Psalms read in various occasions of life. Psalms for different occasions (Arseny of Cappadocia) Psalter psalm 45 about finding a couple

All about religion and faith - "45 Psalter Prayer" with a detailed description and photographs.


Lord, do not rebuke me with Your wrath, but punish me with Your anger. Like Your arrows unzosha in me, and Thou hast established Your hand on me. There is no healing in my flesh from the face of Your wrath; there is no peace in my bones from the face of my sins. As if my iniquity exceeded my head, as if a heavy burden was burdened on me. Resurrect and bend my wounds from the face of my madness. Suffered and slushy to the end, all day complaining about walking. As if my body was filled with reproach, and there is no healing in my flesh. I was embittered and resigned to the ground, roaring from the sighing of my heart. Lord, before You all my desire and my sighing is not hidden from You. My heart is troubled, leave me my strength, and the light of my eyes, and that one is not with me. My friends and my sincere ones are directly approaching me and stasha, and my neighbor is far away from me stash and needy, who seeks my soul, and who seeks the evil words of me, vain and flattering all day long. But as if I were deaf and did not hear, and as if they did not open their mouths to him. And like a man, do not hear and do not have reproof in your mouth. As for Thee, Lord, I hope, You hear, Lord my God. Yako rekh: yes, not when my enemies will please me: and always move my feet, yelling at me. For I am ready for wounds, and my illness is before me. As if my iniquity, I will proclaim and take care of my sin. But my enemies live and become stronger than me, and the one who hates me without the truth is multiplied. He who repays me evil, good slander me, for chasing goodness. Do not leave me, Lord my God, do not depart from me. Come to my help, O Lord of my salvation.

Rekh: I will keep my ways, if I do not sin with my tongue: put it with my mouth, when a sinner stands before me. I humbled myself and humbled myself, and kept silent from the blessings, and my illness was renewed. My heart will be warmed within me, and fire will flare up in my teaching. I speak with my tongue: tell me, O Lord, my end, and the number of my days, what is it? Yes, I understand that I am losing az? Behold, Thou hast laid down my days, and my composition is as if nothing before Thee, either way, all vanity, every living person. Ubo way a man walks, both in vain he worries: he treasures, and it is not known to whom I will collect. And now who is my patience, is it not the Lord? And my composition is from You. Deliver me from all my iniquities; Thou hast given me reproach to the insane. I am dumb and did not open my mouth, as you have created. Put away Thy wounds from me: I have disappeared from the strength of Thy hand. In denunciation of iniquity, thou punished man and melted thou, like a spider, his soul: both in vain is every man. Hear my prayer, O Lord, and hearken to my prayer, do not silence my tears: as I am a pastor to You and a stranger, like all my fathers. Weaken me, let me rest, I won’t even leave before, and I won’t be anyone.

Enduring the suffering of the Lord, and listen to me, and hear my prayer. And raise me up from the ditch of passions, and from the mud of mud, and set my feet on the stone, and correct my steps, and put in my mouth a new song, a song to our God. Many will see and be afraid, and trust in the Lord. Blessed is the man whose hope is the name of the Lord, and do not look at false vanity and turmoil. Thou hast done many things, O Lord, my God, Thy wonders, and by Thy mind there is no one who is like Thee: I proclaim and speak, multiplying more than number. Thou didst not want sacrifices and offerings, but Thou didst make the body for me, Thou didst not exact a burnt offering and sin. Then rech: behold, I will come, in the head of the book it is written about me: hedgehog do Thy will, my God, I will, and Thy law is in the midst of my womb. I proclaim the truth, in the great church, I will not forbid my mouth: Lord, Thou hast understood. Thy truth is not hidden in my heart, Thy truth and Thy salvation are not hidden, Thy mercy and Thy truth are many from the host. But you, O Lord, do not remove your bounty from me: your mercy and your truth take me out. It is as if an evil one has possessed me, even if there is no number, having comprehended my iniquities, and I could not see, multiplying more than the hair of my head, and leave my heart. Delight, Lord, deliver me: Lord, in the hedgehog of my help, get out. Let them be ashamed and put to shame together who seek to take away my soul, let them turn back and be ashamed who want me evil. May Abie receive their stud who say to me: good, good. May all those who seek You, O Lord, rejoice and rejoice in You, and let them say: May the Lord be exalted who loves Your salvation. But I am poor and miserable, the Lord will take care of me. Thou art my helper and protector, O my God, do not stagnate.

Blessed is the one who understands the poor and the poor, in the day of fierceness the Lord will deliver him. May the Lord preserve him and live him, and may he bless him on earth, and may he not betray him into the hands of his enemies. May the Lord help him on his sickbed: Thou hast turned all his bed into his sickness. Az reh: Lord, have mercy on me, heal my soul, for I have sinned Thee. Strike down my evil resolutions: when will his name die and perish? And you go in to see, in vain your heart speaks, you gather iniquity for yourself, you go out and speak together. Strike all my whispers at me, I think evil of me. Laying the word of the law upon me: will the food of sleep not add to the resurrection? For the man of my world, on worthless hopes, eating my bread, exalt stumbling upon me. But you, O Lord, have mercy on me and raise me up and repay them. In this knowledge, as thou hast desired me, for my enemy shall not rejoice over me. But Thou didst accept me for innocence and affirmed me before Thee for ever. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting: be, be.

In the same way the deer longs for the springs of water, the same way my soul longs for Thee, O God. My soul thirsts for the Mighty, Living God: when shall I come and appear before the face of God? My tears have been my bread day and night, always saying to me every day: where is your God? This one remembered and poured out my soul on me, as if I would go to the place of the wondrous village, even to the house of God, in the voice of joy and confession of the celebrating noise. Forever lamentable are you, my soul? And forever embarrass me? Trust in God, for we will confess Him, the salvation of my face, and my God. To me my soul is troubled: for this sake, I remembered Thee from the land of Jordan and Hermonim, from the small mountain. The abyss calls to the abyss in the voice of Thy abysses, all Thy heights and Thy waves are over me. On the day the Lord will command His mercy, and at night His song is from me, a prayer to the God of my life. River to God: Thou art my intercessor, why havet thou forgotten me? And I walk for centuries complaining, does the enemy always offend? Always be crushed by my bones, strike my reproach, always say to me all day long: where is your God? Forever lamentable are you, my soul? And forever embarrass me? Trust in God, for we will confess Him, the salvation of my face, and my God.

