Mordovian pancakes on semolina thick recipe. Mordovian millet pancakes - Pachat Mordovian millet pancakes pachat

Lush, thick, fragrant pancakes are obtained if cooked from semolina - for the holiday and for every day!

  • Semolina - 250 g
  • Wheat flour / Flour (Can be completely replaced with semolina) - 250 g
  • Yeast (Dry, read the recommendations on the package first. Mine should be mixed with dry ingredients.) - 7 g
  • Salt (Without a slide. We try on the first pancake and, if necessary, add to taste.) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar (Heaped) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs
  • Milk (body temperature) - 0.5 l
  • Water (body temperature) - 0.5 l
  • Baking powder - 0.5 tsp
  • Butter (Melt in the microwave, for greasing ready-made pancakes) - 180 g

Mix flour, semolina and dry yeast. Immediately make a reservation - carefully read the instructions for yeast - some must be dissolved in a liquid. Add sugar, salt.

Beat the eggs in a separate bowl until smooth (to my surprise, I bought eggs with two yolks, so I have 6 yolks from three eggs in a bowl). Add water, milk and combine everything with a dry mixture.

Knead the dough until smooth and leave in a warm place for 45 minutes. I confess honestly, when I baked these pancakes for the first time, at this stage I felt sad ... I got a painfully watery and ugly slurry ... But what to do, I left it for the allotted time ... And what was my surprise, when after 45 minutes I found a wonderful, fluffy pancake dough in a bowl! So - do not panic - wait!

Add baking powder. The dough is ready - you can bake. If the frying pan is ordinary, grease with oil. If a special pancake pan with a non-stick coating, then you do not need to lubricate.

Bake and brush each pancake with melted butter. I draw your attention - there is no butter or vegetable oil in the dough!

Bon appetit!

Recipe 2, step by step: lush pancakes with semolina on kefir

Pancakes on semolina without flour are prepared in almost the same way as regular pancakes. The only difference is that there is not a single gram of any flour in them. Semolina pancakes on kefir without flour are thicker than usual ones due to the fact that semolina is much larger than flour and the dough is thicker. But such pancakes can be satiated faster (one semolina pancake is almost three times more in weight than a regular thin pancake). If everything is done correctly, semolina pancakes on kefir will turn out ruddy and very tasty. Do not be afraid to experiment, the main thing is to follow all the recommendations below and you will succeed.

  • 1 glass of kefir
  • Half glass of water
  • 2 large chicken eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 4 tablespoons semolina
  • Half a teaspoon of baking soda
  • A pinch of salt

The dough is very easy to prepare.

Pour kefir and water, vegetable oil into a bowl, beat in eggs and beat everything well (all liquid components (water and kefir) must be at room temperature, otherwise the semolina will not swell).

Mix semolina with soda, sugar and salt, and send to the dough. Mix everything and leave for 30 minutes in a warm place so that the semolina absorbs the liquid and swells.

In half an hour, the vegetable oil will rise to the top, and all the other ingredients will settle to the bottom.

The dough must be mixed well. By consistency, it resembles fatty kefir.

Heat the frying pan and grease with vegetable oil before the first pancake. With a ladle, pour some of the dough into the pan, while swirling it for even distribution. Fry on the first side for one and a half to two minutes, on the second - a minute. Flip when the pancake starts to come off around the edges. Keep an eye on the gas so that the pancakes do not burn, but at the same time they should be well browned and baked.

Ready-made pancakes from flourless semolina recipe with a step-by-step photo that you just saw can be served with tea with any filling or simply dipped in jam or honey. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: Moroccan pancakes with semolina in milk with yeast

Pancakes on semolina are very beautiful, dense, but soft. And in combination with honey sauce, with which they need to be served on the table, they become a real festive dessert.

  • warm water - 2.5 cups
  • warm milk - 2 cups
  • semolina - 2 cups
  • flour - 2 cups
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • baking powder - 2 tsp
  • dry yeast - 1 tbsp. l.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.

Pour yeast with a spoonful of sugar in half a glass of warm water and set aside. Mix flour with baking powder, remaining sugar, salt and semolina.

Pour the flour mixture into the milk with water, and mix so that no lumps form. Add eggs to the dough and beat with a mixer.
On a note! The proportions of milk and water can be slightly changed. But keep in mind that the more milk you use, the denser and thicker the pancakes will be.

