Status life game play beautifully. Statuses and quotes Life is a game play beautiful status

  • Life is a memory of one fleeting day spent at a party. (B. Pascal)
  • If you live a hundred years, then I want to live a hundred years minus one day - I don’t want to live a day without you.
  • Life should be enjoyed like fine wine, sip by sip, with respite. Even the best wine loses all charm for us, we stop appreciating it when we drink it like water. (L. Feuerbach)
  • Life is like a department store: you find everything in it except what you are looking for.
  • Don't be afraid that your life must end, be afraid that it will never begin - John Newman
  • We only live once, but until the end! (Gennady Malkin) -
  • Wherever you can live, you can live well.
  • Life is like card game that you play without knowing the rules. Petr Kapitsa
  • Life is beautiful when you create it yourself (Sophie Marceau)
  • Life is interesting because in it dreams can come true.
  • Live as you can, if you can’t as you like. (Caecilius Statius)
  • A person lives a real life if he is happy with someone else's happiness.
  • Life is more like a novel than our novels are like life. George Sand
  • Remember that every day is the first day of the rest of your life.
  • People don't want their lives fixed. Nobody wants a solution to their problems. Your dramas. Your worries. They don't want to start over. They don't want to order their lives. After all, what will they get in return? Just a huge frightening unknown. (Ch. Palahniuk)
  • Life is sometimes surprisingly stingy - for whole days, weeks, months, years a person does not receive a single new sensation. And then he opens the door - and an avalanche falls on him
  • If you love life, don't waste your time, because life is made up of time.
  • Life is a long, very long breath ... until the last breath. Jean Paul
  • Life with its manifestations can be likened to a dream, a phantom, a bubble, a shadow, a glint of dew or a flash of lightning, and it should be represented just like this - Buddha.
  • Don't waste your time, it's the stuff life is made of. (From the movie “Gone with the Wind”)
  • Life is too short to have the luxury of living it so badly.
  • Life is too serious a thing to be taken seriously.
  • Only a usefully lived life of duty.
  • Life consists of sobs, sighs and smiles, with sighs predominating. O.Henry
  • The ability to live well and die well is one and the same science. (Epicurus)
  • Remember: only this life has a price! (Ancient Egypt)
  • You are the main designer of your life, whether you realize it or not.
  • Life is long, if it is full... Let us measure it by deeds, not by time. (Seneca)
  • A person should not ask what is the meaning of his life, but rather should realize that he himself is the one to whom the question is addressed.
  • Only two tragedies are possible in life: the first is to get what you dream of, the second is not to get. Oscar Wilde

Gain experience and human wisdom from Status Life game play beautifully, let's start our list: Love - it either exists or it doesn't!

Love should bring joy, if it is not, then it is not love!

Do not expect good from the gift of vile hands. Euripides

I know what love means: love is a clouding of the mind. Erasmus of Rotterdam

A good drunk often hides under a bad cloak. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Pure and free from the influence of other passions is only that love that is hidden in the depths of our heart and unknown to us ourselves. F. La Rochefoucauld.

Learn to take responsibility for your actions

Love does not grow, does not become great and perfect suddenly and by itself, but it requires time and constant care.

In fighting for freedom, we must be careful not to violate the freedom of conscience of others, always remembering that God is the judge of the hearts of people. George Washington

Poor is love if it can be measured. William Shakespeare

In misfortune the enemy is known and exposed. Epictetus

Love either comes immediately or never. Mark Levy Where Are You?

Good is the eternal, highest goal of our life. No matter how we understand good, our life is nothing but striving for good. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Only love bought with money is worth nothing. E. Tarasov

Some friends are good far away, others near; one who is not very suitable for conversation is excellent in correspondence. Distance smooths out the flaws that are unbearable in close communication. Baltasar Gracian y Morales

Greedy human mind. He can neither stop nor remain at rest, but rushes further and further. Francis Bacon

There are women with whom no one falls in love, but whom everyone loves. There are women that everyone falls in love with but no one loves. Only that woman is happy, whom everyone loves, but in whom only one is in love. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

What is too stupid to be simply said is sung. Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais

It is not the quantity of knowledge that matters, but the quality of it. You can know a lot without knowing the most necessary. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Noise proves nothing. A hen, after laying an egg, often cackles as if she had laid a small planet. Mark Twain

Father's strictness is a wonderful medicine: it has more sweet than bitter. Epictetus

And in the lower rank there are heroes. Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

I do not need a friend who, agreeing with me in everything, changes his views with me, nodding his head, because the shadow does the same better. Plutarch

The liar's punishment is not that no one else believes him, but that he himself can no longer trust anyone. George Bernard Shaw

