Self-education of the educator 3 4 years. Self-education plan in the second junior group "Theatrical activities

Self-education plan for 2015-2016 academic year year

Topic: "The development of fine motor skills of preschoolers of the second younger group."

“The sources of children's abilities and gifts are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, the thinnest streams flow, which feed the source of creative thought ”(V. A. Sukhomlinsky)


About how a child develops, at the initial stage of life, it is the development of fine motor skills that indicates his intellectual abilities. Children with poorly developed manual motor skills awkwardly hold a spoon, a pencil, cannot fasten buttons, lace up shoes. It can be difficult for them to collect scattered parts of the designer, work with puzzles, counting sticks, and mosaics. They refuse modeling and applique, which are loved by other children, they do not keep up with the guys in the classroom.

Thus, the possibilities of mastering the world by children are impoverished. Children often feel inadequate in elementary activities available to their peers. This affects the emotional well-being of the child, his self-esteem. Over time, the level of development creates school difficulties.

And, of course, at preschool age, work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements should become an important part of the development of children's speech, the formation of self-service skills and preparation for writing. From how deftly the child learns to control his fingers, his further development depends. Along with the development of fine motor skills, memory, attention, and vocabulary develop.


Continued development of fine motor skills and hand coordination in children preschool age through various activities.

Improving the conditions for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers of preschool children.


1. Improve coordination and accuracy of hand and eye movements, hand flexibility, rhythm.

2. Promote the normalization of speech function.

3. Develop imagination, logical thinking, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, creative activity.

4. Create an emotionally comfortable environment in communication with peers and adults.

5. Improve the subject-developing environment of the group for the development of fine motor skills.

6. Develop fine motor skills of fingers in preschool children through the use of a variety of forms, methods and techniques.

Forms of work:

Joint activities of the educator with children;

Individual work with children;

Free independent activity of the children themselves.

Working methods and techniques:

Hand massage

Finger gymnastics, physical education

Finger games with verses, with tongue twisters




teacher of the second junior group

Kuznetsova Oksana Sergeevna

Plan for self-education of the educator:

TOPIC : "The development of speech in young children using finger games and exercises"
2016-2017 academic year

Stage of work on the topic : 1 year

Start date of work on the topic: September 2016

Estimated completion date: May 2017

Target : improving their theoretical level, professional skills and competence.

Tasks :

1) Integrate finger games , exercises in speech activity children ;

2) Improve fine motor skillschildren through finger games

3) Systematize work to improvefinger motor skills ;

4) To give knowledge to parents about the significancefinger games .

Relevance :

Working in an early age group, conducting classes, communicating with children, I noticed that some children of this age do not have a very well developed active speech. So what's the reason?I was interested in this question.To find the answer, she turned to scientific and pedagogical literature, in particular, to the books of modern teachers - E.A. Yanushko "Development of fine motor skills of hands in young children", L.P. Savina "Finger gymnastics for the development of speech of preschoolers", S.O. Ermakova "Finger games for children from one to three years old".

And, of course, inpreschool development work fine motor skills and hand coordination should be an important part ofdevelopment of children's speech . Formation of oralspeeches the child begins when the movementsfingers hands achieve sufficient accuracy, that is, the formationspeeches improved under the influence of impulses coming from the hands. It has been proven that the mind and eye of a child move at the same speed as the hand. So the systematicexercises movement trainingfingers hand is powerfulmeans improving the performance of the brain.“The hand is the human brain that has come out” . How well a child learnsmanage your fingers , depends on its futuredevelopment . Along with development of small motor skills develop memory , attention and vocabulary.

I chose the topicself-education « The development of speech in young children using finger games and exercises », since this topic is very relevant and important in the life of mypupils . Children love to learnfinger games . Work on development fine motor skills involves close communication with children and parents. Which favorably affects the relationship and friendly atmosphere in the children's team.

Work Plan 201 6 - 201 7 academic year

(abstracts, reports, open viewing, exhibition of works, etc.)

Performance report

Work with children

During the year




To prepare a report " The development of fine motor skills "

Reading stories and poems with fingers (teacher show)

Learning new finger games.

Riddles for children.

