Nails are easily torn off with atrophy of the hands. Diseases of the nails, in which their shape and size change

Thumb nail dystrophy (onychodystrophy) is a pathology in which the nail plate is deformed, its color and shape change.

Provoking factors

The causes of the appearance of the disease on the hands and feet lie in improper care for them and malnutrition. The disease develops in people of different ages and gender, as well as in children.

In adults

There are a number of factors that cause onychodystrophy in people over 20 years old:

  • bad ecology;
  • injury;
  • lack of vitamins (avitaminosis caused by malnutrition);
  • fungus;
  • weakened immunity (due to stressful conditions, infectious diseases);
  • eczema (psoriasis);
  • various imbalances in the work of the thyroid gland;
  • problems of the heart and blood vessels, circulatory disorders;
  • not proper care;
  • regular exposure to the nail surface of chemicals.

In children

In childhood, the development of a defect is caused by similar factors, to which are added:

  • congenital pathologies;
  • skin problems;
  • infections (chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever);
  • chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • weakened immunity.

The disease in children does not have serious, severe manifestations, it proceeds and is treated easily.


The disease is manifested by the following changes in the nails:

  • fragility and brittleness;
  • transverse and longitudinal grooves;
  • detachment;
  • cracking and splitting;
  • thinning;
  • dullness, roughness, scaling and indentation.

Types of dystrophy of the nail plate

The disease has several varieties.

Furrows Bo

The disease is called "manicure dystrophy". It is characterized by the formation of bulges (arcs or pits) in the transverse direction of the nails, a change in their color and structure (because of this, they become loose and brittle).

Pathology occurs as a result of injury at the base, improper processing during the manicure procedure, and also due to the negative influence of acetone, varnishes and phenol-formaldehyde resins.

Median canal nail dystrophy

It is stimulated by injuries of the base of the plate (one-time or regular), characterized by the appearance of a longitudinal channel from the cuticle to its edge (depth does not exceed 6 mm). The disease is aggravated by scratching, touching the sore spot (the risk of an open wound and its infection develops).


Damage (multiple splitting) of the nail from the side of the free end. If it is cut off, then the pathological process will resume in the same place. This happens due to a lack of vitamins and minerals.


It differs by partial or complete detachment of the plate, which separates slowly and does not cause pain. The causes are injuries, lack of nutrients, fungus, wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes.


It manifests itself in the thinning and fragility of the nail, as a result of the disease, it cracks and breaks. This condition is caused by chemicals and aggressive synthetic substances.


Softening of the nail surface. The process occurs under the influence of internal and external factors. The first ones include:

  • arthritis;
  • digestive problems;
  • thyroid pathology;
  • insufficient amount of vitamins, microelements.

To the second:

  • chemicals, varnishes;
  • improperly performed pedicure;
  • injury (at the base of the nail plate).


As a result of eczema deformation, the nail loses its smoothness and shine, roughness, irregularities and depressions appear on it.


A phenomenon in which the nail surface changes color. It may indicate diseases of internal organs (liver, heart, dysfunction of the adrenal cortex), and is also one of the indicators of pregnancy.

A healthy nail is characterized by a pink tint, pallor that appears indicates anemia, a yellow-brown color indicates the presence of a fungus, psoriasis, is the result of taking antibiotics, white indicates a lack of blood supply to the problem area, a deficiency of calcium and hormones, blue - about the pathology of the heart and vascular system.

The formation of grooves is caused by beriberi, digestive problems.

Therapy Methods

Treatment of nail dystrophy involves an integrated approach: the parallel use of medicines and folk remedies. But for this process to be effective, you must first determine the source of the disease (it can be hidden in the problems of internal organs) and completely eliminate its negative impact on the body.


The choice of drugs depends on the type and cause of the disease. Taking into account this fact, appoint:

  • calcium-containing products, sea buckthorn oil for external use (with median canal dystrophy);
  • vitamin complexes and microelements, nail protection (with onychosis, hapalochinia);
  • antiseptics and antifungal ointments, prerequisite is the observance of foot hygiene (with onycholysis);
  • proper nutrition, elimination of the source that provoked the disease (with onychorrhexis).
  • "Multimaks", "Vitrum", "Complivit", "Merz" (to restore vitamin and mineral balance);
  • "Kalcemin", "Calcium Gluconate", "Kaltsid" (drugs containing calcium);
  • valerian, motherwort (in the form of tinctures and fees);
  • "Endothelon", "Detralex";
  • antiperspirants.

If the disease is of a fungal nature, then tablets "Onikhon", "Nizoral", "Flukostat", "Terbizil", "Mycozoral" are prescribed.

They are not allowed for pregnant women, people with kidney and liver pathologies, and children.

A patient suffering from nail dystrophy is shown a special diet:

  • first courses (soups) rich in collagen;
  • vegetables and fruits with a high content of silicon;
  • foods containing vitamin A (liver, greens, animal oil).

Folk recipes

The use of non-traditional treatments should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician. To get rid of the problem, compresses are applied, foot baths are taken, oil masks are used.

good healing properties possess propolis, lemon, honey, iodine.


In the treatment of nail dystrophy, baths from:

  • sea ​​salt(a tablespoon of dry matter per glass of water);
  • lemon (2 tablespoons of juice are dissolved, sea salt is added);
  • honey (a couple of tablespoons, steamed in a water bath, mixed in equal proportions with lemon juice);
  • vinegar (3 tablespoons of acid are mixed with two tablespoons of lemon juice, half a glass of warm water is added);
  • iodine (2 tablespoons of table lemon juice are mixed with three drops of iodine, one tablespoon of honey and 100 grams of glycerin).

Oil masks

Cooking process: olive oil (warmed up) is mixed with lemon juice (1 tablespoon). Apply the mixture on the nails, hold for 15 minutes, wipe with a clean dry cloth or napkin (but do not rinse).

Esters of eucalyptus, rosemary, ylang-ylang are used as components.

Means for oral administration

For these purposes, edible gelatin is used. It is stirred in two glasses of water, insisted for 40 minutes to swell, heated (so that everything is completely dissolved), drink the mixture throughout the day. The procedure is repeated for a month.

The danger of self-medication

It is necessary to treat onychodystrophy only after the doctor establishes an accurate diagnosis and the cause that provoked the disease. Self-medication (taking antifungal drugs) and an attempt to mask defects (using varnishes and gels) can only aggravate the situation and make the healing process more difficult.

Preventive measures

The main measures that prevent thumb dystrophy are:

  • compliance with the rules of foot hygiene;
  • balanced diet (with sufficient content of minerals and vitamins);
  • competent pedicure and nail care lower extremities, the use of high-quality varnishes and gels for application;
  • avoiding contact with dangerous chemicals, injury to the nail plates.

Causes of the disease:

  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • nervous diseases;
  • dermatosis;

How to treat onycholysis?

Causes of the disease:

  • avitaminosis;

How to treat nail atrophy?

Causes of the disease

  1. Reduced immunity.

How to treat onychomycosis?

Causes of the disease:

  • Duhring's disease;
  • psoriasis;
  • dermatosis;
  • fungal infections;
  • syphilis;
  • pemphigus.

How to treat paronychia?

Pigmentation on nails

  • kidney failure;

Nail atrophy is one of the diseases of the nail, which is characterized by various types deformations, from changes in the thickness of the nail to its structure. They are congenital (more often) and then associated with endocrine system disorders, or acquired consequences of certain dermatoses (lichen planus, psoriasis), which caused damage to the nail matrix.

Grooves, thimble-like or punctate surface, splitting and fragility of the edges may be due to vitamin deficiency. Trophic changes also occur with trauma (such are ingrown nails from too tight shoes), as well as with inflammation of the nail roller (panaritium). The appearance of white dots, transverse and longitudinal stripes on the nail plate is the result of an infection that has penetrated through an unsuccessfully removed (bitten) burr.


In most cases, acquired atrophy can affect all parts of one or more fingers. Affected nails are usually gray-white in color, their surface is dull, with flaws. The nail at the same time has a smaller size, it is thinner than healthy nails. The substance of the nail is soft, looks like a thickened membrane. The surface of the nail plate is rough, with longitudinal cracks, it looks like it has been worn off by worms.


Before prescribing therapy, patients should be carefully examined, paying special attention to age, the state of the nervous and endocrine systems, and the possibility of systematic traumatization of the nails. Treatment is prescribed depending on the underlying disease. In all cases, vitamins (especially A), preparations containing calcium, iron, zinc are shown.

Showing yeast, small doses of thyroidin, dieting. Locally - fatty creams, oils with corticosteroids. The rate of nail regrowth and the change in their properties towards improvement is affected by 20% metronidazole ointment. First, the nail is detached using ureaplast (1-2 sessions), and then this ointment is applied daily for 1-1.5 months.

Treatment of an ingrown nail is associated with the normalization of the functioning of its growth zone. For this you need:
build up the cuticle on the nail hole (do not push it back);

suppress inflammation: henceforth, it is correct to cut off the overgrown edge of the nail - only parallel to the roller (the simplest trick is to lay a match over the edge of the nail and cut the nail exactly along it);
in the future, never wear uncomfortable shoes.

One of the reasons for contacting a dermatologist is nail onychodystrophy - a disease in which the appearance and structure of the plates changes.

Fragility, increased delamination, distorted nail color worsen the condition of the hands and cause discomfort to a person. Neglect of the problem is dangerous with the destruction of the matrix and the complete loss of nails.




  • alum - 5 g;
  • glycerin - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • warm water - 70 ml.

What rub sore nails

Pathological processes on the nails, unfortunately, are not uncommon. One of the diseases of the nail plates is dystrophy (onychodystrophy). Most often, dystrophy occurs on the big toe. The disease is characterized by deformation and discoloration of the nail plate.

Sources of dystrophy

Onychodystrophy on the big toe can develop for various reasons. They may be hereditary or acquired. Hereditary dystrophy is more difficult to treat, in most cases the patient relapses.

You can get rid of the pathology if the causes of the disease are as follows:

  • beriberi and ecology: and the negative impact of the environment;
  • trauma: damage to the nail plate or bruised toe;
  • infectious diseases: fungus, psoriasis and eczema;
  • general exhaustion of the body: stress, weakened immunity, bad dream etc;
  • disruption of the endocrine system.

The plates of the big toe can manifest themselves in different ways. Symptoms depend on the causes that provoked the disease.


Signs of such a toenail problem as onychodystrophy appear gradually. In the absence of an impact on dystrophy, the symptoms begin to progress, and the condition of the nail plate on the big toe worsens.

Depending on the nature of the symptoms, the disease has several types. Most often, the following forms of the disease are diagnosed on the toenails:

  • onycholysis: there is a departure of the plate from the bed;
  • onychoshisis: cracking and delamination of the nail across from the edge to the bed;
  • furrows Bo: the appearance of transverse furrows;
  • hapalochinia: softening and loosening;
  • onychorrhexis: thinning and soreness;
  • trachnonchinia: stratification and change in structure;
  • median channel-shaped: the formation of a horizontal groove throughout the plate.

Under the influence of various negative factors, one or another form of dystrophy can progress in a patient.

It is very important to pay attention to the signs of a pathological condition in time and seek medical help.

Nail dystrophy in children

Onychodystrophy can also occur in children. The most common causes of childhood dystrophy are beriberi, trauma, and fungal infection. Symptoms of the pathological process in children in most cases are mild.

Children are diagnosed with onychoshisis, hapalochinia, Bo's furrows and trachnonchinia. Serious big toe in children is extremely rare. At the same time, the childhood form of the disease is treated quite simply.

The use of medicines is necessary only when tissues are damaged by a fungus, in other cases it is recommended to strengthen immunity by taking vitamins and good nutrition. If the pathological process in children develops as a result of an injury, then in most cases the condition of the plate is restored after the growth of a healthy nail.

In the case when childhood dystrophy is observed, it is necessary to visit a specialist who will identify the cause and, if necessary, prescribe treatment or give certain recommendations.

Such a disease should not be treated without prior diagnosis.

Treatment of pathology in adults

To get rid of the thinning and deformation of toenails can be different methods. The main treatment should be medication. Used as adjunctive therapy folk remedies. In advanced cases, the patient may require surgery or laser treatment.

Medical therapy

Treatment of dystrophy begins with determining the cause of the disease. To cope with the pathological process is possible only by eliminating the cause. Depending on the clinical picture, the specialist prescribes treatment according to a certain scheme. Treatment is carried out with medications that have a directed action:

  • avitaminosis: reception vitamin complexes, proper nutrition and getting rid of bad habits(smoking, drinking, etc.);
  • trauma: drugs that increase tissue regeneration and reduce the effects of bruises;
  • infections: antifungal and anti-inflammatory medicines(appointed individually);
  • depletion of the body: antidepressants, sedatives, vitamins, etc.;
  • problems with the endocrine system: groups of drugs are taken in a complex and are selected by a specialist depending on the type of pathology.

Treatment of dystrophy with medicines should be carried out only after visiting a doctor and in accordance with his instructions. Most drugs have contraindications, so self-treatment can be dangerous.

Folk remedies

Onychodystrophy of the big toe nail can be successfully treated with methods traditional medicine but only in the first stage. In the future, complex therapy should be carried out. For treatment, agents with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties are used. Also, the products and plants used should enrich the tissues and the whole body with useful microelements.

  1. Iodine. You should lubricate problem areas with iodine several times a day. Do these procedures for ten days. Five days later, the course is repeated.
  2. Propolis. It is necessary to lubricate the injured places with propolis at night for three days.
  3. Salt solution. The legs are kept in saline for twenty minutes. To prepare the solution, you need to mix 4 tbsp. salt in a liter of water. After the bath, lubricate the nail with beeswax.

