The meaning of the name Maryana for a girl is winter. The meaning of the name Marianna, character and fate

Charming Passionate Cheerful

Mariana Spivak, theater and film actress

Name origin: Hebrew

When you're lucky: Thursday

When there are problems: Tuesday

Important years of life: 14, 24, 38

Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Lucky Number: 9

What does the name Mariana mean?

Maryana appeared as a result of a combination of two Hebrew names Maria and Anna. Marianne is his more literary form. The meaning of the name Maryana has several versions of origin.

It is used both in Orthodoxy and in the Catholic faith. Church use - Marianne, known as the sister of the Apostle Philip, whose name day is celebrated on March 2.

Passion, mental anxiety permeate the entire energy of this name. Balance and calmness are given with great difficulty to Marianne. She needs a huge effort of will to be guided by logic and common sense.

Maryana constantly requires increased attention to her own person. Faced with the opposition of others, she will learn to be more restrained. Her pride will be fueled by determination and a desire to act.

The most important thing in life for Maryana is to find a compromise between her excessive emotionality and the people around her. If she does not focus only on her own feelings, it is in her power to free herself from unnecessary experiences and conflicts, to direct her energy on the right path.

Not really

The origin of the name Maryana from a combination of two words Maria and Anna gives it the meaning - “rejected grace” or “sad beauty”. There is another version of the translation of this name - "outrage".

Many researchers share the opinion that Maryana came from the name of the Roman generic nickname Marianus, which means “belonging to Mary” in translation.

If we analyze even deeper, it becomes obvious: this genus takes its origins from the word Marius - "belonging to the god Mars."

Therefore, for many historians, the secret of the name Maryan is revealed with the help of the god Mars, widely known in mythology.

According to the third version, Maryana is female form from the masculine equivalent of Marian, meaning "marine" in Latin.

This name has many synonyms in different languages- Marianna, Marian, Marianu, Mariano, as well as a wide variety of diminutives - Yana, Mara, Nana, Riana, which began to be used as independent names.

Forms of the name Simple: Mara Full: Maryana Ancient: Maryana Affectionate: Maryasha

The secret of communication with Maryana is that with her you need to be guided by logic and as little as possible feelings. She is able to show compassion, but Maryana's passion is so all-consuming that her guardianship can simply tire.

The characteristic of the name Maryana from the standpoint of numerology is determined by the number 4.

Conscientiousness, stability, reliability are noted in the character of these people. In a difficult situation, Maryana will never let you down, but rather, on the contrary, she will show her best best qualities. "Fours" are inherent in independence, in resolving all troubles and problems, they try not to resort to outside help.

Maryana has large quantity talents, so she should not be afraid to set ambitious goals for herself. With enough diligence and patience, she will be able to realize them.

According to the astrological characteristics of Maryana, she is patronized by the zodiac constellation Scorpio and militant Mars. This is not surprising if you remember what the name Maryana means. In crucial moments, it is better for her to wear green and blue clothes. From jewelry suitable - emerald, lapis lazuli and sapphire.

Maryana happy childhood, all thanks to her emotionality and charm. Both in character and appearance, she is an exact copy of her father. Her description is similar to the ideal child: obedient at home, diligent at school, attends circles in her free time, loves to draw and sing.

With age, her character remains almost the same. Having become the favorite of many, she does not seek to change anything in own life. Maryana gets great pleasure from communication, gives great importance friendship, likes to have fun.

Maryana does not hide her feelings, she is sincere in her actions. Dangers can shock her, but the potential that she has is enough to cope with them.

This girl has a hot temperament. He will defend his point of view to the end, even if in the process he realizes that he is not entirely right. Her fuse is transmitted to others, if desired, she can lead.

Mariana questions a lot, she will not finally make a decision until she checks everything.

Her incredulity is also manifested in communication with people: she trusts her secrets only to those closest to her. Adhering to strict moral principles, she rarely deviates from them.

Character traits Positivity Responsiveness Kindness Independence Talent Impulsiveness Suspicion Distrust Stubbornness Stubbornness

The story of first love will not bypass Maryana, all thanks to her cheerful disposition and outward charm.

When choosing a life partner, she does not need anyone's advice: she will not listen to her friends or parents.

Good and bad couples Alexey Vladimir Denis Ivan Gennady Dmitry Stepan Timur Svyatoslav Eduard

Despite the fact that Mariana marries early, she understands perfectly well how important it is to be a good housewife. “A sad beauty” - this is what the name Maryana means, household chores will not plunge into discouragement. It will easily create comfort and coziness in your home.

As a rule, she will quickly find an approach to her husband, learn to lead him. Her marriage is strong, with the exception of women with this name, born in the fall.

When is the name day?

March 2 © Author: Alexey Krivenkiy. Photo:

Marianna (Maryana) name meaning, character and fate | What does the name Marianna (Maryana) mean?

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Marianna (Maryana), its origin, history, learn about the interpretation of the name.

  • Marianne's Zodiac - Libra
  • Planet - Saturn
  • The color of the name Marianna is green
  • Auspicious tree - maple
  • Marianne's treasured plant - dahlia
  • Patron named after Marianna - peacock
  • Marianna's talisman stone - green jasper

What does the name Marianna mean?: (from the addition of the meanings of the names Maria - bitter, sad and Anna - beautiful, pretty) - a sad beauty (the name Marianna is of Jewish origin).

Short meaning of the name Marianna: Maryanka, Mara, Yanka, Maryasha.

Marianne's Angel Day: The name celebrates name days twice a year:

  • March 2 (February 17) St. Marianna, sister of St. Philip the Apostle; after her brother's death, she preached the Holy Gospel in Lycaonia, where she died peacefully.
  • October 13 (September 30) - The Holy Virgin Martyr Marianna and her friends suffered in Armenia in the 4th century. in the persecution of Diocletian.

