Is it good to drink instant coffee? Instant coffee - the benefits and harms, the basic rules for choosing a drink

  • 20.01.2018 18:00
  • 2655

More than half of the total amount of coffee that is drunk in the world annually is an instant drink. And people are constantly discussing whether it is harmful or not. They are interested in such questions as: what is the composition of this product, what is the technology of its manufacture, who and why should not drink it. Learn more about this type of coffee below.

How is instant coffee made and what is it?

It is important to note that this is a drink made from coffee beans, which, with the help of various technological processes, are transformed into a substance that is soluble in water. Instant coffee can be in the form of granules or powder. After adding boiling water, a drink is obtained that, in all respects, is similar to coffee beans. It is important to note that some manufacturers of instant coffee, in addition to dehydration, also carry out decaffeination - reducing the caffeine content.

According to the technology of making the drink, coffee beans are first carefully roasted, crushed and doused with hot water. The resulting concentrated drink must be dried. For this process, choose one of several popular methods:

  1. Freeze dry. After processing, freeze-dried or frozen coffee is obtained. It is made using the freeze-drying process. Cold processed coffee crystals are completely dehydrated by sublimation in a vacuum space. This complex process perfectly preserves the components of the extract. However, due to the heavy and energy-intensive processing method, it is much more expensive than other types of instant coffee drink.
  2. Spray dry. This is a popular powdered coffee, which is obtained using the "spray drying" method. Coffee extract is carefully sprayed in a stream of hot air. As a result, it dries up and we get coffee powder.
  3. Aggregation. Thanks to this method, granulated or agglomerated coffee, popular all over the world, is obtained. It is important to note that it is made using the spray drying method with aggregation. This unique process is the wetting of coffee powder in order to subsequently obtain granulated coffee.

It is important to note that there is at least one instant coffee manufacturer that offers customers a product in the form of a concentrated liquid that can be used to make coffee.

What is the calorie content and BJU of instant coffee?

Nutritional value of instant coffee

How much coffee is in instant coffee and does it have caffeine?

Often, instant coffee is preferred to grain coffee for quite objective reasons. And it's not just the cost, but also the amount of caffeine. Some people mistakenly believe that there is much less of it in granulated or powder coffee, therefore, it is healthier. But this is by no means the case. The thing is that it is in the drink in question that there is as much of this substance as in natural grain. For comparison: if freshly brewed coffee has about 90 mg per 100 ml, then instant coffee has about 68 mg.

However, the brewed drink may even have less caffeine, because if you cook it in a Turk quickly and bring it to a boil once, then the concentration of this substance will be less high. But when brought to a boil about two times, the coffee turns out to be more saturated, aromatic and, accordingly, harmful.

In all parameters and properties, caffeine is a rather complex substance that can have the most negative impact on the general condition of a person. It activates the nervous system, gives vigor, but, despite this, it is capable of provoking the occurrence of arterial hypertension. Despite this, coffee is indicated for hypotensive patients, as it is famous for its ability to influence low blood pressure readings.

This delicious drink is also able to improve mood due to the serotonin contained in its composition. This substance is also called the "hormone of happiness." It is not recommended to abuse coffee, as more than two cups a day can provoke caffeine addiction. And with a complete rejection of the drink, the body will be in the so-called state of withdrawal. During this period, a person feels apathy and aggression, lethargy and drowsiness. In addition, headaches may appear.

Instant coffee contains a fairly large amount of caffeine and various dyes. But manufacturers of a cheaper product do save on it and try to replace natural coffee with other components. It should be noted that the natural product does not contain any preservatives or flavors.

One of the most detrimental effects on the body is an increase in the acidity of the stomach. It is for this reason that doctors forbid this drink to their patients who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you drink it wisely, then you can, on the contrary, improve the performance of the stomach and intestines. Some overweight women believe in its ability to speed up metabolism, which helps to get rid of centimeters at the waist and hips. But experts from the field of beauty argue that excessive consumption of coffee reduces skin tone, causing it to become flabby and cellulite forms on it.

It also leaches an impressive amount of vitamins, nutrients from the human body, and it also loses vital water. If a person constantly drinks this drink for five years or more, he becomes completely dependent on it. His skin also becomes dull, dehydrated and painful.

Advice. In order not to get an unwanted dependence on coffee, doctors recommend drinking no more than one cup a day.

Freeze-dried and instant coffee: what is the difference between them?

At the moment, you can find several varieties of instant coffee in supermarkets. This is a drink in the form of a powder, granules and a freeze-dried variety. The last one is the most expensive. It can be recognized by compressed, slightly shining particles. This type of drink retains all the qualities of coffee beans.

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Powdered coffeeGranulated coffeeFreeze-dried coffee

Minimum cost

average cost

High price
To create it, coffee beans are carefully ground. Under the influence of vacuum, moisture passes through them, after which they are dried. Coffee turns to powderPowdered coffee is moistened with steam. The grains are collected into granules. This manufacturing technique helps the drink dissolve better. But, unfortunately, the taste and aroma of it is not very attractive.The coffee is ground to a fine powder. Then it is frozen with water. Further, using special equipment, they are separated from the liquid. After that, so-called coffee bars are obtained, which are ground again
The aroma is mildTaste and aroma worse than other typesThe taste and aroma are preserved, so this type does not require the addition of dyes and flavors.

Is instant coffee harmful to the body?

To understand the negative aspects of this unique drink, it is necessary to speak from two main aspects: psychological and physical. It is important to note that with regular use of instant coffee, addiction to it occurs. For many, this drink is associated with rest, relaxation, pleasure, so when you stop using it, a person experiences complete dissatisfaction. And this signals that a person has a certain dependence on coffee. That is why, in order to fill this void, a person begins to drink more and more. Over the years, the current situation is radically aggravated - in the morning it is difficult for him to wake up and refuse another cup of aromatic drink. A little later, certain physical health problems begin to be traced.

All varieties of instant coffee are dangerous enemies of all organs and systems of the body. First of all, the vulnerable nervous system suffers. Some medical professionals claim that coffee really provokes an addiction similar to a drug one. A person is not able to start working without a cup of invigorating drink, he becomes irritable, aggressive. There are pronounced deviations in behavior. Over time, without getting another dose of coffee, he falls into a serious condition called depression.

