The grumpy wife filmstrip Armenian fairy tale. The Grumpy Wife - Angolan folk tale

There lived a husband and wife. In addition to common children, each also had children born in the first marriage. Despite the fact that the husband did everything that a man is supposed to do, his wife was always unhappy with him and constantly grumbled:
“You don’t fit anywhere. You don't know how to do anything that other men do! You are good for nothing! You are not a husband, you are not a man!
Why am I not the husband? Why am I not a man? What are other men doing that I couldn't do? They go to the river to fish, they go down the river in a canoe, and I also go in a canoe, and I also fish! They set traps and I set traps too! They cultivate the land and I cultivate the land. They raise pigs and chickens, and so do I. I also know how to trade in the market, like everyone else! Everyone sleeps with their wives, and we sleep with you! And you get pregnant from me just like women get pregnant from their husbands! Everyone has children and I have children! What, after all, can other men do that I wouldn't know how to do? one day her husband asked her indignantly.
- Ayue! Leave me alone, you're no good for anything!
And so many times he heard these unjust accusations that he finally decided to seek advice from the assembly of elders, who usually conferred under a tree near the chief's dwelling. Here people rested, here the elders gathered for advice.
And so, as usual, the elders gathered, the leader came, and many more ordinary people fled. People are always curious.
“You, chiefs and elders, old people and young people, you who are both tall and short, among whom there are fat and thin, you who may be my older brothers or my younger brothers, let me ask you a question. . Can I say whatever I want?
And several voices answered:
- Say whatever you want!
- Well, I'll say whatever I want! If one person constantly says to another: “You are no good! You can't do anything! You can’t do anything! ”, What do you think: should the other person endure all this?
- No, such words offend a person! one of the men said.
And several voices supported him:
- You can say whatever you want! We are listening! Then one of the elders asked:
“Listen, is this conversation between two men, between two women, or between a man and a woman?”
“Not just between a man and a woman, but between a husband and wife.
And who are these man and woman?
This man is me and this woman is my wife.
- Ah ah ah! Then all this should be decided by the elders and the leader himself.
- Come on, tell me everything in detail! - confirmed one of the advisers to the leader.
“Listen, elders and councilors, people old and young, tall and short, fat and thin, this woman constantly tells me: “You are not a man! You're good for nothing! You can’t do anything that other men do!” But I canoe with others, I fish as well as others, I set traps as well as others. Everyone cultivates the earth, and I cultivate the earth. Everyone raises pigs and chickens, and I breed. Everyone trades in the market, and I trade. Well, of course, sometimes better, sometimes worse, that's understandable. When I met her, I already had children, just like her. But then we still had children together. And we sleep together, and she gets pregnant from me. In a word, I do everything that other men do. Why does she always scold me? Why does she reproach me for not being able to do anything that other men do?
- Listen! one of the elders decided. “Your wife probably wants you to get a talisman!” Then she will calm down! - And, turning to the leader, he asked: - Tell me, most respected, am I right or wrong?
- That's right. Let this man receive a talisman, and then his wife will calm down, - the leader confirmed.
And the man followed their advice. He went to the sorcerer with a request to give him a good, faithful talisman.
Why do you need a talisman? What has happened with you? the sorcerer asked. - I need to know who the talisman should act against, who will become its victim.
And the man repeated his story again. As the wife insists: “You are not a man! You're good for nothing! You don’t know how to do anything that other men do! ”, And explained to the sorcerer that he did everything like other men: he caught fish, and set traps, and cultivated the land, and gave birth to children ...
- Good. I got it. I will give you a talisman. But his victim will not be your son, born of another woman, not the son, born by her from you. The victim of witchcraft will be her eldest daughter or her eldest grandson. This is so that she finally understands that she was wrong, that you can do anything! Go home. Here's a talisman for you.
The man returned home and did not say a word to anyone.
And a few days later, when the eldest grandson of a quarrelsome wife, along with other children, was eating akazhu fruits, a grain fell into his throat. He choked, coughed and died.
They began to find out the cause of the boy's death, and found out that the grandfather was to blame for everything.
All relatives - both mother and father - gathered and began to discuss what had happened.
- Although the child died due to the fault of the grandfather, but the grandfather is right! they all announced together. “He has endured humiliation at the hands of his wife for too long. You can't offend good man.
So the husband proved to his wife that he can do anything.