Pour batter into batter.

Mix the dough for pancakes with semolina using a mixer. You can do it manually, but keep in mind that then cooking will take more time and effort. The finished dough should become homogeneous, with small bubbles on the surface.

We leave the dough in a warm place for 40 minutes. It should approximately double in size and begin to foam a little. We fry pancakes with semolina in a hot pan. For the first fried pancake, generously grease the surface with vegetable oil. Serve dry fried pancakes with honey sauce.

On a note! To prepare honey sauce, melt 50 grams of butter in a pan and add the same amount of honey to it. Blend until smooth and pour over cooked pancakes.

Recipe 4: Tatar thick pancakes on semolina (step by step with a photo)

A recipe for lovers of lush and light yeast pancakes, and those who have not tried them yet. I really liked these pancakes! Despite the Spartan set of products, it turns out a huge stack. By the way, this bunch was eaten with pleasure by "unlovers" of thick pancakes))

It is convenient to put pancakes at night, and in the morning feed your family with fragrant pastries.

I have seen many variations of these pancakes, I am sure that they are all delicious, but this one won me over with its budget and taste!

  • Semolina - 160 g (1 cup)
  • Flour - 300 g (approx. 2 stacks)
  • Water - 0.5 l
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp
  • Yeast - fresh - 15 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp with a slide
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Soda - about 5 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp.

For lubrication and supply:

  • Butter
  • Sour cream
  • Jam
  • Sweet sauces
  • Salmon, salmon, caviar

Let's cook first 1 part, it can be called a sponge.

Yeast must be mixed with sugar until a fluid homogeneous mass is obtained.

In a large bowl, so as not to run away, knead the dough.

I have a 5 liter bowl.

Mix water, semolina, flour, yeast.

Knead the dough like a fairly thick sour cream.

Leave for fermentation overnight or at least 5 hours. You can put it in the morning and bake in the evening, well, you understand - you need to let the yeast work))

We just leave it on the table, no need to put it in the refrigerator.

After a specified time, gradually, stirring, add products from the 2 list to the dough: salt, eggs, sugar, vegetable oil, soda.

Soda can be diluted in a tablespoon of water so that it evenly intervenes in the dough.

Mix thoroughly.

The dough should flow.

It takes me 50 grams of water, sometimes I immediately dilute soda in it.

The thickness of the pancakes depends on the density of the dough - the thicker the dough, the thicker the pancakes.

If you have time, you can let it stand for 10 minutes, if not, you can bake immediately.

Let's start frying.

Nothing new - everything is as usual.

We heat the pan, grease it only before the first pancake, pancakes do not stick to the pan.

Bake over medium heat on both sides.

That's how delicate they are.

The thicker your pancakes, and they can be made very thick, the quieter the fire so that the pancake is baked.

Lubricate the finished pancakes with butter.

Serve with jam, sour cream, etc.

These yeast pancakes are so lush.

There are a lot of them and they are quite satisfying.

Recipe 5: how to cook thick Mordovian pancakes on semolina

The recipe for semolina pancakes requires some time to prepare, but the pancakes are invariably beautiful, thick, ruddy, and perforated. With this pancake recipe, even a novice hostess can shine.

  • milk - 1 liter;
  • semolina - 0.5 cups;
  • salt - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 cups;
  • chicken eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 4.5 cups;
  • dry yeast - 1 sachet (11 g)

Flour for these pancakes must be SURELY SIFTED! Do not be lazy, this is the key to success.

In a large saucepan (note that the dough will increase in volume, it is better to take a 4-5 liter one) pour 750 ml of milk, heat (to a temperature of about 37 degrees), add salt, sugar, semolina, yeast, sugar, flour. Mix everything well (the dough is quite thick at this stage) and leave for 30-40 minutes in a warm place. Do not cover with a lid, it must breathe! You can cover with a towel.

The dough should have tripled in volume. And it looks like this.

Now add eggs, vegetable oil, mix well. Then boil the remaining milk (250 ml) and brew the dough. We are waiting for another 15-20 minutes, and into the pan. This is what the dough looks like before baking.

