 times for 3 hours, and together with the night he sleeps up to 15-16 hours a day.

At the age of 1 to 2 years, the child can sleep once during the day, and can be applied twice for 2-3 hours. Pediatricians recommend transferring a child to one daytime sleep from the age of 2. Around this time, the visit begins. kindergarten, so it is usually easy to make such a transition. The duration of a quiet hour for such a child is from 1 to 3 hours.

However, it is impossible to measure all children according to existing standards, because babies have different temperaments, levels of impressionability, and the ability to switch from activity to rest. Maybe that's why the norms remain norms on paper, but in reality the statistics vary greatly. But the value of daytime sleep is not lost from this.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

The only thing that does not depend on parents in organizing children's sleep is a diaper, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. If mom and dad did not spare the money and bought a good, high-quality and comfortable diaper, then this is already half the success, since discomfort and dampness are the most common causes children's sleep disorders. There is no need to invent anything here, the doctor says, everything has already been created and should benefit both children and adults.

Everything else parents have to do on their own. Usually, the baby sleeps better at night if he managed to get a good rest during the day. However, one should not think that a good one is too long a dream. After all, it is clear that the baby, who slept all daylight hours, will be awake at night. Therefore, proper planning of daytime sleep will help to solve some of the violations of this process at night.

The need for daytime sleep

Official medicine believes that daytime sleep is necessary for a child until he reaches the age of seven. Evgeny Komarovsky is sure that after five years the child no longer needs daytime dreams. However, if the baby stopped sleeping during the day at 2 years old, then this is an occasion to understand the reasons, make adjustments to the daily routine and return the daytime rest back as soon as possible. The child is still too young to lead a normal life from night to night without rest.

Yevgeny Komarovsky urges parents to properly analyze the baby's lifestyle. Does he eat well, is he not overfed, does he walk enough in the fresh air, is the temperature and humidity in the children's room normal. All these factors, according to the doctor, have the most direct impact on the quality (and quantity!) of sleep.

The baby's bed should be comfortable, and linen and pajamas are made of natural fabrics, which are pleasant to the baby and do not interfere with his sleep. The room should have fresh air, the temperature of which does not exceed 20 degrees, and the humidity - 50-70%.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you more about this in the video below.

Mode Correction

A big mistake of parents is to adapt to the child. The baby was brought from the hospital, and mom and dad began to sleep when a small family member allows them to do so. Komarovsky advises immediately transferring the child to the mode that is acceptable to all household members, and not vice versa.

Once you have decided on night time sleep, it will be possible to plan daytime sleep, knowing the average norms of the total amount of time that babies at one age or another should devote to sleep. This will require discipline, first of all, from the parents themselves, because the regime created by them will have to be observed first of all by themselves, then the child will be able to quickly accept the daily routine as something completely natural.

Evgeny Olegovich advises, without doubt and remorse, to wake up a baby who has overslept during the day so that he does not have problems falling asleep at night, and the daily routine built with such difficulty does not collapse overnight.

In order for the child to go to bed more willingly during the day, the doctor recommends thinking about his leisure time in the morning, in the morning. It is good if these are active games, physical activity, according to age, massage or gymnastics, and, of course, a walk in the fresh air. After the child eats at lunch, he will not have to be persuaded to sleep, he himself will strongly want this.

The less healthy activity, the worse the daytime sleep of the child. Therefore, if parents complain that the child “usually sleeps well during the day, but has recently stopped going to bed,” Evgeny Olegovich advises simply to reconsider his lifestyle, add walks, sports, and come up with new entertainment.

    Pay special attention to the mattress on which the child sleeps. It should be flat and not bulge. It is best to choose an orthopedic mattress.

    Until the age of 2, the child should sleep without a pillow. This is the recommendation of Evgeny Komarovsky. After two years, parents can optionally give the baby a pillow, but its size should not be adult. The optimal thickness of the pillow is equal to the size of the child's shoulder.