Teaching physical education with children

Reading tongue twisters.

complexes finger gymnastics Card filefinger games

Development fine motor skills of hands in the process of visual activity. We draw in an unconventional way.

text material

text material

Selection of games and teaching aids

A collection of riddles.

A selection of tongue twisters

Reminders, foldouts.

Exhibitions of children's works

Working with parents

During the year


Involving parents in the work of creating a developing environment in the group

Useful tips "What do you need finger gymnastics »

Individual conversations with parents on the topic of self-education

Master class for parents

"Magic Drawings"


Exhibition of children's drawings

List of used literature:

    Agapova I.A., Davydova M.A. "Finger games for the development of speech and creative abilities of children." - M.: IKTC LADA LLC, 2009;

    Anischenkova E.S. Finger gymnastics for the development of speech of preschoolers. - AST, 2011. - 64 p.

    Anischenkova E.S. Speech gymnastics for the development of speech of preschoolers. – Profizdat, 2007. – 62p.

    Boguslavskaya Z.M., Smirnova E.O. Educational games for preschool children. - M .: Education, 2004. - 213 p.

    Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten: A guide for the teacher kindergarten. - M.: Education, 2005. - 160 p.

    Borisenko M.G., Lukina N.A. "Our fingers are playing." - St. Petersburg: "Parity", 2003;

    Gromova O.N., Prokopenko T.A. Fun games for the development of fine motor skills in children. - M .: "GNOM and D", 2002;

    Kaplunova I., Novoskoltseva I. "Ladushki" Program for the musical education of preschool children. - St. Petersburg: Nevskaya Nota LLC, 2010;

    Krupenchuk O.I., "Finger games". Publishing House "Litera". Saint Petersburg 2005

    Makhaneva M.D., Reshchikova S.V. "Game lessons with children from one to three years." -M.: Creative Center Sphere, 2009.

    Cherenkova E.N., "Original finger games". Ripol-classic Moscow 2008

FBGDOU Center for Child Development. Kindergarten No. 1387 UDP RF.


Borisova Yulia Anatolyevna - educator of the highest category.

Topic : " "

Second Junior Group #1

2014 – 2015 academic year

Self-education on the topic: "Sensory education of children through didactic games».

Target: improving their theoretical level, professional skills and competence.


Working on a professional self-education program will help me:

Teach children to distinguish primary colors;

Introduce children to the size and shape of objects;

To form the skills of independent activity;

Increase children's self-esteem, their self-confidence;

Develop creativity, curiosity, observation;

Unite the children's team.

Expected results:

Consolidation of knowledge in children of ordinal counting, the names of geometric shapes, temporary representations;

Positive dynamics in the mathematical development of children;

Improving the subject-developing environment.

Relevance of the chosen topic

Younger age is a special period of the formation of organs and systems and, above all, the function of the brain. Younger age is the most favorable time for sensory education, without which the normal formation of the child's mental abilities is impossible. This period is important for improving the activity of the sense organs, the accumulation of ideas about the world around us, and the recognition of creative abilities.

The sensory development of a child is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste, etc. The importance of sensory development in early and preschool age can hardly be overestimated. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the activity of the sense organs, the accumulation of ideas about the world around us.

Sensory education means purposeful improvement, development of sensory processes (sensations, perceptions, ideas) in children.

A child in life is faced with a variety of shapes, colors and other properties of objects, in particular toys and household items. He also gets acquainted with works of art - music, painting, sculpture. And of course, every child, even without purposeful upbringing, one way or another, perceives all this. But if assimilation occurs spontaneously, without reasonable pedagogical guidance from adults, it often turns out to be superficial, inferior. This is where sensory education comes to the rescue - a consistent, systematic familiarization of the child with sensory culture.

Work plan for the year



practical outputs

The study of methodological literature


1. L.A. Wenger, E.G. Pilyugina, N.B. Wenger "Education of the child's sensory culture" - M .: "Enlightenment", 1988

2. L.A. Wenger "Didactic games and exercises for sensory education of preschoolers M .:" Enlightenment ", 2008

3. Boguslavskaya Z.M., Smirnova E.O. "Educational games for young children"

4.E.Dum "Color, shape, quantity"

5Afanaseva I.P. "Small steps into Big world knowledge". Childhood press, 2005

Work with children


creation of a subject-developing environment of the environment of the child

Selection didactic games, aids for the sensory development of children


Didactic games for the development of tactile sensations:

wonderful bag,

Determine by touch, (find objects that differ in one way)

A handkerchief for a doll, (determining objects by the texture of the material, in this case, determining the type of fabric)

Recognize the figure, (it is proposed to touch the proposed figure from the bag)

Find a pair, (it is suggested that the child find pairs of identical objects by touch)

Prepare a card file of didactic games for the development of tactile sensations.