As for the health of internal organs, many people know that the type of coffee in question is able to oxidize the body. Subsequently, certain diseases of the stomach, liver, pancreas and intestines appear. A person can get diseases such as gastritis and ulcers. Among other things, the drink negatively affects the condition of the gallbladder. Also, experts do not advise drinking coffee on an empty stomach. Because of this, intoxication of the body may appear. In order for instant coffee to do no harm, you need to drink it after eating.

Do not forget that this product is able to dehydrate the body. The drink has a strong diuretic effect. Even against the background of the constant use of the drink, calcium is washed out from the human skeleton. Doctors recommend drinking a glass of clean water about ten minutes after a cup of coffee.

Everyone knows that coffee, especially instant coffee, should not be drunk by those who have problems with the heart and blood vessels. It is also especially harmful if you drink it at the same time as smoking a cigarette or other tobacco product.

In fact, which coffee is healthier: ground or instant, and how do they differ?

Many people think that natural ground coffee is healthier. But is this true, let's see a comparison of these drinks in the table:

Ground coffee
Instant coffee
It is made from whole coffee beans. If you wish, you can purchase beans and grind coffee yourself. In addition to the grains themselves, the composition of the drink may contain flavors.It contains only 15% grains. The rest is stabilizers, dyes, flavors and other chemical additives. For its manufacture, the most inexpensive grains are used.
It contains more fatty acids, which are an excellent prophylactic that prevents the appearance of cancer cells. It contains about 115 mg of potassiumPotassium in this drink is about 69 mg
Magnesium, which is part of the product, allows the vessels to narrow and expand, thereby normalizing blood pressure. Its content in the drink is 7 mgMagnesium in this type of coffee is about 6 mg
Contains antioxidants that slow down the aging process and keep the skin young and freshIt has preservatives that negatively affect the metabolism inside the cells. Cellulite appears due to the regular use of this drink.
There are about three hundred trace elements and vitamin PP, without which the normal course of redox processes is impossible. Another product is good for hair and skinIn this coffee, all the vitamins are boiled down and eliminated, they simply do not exist.

From this information, we can conclude that ground coffee is much more useful, since it retains all the beneficial substances and vitamins.

Advice. Some brands of elite instant coffee boast the preservation of vitamins, minerals and some useful substances in its composition. This is due to the use of special technologies. But, such coffee is even more expensive than ground coffee and cannot be found in our supermarkets.

Can I drink expired instant coffee? Drink expiration date

Many people wonder how and for how long instant coffee can be stored. The question still remains: is it possible to drink an expired drink and what consequences this can lead to.

The duration of storage of instant coffee directly depends on the type and conditions. With this type of drink, things are much better. Usually, average term storage of instant coffee is two years. This is due to the fact that during its manufacture, the product is processed by using high temperatures ny modes. Moreover, an impressive percentage of the oils present in natural coffee simply disappears from the drink during the manufacturing process.

It is important to note that the natural components in the product in question are replaced by analogues of chemical origin. But, nevertheless, the opened package should not be stored longer than 20 days. During this time period, all components that are natural simply disappear from the coffee. You can increase the shelf life by moving the drink into a special hermetically sealed container. In such a container, it can be stored for 90 days.

Instant coffee with milk: the benefits and harms of a popular drink

There are several ways to prepare instant coffee with milk. Moreover, it is the recipe that can affect the benefit or harm of the drink.

It should be noted that the benefits of coffee with milk will be greater if you drink it without sugar. It is in this component that the harm that it can cause to the human body lies. In other words, two natural products: coffee and milk cannot harm health. It is for this reason that this drink can be considered useful.

It is recommended to drink for people who suffer from low blood pressure. In addition, it will help to quickly restore strength and feel a surge of vigor. Caffeine has the ability to flush out calcium from the body, but milk will help restore its balance. For this reason, the combination of these products is called very successful.

As for the harm of the drink, coffee can negatively affect the performance and condition of the heart and blood vessels. It is not recommended to abuse coffee. It is also forbidden to use it for people who have lactose intolerance.

Can instant coffee be pregnant or not?

As noted earlier, some experts classify coffee as a drug because it is addictive. Women in an interesting position only endanger their lives when they decide to drink a cup of aromatic drink. In addition, the life of the fetus at this moment is also at risk.

Constant coffee consumption leads to a lot of problems. It leaches calcium from the body of the fetus, which prevents the formation of its musculoskeletal system. But the negative impact of the drink can provoke the appearance of complications in the mental development of the unborn child.

Few people know, but in an instant drink there is a high concentration of benzopyrene resins. And this, as you know, increases the risk of miscarriage.

Advice. We must not forget that any instant coffee, even from the elite category, can cause irreparable harm to the unborn child. Therefore, do not put his life in danger.

The main symptoms of an allergy to instant coffee

Intolerance to caffeine and other components of instant coffee deserves special attention. Many people don't even know they have an intolerance. this product. Therefore, they do not exclude it from their own diet. Allergies can appear both spontaneously and manifest constantly. The only way out of a situation where an allergy to this drink has been diagnosed is to completely refuse it.

As for the symptoms, it resembles a reaction to certain foods. Among the most common signs of intolerance to this product are the following:

  • the appearance of itchy spots on the skin, urticaria;
  • shortness of breath, cough, sneezing;
  • bloating, hiccups, digestive problems.

Among other things, an allergic reaction can manifest itself in the form of an unpleasant chill, pain in the heart muscle, migraine. Even in the presence of an irritant, a person can even react to the smell of coffee: as a rule, he sneezes, chokes him. It is these symptoms that are quite alarming. It is very important to pay attention to them, as this can be quite an alarming sign. If you experience a strange reaction to the drink, you must stop drinking it and contact your personal doctor. He will prescribe special anti-allergic drugs that will relieve the symptoms of the disease. We should not forget that there is no cure for coffee intolerance.

It should be noted that an allergy to a product such as instant coffee can occur quite suddenly and be taken by surprise. Moreover, it does not happen once. It may become a recurring phenomenon. Usually manifestations of intolerance are directly dependent on the variety and type of coffee. It is the instant drink that provokes the most severe allergic reactions. After its use, blisters, flaky spots, rashes, and redness may appear on the skin. They usually appear on the face and head. Often, patients note swelling, severe pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, and shortness of breath. These symptoms indicate the appearance of allergic gastroenteritis. In more severe and dangerous cases, an allergic reaction to instant coffee is accompanied by fever, fever, and Quincke's edema.

