A conspiracy from the evil eye of the apartment and the owners. How to protect the house from the evil eye, damage, from bad people from evil

This article will be very useful to those who are concerned about strong protection from the evil eye and envy. In the practices of black magic, there are powerful protective conspiracies and rituals of various kinds. There are personal protections for the magician, protection for his work, powerful magical charms for dangerous rituals. Their choice is huge. There are many witchcraft protections for the home and family, which allow you to protect yourself from the evil eye and envy, repel the attack of the sorcerer, shelter yourself and loved ones from damage to the family and home. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will give a fairly simple protective rite - Black Kin.

How to protect yourself from envy and the evil eye

Envy is a strong, uncontrollable, destructive feeling both for the envious person and for the one who is the object of envy. An envious person does not live his life, he burns from the inside. Jealousy closes his way, deprives him of strength, and all his zeal is aimed at overthrowing his rival from the pedestal, on which he himself raised him with his envy. Often, black damage from envy is precisely suggested. Such a negative needs to be removed, and the sooner the better. But, after all, you can not allow that severe damage reached the addressee, to prevent the poisonous arrows of black harmful sorcery from hitting the target.

That is why there are powerful rituals, strong remedies for the evil eye and envy.

Mages put up strong defenses. They use household rituals for this, put up demonic and cemetery protections. But, if you have never practiced witchcraft rituals before, or you are still a beginner in this matter, and you have no connection with the Forces, what should you do in this case?

How to protect yourself from witchcraft and envy?

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, am sure that everyone has heard about such simple methods as protection with a red thread, with a pin, with salt, with a needle. For all their simplicity, such protective amulets are able to protect a person from the evil eye, envy, bad wishes, self-made damage and everyday negativity. Most often, such simple protective amulets from evil and envy work as a branch. They do not reflect the energy of damage, but take over, and thereby make complete protection from envy and the evil eye evil people.

So the answer to the question is: what to wear from the evil eye and envy seems to be obvious.

Choose one or more talismans of this kind of protection, and install them yourself. Work great and magical amulets. Here the principle is different. The protective amulet partially absorbs the negative, and partially repels it, preventing black damage from infiltrating the human field. You can make a protective amulet from the evil eye yourself, with your own hands. There are many methods on how to do just that. But, if you are a beginner, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend contacting. Let an experienced sorcerer make protective protection for you from damage and envy. And now let's move on to a powerful graveyard defense called Black Kin.

Powerful protection against corruption and witchcraft - Black Kin cemetery ritual

When reliable protection from envy and witchcraft is required, then know that no one can protect you with a shield from evil and any magic, it is better soul mate. But, it is not necessary to turn to a living relative, but to one who is washed by death, who rests in a grave in a graveyard. You can receive great help if you turn to your dead relative in a special way, protect from envy and corruption ask you.

To independently conduct a protective rite from damage and the evil eye, you need to take:

  • ball of white natural yarn
  • 1 chicken egg
  • sharp ritual knife
  • loaf of white bread
  • 3 nickels
  • ransom to the owner of the cemetery

You have to fast for 13 days before fasting. Do not eat meat, do not utter swear words, do not have sexual intercourse. Calculate the days so that the last, 13th day falls on Friday. Go to the grave of a loved one. Before performing a protective ritual from anger and envious people, put a purchase of 1 chicken egg.

At the same time, read the following conspiracy words:

“It’s a purchase for freedom, but for my dear darling. Amen".

Then tie a cross or a monument with a white thread made of natural yarn. Wrap several times and tie a knot.

