What is the main thing in the production process. The concept and structure of the production process

Manufacturing process a set of interrelated main, auxiliary, service and natural processes aimed at manufacturing certain products.

The main components of the production process that determine the nature of production are:

Professionally trained staff;

Means of labor (machines, equipment, buildings, structures, etc.);

Objects of labor (raw materials, materials, semi-finished products);

Energy (electrical, thermal, mechanical, light, muscle);

Information (scientific and technical, a commercial, operational-production, legal, socio-political).

Core Processesthis is those manufacturing processes that transform raw materials and materials into finished products.

Helper Processes are separate parts of the production process, which can often be separated into independent enterprises. They are engaged in the manufacture of products and the provision of services necessary for the main production. These include the manufacture of tools and technological equipment, spare parts, equipment repair, etc.

Maintenance processes are inextricably linked with the main production, they cannot be isolated. Their main task is to ensure the smooth operation of all departments of the enterprise. These include intershop and intrashop transport, warehousing and storage of material and technical resources, etc.

Technological processthis is part of the production process, purposefully influencing the object of labor in order to change it.

Depending on the characteristics of the raw materials used, technological processes are divided into:

. using agricultural raw materials(plant or animal origin);

. using mineral raw materials(fuel and energy, ore, construction, etc.).

The use of a specific type of raw material determines the method of influence on it and allows us to distinguish three groups of technological processes:

FROM mechanical impact on the object of labor in order to change it configuration, sizes (processes of cutting, drilling, milling);

FROM physical impact on the subject of work in order to change its physical composition (heat treatment);

. hardware, flowing in special equipment for changing chemical composition objects of labor (steel smelting, production of plastics, oil distillation products).

In accordance with technological features and industry affiliation, production processes can be synthetic, analytical and direct.

Synthetic manufacturing process- one in which products are made from various types of raw materials. For example, in the manufacture of automobiles, various types of metal, plastics, rubber, glass and other materials are used. The synthetic production process combines, as a rule, many discrete technological processes with mechanical and physical effects on the objects of labor.

Analytical production process- one in which many types of products are produced from one type of raw material. An example is oil refining. The analytical production process is implemented through the use of continuous technological processes of an instrumental nature.

Direct production process characterized by the output of one type of product from one type of raw material. An example is the production of building blocks from a homogeneous material ( tufa, marble, granite).

Operation- a part of the production process performed at one workplace by one or more workers and consisting of a series of actions on one production object (detail, assembly, product).

By type and purpose of products, the degree of technical equipment of the operation is classified into manual, machine-manual, mechanized and automated.

Manual operations are performed manually using simple tools (sometimes mechanized), for example, manual painting, assembly, product packaging, etc.

Machine-manual operations are carried out with the help of machines and mechanisms with the obligatory participation of a worker, for example, the transportation of goods on electric cars, the processing of parts on machine tools with manual filing.

Mechanized operations are carried out by machines and mechanisms with limited participation of the employee, which consists in the installation and removal of parts and control over the operation.

automated operations carried out using robotics in highly repetitive activities. Automatic machines first of all free people from monotonous tedious or dangerous work.

The organization of the production process is based on the following principles:

1) The principle of specialization means division of labor between individual divisions of the enterprise and jobs and their cooperation during the production process. The implementation of this principle involves assigning to each workplace and each division a strictly limited range of works, parts or products.

2) The principle of proportionality implies the same throughput of departments, workshops, sections, jobs in the implementation of the technological process for the production of certain products. Frequent changes in the structure of the commodity portfolio violate the absolute proportionality. The main task in this case is to prevent the constant overload of some units while chronic underloading of others.

3) The principle of continuity implies reduction or elimination of interruptions in the production process of finished products. The principle of continuity is realized in such forms of organization of the production process, in which all its operations are carried out continuously, without interruptions, and all objects of labor continuously move from operation to operation. This reduces production time and reduces equipment and worker downtime.

4) The principle of parallelism provides simultaneous execution of individual operations or parts of the production process. This principle is based on the position that the parts of the production process must be combined in time and performed simultaneously. Compliance with the principle of parallelism leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle, saving working time.

5) The principle of direct flow implies such an organization of the production process, which provides the shortest path for the movement of objects of labor from the launch of raw materials and materials to the receipt of finished products. Compliance with the principle of direct flow leads to streamlining cargo flows, reducing cargo turnover, reducing the cost of transporting materials, parts and finished products.

6) The principle of rhythm means that the entire production process and its constituent parts for the manufacture of a given quantity of products are repeated at regular intervals. Distinguish between the rhythm of production, the rhythm of work and the rhythm of production.