It is possible to prevent the appearance of onychodystrophy. To do this, preventive measures should be followed, which include proper nutrition, regular foot care and hygiene.

Nail dystrophy is a pathological process, the characteristic manifestations of which are a modification of the shape and structure of the plates or periungual ridges. The disease has a non-fungal origin, is diagnosed on average in 3-4% of the population. A variety of infections, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the circulatory system and heart can contribute to the development of dystrophy on the nails.

The main causes of the onset of the disease in adults

Dystrophy of the nail plate is a problem that can affect every person. Residents of cities are most affected by it. The formation of white spots, fragility of nails, their delamination are symptoms of dystrophy, which has large quantity causes and varieties. Localization of the disease can be observed on the arms and legs. The most common causes of nail dystrophy in adults include:

  • poor environmental background, manifested in air pollution, poor quality of drinking water;
  • avitaminosis - lack of vitamins due to malnutrition;
  • injuries on the fingers, toes;
  • eczema or psoriasis;
  • diseases of a fungal nature that affect the horny tissue of the nails;
  • weak immunity that occurs against the background of constant stress, inadequate rest, prolonged infectious diseases;
  • disorders of the endocrine system;
  • cardiovascular pathologies leading to circulatory disorders and, as a result, weakening the nail plate.

Why does nail dystrophy develop in children

The causes of such nail damage in adults and children are almost the same. Often this condition is due to low immunity, frequent chemical, traumatic effects on the nails. The appearance of longitudinal and transverse grooves on the nails may indicate a congenital pathology, skin diseases. The following causes of the formation of this disease in children are distinguished:

  • improper care;
  • trauma;
  • malnutrition;
  • transferred infectious diseases;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema contribute to the formation of a secondary form of dystrophy.

The most common types of dystrophy of the nail plate

This pathology can be presented in various forms, each of which has its own characteristic features, and also requires a certain treatment. Only an experienced specialist can recognize the type of nail dystrophy. Based on this, he will prescribe an effective therapy. There are several types of pathology:

  • median canal;
  • furrow Bo;
  • hapalochinia;
  • onychorrhexis.

Median canal dystrophy

This type of dystrophy is characterized by the presence of a wavy surface on the nails, a transverse arcuate depression that looks like a groove or groove, the width of which is up to 4 mm. The plates resemble a forked washboard. Small erosion, peeling, scratching can form near the rollers. Such dystrophy is diagnosed in people experiencing permanent nervous and mental disorders. Therapeutic interventions include psychological conversations, the use of sedative medications plant origin, tranquilizers.

Furrows Bo

This type of dystrophy is more common than others. With such a disease, a transverse groove forms on the nail. It crosses the surface of the nail plate from one lateral ridge to another. The Bo furrow is characterized by the presence of a slightly elevated ridge along one edge. Common causes of such a pathology are an inflammatory process, trauma to the nail roller, or skin damage during a manicure. The damaged area can be divided into two halves. As a result, contact between the free part of the nail bed and the plate is lost, but the growth of the nail continues.


This type of dystrophy is characterized by such manifestations as softening of the nail plate, thinness, layering and brittleness. The main reasons for the formation of hapalonychia are pathological processes in the internal organs. The treatment of such a disease is aimed, first of all, at stopping the cause, and then at eliminating the external signs that have arisen.


The pathological process called "onychorrhexis" ranks second in the ranking of the most common diseases of the nail plate. It is characterized by the formation of a crack in the direction longitudinal from the free edge. The result of this process is the delamination of the nail, its fragility. In addition, air accumulates under the nail. He serves common cause formation of onychorrhexis. The main factors in the development of such a pathology include:

  • eczema;
  • lichen;
  • varicose veins;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • avitaminosis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • fungal diseases.

How to treat nail dystrophy at home

Treatment of nail dystrophy on the hands and feet should be agreed with the doctor. He must take into account all the characteristics of the patient's body. The therapy of such a disease always has an integrated approach and is aimed at determining the cause of the pathology and its relief, regeneration of the trophism of the nail and tissues around it. It includes the use of ointments, drugs, alternative recipes or surgery.

Medical treatment

Therapy of dystrophic changes in the nail plates with the help of drugs involves the use of drugs of two groups: sedatives and agents that block the sympathetic nervous system. Only she sends impulses to the sweat glands. Sweating plays a major role in the thermoregulation of the body. With frequent sweating, local swelling of the skin occurs, for example, around the fingers. The result of this process can be dystrophy of the nail plate.

Therapy of such a pathology should take place directly under the guidance of a doctor, because many of the available drugs have contraindications and side effects. The following medications will help eliminate all manifestations of dystrophy:

  • Valerian, motherwort can be prescribed as a medicine, herbal preparations or homeopathic preparations.
  • With the initial development of the disease, antiperspirants are used (drugs that are actively used to treat conditions associated with anxiety, bad mood, apathy, emotional overstrain, melancholy). Their action is aimed at narrowing the tubules through which sweat penetrates the skin. The result of such treatment of nails on the hands and feet is the normalization of sweating.
  • Preparations of angioprotective (protecting blood vessels) action. They help to improve microcirculation in the tissues of the hands and feet. Effective drugs of this action are Detralex, Endotelon.

  • Mineral and vitamin complexes to increase the content of vitamins B, A, E, sulfur, selenium, calcium in the body.

Folk remedies

Treatment for nail dystrophy may include folk methods. They are used primarily as adjunctive therapy. Thanks to the local use of traditional medicine, it is possible to restore damaged nails in a short time, normalize the nutrition of the periungual tissues. Treatment of dystrophy of the nail plates with folk remedies includes the following recipes:

  1. Iodine. Treat nails with 5% tincture of iodine 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is 10 days, then a break for 2 days, and then repeat the course again.
  2. Propolis. Use 20% tincture for compresses at night. During application, avoid getting the product on the skin, otherwise it will cause a burn. The number of procedures is 2-3.
  3. Baths. They have a good effect on the deformation of nails. For the preparation of baths, sea salt is used. A tablespoon of the substance is diluted in a glass of warm water, and then poured into a container and dipped into the solution for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, they must be wiped with a soft towel and natural wax rubbed into the skin.

Photo of nail dystrophy on the hands and feet

Dystrophy of the nail plate in the photo below is a pathology that not only disrupts the growth and shape of the nails, but also spoils their appearance. Only the use of complex diagnostic and therapeutic measures will help restore the former beauty of the nails. But there are cases when the only way to eliminate the pathology is surgery. The following photos will help to better imagine the forms of this disease.


Signs of atrophy

  • Nail plates are deformed;
  • Nails take on a gray tint;
  • The thickness of the nail decreases, its crumbling is possible;
  • The plate becomes soft;
  • The abundance of flaws and inclusions on the nails;
  • The nail plate moves away from the bed;

Treatment of nail atrophy

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner before the disease begins to progress. In the treatment of nail atrophy, age, the state of the endocrine system, and possible causes nail injury. The method of treatment is prescribed depending on the disease, however, in all cases, vitamins (most often vitamin A) and minerals (iron, potassium, zinc) are indicated.

In the treatment of atrophy, creams, oils with corticosteroids are often prescribed. A proper diet is also required.

With an ingrown nail, it is required to normalize the functioning of its growth zone, for this, the skin is grown next to the nail hole, the free edge of the nail is cut parallel to the roller.

Nail atrophy can be treated at home. To do this, you need to drink a course of vitamins and minerals and prepare a bath with sea salt or propolis ointment.

Baths with sea salt

To do this, dissolve a small amount of sea salt in a bowl of warm water, you can also add a few drops of iodine to the bowl. Dip your hands in a bowl for 15 minutes so that your nails are completely in the water. After the bath, dry your hands with a napkin, but do not rinse them with running water. You can also use an antifungal cream.

Ointment from propolis

Stir the pounded propolis with alcohol, in an amount of 1: 1. Then steam your hands and apply the resulting mixture to the problem areas of the nails. At night, you should spread a larger problem area and wrap your finger with a bandage. Change this bandage daily.

Remember that in the treatment of diseases of the toenails it is necessary to avoid wearing uncomfortable shoes.


Acquired and congenital atrophy.

Congenital atrophy of the nail develops most often in connection with a violation of the functioning of the endocrine system.

Acquired atrophy is a consequence:

  1. various skin diseases (psoriasis, lichen), if they have affected the nail matrix
  2. vitamin deficiency (this manifests itself externally in the form of dots on the surface of the nail, grooves, fragility or splitting of nails)
  3. injury or inflammation (especially if you wear tight shoes)
  4. with careless removal of the cuticle if an infection has got (white dots or stripes appear on the nail plate)

Treatment of nail atrophy.

Treatment of atrophy of the nails of the hands. It is necessary to consult a doctor. This usually takes into account the age of the patient, his state of the endocrine system, as well as the presence of nail injuries. The method of treatment depends on the underlying diagnosed disease. It is possible to prescribe vitamins (most often it is vitamin A), as well as various useful minerals, such as calcium, iron or zinc. Sometimes various ointments are prescribed with special recipes for use, as well as compliance with the necessary diet.

If the nail has grown, then its treatment is based on the goal of restoring the normal activity of the nail growth zone and is treated as follows:

  • skin grows near the nail hole
  • the free edge of the nail is cut off only parallel to the roller, not at the very root, this helps to suppress inflammation of the nail
  • it is recommended to avoid uncomfortable shoes

And it’s better to just never face such diseases, taking care of your nails. Be healthy and don't get sick!

To cheer up a little, already loved themed mix:

Nails - not teeth, break off - grow back.


Why does nail dystrophy develop?

Signs of dystrophy can be observed on the plates of the upper and lower extremities.

The reasons for the defeat are countless, but the most common of them are:

  • finger injuries leading to detachment of the nail;
  • vitamin deficiency, causing brittleness and delamination of the plate;
  • infection, in which the horny tissue is most often affected on the legs;
  • endocrine disorders and disorders in the circulatory system;
  • polluted ecology - the use of poor-quality water and living in industrial regions affects the general well-being of a person and the health of nails;
  • poor immunity. The protective functions of the body are affected by protracted infectious pathologies, lack of rest, constant stress and anxiety. The body weakens and picks up any sores that affect the condition of the nails and hair.

Often, onychodystrophy of the nails develops against the background of skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis, and due to mechanical damage to the nail itself, the roller or bed.

In women, nail damage is promoted by their extension and coating with poor quality decorative varnishes. In nervous people, the disease develops due to the habit of picking and biting nails, as well as biting burrs.

Common types of deformations

What symptoms will manifest onychodystrophy, depends on its variety.

  • Gapalonychia, in which the plates become brittle and brittle due to excessive softening and thinning.
  • Onychoshisis. This form of the disease causes cracking and splitting of the nails. Cracks form across the growth of the plate, and delamination of the structure is observed along the edge.
  • Onycholysis is the most unpleasant form that develops under the influence of various factors and is expressed by the gradual detachment of the nail.
  • Onychogryphosis, or "bird's claw". In the process of growth and deformation, the plate becomes similar to the claw of a bird of prey. Occasionally, it grows into the skin of the finger or takes a spiral shape. Pathology is painful. The color of the plate is grayish or brownish.
  • Trachnonichia. Characteristic features of this type of deformation are the dullness and roughness of the plates. Scales and dotted pits speak of damage to nails.
  • Furrows Bo. Transverse recesses occupy no more than 1 mm. Pathology does not cause unpleasant sensations, the shade of the nail tissue does not change. It appears due to injury to the nails and during exacerbation.
  • Median dystrophy is similar to the previous state, only longitudinal grooves are formed.

Nail dystrophy in the likeness of watch glasses occurs only on the hands and in people suffering from chronic broncho-pulmonary diseases, heart pathologies and disorders of the endocrine and digestive systems. Hypertrophied fingers (hippocratic nails) resemble drumsticks (photo at the beginning of the article).

External signs of various forms of onychodystrophy are shown in the photo.

Do not let the disease take its course and start treatment in a timely manner.


How to treat deformed nails?

Most congenital and some types of acquired onychodystrophies cannot be treated. If the disease has developed as a secondary pathology, its manifestations disappear during the treatment of the underlying disease.

Treatment of nail deformities is always carried out in a complex and taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. The tactics are aimed at eliminating the harmful factor and restoring the nutrition of the nails along with the adjacent tissues.

Therapeutic regimens against onychodystrophy are based on several activities:

Physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of nails are used such: iontophoresis, phonophoresis with vitamins A and E, diathermy. One course is designed for 10-15 procedures with a mandatory break for 1-2 months.

To improve the nutrition of the nail areas of the fingers, patients are prescribed vitamin-mineral complexes, preparations with amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids. They contribute to the proper formation of the nail. The course of therapy necessarily includes restorative, sedative and immunomodulatory medicines and means to restore the emotional background.

Prevention of nail onychodystrophy is reduced to the exclusion of the possibility of damage to the plates and the formation of subungual hematomas and the preservation of the integrity of the matrix. Experts recommend taking vitamins regularly and eating only wholesome foods.

Improvement of nails without drugs

The problem of fragile exfoliating nails can be solved with the help of traditional medicine recipes. Baths, compresses, rubbing, healing thimbles - all these methods strengthen nails and bring recovery closer.

Let's consider how, with onycholysis disease, patients can treat with folk remedies at home.



A therapeutic preparation for applying compresses is prepared from the following components:

  • alum - 5 g;
  • glycerin - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • warm water - 70 ml.

A piece of gauze is moistened with the product and a compress is wrapped around the phalanges with nails. Remove the bandage after 30 minutes.

What rub sore nails

The simplest remedies different types onychodystrophy are iodine and cranberry and currant juices. Rubbing substances into the nails for a week gives good results. Iodine treatment is recommended to be carried out at night so that the natural color of the plates is restored before morning.

