Stone decoration which means. What do gemstones mean

The meaning of gems

I always wanted earrings with pomegranate so much ... And finally I bought it! Only now, when acquiring precious stones, one must also know their meaning. Is there a little...

Over the centuries, many cultures have contributed to the legends and traditional lore surrounding gemstones. These rare creations of nature have inspired philosophers and mystics to attribute extraordinary powers to such special minerals.

The best collection of traditional gemstone knowledge is certainly George Frederick Kunz's Gems in Books and Legends, published in 1913. However, Kunz was not a researcher of the mystical properties of crystals. Rather, he was the leading gemologist of his time who, as the resident gem expert at Tiffany & Co., New York, helped create the modern market for colored stones. He has also been involved in some of the largest collections of rare gems, including the famous J.P. Morgan collection in the American Museum of Natural History.

Kunz believed that we could learn a lot by studying the ways in which gemstones were used in different cultures, as well as the ideas that people formed around rare stones at different times. However, for Kunz, his research was not just a sociological curiosity, but served as a way to gain knowledge about the gems themselves: “Many of these ideas may now seem rather strange to us, but when we analyze them, we find that they have their roots or in certain intrinsic qualities of the stones, or in an intuitive recognition of their symbolic significance.
It is considered a stone that provides protection. It is believed that it gives strength and bestows protection from bad dreams, stress and loss of energy. It is said that agate balances energy and awakens talents.

It calms the emotions, provides clarity of thought and promotes the achievement of wisdom. Amethyst is the stone of the mind; it brings calmness and clarity, helps you use your intuition, feelings and dignity. It has long been considered to promote sobriety and is useful in combating addictions to alcohol, overeating and other bad habits. It relieves conditions associated with an irresistible attraction to something or obsessive ideas.

It is a gem of communication. It is believed to help with stuttering and hypertension, as well as help overcome sadness and grief. Apatite is said to help fight viruses and help bring the old and the new together in someone's life.

It is associated with courage and getting rid of anxiety and fear. It is believed to dispel, soothe and alleviate fears, and to help recuperate on long journeys. Many believe that it protects sailors at sea and prevents seasickness. It is traditionally believed that it gives insight and promotes clarity of mind.

This is a stone of opportunity. It is believed to bring prosperity. Some advise carrying aventurine in your left pocket if you are buying a lottery ticket or playing any game of chance.

Associated with courage and overcoming fears and obstacles. It is a traditional stone of writers, scientists, artists and intellectuals, which is used to develop mental abilities. It is believed to alleviate mental suffering and promote fidelity, friendship, kindness, and honesty.

The American Indians consider chalcedony to be a sacred stone. He teaches and promotes brotherhood and sincerity. It is believed that it softens hostility, irritability and despondency.

It is believed to open the mind to new intentions and balance impatience and restlessness. Citrine has long been believed to promote optimism. It also attracts abundance and is known as the "stone of merchants", which must be placed where its owner is engaged in his activities, not only to achieve wealth, but also to preserve it. It is good for improving mental concentration, stamina and self-esteem.

It is believed that it absorbs and enhances the thoughts of the one who uses it, as well as positive and negative properties other gems and their owners. In ancient times, diamond was also used for detoxification, as people believed that it protected against poisons.

Considered a cleansing stone, as crystal healers believed it healed injuries by producing cleansing tears. Diopside is believed to stimulate creativity as well as love and commitment.

Tradition indicates that the emerald increases fertility, improves eyesight and gives its wearer physical energy. It is believed that it relieves depression and relieves insomnia. Promotes self-knowledge, peaceful dreams and helps you achieve balance and patience.

Seen as a stone of passionate devotion: to your family, your friends, to yourself and your purpose in life. It is believed that it enhances the senses, increases vitality and endurance. The pomegranate is believed to bring good luck in business ventures.

Serenity stone. It is believed to alleviate anxiety, fear and promote good luck. Jade not only brings prosperity but also allows you to hold on to your money. It is a traditional gardening mascot and is said to ensure bountiful harvests.

Associated with relaxation, contentment, compassion, learning, and comfort. Jasper is believed to relieve mental stress and help you achieve balance in your life.

This is a pacifying stone that allows you to calm the psyche, dispel emotional or spiritual confusion. Cyanite is considered especially suitable for relieving irritation and feelings of dissatisfaction.

Known since antiquity, this stone is said to represent friendship and truth. It is believed that lapis lazuli helps to bring harmony into relationships. It is a stone of wisdom and awareness.

Helps communication by stimulating clarity of thought, inspiration or receptivity, contributes to the fulfillment of a person's destiny. Long regarded as a stone of psychic ability, wish fulfillment, and emotional balance, moonstone is believed to help grant wishes, but tends to be better at assisting in what is needed rather than what is simply desired.

It is believed that black onyx suppresses everything negative in a person and reflects the negative that comes from other people. It is believed that it increases determination and perseverance.

Seen as a stone strongly associated with emotions, including love, attraction and natural behavior. Opal is said to promote visualization, fantasy, sleep, and healing.

The ruby ​​is famous as a protection against misfortune and ill health, and is often used to open the heart and promote love. As a gift, the ruby ​​symbolizes friendship and love. The ruby ​​is also a symbol of vitality and royalty.

Since ancient times, sapphire has been associated with peace and happiness and is believed to promote communication, insight, intuition, inspiration, and prayer. The ancients believed that sapphires could help them predict the future.

Because spinel has been confused with ruby ​​for centuries, it does not have the richness of meaning associated with other important stones. But they say that spinel helps in restoring strength and getting rid of anxiety. Since spinel is one of the few stones with a single refraction, it has a purity of color that may be the basis for its symbolic meaning.

This is a newly discovered gemstone, but it is considered traditional by the Maasai tribe, who give it to newborns as a bringer of good luck.

It is believed to turn concern and fear into practical logic and action. It is believed that it promotes balance and strength in difficult times and eliminates doubt.

Tourmaline is believed to strengthen both the body and the spirit. It is believed to attract inspiration, promote concentration, promote balance, and promote mutual understanding. People believe that it calms the nerves, alleviates grief, stimulates balance, and provides self-confidence.

It is believed that it attracts money, success and love. In many cultures, it is a stone of friendship. The natives of America associated the colors of turquoise with blue skies and green earth. Even today, many see it as a symbolic source of humanity in nature.

Since the Middle Ages, zircon has been considered conducive to spiritual growth and the attainment of wisdom. It is said that whoever wears zircon will find beauty and peace.

A properly selected stone brings good luck and prosperity to a person. When choosing a stone, its value should be taken into account. This article contains a comprehensive brief characteristics all the most famous precious and semi-precious stones.

Source: The Complete Encyclopedia of Etiquette, 2003

When choosing a stone, its values ​​\u200b\u200band the patronizing planets of the one to whom it is presented should be taken into account. A donated stone should bring only good luck and prosperity to this person.

All stones are divided into groups, each of which belongs to a specific zodiac sign. And like any gift, any stone decoration has its own hidden, symbolic meaning. Depending on the sign of the Zodiac, each person is patronized by his own stone.

So, for example, Aries has amethyst and ordonix, Taurus has agate, and Gemini has beryl or topaz. Cancers are ruled by an emerald, and Leo by a ruby. Virgos prefer rhinestone and sapphire. Libra is ruled by diamonds, opals, tourmalines and beryls. Scorpio corresponds to topaz and bloodstone. Sagittarians love turquoise, Capricorns love onyx and chrysoprase. Aquarians prefer to give sapphire or obsidian, and Pisces - alexandrite or aquamarine.

The stones have their own peculiarity - some of them cannot be presented without a pair. These stones are alexandrite.

Depending on the season, it is advised to give certain stones. So, in January it is preferable to give pomegranate, hyacinth or serpentine. Suitable for February amethyst. In March they give chrysolite, in April - pinkish-lilac amethyst. In May, they are presented as a gift agate, suitable for June beryl. Give in July emerald. For an August gift, stones such as carnelian, sardonyx, alexandrite, moonstone, ruby, topaz, golden beryl. In September they give jasper. In October - diamond. For a November gift, of all stones, it is preferable topaz. For December - turquoise.

In accordance with the patron planets, stones are energy manifestations of the following celestial bodies:

The sun manifests itself in such a stone as carbuncle.
The moon patronizes diamonds.
The manifestation of Mercury on Earth - cornelian.
The element of Venus manifests itself in emerald.
Martial Mars patronizes ruby.
Jupiter Correspondence - sapphire.
The second "I" of Saturn - obsidian.

When choosing jewelry made of precious and semi-precious stones, they are guided primarily by the personal preferences of the person to whom the gift is intended. First of all, it is the color of the stone, which contributes to the development of certain qualities in a person.

Loneliness and perfection are emphasized by decoration with white stones. Such stones develop hard work and a sense of freedom in a person.

stones red shades symbolize energy, passion, movement. Such stones are presented as a gift to stimulate the energy of a person, to strengthen the protective functions of the body. The owners of red stones are able to cause a person to be frank.

stones orange shades symbolize beauty, grace, artistry. Jewelry made from these stones develops a sense of beauty in a person.

stones green colors symbolize the integrity of the individual. The owners of such stones are reasonable and patient.

stones blue colors are symbols of logical thinking. These stones contribute to the development in a person of such qualities as intuition and practicality.

stones purple colors - a symbol of mystery, magic, mysticism.

stones purple colors are a symbol of will, thought.

stones brownish shades symbolize peace, reliability, stability.

stones black The colors symbolize the beginning and the end.

Description of stones

Aventurine - yellow, green or cherry stone with metallic inclusions. Aventurine is able to create a good mood, maintains good spirits and gives clarity to thinking, pushes to action. As an amulet, aventurine protects against damage.

Agate - chalcedony, striped or translucent. It comes in different colors: white-black, white-gray, sometimes pink or purple. This stone is recommended to be worn by philosophers, because it helps the development of the intellect. It gives courage, calmness, promotes longevity. Such a stone should be worn by people suffering from chronic cough or toothache.

Aquamarine - transparent stone with a greenish-blue tint. It is a type of beryl. As an amulet, aquamarine protects the happiness of spouses. Lovers often exchange jewelry made of aquamarines. Such a stone will save from disasters on the water. He develops courage and can warn his owner of the dangers that threaten him by changing his color. In addition, aquamarine is able to cure sore throats and teeth.

axinitis - a stone of clove-brown, honey-yellow and less often dark violet-blue color. Axinite is able to compensate for the negative energy of its owner, transforming it into positive.

Axinite also promotes creativity, develops imagination. The owner of such a stone has every opportunity to become an excellent artist. Aksinit relieves pain in the liver and improves the condition of the body.

Alexandrite - the stone is emerald green in natural light and purple-red in artificial light. This stone should be worn by diplomats and lawyers. It improves memory, develops intuition. Alexandrite is used in the treatment of varicose veins. It also helps people with a shattered nervous system, they become more restrained and calm.