There lived a husband and wife. In addition to common children, each also had children born in the first marriage. Despite the fact that the husband did everything that a man is supposed to do, his wife was always unhappy with him and constantly grumbled:
“You don’t fit anywhere. You don't know how to do anything that other men do! You are good for nothing! You are not a husband, you are not a man!
Why am I not the husband? Why am I not a man? What are other men doing that I couldn't do? They go to the river to fish, they go down the river in a canoe, and I also go in a canoe, and I also fish! They set traps and I set traps too! They cultivate the land and I cultivate the land. They raise pigs and chickens, and so do I. I also know how to trade in the market, like everyone else! Everyone sleeps with their wives, and we sleep with you! And you get pregnant from me just like women get pregnant from their husbands! Everyone has children and I have children! What, after all, can other men do that I wouldn't know how to do? one day her husband asked her indignantly.
- Ayue! Leave me alone, you're no good for anything!
And so many times he heard these unjust accusations that he finally decided to seek advice from the assembly of elders, who usually conferred under a tree near the chief's dwelling. Here people rested, here the elders gathered for advice.
And so, as usual, the elders gathered, the leader came, and many more ordinary people fled. People are always curious.
“You, chiefs and elders, old people and young people, you who are both tall and short, among whom there are fat and thin, you who may be my older brothers or my younger brothers, let me ask you a question. . Can I say whatever I want?
And several voices answered:
- Say whatever you want!
- Well, I'll say whatever I want! If one person constantly says to another: “You are no good! You can't do anything! You can’t do anything! ”, What do you think: should the other person endure all this?
- No, such words offend a person! one of the men said.
And several voices supported him:
- You can say whatever you want! We are listening! Then one of the elders asked:
“Listen, is this conversation between two men, between two women, or between a man and a woman?”
“Not just between a man and a woman, but between a husband and wife.
And who are these man and woman?
This man is me and this woman is my wife.
- Ah ah ah! Then all this should be decided by the elders and the leader himself.
- Come on, tell me everything in detail! - confirmed one of the advisers to the leader.
“Listen, elders and councilors, people old and young, tall and short, fat and thin, this woman constantly tells me: “You are not a man! You're good for nothing! You can’t do anything that other men do!” But I canoe with others, I fish as well as others, I set traps as well as others. Everyone cultivates the earth, and I cultivate the earth. Everyone raises pigs and chickens, and I breed. Everyone trades in the market, and I trade. Well, of course, sometimes better, sometimes worse, that's understandable. When I met her, I already had children, just like her. But then we still had children together. And we sleep together, and she gets pregnant from me. In a word, I do everything that other men do. Why does she always scold me? Why does she reproach me for not being able to do anything that other men do?
- Listen! one of the elders decided. “Your wife probably wants you to get a talisman!” Then she will calm down! - And, turning to the leader, he asked: - Tell me, most respected, am I right or wrong?
- That's right. Let this man receive a talisman, and then his wife will calm down, - the leader confirmed.
And the man followed their advice. He went to the sorcerer with a request to give him a good, faithful talisman.
Why do you need a talisman? What has happened with you? the sorcerer asked. - I need to know who the talisman should act against, who will become its victim.
And the man repeated his story again. As the wife insists: “You are not a man! You're good for nothing! You don’t know how to do anything that other men do! ”, And explained to the sorcerer that he did everything like other men: he caught fish, and set traps, and cultivated the land, and gave birth to children ...
- Good. I got it. I will give you a talisman. But his victim will not be your son, born of another woman, not the son, born by her from you. The victim of witchcraft will be her eldest daughter or her eldest grandson. This is so that she finally understands that she was wrong, that you can do anything! Go home. Here's a talisman for you.
The man returned home and did not say a word to anyone.
And a few days later, when the eldest grandson of a quarrelsome wife, along with other children, was eating akazhu fruits, a grain fell into his throat. He choked, coughed and died.
They began to find out the cause of the boy's death, and found out that the grandfather was to blame for everything.
All relatives - both mother and father - gathered and began to discuss what had happened.
- Although the child died due to the fault of the grandfather, but the grandfather is right! they all announced together. “He has endured humiliation at the hands of his wife for too long. You can't hurt a good person.
So the husband proved to his wife that he can do anything.