The rhythm of the release is called release of the same or evenly increasing (decreasing) quantity of products in equal periods of time. The rhythm of work is the execution of equal amounts of work (in quantity and composition) for equal time intervals. The rhythm of production means the observance of the rhythm of production and the rhythm of work.

7) The principle of technical equipment focuses on the mechanization and automation of the production process, the elimination of manual, monotonous, heavy, harmful to human health labor.

The production cycle represents a calendar period of time from the moment of launching raw materials and materials into production until the complete manufacture of finished products. The production cycle includes the time of performing the main, auxiliary operations and breaks in the process of manufacturing products.

Lead time for basic operations constitutes a technological cycle and determines the period during which a direct impact on the object of labor is made either by the worker himself or by machines and mechanisms under his control, as well as the time of natural technological processes that occur without the participation of people and equipment (air drying of painted or cooling of heated products, fermentation of certain products, etc.).

Auxiliary operation times include:

. quality control of product processing;

Control of equipment operation modes, their adjustment, minor repairs;

Cleaning the workplace;

Transportation of materials, blanks;

Reception and cleaning of processed products.

The time for performing the main and auxiliary operations is the working period.

Break timethis is the time during which no impact is made on the object of labor and there is no change in its qualitative characteristics, but the product is not yet finished and the production process is not completed.

Distinguish between scheduled and unscheduled breaks.

In its turn, regulated breaks depending on the reasons that caused them, they are divided into interoperational (intra-shift) and inter-shift (associated with the mode of operation).

Interoperative breaks are divided into partion, waiting and picking breaks.

Partion breaks have place when processing parts in batches: each part or assembly, arriving at the workplace as part of a batch, lies twice - before and after processing, until the entire batch passes through this operation.

Waiting breaks conditioned inconsistency (non-synchronism) in the duration of adjacent operations of the technological process and occur when the previous operation ends before the workplace is freed up for the next operation.

Gathering breaks arise in cases where parts and assemblies lie due to the unfinished production of other parts included in one set.

Inter-shift breaks are determined by the mode of operation (the number and duration of shifts) and include breaks between work shifts, weekends and holidays, lunch breaks.

Unscheduled breaks are connectedWith downtime of equipment and workers due to various organizational and technical reasons not provided for by the operating mode (lack of raw materials, equipment breakdown, absenteeism of workers, etc.) and are not included in the production cycle.

The calculation of the duration of the production cycle (TC) is made according to the formula:

Tc \u003d To + Tv + Tp,

where To is the time of performing the main operations;

TV - time of auxiliary operations;

Tp - time of breaks.

The production cycle- one of the most important technical and economic indicators, which is the starting point for calculating many indicators of the production and economic activities of the enterprise.

Reducing the duration of the production cycle- one of the most important sources of intensification and improvement of production efficiency at enterprises. The faster the production process takes place (the shorter the duration of the production cycle), the better the production potential of the enterprise is used, the higher labor productivity, the lower the volume of work in progress, and the lower the cost of production.

Depends on the complexity and laboriousness of manufacturing products, the level of technology and technology, mechanization and automation of basic and auxiliary operations, the mode of operation of the enterprise, the organization of uninterrupted provision of jobs with materials and semi-finished products, as well as everything necessary for normal operation (energy, tools, fixtures, etc.). P.).

Production cycle time is largely determined by the type of combination of operations and the procedure for transferring the object of labor from one workplace to another.

There are three types of combination of operations: serial, parallel; parallel-serial.

At consistent movement the processing of a batch of parts at each subsequent operation begins after the completion of the processing of the entire batch at the previous operation. The duration of the production cycle with a sequential combination of operations is calculated by the formula:

Тц (last) = n ∑ ti ,

where n is the number of parts in the batch, m is the number of parts processing operations;

ti - execution time of each operation, min.

At parallel movement the transfer of parts to the next operation is carried out by the piece or by a transport lot immediately after processing at the previous operation. In this case, the duration of the production cycle is calculated by the formula:

TC (steam) \u003d P∑ ti + (n - P) t max,

where P is the size of the transport party;

t max - execution time of the longest operation, min.

With parallel order operations, the shortest production cycle is ensured. However, in some operations, downtime of workers and equipment occurs due to the unequal duration of individual operations. In this case, a parallel-sequential combination of operations may be more efficient.

