Sublimation: what does this term mean according to Freud, in modern psychology and everyday life. Sublimation - what is it in psychology? The main reason for creativity according to Freud is sublimation

The social activity of the individual is the reaction of the body primarily to internal impulses and desires. These mechanisms arise and develop under the influence of a combination of individual attitudes and processes occurring in the social environment. Due to some discrepancies between the internal expectations of a person and external conditions, conflicts may arise within the personality. The defense mechanisms of the individual help to accept and adapt to such discrepancies.

What is sublimation

In psychology, this concept appeared in the theory of Sigmund Freud. The term itself comes from the Latin language and means "to inspire" and "uplift".

At first, the concept had a slightly different meaning than today. The word denoted exaltation in a moral, spiritual sense. The modern explanation of what sublimation is in psychology means, rather, a noble process during which a person's energy is redirected to solve important problems. During action, a person morally rises above his base internal needs and instincts.

Thus, sublimation is a protective mechanism of the human psyche, due to which internal stress is relieved by redirecting energy to perform socially significant tasks (achievements in sports, art, science).

Defense mechanisms of the human psyche

Man by nature is a fragile being. Animals in the event of a threat can protect themselves thanks to their innate instincts. In humans, such a shield is the psyche.

In psychology, there is the concept of defense mechanisms - methods of adapting a person to the world around him. The behavior of the individual in the event of a threat from the outside world produces unconscious actions that perform a defensive function. The Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud believed that it was the defense mechanisms that keep the personality in harmony and integrity.

There are the following defense mechanisms that our psyche produces:

  • Denial - a person does not believe in terrible, traumatic situations.

  • Repression - traumatic events are forgotten.
  • Projection - a person notices in others what is inherent in himself. As a rule, the characteristics seen are impartial.
  • Introjection is the assimilation of norms by a child without criticism from parents who dictate the rules of proper behavior.
  • Isolation - a person separates unpleasant events from the feelings that accompany them. What is happening, as it were, is observed from the outside and practically without emotional reactions.
  • Regression - turning into a child in case of danger, seeking protection from others and unwillingness to make decisions on their own.
  • Displacement is the transfer of negative emotions and feelings to another, non-traumatic object. An example of bias would be a domestic scandal due to remarks from superiors at work.
  • Rationalization - a person logically explains his actions and motives, but at the same time hides the true motives of his behavior. Thus, he not only deceives others, but also engages in self-deception.
  • Another defense mechanism in psychology is sublimation. She was mentioned above.

The Sublimation Theory of Sigmund Freud

The authorship of the first idea about the defense mechanism belongs to the famous Austrian psychologist and psychoanalyst. Sublimation Freud assigned the most important place in human life. He believed that thanks to this mechanism, civilization and progress arose. Many works of art were born as a result of the transfer of libido energy from frustration to a more beneficial sphere. As a striking example of the operation of the concept of sublimation in psychology, one can put forward the works of Leonardo da Vinci. Due to the lack of interest in his own personal life, the scientist, artist and engineer managed to create a huge number of his masterpieces. He did all his work perfectly and perfectly. Sex and similar relationships between people, Leonardo considered something base and ugly. According to the architect, there are things more important than earthly love - art, science, architecture.

Freud himself explained his unique performance by the conscious sublimation of sexual energy into a scientific channel. According to the scientist, sex is necessary only for childbearing. True pleasure can only bring the results of their own work. Having analyzed life path many outstanding artists, writers and poets, Freud came to the conclusion that they created their most striking works during the absence of love relationships. Sublimation not only transfers energy into physical labor. It gives you the opportunity to realize in the works all your unrealizable dreams and fantasies.

Types of sublimation

Psychology distinguishes several types of this phenomenon. Freud singled out the following types of defense mechanism:

  • Sublimation, devoid of hedonistic character. Such a mechanism is associated with routine work, prohibitions, discipline and other restrictions on individual freedom.
  • The so-called hedonistic sublimation. In this case, the energy is transformed into creative and religious masterpieces.

These two species are different from each other, but they are also capable of interconnection.

There are also types of simple sublimation in psychology. In particular, these may be the following examples:

  • The tendency to aggression and sexual cruelty can be realized in sports, in particular wrestling, martial arts, boxing.
  • Hidden sadistic tendencies can be compensated by the profession of a surgeon.

  • Excessive interest in intimacy can be sublimated into creativity, inventing jokes, anecdotes, funny stories.
  • It is possible to relieve sexual tension by also engaging in physical labor (for example, chopping firewood, general cleaning, cooking, or just walking).

