What can you do online when you're bored. What to do if you're bored at home

If a person is bored, there are reasons for that. In some cases, boredom overcomes a person due to the fact that everything is tired, and sometimes there is simply no way to diversify your life. It happens that the appearance of apathy is associated with bad mood, and in other cases it is boring because there is no goal. In this article we will try to pay attention to all kinds of boredom, ranging from banal problems to issues that require some effort. So what do you do when you're bored?

Boring? Very boring? Yes, it happens. When you have already tried everything, when there is a lot of time, and ideas for entertainment have disappeared somewhere and boredom overcomes like never before. If you are exactly the person who has this problem, then sit back and hold on to the chair. By the way, the list of ways to deal with boredom, which will be presented below, will also help those who have complete apathy or even depression.

What to do if bored - 100 ideas for boredom:

There are times when nothing comes to mind. There is no need to worry about this. In a world where the flight of information is calculated in gigabits, every second person faces similar difficulties. It is better to simply choose one of the twenty proposed options on how to get rid of boredom.

1. Getting acquainted is not difficult when there is the Internet. You can browse the most popular dating sites or even visit chatroulette, where it is unnecessary to wait for a written answer.

2. Going to the gym is a great solution for those who do not have complexes about their physique. In the gym, you can also find new acquaintances.

3. Finding an interesting book is a great opportunity to exercise your imagination. Reading books is distinguished by the speed of perception of the information received, and therefore, the brain has the opportunity to form stable impressions.

4. Learning how to make cocktails - can be not only an interesting activity, but also useful when guests come to the house.

5. Invite guests - a good opportunity to strengthen your ties with friends, unwind and get rid of boredom.

7. Create a slideshow or collage - one way to kill two birds with one stone: make your photo album presentable and immerse yourself in nostalgia.

8. Starting a video diary is convenient, useful, and most importantly, a video diary will convey mood better than notebook sheet.

9. Visit an online dance school lesson - learn new moves, help you stay popular on the dance floor. In addition, the learning process itself is quite a fun activity.

10. Going to nature is sometimes not only interesting, but also useful. Breathe in the air freshly produced by trees, admire the scenery and enjoy unity with the world.

11. Compiling a family tree is a very interesting activity. At such moments, a person understands how rich he is with loved ones and how important it is to communicate with them.

12. Explore the online bulletin board of your city - sometimes it's interesting to find an expensive thing for little money. Often a walk through such a site ends with a bargain.

13. Look, something from the genre of classics - can make you admire the game of great actors. However, it all depends on how far you go into the classics. The very first works can boast only historical backgrounds.

14. Find a new hobby - it's always interesting to learn something new. In this case, you definitely won't be bored.

16. To pay attention to the house - sometimes, to clean the house, it is not only useful, but also exciting, because in the analysis of rubbish, there are often forgotten, however, favorite things. This will not only kill boredom, but in principle a useful thing.

17. Keeping a notebook with the dates of birth of loved ones is very interesting, since, in order to restore forgotten birthdays, someone's help may be required. So, boredom will have to be relegated to the background.

18. Clean up the computer - cleaning up the computer desktop is useful in the first place, and the fun begins later, when while cleaning the table, attention shifts to long-forgotten files.

19. Visit neighbors - in some cases, the hospitality of neighbors develops into pleasant gatherings over a cup of tea, so the company will not be superfluous when bored.

20. Get domestic animals - well, here the taste and color. If you want to drive the silence out of the house, then you can get a parrot. When the soul lies to caresses, then a cat will come up, and if a person is temperamental in nature, then better than a dog, no animal. One thing is for sure, it won't be boring.

What to do when bored at work?

At work, the most tedious work is waiting, at such moments boredom can overcome anyone. At first glance, you might think that there is no busier and more enthusiastic person than the one who is in the workplace. However, practice shows that at work very often you have to wait in the wings. For example:

  • the end of the working day (when everything is done and there is extra time left);
  • waiting for materials or goods;
  • lunch break;
  • waiting for clients.

Of course, there are other times when you get bored at work, but the options above are the most common. Consider what to do when you are bored in your free time.

1. Arrange numbers - if you have a free hour, then it will be useful and interesting to deal with contacts on the phone. As a rule, many people have a contacts menu in a very neglected state. Incomprehensible "olbukhuch", it is better to sign correctly, and some contacts can be deleted.