Judge me, O God, and judge mine from an unholy tongue, deliver me from an unrighteous and flattering person. Why are you, O God, my fortress, why did you reject me? And when I go complaining, does the enemy always offend? Send Thy light and Thy truth, she will instruct me and lead me to Thy holy mountain and Thy villages. And I will go down to the altar of God, to God who gladdens my youth, we will confess to You in harp, O God, my God. Are you sorrowful, my soul? And embarrassing me? Trust in God, for we will confess Him, the salvation of my face, and my God.

God, we heard our ears, and our fathers proclaimed to us the work that you did in their days, in the days of old. Consume thy tongues by thy hand, and thou hast planted, thou hast embittered the people, and thou hast cast out. You will not inherit the earth with your sword, and their arm will not save them, but your right hand, and your arm, and the enlightenment of your face, as if you were pleased with them. You yourself are my King and my God, commanding the salvation of Jacob. We will gouge our horns in Your name, and in Your name we will despise those who rise up against us. I do not trust in my bow, and my sword will not save me. Thou hast saved us from those who afflict us, and Thou hast put to shame those who hate us. Let us boast about God all day long, and about Your name we will confess forever. Now thou hast rejected and put us to shame, and thou shalt not depart, O God, in our strength. Thou hast brought us back in the presence of our enemies, and he who hates us will plunder himself. Thou hast given us like sheep to eat, and thou hast scattered us in tongues. Thou gavest Thy people without price, and there were not many in our exclamations. Thou hast put us reproach by our neighbor, imitation and reproach by those around us. Thou hast put us in a parable by the tongue, the bowing of the head among the people. All day long my shame is before me, and the coldness of my face covers me from the voice of the reviling and slandering, from the face of the enemy and expelling. This whole thing has come upon us, and we will not forget You, and we will not be unrighteous in Your covenant. And do not turn back our heart, and have turned our paths from Your path. As if you humbled us in the place of anger, and the shade of death is covered. If we forget the name of our God, and if we lift our hands to a strange god. Will not God seek these? That is the message of the secret heart. For the sake of Thee we are put to death all day long, we are slaughtered like sheep. Arise, sleep in heaven, Lord? Resurrect and do not reject until the end. Do you turn away your face? Do you forget our poverty and our sorrow? As if our soul humbled itself in the dust, our womb was the earth. Resurrect, Lord, help us and deliver us for Your name's sake.

I will burp, my heart is a good word, I say my deeds of the king: my tongue is the reed of a scribe scribbler. Beautiful in kindness more than the sons of men, grace poured out in your mouth, for this sake God bless you forever. Gird Your sword on Your thigh, Mighty One. By Thy beauty and Thy kindness, and nalyats, and succeed, and reign for the sake of truth and meekness, and righteousness, and Thy right hand will instruct Thee marvelously. Your arrows are sophisticated, stronger, people under You will fall into the hearts of the enemies of the king. Your throne, O God, for ever and ever: a scepter of righteousness, a scepter of your kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness and thou hast hated iniquity, for the sake of anointing Thee, O God, Thy God with the oil of joy, more than a partaker of Thy. Myrrh and stacti and cassia from Thy garments, from the burdens of elephants, from which You will rejoice. Daughters of kings in Your honor, the Queen at Your right hand appears in the robes of gilded robes. Hear, Dshi, and see, and incline Your ear, and forget Your people, and Your father's house. And the King will desire thy goodness: for this is thy Lord, and worship him. And the daughters of Tirov with gifts, the riches of the people will pray to Your face. All glory to the daughter of the Tsareva is inside, robes are bright with gold and dotted. The virgins will be brought to the King in Her footsteps, her sincere ones will be brought to You. They will be brought in joy and joy, they will be introduced into the temple of the Tsars. Instead of your fathers, your sons were: I will set up princes over all the earth. I will remember Your name in every kind and generation. For this reason people will confess to You forever and ever.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.

O Most Holy Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love before your honest miraculous icon, we fall down, we pray to you: (request), and do not turn away your face from those who resort to you. Pray, merciful Mother, Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, may we preserve our peaceful country, may the Church keep His Holy unshakable, and deliver us from unbelief, heresies and schism. Not imams of other help, not imams of other hope, except for You, Most Pure Virgin; If you are the all-powerful Christian Helper and Intercessor. Deliver all those who pray to You with faith from the burning of sinful people, from the slander of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, illnesses, troubles and from sudden death. Grant to Your servants (names) the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of mind, correction of sinful lives and forgiveness of sins, yes, all, gratefully singing Your majesty and Your mercy manifested here on earth, we will be honored with the Kingdom of Heaven, and there with all the saints we will glorify the most holy and glorious name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

The same troparia, voice Z: I offer praise to Thee, O Lord, I proclaim all my sins to Thee, O God, turning have mercy on me.

Glory: Save me. My God, as sometimes you saved the publican, and the harlot does not despise tears, and my sigh is received, Save me, and save me.

And now: Slavically now I flow to Thy protection, Immaculate: deliver me, Mother of God, the confluence of passions, as if fearlessness of the Guilty gave birth.

Lord, have mercy (40) and prayer:

We thank Thee, O Lord our God, for all Thy good deeds, even from the first age to the present in us, unworthy, former, about them we know and not know, about the revealed and the unmanifested, even those who were in deed and in word: love us, as well as Your Only Begotten Give a son about us, defiant. Make us worthy to be Your love. Give by Your word wisdom and Your fear, inhale strength from Your strength, and if you want or not want to sin, forgive, and do not blame and save our holy soul, and present it to Your Throne, I have a clean conscience, and the end is worthy of Your humanity. And remember, Lord, all those who call on Your name in truth: remember all who are good or opposing to us who want: all men are we, and every man is in vain. Therefore, we pray to Thee, O Lord: grant us Thy benevolence and great mercy.

Psalter. Kathisma. Psalm:

Prayers before reading the Psalter

Prayers after reading several kathismas or the entire Psalter

On the Reading of the Psalter for the Dead

The order of reading psalms for every need

Psalter as a breviary

Prayers according to the psalter

Psalms for different occasions

Bible. Psalter

daily prayers

Prayers of thanks every day

Basic gospel commandments

Types and forms of Orthodox prayers

What the Believer Needs to Know

Prayers that will definitely help

Orthodox informers for websites and blogs The entire Psalter.