Another recipe for rubbing is to steam 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and add 5 drops of iodine to the product. The procedure is performed before going to bed by rubbing nails and adjacent tissues.

According to statistics, only every tenth person has healthy nails. The remaining nine notice a change in the shape, thickness or structure of the nail plates, their departure from the nail bed.

One of the conditions in which similar symptoms are observed is nail atrophy. At the same time, the nail plate looks different: it may become too thin, stripes or pinpoint impressions may appear on it, and its color may change. But there are some common features that allow a diagnosis to be made.

The disease develops due to various reasons, including due to congenital malformations or fungal infection. It is possible to cure nail atrophy at home, but for this you need to direct efforts to eliminate the disease that caused it.

Causes and classification of the disease

Depending on the cause, nail atrophy can be congenital or acquired.


Occur in one of two situations. The first is when a defective gene is transmitted from one of the parents. As, for example, in Turner-Kizer syndrome, in which, along with nail atrophy, there are multiple defects on the part of the skin, bones (underdeveloped patella, enlarged frontal tubercles, dislocation of the radius bones, and others), muscles (they are underdeveloped on one or several different parts of the body).

The second is in which congenital nail atrophy is formed in children if the pregnant woman suffers from some kind of chronic disease (mainly endocrine pathologies), or suffered an acute infectious pathology in the 1-2 trimester.


They occur in both children and adults. Their main reasons are:

  • skin diseases:,;
  • deficiency of vitamins A (it should contribute to the normal moisture of the nail, prevent its delamination), C (prevents overdrying of the plates), E (ensures their growth) or B (responsible for growth and strengthening);
  • deficiency of trace elements such as sulfur, calcium, chromium, silicon, phosphorus, iron, selenium;
  • injuries of the nail plate (on the legs this comes from wearing tight shoes);
  • inflammation of the nail, which can develop as a result of a fungal infection (), as well as infection with pyogenic bacteria that have entered through an unsuccessfully removed barb or injury to the periungual skin;
  • toxic components of varnishes or building materials;
  • damage to the peripheral nerves that go to the fingers (polyneuropathy). It develops with diabetes mellitus, constant alcohol consumption, after some viral infections, as well as in diseases of an autoimmune nature, which are called demyelinating (the outer sheath of the nerve trunks, myelin, is destroyed);
  • intoxication: alcohol, methyl alcohol, heavy metals;
  • the influence of certain drugs: based on isotretinoin (it is used to treat acne), antibiotics (especially anti-tuberculosis) Tetracycline, Isoniazid, Doxorubicin. Can cause atrophy and anesthetic drug "Indomethacin";
  • diseases of the digestive system, in which not only the necessary substances are not absorbed, but harmful substances formed as a result of the disease itself are released into the blood.

Nail psoriasis

What underlies nail atrophy

The nail plate is a protein keratin: the same that makes up the hair and is found in the skin. It is denser because it contains more sulfur atoms in an amino acid called cysteine. Cysteine ​​forms many bridges between its own molecules and keratin molecules.

The nail is formed from the matrix. This is a cluster of cells located closer to the joint between the last and middle phalanges of the finger. The matrix is ​​completely covered with skin, and only a small part of it we see as a white area of ​​a crescent shape. Several layers of cells are formed from the matrix. One of them (prickly) gives rise to the nail plate.

In order for the matrix to exist normally, it must receive a sufficient amount of nutrients. This function is carried out by a developed network of blood vessels. The activity of these capillaries is regulated by nerve endings. Everything that affects vascular tone and the work of nerve endings in this area worsens the work of the matrix. And if the growth zone cannot function normally, it is unable to synthesize a normal nail plate.

If the damaging effect on the matrix is ​​stopped in time, the nail will grow by 0.1 mm per day. Full recovery will take at least 170 days.

Symptoms of the disease

You can understand that nail atrophy is taking place here by the following symptoms:

  • nail plates become thinner;
  • the surface of the nail becomes gray-white or grayish, loses its characteristic luster;
  • the affected nail plates change their shape: they can become concave like a spoon, flat or pterygoid;
  • grooves or small crater-shaped depressions appear on the surface, arranged in random order or, on the contrary, in longitudinal rows;
  • the edges may be split or too brittle;
  • damaged by injury or too tight shoes, the nail plate often grows into the lateral skin ridges. The opposite situation can also be observed: atrophy of the nail and its separation from the bed.

In part, the appearance of the plate will depend on the cause that caused its atrophy. So, if the basis is infection with a fungal infection, the nail acquires a yellowish tint, its thickness in some areas becomes larger, in others - less. Detachment of a thinned plate from the skin under it is characteristic of injuries, as a result of which a hematoma appeared under it, onychomycosis, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous or endocrine system.

Damage to the nail plate with a fungal infection

Pinpoint atrophy of the nails indicates that the damage to the matrix was due to a lack of one of the above vitamins, psoriasis, or lichen planus. If the points on closer inspection have three teeth, this speaks in favor of the Turner-Kizer syndrome (in this case, you need to look for pathology from the bone and muscle systems).

Point atrophy

How is the diagnosis made?

A dermatologist can make a diagnosis of atrophy only on the basis of a visual examination. But in order for the treatment of nail atrophy to be correct, the cause of this condition must be established. For this, microscopic and bacteriological examination of scrapings from damaged areas of the nail plates, as well as the contents that were under them, is performed. It is very important to carry out such a diagnosis as soon as possible. So, in the presence of a fungal infection, it can spread to neighboring nail plates.


The answer to the question of how to treat nail atrophy comes from the causes of the disease. So, with a fungal infection, the main method of therapy will be treatment with antifungal drugs. Whereas in case of systemic diseases that disrupt local blood circulation, it is mandatory to take drugs that reduce the activity of the immune system.

home therapy

Treatment at home will depend on the condition of the nail plate. If it is prone to flaking from the free edge, or it is known that the disease is caused by a fungus, mechanical removal of the lagging part with scissors or wire cutters is used. Further, the nail and the skin under it are subject to the mandatory application of antifungal ointments or creams: Ketoconazole, Lamisil or others.

If the nail plate exfoliates and thickens locally, keratolytic patches based on salicylic acid (Salipod) or urea (Ureaplast, Onychoplast) are applied. The plaster mass is applied to the nail after the nail file or scalpel has carefully scraped off the upper shiny layer of the plate. The same treatment is indicated if the atrophy is caused by a fungal infection, but there is no tendency for the nail to detach from its bed.

For most types of nail atrophy, hot baths are also indicated. They need to mix sea salt (1 tsp per glass of water), 2-3 drops of tea tree essential oil. The fingers are immersed in water until it cools completely, then they can be blotted with a napkin, but not washed under running water. Such baths are contraindicated in the development of purulent processes (felons, paronychia) of the phalanges. Just after their application, a keratolytic patch mixture is applied. Also, after them, it is optimal to massage or perform applications of warm natural wax, paraffin-ozocerite mixture or therapeutic mud on the area of ​​​​the nail itself, the cuticle and side ridges.

You can also use this folk recipe: mix pounded propolis and 70% alcohol 1: 1, insist for 3 hours, and then apply (after the bath) on the affected nails, fixing on top cling film and a bandage. It is best to leave this cream overnight.

Medical therapy

A doctor may prescribe such effective drugs as:

  • vitamin-mineral complexes, which necessarily contain retinol, zinc, calcium and iron;
  • sedatives;
  • restorative means;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids.

If necessary, ointments with corticosteroid hormones or antibacterial metronidazole ointment are used.

If the atrophied plate has exfoliated by more than a third, it is completely removed on an outpatient basis. If the finger around the nail is reddened, enlarged and sore, you need to contact the surgeon: you may need to open the paronychia.

During and after treatment, be sure to avoid wearing tight shoes. If the nails on the hands have undergone pathology, then while washing dishes, as well as when working with industrial or household chemicals, you need to wear 1 or even 2 pairs of protective gloves.

Pathologies of the nail plates are called onychopathy. Most of them are diseases of fungal or viral origin. But also among them, onychodystrophy of the nails is distinguished - this is not an infectious disease, the cause of which can be dermatosis, skin infections, and so on. Treatment in women and men is to exclude the cause and normalize the nail plate.


Nail onychodystrophy is a complex of changes in the nail plate, which is characterized by malfunctions of the nail apparatus. This pathology has no features (seasonal, age, gender, racial) and can overtake anyone.

Important! Nail dystrophy can be an independent disease or indicate the development of a more serious problem.

With onychodystrophy, the nail changes color, structure, density. This can be seen with the naked eye - the nail begins to "cloud", delaminate, furrows or point extrusion appear on it. With untimely treatment, onychodystrophy can lead to complete destruction of the nail.

Diagnosis occurs by removing a scraping from the lesion, a blood test for the presence of alkaline phosphatase in it.

The reasons

The epidermal matrix of the nail bed provides blood supply to the nail plate, innervation and reproduction of horny cells. If the adhesion of this bed and the nail plate itself is low or for some reason not constant, onychodystrophy occurs.

The triggers of this disease can be congenital anomalies, intoxication and a number of other factors, including:

  • injuries to the fingers or toes that lead to detachment of the nail plate;
  • beriberi, leading to weakening of the nail;
  • pathology of the endocrine nature;
  • disorders of the circulatory system - thrombosis, varicose veins;
  • low immunity;
  • excessive exposure to the nail with chemical detergents;
  • severe stress.

Symptoms and types

Onychodystrophy is conditionally divided into several types, each of which is characterized by certain symptoms and manifestations.

  1. Onychoshisis - manifested by cracking and delamination of the nail plate. Cracks are observed across the nail, and its peeling and foliation - along the edges.
  2. Onycholysis is the most painful and unpleasant form. It is expressed by a strong delamination of the nail, which is very difficult to stop.

    A beautiful manicure is the key to the well-groomedness of any girl. But what if the claws are not in the best shape? In the article "" you can understand this unpleasant problem in more detail.

  3. Onychogryphosis - also called "bird's claw". The nail plate grows and completely deforms, becoming like the claw of a bird of prey. In advanced cases, it can grow into the skin or take a spiral shape. With all this, the color of the nail changes to grayish with a brown tint.
  4. Gapalonychia - nails soften and thin, becoming very brittle.
  5. Trachnonichia - scales and small pits form on the surface of the nail plate.
  6. Furrows Bo - are small (up to 1 mm) transverse indentations on the nail. Most often occurs due to injury to the plate.


It is very important to get rid of the pathology in the early stages in order to avoid complications or complete loss of the nail. For this, it is recommended to use special medications or use simple recipes folk medicine.

Onychodystrophy can be very similar to nail fungus. But for the treatment of viral pathology, completely different drugs are usually used. For example, effective tool against this ailment is "".


As a rule, various ointments and creams are used to treat all types of onychodystrophy. Among them it is worth paying attention to:

  1. Pencil "Peklavus" - restores the structure of the nail, its color, stimulates rapid growth. The main active ingredients are proline (amino acid) and biotin (vitamin). These components penetrate directly into the nail matrix and restore it from the inside.
  2. Adhesive plaster "Onychoplast" - most often used for onychomycosis. It is a keratolytic patch that allows you to get rid of a diseased nail in order to be able to heal the bed and grow a healthy plate. The composition includes lanolin, urea, paraffin, which gently soften and exfoliate the nail.
  3. Flexitol gel is a softening gel that is used to eliminate dryness and cracked areas on the skin (feet, elbows, knees). With onychodystrophy, it is used in combination with other drugs to soften the keratinized skin around the nail plate.
  4. Salicylic-zinc ointment - is an antiseptic and disinfectant that actively dries and exfoliates the stratum corneum of the nail. Salicylic acid in a small dosage has a mild antiseptic effect, and zinc has an adsorbing effect.
  5. Tablets "Volvit" - the main active ingredient is biotin. The drug is used for various skin diseases, nail anomalies, destruction of hair structures. Restores biotin reserves in the body, promotes the speedy regeneration of young cells.

Folk methods

Among the most effective and gentle methods of alternative medicine, the following recipes for the treatment of onychodystrophy are distinguished.

  1. Iodine and propolis
    Lubricate affected nails with 5% iodine solution. From above, make a compress of 20% propolis tincture, tightly bandage and leave overnight. Repeat 10 days.
  2. Tea tree oil
    During the day cotton pad soaked in tea tree oil to wipe the nail plate. Do at least 7-9 such procedures per day. Repeat 5-8 days.
  3. Aloe juice
    Rinse the cut leaf of the plant thoroughly and cut it lengthwise. Divide it into small pieces and attach the inside to the affected nail. Fix with a plaster and wrap with a bandage, leave for 3-4 hours. Repeat once a day for 2 weeks.

In addition, various nail baths are actively used in the treatment of onychodystrophy.

  1. with gelatin
    Dissolve 1 tablespoon of gelatin in a glass of warm water. Pour into a small container and dip your fingers into it for 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and pat dry. Repeat 1 time in 2-3 days for a month.
  2. With apple cider vinegar
    mix vegetable oil with table apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 2: 1. Pour into a bath container, dip your fingers into it for 15 minutes. After that, wash your fingers and nails under running water with antibacterial soap. Repeat once a week 2-3 times.
  3. With sea salt
    2 tablespoons of sea salt (preferably fine) dissolved in a liter hot water. Cool to 35°C and put your hands in the bath for 15-20 minutes (until the water has completely cooled). Wet hands with a soft towel, repeat 1 time in 3 days for 3-4 weeks.

Many doctors, not without reason, believe that a person's health can be judged by the appearance of the nail plates, and nail diseases on the hands clearly indicate the presence of certain problems in the body. Today we will try to identify the symptoms of the most common nail diseases, as well as highlight the main methods of their treatment.