Stand behind the cross, lay hands on it and read a strong conspiracy from envy and corruption three times:

“The dear little blood, the deceased darling, is accepted by the earth, and settled with a coffin. So blood is created by blood, but flesh by flesh, then the commandment is people, given to the family with a fortress. Well, my blood is in the veins of the red way, but yours is the grave end. Even as a kinsman I call you. Izhe will run across, become furious, but turn into power. Even you are a dear darling, but the body is mortal, but the soul is pacified, not knowing, but weaved by the vein. Even my verb now through the land itself, and through the coffin of the plank. Even now I need a great one. Even as a shield for me, dear blood, a reliable shield, yes at night, yes during the day, I am a fence of the great fence, yes. Yes, from adversaries, and from enemies known, unknown, from the thin, known, unknown, and from reckless poison, like a horse thief, like a horse thief, like a craft at night, like from badness that comes in vain, like from the deaths of the known, the unknown. So be a shield from secret words, and a shield from words spoken by a speech, but from a sorcerer's backlog, and witches' chicanery, and a fence from black treachery, and from a relative who renounced loyalty. Tacos from the left, but from the right, like that from under the bottom, like that from under the top, with a mowed move, but with evil nourishment. Such is the shield of my relative, you are a strong fortress, so my blood fence. Even a shield is a shield, but blood is blood. Even now I hide behind a mark with a shelter, and with my own blood, and with a reliable shield, then I covered a secret black relative. Amen".

Read 3 times magical conspiracy words from envy and evil eye, from black witchcraft, go around and stand in front of the grave. Cut your hand, and drop a drop of blood on the grave ground, read the text of the protecting conspiracy from witchcraft and evil people:

“Izhe blood is red, but dear dear. If the covenant is sealed with blood, now you are blessed with a shield. So it was said with a speech, but marked with a grave, I fertilize my Black kinsman with blood, like a dear darling. Yes, it is so moving from the beginning to the orderly, from the night and the secret. That's what it says. Yes, the blood covenant is strong. Amen".

Then cut the thread that was wound, and read the words for strong protection from the evil eye and witchcraft:

“The kinsman is marked with a mark, but with a faithful shield it is coordinated against me. Amen".

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Put white bread and 3 nickels on the grave. That is a ransom to a relative for help and protection, for your opportunity protect yourself from corruption and envy that, like rust, corrodes human souls. Leave without looking back. Arriving home, weave this thread in such a way that a braid is obtained. You need to carry it with you, you can wear it on your wrist. Through this braid will go protection from black magic and curses. The black kinsman will protect you as long as the braided thread is with you.

How to remove black envy and the evil eye - the rite Besovskaya Line

For every magical ritual, there is an antidote. Here's how you can remove damage from envy get rid of people. On any Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday, you can perform a magical cleaning. According to the reviews of those who independently did the witchcraft rite - a worker, negative, anger and envy of people, removes a different plan. If it does not come out on one day to completely cleanse from spoilage, repeat on other days that are determined for this ritual.

So here's what to do from the evil eye and envy you need to take:

  • blank sheet of paper
  • ballpoint pen
  • ritual knife

Draw 4 equilateral crosses on the sheet along the edges. In the middle, write the words of a witchcraft conspiracy from the evil of envious people:

“Walking with a thread, yes demonism, yes, that having formidable, but murmuring to the heavens, then the royal sunrise, such a glorious department.”

Cut your finger, and draw 3 crosses in a row under the written text with blood. Making the outline read the words of the conspiracyget rid of the evil eye and envy:

“Even the department is majestic, royal, then the blood is on the spleen. Amen".

Fold this paper in four, put under left heel wearing a day. In the evening, as the sun sets, go to a crossroads on foot, get a leaf and burn it. Read before this, the words of a protective spell from corruption and envy:

“Although not by me, but by the tsar, so not by the tsar, but even by the devil himself, that he comes out with black, but scribbles a line, like that comes with menacingness, so the black filth will come out of me, but in all the quarters of the people, but on this line it is said like that free me from every adversary, and even from blasphemy, but hurt me badly, I am so pure. Amen".

Burn the paper and leave without looking back. So you can get rid of the black damage that was induced by someone out of envy. The ransom here is your blood. No other redemption is needed. Cleaning from the evil eye is working, there is a recall of the Forces during the ceremony.

How to protect your house from the evil eye and envy - cleaning the house of the Salt Pillar

Applying magical conspiracy to protect your home from damage and the evil eye, you can not only remove the induced negative, but also expel the settled malicious entities. You can conjure even on a waning, even on a growing moon. Suitable for salt cleansing Monday and Friday. Salt in advance. One pack is enough. Some take kilos. There is no clear definition here; as you feel, take as much as you need.

