Baby food 5 months. Children's menu for every day

Every mother wants her baby to grow up healthy, strong and develop normally. Five months is a kind of milestone when the first complementary foods are introduced to the child, so many young parents want to know what the child's diet should be at this age. In addition, it is very important to teach the body of a little man to eat only at certain hours, which will help the normal functioning of his intestines.

Baby development at 5 months

Each age of the baby has its own characteristics. In particular, when a child is 5 months old, he no longer wants to lie on his back and independently takes a variety of comfortable postures. By this time, the baby's weight usually doubles (compared to what it was at birth), growth increases by 13-14 centimeters, and muscles develop, which allows little man make more movements. Such a significantly increased motor activity of the child requires certain changes in his diet and diet. At the same time, it must be remembered that in all matters related to infants, an individual approach is required.

What should be the nutrition of a child at 5 months

Any pediatrician will agree that for a baby of this age, mother's milk should be the basis of the diet. At the same time, it is no longer able to provide the child with all the nutrients that he needs. In particular, by this period, the little one begins to feel a lack of iron, since he already manages to use up the entire supply received in the mother's womb. Therefore, children who were previously transferred to artificial feeding should be given milk formulas with a high iron content, and those who eat mother's breast milk should gradually introduce complementary foods in the form of iron-containing cereals. Thus, the baby's nutrition at 5 months becomes more varied, and his body is prepared to switch from liquid food to solid food that will need to be chewed in the future.

Child's diet

The frequency of feeding a baby in the fifth month of life cannot remain the same as at an earlier age. The fact is that the child has already grown up, and it makes sense to feed him less often, but give more portions during each feeding. This will also increase the intervals of wakefulness, which is necessary so that the baby spends enough time learning about the world around him, and, therefore, develops correctly intellectually.

How to introduce complementary foods

Any new food should be introduced into the baby's diet gradually and with caution. It is believed that it is better to introduce complementary foods at the second feeding. First, the child is offered no more than two spoons of a new product and is supplemented with breast milk (mixture) until saturated. If the little one refuses to eat, then you should not force him. Better to wait a few days and try again.

Then you need to see what kind of reaction the child will have to complementary foods. If neither the appearance of a rash nor a change in stool is observed, then the next day at the same meal a new dish is given already in double volume. So gradually the portion is increased to 150-200 g. It turns out that on average it takes from seven to ten days to replace one breastfeeding (or a mixture from a bottle) with complementary foods.

Are you interested in the question of how to feed a child for 5 months? It can be advised to start getting acquainted with adult food with juice or vegetable purees. In the latter case, it is recommended to choose vegetables such as cauliflower, zucchini and broccoli, and when the baby gets used to them, you can also give pumpkin, carrots and potatoes. If you decide to cook the puree yourself, and not feed the baby with cans, then the vegetables must be thoroughly boiled and wiped thoroughly.

For thin babies, as a first complementary food, it can be recommended to introduce liquid cereals (buckwheat, rice and corn) into the diet in small quantities. The first self-cooked cereals should be dairy-free. Pediatricians recommend replacing them with the last evening feeding.

Feeding can be started with fermented milk products. You should give preference to kefir, which can be purchased at children's dairy kitchens, since crumbs usually perceive such complementary foods very well.

How should a child who is breastfed eat at 5 months

Today, more and more young mothers prefer to breastfeed their babies up to a year. Below is one of the options for how to organize the nutrition of a child at 5 months, if there is still mother's milk in his diet.

  • at 6:00 the baby is breastfed;
  • at 10:00 he is given 150 g vegetable puree with 1 tsp. oil (vegetable), half an egg yolk and 3 tbsp. l. any fruit puree;
  • at 14:00 breastfeeding is carried out, and then the baby is fed with two tsp. cottage cheese and 6 tsp. juice;
  • at 18:00, the child is again fed with mother's milk and given 6 teaspoons of juice;
  • at 22:00 the last application to the breast is carried out.