Onycholysis is a type of dystrophy of the nail plates, which leads to a violation of the bonds between the hard part and the soft tissues of the bed. If to speak plain language Onycholysis is the pathological detachment of the nail. Most often, this disease occurs among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Onycholysis can be complete and partial - it depends on the area of ​​the exfoliated part.

Causes of the disease:

  • eczema;
  • mechanical impact on the nail plate (traumatic onycholysis);
  • psoriasis;
  • some infectious diseases;
  • nervous diseases;
  • dermatosis;
  • disorders of the digestive and endocrine systems;
  • problems associated with the cardiovascular system;
  • in some cases, the cause of onycholysis is long-term use of antibiotics.

How to treat onycholysis?

Treatment of onycholysis is reduced to the elimination of the main causes of the disease. At the same time, it is necessary to take medicines that contribute to the overall strengthening of the body. These are preparations of iron, zinc, calcium, as well as vitamins of groups B, C and A. Doctors also recommend consuming 5-7 grams of gelatin daily. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.

As local therapy, heliomycin ointment (5%), synthomycin emulsion and potassium permanganate are used. If the first two remedies are applied to damaged plates in the form of a compress, then potassium permanganate is added to hot water and used for nail baths. Simultaneously with these procedures, it is necessary to massage the affected fingers. It will speed up the healing process.

As for prevention, try to avoid injury to the nails and do not forget about the rules of personal hygiene.

Atrophy - change in the shape of the nail plates

Diseases of the nails on the hands, associated with various deformations of the growth, shape and structure of the nail plates, are not so rare. So atrophy, congenital or acquired, affects about 40% of the inhabitants of our country. The main symptom of the disease is a change in the shape of the nail. It becomes concave or, conversely, unnaturally flat.

Causes of the disease:

  • avitaminosis;
  • panaritium - inflammation of the nail fold;
  • mechanical damage to the nail plates;
  • disturbances in the work of the endocrine glands.

How to treat nail atrophy?

To ensure the correct treatment of nail atrophy, you will have to undergo an additional examination by several specialists - a neurologist, endocrinologist, dermatologist. A special diet, eating yeast, as well as multivitamins and preparations containing zinc, calcium and iron is a must. In very severe cases, corticosteroid ointments, creams and oils (fatty) are practiced.

Onychomycosis is a common fungal disease

Onychomycosis of the nails begins from the lateral or free edge of the plate. It is characterized by the appearance of yellowish and grayish spots, which increase in size and make the nail loose and brittle. Some patients also noticed that the nails began to crumble badly as a result of the disease. Onychomycosis is dangerous for its toxic effects on the immune and nervous system - the fungus decomposes the tissue of the plate and delivers the products of its own vital activity into the blood, which poison the human body.

Causes of the disease

  1. Dermatophyte fungus. But in order for it to penetrate the nail plate, it must be damaged (household or sports injuries, excessive filing of the nail, improper removal of the cuticle).
  2. Reduced immunity.
  3. Skin and nails steamed in hot water.
  4. Frequent exposure to damp environments.
  5. Diseases related to metabolism diabetes, hypothyroidism and others.

How to treat onychomycosis?

The treatment of this disease promises to be complex, lengthy and rather complicated. From the patient it requires patience, self-discipline and considerable Money. In some cases, doctors resort to removing the affected plates, after which fungicidal therapy is performed on the exposed nail bed. For external use, you will need special antifungal ointments, for internal use - Nizoral (drink for at least six months).

Be prepared to thoroughly disinfect bedding and common areas, and change gloves and mittens. For the treatment of fabrics and surfaces, 1% chlorhexidine bigluconate and ordinary bleach are suitable.

Paronychia is a serious infectious disease.

Paronychia is an infectious disease that affects the nail itself or the skin at its base. This is one of the most common hand diseases that requires urgent medical treatment.

A sign of paronychia is the darkening of the nail plate, fever, severe throbbing pain, swelling of the finger, and the appearance of a purulent sac in the focus of infection.

Causes of the disease:

  • paronychia is caused by a skin bacterium that enters the damaged skin. The activation of this bacterium is promoted by sucking a finger, biting off nails, washing dishes with chemicals, etc.;
  • chronic eczema of the hands;
  • Duhring's disease;
  • psoriasis;
  • dermatosis;
  • fungal infections;
  • syphilis;
  • pemphigus.

How to treat paronychia?

In the early stages, the treatment of paronychia is reduced to the implementation of therapeutic procedures - the use of disinfectant baths with a solution of potassium permanganate + antiseptic preparations. Severe forms of the disease are not complete without surgical intervention, which consists in removing the affected nail and / or opening the purulent sac.

Pigmentation on nails

Various pigment anomalies (white spots on the nails) are familiar to each of us. Their appearance is associated with a number of factors.

Causes of pigmentation on the nails:

  • malnutrition and strict diets, during which the body experiences an acute deficiency of vitamins and trace elements;
  • an excess of nutrients;
  • problems in the work of the cardiovascular and digestive systems;
  • kidney failure;
  • experiencing severe nervous shocks, stress and depression;
  • decreased immunity, including after childbirth;
  • mechanical damage to the nail plate;
  • childhood. A growing organism does not have time to assimilate incoming substances;
  • fungal infection of the nails, which is accompanied by itching, discoloration of the nail and its thickening.

How to treat pigment anomalies?

Most of us think we just need to give our nails a little time. Yes, the plate will grow back, and you will be able to cut off the ugly white spots, but this will not save you from the disease itself. The first step is to get a consultation with a dermatologist and pay attention to your own diet. Foods rich in calcium, zinc and iron should appear on your table. It is also worth drinking a course of vitamin complexes. If the cause of white spots is nervous overstrain, you will have to think about taking sedatives.

Baths play an important role in the treatment of pigmented anomalies. They speed up blood flow to the hands, which allows you to saturate the nails with more nutrients. After such a bath, you can lubricate your nails with fish oil.

More detailed information about the symptoms and methods of treatment of these and many other diseases of the nails, you can find in the following articles.

Video on proper nail care:

The processes of dystrophy can relate to their thickness, width, shape, consistency, from which nails appear flat, pterygoid, concave (spoon-shaped). They are congenital (more often) and then associated with endocrine system disorders, or acquired consequences of certain dermatoses (lichen planus, psoriasis), which caused damage to the nail matrix. Grooves, thimble-like or punctate surface, splitting and fragility of the edges may be due to vitamin deficiency. Trophic changes also occur with trauma (such are ingrown nails from too tight shoes), as well as with inflammation of the nail roller (panaritium). The appearance of white dots, transverse and longitudinal stripes on the nail plate is the result of an infection that has penetrated through an unsuccessfully removed (bitten) burr.


Before prescribing therapy, patients should be carefully examined, paying special attention to age, the state of the nervous and endocrine systems, and the possibility of systematic traumatization of the nails. Treatment is prescribed depending on the underlying disease. In all cases, vitamins (especially A), preparations containing calcium, iron, zinc are shown. Showing yeast, small doses of thyroidin, dieting. Locally - fatty creams, oils with corticosteroids. The rate of nail regrowth and the change in their properties towards improvement is affected by 20% metronidazole ointment. First, the nail is detached using ureaplast (1-2 sessions), and then this ointment is applied daily for 1-1.5 months.

Treatment of an ingrown nail is associated with the normalization of the functioning of its growth zone. To do this, it is necessary: ​​a) to build up the cuticle on the nail hole (do not move it away); b) suppress inflammation: henceforth, it is correct to cut off the regrown edge of the nail - only parallel to the roller (the simplest trick is to lay a match over the edge of the nail and cut the nail exactly along it); d) never wear uncomfortable shoes in the future.

See also:

Congenital absence of nails belongs to a group of rare hereditary anomalies. It can be manifested by the absence of one or more (all) nails and, as a rule, is combined with other disorders of the outer layer of the skin, sweat and sebaceous glands, changes in the structure of the hair and other malformations ...

A common type of nail dystrophy, in which the connection between the nail and the soft tissues of the bed is disrupted. Depending on the size of the detached part of the nail, partial and complete onycholysis is distinguished, more often in women. Its reasons are manifold. Traumatic develops as a result of mechanical, physical, chemical influences ...

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Pathological processes on the nails, unfortunately, are not uncommon. One of the diseases of the nail plates is dystrophy (onychodystrophy). Most often, dystrophy occurs on the big toe. The disease is characterized by deformation and discoloration of the nail plate.

Sources of dystrophy

Onychodystrophy on the big toe can develop for various reasons. They may be hereditary or acquired. Hereditary dystrophy is more difficult to treat, in most cases the patient relapses.

You can get rid of the pathology if the causes of the disease are as follows:

  • beriberi and ecology: and the negative impact of the environment;
  • trauma: damage to the nail plate or bruised toe;
  • infectious diseases: fungus, psoriasis and eczema;
  • general exhaustion of the body: stress, weakened immunity, poor sleep, etc.;
  • disruption of the endocrine system.

The plates of the big toe can manifest themselves in different ways. Symptoms depend on the causes that provoked the disease.


Signs of such a toenail problem as onychodystrophy appear gradually. In the absence of an impact on dystrophy, the symptoms begin to progress, and the condition of the nail plate on the big toe worsens.

Depending on the nature of the symptoms, the disease has several types. Most often, the following forms of the disease are diagnosed on the toenails:

  • : there is a departure of the plate from the bed;
  • onychoshisis: cracking and delamination of the nail across from the edge to the bed;
  • furrows Bo: the appearance of transverse furrows;
  • hapalochinia: softening and loosening;
  • onychorrhexis: thinning and soreness;
  • trachnonchinia: stratification and change in structure;
  • median channel-shaped: the formation of a horizontal groove throughout the plate.

Under the influence of various negative factors, one or another form of dystrophy can progress in a patient.

It is very important to pay attention to the signs of a pathological condition in time and seek medical help.

Nail dystrophy in children

Onychodystrophy can also occur in children. The most common causes of childhood dystrophy are beriberi, trauma, and fungal infection. Symptoms of the pathological process in children in most cases are mild.

Children are diagnosed with onychoshisis, hapalochinia, Bo's furrows and trachnonchinia. Serious big toe in children is extremely rare. At the same time, the childhood form of the disease is treated quite simply.

The use of medicines is necessary only when tissues are damaged by a fungus, in other cases it is recommended to strengthen immunity by taking vitamins and good nutrition. If the pathological process in children develops as a result of an injury, then in most cases the condition of the plate is restored after the growth of a healthy nail.

In the case when childhood dystrophy is observed, it is necessary to visit a specialist who will identify the cause and, if necessary, prescribe treatment or give certain recommendations.

Such a disease should not be treated without prior diagnosis.

Treatment of pathology in adults

To get rid of the thinning and deformation of toenails can be different methods. The main treatment should be medication. In the form of additional therapy, folk remedies are used. In advanced cases, the patient may require surgery or laser treatment.

Medical therapy

Treatment of dystrophy begins with determining the cause of the disease. To cope with the pathological process is possible only by eliminating the cause. Depending on the clinical picture, the specialist prescribes treatment according to a certain scheme. Treatment is carried out with medications that have a directed action:

  • beriberi: taking vitamin complexes, proper nutrition and getting rid of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.);
  • trauma: drugs that increase tissue regeneration and reduce the effects of bruises;
  • infections: antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs (prescribed individually);
  • depletion of the body: antidepressants, sedatives, vitamins, etc.;
  • problems with the endocrine system: groups of drugs are taken in a complex and are selected by a specialist depending on the type of pathology.

Treatment of dystrophy with medicines should be carried out only after visiting a doctor and in accordance with his instructions. Most drugs have contraindications, so self-treatment can be dangerous.

Folk remedies

Onychodystrophy of the big toe nail can be successfully treated with traditional medicine, but only at the first stage. In the future, complex therapy should be carried out. For treatment, agents with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties are used. Also, the products and plants used should enrich the tissues and the whole body with useful microelements.

  1. Iodine. You should lubricate problem areas with iodine several times a day. Do these procedures for ten days. Five days later, the course is repeated.
  2. Propolis. It is necessary to lubricate the injured places with propolis at night for three days.
  3. Salt solution. The legs are kept in saline for twenty minutes. To prepare the solution, you need to mix 4 tbsp. salt in a liter of water. After the bath, lubricate the nail with beeswax.

It is possible to prevent the appearance of onychodystrophy. To do this, preventive measures should be followed, which include proper nutrition, regular foot care and hygiene.

Toenail dystrophy (onychopathy) is a disease accompanied by a change in the shape, consistency and structure of the nail plates. The disease is equally common in men and women.

Usually, the pathology develops as a result of onychomycosis - an infectious lesion of the nails, but other factors can also provoke it, including injuries, vitamin deficiency, immunodeficiency, and much more.

Treatment of dystrophy of the nail plates is performed conservatively. The patient is prescribed certain drugs that restore the shape and consistency of the nails, strengthen the immune system, and prevent infectious inflammatory processes.

What is this article about?

Definition and causes of onychopathy

The nail is a horny plate, the density of which is provided by the peculiarities of the arrangement and adhesion of cells. Between the cells are the so-called keratin fibers.

Keratin layers contain water and fat molecules. It is fat that provides elasticity, flexibility and shine to nails. If there is a lack of water or fatty molecules in the nail plates, they become brittle and gradually deform.