Keep fasting before 1 day. Do not eat anything meat strictly, otherwise the magical ritual of cleansing your house from the evil eye and curses will be spoiled. So here's what to do to clean the house from the evil eye and envy, remove the dead, if you decide to snoop around your house, astral entities and various evil spirits. Pour salt into a large cup, dip both hands in salt, and read the plot 7 times to protect your home from magic and witchcraft:

“Those deeds are sinful, but they are gone with their bodies, and pacify them with different blasphemy to all the distant mountains, bypassing the side, but famously manage the time that dark people tormented grief, and the horomins evil with a bishop’s move set in demons faces and blasphemy Mazova, ghouls ghoul traces, then the children in those dominoes roar with a roar, so in this domino evil is hidden in circles of wondrous deeds of mystery. That behind the looking-glass of any publican is a pacifier, and their strength is drevlyannaya, not grandfather's, but far, far, unknown at first. Yes, that Silina is hidden in tears of a different kind, yes, those tears are turned, known among people with salt. Now this salt is like a tear, then it has been created. Blasphemy souls on the way back, hellish hospitals, into hellish sleeping bags. If a ghoul is dead, the grave is now calm, I conjure sowing salt. Save me from evil spirits that have lifted up filth. Absorb the words of the traveler, the malicious eye of those who cursed me empty, the witch's touched the words into yourself. Yes, your Silina is immeasurable, I look forward to you visiting this land, living, ascending, from the fate of the unfortunate fence of the fence. You are the strength of salt, now the curse is conjured by the blood stream that the north has with a cut. It was persuaded by the eastern side, this was said by the secret word of the hostess. You are holy salt, get out by force, drive another, another into hellish bedrooms with a wire. Such is this saying; Amen".

“The mountain is under heaven, the mountain is salty, anyone who is blasphemous, a ghoul, undead, a wandering spirit, sowing evil, any such evil sower, disproportionate blasphemy, drive away such salt. A creak at the door, a shoroshina at the window, the rest in hell through the lacrimal. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then take a good pinch from that salt hill and pour it into every corner of the house. And it is necessary to say to every corner, to the success of the planned business, in order to protect your home from the evil eye and envy:

“From the crown of the head to the light, from sweet to salty. Amen".

Keep the charmed salt in the house for exactly as long as your instinct tells you. Then carefully collect everything, and take it out of the house. Away from the house, sprinkle that salt on the ground, turn around and leave the place with a quick step.

In this article, we will share with you a way to protect the house from the evil eye, damage, from bad people, from evil. Each of us can suffer from envious people who come with unkind thoughts. The source of damage and the evil eye can also be an object presented to us or an accidentally thrown envious look. Any negative energy can negatively affect the health of the inhabitants of the house, their well-being and the prosperity of the family.

The following signs indicate the presence of negativity in the house:

  1. You have a need to spend as much time as possible outside the home.
  2. When you are indoors, there is an inexplicable anxiety, restlessness. The inhabitants of the house begin to feel unwell, suffer from insomnia.
  3. Quarrels and disagreements often occur in the family.
  4. Animals living in the house show anxiety and aggression. Indoor flowers grow poorly or wither.
  5. You noticed a thing that inexplicably got into your home.

Ways to detect the evil eye, damage and evil in the house

How to detect negative energy effects with the help of the consecrated. To do this, you will need to prepare 100 grams of table salt. Then follow these steps:

  • Heat up a frying pan on the stove;
  • When it warms up well, pour out the salt;
  • Let the salt warm up on the fire for about half an hour.

If everything is safe in the house, the salt will turn yellow. If it crackles strongly on fire and becomes dark or black, there is damage in the house.

How to use a candle to determine the presence of negative energy influences

This method is considered the most informative in determining damage, evil eye and other influences. Allows you to establish where the negative interference was made in the house.

