The rule of writing is not with different parts of speech. Spelling not with different parts of speech

For each part of speech there is a rule for continuous or separate spelling with a particle NOT. The participle contains both the signs of a verb and an adjective, so the rule of writing it with NOT is one of the most difficult. In the lesson, you will analyze all the features of writing participles with NOT, and also learn to distinguish between a participle and a verbal adjective.

Russian language in diagrams and tables. Spelling NOT with participles.

Didactic materials. Section "Communion"

Spelling of participles. Exercises.


1. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I. etc. “Russian language. 7th grade". Textbook. 13th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2009.

2. Baranova M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. etc. “Russian language. 7th grade". Textbook. 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.

3. “Russian language. Practice. 7th grade". Ed. Pimenova S.N. 19th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2012.

4. Lvova S.I., Lvov V.V. "Russian language. 7th grade. At 3 o'clock." 8th ed. - M.: Mnemosyne, 2012.

One of the most complicated rules Russian spelling is the choice of continuous or separate spelling NOT with different parts speech. How to write NOT with different parts of speech - together or separately - we talk in this article. Also in the article you will find examples of writing words with NOT.

Classification is the basis of performance

A large number of elements is difficult and inconvenient to keep in memory, it is difficult to operate with them - and you will forget something. But it is worth distributing all the elements into groups, and the work begins to argue. So in the case of spelling NOT with all parts of speech, the amount of material seems too large, and the rules are too scattered. However, upon closer examination, it turns out that parts of speech can be combined into several groups.

Cannot be separated

And the first thing that comes to mind (and rightly so!) Are those cases when the word without NOT is not used. It, of course, must be written together, because otherwise a non-existent word will turn out. For example, "no". If you write it separately, what happens? Lie? What's this word? So, we immediately look to see if the word is used without NOT. If not, feel free to write together and do not think about it anymore.

Separate, not merged

We all know that there are a number of parts of speech that are always written with NOT separately. For example, NOT with a verb. Let's remember them all.

  • verb (don't know)
  • gerund (not knowing)
  • Numeral (not eight)
  • Pronoun (except negative and indefinite) (not me)
  • Adverbs not in -o, -e (except for negative and indefinite ones) (not above)
  • Brief Communion (Unfinished)

Let's complete the list with words that make sense to remember:

don't, don't need, not sorry, not ready, couldn't, shouldn't, not happy.

Sometimes they confuse verbs with the prefix before- and the particle NOT and verbs with the prefix under- (naturally, it would be wrong to tear off a piece from it). It is not difficult to distinguish between them - you must discard NOT. If the meaning of the sentence has been reversed, it is a particle; it turned out absurd - we have a verb with the prefix under-. Example: The child did not reach the toy (the child reached the toy - the opposite meaning, particle, separately). The patient lacked air (did the patient get air? Nonsense, prefix, together).

Noun, adjective, adverb in -o, -e

These parts of speech are written according to the same rule. Fusion, if you can pick up a synonym. Separately, if there is a contrast with the union A or the words "at all", "not at all", "not at all", etc.

Low picket fence (= low). Not high, but low picket fence. Not at all a high picket fence.

You can only remember about the synonym and try to substitute it in the sentence - the result will be the same: in sentences with opposition or the words "at all", "not at all", etc. cannot be used as a synonym. Let's check our examples. Low = low. "Low, but a low picket fence"? "Not at all a low picket fence"? It turned out to be nonsense. You have to write separately.

They are written together with NOT, unless there is a preposition that comes between NOT and the word, breaking them: no one - no one.

Full Communion

It cannot be combined with anything other than a verbal adjective.

So, full participles and verbal adjectives are written with NOT separately if

  • There is an opposition with the union A
  • There are words at all, not at all, not at all, etc.
  • There are dependent words.

Participles ending in -my stand somewhat apart. (loved, kept, etc.). They are written separately with NOT, if there are not any dependent words, but only in the instrumental case without a preposition (not my favorite); all the rest do not affect the writing (unloved for it).