A person may experience allergy symptoms not due to a component such as caffeine, but due to the presence of impurities, dyes, flavors and other chemical components in the drink. Abuse of instant coffee can cause serious problems with the gallbladder.

Often people have an aversion to the smell of the drink. Moreover, it can provoke not only nausea, but also vomiting.

Advice. If an allergy occurs, you need to start taking strong antihistamines. An allergic patient should always have Suprastin on hand. After that, it is recommended to contact your doctor.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have instant coffee?

Caffeine is harmful to newborns, so it should not enter their body along with mother's milk. This is due to the fact that the internal organs of the child are simply not able to absorb this substance. It is for this reason that you can get a lot of problems. But, this applies only to those cases when newly-made mothers abuse this drink.

With moderate coffee consumption, there will be no problems. Among other things, a substance called caffeine is found not only in drinks, but also in foods such as chocolate, black and green tea. Moreover, it is green tea that has more caffeine than coffee. But, nevertheless, lactation is not a reason for abandoning it.

Unfortunately, when drinking coffee while breastfeeding, there is a possibility of allergies in the baby. It is important to carefully monitor the condition of the child, especially in the first hours after feeding.

Coffee for a nursing mother should be only of high quality and natural. If you prefer an instant drink, then it should not be cheap. Powdered and granulated coffee is not recommended at all for obvious reasons. If this rule is neglected, then the life and health of the baby can be seriously endangered. The consequence of drinking low-grade coffee can be: a severe allergic reaction, itching and hives in a baby.

It is advisable to refuse this drink in order to completely eliminate the likelihood of undesirable consequences.

From this article we can conclude that it is better to give preference to natural coffee. It is advisable to simply buy grains and grind them yourself. Only in this case, you can be sure of the quality and benefits of this product. But instant coffee should be completely abandoned. It contains a minimum percentage of natural grains, instead of which there are dyes and flavors that can harm the body and provoke a severe allergic reaction. As can be understood from all the information above, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should completely abandon any kind of coffee.

For many men and women, the favorite morning drink is freeze-dried or ordinary instant coffee, whose benefits and harms to the body will be discussed in this article. In composition and properties, these drinks differ from grain. They contain no more than 20% of grains, and the rest of the volume is occupied by dyes and flavors that allow coffee to become like grain, so the benefits of instant coffee are lower than natural ones.

Vitamins and minerals included

There are two types of coffee for instant preparation, differing in the harvesting method - regular and freeze-dried. The first is prepared from ground coffee beans dried with steam. Sublimated (frozen) powder differs from the usual method of harvesting. It is freeze dried. Such a powder has lower acidity and retains more substances from the grains. However, since the process of its preparation is more expensive, such coffee costs more. A high-quality frozen product contains some substances useful for the human body that are present in the grain:

  • Vitamin PP (26.49 mg) has a positive effect on the nervous system and stimulates the brain, as it expands the blood vessels in the brain and contributes to better oxygen saturation. Also in the body of men and women, it is involved in the processes of splitting fats and carbohydrates, contributing to their conversion into energy, which is then spent on physical activity, breathing, maintaining body temperature;
  • Vitamin B2 (1 mg) is also involved in the conversion of fats, carbohydrates and proteins into energy necessary to maintain the body's vital functions. It is indicated for pregnant women, as it stimulates tissue growth and cell division in the fetus.

Also in the composition of freeze-dried coffee there are minerals contained in natural:

  1. Phosphorus (250 mg) is part of bone tissue, useful for men and women in that it helps to increase bone density, reduce their porosity;
  2. Calcium (100) - the main substance necessary for the formation of bone tissue and ensuring its integrity, reduces the fragility of bones, teeth and nails;
  3. Iron (6.1), when it enters the human body, combines with oxygen molecules, forming hemoglobin, which is good for people suffering from anemia (low iron in the body, low hemoglobin);
  4. Sodium (3) is an ion of the intercellular fluid, which, due to its positive charge, creates the pressure in it necessary to transport nutrients to the cells.

The benefits and harms of instant coffee for a person are no less than natural. For example, the amount of caffeine in these drinks is approximately the same - in natural 80 mg per cup, in freeze-dried - 60 mg. However, it is impossible to say which of them is more useful based on these data. Despite a slightly lower caffeine content, instant coffee, whose benefits and harms are described below, has a negative effect on several organ systems: the nervous system due to the content of caffeine, gastrointestinal tract due to high acidity (which can be reduced by adding milk.

Use with milk

The freeze-dried product contains acids (0.418 g of fatty acids and 5.825 g of amino acids per 100 g of powder). This is due to its property to increase the acidity of gastric juice. As a result, heartburn may occur. Also, acids in freeze-dried coffee aggressively affect tooth enamel, dissolving it, causing it to become thinner, which is harmful, because it leads to increased tooth sensitivity.

Milk has an alkaline environment, which allows you to neutralize acids and significantly reduce their aggressiveness. By adding some milk (soy or regular), you can reduce the acidity of coffee than prevent heartburn and reduce damage to tooth enamel.

When consumed with milk, the teeth will also stain less. Manufacturers need to add dyes to the sublimated product so that the finished drink has the same color as the natural one. Whatever brand is chosen (even high-quality and expensive), it will still contain dyes. These dyes stain the enamel of the teeth, which can be a serious problem for men and women who drink strong coffee daily.

The addition of milk makes the drink lighter and partially neutralizes the dye. Thus, if you drink the product with milk, the enamel will stain less. However, the method cannot completely remove this effect, therefore it is recommended to brush your teeth after use.


In order to find out whether instant coffee is harmful, with or without milk, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and the harm that it can cause to the body. The content of caffeine explains the property of the product (regardless of whether it is ground or freeze-dried) to increase blood pressure (the use of caffeine leads to vasoconstriction). For this reason, it is contraindicated in hypertensive patients (people suffering from increased blood pressure). It should not be used by men over 35 years old, because they are at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Important! However, due to its ability to increase blood pressure, it is relatively useful for hypotensive patients (people suffering from low blood pressure).

