Color therapy: purple color. color therapy

Lilac color in psychology is the color of a bright future, nostalgia and creativity. (In general, any shade of purple creates a sense of mystery and mystery). It is chosen, as a rule, in adolescence. This is due to the fact that the lilac color is a mixture of blue and red (this mixture of two principles - the beginning of male and female). Lilac color (like purple) is the basis of color therapy. It also denotes immaturity or vanity.

Lilac is the color of new beginnings and growth. It is like a long-awaited spring after a cold and long winter. Lilac is also the color of vigilance regarding untapped opportunities.

It looks like a blooming wisteria ...

Psychologists say that lilac color denotes a strong attachment to things, people and lifestyle. It is for this reason that people who love this color have a very hard time parting. For them, it's a "little death."
Are you tired yet? In this case, you can buy a woolen blanket, make delicious tea, and again for studying the hard work of a hacker. At least theoretically!
If you love this color, then you are a sensitive, creative, sophisticated, sometimes infantile person. However, you are also distinguished by incredulity, secrecy, patience and reticence. It is commendable that you can endure all the troubles presented by fate. You are always ready to help everyone, without demanding anything in return. You are responsive and optimistic, but, nevertheless, prone to depression, from which, by the way, you get out without outside help. Your “plus” is that you, under no circumstances, do not blame fate for anything.

You strive to be non-standard, not at all like other people. Your goal is to be perfect. You adhere to such a point of view that absolutely all the dark aspects of life, if desired, can be ignored. The first impression of a person and his appearance are extremely important parameters for you. You are savvy, although you are not distinguished by a subtle mind. You are striving for complete independence. You have a talent for creating a cozy atmosphere and harmony. You are very prone to colds.

Since lilac is a “close relative” of purple, people who give preference to it are very talented and unique. They are drawn to that which is boundless and free. Lilac is their favorite color.

In our article "Color Therapy: The Meaning of Colors" we will look at how colors affect us and, most importantly, what effect they have. Briefly, we have already studied the characteristics of colors, which we recommend that you read about. Here we will study the meanings both from the point of view of physiology and from the point of view of psychology.


A color associated with energy and efficiency. On the psychological side, it gives a feeling of security and confidence. If you are in trouble, then the color red will help you prepare for them. He will make a leader out of you and relieve fears and apathy.

From the point of view of physiology, the red color has a good effect on the nervous system, improving blood circulation and releasing adrenaline. Red copes well with anemia, colds and runny nose.

The negative side of red is excessive activity where it is not required. A person lights up and if he is not cooled in time with blue or blue, then he may be too biased and subjective.


The most energizing color. From a psychological point of view, it has the same effect as red, but not in such an aggressive form. Helps to cope with lack of appetite, liberates, relieves depression.


Psychologically, yellow frees from negative emotions, allows you to show flexibility and creativity. Promotes concentration on thoughts, which is good for studying.

Physiologically, it helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system, and in particular, it affects the secretion of bile. It has proved itself well in the depletion of the nervous system and skin diseases.


The most neutral color that evens out the senses and balances the nerves. If stiffness, anger and imbalance overcome, then green helps a lot.

Physiologically, green is effective for heart attacks or heart disease, but not for tumors.


The most calm color, therefore it adds patience. From the physiological side, it is able to remove muscle blocks, calm the pulse, refresh, reduce appetite. Its excessive use will lead to loneliness and passivity, so if it gets too "cold", it is recommended to light the fire in orange.


The color of peace and knowledge of the truth, therefore, contributes to the development of mental abilities, liberation from anxieties and the development of intuition.

Color therapists use blue to treat rheumatism and sore throats.


This color gives generosity, wisdom and strength to explore the unknown depths of consciousness, because it is not always so easy to break the connection with traditions and go where your ancestors have never been.

Violet is a spiritually strong color, so it should be used in moderation, otherwise you can turn into a pompous turkey with arrogance instead of dignity. Negative purple is an overestimation of your capabilities. But the positive component of this color adds courage to deal with deep fears when reaching the desired level of consciousness.

The uniqueness of the purple color is that it combines two opposing forces - red aggressiveness and blue peace. Meditation on this color makes it possible to distinguish between the subjective and the objective, to understand the wisdom of life lessons and situations.

On a physiological level, purple purifies the blood, promotes bone growth, and stimulates the spleen.