At parallel-serial form of movement parts from operation to operation, they are transferred by transport parties or by the piece. In this case, there is a partial combination of the execution time of adjacent operations in such a way that the entire batch is processed at each operation without interruptions. With this combination of operations, the duration of the production cycle is greater than with parallel, but much less than with sequential, and can be determined by the formula:

Tts (par-last) \u003d Tts (last) - ∑ ti,

where ∑ti is the total time savings compared to sequential

i =1 by the type of movement due to the partial overlap of the execution time of each pair of adjacent operations.

Under production process is understood as a set of diverse, but interconnected labor processes and natural processes that ensure the transformation of raw materials into a finished product.

The production process consists of main, auxiliary, service and side processes.

To main include processes directly related to the transformation of raw materials or materials into finished products (grains into flour, sugar beets into sugar). The totality of these processes at the enterprise forms the main production.

At grain-receiving enterprises that store state grain resources, the processes associated with the reception, placement and storage of grain should also be considered as the main ones.

Purpose auxiliary X processes - technically service the main processes, provide them with certain services: energy supply, production of tools and fixtures, repair work.

Serving processes provide material services to the main and auxiliary industries. Reception, placement, storage of raw materials, materials, finished products, fuel, their transportation from storage places to consumption places, etc.

Side effects processes also contribute to the transformation of raw materials into finished products. But neither the raw materials nor the products obtained are the main products of the enterprise. This is the processing and refinement of waste obtained in the main production, etc.

All processes are divided into stages, and stages are divided into separate operations.

Production stage- a technologically completed part of the production process, characterized by such changes in the object of labor that cause its transition to another qualitative state (cleaning of sugar beet, product packaging).

Each stage combines operations that are technologically related to each other, or operations of a specific purpose.

The main primary link in the production process is the operation.

Manufacturing operation- this is a part of the process of labor or production, performed by one or a group of workers in a separate place, with the same object of labor, using the same means of labor.

By appointment All operations are divided into three main types:

1) technological (basic) - these are operations in the course of which any changes are made to the object of labor (its condition, shape or appearance) (milk separation, grain crushing, etc.);

2) control - these are operations that do not introduce any changes into the object of labor, but contribute to the performance of technological operations (weighing, etc.);

3) moving - operations that change the position of the object of labor in production (loading, unloading, transport).

Control and moving operations together form a group of auxiliary operations.

According to the method of execution (degree of mechanization) distinguish the following operations:

- machine- performed by machines under the supervision of workers (rolling up canned food, cleaning milk, grinding products);

- machine-manual- performed by machines with the direct participation of workers (flour sacking, bag sewing, etc.);

- manual operations - performed by workers without the participation of machines (supply of raw materials to conveyors, stacking bags).

The ratio of different types of operations in their total number is the structure of the production process. It is not the same at different processing enterprises.

Organization of production in time build on the following principles:

The rhythm of the enterprise and the uniformity of output;

Proportionality of production units;

Parallelism (simultaneity) of operations and production processes;

Continuity of production processes.

The principle of rhythm provides for the work of the enterprise in the planned rhythm (the time between the release of identical products or two identical batches of products).

Proportional principle These production units assume the same productivity per unit of time.

The principle of parallelism execution of operations and processes is based on the simultaneous execution of phases, stages or parts of the production process.

Continuity principle the production process provides for the elimination of interruptions in the processing of objects of labor. The continuity of the process eliminates the creation of a stock at the workplace, reduces work in progress, which is especially important at enterprises where raw materials and materials cannot be stored for a long time without cooling, freezing, canning (fruit and vegetable canning, dairy, meat industries).

aim organization of the production process in space is to ensure its rational construction in time.

The greatest efficiency in organizing the production process in space is achieved as a result of the use of direct flow, specialization, cooperation and combination of production.

Direct flow of the production process, is characterized by the fact that at all phases and operations of production, the products go through the shortest path. On the scale of the enterprise, workshops are located on the territory in such a way as to exclude long-distance, return, oncoming and other irrational transportation. That is, jobs and equipment are located in the technological sequence of operations.

In-plant specialization is a process of separation of workshops and sites for the production of certain types of products, their parts or the implementation of individual stages of the technological process. Processing enterprises apply technological, subject and functional specialization.

Technological Specialization production involves the allocation of a narrow range of technological operations and the performance of operations in separate shops or production sites.

Subject specialization production involves the creation of separate lines with a complete production cycle for the production of one or more products similar in manufacturing technology.

functional called the specialization of all divisions of production in the performance of one or a limited range of functions.

cooperation production at the enterprise is carried out by the organization of the joint work of its divisions for the production of products. The principle of co-production is the use of the services of some workshops by others.