Transfer mechanism

What is sublimation in psychology and how does it work? In fact, it transforms unpleasant and unwanted experiences into a variety of different types constructive activity. Sublimation differs from other protective mechanisms in the presence of sexual energy. Under the influence of the release of the power of libido, the most striking works of art are created, phenomenal scientific ideas arise, intellectual insights occur.

During sublimation, the internal tension of the individual is removed and the energy is redirected to socially useful activities.

The essence of the method

So, what does the sublimation method mean? In psychology, in simple terms, this action can be explained as follows. Psychoanalysis interprets the method as the transformation of human drives. Today, this interpretation has expanded somewhat.

The explanation of the method depends on the situation. But at the same time, definition means redirecting impulses that are unacceptable in society into socially useful work. Analyzing works of art, studying the leading activity of a person, one can often discern the hidden erotic motives of the work, which are carefully hidden by the personality.

How does energy transformation take place?

In psychology, this process is ambiguous. It does not lead to denial or ignorance by a person of his internal conflicts. The purpose of sublimation is to redirect, transform internal energy in order to find ways to resolve these strife. As a result, the function of the process lies in the subconscious search for the kind of occupation that can relieve the internal tension from the active impulses of the libido. Such an occupation, in particular, often becomes creativity.

What is desublimation

What is sublimation in psychology was discussed above. But there is such a thing as desublimation. This concept was introduced into science by Herbert Marcuse. Unlike sublimation in psychology, this definition means the direct realization of one's sexual energy into sexual action.

Desublimation in all its manifestations acts in a negative way. A realized sexual life makes a person passive in all other activities. It makes no sense for him to fight internal tension and oppose norms. social environment. Further development of the personality is not included in the plans of the individual, since he received everything he wanted. Naturally released libido energy does not need to be redirected in another direction.

Ways to Use Sublimation Effectively

There is a clear algorithm for transforming energy into social action:

  • Getting rid of internal clamps will help the perception of new information and learn new people as an experience.
  • For the successful flow of the sublimation process, it is important to develop your imagination. Without a creative perception of the world, creativity is impossible.
  • In the decision important issues It's important to trust your intuition. Coupled with imagination can give rise to creative genius.
  • The effect of the "black hole" will increase the impact of sublimation on creative activity. Sometimes it is important to abstract from the outside world by closing in a dark room for several hours, and immerse yourself in your inner world, contemplating it as if from the outside. It is at such moments that enlightenment can come, and brilliant ideas will appear.

  • The concept in the psychology of sublimation implies the complete acceptance of oneself, with all its virtues, and most importantly, with its shortcomings. This means not only being proud of your achievements, but also treating your mistakes as an experience.
  • In the case of an emotional upsurge in a state of love, it is important to remember this moment. In the future, try to redirect these emotions to the area where you need to succeed.

By following this order of actions, one can achieve the harmonious development of the personality.

Sublimation - one of the mechanisms of psychological protection of the individual, which relieves tension in a conflict situation by transforming the instinctive forms of the psyche (instinctive energy) into socially desirable forms of activity for a person and society.

In other words, sublimation is the switching of impulses that are socially undesirable in a given situation (aggressiveness, sexual energy) to other forms of activity that are socially desirable for the individual and society. Aggressive energy, being transformed, is able to sublimate (discharge) in sports (boxing, wrestling) or in strict methods of education (for example, with too demanding parents and teachers), eroticism - in friendship, in creativity, etc. When the immediate discharge of instinctive (aggressive, sexual) drives is impossible, there is an activity in which these impulses can be discharged.

Sublimation is a psychological defense by desexualizing impulses and turning them into socially desirable forms of activity.

According to Z. Freud, sublimation is a psychological defense mechanism, thanks to which the energy of drives is directed to other, higher, already non-sexual goals. For example, sexual energy can be sublimated in creativity (as with artists and poets), in jokes, witticisms, anecdotes. It is the components of sexual attraction that are distinguished by their ability to sublimate, i.e. the substitution of a sexual goal for another, more distant and more valuable socially.

Z. Freud explained the creativity of the individual through sublimation. Switching the energy of the libido to the process of creativity or a joke, which causes the discharge of tension in a form permitted by society, is one of the important features of sublimation.


When a boy feels weak and helpless, he "wants to be like dad", i.e. identified with the father.

When a teenager is excited, he tries to be as balanced and strong as a movie hero (identified with a movie character).

Identification - this is the process of unconscious identification of oneself with another subject, group, model, ideal.

According to Freud, with the help of identification, young children learn the behaviors of people who are significant to them, form the Superego, take on a male or female role.