In all other cases, NOT with participles is written together.


Let's look at the table "NOT with different parts of speech" examples.

Always separate

Verb, gerund, adverb not in -o, -e, not negative, short participle, numeral

Words: don't, don't need, not sorry, not ready, couldn't, shouldn't, not happy

Was not at school without coming up with an answer, not speaking Russian, not appointed as a deputy, not on the third floor, not happy with spring, not sorry for the past

Possible options

Nouns, adjectives, adverbs in -o, -e

Not a kangaroo (no synonym)

Not true (= false), not true, but false, not true at all

Possible options

Negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs

To no one - not to anyone, someone

Possible options

Participles and verbal adjectives

Unpainted, not painted, but whitewashed, not painted in time

What have we learned?

All parts of speech can be divided into four groups, each of which obeys a certain spelling rule NOT. But before applying the rule, you need to make sure that the word is used without NOT.

Topic quiz

Article rating

Average rating: 4.3. Total ratings received: 370.

The lesson discusses the rules for determining spelling - letters, continuous and separate spelling NOT with parts of speech, gives an algorithm for choosing a spelling - letters and a method for conveniently remembering the rules for continuous / separate spelling NOT with parts of speech.

2. Reference and information Internet portal "Russian language" ().

Internet resources used

1. Dictionary of linguistic terms ().

2. Subordinating conjunctions and allied words ().


Russian language: Textbook for 9 cells. educational institutions / S.G. Barkhudarov, S.E. Kryuchkov, L.Yu. Maksimov, L.A. Cheshko. - M.: Education, 2011.

Russian language. 9th grade: textbook. for educational institutions /M.M. Razumovskaya, S.I. Lvov, V.I. Kapinos, V.V. Lviv; ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta, - M.: Bustard, 2011.

Litnevskaya E.I. Russian language. A short theoretical course for schoolchildren. - Moscow State University, 2006.

Rosenthal D.E. A guide to spelling and literary editing. - M.: 2012.

Unified state exam in RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. Demo version control measuring materials for the unified state exam in 2013 in the Russian language, prepared by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF PEDAGOGICAL MEASUREMENTS".

Demonstration version of control measuring materials for conducting in 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013 the state (final) certification (in a new form) in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE of students who have mastered the main general educational programs of the main general education, prepared by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF PEDAGOGICAL MEASUREMENTS".

VII. Spelling NOT and NOR

§ 88.Not spelled succinctly:

1. In all cases where there is no negative particle not the word is not used, for example: ignorant, inevitable, unfortunate, indignant, unwell, unwell, lacking(meaning "not enough") can't, can't, really, unbearable, unshakable, unharmed.

2. With nouns, if negation gives the word a new, opposite meaning, for example: enemy, misfortune, if negation gives a word that does not have this particle the meaning of opposition, negation, for example: non-specialist, non-Marxist, non-Russian, for example: disagreements between Marxists and non-Marxists; everyone non-specialists liked the report; not Russian will look without love at this pale, in blood, whipped muse (Nekrasov).

3. With full and short adjectives and with adverbs in -o (-e) if their combination with not serves not to negate any concept, but to express a new, opposite concept, for example: unhealthy look(i.e. painful), impossible character(i.e. heavy), sea restless(i.e. worried), business unclean(i.e. suspicious), come immediately(i.e. immediately, without delay), received not good(i.e. bad).

7. In a verb prefix under- denoting non-compliance with the required standard, for example: underfulfill(perform below the required rate), overlook(not enough, look bad, miss something) lack of sleep(sleep less than normal).

Note. From verbs with a prefix under- distinguish between verbs with a prefix before- having negation in front of them not and denoting an action not completed, for example: not finish reading book, not finish drinking tea, do not watch play.

§ 89.Not written separately:

1. With verbs, including with adverbial forms, for example: she does not drink, does not eat, does not speak; cannot see; not looking, not looking, slowly.