More about artificial babies

Such children should have a slightly different diet, as they begin to be introduced to adult food at 4 months, and at 5 they introduce a second complementary food. At the same time, the number of feedings should be the same as for babies who receive breast milk. Here is an approximate scheme by which you can organize the nutrition of a child at 5 months:

No matter how you organize the nutrition of your baby, it is very important to monitor his health. At the first sign of intestinal upset or the occurrence of any allergic reactions, it is necessary to stop feeding new products, switch to breastfeeding only (or familiar mixtures) and contact a pediatrician. And one more thing: no need to rush and try to quickly accustom the baby to adult food. Believe me, it will not lead to anything good.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


Babies need to be fed useful products. It is important to select them in accordance with the needs and desires of the children. To make the food complete and varied, you can use popular menu examples for every day as a sample.

Approximate children's menu for the day

Each period of development of babies has its own prescriptions. They are taken into account when forming the children's menu for every day. Correctly organize the diet will help ideas about age characteristics. However, every sample children's menu that can be found in books and articles is advisory in nature: you have the opportunity to change it, guided by the preferences of the child.

Up to 2 years

When compiling a children's menu for every day for a child under 2 years old, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • Up to 1 year of age, children should be fed only boiled, pureed food.
  • A baby of this age period needs up to 0.6 liters of dairy products per day.
  • Give your child boiled or stewed vegetables. It is allowed to use fresh vegetable salads, which must be mixed with vegetable oil.
  • After 12 months, the baby can eat 50-100 g of fruits and berries, drink juices, jelly, compotes. Previously, the child is allowed purees and juices.
  • At this age, cookies, buns, marshmallows, marmalade can be included in the children's menu 2-3 times a week.

Menu layout for the child for the day:

  1. Breakfast: porridge with milk, tea or milk.
  2. 2nd breakfast: fruit juice.
  3. Lunch: salad, soup, meat soufflé (up to 1.5 years). Steam meat cutlet (after 1.5 years). Compote.
  4. Snack: kefir or milk, biscuits, fruits.
  5. Dinner: vegetable stew, tea.

2 to 3 years

It is important that the diet of a child from 2 to 3 years old includes:

  • vegetables and fruits, nuts;
  • meat and fish;
  • boiled eggs - 1 time in 2 days;
  • dairy;
  • cereals and cereals;
  • seafood;
  • olive oil;
  • baked in the oven, boiled or stewed.

Sample menu for a child:

  1. Breakfast: milk porridge with vegetables or boiled egg, a sandwich with butter and cheese, tea with milk, kefir or cocoa.
  2. Lunch: vegetable salads for children, soup or cabbage soup, stewed or mashed potatoes, chicken stew (meatballs), compote (juice).
  3. Afternoon snack: pastries (bun, pie, pancakes or shortbread). Juice (kefir).
  4. Dinner: pudding (casserole) or fish fillet, jelly, kefir (juice).

4 to 5 years

During this period of development of the child, four meals a day should be continued. The diet should include eggs, chicken, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, fish and cereals. A set of products will help the child overcome the increasing mental and physical stress, promote growth and development. To avoid damage to the stomach, you need to control the amount of sweets. Foods with a sugar content can be consumed by a child after meals or in the afternoon. Cream cakes are best offered to a child only on holidays.

An example menu might look like this:

  1. Breakfast: rice porridge with pumpkin, butter sandwich, tea or cocoa.
  2. Lunch: pea soup, meatloaf, salad, bread, compote.
  3. Snack: milk, baked apples, sandwiches. For a holiday, products can be replaced with cakes or cakes.
  4. Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, milk.

For 7 years old

Children's menu for every day for a child of 7 years old, you need to choose very carefully, because the child becomes more picky about food. Nutrition should be balanced and high-calorie to provide energy. The optimal energy value of foods consumed per day is about 2500 kcal, especially in autumn. The frequency of meals should be at least 4-5 times a day.

Based on these rules, you can make an approximate children's menu for the day:

  1. Breakfast: milk porridge, sandwich with butter. Tea (cocoa).
  2. Lunch: first course, meat (fish) with a side dish, salad, compote, chocolate.
  3. Snack: casserole (pudding), fruit or oatmeal cookies with milk.
  4. Dinner: steamed meat (fish), a side dish of stewed vegetables or cereals.