The second thing that instant coffee is harmful is the content of acids in it. The property causes an increase in the acidity in the oral cavity, the acidity of saliva and gastric juice. This leads to the destruction of tooth enamel. The harm is reduced if you rinse your teeth with water after drinking the drink.

An increase in the acidity of the gastric juice leads to heartburn. Acids have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa, irritating it. For this reason, the main contraindications that the product has are stomach ulcers, inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane and gastritis with high acidity. The use of the product by men and women with such diseases will provoke an attack and complicate the course of the disease.

In conclusion, let's answer the question of whether instant coffee is harmful for pregnant and lactating women, because the caffeine content in it is lower than in grain. Regardless of which coffee to drink during pregnancy, the substance will have a negative effect on the unformed nervous system of the fetus. A soluble analogue for the body of an unborn child is no less harmful than a natural one. For the same reason, it should not be consumed by nursing mothers, because caffeine accumulates in milk.

  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • intermittent diarrhea and constipation;
  • want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • weight loss problems
  • loss of appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, salivation;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • does not pass cough;
  • increased sweating;
  • pimples on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or doubt the causes of ailments, you need to cleanse the body as soon as possible. How to do it .

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Billions of cups of coffee are consumed daily by society around the world. More than half enjoy instant coffee. The second part wrinkles its nose in disgust, and prefers natural grain.

Let's consider the most popular questions that arise among consumers of instant coffee: what it consists of, how it is made, what harm it causes to health, and to whom this drink is contraindicated.

Instant coffee - a surrogate. How to explain the concept?

Each manufacturer has its own special cooking technology, the details and subtleties of which are not disclosed. When drinking their favorite drink, few people understand that every 100 g of coffee contains up to 80% of additives and, at best, these are grains that do not correspond to the highest grade - not standard. This mixture is not considered to be natural, it also noticeably loses in taste. To be sure that the product is 100% natural, it is recommended to buy coffee beans and grind them yourself.

By itself, the raw material does not have the notorious coffee aroma, thanks to which the drink is known in every corner of the world. The smell is achieved by adding numerous flavors to the composition, which also affect the taste. This confirms the version that there are a lot of chemistry in the composition. An instant coffee drink with a fragrant natural smell, in fact, with its chemical addition, aggravates the already beneficial features for the body.

What is the composition of instant coffee and what is the technology of its production

The most popular because of its cheapness and high caffeine content is the Robusta variety. For the preparation of more expensive instant drinks, high-quality, expensive Arabica is often added to a cheap variety.

Defective grains are always used. They are purified from the shell, rich in caffeine, which in turn is used in the production of medicines and drinks with high energy properties.

The cleaned grains are processed. They are roasted and crushed, hot water is added and heated under the action of high pressure. After 3 hours, the infusion is cooled, the water is drained.

Coffee is made in two ways:

  1. Low-temperature (sublimation) - the substance is subjected to freezing and then the grains continue to grind. The resulting mass is loaded into a vacuum to evaporate excess moisture. This method is applicable to the production of expensive varieties of coffee, and the best, highest quality beans are used for it.
  2. High-temperature - under the action of high temperatures, a powder is obtained from the mixture. The resulting substance is either steamed to form granules, or left as is.

The beginning of love for this drink is born from the aroma, taste perception and association with relaxation. Over time, any five-minute or smoke break is accompanied by a cup of coffee. When the moment of addiction comes, it becomes necessary to inhale the aroma and again feel the taste of an invigorating drink. The morning does not come, the mood does not get better, the body refuses to start a new day without the usual dose of energy drinks. This passion leads to physical problems.

Which systems are affected by a hot drink:

  1. Central nervous system. First of all, the nervous system falls under the negative influence. The cumulative effect leads to addiction. Not having received his portion, a person becomes irritable and feels tired, sleepy. A dependency appears that corrects behavior over time. Lack of the product leads to depression and anxiety. Some experts see the symptoms as similar to drug addiction.
  2. Digestive system. Coffee can oxidize the body. This provokes the appearance of diseases of the stomach and digestive organs, gastritis, ulcers.
  3. A soluble drink adversely affects the liver and pancreas.
  4. barrier function. Morning coffee taken on an empty stomach leads to intoxication of the body. This also applies to any time of the day. If there is no possibility of a snack, it is recommended to refuse the drink. A safer time is considered to be the use of an invigorating elixir 30 minutes after a meal.
  5. urinary system. The drink leads to dehydration, as it is a diuretic. In good coffee houses, coffee is served along with a glass of water, so that the coffee lover can replenish the water balance 15 minutes after drinking a cup.
  6. The cardiovascular system. A negative effect on the heart muscle was noticed. Instant coffee is able to disturb a healthy organ, especially if you drink a cigarette with it.


It is important to understand that the composition of coffee does not inspire confidence - in it only 20% of the substance is extracted from coffee beans, and the remaining 80 are presented as:

  • Coloring pigments.
  • preservatives.
  • Flavorings.
  • stabilizers.


Due to the dubious composition of instant coffee, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of the drink for everyone, but it is especially dangerous:

  1. Pregnant women and women during lactation. When using a product of dubious quality, there is a risk of fetal fading, and a negative effect on its development has also been noticed. In newborns, neuralgic problems acquired in the womb are observed.
  2. People with heart disease, hypertension. Soluble drink leads to tachycardia and increased pressure. When walking there is shortness of breath.
  3. People with kidney disease. Most coffee packs have an intoxicating aroma and taste, but you should not count on a good caffeine content. Drinking an unlimited number of cups in order to achieve vigor, you can cheer up for 20 minutes and get a cluster of kidney stones.
  4. People of the older age category, the elderly. A cheap, low-quality drink can disrupt sleep and provoke hypertension.
  5. Children. In the younger age group, coffee should not be present in the diet, but if for some reason this happened, you must be prepared for excessive excitability and aggression, imbalance.

Given the above, it is worth reconsidering your views on coffee. It is not necessary to give up the habit of drinking a delicious drink, it is necessary to instill a love for high-quality and healthy, 100% natural product. If the need to drink the express option is ineradicable, then at least switch to organic look. It will lose in smell and taste, but it certainly does not have “chemistry”.