About continuous writing despite, despite and verbs with a prefix under- see § 88, paras. 6 and 7.

Note. Commonly used verb forms numb, numb, numb are written fluently.

2. With participles: a) in short form, for example: duty not paid, house not completed, coat not stitched; b) c full form when there are explanatory words during the sacrament (see § 88, paragraph 4), and also when there is or is implied opposition during the sacrament, for example: he brought unfinished work, but only individual sketches.

3. With nouns, adjectives and adverbs, if there is or is implied opposition, for example: no luck led us to success, and endurance and composure; not death terrible - your disfavor is terrible (Pushkin); morning has come not clear, but foggy; the train is coming not fast and not slow(meaning: “from some average speed»); not tomorrow(there is a contradiction here).

Note. Attention should be paid to some cases of separate writing of the particle not . Particle not written separately: a) if an adjective, participle or adverb has a pronoun beginning with neither , for example: nobody (for nobody etc.) an unnecessary thing, a mistake that never occurs, it is not profitable for anyone to take it on; b) if not included in amplifying negations far from, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all etc., preceding a noun, adjective or adverb, for example: he is not at all a friend to us, far from the only desire, by no means a fair decision, by no means the best way out, far from enough.

4. With pronouns and pronominal adverbs, for example: not me, not this, not another, not like this, not otherwise, not like that.

About cases of continuous spelling not with pronouns and pronominal adverbs, see § 88, n. 5.

Note. philosophical term not me written with a hyphen.

5. With amplifying adverbs, as well as with prepositions and conjunctions, for example: not really, not quite, not quite, not from ..., not under ..., not that ... not that.

The expression is written separately not once, for example: Not once he accused himself of being too cautious (Fadeev).

6. With immutable words that are not formed from adjectives and act as a predicate in a sentence, for example: don't, don't mind, don't be sorry.

7. With all words written with a hyphen, for example: all non-commercial enterprises; said not in Russian; sing not the old way.

Section 90.Neither spelled succinctly:

1. In pronouns, if the particle neither not separated from the following pronoun by a preposition, for example: nobody, nothing, no one, nothing, none, no one, none, no one, but: no one, no one etc.

2. In adverbs never, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all and in the particle someday.

Section 91. In all other cases, the particle neither written separately.

About using a particle neither cm. § .

Note. Turnovers should be distinguished none other than... none other than... from revolutions no one else...; nothing else... eg: it was none other than your own brother, but: no one else could say it; It was nothing but fire, but nothing else could scare me.

Continuous or separate spelling NOT with nouns.

It is written together

Written separately

1. If the word is not used without NOT:

fable, bad weather, ignoramus

2. If the word with NOT can be replaced by a synonym without NOT:

an enemy is an enemy, a lie is a lie

If there is or is implied opposition:

Not true, but a lie.

Continuous or separate spelling NOT with adjectives.

It is spelled out:

If the word is not used without NOT

insatiable, clumsy, insatiable, ludicrous

If there is no opposition and you can choose a synonym without NOT

A small river, i.e. small

Uninteresting concert, ie. boring

Low house, i.e. short

If there is a meaning of attachment, not opposition

The river is not wide, but (= u) deep.

The novel is small, but (= and) interesting

If the adjective is used with adverbs of measure and degree: absolutely, completely, extremely, very, in the highest degree, nearly

Absolutely uninteresting concert.

Completely irrelevant document.

The presence of a dependent word does not affect spelling NOT with adjectives

Written separately:



If there is or is implied opposition

The river is not deep, but shallow.

The concert is not interesting, but boring.

The house is not high, but low

If negation is reinforced by negative pronouns or particles

A student like no other

With a comparative degree of adjectives

No worse or better than others. No more and no less

Not happy, not supposed to, not able, not obliged, not ready, not needed, not agreeing, not intending, not right, not like, not much

The same rules apply in both cases when writing NOT with short adjectives:

the river is not deep, the river is by no means deep, the river is not at all deep, the river is absolutely shallow, the river is not deep, but shallow, and so on.