The search for rational forms of cooperation leads in a number of cases to the creation of combined industries.

combination production involves the connection in one enterprise of different industries, which are successive stages in the processing of raw materials or play an auxiliary role in relation to each other.

The main components of the production process that determine the nature of production are:

Professionally trained staff;
means of labor (machines, equipment, buildings, structures, etc.);
objects of labor (raw materials, materials, semi-finished products);
energy (electrical, thermal, mechanical, light, muscle);
information (scientific and technical, commercial, operational and production, legal, socio-political).

The professionally controlled interaction of these components forms a specific production process and constitutes its content.

The production process is the basis of any enterprise. The content of the production process has a decisive impact on the construction of the enterprise and its production units.

The main part of the production process is the technological process. During the implementation of the technological process, the geometric shapes, sizes and physical and chemical properties of the objects of labor change.

According to their significance and role in production, production processes are divided into:


The main are called production processes, during which the production of the main products manufactured by the enterprise is carried out.

Auxiliary processes include processes that ensure the uninterrupted flow of the main processes. Their result is the products used in the enterprise itself. Auxiliary are the processes for the repair of equipment, the manufacture of equipment, the generation of steam, compressed air, etc.

Service processes are called those, during the implementation of which the services necessary for the normal functioning of both the main and auxiliary processes are performed. These are the processes of transportation, warehousing, picking parts, cleaning rooms, etc.

The production process consists of many different operations, which are respectively divided into main (technological) and auxiliary.

A technological operation is a part of the production process performed at one workplace on one production object (detail, assembly, product) by one or more workers.

According to the type and purpose of products, the degree of technical equipment, operations are classified into manual, machine-manual, machine and hardware.

Manual operations are performed manually using simple tools (sometimes mechanized), such as manual painting, assembly, product packaging, etc.

Machine-manual operations are carried out with the help of machines and mechanisms with the obligatory participation of a worker, for example, the transportation of goods on electric cars, the processing of parts on machine tools with manual filing.

Machine operations are completely performed by the machine with minimal participation of workers in the technological process, for example, installing parts in the machining zone and removing them after processing is completed, monitoring the operation of machines, i.e. workers do not participate in technological operations, but only control them.

Hardware operations take place in special units (vessels, baths, furnaces, etc.). The worker monitors the serviceability of the equipment and instrument readings and, as necessary, makes adjustments to the operating modes of the units in accordance with the requirements of the technology. Hardware operations are widespread in food, chemical, metallurgical and other industries.

The organization of the production process consists in combining people, tools and objects of labor into a single process of production of material goods, as well as in ensuring a rational combination in space and time of the main, auxiliary and service processes.

Organization of the production process

The organization of the production process aims to ensure the optimal location of equipment and the sequence of passage of the object of labor through them in order to minimize the time and cost spent on manufacturing products.

The main principles of the organization of the production process are:

1. Specialization, that is, dividing it into its component parts (operations, work) and assigning them to individual jobs.
2. Proportionality, which assumes the same throughput of all departments, sections, lines, which allows for a uniform rhythmic movement of the object of labor throughout the entire technological chain, prevents its breaks, or vice versa, congestion.
3. Parallelism, which makes it possible to simultaneously process several products or simultaneously perform various operations with one, which leads to a reduction in the technological cycle.
4. Continuity, ensuring the elimination (full or partial) of any interruptions in the movement of the object of labor.
5. Straightness, which refers to the passage of the product through all stages of processing along the shortest path.
6. The maximum possible and economically feasible automation of technological operations and their complexes (works).
7. Flexibility, allowing in the shortest possible time and at minimal cost to reconfigure individual pieces of equipment and production lines for the production of new products.
8. Optimality, ensuring the implementation of all processes for the production of products in a given set, in the required time frame with maximum economic efficiency.

Depending on the features and nature of the movement of the object of labor, production processes are divided into mass, serial, individual.

In individual production, objects are created in a "piece" design. As a rule, these are unique products (for example, space stations, building objects created according to individual projects, large military and civil ships, etc.), for the manufacture of which all resources are directed. Individual technology has a non-repetitive character, it involves the performance at each workplace of a wide range of operations that require universal workers and tools. There are usually no economies of scale here.

Serial production involves a wider range of products, periodically repeating batches of them, assigning several similar operations to each workplace, processing products according to a schedule in order of priority. Depending on the size of the series and the frequency of their change, it can be large- and small-scale.

Small-scale production is characterized by a fairly wide range of products produced in small, rarely repeated groups, usually by special orders of specific consumers. As a rule, it is concentrated in non-specialized enterprises, where separate divisions are focused on performing various types of work. The technologies applied here assume that not all units of production go through the same operations. This requires a high readjustment of equipment and the use of labor of various qualifications.