What can be said about the relationship of man to his work, the same can be said about the relationship of man to man. Karl Marx

A person who tries to cover up his weakness with loud phrases and noble principles involuntarily arouses suspicion. Jawaharlal Nehru

If you are not lazy, then your harvest will come like a fountain; poverty will run far from you. Book of proverbs

The mockery of other people's suffering should not be forgiven. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Consider the path for your foot, and let all your ways be firm. Book of proverbs

Do today what others will think about tomorrow. Winston Churchill

Books have a special charm; books give us pleasure: they talk to us, give us good advice, they become living friends for us. Francesco Petrarca

The truth is like a bitter drink, unpleasant in taste, but restoring health. Honore de Balzac

The soul remembers the past, sees the present, foresees the future. Mark Tullius Cicero

If you hide the truth and bury it in the ground, it will certainly grow and acquire such strength that one day it will break out and sweep away everything in its path. Emile Zola

Words belong to the age, and thoughts to the centuries. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin

Friendship is love without wings. George Byron

The mistakes and oversights of a clearly conscious person can be more useful than the half-truths of people who prefer to remain in uncertainty. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Free trade is not a principle, but a means to an end. Benjamin Disraeli

Decide legally, not with weapons. Mark Tullius Cicero

Don't furrow your brows! Quintus Horace Flaccus

Whoever insults a decent person insults himself. Jean Jacques Rousseau

What I am to you, you will be to me. Heinrich Mann

He who digs a hole under his neighbor will fall into it.

Don't complain about snow on your neighbor's roof if your own threshold isn't cleared.

All our lamentations about what we are deprived of stem from a lack of gratitude for what we have. Daniel Defoe

Everything that fits our desires seems right. Anything that contradicts them infuriates us. André Maurois

There are things between earth and heaven that not only our philosophers, but even the most ordinary fools, are unable to understand. Heinrich Heine

The arrogant and stubborn one does everything in his own way, does not listen to anyone's advice and soon becomes a victim of his own delusions. Aesop

We often console ourselves with trifles, for trifles upset us. Blaise Pascal

Nothing is more inspiring than the realization of one's hopeless situation. Albert Camus

States are acquired either by one's own or someone else's weapons, or by the grace of fate, or by valor. Niccolo Machiavelli

Three things, once started, it is difficult to finish: a) eat good food; b) talk with a friend who has returned from a campaign and c) scratch where it itches. Kozma Prutkov

My clear conscience is more important to me than all the gossip. Mark Tullius Cicero

They can because they are convinced of it. Mark Tullius Cicero

For a decent person, there is nothing more precious than what was given to him for nothing. Baltasar Gracian y Morales

I don't value reading without any pleasure. Mark Tullius Cicero

It is not enough that education does not spoil us, it is necessary that it change us for the better. Michel de

Forgive your enemies, but do not forget their names. John Kennedy

Disregard slander and it will wither away. Publius Cornelius Tacitus

In painting, who, having drawn a face, adds something else, he makes a picture, not a portrait. Blaise Pascal

We will always keep in accordance with the age of each. Quintus Horace Flaccus

The greatest economy that is possible in the realm of thought is to accept that the world is unknowable and to attend to man. Albert Camus

Only those who are concerned about major universal and social problems should write. George Bernard Shaw

Instinct and reason are signs of two different entities. Blaise Pascal

Self-love is a balloon inflated with air, from which storms break out when it is pierced. Voltaire

If everything seems easy, it unmistakably proves that the worker is very little skillful and that the work is beyond his understanding. Leonardo da Vinci

Rebellious atheism puts history in the place of God and replaces rebellion with absolute obedience. Duty and virtue for him are nothing but complete submission and total sacrifice of oneself to the shrine of insatiable becoming. Albert Camus

Until we learn to admire a person as the most beautiful and wonderful phenomenon on our planet, until then we will not be freed from the abomination and lies of our life. Maksim Gorky

Science is a clear knowledge of the truth, enlightenment of the mind, immaculate amusement of life, praise of youth, old age, a support, a builder of cities, regiments, a fortress of success in misfortunes, in happiness it is an adornment, a faithful and unceasing companion everywhere. Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov

Do not multiply your speech with the foolish, and do not go to the foolish. Epictetus

The battlefield where the mind fights is more terrible than the battlefield where people die, it is more difficult to cultivate it than arable land. Honore de Balzac

Even in the worst fate, there are opportunities for happy change. Erasmus of Rotterdam

Care about human life and happiness, and not about their destruction, is the first and only legitimate task of good government. Thomas Jefferson

A few vices are enough to cloud many virtues. Plutarch

The wise power of the builder is hidden in every person, and it must be given free rein to develop and flourish. Maksim Gorky

Don't ask about tomorrow. Quintus Horace Flaccus

If one digs deep, one can discover the base motives underlying even the most commendable deeds; so even in the purest air the chemist finds traces of unbreathable gas. It's all about proportions. André Maurois

Everything awesome comes to an end, so our collection has come to an end. Status life game play beautifully, the final saying remains: The best thing is the mind, since the earth can be equipped with the mind and the sky can be subjugated by the power of the mind.