Diamond - an expensive noble stone. This stone gives its owner strength, courage, courage. He brings his owner good luck in all matters, but only if he got his owner in an honest way. It protects from various diseases, protects from the evil eye and damage. This stone takes the energy of its owner. Only a person with strong energy can wear a diamond, then the stone will not absorb the owner's energy, but multiply it. The stone itself contributes to the disclosure of the best sides of its owner. Diamonds with internal defects bring a lot of trouble to their owner, so you need to be able to handle them. In such diamonds, all the energy is collected around the defect and reaches an incredible concentration that can be adjusted as desired. Diamonds with an internal defect allow you to control events. Transparent or bluish diamonds absorb energy from the sun. Diamonds with a greenish tint make a woman fertile and heal from gynecological diseases. As an amulet, a diamond treats sclerosis, apoplexy, prevents the formation of kidney stones, protects against the evil eye, and helps with skin diseases.

Almandine - one of the most common garnets of red, red-brown, purple-red, even black shades. This stone is able to cheer up, relieve stress. It helps with various inflammatory processes.

Amazonite - bright green or bluish-green opaque stone with small white patches. This stone gives energy, restores strength, promotes peace. Everyone can wear this stone. It has a great effect on the nervous system and has a beneficial effect on the human psyche.

Amblygonite - a stone from almost colorless to pale pink, yellow and blue. Amblygonite is considered the stone of ascetics, because it develops the ability to adapt to any conditions, enjoy and accept life as it is. Amblygonite treats disorders of the nervous system, helps with melancholy.

Amethyst - violet quartz. This stone is used in meditation. It is able to bring fame, fortune, wealth to its owner. Amethyst as an amulet can protect against drunkenness and drug addiction. It strengthens eyesight, regulates digestion, protects against kidney diseases. Purple amethyst is good for philosophers and scientists. It contributes to the memorization and assimilation of new information. Purple amethyst can only be worn by balanced people, because it promotes adventurism.

Andalusite - a stone from olive-green to dark green color. Andalusite protects its owner from disasters. AT love relationship andalusite brings constancy and strengthens the newly born love. With regard to healing properties, this stone normalizes metabolism, prevents the occurrence of fungal diseases.

Andradite - emerald green, pistachio or olive green garnet. This is a feminine stone. The owner of such a stone becomes more attractive, sensitive and dreamy. Andradite helps with lung diseases and skin diseases.

Apatite - stone transparent color with different shades: white, yellowish, green, blue, purple. Apatite makes a person impulsive, energetic, but too jealous and too suspicious, so this stone is suitable for few. In addition, apatite improves performance and relieves depression.

Belomorit - green stone This stone promotes contemplation and meditation. It can bring a person out of sadness, taking away some of the negative energy from him, but at the same time, this stone cannot process it, so it is dangerous to wear it after being worn during a period of depression.

Benitoite - a stone of sapphire-blue or violet color. Benitoite absorbs the energy of the cosmos and gives it to the owner. This stone is recommended for people who have recently suffered a serious illness. Benitoite restores the human immune system and improves digestion.

Beryl - a stone of various colors. The following varieties of beryl are distinguished by color: augustite - dark blue; aquamarine - blue and greenish; noble (or simply beryl); heliodor - yellow; goshenite - colorless prismatic; emerald - dense green or bright green beryl. Beryl, set in gold, is recommended to be worn by researchers and philosophers. It helps develop analytical thinking. It also brings happiness in matters of the heart. Therefore, lovers often give it to each other.

Berillonite - transparent, colorless stone sometimes with a slight yellowish tint. This is a stone of strong people, it helps them achieve their goals and contributes to success in their personal lives.

Turquoise - a stone of blue color. This stone brings prosperity, prosperity, protects its owner. It helps in love and is a feminine stone. The owner of turquoise attracts the views of men. Often, turquoise jewelry is inherited through the female line. This stone enhances intuition, makes a person ambitious, brave, prudent, insightful. Turquoise is advised to be worn by those who suffer from insomnia and those who are tormented by nightmares. It stops bleeding and helps with childbirth.

Brazilianite - a stone with a green or yellow tint. It was found in Brazil, from which it got its name. This stone is able to drive away evil spirits and change its color when the weather changes. Brazilianite protects its owner from thieves and robbers.

hairies - transparent quartz interspersed with needles of other crystals. Hairmen are called differently: needle stone, hedgehog stone, chrysotrix, "Cupid's arrows", "Venus hair". Hairies provide happiness in family life, so they are considered love talismans.

Vorobevit - pink beryl. It contributes to the acquisition of friends, makes a person more sociable and liberated.

Jet - black jasper. Fossil coal from the group of brown coals. This stone is given to a person with whom they part for a long time. He is able to store memories and transfer them to a person. It helps with depression, protects against the evil eye and spoilage, treats gout and convulsions, strengthens eyesight, relieves headache and toothache.

Heliodor - yellow beryl. This stone is recommended to be worn by indecisive people. It sets its owner up for positive emotions. As an amulet, yellow beryl protects on long journeys.

Heliolite , or sun stone, is a variety of feldspar with a golden tint. As a talisman, heliolite promotes the development of fantasy, intuition, adventurism, pushes for unexpected actions. As an amulet it helps with nervous diseases, improves blood circulation.

Heliotrope - chalcedony or jasper, dark green with red or yellow spots. This stone develops imagination. It makes a person energetic, active, decisive. Rings and bracelets with heliotrope are worn by spellcasters and sorcerers. It enhances the effect of the word.

Hyacinth This is red-brown zircon. This stone is an accumulator of human energy. The person wearing this stone is sociable and active. Hyacinth should not be worn by people suffering from nervous diseases.

grenades - stones from dark red to yellowish color. Garnets are the talismans of all those who love, therefore lovers exchange these stones. They are also given as proof of friendship. Grenades provide their owner with a good mood and cheerful thoughts. Grenades store energy well, but they are charged only for strong deep feelings and passions, quick emotions do not hurt them. Pomegranates are advised to be worn for inflammatory diseases and high temperature. It is believed that they help with sore throat and headaches. Red pomegranate - in the presence of such qualities as honesty, kindness, the one who wears it, the pomegranate will be charged and will work like a love talisman. Green pomegranate - helps develop intuition and predict the future. This stone will serve only a passionate and sensual person. “Pomegranate” pomegranate, or pyrope, gives power over people, but only to a person who has sincere human feelings, is confident in himself and is an authority. The pomegranate on the hand of such a person will glow and help in moments of weakness.

Grossular is a type of pomegranate that is golden yellow, olive green, pink, or reddish brown in color. Grossular is able not only to transfer energy to its owner, but also endows him with the gift of clairvoyance.

Danburite - a stone of dark yellow color with a glassy sheen. Danburite endows its owners with a sense of responsibility and compassion. A person becomes neat, executive, he has many friends and acquaintances.

Datolite - a stone of pale yellow or pale green color. Datolite is a stone of adventurers, gamblers and adventurers. He protects from misfortune, protects from bad people. Datolith is worn for kidney diseases and disorders of the reproductive system.

Jade - a translucent stone of different shades: green, blue and gray. Jadeite concentrates energy in itself and helps to direct it in the right direction. But if a person is unbalanced, then the stone can harm its owner, so people with a strong will should wear jadeite.

Emerald - green beryl. It is considered the strongest of the beryl. Emerald helps to assimilate energy, develops a person's excellent ability to navigate. Emerald amulets are worn by pregnant women, and they are also placed in the cradle of newborns. The emerald is a talisman of fishermen and sailors, as it helps to avoid disasters. Emerald treats eye diseases, helps during fever, epilepsy, relieves insomnia, improves memory. Emerald, set in gold, develops intelligence. A person becomes smart and inventive. It gives courage, helps to predict events, relieves unhappy love. It can lead its owner to glory. Increases potency. Able to split if its owner has committed many bad deeds.

carnelian - dark red chalcedony. It is similar in its magical properties to carnelian. It is advised to wear it to women, because it helps in love. As an amulet, he saves from depression. Carnelian enhances vision.

Carbuncle It is a blood-red variety of pomegranate. It is a talisman of pregnant women, as it ensures safe delivery and stops bleeding. This stone is able to relieve depression and drive away "black thoughts".

Cacholong - milky white opaque variety of opal. This stone is considered mourning. It is not recommended to be worn by nervous, restless people.

Eye quartz - varieties of quartz, permeated with needle-shaped crystals of other minerals. There are several varieties of eye quartz: cat's eye, lion, falcon, tiger. Bull, wolf and fish are not related to eye quartz. As talismans, any eye quartz develops the gift of foresight. They warn their master of the danger that threatens him by changing the shade. As amulets, eye quartz protects from the evil eye and unhappy love. Rose quartz is a pink transparent stone. This stone gives life force to its owner. It promotes the development of sensuality, helps with recovery and restores the immune system.

cat eye - a gray stone with a shimmering sheen, translucent, sprouted with olive-green needles of rutile. This stone is very domestic. It creates comfort in the house, is able to draw attention to its owner. Makes a person more sociable. It helps to subjugate others, but only if noble goals are pursued. As a talisman, it increases the speed of reaction and attentiveness. As an amulet, it protects against various kinds of dangers, preserves love and protects against betrayal.

Labrador - black stone with blue and blue sheen. It contains astral energy. Labrador develops fantasy in a person. It can cure depression. However, the Labrador cannot be worn constantly by people who are nervous and quick-tempered.

Lapis lazuli - a translucent stone of bright blue or blue-violet with white flowers. Priests and philosophers preferred to wear this stone. It helps to find the right path. Lapis lazuli is able to take on negative energy, purify it and give it to a person. Lapis Lazuli treats various skin diseases, epilepsy and rheumatism.

Malachite - dark green patterned stone, water carbonate. Malachite grants wishes. It is often worn by children, as it is believed that it can protect the child from illness and the evil eye. As an amulet, it develops spiritual powers, it is advised to wear it to people associated with science. If a person has a lot of energy, but lacks determination, then malachite can help. Malachite cures rheumatism, protects against plague and cholera.

Mokhoviki - This is moss agate and an ornamental variety of serpentine, dark green in color with black spots. Mokhovik is a stone that protects against rash acts and heals various nervous diseases.

Nephritis - green, from apple-green to dark green, less often white or brown, translucent stone. Jade is an excellent accumulator. It accumulates energy in itself, which it then transfers to its owner. Jade strengthens vitality and helps to cure kidney disease. Jade is believed to bring good luck in gambling.

Obsidian - black, brown or brown stone. This stone helps strong people. It allows them to achieve any goals and strengthens their health.

Olivine is a type of chrysolite. Olivine can provide a person with good luck in any endeavor. As an amulet, olivine protects against fire and theft.

Onyx - translucent striped stone, color - from different shades of yellow, white, brown, sometimes pinkish brown. Onyx is highly valued for its magical and medicinal properties. It gives its owner the ability to dominate other people, clears the mind. It also strengthens the memory and guards against sudden death and attempts on life. It takes away excess energy, calms and reconciles. But we must remember that onyx is a home stone and it is not recommended to carry it with you, as you can become too calm and slow.

Opal - a stone of different colors, from milky white to black, but with the same inner iridescent radiance. As a talisman, opal predetermines success in all endeavors, but only if its owner does not try to harm anyone. In addition, opal reveals the gift of prophecy. White opal helps a person to concentrate. This stone should be worn by musicians and composers. Jasper opal brings modesty and humility to the wearer. Fire Opal protects against disasters. As an amulet, opal calms the nerves, keeps from melancholy and infection, helps to cure heart disease, increases impotence and improves eyesight.