Children's recipes for every day

The health of a child is determined and reinforced by the food he eats. Every day, a set of food should be such as to provide variety in the baby's diet. From simple, inexpensive, well-known products, you can create amazingly tasty and nutritious dishes. Some recipes are suitable for use every day. When preparing them, the hostess will not have any problems, and the food for the child will be delicious.


Baby beet cutlets are a very healthy and easy-to-prepare part of the menu for every day. This dish has a bright color that may interest the child. Cutlets also have a wonderful, delicate taste. Composition:

  • beets - 2 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • buckwheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • spices.

How to cook:

  1. To make minced beetroot, you must first boil or bake it, cool it, remove the skin. Grind the prepared vegetable on a grater. Mix it with cottage cheese and egg to create a homogeneous mass.
  2. In the resulting mixture, place finely chopped garlic, flour and seasonings. Knead the minced vegetables with a spoon.
  3. Heat up a frying pan with olive oil. Spoon the beetroot mixture into the hot dish with a tablespoon. Fry each cutlet on both sides. Serve the finished dish with sour cream.


Difficult to find a children's menu cooking recipes that would be useful and attractive to the child. Cauliflower- cheap, gentle and delicious product. It has a lot useful properties, inexpensive dishes can be prepared from this vegetable. Prepare cabbage using an interesting budget recipe. Products:

  • cauliflower - 200 g;
  • cheese - 50 g;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt.

Prepare a light baby dish according to the instructions:

  1. Place a pot of water on the fire, wait until it starts to boil. Salt the liquid a little.
  2. Cabbage should be divided into small inflorescences.
  3. Send the cabbage to the water, cook for about 10 minutes. When the vegetables are ready, put them in a colander.
  4. With some water left, place the cabbage in a blender to puree it. Place the chopped vegetable in a saucepan, add a little sour cream, grated cheese. Stir and warm up a bit. Stir food constantly while cooking. Garnish with grated cheese when serving.

healthy food

Healthy food for every day for a child is not represented without vegetables. Many of them have medicinal properties, can be used by the family or for children's diet. Add them to the menu, and the dishes will become not only healthy, but also nutritious. The child will appreciate the taste of a tender breast in combination with pieces of vegetables. You will need:

  • chicken - 0.6 kg;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt;
  • garlic arrows- 50 g (or 2 cloves of garlic);
  • spices.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Cut the chicken into small cubes, pepper and salt a little. Leave the breasts to marinate for a few minutes.
  2. Cut the vegetables into large pieces, add a little salt.
  3. You can steam vegetables and chicken. Children's recipes are prepared quickly and simply in a slow cooker. Place the meat and vegetables in the perforated tool. Pour water at the bottom, select the "Steam" mode, set the timer for half an hour. When the signal sounds, the chicken will be ready.

From kindergarten

Kindergarten kitchen offers kids preschool age healthy food. Every teacher and child remembers the usual food served in the kindergarten. Mom also needs to know the recipe for dishes from this institution in order to carry out the proper organization of nutrition. The casserole is not only of considerable benefit, but also has a wonderful taste, familiar from childhood. To prepare it, take the following ingredients:

  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • semolina - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • egg - 1 pc.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or fine grater.
  2. Beat the egg with the addition of sugar. Place the mixture, semolina, butter, raisins and sour cream with salt to the curd. Mix everything.
  3. Put the resulting mass in a pan, which must first be sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Align the cottage cheese, brush with sour cream on top. Place the pan in the oven, bake the contents for 40 minutes.

With allergies in a child

Recipes for children with allergies should not contain products that have the characteristics of allergens. However, this does not mean that children's food from the menu will not taste good. Prepare tender, light soup with cauliflower and kohlrabi for a child. Composition:

  • kohlrabi - ½ stem;
  • cauliflower - 4 inflorescences;
  • oat flakes - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • parsley root;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • broth - 1 l;
  • sour cream.