grumpy wife

Typykhkan married a girl from a distant camp. He brought his young wife to his yaranga, and they began to live together. At first they lived well, together, and then the wife became capricious.
- It's almost a year since you brought me from the tundra, but what good did I see in you? It's high time to have a bear!
- The time will come - and there will be bears, - the husband says.
And the wife again:
- people have spacious yarangas, but we don’t have yaranga - a mouse hole!
- The time will come - and we will have a spacious one. But the wife is not appeased:
- What are my clothes? Look at other women!
- Wait, Tygrena, you will be even better. His wife:
- If there was a good husband, everything would be long ago! He sees Typykhkan, you can’t argue with his wife, he took a gun,
went hunting. For three days he did not come home, on the fourth he came a little light.
- Here, wife, bear skins ...
The wife took the skins, ran her hand over the fur and threw them into a corner:
- A neighbor sleeps on arctic foxes, and you want to surprise me with bears!
Typykhkan said nothing, had supper and went to bed. And in the morning a little light again set off. For five days he didn’t show up - on the sixth he showed up:
- Here you are, wife, fox skins!
Tigran looked at the skins, sparks lit up in her eyes. "Well, - thinks Typykhkan, - finally pleased." And the wife didn’t even say thank you, she just muttered something under her breath.
Made Tigran a rich bed. Kerker * sewed, trimmed with ermine. But again she is dissatisfied:
- Look at our fat pan: no heat, no light from it ... It has long been necessary to change it!
Typykhkan took the oil pan, went to the seashore and cleaned the oil pan with sand. And when he comes back he says:
- Here's a new fat man for you, wife.
- Quite another matter! Everything you need to be prompted ... But he himself, like a walrus, does not think about anything!
And again Tygrena was so dispersed that her husband listened and listened to her and jumped out of the yaranga.
For three days Typykhkan walked along the hummocks and only on the fourth day he shot a seal. Tired, hungry, he barely made it home:
- I'm exhausted, Tygrena... Take the seal, cook the liver.
The wife didn't even move.
- People eat reindeer meat, and you thought of feeding me stinking liver?
Before Typykhkan had time to come to his senses, she grabbed the seal and threw it to the dogs. Typykhkan could not stand it, shouted at his wife.
Yes, I bit my tongue. Dispersed, raged Tygrayna - nothing to appease.
The hunter is sitting, thinking how to get rid of all this. You can take a grumpy woman to the tundra, back to her father, and be done with it. But that's not what the law says. Himself to leave - people will laugh. Look, they'll say, Typykhkan's wife kicked him out...
The hunter thought for a long time and finally decided to leave the upper people as well**.
As I thought, so I did. He went to bed, closed his eyes and ... "died."
The wife was frightened - she doesn’t know what to do. Soon neighbors appeared in the yaranga, her husband's friends - St. John's wort. We looked at Typykhkan, were silent. Nothing can be done, the man died, it is necessary to bury him. They dressed Typykhkan in a new kukhlyanka, in fawn trousers, and shod them in freshly sewn baggies ***. Weapons, supplies, products were laid in a sled. Everything was done as usual. Then they hooked the sled with a long strap made of sealskin and seven of them were easily taken to a distant gorge, to the cemetery. It was a pity to part with a friend, but what can you do - you won’t revive! The hunters took out knives, cut the belt on which the sled was pulled into seven parts, and each took his part in memory of a friend.
Night fell, and the hunters hurried to the camp. But as soon as they disappeared behind the hill, the “dead man” opened his eyes, got up and, first of all, loaded his gun. It was dangerous to stay at the cemetery: hungry polar wolves often visited here. Typykhkan harnessed himself to the sled and followed the familiar path that led away from home.
Typykhkan walked for a long time through the mountains and gorges. And then the mountains ended, the tundra began. Far away - as far as the eye can see - grasses were green. Flowers bloomed. And in the big blue lake that stretched nearby, loaches splashed, birds swam.
Typykhkan took a fancy to the hillock, which is higher, dug out a dugout, covered it with moss-moss. And he went on a completely different life. During the day he hunts white partridges, collects cloudberries, and spend the night in his new house comes. Good! No matter what he does, no one will say a word to him across.