    If no home measures to improve daytime sleep help, Komarovsky recommends contacting a pediatrician, psychologist and pediatric neurologist, they will help to identify the hidden causes of sleep disturbance and help eliminate them. It is important to do this without leaving the problem to chance, if only for the reason that sometimes the pain prevents the baby from sleeping peacefully during a quiet hour. Find and neutralize - in this situation, the common task of parents and physicians.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Last update articles: 25.05.2019

Most parents face the problem of poor children's sleep. It is especially difficult for them at night. Why is this happening? In the first year of life, babies are often worried about hunger, abdominal pain, discomfort from teething, the desire to feel maternal warmth nearby, and much more. Often the reason why the baby does not sleep well is the lack of a daily routine.

Why does my child sleep badly at night?

Waking up at night is quite normal for a child under one year old. He only recognizes this world, adapts to it. There are many new, incomprehensible and disturbing factors around him. The kid grows, changes, develops, absorbs the information received. Many children do not sleep well due to overexcitation from what they saw during the day.

Reasons why a child does not sleep well:

  1. Hunger. A newborn often wakes up because of the desire to attach to the mother's breast.
  2. Disease. At night, the baby begins to suddenly and loudly scream, it is not easy to calm down.
  3. Intestinal colic. related to education large volume gases in gastrointestinal tract. In order to calm the pain, you can massage the tummy by stroking it clockwise, put a warm diaper on it, use a vent tube (extreme caution is required here), or give the baby a colic remedy based on simethicone.
  4. Teething. They are cut from 3 months to 2 years. Some babies easily endure this period, while others experience pain, they have a temperature and diarrhea. To improve well-being, special gels for gums, antipyretic (children's Nurofen) and antidiarrheal (StopDiar) drugs are used.
  5. Cold. Probably, the baby does not sleep well at night due to the fact that he is tormented by sore throat, nasal congestion, and fever. Medicines are purchased only after consultation with a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.
  6. Too dry and warm air in the house. The baby is sensitive to temperature changes, tossing and turning and wakes up due to the fact that he is stuffy.
  7. Wet diaper. The baby wakes up due to a full diaper. True, some children do not care, and they sleep peacefully, even when the diaper leaks.
  8. stressful situations. These are screams and quarrels of parents, moving to another apartment, the appearance of another child in the family, “relocation” to a separate bed after sleeping with mom. The baby does not sleep well at night due to the negative reaction of the body to the experienced stress.

There are other reasons why a baby may not sleep well at night. These include loud sharp sounds (for example, the TV being turned on), uncomfortable clothing (it interferes, presses, pricks), etc.

Sleep and exercise

If nothing interferes with the child, he is full, healthy and in a dry diaper, then the reason why he does not sleep well may be insufficient physical or emotional stress during the day. Regular physical activity guarantees sound sleep. If the child already knows how to sit down, crawl or is already trying to walk, then you will have to sit and crawl with him, help him walk, stimulate him to move.

If the baby is still small to sit and crawl, then massage and gymnastics are done as physical exertion.

Emotional stress includes developing games, communication with relatives and other children of the same age. Children react to such loads in different ways: some get tired and fall asleep quickly, while others, on the contrary, get overexcited, cannot fall asleep for a long time, and sleep poorly. Parents should observe their baby to find out exactly how he reacts to emotional stress.

In the bed of a baby who often wakes up at night, there should not be many toys. Bright, shiny, luminous rattles are also excluded. They distract and keep you awake.

Good sleep rules

Dr. Komarovsky claims that healthy children's sleep provides healthy sleep to all family members. The child needs to be accustomed to the daily routine, which is followed by his mother and father. The baby needs healthy, rested and loving friend friend's parents.

  • The child is prepared in advance for a night's sleep. To do this, the most optimal sleep hours are determined (for example, from 22.00 pm to 7.00 am) and try to teach the baby to go to bed on them.
  • Komarovsky says that parents should decide from the moment they arrive from the hospital where and with whom the child will sleep. It is best when a newborn sleeps in a crib in the same room as their parents. It will be much easier for mom to get up to him at night, feed, cradle. So the baby can sleep up to 3 years.

It is not recommended to put the baby to sleep in a separate room for up to a year. In such a situation, it is harder for the mother to control his sleep, and the risk of sudden infant death syndrome increases.