What are the pros, and is there any benefit from instant coffee

Store shelves with multi-colored packages, jars, packages are being emptied at an enviable rate. There is always a demand for coffee. This can be explained by availability, ignorance of information and habit. In some cases, even laziness to read the composition plays a decisive role.

Hardly found pluses are ease of preparation, long shelf life, pleasant smell. It is worth noting that, nevertheless, it invigorates, and the aroma pleasantly relaxes and gives a good mood. There are also psychological aspects. It is not coffee that is important, but the ritual of coffee drinking itself. The habit of getting a portion of amenities with awakening can cross out all the negative aspects.

We smooth out the cons

It should be noted right away that milk can smooth out the harmful effects on the body, only natural, grain coffee. That is, this rule for an instant drink does not apply.

If the adoration of the drink is more important than health, then it is necessary to try to smooth out its negative impact on the body. Basic Rules:

  1. Do not consume on an empty stomach. It would be ideal if the coffee ritual takes place half an hour after the meal.
  2. Drink a glass of water a quarter of an hour after coffee.
  3. Reduce the volume of cups and the number of drinks per day.
  4. Replace with organic coffee, and even better - with natural ground coffee.

People by nature are dependent on habitual favorite things, culinary addictions. Often, even knowing about the dangers of the product, it is absorbed with pleasure. But when eating something, it is important to know the measure. The recommended measure for instant coffee is one to two cups a day.

Interesting fact! Exceeding two cups a day reduces the blood supply to the brain and testicles in men. Before going to bed, coffee intake is stopped 2-3 hours in advance, for those who are too susceptible to caffeine - 4-6 hours. This is due to the fact that under the influence of caffeine, deep sleep can be disturbed - the time of active production of testosterone.

Video: how to choose instant coffee

Instant coffee is one of the most popular drinks. However, there are many myths about this product - both about its harm and about its benefits. Therefore, the properties of the drink should be considered in more detail.

How and from what instant coffee is made

Contrary to popular belief, instant coffee is still produced from natural raw materials, that is, from roasted coffee tree beans. There are various technologies for its production. Raw materials are either freeze-dried or dry-sprayed. The result is a soluble powder or granules. The taste of this drink is close to natural coffee. But in its production, sometimes the caffeine content is specially reduced, and sometimes its synthetic substitute is introduced. So the chemical composition of these drinks from each other is still different.


There are three main types of product:

  1. Powdered coffee. In the production of this type, roasted coffee beans are first ground to an almost powder stage, then they enter a special installation, where it is practically brewed, passing liquid drops under vacuum. After that, instant drying of the coffee particles takes place. Then the raw material is turned into a very fine powder. This variety is considered the cheapest.
  2. Granulated coffee. It is produced from powdered raw materials, which are re-wetted with steam. As a result, individual small particles stick together into granules. This production technology contributes to the faster dissolution of coffee, but its taste and aroma deteriorate, which does not prevent the granulated variety from costing more.
  3. Freeze-dried coffee is produced using a different technology (it will be discussed below). As a result, it preserves the taste and aroma of the raw material. This is the most expensive type of coffee.

Thus, among themselves types of coffee differ not only in price and taste characteristics, but also in production technology. Moreover, a higher cost is not always an argument in favor of choosing a particular product.

What is the difference between ground coffee and instant coffee?

In fact, these are completely different products that differ both in production technology and in aromatic and taste characteristics, due to the different content of caffeine and other substances.

The main technologies for the production of instant coffee have been discussed above. Ground coffee is completely different. For its production, they take the fruits of the coffee tree, roast the beans and grind them in a special apparatus. And modern equipment allows you to get coffee of different grinding - from fine to coarse. The raw materials do not undergo any further processing, which helps to preserve the original composition of coffee beans, including essential oils.

The taste of ground coffee depends on what raw materials it was made from and how it was roasted. About 70% of the total production falls on Arabica. The rest is Robusta, which has a higher caffeine content.

Raw materials for ground coffee can have different degrees of roasting. To make espresso, you need coffee of the darkest roast degree, which is called Italian. Then in descending order of color are French, Viennese and Scandinavian (the lightest). For instant coffee, such a number of degrees of roasting of the feedstock is not provided.

What is the difference between freeze-dried coffee and instant coffee?

Freeze-dried coffee is a high-tech product. It retains the color and shade of natural, but undergoes a rather complex processing, which allows you to get an instant drink from it. But it differs from other types of production technology. For its manufacture, coffee beans are literally ground to a state of dust from the very beginning, after which this raw material, mixed with water, is frozen. After separation from the liquid, a kind of coffee bars are obtained, which are crushed again. Coffee retains its taste and aroma, while caffeine, dyes, flavors are not added to it. Of all the types of drink mentioned above, this option is considered the most useful - after ground coffee, of course.

Which coffee is better: instant or ground

Instant coffee has only two advantages - it is the speed of its preparation and a longer shelf life. This is due to the fact that during the production process, the raw materials lose their essential oils, which increases the shelf life, but negatively affects the taste and aromatic characteristics.

Many believe that the main disadvantage of instant coffee is connected with this - the fact that it is significantly inferior to ground coffee in taste. However, in fact, the main drawback is that manufacturers seek to eliminate this difference and add artificial flavors and essential oils to the product. The taste of even the best powdered or granulated coffee is still different from ground coffee, especially when it comes to cheap varieties. At the same time, many chemical components at least cannot be called useful. And for people with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, they can even harm, because they stimulate the production of gastric juice, and with gastritis, this significantly aggravates the course of the disease.

Although instant coffee contains less caffeine in percentage terms, the drink is still often bitter. This is explained by the fact that obviously lower quality raw materials are selected for the production of this product, since the best grains will be sold in their entirety. Sometimes manufacturers literally use leftovers from the harvest, which eliminates even the benefits obtained from the most expensive technology - sublimation. In addition to caffeine itself, almost all useful components from instant coffee are removed for another initial stages production.

Ground coffee is considered healthier because it does not contain any chemical additives, and it has less effect on the secretion of gastric juice than an instant drink. However, not all so simple.

On the other hand, high-quality instant coffee contains less caffeine than ground coffee - 60–80 mg per cup, while traditional coffee contains up to 80–150 mg, depending on the characteristics of the raw material and the method of preparation. This is important for people sensitive to caffeine.