Identification is an unconscious transfer to oneself of feelings, traits, features that are inherent in another person or living being.

Z. Freud argued that identification is protection from an object (which causes fear) by likening it. So, the boy unconsciously inherits a strong and strict father and thereby seeks to earn his love and respect. Through arbitrary identification with the aggressor, the subject can get rid of fear. Through identification, symbolic possession of a desired but unattainable object is also achieved. In a broad sense, identification is an unconscious desire to inherit a model, an ideal. Identification provides an opportunity to overcome one's own weakness and feelings of inferiority. A person with the help of this psychological defense mechanism gets rid of feelings of inferiority and alienation.

You can identify with any object, person, animal, idea, organization.

Identification leads to an increase in the individual's energy potential due to the symbolic "borrowing" of energy from other people. By identifying with the movie character, the teenager gains courage; identifying with the father, the baby strives to be or feels himself as strong and powerful "like dad."


Projection - this is the attribution of one's own repressed experiences, needs, characteristics to other people.

Projection is a mechanism for protecting oneself from one's unconscious asocial desires and inclinations by attributing socially undesirable inclinations, inclinations and characteristics to other people.

An aggressive person also perceives other people as aggressive (i.e., he projects his aggressiveness on them), a greedy person - greedy, an insidious person - insidious, and to a liar all people seem to be liars.

Thus, projection is manifested in the tendency of a person to believe that other people have the same motives, feelings, desires, values, character traits that belong to him. At the same time, he is not aware of his socially undesirable motives.

Such, for example, is the mechanism of children's and religious-mythological perception of the world. Primitive perception is characterized by a person's tendency to personify animals, trees, nature (attributing to them their own motives, desires, feelings).

The peculiar identification of the artist with his creation is also called a projection (Flaubert wrote: "Emma is me"). The writer transfers his own needs, feelings, character traits to the heroes of his works.

An individual can project onto others not only undesirable or negative aspects of his real "I", but also suppress in himself and project his positive features onto others.

Psychologists distinguish the following types of projection:

1. Attribute projection - attributing one's own motives, feelings and actions to other people.

2. autistic projection - Determination of perception by human needs. Own needs determine how the subject perceives other people or objects. For example, looking at fuzzy images, a hungry person may perceive an elongated object as a slice of bread, an aggressive one as a knife, and a horny person as a symbol of male sexuality.

3. Rational projection characterized by rational motivation. For example, when students were asked to comment on the structure of the educational process, it turned out that truants and lazy people complained about the lack of discipline, and poor students were dissatisfied with the insufficient qualifications of teachers (i.e. students unconsciously attributed their undesirable features to teachers). Here, as in the case of ordinary rationalization, instead of acknowledging their own shortcomings, people tend to attribute responsibility for their failures to external circumstances or to other people.

4. Complementary projection - a projection of features that are additional to those that the subject actually has. For example, if a person feels fear, then he tends to perceive others as threatening, scary. For him in this case, the trait that is attributed to others is a causal explanation of his own condition. And a person who feels himself a strong, powerful person perceives other people as weak, as "pawns".

Human activity is the body's response to internal urges and desires, which, in turn, are formed as a result of a combination of the individual's own considerations and sociocultural processes that influence individual needs and desires.

The activity is carried out under the influence of the energy available to the individual, which can be directed to achieve certain goals. Energy can be spent on a variety of individual needs of the body, but it can also be used to carry out more important tasks. True, in this case, it will be necessary "transform" energy to redirect it from ordinary physiological needs to tasks that are more important in socio-cultural terms.

Such a "transformation" is denoted by a certain term - "sublimation". Problems in this area have long attracted attention, which indicates the importance of this phenomenon in psychology. About what sublimation is, what the term itself means, who and when first introduced this concept, as well as what place sublimation occupies in psychology, as well as in philosophy, will be described in this article.

Of course, to begin with, a definition of this term should be given. This will allow a better understanding of the problems of this concept, its essence and orientation in psychology. Further it will be said about when and by whom it was first used.

Sublimation is called mental defense mechanism, which is responsible for relieving internal stress, while using the redirection of internal energy to achieve results when performing socially acceptable tasks. This refers to tasks related to sports, creativity or art.

The term itself comes from the Latin word "sublimare", which means "to inspire" or "uplift". The original meaning of the term was slightly different from what is now known to everyone. Then this word meant moral exaltation. However, in fact, this designation is correct, since by redirecting his energy to more important tasks, a person morally rises above his inner needs.