Didactic games and exercises to reinforce the concept of form.

Find an object of the specified shape, (the child is invited to find pictures depicting objects that are similar in shape to a given shape)

What figures does it consist of ...?, (you need to determine from the figure what geometric shapes the object consists of and how many of them)

Find an object of the same shape (learn to highlight the form in specific objects of the environment)

Which figure is superfluous?, (definition extra figure in a row of four geometric shapes, suggest explaining the principle of exclusion)

Prepare a card file of didactic games to consolidate the concept of form.



Didactic games and exercises to reinforce the concept of magnitude.

Compare objects by height

The longest, the shortest, (suggest to arrange the multi-colored ribbons in length, from the shortest to the longest, as an option, you can offer to compare the ribbons according to several criteria)

Multi-colored mugs, (offer to put mugs (or other geometric figure) starting from the largest, so that the color of the previous circle is visible)

Which box?, (distribute five kinds of toys of different sizes into five different boxes depending on the size)

Prepare a card file of didactic games to consolidate the concept of magnitude.



Didactic games and color fixing exercises.

What color is missing?

What color is the item?, (offer picking the right color for the item)

Assemble a garland (offer from memory to assemble a garland of multi-colored circles in accordance with the sample)

What colors are used?

Let's clarify the color, (learn to distinguish and name similar colors)

Prepare a card file of didactic games to fix the color.


Family work


Prepare a consultation for parents "Development of sensory abilities in young children through didactic games"


Conducting individual consultations and conversations with parents.


What games are good to play with children. Conducting consultations for parents on what games to buy for children and how to play them correctly.

Exhibition of didactic games on sensory education.



Open showing in junior group.

Open lesson with the use of new technologies.


Report on the work done on the topic of self-education at the final teachers' council

Speech at the teachers' council.

MKDOU "Elan-Kolenovskiy Kindergarten of General Development Type No. 1"

I approve

Head of MKDOU Kindergarten No. 1

I.S. Glotova


Vorotneva Elena Vasilievna


General experience

Ped. experience

Ped. experience in this MDOU

Date of last certification

Date of intended certification

5 years 10 months

5 years 10 months

Topic: "Activation of the dictionary of children of the younger age group"

2015-2016 academic year

Start date of work on the topic: October 2015

Completion date: April 2016.

Target: to study the ways, methods and techniques of activating the speech of children of primary preschool age, to unite the efforts of teachers and parents in the work on speech development children.

Relevance of the topic:

The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that among the many important tasks of educating and educating preschool children in kindergarten, teaching the native language is one of the main ones.

The vocabulary of a preschooler in the fourth year of life is replenished with the names of objects that children encounter and act in everyday life. Children find it difficult or make mistakes when naming many household items (dishes, furniture, clothes, shoes, toys), Vehicle and others. These errors are caused by inaccuracy, non-differentiation of the perception and ideas of the child. Therefore, at this age stage, familiarization of children with the features of objects and vocabulary work in the process of deepening knowledge about objects become essential.

practical outputs

The study of methodological literature

September - May

1. Borodich A.M. Methods for the development of children's speech. - M., 2004.

2. Leontiev A.A. Language, speech, speech activity. - M., 1999.

3. Maksakov A.I., Tumakova G.A. Learn by playing. - M., 2005.

4. Polyanskaya T. B. Using the method of mnemonics in teaching storytelling to preschool children St. Petersburg. - Detstvo-Press, 2010.

4. Rubinstein S.L. Basics general psychology. - M., 2009. T.

5. Development of speech in kindergarten. program and guidelines. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional Gerbova V.V. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010

6. The development of speech of preschool children: A guide for the educator det. garden. / Ed. F. Sokhin. - 2nd ed., corrected. - M.: Enlightenment, 2004.

Work with children


Card file of games on speech development for children of primary preschool age.