Sometimes a little more brewing liquid is required if the semolina swells a lot. In this case, you can safely add some water from a boiled kettle. In general, in the end, the dough should turn out like an average sour cream - be quite thick and viscous, but at the same time spread independently in a pan.

Grease the pan just before the very first pancake. Pancakes cook very quickly. On the one hand, they turn out like this (I like fried ones):

And this is the other side.

From this amount of dough, 35-40 medium-sized pancakes are obtained.

Recipe 6: pancakes on semolina and water at home

Pancakes will turn out thick, lush, with holes, similar to the sun. Fold the semolina pancakes in a pile, brush each with melted butter. Serve with honey and sour cream.

  • semolina - 1 cup;
  • wheat flour - 1.5 cups;
  • dry yeast - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • water - 1/3 cup + 0.5 l;
  • vegetable oil - 1/3 cup;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • melted butter for greasing pancakes.

Dissolve sugar and yeast in warm boiled water (1/3 cup). Pour the remaining water into a bowl with high walls, mix with semolina, add diluted yeast, mix until smooth. Add salt and sifted flour, mix. The mass should be like thick sour cream. If it gets too thick, add some warm water. Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and leave to rise for 5-6 hours in a warm place.

After 5-6 hours, beat eggs and vegetable oil in a second bowl. Add this mixture to the mixing bowl and stir until smooth. Add oil so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan. When baking, the pan does not need to be lubricated with oil.

Heat the skillet well. Pour a ladle of batter into the middle of the pan. The dough will evenly spread itself, without outside help and rotational movements. Cover the pan with a lid and cook the pancake for 1 minute on each side over medium heat.

Recipe 7, simple: pancakes with semolina in milk and yeast

Yeast pancakes with semolina, despite the strangeness of the ingredients, are very easy to prepare and always turn out to be airy, tender, porous, tasty, and also fragrant. This dessert will take its rightful place on the table during such holidays as New Year, Christmas, Maslenitsa, although for your favorite sweet tooth you can cook it at least every day!

  • Semolina 1.5 cups
  • Wheat flour 1 cup
  • Whole milk pasteurized 500 ml
  • Purified water 150 milliliters
  • Sugar 3 tablespoons
  • Raw chicken egg 2 pieces
  • Yeast dry granulated 1 teaspoon (heaped)
  • Salt 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil 3 tablespoons and ½ teaspoon for frying

First of all, lay out all the necessary ingredients on the countertop. Then we turn on two burners on medium heat, put a kettle with purified water on one, and a saucepan with milk on the second. We heat the liquids to 36-38 degrees Celsius, so that they are just warm, but not hot, and move on.

Pour warm milk into a deep bowl and pour dry yeast into it along with sugar and salt. Shake everything thoroughly with a tablespoon until a homogeneous consistency, cover the dishes with the resulting mixture with a kitchen towel and put in a warm place for 15-20 minutes to make the dough rise.

At this time, we sift the right amount of wheat flour through a sieve with a fine mesh into a dry deep bowl so that it becomes looser and dries. Also, this process will help to get rid of litter of any kind, which very often gets into bags with grain ground into dust in factories. Then we send semolina to the flour and mix them thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency with a whisk or a tablespoon.

When the tremors are infused and bloom with a fluffy hat, add a couple of raw chicken eggs to them and beat everything with a whisk until fluffy. Then pour in the flour and semolina mixture. We loosen everything again, so that we get a mass without lumps, pour vegetable oil into it, warm water from the kettle and beat the dough again until smooth. After that, we tighten the bowl with the flour semi-finished product with plastic cling film, cover it with a kitchen towel, put it in an even warmer place, preferably near the switched on stove, and leave it there for 1.5–2 hours.

When the dough has increased by 2–2.5 times, beat it again and proceed to the next, almost final step. We put a wide, preferably non-stick frying pan on medium heat and, using an ordinary sterile bandage folded 2–3 times, grease its bottom with a very thin layer of vegetable oil. Now all the dexterity of the hands is needed, we tilt the highly heated dishes at an angle of 25–30 degrees and pour a small ladle of dough into it.

Then, with a circular motion of the hand, we unfold the pan so that the dough spreads into a round layer 2–3 mm thick, and put it back on the switched on stove. We fry the pancake until there is no liquid mass left around the edges, and the edge acquires a beige tint.