Psalm 45

To the end, about the sons of Korah, about the secret ones, a psalm

To fulfillment. Through the sons of Korah, about secrets. Psalm.

1 God is our Refuge and Strength, Helper in sorrows that have found us green.

1 God is our refuge and strength, a helper in tribulations that have befallen us hard.

2 For this reason let us not be afraid; the earth is always troubled, and the mountains are turned into the hearts of the sea.

2 Therefore, let us not be afraid when the earth shakes and the mountains move in the heart of the seas.

3 Their waters make a noise and are troubled; the mountains are troubled by His strength.

3 Their waters roared and stirred; the mountains shook at His might.

4 River aspirations rejoice in the city of God: the Most High has sanctified His village.

4 River streams gladden the city of God - the Almighty sanctified His abode.

5 God is in his midst, and he will not move; God will help him in the morning in the morning.

5 God is in his midst, and he will not be moved; God will help him early in the morning.

6 The nations are troubled, kingdoms are turned aside;

6 The peoples were troubled, the kingdoms bowed, the Most High gave His voice - the earth shook.

7 The Lord of hosts is with us, our intercessor God Jacob.

7 The Lord of hosts is with us, our intercessor is the God of Jacob!

8 Come and see the works of God, and lay wonders on the earth:

8 Come and see the works of God, what wonders he has done on earth,

9 Wrestling the battle to the end of the earth, the bow will crush and break the weapons, and burn the shields with fire.

9 Abolishing wars to the ends of the earth, the bow will crush and break weapons and burn shields with fire.

10 Be abolished and understand that I am God: I will ascend to the ranks, I will ascend to the earth.

10 Settle down and know that I am God; I will ascend among the nations, I will ascend on earth.

11 The Lord of hosts is with us, our intercessor God Jacob.

11 The Lord of hosts is with us, our intercessor is the God of Jacob.

God is our Refuge and Strength, Helper in sorrows that have found us green. For this sake let us not be afraid, the earth is always troubled and the mountains are turned into the hearts of the sea. Their waters roar and tremble, the mountains tremble because of His strength. River aspirations rejoice in the city of God: the Most High has sanctified His village. God is in the midst of him, and he will not move: God will help him in the morning in the morning. The tongues are confused, the kingdoms are deviated: the Most High gave His voice, the earth moved. The Lord of hosts is with us, our intercessor God Jacob. Come and see the works of God, even put miracles on the earth: taking away the battle to the end of the earth, the bow will crush and break the weapon, and burn the shields with fire. Be abolished and understand that I am God: I will ascend to the ranks, I will ascend to the earth. The Lord of hosts is with us, our intercessor God Jacob.

Interpretation of the meaning for the Orthodox believer of Psalm 45

The Christian psalm 45, as can be seen from the inscription that precedes it, was written by one of the sons of Korah. Just like the previous and several subsequent psalms, it is dedicated to the military failures of the Jewish people, a long series of which crossed out almost all of their significant victories.

The inscription "Alamoth" before the text of the 45th psalm indicates the way it was performed: according to the author's idea, the song was to be sung in a high male voice, close to a girl's (Heb. "alma" - a maiden). The performance of the psalm was to be accompanied by the accompaniment of musical instruments.

When should you read Psalm 45?

According to the interpretation of the Orthodox Psalm 45, the time of its writing corresponds to the reign of the Israeli king Jehoshaphat, this is also confirmed by the text of the song, which mentions the death of the Tharsh ships, which is directly related to the activities of this ruler.

Despite the difficult situation, the text of Psalm 45 is filled with faith in the help of God, who will not turn away from His chosen people. In the Orthodox tradition, it is customary to read and listen to Psalm 45 online about young people who cannot start a family in any way.

Read the text of the holy psalm 45 in Russian

Choir leader. Sons of Korea. On the musical instrument Alamof. Song.

God is our refuge and strength, a quick help in troubles, therefore we will not be afraid, even if the earth shakes, and the mountains move into the heart of the seas. Let their waters roar, their waters rise, the mountains shake from their excitement. River streams gladden the city of God, the holy habitation of the Most High. God is in his midst; he will not hesitate: God will help him early in the morning. The nations roared; The kingdoms moved: the Most High gave His voice, and the earth melted. The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our intercessor. Come and see the deeds of the Lord - what devastation He has made on earth: stopping the battle to the ends of the earth, he crushed the bow and broke the spear, he burned the chariots with fire. Stop and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the nations, exalted in the earth. The Lord of hosts is with us, our intercessor is the God of Jacob.

Holy Psalter, text of Psalm 45 in Church Slavonic

God is our refuge and strength, a helper in sorrows who have found us green. For this sake let us not be afraid, the earth is always troubled, and the mountains are turned into the hearts of the sea. Their waters are roaring and shaking, the mountains are shaking with its fortress. River aspirations gladden the city of God; He left his village on high. God is in the midst of him, and does not move; God help him in the morning in the morning. The tongues are confused, the kingdoms are deviated; give your voice from above, the earth moves. The Lord of hosts is with us, our intercessor God Jacob. Come and see the works of God, even put miracles on the earth; ending the battle to the end of the earth, the bow will crush and break the weapons, and burn the shields with fire. Be abolished and understand that I am God; I will ascend to the tongue, I will ascend to the earth. The Lord of hosts is with us, our intercessor God Jacob.

Psalm 45 - text in Russian, interpretation, why they read

The author of most of the verses from the Psalter is King David. But there were others - for example, psalm 45, like the next two, belonged to someone from the Korey family. What is this chapter of the Old Testament talking about?

Text of Psalm 45 in Russian

Reason for writing Psalm 45

The Jews were a small people, forced to constantly defend themselves against numerous enemies. The capital could be attacked from different sides, many different warlike tribes lived around.

It is the enemy offensive that is described here, but the Jews emerged victorious from this battle. They attribute victory to their God. He is able not only to protect the holy city, but also to sink enemy ships. According to scholars, Psalm 45 was written during the reign of Jehoshaphat.

There are several translations in Russian, so everyone can choose the one they like best. Reading the Psalter at home is a very soulful activity, and it is better to study the translation in your native language.

Interpretation of Psalm 45

The meaning of the psalm is divided into several parts:

  1. The author encourages listeners to show faith - he says that there is nothing to be afraid of, because the Lord is always near.
  2. Although enemies are everywhere, in a mysterious way the Lord continues to reign in the Jerusalem temple.
  3. Universal reconciliation - it will come at the end of time. Then the Lord will reign, and there will be silence on the earth. This truth of Christianity should not be forgotten in difficult moments of life.