Desktop-printed educational games "Pictures-halves", "Lotto", "Whose baby?", "Big and small", etc.

Activation of the dictionary during the examination of toys, subject and plot pictures.

Didactic games using pictures: "Wintering Birds", "Show me correctly", etc.

Dramatization of Russians folk tales using various kinds theatre: desktop, flannelograph, finger, magnetic board.

Showing a theatrical performance based on the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" to the children of the first junior group.

March, April

The use of mnemonic tables in the course of GCD OO "Communication", "Cognition", "Reading fiction».

Family work

Presentation to parents of speech games and exercises used in kindergarten to form the speech of younger preschoolers.

Seminar-workshop "Games we play".


Consultation "Teaching the child to communicate."

Advice for parents "How to organize a home theater."

Theatrical show "Our favorite fairy tales".

Notes for parents.

An open demonstration of the joint activity of children and the educator "Retelling" Who said "meow"?".


GCD on the topic "Guests from the forest" using the "live picture" method.

Open review of GCD in the second junior group.

A modern preschool teacher (preschool educational institution), living in a world of rapidly expanding innovative technologies, is simply forced to be aware of current development trends. Self-education, work on oneself, mastering new pedagogical technologies and knowledge, honing one's skills is a necessity for every worker in the pedagogical sphere.

The concept of self-education: goals and forms

The very specifics of the work of a teacher, aimed at the upbringing and development of children, obliges him to constantly engage in a creative search for non-standard solutions, self-education, improvement of professional skills, as well as personal qualities. A good specialist cannot be passive: competence and initiative are required from him every day.

In addition, the level of proficiency in topics and plans in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards (Federal State Educational Standards) directly affects the competence, qualifications and even monetary remuneration of a specialist. Do not forget that parents, when choosing an educational institution that can provide optimal conditions for the development of their child, are primarily interested in the level of creative activity and professionalism of the educators working here.

The need for self-education is a characteristic quality of a developed personality, a necessary element of its spiritual life. Considered the highest form of satisfaction of the cognitive needs of the individual, self-education is associated with the manifestation of significant volitional efforts, a high degree of consciousness and organization of a person, and the assumption of internal responsibility for one's self-improvement.

G. M. Kodzhaspirova, A. Yu. Kodzhaspirov

"Pedagogical Dictionary"

Goals and areas of work

A necessary condition for improving the work of a preschool institution is the organization of advisory assistance to educators who have encountered a problem in their work with children or are striving to master more effective pedagogical methods. The senior educator or methodologist will give wise advice, suggest practical methods for solving the issue that has arisen, however, the success of the work done will depend to a decisive extent on the initiative and interest of the teacher himself, his personal efforts and desire to develop.

The work of the educator requires a constant expansion of the stock of knowledge and a set of skills.

Self-education is a conscious, active cognitive and creative activity of a teacher, aimed at enriching their professional knowledge and improving methodological methods of working with children that correspond to the current level of development of pedagogy and psychology. Outdated methods of work can hinder the harmonious development of the modern generation of children. The educator purposefully plans to master during the academic year a thematic area that causes professional difficulties for him or is a matter of deep interest.

The main areas of work to improve professional competence:

    awareness of innovations in the base of normative documentation related to the preschool educational level;

    acquaintance with educational literature and methodological recommendations;

    awareness of the latest scientific achievements in the field of pedagogical thought, developmental psychology and child physiology;

    study of modern integrated and partial programs, the latest pedagogical technologies, author's methods, as well as the best practices of other preschool institutions;

    qualitative expansion of personal educational horizons, improvement of the general cultural level.

Forms of self-education

The forms of self-education include the following activities:

    work with the library fund, reading special periodicals, monographs, creating your own thematic file cabinet;

    fruitful work with other teachers in the framework of methodological seminars, scientific conferences, psychological trainings;

    seek professional advice from training centers retraining and advanced training, at specialized departments of higher educational institutions;

    cooperation with the regional information center for psychological diagnostic and developmental techniques.

The head of a preschool organization faces the task of creating a creative atmosphere that would encourage each teacher to self-educate, arouse the desire to create, search, experiment, learn and help others. In the methodological corner, the senior educator completes the fund of specialized literature to help educators:

    periodicals are systematized by years of publication and thematic collections;

    each book from the library catalog is accompanied by an additional annotation with a list of issues that are considered by the author.

