Rules of the game uno wild in Russian. Board game "Uno": exciting and interesting! Seven is zero

Uno is a miniature compact game for a company of two people. It can be played from the age of seven, at home and on the road. The game is quite popular, with over 140 million copies sold worldwide.

Uno is a board game played with special cards. The game is fast paced simple rules. The number of players varies from two or more. The deck contains cards with numbers and different colors + several special cards with tasks to be completed. After the cards are dealt to the players, everyone tries to discard them as quickly as possible. Perfect for parties and table gatherings with friends, for games on the road.

Uno rules

The purpose of the uno game

Discard your cards as quickly as possible and earn more points by leaving your opponents with more cards in their hands.

Video game uno

How many cards are in the game uno

There are 108 cards in a deck. Of these:

  • 76 digital cards;
  • 24 active cards (three types of cards, each of four colors, two pieces each);
  • 8 black active cards (two kinds of four each).

Uno game cards

Digital maps- denominations from 0 to 9, different colors.

Active cards:

Black active:

Uno game reviews

Mini uno spacestars

Miniature Uno cards can be cut out of Nesquik and Cosmostars boxes. You can also find the rules of the game there.

Where to print uno cards

The rules of the game are simple, the company will be able to learn them within fifteen minutes or during the game. Uno will be a pleasant pastime with friends, will not let your logic and ingenuity degrade and will help you to have a good time in the company.

Card online game"UNO" (UNO!) Is still considered exotic board games. Most do not know how to play and are lost without a description of the meanings of the pictures. Introducing new version cards "UNO": with rules in Russian and cool characters. Enjoy!

Check out the best way to play UNO online: with rules in Russian and free game statistics. Thanks to the built-in error protection, you will quickly get comfortable and understand how to win in UNO with a real opponent!


The essence of the UNO game is to be the first to get rid of all the cards before the opponents do the same. The winner earns points based on how many cards the other players have left at the end of the round.

At the start of UNO, 7 cards are dealt to each, they need to be laid out on the line in turn. You can match by number, color, or symbol. For example, if the top card is a red seven, you can play with any "7" card, or go with any red card. The game adds a card from the main deck if there are no matching options. If you want to skip a move, press the corresponding button.

Meaning of UNO cards

Let's start with how many cards are in the "UNO" deck - there are 108 of them: classic numbered and "special", with special functions:

  • "Reverse" - (sign "R") - changes the direction of the game;
  • "Transition of the move" ("X" sign) - the next player skips his turn;
  • "Give two" ("+2") - obliges the next player to take two cards from the main deck;
  • "Savage Uno" (an oval divided equally into four UNO colors) - is placed on a card of any color and allows you to change the current color;
  • "Black Savage" ("+4") - allows not only to change the color of the suit, but also obliges the next player to take 4 cards from the deck.

How to win at UNO

You can increase your chances of winning by playing carefully. Keep track of how many cards your opponents have left. If the opponent is left with one card (Uno), give him "Skip Turn" or "Draw Cards".

The strategy for playing Savage UNO is to change the active color to the most numerous in your deck or one that your opponents do not have. So force them to replenish the number of cards from the deck or skip a turn.

As you can see, "UNO" is a very exciting game and it is not for nothing that it is considered a world classic of board games. Like most card games, it trains logic, memory and the ability to concentrate. Liked? Try playing games similar to "UNO": "", "".

Various games gaining incredible popularity at all sorts of parties. Moreover, more and more companies are coming together to play their favorite game.
Today we will talk about the card game. But not about a simple game with simple cards, but about the game "UNO", for which I have my own, unusual cards.

From two (but it will be boring) to 10 people can play UNO. All you need is a special deck of cards.

The UNO deck consists of 120 cards. Cards of four colors (blue, yellow, red, green) numbered from 0 to 9, 2 each. That is, in total, 80 cards with numbers are obtained. These cards are called ordinary. All other cards are action cards, or active cards: 8 cards "Take Two"(two of each color), 8 cards "Move back"(two of each color), 4 cards "Skip a Move" "Empty"(one of each color), 4 cards "Order color" and 4 cards "Take 4" on a black background.