Signs of the name Marianna: If snow falls on Marian's day, winter will not come soon.

Positive traits of the name Marianne: Marianna is distinguished by excessive, soul-searing passion and emotionality. She can hardly remain at least somewhat restrained and guided in life by logic. Marianne is prone to mental anguish and she knows it herself, so she tries to drive her feelings into the very depths of her soul. Increased attention to oneself, self-control and determination - all these qualities inherent in Marianne are a mask under which a volcano of feelings slumbers.

Negative traits of the name Marianne: Marianne often does not even try to restrain her feelings and recklessly goes into conflict. Changes in mood plunge her into despondency. When she is sad, she begins to look at life too gloomily and can do a lot of stupid things. Accumulating negative emotions do not allow the name Marianne to feel completely happy.

The nature of the name Marianna: Marianne seems to be created for fun and pleasure. She excites any team, organizing visits to theaters, concerts, New Year's lights. Male colleagues are crazy about her, but a girl named Marianna does not start novels in the service - in principle. But on the side she is able to meet with three or four admirers at once, and everyone does not suspect anything about her deceit. And even after getting married, Marianna from time to time makes an appointment with one of her faithful pages - just to provoke her husband, not to let him, as they say, cool down.

If we analyze the meaning of the name Maryan from the standpoint of numerology, then it can be noted that he is controlled by the number 4, indicating a stable, cautious, reliable, honest, conscientious person. Indeed, Maryana can be relied upon in a difficult situation, where the main features of her character are best manifested. She is very independent, always trying to figure out any issue without outside help. The meaning of the name is recommended to set large-scale forces in front of itself, try to develop the main talents and abilities, which can later be useful when choosing a profession.

In childhood, the name Maryana grows very emotional and sociable. She completely inherits her father, both externally and in character. Parents often say that there are no problems with Maryana, if only because she can do it everywhere. Mariana draws beautifully, sings, dances and at the same time studies well at school. She is sociable, and therefore, she has many friends and admirers. By the way, partly for this reason, the owner of this name quickly marries.

Maryana has a well-developed imagination, and therefore, she can become a successful artist, sculptor, designer, architect. She loves to express herself. By the way, it’s great to cope even with work that involves risk and even often seeks to find just such a specialization for itself.

In marriage, Maryana manifests herself as a wonderful wife, mother and mistress. Regarding the choice of husband, parents are not consulted.

Choosing a profession by name: Marianna has a lively, sharp mind, the ability for extraordinary thinking, for the sciences and, in general, for everything new.

Marianne's business and career: Along with the ups and downs, Marianne, when she cannot keep up with the change of events, is expected to fall into the financial abyss.

Marianne's love and marriage: Marianne sometimes consciously suppresses her sensual and passionate sexual nature. She will be happy only with a calm, balanced man who is older than her. Favorable is the union of the name with Averyan, Alfred, Varlam, Benjamin, Vissarion, Galaction, Dorotheus, Innocent, Heraclius, Leonid, Longinus, Maximilian, Modest, Naum, Nestor, Pakhom, Polycarp, Potap, Rodion, Selivan, Trofim, Philemon, Philo, Harlampy. Complicated relations of the name are likely with Arthur, Dasius, Severin.

Health and talent named after Marianne: Marianne's health is good, but she can undermine it with a too busy life.

Name Marianna in other countries:: The translation of the name Marianne in different languages ​​has a similar sound. On the English language translated as Marianna, French: Marianna, Polish: Marianna.

The fate of the name Marianne in history:

  1. Marianna Yuryevna Mnishek - that was the name of the woman who is notorious in Russian history as Marina Mnishek. This is the daughter of the Sendomir voivode, the wife of False Dmitry I. In the memory of the Russian people, Marina-Marianna Mnishek is known under the name "Marinka the godless", "heretic" and "sorceress": "And his evil (False Dmitry) wife Marinka the godless turned into a magpie and from she flew out of the chambers." Since then, the magpie has been considered an unclean bird in Moscow.
  2. Marianna Beerle-Moor - Ph.D., linguist, specialist in linguistics and ethnolinguistics (Caucasian studies, grammar of the Lezgi language, director of the Institute for Bible Translation in Moscow).
  3. Marianne Cope - blessed of the Roman Catholic Church, nun of the female Franciscan order. On May 14, 2005, Marianne Cope was beatified and became the first beatified by Pope Benedict XVI.
  4. Marianna Ionesyan (born 1972) - Soviet actress, known for her role in the film "Guest from the Future".
  5. Marianna Tavrog (1921 - 2006) - Russian film director, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation.
  6. Marianna Basina (1916 - 1994) - Russian writer.
  7. Marianna Bernatskaya (1888 - 1943) - blessed of the Roman Catholic Church, martyr. He is one of the 108 blessed Polish martyrs beatified by Pope John Paul II during his visit to Warsaw in 1999.
  8. Marianna Veryovkina (1860 - 1938) - Russian-Swiss artist, representative of the expressionist movement in painting.
  9. Marianna Vertinskaya - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1991).
  10. Marianne Geyde - Russian poet, prose writer, translator.
  11. Marianna Volkova is an American photographer of Russian origin.
  12. Marianna Bakonina is a Russian television journalist.
  13. Marianne of Austria - Queen of Spain, second wife of Philip IV, mother of Charles II, the last Spanish king from the Habsburg dynasty, sister of Ferdinand IV and Leopold I.

Origin and meaning of the name Marianne

The name Marianne is not so common today, since it appeared not so long ago. If you look at the younger generation, then there are quite a few girls with that name. It is of Jewish origin. If we talk about his characterization, then it should be noted that all Mariannes are emotional, cheerful and sociable. What fate awaits its owner? What is the meaning of the name Marianne? This will be discussed.