To perform this ceremony, you need to light a candle and go around every corner of the house in which you live. Then pay attention to the behavior of the candle:

  • A candle burning quietly, smoothly and calmly indicates the predominance of clean energy in the room. Your home is under reliable protection.
  • If the candle flame is dim and dim, the energy in the house is weak. Possible violation of the integrity of the aura of the room. Magic rituals made on the front door or vestibule could lead to this.
  • If the candle smokes a lot, the color of the flame is dark, and the wax drips too quickly, this indicates the presence of damage. Most likely, a strong magical effect was deliberately exerted.
  • Sometimes it happens that a negative influence is present in the house, but so far it has not given itself away. In this case, the candle flame is dazzlingly bright, blazing.

The color of the flame also plays an important role in determining negativity. A bright red color indicates that the home is in urgent need of cleaning. And yellow speaks of powerful energy protection of the room.

Tips on how to protect the house from the evil eye, damage and other evil

  • Fumigate every corner of the house with smoke from incense, dry leaves of celandine, St. John's wort, wormwood, lavender. It also has a powerful protective effect. birch mushroom chaga.
  • Do not forget to keep order in the house: remove dust and dirt, carefully wipe the mirror surfaces, washbasins, radiators. Any dirt serves as a gate for the entry of negative subtle energy.
  • Do not store old unnecessary things: read the press, worn out clothes, broken dishes. Dirty laundry should be put in a special basket with a lid. All these items accumulate negativity and poison the room in which you live.
  • When cleaning the room, add a little bit of holy water, wipe the mirror surfaces with it. When moving to another housing, you can not leave your old things and any rubbish. They are often used in rituals to induce damage.
  • Hang an aspen branch at the entrance to the house. It will reliably protect you from evil people, energy vampires and envious people.
  • To protect your home from negative influences, hang bags of dry herbs at the doorstep. You can use such plants: celandine, thistle, tansy, oak bark. From time to time, the used herb is replaced with a new one.
  • Place two needles under the rug by the door. Arrange them so that they are crossed with each other, and their ears are directed towards the front door.
  • Illuminated salt is able to protect the house from any negativity. She has magical gift absorb all negative energies. It is recommended to shower the entire living space once a month. After a month, collect the used salt and bury it in a deserted place in the evening after sunset.

Also, in order to protect your home from negative energy influences, you can perform special rituals.

Rituals that help protect the house from the evil eye, damage and evil people

Ritual with a broom

This simple ritual will help remove not only simple dirt from the home, but also all energy debris.

To hold it, take a green ribbon and a candle from natural wax. You need to light a candle and say:

Venichek, my protector. Sweep out of my house all evil spirits, envy, malice. Do not let enemies, spirits, demons and envious people on the threshold. Protect and save everyone from evil. Amen.

Now tie the broom handle with a ribbon and leave the charmed amulet at the door. From now on, a person who wishes you harm will not enter this house and will not harm you.

Ritual with knife blade

Since ancient times, this ritual has helped people protect themselves and their homes from such negative influences as the evil eye, damage or envy.

At the same time, an invisible edge will appear at the knife, which will cut off all ill-wishers who come to your house with evil thoughts. The knife will provide powerful energy that can harm you.

You can also read any other prayers and conspiracies over it. The main thing is to address him as a living being, a friend and protector. Then you will create a powerful one that will save you and your home from all negative influences.

Ritual that cleanses the house with a bow

Since ancient times, it has been helping to protect the home from various kinds damage and evil eye, envious people. The ceremony is carried out in this way:

  • First you need to sprinkle all the rooms in the house with holy water, including hard-to-reach places.
  • Sprinkle also all furniture and other interior items.
  • Prepare as many bulbs as there are rooms in your house, peel them from the husk.
  • Take a needle and pierce all the bulbs, stretching a strong red thread through each of them.
  • Now you need to tie knots at both ends of the bulb and leave one amulet in all rooms of the house. They must be there for seven days.
  • Next, the bulbs must be removed, wrapping each in a clean sheet of paper. white color. Burn them to the ground at the stake. Now your home is securely protected from any evil.