Then we pry the round handsome man with a kitchen spatula, with one deft movement we shift it to the other side and brown it until golden brown. It will take approximately 3-4 minutes to cook one pancake, 1.5-2 on each side, but the duration may vary depending on the heating of the pan. When all the products are ready, we transfer them to a large flat dish and go to taste!

Today correspondents of "SOYUZ" famous Mordovian pancakes are washed down with unique Belarusian kvass

Ruddy and fluffy millet pancakes pachat are rightfully considered the hallmark of Mordovian cuisine. In pagan times, they were considered sacrificial bread. And today they are successfully replacing fast food.

Mordovian pancakes differ from Russian "brothers" not only in thickness, but also in composition. Photo: Nikolai Gagarin

The first thing that surprises tourists when they arrive in Saransk is street signs: they are written here in four languages: Russian, English, Mordovian-Moksha and Mordovian-Erzya. As you know, the Mordovian people consists of two sub-ethnoses. However, the name of the favorite treat - pachat - sounds the same in Moksha and Erzya.

Once the Mordovians were called the forest people. Thus, the ethnographer and writer Pavel Melnikov-Pechersky wrote that the ancient Mokshans and Erzyans lived, "engaging in hunting in their dense forests, arable farming in glades cleared among the forests and beekeeping". Therefore, in the Mordovian national cuisine, game, honey, berries, nuts, forest herbs are so loved.

Echoes of those times when the local hunters easily went after a bear with a horn are still heard: in any self-respecting restaurant in the capital of Mordovia, you will certainly be offered to taste a dish called "bear's paw" (ofton madyat). True, the waiter will explain at the same time that not a single bear was injured in the preparation of this dish. Modern "bear paw" is made from beef, pork and liver, and "bear claws" are made from rye crackers. And in the Mordovian village, from hot meat dishes, guests will be served a village woman from offal and pianti - beef stewed in sour cream.

No less popular in the national cuisine of Moksha and Erzya was river fish. Dried Moksha breams were in great demand at fairs in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod, and the sterlet found in Sura was considered royal fish and was served at the table of Russian monarchs.

Even the usual everyday dishes in Mordovian cuisine are prepared with a national "zest". For example, it is not customary to boil eggs here. In the old days, housewives simply put them in a cast iron and sent them directly to the oven without adding water. An hour later, it was possible to serve hard-boiled eggs to the table - they turned out to be much tastier than cooked in the usual way.

The Mordovian drink pose, reminiscent of Russian kvass, is also distinguished by an unforgettable taste. For its preparation, croutons from ... sugar beets are pre-dried.

Mordovian pancakes also differ from Russian "brothers". And not only in thickness, but also in a more complex composition: in addition to wheat flour, millet is used for them (buckwheat and peas are options). It was millet from time immemorial that was the favorite porridge of the Mordovians. It is not known who first guessed to add it to the dough, but the result pleases gourmets to this day. And today, dear guests in Mordovia are greeted not with a loaf of bread and salt, but with a pile of thick national pancakes - as it was, for example, with Gerard Depardieu, when he, having received a Russian passport, flew to Saransk to celebrate Orthodox Christmas.

And during the days of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, when Saransk hosted the World Cup group stage matches and the city was experiencing an unprecedented invasion of foreign tourists, a new dish appeared on the menu of local catering outlets - pachi burgers. A classic pachi burger can be prepared by wrapping a bear paw in a pancake and seasoning the dish with herbs and spices to taste. However, thick, satisfying, prepared exclusively from natural ingredients and richly oiled, pachat and without filling serve as an ideal substitute for fast food.

You can enjoy your favorite Mordovian treat in many restaurants, cafes and eateries in Saransk. If desired, patchat can be prepared at home. It will take a lot of time, but the result is worth it.

gourmet recipe

The traditional dish is made from a mixture of wheat and millet flour, if you use only one type, real pachat will not work. Millet flour gives pancakes lightness, airiness and sunny yellow color, and wheat flour - density and volume.

In order to please yourself and your loved ones with Mordovian pancakes, you will need: 1 cup of millet (cereals), 350 g of milk, 4 eggs, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 2 cups of wheat flour, 20 g of yeast.