Name origin

There are several versions of how this interesting name came about - Marianne. The meaning of the name and the fate of the owner are closely related. The main versions of its occurrence will be described below:

  1. The origin of the name has Jewish roots, and came from the merger of Anna and Mary. The etymology of these words is completely different - one personifies beauty, and the second - sadness. That is, Marianne means nothing more than "sad beauty."
  2. According to one of the legends, it becomes clear that the origin and meaning of the name Marianna are rooted in the days of the Roman Empire. In Rome, there was a generic nickname Marianus, which in translation means "belonging to Mary." Therefore, the name Marianna is sometimes interpreted as "belonging to the Virgin Mary."
  3. There is also such a version of the origin, which means that Marianne is an "indignant person."
  4. If we talk about the Latin language, then in translation the word means "sea element". The name is derived from the male consonant Marian.


What is the meaning of the name Marianne for a girl? She is born completely similar to her father, both externally and internally. Even in childhood, girls with this name reveal their artistry, mobility and activity. Very often, Marianne's parents do not have time to follow them, as they cannot sit still and are constantly busy with something, dirtying and showing themselves to be fidgets.

What is she, the girl Marianne? The meaning of the name for the child plays a big role. Marianne is no exception. Each girl named by this name has many girlfriends and friends, since communication comes first for her. Mariannes are characterized by unbalance, temperament, a strong manifestation of emotions and feelings.

As for studies, success depends only on mood. Marianna is very active, and therefore, both during classes and during breaks, she behaves lively, sometimes showing not the best sides of her character. She shows artistic ability, describing herself as the star of the class. Mariannes are happy to attend clubs and sports sections.


In youth, temperament changes slightly. At this time, it is very difficult to manage the character, the girl is distinguished by frivolity. If you need to get something from Marianne, you often have to resort to blackmail. To improve relations with Marianne, you need to talk to her alone. During these years, girls are distinguished by their optionality and windiness, this is also manifested in relations with people around them. At this age, they are very secretive, and luck accompanies them in all matters. The girl is strong-willed and very lucky.

In her youth, Marianna pays great attention to her appearance and clothes, which is why she is always well dressed, which her girlfriends can envy. The girl watches her figure, eats right and goes in for sports.

Marianne can be called an envious person, but her envy is kind, and she will not harm anyone. Mariannes are very sociable and love communication. Each girl has her own firm position, which she almost never violates, only in the most extreme cases.

Love relationship

What is she, a woman named Marianne? The meaning of the name, character and fate are very difficult. If we talk about love relationships, then they manifest themselves somehow in a special way. It is very difficult and scary for a girl to trust her partner, but if he approaches her correctly, he will be able to melt the heart of a young lady.

All Mariannes are very amorous, they can drown headlong in their lover. But a girl can easily switch to another guy and lose her head from him. That is why she has a lot of fans. Having matured, Marianne does not lose her attractiveness, and such concepts as love and sex are inseparable for her.

In her life, a girl will be married no more than twice. The first relationship is usually rich in quarrels and conflicts between spouses. All this is due to the nature of Marianne, as she loves to show it and is not ready to be led by a man, showing her desires. And the husband, in turn, does not want to sit under the heel, so there are often quarrels in families.

Marianne's girls can conquer people. They are especially active in sexual relations. This girl is used to making decisions on her own, so she gets married faster than all her friends, without consulting anyone, but simply confronting the fact. But if we are talking about Marianne, who was born in January, then she marries late, but her marriage is very successful.

A family

If we talk about the family, then Marianne can become not only a good mother, but also a wonderful wife. The girl spends a lot of time with her loved ones, pays a lot of attention to the kids. If we are talking about adult children, then the mother controls their behavior and tries to observe all relationships and personal lives, as she wants to protect them from stupid acts.

Marianna's girls know how to create comfort in the house, and they also love to receive guests, showing their hospitality. The house is always full of friends, they often gather for gatherings for big table. Almost all holidays are held in Marianne's house.


Agree that the name Marianne sounds very beautiful. The meaning of the name and the fate of its owner are of interest to many. What are Marianne's professional abilities? If we talk about the business sector, then it has its own characteristics. It cannot be said that the Mariannes are efficient, it all depends on their mood. In order for a girl to pay a lot of attention to her work, she must first of all like her. If the profession does not suit Marianne, then she will not fulfill her tasks, because of which she can get into unpleasant situations.

For Marianne, professions such as:

  • Stewardess.
  • Journalist.
  • Interviewer.
  • Sociologist.
  • Advocate.
  • Stylist.
  • Lawyer.
  • Social worker.
  • Designer.

But, despite some frivolity, the girl manages to achieve heights in terms of career and become a good specialist. If she has all the conditions for this, then she will become an excellent housewife.


Mariannas are not distinguished by good health, so they must always monitor it and their immunity, which is very weak. They tend to be overweight because they eat a lot. If a girl in her youth leads an inappropriate lifestyle, then in adulthood she cannot avoid problems with the kidneys and disorders of the musculoskeletal system.


What is the meaning of the name Marianne in the hobby? What is its owner interested in? Marianne is a very artistic person. She can draw, sing or dance. Most of all, girls are fond of music and theater, sometimes they associate their profession with this.

What else interesting can you learn about the girl who was given the name Marianna? The origin and meaning of the word tell us that the character of a young lady is more like a man's. Perhaps this is due to the similarity with her father or due to the origin of her name from the male. Mariannes are fond of sports such as football, mountaineering and extreme activities.

Such girls love to travel, but they give preference to their native country, rather than foreign resorts.

Name characteristic

Marianne is a person who has both positive and negative sides in her character. given name can be associated with a complex temperament, so parents need to think carefully before naming their child. Many people think that the meaning of the name does not affect the character of a person, but in fact it is not. Very often, people who read the description of their name will recognize their character traits in this description.