2. Crossword - going to work, you can grab a magazine with a crossword or a crossword puzzle. It does not require a lot of space, and in your free time it will allow you to kill time and train your erudition.

3. Call friends - a call to a friend or acquaintance will help pass the wait, besides, it can cheer you up. In this case, you should not choose for a long time who to call. It will be much more interesting if you choose a random contact. And then you can say that the number was dialed by accident and try to start a conversation. As a rule, such calls often restore lost ties with loved ones.

4. Maps - suitable for people who work with a team in limited places. For example, at a construction site, at a factory, etc. Taking a deck with you, the lunch break will be a great pastime in the company.

5. Games on your phone - great help to pass the time when you're bored. Just do not be lazy if there is no Internet at work. At home, in advance, you can download several games to your phone and one of them will definitely help you overcome boredom at work.

6. Music is another way, in your free time, to have fun instead of languishing. It is worth noting that a well-chosen playlist to your taste copes with boredom even better than games.

7. Playing a prank on a colleague is one of the most common ways to have fun at work and it works flawlessly. The main thing is not to overdo it with a joke, otherwise you can ruin the relationship. And other colleagues will be happy to suggest an idea for a draw.

8. Poison jokes - tedious waiting will turn into fun gatherings if you stock up on a couple of jokes on different topics. Very often it happens that after the story, the initiative is picked up by the next member of the team. And so on, until the stock of knowledge of colleagues on the chosen topic is exhausted. An anecdote from another series will be appropriate here.

9. Do a warm-up - this way to pass the time is relevant when certain tasks are set before the warm-up. For example, 20 sit-ups, 20 push-ups, 10 pull-ups, etc. And if, free minutes appear every day and at a certain time, then such an activity will not only relieve boredom, but also help you gain a great physique.

10. Master an interesting skill - with just a few minutes, you can learn how to masterfully twist a pen between your fingers, a lighter, a pencil or other object. Focusing on movements distracts attention and develops motor skills.

What to do if the reasons for boredom are incomprehensible - 10 more ideas for boredom

When life seems normal, when there are no significant problems, but boredom still prevails, it means that a person has no goal. In such cases, it is difficult to find entertainment that will help cope with boredom. More often than not, the solution lies in setting yourself tasks that will help develop the new experience.

1. Language learning. new type people, an alternative mentality and huge prospects, will give the study foreign language. Of course, it will be most convenient to learn the language that is most often used. That language is English. But if a person likes Italians more, then it is easier for him to learn this particular language. Learning a language will kill boredom and there will always be something to do with your free time.

2. Online games. Today, Online Games able to captivate people of all ages for a long time. It is worth noting that for people who have goals, such games can even be harmful, because they require a lot of attention from a person. But when the goals have already been achieved, such a game can be great entertainment that will help simulate the need for development and help get rid of boredom.

3. Work online. Another way that will allow you to find a goal and get rid of the question of what to do when you're bored. The most interesting thing is that on the Internet there is work for a person with any ability, even if a PC user can only watch videos. Well, for more experienced people, making money online opens up limitless horizons.

4. Playing sports. You should immediately pay attention to the fact that sports can get rid of boredom, if you look only from a medical point of view. The thing is that any sport requires a large amount of energy from a person, therefore, metabolism increases, which in turn leads to the production of enzymes that set goals for our body: the desire to procreate, raise children, reach heights, invent devices and etc. When chemical processes are raging in the human body, there is no need to be bored.

5. Tourism. Even if there are no funds to go to distant countries, you can do tourism. Visiting the sights of nearby cities can be quite interesting. Doing such a sortie once a week, after a while, favorite places will appear that will always help to cope with boredom. Well, if there is an opportunity to go on a trip around the country or even across countries, then even better. Traveling has always been a great way to raise the bar on chronic moods a few points up and eradicate boredom in the bud.

6. Creativity. Being creative is the kind of activity that helps to lose track of days and get rid of boredom. If a person has chronic apathy, then art is exactly what his salvation will be. By the way, in this area it is difficult to find an individual who would not have at least some skills in music, drawing, poetry, singing, etc.

7. Mastering the programs. In our time, programs have become something more understandable than at the beginning of the development of computers. Now many programs are equipped with a logical interface, which makes familiarity with them easy. So if you are bored - it is quite possible to do this exciting and useful thing.