The yeast is dissolved in warm milk, and the millet is ground and sifted (you can also use millet porridge, mashed with a crush or chopped with a blender). Then beat the eggs with sugar and salt, mix all the ingredients. The dough should be thick, like sour cream. It is left for about two hours, and then you can start baking. Hot pancakes are generously smeared with butter. Serve with honey, syrup or berries.

To Sharkovshchina - drink raugenya

The recipe for raugeni - a special Belarusian kvass - seems to be quite simple: pour coarse rye flour with warm water at the rate of two glasses of flour per one and a half liters. We knead all this and leave it in a hot oven or oven for three hours. Flour should give malt. We then dilute it with two liters of cold boiled water, add sugar or honey, cover with gauze and send it to a warm place for at least three days. It is better to wait until it completely sours.

Old-timers assure: it is most delicious to drink potatoes and lean pancakes with this sour drink. Photo: Sergey Lozyuk

However, trying such an original national drink is now considered good luck. Not only is it now brewed only in the Belarusian-Lithuanian borderlands, but, as a rule, exclusively for guests. The thing is that the right flour in stores is now virtually impossible to find.

Belarusian cuisine expert Elena Mikulchik, who first tasted raugenya on a culinary expedition to the Sharkovshchina district of the Vitebsk region, says that in the history of Belarusian cuisine it is considered one of the most ancient dishes, it even has pagan roots. Age has affected: under different names, something similar can be found in Russian, Ukrainian, and Polish regional cuisines. And the very word "raugenya" is widespread. For example, in Pskov, ryavgeni is called the same kvass, which in the central regions of Russia is called sour cabbage soup. In Lithuania - malt dough and malt porridge.

Potatoes were added to the later version of raugeni so that it fermented better - introduces us to the history of the colorful drink Mikulchik. - The output was something between a soup and a drink. But most of it was used specifically to quench thirst. Why was it widespread? Easy cooking technology - this time. Simple and affordable products - two. Their minimum consumption is three. According to the ratio of microelements and useful substances, there is no equal to this kvass. And it also shows the characteristic feature of Belarusian cuisine in the best possible way - different cooking technologies "in one bottle": fermentation, languishing and fermentation.

Raugenya, among other things, was considered an excellent basis for soups. It was sometimes used to make sourdough for baking homemade bread. Old-timers, however, assure: it is best to drink potatoes and lean pancakes with this sour drink. In Lent (and raugenya was prepared exclusively during these periods of time), it served as a sort of alternative to kefir and milk, which were forbidden to be consumed.

There is another similar Belarusian drink - malt, - Elena Mikulchik notes. - The technology of their preparation in ancient times did not actually differ. Differences appeared later. Raugenya is liquid. Malt is denser. Yes, and the principle of preparation has become different. Raugenya is based on yeast fermentation, while malt is based on starch fermentation.

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Maslenitsa is just around the corner, and we have only recipes for our traditional Russian pancakes, although we have a whole field and 7 days to experiment! Why not turn to our Mordovian neighbors for help, who cook simply excellent and millet pancakes Pachat? For them, this is an ordinary dish, and we know practically nothing about it - not good. After all, it is not in vain that they are loved, so we will try to love them too. Pachat is made from millet flour or, but in this recipe I personally grind millet groats. It turns out just very tasty, and it is impossible to break away from these pancakes! Also, in Mordovia it is customary to generously grease these pancakes with butter, which makes the dish much tastier - although is this possible? But I didn’t do this, because too fatty pancakes, for us, are still unusual and I’m not ready for such drastic changes yet. So, let's get started and enjoy the results.


  • millet groats - 100 grams;
  • wheat flour - 100 grams;
  • milk - 450 ml;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - ½ teaspoon;
  • butter - 50 grams;
  • instant dry yeast - 10 grams;
  • vegetable oil - for frying pancakes.
  • total number of pancakes: 11 pieces.

How to cook Mordovian millet pancakes:

1. Grind millet groats to flour, using a blender or coffee grinder.

2. We heat the milk, but do not boil it. The temperature should be average, you can check it on your finger. On a clean finger. Here in this milk and pour dry yeast. We do not mix. Let's wait about 10 minutes. Until the yeast is completely dissolved.

3. So, pour all the ingredients into milk and mix (except for two types of butter). We get the dough for patchat, but leave it for an hour in a warm and dark place so that it rises.