The game begins with the fact that all all cards are shuffled and dealt to each player 7 pieces face down. One card is revealed. The goal of the game is to discard all cards, thereby gaining fewer points. Whoever reaches 500 points first loses.

So let's start playing.
The first to go is the one who sits next clockwise from the dealer. The walker can only discard one card per turn. It must be the same color or value as the revealed card. For example, if a green seven is revealed, then he can discard either a seven of any color or any green card.

If there is no suitable active card, then you can go with an action card:

Action card "Take Two"(should be the same color as the revealed card) instructs the next player to draw two cards and skip their turn. You can get rid of the action of this card by placing your “Take two” card of any color. Then the next player will skip the move and take two cards.

Map "Skip a Move"(should be the same color as the open card) obliges to skip the turn. There is an antidote for this card. If you have to skip a turn, but you have exactly the same card (of the same color), then you can lay it out, and the next player will skip the turn.

Map "Move back" changes the course of the game. That is, from this moment you start walking counterclockwise.

Map "Order color" allows you to change the color of the card to any other. Map "Take 4" allows you to change color and obliges the player following you to draw four cards. Map "Empty" means nothing. It retains the effect of the card below it.

If you do not have an active suitable card, then you take a card from the deck. If she does not fit, then the move passes to the next player.

When you are close to victory and you have one card left, then laying the penultimate card, you should say: "UNO!"(hence the name of the game). If you do not, then you are "punished" and you take 2 cards. When someone discards all the cards, the rest of the players count the points. The points of ordinary cards are equivalent to their value. That is, the card "5" brings 5 ​​points. The cards "Skip", "Take two" and "Move back" give you 20 points each. The "Order Color" and "Take 4" cards will add 50 points to you.

During the game, each company has its own rules that make the game more interesting. Someone comes up with meanings for the “Empty” card, someone comes up with an exchange of cards after a certain event (for example, after a black card).

Having gathered to play UNO once, you will gather again and again. Each player will have their own strategy, the game will become more interesting and more interesting!

Basic rules of the game.

  • At the beginning of the game, the dealer is determined. Everyone draws a card from the deck - whoever has the biggest card becomes the dealer. If someone draws an action card, they draw again. If more than 1 person has drawn the largest card, then they draw again.
  • After the dealer is determined, he deals 7 cards to each player. It is advisable to deal one card at a time. The top card of the deck is turned face up and the game begins with it (this card is the beginning of the game deck). If it is an action card (other than "Draw 4"), then the player following the dealer clockwise takes that action. If it is a “Draw 4” card, then it is hidden in the deck and the next card is shown.
  • The game starts clockwise.
  • On their turn, each player must put a card into the game deck, and the card must match the top card in the game deck in color or in the picture. If the player does not have a suitable card, then he takes one card from the bank deck and, if the card is suitable, can play it if he wants. If a player took a suitable card from the bank deck, but did not make a move on it, he does not receive any penalty. The player can make a move with a card on a black background, regardless of which card is currently on top in the game deck.
  • The next player to go is clockwise, or the player counter-clockwise if a Backward card was placed.
  • When the bank deck ends, the top card of the game deck is removed and a new game deck begins, and all cards of the game deck are shuffled and become the new bank deck.
  • When a player puts his penultimate card into the game deck, he must say "Uno!" until the moment when the next player's card touches the game deck. If the player did not have time to say "Uno!" - he takes 2 cards from the bank deck.
  • After a player has placed his last card, all other players count the points on the cards they have left in their hand. Points for ordinary cards are equal to the face value of the card (0 points for a card with 0, 9 points for a card with 9), action cards on a colored background - 20 points, action cards on a black background - 50 points. All players' points are summed up and recorded in favor of the player who finished the game first.
  • The game is traditionally played up to 500 points, but you can play up to 1000 and up to 1500 points.
  • It is possible that everyone who has cards left writes down points for themselves, the game is played until the first loser (whoever scores 500 points loses)
  • Interception of the move. A player may go out of turn if he has exactly the same card that is currently in the center. Exactly the same card - this means the simultaneous observance of two conditions: 1. The same color. 2. The same number / picture / black card "color change". Then the move continues in the current direction, starting from the player following the one who intercepted the move.
  • If the player forgot to say the word "Uno!" after placing his penultimate card, other players who understand this they can point the finger at the player who did not say "Uno!" and say "Uno!" then the player who didn't say "Uno!" draws 2 cards from the deck.
  • The player who made a recommendation to another player about which card to play must take 2 cards from the bank deck.
  • If a player made a move with an unsuitable card and this was noticed, then the player must draw 2 cards from the bank deck.
  • If a player made a move with the “Take four” card, then the player who has to take 4 cards may question the integrity of the game of the latter. Then the player who made the move with the “Take four” card shows his cards to the player who doubts the fairness of the game. If the first player has a card of the same color as the top card in the game deck, then he takes 4 cards for himself. If the player does not have such a card, then the doubting player takes an additional 2 cards to the 4 already due to him. As a result, 6 cards.