8. Permutation. No matter how trite it may sound, but in many situations, it is the rearrangement of furniture that becomes the key to the upcoming changes. The process of changing the scenery is quite fascinating. A person needs to be smart, resort to physical activity and, as a result, enjoy the result. In addition, the rearrangement in the subconscious of all people is associated with change, and this motivates for new actions. Therefore, do a rearrangement if you are bored - good idea.

9. Finish unfinished business. Sometimes, boredom is the result of a loss of interest in reality. In this case, there is no better solution than returning consciousness to the place where it had a strong connection with environment. Thus, returning to an unfinished business, a person returns his consciousness to the starting position, from which it is easier to review the state of his affairs and make a decision that is useful for himself.

10. Make a list of goals. The last and obligatory item, if bored, from the lack of a goal in life. It is desirable to make a list of items that a person can accomplish. Long-term goals, such as "have a baby", "lose 25 kg", etc. it is better to enter when apathy is eradicated.

Attention! If these examples of eliminating chronic boredom did not help, the problem is serious and it is better to contact a psychologist with it.

After reading the article, most likely you will find something to your liking and you will not have a question what to do if you are bored. Fight boredom and don't get bored!

Are you tired of watching videos with cats or constantly flipping back and forth on the VKontakte news feed? Here are some resources to help you make the most of your time online.

  1. Fototips is an online magazine about photography. A treasure trove of useful articles on photography and photo editing. The site will be useful not only for professional photographers, but also for beginners in this field.
  2. Duolingo is a great resource to help you learn English, German, French, Spanish and other foreign languages ​​with ease. “Institutional level education is free” - such a promising prospect is offered by the creators of Duolingo to their users. :)
  3. RandStuff - "the place where randomness lives." An online generator with which you can check how erudite you are, as well as learn random facts that may someday be useful to you in life. In addition, with the help of the resource, you can familiarize yourself with wise sayings great, generate a random number or password.
  4. Gramota - it will never be superfluous to improve your knowledge of the Russian language. Spell checking is available on this site, it is possible to ask a question to specialists. Also in the arsenal of the resource good selection reference books and dictionaries.
  5. 4brain - free online trainings on speed reading, leadership, creative thinking, mental arithmetic and not only. The resource provides an opportunity to test the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice.
  6. Udemy - online courses from the world's leading experts on almost any topic. If you are an expert in any field, you can become an instructor on Udemy. Most of the courses are free, but some are paid.
  7. Povarenok - this portal will make you a list of dishes that you can cook right now, just enter the names of the products you have. In addition, here you can find video recipes, read useful articles on the topic of food and keep your own culinary diary.
  8. "Matrix of Ideas" - "an excellent plunger for creative blockage", developed by the Art. Lebedev Studio. "Matrix" is intended primarily for designers, but it will be interesting and useful to anyone. :)
  9. Factroom is a resource containing many diverse and informative facts. Here you can learn that, "if the shark is taken out of the water, it will be crushed by its own weight." Or that “the chef has to wear a gas mask to make the hottest sauce in the world.”
  10. Bookcrossing - well, if you suddenly get bored of surfing the Internet on a summer day, then the good old bookcrossing will help you spend time usefully in an offline environment. :)

And what Internet resources do you visit when you get bored with cats and social networks?

Very often a person lacks emotions. Ordinary affairs do not please him, goals fade into the background, and boredom comes. At such moments, many do not know what to do and how to get rid of the oppressive feeling that arises when there is nothing to do. Even if it seems to someone that this will definitely not happen to him, it is better to always be ready for what to do when bored than to painfully look for ways to make your life more interesting.

Understanding what to do when bored

People are so arranged that they want to constantly get vivid and interesting impressions, but when their flow dries up, it becomes boring. At such moments, as luck would have it, any options disappear from my head, how you can usefully spend the coming day or evening. But there are plenty of reasons to feel sorry for yourself and complain that there is nothing interesting in life. You can cope with this state if you do an ordinary analysis that will answer the question of what you lack in life and what could tire you.

Sometimes a conversation with yourself can give answers to all your questions and find the answer to what you really would like to do in a given period of time. After all, the abundance of information, constant fuss and haste not only prevent a person from realizing himself, but the saddest thing is even to find out who you are and what you want from this life.