This chapter consists of only 12 verses, but they are full of lofty and expressive metaphors.

  • Text of 36 psalm;
  • Psalm 139 - why read;
  • Psalm 26 -

Why read

Thousands of believers have found comfort in the text of Psalm 45. For example, the soldiers of Scotland, going to World War II, sang it with their parents. Once imprisoned for their religious beliefs, the martyrs repeated these lines, full of grandeur. In dungeons, hospital wards, in moments of upheaval - the content is universal in any difficult circumstances, at all times.

Many composers, inspired by poetic lines, composed their own beautiful hymns.

According to the opinions of various holy fathers, you can read a psalm in such cases:

  • when relatives object to connecting with the chosen one (helps to marry a loved one);
  • to protect against robbers or thieves;
  • if enemies erect slander.

Reading psalms psalm.

118 psalm psalms. . 45

Reading psalms- a very rewarding activity. Any priest can confidently say this. Quite famous among Orthodox Christians and text 67 psalm.

For Christians of all times, special prayers composed many centuries ago do not lose their relevance.

Many people face hostile attitudes from others. In such a situation, there is little pleasant, how should a Christian behave?

118 psalm has a number of unique features: It is the longest of psalms. . 45 And walk in the latitude, as if Thy commandments were sought.

It is no coincidence that the Psalter enjoys special love among believers. It contains the wisdom of the entire Bible, only in a more abbreviated form.

The Monk Arseny used psalms for blessing, suitable for various occasions; especially in cases where there was no church order for a special need. The Greek original can be found in the publication "0 Heron Paisios" by Hieromonk Christodoulos, Holy Mount Athos, 1994.

(The number indicates the number of the psalm, and then indicates the need for which it should be read)

In defense of demons.

Psalm 6: So that God frees man from the spell.
Psalm 8: About those who suffered evil from demons.
Psalm 9: To stop the intimidation of demons in a dream or fantasy during the day.
Psalm 13: On a terrible demon (3 times a day for 3 days)

Psalm 33: Those who are near death when they are tormented by the devil.

Psalm 57: For favorable circumstances to come to those who act for good, so that God would prevent every crafty action of demons or envious people.
Psalm 65: So that the evil one does not bring temptation to homes and sorrows to families.
Psalm 70: About the abandoned people who are burdened by the envy of the devil and despair in order to find mercy from God.
Psalm 90: So that the devil disappears when he appears to a person or frightens him.
Psalm 94: So that witchcraft does not affect the spouses, so that problems and friction are not created.
Psalm 96: So that witchcraft leaves people.
Psalm 121: About healing from the evil eye.

In protection from the elements and disasters.

Psalm 17: When there is the wrath of God, earthquakes, cataclysms and lightning.
Psalm 21: About stopping fires.
Psalm 28: About those who are afraid of the sea and the storm.
Psalm 30: For God to give an abundance of crops and fruits on the trees when the weather is unfavorable.

Psalm 47: When great destruction and looting by bandits happens (read constantly for 40 days).
Psalm 50: When the educational wrath of God comes upon us - epidemics and epidemic diseases that bring death to people and animals.
Psalm 68: When, because of the wrath of God, rivers flood and wash away houses and people.
Psalm 85: About saving people when a cholera epidemic attacks.
Psalm 92: So that God saves the ship, which was in danger during a big storm (while sprinkling four sides of the ship with consecrated water).
Psalm 111: About the preservation of soldiers going to war.

In defense of human enmity.

Psalm 5: For God to heal the eyes hit by an evil person (who suffered from a beating).
Psalm 7: About those who suffered from fear, got scared, went into a nervous breakdown through the threats of evil people.

Psalm 11: About the insane who do evil to people.

Psalm 26: For God to protect the inhabitants from enemy troops.
Psalm 29: About those who are in danger (far away among enemies and godless people), so that God saves them and enlightens them, and pacifies their enemies, so that they know God.
Psalm 32: So that God reveals the truth about the unjustly condemned and they are freed.
Psalm 33: From enemy troops when they violate the border to do evil.

Psalm 36: About people seriously injured from criminals.
Psalm 42: About the release of the captives.
Psalm 47: When big robberies happen by bandits (read 40 days in a row).
Psalm 57: For God to prevent every crafty action of envious people who hinder those who do good.
Psalm 59: For God to reveal the truth when many people are slandered.
Psalm 72: About the repentance of evil-doing people.
Psalm 73: So that God saves the inhabitants working in their fields when the enemies surrounded the village (so that God saves peaceful people who are surrounded by enemies).
Psalm 74: About the appeasement of a rude master who torments neighbors and servants.
Psalm 78: So that God saves villages from robbery and destruction by enemy troops.
Psalm 82: For God to prevent evil people plotting murder.
Psalm 84: About the healing of people affected by violence and fear.
Psalm 87: About the protection of all defenseless people suffering from the cruelty of their neighbors.
Psalm 93: For God to enlighten people who call for rebellion and repair disorder and robbery.
Psalm 107: So that God humbles enemies, may evil intentions change.
Psalm 117: For God to humble the barbarians and crush their evil intentions when they threaten.
Psalm 118: For God to show His power on the barbarians and humble their actions when they kill innocent women and children.
Psalm 120: About protecting slaves (prisoners) from enemy hands, so that they do not harm them until they are released.
Psalm 124: About preserving the buildings of righteous people from evil ones.
Psalm 131: For God to have mercy on the people when there are frequent wars due to sins.
Psalm 133: About saving from all danger.
Psalm 135: About the protection of refugees.

Psalm 140: For God to pacify the rude local leader who mocks his neighbors.
Psalm 141: For God to pacify the rebellion.
Psalm 143: For God to tame the rebellious people, may war not break out.

About the arrangement of family life and the eradication of enmity among loved ones.

Psalm 10: About softening the cruelty of spouses who quarrel and separate (when the cruel torment the pious).

Psalm 22: About the pacification of disorderly and disobedient children who offend their parents.
Psalm 43: For God to reveal the truth in suspected spouses, and about mutual love.
Psalm 45: About the young, whom the enemy, out of envy, prevents from starting a family.
Psalm 54: To restore respect for a defiled family that has been slandered.
Psalm 75: A mother who is afraid of childbirth.
Psalm 76: When there is no mutual understanding between parents and children, so that God enlightens them, may the children of their parents obey, and parents will show love.
Psalm 86: About the longevity of the owner of the family.