How to prepare diet food:

  1. Peel the kohlrabi and parsley roots, cut into thin strips. Warm them up a little in a saucepan with butter.
  2. Place a saucepan with meat or vegetable broth on the fire. Add cabbage, chopped roots and oatmeal to the liquid.
  3. Simmer the soup until the vegetables are soft. When serving, season with sour cream, herbs.

Delicious and quick recipes for children for every day

The menu that you make for a small child will include certain dishes. To cook them correctly and quickly, use children's recipes. It is easy to find them on the Internet or books, but the easiest way is to watch a video instruction. Many of them are easy, contain recipes that are quick to prepare. It is necessary that the dishes are tasty, healthy for the whole family, do not cause allergies. Properly selected recipes will diversify your child's diet, add health and energy to him.

soup recipe

Breakfast for a child

Curd dish

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The day regimen of a child at 5 months is almost identical to the one to which all the regime moments of his life were subordinated in the previous month. The duration of periods of sleep and wakefulness, the number of feedings remain the same, only the baby himself changes: day by day he becomes more mobile, stronger and more inquisitive.

Table with an approximate daily routine

  • 6:00-8:00 Awakening the baby, morning feeding, followed by mandatory hygiene procedures, air baths, light massage, communication with mom;
  • 8:00-10:00 The first dream, combined with a walk in the fresh air;
  • 10:00-12:30 The second feeding, gymnastics, massage, active wakefulness.
  • 12:30-14:30 Day dream.
  • 14:30-17:00 The third meal, active leisure filled with educational games and physical exercises.
  • 17:00-19:00 Sleep outdoors.
  • 19:00-21:30 The fourth feeding, developing leisure, communication with family members, bathing the crumbs.
  • 22:30 Last meal.
  • 23:00-6:00 Sleep until morning.

Another variant:

After reviewing this routine, each mother can adjust it to the individual needs of her five-month-old baby.

The parents of the crumbs should prepare for the fact that at five months he may appear. it significant event It can manifest itself in different ways: for some babies, it does not cause much torment, while others react to it with fever, constant whims, stool disorder and sleep disturbance. For some time, this can cause unpredictable behavior of an unwell baby, fraught with non-compliance with the usual daily routine.

Fortunately, these periods are short-lived. After teething, mom should take care of returning the crumbs to the previous regimen.


A five-month-old baby's nighttime sleep is usually strong: a well-fed baby is able to sleep for about ten hours without requiring feeding and without disturbing sleeping parents. To achieve this result, the mother must properly organize her baby's daytime rest, breaking it into three two-hour periods:

  1. The first sleep is necessary for the baby after a two-hour morning wakefulness. If the weather conditions are favorable, mother can go for a walk with him, since it is in the morning hours that sleep in the fresh air will be most favorable for him.
  2. The second sleep of the crumbs falls on the afternoon. In the warm season and it can be combined with a walk.
  3. The third time the child should be put to bed in the evening. At this moment, a dad who has returned from work can go for a walk with the baby.

It is this mode of daytime sleep that pediatricians consider optimal for a child. If the baby has fallen asleep, having exceeded the allotted two-hour limit, you should carefully wake him up so as not to break out of the usual daily routine.

We feed

At 5 months, a child should eat at least a liter per day. breast milk. During feeding, he no longer sleeps, but very actively sucks his breast. It is at this age that the baby should be gradually weaned from the habit of falling asleep exclusively at the mother's breast. Each period of daytime sleep should now begin not with feeding, but with motion sickness.

An exception should be made before laying down the crumbs for the night: at this moment, mother's breast will not only be a source of nutrition for him. Having quickly calmed down, the baby will sleep especially soundly.

Five-month-old breastfed babies still do not need complementary foods: they have enough of the nutrients found in mother's milk. There are cases when the baby does not get enough of mother's milk and therefore is often naughty and almost does not gain weight. This situation is the basis for his transfer to mixed feeding using dairy-free cereals. After a while, porridge can be made milky.