The senior educator, by virtue of his experience and competence, can provide his less experienced colleague with the following methodological and advisory assistance:

    determine the topic, specify the goals and objectives;

    plan work on self-education;

    competently present current information on the progress of the planned activities (games, classes, excursions, holidays, etc.) and actions (studying literature, consulting work with parents, preparing presentations and participating in practical seminars);

    summarize, analyze the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the work done.

The planned advanced training of a teacher takes place every five years at special courses, and in the period between courses, it becomes relevant independent work each educator, carried out under the patronage of a senior educator or methodologist of a preschool educational organization. Self-education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution must necessarily include the exchange of experience with other colleagues on issues of education and training, organization of the pedagogical process.

Key aspects of self-education

The teacher's self-education activities can be divided into certain periods to simplify planning and subsequent analysis.

Table: structural content of self-education of kindergarten teachers

Periods of activity

Actions of the educatorArea of ​​competence of the senior educator / methodologist
Awareness of internal motivation for self-education, the need to expand professional horizons and areas of competence, the definition of goals and objectives.Diagnostic research and multifaceted analysis of the teacher's activity. Conducting an individual conversation, questionnaires in order to identify the range of professional interests, creative abilities and inclinations.
PlanningChoosing a topic, determining important aspects, indicating the main stages, forms and methods of work, design perspective plan work.Consulting and methodological support on emerging issues, depending on the experience and qualifications of the teacher.
Learning activitiesAcquaintance with theoretical aspects and study of methodological literature on the chosen problem.Selection of educational and methodical literature, video recordings of master classes and classes, design of a thematic stand and exhibition with visual material.
Practical activitiesPreparation and conduct of classes, games, projects with children, production of additional didactic aids.Class attendance, diagnostics and assessment of the teacher's practical experience.
SummarizingFilling out a workbook on the theoretical preparation and experience of practical implementation, a reporting folder with data on the dynamics of results in children, organizing an exhibition of children's work, conducting a creative report or presentation. Final report at the pedagogical council, methodological seminar, conference on the exchange of experience.Advisory assistance in the preparation of the results of the work done, replenishment of the information bank teaching aids.

Tips for organizing self-education:

    it is advisable to have a special workbook and write down in it the most important innovative proposals of various educational methods, including copyright ones;

    it is desirable to opt for topics that will have practical implementation and help in solving a real educational or educational problem;

    self-education involves the formation of one's own judgments on a particular topic, so it is important to learn how to comprehensively analyze the issue under study;

    in order to detect gaps in your own knowledge in time and correct your actions, you need to seek advice and help from your colleagues.

Photo gallery: self-education workbook design (example)

Cover Subject must be indicated Substantiation of the relevance of the topic, goal setting Work plan for September Work plan for October Work plan for November Work plan for December Work plan for January Work plan for February Work plan for March Work plan for April Work plan for May List of references

Features of planning work on self-education

A specialist may encounter in self-education typical problems that arise during self-study. individual work. There are certain recommendations for their solution.

Table: possible problems in self-education and their solution

Questions that may arise

Solution Recommendations
Difficult to define and articulateIdentify a key issue that is significant to you in the short term. Diagnose critical issues monitoring of pupils, analysis of the work carried out, study of the level of formation of practical skills in children will help. At the stage of formulating the topic, take into account the legal documents (state standards, curricula).
Difficulties in choosing the necessary methodological literatureViewing the table of contents and annotations will help you quickly navigate the contents of the book, therefore, it will also help you evaluate the degree of usefulness of this source for you personally. Clearly define for yourself the range of questions to which you are looking for an answer. Start your search with more traditional methods, gradually move on to review and discussion modern technologies, in the choice of which take into account the positive experience of your colleagues.
Difficulties with comprehension of the read methodological materialUse the practice of taking notes in the form of writing down key points. In the process of work, try to systematize the information: highlight the main facts, concepts and thoughts that may be useful in practice, record your questions and comments. Use explanatory dictionaries, reference sources for understanding the meaning of unknown terms.

The problem of choosing a topic according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

For beginner educators (experience up to 5 years):

    mastering the practical skills of constructive work;

    formation of the basic level of professional skills;

    awareness of the importance and significance of the implementation of the developmental concept and individual model of education and upbringing.