Additional rules.

  • The player is obliged to warn that he has one card left and that he may soon finish the game. Laying out the penultimate card (while he has not released it yet), the player must have time to say "Uno!" (which means "one" in Italian). If the player does not do this, "good friends" (or one friend) may notice this and be reminded of "Uno!". Friends must have time to do this from the moment the player releases his penultimate card until the next player's turn begins (laying out a card or drawing a card from the deck). For forgetfulness, the player who did not say “Uno!” in time takes 2 cards from the deck.
  • If one player put a card into the game deck, then other players who have the same card as on the table can intervene, thereby putting the same card on the table without waiting for their turn. For example, one of the players made a move with the “number 8” blue card, and the player sitting opposite had the same card, then he can put it out of turn.
  • If one of the players made a move with the “number 0” card, then all players change cards in the direction in which the move goes.
  • If one of the players made a move with the “number 2” card, then all players must be silent until this player makes a move again. Whoever speaks must take 2 cards from the bank deck.
  • If one of the players made a move with the “number 5” card, then the player can exchange one card with any player. Moreover, each of the changing chooses which card to give.
  • If one of the players made a move with the “number 7” card, then the player can choose with which player he wants to exchange cards.
  • When a player puts down a "Take Two" card, the next player can also put down a "Take Two" card, in which case the third player must take four cards.
  • The same rules apply to Draw Four cards: when one player puts down a Draw Four card, the next player may also put down a Draw Four card, in which case the third player must draw eight cards. The last player to place another "Draw Four" card orders a color.
  • If a player has several cards in his hand that are the same in value (for example, three nines, different in color), then he can put them all together, starting with the card of the color that lies on the field.
  • If a player has not placed a "Draw Four" card in accordance with the rules and is "caught", the normal rules apply, but the penalty increases depending on the number of cards used.
  • Players can put down "Take Two" or "Take Four" cards until they run out of them. For example, if 4 players in a row put down "Draw Two" cards, the next player (who does not have a "Draw Two" card) must draw eight cards.
  • A player can only place one Draw Two or Draw Four card per turn, even if he has more than one.
  • The one who puts the penultimate card and shouts "Uno!" Does not remove his hand from the laid card. Other players must have time to put their hands on top of the hand of the one who shouted "Uno!". The last one takes 2 cards.
  • The "Move Back" card of the right color reverses the action of active cards and even the black card "Order a color and take four"! For example, player 1 put the “Take two” card, player 2, with the “Move back” card, returns the effect of the “Take two” card to player 1, and he must already take 2 cards (or “save” in some way).
  • Points are not added up, but are recorded for each player at the end of the round. The first player to score the agreed amount of points loses. With this scoring system:
  • If the player has one card “number 0” left in his hand, not 0, but 50 points is recorded for him.
  • If a player ends up with a "Take Four" card, 50 points are deducted from him.
  • If the player puts the last card "number 0", the players first change cards, then count the points.
In the end, the loser grants a wish
  • In the Uno H 2 O game variant, two more action cards (“wild cards”) are added - “+1” and “+2” on a black background with a drop. The player who played such a card orders a color, and all other players must take one or two cards from the deck, respectively.

Action cards and their purpose.