  • Komarovsky advises to monitor the condition of the place to sleep. The mattress for the crib is chosen even and dense, not bending under weight small body. It is not recommended to put a pillow up to 2 years. Bed linen is bought only what is sewn from natural fabrics. It is washed with washing powder intended for washing children's things, be sure to rinse thoroughly.
  • If the baby often wakes up, it is better to underfeed him in the penultimate feeding before going to bed, and in the last - to feed him as full as possible. But it is important not to overdo it: after overfeeding, the stomach hurts and sleep is disturbed.
  • The child should lead an active lifestyle, including daily walks, daytime naps in the fresh air, physical exercises(without overload). After that, he should sleep soundly. Reduce activity at night. At this time, they read books, look at the pictures in them, watch cartoons and fall asleep to their mother's lullaby.
  • The room should not be stuffy: the air temperature should not be higher than 20 degrees, and the humidity should not be lower than 50%. To do this, a thermometer, a hydrometer are installed in the nursery, every day the room is ventilated and wet cleaning is done.
  • If the child is already sitting on his own, then bathing him is in a common large-sized bath, and not in a baby bath or basin. This will make him more tired and hungry. Before swimming, you can do massage and gymnastic procedures. A tired child after a bath should eat tightly and sleep soundly.
  • In his speeches, Komarovsky noted that one of the most important conditions for sound sleep is a high-quality disposable diaper. Parents need to find a brand suitable for the baby. The diaper should not press, rub, it should not cause irritation and diaper rash.

The goal of parents is to make sure that their baby is comfortable and calm, so that he feels needed and loved. A happy and beloved child will play more fun and sleep better.

Read more:

Poor nighttime sleep in infants is a common nuisance faced by new parents. Not all mothers know the causes of disturbed sleep at night. Dr. Komarovsky has his own opinion about the problem, its symptoms, provoking factors, he also offers methods to deal with the anomaly. The article will discuss why the baby does not fall asleep well at night and how to deal with it, according to the advice of a famous pediatrician.

Healthy sleep for children is very important, and in medicine its quality is evaluated according to some basic standards:

Komarovsky argues that in order to assess the effectiveness of rest in a child, it is necessary to take into account the duration of daytime sleep. There are no standards, the period is calculated individually for each baby. For a normal state of health, 2-3 hours of sleep during the daytime is enough. If the baby does not sleep well during the day, then this is not entirely normal, because the body is very small so as not to rest during the day.

Getting acquainted with the rules of Dr. Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky says that poor sleep in a baby leads not only to all sorts of disorders in a child, but also has a bad effect on all family members. One of the main conditions for a comfortable stay is high-quality diapers that help your baby sleep peacefully and not worry parents again. The rest are secondary tasks that depend on mom and dad. Adequate sleep is associated with various aspects ordinary life and order, such as:

  1. Ration.
  2. Indoor air quality.
  3. Walks.
  4. Clothing.
  5. Hygiene products and procedures.

If you follow the basic rules of the recommended daily routine, then you can solve the problem, and the baby will not constantly wake up day or night, being capricious and causing a lot of trouble to parents. To achieve a comfortable environment for the rest of the baby, you will need certain knowledge and skills that a young family often does not have.

Nocturnal sleep disturbances

There are many factors due to which the child's rest is disturbed. They can consist in diseases (parents are not able to accurately determine their presence), stress and new impressions.

Komarovsky claims that the baby does not sleep well at night, often wakes up due to an incorrectly created regimen, when babies have little rest during the daytime. The provocateurs of this phenomenon are the microclimate in the room and the peculiarities of nutrition.

Failures occur as a result of overfeeding, and up to 4 months of age, colic often appears, preventing a normal rest. Later, the teeth begin to cut.

Attention! Insufficient recovery of forces in children leads to serious consequences. The disorder of the work of various organs and systems begins, there is a lack of enzymes, hormones released during sleep.


It is important for parents to understand the manifestations bad sleep. You need to look for the following signs:

If the baby is not able to fall asleep normally, you need to find out exactly the reasons and take measures to eliminate the violations.

Reasons, according to a famous pediatrician

Dr. Komarovsky claims that periodically children under one year old can wake up at night, and this is normal.

There is an adaptation to the new world, there are many factors that are incomprehensible to the baby. As the problem grows, the baby receives the necessary information, and sleep returns to normal.

Among the main reasons are:

There are other factors that can wake up a baby at night, for example, uncomfortable clothes, extraneous noises.