Now you have an idea of ​​how color therapy works, the meaning of the colors of which are described above. Connect intuition and.

Color treatment is becoming more and more popular these days. And it is no coincidence, because even in ancient times, healers used multi-colored stones, bright colors of flowers, household items not only to restore mental balance, but also to treat physical ailments.

In those days, it was a recognized way to use stained-glass windows made of colored glass in their homes, the sun's rays refracting through them gave a certain spectrum to the room, which was used for treatment. Therefore, the science of color therapy originated in those distant times.

A modern science believes that color therapy as a method of treatment is very promising. I read somewhere that the body needs to saturate a certain color, just as it needs a daily meal.

Imagine how harmless it would be to treat a person not by taking pills that give by-effect, but by the method of color therapy. Today we are looking at how purple color therapy affects human health.

Several interesting points. Previously, the presence of purple in European heraldry meant belonging to the royal family. But the Chinese science of the harmonization of nature considered this color as unnatural, and therefore unfavorable, carrying anxiety, conflicts and uncertainty.

Psychological perception of purple by a person

Purple is one of the interesting colors that attract people's eyes. It looks somehow unnatural, there is a certain mystery in it, since this color is a fusion of two opposite colors red (masculine) and blue (feminine).

Let me remind you that it is fraught with strength, energy and excitement, and - poise and calmness. Mixing, these qualities give violet the union of spirit and body, sharpen sensitivity, which is probably why it is preferred by people prone to emotional experiences, with subtle spiritual sensitivity.

Purple is associated with power and law, nobility, artistry, mysticism. It evokes inspiration and wisdom.
This color contributes to the disclosure of creativity and imagination, often revealing psychic abilities in people.

Those who like purple shades are calm, harmonious, balanced. They are uncomfortable with any conflicts and quarrels, they try to avoid or step aside if they feel aggression from the interlocutor.

And this already speaks of some indecision. And this is true, it is difficult for such people to make a decision right away, it takes some time to think everything over, which favorably affects the result. After all, a well-thought-out decision is better than a hastily made one.

A positive psychological perception of purple by a person brings him a love for surprises, holidays and joyful events. Since the nature of such people is more than delicate, communication with people almost always gives positive emotions.

Preferring purple I like to dream about fairy-tale worlds where fantasies always come true.

The effect of purple on health

Physiologically, violet is believed to have an effect on the pineal gland, which is located in the diencephalon. And since all mental orders come from there, and purple is considered heavy, then it should be used with extreme caution. Excessive influence of violet color can lead to depression, so it is not recommended to use it for the treatment of children.

It reduces physical pain, so it is used for migraines (generally any pain associated with the head), rheumatism, so it is recommended to enhance anesthetics and narcotics.

And the balance and calmness of this color is used to treat the nervous system, epilepsy and insomnia. The inhibitory effect helps to reduce muscle activity, slowing the heartbeat.

Useful in inflammatory processes of internal organs, effective in mild diseases of the liver and gallbladder, kidneys and bladder. Significantly softens the course of colds.

Light purple or lilac color has a positive effect on the genital area of ​​women, so it has long been considered the color of women's underwear.

Some Western experts are of the opinion that purple helps to strengthen the tissues of the lungs and heart, but this issue has not yet been fully studied.

Purple color therapy

From the point of view of esotericism, the purple color corresponds to the energy of Sahashara - the seventh chakra that connects a person with the energy of the Cosmos. With the help of this chakra, a person understands his past incarnation, insight, conjectures and all brilliant thoughts come through this chakra. Violet color gives us the ability to learn and learn new things, provides us with wisdom and intelligence, gives spirituality and perception, since the basis of purple is knowledge.

With insufficient violet color energy, a negative representation of one's image, one's own "I" is created in the human body. A person may experience a sense of shame, misunderstanding, self-denial. To harmonize your state, use purple. Buy yourself clothes in purple tones, bring bright spots of purple color into the interior of your apartment, in the form of a picture, a rug, a soft blanket.

Or put a purple amethyst crystal on the nightstand next to the bed. I have two fairly large, two kilograms, processed fluorspar minerals purple fluorite and dark purple fluorite-anthosonite in my house. Purple minerals relieve a person of disharmony, melancholy and fears, give him peace and balance.

With an excess of violet energy, a person is overcome by melancholy, a need for sympathy appears, and depression sets in. To bring your condition back to normal, you can use color therapy in yellow.