With each passing year, life around changes, a person gains new experience, meets new people, and he needs to hear himself and understand. Very often, because of the fear of looking into our souls, we lose the chance to happy life in which we can realize ourselves and forget about such a word as boredom. There is always something in the world that will give you an unforgettable experience and will not let you get bored.

But if for some reason you don’t want to do introspection or you know perfectly well what you want, but still you get bored, try not to find an interesting activity for your free day, but use the time to your advantage, refer to your memories. Recall from memory everything that you dreamed about at school, college or even childhood. Very often, people forget about these dreams, plunging headlong into everyday affairs. Very often it is enough to remember them to feel the taste for life.

Make a list of all unfinished business, unfulfilled desires. Determine which ones are still relevant to you. And try to make a plan to achieve each of the remaining points. Ignore whether it can be achieved or not. Let your imagination run wild.

Boredom is a signal to reconsider your life. If you do not fight it, then depression is not far away. Without experiencing the pleasure of life, a person loses interest in everything and this affects his health, his communication, and work. Therefore, do not ignore boredom, but start working on yourself. And unfulfilled desires are the surest way to defeat her.

So the dream of mastering a foreign language remained unfulfilled, choose a teaching method for yourself. Today there are a huge number of them, and each has its pros and cons. Your task is to find the one that will allow you to fulfill your dream more efficiently and with pleasure. Remember, it is not necessary to study a foreign language all day long. The most important thing in the learning process is the regularity of classes, not their duration.

The appearance of some kind of hobby will not be superfluous. You have long wanted to become an artist, photographer or florist, now is the time, since you are bored and have free time, to study a new activity. Any of these hobbies can become not only a source of pleasure and a cure for boredom, but also a good additional source of income, and for those who stay at home, even the main one. When a person does what he loves, he has no time to be bored, he effortlessly reaches the heights of mastery, which will certainly affect his income and mood.

Yes, and to increase the amount of knowledge that may be needed in your work, it does not hurt. Analyze what skills are most relevant in the labor market today, what employers want from employees. It's time to think about the possibility of making a career and acquiring additional knowledge in order to get a promotion.

There is never a dull moment for those who strive for something, so why not use your free time to reach professional heights or become an indispensable employee if you do not want to take on the additional responsibility that will be entrusted to you when appointed to a higher position .

Sometimes a loved one can save lonely girls from boredom. If you are single, start looking for your soulmate. Of course, this does not mean that you should find yourself as soon as possible. young man, quite the contrary, in such important issue haste is useless. To begin with, expand your social circle to increase the chances of meeting a worthy representative of the strong half of humanity.

To complete your search successfully, in your free time, study topics on how to become self-confident, feminine, how to learn to flirt, how to win and keep a man. Information is never redundant. Often, failures in personal life and loneliness are associated with an internal unwillingness to communicate and the closeness that men feel.

Visit more often those places where the stronger sex prefers to spend their free time, such as self-defense courses, or the gym, and you will never be bored. In general, playing sports will bring not only a lot of pleasure and relieve boredom, but also allow you to maintain a beautiful figure, which with age may not change for the better.

  • Expand your social circle, especially if you spend most of your time at home. You can meet new people by signing up for courses, going to the pool, visiting exhibitions, movies, concerts or museums. There are a large number of interest groups on the Internet where you can not only chat with interesting people but also to help those in need.
  • It's hard to do something long time, dedicate only 30 minutes a day to important activities. Thus, you will not only move towards your goal, but also diversify your day. Changing activities is a great way to deal with laziness and boredom.
  • Often boredom comes from work. If it does not bring pleasure, does not allow you to realize yourself, to show all best qualities that you are capable of, it's time to think about finding a new job. A person doing what he loves, having the opportunity to realize his creative potential, will always find something to do.
  • If you don't want to be bored, get a pet. It is not necessary to buy a purebred dog or cat. Such animals require serious care and attention, especially for large breeds. Not every person, no matter how much he likes purebred animals, is able to pay enough attention to them and be responsible for them. Therefore, if possible, it is best to take a stray cat or dog from the street, of which there are a huge number around, and each of them needs attention, affection and care and is ready to faithfully serve for a small bowl of porridge.
  • Strive to do good. Nothing is more satisfying than helping. As psychologists have proven, even money can please only when a person is able to share it with others. Unfortunately, help is still needed for orphans, and people with disabilities, and seriously ill, and lonely pensioners.
  • There is no opportunity to take home an animal, take the time to help foundations or shelters for homeless animals that are really involved in providing assistance. Even a small amount can make life easier for unfortunate animals.
  • Visit your parents, call your friends. People who love you are always happy to hear your voice and hear how you are doing. Yes, and your attention for them will not be superfluous at all.