If complementary foods were introduced into the diet of an artificial child already at the age of four months, his nutrition schedule will look like this:

  • 6:00 Feeding with kefir or milk mixture (200 ml).
  • 10:00 Complementary foods: dairy-free porridge (150 ml), cottage cheese (40 g), vegetable juice (100 ml). The porridge can be rice, buckwheat or corn.
  • 14:00 Feeding vegetable soup or mashed potatoes, zucchini or cauliflower, seasoned with a drop of vegetable oil (150 ml).
  • 19:00 Feeding with milk formula (200 ml).
  • 22:30 Feeding with kefir or a mixture (200 ml).

When introducing new foods into the diet of the crumbs, one should monitor his stool and the condition of the skin: if rashes appear and the nature of the bowel movements changes, they must be immediately discarded.

We walk

The frequency and duration of walks mainly depend on weather conditions. On cold days, you can walk with your baby for no more than forty minutes, on warm days - up to several hours.

Under ideal circumstances, all periods of daytime rest can be combined with walks, since the active supply of oxygen improves the quality of sleep: it becomes longer and deeper.

Moms take note!

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During walks, it is necessary to acquaint the baby with objects and phenomena of the world around him, accompanying everything he sees with simple comments that are accessible to his understanding.

We are developing

At the age of five months, the child masters a whole range of skills. He can:

  • Recognize loved ones and your own reflection in the mirror;
  • Joyfully respond to the mother's voice;
  • Reach for the object you like, grab and take it away;
  • Press the keys and buttons of musical instruments;
  • Play with rattle and squeaker;
  • Examine the shape and texture of objects, feeling them with pens;
  • Pull your arms / legs into your mouth and everything that falls under his arm;
  • Follow the object with your eyes, turning your head in any direction;
  • On one's own . Rolling over in the opposite direction is also not difficult for him;
  • Lie on your stomach for a long time, looking at your surroundings;
  • Leaning on the head and knees, raise the pelvis and torso;
  • Make the first attempts to sit independently ();
  • Firmly grasping the fingers of an adult, rise and take a vertical position.

You should not force the development of the baby, forcing him to perform actions that the child of a close friend has already mastered. Five-month-old children develop completely individually: today he knows little, and a week later he can master several skills at once, leaving the “rival” far behind. The key to the successful development of the baby are daily activities with mom.

Games and activities

For the successful development of crumbs at five months, you can purchase several bright toys equipped with a set of sound effects. The most useful for him will be:

  • Soft toys with sewn-in squeakers, hard balls, foil inserts;
  • Baby drums and multi-colored rattles;
  • Bright nesting dolls;
  • Puppets for finger theater;
  • Voiced soft animals that perform songs and fairy tales;
  • Children's musical instruments (piano, metallophone). A full-fledged replacement for such tools can be spoons, a saucepan with a lid, etc.

What should be the content of developmental classes?

A five-month-old baby is very smart and inquisitive. He already understands what it means, correctly responds to the words: “give”, “on”, “go to mom”. Different intonations are available to the understanding of the baby: with affectionate treatment, he will smile, and in response to a grouchy remark, he may cry.

  • You should continue reading books, looking at pictures. The baby can be shown photos of family members and talk about them;
  • When telling a child poems and nursery rhymes, it is very useful to stroke, knead and rub his tiny fingers: such a massage will improve blood circulation, activate speech centers and stimulate the functioning of internal organs. To perform a massage, a mother can use a walnut, a ball or a pencil, rolling them between children's palms or along the outer surface of the hands;
  • Wanting to amuse the baby, you can pick it up in your arms and let it fly with an “airplane”. No less delight will cause the opportunity to jump on the knees of one of the household;
  • Bypassing the apartment with a crumb in his arms, you must continue to acquaint him with the names of the objects in it;
  • You can acquaint the baby not only with the different texture of the material, but also with the difference physical properties by letting him touch a piece of ice or a mug of warm tea;
  • It is necessary to talk with the child as much as possible, trying to pronounce the words clearly and correctly, remembering that they are deposited in his memory, creating a passive vocabulary.