Remember, in the famous film "Theater" the beautiful actress Viya Artmane said: "Life is a game ... Game is life!"

What are the life statuses?

Life is a game…

And I play it...

Cruel game…

But I know the rules...

Possibly hard...

Yes, I don't deny...

But there is only one outcome...


Those who love free slot machines think so too, but what really happens? There are always more losses than wins!

When we break the law, we are fined; when we do the right thing, we are taxed.

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.

Life statuses

- Life is like riding a bicycle, if it's hard for you, then you are on the rise!

Guys are like a public restroom, either SHIT or BUSY!!!

Daughter, why didn't you pick up the phone? Mommy, I danced to the bell!

Dictatorship is when they have you. Democracy is when you have the right to choose who will have you.

A monument should be erected to the contact with the inscription .. "time was brutally killed here .."

I would have left .. defiantly slamming the door .. but we fucking parted on ICQ!

There are three things that are scary to look at in the morning after drinking: a face, a wallet and a list of outgoing calls.))

When problems recede, the main thing is not to pursue them.

Friendship between a man and a woman is sex postponed for later ...

If there is a solid ass around you, then you are most likely shit ...

The more generous a man is on first dates, the less time he needs a woman.

I? I live how I want! I am alone in life! Your own fool! lady herself! — Life statuses

The girl has the status: BLOOD TIRST me: what kind of vampire status?))) she: that blah ... the delay is already the 6th day

The more free time, the dumber you spend it

Fear pulls back, curiosity pushes forward, pride stops. And only common sense nervously marks time and swears ...

Only the joint occupation of idiocy indicates the spiritual and spiritual closeness of people.

Two things prevent a person from being happy: lack of confidence in what he is doing, and anxiety about it.

The more a person is dear to us, the more we endure his brain.

“When they tell you:” “Please answer, only honestly” “You realize with horror that now you will have to lie a lot!”

Life statuses - We must live in such a way that on social media didn't have enough time!

Faster than money - only the weekend ends.

It is not enough to find your place in life, you have to find it first.

Am I so sexy that life keeps fucking me?

If you don't look ahead, you may end up behind

Two mysteries of life: where does the dust come from and where does the money go?

Do not look at life too soberly, you will get drunk. — Statuses about life

Empty days...empty nights, empty life...empty eyes, empty heart...and soul, when there is EVERYTHING, but there is no You...

Statuses about life- Life is short! Break the rules! Farewell quickly! Kiss slowly! Love sincerely! Laugh uncontrollably!

Thanks Life! You again moved me with a “face about a table”, as if saying “Know your place, naive fool! There will be no fairy tales! ”I’m even ashamed of my childish stupidity

If he is the first thing you think about when you wake up; the only thing is when you are awake; and the last thing you think about before you fall asleep - it means he really is special!

No schizophrenia, just a heart to heart conversation between me and me.

... A girl is easy to deceive, offend, hit, send ... But it is very difficult to return her ...

The sun is shining, I'm bastard ... it's raining, I'm crazy ... I get high from life ... everything is fine It "s me life).

Do not tear off stupid conversations - I have the only white streak in my life - Statuses about life

I'm tired of everything ... I'll take a rope, find a stronger branch and come what may ... I'll make a swing and ride =)

How terribly my head hurts ... so it still exists! Well, at least there is some joy in this life.

You need to live in such a way that your presence is necessary, and your absence is noticeable ...

The Internet is like life - there is nothing to do, but you don’t want to leave ...

I'm not an angel, but life is not heaven either!!!

Life is a book... Someone has a detective, someone has a novel, someone has a complete fantasy. I look around me ... I have a comic book campaign 🙂

Statuses about life Life is too important to be taken seriously!

Life is what happens to you just when you have completely different plans.

My life my rules! If you don't like my rules, stay out of my life!

There will always be someone who wants to ruin their life.

Perhaps the whole point of this life is to be needed by at least someone. After all, if no one thinks about you, then it’s like you don’t exist ...

You need to live in such a way that others have depression!

In life, unlike chess, the game continues even after the checkmate...

Humility makes a person beautiful. In grey.

We began to live better, the government said. We are happy for you, people thought.

Statuses about life - Life is given to a person once, and mostly by accident ...