All Mariannes can be described as sociable, mobile and sociable individuals. Very often they manifest themselves as caring women who are interested in the problems of their family. The owners of this name often show excessive concern for relatives and friends and interfere in their personal lives, which often leads to quarrels and misunderstandings.

What does the name Marianna mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate


Active Open Creative

Marianna Dirzu, actress

Name origin: Latin

When you're lucky: Friday

When there are problems: Thursday

Important years of life: 19, 22, 28

Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Lucky number: 2

What does the name Marianna mean?

It is impossible to unequivocally interpret the meaning of the name Marianna or its more common and somewhat simplified form "Maryana".

It is believed that this name appeared as a result of the merger of two other names - Mary and Anna. Anna in Hebrew means “grace” or “beauty”, and Mary means “bitterness, sadness”.

Therefore, Marianne should be interpreted as "bitterness of grace" or "sadness of beauty."

But, the etymological analysis of the name helps to read it differently, Marianna is a word of Latin origin and is translated as "sea".

According to the third version, it comes from the ancient Roman word Marianus, which was used to denote belonging to the genus of the god of the Roman pantheon Mars.

Would you name your child by this name?
Not really

Such an unusual name is quite rare, but always arouses interest and admiration, its euphony lulls you like a light sea breeze.

The statement that the origin of the name Marianna is Latin is most true. It is derived from the male name Marianne and literally translates as "marine".

One cannot ignore the version of Roman origin, it is believed that the name was a cognomen, that is, a generic name during the time of the Roman Empire.

But most often they say that Marianne is a combination female name Maria and Anna.

The first mention of him in Orthodoxy can be found in the 4th century, when the girl Marianna lived in Armenia, who is a follower of Christianity, preaching and dying for him.

Forms of the name Simple: Maryana Full: Marianna Ancient: Marianna Affectionate: Maryasha

Always smiling, active and proactive, Marianna easily becomes the soul of the company and causes sincere sympathy for herself.

But, the characterization of the name Marianne is ambiguous. She has numerous internal contradictions, the main of which is excessive emotionality and the desire for external peace.

However, she has a strong character, can pull herself together to avoid conflicts with others.

The owner of the name manages to keep up with everything and always: at first she studies well at school and goes to several circles at the same time, then she combines her career with exemplary housekeeping and personal interests.

She does not shy away from difficulties and knows how to find solutions in any situation, she solves her problems on your own, but will be sincerely grateful for the participation of friends.

Understanding what the name Marianne means, one ceases to be surprised at the smoothness of the course of her life, the ability to find spiritual harmony in her and at the same time material benefits.

A creative person with a high level of self-organization is the most accurate description of the owner of such a melodic name.

Analyzing the characteristics of Marianne, one cannot fail to note her enormous creative potential, which is expressed even in the most ordinary things. He knows how to easily create a truly unique atmosphere around him.

Her character combines openness, generosity, optimism with pride, stubbornness and intolerance. Understanding what the name Marianne means, you understand how multifaceted this person is.

She directs all her not hefty internal forces to create an ideal image of herself. He wants to please others and at the same time constantly keep everything under control.

She should look at life more simply, learn to attach less importance to the opinion from the outside and just go with the flow, and not constantly fight with imaginary windmills.

Character traits Openness Friendliness Initiative Cheerfulness Creativity Stubbornness Hot temper Domineering Narcissism Suspiciousness

Thanks to her active life position and eccentricity, Marianna will not stay long in the girls.

For all his openness, he does not initiate anyone into a relationship. This is a certain secret of the name Marianne, she is guided only by the arguments of her own heart and mind.

Good and bad couples Alexey Vladimir Gennady Denis Ivan Vladislav Georgy Oleg Fedor Yaroslav

She treats marriage as something natural, quickly getting used to the role of a wife and exemplary housewife. The story of her family life can become the basis of a novel about ideal love.

At the same time, Marianne strives for leadership in the family, and the reins of government fall into her hands completely imperceptibly, but her husband will not feel uncomfortable.

He attaches great importance to his convictions and does not tolerate when they are being shaken, in a dispute with her, the truth will definitely not be born, but a scandal is guaranteed.

When is the name day?

April 30 May 26 June 2 July 01 © Author: Alexey Krivenkiy. Photo:

The meaning of the name Maryan. Origin, history and mystery of the name Maryan

Today, thanks to the availability and availability of a variety of information, you can find out everything about the name you like. For example, there is such a rare male name as Maryan. It is rare to find a boy so named. However, it is interesting what is the meaning of the name Maryan, its origin and influence on the character of a person.

Name origin

According to reports, Maryan (Marian) comes from the Latin word and means "sea". This is what the name Maryan means.

The character of the boy Maryana

As a child, he is active and restless. It is sometimes difficult for parents to cope with his excessive energy. At the same time, already at a young age, he shows the makings of an extraordinary will, perseverance and pride. This is the meaning of the name Maryan for boys.

What are they - Maryana?

If in childhood they are energetic and restless, then, becoming adults, they show irascibility and excitability. They are from that category of people who "care about everyone and everything." Maryans can easily intervene in someone else's conversation, they are able to teach and give advice.

Such excessive "sociability" often leads to antipathy towards them from other people. However, the Maryans do this not out of harm, but out of a disinterested desire to help others.

In general, Marianas are typical extroverts. They possess seething energy, remarkable willpower and stubbornness. They can stand up for themselves, bold in actions, judgments and deeds. Sometimes the meaning of the name Maryan implies behavior bordering on aggression. These men are very sensitive to everything that happens around them, they are vulnerable and have a vulnerable sense of self-esteem. It is very easy to hurt and hurt their pride, and people around them take advantage of this. This is especially easy to do, because Maryan always strives to do everything at the highest level.