High-volume production involves a relatively constant release of products in large batches, which allows you to get economies of scale. The technology is associated with the use of partly specialized, partly universal equipment and tools.

Mass production is associated with the production of large volumes of products of a limited range, the individual units of which are indistinguishable from each other and are intended for an anonymous consumer. The technology aimed at processing a continuous flow of resources passing through the entire production system is characterized by low flexibility, narrow operational specialization of workers, automatic equipment and tools, a standard set of routine operations, and the use of low-skilled labor. All this provides significant economies of scale in production through the rational use of resources.

The development of mass production follows the path of automation, which can be partial, when control functions are not fully automated, and complex.

The listed types of production processes require their own organization specifics. So, in mass and continuous production, where each product goes through the same processing operations, a linear flow organization is used. Equipment and workplaces are located here in strict sequence in accordance with the operations provided for by the technology.

In individual production, a fixed positional organization is used, when the product or the main consumer is stationary, and resources (raw materials, components, labor) are supplied to them.

In serial production, there is an operational functional organization, when equipment is grouped according to the work performed, and individual products or customers move from one site to another depending on specific requirements, which minimizes transport operations.

Labor of the production process

The process of interaction of production factors in an enterprise, aimed at converting raw materials (materials) into finished products suitable for consumption or further processing, forms a production process or production.

The main elements of the production process are labor (human activity), objects and means of labor. Many industries use natural processes (biological, chemical).

The largest parts of the production process are the main, auxiliary and side production.

The main ones are those processes, the direct result of which is the manufacture of products that make up marketable products of this enterprise, and to auxiliary ones - those during which semi-products are created for the main production, as well as work is performed that ensures the normal course of the main processes. Side production covers the processes of processing waste from the main production or their disposal.

In the course of time, production processes are divided into discrete (discontinuous) and continuous, caused by the continuity of the technological process or the needs of society.

According to the degree of automation, processes are distinguished: manual, mechanized (performed by workers with the help of machines), automated (performed by machines under the supervision of a worker) and automatic (performed by machines without the participation of a worker according to a previously developed program).

The process of main, auxiliary and side production consists of a number of production stages.

A stage is a technologically completed part of production that characterizes the change in the object of labor, passing from one qualitative state to another.

The production stage is divided, in turn, into a number of production operations, which are the primary link, the elementary, simplest component of the labor process. The production operation is performed at a separate workplace, by one or a group of workers, on the same object of labor, using the same means of labor.

By appointment, production operations are divided into:

Technological (main), as a result of which qualitative changes are made to the objects of labor, its condition, appearance, shape and properties;
- transport, changing the position of the object of labor in space and creating conditions for mass production;
- maintenance, providing normal conditions for the operation of machines (their cleaning, lubrication, cleaning the workplace);
- control, contributing to the correct execution of technological operations, compliance with the specified modes (control and regulation of the process).

For the normal organization of the production process, the following principles must be observed:

1) the principle of specialization is the assignment to each workshop, production site, workplace of a technologically homogeneous group of works or a strictly defined product range;
2) the principle of continuity of the process means ensuring the movement of the object of labor from one workplace to another without delays and stops;
3) the principle of proportionality implies consistency in the duration and productivity of all interrelated production units;
4) the principle of parallelism provides for the simultaneous execution of individual operations and processes;
5) the principle of direct flow means that the objects of labor in the process of processing must have the shortest routes through all stages and operations of the production process;
6) the principle of rhythm consists in the regularity and stability of the course of the entire process, which ensures the production of the same or evenly increasing amount of products for equal periods of time;
7) the principle of flexibility requires the rapid adaptation of the production process to changes in organizational and technical conditions associated with the transition to the manufacture of new products, etc.

The production process at the enterprise

Industrial production is a complex process of converting raw materials, semi-finished materials and other objects of labor into finished products that meet the needs of the market.

The production process is a set of all the actions of people and tools necessary for a given enterprise to manufacture products.

The production process consists of the following processes:

The main ones are technological processes during which changes in the geometric shapes, sizes and physical and chemical properties of products occur;
- auxiliary - these are processes that ensure the uninterrupted flow of the main processes (manufacturing and repair of tools and equipment; repair of equipment; provision of all types of energy (electricity, heat, steam, water, compressed air, etc.));
- service - these are processes associated with the maintenance of both main and auxiliary processes and do not create products (storage, transportation, technical control, etc.).