10 tips on how to normalize baby's sleep, from Dr. Komarovsky

If the child does not sleep well, falling asleep itself is slow, then Komarovsky advises using 10 basic rules to normalize rest:

Using simple rules, it is easy to ensure that the child's falling asleep will be quick and the whole night will pass in a dream, without waking up.

Trouble with daytime sleep

Daytime sleep must be in children, while they may not want to sleep, but you need to try to lull them to sleep so that the night goes well. Proper organization of daytime sleep allows you to avoid many problems.

If the midday children's sleep stops at about 2 years, then it is necessary to determine the causes and adjust the regimen. This age is too young to rule out daytime rest; without it, various kinds of disorders begin.

To normalize the regime, it is necessary to make sure that the baby eats normally and does not overfeed, spend more time with him on the street. In the room itself, you need to organize the right microclimate, use high-quality bedding and linen.

Parenting Mistakes

Young parents make mistakes all the time, so it’s better to understand in advance what not to do. the main task- establish a regimen and sleep, especially if the baby is not wearing diapers.

Among the main mistakes are:

  1. Insufficient activity. Parents need to pay more attention to children's loads so that sleep is healthy and strong.
  2. Lots of impressions. We are talking about buying new toys, entertainment, books. For normal sleep, you need to temporarily abandon such a product or reduce its use.

When these rules are followed, the child will have a little daytime sleep, and at night he will also be able to rest, without confusing day and night. A week of a changed lifestyle is enough to normalize the rest process. If the situation does not recover for a certain time, even when using the described tips, then parents should consult a doctor.

Advice! Parents are required to pay close attention to the baby, as well as monitoring his behavior in a dream. It is necessary to determine which posture is more often used for relaxation.

If children sleep with their head thrown back, then high cranial pressure may develop. With convulsions, twitching of the body, neurological diseases are suspected. A symptom appears with a lack of calcium and vitamin D. Sleeping with half-open eyes indicates an increased excitability of the nervous system.

Almost always, the causes can be eliminated without using medications. Better try folk recipes made on the basis of plants with a sedative effect. More often, children are given infusions and decoctions of valerian, mint or motherwort.

Sleeping on your stomach, according to Dr. Komarovsky, is the norm and even a healthy condition. For young children, the situation is natural and has no connection with pathologies and other complications. Many children are very sensitive to changes in the weather, so the night or day can be restless in their sleep when pressure drops or rain develops with a thunderstorm.


There is nothing difficult in the normalization of children's sleep. Using the advice of the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, you can quickly get rid of the problem. Every month, the sleep of an infant gradually returns to normal, by the age of one year, it becomes stronger, and falling asleep faster. The right approach to the regimen, nutrition and other aspects, allows you to grow a full-fledged, healthy and developed child.

With the advent of a baby in the family, the usual way of life of each of its members changes. Mom devotes all her time to the baby: she always tries to hold him in her arms and feed him at the first cry, shows the little one the sights of the new house and puts him in bed next to him. A woman does not leave a newborn unattended for a second. “That’s what a loving and caring mother should do!” - you think. But ... Gradually, the furniture in the house begins to become covered with dust, a mountain of unwashed dishes grows more and more often in the kitchen, and the rest of the household feel forgotten and unloved, relegated to the background. Why is this happening? Yes, because the baby does not have a clear daily routine. Mom will have time to do everything, she will be able to devote time to her loved ones, and even she will always have an hour or two for rest and self-development if she puts in quite a bit of effort and teaches the child to live, observing a certain regimen.

What is the daily routine of the baby?

The daily routine of the baby is the consistent execution of precisely planned actions during the day by the hour. The kid, like any other person, must sleep, eat, stay awake, while developing intellectually and physically, devote time to hygiene procedures, and cope with natural needs.

If he does all this every day at about the same time, his mother will be able, focusing on this routine, to rationally plan her day. Then she will have time to devote time to the baby, and to other household members, and to herself. Order will reign in the house, and peace and harmony will reign in the family.

Compliance with the daily regimen will benefit both the baby, and his mother, and the whole family.

Of course, from birth, in any toddler, nature itself has certain instincts. Babies want to eat at approximately equal intervals and sleep a lot. But every baby has its own biorhythms.