Maryana men are quick-tempered, excitable, but this is not irritability. They very easily return to their normal state, quickly move away and can continue the dialogue as if nothing had happened.

The meaning of the name Maryan in choosing a profession

Thanks to their perseverance, endurance and stubbornness, these men make good athletes and leaders. They also like activities that require perseverance and painstaking work. Unlike others, they easily take on tedious and everyday work, doing it efficiently and easily. They can make a career as a psychiatrist, politician, manager, salesperson or engineer.

What else can be said about these men? As a rule, nature endows them with an analytical mindset, extraordinary intuition, the will to live, a strong psyche and the ability to withstand any situation. Maryan can adapt to a variety of situations, always making far-reaching plans (not for one year, but for several at once).

Health and patrons

Despite his remarkable endurance and resilience, Maryan must take care of his personal health. Particular attention should be paid to the heart and circulatory system.

Maryan's totem animal is the tiger (hence its aggressiveness, royalty, assertiveness and lack of fear). The totem plant is an elm tree (inflexible, perennial, monumental and monolithic).

Relationships with the opposite sex

What does the name Maryan mean in terms of gender relations? He begins to enter into sexual contacts quite early, throughout his life he can have many girlfriends. Often "stops" only in old age. Despite the abundance of female attention, he does not understand the intricacies of female psychology. Instead of acting subtly and diplomatically, Maryan behaves straightforwardly and rudely, thinking that this way he will seduce the girl faster.

In marriage, he is often unlucky, although he is not the worst family man. He likes to mess around with children, to do men's work in the house. He always helps his wife, but he does not feel true attention, care and female affection. For this reason, Maryan's first marriage often fails. In the family of Mariana, they always occupy the position of a leader, as they are used to commanding and leading people everywhere and everywhere.

Date of birth and character of Maryan

Marianas born in autumn have a pragmatic and analytical mindset. They tend to plan and calculate everything in advance. If they see that the goal is unattainable, then they will stop trying to achieve it.

"Summer" Maryana, on the contrary, are cheerful, simple, kind and artless. For this reason, it is very difficult for them to build a career.

Day of the Angel Maryana

Many are interested in whether the name Maryan is Orthodox or not? Although this name is rare, but he has a name day (Angel's Day) for church calendar. So, in Orthodoxy they are celebrated on April 1, December 23. In the Catholic world, this day is celebrated on September 19th.

The meaning of the letters in the name

If you understand even more deeply, then any name can be “decomposed” into components - letters, in which a certain meaning is also encoded, which ultimately affects the energy of the name and its impact on a person.

M - practicality, self-confidence, poise, diligence, optimism, secrecy.

A - selfishness, activity, impulsiveness, ambition, sincerity.

P - conflict, independence, activity, selfishness, intelligence, self-confidence.

b - selfishness, ambition, activity, impulsiveness, uncertainty, pessimism.

I am sincerity, self-confidence, sociability, balance, creativity.

H - conflict, pessimism, creativity, diligence, sociability.

Notable Representatives

It should be noted that "Maryan" is a form of a name that is inherent in use in the Russian-speaking world. But this name is most common in Poland, where it has a different form - "Marian" ("a hybrid" of the names Marius and Marina).

As for the famous owners of this name, there are many outstanding athletes, military figures and politicians among them. Here are just some of their representatives:

This is the origin of the name Maryan, its meaning and influence on the one who bears it.

Marian, Marian name meaning, character and fate | What does the name Marian mean?

What does the name Marian mean?: "marine" (the name Maryan of Latin origin).

Day of the angel Maryana: the name Maryan does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox saints.

The nature of the name Maryan: Fidget in childhood, aggressor in youth, absorbent sponge in maturity, sage in old age. As a rule, a calm and reasonable man named Maryan, but there are exceptions. Wanting to help others, the meaning of the name constantly interferes in other people's affairs. Bold, endowed with a strong will. The name Maryan is mild-mannered, quick-witted. Demanding of himself and others.

Choosing a profession by name: The name Maryan easily adapts to any environment. Has a strong will, analytical mindset, highly developed intuition. Marian builds his plans as if he is going to live forever. He achieves professional success in the field of exact sciences, psychiatry, and in the political arena. The name Maryan loves to do everything that requires painstaking, everyday work.

Love and marriage Maryana: Maryan early joins the intimate side of life. If necessary, can suppress their sexual desires. A good family man, loves to make things, mess with children and engage in their upbringing. The name Maryan will always come to the aid of his wife. Spoiled by the attention of women, he will not miss the opportunity to have fun on the side. Maryan's sexuality decreases in proportion to the years lived.

What does this name mean? - Mariana

Maria Potapova

The secret of the name Marianna (Maryana). The meaning of the name Marianna (Maryana). Interpretation of the name Marianna (Maryana)
Marianna (Maryana)

Diminutive forms: Maryanka, Mara, Yanka, Maryasha.

Characteristics of the name Marianna: Marianna seems to be created for fun and pleasure. She excites any team, organizing visits to theaters, concerts, New Year's lights. Male colleagues are crazy about her, but she does not start novels in the service - in principle. But on the side she is able to meet with three or four admirers at once, and everyone does not suspect anything about her deceit. And even after getting married, Marianne from time to time makes an appointment with one of her faithful pages - just to provoke her husband, not to let him, as they say, cool down.


Marianna (Maryana)
The meaning and interpretation of the name Marianna: (from the addition of the meanings of the names Maria - bitter, sad and Anna - beautiful, pretty) - a sad beauty (other Hebrew).

Marianne's name day: March 2 (February 17) St. Marianna, sister of St. Philip the Apostle; after her brother's death, she preached the Holy Gospel in Lycaonia, where she died peacefully.
October 13 (September 30) - The Holy Virgin Martyr Marianna and her friends suffered in Armenia in the 4th century. in the persecution of Diocletian.