In the context of automated, automatic and flexible integrated production, auxiliary and service processes are more or less combined with the main ones and become an integral part of the production processes, which will be discussed in more detail later.

Technological processes, in turn, are divided into phases.

Phase - a set of works, the performance of which characterizes the completion of a certain part of the technological process and is associated with the transition of the object of labor from one qualitative state to another.

In mechanical engineering and instrumentation, technological processes are mainly divided into three phases:

- processing;
- assembly.

The technological process consists of technological actions, operations, sequentially performed on the given object of labor.

An operation is a part of a technological process performed at one workplace (machine, stand, unit, etc.), consisting of a series of actions on each subject of labor or a group of jointly processed items.

Operations that do not lead to a change in the geometric shapes, sizes, physical and chemical properties of objects of labor are not technological operations (transport, loading and unloading, control, testing, picking, etc.).

Operations also differ depending on the means of labor used:

Manual, performed without the use of machines, mechanisms and mechanized tools;
- machine-manual - performed using machines or hand tools with the continuous participation of the worker;
- machine - performed on machines, installations, units with limited participation of the worker (for example, installation, fixing, starting and stopping the machine, unfastening and removing the part). The machine does the rest;
- automated - are performed on automatic equipment or automatic lines.

Hardware processes are characterized by the performance of machine and automatic operations in special units (furnaces, installations, baths, etc.).

Manufacturing Process Factors

The main factors of the production process that determine the nature of production are the means of labor (machines, equipment, buildings, structures, etc.), objects of labor (raw materials, materials, semi-finished products) and labor as an expedient activity of people. The direct interaction of these three main factors forms the content of the production process.

The production process is a set of separate labor processes aimed at the transformation of raw materials and materials into finished products. The content of the production process has a decisive impact on the construction of the enterprise and its production units. The production process is the basis of any enterprise.

Factors are the main causes and conditions for the flow of production. The whole essence of production lies in the use of production factors and the creation with their help, on their basis, of an economic product. So the factors are the driving force of production, the components of the production potential.

In the simplest representation, the totality of production factors is reduced to the triad of land, labor, capital, embodying the participation of natural and labor resources, means of production in the creation of a product of economic activity. As the fourth factor, a number of authors of books on economics name entrepreneurship. But the expansion of the number of production factors from three to four does not exhaust their possible list. Let us dwell on the analysis of production factors in more detail.

The natural factor reflects the influence natural conditions on production processes, the use in production of natural sources of raw materials and energy, minerals, land and water resources, the air basin, natural flora and fauna. The natural environment as a factor of production embodies the possibility of involving in the production of certain types and volumes of natural resources, which are converted into raw materials from which the whole variety of tangible products of production is made. Nature, including not only the Earth, but also the Sun, represents the energy pantry of production, which, as you know, is not able to function without energy replenishment. The natural environment, the Earth is at the same time a production site on which and in which the means of production are located, workers work. Finally, nature is important for production as a factor not only of current, but also of future production.

With all the importance and significance of the natural factor in relation to production, it acts as a more passive factor than labor and capital. Natural resources, being mainly raw materials, undergo transformation into materials and further into the main means of production, acting as the actual active, creative factors. Therefore, in a number of factor models, the natural factor as such often does not appear explicitly, which in no way diminishes its significance for production.

The labor factor is represented in the process of production by the labor of the workers employed in it. The combination of labor with other factors of production initiates the production process as such. At the same time, the “labor” factor embodies the whole variety of types and forms of labor activity that directs production, accompanies it and represents it in the form of direct participation in the transformation of matter, energy, and information. So that all participants directly or indirectly involved in production contribute their labor to it, and both the course of production and its final result depend on this common labor.

Although labor itself is a factor of production, given the pronounced resource nature economic factors production, quite often in the form of a production factor, not labor itself is considered as the cost of a person’s physical and mental energy or working time, but labor resources, the number of people employed in production or the able-bodied population. This approach is often used in macroeconomic factorial models. It is also important to know and understand that the labor factor of production activity is manifested not only in the number of employees and labor costs, but also, to no lesser extent, in the quality and efficiency of their work, in labor returns. Real calculations take into account not only the labor expended, but also its productivity.

The factor "capital" represents the means of production involved in production and directly participating in it. The labor factor in the form of labor resources, labor power is involved in the production of only one side of its existence, the so-called living labor. At the same time, labor for a person is rather one of the conditions, and not a goal, purpose, a way of his existence.

As for the means of production, they are created precisely for production, intended, and give themselves entirely to production. In this sense, capital as a factor of production is even higher than the labor factor.