You will benefit in many ways if you track them, fix them and plan all regime moments in accordance with the individual needs of the crumbs. This is not so difficult to do, but the benefits of following the daily routine will be huge both for the baby himself and for everyone around him.

Benefits of following a timetable

  1. Compliance with the feeding regimen will protect the child from the development of allergies, diathesis during infancy. Proper nutrition- a pledge of health and good mood crumbs. Children who receive meals according to the schedule are less likely to have problems with digestion and metabolism.
  2. Difficult periods in the life of a baby (teething, illness, etc.) will flow much easier.
  3. You will always know what time to spend the morning toilet for the child, when to go for a walk or put the baby to bed. Thus, you can organize your day in such a way that you have time to go to the store for groceries, and prepare breakfast (lunch, dinner), and do wet cleaning.
  4. The daily routine includes time for the development of both intellectual and physical. You can plan this time so that dad, brothers and sisters, grandfathers and grandmothers participate in the upbringing of the little one. The child will feel loved by all members of his family, and the household will receive a lot of positive emotions from communicating with him.
  5. Strictly observing the regimen, you will not miss anything important. The peanut will develop according to age indicators. And he will spend a lot of time outdoors. And it will always be full, dry, clean, rested.

If you want a newborn baby to grow up healthy and happy, build your life so that all members of your family feel loved, needed, protected.

This means that the daily routine of your baby should be convenient not only for him, but also for you. If you consider it necessary to feed the baby on demand - feed and don’t even hesitate, and if you can’t live in such a rhythm, make an individual routine, but do it gradually and correctly.

The best feeding regimen for a newborn - video by Dr. Komarovsky

How to organize regime moments?

It is important for a child that the daily routine drawn up by you takes into account his individual biorhythms.

Among kids, as well as among adults, there are "larks" and "owls". Some people wake up early and go to bed late. Someone is the opposite. Some people eat more and less often, while others eat less and more often. One toddler is active, mobile and spends a lot of energy. Another prefers peace and contemplation, which means that his energy consumption is less. All this must be taken into account when planning regime moments.

The first thing to do is to observe the baby a little. How is the baby active? When does he sleep, before feeding or after? What is the time interval between feedings? Pay attention to night sleep. Does he wake up at night and how often?

Based on these data, try to feed, walk, sleep, play, morning and evening toilet every day at the same time.

How to keep a daily schedule

  1. First of all, tune in to the fact that accustoming a newborn to a regimen is a long process. The baby in the first months of life is just beginning to adapt to a new environment for him. Its organs and systems are not yet sufficiently developed. Biological rhythms are also in the process of formation. The baby has yet to learn to recognize where is the day and where is the night. When to sleep and when to stay awake. And here it is in your power to direct it to the correct perception of the surrounding reality.
  2. Count how many times the child eats and sleeps during the day, at night.
  3. Based on your observations, compose and write down the daily routine in a notebook.
  4. Try to breastfeed and go to bed at about the same hour on the following days. This is the main task of the regime.
  5. And so for 2-3 weeks - this is usually quite enough to get used to the routine. But, again, everything is individual here. Some people need more time, some less. 8 weeks is also a good result. Please note that the newborn should eat and sleep as much as he wants. Gradually, the baby himself will determine the intervals between feedings (mostly 2-3 hours).
  6. Be sure to keep in mind that a formula-fed baby will not get hungry as soon as a baby who receives mother's milk, which is absorbed more easily and faster than an adapted formula. Depending on this, you need to adjust the intervals between feedings. For "artificial" they will be 3-4 hours.
  7. Wake up in the morning at the time you set. Even if the child did not sleep well or played at night, gently wake him up, wash him, change his clothes, feed him.
  8. Do all procedures by the hour. Explore the world, play, sleep, breastfeed, walk and bathe according to the routine. And you will see how soon your baby will begin to do all this with pleasure and great desire, and most importantly, when needed.
  9. After 3 weeks, try to stop breastfeeding on demand. If the child has eaten, and after 1.5 hours you see that he again requires a breast, offer him a bottle of water, maybe the baby just wants to drink.
  10. Use "hints". Before going to bed, sing lullabies to your baby or tell fairy tales. If the baby woke up at night, talk to him in a whisper so that he can understand that it is still night and you need to sleep. Learn nursery rhymes corresponding to certain routine moments: feeding, bathing, dressing, etc. t.