Continuous or separate spelling of the particle NOT with verbs.

Particle NOT with verbs is written separately.

For example: you don’t learn, don’t speak, you won’t be silent, you wouldn’t play.

Exception: the particle is NOT written together with verbs that are not used without NOT.

For example: dislike, unwell, hate, resent, perplex, captivate.

In verbs, one should distinguish between the prefix NEDO- and the particle with the prefix NOT DO-.

UNDO is used in the meaning of "little", NOT TO - in the meaning of "do not complete the action."


(meaning "little", antonym PERE-)

Meaning of insufficiency of action:

it is IMPOSSIBLE to complete the action!


(in the meaning of "did not complete").

Action Incomplete Value:

complete the action IS POSSIBLE!

malnourished(starve) - antonym: overeat

look after the sick(you can not look after the patient)

neglect the child(you can not watch the child)

do not finish the soup because of the rush(you can eat later)

don't watch the show(can be seen next time)

don't watch the movie(you can go back and watch it)

1) The verb "miss"(meaning "to be absent in the right amount") is written with NOT together, because. NEDO- is a prefix. Also UNDO- is written together in a stable expression “This was still lacking!”.

This family was constantly short of money.

The landscape lacked color.

The boy did NOT reach the shelf. (NOT spelled separately, because the action can be completed).

2) There are verbs with the prefix DO-, which are not used without the particle NOT:

dislike, underestimate, misunderstand, misunderstand.

Merged or separate spelling of the particle NOT with participles and verbal adjectives.

Spelling NOT with parts of speech

Continuous and separate spelling NOT with different parts of speech is included in the Unified State Exam in Russian for grade 11 (task 12).

Continuous or separate spelling does NOT depend on the part of speech of the word that is after NOT.

Spelling NOT with verbs and gerunds

NOT with verbs is always written separately, except when:

  • the verb without NOT is not used (to hate, resent, etc.);
  • the verb begins with the prefix NEDO-, which has the meaning of “lack”, “lack” (missing, overlooking, etc.).
  • Spelling NOT with nouns

    Spelling NOT with nouns is checked according to the following algorithm:

  • If a noun without NOT is not used, then NOT is written together with the noun (ignorance, etc.).
  • If a:
    • there is a contrast with the union A (not true, but false);
    • there are dependent words FAR, AT ALL, NOT AT ALL (not true at all);
    • it is NOT written separately from the noun.

  • If it is possible to choose a synonym without NOT, then NOT is written together with the noun (mistrust, untruth, etc.).
  • In all other cases, NOT is written separately with nouns (not a tree, not a cat, etc.).
  • Spelling NOT with adjectives

    The spelling of quality adjectives is checked according to the algorithm:

  1. If an adjective without NOT is not used, then it is NOT written together with the adjective (ridiculous, etc.).
  2. If the adjective is in a comparative or superlative degree, it is always written separately from NOT (not smarter, not better, etc.).
  3. If a:
    • there is a contrast with the union A (not smart, but stupid);
    • there are dependent words FAR, AT ALL, NOT AT ALL and words with NI (far from smart, not at all smart, etc.);
    • it is NOT written separately with an adjective.

  4. In other cases, the qualitative adjective is written together with NOT (stupid).
  5. Relative and possessive adjectives are always written separately from NOT (not iron, not mother, etc.)

    Spelling NOT with participles and verbal adjectives

    Spelling NOT with participles and verbal adjectives is checked according to the algorithm:

  6. If a participle or verbal adjective is not used without NOT, then it is written together with NOT (indignant, etc.)
  7. If the participle or verbal adjective is short, then NOT is written separately (not washed, not sown, etc.)
  8. there is a contrast with the union A (not washed, but only soaked dishes);
  9. this is not a participle ending in -MY and is a dependent word (dishes not washed today);
  10. that participle or verbal adjective is written separately from NOT.