  • Empty - cards are used only if additional rules are invented for them (they are not used in new versions of cards because they simply are not in the package) (for example, “Empty” = “Take 10”).
  • Draw two - the next player draws 2 cards from the bank deck and skips a turn.
  • Move back - the direction of movement changes from "clockwise" to "counterclockwise" or from "counterclockwise" to "clockwise". If the game starts with this card, then the dealer goes first.
  • Skip a turn - the next player skips a turn.
  • Wild card Order color - the player orders a color and the next player must make a move either with a card of the ordered color or a card on a black background.
  • Wild card Take four - the player orders a color, the next one takes 4 cards from the bank deck and skips a turn, the player after the next one must make a move either with a card of the ordered color or a card on a black background. The Draw Four card is only played when the player does not have a card of the same color as the top card in the game deck. If a player does not have a card of the same color, but has the same value as the top card in the game deck, it is legal to play with the "Take Four" card.

Uno - American card game. The name is translated from Italian and Spanish as one". The game was patented in 1971 by Merle Robbins, and today the rights to this trademark belong to Mattel.

Number of players: 2 to 10. 6-8 players are best.

Game time: from 20 minutes.

A task: Be the first to discard your cards. On this, this round ends and the points are calculated on the cards remaining in hand.

Determining the winner or loser

You can count points in two ways - whichever you prefer.

  • The player who got rid of his cards first is awarded the sum of points remaining in the hands of all other players. And so in every round. The winner is the one who, after several rounds, scores 500 points. This option stimulates precisely to win the round, that is, to be the first to throw off your cards.
  • Players are credited with points calculated on the cards remaining in their hand (the player who got rid of his cards first gets zero points). And so in every round. The loser is the one who, based on the results of several rounds, will score 200 points, the rest are winners. This option encourages you to quickly throw off the most "expensive" cards.

Types of cards and their number

There are 108 cards in a deck.

Digital maps

"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" four colors.

"0" cards, one of each color. All other numbers are doubled. Total: 4 zeros + (9 numbers × 4 colors × 2 pieces) = 76 cards.

  • "Skipping";
  • "+2 cards";
  • "Change of Direction".

Each card with a picture of 4 colors in double quantity. Total: 3 pictures × 4 colors × 2 pieces = 24 cards;

Black active cards

  • "Color change";
  • "Color change and +4 cards."

4 cards of each type. Total: 2 varieties × 4 pieces = 8 cards.

"Cost" of cards

  • Digital cards - at face value 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 points.
  • Active cards ("Skip turn", "Change direction", "+2 cards") - 20 points.
  • Black active cards ("Color change", "Color change and +4 cards") - 50 points.

Dealing cards

At the beginning of the game, everyone is dealt 7 cards (in the dark, of course). The last card is dealt face up by the dealer in the center of the table. The card can only be digital. Picture cards and black cards are not suitable for the role of the first card. If necessary, the next card is laid out from the deck, and the "unusable" card is placed in the deck.

The game

The game starts clockwise. The player after the dealer goes first (the dealer changes each round, usually clockwise). During his turn, the player has the right to place one card on the center card according to the following rules:

  • or the card must be of the same color;
  • or the card must have the same number or the same picture (be an active card);
  • or be a black active card.

In the absence of a suitable card, the player takes one card from the deck (into the dark). If the card satisfies the above conditions - the player can lay out the card on the central card, if it does not satisfy - the player keeps the card for himself, says "Pass" and the move goes to the next player.

The game continues until one of the players discards all cards. After that, the points are calculated for the cards remaining in the hand (“the cost” of the cards was described a little higher).

Description of maps

Digital maps

Just numbers.

Note. In order to be able to distinguish cards with the numbers "6" and "9", they are made with underlining the number below.

Active cards (cards with pictures)


The next player skips his turn.

The player can "save" this card only by laying out the exact same card (same color, same picture), that is, by performing "Move Interception" (described below in the special rules).

"+2 cards"

The next player takes two cards from the deck (into the dark) and skips his turn.