4. The finished dough has risen almost twice and has become light and airy. Now we heat the pan, and as soon as it heats up, pour oil on it.

5. Now we pour the dough into the hot oil, evenly distributing it over the surface of the pan. Fry the patty on both sides until golden brown. They turned out a little darker for me, as they cook much faster than traditional ones. For every ready

It is believed that millet pancakes belong to the Mordovian cuisine, but over time, several variations of their preparation have appeared. Let's look at the most popular recipes for millet pancakes or pachat, as they are called in Mordovia.

It will take quite a lot of time to cook, however, every housewife at least once in her life should pamper her household with such pancakes. They turn out nutritious and tasty.


The calorie content of millet pancakes in all three recipes differs slightly, and varies from 90 kcal (for a yeast-free recipe), 150 kcal (for regular yeast pancakes), to 200 kcal (for patchat). The most popular version of millet pancakes is close to the classic Mordovian recipe.

Millet pancakes (pachat) according to an old recipe


  • millet groats - 100 grams;
  • wheat flour - 100 grams;
  • milk - 450 ml;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - ½ teaspoon;
  • butter - 50 grams;
  • instant dry yeast - 10 grams.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the millet groats thoroughly, dry them on a napkin and in a hot frying pan. Using a blender or coffee grinder, bring to the consistency of flour.
  2. Dissolve the yeast in warmed milk, add the mixture to the beaten eggs with salt and sugar. Pour wheat and millet flour into the resulting mass. Mix everything well. Put the dough in a warm place for two to three hours.
  3. Bake in the usual way, greasing the pan with melted butter.

Video recipe

Yeast thick millet pancakes

Ingredients (for 10 servings):

  • millet groats - 1 cup;
  • water - 600 ml;
  • wheat flour - 3 cups;
  • dry yeast - 2.5 teaspoons;
  • milk - 1 liter;
  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Porridge is better to cook in advance, you can in the evening. It should not be too thick, the more it boils, the better.
  2. While the porridge is cooling, prepare the dough. In warmed (but not hot) milk, add yeast and sugar. When the ingredients dissolve in milk, gradually introduce the porridge, stirring the mass thoroughly to prevent lumps. You can use a blender instead of a hand whisk. After reaching a more or less homogeneous mass, carefully introduce the flour.
  3. The dough should turn out average between liquid sour cream and pancake dough. The mass should be covered with a clean cotton napkin and left in a warm place for several hours.
  4. While the dough is rising, let's do the second stage of preparation. Boil the remaining milk and beat the eggs separately. Pour the finished milk into the risen dough, it is very important to quickly mix the mass. Next, add eggs and vegetable oil. After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, let the mass disperse for another 10 minutes.
  5. Pancakes are baked according to the standard scheme.

Video recipe

Wheat pancakes without yeast

One of the easiest recipes for millet pancakes is cooking from yeast-free dough.


  • Millet - Art. l.;
  • Milk - 4 cups;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Wheat flour - 1.5 cups;
  • Soda slaked with vinegar - ½ tsp


  1. As in the previous recipe, first boil the cereal. In this case, porridge is boiled in milk, but this is not critical - you can also use water.
  2. After cooling, grind the millet with a blender. Next, add eggs, salt and sugar. We mix everything thoroughly. Add flour and knead a stiff dough. Upon reaching "smoothness", pour in the milk so that as a result the consistency is the same as that of ordinary pancakes.
  3. The last step: pour soda slaked with vinegar.
  4. Pancakes are prepared in the usual way.

Millet pancakes are combined with almost any filling, both sweet and more satisfying. Equally, they are delicious and simple with melted butter. Nutritious pancakes can serve as a dessert or a full lunch.

To make pancakes airy and tender, remember a few tips.

  1. It is better to collect the dough not from the bottom of the container, but from above (so the pancakes will turn out with characteristic holes).
  2. It is better to lubricate the pan not with vegetable oil, but with a piece of lard.
  3. Flip the pancake only when there is no raw dough left on top.
  4. It is advisable to serve the dish hot.
  5. Ready-made pancakes are best put under the lid in a deep bowl, then they will stay warm and fresh longer.

I reviewed the basic recipes for millet pancakes. There are many more options for making dough, as well as baking pancakes at home, but their differences are insignificant, due to the culinary traditions and preferences of the hostess and family.