  11. If the participle ends in -MY and has a dependent word:
    • in the instrumental case without a preposition (not my favorite);
    • FAR, AT ALL, NOT AT ALL (not at all beloved);
    • words with NI (not at all beloved);

    then NOT with the participle is written separately. In other cases, NOT with a participle in -MY is written together (unloved at work).

  12. In other cases, NOT is written together with participles and verbal adjectives (unwashed, etc.).
  13. Spelling NOT with adverbs

    If the adverb is not used without NOT, then it is written together (by chance, etc.).

    Adverbs formed from quality adjectives using the suffixes -O and -E are written according to the same rules as quality adjectives (see Spelling not with adjectives).

    Negative adverbs are written together with NOT (once, never, nowhere, etc.). All other adverbs are written separately from NOT (not seriously, etc.).

    Spelling NOT with numerals

    Numerals are always written separately from NOT (not the third, not two, etc.).

    Spelling NOT with pronouns

    Negative and indefinite pronouns without prepositions are always written together with NOT (nowhere, nowhere, etc.). Pronouns with prepositions are always written separately from NOT (not from anyone, from anyone, etc.).

    All other pronouns are always written separately with NOT (not everyone, etc.).

    Spelling NOT with derived prepositions

    NOT always written together with derivative prepositions (despite, despite, etc.).

    Other spellings NOT with parts of speech

    Hyphenated words are always written separately from NOT (not in Russian, etc.).

    Words with NOT are written separately: don’t, don’t need, not ready, couldn’t, shouldn’t, wasn’t, not much, not happy, not sorry.

    Teaching aid

    Particle "not" with different parts of speech

    Kiryakova Marina Viktorovna
    GBOU No. 513 St. Petersburg

    The manual is addressed to students who have difficulty choosing the continuous and separate spelling of words of different parts of speech with NOT.

    The manual contains theoretical material, a generalizing table that is easy to use when completing assignments, and the assignments themselves.

    Theoretical material

    If a word without NOT is not used, then it and the words derived from it are written together with NOT.

    Spelling NOT with adjectives, nouns and adverbs in o/e

    When starting to work on the assignment, you must remember that a particle written separately from the word does NOT express negation. For example, not red, not green is a negation of a color, not an indication that it is another specific color, not a notebook, not a house does not tell us about a different meaning of the word, but only denies that these objects belong to the house or notebook. If you choose a continuous spelling with NOT, then in most cases we are talking about a new meaning of the word (synonym). For example, enemy means an enemy low means low not good means bad. This is a fundamental difference when choosing a continuous and separate spelling of words with NOT.

    Important to remember! If you use negative-reinforcing words far from, not at all, not at all, not at all, then in this case the spelling will be separate. For example, not an interesting story , that is, there is no new value in this expression, as it would be if you simply said uninteresting story (i.e. boring)

    In the event that the phrase contains an adversative union a, that sentence contains a negation (of a sign, object or quality), respectively, is NOT written separately. For example, he is not my friend, but my enemy; the building is not tall, but squat.

    Of course, this does not exhaust all the uses of the NOT particle. What was said above applies to nouns, adjectives and adverbs in o / e, although there are exceptions here (see table)

    Spelling NOT with verbs, gerunds, numerals

    With verbs, gerunds and numerals, NOT is always written separately, except when the word is not used without NOT. For example, not read, not reading; not alone, but hate, hate.

    With the double use of the particle NOT with verbs, the opposite effect occurs, instead of negation, NOT here expresses the need for action.

    For example, I can't help but say, I can't help but agree, I can't help but confess , i.e. the value of these expressions must say, must agree, must confess.


    It is necessary to distinguish between the prefix NOT and the prefix NEDO, which indicates the insufficiency of the norm. For example, baby didn't eat porridge (negation of action, therefore written separately). In the Blockade, people were malnourished (it is written together, since there was not enough food, the prefix NEDO is used here).