Gymnastics and physical development

The child's leisure should be active, so care must be taken in advance to provide him with a free and safe space to perform physical exercises ().

  • It is very important to teach your baby to crawl. Having laid the child on the floor and substituting his palms under the small heels, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to push off and make the first attempts to move forward ();
  • Incredibly useful for the baby are gymnastic exercises with a big ball, which improve stretching and strengthen the musculoskeletal system ();
  • A baby who has not yet learned to roll over from his back to his tummy on his own should be constantly encouraged to do this by placing his hand under his side or laying out his favorite toy near him;
  • One can only welcome the desire of many parents to teach their kids to swim. Regular exercise in the pool helps to expand the lungs and improve coordination of movements. Babies who can swim can walk faster. The duration of swimming loads should be no more than ten minutes. In order for the baby to study with pleasure, it is necessary to turn the process into exciting game using bright voiced toys. After swimming, you need to give the baby a relaxing massage.

Causes of disruption of the daily routine and ways to overcome them

Most often, disruptions in sleep and nutrition of a five-month-old baby occur due to:

  1. eruption of the first teeth.
  2. too active introduction of new complementary foods into the diet.

It is possible to alleviate the condition of the crumbs, naughty during teething, with the help of those intended for massaging swollen and itchy gums.

If the cause of children's whims was a violation of the rules for the introduction of complementary foods, you should completely eliminate the problematic product from the baby's diet for a while. After a few days, you can try to introduce it again, but in very small portions, carefully looking at the reaction of the child's body.

Since the baby, who is not yet able to speak, reports unmet needs with exceptionally loud crying (), a caring mother should identify and eliminate its cause as soon as possible (crying may be due to lack of attention, hunger, severe overwork).

A well-organized daily routine for a 5-month-old baby is a guarantor of the child's excellent well-being, disciplines his behavior and stimulates the success of physical and intellectual development.

Video guide: baby 5 months

By the age of one and a half years, the child is already ready for more varied food. He already has enough teeth, so the food already consists mainly of pieces and does not need to be ground. The amount of enzymes in the stomach and intestines already allows you to significantly expand the range of foods and dishes that the child's body can safely digest and assimilate. In this article, we have compiled a varied and healthy menu for every day with recipes for your baby.

Child's menu after a year - what changes

  • At 1.5 years old, children have 5 daily meals. 3 of them are main and 2 are snacks.
  • It is desirable to have a clear daily routine in which these meals will be daily at the same time. This will allow the child's body to get used to this order, contributes to a good appetite and successful digestion.
  • In the nutrition of children after a year, give preference diet meals. You can fill food with vegetable oil or sour cream. Sugar and salt are allowed in moderation.
  • Eating children at night is a very controversial aspect. If a child asks for food at night, then either he does not eat up during the day (calculate the daily calorie intake of the child and discuss with the doctor), or this is just a habit from "childhood". However, sugary drinks (such as juice) are not allowed at night, ideally at night you should give the child if he wakes up and asks for water or kefir from a cup.


MENU Option #1



Liquid buckwheat porridge with milk (150ml)
Steamed omelet (50g)
Fruit juice (100ml)



Grated boiled beetroot salad with sour cream (30g)
Vegetable soup (100ml)
Boiled pasta seasoned with oil (50g)
Tender lean beef pate (50g)
Dried fruit compote (70ml)

Afternoon snack:

Kefir (150ml)
Oatmeal or biscuit cookies (15g)


Vinaigrette seasoned with vegetable oil (100g)
Fish meatballs (50g)
Mashed potatoes (80g)
Tea with milk (100ml)



Semolina porridge with milk (150ml)
Wheat bread with a small piece of butter (30g)
Weak black tea, can be sweetened a little (100ml)



Salad of grated carrots and apples (50g)
Beetroot soup with meat broth (100ml)
Steam meat cutlet (50g)
Vegetable stew (50g)
Fruit juice (70ml)

Afternoon snack:

Curd (50g)
Fruit juice (100ml)
Bun (50g)


Stewed potatoes with chicken fillet (150g)
Vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil (50g)