Watch also an interesting video taken from the Internet:

Everyone would probably agree that modern world filled with negative energy. And quite often it happens that the negative impact of the ill-wisher is directed at the victim's house. Therefore, the question of how to protect the house from damage is absolutely natural.

The fact that damage has been brought to the dwelling can be felt immediately. Indeed, in this case, all living people in the house have an inexplicable feeling of oppression and irritation. Unreasonable quarrels and disagreements constantly arise, and over time, a constant feeling of discomfort leads to the fact that the desire to return home disappears. And not always the cause of damage can be a targeted impact.

Sometimes the negative appears in the following cases:

    When there was a previous suicide in the house. The soul of a suicide who has not calmed down rushes about and tries to exterminate the new owners, forcing them to move; Damage induced in a high-rise building in one of the apartments can spread to neighboring apartments; When the house is built on the site of an old cemetery; Damage can be brought into the house from the cemetery after the funeral; When evil penetrates through antiques that retained the energy of the previous owners and were not properly cleaned.

In all these cases, the negative acts slowly, but its influence is always destructive, if the room is not cleaned in a timely manner and protection is not put up. As a rule, in such cases it is better to contact a professional magician.

The Slavs are very hospitable peoples, so the frequent arrivals of guests to the house is quite common. But among the guests there may be people who are unfriendly. Yes, and just guests with a so-called "heavy character" are able to leave a lot of negativity in the house. Therefore, it is very important to know how to protect the house from damage.

Highly effective way protection of the dwelling from damage is the use of plants. So, it is recommended to hang thistles on the gates and inside the house near the front door. In accordance with the statements of folk healers, all the unkind promises of bad people get stuck in the thorns of this plant. Cacti have similar properties. But only in this case, it should be remembered that these plants accumulate negativity and, when overflowing, are able to return it to the space around them. This means that cacti will need to be disposed of after a certain time.

It is very good to plant a juniper next to the house. It creates a favorable atmosphere and absorbs negativity. Protective properties are also attributed to certain types of trees. These are mountain ash, birch, elder, aspen, poplar. From the branches of these trees, you can make small brooms and hang them around the living quarters. Additionally, St. John's wort and nettle can be added to such natural protective attributes.

It is possible to create a system of amulets in your home, which will be a reliable protection against any negativity. In this case, it is necessary to provide mandatory protection on the front door and windows. Also, special protective amulets should be provided in each room. For believers, icons are considered reliable protection. You can also use horseshoes or stone crafts.

Charmed mirrors have good protective properties. They need to be placed opposite the windows and the front door, so that they display the external space.

Such mirrors on the full moon should be spoken with these words:

A small charmed mirror can be glued on the outside of the front door. If one of your friends is annoyed by such an attribute, then this means that it is he who is your ill-wisher, who is jealous of you and is trying to harm you.

Use of piercing objects

From ancient times, from our ancestors came the ways in which people braved enemies and envious people who could enter the house under the guise of guests. This was done with the help of a charmed knife. To do this, for a month over an ordinary knife, you need to read any prayers and conspiracies directed against damage. After that, the magical attribute should be put in a secluded place and in no case should it be used for economic purposes.

Such a knife, thanks to prayers and conspiracies, enhanced by human energy, has unusual properties. With his blade he is capable of energy level identify a person who came to the house with bad intentions. Its blade slashes and stabs, though it does no physical harm. But at the same time, the ill-wisher begins to feel severe discomfort and he really wants to leave the house. It is clear that in this case, the enemy simply does not have enough strength to cause damage.

You can protect your own home from damage with other piercing objects. For example, ordinary sewing pins. With their help, you can reliably protect all windows and the front door from the penetration of negativity. To do this, they are stuck in the corners of the openings with a piercing part towards the street.

Despite all the protective precautions, some of the random negativity from the street still gets into the house. And accumulating there, leads to a deterioration in the situation in the house. Therefore, it needs to be cleaned regularly. This is done with the help of a church candle, which should be lit and slowly walked with it around the perimeter of all rooms.

