Crispy potato balls, recipe with photo. Crispy breaded potatoes How to fry potatoes in breadcrumbs

An interesting dish and side dish for any meat, poultry or even game is potatoes in breadcrumbs. The recipe is extremely simple and straightforward. And the products are the simplest. You can even use spices that are lying around in the kitchen and are not usually used. In this recipe, it is a mixture of fragrant herbs and sweet paprika, but be guided by your taste and the products at hand.

To taste, you can take for a spicy mixture:

  • grated garlic or a little fresh ginger root;
  • chilli;
  • horseradish root;
  • table or Dijon mustard;
  • mixture of soy sauce and balsamic vinegar.

These ingredients will make the potatoes spicier, keep this in mind when adding.

As a result, after baking, you get a delicious potato in breadcrumbs with a crispy crust. The slices will be convenient to dip in ketchup or any homemade sauce. You can cook a similar crispy potato for beer to watch your favorite movie or even football.

And if you want to make the potatoes not crispy, but softer, replace the vegetable oil in the recipe with sour cream, cream, butter or yogurt without additives.

There are other options to diversify the dish, one of them is to replace breadcrumbs:

  • ground into crumbs any peeled nuts;
  • sunflower or sesame seeds;
  • small oatmeal.

Each of the options is tasty and very appetizing. But, first, master the classic recipe.

Taste Info Second potato dishes / Baked potatoes in the oven


  • Potato - 5-6 pcs.;
  • Breadcrumbs - 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • Dry fragrant herbs in the mixture - 1.5 tsp;
  • Sweet paprika - to taste;
  • Fine salt - to taste;
  • Sunflower oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.

How to cook baked potato wedges in breadcrumbs

Choose a potato. It is better to take tubers that are approximately the same in shape, so that later the pieces are evenly marinated and baked. Rinse and clean potato tubers. If they are young, this can be done in a matter of seconds with a sharp knife or housekeeper peeler.

Cut into slices. You should not grind, but try to cut into approximately the same pieces.

Place the potatoes in a bowl. Add sunflower or any other vegetable oil. It turns out fragrant if you mix 2-3 different types of oil. Mix well so that all the slices are covered with a thin oil layer.

Separately mix breadcrumbs with salt, fragrant herbs, paprika. Salt is better to take small, you can iodized.

Sprinkle the spicy-salty mixture to the tubers.

Mix well, you can manually. The loose mass should evenly disperse into pieces, and stick to them.

Place the pieces in a ceramic oven dish.

Bake at 200 degrees for 35-40 minutes. If your oven has a top-down setting, turn it on.

When the baked potatoes in breadcrumbs in the oven are covered with a golden crust, the dish is ready. Serve as a side dish for any meat or poultry. Or eat simply with vegetables and spicy or dessert greens. It turns out even tastier if you sprinkle hot potatoes with grated hard cheese. According to the same recipe, you can cook celery root or Jerusalem artichoke. Bon appetit.

It is very easy to make an amazing side dish or snack from ordinary potatoes - potato balls in breadcrumbs. Crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside, they melt in your mouth. Having tried this dish once in a bar about ten years ago, I fell in love with it and even tried to cook it a couple of times. But my potato balls did not turn out so tender, or did not turn out to be balls at all. But after a while, I nevertheless unraveled the secrets of this seemingly simple dish and reproduced it exactly as I once tried it. And I share these secrets and the recipe for potato balls with you. Serve the dish with a sauce of your choice. In my opinion this is the best for them. milk mustard sauce.


  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 2 tbsp flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 150-200 g breadcrumbs;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

French fries recipe step by step

1. Potato tubers are cleaned, washed and boiled until tender. Drain all the water, put the potatoes in a bowl.

2. Carelessly push with a flea market for no more than a minute. The purpose of these actions is to only lightly mash the potatoes so that there are no large pieces. And here is the first secret of the balls - the potatoes should not turn into a smooth mashed potatoes, otherwise the balls will be difficult to form. And if they succeed, they will not keep their shape well and it will be difficult to work with them further. Therefore, we put aside a convenient and familiar blender or mixer and take the usual crush for mashed potatoes or a fork.