Rhodonite - eagle - red or bright pink with black veins, a translucent stone. The eagle takes the anger and irritation of the owner into itself, transforms them and returns them to the owner in the form of pure energy. He is able to improve mood, relieve melancholy.

Ruby - red stone with a purple sheen. Ruby is a very strong energy stone. He brings people happiness in love. It protects its owner from various kinds of dangers, from lightning and floods. It absorbs any energy and transfers it to its owner. Like a talisman, a ruby ​​pushes a person to exploits. It attracts love and happiness. But at the same time, the ruby ​​can enhance the negative qualities of a person. This stone can make a person selfish, cruel and merciless. As an amulet ruby ​​strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism, strengthens the heart.

Sapphire - a precious transparent stone of blue or blue color with a characteristic luster. Sapphire is able to pass energy through itself, purify it and give it to a person, it is used in meditation. Sapphire promotes spiritual development, strengthens fidelity, chastity, brings spiritual comfort, increases determination, courage. Sapphire should be worn by insecure people, it protects against slander and strengthens memory. As an amulet protects from betrayal and fear, keeps from slander. Sapphire helps with heart disease and bronchial asthma.

Selenite - fibrous gypsum. A stone of golden color with a silky sheen. It is believed that this stone contains the energy of the moon, so it is advised to wear it to people born during the full moon. Selenite helps all separated lovers, and also develops the gift of eloquence in its owner. It enhances emotionality, develops intuition, love for the hearth. Gives dreaminess, softness, tenderness.

Cornelian - transparent stone, red, reddish-brown, greenish or white in color, having a characteristic banded structure. Carnelian has an amazing property: it instantly reacts to the mood of the owner, increasing transparency and acquiring a more pronounced "banding". Carnelian contributes to the development of a person's fantasy, protects against ill will, and gives courage. Healing properties this stone is widely known. It helps in the treatment of indigestion, fever, stops bleeding, relieves toothache, freshens the skin, improves tone and relieves nervousness.

Hawkeye , or rhodusite, is black, sometimes with green and brown spots, having a characteristic luster. Rhodosite is used by sorcerers, because it allows them to look into more subtle worlds. Black Hawkeye is calming and helps dispersal. Spotted Hawkeye brings success to its owner even in the most risky situations. He protects him and helps him make a career.

Eye of the Tiger - a stone of different shades of orange and brown, translucent with a sheen. The tiger's eye is a wonderful energy keeper. This stone is able to take energy and transfer it to the owner, so the tiger's eye can instantly restore the lack of energy without suffering from it. As an amulet protects from competitors and jealousy.

Topaz - a stone of various color shades. There are colorless topazes, blue, blue, pink, purple. As a talisman, topaz brings wealth and recognition, stimulates ingenuity. Helps to win the favor and location of the environment. Gives honesty, objectivity, liberalism. As an amulet, topaz protects against damage, the "evil eye". Topaz is recommended to be taken with a person going on a trip. It is also believed that topaz heals nervous disorders, helps restore a weakened immune system, heals asthma, gout, insomnia and epilepsy. The most energetic among topazes are golden or honey topaz. Golden, or honey, topaz is a stone that helps its owner quickly respond to events and make the right decision. But golden topaz is not recommended to be worn all the time, it is not suitable for people with a weak will. Red topaz is a talisman for all unfortunate lovers. It helps to overcome melancholy, removes depression and attracts new love to its owner.

Tourmaline - a stone of pink, red, blue, green colors. Sometimes it is multi-colored. Tourmaline is a strong conductor of energy, but it should not be worn all the time, as it can disrupt a person's energy balance. Black tourmaline - schorl - opens the gift of foresight. This is the stone of the witches. Green tourmaline - verdelite - is able to concentrate energy in itself. It speeds up the processes of thinking. Pink tourmaline - rubellite - helps unfortunate lovers. Raspberry tourmaline is the talisman of people of art.

Fluorite - fluorspar - a translucent stone with a shimmering sheen. It can be any color of the spectrum. It promotes the development of intuition. The owner of such a stone can predict the future. Fluorite helps with headaches, stops bleeding, and is sometimes used to disinfect wounds.

Chalcedony - translucent, heterogeneous stone of different colors: white, gray, lilac, pink, red, green. Chalcedony is the basis for many minerals. This stone is purely feminine, as it is filled with creative energy. Its energy depends on the brightness. The larger it is, the more powerful the stone in its magical properties. This also takes into account the transparency of the stone. A muddy stone is not suitable for wearing, it will not bring anything good to its owner. Completely white chalcedony is recommended to be avoided. This is the most powerful stone, but at the same time, its power is not subject to many.

Chrysoberyl - a stone of dark green color, called "cat's eye". It was considered the amulet of all gamblers. Chrysoberyl helps with sore throats, colds and asthma.

Chrysolite - yellowish-green semi-precious stone. magical properties chrysolite have been known since ancient times. Jewelry with this stone (most often rings) was worn by many famous astrologers and soothsayers, as chrysolite reveals the ability to predict the future. Chrysolite is recommended to be worn by people with a shattered nervous system. It cures stuttering, relieves nightmares and brings restful sleep.

Chrysoprase - light green, transparent (chalcedony and opal) and translucent (chalcedony and quartz) stone. This stone is recommended to be worn by all young people, as it helps to find their place in life, determine the goal and achieve it. Green chrysoprase is the best talisman for business people. Chrysoprase with various inclusions should not be worn, transparent or homogeneous stones are better - they help a person. Chrysoprase helps with nervous and eye diseases.

Rhinestone - crystalline colorless quartz. It absorbs any energy and gives it to the owner. This stone helps to concentrate the will. As a talisman, rock crystal strengthens constancy, and worn as a necklace, it increases the flow of milk in a nursing mother. As an amulet, rock crystal relieves nightmares, improves the functioning of the gallbladder. Black crystal, or morion, is dark brown, almost black quartz. This stone is used when calling the souls of dead people. Smoky crystal - brown crystalline quartz of uneven transparency. This stone develops imagination. It is believed that it helps with the healing of drug addiction.

Zircon - transparent stone. It contributes to the development of the mental abilities of its owner, strengthens memory, increases intelligence. Zircon is the talisman of travelers, it protects against thieves and robbers.

Charoite - heterogeneous translucent purple stone with brown, black or white patches. Charoite has strong magical properties, as it was able to combine various colors in itself. But this is a very dangerous stone, so it is not recommended to carry it with you.

Spinel - Red stone. It helps with any action, so this stone should be worn by active people. Indecisive people should not wear this stone, in their hands it will lose its magical properties.

Amber is not a precious stone, but is used both as a talisman and as an amulet. Amber enhances intuition and helps a person in choosing a business partner. It is believed that amber helps cure many diseases. The succinic acid contained in it stimulates the nervous system, increases hemoglobin, and strengthens the heart muscle. In addition, amber can protect its owner from damage and the evil eye.

Jasper - an opaque stone of different colors. The most common is red and green jasper, sometimes it is bluish, orange, gray-violet, black, but never pure blue. As a talisman, jasper is suitable for all people associated with science. This stone reveals the gift of foresight, promotes concentration. Jasper is used in various magical rites. As an amulet, jasper helps with fever and epilepsy, improves memory, and restores strength.

jasper agate - a variety of jasper. This stone combines the properties of both stones. In addition, jasper-agate contributes to the development of abstract thinking.

    natural stones have tremendous healing power, nourishing a person with their the energy of stones. Each natural stone has its own properties, its own meaning. This will be discussed further.

    AVENTURINE- maintains a happy, joyful mood, good spirits, clarity of mind. The stone is the patron saint of travelers.

    AGATE- gives strength and eloquence, ensures health and longevity. Saves from poisons, sharpens eyesight, guards against accidents and accidents.

    AMAZONITE- strengthens the heart muscle, rejuvenates and improves skin color, helps with arthritis and rheumatism.

    AMETHYST(purple quartz) - used as a gift to loved ones. Saves from leprosy, inflammation of the eyes. The stone is the patron of family happiness, longevity, sobriety.

    BERYL(blue aquamarine, green emerald, golden yellow heliodor) - helps with back pain, colds and runny nose, harmonizes metabolic processes in the body.

    TURQUOISE- reconciles enmity, anger. Heals diseases of the eyes, stomach. Protects from poverty, providing the owner with success and prosperity. Relieves headache.

    VESUVIAN- pacifies anger, calms irritation, inspires cheerful good thoughts.

    JET- prevents convulsions, facilitates childbirth, reduces pain in gout, increases blood pressure.

    HEMATITE- Protects from poison, suffocation, contagious diseases. The stone is the patron of business people and artists. Stabilizes blood pressure.

    RHINESTONE(transparent quartz) - a stone with a higher axis of symmetry. Protects from deception, energizes the body.

    POMEGRANATE- heals wounds, extinguishes outbursts of anger, protects from the "evil eye". Stone of noble ladies.

    JADE- Protects from troubles, relieves stress.

    PEARL- gives women health, is useful for conjunctivitis, cholelithiasis, hypertension.

    COIL- protects the house from evil spirits, unkind people.

    EMERALD- a symbol of wisdom, purity, fidelity, balance, calmness and composure.

    QUARTZ-VOLOSATIK(quartz with rutile) - drives away sadness, gives the ability to predict the future, is an amulet in matters of the heart ("Cupid's arrow"). Brings wealth and prosperity.

    KYANITE- endows people with charm, attracts the sympathy of others to them.

    CORAL- activates metabolism, improves memory, neutralizes negativity - envy, anger.

    CORUNDUM(blue sapphire, red ruby, alexandrite) - helps in the treatment of the organs of vision, stabilizes pressure, relieves pain in osteochondrosis. It has a positive effect on the heart, spine and joints.

    LAPIS LAZULI- calms the nervous system, improves sleep. The stone is the patron saint of the winter months.

    MOONSTONE- softens people who are adamant and too self-confident. Symbol of dreams.

    MALACHITE- children's talisman, gives children health, protects from fear.

    MORION(black quartz) - helps to get rid of drug addiction, helps with heart attacks and strokes, has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system.

    NEPHRITIS- heals diseases of the kidneys.

    OBSIDIAN- removes damage, amulet against evil spirits.

    ONYX- Eliminates vile passions and irritations. In the east, it has long been considered a stone of good mood.

    OPAL- calms nerves, heart, eliminates sadness, melancholy.

    NACRE- has a stimulating and strengthening effect on the body.

    RHODONITE- tunes a person to love and understanding.

    RAUHTOPAZ(smoky quartz) - the most "energy" stone, relieves irritability, protects the owner from the evil eye and damage.

    RHODONITE- strengthens eyesight, helps with liver diseases.

    ROSE QUARTZ- children's amulet, treats eye diseases.

    RUBY- a stone dedicated to the Sun. This mineral has a special magical power, it is considered a stone of testing, energy possession.

    CORNELIAN(carnelian, sardonyx) - gives courage, causes love and sympathy. Protects from quarrels and disputes, eliminates nervous diseases. It is a “female stone”, the patron of motherhood.

    SYMBIRCITE- a sunny warm stone that gives its energy to the person who is its owner.