For teachers with more than 5 years of experience:

    mastering design methods educational process in order to improve quality indicators within the framework of variable education;

    disclosure of creative abilities, practical application of educational and methodological knowledge.

For experienced masters of pedagogy, creatively active and looking for:

    development of professional flexibility, the ability to adjust their activities to the requirements of modern society;

    the practice of mentoring and helping young professionals;

    research work based on many years of teaching experience;

    full disclosure of creative forces and possibilities.

For non-professional teachers:

    learning the basics methodical work with kids;

    adaptation to the educational and educational process in a preschool institution.

The topic for work on self-education is developed and formalized with the cooperation of a teacher and a senior educator. The teacher can choose a topic on his own if he prepares a clear reasoned justification for its practical value and prospects. Topics can be divided into two types:

    short-term - the project is implemented within a year;

    long-term - the topic is being finalized, undergoing changes in the time period from three to five years.

Examples of the designation of the topic of self-education according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Social and communicative area:

    Advisory support of the educational activities of the family in the conditions of a preschool educational organization.

    Formation of the skills of conscious and responsible behavior in younger preschoolers based on knowledge about life safety.

    Socialization of children of middle preschool age in the course of labor activity.

    The formation of the moral qualities of the individual in children of senior preschool age in the process of patriotic education.

Artistic and aesthetic sphere:

    The formation of the aesthetic perception of the world around children of preschool age.

    Disclosure of the creative possibilities of children of middle preschool age through the development of modeling and design techniques.

    Development of skills of independence and creative freedom of self-expression in children of senior preschool age in the process of visual activity.

Area of ​​speech development:

    Activation of speech activity of younger preschoolers in the process of acquiring elementary knowledge about the natural world.

    Development of dialogue speech skills in children of middle preschool age in the process of theatrical performances.

    Speech development of older preschoolers through visual modeling.

Cognitive area:

    Formation in younger preschoolers of initial ideas about the surrounding natural world in the process of playing activity.

    Activation of cognitive activity in children of middle preschool age in the process of research activities.

    Familiarization of older preschoolers with the traditions of ethnic culture in the process of cognitive and speech activity.

Area of ​​physical development:

    The experience of healing children through breathing exercises A. N. Strelnikova.

    Practical application of the "origami" technique for the development of finger flexibility in children of primary preschool age.

    Forms and methods of health-saving activities with children of middle preschool age.

    Formation and consolidation of healthy lifestyle skills through modern gaming technologies in older preschoolers.

For senior educators and methodologists:

    Formation preschool educators professional training in the field of patriotic education of children.

    Methodological support for the artistic and aesthetic development of children in a preschool educational organization.

    Methodological substantiation of the introduction of effective educational technologies in a preschool institution in the conditions of existing educational standards.

    Modeling the developing environment of a preschool educational organization in the context of modernizing the content of preschool education and upbringing.

Table: "The formation of patriotic feelings among preschoolers" (an example of an annual program plan)

ChapterTimingThe content of the workpractical outputs
The study of methodological literatureSeptember - May1. Zatsepina M.B. Days of military glory. Patriotic education of preschool children.
2. Kozlova S.A. "Theory and methods of familiarizing preschoolers with social reality."
3. Sukhomlinsky V. A. "How to raise a real person."
At the discretion of the teacher.
Work with childrenSeptemberMaking a corner in the kindergarten group "My Motherland - Russia".
Excursions around the native city.
Selection of didactic games on patriotic education.
Stand "My Motherland - Russia".
Card file of games.
OctoberConversation on the topic "The street where I live"Exhibition of drawings "Streets of our city".
NovemberFamiliarization with the symbols of Russia, native city, region.
Excursion to the local history museum of the city.
Exhibition of works of children's creativity.
JanuaryAcquaintance with the customs and traditions of the Russian people.Collective design of the book "Russian Folk Art".
FebruaryDirectly educational activity "The main holidays of Russia".
Preparation and holding of the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day".
Sports holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.
MarchConversations “My mother is the best in the world”, “What can my grandmother do?”Exhibition of children's works "Mother's portrait".
AprilShort-term project "Cosmos"Quiz "What do you know about space."
Exhibition of works of children's creativity "Space through the eyes of children."
MayExcursion to the memorial of military glory, dedicated to the Victory Day.Matinee dedicated to Victory Day.
September - MayReading fiction to children about the nature of Russia, their native land, about the war, about other historical events.At the discretion of the teacher.
Family workSeptemberConsultation "Where to go on weekends with a child?"Photo exhibition "My favorite place in the city".
OctoberConsultation "Education of a small citizen".At the discretion of the teacher.
NovemberDesign of the album "History of our city".Album "History of our city".
FebruaryAt the discretion of the teacher.Collage "My dad (grandfather) served in the army."
MarchAt the discretion of the teacher.Exhibition of works made by grandmothers and mothers of pupils.
AprilWork on the improvement of the territory of the kindergarten.Campaign "Plant a tree".
MayConsultation "Education of patriotic feelings in a preschooler."At the discretion of the teacher.
Self-realizationJanuaryDisplay of an open event.Entertainment "Games of our grandmothers."
MayReport on the topic of self-education.Speech at the teachers' council.