    Spelling NOT with participles

    Single participles are written with NOT together. For example, unfinished business, unread manuscript bird.

    If the participle has an explanatory word (with the exception of words denoting the degree of quality), then the participle with NOT is written separately, if words like extremely, completely, completely (adverbs of measure and degree) are given as an explanatory word, then participles are usually written with NOT together. For example, completely inappropriate way out.

    Spelling NOT with pronouns and pronominal adverbs

    Difficulty in writing NOT with this part of speech usually occurs when using negative and indefinite pronouns, in this case it must be remembered that in 99% they are written together with NOT if there is no preposition. For example, someone, nothing, no time.

    If there is a preposition, then they are written in three words. For example, no one, nothing.

    With pronouns of other ranks, it is NOT written separately. For example, not me, not everyone, not like that.

    "Not with different parts of speech"

    "Not" with different parts of speech.
    Merged or separate?

    In order for students to understand and successfully master a new spelling topic, the teacher must first of all show the internal logic of the laws of Russian spelling, make these laws understandable, familiar and simple. The means may vary. This is especially true for the moments of working out and consolidating new knowledge. Tables are also suitable here (ready-made or thought out by the teacher, “tortured” by him - and therefore the best), algorithms, entertaining and developing tasks, games.

    Visibility and “entertainment” should not be neglected in the senior grades, so that Russian language lessons do not turn into a dreary repetition of what seemed to have been studied in grades 6–7, but by the majority is completely forgotten, and by many is perceived simply as a new revelation. .

    I. Didactic material from various manuals helps the teacher in studying and repeating the topic « Not with different parts of speech. Main principle the spelling that students should learn is as follows:

    Particle not , written separately, expresses the denial of a sign or action.

    Console not-, written together, says only that the object has the opposite quality, sign or action.

    Based on this principle, you can combine numerous rules into simple schemes:

    Particle not written separately:

    with verbs (was not), with gerunds (leisurely), with numerals (not once), as well as with short adjectives with a hint of duty (he is not needed - not required, not obliged - does not want);

    - with all words, if they have or imply opposition to union a (not deep a small river), as well as with strengthening denial words far from, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all (not at all happy faces)

    with comparative adjectives (not thinner);

    in words with prepositions (not with whom, not in the spirit not for whom, not able).

    Not spelled fluently:

    - in words that are without not not used (not vezha, not victorious);

    in words that give a qualitative description of the subject and which can be replaced by a synonym (not friend - enemy, very not healthy look - very sick look, not healthy - sick);

    in verbal adjectives my (not dependent);

    in indefinite pronouns (not who, not what, not which the);

    in verbs with a prefix under-, giving the verb the meaning of incompleteness, lack of action (under do , under evaluate).

    The same spelling principle applies to participles:

    Full participles with particle not are written separately, if there is

    dependent word: not repaid nobody the lights;

    opposition to union but not repaid, a lit fires.

    Not with participles my written separately, if any. dependent word in creative case: Not visible(adj.) eye, but invisible(adj.) world of tears.

    If there is no dependent word or opposition with a union a, then the particle not spelled together: Not the extinguished lights glowed dimly in the mist.

    FROM short participles particle not spelled always separate: the lights not repaid.