For the first time, the well-known psychologist Sigmund Freud expressed his judgment about the sublimative idea. He used this term as early as 1900. If we consider the provisions and ideas of social psychology, then we should clarify the fact that sublimation, as a protective mechanism of the human psyche, is associated with the processes of socialization. Mention should be made of the fact that sublimation problems are quite great importance in matters relating to child psychology, the psychology of sports, as well as in the psychology of creativity.

According to Freud's psychological concepts, the defense mechanism of the psyche, called sublimation, means a deviation from biological energy. We are talking about the rejection of wasting energy on sexual desire and its subsequent redirection to socially acceptable tasks.

Freud viewed the sublimative idea as positive "protection", arguing that the individual, adhering to such a protective mechanism of the psyche, pays more attention to constructive activities. Freud also noted the positive effect of sublimation on the removal of the internal tension of the individual.

However, such a positive assessment of this defense mechanism is present in any therapy that is aimed at finding a socially adaptive solution, and not at ridding the individual of his internal conflicts.

sublimation method

This method has been widespread use in psychoanalysis. If we consider the concept of psychoanalysis, which was developed by Freud, then according to its provisions, sublimation means the transformation of drives. At the present stage, this term has quite a lot of very different definitions due to the different nature of the origin and use of the term, but at the same time it implies only one specific designation: the redirection of unacceptable impulses. Sublimation can take many different forms.

For a better understanding of the sublimative process and its influence on the personal goals of the individual, one should cite a couple of fairly simple examples, which will allow you to better understand the principle of the impact of the sublimative on changing the priorities of the individual:

Every day, the individual is faced with situations of various kinds, which bring various surprises, subsequently requiring stress relief.

sublimation process

This process does not encourage the individual to ignore internal conflicts. The purpose of the sublimative defense mechanism is to redirect the internal energy of a person to find ways to resolve these conflicts. This is the main function of the process of sublimation in psychology.

  • Aggressiveness and its energy can be reflected in sports. An individual can sublimate internal energy by doing, for example, karate. Also, internal aggression can be sublimated in the implementation of strict parenting.
  • In turn, eroticism can be sublimated into friendship.

When an individual does not have the opportunity to realize his instincts, which are at the level of instinct, he subconsciously tries to find the kind of occupation and the type of activity that will allow him relieve inner tension because of the active impulses he has that require implementation. Sigmund Freud argued that the intention of each individual to engage in creativity can be explained precisely due to the presence of such a protective mechanism of the psyche.

Sublimation implies a certain mechanism of its action. We are talking about the fact that sublimation involves the transformation of unwanted, traumatic and negative experiences into various types of constructive and demanded activities. During his work, Sigmund Freud referred to this protective mechanism of the psyche certain types of activities, which are motivated by the presence of internal division, but which have no direction to satisfy their sexual needs. These activities include: artistic creation, intellectual research, valuable species activities from a public point of view.

So, the mechanism of sublimation is as follows: the protective mechanism of the psyche performs the function of relieving the internal stress of the individual, and also affects the subsequent redirection of internal energy and internal stress to objects that are considered socially significant.

The concept is used by both psychologists and physicists, but its essence is different. Physicists use it to call the process of converting a substance from solid to gaseous with the release of a large amount. Sublimation in psychology is a process influential on the development of economic and creative activity of man. Both concepts are similar, only in the first case, the object of scientific research is a substance, and in the second, a person and his sexuality.

In contact with


In a broad sense, sublimation is in psychology a protective mechanism of the human psyche that removes growing tension inside and allowing you to throw out its excess to achieve some positive goal. In this way, unacceptable personal impulses can be switched to something more attractive, which will be accepted.

You can see how the energy of sublimation is redirected using the following examples:

  • people prone to violence satisfy their needs through police work;
  • for those who have an unhealthy interest in corpses, the energy of sublimation is transferred to work as a pathologist;
  • when giving up an active sex life, it helps to spend energy on creative development or scientific research.

The simplest form of expression - dreams, bright and lively, which are remembered for a long period of time. The higher form is drawing, music, design and more.

The concept of human energy transformation was first discovered by the famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud in late XIX century. He considered the concept exclusively from the positive side, and justified it by the fact that in this way a person unconsciously seeks relieve inner discomfort.

The scientist argued that sublimation means the transfer of the main source of sexual energy to the creative process, spiritual development, and the creation of works of art.

In his opinion, the meaning of sublimation is that the usual attraction to the opposite sex can be switch to something else far from sexual satisfaction.

The activity of natural instincts can be transformed into one that could correspond to the cultural and aesthetic norms of society. Basically, such sublimation energy is a powerful engine of any kind of activity, often turning into creativity.