In addition, natural ground coffee contains the substance cafestol. It suppresses those mechanisms that regulate the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. The use of ground coffee containing cafestol raises cholesterol levels by an average of 8% in middle-aged men, 10% in women, and in older people this figure may even be higher. Cafestol is found in coffee oils. In the production of instant coffee, these oils are removed and cafestol is contained in a small amount in this product. So from this point of view, an instant drink is even more useful.

Composition and calories

The energy value of the product is low. If we talk about a drink prepared without sugar and milk, then a cup of instant coffee contains only 1 kcal.

The chemical composition of natural coffee is not fully understood. It is known that it contains more than two thousand substances, and these are not only carbohydrates, oils, organic acids, but also various vitamins, minerals and proteins. However, instant coffee chemical composition much more modest. It contains about 2.8% caffeine, about 1.8% carbohydrates, and 4.5% trigonelline. The latter substance is also present in natural coffee. This alkaloid is one of the many compounds responsible for the aroma of the drink. Finally, instant coffee contains dextrin - about 5%, but its role is reduced only to the fact that it helps to better absorb individual elements.

As for nutrients, instant coffee, albeit in a smaller amount, contains phosphorus and sodium, which are necessary for normal metabolic processes, vitamin PP, some B vitamins and antioxidants that slow down the aging process. And even a powdered variety of the product can contain up to 4% water.

You need to read the composition of the drink very carefully, since some manufacturers also use carbonic acid, synthetic coffee oil substitutes, dyes and stabilizers to produce instant coffee.

General Benefit

Although instant coffee contains less caffeine and other active ingredients, they are still present in this drink, which affects its properties:

  • improved concentration;
  • strengthening of cognitive abilities;
  • preventing the development of clinical depression;
  • normalization of intestinal peristalsis.

Studies have also been conducted that caffeine (even artificial, which is sometimes injected into an instant drink) reduces body weight. Scientists believe that it stimulates energy expenditure, metabolic processes and suppresses appetite.

For women

Relatively recently, large-scale studies were conducted in several countries at once, in which more than 500 thousand people were involved. As a result, unexpected results were obtained. It turned out that coffee (including instant coffee) reduced the risk of developing cancer, but only among the fair sex. In concrete terms, women who drink up to three cups of instant coffee a day have a significantly reduced risk of dying from cancer and cardiovascular disease.

In addition, this drink, unlike natural coffee, washes away calcium to a lesser extent. Therefore, women during menopause, when the risk of developing osteoporosis increases, it is recommended to drink a soluble drink.

For men

The studies mentioned above have also found that instant coffee has a positive effect on men's health. However, it is interesting that in the representatives of the stronger sex, caffeine has a greater effect on the release of oxytocin. This is the so-called happiness hormone, which is produced by the hypothalamus. It not only regulates energy metabolism, but also reduces the risk of developing clinical depression. So men who regularly consumed instant coffee not only had a reduced risk of depression, but also had fewer cases of emotionally related cardiovascular disease in general.

It should also be noted that men who drink up to three cups of coffee a day are less prone to social aggression, suicide and destructive habits. However, the daily rate of caffeine should not exceed 400 mg per day, and taking into account the fact that a person receives it with various drinks and foods, one should not get carried away with coffee.

During pregnancy

Studies have shown that caffeine during pregnancy easily crosses the hematoplacental barrier and enters the blood of the fetus. All life support systems of the embryo are still developing, so this substance simply cannot be properly absorbed by the body. There is a theory that says that this can lead to the birth of a child with reduced weight.

At the same time, many expectant mothers feel the need for caffeine, without which they feel weakness and loss of strength. In this case, you should be guided by the WHO recommendations, according to which it is better to use instant coffee, which contains less caffeine than natural coffee. The maximum dose of this substance in such cases is 100 mg per day, that is, two small cups of this drink will be more than enough, but on condition that the woman refuses other sources of caffeine intake (Coca-Cola, chocolate, black and green tea) .

When breastfeeding

Until the baby is three months old, a nursing mother will have to completely give up coffee and other sources of caffeine. Then gradually you can include your favorite drink in your diet. But at the same time, it is better not to use it on a regular basis, only from time to time allowing yourself a cup of instant coffee. And in any case, you need to carefully monitor how the baby reacts to this drink. If the child becomes capricious, shows nervousness, rashes appear on the skin, instant coffee will have to be abandoned. It is better then to replace it with chicory.

For kids

Many kids are drawn to a flavored drink. And if a child aged 5-6 takes a few sips of instant coffee, nothing bad will happen. After all, this drink contains less caffeine than natural coffee, and at the same time it brings benefits - for example, it improves concentration and memory, increases physical endurance and reaction speed. It has also been proven that instant coffee activates the digestive tract and can even alleviate allergy attacks.

However, all these advantages can be offset by those negative consequences that regular coffee consumption can have. In particular, it can remove calcium from the body, which is especially important during the growth period. This drink can also negatively affect the hormonal background, since the child's endocrine system is still unstable. In children with hypersensitivity to caffeine, excitability, irritability, and tantrums may occur. Coffee also affects the heart rate.

Due to this controversial effect on the body, coffee is not recommended for children under the age of 14 years. Even younger students can be allowed no more than a couple of sips of the drink. But since the child wants to behave in the same way as adults, he can be offered a chicory drink as an alternative.

When losing weight

By itself, instant coffee is a low-calorie drink. At the same time, nutritionists do not object to including it in the diet, but only without sugar and milk, which significantly worsens its taste.

Science has proven that drinking instant coffee activates the pancreas. This means that the body increases the production of insulin. This hormone is important not only for people with diabetes. It is responsible for the accumulation of body fat. The more it is produced and the better it is absorbed, the less fat will settle in problem areas.

Finally, it is worth noting that instant coffee has a pronounced diuretic effect. This helps to remove excess fluid from the body and relieve swelling, helps to get rid of extra pounds. In addition, as mentioned above, caffeine suppresses appetite and activates metabolic processes.

And even a soluble drink contains antioxidants, which not only prolong the youth of the body, but also improve the condition of blood vessels. However, coffee cannot be the basis of a diet. You can drink only 2-3 cups of the drink per day to keep fit. To reduce weight, you need to drink up to 4 cups, without sugar and milk.