Approximate daily routine for an infant

In the first months of life, the baby sleeps a lot, his regime is basically constant, and the mother can easily adapt to such a routine.

So, what do we do with the baby during the day?


Teach your child to wash in the morning from an early age

Mornings begin and end differently for every family. For a baby, this is one of the intervals of vigorous activity. He learns the world around him, plays, smiles.

From early childhood, we teach the child to morning hygiene: we wash ourselves and change clothes. During this period of children's activity, it is effective to do gymnastics, massages, air baths.

When the baby has played enough and starts to get tired, there is a need to cuddle up to his mother's chest. The first feeding usually takes place between 5 and 9 o'clock in the morning: the baby eats and falls asleep, therefore, the mother can take care of the house and herself.


Baby's nap time is good to spend outdoors

Most often, during the day, the baby has two periods, with a duration of 2 to 4 hours, when he sleeps soundly. During the rest of the time, the baby plays, gets acquainted with new objects.

If the baby likes what you offer him, he lies calmly. But if interest fades, the child begins to demand attention.

Daytime sleep of the baby can be combined with walks in the fresh air, talking with friends and family, reading or relaxing.


Evening bathing is a kind of ritual that precedes going to bed.

After a day spent actively, by the evening the child begins to get tired. This time is best spent with family, calmly.

From the very first days of life, you need to teach your baby to take a bath in the evening. This procedure will become for him a kind of ritual before going to bed. It is best to bathe the baby at 8-9 pm - half an hour before feeding.

The mother herself should get ready for bed in advance, because after bathing the child will want to be next to her, feel her smell and warmth. When the baby falls asleep, give him some time, because the children feel the presence of their mother, and then put the baby in the cradle.


At night, the baby sleeps restlessly, only if it feels discomfort in some way.

At night, the baby, depending on age, can wake up 1 or 2 times for feeding. If the baby's sleep is restless, or he woke up and cannot fall asleep, make sure that none of the following is preventing him:

  • Light, noise. A child can fall asleep soundly only when there is a calm environment around him. Try to turn off the computer and TV, dim the bright lights. Create the conditions for a healthy and sound sleep of your beloved baby.
  • Hunger. If the baby ate his fill, he will sleep soundly and calmly at night. If the time interval between night feedings is too short, check with your pediatrician, it may be worth introducing additional artificial foods.
  • Heat, cold. The baby should feel comfortable. He shouldn't be hot. And if the little one opens and freezes at night, buy him a special envelope.
  • Wet clothes. For the night in without fail put your baby in a diaper. So he will remain dry, and nothing will disturb his sleep.

Schedule of regime moments - table

1–3 months 3–6 months 6–10 months 10–12 months
Feeding 6 00 6 00 7 00 8 00
wakefulness 6 00 -7 00 6 00 -7 30 7 00 -9 00 8 30 -12 00
Dream 7 00 -9 30 7 30 -9 30 9 00 -11 00 -
Feeding 9 30 9 30 11 00 12 00
wakefulness 9 30 -10 30 9 30 -11 00 11 30 -13 00 12 30 -13 30
Dream 10 30 -13 30 11 00 -13 00 13 00 -15 00 13 30 -15 30
Feeding 13 00 13 00 15 00 16 00
wakefulness 13 00 -14 00 13 00 -14 30 15 00 -17 00 16 30 -19 00
Dream 14 00 -16 30 14 00 -16 30 17 00 -19 30 -
Feeding 16 30 16 30 19 00 19 00
wakefulness 16 30 -17 30 16 30 -18 00 19 00 -21 00 19 30 -20 30
Dream 17 30 -19 45 18 00 -19 45 19 00 -21 00 -
Bathing 19 45 19 45 20 30 20 30
Feeding 20 00 20 00 - -
wakefulness 20 00 -21 00 20 00 -21 00 - -
Night sleep 21 00 -6 00 21 00 -6 00 21 00 -7 00 21 00 -7 00
Night feeding 2330 or 2002330 or 20023 00 -

The daily routine of the child is made up of observations of the mother for the baby. The table is a rough guide for parents. The rest depends on the individual characteristics of the baby and the lifestyle of the family - the time for a particular procedure can always be changed.