“Lord God, Savior of the whole human race, save and save my house from all evil. I, Your unworthy Servant, pray and ask for help against any external harm. Amen".

In most cases, negativity enters the house through the front door. You can prevent this by protecting the threshold with a special rite. Among folk conspiracies aimed at protecting the house from damage, rituals are especially popular, with the help of which the threshold is spoken from enemies. So, on Fridays, you can perform a ceremony with salt. For this, the following actions are carried out:
    It is necessary to pour salt into a wooden salt shaker; Fill a bucket with water; Take three pinches of salt from the salt shaker with your left hand and throw them into the water; Wash the threshold, pronouncing the following magic words in the process:

    “I add salt to the threshold of my house and soak it with water. Salt will remove all rot, and damage will not come to my house. And what comes up will quickly roll back, like an uninvited guest. Amen".

    Water should be poured at a pedestrian crossing, preferably so that no one can see.

It must be understood that negative energy that can harm often enters the house if it has an unfavorable and unfriendly atmosphere. It is important to love your loved ones and strives to build harmonious relationships. In addition, it should be understood that it will be difficult to protect the home if your thoughts are filled with anger and envy. It is important to love your own home and try to create a pleasant atmosphere and a cozy atmosphere in it. Thus, you can easily protect yourself from damage to your home. The main thing, carrying out certain actions, is to believe that they are effective.

When all sorts of unpleasant accidents begin at home, from spilled salt to a fire, the old people say that the house has been jinxed.

Unfortunately, this is the case.

The fact is that it is possible to introduce a black program not only into human energy. Since any thing "lives" at the expense of our thoughts and feelings, the effect of the evil eye also applies to it.

How to protect the house from the evil eye and damage, how to prevent destruction from the curses of bad people? Let's figure it out.

Here you need:

  • first, to know spoilage;
  • secondly, to rely on the heritage of the ancestors and the traditions of the family.

Apartment cleaning

First you need to clean the apartment. This is done on Thursday.

Go around all the rooms clockwise, reading "Our Father". In your hands you need to hold a lit candle and the icon "Trinity". Baptize all openings and corners.

Then spray the floors and walls with holy water. If there were no special problems in the house, then this will be enough to expel the evil spirits that could lurk in the corners.

So, if one shield does not work, another will help.

Here, witches in the Middle Ages made special bottles that they buried "on the roads of evil." A modern apartment also needs such "checkpoints" of goodness.

Protection must be placed on the threshold, near the windows (especially on the first floor).

So that a bad person who enters the house does not harm, it is necessary to have a talisman in the room.

Previously, they were served by Icons. Now it has become popular to hang them on the wall. The icon should be illuminated, only then it will protect the room.

Regarding essentially different amulets, we can say that they can be combined.

Let there be both an Icon and a witch's bottle. They work with different energies.

The icon will cleanse the space, radiate goodness, and ward off people with the evil eye.

And magical means - protect against induced damage, bad people who experience envy or outright anger.

Amulet to protect the house

This magical tool is used quite often.

By the number of windows plus a door.

In and set so that they reflect the world around them.

For each glass, say the following words:

“Pure water is only flowing here. Mud and avalanche, I will move! I reflect evil and envy, I attract only goodness! Amen!"

Mirrors do not need to be touched after installation.

It is desirable not to hide them, but to put them on public display. For example, you can stick it on the door, on the outer surface of the frame.

Remember: a person who is not kind to you will become annoyed by such an element.

Neighbors may require you to remove mirrors. So find out who wishes you harm.

witch bottle

Such magical protection is created from a small amount of natural elements.

They will have to go to the park, forest, field. Many bring pebbles or plants from resorts.

Whatever gives you confidence will do.

To make an amulet, you will need a bottle of any size, a wax candle.

Herbs, twigs, pebbles, coins and so on are placed inside. Everything you like, collect on a walk (except money).

At night, fill the bottle with prepared raw materials, repeating:

“I conjure, I repeat (the name of the material, for example, stone) block the road to evil, reward me with good luck!”