Rice milk porridge with raisins (150ml)
Milk (100ml)
Biscuits biscuit (15g)



Salad of grated carrots and finely chopped cabbage (50g)
Soup with meatballs (100ml)
mashed potatoes and steam cutlet(70gr)

Afternoon snack:

Cheesecakes (100g)
Dried fruit compote (100ml)


Steamed vegetables (150g)
Fruit juice (100ml)



Steamed omelet (100g)
A piece of black bread (30g)
Fruit juice (100ml)



Fresh cucumber (50g)
Vermicelli soup (10ml)
Millet porridge with goulash (70g)
Compote (100ml)

Afternoon snack:

Kefir (150ml)
Dietary crispbread (80gr)


Fish cutlet (50g)
Mashed potatoes (100g)
Dried fruit compote (100ml)



Cottage cheese casserole(150gr)
Weak black tea, you can add a little sugar (100ml)




Fresh tomato (50g)
Rice soup (100ml)
Stewed vegetables with meat (80g)
Kissel berry (100ml)

Afternoon snack:

Berry compote (150ml)
Wheat bread with cheese (100g)


Fresh vegetable salad with vegetable oil (80g)
Buckwheat porridge (50g)
Meat soufflé (50g)



Steamed omelet (100g)
Cottage cheese (50g)
Dried fruit compote (100ml)


Diet bread


Cabbage salad (50g)
Shchi green (100ml)
Buckwheat porridge (50g)
Chicken ball in batter (50g)

Afternoon snack:

Ryazhenka (150ml)
Oatmeal cookies (50g)


Vegetable ragout (150g)
Kissel (100ml)



Lush pancakes (150g)
Sour cream (20g)
Cocoa (100ml)



Fresh cucumber (50g)
Soup with dumplings (100ml)
Macaroni (50g)
Beef meatballs (50g)
Compote (100ml)

Afternoon snack:

Baked apples (50g)
Wheat bread with butter (50g)
Weak black tea, you can add a little sugar (100ml)


Steamed vegetables with fish (150g)
Black bread (30g)
Fruit juice (100ml)

*the amount of each dish is written approximately, it all depends on the child
**children do not need to limit fruits, but they should be eaten no later than 1 hour before the main meal
*** the menu is indicative, shows the variety of food, is not a strict diet

Starting from the age of 5, nutrition for a child changes dramatically. Now his menu does not consist of liquid cereals and grated vegetables, but contains quite “adult” dishes. Mom, however, this does not make it much easier. The approach to cooking is still quite specific, based on the observance of a number of rules.

The baby's diet is gradually enriched with new products, he gets used to unusual types of their processing. If earlier the ingredients in most cases entered his body separately, in pure form, now he has to get used to multicomponent compositions.

Basic principles of nutrition for a 5-year-old baby

At the age of 5, all sorts of prohibitions and strict restrictions that were present before are gradually leaving the diet of children. The menu is rapidly expanding, giving the child all new taste sensations. The number of meals is reduced from 5 to 4 per day. The one-time and daily volume of portions at the same time increases. Several times a week or even every day, the baby needs to be offered multi-component meals, the ingredients of which are subjected to various processing options.

In addition, when compiling the menu, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Porridges lose their main position in the diet, their composition changes. Now preferred not liquid, but crumbly dishes. Barley is added to the usual list of cereals.
  • Once a day, a child can be pleased not with a simple piece of bread, but with a cold or hot sandwich.

Tip: Despite the fact that many prohibitions for a five-year-old child cease to exist, fast food is prohibited in any form. Even if you offer your baby a hamburger or french fries once a month, this will definitely negatively affect the state of his digestive system and blood vessels. We must not forget that manufacturers of such products often add special addictive additives to them, comparable in strength to narcotic ones.