Days, weeks, months go by... Typykhkan lives peacefully, quietly, but sometimes he will remember his wife and think: "But how is she alone?" The human heart is not a stone! And he wanted to know at least something about Tigran.
Somehow Typykhkan went out to the shore of the lake, looks - a black swan swims on the water. He threw up his gun to shoot, and the swan said:
- Don't kill me... Better help heal the wound.
The hunter took pity, picked up healing herbs, squeezed the juice out of it and smeared the wound of the swan:
- Swim, get well!
Several days have passed. One morning the hunter woke up and heard the flapping of wings over the dugout. He looked out - and this is a black swan.
- Thank you, hunter, I recovered! Order everything you need!
Typykhkan rejoiced:
- Fly to the seashore to my wife Tygrena and find out what she thinks about me!
The swan flapped its wide wings, made a circle over the dugout and disappeared into the clouds. When he went down to the camp where Tygrana lived, it was already evening. The swan hit a stone and turned into a gray-haired old man.
He entered the yaranga and saw: a young woman was sitting on the skins and weeping bitterly.
What are you crying about, beautiful? asked the old man. The woman wiped her tears and began to talk about her grief.
Listened to her old people say:
- Did you have a good husband?
- Worse than the others, but still had a husband... The old man did not say a word, got up and left the yaranga.
That same evening, Typykhkan heard the flapping of wings over his dugout and hurried to meet the swan.
- Take your time, hunter, live here some more, - said the swan.
And Typykhkan did not ask why - he knew his Tygrana very well.
The short Chukchi summer was already coming to an end. Migratory birds have flown. The grasses turned yellow, the cloudberries went away, only the moss moss turned green. It's about to cover the tundra with snow.
More and more often he remembered his wife Typykhkan, more and more thought about her. And here comes the swan again.
- Order, hunter, I will do everything.
And again the swan flew to a distant camp that stood on the seashore. He turned into a gray-haired old man and entered the yaranga. She saw the old man Tygran and burst into tears so much that it was difficult to appease her.
- Probably, your husband was good, why are you crying so much? asked the old man.
- Good, not good, but it's better not to find, - and Tigrana burst into tears.
The old man rested a little, said goodbye to the hostess and left. He returned as a swan to the tundra and told the hunter about everything he had learned.
- I'll wait some more, - decided Typykhkan.
... The first snow swirled over the tundra like white fluff. There were no birds left on the lake at all, only one black swan swam in a small opening, where hot springs spouted from the bottom.
The hunter lived well. But still he was drawn to his native camp. The third time he sent a swan to the sea. And when he, turning into a gray-haired old man, entered the familiar yaranga. Tygrena was no longer crying, but sobbing. There seemed to be nothing to calm her down.
- In the whole wide world there was no such husband as mine! she wailed.
- Aren't you pretending to be soulful? asked the old man. Instead of answering, the woman sobbed even louder.
... Typykhkan returned home at night. He unharnessed the deer and cautiously entered the yaranga. Seeing him, his wife was frightened at first, then she rubbed her eyes and, making sure that this was not a dream, not a ghost, but her husband, threw herself on his neck.
They lived together until a very old age, and the wife never again started any quarrels, did not reproach her husband for anything.
Even the old greaser seemed to her the best.
How well it burns! How much warmth and light! No man would ever make such a fat man!
* Kerker - fur dress.
** Go to the top people - die.
*** Torbaza - soft boots of deer skins.

grumpy wife

Tale from the Luanda area

There lived a husband and wife. In addition to common children, each also had children born in the first marriage. Despite the fact that the husband did everything that a man is supposed to do, his wife was always unhappy with him and constantly grumbled:

You don't fit anywhere. You don't know how to do anything that other men do! You are good for nothing! You are not a husband, you are not a man!