    SODALITE- will help to put things in order in thoughts, accurately determine priorities and stubbornly move towards the goal.

    EYE OF THE TIGER(feline, bovine, falcon) - protects the owner from all troubles. Preserves love, protects from treason, "evil eye" and "damage". Protects from bad dreams. Wealth stone.

    TOPAZ - the best remedy from colds and poisoning. Accelerates tissue regeneration, helps with insomnia and nervous exhaustion, relieves stress.

    TOURMALINE- strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic and immune systems of a person, removes negative energy, is considered a "stone of restful sleep."

    UNAKIT- unakite normalizes digestion, reduces appetite, and therefore helps in the treatment of obesity.

    FLUORITE- helps to streamline thoughts, increases the analytical abilities of a person.

    CHRYSOLITE(olivine) - heals from stomach pains, a friend of merchants and entrepreneurs.

    CHRYSOPRASE- a stone of successful businessmen, attracts admirers to women, protects from unrest.

    ZIRCON- an amulet for merchants, travelers, inspires courage and optimism in the owner.

    CITRINE(yellow quartz) - gives people born under the sign of "Leo" good luck, other cures diseases associated with metabolism in the body.

    CHAROIT- "energy stove", protects from radiation.

    SPINEL- a powerful stimulant of love and passion, nourishes the owner with vitality, rejuvenates the body.

    SHUNGIT- wonderfully purifies water, treats allergies, asthma and the effects of burns, skin diseases and joints.

    AMBER- an energy stone, a solar amulet of happiness and health. Helps the wearer to attract love.

    JASPER- treats nervous disorders, diseases of the stomach, cleanses the body of toxins.

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    The magical and healing properties of stones and minerals are mentioned in almost every system of alternative medicine. Crystals are endowed with healing power - and there is a lot of evidence for this. A vivid example is lithotherapy, where the healing properties of both semi-precious stones and ordinary minerals are actively used. In Feng Shui, each stone matters, and using the power of crystals correctly, you can improve your energy health.

    Mystical properties of precious and semi-precious stones


    Aventurine is a variety of quartz interspersed with other minerals that form peculiar scales in the thickness of the stone, reflecting light in their own way, while the crystal acquires a mysterious shimmer.

    The main property and meaning of aquamarine stone is the ability to discover the truth, especially in the sphere of feelings.

    Aventurine helps with various skin disorders, hair loss, eczema and peeling. A rounded aventurine stone can be used for non-contact facial massage to improve skin condition.

    It is claimed that the magical property of the aventurine stone is an aid in gambling. The stone brings good luck to the owner, and this is undeniable. However, in return, he makes a person irresponsible and relaxed, and such behavior, you see, can seriously damage the reputation of a businessman or public figure!

    Varieties of aventurine:

    Honey yellow aventurine brings good luck in money matters.

    Brown aventurine with a cherry tint improves health.

    Pink aventurine helps lovers.

    green aventurine with white and pink scales harmonizes relationships.

    Aventurine with golden stripes- the most rare variety- brings happiness to the owner.

    Aventurine is a very strong mineral, its action is unpredictable and changeable, so it is not recommended to constantly carry this stone with you.


    This banded mineral is formed from layers of differently colored chalcedony. Such stunningly beautiful stones have many useful properties.

    Agate strengthens self-confidence, gives strength for a decisive step, helps to make the right decision. The stone protects from heavy dreams and nightmares, allows you to get rid of fears in reality. This mineral helps to survive the loss, separation or betrayal of a loved one. It gives strength to live on and inspires hope for a favorable outcome.

    The healing properties of agate stone help in the fight against serious diseases, it alleviates the course of incurable and chronic diseases, and alleviates epilepsy attacks.

    Speaking about the magic of stones, the magical properties of agate can be traced in the fact that it helps to penetrate into the cherished desires of a person, to find that single string in the soul that will ring if you touch it.

    It is claimed that this stone has the property of attracting wealth. However, agate almost always has a balancing effect: money comes easily, but it also leaves the house easily.

    Varieties of agate:

    moss agate- the most common type - inspires optimism.

    Blue agate stimulates intellectual activity. Useful for the elderly.

    Eyed agate protects from the evil eye.

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    pink agate gives self-confidence.

    green agate dispels the negative impact, both internal (diseases, bad habits, base passions) and external.

    Brown agate maintains interest in you of the opposite sex.

    black agate used in mystical rituals.

    Amazing healing properties of stones and crystals

    The properties, meanings and photos of azurite and aquamarine stones are described below.


    This crystal is born on deposits of copper ores. Its role in spiritual practice is difficult to overestimate, because it opens up the possibility of a third eye to a person.

    The stone helps overcome communication barriers and strengthens psychological functions such as memory and attention. It sharpens the ability to perceive, enhances intuition.

    Azurite is used in Ayurvedic treatment of the spine. The stone facilitates the course of diseases of the joints, helps to cleanse the body, and normalizes the function of the thyroid gland.

    The magical properties of this crystal are used in various rituals, including those associated with the invocation of otherworldly entities.


    Aquamarine is the blue variety of beryl.

    Aquamarine gives you the willpower to work on yourself and to overcome difficult times. The stone improves mood, charges with vivacity and optimism, contributes to the friendly disposition of others.

    The value of this crystal in human life is travel assistance, protection from bad weather and robbers along the way.

    Aquamarine helps relieve toothache. Favorably affects the work of the liver and stomach.

    Psychics value aquamarine as an intermediary between the worlds. It allows you to discover other people's secrets, so it is often used in divination.

    Aquamarine should only be worn during daylight hours. Remember, however, that the less often you use it, the stronger its effect will be. If the crystal is worn constantly, its effect will extend not only to family members, but also to close friends and relatives.

    The value of stones and crystals in human life


    Speaking of magical and healing properties stones, it is impossible not to talk about the diamond - the king of stones. It combines best properties crystals: susceptibility, the ability to concentrate energy and be an intermediary. This is a transparent crystal, which, after cutting, acquires a specific brilliance and is called a diamond. Here we will not separate a diamond and a diamond according to their properties - both of them have a beneficial effect of approximately the same value.

    Diamond gives its owner confidence, faith in victory and determination. It contributes to a rational assessment of the situation, allows you to soberly weigh all the arguments and make the right decision. The stone favors wise deeds and brings happiness to those who follow the advice of reason.

    The magical and healing properties of this stone are as follows: a diamond brings recognition to the owner and increases his authority in the eyes of others. He awakens noble feelings: mercy, respect for elders, respect for a woman.

    The healing properties of this gem also lie in the fact that the diamond strengthens the body's defenses and stimulates the immune system. It has a cleansing effect, so it is considered useful for people undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

    A diamond can warn the danger that threatens the owner. If you feel a burning sensation at the point of contact of the stone with the skin or pay attention to the fact that your health worsens in those minutes when you carry a diamond with you, regard this as an alarm. Think carefully about where you might be in danger!

    Diamond is very demanding on the spiritual qualities of a person. This pure stone with strong energy will not tolerate an envious, weak or snobby person near it. In this case, the energy vibrations of the crystal will create dissonance in contact with the human energy field, which can lead to a streak of failure and even illness.

    Diamond is a strong and independent crystal that does not tolerate other gems near itself. Even if there are several diamonds in one piece of jewelry, they can fill it with negativity. When purchasing such an ornament, make sure that its energy does not cause tension in you.


    Amazonite is a type of feldspar that has been used as a talisman since antiquity.

    Amazonite strengthens family relationships, brings harmony to them and helps to smooth out even the most serious conflicts. The properties of this talisman stone perfectly help with depression, returning interest in life, optimism and confidence in the future.

    The stone gives calm confidence, regularity of life.

    Amazonite is especially useful for a family woman - he turns her into the goddess of the hearth and family!

    Amazonite is used in lithotherapy when working with bones and joints. It helps to slow down and weaken diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis.

    Amazonite massage sphere helps relieve swelling, prevents varicose veins, helps restore the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

    Amazonite is a capricious crystal that does not endow everyone with its favor. If other crystals are in better contact with people elevated and noble, the reasons for the positive or negative attitude of the amazonite towards the owner cannot be understood. If you decide to purchase this crystal, be sure to repeatedly check how friendly it is to you.

    The mystical properties of this stone are that amazonite returns youth. Of course, this is not a rejuvenating apple, but the rejuvenating effect is manifested primarily in the behavior of a person: he acquires his former vigor!

    Stones and minerals with magical and healing properties


    Amethyst is dyed purple(from pale to deep black) a variety of quartz. In the quartz group, it is the most valuable crystal.

    Where amethyst comes, peace reigns. This is a crystal of positive emotions, joy and good fortune. It invigorates, improves mood, inspires creativity and work.

    Amethyst has a calming effect. At night, it is placed under the pillow so that nightmares do not occur and fears recede.

    The crystal helps restore power over feelings. It softens anger, weakens aggression, brings harmony into relationships.

    Amethyst is a very powerful healing crystal. Purposeful use of it can improve the condition of almost any organ, but its effect is best on the endocrine and nervous systems. This stone is also used to restore the body after stress.

    There is a legend that explains the mystical properties of amethyst. In ancient times, the nymph Amethis rejected the love of the god Dionysus (he, admittedly, was not handsome). The nymph loved the shepherd. Succumbing to jealousy, Dionysus wanted to seize the nymph by force, but then the protector goddess Artemis intervened. Rescuing Amethys from dishonor, she turned her into a pure crystal. Since then, amethyst has been protecting against intoxication.

    Amethyst normalizes the endocrine system, helps restore hormonal balance, and is used to cleanse the body of toxins.

    Amethyst does not tolerate a gold frame. To enhance the influence of this crystal, use silver.

    Non-contact massage with amethyst crystals helps smooth wrinkles and remove freckles.

    The mystical properties of this gemstone are due to the fact that amethyst is the strongest protective crystal. Its main function in magic is protection from other people's witchcraft, screening of the room during divination and mystical rituals.

    If this stone is used as an amulet, it will protect against unscrupulous colleagues and competitors.


    This amazing crystal, which has a peculiar brilliance, was associated by the ancient priests with the element of water. In rituals, when it was not possible to use water, it was replaced with apophyllite.

    The stone provides balance, helps well with divination and prediction.

    Apophyllite helps to establish a balance between soul and body, material and spiritual, external and internal.

    Representing the symbol of the Element of Water, the stone helps fight the heat. It is used at high temperature, and also as an auxiliary crystal for any inflammatory diseases.

    This stone, which has magical properties, protects from the evil eye and damage, acts as a talisman. Due to its distinctive property - stratification into plates when heated - this stone is used in divination rituals. By the number and properties of the plates, you can determine the future or get an answer to a question of interest.

    The healing power of stones and crystals

    Now it's time to talk about the magical and healing properties of such stones and minerals as aragonite and beryl.


    Aragonite is a type of calcium carbonate. In another way, it is also called the iron flower.

    Aragonite helps to cope with stress, quickly restore strength, focus and concentrate efforts on solving one problem.

    This is an active crystal that allows you to overcome laziness and passivity. It encourages action and arouses interest in life.

    Aragonite restores sexual function, increases potency, and normalizes the functions of the urinary tract.