    II. It is possible to present these rules in the form of a simple table (7th grade level).

    Not with different parts of speech

    1. Not used without not-:

    sissy, silly, silly

    2. Can be replaced by a synonym without not-:

    3. In negative adverbs:

    1. There is a contrast:

    2. Denial reinforced by words

    far, not at all, not at all, not at all, never

    3. With adverbs not on -o, -e:

    After not and neither no suggestion:

    After not and neither there is a suggestion:

    not noticing(general participle)

    No dependent word or opposition:

    1. There is a dependent word:

    not finished in time Work

    2. There is an opposition:

    not finished, a started work

    3. With short participles:

    Work not finished

    III. Words that are without not are not used.

    overlook (behind the child)

    IV. Simplified version of the rules:

    V. We work with algorithms.

    VI. development tasks.

    1. Task for the speed of reaction(good to do after a long pee). The teacher reads the phrases, calling their serial number, and the students write down only the numbers in two columns: together not- and separately not

    1) an unfulfilled order;

    2) the forest is not coniferous;

    3) an indignant look;

    4) windows are not washed;

    5) not happy to meet;

    7) he is unwell;

    8) the ring is not gold;

    9) not easy to decide;

    10) far from being an easy task;

    11) very carelessly;

    12) unmowed meadow;

    13) not looking around;

    14) despite the circumstances.

    Answer is written like this:

    together: 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14;

    separately: 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13.

    2. task for attention which simultaneously develops the ability to distinguish between participles and adjectives.

    Write down only the numbers adjectives which without not not used:

    1) an unfinished novel;

    Now remember the rest of the words from the list, which not are always written together (auditory memory training).

    3. Determine by ear whether not part of the root of the noun or is it a prefix without which the word is not used:

    4. Find synonyms for the words and write down only them: inattention, illiteracy, distrust, unhappiness, independence. Now remember and write next to the noun with not, that was dictated to you.

    5. Choose antonyms with not to the words (by ear) and write down only them: slavery – . adversary - . concentration - . dirty - . careful – . close - . False - . low – .

    6. Form gerunds from verbs (by ear) and write down only those (paired with a verb) that are written with not together:

    not to miss, not to dirty, to be indignant, not to listen,

    not to hear, to be perplexed, to caress, to bask.

    How do you write not with a verb in sentences:

    I don't have 100 rubles

    Am I missing 100 thousand?

    7. Form gerunds from verbs (if possible) and write only them in two columns (jointly and separately):

    do not see, hate, do not rush, do not rush,

    do not do, do not do, be indignant, perplexed,

    not to notice, not to notice, to go on a rampage,

    do not ask, do not ask, (he) is unwell,

    itching, overlooking (for someone).

    What verbs can't be used to form adverbs?

    (After completing the last two exercises, the guys in their notebooks have a list of almost all verbs and participles that are without not are not used).

    VII. Exercise to recover warped text for pinning.

    Correct the mistakes made in the text.

    And as their corner was almost not passable, there was nowhere to get the latest news about what was happening in the whole wide world: the guards with wooden utensils lived only twenty miles away and knew no more than them. There was nothing even to compare them with their life-being: whether they live well, whether not; whether they are rich or poor.

    Happy people lived, thinking that it should not and cannot be otherwise, confident that all others live in exactly the same way and that it is a sin to live otherwise.

    In the last five years, out of several hundred souls, no one has died, let alone a violent, even a natural death.

    And if someone from an elder or from some chronic illness and rested in eternal sleep, then for a long time after that they could not put on such an unusual occasion.

    Once, however, there was still a find lying behind the outskirts in a ditch, by the bridge, apparently a man who had lagged behind a passing artel.

    The men did not dare to come close. The passer-by made a movement to raise his head, but could not: he, apparently, was not in good health or was very tired.

    And everyone went to the village, telling the old people that there was someone not from here, saying nothing.

    “Not from here, don’t touch!” the old people said .

    VIII. Write a dictation.

    The boys did not recognize the forest. He seemed to have changed. Wrong trees, wrong swamps, wrong grass. Some strange flowers are visible, they were not there before. And instead of the road, an unknown river. They jumped out to the edge and gasped. Again, nothing looked like familiar territory. No mountains, no villages, as if they had sunk into the ground. The sun has set. But they were not at all up to sunset. In the forest, the darkness was hopeless, but they were going ahead, not making out the road, and it was impossible to make out. They did not see each other further. Suddenly Kolya became alert and shuddered. A lingering, barely perceptible sound came from the left side. They rushed to the left. Their legs carried them irresistibly through stumps, swamps, bushes. But still nothing could be heard except the sound of the wind and the rustle of rain. Both were trembling and rubbing their hands on their knees as they walked.