Onychopathy is a disease in which the color, shape and consistency of the nail plates changes. This disease can be the result of many factors. Physicians refer to the main causes of dystrophy:

  1. Dermatoses and any other dermatological diseases.
  2. Nail fungus. With onychomycosis, the structure of the nail plates changes radically. They become thin, can exfoliate and crumble. In addition, pathogenic microorganisms cause local metabolic disorders, which only aggravates the situation.
  3. Mechanical damage to nails. Various cuts, bruises and any other injuries are fraught with onychopathy.
  4. Venereal diseases accompanied by immunodeficiency. Doctors say that the condition of the nails can be used to determine how strong a person’s immunity is without additional research. And there is some truth in these words. It has been proven that various immunodeficiency conditions contribute to onychopathy, including HIV, AIDS, chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc.
  5. Diabetes. Hyperglycemia negatively affects metabolic processes, resulting in an increased likelihood of developing onychopathy.
  6. Avitaminosis and deficiency of important trace elements. In the absence of a sufficient amount of sulfur, calcium, vitamin A, B vitamins, zinc and magnesium in the diet, the nails will certainly begin to crumble and succumb to dystrophy.
  7. Acute disorders in the work of the organs of the cardiovascular system.
  8. Use of poor quality varnishes.
  9. Work with aggressive chemicals.

Often, onychopathy is a congenital disease. In this case, it is almost impossible to completely eliminate the disease.

Types and symptoms of onychopathy

Thinning and dystrophy of the nail plate as a whole can develop for a number of reasons, which we discussed above. Onychopathy itself is a generalizing concept. There are several types of the disease.

Each species has its own symptoms. The most common types are hapalonychia, onycholysis, onychorrhexis, onychoshisis, Beau-Reil's furrows, trachnonchinia, "thimble" nail, dyschromia, and manicure dystrophy.

Let's consider each type separately:

  • Gapalonychia. This type of ailment is characterized by thinning of the nails, softening of the consistency, increased fragility. Externally, the nail plate becomes somewhat "raised". Pathology is often hereditary.
  • Onycholysis. With this disease, the nail exfoliates and begins to be torn away from the nail bed. Hollows appear between the skin and the nail plates, the color of the nail also changes. Usually the affected plate acquires a yellowish tint.
  • Onychorrhexis. It is characterized by longitudinal splitting of the nail plate. Cracks begin to spread, and over time, the nail simply falls off. In severe cases, pus is separated from the cracks.
  • Onychoshisis. Accompanied by the formation of transverse cracks. The nail plates become gray or off-white. Sores may appear on the fingers. Onychoshisis most often develops in people whose work is closely associated with aggressive chemicals. When they enter the body of the nail plate, an inflammatory process develops, which ultimately causes dystrophy.
  • Furrows of Beau-Reil. In this case, the so-called "furrows" appear on the nail plates. They are in the shape of an arc. The depth of the defect is 1-2 mm. The color of the affected nail, as a rule, does not change. But the plate takes on a wave-like shape.
  • Trachnonchinia. It is characterized by "roughness" of the nail plates. The affected area changes in color. As a rule, the nail plate begins to delaminate completely. Most often, trachnonchinia develops against the background of eczema or.
  • Thimble nail. A rare form of dystrophy. With this form of onychopathy, many dotted depressions form on the nail plates. The color of the affected area does not change. Interestingly, "thimbles" often occur against the background of seborrhea and with alopecia areata.
  • Dyschromia. It develops with a lack of any macronutrients and vitamins, or as a result of injuries. Against the background of dyschromia, a change in the color of the nail plate is observed. Individual spots appear in the lesion, having a white, dark yellow or black color.
  • Manicure dystrophy. The nail plate is covered with white stripes, begins to peel and thin, becomes brittle. The consistency of the plate itself also changes - the nail becomes rough.

Each type requires a specific approach to treatment.

How to cure toenail dystrophy?

With dystrophy of toenails, treatment is selected on an individual basis. Initially, the physician must find out the root cause of dystrophic processes, determine the type of onychopathy, and only then choose the tactics of treatment.

Diagnosis begins with an oral survey. Then a visual examination is performed, a scraping is done, if necessary, a biochemical and general blood test is prescribed. The main goal of therapy is to eliminate the root cause of the pathological process.

But there are a number of general recommendations. First, the patient needs to give up bad habits. Smoking and alcoholism contribute to a decrease in immunity and disruption of the functionality of the cardiovascular system, so cigarettes and alcoholic beverages should be banned.

In addition, patients need:

  1. Eat a balanced diet. This is a necessary condition for recovery. The menu should include foods rich in protein, fiber, B vitamins, vitamin E, vitamin A, zinc, magnesium, selenium. You need to eat more vegetables, fruits, greens, lean meat, seafood.
  2. Observe the rules of hygiene. A secondary infection can get into the finger, or rather the affected nail plate. This will only make the situation worse. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend the use of antiseptics. Also at home, you can prepare therapeutic baths from oak bark, chamomile and calendula flowers.
  3. Attend physiotherapy sessions. They help strengthen the immune system, stimulate the growth of healthy nail plates, and prevent the complete destruction of the nail plate. Patients leave a lot of positive feedback about acupuncture, electrophoresis, mud therapy.
  4. Take multivitamin complexes. Medications based on vitamin E, B vitamins, vitamin A are prescribed. It is necessary to use the complexes for at least six months.

When secondary infections are attached, the treatment of nail dystrophy involves the use of antiseptics (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Vishnevsky ointment, Levomekol). Also, antifungal drugs may be recommended to the patient if the deformation of the plates was the result of exposure to dermatophytes, yeast, yeast-like microorganisms.

In such cases, antifungal lotions, ointments, gels, capsules or varnishes are prescribed. By the best means with fungicidal activity, Batrafen, Lotseril, Oflomil, Fluconazole are considered.

Nail dystrophy is described in the video in this article.

Pathologies of the nail plates are called onychopathy. Most of them are diseases of fungal or viral origin. But also among them, onychodystrophy of the nails is distinguished - this is not an infectious disease, the cause of which can be dermatosis, skin infections, and so on. Treatment in women and men is to exclude the cause and normalize the nail plate.


Nail onychodystrophy is a complex of changes in the nail plate, which is characterized by malfunctions of the nail apparatus. This pathology has no features (seasonal, age, gender, racial) and can overtake anyone.

Important! Nail dystrophy can be an independent disease or indicate the development of a more serious problem.

With onychodystrophy, the nail changes color, structure, density. This can be seen with the naked eye - the nail begins to "cloud", delaminate, furrows or point extrusion appear on it. With untimely treatment, onychodystrophy can lead to complete destruction of the nail.

Diagnosis occurs by removing a scraping from the lesion, a blood test for the presence of alkaline phosphatase in it.

The reasons

The epidermal matrix of the nail bed provides blood supply to the nail plate, innervation and reproduction of horny cells. If the adhesion of this bed and the nail plate itself is low or for some reason not constant, onychodystrophy occurs.

The triggers of this disease can be congenital anomalies, intoxication and a number of other factors, including:

  • injuries to the fingers or toes that lead to detachment of the nail plate;
  • beriberi, leading to weakening of the nail;
  • pathology of the endocrine nature;
  • disorders of the circulatory system - thrombosis, varicose veins;
  • low immunity;
  • excessive exposure to the nail with chemical detergents;
  • severe stress.

Symptoms and types

Onychodystrophy is conditionally divided into several types, each of which is characterized by certain symptoms and manifestations.

  1. Onychoshisis - manifested by cracking and delamination of the nail plate. Cracks are observed across the nail, and its peeling and foliation - along the edges.
  2. Onycholysis is the most painful and unpleasant form. It is expressed by a strong delamination of the nail, which is very difficult to stop.

    A beautiful manicure is the key to the well-groomedness of any girl. But what if the claws are not in the best shape? In the article "" you can understand this unpleasant problem in more detail.

  3. Onychogryphosis - also called "bird's claw". The nail plate grows and completely deforms, becoming like the claw of a bird of prey. In advanced cases, it can grow into the skin or take a spiral shape. With all this, the color of the nail changes to grayish with a brown tint.
  4. Gapalonychia - nails soften and thin, becoming very brittle.
  5. Trachnonichia - scales and small pits form on the surface of the nail plate.
  6. Furrows Bo - are small (up to 1 mm) transverse indentations on the nail. Most often occurs due to injury to the plate.


It is very important to get rid of the pathology in the early stages in order to avoid complications or complete loss of the nail. For this, it is recommended to use special medications or use simple recipes of traditional medicine.

Onychodystrophy can be very similar to nail fungus. But for the treatment of viral pathology, completely different drugs are usually used. For example, an effective remedy against this disease is "".


As a rule, various ointments and creams are used to treat all types of onychodystrophy. Among them it is worth paying attention to:

  1. Pencil "Peklavus" - restores the structure of the nail, its color, stimulates rapid growth. The main active ingredients are proline (amino acid) and biotin (vitamin). These components penetrate directly into the nail matrix and restore it from the inside.
  2. Adhesive plaster "Onychoplast" - most often used for onychomycosis. It is a keratolytic patch that allows you to get rid of a diseased nail in order to be able to heal the bed and grow a healthy plate. The composition includes lanolin, urea, paraffin, which gently soften and exfoliate the nail.
  3. Flexitol gel is a softening gel that is used to eliminate dryness and cracked areas on the skin (feet, elbows, knees). With onychodystrophy, it is used in combination with other drugs to soften the keratinized skin around the nail plate.
  4. Salicylic-zinc ointment - is an antiseptic and disinfectant that actively dries and exfoliates the stratum corneum of the nail. Salicylic acid in a small dosage has a mild antiseptic effect, and zinc has an adsorbing effect.
  5. Tablets "Volvit" - the main active ingredient is biotin. The drug is used for various skin diseases, nail anomalies, destruction of hair structures. Restores biotin reserves in the body, promotes the speedy regeneration of young cells.

Folk methods

Among the most effective and gentle methods of alternative medicine, the following recipes for the treatment of onychodystrophy are distinguished.

  1. Iodine and propolis
    Lubricate affected nails with 5% iodine solution. From above, make a compress of 20% propolis tincture, tightly bandage and leave overnight. Repeat 10 days.
  2. Tea tree oil
    Wipe the nail plate with a cotton pad soaked in tea tree oil throughout the day. Do at least 7-9 such procedures per day. Repeat 5-8 days.
  3. Aloe juice
    Rinse the cut leaf of the plant thoroughly and cut it lengthwise. Divide it into small pieces and attach the inside to the affected nail. Fix with a plaster and wrap with a bandage, leave for 3-4 hours. Repeat once a day for 2 weeks.

In addition, various nail baths are actively used in the treatment of onychodystrophy.

  1. with gelatin
    Dissolve 1 tablespoon of gelatin in a glass of warm water. Pour into a small container and dip your fingers into it for 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and pat dry. Repeat 1 time in 2-3 days for a month.
  2. With apple cider vinegar
    Mix vegetable oil with table apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 2: 1. Pour into a bath container, dip your fingers into it for 15 minutes. After that, wash your fingers and nails under running water with antibacterial soap. Repeat once a week 2-3 times.
  3. With sea salt
    Dissolve 2 tablespoons of sea salt (preferably fine) in a liter of hot water. Cool to 35°C and put your hands in the bath for 15-20 minutes (until the water has completely cooled). Wet hands with a soft towel, repeat 1 time in 3 days for 3-4 weeks.

Thumb nail dystrophy (onychodystrophy) is a pathology in which the nail plate is deformed, its color and shape change.

Provoking factors

The causes of the appearance of the disease on the hands and feet lie in improper care for them and malnutrition. The disease develops in people of different ages and gender, as well as in children.

In adults

There are a number of factors that cause onychodystrophy in people over 20 years old:

  • bad ecology;
  • injury;
  • lack of vitamins (avitaminosis caused by malnutrition);
  • fungus;
  • weakened immunity (due to stressful conditions, infectious diseases);
  • eczema (psoriasis);
  • various imbalances in the work of the thyroid gland;
  • problems of the heart and blood vessels, circulatory disorders;
  • improper care;
  • regular exposure to the nail surface of chemicals.

In children

In childhood, the development of a defect is caused by similar factors, to which are added:

  • congenital pathologies;
  • skin problems;
  • infections (chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever);
  • chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • weakened immunity.

The disease in children does not have serious, severe manifestations, it proceeds and is treated easily.


The disease is manifested by the following changes in the nails:

  • fragility and brittleness;
  • transverse and longitudinal grooves;
  • detachment;
  • cracking and splitting;
  • thinning;
  • dullness, roughness, scaling and indentation.

Types of dystrophy of the nail plate

The disease has several varieties.

Furrows Bo

The disease is called "manicure dystrophy". It is characterized by the formation of bulges (arcs or pits) in the transverse direction of the nails, a change in their color and structure (because of this, they become loose and brittle).

Pathology occurs as a result of injury at the base, improper processing during the manicure procedure, and also due to the negative influence of acetone, varnishes and phenol-formaldehyde resins.

Median canal nail dystrophy

It is stimulated by injuries of the base of the plate (one-time or regular), characterized by the appearance of a longitudinal channel from the cuticle to its edge (depth does not exceed 6 mm). The disease is aggravated by scratching, touching the sore spot (the risk of an open wound and its infection develops).


Damage (multiple splitting) of the nail from the side of the free end. If it is cut off, then the pathological process will resume in the same place. This happens due to a lack of vitamins and minerals.


It differs by partial or complete detachment of the plate, which separates slowly and does not cause pain. The causes are injuries, lack of nutrients, fungus, wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes.


It manifests itself in the thinning and fragility of the nail, as a result of the disease, it cracks and breaks. This condition is caused by chemicals and aggressive synthetic substances.


Softening of the nail surface. The process occurs under the influence of internal and external factors. The first ones include:

  • arthritis;
  • digestive problems;
  • thyroid pathology;
  • insufficient amount of vitamins, microelements.

To the second:

  • chemicals, varnishes;
  • improperly performed pedicure;
  • injury (at the base of the nail plate).