And so on for each element. When the bottle is filled to the top, a few of their own hairs are added there with the words:

“I leave my seal, I block the road for evil”

Then, it must be poured with wine. Suitable Cahors.

Now seal the lid with wax.

The bottle is ready.

It is installed in the corner of the room, hiding from the eyes of others.

Salt Protection

Buy on Thursday on the growing moon.

At home, by candlelight, magic words are slandered at her. After it is used as usual.

But pour a little into a bag and hang it on the jamb of the front door.

If problems begin, then you need to update the amulet.

In general, it is advisable to start the ritual at, and then carry out a couple of times a year.

Conspiracy to protect the house:

“I pour salt in the eyes of all the devils and devilish minions. They don’t look at my doorstep, they don’t dare to conjure, they don’t wander past, they don’t stir their souls with temptation. I speak salt, I lock the house with a lock. I drive away evil from its walls. Amen!"

With a needle

There is a stronger rite.

It was carried out earlier once in a lifetime on a silver medal. If you don’t find one, then take the usual one. Then you have to update the amulet once a year or two.

You should buy new needles, do not use them for sewing.

  1. On the new moon, thread a thread woven from the hairs of the household into the selected needle.
  2. To do this, take a hair and roll them into a tourniquet. This is not difficult.
  3. Stick the needle in front of the front door, point down.
  4. So say:

“I stick George’s sword into the threshold. I protect him with lightning. Whoever walks by with malicious intent will be pierced by George of God's Providence. Whoever comes to the threshold of hostility will never step over the needle. She will rise with lightning, the hour of death of the enemy will come. Whoever speaks an evil word, the needle will catch up with him everywhere. He will protect our strength, take the devils to their graves. Amen!"

If you begin to conduct this ceremony, then remember the following: the needle must be stuck behind the threshold strictly vertically. Nothing on the surface should stick out of it.

Remember its location in case of repair. If you change the threshold or porch, then be sure to burn part of it with a needle.

It is not good for her to fall into the wrong hands. Great power over your family will be gained by the one who takes it out.

Simple means

It is not always necessary to make "twisted" amulets and conduct complex rituals.

There are the most unpretentious methods of protection that were used in the old days.

  • So, a bunch of onions or garlic, hung near the front door, will protect you from bad energy.
  • Above the entrance, you can strengthen the rowan twig or spruce paw. This amulet is good because you can change it often. That is, there will be an influx of fresh power.
  • Don't forget the horseshoe. Already in her magical properties, perhaps, all believe. It not only attracts good luck, but also protects from the evil eye. Hang such a charm on the front door and forget about troubles.

The horseshoe does not have to be removed from the horse. You can buy a souvenir in the shop. And it is better to agree with friends and by the next holiday give each other amulets. So the energy of the amulet will be higher, cleaner.


You can protect yourself and your family not only with inanimate objects. Plants are perfect for this.

They will process the evil that accidentally seeped into the house.

From scandals fit cacti.

The cactus with its thorns will drive away bad thoughts and views.

They will preserve and protect your beauty and attractiveness.

When they bloom - a sign that it's time to stare at the suitors. In addition, flowering plants keep the harmony of relationships.

A completely different look at protecting the house from the evil eye

You need to know that negative energy is attached only to a similar one. That is, the house should be protected from the inside, with your thoughts.

If you are prone to bouts of envy or anger, then no one will save your nest from the evil eye.

Analyze what you think about your home?

Excessive pride or criticism are the very “entry points”, places for which a negative program will definitely catch on.

The house needs to be loved, to rejoice in it.

There is nothing to be proud of or boast about. It's just part of your world.

Do not compare it with the same elements of someone else's life. After all, everyone is entitled to their opinion, their opinion.

You see, nothing in your home should cause you personally thoughts or feelings that can be characterized by the words "over the top."

Any knocking out of an equal relationship to the interior or atmosphere directly leads to the sticking of the evil eye and damage. Negativity is within you.

Only to weak spot outside dirt will stick.