    (According to N. Timkovsky)
    (130 words)

    1. Bogdanova G.A."Russian language lessons in the 8th grade."

    2. Akhremenkova L.A."To the five step by step."

    3. Konovalova L.F. Russian language. Basic schemes. Exercises. M., 2005.

    Spelling NOT and NOR

    Spelling NOT and NOR.

    The spelling is neither and nor with different parts of speech.

    The rule is divided into two parts:

    continuous or separate spelling NOT with all parts of speech;

    difference between NOT and NOR


    Continuous and separate spelling NOT (the picture can be enlarged by clicking on it)


    Depending on conditions

    insincerity = hypocrisy, unpopular = little known

    not caution, but cowardice

    easy to do (=easy)

    2. in negative adverbs:

    nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere

    3. Not for nothing = not in vain

    lives not close, but far

    2. Adverbs not in -O, -E:

    3. Not for free = not for free

    NOT / NOR + who, what, what, what, whose, how much, which

    not yours, not me, not everyone

    2. Negative and indefinite, if there is a preposition between them:

    with no one, nothing

    In combination with adverbs of measure and degree:

    completely unfinished business

    a letter he didn't write

    our favorite foods

    despite the illness, he went for a walk

    walked without looking at his feet

    Difference between NOT and NOR

    In a simple sentence

    don't want milk, bookless nation

    I don't want milk or tea

    not two nor one and a half

    neither alive nor dead

    no end no end

    neither fish nor fowl

    without any reasons

    neither light nor dawn

    I can't go in

    Whom I have not met!

    AT complex sentence with the words where, where, how, when, what, who, how much NOT / NOR:

    The attendant noted everyone who did NOT come

    The duty officer noted everyone who would come to him

    more than once (many times)

    none other than…

    nothing more than…

    never (=never)

    no matter what


    out of nowhere


    in no case

    parsing algorithm.

    1. Define the part of speech.

    2. See if there are any words in the sentence that are NOT always written separately.

    3. Pay attention to whether there is a prefix UNDER- or a combination NOT TO-.

    4. As part of speech, remember the rule.

    Parsing the task.

    In which sentence is NOT written SEPARATELY with the word?

    1) He lacks experience and (does not) have enough patience.

    2) Our country is (in)dependent.

    3) He was somehow immediately (not) loved.

    4) We stopped at a site that was by no means (un)suitable for construction.

    Option number 1.

    (Not) enough- a verb with NOT (DO) -. Remove NOT-: he has the patience. You can’t say that, so it’s not used without NOT. Write fluently!

    Option number 2.

    (NOT) dependent - this is a short participle with the suffix -IM. There is no dependent word in the instrumental case in the sentence, so we DO NOT write together.

    Option number 3.

    (Not) loved- without NOT is not used. Write fluently.

    Option number 4.

    (Un)suitable- an adjective, but in the text there is NOTHING. Write separately.

    In this way, The correct answer is option 4.


    1. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word?

    1) It so happened that I (not) had anyone to tell about my doubts.

    2) At first, everyone was silent, considering how to start a conversation in such an (un)usual environment.

    3) The room was (not) lit, so it was difficult to distinguish the faces of the people sitting opposite.

    4) But they say you are (not) people: in the wilderness, in the village, everything is boring for you.

    2. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which E is written?

    Today we are not (1) only (2) improving the methodology of teaching the epistolary genre, but we are also losing, as it is (3) sadly, the heritage of the past.

    1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 1, 2

    3. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which AND is written?

    The more bad one is by his temper, the more he screams and grumbles at people: n (1) he sees the good, where n (2) turns around, and the first one himself n (3) with whom n (4) gets along.