3. Pour out 2 tbsp. flour, salt and pepper, break the egg. Now quickly mix everything with a fork until smooth.

4. Pour some of the breadcrumbs onto the kitchen board and level it. We collect the finished coarse puree with a wet (moistened with cold water) spoon and roll the balls with wet hands. Put in breadcrumbs. We roll.

6. We cover a large flat plate or board with cling film and lay out the potato balls rolled in breadcrumbs. We put in the freezer for at least 3 hours so that the balls grab well. And this is the second secret of cooking - before throwing the balls into boiling oil, they should be frozen. Then they will turn out beautiful and elastic.

7. When the balls harden well, you can continue cooking. Pour vegetable oil into a cauldron or deep-fryer so that the balls are completely immersed in it. Place over medium heat and heat the oil well.

8. Put a paper towel on a large flat plate.

9. Frozen potato balls fry in portions of 5-7 pieces.

10. Move the balls into boiling oil and fry for 1 minute. Be careful with boiling oil, do not make a strong fire.

11. Carefully take out the finished potato balls and let the oil drain a little, holding it evenly over the cauldron. Then transfer to a paper towel to absorb excess oil.

Crispy potato balls are ready! We remove the paper towel. Serve the potato balls hot with the sauce prepared in advance. Bon appetit!

An incomparable recipe for potato wedges in fragrant crispy breading. The beauty of this recipe is that the potatoes can be prepared and breaded in advance, and before the guests arrive, just put them in the oven to cook.

To cook potatoes in cheese-spicy breading, potatoes need to be washed with a brush under running water. Boil for 20 minutes, until half cooked.

Mix spices, crackers, salt, grated cheese and aromatic herbs. I’ll be honest right away that many manufacturers of spices and seasonings have all the necessary composition in the seasoning for potatoes, namely, if the seasoning contains garlic, mustard, coriander, rosemary, thyme, sweet paprika, salt, pepper, dill or parsley - this what we need. I make my own breadcrumbs. To do this, I dry the stale bread in the oven and grind it into crumbs in a blender.

Mix the mixture well until smooth.

Beat the egg with a fork. Cut potatoes lengthwise into four pieces. Dip the potatoes in the egg, then in the spice and breadcrumbs mixture and place in a baking dish.

Bake potatoes in cheese-spicy breading in an oven preheated to 180 degrees in semi-convection mode for 30-40 minutes. Serve with vegetables and your favorite sauce.

potatoes - 800 - 1000 gr.,

breadcrumbs - 5-6 tbsp. spoons

vegetable oil,

salt, pepper, sugar, spices - to taste.

- a delicious and original dish. The potatoes are soft and hot on the inside, and savory on the outside with a crispy crust. In this recipe, breadcrumbs are used in the form of a batter.

Be sure to try to cook baked in the oven, beautiful and unusually crispy breaded.

The recipe is really very simple, even a beginner can easily cope with it, and our step-by-step recipe will help you with this.

Cooking crispy potatoes.

Cooking crispy breaded potatoes you need to start by peeling potatoes. Rinse potatoes and cut into slices.

Potato wedges must be poured with vegetable oil and mixed well so that each wedge is covered with oil.

Then in a bowl you need to mix the breadcrumbs with spices and salt. We recommend that you carefully read the composition of spices, since salt is already included in their composition, then salt should be added quite a bit. Spices can be used such as ground paprika, dried dill, spices for potatoes, salt, sugar. When cooking potatoes in crispy breading, sugar in the potatoes is not felt. Sugar makes the potato skin crispier.

Next, potato wedges should be well rolled in a breading mixture with spices.

Put the potato slices on a dry baking sheet and send to the oven preheated to 180-200 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

ready. Remove the cooked potatoes from the oven and serve hot. This dish is very good served with salted cabbage or pickled onions. Bon appetit!