    The magical properties of this natural stone lie in the fact that aragonite creates a favorable environment in the house, brings quiet family happiness. The stone contributes to the full upbringing of children, protects them from external dangers.

    Aragonite has an intense effect on relationships in a married couple, so it is recommended to use it only for married women and married men.


    This clear, transparent crystal can take on a wide variety of colors - from light blue to yellow.

    Beryl stimulates mental activity, promotes flexibility of thinking, pushes for original solutions. For a short time, it can help the owner to concentrate as much as possible, while revealing all internal resources.

    This crystal has an amazing motivational power: it helps a person overcome laziness and get down to business.

    The golden variety of beryl helps in the treatment of eye diseases.

    If beryl is immersed in water overnight, a healing infusion will be obtained, which can be used to remove stones from the kidneys, cleanse the body and treat various diseases of the genitourinary system.

    Beryl is one of the most suitable crystals for creating a personal amulet. It is able to concentrate a huge supply of energy, enhance the energy of a person and at the same time can be easily personalized.

    The stone absorbs negative energy, transforming it into beneficial. It is used to protect, attract good luck and fulfill wishes.

    Due to the bright properties of a conductor and intermediary, beryl is often used in divination.

    Stone magic: the mystical properties of talisman stones


    Turquoise is very sensitive to external influences. This natural mineral should be protected from surfactant liquids, heat, and acids.

    Turquoise improves mood, contributes to the achievement of harmony - both internal, with oneself, and external, with others. This stone helps to look at the situation from the other side, which is sometimes very useful for finding a solution.

    It is believed that turquoise serves as an indicator of the wearer's state of health. If it fades, it acquires a shade that is not characteristic of it, therefore, it has already drawn too much harmful energy from the owner and cannot cope with protection. In such cases, it is recommended to perform a rite of purification and rejuvenation of turquoise and seriously take care of your health!

    Contemplation of turquoise improves eyesight.

    Turquoise has protective properties. It removes negative energy, protects from evil forces.


    Rock crystal - a kind of quartz, colorless and with a special luster. Otherwise, this mineral is called Arabic diamond.

    Rock crystal helps to calm down and relax, gives control over emotions. This is a natural regulator of emotional states, which effectively extinguishes both negative outbursts and too strong positive ones (for example, rock crystal will not let you fall in love without a memory, but will help maintain an outlook on the situation independent of the emotional mood).

    The mineral enhances the intensity of brain activity, helps to make the right decision, not to be scattered over trifles.

    Massage with rock crystal spheres allows you to relieve tension in the muscles, promotes the resorption of edema, and helps with varicose veins.

    This mineral is used for all types of pulmonary disorders and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

    Rock crystal is used as a store of positive energy. It is charged with a good mood, good intentions and pleasant memories, so that it becomes a source of positive energy in moments when a person is in dire need of support. In addition, rhinestone helps to make dreams come true.

    Stones and crystals with magical properties


    These rich dark red crystals are often shaped like a pomegranate fruit. Garnets can be called a whole group of crystals, including opaque ones, but usually only transparent crystals of a juicy plum red color are included here.

    Pomegranate enhances the strong-willed qualities of the owner, and above all those that are directed outward. These are organizational and oratory skills, personnel management skills, charisma and the ability to lead.

    The crystal gives the owner an intuitive perception of the feelings of others. As a result, a person begins to better understand people, to guess when they are honest and when they lie.

    It is believed that grenades take away pain. To do this, it is enough to hold the crystal over the sore spot for several minutes.

    Pomegranate strengthens the immune system, stimulates defensive forces organism. The stone helps to restore damaged tissues, cuts heal faster under its influence, and recovery after surgery is more efficient.

    Garnet is very receptive to the owner's personal qualities. He himself is clean and transparent and requires the same (morally) from the owner. The crystal will not bring good luck to envious people, loafers and people who are promiscuous in the choice of means to achieve the goal.

    Pomegranate helps to achieve your goal. The stone enhances the owner's passionate desires, pushing him to action.


    Emerald is a gemstone of the highest class. In esoteric practice, he rightfully occupies one of the first places. Psychological properties

    Emerald is a symbol of true love. It brings harmony to the relationship between a man and a woman.

    Emerald maintains harmony in the human soul. It calms, but at the same time gives strength to continue the struggle.

    There is a belief that the emerald sparkles brighter from sincere and true love, and when betrayed, it breaks.

    This stone is especially beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

    Emerald is a powerful protective crystal. The magical properties of this gemstone lie in the fact that it protects from evil witchcraft, failures and misfortunes, the evil eye and damage. This stone has the ability to attract wealth and enhance the effect of other talismans.

    Emerald is a contact crystal. It allows you to turn to the unconscious person, where sometimes the true reasons for his actions are hidden. The unconscious mechanisms of information processing are not at all similar to logical thinking, so often there you can find answers to questions that a conscious person cannot answer. Emerald helps to penetrate through the thickness of time, so it is used in a wide variety of divination rituals.


    Calcite, or calcite, is a very common mineral. In its pure form (colorless), it is rare. The impurities contained in it color it in different tones.

    Calcite improves mood, stimulates personal growth and spiritual self-improvement.

    The stone has unique cleansing properties. It eases the course of diseases gastrointestinal tract. Pyramids from this crystal have a particularly beneficial effect.

    Due to its esoteric properties, this stone removes the effects of negative influences, including witchcraft, corruption and the evil eye. This is a crystal of light, so it is used exclusively in the rites of white magic. Calcite crystals are also used for meditation and relaxation.

    Varieties of calcite:

    Icelandic spar- a rare transparent variety of calcite. Clears the mind.

    Orange uplifts the mood, gives happiness and well-being.

    Green helps to establish a trusting relationship, opens the soul of the interlocutor.

    Dairy is ideal for divination and meditation.

    Blue helps to relax and fully relax.


    Quartz is a colorless (sometimes it can have various shades) transparent stone with magical properties that creates large natural crystals. This stone is highly receptive to the wearer's energy and malleable to work with, making it a versatile tool in both healing and psychic practice.

    Quartz is the perfect crystal for creating a personal talisman, customized exclusively for you.

    It is a crystal of balance. It helps to equalize the male and female principles, resolve internal conflicts, and establish harmony in the house.

    Quartz can relieve pain, and this stone is not necessarily used by the healer - you can use its power yourself. To relieve pain, a quartz crystal is moved over the sore spot in slow circular motions (contact with the skin is desirable, but not necessary). Imagine how a golden or greenish radiance emanates from the crystal, which penetrates the tissues, soothing pain and restoring damaged organs. Such an exercise may not help the first time, but after a few trainings you will master this simple art.

    The energy properties of this stone allow quartz to act as an intermediary not only between two people. It can become a transmitter of energy from a person to another crystal. This property of quartz is actively used in the purification and charging of crystals that are more resistant to exposure.

    Quartz enhances the wearer's intuition and psychic abilities.

    Varieties of quartz:

    Transparent mountain quartz- the universal crystal which is easily giving in to programming.

    rose quartz enhances romantic feelings, affection and intimacy.

    Light Green Quartz encourages outdoor activities. Under its influence, a person begins to organize his time more rationally.

    blue quartz relaxes, helps to overcome fear, anxiety and other negative experiences.

    lemon quartz strengthens health and enhances the protective functions of the body.

    milky quartz fills the house with peace.

    The magical properties of precious and semi-precious stones


    This opaque mineral of all shades of green is revered in China as a stone of life. It is difficult to find another stone that would have such a multifaceted and beneficial effect on a person.

    Jade evokes emotions, especially warm feelings between two close hearts, whether they are lovers or friends.

    The stone gives wisdom and slowness, which will contribute to making an informed decision. He comes to the rescue when the situation seems hopeless, and prompts to look at the problem from different angles, which in the end leads to a good result.

    It is impossible to imagine a healing practice without the use of jade. This stone has a complex beneficial effect on the body, normalizing physiological processes. It strengthens the body by strengthening the immune system.

    The mineral helps with diseases of the kidneys, liver and pancreas.

    Contemplation of jade helps to protect the eyes from overwork. If you put this stone on your eyelids for a few minutes, it will help restore good vision.

    Due to the protective properties of this stone, jade is perfect for the role of a talisman-amulet.


    Layered, with parallel stripes, chalcedony is called onyx. These minerals have been used in magical and healing practices since ancient times. It is believed that the thinner the stripes, the more valuable the stone. Onyxes make a special impression, in which milky matte layers alternate with dark opaque ones. These are truly magical stones!

    Onyx enhances the leadership qualities of a person, including the ability to manage, oratorical talents, rationality and the ability to think through one's actions many moves ahead.

    The most amazing properties of this stone are that onyx helps to overcome stress, depression or grief.

    Onyx is used to treat many diseases. It has a general strengthening effect on the body, enhances its natural defenses, stimulates metabolism.

    The stone helps to relieve diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, smoothes wrinkles and helps fight cellulite.

    There is a belief that onyx gives power over the elements.

    Magical and energetic properties of natural stones


    This unusual and impressive mineral comes in a wide variety of colors. Its main difference is the ability to opalescent, that is, to create places of accumulation of light in the thickness of the mineral. Such an amazing stone attracted the attention of mystics in ancient times.

    The mineral helps to control feelings, allows you to overcome a series of negative experiences. The stone heals depression and blues, relieves fears and nightmares.

    Opal has been endowed with universal healing qualities since ancient times. In order to use the healing properties of this crystal, it was left overnight in water, receiving a healing infusion in the morning.

    If you always carry the opal with you, it will help protect against colds.

    Opal contemplation improves eyesight, lowers blood pressure and helps to achieve peace.

    In mystical practices, opal reveals the gift of prophecy, helps to predict the future.

    It is believed that this stone protects love and punishes unfaithful lovers.

    Opal varieties:

    White, translucent opal with opalescence in light blue tones enhances the imagination, helps creative self-realization.

    black opal with reflections of purple, blue, green and red "flames" enhances intuition and the ability to predict the future.

    fire opal awakens passions and helps to revive the fire of love, even if it has almost died out.

    royal opal with a mosaic pattern helps to solve mysteries.


    This transparent, pure, saturated scarlet color with a purple tint is called the king of gems. Such crystals are intended for strong people, they will not obey those who do not control themselves.

    Ruby gives peace, helps to balance emotions, brings good luck and happiness. This stone brings harmony to interpersonal relationships, restores relationships in married couples, and allows you to save a marriage.

    There is a belief that the ruby ​​can warn the owner of impending trouble - in such cases, the stone changes color.

    This is a powerful source of energy, it helps to restore strength, replenish wasted energy.

    Ruby governs the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. It normalizes blood pressure, promotes rapid healing of wounds.

    Magical properties: ruby ​​gives power over other creatures.

    Esoteric and protective properties of stones


    Sapphire is a strong, influential crystal. He is revered as a symbol of the vault of heaven, spiritual growth and comprehension of God.

    The stone enhances the positive qualities of a person, and above all spiritual ones: devotion, chastity, modesty. It helps to gather all the forces before the decisive test.

    Sapphire creates a protective cocoon around the wearer.

    This crystal gives power over blood: it can stop bleeding, and the wound itself under the influence of sapphire will heal faster.