Instant coffee with milk: benefits and harms

Regarding instant coffee with milk, doctors do not have an unequivocal opinion. On the one hand, milk reduces the amount of caffeine absorbed. Therefore, people suffering from arterial hypertension can drink instant coffee with milk - the drink will not increase pressure. On the other hand, milk neutralizes the vasodilating effect of caffeine, so people with hypotension just do not get the desired effect. Such coffee will not be able to cheer up, on the contrary, in some people it will cause drowsiness.

Coffee with milk will not bring special harm. But it should be noted that it will interfere with weight loss. In this form, the drink will even somewhat reduce the rate of metabolic processes. And this also applies to those cases when skim milk is added to it, since its benefits are rather a common misconception, long dispelled by nutritionists.

For a long time, official medicine did not favor instant coffee, because it was believed that it contained more caffeine than natural coffee. Then it was proved that this figure is much lower, and in general, caffeine in combination with other substances contained in this drink does more good than harm.

With diabetes

AT last years Several studies have been conducted on the effect of coffee on type 2 diabetes. At first, scientists believed that the instant drink would not affect insulin production in the same way as the traditional drink, since it contains less caffeine. But further studies have shown that the production and absorption of insulin is affected by the whole complex of substances contained in coffee. And even a decaffeinated instant drink (that is, artificially removed caffeine from it) reduces the risk of developing diabetes by more than 30%, provided that a person drinks 4 cups daily.

Important: glycemic index of instant coffee from 50 to 60 units.

With pancreatitis

Since the substances contained in the instant drink increase the activity of the pancreas, this can lead to an exacerbation of the disease. So with pancreatitis, instant coffee should not be consumed under any circumstances.

With gastritis

With gastritis with low acidity, coffee is even useful in that it promotes the production of gastric juice. But in another form of the disease, accompanied by high acidity, it is contraindicated for the same reason.

For gout

Theoretically, coffee does not contain purines, which cause the development of this disease. However, much depends on how this product was produced. Some manufacturers who do not use freezing, but heating raw materials to high temperatures, are forced to further restore the destroyed caffeine. To do this, they use its synthetic analogue, made from xanthine and uric acid, which negatively affects metabolic processes and causes an exacerbation of gout.

Instant coffee in cosmetology

Due to the fact that instant coffee contains fewer nutrients, it is less often used in cosmetology than ground coffee. But on the other hand, it has a form that is more convenient for making masks, so it is sometimes used for home cosmetic products.

For face

On the basis of instant coffee, a lifting mask is made that tightens the skin and corrects the oval of the face. To do this, you need 75 g of an instant drink, 100 g of sugar, 5 g of cinnamon powder, 50 g of coconut oil (it is sold in pharmacies and perfume shops). The oil is heated over low heat, without boiling, then other ingredients are added and mixed with a wooden spatula. When they are completely dissolved, the composition is cooled to an acceptable temperature and applied to the skin of the face and neck with light massage movements. The mask is left for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

For hair

To strengthen hair for 1 tsp. instant coffee take two raw yolks, 2 tbsp. cognac, 1 tsp castor oil and 1 tbsp. hot water. Coffee is brewed with water, then mixed with the rest of the ingredients and applied to damp hair for 15–20 minutes, and then washed off with shampoo.

Harm and contraindications

  1. Instant coffee, when consumed regularly, can impair the absorption of iron from food. Therefore, this drink is contraindicated in anemia.
  2. Its use in large quantities leads to exhaustion of the nervous system. The fact is that in combination with those substances that are present in the soluble form of the drink, caffeine is retained in the body not for 2-3 hours, but for three times longer. This greatly increases the excitability of the nervous system. In addition, it can lead to the development of addiction.
  3. Due to the effect of coffee on the production of gastric juice and on the functioning of the pancreas, the drink is contraindicated in inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, including pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis, ulcers, etc.
  4. Instant decaffeinated coffee contains ethyl acetate and dichloromethane, both of which are toxic in large amounts.

You need to buy only products from well-known manufacturers, having previously studied the composition and making sure that it does not contain synthetic components. The integrity of the packaging must not be compromised.

It is recommended to store instant coffee either in a dark glass jar so that sunlight does not start oxidative processes, or in a tin container. In any case, the lid must be tightly closed so that the aroma does not erode. Store the container in a cool dry place. And in no case should you pick up coffee with a wet spoon - this is especially true for the powder form, since it will clump into tight lumps.

How to make instant coffee

The process of preparing instant coffee is extremely simple. Take 1 tsp. of this drink and pour a glass of boiling water, and then stir. If desired, the drink can be made more concentrated using half the amount of liquid.

How to drink instant coffee

Instant coffee should be prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions and consumed in quantities recommended by the WHO.

How much can you drink per day

The general norm of caffeine per day for an adult is 400 mg, and for a teenager - 100 mg. But only from this amount you can make a different volume of coffee. In general, we can say that, subject to the manufacturer's instructions, adolescents can drink 1-2 cups of coffee per day, and adults - 3-4.

Is it possible to drink at night and on an empty stomach

Doctors do not advise drinking instant coffee at night, as it acts as a stimulant and can lead to sleep problems. On an empty stomach, this drink is not recommended to use, as it causes increased production of gastric juice.

Can I drink expired instant coffee?

Even an instant drink contains fats, which oxidize after the expiration date. So it does not pose a particular danger to the body, but a corresponding reaction from the digestive system is possible - for example, flatulence or diarrhea. In general, expired instant coffee will simply taste bad. Even before the expiration date provided loose closed lid it loses its taste and aroma. What can we say about those cases when two years have passed since the date of manufacture!

Unlike natural coffee, in this case, the consumer does not always know what raw materials were used to produce the drink. And even more so, it is not known what kind of coffee beans went into its manufacture (or was it a blend, that is, a mixture of varieties).

One of best brands Egoiste Noir is considered in this segment, as the brand uses freeze-drying technology, preserving the natural taste and aroma. Yes, and raw materials are initially selected high-quality. Another drink produced using sublimation technology is Carte Noire Classic, and the brand assures that only the best Arabicas are selected for it. Both brands are quite expensive.

From inexpensive drinks, high-quality instant coffee is produced by sublimation by Jacobs under the Millicano brand.