As a result of eczema deformation, the nail loses its smoothness and shine, roughness, irregularities and depressions appear on it.


A phenomenon in which the nail surface changes color. It may indicate diseases of internal organs (liver, heart, dysfunction of the adrenal cortex), and is also one of the indicators of pregnancy.

A healthy nail is characterized by a pink tint, pallor that appears indicates anemia, a yellow-brown color indicates the presence of a fungus, psoriasis, is the result of taking antibiotics, white indicates a lack of blood supply to the problem area, a deficiency of calcium and hormones, blue - about the pathology of the heart and vascular system.

The formation of grooves is caused by beriberi, digestive problems.

Therapy Methods

Treatment of nail dystrophy involves an integrated approach: the parallel use of medicines and folk remedies. But for this process to be effective, you must first determine the source of the disease (it can be hidden in the problems of internal organs) and completely eliminate its negative impact on the body.


The choice of drugs depends on the type and cause of the disease. Taking into account this fact, appoint:

  • calcium-containing products, sea buckthorn oil for external use (with median canal dystrophy);
  • vitamin complexes and microelements, nail protection (with onychosis, hapalochinia);
  • antiseptics and antifungal ointments, a prerequisite is the observance of foot hygiene (with onycholysis);
  • proper nutrition, elimination of the source that provoked the disease (with onychorrhexis).
  • "Multimaks", "Vitrum", "Complivit", "Merz" (to restore vitamin and mineral balance);
  • "Kalcemin", "Calcium Gluconate", "Kaltsid" (drugs containing calcium);
  • valerian, motherwort (in the form of tinctures and fees);
  • "Endothelon", "Detralex";
  • antiperspirants.

If the disease is of a fungal nature, then tablets "Onikhon", "Nizoral", "Flukostat", "Terbizil", "Mycozoral" are prescribed.

They are not allowed for pregnant women, people with kidney and liver pathologies, and children.

A patient suffering from nail dystrophy is shown a special diet:

  • first courses (soups) rich in collagen;
  • vegetables and fruits with a high content of silicon;
  • foods containing vitamin A (liver, greens, animal oil).

Folk recipes

The use of non-traditional treatments should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician. To get rid of the problem, compresses are applied, foot baths are taken, oil masks are used.

Propolis, lemon, honey, iodine have good healing properties.


In the treatment of nail dystrophy, baths from:

  • sea ​​salt (a tablespoon of dry matter in a glass of water);
  • lemon (2 tablespoons of juice are dissolved, sea salt is added);
  • honey (a couple of tablespoons, steamed in a water bath, mixed in equal proportions with lemon juice);
  • vinegar (3 tablespoons of acid are mixed with two tablespoons of lemon juice, half a glass of warm water is added);
  • iodine (2 tablespoons of table lemon juice are mixed with three drops of iodine, one tablespoon of honey and 100 grams of glycerin).

Oil masks

Cooking process: olive oil (warmed up) is mixed with lemon juice (1 tablespoon). Apply the mixture on the nails, hold for 15 minutes, wipe with a clean dry cloth or napkin (but do not rinse).

Esters of eucalyptus, rosemary, ylang-ylang are used as components.

Means for oral administration

For these purposes, edible gelatin is used. It is stirred in two glasses of water, insisted for 40 minutes to swell, heated (so that everything is completely dissolved), drink the mixture throughout the day. The procedure is repeated for a month.

The danger of self-medication

It is necessary to treat onychodystrophy only after the doctor establishes an accurate diagnosis and the cause that provoked the disease. Self-medication (taking antifungal drugs) and an attempt to mask defects (using varnishes and gels) can only aggravate the situation and make the healing process more difficult.

Preventive measures

The main measures that prevent thumb dystrophy are:

  • compliance with the rules of foot hygiene;
  • balanced diet (with sufficient content of minerals and vitamins);
  • competent pedicure and nail care of the lower extremities, the use of high-quality varnishes and gels for application;
  • avoiding contact with hazardous chemicals, injury to the nail plates.

Onychodystrophy is an incomprehensible and even a little scary name for the bulk of people, and many have never heard of such a disease at all, but they don’t even know the word, let alone the treatment of nail onychodystrophy. By the way, many people believe that they have a fungal infection on their nails and treat it accordingly, offered by commercials, antifungal agents on their own, without getting a positive result from external agents, they resort to tablet forms and only then turn to dermatologists or mycologists. But here, too, they will be disappointed, although a diagnosis is established, because the treatment must be comprehensive, together with such a specialist as a podiatrist.


ONYCHODYSTROPHY is a collective term for any change in the shape, color or structure of the nail plate, whether congenital or acquired, infectious or non-infectious. Moreover, in Everyday life more common non-contagious form associated with a violation of the trophism (nutrition) of the nail apparatus.

Causes of onychodystrophy

The causes of occurrence can be both individual and very significant factors, and a combination of several factors that are less important for the human body as a whole. Here are some examples of different factors and causes of onychodystrophy:

  • congenital anomalies;
  • somatic and autoimmune pathologies;
  • dermatoses;
  • neoformational processes;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • stress;
  • prolonged contact with water and chemical solutions;
  • intoxication of the body, etc.

In other words, onychodystrophy can be an independent disease or an external manifestation of the internal processes of the body.

Types of onychodystrophy

Nail dystrophy can be congenital, arising against the background of aggravated heredity or gene anomalies, and acquired. The first group includes:

  • anonychia (complete or partial absence of nails);
  • platonychia (flattening of the nail plate);
  • koilonychia (spoon-shaped depression in the central part of the nail);
  • onychomadesis (separation of the plate from the bed from the side of the cuticle);
  • micronychia (abnormally short nail plate);
  • Hippocratic fingers (flask-shaped thickening of the terminal phalanges of the fingers with convex nail plates in the form of watch glasses)

Acquired trophic disorders:

  • onycholysis (detachment of the whole nail from the bed);
  • onychoshisis (transverse splitting of the anterior (free) edge of the nail plate);
  • onychogryphosis (thickening and curvature, like the claw of birds);
  • onychorrhexis (a condition in which the nail cracks along the plate);
  • onychouxis (loss of transparency, darkening, up to blackening);
  • canaliform dystrophy of Keller (formation of a longitudinal furrow with branches "herringbone symptom");
  • Beau-Reilly lines (arc-shaped transverse grooves, the so-called "ribbed nail");
  • thimble syndrome (the presence of small point indentations on the plate, more common in psoriasis);
  • scleronychia (hypertrophy, thickening, thickening);
  • hapalonychia (softening);
  • trachyonychia (roughness, dullness);
  • dyschromia (point, stripe-like or total color changes).

Symptoms of onychodystrophy

Symptoms of onychodystrophy are directly dependent on the type of trophic disorders. Common clinical signs characteristic of all congenital and acquired onychopathy include: changes in strength, elasticity, thickness and color of the nail plate.

As a rule, dystrophic diseases proceed without symptoms, but sometimes pain and inflammation may appear.

Visually uneven nails may have wavy, transverse or longitudinal striation, which deforms the surface of the nail. Partial or complete loss of connection with the nail bed or matrix (plate growth zone) is possible. With impaired pigmentation, the plate loses its normal flesh color and acquires a coloration of different intensity with a color change from whitish-yellow to almost black.

Treatment methods for onychodystrophy

The treatment of nail onychodystrophy, as well as the establishment of such a diagnosis, remains the most topical issue. This situation is explained by the presence of certain difficulties in the diagnosis.

Based on the fact that the causes and treatment of onychodystrophy are directly dependent, the specialists of the podology clinic Podologi Clinic, first of all, direct their efforts to the maximum possible elimination of the factors that provoked the development of the pathological process. All necessary medical procedures are prescribed on an individual basis, based on laboratory and instrumental studies.

The primary diagnostic complex includes dermatoscopy, scraping microscopy and, if necessary, mycological culture (to exclude the fungal nature of the disease). In parallel, differential diagnosis is carried out. Often the cause of such a problem as a "ribbed nail" is a violation of the general metabolism or the functioning of individual systems and organs. In this situation, our podologists recommend the consultation of related specialists competent in the correction of the underlying pathology.

With a confirmed diagnosis of onychodystrophy, treatment includes 5 main areas: pharmacotherapy, physiotherapy, massage, hardware correction (cleaning and alignment of the nail plate) and prosthetics.

For internal use, drugs are prescribed that improve peripheral circulation and increase vascular elasticity, sedatives (sedatives) and emotional stabilizers, immunostimulants, vitamin-mineral and amino acid complexes, antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

No less important is the local treatment of onychodystrophy, including hot baths with the addition of sea salt, starch, essential oils and iodine. Thermal applications with wax, paraffin, ozocerite, and mud therapy have proven themselves well.

With relatively minor injuries, therapeutic hardware cleaning and alignment of the nail plate is indicated. This is a virtually painless procedure, which is performed using functional nozzles with adjustable speed.

To solve a number of serious problems, prosthetics are prescribed. There are several indications for the use of artificial nail masses:

  • partial absence of nails;
  • a condition in which the nail cracks along the plate or in the transverse direction;
  • the need to form side ridges;
  • the period after the removal of subungual calluses;
  • excessively brittle, thin, torn, uneven nails;
  • abnormally short nail plate.

The cost of onychodystrophy treatment

The Podologi Сlinic clinic, which is one of the largest technically equipped specialized complexes in the Russian Federation, offers to take advantage of the priorities of innovative medical technologies aimed at solving a wide range of foot and nail problems. At the disposal of experienced podologists, who own all known methods, there is the most advanced medical and diagnostic equipment of an expert class, which provides the most accurate and painless correction.

The estimated cost of the services provided by our specialists is indicated on the website, in the "services and prices" section.

The final cost of the course is set individually, based on the results of a diagnostic examination. It depends on the severity of the pathological process and the chosen therapeutic technique, and also includes the price of the drugs used.

If you have problems with the nails of the hands and feet, do not let them take their course. Only a timely visit to a Podologi Clinic professional, who treats various onychopathy, will help to identify and carry out a full correction at the earliest stages, without aggravating the development of dystrophic changes. And do not forget that nails play not only an aesthetic role, but are also an indicator of your health.

For those wishing to make an appointment with a Podologi Clinic specialist, we suggest using the feedback form or contacting our administrator by calling the contact phone number.

In this section, you can see photos of the work of our podologists taken before and after the treatment of onychodystrophy at the Podologi Clinic.

Work examples

Case 1

A 40-year-old patient notes detachment of the nail plate of the 1st finger after an injury about a year ago. A comprehensive cleaning of the nail plate was carried out.

After 3 months, a TN bracket was installed to correct the growth of the nail plate. Taping is recommended to overcome the distal ridge with the nail plate.

After 9 months, thanks to complex treatment, the nail plate is fully formed, the distal ridge is not an obstacle to nail growth.

Case 2

A 60-year-old patient came to the clinic with complaints about the modification of the nail plate of the first toe.

Six months later, as a result of complex treatment, the nail plate is formed by 50%.

After 12 months. The nail plate grows back healthy, the treatment is over.

Case 3

A 48-year-old patient came to the clinic about a change in the nail plate of the 1st finger after an injury 3 years ago.

After 4 months, a TN bracket was placed to move the nail plate forward.

After 7 months of treatment, the nail plate is formed correctly, completely adjacent to the bed. The treatment is over.

Case 4

A 50-year-old patient notes thickening and modification of the nail plate after an injury about three years ago.

On examination, there is a thickening of the nail plate, subungual hyperkeratosis, and onycholysis.

When removing the gel coating, it can be seen that the nail plate is completely modified.

Performed hardware cleaning of the nail plate.

After 3 months, a TN bracket was installed to correct the growth of the nail plate. Taping is recommended to overcome the distal ridge with the nail plate.

After 16 months. Thanks to complex treatment, the nail plate is fully formed, the distal ridge is not an obstacle to nail growth.

Case 5

A 33-year-old patient notes a change in the color and structure of the nail platinum of the 1st toe of the right foot. Associated with prolonged wearing of narrow shoes.

An antibacterial RAST gel was applied to destroy the bacterial microflora in the area of ​​the cleaning.

After 8 months from the start of treatment, the nail plate is formed correctly, tightly adjacent to the nail bed. Treatment continues.

Case 6

The patient came to the clinic with complaints about the modification of the 1st nail plate of the foot, which has been going on for more than 5 years.

A hardware reading of the nail plate was carried out.

A gel was applied for deep photodynamic therapy of the nail plate.

After 9 months of treatment.

After 12 months from the start of treatment, the nail plate was formed correctly.

Case 7

A 40-year-old patient complained about the modification of the nail plate of the 1st toe.

Immediately after cleaning the nail plate.

After 6 months, the 3TO correction system was installed to correct the deformity of the nail plate.

After 14 months of treatment, the nail plate is formed correctly, the treatment is over.

Case 8

A 50-year-old patient came to the clinic with complaints of changes in the nail plate of the 1st toe.

It was appointed complex treatment with cleaning of the nail plate.

After 7 months, a correction system was installed (Stap TN).

12 months after the start of treatment. The nail plate is formed correctly, the treatment is over.

Case 9

A 23-year-old patient complained of detachment of the 1st nail plate of the foot

After cleaning the nail platinum

Nail plate after 4 months of treatment

After 7 months

The final result after treatment, the nail plate is formed correctly, the bed is pink.

Case 10

A 50-year-old patient notes thickening, discoloration and delamination of the nail plate of the 1st toe of the right foot since childhood. She received treatment for a fungal infection for a long time to no avail.

Performed non-surgical hardware cleaning of the nail plate.

After each cleaning, a deep photodynamic disinfection of the nail plate is carried out.

In the process of restorative cleansing, the nail plate is gradually formed.

After 12 months, as a result of complex treatment, the nail plate is fully formed. Treatment completed.