    Sapphire gives its owner "secret power". This is a complex concept, consisting of a whole complex of simple ones. It implies a synthesis of a deep understanding of the essence of a person, his actions and character, supported by intuition and cold reason. As a result, the owner of the sapphire gets the opportunity to control others, based on their desires.


    Tourmalines are a whole group of crystals, and their colors vary over a very wide range. This is not surprising, because in Sinhala "turmali" means "multi-colored magic crystal."

    The stone helps to reveal talent, stimulates the imagination, allows you to bring a creative idea to life.

    Tourmaline normalizes the endocrine system.

    The crystal has a healing effect on the body, but the nature of the effect depends on the color of the stone.

    Tourmalines are perfect for mascots.

    Varieties of tourmaline:

    Pink tourmaline awakens creative forces. In addition, he, like many other pink stones, holds together a warm relationship between a man and a woman.

    Green tourmaline protects from external negative influences. Considered a magnet for money. Strengthens the immune system, stimulates the protective functions of the body.

    blue tourmaline used to clear the mind. This crystal is very good for meditation as well. It allows you to remember large amounts of information.

    Blue tourmaline- healing crystal. It helps to remove nervous tension even in its most severe manifestations.

    Black tourmaline considered a witch crystal. Often used in magical rites.


    Celestine is a rare crystal. He is able to set the owner in a sublime way.

    The stone has a huge resource of energy, which he generously shares with the owner.

    Celestine is especially useful in relieving a wide variety of eye and ear ailments.

    Helps cleanse the body of toxins.

    The crystal is used by adherents of the mystical practice of "astral navigation". According to their idea, celestine helps to penetrate into the astral. This mystical stone enhances clairvoyance and prophetic abilities, brings prophetic dreams.

    Healing properties of precious and semi-precious stones


    The color of these crystals varies from honey to lemon.

    The stone enhances the sixth sense, helps to penetrate the thoughts of other people, therefore it is deservedly considered a crystal of psychologists and predictors.

    Citrine promotes success in the financial sector, patronizes those who dare to take risks in business.

    Citrine is perhaps the first mineral to be used in alternative medicine.

    It helps to heal diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the state of the body as a whole, promotes proper metabolism.

    In mystical terms, citrine is an insidious and unpredictable crystal.

    On the one hand, it acts as a talisman, protecting the owner from unscrupulous partners and evil tongues. The stone helps protect against poisonous creatures.

    On the other hand, citrine is called the crystal of scammers. They say that thieves and various swindlers who carry this stone with them are incredibly lucky! In addition, citrine helps gamblers and pushes them to new game, which, in the end, will become ruinous.


    Jasper is a highly polluted silica. It is thanks to this imperfection - veins and inclusions - that this stone has gained recognition in alternative medicine and magical practice. The heterogeneity of the material allows jasper to accumulate energy and direct it along the cracks, as along the channels. Such a natural movement of stone energy is akin to the flow of beneficial qi energy on the surface of the earth, and the similarity of processes allows them to be connected in mystical practice.

    The properties of jasper minerals vary significantly depending on the color and nature of the inclusions.

    Varieties of jasper:

    yellow jasper with patterned inclusions creates a protective barrier around the wearer.

    Pale yellow jasper helps to establish friendships with others.

    red jasper beneficial effect on the circulatory and cardiovascular system.

    green jasper helps in healing diseases.

    sand jasper softens passions, balances feelings and brings harmony to the world around.

    pink jasper with ring patterns enhances attractiveness, helps to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

    Pink patterned jasper awakens the true essence, helps to realize oneself in one's favorite business.

    Natural stones are amazing healers

    Since ancient times, people have known that natural stones, in addition to their bewitching and pure beauty, have powerful magical and healing properties. Each stone has a specific meaning and connection with a person. Properly selected natural stone can bring you happiness and good luck, improve your physical and mental state, improve your health, fill your life with positive energy. When buying silver or gold jewelry with natural stones, it is very important to know about the individual properties of a particular stone.

    Pomegranate - a stone of love and passion

    In jewelry, garnet is most often used in a dark red hue. Garnet jewelry has an exquisite look, fascinates with its beauty and charm.

    Garnet has very strong magical properties. First of all, it is a stone of love and strong feelings. The stone is able to amuse the heart, attract happy love, enhance the feelings of lovers. Products with garnets are advised to give to loved ones, friends - this only enhances the magic of the stone.

    Pomegranate is able to invigorate the soul, drive away sorrows and worries, attract the owner a large charge of energy and optimism, and cheer up. Wearing jewelry with pomegranate can cause a creative upsurge, increased activity, cheerfulness. If you want to feel a surge of energy in your life, this stone will be a real find for you. If, on the contrary, you want to rest or relax, it is recommended to remove the jewelry and not wear it for several days.

    The healing properties of the stone are not inferior in their benefits. Since ancient times, products with pomegranate were worn in order to protect themselves from wounds and illnesses. It was even believed that the stone was able to stop bleeding. And now, with modern medicine, the stone has not lost its popularity as a natural healer. Pomegranate is known for its properties to relieve headaches, reduce fever, help with sore throat, cough, bronchitis. This is surprising, but the stone tends to eliminate inflammatory processes, improves immunity, stimulates blood circulation, promotes rapid healing of wounds and cuts.

    Pomegranate helps with diseases of the pelvic organs, stabilizes the hormonal system, increases sexuality. It is also recommended that products with pomegranates be worn by pregnant women, they will give strength and energy to the body, help reduce pain and ensure a safe birth.

    Topaz is a stone of peace of mind and spiritual growth.

    No one can remain indifferent to the pure, natural beauty of topaz. In jewelry, topaz is most often used in a delicate blue hue. This transparent stone attracts with its heavenly beauty, lightness and naturalness. The internal play of light of natural topaz can be observed endlessly.

    Topaz has a subtle energy and a special connection with a person. This stone helps a person achieve peace of mind, brings goodness and harmony to life. It is believed that topaz develops intuition, helps to make the right decisions, and easily get out of difficult situations. It has long been believed that this is a holy stone that promotes spiritual growth and enlightenment. Natural topaz has powerful protective properties. It can be used as an amulet that will protect against evil eye, negative influences and influences.

    Topaz brings happiness and true enjoyment of life to its owner, helps to pacify dangerous passions and negative emotions, such as anger, hatred, helps to overcome fear. This amazing stone encourages its owner to do good deeds, friendliness and helps to win over the environment. It is a stone of sincere friendship and pure intentions. A stone of peace and tranquility.

    Jewelry with topaz will be useful to you when traveling, especially if it is a sea voyage. It is not for nothing that this stone has always been called the "traveler's stone", because it is able to calm the storm and pacify nature.

    Topaz helps to treat nervous disorders, depression, improves sleep, relieves nightmares. It is also known that topaz has long been used as a remedy for poisoning. In addition, it helps to treat diseases of the liver, spleen and gallbladder. Increases sensitivity to food, exacerbates the taste.

    Wear jewelry with topaz and for prevention colds to boost immunity.

    For a woman, this stone is a symbol of beauty, for a man - a symbol of wisdom.

    Amethyst - a stone of sincerity and fidelity

    Amethyst was loved to wear at all times. And this is not strange, because the owner of jewelry with amethyst gets real pleasure and enjoyment from the beauty of this stone. Natural amethyst has a purple hue, which can change depending on the lighting, temperature, angle of inclination. The stone is sensitive to weather conditions, once it was even believed that by carefully observing the shade of the stone, you can predict the weather. If the stone has darkened, expect rain; if, on the contrary, it has brightened, expect sunny weather. Jewelry with amethyst will adequately decorate both an evening dress and will delight you every day.

    Amethyst is a stone of fidelity. It is believed that the one who wears this stone can be completely confident in his chosen one, in the loyalty and sincerity of his feelings. The stone promotes family well-being and harmony in relationships between lovers.

    This stone drives away evil thoughts, mental anxieties, fills the aura with pure light and encourages a person to good intentions. It is even believed that amethyst is able to clean the room in which its owner is located, and environment from negative energy. If you want to fill your life with harmony and happiness, be sure to purchase jewelry with this stone. But remember, amethyst is not advised to be worn all the time, periodically remove the jewelry. It is recommended to wear this stone in a silver frame - then it will fully reveal its charms to the owner.

    Amethyst strengthens friendships, has a positive effect on business meetings, negotiations, helps to resolve conflict situations and reach mutual understanding.

    It has long been believed that amethyst is a stone of youth. Women wore this stone because they believed that it smoothes wrinkles, makes the skin soft and even, the face is fresh and radiant.

    Amethyst helps in the treatment of mental disorders, improves memory, improves intelligence. It is also an excellent assistant in the treatment of skin diseases.

    Since ancient times, amethyst has gained popularity as a stone from alcohol addiction and drunkenness. Even when translated from Greek, "amethystos" translates as "not drunk." It is believed that if you drink water infused with amethyst, you can overcome addiction to alcohol.

    Citrine is a stone of light and joy

    Citrine is a bewitching stone of yellow, golden, with an orange tint, hue. Already looking at the stone, there is an association with the warm sun. Undoubtedly, this solar stone falls in love at first sight. Citrine looks beautiful in both gold and silver jewelry, filling them with warm light.

    Citrine is a stone of joy and sunny mood, a stone of positive mood. It is able to absorb the warm energy of the sun and give it to its owner. This stone will fill you with light and joy, warmth and kindness. His abilities have become especially relevant in our time, when a person simply needs additional energy and nourishment. This stone helps fight chronic fatigue syndrome, depression. Filling a person from the inside with sunlight, citrine gives its owner a charge of vivacity and energy.

    Citrine helps to improve family relationships. It activates mental activity, helps in work, study. This stone also has a positive effect on concentration, helps to focus. Citrine brings good luck in all matters and undertakings.

    Citrine is believed to be a powerful purifier. It cleanses the skin and helps remove toxins.

    Also, products with citrine can be a great gift for creative people, as well as for travelers.

    Chrysolite - a powerful amulet

    Chrysolite is a natural transparent stone of a green hue. Jewelry with this stone acquire a sophisticated, refined beauty. Sometimes it even seems that this stone is for the elite.

    In ancient times, chrysolite was worn as a protective amulet, which was believed to drive away demons. People also believed that this stone gives the gift of predictions and helps to foresee the future.

    Nowadays, products with chrysolite will become an excellent amulet and protection from envy, the evil eye, and other negative influences. They say that the stone will help show its owner the right path and protect him from unreasonable acts. This stone is even considered to be a talisman for people who administer justice (lawyers, judges, for example) - as it directs a person to the right actions and making the right decisions. Also, the stone increases intelligence and develops memory.

    it powerful amulet, which will protect against fires, disasters, bad luck, various dangers, injuries. Chrysolite will be an excellent helper for insomnia and nightmares, will bring pleasant dreams.

    It is also believed that chrysolite is the guardian of the family hearth, brings comfort to the house, peace to the family.

    This stone also has medicinal properties - it is used for diseases of the cardiovascular system, for pain in the stomach and kidneys.

    Rauchtopaz - a stone of peace and tranquility

    Rauchtopaz is a natural stone of a brown smoky shade. Such a mysterious unique coloring brought the stone great popularity among millions of women, jewelry with rauchtopaz is beautiful and elegant, has a special charm.