What do we see from the table?

  • The duration of a baby's sleep is about twenty hours a day.
  • In the intervals he eats and stays awake - at first quite a bit, then longer and longer. This time is enough to play with the baby or carry out the necessary manipulations: hygiene procedures, massage, gymnastics.
  • In the third month of life, the baby begins to wake up more, sleep less. During this period, sleep accounts for approximately sixteen to eighteen hours a day. Feeding - once every three hours, that is, six times during the day and once at night.
  • At three to six months, the child gives sleep about fifteen to eighteen hours a day, night sleep is gradually reduced to ten hours. Feeding during the day - five times, at night - one.
  • From six to nine months, the baby sleeps during the day three times for two hours, the period of vigorous activity is up to two and a half hours. Feeding the baby - five times a day with an interval of four hours. The child can be fed late at night, then he will sleep all night. A night's sleep lasts about eight hours.
  • A baby aged nine to twelve months sleeps twice a day. The duration of daytime sleep is about two and a half hours.
  • You need to walk with the baby twice a day for two hours.
  • During the first year of life, the child's regimen will gradually change. First, the baby sleeps twice during the day (before lunch and after), closer to a year - only after lunch. A one-year-old toddler spends about ten to twelve hours a day sleeping.

If you follow the recommendations of the pediatrician and do everything right during the first year of the baby’s life, at twelve months his daily routine looks something like this: feeding - four times a day, sleeping during the day - two hours, at night - ten hours (without waking up for feeding).

Inverted mode: ways to solve the problem

Some parents are faced with the fact that their baby begins to wake up at night and sleep during the day. This phenomenon is called "inverted mode".

What should be done if the baby confused day and night? First, of course, contact your local pediatrician. He will prescribe treatment, which includes taking sedatives (infusion of motherwort, valerian). In addition, it is very important to return the usual daily routine of the child.

How to get your baby to sleep through the night - video

How to restore the correct daily routine?

  1. Try to find the cause of the problem. What exactly keeps the baby from falling asleep? Maybe feeling unwell: intestinal colic, heat body, sore throat or ear, etc. In this case, you should consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.
  2. The baby's bed should be comfortable. Bed linen - from natural fabrics. It is better to do without a pillow, or it should be low.
  3. When laying the baby in the cradle, make sure that there are no wrinkles on his clothes, which can create discomfort for him at night. And the pajamas of the crumbs themselves should be comfortable, made of cotton or linen, with the seams outward.
  4. Some babies can wake themselves up by moving their legs and arms in their sleep. Then it will be useful to swaddle the child at night.
  5. Make sure that the nursery is regularly wet cleaned. You need to ventilate the room 2 times a day. Optimum temperature indoor air - +20…+22 °С. If the baby is cold or hot, he can wake up, cry, act up.
  6. Throughout the day, try to organize the activities of the crumbs so that he spends time actively.
  7. Strictly observe the regimen. This is especially true for the time of sleep and wakefulness. If the baby sleeps longer than the prescribed time in the morning and afternoon, wake him up.
  8. In the evening, while bathing a child, soothing decoctions or infusions can be added to the bath. Consult your pediatrician about the possibility and expediency of their use.
  9. If the little one woke up at night, do not turn on the light, talk in a whisper, with all your appearance, let's understand that you need to sleep.
  10. The last feeding should be from 23 to 24 hours. Then the baby will not wake up from hunger.

"Inverted mode" is quite amenable to correction. Not in one day, of course. But armed with patience, it is possible to achieve success here. The main thing is to calmly and firmly go towards the intended goal. The night is for sleeping. You must convey this truth to your little night owl by all available means.

The daily routine is necessary for both the baby himself and his mother. And who said that following the regime, you can not feed the baby on demand? With proper organization, one does not interfere with the other. Consider your child's individual needs and consider yours. Plus love, patience, support of loved ones. And everything will work out for you. Don't even hesitate!

Having wondered about the sleep of my child, I stumbled upon this material, which helped me understand the reasons for our sleepless nights!

In this article, Dr. Komarovsky gives 10 rules that will help you competently organize a child’s sleep and, as a result, help parents get enough sleep !!