Case 11

A 60-year-old patient complained of a change and detachment of the nail plate of the 1st toe, after prolonged wearing of narrow shoes

After cleaning the nail plate

Gel applied for deep photodynamic therapy of the nail plate

After 12 months of treatment, the nail plate is tightly attached to the bed, pink. The treatment is over.

Case 12

A 45-year-old woman addressed with complaints about the modification of the nail plates within 5 years after the injury.

On examination, the nail plate is thickened, with subungual masses, the color is modified, the structure is loose from the sides.

Hardware cleaning of the nail plate

After 7 months from the start of treatment, a 3TO correction system was installed

1.5 years after the treatment, the nail plate formed correctly

Case 13

A 60-year-old woman addressed the clinic with complaints of a modification of the nail plate of the 1st toe, this pathology is 30 years old.

Performed hardware cleaning of the nail plate. Comprehensive treatment prescribed

After 9 months of treatment, the nail plate was formed completely and correctly.

Case 14

A 28-year-old patient notes a modification of the nail plate of the 1st toe for about 10 years, when, after wearing narrow shoes, the nail plate peeled off and was surgically removed.

This photo is on the website in the onychodystrophy section, photo No. 130. The nail plate is thickened, exfoliates. Microscopy revealed no fungal elements.

A 3TO bracket was installed to correct the growth of the nail plate

The nail plate is formed correctly, tightly adjacent to the nail bed, has a healthy pink color. Treatment completed.

Case 15

A 30-year-old patient complained of detachment of the nail plates of the hands after removing the gel polish about 2 months ago.

Performed non-surgical hardware treatment of the nail plate of the 1st finger of the hand.

After 3 weeks of complex treatment, a decrease in detachment is noted.

The nail plate grows dense, elastic, begins to grow.

After 5 months, the nail plates fully recovered, the detachment regressed.

After the treatment, the patient continues to do a medical manicure in the clinic.

Case 16

A 30-year-old patient complained of detachment of the nail plate and pain in the area of ​​the lateral ridge of the nail plate of the 1st toe of the left foot.

Performed hardware cleaning of the nail plate of the 1st toe.

After 6 months at the control examination, the nail plate is fully formed, tightly attached to the bed, has a healthy pink color.

Case 17

A 60-year-old patient complained of a black spot in the central part of the nail plate of the 1st toe of the left foot, thickening and detachment of the distal edge. Subjectively, it doesn't bother me.

During cleaning, hyperkeratosis of the nail bed was found.

After removal of hyperkeratosis, a hemangioma was diagnosed in the central part of the nail bed.

Deep disinfection with the RAST apparatus after cleaning.

After 9 months of treatment, the nail plate is tightly adjacent to the nail bed, the hemangioma in the central part of the nail plate has resolved.

Case 18

A 54-year-old patient, as a result of a long-term self-injury, notes the appearance of longitudinal grooves with transverse striation of the nail plates of the 1st fingers of the hands.

Due to the duration of the pathological process, the nail bed became thickened and deformed.

Against the background of the treatment, the nail plate began to grow dense, elastic, pink.

Nail bed without signs of deformation.

Case 19

About 7 years ago, the patient pinched the 3rd finger of the left hand, after which the nail plate does not grow. Cleans the cavity on its own, drips antifungal drugs - no effect

After 6 months of treatment, the nail plate began to adhere to the nail bed, the treatment continues

Case 20

In a 30-year-old patient, the nail plate of the 1st toe of the left foot grows thickened and rests against the distal ridge after the surgeon removed the nail about 1 year ago

Also, to move the nail plate forward, a corrective nail growth brace was also installed.

In the process of treatment, the nail plate moved forward, expanded

Case 21

A 40-year-old patient came to the clinic 1 month after an injury to the nail plate (took place in the train). As a result, the nail plate began to move away from the nail bed

The nail plate was cleaned, which was one of the stages of complex treatment

After 3 months of treatment, the nail plate is formed healthy, no signs of detachment are observed

Case 22

About 1.5 years ago, after skiing, the patient notes a change in the structure and color of the nail plate of the 1st left foot.

The nail plate was cleaned, which was one of the stages of complex treatment.

After 1 year, the nail plate was fully formed after the start of treatment. Have a healthy pink color, fit tightly to the nail bed

Case 23

Mom came with a 13-year-old child who has been biting and picking the nail plates of 1 toes for the last 2 years. As a result of mechanical trauma, nails do not grow well on a deformed nail bed.

After 6 months of treatment in the clinic, the nail plates recovered, the nail bed flattened. The treatment is over.

Case 24

A 26-year-old patient has been treated by a dermatologist for about 3 years for a fungal infection. Independently softens, cleans, cuts off the nail plates, uses medications. They grow out deformed.

9 months after the start of treatment. The nail plate is fully formed. It has a healthy pink color, adheres tightly to the nail bed. Treatment completed.

Case 25

A 43-year-old patient suffers from hand eczema. Notes detachment of the nail plates for about 2 months, associated with exacerbation of skin disease. Independently cleaned under the nail plates and externally used antifungal agents.

The nail plates have formed healthy, fit snugly to the nail bed, do not exfoliate.

Case 26

A 33-year-old female patient complained of the presence of arched transverse grooves on the nail plates of the 1st fingers. The modification notes about 6 years, associates with the coating of the gel polish.

The nail plate was formed healthy after 4 months of complex treatment.

Case 27

A patient-ballerina, 30 years old, complained about the lack of growth of the nail plate of the 1st toe of the right foot after a total resection by a surgeon about an ingrown nail for 5 years.

The nail plate in the process of treatment after 10 months is formed healthy.

20 months after the start of treatment. The nail plate grows healthy, 2/3 of the area is formed. Treatment continues.

Case 28

A 35-year-old patient complained of detachment of the nail plate of the 1st toe of the left foot after an injury 3 years ago.

Case 29

A 40-year-old patient complained of detachment of the nail plate of the 1st toes after an injury.

Injured about 1 year ago.

Performed non-surgical hardware processing of the nail plate.

Microscopic examination of the nail plate did not reveal any elements of pathogenic fungi.

8 months after the start of treatment. The nail plates are fully formed.

Treatment completed.

Case 30

A 55-year-old patient notes a discoloration and detachment of the nail plate of the 1st toe of the right foot for about 10 years.

Performed non-surgical hardware processing of the nail plate. Microscopic examination of the nail plate did not reveal any elements of pathogenic fungi.

9 months after the start of treatment. The nail plate grows healthy, fully formed. Treatment completed.

Case 31

Patient 44 years old long time self-treated for a fungal infection. The nail plates were cut, cleaned and treated with exoderil. Didn't see any improvement. Microscopic examination of the nail plate did not reveal elements of pathogenic fungi.

Produced gentle restorative treatment of the nail plate.

After 3 months, the nail plate was formed healthy.

Case 32

A 45-year-old patient was treated for a long time for a fungal infection of the nail plate of the 1st finger of the right hand.

Performed non-surgical hardware processing of the nail plate. Microscopic examination of the nail plate did not reveal any elements of pathogenic fungi.

The nail plate during treatment after 2 months.

7 months after the start of treatment. The nail plate is fully formed. Treatment completed.

Case 33

A 32-year-old patient complained of a change in the structure and shape of the nail plate after total removal due to an injury 5 years ago.

Performed non-surgical hardware processing of the nail plate.

After 4 months from the start of treatment, the nail plate was completely formed. It has a healthy pink color, adheres tightly to the nail bed. Treatment completed.

Case 34

A 49-year-old patient applied with a modification of the nail plate of the 1st finger of the right hand. After the examination, the patient was treated for a bacterial infection caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

After 3 months from the start of treatment, the nail plate was completely formed. Has a healthy pink color, fits snugly to the nail bed. Treatment completed.

Case 35

A 44-year-old patient complained of detachment of the nail plates of the 1st toes after an injury 1.5 years ago.

Performed non-surgical hardware processing of the nail plate. Microscopic examination of the nail plate did not reveal any elements of pathogenic fungi.

Nail plate in the process of treatment after 6 months.

12 months after the start of treatment. The nail plate is fully formed. Treatment completed.

Case 36

The patient is 50 years old. In 1998, she underwent surgery for an ingrown nail on the 1st toe of the right foot, after which the nail plate grows thickened, dull yellow, and deformed.

Performed non-surgical hardware processing of the nail plate.

The nail plate grows deformed, the lateral edge goes deep into the lateral sinus.

A semi-bracket Combiped is installed, which will lift the deep-set lateral edge of the nail plate upwards.

After 7 months from the start of treatment, the nail plate is fully formed. It has a healthy pink color, adheres tightly to the nail bed.

Case 37

A 35-year-old patient applied with detachment of the nail plates of the 1st toes after an injury 1 year ago.

A 35-year-old patient applied with detachment of the nail plates of the 1st toes after an injury 1 year ago.

Performed non-surgical hardware treatment of the nail plates.

5 months after the start of treatment. The nail plate is fully formed. Treatment completed.

Case 38

A 13-year-old child notes changes in the nail plates of the fingers of the right hand for 3 months. Mom notes that the girl mechanically injures and bites off the nail plates. During the examination fungal elements were not found.

Nail plate of the 2nd finger of the right hand during treatment.

2 months after the start of treatment. The nail plate is fully formed under the prosthesis, tightly adjacent to the nail bed, there are no signs of dystrophy. Treatment completed.

Case 39

The patient came to the clinic in connection with the detachment of the nail plate of the 1st toe of the left foot, which is associated with an incorrect pedicure.

Produced hardware cleaning of the nail plate.

Nail plate after 8 months. treatment is formed, has a healthy appearance.

Case 40

A 32-year-old patient came to the clinic with complaints of discoloration of the nail plate, thickening, detachment due to trauma.

Non-surgical hardware cleaning of the nail plate was performed, the exfoliated part of the nail plate was removed, the nail bed was carefully processed.

After 9 months from the start of treatment, the nail plate is fully formed, there are no signs of onycholysis. Treatment completed.

Case 41

A 30-year-old patient came to the clinic with complaints of deformation of the nail plate, discoloration due to Hallux valgus from early childhood.

A non-surgical hardware cleaning of the nail plate was performed, a CombiPed half-bracket was installed to correct the nail plate.

12 months after the start of treatment. the nail plate is of a healthy pink color, tightly adjacent to the nail bed, the formation of the nail plate continues.

Case 42

Nail plate of the 3rd finger of the right hand with detachment.

Performed hardware cleaning of the nail plate of the 3rd finger of the right hand.

Case 43

A patient came to the clinic with complaints of detachment of the nail plate of the 1st finger of the left hand and the 3rd finger of the right hand. Nail plate of the 1st finger of the left hand with detachment.

Performed hardware cleaning of the nail plate of the 1st finger of the left hand.

Applying PACT gel to the nail bed for antibacterial photodisinfection.

4 months after the start of treatment. The nail plate is fully formed, tightly adjacent to the nail bed. Treatment completed.

Case 44

A 30-year-old patient came to the clinic with complaints of detachment of the nail plate of the 5th finger of the right hand after prolonged wearing of the gel coating, the appearance of a green-yellow color under the nail plate.

Nail plate after hardware cleaning.

Nail plate in the process of treatment.

A few months later, the nail plate is fully formed, there are no signs of infection.

Case 45

A 39-year-old patient came to the clinic with complaints of detachment of the nail plates of the fingers of the right and left hands for 1.5 months. In the photo, the 1st finger of the left hand.

The same patient. Nail plate of the 1st toe of the right foot.

After 4 months from the moment of the initial treatment, there is a positive trend, the nail plate has moved forward significantly, adheres tightly to the nail bed, has a healthy pink color. Treatment completed.

The same patient. Nail plate of the 2nd finger of the left hand.

After 4 months from the moment of the initial treatment, there is a positive trend, the nail plate has moved forward significantly, adheres tightly to the nail bed, has a healthy pink color. Treatment continues.

Case 46

A 33-year-old patient came to the clinic with complaints of detachment of the nail plates on the fingers over the past 4-5 months, which she associates with the permanent coating of the nail plates with polymers.

Performed non-surgical hardware cleaning of the nail plates of the right hand. This procedure will be performed 1 time in 3 weeks. Material was taken for research on pathogenic fungi, which were not found.

The nail plates of the right hand after 2 months of treatment, there is a positive trend: the nail plates grow back correctly. Treatment continues.

Nail plates of the left hand.

Nail plates of the left hand after hardware cleaning.

Nail plates of the left hand after 2 months of treatment. there is a positive trend: the nail plates grow tightly to the nail bed. Treatment continues.

Case 47

A 34-year-old patient complains of detachment of the nail plate due to prolonged cleaning of the subungual space for three years.

Performed hardware cleaning of the nail plate. Comprehensive treatment of onychodystrophy is recommended by performing this procedure once a month until a healthy nail is fully formed.

Procedure for applying antibacterial gel. Exposure time 10 minutes.

Photodynamic processing procedure.

7 months after the start of treatment. The nail plate is fully formed, tightly attached to the nail bed, has a pink tint. There are no signs of dystrophy. Treatment completed.

Case 48

The patient is 44 years old. While wearing extended nail plates, there was an injury to the nail plate, a hematoma formed, which was not diagnosed in time. The patient underwent hardware cleaning of the nail plate.

After 2 months from the start of treatment, there is a positive trend. There is a growth of the nail plate on 2/3 of the area, it fits snugly to the nail bed.

After 3 months, a pronounced positive trend. The nail plate occupies the entire area of ​​the nail bed and adheres tightly to it. The patient was given home recommendations to avoid relapse. Treatment completed.

Case 49

The patient is 28 years old. I went to the clinic with complaints about the detachment of the nail plate as a result of prolonged wearing of narrow shoes.