Capital as a factor of production can act in different forms and forms and be measured in different ways. It has already been noted that both physical capital and the money capital that transforms into it are personified in productive capital. Physical capital is presented in the form of fixed capital (fixed assets of production), but it is legitimate to add working capital (current assets) to it, which also plays the role of a factor of production as the most important material resource and source of production activity (some authors do not classify materials as capital and consider them as an independent factor). When considering long-term, future factors of production, capital investments, investments in production are often considered as such. This approach is legitimate, since in the long run, monetary and other investments in production turn into production factors.

The fourth factor of production reflects the impact of entrepreneurial activity on the results of production activities. Entrepreneurial initiative has a favorable effect on the results of production activities. At the same time, it is quite difficult to quantify and measure the effect of this factor. The factor itself, called entrepreneurship or entrepreneurial activity, does not, unlike labor and capital, have generally accepted quantitative measures. For this reason alone, it is necessary to judge the impact of this factor on the volume or other results of production more qualitatively than quantitatively. Entrepreneurial initiative increases the return of the labor factor in production.

Let's name another significant production factor.

In general, it is called the scientific and technical level of production. In its own way economic essence scientific and technical (technical and technological) level expresses the degree of technical and technological excellence of production. The following section of this chapter discusses this factor in more detail. A high scientific and technical level of production leads to an increase in the return of the labor factor (labor productivity) and capital (fixed assets), i.e. manifested through other factors. At the same time, the scientific and technical level of production is also an independently acting factor. Contributing to the improvement of the technical level and quality of products, technical and technological progress allows to increase the demand for it, and this leads to an increase in prices and sales, the cost of the product being sold. So scientific, technical, technological progress, raising the technical level of production, will create another significant production factor in its face.

As mentioned above, as part of the factors, materials used in production can be distinguished as independent, considered separately from capital (fixed assets).

Process control

The production process is the basis of the company's activities. It consists of a set of organizational actions that decide and help the implementation of the technological process aimed at fulfilling the accepted plan for the production of products or services.

The technology of production of a product or service determines the nature of the enterprise and its direction.

The production technology is determined by the product, and the product is determined by the needs of the consumer, and the consumer can be an enterprise, state, society, a specific team or a specific person.

The implemented technology for the production of products should provide quality parameters that satisfy the consumer, have high manufacturability, and strive to minimize the cost of manufacturing this product.

Labor productivity in any production system is determined by production technology. The technology of mass production gives the highest labor productivity.

The main elements in the organization of production in such a system are:

Means of production;
- Items of labor;
- Professional work of a person;
- Production technology;
- Financial support of all production.

The means of production include:

Buildings, structures, machines, equipment and equipment, with the help of which the production process is carried out.

Items of work include:

Raw materials, materials, semi-finished products undergoing any technological processing in order to obtain a finished product with new quality parameters. Professional labor of a person;
It's expedient professional activity, with the help of which a product with new qualitative parameters is obtained.

Production technology consists of: production processes divided into separate operations.

Manufacturing processes can be:

Labor (when a person directly affects the product),
- natural (the product is exposed to the natural forces of nature).

In labor processes, one should distinguish between technological and auxiliary operations.

Technological operations should be understood as specific actions of a person and equipment, with the help of which a change in the product of labor occurs.

Auxiliary operations do not change the product, but enable the technological and organizational part of the production process to proceed.

In each part of operational activities there is a main - technological part of the production process, and an auxiliary part - the organizational process.

It should be borne in mind that, in relation to the main production process, some of the main processes, but occurring in auxiliary production, are classified as auxiliary technological operations.

In auxiliary production there are basic labor processes that provide the main production. For example: the equipment and tool shop delivers its products to the main car assembly shop.

Thus, the totality of technological processes, auxiliary operations and labor processes forms a production process that requires organization and management.

And so, at the heart of the production process is the operation. An operation is understood as a part of the production process that is technologically and operationally completed in terms of its labor activities. To perform operations, production workshops are organized in which products are manufactured.

The following workshops can be created at the enterprise:

1. Shops of the main production.
2. Shops of auxiliary production.
3. Service shops.
4. Side shops (consumer goods).

Main production shops are divided into:

- Processing;
- Assembly.

Ancillary production includes:

tool manufacturing,
- production of technological equipment,
- repair of equipment,
- production and transmission of all types of energy carriers.

Workshops serving the production process:

Transportation and production of products,
- supply of basic and auxiliary materials,
- acquisition of semi-finished products and tools,
- warehouse work,
- sales of finished products.