How many nationalities exist in the world, so many different ways of preparing and decorating dishes from the category of international ones are known. This category also includes pancakes on raw semolina, beloved by many, which are called Mordovian and baked at home based on yeast dough. They always turn out so well-made that hardly any other cakes can compare with them with their perfect aesthetics and delicate taste.

The recipe for traditional Mordovian pancakes is more complicated than the one we are used to, cooking thin pancakes according to Russian culinary customs. But it is not at all necessary to be a certified chef in order to bake mountains of hearty and ruddy pancakes, which both adults and children of all ages are delighted with. They are prepared in one breath, and are just as quickly absorbed.

Another advantage of homemade Mordovian semolina pancakes, which we will learn how to bake today, is the food composition.

Their basis is dry semolina. Having swollen in milk or kefir, in combination with other products, it becomes a dough, which, depending on the density, obediently spreads in a pan, turning into thin pancakes, or obediently keeps the shape of pancakes.

These cakes, which are prepared on the basis of semolina, are traditional for the Finno-Ugric peoples, and above all for the Mordovians. They make the meal more satisfying.

To reduce the calorie content of the dish and enjoy it without fear for the figure, you can take milk with a low fat content and do not grease the finished cakes with melted butter.

Hearty Mordovian pancakes: homemade recipe


  • — 0.5 l + -
  • - 1 glass + -
  • - 6-7 tablespoons + -
  • - 6 tablespoons + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 0.5 tsp + -
  • - 3-4 tablespoons + -
  • - no more than 2 tbsp. + -
  • - pinch + -

Home baking Mordovian pancakes: a master class

  1. Pour semolina into cold milk and immediately stir well to avoid lumpiness.
  2. We put an egg in the resulting mass, salt everything, sweeten (adjust the amount of sugar to taste) and season with vegetable oil.
  3. Now you need to shake the entire contents of the container well.
  4. Next, we introduce hot water into the test mass, without ceasing to interfere with it.
  5. After adding yeast and stirring, leave the dough alone for about 2 hours. It is advisable to place it in heat so that the yeast does its job. Readiness indicator - increase in volume and softening of semolina.
  6. We have left unused flour: we sow it and add it to the almost ready pancake mass.

There comes an exciting moment of baking traditional Mordovian pancakes according to the classic recipe. If the dough does not spread well over the heated surface of the pan (before the first cake it needs to be greased with your favorite fat), it should be thinned with a couple of tablespoons of slightly warm water and, after stirring, start baking pancakes.

Those who are not afraid to splurge on delicious pancakes can smear each with butter and sweeten them with raspberry or any other jam. They are extraordinarily tasty and just with sour cream.

Thick Mordovian pancakes on semolina at home

We also offer to cook thick semolina-based pancakes. If instead of one glass of flour we add two to the dough, we will get magnificent products such as pancakes.


  • Semolina groats -1 glass;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Eggs (category C-0) - 5 pcs.;
  • Sugar - about 1 tablespoon;
  • Wheat flour (w / s) - 1-2 cups;
  • Dry yeast - 1 (0.5 tsp);
  • Sunflower oil - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • Salt - to taste.

Do-it-yourself thick Mordovian pancakes

  1. Pour the cereal into warm milk and leave to swell for at least an hour. To get a good dough, pour 1 tbsp into the thickened mass. flour, sugar and yeast, salt, stir, send the container to heat.
  2. Add whipped yolks to the “grown” mass (we put the proteins in the cold for a while).
  3. Now we pour the rest of the flour, not forgetting to sift it for the splendor of the dough. It should rise again.
  4. We fill the mass with vegetable oil and combine with whites whipped to a foam state, stir and send to the pan in portions.

To get semolina pancakes, we make the dough of the appropriate density (like fresh sour cream). If we have thin pancakes in our plans, we need to pour it less or then dilute the too thick mass with warm (but not hot!) Water.

Manna-based pancakes are fluffy. If you bake them not very large, you can serve them with noble red caviar. Well, pancakes go well with sweet sauces.

If children do not like porridge too much, you can “disguise” it in thin cakes. Original Mordovian pancakes based on yeast and semolina are a very tasty option for such a “conspiracy”. The kids will certainly like the lush cakes, so you need to be ready to bake the second portion ...