View from the distal end.

Performed hardware cleaning of the nail plate, which will be performed strictly 1 time in 4 weeks.

Treatment with PACT gel, exposure time 10 minutes.

8 months after the start of treatment. The nail plate continues to form, adjacent to the nail bed.

After 1 year and 4 months. Expressed positive dynamics. The nail plate occupies almost the entire area of ​​the nail bed, tightly adjacent to it. The phenomena of onycholysis have significantly decreased. Treatment continues.

After 1 year and 4 months. The nail plate occupies the entire area of ​​the nail bed, tightly adjacent to it. Treatment completed.

Case 50

The patient is 32 years old. After an injury to the nail plate, a hematoma formed, after which the nail plate moved away from the nail bed. Performed microscopic examination of the nail plate for fungi - negative.

3 months after initial treatment. The nail plate grows back correctly, adheres tightly to the nail bed. A yellow tint remains, a transverse furrow due to injury.

9 months after the start of treatment. The nail plate is fully formed, has a pink tint, and is tightly attached to the nail bed. There are no signs of dystrophy.

After 5 months. The treatment is completed. The patient is 44 years old. After an injury to the nail plate about a year ago, she noted the appearance of a hematoma, then "emptiness", a change in the color of the nail plate. Performed microscopic examination - fungal infection was not detected.

    Consultation of the Chief Podiatrist (initial) 4000 Consultation of the Chief Podiatrist (repeated) 2500 Consultation of a Podiatrist (primary) 2500 Consultation of a Podiatrist (repeated) 1800 Extended Consultation (involving 2 specialists)5500 Extended Repeated Consultation (involving 2 specialists)3500 Hardware cleaning of the nail plate of the 1st toe (1 unit) - I/II/III/IV/V degree*2300/3500/4400/6500/8700 Hardware cleaning of the nail plate from the 2nd to the 5th toe (1 unit) - I/II/III/IV/V degree * 1450/2300/3200/4100/6500
  • Correction of the nail plate of the 1st toe (1 unit) - I/II/III/IV degree*2750/4750/8200/12000
  • Correction of the nail plate from the 2nd to the 5th toe (1 unit) - I/II/III/IV degree*1700/3300/6500/9000
  • Correction of an ingrown toenail on the 1st toe (1 unit) - I/II/III/IV degree * 2750/4750/8200/12000
  • Ingrown toenail correction from the 2nd to the 5th toe (1 unit) - I/II/III/IV degree*1700/3300/6500/9000
  • Manicure - I/II/III/IV degree*3300/4900/9500/13300
  • Manicure for men - I/II/III/IV degree*4000/5600/10100/14200
  • Hardware cleaning of the nail plate of the brush (1 unit) - I/II/III/IV degree*1600/2900/4100/5700
  • Correction of the nail plate of the hand (1 unit) - I/II/III/IV degree*2500/4000/6500/8300
  • Photodisinfection antibacterial and antifungal system PACT nail plate (1 unit) 1650
  • Local antibacterial wound photodisinfection (1 zone) - I/II degree*1500/2000
  • Photodisinfection with antibacterial and antifungal system PACT of the nail plate (1 unit) - outside the comprehensive treatment plan2000
  • N/pl correction with B/S plate (Bernd Stolz/ Hellmut Ruck GmbH, Germany)5500
  • B/S plate installation (Bernd Stolz/Hellmut Ruck GmbH, Germany)3200
  • Correction of n / pl with the Erky system (Erkodent, Germany) 4700
  • N/pl correction with Onyklip plate (Hellmut Ruck GmbH,/Erkodent, Germany)4700
  • N/pl correction with Podofix plate (International Cosmetic Group/3TO GmbH, Germany)5700
  • Correction of n / pl with the “Combiped” bracket I / II degree (International Cosmetic Group / 3TO GmbH, Germany) 5700/7200
  • Installing the Combiped3200 bracket
  • Removal of staples and plates2200
  • Bracket "Z-TO"12700
  • Installation of the bracket "3-TO"3200
  • Correction of the staple "3-TO" I/II degree5700/7200
  • Fraser bracket (production in standard terms) 16000
  • Milling bracket (express production)20800
  • Installing the Milling Bracket3200
  • Fraser bracket correction I/II degree5700/7200
  • Frazier staple and advanced titanium thread correction9600
  • Titanium thread9700
  • Installation of Titanium filament3200
  • Titanium thread correction I/II degree6200/7700
  • Titanium thread double increased complexity14700
  • Correction of Titanium thread double of increased complexity9600
  • Installation of Titanium filament double of increased complexity4800
  • Arcade system installation I/II/III degree5400/9000/18000
  • Arcade system correction I/II degree5400/9000
  • Arcade system - removal of artificial material800
  • Modeling of the nail plate of the foot with prosthetic material (1 unit) - I / II / III degree * 3400/5300/7000
  • Modeling of the nail plate of the hand with prosthetic material (1 unit) - I/II/III degree * 2200/3400/4100
  • Combined modeling of the nail plate of the foot with prosthetic material (1 unit) - I/II/III st * 4750/5800/8150
  • Modeling of the nail plate of the foot with the nail mass (1 unit) - I/II degree * 2650/3900
  • Modeling of the nail plate of the brush with nail mass (1 unit) - I/II degree * 2200/3250
  • Removal of artificial material (1 unit) 800
  • Modeling with prosthetic material Arcade of the nail plate of the foot (1 unit) – I/II/III4200/6500/9000
  • Modeling with prosthetic material Arcade of the nail plate of the hand (1 unit) – I/II/III3200/4700/6100
  • Dressing (uncomplicated)1500
  • Dressing (complicated)2200
  • Local infiltration anesthesia1300

Beautiful hands should have not only smooth and silky skin, but also neat, well-shaped nails. Unfortunately, every fifth inhabitant of the planet has problems with nails. A common disease is dystrophy of the nail plate, which occurs both on the hands and feet of a person. As a result of this disease, the structure, shape and even color of the nail changes.

Causes of the disease

The reasons for the development of dystrophy can be different, but the most important is poor nail care and improper nutrition of cell tissues. Depletion of the nail plate from a lack of vitamins can be observed not only in adults, but also in children. Poor nutrition of the nail can be caused by the following reasons:

  • mechanical injury of the nail plate;
  • fungus on the nail;
  • mental disorder;
  • the negative impact of chemicals;
  • weak immunity;
  • malnutrition;
  • congenital pathology;
  • chronic diseases;
  • skin diseases.

These factors weaken the nails, make them brittle and ugly.

One of the most common causes of pathology on the thumb is a fungus. They can become infected in places where people walk without shoes, for example, in a pool, sauna. That is why in such establishments it is best to use beach or any other comfortable shoes, and at the first symptoms of pathology, immediately go to the hospital.

Types of dystrophy

The pathology under consideration is divided into several types, which differ in signs and causes of occurrence. All of them are shown in the table.

Gapalonychia The nail weakens and becomes brittle, which is why it is subject to permanent damage. Over time, it softens and loosens.
Onycholysis The nail plate moves away from the bed, air gets inside, contributing to the rapid development of pathology. The cause of this disease is any injury or fungus.
Onychorrhexis The nails on the fingers become soft and thin, pressing the plate is accompanied by painful sensations. As a result, they crack, chips appear along the edges. Such a dystrophic deviation appears due to the constant influence of chemicals.
Onychoshisis The nail grows whole, but soon cracks and exfoliates along the edge. Don't think cutting off the edge will solve the problem. When the nail grows back, it will reappear.
Furrows Bo As soon as the nail begins to grow, transverse grooves are formed, 1 mm deep, they are the same shade as the nails.
Median canal nail dystrophy Furrows form over the entire area of ​​the plate.
Trachnonchinia This dystrophy of the toenails is characterized by the fact that the surface of the nail does not shine and becomes rough. Sometimes a dystrophic nail can exfoliate, and many depressions form on it. This disease is observed in those who have had eczema.

Treatment Methods

How does dystrophy of the nail plate manifest itself and how is it treated? Despite the fact that each form has its own characteristics, there are several signs that can be used to predict the development of the disease. First of all, the patient should pay attention to the slow growth of the plate. Also, the nail becomes brittle and soft. Pathology manifests itself in the form of deep furrows. The appearance of a healthy finger nail in a short period of time changes dramatically and becomes completely unattractive.

Treatment must also be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. In no case do not delay the visit to the doctor, especially if the problem is found in the child. It is better to do with simple methods prescribed by a specialist than to resort to surgical intervention later.

There is no universal therapy that would help get rid of this disease. Nail dystrophy, the treatment of which consists in determining and eliminating the cause of the occurrence, is a frequent phenomenon. Today, many patients suffer from it. With this disease, the doctor prescribes all kinds of vitamins, ointments and creams. It is also necessary to make firming baths for the hands and feet, which contribute to the recovery of the nail plates.

Also, with drug treatment, the doctor prescribes sedatives that block the nervous system. They have a positive effect on the condition of the legs, prevent sweating, and the skin around the nails does not become inflamed. This treatment is carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist, since many drugs have a number of contraindications.

People who do not know how to treat nail dystrophy turn to traditional medicine. It is she who will help to forget about the pathology. Of course, you can remove the nail surgically, but this is an extreme method, which is resorted to as a last resort. However, before starting treatment with traditional medicine, you should consult with a specialist.


An excellent method to forget about this disease is ordinary iodine. Several times a day, the nail plate must be thoroughly wiped with a 5% iodine solution. It is necessary to do such procedures for 7-10 days, then take a short break, and then repeat the course.

Another remedy that provides a wonderful result is propolis. For two or three nights, a 20% propolis tincture should be smeared on the nails. Please note that you need to be as careful as possible with propolis. If it gets on the skin near the nail, then you will have a burn.

Sea salt has a positive effect on nails with dystrophy. One tablespoon of salt should be diluted in 200 ml of water. In this bath, you need to keep fingers with a weak nail plate for 15-20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the nails must be thoroughly wiped and wax applied to the surface.

All these tools will allow you to forget about such a pathology as dystrophy of the nail plate on the hands and feet. In order for recovery to come as soon as possible, it is advised to take motherwort or valerian. It is true that the selected complex therapy restores tissue nutrition.

A good effect of treatment can be achieved only if you turn to a specialist in time. It is best to get rid of this disease while it is in the first stage. Often people make a big mistake: having discovered the first symptoms of the disease, they try to hide it under a thick layer of varnish. Because of this, the nail cannot breathe, respectively, it has no nutrition.

Another mistake that people with nail plate dystrophy often make is the use of fungal remedies in large quantities. Such drugs give a good result only in the presence of mycosis. Otherwise, they will only make the situation worse.

Compliance with all preventive measures, as well as timely contact with a specialist, will help to avoid serious and unpleasant consequences. Well-groomed and beautiful hands must be in every person who takes care of himself and wants to make a good impression on others.

Prevention methods

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat later. In order to prevent changes in the shape and structure of the nail plate, namely its degeneration, proper care is necessary. Experts recommend:

  • monitor your diet, the diet should have enough vitamins;
  • make firming baths and masks for nails;
  • avoid contact of nails with household chemicals (all work is best done with rubber gloves).

Do not paint your nails with cheap varnishes and do not use products that contain acetone. During the manicure, make sure that the nails are not injured. This procedure should be trusted only by professionals with extensive experience. Carefully approach the choice of a beauty salon: employees must have a medical education.

If you have found the first symptoms of nail plate dystrophy, immediately contact a specialist. In winter, nails need even more careful care. At this time, it is recommended to use complexes of vitamins and minerals.

Nail atrophy is a disease of the nail plate, which is characterized by thinning, changes in the shape and structure of the nail plates.

Nail atrophy can be either congenital or acquired.

Congenital atrophy is associated with a violation of the endocrine system.

Acquired develops due to:

  1. various skin diseases (such as lichen, psoriasis, etc.) with damage to the nail matrix;
  2. vitamin deficiency (points, grooves appear on the nail, nails become brittle);
  3. injuries or inflammation (especially common when wearing tight shoes);
  4. if you get an infection with an unsuccessful manicure (the appearance of white dots and stripes on the nail);

Signs of atrophy

  • Nail plates are deformed;
  • Nails take on a gray tint;
  • The thickness of the nail decreases, its crumbling is possible;
  • The plate becomes soft;
  • The abundance of flaws and inclusions on the nails;
  • The nail plate moves away from the bed;

Treatment of nail atrophy

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner before the disease begins to progress. In the treatment of nail atrophy, age, the state of the endocrine system, and possible causes of nail injury are taken into account. The method of treatment is prescribed depending on the disease, however, in all cases, vitamins (most often vitamin A) and minerals (iron, potassium, zinc) are indicated.

In the treatment of atrophy, creams, oils with corticosteroids are often prescribed. A proper diet is also required.

With an ingrown nail, it is required to normalize the functioning of its growth zone, for this, the skin is grown next to the nail hole, the free edge of the nail is cut parallel to the roller.

Nail atrophy can be treated at home. To do this, you need to drink a course of vitamins and minerals and prepare a bath with sea salt or propolis ointment.

Baths with sea salt

To do this, dissolve a small amount of sea salt in a bowl of warm water, you can also add a few drops of iodine to the bowl. Dip your hands in a bowl for 15 minutes so that your nails are completely in the water. After the bath, dry your hands with a napkin, but do not rinse them with running water. You can also use an antifungal cream.

Ointment from propolis

Stir the pounded propolis with alcohol, in an amount of 1: 1. Then steam your hands and apply the resulting mixture to the problem areas of the nails. At night, you should spread a larger problem area and wrap your finger with a bandage. Change this bandage daily.

Remember that in the treatment of diseases of the toenails it is necessary to avoid wearing uncomfortable shoes.