Report on the work done and the release of the topic

At the end of the academic year, each teacher fills out reporting documents on the theoretical part and practical testing of the topic and makes a report at the teachers' council. The teacher must indicate the chosen topic and the purpose of the work.

The report should also cover the following issues:

    improvement of professional skills and abilities;

    literature study pedagogical profile and teaching aids on the topic;

    practice of introducing innovative methods of pedagogical work;

    preparation of abstracts and abstracts;

    holding a master class or a thematic seminar;

    analysis of the work done, generalization and systematization of conclusions.

Master classes, open classes, methodological developments- all this can also serve as the basis for reporting.

Video: "The magic droplet" (open show: lesson on experimental activities in the middle group)

It shows an integrated approach to organizing a children's educational event in the younger group of kindergarten.

Video: educational games by V. V. Voskobovich, master class of a teacher-psychologist

The stock of gaming methods and techniques of the teacher should be constantly replenished with new developments. Proven tools also work better when they are reviewed from time to time and combined with new elements.

Master class on making a sliding folder

  1. We prepare the following materials: box cardboard, wallpaper (size 25cm * 32cm), 4 pieces, fabric for pasting the edges, PVA glue, 4 files, double-sided tape for attaching files.

    Cover the table with film or newspapers before starting work

  2. From cardboard we cut out 4 blanks with a size of 28cm * 36cm, from the wallpaper we cut out 4 parts (you can use 8 if the folder is double-sided) with a size of 25cm * 32cm. We cut the fabric into strips of 7 pcs. 36cm*5cm and 2 pcs. 115cm*5cm.

    All parts must be carefully crafted.

  3. First, we connect our sheets of cardboard, for this we glue the joints with a cloth, leaving a gap of about 1 cm between the sheets of cardboard.

    Folders of other sizes can be made in the same way.

Video: development of constructive and creative abilities by means of artistic design using the "Origami" technique (creative report on self-education)

The development of creative and cognitive activity in children with the help of various exercises and manipulations with paper is widely used by modern teachers.

Self-diagnosis test: self-interest in self-development

Mark the statements that are true for you:

  1. I try to explore my interests and needs.
  2. I strive to work on myself, despite being busy.
  3. I read a lot.
  4. I pay attention to the opinion of others about me, feedback is important to me.
  5. I reflect on my life experiences and feelings.
  6. I reflect on my work by devoting special time to it.
  7. The obstacles that arise stimulate me to look for a way out of the situation.
  8. I openly discuss topics that interest me, listen to authoritative opinion.
  9. I try to keep faith in my strengths and capabilities.
  10. I analyze the influence of the people around me on my personality.
  11. I try to achieve positive results in my work.
  12. I like to study and learn new things.
  13. Increasing responsibility does not depress me.
  14. I have a positive attitude towards career growth.

Result: most of the positive answers give reason to conclude that you are ready for conscious work on self-improvement.

Professional self-improvement is not limited to the formal filling of reports, preparation of reports, design of exhibitions and demonstration stands. The meaning of multifaceted work on self-education is to reveal the creative abilities of the educator, to give an incentive to improve his level of skill and develop personal qualities. An expert in his field, with a bright personality, will always arouse interest among pupils and serve as an authority for parents.