The secret of the name Marianne: If snow falls on Marianne's day, winter will not come soon.

The zodiac of the name is Libra. Planet - Saturn. Name color is green. Auspicious tree - maple. Treasured plant - dahlia. The patron of the name is a peacock. Talisman stone - green jasper.

Diminutive forms: Maryanka, Mara, Yanka, Maryasha. Baby info ⁄ Baby name ⁄ Girls names ⁄ Maryana
Meaning of the name

"High", "exalted" in translation from the Hebrew language.
Name and character

Mariana grows up as an emotional, restless, proud and at the same time charming girl. She does not cause trouble for her parents, she manages to do everything: she studies well at school, is fond of music, tries to draw. Character and external data often inherits from the father.

Adult Mariana is a sociable and hot, wayward and purposeful woman. She solves her problems herself, not hoping for someone's help, but she will not refuse if she is offered. This is a rather extravagant person, not inclined to withdraw into himself and receptive to everything external. However, sensing danger, like an ostrich, it hides its head in the sand.

At work, Maryana excites the whole team, organizing visits to concerts, theaters, New Year's lights. She is elegant, always looks after her appearance, loves everything beautiful. She gets married before all her girlfriends. Moreover, he does this without consulting anyone, but simply putting his parents before the fact. Despite her young age, she becomes an excellent housewife, quickly gets used to running a house and unobtrusively leading her husband. Her marriage is strong.

Formed from a combination of the names Maria and Anna (folk form - Maryana). This charming and funny baby is a real gift for parents and the whole yard. Around her there is always smoke like a yoke, games, songs, dances - her light, cheerful and sociable disposition attracts everyone around. Mariannochka is everyone's favorite and remains so even as she grows up. She has good learning abilities, but it is difficult for her to sit in one place for a long time and she also likes to play pranks in class, so her grades are not always excellent. “Drama club, photo circle, I also want to sing! ”- this is absolutely about Marianne. Parents should listen to the wishes of the girl, it is better for her to have more activities outside of school, otherwise an excess of energy can lead to nervous breakdowns.

The meaning of the name Marianna: this name for a girl means "from the family of Mary", "belonging to the god Mars."

Origin of the name Marianne: Hebrew. The name Marianna came from the merger of two Hebrew words Maria and Anna or Marianna.

Diminutive form of the name: Maryanka, Mara, Yanka, Maryasha.

What does the name Marianna mean? comes from the name of a noble Greek family - letters. Maryanka has many friends and acquaintances. The girl Marianna does not tolerate boredom and makes progress in her studies or work, if she is interested. An amorous and feminine girl plunges into novels with her head, perhaps she will change several husbands.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Marianna celebrates name days twice a year:

  • March 2 (February 17) St. Marianna, sister of St. Philip the Apostle; after her brother's death, she preached the Holy Gospel in Lycaonia, where she died peacefully.
  • October 13 (September 30) - The Holy Virgin Martyr Marianna and her friends suffered in Armenia in the 4th century. in the persecution of Diocletian.

Signs: If snow falls on Marian's day, winter will not come soon.

The meaning of the name for a girl

What character traits determine the meaning of the name Marianne? She seems to be made for fun and pleasure. A girl with this name excites any team, organizing visits to theaters, concerts, New Year's lights. Male colleagues are crazy about her, but the girl does not start novels in the service - in principle. But Young Marianne is able to meet with three or four admirers at once, and everyone does not suspect anything about her deceit. And even after getting married, she from time to time makes an appointment with one of her faithful pages - just to encourage her husband, not to let him, as they say, cool down.

If we analyze the meaning of the name Marianne from the standpoint of numerology, then we can note that it is controlled by the number 4, indicating a stable, cautious, reliable, honest, conscientious person. Indeed, Maryana can be relied upon in a difficult situation, where the main features of her character are best manifested. Marianna is very independent, always trying to figure out any issue without outside help. Maryanka is recommended to set large-scale forces in front of herself, try to develop the main talents and abilities, which can later be useful when choosing a profession.

As a child, Marianne grows up very emotional and sociable. She completely inherits her father, both externally and in character. Parents often say that there are no problems with Maryana, if only because she can do it everywhere. Mariana draws beautifully, sings, dances and at the same time studies well at school. The owner of this name is sociable, and therefore, she has many friends and admirers. By the way, partly for this reason, Marianne quickly marries.

The nature of the name Marianna

Positive features: the name Marianna is distinguished by excessive, soul-searing passion, emotionality. A girl with this name can hardly remain at least somewhat restrained and be guided in life by logic. Marianne is prone to mental anguish and she knows it herself, so she tries to drive her feelings into the very depths of her soul. Increased attention to oneself, self-control and determination - all these qualities inherent in Marianne are a mask under which a volcano of feelings slumbers.

Negative Traits: Marianne often does not even try to restrain her feelings and recklessly goes into conflict. Changes in mood plunge her into despondency. When Marianne is sad, she begins to look at life too gloomily and can do a lot of stupid things. She does not attach great importance to negative emotions. This allows Marianne to feel completely happy.

Name Marianna in love and marriage

Does the meaning of the name Marianna promise happiness in love? Maryana sometimes consciously suppresses her sensual and passionate sexual nature. A woman named Marianne will be happy only with a calm, balanced man who is older than her.

In marriage, the girl manifests herself as a wonderful wife, mother and mistress. She Marianne does not consult with her parents about the choice of her husband.