The player can "save" from the effect of this card by laying out his card "+2 cards" of any color. The actions of the “+2 cards” cards are not summed up, and the last player on whom the chain ends takes only two cards from the deck and skips his turn.

"Change of Direction"

The direction of travel is reversed. For example, if it was clockwise, after laying out the “Change of Direction” card, it will be counterclockwise.

When playing multiple Change of Direction cards (this can also happen with Turn Interception), their actions are summed up. For example, two "Change of Direction" cards have no effect - the turn continues in the same direction as before, three "Change of Direction" cards change the direction of the turn to the opposite, etc.

Black active cards

"Color Change"

Allows the player to change the current color (to any, including the current color). The next player must put down any card of the given color. In order to place a "Color Change" card, the player does not need any special conditions, unlike the next card "Color Change and +4 cards".

"Color Change and +4 Cards"

It can be placed by the player only on his turn and only if the player (1) does not have the current color (moreover, the current number / active cards / black active card "Color Change" may be present - it does not matter, major lack of current color). Simultaneously with the laying out of this card, you must order a color (it can be any, including the current color). The next player (2) takes four cards from the deck (into the dark) and skips a turn.

Player 2 can only "save" from this card's effect by laying out the "+2 cards" card of the new ordered color (then everything goes as usual with the standard action of the "+2 cards" card).

Honesty check. If player 2, who is targeted by the “Change color and +4 cards” action, suspects that he is being deceived and player 1, who laid out this card, actually has the current color, he can ask player 1 to show his cards. If the suspicions are justified, player 1 takes his “Color change and +4 cards” card back to himself, takes four cards from the deck (into the dark), skips a move (in fact, the action of the “Color change and +4 cards” card has passed to player 1). If the suspicions were in vain, player 2 takes the four cards due to him from the deck, as well as two more cards for distrust and skips the turn.

courtesy rule. The game continues only after the player sorts his new four cards and says "Ready".

The UNO!

The player is obliged to warn that he has one card left and that he may soon finish the game. Laying out the penultimate card (while he has not released it yet), the player must have time to say "UNO!" (which means "one" in Italian). If the player does not do this, "good friends" (or one friend) may notice this and be reminded "UNO!". Friends must have time to do this from the moment the player releases his penultimate card until the next player's turn begins (laying out a card or drawing a card from the deck). For forgetfulness, the player who did not say “UNO!” in time takes two cards from the deck (in the dark).

Note. Players are not allowed to hide the number of cards in their hand (i.e. stack or hide under the table). Friends should always be in the know to help a forgetful player.


With a large number of mistakes, blunders, cheating, inattention, an additional rule can be introduced - for any erroneously laid out card, false cry, etc. the player takes two cards from the deck (in the dark).

Special rules (additions to the main rules)

These rules are not mandatory and can be introduced additionally if the standard rules were not enough.

Interception of the move

A player may go out of turn if he has exactly the same card as the top one in the deck. Exactly the same card means the simultaneous fulfillment of two conditions:

  • The same color.
  • The same number, or the same picture, or the black "Color Change" card.

Attention! These conditions do not apply to the "Color Change and +4 Cards" card - it is laid out only on its own turn.

Note. Turn interception does not work at the beginning of the game, when the first card of the deck is laid out on the center. At the beginning of the game, only the player, after the dealer, has the right to move.

Dealing two identical cards

If a player has two identical cards, the player may place the first of the identical cards on his turn and immediately perform a "Turn Interception" himself with exactly the same card.

But two identical cards cannot be laid out at once with one movement of the hand, only in turn: one card, then another card. Accordingly, the next player will have the opportunity to put a card on their turn, preventing the player from performing the "Interception of the turn".

"Seven Zero"

  • Every time it falls out 0 ”, all participants pass their cards to neighboring players in the direction of the game.
  • Every time it falls out 7 ”, the player who laid down “7” exchanges cards with one of the players of his choice.