  • Cocoa and even coffee (natural, with milk and a minimum amount of caffeine) join the usual drinks in the form of juice, tea, fruit drinks and compotes. In general, milk is recommended to be added to all coffee drinks intended for children. They not only soften their taste, but also neutralize some harmful components.
  • The basis of the menu of a five-year-old man should be dishes from vegetables, fruits, meat. It is desirable that these components are present in the diet every day. Fish and eggs are given no more than twice a week.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the quantity and quality of fats in food. Given the fact that lean meats and fish are ideal for children, it is necessary to find an additional source of healthy lipids. They will become vegetable oils(unrefined) and butter. The first ones are used when dressing salads, the second - when dressing cereals and preparing some sandwiches.
  • You can be careful to include legumes in the child's menu. Preference should be given to high-quality products with a minimum cooking time that do not need long soaking. They don't provoke negative consequences in the form of bloating and gas.
  • It is no longer necessary to process vegetables and fruits, they must be present in the diet of a 5-year-old child and in their raw form. This approach will strengthen the immune system and stimulate digestion. Garlic and onions can be added little by little to dishes such as salads and stews. Particular attention should be paid to such undervalued products as horseradish, pumpkin and radish.
  • Sweets are not prohibited, but limited. Honey and chocolate traditionally remain the most allergenic for children. It is better not to enter them into the menu in their pure form, but to use them in the preparation of desserts.

Pediatricians and nutritionists recommend, if possible, to prepare food for the child on your own, and not be limited to warming up semi-finished products. Even if the baby really likes sausages or ready-made pizza and does not lead to unwanted reactions, their unbalanced composition (including harmful components) will still one day affect the condition of the little person.

Features of compiling a menu for a baby at 5 years old

At the age of 5, the volume of the stomach in children is approximately 450-550 g. If parents note a baby’s poor appetite against the background of high activity, this may indicate a violation of important metabolic processes or the wrong approach to organizing his nutrition. It is worth consulting a doctor, conducting certain studies, developing a diet together, adding special dishes to it, or eliminating something.

The opposite situation often happens - the child has an increased appetite, even if he is not very active. In this case, the menu should also be adjusted after consulting a doctor. Often, these children are slightly cut back on the usual portions, with the main emphasis on vegetables and fruits.

  • Breakfast will account for up to 25% of your daily calorie intake.
  • At lunch, it should be almost half the norm - about 40%.
  • In the afternoon we give only light meals, the calorie content of which will not exceed 10%.
  • Dinner accounts for the remaining 25%.

In this case, the body of a five-year-old baby will not be overloaded, but at the same time it will receive all the substances necessary for growth and development.

Basic menu for the week

A balanced weekly menu for a five-year-old child can be very different. All the recommendations and wishes of pediatricians on nutrition of children are answered by the following option:

1 day:

  • Breakfast. Rice porridge with baked pumpkin, cocoa and bread and butter.
  • Dinner. Cheese soup with broccoli, a slice of meatloaf, pancakes with sour cream, fruit and bread.
  • afternoon tea. Grated carrots with sour cream, kefir bun.
  • Dinner. Apple or pear pie with milk.

2 day:

  • Breakfast. Stewed vegetables with sour cream, butter sandwich, tea.
  • Dinner. Pea soup, boiled buckwheat with chicken, vegetable salad, bread and cranberry juice.
  • afternoon tea. Cheesecake with cottage cheese, apple and natural yogurt.
  • Dinner. Potato casserole with minced meat, kefir.

3 day:

  • Breakfast. Steam fish with buckwheat, bread and butter and milk.
  • Dinner. meat broth, chicken breast With vegetable salad, bread with cheese.
  • afternoon tea. Sweet with milk.
  • Dinner. Cottage cheese casserole with milk or tea.

Day 4 repeats the menu of day 1.

Day 5 repeats the menu of day 3.

Day 6:

  • Breakfast. Semolina with dried apricots or prunes, carrot pudding, milk.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup with rice or dumplings, potatoes with meat, vegetable salad, berry compote.
  • afternoon tea. Baked apples, hot sandwich with cheese, cocoa.
  • Dinner. Draniki with sour cream, bread and butter, tea.

Day 7 repeats the menu for day 2.

When compiling a diet for children, it must be remembered that with increased activity they need a large amount of liquid. It is impossible to allow dehydration of the child's body, limiting the child's water intake.