Psalm 116: About preserving love and harmony in families, let God be glorified.
Psalm 126: About reconciliation in the family during quarrels.
Psalm 127: So that the evil of the enemy does not approach the house, and the peace and blessing of God rest on the family.
Psalm 139: So that God pacifies the obstinate owner of the family, may he not torture the whole family.

About healing from diseases.

Psalm 4: For God to heal sensitive people who fell ill with melancholy through the attitude of hard-hearted people towards them.
Psalm 5: For God to heal eyes struck by an evil person.
Psalm 7: About those who came into a nervous breakdown through the threats of evil people.
Psalm 12: About those who are sick with the liver.
Psalm 18: On the release of mothers during childbirth.
Psalm 19: About spouses who are childless due to injury, so that God heals them.
Psalm 27: On the healing of the nervous.
Psalm 37: When the jaws hurt from rotten teeth.
Psalm 40: To free mothers during premature births.
Psalm 44: About people suffering from the heart and kidneys.

Psalm 56: About people suffering from headaches from many experiences.
Psalm 58: About the dumb, so that God will give them speech.
Psalm 63: When a person is bitten by a wolf or a rabid dog.
Psalm 67: To free mothers during difficult childbirth, when they suffer greatly.
Psalm 79: About the healing of a person whose face is swollen and his whole head hurts.
Psalm 95: For God to give hearing to the deaf.
Psalm 102: To restore a person's frustrated health.
Psalm 106: About getting rid of the infertility of women.
Psalm 108: On the healing of lunatics.
Psalm 113: For God to heal mentally retarded children.
Psalm 122: For God to give sight to the blind and to heal sick eyes.
Psalm 125: About the healing of people suffering from a constant headache.
Psalm 128: About the healing of people suffering from migraines, headaches.
Psalm 142: About the preservation of the mother during pregnancy.
Psalm 145: About the cessation of bleeding in people.
Psalm 146: About the healing of those beaten by evil people and wounded in the jaws.

About help in various everyday needs.

Psalm 1: When fruit-bearing trees or a vineyard are planted.
Psalm 15: About finding lost keys.
Psalm 23: To open doors when the keys are lost.
Psalm 31: So that travelers find the way when they get lost and exhausted.
Psalm 48: About those who do dangerous work.
Psalm 52: So that God blesses the nets and fish are caught.
Psalm 62: So that the fields and trees bear fruit when the water runs out.
Psalm 66: For God to bless the poultry houses (chickens).
Psalm 71: For God to bless the fruits of the new harvest brought into the house from the fields and gardens.

Psalm 89: About sending down rain during a drought or when the sources are scarce.
Psalm 123: About saving from a snake bite.

Psalm 147: For God to tame wild animals so that they do not harm people and do not harm crops.
Psalm 148: About the goodness of the air, about the abundance of the harvest, may the people of God glorify.

About building relationships between people.

Psalm 2: For God to give enlightenment to those who are going to the convention (as a delegate to a worldly convention or to a church council).
Psalm 3: In order not to unjustly offend your comrades and to avoid human evil.
Psalm 14: About changing the thoughts of robbers and turning them to repentance.
Psalm 16: From great slander (3 times a day for 3 days).

Psalm 34: For God to free good people from the networks of evil people who exploit the people of God.
Psalm 35: About the complete destruction of enmity after strife or misunderstanding.

Psalm 39: About the restoration of love between the owner and servants (workers) in case of conflicts.
Psalm 41: Young, suffering from unrequited love.
Psalm 46: About the appeasement of a servant or worker when the humiliated (offended, expelled) leaves the owner and about finding a job.
Psalm 51: So that the cruel-hearted leaders repent and become merciful, and not torment their subjects.
Psalm 53: For God to enlighten the rich to free the purchased slaves (people who work involuntarily).
Psalm 55: About sensitive people who were mentally hurt by their comrades.
Psalm 60: About those who find it difficult to do things out of laziness or timidity.

Psalm 69: Sensitive people, when they argue about trifles and despair, so that God would strengthen them.
Psalm 70: About people left behind to find mercy from God and shelter.

Psalm 101: For God to bless people with titles (those in power) to help people with kindness and understanding.
Psalm 108: On the pardon of false witnesses, may they repent.
Psalm 109: So that the young have respect for the elders.
Psalm 110: So that unjust judges repent and judge fairly.
Psalm 119: For God to give patience and condescension to people who are forced to be among cunning and unrighteous people.
Psalm 128: About pardoning hard-hearted and unjust people who oppress the sensitive.
Psalm 129: So that God gives courage and hope to the newcomers, so that they do not find it difficult to work.
Psalm 132: For God to enlighten the nations, may they come to an agreement and be reconciled.

About help in financial difficulties, strengthening welfare and justice.

Psalm 20: About softening the hearts of the rich, so that they give mercy to the poor.
Psalm 38: To find work for abandoned and unfortunate people, let them not grieve.
Psalm 64: So that merchants have reverence and do not deceive ordinary people.
Psalm 77: About the enlightenment of lenders (creditors), so that they do not offend their neighbors for debts, and that they be merciful.
Psalm 80: For God to look upon the poor, the impoverished and the mourners.
Psalm 81: So that people buy the products of farmers (peasants, gardeners), so that the villagers do not get upset.
Psalm 83: So that God preserves property, animals and products of production.
Psalm 88: About strengthening the weak and infirm people so that they can work tirelessly and not grieve.
Psalm 103: So that God blesses the property of people, so that they do not become impoverished and do not grieve, but let them praise God.
Psalm 112: For God to send help to poor widows, may they pay their debts.
Psalm 114: So that God would give blessings, material support and comfort to the unfortunate poor children, so that they would not be despised by rich children.
Psalm 137: For God to enlighten the leaders, may people find understanding in their requests.
Psalm 144: For God to bless the deeds of people, may they be pleasing to Him.

About the sending and return of spiritual fruits, deliverance from passions.