Boredom is always caused by activities that do not bring pleasure. And it appears when, from day to day, a person is forced to do what he does not like. The accumulated negative, chronic dissatisfaction lead to the fact that in his free time a person is not able to find an interesting activity for himself and begins to feel bored. To prevent this from happening to you, remember your unfulfilled dreams, and you will always know what to do when you are bored.

Today, every person has access to a wide variety of benefits of civilization and entertainment. And at the same time, more and more often we hear from friends something like: “I'm bored! What to do at home? We bring to your attention a list of the most interesting options for organizing leisure activities within your own apartment.

Nothing to do? Do something useful!

We all always have unfinished business. What to do if you are bored at home alone? You can start by making a list of your own unfinished projects. Surely there will be a wide variety of positions in it, from an unfinished report at work to the need to sew a button on your favorite coat. If it seems that there is absolutely nothing to do, think about what exactly from your list you can do right now. You can devote a free day directly to your home. Do a general cleaning, fix broken things and throw out all the garbage. I'm bored, what to do in rainy weather at home? Without leaving your own apartment, you can make important calls, place orders in online stores, book theater tickets or make an appointment with a doctor.

Creativity is the way to yourself

Creative people rarely complain of boredom, usually they are not bored alone. Even if you haven't drawn or sculpted since childhood, on a boring day it's time to try to create your own work of art. Try new types of needlework and techniques, use unusual materials. Some masters create real masterpieces literally “out of nothing”. Or maybe you like writing poetry or knitting more? If there were no materials for making crafts at hand, you can try to write a story or compose a fairy tale. What can you do at home when you are bored and it seems that there is nothing to do? Remember what you dreamed of in your youth. Today, in bookstores or on thematic Internet resources, you can find detailed tutorials on any type of creativity. So why not learn something interesting and unusual?

Entertainment available to everyone

How interesting to pass the evening at home? Watch an interesting movie or read a book. If you have a computer with the Internet, you can completely immerse yourself in virtual reality. Look at photos and videos from other countries, read the news, look for interesting articles. Do not forget about virtual communication, as well as modern games. What to do if you are bored at the computer and tired of all your favorite sites? Take an online test, read funny stories and motivational texts. Today in the world wide web you can find a variety of learning programs. Moreover, through the Internet you can even get an education, confirmed by a diploma or certificate.

Dream, because thoughts are material!

Time spent alone with yourself can be devoted to dreaming. Try to imagine what you want vividly and in colors. If your biggest dream is to travel to a place, try not to dwell on seeing it. Imagine also the sounds and smells around you. If you dream of something global, for example, opening your own business, it is useful to imagine all the stages of the realization of this dream in colors. Some people complain that they have nothing to dream about. In fact, more often than not, we simply do not allow ourselves to think about the “unreal”. But if today your day passes under the motto: "I'm bored, what to do - it's not clear" - it's time to break this rule. Dreams are an excellent antidepressant and a simulator for our part-time imagination. And this means that dreaming, from time to time, is very useful.

Try something new!

Bring in own life new emotions and inspiration is possible by trying something new. Of course, not each of us has the opportunity today to go on a trip or completely change our wardrobe. But without leaving your own apartment, you can cook something according to a new recipe for yourself, or order food delivery from a restaurant. Listen to previously unknown music. Try writing with your left hand. Dance or sing if you've never done it before. What can you do when a girl is bored at home? An interesting idea is to try to do some creative makeup or hairstyle. It is possible that during this creative activity you will find new ideas for your everyday look. Are you still bored? Think about what you have always been interested in trying? If there are several such ideas, you can even make a list. Make a promise to yourself to look into it at least once a week and perform at least one position. It is likely that then you will basically forget what boredom is, and your life will sparkle with new colors.

Bored alone? Find a company or devote time to yourself!