Rule 1. Prioritize

The family is complete, happy and efficient when parents have the opportunity to sleep 8 hours a day.

More than anything else - more food and drink, more sleep and fresh air - a child needs a healthy, rested and loving mom and dad.

Rule 2. Decide on a sleep pattern

From the moment of birth, the regime of the child must be subordinated to the regime of the family.

Prepare for a night's sleep in advance and prepare your child for it. Determine the time when night sleep begins, and let it be a time that is convenient for you! From 21:00 to 5:00? Please! From 11pm to 7am? To health! Have you chosen? Now try to comply.

Rule 3. Decide where to sleep and with whom.

Theoretically and practically there are three possibilities:

  • a crib in the parents' bedroom - optimal for children of the first year of life and acceptable for up to three years;
  • baby cot in the children's bedroom - ideal for children over one year old;
  • sleeping in the same bed with parents is a fashionable hobby that is not encouraged by most pediatricians and has nothing to do with healthy children's sleep.

Rule 4

If you want your child to sleep well at night, do not allow too much sleep during the day. Unclear? Now let's explain.

The average daily need for sleep in children is as follows: up to 3 months - 16-20 hours; 6 months - 14.5 hours; 12 months - 13.5 hours; 2 years - 13 hours; 4 years - 11.5 hours; 6 years - 9.5 hours; 12 years - 8.5 hours.

So, we all know that a baby at the age of 6 months sleeps approximately 14.5 hours a day. If we want to sleep peacefully for 8 night hours, then no more than 6.5 hours remain for daytime sleep. And if you sleep 9 hours during the day, then 8 hours of sleep at night is unlikely.

Don't be afraid to wake up the sleepyhead!

Rule 5. Optimize feedings

In the first three months of life, a child can eat 1-2 times during the night. At the age of 3-6 months, one night feeding is quite possible. After 6 months, the child biologically does not need night feeding.

The child may want to be handled, the child may require communication, sucking, hissing, rocking and demanding more actively, longer and more often as the demands are met.

Set the rules of the game once and for all. Is it possible to use the mother not for feeding, but for satisfying suckling needs? Is it possible for dad, who, by the way, has to work tomorrow, rock the baby for half the night, and even sing at the same time? If you think you can - please, but about healthy children's sleep you can forget.

Try to underfeed slightly on your penultimate feed and feed as much as possible right before bedtime. Remember: hunger is far from the only reason for crying, and do not plug a child's mouth with food at the first squeak. Overfeeding - main reason abdominal pain and related sleep disturbances.

Rule 6: Have a good day

Live actively - walk, sleep in the fresh air during the day, encourage knowledge of the world and outdoor games.

Physical activity (without extremism) definitely contributes to healthy children's sleep.

Limiting evening emotional stress favorably affects sleep.

Quiet games, peaceful reading of good fairy tales, watching already familiar cartoons and, finally, mother's lulling song - what could be better for preparing for sleep until the morning ...

Rule 7. Think about the air in the bedroom

Clean, cool, moist air in the bedroom is an absolute rule.

Airing. Wet cleaning. Humidifier. Thermometer and hygrometer. Regulators on radiators.

  • The optimum air temperature is 18-20 ° C, provided that this is a children's room (i.e. a place where the child not only sleeps, but also lives); if we are talking about a children's bedroom, then optimally - 16-18 ° C.
  • The optimum relative humidity is 50-70%.

Rule 8

Evening bathing - in a large bath, in cool water - is a great way to get physically tired, pretty hungry, then eat with appetite and fall asleep until the morning.

Massage and gymnastics before bathing, hygiene procedures and warm clothes after - all this enhances the benefits of bathing itself.

Rule 9

The mattress is dense and even - the weight of the baby's body should not lead to its deflection. Until the age of two, no pillows. After two years, a pillow is quite possible (the standard dimensions of a child's pillow are 40 x 60 cm, and its thickness should approximately be equal to the width of the child's shoulder).

Bed linen made from natural fabrics, washed with special baby powders and thoroughly rinsed.

Rule 10

Disposable diapers are the most effective of all human inventions related to sleep. It is disposable diapers that can qualitatively improve the sleep of all family members.

A good diaper at night is the law, this is the most accessible and easily implemented rule of the 10 rules for healthy baby sleep.