Compatibility with male names

The union of Marianne with Averyan, Alfred, Varlam, Benjamin, Vissarion, Galaction, Dorotheus, Innocent, Heraclius, Leonid, Longinus, Maximilian, Modest, Naum, Nestor, Pahom, Polycarp, Potap, Rodion, Selivan, Trofim, Philemon, Philo is favorable. Marianna is also combined with Kharlampy. Difficult relationships with her are likely with Arthur, Dasius, Severin.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Marianna has a lively, sharp mind, the ability for extraordinary thinking, for the sciences. Everything new is important to her. Maryana has a well-developed imagination, and therefore, she can become a successful artist, sculptor, designer, architect. She loves to express herself. She Marianne is excellent at even a job that involves risk and even often seeks to find just such a specialization for herself.

Business and career: Along with the ups, Maryanka, when she cannot keep up with the change of events, is expected to fall into the financial abyss.

Name health and energy

Health and talents named after Marianna (Maryana): Marianne's health is good, but she can undermine it with too busy a life.

Marianne's talismans

  • Zodiac - Libra
  • Planet - Saturn
  • Green color
  • Auspicious tree - maple
  • Marianne's treasured plant - dahlia
  • Patron - peacock
  • Talisman stone - green jasper

The fate of the name Marianne

  1. Marianna Yuryevna Mnishek - that was the name of the woman who is notorious in Russian history as Marina Mnishek. This is the daughter of the Sendomir voivode, the wife of False Dmitry I. In the memory of the Russian people, Marina Mnishek is known as "Godless Marinka", "heretics" and "sorceresses": "And his evil (False Dmitry) wife Marinka the godless turned into a magpie and out of the chambers she flew out." Since then, the magpie has been considered an unclean bird in Moscow.
  2. Marianna Beerle-Moor - Ph.D., linguist, specialist in linguistics and ethnolinguistics (Caucasian studies, grammar of the Lezgi language, director of the Institute for Bible Translation in Moscow).
  3. Marianne Cope - blessed of the Roman Catholic Church, nun of the female Franciscan order. On May 14, 2005, Marianne Cope was beatified and became the first beatified by Pope Benedict XVI.
  4. Marianna Ionesyan (born 1972) - Soviet actress, known for her role in the film "Guest from the Future".
  5. Marianna Tavrog (1921 - 2006) - Russian film director, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation.
  6. Marianna Basina (1916 - 1994) - Russian writer.
  7. Marianna Bernatskaya (1888 - 1943) - blessed of the Roman Catholic Church, martyr. He is one of the 108 blessed Polish martyrs beatified by Pope John Paul II during his visit to Warsaw in 1999.
  8. Marianna Veryovkina (1860 - 1938) - Russian-Swiss artist, representative of the expressionist movement in painting.
  9. Marianna Vertinskaya - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1991).
  10. Marianne Geyde - Russian poet, prose writer, translator.
  11. Marianna Volkova is an American photographer of Russian origin.
  12. Marianna Bakonina is a Russian television journalist.
  13. Marianne of Austria - Queen of Spain, second wife of Philip IV, mother of Charles II, the last Spanish king from the Habsburg dynasty, sister of Ferdinand IV and Leopold I.

Name translation

Translation in different languages ​​has a similar sound. Translated in English as Marianna, in French: Marianna, in Polish: Marianna.

How the name is inclined by cases

  • Nominative case: Marianna
  • Genitive: Marianne
  • Dative case: Marianne
  • Accusative: Marianne
  • Instrumental case: Marianne
  • Prepositional case: Marianne

This name is derived from two other names - Maria and Anna. Thus, its translation can be as follows - "rejected grace", or "sad grace".

There is also another version of the origin of the word, according to her, it is the female form of the name Maryan, which in Latin means "sea".

Little Mariana is a carefree and cheerful little girl who shows curiosity, easily and simply feels herself in any company. She enjoys spending time at home helping her parents, and in her free time she plays with her girlfriends and friends.

Growing up, the girl becomes more frivolous than in childhood, she can often take on new things without completing the ones she started earlier. However, Maryana is a sociable and interesting person, therefore she is loved and appreciated in the team, forgiving some flaws in her work.

The behavior of the owner of this name directly depends on her mood, which is why it is difficult for many representatives of the stronger sex to understand Maryana and find the key to her heart.

From her chosen one, despite her own frivolity and inconstancy, the girl will expect confidence and calmness. She will want to appear small and defenseless next to a man, completely relying on his strength and help.

Congratulations for Maryana on her name day in verse

Happy birthday, Mariana, congratulations,
And we wish you success in everything!
May your dreams always come true
Happiness smiles every day!

Be cheerful, affectionate, beautiful,
Be healthy, sweet and loved!
May your life forever be a fairy tale
May the good angel keep you!

Let life give you, Maryana, inspiration!
Your mood will always be excellent,
Luck opens all doors for you
And grief and misfortune do not know you at all!

We congratulate Mariana and wish her good luck!
Happiness, joy, fun, crazy mood!
We also want to wish you warm days, good friends!
So that like a rose bloomed, I found my happiness!

SMS congratulations to Maryana on her birthday

Mariana! I want to wish that all your dreams come true! Be happy, loved and beautiful! May only sincere and honest people always be near you, who will support you in difficult times and rejoice with you in moments of happiness!

From the bottom of my heart, Mariana, I wish you to be healthy, always happy!
May your happiness be saved by relatives, beloved, friends!

The meaning of the name Maryana. This name comes from the fusion of two names - Maria and Anna. It is of Hebrew origin. In translation, the name means "sad grace."

Planet: Jupiter. Stone: green jasper. Element: Fire.


The meaning of the name Maryana goes deep into history. Such a girl grows very active, energetic and sociable. At the same time, as a child, she loves her father more than her mother, she always wants to spend time with him, communicate a lot. At the same time, dad is usually delighted with his daughter, like all men. Mariana has incredible charm and a certain simplicity, openness that instantly attracts all men to her. The girl is able to conquer with her sincerity and seduce even the most daring man.

At the same time, Maryana herself is sometimes not aware of her own sexuality and power over men. As a child, she behaves like a real fidget, communicates more with boys than with girls.