UNO stacked

  • When a player places a card +2 cards”, the next player can also put the card “+2 cards”, and then the third player in a row must take four cards.
  • The same rules apply to cards " Color change and +4 cards»: When one player puts down a Color Change +4 Cards card, the next player can also put down a Color Change +4 Cards card, in which case the third player must draw eight cards. The last of the players who put the next card “Change of color and +4 cards” orders a color. If a player has placed a "Color Change and +4 Cards" card incorrectly and is "caught", the normal rules apply, but the amount of the penalty increases depending on the number of cards used.
  • Players may lay down cards +2 cards" or " Color change and +4 cards until they run out of them. For example, if 4 players in a row have put "+2 cards" cards, the next player (who does not have a "+2 cards" card) must take eight cards.
  • A player can only put one +2 cards or a Color Change and +4 cards per turn, even if he has several such cards in his hand.

Silent Two's

Every time someone posts " 2 ”, everyone should remain silent until the move again returns to the same person who laid out this deuce. The one who broke the silence takes two cards in his hand, immediately after that the silence is considered broken.

There is a slight improvement to this rule, since not everyone can clearly follow when “2” is laid out, and then it completely happens that everyone forgets who actually put it and when you can start talking. Therefore, the role of the deuce can take on black cards. Each time a player lays out a black card (plain or +4) and orders a color, everyone must remain silent until someone changes this ordered color, or until someone breaks the silence and draws two penalty cards . Coughing, laughing, shouting "UNO!" and contesting the "+4" card do not count as breaking the silence.

Card exchange

The player who put 5 ", may (at will) exchange one card with any player. Moreover, each of the changing chooses which card to give.

"Lazy" scoring

The winner and the loser are calculated at each round of the game. Winner the one who first threw off his cards is considered - and he starts the move in the next round. Losers the one who has the cards for the maximum number of points in his hand is considered - he deals the cards for the next round.

The advantages of such a calculation:

  • do not need a pen-paper to calculate the amount for each player for each round;
  • points on the remaining cards in hand are counted only by those who clearly have a lot of them;
  • you can stop after each round, without waiting for the sum of points for someone to reach a certain mark.

UNO to the center

The one who puts the penultimate card and shouts "UNO!" Does not remove his hand from the laid card. Other players must have time to put their hands on top of the hand of the one who shouted "UNO!". The last one takes 2 cards.

Circle color change

When laying out black cards (" Color change" and " Color change and +4 cards”), the color change occurs automatically to the color that is drawn on these cards next in a circle after the current one. For example, the game goes clockwise, the current color is red. After laying out a black card, blue becomes the current color. Or, for example, the game goes counter-clockwise, the current color is yellow. After laying out a black card, green becomes the current color.


Spare empty cards (of which there are 4 in the deck) can be assigned the value " +10 cards”, respectively, the next player must take 10 cards. The setup in this case is that a person takes 10 cards, and with a high degree of probability they contain “+2”, “+4” or the same “+10”. This person forces another to take a lot of cards, and so on in a circle. However, to finish the game in such conditions is almost unrealistic.


Map « Change of direction"of the desired color, the effect of active cards and even the black card "Change of color and +4 cards" returns back! For example, player (1) put the “+2 cards” card, the other player (2) with the “Change of direction” card returns the action of the “+2 cards” card to 1 player and he must already take 2 cards (or “be saved” by some way).

Until the last

After 1 player discards all cards, the game does not end, but continues until the last player. Accordingly, the 1st player wins, and the last player loses. And when two players remain at the end of the game, you can use beautiful combinations (for example, using the “Skip a move” and “+2 cards” cards to walk twice, thrice, etc.).

UNO in 7 rounds

After any player gets rid of his original 7 cards, the game is suspended, he takes 6 new cards from the deck into his hand and continues the game. The next time he runs out of cards, he draws 5 cards into his hand, and so on. And so on until he takes only one card and gets rid of it.

reset zero

If, when calculating points, the player has only one card left in his hand " 0 ”, then its cost is not zero points, but 50. This creates additional difficulties for the owners of zero cards at the end of the game.

For the game UNO H2O: "+1" and "+2"

Rule for the game based on game 101. Rule "+1" and "+2"(for UNO H2O decks with "+1 card" and "Color change and +2 cards"). If the player puts the last card "+1", then 20 points are subtracted from the total score, if "Color change and +2 cards" - then 40 points are subtracted from the score.