How to dye eggs with instant coffee

This dye can only be used for eggs with white shells. boiled egg you need to hold for 10-15 minutes in a hot drink so that it acquires a pastel brown tint. To make the color more saturated, the eggs are literally boiled in strong instant coffee for 2-3 minutes.

  1. Instant coffee was invented by Japanese chemist Satori Kato. But although he came up with the technology back in 1899, it never became mainstream. So officially the palm here belongs to the Nestle company, which launched mass production in the 1930s.
  2. Instant coffee may increase the effects of some medicines such as aspirin. This is due to the fact that its use increases the acidity of the stomach, the tablets dissolve faster and are fully absorbed.

Instant coffee was introduced over 100 years ago at the All-American Exhibition. It happened in Buffalo in 1901. The inventor of the very first technology was the Japanese chemist Sartori Kato, and his product was actually condensed coffee. Since that time, many people simply cannot imagine their morning awakening without a cup of aromatic drink.

Positive points

Yes, alas, these are moments, not useful properties, because this product does not bring any benefit to the human body. Its only advantage over its freshly ground bean competitor is its speed of preparation. This factor becomes decisive for many. What could be easier than tossing it into a cup of coffee and adding boiling water? After one or two minutes, it can be consumed. Also, the price becomes the basis of great popularity - it is lower than that of natural or ground coffee beans.

The harm of instant coffee

This topic should begin with the study of technological production process. According to it, coffee is divided into:

  1. Powder.
  2. Granulated.
  3. Sublimated.

Now about each type separately.


This option has the lowest cost. Roasted ground beans are subjected to hot treatment with water (it is supplied under pressure), then filtering and spraying are performed. In this case, drops of the extract "magically" turn into a powder.


Manufacturing is practically the same as the previous version, but at the end of the process one more step is added. The powder is exposed to hot steam and clumps. This is how granules are obtained.


This option is the most expensive and high quality when compared with the two previous varieties. The thing is that the process of processing raw materials to obtain such a product is completely different. Due to this, freeze-dried coffee tastes as close as possible to natural coffee.

First, a coffee extract is obtained, which is frozen and then dehydrated in a vacuum at low temperature. The resulting hardened mass is broken into small crystals. The mixture during this processing retains many useful substances, smell and taste properties that natural and ground coffee have. To the question: “Which species is less harmless”, there is only one answer - sublimated. And by the way, in the process of processing the beans lose almost half of the caffeine.

Soluble? Yes! But is it coffee?

When beans are processed, useful substances and essential oils are lost. In order to partially replenish the lost properties during manufacture, manufacturers supplement the soluble product with flavorings, preservatives and other chemicals, and what harm to the body from such additives does not need to be explained to anyone. It often happens that after a couple of cups of instant coffee a person develops a rash, as an allergic reaction to the components of the product. Rashes can be on the neck, face and even on the hands, someone like ...

Only 15% of this instant drink is coffee beans.

The basis of the ready-made mixture of instant coffee is chemical derivatives, preservatives and nut powder.

Nervous system

Coffee is considered a good stimulant for the body. It awakens tone and increases brain activity. Only its frequent use leads to insomnia, irritability, and in men even to a decrease in potency.

Heart and blood vessels

The human body is a single interconnected system. Therefore, after a cup of instant drink, not only the nervous system, but also the heart functions more actively. It is not recommended for people who suffer from hypertension and heart disease.

Excessive consumption of instant coffee can provoke disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, even in completely healthy people.

gastrointestinal tract

Soluble types of drinks are harmful to anyone who suffers from gastrointestinal problems. Instant coffee contains ingredients that increase acidity. This can cause the formation of stomach ulcers (and exacerbation of gastric ailments), diseases of the liver and pancreas. Natural and ground coffee contains less of these substances.

It is better not to drink instant and natural coffee on an empty stomach.

Impact on appearance

Experts agree that instant coffee drinks lead to premature aging of the body. This is associated with a dehydrating effect.

Instant coffee contributes to the formation of cellulite.

In addition, coffee adversely affects the enamel of the teeth, which is manifested in the formation of plaque and darkening.

Harm to pregnant women

Is such coffee harmful to expectant mothers, there is only one answer - yes. They are strictly forbidden to drink any (ground, instant, natural) coffee. If a pregnant woman consumes three cups of coffee a day, then the probability of abortion increases by more than three times! This is especially dangerous in the second half of pregnancy.

Decrease in trace elements

Frequent consumption of instant coffee leads to the loss of trace elements important for the body. Women are at higher risk. To prevent various diseases, experts recommend that coffee lovers periodically take vitamin complexes.


It occurs in both men and women. Caffeine becomes a drug for people, and many gradually increase the dose of the drink.

IMPORTANT! If a decision is made to get rid of such dependence, then you need to act “without sudden movements”. Doctors recommend reducing the strength and amount of coffee gradually.

How to choose the right instant coffee?

This is a problematic issue. When buying, you should be aware that the quality depends not only on which variety of beans was used for production, but also on the climatic characteristics of the region where they were grown.

In order not to make mistakes when choosing and not to regret the money spent, you need to know some of the nuances:

Package. It is worth paying special attention to it. Any damage, violation of integrity leads to the fact that the contents lose their aroma and taste properties.

Preference should be given to glass packaging.

Price. To produce a quality product, expensive technologies and raw materials are used. If the package says: “100% freeze-dried coffee”, then such a product will not be cheap. A good sublimated product is expensive.

instant coffee calories

Calorie content of instant coffee drinks can reach up to 7 kcal per 100 ml(and that's without sugar and cream). For comparison: in natural coffee only 2 kcal.

Instant coffee base without caffeine

The method of removing caffeine from beans is called decaffeination. The caffeine in the product then decreases by 5 times. Many people are confused by this fact. Is instant caffeine-free drink harmful? Yes, you can't call it harmless.

Such coffee becomes more sour, and does more harm to people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. And in general, the decaffeinated option saves everything harmful properties regular instant coffee.

So... What's going on? There is almost no benefit from such coffee, but there is only harm. But, in a situation of lack of time to mess around with a coffee machine or due to lack of funds to purchase it, many simply have no other choice. But everything is not so dangerous if not abused. Which product to buy, everyone will decide for themselves. Just don't forget about your health. For example, purchase a quality sublimated product.