    In ancient times, rauchtopaz was considered one of the most powerful stone in terms of its magical properties. There is evidence that it was used in magical rituals. Eastern sages believed that with its help you can achieve the highest state of trance - nirvana. It was believed that this stone is able to remove all negative energy from the human body.

    And now they believe that the stone has special magical properties and influence on a person. They say it relieves the psychological state. This stone relieves irritability and stress, removes negative emotions, relieves anger, hatred, envy, resentment. It has a calming and pacifying effect, balances the human psyche.

    They say that if you put rauchtopaz under the pillow, a person will see prophetic dreams.

    The stone has an analgesic effect, relieves spasms. It has a positive effect on the function of the adrenal glands, kidneys. Increases libido, has a beneficial effect on reproductive function.

It is hardly necessary to explain to anyone what chakras are. In short, chakras are important concepts in Hinduism, Buddhism, and many other religious, philosophical, medical, and spiritual practices. These are 7 main points located along the human spine, in which there are centers of power or human energy centers. Translated from Sanskrit, "chakra" means "wheel", more precisely - a spinning wheel. This idea of ​​human nature has very ancient roots. Moreover, most of the people on earth are followers of this theory.

Each chakra has its own color, remembering the sequence of colors from bottom to top (from earth to space) is very simple, these are the colors of the solar spectrum and the rainbow: to every about hotnik and does h nat G de With goes f azan - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple. Chakras correspond to 7 notes. The lower chakras in humans are the same as in animals - they are responsible for the energy of life. The upper chakras are responsible for the spiritual development of a person. The meaning and impact on a person of precious stones and crystals depend on their color in accordance with the color of certain chakras. Color is the universal language of the universe and its way of referring to the function of things through color. The chakras are the key to understanding the meaning of the stones.

MULADHARA- red, element - Earth. The energy of life, the instinct of survival, the instinct of procreation. It is also called the root or base chakra. It is located approximately in the region of the coccyx. Responsible for the amount of physical energy. The energy of this chakra blocks the feeling of fear, as well as disappointment, resentment, low self-esteem.

Crystals - ruby, garnet, obsidian, coral and other stones of red and brown colors.

SWADHISHTANA- orange, element - Water. Sexual desires, joy of life, pleasures of the material world, creative energy - everything that brings pleasure and joy to a person. It is located between the pubic part and the navel. Blocks the chakra of guilt, addiction, the consequences of shocks and injuries.

Crystals - carnelian, amber, sun stones, tiger's eye, orange calcite, topaz, jasper.

MANIPURA- yellow, element - Fire. Power, freedom, confidence, intelligence, wealth. It is located in the area of ​​the solar plexus. Spiritual evolution begins from this chakra. Blocks the chakra feeling of anger, anxiety, confusion. It is also called the solar or solar chakra.

Crystals - amber, yellow tourmaline, citrine, topaz, fluorite, and also gold.

ANAHATA- green, element - Air. Loyalty, love, compassion, kindness. Heart chakra of love. The middle chakra of spiritual development. This is the center through which we love, feel connected to all living things and receive healing. Envy, jealousy, difficulty in making decisions block the chakra.

Crystals - aventurine. rose quartz, emerald, jade, peridot, turquoise, malachite.

VISHUDDHA- blue. Element - Ether. Self-expression. creation. Throat chakra of harmony. Good and bad are seen as parts of a single whole. Responsible for the truth, accepting responsibility, blocked by lies, cruelty, isolation, alienation.

Crystals - celestine, aquamarine, chrysoprase, turquoise, sapphire.

AJNA- blue. Element - Light. Intuition, the highest level of consciousness, wisdom, the ability to visualize and understand mental phenomena Located between the eyebrows - the third eye. Responsible for illumination. Blocking with illusions, grief, hidden anger.

Crystals - lapis lazuli, fluorite, indigo tourmaline.

SAHASRARA- violet. Element - metal. Accession to space, liberation. Also called the crown chakra. Crown. It is blocked by low aspirations, earthly material attachments, passions and desires. According to other ideas, Sahasrara is a white chakra, which is a white lotus, consisting of all the colors of the spectrum. In this case, the 2 chakras below turn from blue to blue, from blue to purple. Or the type of chakras in a more spiritually developed person passes into such a phase.

Depending on these ideas, Sahasrara crystals can be like purple stones - amethyst, charoite. So is the main crystal - diamond, as well as quartz crystals, celestine and pearls.

Crystals help in working with weak chakras. Wearing a ruby, for example, enhances the flow of energy, but an excess of energy makes a strong and energetic person too impulsive, pushing him to rash acts and to fatal passions. If you are depressed, the orange chakra, which is responsible for the joy of life, does not work well enough. Wearing orange stones will bring back optimism. Well suited for this purpose, for example, carnelian - you can read more about it in the article. At the same time, overly cheerful orange stones can turn men into frivolous womanizers. And so on. Sometimes everything seems to be fine, a person is developed physically and spiritually - but he lacks communication skills, the ability to express his thoughts and feelings. He begins to take offense or, God forbid, scandal, although it is enough for him to simply discuss the situation. There will be less misunderstandings in your life if you develop the throat chakra. Blue crystals will come to the rescue. When we consciously choose and wear the right pebble or jewelry with a stone, designate and think about our problem, we are already working on ourselves, changing our life and making it more harmonious.

Jewelry stones talismans have a wide variety. Almost every stone has its own meaning, and among the huge number of varieties, you can even find inexpensive options for creating jewelry and amulets.

In the article:

The magical meaning of jewelry stones is a whole science that has passed through millennia. Despite the huge number of varieties, most in one form or another was known to people in antiquity. Our ancestors had a habit of noticing even the smallest details, systematizing them and understanding the impact of each thing on a person and others.

Jewelry stones, due to their rarity and beauty, became objects of much closer attention. At the same time, it cannot be said that expensive jewelry is stronger than cheap and common - each stone has its own characteristics.


Aquamarine is a clear, aquamarine stone often found in jewelry stores. It is easy to buy jewelry with it in any region of the country.

Aquamarine amulets are ideal for sailors. They will protect you while swimming and remind you of your family. In addition, a talisman with such a sea mineral will help to find out the truth about the events taking place around. This is a stone of those who wish to skillfully balance between the emotional and rational mindset.

Aquamarine blocks thoughts of breaking laws - both human and magical. With it, you can find out if you are going to be deceived. The mineral also helps those who quit smoking, drinking and using drugs. You will gain courage, courage and self-confidence. Aquamarine is well suited for travel (especially marine) and those whose work is related to science and research.


A fragile stone that changes color depending on the lighting will help you learn in advance about future troubles. In ancient times, alexandrite was considered a stone of prophecy, so it can serve as a good talisman for fortune-tellers and those who wish to develop their intuition. But it helps and does not harm only people who have willpower.

The mineral can subjugate weak-willed people and constantly get into trouble. But if you pass the tests of alexandrite with honor, he will reward you with well-deserved success in any endeavor.

This mineral can make you more reasonable and balanced. If you lack these qualities, choose it to create an amulet. But wearing one stone is undesirable, pick up a set of jewelry.


A diamond, or diamond, is one of the most expensive stones in the world. It differs from the rest not only in cost, but also in durability. Jewelry with a diamond is the dream of every girl, but few people know that a very strong amulet can be made from it.

For it to work, the mineral must be taken without someone's advice and bought without trying to drop the price. The greatest power lies in diamonds, handed down from mother to daughter, from grandmother to granddaughter. These stones are very popular for creating tribal talismans, but they can lose their power if an inveterate sinner wears the amulet.

Diamonds help restore youth and health, enhance hearing and vision. They protect against the attack of animals, witchcraft and evil forces. If you want to gain confidence, courage and luck, choose a diamond as an amulet. Spiritual development is what its owner always strives for.


Amethyst is most often colored in all shades of purple. Its translation from ancient Greek means "sober", so it is believed that the amethyst talisman is needed for those who quit drinking or want to get drunk less for festive table and not have alcohol-related problems.

Amethyst was often worn by widows as a sign of eternal love for the deceased spouse, as this mineral symbolizes pure love, loyalty and devotion. An amulet from it will protect your relationship from quarrels and betrayals. The ancient Sumerians believed that amethyst could evoke loving feelings for the giver of this stone, making it a good option for a gift to your loved one that will always remind them of you.

If you have not been able to get pregnant for a long time, choose an amethyst charm. Sometimes it even helps infertile women.

The setting in which you place the amethyst matters. Silver will contribute to the establishment of friendly and business contacts, and gold will give energy balance and harmony in everything. Magicians appreciate amethyst for its ability to develop the inner, hidden abilities of people and help in gaining wisdom.


Ametrine is polychrome and combines citrine and amethyst in its composition. But by combining two stones that have different meaning in magic, this mineral is used for completely different purposes.

It is a symbol of peace, balance and harmony. Medieval courtiers made charms from ametrine, which allowed them to achieve the location of superior persons. This is true even today, because a lot can depend on the attitude of the authorities. At the same time, the stone protects against any violence and coercion, helps to resolve any conflict not only with others, but also with oneself.

Ametrine was valued by magicians and alchemists of all times and peoples. The ancient Indians, with its help, turned to the gods in order to avoid bloody battles and resolve the conflict between the tribes of the world. Ametrine is a stone to end war. He calmed and disposed to communicate with medieval sorcerers of spirits, which they also called with the help of this mineral. Currently, ametrine is used to develop psychic abilities. Good amulets are obtained from it for prophetic dreams, which usually take their place near the head of the bed.

It is believed that ametrine is bad, as it increases fears and can cause constant anxiety.


This ornamental semi-precious stone most often has a blue color, but there are minerals with greenish, brown, gray and even olive hues. It is difficult to find a person who would not know about this stone.

It is believed that turquoise amulets bring happiness to their owners and are able to warn of trouble by changing color. They bring peace, help calmly resolve conflicts and convince anyone to change their anger to mercy. In addition, amulets are made of turquoise for the fidelity of a husband.

Turquoise brings victory, helps you advance in your career, especially if you are a politician. But, at the same time, the stone does not treat those who are unclean with intentions. Do not violate moral principles, and then your turquoise amulet will work for you, and not against.


There are many varieties of beryl, and all of them can have a variety of colors - from azure to blue-black, yellow and greenish.

In the distant past, amulets were made from this mineral to preserve the family, peace and love between spouses, as well as parents and children, fidelity and mutual understanding. Beryl will save your home from negative energy and guests who come to you with malicious intent.

The stone is very good quality. It helps to avoid financial losses in business, dismissal and will help not to bring conflicts with management, colleagues and those to whom you owe money. Beryl is also useful in legal proceedings, but it will only protect you if you are trying to defend yourself, and not get a profit. In addition, the amulet will help you save life and health in case of danger.

This mineral will also make a good one, students who pass exams or enter higher educational institution, researchers (especially philosophers).


This stone is often referred to as the Brazilian emerald. He has green color, not always uniform. Verdelites of other colors do not exist.

Verdelite is a stone of harmony. It will help you to better understand your body and the world around you, to feel what harmony with nature is. Of course, he will not teach you how to talk to animals, but he can be a translator between the outside world and you. This mineral will correct your shortcomings - both external and internal, endow you with noble qualities and improve your health.