At the same time, she is able to build positive relationships with almost everyone. Capricious, sometimes does not obey her parents, but only in order to prove her independence to them. With this meaning of the name, Maryana often becomes a creative person, since she has all the makings for this.

Education, career, hobbies

What does the name Maryana mean in terms of study? Most often, the girl is not distinguished by diligence in her studies or activity in the classroom. However, at the same time, she has an inquisitive mind and an amazing memory. If teachers notice the girl's inclinations in time, they gradually find an approach to her, and the child becomes very successful in learning. However, if the teacher does not find such an approach, the girl may withdraw into herself.

The child achieves the greatest success in creative professions. The secret of the name Maryan implies that the child is actively developing creatively, succeeding in poetry or music. However, there is no need to put pressure on Maryana, to demand a lot. The time will come when the girl herself will be able to find her life path.


Maryana, what does the name mean in terms of child health? Most often, the girl is distinguished by good health and excellent immunity. However, it has a weakness for cold weather. If a child is in the cold for a long time, then he can quickly get sick and take a very long time to recover. It is better for parents to closely monitor Maryana's general well-being, how her health manifests itself. There is a predisposition to pneumonia and chronic tonsillitis.

It is also worth noting that the girl may have poor eyesight and a predisposition to myopia. It is better for parents from childhood to monitor her well-being and the condition of her eyes. At the same time, the child grows healthy with proper care and attention from mom and dad.

parenting tips

In the secrets of the name Maryan, much remains unclear. However, parents should remember that excessive pressure on the girl will not lead to good. She will not be able to show her talents and is likely to withdraw into herself for a long time. At the same time, if parents treat the girl's abilities, failures and successes with understanding, she will be able to succeed in almost any field. And yet, it is better to focus on creative professions, since there is a direct predisposition to them.


Maryana Fideleva - director of Soviet documentary cinema; Maryana Spivak is a Russian film actress. Also noted as a theater actress; Maryana Naumova - athlete, specializes in powerlifting; Mariana Bezrukikh is a scientist, specializing in philology.

The name Maryana means "tart" in Hebrew. And there is also a popular version of the appearance of a female name as a result of the combination of two: Anna (translated as “beautiful”) and Mary (“sad”). The meaning is "sad beauty". Maryana is the folk form of the name Marianna. The third decoding is “sea” (literal translation of the Latin male name Maryan).

Name day by Orthodox calendar- June 22 and March 2. Name variations: Maryashka, Mariannochka, Maryusichka, Mara, Maryasya, Maryanka.

Parents who named their daughter by the name of Maryana will not have any special problems with raising a child, since the girl is very obedient and calm. She likes to carry out parental assignments, is moderately active, spends a lot of time with her father. Maryana is a father's daughter, she considers her parent to be her closest friend and trusts him with secret secrets, listens to his advice.

It is very important that the father showed Maryana a good example and instilled a love for art.

The girl diligently studies at school, happily does her homework and attends various circles. She is diligent and responsible, takes first place in school competitions, strives to learn new things and loves to read. Mariana finds it difficult to communicate with her classmates, she cannot find common language with peers, so he tries to avoid children.

The girl is very attractive to the opposite sex. From childhood, boys pay attention to the young beauty, but she does not notice her fans, devoting her free time to useful activities.

First love radically changes Maryana's behavior: she completely obeys her heart's impulses and loses her head from falling in love. A girl can commit impulsive acts, even leave home if her parents do not approve of her choice. Studying fades into the background, Maryana becomes uninterested in attending boring lectures, she wants to have fun and spend time in the company of her lover. If her chosen one does not reciprocate her ardent feelings, the girl will seek his favor by any means, forgetting about female pride.

The meaning of the name Fatima, her fate and character

The life of an adult Maryana

An adult woman is smart, pretty, cunning and prudent. She likes to use men for selfish purposes. Fate is favorable to her, Maryana can earn money and open her own business. She is self-willed and stubborn, successfully leads people.

Mariana marries early, she needs a strong man who will be able to curb the difficult temper of the beauty and be able to satisfy her financial needs. If a woman truly falls in love, she is ready to completely surrender to her family and her chosen one. Maryana will make a good mother and a devoted wife, but a woman does not accept a calm and measured family life. She needs to constantly sort things out and roll scenes of jealousy. She likes to test her husband's feelings for strength by flirting with members of the opposite sex.

A woman can completely immerse herself in everyday problems and raising her children, forgetting about professional activity. But self-realization and a successful career will make her happy. Combining work and family is very difficult for Maryana, so prosperous ladies are most often lonely.

The secret of the female name

Personal characteristics of a woman named Maryana:

Temperament Choleric
Health There are problems with the nervous system, a high risk of heart disease
Main character traits irascibility, independence, good nature
Positive sides Purposefulness, independence, mercy
Negative sides Excessive emotionality, sudden mood swings
Moral In order to achieve her goals, a woman is ready to sacrifice spiritual values
Intuition Well developed sixth sense, she completely relies on her inner voice
Friendship She has many acquaintances, but no real friends. A woman does not know how to keep secrets and does not need the advice of her friends.
Business It can be both a successful business woman and a woman with big financial problems who is bogged down in debt
Sex The woman has a passionate and sensitive nature, loves experiments in bed and long foreplay
Hobbies Needlework, cooking, literature, theater, cinema, painting
Professions Designer, fashion designer, sculptor, artist, doctor, teacher, journalist, TV presenter, actress
Mental capacity Outstanding intelligence, well-developed creative thinking, excellent memory
Compatibility with male names Yuri, Vladimir, Maxim, Gennady, Stepan, Vladislav
Incompatibility Artem, Alexey, Ivan, Savely, Svyatoslav, Stanislav, Mikhail, Edward, Rostislav