A popular modern aphorism says: "There is nothing to do - take care of yourself!". Indeed, a boring day at home can be devoted to taking care of your own appearance. Home workout is just as effective as going to the gym. And after it it is very pleasant to lie down in the bath or take a contrast shower. Girls will surely love the idea of ​​building a full-fledged spa day at home and doing a variety of treatments for the body, face and hair. On such a day of beauty, you can dream and think about a radical change in image. Spin around the mirror until no one sees or interferes. It is possible that you have long wanted to cut your hair or start wearing clothes of an unusual style, but did not have enough time to select a new look. Some people say: "When I'm alone at home, I'm bored!". What to do if you can’t entertain yourself without a company? The easiest solution is to invite someone over, or even throw an impromptu party. If all your friends are busy, you can chat with them virtually or by phone. New acquaintances will also help to dispel boredom. In our age of high technology, without leaving your home, you can communicate with a variety of people from all over the world. You can meet like-minded people in social networks and on thematic sites. Do not forget about special Internet portals created for new acquaintances. Communication with a new person will help brighten up a boring evening, and maybe even develop into a real friendship or something more.

Print out this list, cut it into narrow strips with one item each, and put them in a box or jar. When you get bored at home, just pull out any note at random - and act according to the plan.

1. Dance. To your favorite music, of course!

2. Test new game. For example, or.

8. Discover new music. You can search for it. Try it and you will understand how many great songs you have not heard yet!

9. Rhyme everything that you see around, even if it is "cat - cattle." Perhaps you will have a poem! It's also a great brain workout.

10. Compose and beautifully design a crossword puzzle.

11. Explore a site you like and get ideas from there. Dig deep!

12. Start your own blog or .

13. Get lost on Pinterest. What to pair your new pencil skirt with, how to spend your child's first birthday - millions of ideas are waiting for you for every taste!

14. Build your own private Pinterest page by saving ideas that interest you.

15. Take a bubble bath with a couple of drops of your favorite.

16. Arrange a spa at home: with masks and, a hand bath and a heel brush.

17. Cook and leisurely, savoring every sip, drink cocoa or perfect.

18. Give yourself a massage.

22. Start painting by numbers.

26. Take a nap.

27. Sit in front of the window with a cup of coffee and watch passers-by, leaves and clouds. Feel yourself.

28. Spend all day on the couch and not worry about it a bit.

29. Deal with the instructions for household appliances and finally figure out how to make a double latte in a cool new coffee maker.

30. Cook something interesting according to the recipe of some. Or master, which takes no more than 5 minutes. Or finally cook the best borscht in your life.

42. Make a list of goals for the next month, six months, year.

43. Refresh and expand your resume with a job that can double your salary.

44. Update profile on the site. If you are registered there, of course.

45. Get a facial massage.

46. ​​Explore Wikipedia. Fall down the "rabbit hole" for a while: follow the links inside the article that interests you, expanding your knowledge of the issue more and more.

50. Shine a bathroom.

52. Make a list of the pros and cons of a task that you think about a lot. Whether to have children? Should I buy a car? Go on vacation abroad or within the country?

64. Play with friends or children in .

65. Teach your friends card tricks or surprise with simple magic tricks based on the laws of physics.

66. Compete: who will lay down the most far-flying? Anything can be used for aircraft construction: from office paper to old magazines and newspapers.

67. Together with someone, start putting together a huge puzzle of a thousand pieces.

69. Fortune telling. For example, take the thickest book and invite friends to name the page and line number, and then read the prediction together. Or do .

70. Enough to take pictures with friends.

71. Blow soap bubbles.

72. Make your pet a new bed, toy or scratching post. Lifehacker instructions already.

73. Together with your children, write a letter to your family in the future. Hide it in a time capsule and promise to open it and read it in a year.

74. Make a clear joint plan with the children on how you will spend summer holidays or . Choose movies on the sites of the nearest cinemas, book a ticket, make an itinerary ...

75. Cuddle babies, arrange pillow fights (it's nice, and such memories will remain in children for a long time).

76. Finally go in for sports. Have you been dreaming of pulling up for a long time or?

77. Together with the children, build a cardboard castle from old boxes and color it. If you put several boxes together, cutting through the doors, you get a multi-room house!

78. Arrange a dress-up show with the children (at the same time, sort out the closet in the nursery).

79. Draw a big picture together on a huge sheet or glued landscape sheets.

80. Take paints and a sheet of drawing paper and leave prints of your palms on it. Date and store carefully.