Why am I not a husband? Why am I not a man? What are other men doing that I couldn't do? They go to the river to fish, they go down the river in a canoe, and I also go in a canoe, and I also fish! They set traps and I set traps too! They cultivate the land and I cultivate the land. They raise pigs and chickens, and so do I. I also know how to trade in the market, like everyone else! Everyone sleeps with their wives, and we sleep with you! And you get pregnant from me just like women get pregnant from their husbands! Everyone has children and I have children! What, after all, can other men do that I wouldn't know how to do? her husband once asked her indignantly.

Ayue! Leave me alone, you're no good for anything!

And so many times he heard these unjust accusations that he finally decided to seek advice from the assembly of elders, who usually conferred under a tree near the chief's dwelling. Here people rested, here the elders gathered for advice.

And so, as usual, the elders gathered, the leader came, and many more ordinary people fled. People are always curious.

You chiefs and elders, old people and young people, you who are both tall and short, among whom there are fat and thin, you who may be my older brothers or my younger brothers, let me ask you a question. Can I say whatever I want?

Say whatever you want!..

Well, I'll say whatever I want! Beli one person constantly says to another: “You are no good! You can't do anything! You can’t do anything! ”, What do you think: should the other person endure all this?

No, such words offend a person! one of the men said.

You can say whatever you want! We are listening!

Then one of the elders asked:

Listen, is this conversation between two men, between two women, or between a man and a woman?

Not just between a man and a woman, but between a husband and wife.

And who are these men and women?

This man is me and this woman is my wife.

Ah ah ah! Then all this should be decided by the elders and the leader himself.

Come on, tell me everything in detail! - confirmed one of the advisers to the leader.

Listen, elders and counselors, people old and young, tall and short, fat and thin, this woman keeps telling me, “You are not a man! You're good for nothing! You can’t do anything that other men do!” But I canoe with others, I fish as well as others, I set traps as well as others. Everyone cultivates the earth, and I cultivate the earth. Everyone raises pigs and chickens, and I breed. Everyone trades in the market, and I trade. Well, of course, sometimes better, sometimes worse, that's understandable. When I met her, I already had children, just like her. But then we still had children together. And we sleep together, and she gets pregnant from me. In a word, I do everything that other men do. Why does she always scold me? Why does she reproach me for not being able to do anything that other men do?

Listen! - decided one of the elders. - Your wife probably wants you to get a talisman! Then she will calm down! - And, turning to the leader, he asked: - Tell me, most respected, am I right or wrong?

All right. Let this man receive a talisman, and then his wife will calm down, - the leader confirmed.

And the man followed their advice. He went to the sorcerer with a request to give him a good, faithful talisman.

Why do you need a talisman? What has happened with you? - asked the sorcerer. - I need to know this, against whom the talisman should act, who will become its victim.

And the man repeated his story again. As the wife insists: “You are not a man! You're good for nothing! You don’t know how to do anything that other men do! ”, And explained to the sorcerer that he did everything like other men: he caught fish, and set traps, and cultivated the land, and gave birth to children ...

Good. I got it. I will give you a talisman. But his victim will not be your son, born of another woman, not the son, born by her from you. The victim of witchcraft will be her eldest daughter or her eldest grandson. This is so that she finally understands that she was wrong, that you can do anything! Go home. Here's a talisman for you.

The man returned home and did not say a word to anyone.

And a few days later, when the eldest grandson of a quarrelsome wife, along with other children, was eating akazhu fruits, a grain fell into his throat. He choked, coughed and died.