Psalm 24: About those whom the tempter is very envious of and constantly brings temptations to them so that they grumble.
Psalm 25: So that what is asked from God does not harm the one who asks.
Psalm 49: So that people far from God repent and be saved.
Psalm 61: For God to avert trials from a faint-hearted person who does not have patience and grumbles.
Psalm 91: For God to give reason to people so that they prosper spiritually.
Psalm 97: For God to send comfort to grieving people.
Psalm 98: For God to bless and send grace to young people who want to devote themselves to God.
Psalm 99: For God to bless people and fill human desires with Divine desires.
Psalm 100: About giving grace to virtuous people.
Psalm 104: For people to repent and confess their sins.
Psalm 105: About enlightening people so that they do not deviate from the path of salvation.
Psalm 115: For God to heal the terrible passion of lies (deceit).
Psalm 130: For God to give people repentance and comfort with hope, may they be saved.
Psalm 134: About concentration during prayer and connecting the mind with God.
Psalm 136: For God to establish a person who has an unstable character.
Psalm 138: To stop the devil from tempting people with blasphemous thoughts.

Psalm 149: To thank God for the great kindnesses and for the many love that has no limits, which He pours out on us.
Psalm 150: For God to give joy and comfort to our grieving brothers who are in a foreign land, and to our deceased brothers who are in a more distant foreign land.

For those who want to develop their spiritual
perfection - the 99th psalm.
Before moving to a new home, for good luck
and prosperity - the 61st psalm.
For gaining good luck and enterprise - the 65th psalm.
For good luck in all matters - the 57th psalm.
Those who wish to change an unsuccessful situation to a happy one - the 16th psalm.
For daily reading and avoiding evil - the 77th psalm.
Protecting yourself from negative influences is the 19th psalm.
To get rid of long-standing hatred and enmity - the 137th psalm.
Protection against enemies, rivals - 3rd, 59th and 70th psalms.
In case of illness - the 23rd, 35th, 38th psalms.
With thanksgiving and recovery - the 30th psalm.
For peace and prosperity in the house - the 1st, 128th psalms.
For spiritual stamina in difficult situations - the 3rd, 25th, 54th psalms.
To bring harmony into a group of people - the 133rd psalm.
For requests for material needs (money, food, clothing, etc.) - the 41st psalm.
For protection from slander - the 38th, 39th psalms.
To receive glory and love - the 32nd psalm.
To receive the respect and love of others - the 47th psalm.
To protect against slander, when it is impossible to justify oneself, - the 3rd psalm.
In the case of idle harmless gossip - the 36th psalm.
To protect against an enemy who does not want to leave you alone - the 109th psalm.
For liberation from bad habits - the 69th psalm.
For reconciliation with the enemy - the 16th psalm.
To defeat the enemy - the 70th psalm.
For the acquisition of friends - the 111th psalm.
To keep old and make new friends - the 133rd psalm.
Reconciliation of families - 98th psalm.
Do good and do no harm to anyone - the 87th psalm.
For the expulsion of harmful influences - the 29th psalm.
For early release from prison - the 26th psalm.
For protection from robbers - the 50th psalm.
For protection when you have to go alone at night - the 122nd psalm.
At the end of the journey - the 34th psalm.
To destroy the negative influences that you feel around you - the 10th psalm.
Winning a lawsuit in a hopeless situation is the 35th psalm.
To obtain a fair judgment of the court - the 20th psalm.
In order for you to be carefully listened to in court, - the 119th psalm.
For those who like to drink - the 87th psalm.
If they want to punish you - the 35th psalm.
For reconciliation between spouses - the 45th, 46th psalms.
For protection from evil spirits - the 66th psalm.
For protection from secret enemies - the 53rd, 54th, 55th psalms.
If the enemies have led you to ruin - the 41st, 43rd psalms (read daily three times a day for three days, accompanying the reading with the appropriate prayer).
To protect against the intrigues of business partners - the 63rd psalm.
For happiness in the house - the 61st psalm. To receive a holy blessing - the 62nd psalm.

Everyone who will say a psalm must believe that the Lord will hear him. Everyone will be comforted in their grief by reciting psalms. The one who helps the one who sings them will be under God's protection.

If you want to establish yourself in your fearlessness and hope in the Lord - Psalm 90.
If you want to move to the house of God - 83.
Ask for bounty from the King of Heaven - 66.
Difficult to live and weak in spirit - 101.
When there are many angry and proud people around - 11.
If other people's non-spiritual thoughts are known, then one must resort to 13 and not join the blasphemers.

Comfort the offended, 19.
If evil iniquity is encountered on the way, one should read 35.
It will help to become stronger before a fight with the enemy - 38 psalm.
You can not succumb to the evil one, you can not fall into the set networks with the help of 7 and 5.
With a prolonged attack by intruders, under various circumstances, one must be strong in spirit, calling on God - Psalm 12; 25; 34; 42.

Patience of deprivation and oppression from someone, in which the benefits of patience will be prompted by psalm 39.
Asking for pardon with sincere repentance for what you have done is psalm 50.
If you want to thank the Lord, learn how to do it correctly - psalm 28; psalm 104; 106; 134; 145-150.
Thanksgiving to God, who heard your mournful feelings - 4; 74; psalm 114; 45.
With a happy salvation from cruel persecutors and evil enemies - 9 psalm, 17.
Knowing that the Almighty does not leave you and makes the path easy, psalm 22.
Avoiding captivity with a smart action, evading the chains of enemies - 33.

Psalms commonly used in worship

Matins: 19, 20.
Six Psalms: 3, 37, 62, 87, 102, 142.
Before canon: 50.
Psalms of Praise: 148-150.

First: 5, 89, 100.
Third: 16, 24, 50.
Sixth: 53, 54, 90.
Ninth: 83-85.

Supper: 103, "Blessed is the man": 1. On "Lord, I cry": 140-141, 129, 116.
At the end of Vespers only during Great Lent: 33.
Caves: 4, 6, 12, 69, 90, 142.
Before Communion: 22, 33, 115.
Liturgy: 102, 145.
Burial: 118.

When to read in the days of the week?

Sunday - Psalm 23.
Monday - 47.
Wednesday is the 93rd.
Friday is the 92nd psalm.
Saturday - 91.

Psalms read for different occasions

In defense against all evil spirits and demons, it is advisable to resort to the following.

Psalm 6: So that God removes the cast spell from a person.
Psalm 8: About all the demons who suffered atrocities.
Ps. 9: To get rid of fear in dreams.
Ps. 13: reading three times in three days when the demon is terrible.
Ps. 24: About those that cause the envious feelings of the tempter to resist.

Psalm 33: Standing on the verge of death, languishing from the devil's machinations.