If you feel a lack of purple color energy, watch the video: Violet Color Therapy, which will help you accept everything that happens to you with a calm heart and help you absorb the energy of inspiration.

Color therapy - color treatment of various problems, both physical and psychological. It has long been proven that color can influence a person, improving his condition and aligning energy. Color therapy is most popular in, but it also helps to cope with some physiological problems.

Color therapy in psychology

Scientists have proven that the energy of color is able to penetrate the body and stimulate the pituitary and pineal glands there. Due to this, hormones that affect physiological processes begin to be produced.

The meaning of colors in color therapy:

  1. Yellow It helps to get rid of negativity and show creativity. It improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  2. Green color in color therapy is used to achieve inner harmony. It is also recommended for heart problems.
  3. Purple in color therapy helps to gain wisdom and allows you to penetrate into the mind. When overused, a person can become arrogant. From a physiological point of view, violet color purifies the blood and has a positive effect on bone tissue. Lilac color in color therapy has a similar effect, but it is considered a shade that affects the subconscious and sensuality.
  4. Red color in color therapy allows you to feel safe and. It has a positive effect on the nervous and circulatory system. Minus color - increased human activity.
  5. Blue in color therapy is aimed at giving a person patience. In physiology, it helps to get rid of muscle pain and reduce appetite. With frequent use, blue can provoke passivity.
  6. White color in color therapy is considered positive and kind. It helps a person to stock up on energy, and it also increases mood. It has a positive effect on the nervous system, and also removes toxins.
  7. Pink color in color therapy it is used for relaxation, and it also evokes romantic feelings. It helps to get rid of stress, as well as to normalize the work of the heart.
  8. Orange color gives strength and energy, and it also has a positive effect on the human psyche. It is chosen by purposeful and positive people. It improves the functioning of the endocrine glands and metabolism.
  9. Blue color in color therapy helps a person get rid of experiences, and he also contributes to the development of intuition. Use it during the treatment of rheumatism and tonsillitis.

The reason for the appearance of this article was an interesting event that happened recently in my environment.

One of my parents ordered a dress for a matinee in honor of the New Year for her daughter and chose pink color, but the daughter insisted that the dress be purple. And when we went to the cinema together (this is our tradition: once a month we always go to the cinema - both students and their parents), I was asked to influence the girl and convince her to agree with her mother's decision. After talking with the girl, I realized that the desire of the child is sincere, and intuitively she chose this color, as it will be in a new environment for her due to moving to another city, and she wanted this color, although at that time we had not yet passed the value of purple. In the end, I just invited a parent to one of the classes to listen to information about flowers, and her prejudice to purple went away.

Color therapy means caring through colors. And each of us uses it in life, without even noticing it. Starting from the color of the curtains on the windows, the color of the tablecloth on the table - every hostess chooses to please the eye in the house. For a man, the color of a tie, shirt and jacket plays an important role in his wardrobe. What can I say, even the gift wrapper has great importance both for the birthday person and for the one who gives the gift. Therefore, the meaning of color is very great in our life, in our time to know and use this knowledge is already the norm of life.

And this incident gave me the impetus to create a series of articles on the topic "Color Meaning". To more plain language it was possible to convey to everyone the meaning of a particular color.

A wise Chinese man said to his disciple:

“Take a closer look at the room we are in and try to remember the brown things. There were a lot of brown things in the room, and the student quickly coped with this task. But the wise Chinese asked him the following question:

- Close your eyes and list all the things ... blue! - the student was confused and indignant: "I didn’t notice anything blue, because I remembered only brown things at your instruction!"

To which the wise man replied: "Open your eyes, look around - there are a lot of blue things in the room." And it was absolutely true. Then the wise Chinese continued: “By this example, I wanted to show you the truth of life: if you look for only brown things in the room, and only bad things in life, then you will only see them, notice only them, and only they will be remembered by you.” and participate in your life.

Remember: if you are looking for the bad, then you will definitely find it, and you will never notice anything good. Therefore, if you wait all your life and mentally prepare for the worst, then it will definitely happen to you, you will never be disappointed in your fears and concerns, but you will always find new and new confirmations for them. But if you hope and prepare for the best, then you will not attract bad things into your life, but you simply risk being disappointed sometimes - life is impossible without disappointments.

P.S.: In the following articles I will be glad to talk with you about other colors and their meanings. Good luck and good luck to everyone! Happy holiday everyone!