Desublimation according to Freud is called reverse flow transfer sublimated instinctive energy to the original sexual object or the transition to behavior that others consider uncivilized. How repressive desublimation manifests itself in today's youth. They throw wild parties, but at other times the energy of sublimation helps them learn and master well.


In Freud's psychoanalysis, the following types of sublimation are distinguished:

  • devoid of a hedonistic character and associated with routine work, discipline, prohibitions, and so on;
  • with hedonistic aspects, which is reflected in art, religion and other creative, spiritual areas.

The two species are distinct but often in between. relationship is formed. But both options can be interpreted as a protective mechanism of consciousness.

The essence of the method

The method of sublimation according to Freud helps a person to resolve internal conflicts, and not to suppress them within himself. To search for solutions to problems, consciousness redirects the flow of human energy in a different direction. The whole process is its main function. There are quite a few examples of how sublimation energy is applied in everyday life.

Cultural taboos within society do not allow a person to express their aggressive or sexual attraction in the form in which they would like. Therefore, the energy of sublimation is directed to other areas of activity, and its unrealized balance is transformed into dreams.

The German philosopher Theodor Adorno argued that the mechanism of sublimation could lead to manipulation of people's minds.

The duality of consciousness can be clearly seen when choosing various TV shows to watch. People are more likely to be guided by psychological predilections, rather than using analytical abilities.

For example, let's take a situation when a person chooses to watch crime-themed serials and films, although he himself is absolutely does not accept violence. So he frees himself from everyday worries about this, because he finds such films very interesting for himself.

Important! Psychologists say that watching such criminal chronicles suppresses the bad negative inclinations of a person. This sublimation of energy significantly reduces the level of crime.

The monotony of life and routine drive people into depression, which begins to be useless and disappointed in themselves. This is compensated by watching various TV shows, playing computer games or surfing the Internet. This is how the sublimation of energy works.

The nature of the process

Freud also referred to sublimation those activities to which a person is stimulated by sexual attraction, but their orientation is different, they pursue a different goal. Examples of these types:

  • Scientific research;
  • creation of works of art;
  • social activities.

Sublimation according to Freud is the redirection of negative energy to work or to the creation of socially important objects. The psychologist was sure that "civilization" is created in conditions where the energy of sublimation transformed into something useful to society.

Many psychotherapists adhere to the theory that all great works of art were created in the process of sublimation associated with mental anguish, unrequited love, dissatisfaction.

The concept also implies the transition of one state of mind to another: melancholy is replaced by happiness, sadness by pleasure.

Is it possible to learn to redirect energy

What is sublimation in psychology, we have already found out. Usually the process occurs unconsciously, but sometimes it can be carried out purposefully. This does not require a titanic effort, but only learn to hear and understand yourself

  1. Allow yourself to dream, develop your imagination. Let your dreams be the wildest, this is the secret. Great discoveries happen when a person gives free rein to his imagination.
  2. Learn to listen to your intuition. Indeed, it is largely thanks to her that people do what is difficult to decide on, and as a result they win.
  3. Learn to let new people into your life and take each new day as a gift, and not as something for granted. It will bring you a feeling of lightness and gratitude.

One can trace how the sublimation of energy manifests itself in different stages human life . At an early age, the sublimation of energy through artistic creation can become fixed as a favorite activity, and a person can use the method throughout his life. Attraction is encrypted in symbols and the brightness of the colors used.

Teenagers will need additional forms to transform the "breakthrough". Children 11-15 years old begin to actively train, play sports, their energy of sublimation consumed by movement. Sometimes they change the section if they do not find the right expression of energy with the help of the chosen sport. At the same time they are engaged in intellectual, cognitive activity.

In young people, the energy of sublimation is spent on labor activity. Favorite work and reward bring pleasure to the body and mind.

Adults teach the opportunity to realize their fantasies together with your loved one. Elderly people are engaged in growing vegetables, fruits, landscaping near the house.

Interestingly, this process is different for men and women. Women mainly transform love by transferring their activity to such areas as raising children, taking care of the house, doing fitness, needlework or painting.

In men, the energy of sublimation is directed to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsexual activity, although they can sometimes transform it into something beautiful. Representatives of the stronger sex often dive into work, as if into a pool with their heads, build a career, devote themselves entirely to their favorite business: hunting, fishing, sports, music. The main thing is that they approach this with a soul.

but on the other hand

No matter what anyone says, not everyone succeeds in sublimating. A person whose sexual energy is overflowing may not be engaged in creative activity, not devote himself to work. On the contrary, when suppressing their desires, such people become aggressive and even reach assault and violence. meet your needs in a positive way. Now you will understand how important it is to learn how to manage your energy.