It should not be worn by those who harm nature. If you are a poacher or lumberjack, you cannot use verdelite. The stone does not punish those who hunt solely for subsistence, fish legally, humanely kill livestock in order to eat them, etc.

Verdelite is ideal for creating a talisman for a person who is associated with the protection of nature, its study - both scientific and magical. These are herbalists, huntsmen, veterinarians, biologists and some other specialists.


Another name for the mineral is black jasper, and, accordingly, it has a black color. There are many legends about the origin of its name.

The stone was dedicated to many female deities and their various guises. Gagat is a stone of the Mother Goddess and natural forces. It absorbs all the negativity that is created by enemies or the owner of the jet amulet himself.

The mineral gives help in getting rid of cowardice and indecision, favors those who seek to gain knowledge, develop their minds. But those who are too bold and confident, he can make reckless and overconfident.

The stone will help you to know when you are being deceived, to recognize lies without mistakes. It is believed that the Mother Goddess has enclosed in him the power that helps to give birth with little or no pain and other problems. But, at the same time, pregnant women cannot wear jet, it threatens with a miscarriage. Make him a talisman that you will wear only in the maternity ward. This mineral also helps after childbirth, for example, it drives away postpartum depression and other psychological problems, helps a woman quickly adapt to changes in life.


Hyacinth is not only a flower, but also a stone. It is painted in warm colors, has high strength and diamond luster. It used to be believed that it was connected with God, and the walls of Heavenly Jerusalem were decorated with it. The Indians believed in the connection of the hyacinth with the legendary dragon, causing solar and lunar eclipses.

This is the amulet of those who go on a long journey. If you often travel on business trips, travel a lot or research something in distant countries, feel free to choose this mineral. It will protect you from attacks by evil people and other unpleasant incidents, illnesses on the way (but you still need to be vaccinated, you can’t rely only on stones) and even from stomach problems, unaccustomed to foreign food.

But the help of hyacinth is dangerous and brings misfortune in love. Jewelry from it can even destroy a family. Be careful with this amulet.


This stone can be not only red, as is commonly believed, but also black and even green. But the green variety is called uvarovite, and it will be discussed below.

The grenade needs a strong-willed owner, distinguished by poise and confidence. It gives its owner power over people. You can easily find an approach to any person and get what you want. Pomegranate will reward you with cheerfulness, optimism and inexhaustible energy. With the help of such a talisman, you can get rid of bad thoughts and harmful ideas. If you consider yourself unemotional, wear a pomegranate.

In addition, this mineral has always been considered a stone of love. It will help you find, win and keep for many years the right person for you. Pomegranate jewelry will ignite passion and make you remember feelings even after several decades of marriage.

In the Middle Ages, the pomegranate was exclusively a male amulet. He protected the soldiers from injury, injury and helped to get out of any unpleasant situation, even from enemy captivity.


The cost of this stone can sometimes exceed the price of a diamond if the shade of the emerald is dark enough. Its magical properties were valued even in the times of Russia.

It is believed that an emerald can save a person from all evil inclinations - the desire to commit crimes, cheat on a spouse, deceive. But it is also suitable for those who are not endowed with such vices. It brings good luck, protects from damage both to the person himself and to his house.

Emerald is a good family amulet. It protects from quarrels, betrayals, helps to conceive, give birth successfully and properly raise a child. Good as an amulet for a nursing mother, helps in creativity.

In magic, this stone is used to communicate with the dead and contacts with other worlds and higher powers. An excellent talisman for those who practice astral travel. It will not only help to achieve success in this, but also protect against possible consequences.


This is a little-known mineral that has a blue or purple color. It is called the peace stone.

It can protect any family from scandals, quarrels and even minor disagreements. If discord reigns in your family, make an amulet of iolite stone. In addition, he kindles passion and love, protects from betrayal.

Iolite protects from slander, envy and intrigues of enemies. In addition, it will help you avoid conflicts at work and evoke only positive emotions in people at work. in public places, for example, in public transport.


As you might guess, the moonstone is associated with the moon and its power and can be used in appropriate rituals. It can also help to find love and keep peace in the family. At the same time, the moonstone reduces carnal feelings and contributes to the appearance of only high feelings.

Selenite, as this stone is also called, will correct your emotions, removing all evil. It relieves aggression and helps to resolve conflicts peacefully. Also, the moonstone will reveal your hidden talents and abilities. If your imagination needs nourishment, and fantasy seems unacceptably poor, choose a moonstone as a talisman stone.

It also has a good effect on meditation, helping to find balance and harmony within oneself. You will find harmony in all other areas of your life.

You have to be very careful with black opals. There is a high probability that an amulet made of such a mineral will strengthen all your evil inclinations if your will is not strong enough. The careless use of black opal leads to a passion for debauchery and the appearance of bad habits, best case scenario. This stone enhances spellcasting abilities when set in gold.


Opal is a very beautiful stone that can look like any other stone or, on the contrary, have a bright, multi-colored color that is characteristic only for opals. However, the background color can only be white or black. It's hard to see in a photo, but when you hold the stone in your hands, it will be much easier to determine its color.

During times, protective amulets were made from opals from damage, evil eye and evil spirits. Protects such a talisman from death in natural disasters and theft.

White opals, in addition to protective properties, can also enhance all positive character traits and inclinations. It will help you connect with the people around you and good spirits. It is believed that a talisman made of white opal is the best choice for a healer or physician.


This bright red mineral is common in Russia and other countries. Rhodolite is one of the varieties of pyrope, which has a more pinkish tint and has properties similar to it.

It is believed that pyrope brings good luck in love affairs. Moreover, he can help both create a family, and simply look more attractive to the opposite sex. He protects love relationships from quarrels and betrayals and helps to maintain passion for many years of a happy marriage.

It is also recommended to wear pyrope for those who need extra energy. At the same time, the mineral loves active people and tries to make them happy, and will also strive to fill with energy those who do not have the strength to manifest their favorite talismans of qualities.

Pyrope perfectly protects not only from black magic and negative witchcraft influences, but also from the harmful effects of the energy of a large metropolis. Therefore, it is shown to be worn not only by those in love and suffering from a lack of vitality, but also by those who live in big cities. However, this stone is very strong, and it is not worth wearing it continuously.


The color of rubellite is similar to that of a solution of potassium permanganate. This is not surprising, because this mineral contains manganese in its composition.

Like most stones of this color, rubellite is used to create talismans of love, revealing talents, creativity and good intentions. With it, you can love yourself, gain confidence and discover your creative potential. Rubellite attracts inspiration, makes it more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex and helps to find family happiness.

With the help of rubellite, you can revive your relationship with your husband if you have been married for a very long time. The stone drives away all fears and gives courage. It will be easy for creative people with such a talisman to succeed and gain fame.


Jewelry with this stone strengthens the character of the one who wears it, gives confidence, helps to make the right decisions. Rubies make women attractive and charming. Wearing rubies will provide an influx of additional vitality, longevity and good health.

The amulet made of ruby ​​jewelry will well protect you from any manifestations of black magic and evil spirits. It is believed that this mineral helps to recognize secret enemies and their intentions.

It saves from injury and protects soldiers, rescuers, miners and representatives of other professions that are associated with a risk to life in mortal danger.


In ancient times, sapphire was called the stone of nuns, as it symbolizes purity of conscience, chastity and truthfulness. This is a stone of modesty, which does not allow its owner to be deceived, provided that he is also honest with others.

Amulets made of sapphire not only protect against lies and the use of any violence, but also bring happiness in marriage and help to know the world around. It enhances attractiveness, but does not contribute to multiple love affairs. With the help of sapphire, you can determine the goal and achieve it, it will give wisdom, peace and confidence.

Contemplation, philosophical view on life and purification of thoughts from unnecessary thoughts and emotions - this is what a sapphire talisman can bring into your life. It is well suited to cultural figures, historians, philosophers and those who study the humanities.


A pleasant blue color stone is often used to create magical items and talismans. It is considered a symbol of luxury, beautiful life and true love. It is well suited to those who wish to achieve a strong financial position and no less strong family ties based on love and affection.

Tanzanite does not tolerate a frivolous attitude towards love. If its owner is distinguished by such a character trait, then he will not see success in finance and career. But when the goal is to create a happy and wealthy family, such an amulet is ideal for you.

A family that is protected by a tanzanite amulet will always live in peace and understanding. Your home will be cozy and not the worst in the area. Tanzanite makes women sexy, attractive and attention-grabbing.


The interpretation of the meaning of topaz in magic may depend on the color of the crystal, but in general it is considered a stone of wisdom, attractiveness, enlightenment and friendship.

If you wear topaz, friends will not leave you, you can become a more confident and interesting person for the opposite sex. The stone is good for businessmen and careerists, scientists and those who travel often.

Golden topaz helps to see the essence and gain enlightenment. Pink minerals of this group bring back hope and desire to live. Topaz helps to overcome obstacles without loss and gives strength in difficult times.


This mineral, unusual in its appearance, attracted the attention of people hundreds of years ago. Tourmaline can look like a slice of watermelon, even a small piece can be tinted pink and green. There are tourmalines and other colors.

Black tourmalines, with or without inclusions, are considered ideal amulets for practicing magicians. They will help you find your way, strengthen your abilities, see the essence of what is happening and protect you from negativity and the forces of evil.

Green tourmalines are worn by creative people to enhance talent and make inspiration a constant companion. If you are going to discover any ability in yourself, choose such an amulet.

Red and pinkish tourmalines also have a positive effect on creative natures. They can energize you when you need it. But wearing tourmaline too often is undesirable, it can lead to mental problems.


Catherine II loved to wear jewelry with uvarovite, so the mineral, similar in color to emerald, was called the imperial stone.

In the past, it was believed that uvarovite was able to evoke passion and love. Pieces of this stone were sewn into a pillow to improve sexual life in marriage, and were given to lovers, and also worn in order to become more attractive.

Uvarovite is also used as a home talisman, it can protect against theft, fire and other disasters. Attracts profit, but does not bring happiness to scammers and thieves. Uvarovit welcomes honesty, generosity and devotion to close people and wants to see these qualities in his owner. Therefore, it protects against deceit and fraud, and also helps to awaken intuition and develop intellectual abilities.


Chrysoprase has a green color and was considered a stone of success in ancient times. Currently, it is used to create amulets when embarking on some new undertaking. They make excellent assistants to inventors.

Chrysoprase loves restless people who follow an atypical path and have extraordinary character traits and hobbies, a craving for changing places. Good amulets from it are obtained from businessmen, merchants and those whose work is related to advertising.

Chrysoprase does not like selfish and suspicious people who do not keep their word. But he can protect people of honor from damage, the evil eye and any troubles, help to find friends and make useful contacts.


Citrine is a bright yellow or orange variety of transparent quartz semi-precious stones. It has a very narrow interpretation, it is a stone of lies and deceit.

It is used to create talismans by those who earn their bread by any kind of fraud or theft. Such talismans attract monetary luck, help to deceive and develop intuition, saving a representative of the criminal profession from being taken into custody and from attempts to deceive other scammers.

Also, often this stone can help if your business is associated with constant risks, or if you have to use deceit and dishonest methods on duty.


This variegated pink-violet-green stone is easy to find in stores and is quite popular.