They began to find out the cause of the boy's death, and found out that the grandfather was to blame for everything.

All relatives - both mother and father - gathered and began to discuss what had happened.

Although the child died through the fault of the grandfather, but the grandfather is right! - announced all together. “For too long he endured humiliation from his wife. You can't hurt a good person.

So the husband proved to his wife that he can do anything.

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There lived a husband and wife. In addition to common children, each also had children born in the first marriage. Despite the fact that the husband did everything that a man is supposed to do, his wife was always unhappy with him and constantly grumbled:

“You don’t fit anywhere. You don't know how to do anything that other men do! You are good for nothing! You are not a husband, you are not a man!

Why am I not the husband? Why am I not a man? What are other men doing that I couldn't do? They go to the river to fish, they go down the river in a canoe, and I also go in a canoe, and I also fish! They set traps and I set traps too! They cultivate the land and I cultivate the land. They raise pigs and chickens, and so do I. I also know how to trade in the market, like everyone else! Everyone sleeps with their wives, and we sleep with you! And you get pregnant from me just like women get pregnant from their husbands! Everyone has children and I have children! What, after all, can other men do that I wouldn't know how to do? one day her husband asked her indignantly.

- Ayue! Leave me alone, you're no good for anything!

And so many times he heard these unjust accusations that he finally decided to seek advice from the assembly of elders, who usually conferred under a tree near the chief's dwelling. Here people rested, here the elders gathered for advice.

And so, as usual, the elders gathered, the leader came, and many more ordinary people fled. People are always curious.

“You, chiefs and elders, old people and young people, you who are both tall and short, among whom there are fat and thin, you who may be my older brothers or my younger brothers, let me ask you a question. . Can I say whatever I want?

- Say whatever you want!

- Well, I'll say whatever I want! If one person constantly says to another: “You are no good! You can't do anything! You can’t do anything! ”, What do you think: should the other person endure all this?

- No, such words offend a person! one of the men said.

- You can say whatever you want! We are listening! Then one of the elders asked:

“Listen, is this conversation between two men, between two women, or between a man and a woman?”

“Not just between a man and a woman, but between a husband and wife.

And who are these man and woman?

This man is me and this woman is my wife.

- Ah ah ah! Then all this should be decided by the elders and the leader himself.

- Come on, tell me everything in detail! - confirmed one of the advisers to the leader.

“Listen, elders and councilors, people old and young, tall and short, fat and thin, this woman constantly tells me: “You are not a man! You're good for nothing! You can’t do anything that other men do!” But I canoe with others, I fish as well as others, I set traps as well as others. Everyone cultivates the earth, and I cultivate the earth. Everyone raises pigs and chickens, and I breed. Everyone trades in the market, and I trade. Well, of course, sometimes better, sometimes worse, that's understandable. When I met her, I already had children, just like her. But then we still had children together. And we sleep together, and she gets pregnant from me. In a word, I do everything that other men do. Why does she always scold me? Why does she reproach me for not being able to do anything that other men do?

- Listen! one of the elders decided. “Your wife probably wants you to get a talisman!” Then she will calm down! - And, turning to the leader, he asked: - Tell me, most respected, am I right or wrong?

- That's right. Let this man receive a talisman, and then his wife will calm down, - the leader confirmed.

And the man followed their advice. He went to the sorcerer with a request to give him a good, faithful talisman.

Why do you need a talisman? What has happened with you? the sorcerer asked. - I need to know who the talisman should act against, who will become its victim.

And the man repeated his story again. As the wife insists: “You are not a man! You're good for nothing! You don’t know how to do anything that other men do! ”, And explained to the sorcerer that he did everything like other men: he caught fish, and set traps, and cultivated the land, and gave birth to children ...

- Good. I got it. I will give you a talisman. But his victim will not be your son, born of another woman, not the son, born by her from you. The victim of witchcraft will be her eldest daughter or her eldest grandson. This is so that she finally understands that she was wrong, that you can do anything!