Psalm 45: About the future family, which is hindered by ill-wishers.
Psalm 57: To interfere with the crafty and dishonest. To help kind people. Psalm 65: To avoid getting into the house of the evil one, along with sorrow and vile temptations.
Ps. 70: About the forgotten, abandoned by everyone due to the envy of the devil, about those who despaired that God would become merciful to them.
Ps. 90: On the disappearance of the devil, whose appearance plunges a person into fear.

Psalm 94: To avoid evil witchcraft and charms in relation to the wife and husband, so that there are no disputes and squabbles in the family.
Psalm 96: In order to drive away sorcery.

Psalm 121: To remove the evil eye, protect yourself from natural disasters.
Psalm 17: During a thunderstorm with lightning, a strong wind and a destructive earthquake. Psalm 21: When a fire is raging and so that it stops soon.
Ps. 28: About those who are afraid of the sea element.
Ps. 30: In constant bad weather, so that the crops in the gardens and fields do not perish. Psalm 31: About lost travelers to find the right road or path.
Ps. 47 (read 40 days): Victims of major robberies, whose homes are destroyed.
Ps. 50: During epidemics, pestilence of livestock, mass death from incurable diseases of people.

Psalm 68: In floods that carry away villages and houses.

Psalm 5: To heal a beaten person if his eyes are hurt.

Psalm 7: To get rid of fear, fear of threats, maintaining peace of mind.
Ps. 10: To soften spouses who swear hard-heartedly.
Ps. 11: About malevolent, malevolent people.
Ps. 14: Of those who rob in order to change their minds and repent.
Ps. 16 (3 times every 3 days): To avoid serious slander.

Ps. 22: So that disobedient children who do not respect their parents humble themselves.

Ps. 26: About the protection of the Lord of the population from the army of the enemy, when, it would seem, there is no way out for anyone.

Ps. 29: When someone is in a dangerous situation, alone and there are no loved ones around. So that the enemies do not act evil and pacify.
Ps. 32: For the release of those who are unjustly in prison and should not be there, so that this truth will be revealed to the judges.

Ps. 33: To protect against an attack on the country of the enemy, when the border has already been crossed.

Ps. 34: To the liberation by the Almighty of ordinary decent people from the tricks of the cunning and greedy.
Psalm 36: For a person to survive who was hurt by a criminal.
Psalm 42: For the prisoner to receive freedom.

Ps. 84: He was not afraid that he who suffered from violent actions would recover.

Ps. 87: Protects the powerless, who do not respond to the cruel actions of others and are not able to protect themselves from them.
Ps. 93: For admonishment, who wants to rebel, commit debauchery and pogroms.

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Psalm 45: the text of the prayer in Russian

1. God is our refuge and strength, a helper in sorrows that have befallen us hard.
2. Therefore, let us not be afraid when the earth shakes and the mountains move in the heart of the seas.
3. Their waters roared and stirred; the mountains shook at His might.
4. River streams gladden the city of God - the Almighty sanctified His abode.
5. God is in his midst, and he will not hesitate, God help him early in the morning.
6. The peoples were troubled, the kingdoms bowed, the Almighty gave His voice - the earth shook.
7. The Lord of hosts is with us, our intercessor is the God of Jacob!
8. Come and see the works of God, what miracles He has done on earth,
9. Abolishing wars to the ends of the earth, the bow will crush and break weapons and burn shields with fire.
10. Calm down and know that I am God; I will ascend among the nations, I will ascend on earth.
11. The Lord of hosts is with us, our intercessor is the God of Jacob.

Psalms are the most ancient prayers. Compiled over eight centuries. In fact, these are songs performed to the accompaniment of a musical instrument. Among the Jews, services were equated with a festive action, where they not only sang, but also danced. If anyone has heard how these verses sound in Hebrew (Aramaic), he will understand the beauty that fascinated many. Before the verse indicate the authors:

  • Most of the psalms were composed by King David. About 80 texts are attributed to his hand, among which there are many Messianic, that is, prophesying about Christ.
  • There is also a prayer of Moses (apparently one of the first), then it entered the book at number 89.
  • There are songs of Solomon, the sons of Korah (Psalm 45), the prophets Asaph, Haman and others.
  • In some (41) psalms, authorship is not indicated.

Recommended: First read the Psalms in modern Russian translation, then in Slavonic. It is more melodic, easier to remember, but not always clear. Therefore, assimilate the meaning according to the first option, study the patristic interpretation. And enjoy Old Church Slavonic. This language was created for the knowledge of God.

Types of psalms

For example, while in Babylonian captivity, Jews were asked to sing prayers in order to enjoy listening to beautiful-sounding, deep-meaning texts. The versatility of the themes of spiritual dispensation fascinates. They were written mainly by prophets who had a connection with God. By character or style they are divided (sometimes of a mixed type) into the following:

  • penitential;
  • gratitude;
  • laudatory;
  • Missionary;
  • instructive and enlightening.

Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, a book was born, the significance of which cannot be overestimated. A person of any level of knowledge will find in these lines consonance with the strings of his own soul.

Note: As a collection of prayers, the book appeared in the time of the prophet David. He also introduced the tradition of not only reading, but also singing to music. Thanks to him, the name "Psalter" appeared - a musical instrument.

What are psalms used for?

Few people will be left indifferent to psalmody. In relation to the content of the book, one can judge the spiritual state of a person: the proud one will turn away from such reading, the one who seeks God will find a storehouse of wisdom, the humble one will infuse the soul with grace, cleanse it of sins, and wash it with tears. The holy fathers noticed: the psalms have the power that:

  • drives away evil spirits, tormenting demons;
  • relieves nightmares, fears, fear of darkness;
  • protects babies, children;
  • gives delight to the worker, tired of the day's worries;
  • ossified in sin, insensitive, leads to tearful repentance;
  • enlightens the unreasonable, introduces into conversation with the angels, God;
  • elevates the soul to the Heavenly, pacifies the angry, grants peace.

Psalms are used in daily church services. Throughout the week, the entire Psalter is read. Many prayers contain texts from ancient verses. For example, Ps: 50 (repentant) sounds every day in morning prayers. Monastic life is unimaginable without constant recourse to these prayers. The monks memorize all 150 songs.

Note: If you resort to reading in a humble repentant disposition of the soul, the grace of the Holy Spirit will cover a person with such clarity that it will transform everything around. The world will open the doors of miracles that will relentlessly pursue at every turn! This is a stunning state, having lost it, you are constantly looking for a way to return it.

On the Meaning of the Psalter Verses

The monks noticed that a certain prayer helps most of all in some situation. For example, for each verse there is not only an interpretation to understand what it is about, but also a meaning: on what occasion it is best to read it. So Arseny of Cappadocia compiled a list where you can select a specific prayer for a specific case. For example, Psalm 45 is read for:

  1. Praise (Glory) to God. This song is the hope for the mercy and protection of the Heavenly Forces. Faith that the Lord will always help, save us from trouble. Firm hope that God's protection will not allow misfortunes.
  2. According to the meanings according to Arseny of Cappadocia (mentor of St. Paisius the Holy Mountaineer), they pray when the young cannot marry, due to some kind of obstacles. If people (demons) cause problems out of envy, they are solved by resorting to Psalm 45.

In Russia, having taught children the alphabet, the Psalter was used as a textbook for reading. The book accompanied a person from childhood to death. It was published as a manual, which was always at hand, even if a trip was coming. With any confusion, problem, bewilderment, sorrow or joy, they turned to known prayers.

Note: People made sure: the main author of the song is the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the reading of the Psalms is able to solve the discord that can happen to anyone. This is the pattern of the life of the soul in God. Prayers were used both for the healing of diseases and for the expulsion of unclean spirits.

Interpretation of Psalm 45

The authorship belongs to one of the sons of the Koreevs. The performance of "Alamof", which means in a thin voice - a girl's. The general content reads: In any misfortunes and troubles, a person has protection - this is God. Whatever happens: cataclysms, natural disasters, wars, nothing is terrible for those who trust in Him Who established the universe. Therefore, remember all peoples: the Lord Jacob is the One and True God who brings Salvation.

Line by line explanation:

  • “Therefore let us not be afraid…”- under the image of "waters and mountains" one can understand the peoples who rise in war; enemies, both external and internal. Or the number of sins that fill the soul to the brim. But nothing will destroy the one who invokes the Name of the Omnipresent. He will protect, save from all troubles and misfortunes.
  • "River flows are fun"- this is God who feeds the Holy Land and the people with quiet, clean waters. Gives victory and joy to those who hear His Word, who drink from His source of life-giving moisture.
  • "God is in the midst of him..."- in the morning, that is, soon, at the most appropriate time, he will give help to the one who asks.
  • "Peoples roared..."- no matter how great, frightening the enemy is, God will overthrow him, sweep him away, destroy his evil intentions, and lead to death.
  • "stop fighting..."– having freed his people, God will give them rest and peace for a long time. Will remove all enemies to the ends of the earth.
  • "Stop and know..."- having granted victory, showing the enemies the miraculous Power that protects the people who have the True God, says to all spiteful critics: "Stop, make sure: whoever has a Strong God, do not oppose them, so as not to perish." Know all the earth who the Lord thy God is.

Conclusion: Despite the fact that Psalm 45 speaks of enemies, envious people who prevent the young from uniting in a magnificent union are such. Therefore, as you read this verse, call on God as a deliverer from all who interfere with the children of the Lord. There is no force that can resist a believing Christian who resorts to the Almighty Patron.

Psalm 45: listen online

1. God is our Refuge and Strength, Helper in sorrows that have found us green.
2. For this sake let us not be afraid, the earth is always troubled and the mountains are turned into the hearts of the sea.
3. Their waters roar and quail, the mountains quail because of His strength.
4. River aspirations gladden the city of God: the Most High has sanctified His village.
5. God is in his midst, and will not move: God will help him in the morning in the morning.
6. The tongues are confused, the kingdoms are deviated: the Most High gave His voice, the earth moved.
7. The Lord of hosts is with us, our Intercessor God Jacob.
8. Come and see the works of God, even put miracles on the earth:
9. Withdrawing battles to the end of the earth, the bow will crush and break weapons, and burn shields with fire.
10. Be abolished and understand that I am God: I will ascend into the tongues, I will ascend to the earth.
11. The Lord of hosts is with us, our intercessor God Jacob.

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Interpretation of Psalm 45

This is the Song of exaltation of the Lord as a reliable protector of believers at all times. When God is in His habitation in Zion, the enemies are powerless before His people. Jerusalem, although not named here by name, is at the center of the author's thoughts, therefore Ps. 45 is one of the Songs of Zion.

A. God is the refuge of his saints (45:2-4)

Ps. 45:2-4. The psalmist reminds those who listen to him that God is a refuge for those who believe in Him, and the power that acts on their side, in troubles He comes to their aid. Describing possible disasters, the author resorts to hyperbole (verses 3-4), but whatever they may be, we will not be afraid, he exclaims, for believers are under reliable protection.

B. God is in His Zion (45:5-8)

Ps. 45:5-6. The peaceful flow of the river ("river streams") washing the city of God, i.e. Jerusalem ("rejoicing" the holy habitation of the Most High), symbolizes the presence of God Himself - in contrast to the "surging, noisy" waters in verse 3. (compare with Is 8:6; 33:21, where the Lord is likened to a river washing over His city.) As long as God is in the midst of Jerusalem, he will not fall under the onslaught of enemies (will not be shaken). Years will pass, however, and the city will fall. Because of the idolatry in the temple, God left the temple, left His city; Ezek. 8 and 10. Deprived of His protection, he became the prey of the Babylonians.

Ps. 45:7-8. Here is a picture of the "movement of the kingdoms" against the Jews, and, therefore, against the God of Jacob. The image of His power, "melting" the earth. compare with Ps. 2:1-4 and with "The Lord will be mocked by them" - ibid., in verse 4. The Lord is the intercessor of the Jews, as long as they turn to Him in faith.

C. The Lord will be exalted on earth (45:9-12)

Ps. 45:9-12. In order to secure the life of His people for a long time, God made ... devastation among their enemies and thereby "stopped the battles ... on the earth," to the borders of the Jewish state (to the ends of the earth; verse 10). (Historically, what is implied here may be tied to events in the reign of Jehoshaphat, when the Jews were attacked by the combined forces of the Ammonites, Moabites, and Edomites; 2 Chronicles 20:1-30.)

In verse 11, the psalmist, through the mouth of God Himself, calls the people to "stop and know" that He is God. I... will be exalted among the nations, exalted in the earth.

The idea of ​​God's protection was emphatically repeated in the psalm (verses 8 and 12), and this could not but inspire courage in the Jews who listened to him.