According to the degree of complexity of production, production processes are divided into simple and complex. Simple manufacturing processes consist of simple operations.

Complex processes - a set of simple interconnected processes for the manufacture of a finished product or part of it.

The organization of any production process must ensure a rational combination of technological and labor processes.

When organizing the production process in the workshops, they are guided by the following principles:

1. The principle of specialization means assigning specific production operations to each unit and workplace. In this case, operations are selected on the basis of technological homogeneity.
2. The principle of proportionality suggests ensuring the release of equal volumes by units, jobs, lines, groups of equipment.
3. The principle of parallelism ensures the parallel production of products at the same workplaces.
4. The principle of direct flow implies the sequential placement of operations along the technological chain.
5. The principle of continuity makes it possible to ensure technological continuity in a number of industries, for example: hardware, hardware processes.
6. Continuity of production is ensured through precise operational and scheduling.
7. The principle of rhythm ensures the uniformity of output.
8. The principle of production automation makes it possible to replace heavy and monotonous manual labor.

A special place in the production of products is occupied by the process of financial support for the entire production. It is necessary to provide finance at all stages of the movement of processing - the manufacture of a product or service. In other words, this is the provision of working capital for the entire production cycle. Sources of working capital can be both own working capital and other sources of replenishment of working capital (borrowed, bank loans, etc.).

Production technical processes

The main elements that determine the technological process are the expedient human activity or labor itself, objects of labor and means of labor. Purposeful activity or labor itself is carried out by a person who expends neuromuscular energy to perform various movements, monitor and control the impact of tools on labor objects.

The essence of the production process

When organizing the production process in time and space, one should proceed from a number of principles, the correct use of which ensures an increase in the efficiency of the enterprise, a rational level of consumption of material, labor and financial resources.

The basic principles of organizing the production process in time and space are: differentiation, concentration and integration, specialization, proportionality, direct flow, continuity, rhythm, automaticity, flexibility, electronization.

The principle of differentiation is the division of the production process into separate technological processes, operations, transitions, techniques, movements, in which an analysis of the features of each element allows you to choose the best conditions for its implementation, and also consumes the minimum amount of total costs of all types of resources.

The principle of specialization is based on limiting the diversity of the elements of the production process. In particular, groups of workers specializing in professions are singled out, which helps to improve their skills, and, consequently, increase labor productivity. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the expedient organization of production often requires the mastery of workers in related professions in order to ensure the interchangeability of workers in the production process.

The principle of proportionality is a relatively equal throughput of all production units that perform the main, auxiliary and service processes, the violation of which leads to the formation of "bottlenecks" in production or to incomplete loading of jobs, sections, workshops, which negatively affects the efficiency of the enterprise .

The principle of direct flow is the principle, under which the shortest paths for the movement of parts or assembly units in the production process are provided and there should be no return movements of production objects on the site, in the workshop, at the enterprise.

The principle of continuity is the reduction to a minimum of interruptions in production processes that may occur either for technological or organizational reasons.

Technological breaks are caused by non-synchronous operations, for example, with the need to clean equipment.

The principle of rhythm is the release of equal or evenly increasing volumes of products by an enterprise, workshop, section or individual workplace in accordance with the production plan, which is necessary to ensure maximum use of the production capacities of the enterprise and each of its divisions.

The principle of automaticity is one of the decisive components in increasing the efficiency of production and intensifying it.

The principle of flexibility is the ability to quickly and easily switch from the production of one product to the production of another, including new products, which reduces the time and cost of equipment changeover when producing parts and products of a wide range.

The flexibility of production, a quick transition to the production of new products with the least loss of resources is carried out on the basis of the electronization of production processes, which involves the use of high-speed computers that help maintain the necessary rhythm and uniformity of the production process.

Economic production processes

Economic production processes - a set of interrelated labor processes and natural processes, as a result of which raw materials are converted into finished products.

Depending on the nature and scale of the products produced, manufacturing processes can be simple or complex. Products manufactured at machine-building enterprises, as a rule, consist of a large number of parts and assembly units. Parts have a variety of overall dimensions, complex geometric shapes, are processed with great precision, and various materials are required for their manufacture. All this complicates the production process, which is divided into parts, and individual parts of this complex process are carried out by various workshops and production sections of the plant.

The production process includes both technological and non-technological processes.

Technological - processes, as a result of which the shapes, sizes, properties of objects of labor change.

Non-technological - processes that do not lead to a change in these factors.

- serial - with a wide range of constantly repeating types of products;
- individual - with a constantly changing product range, when a large proportion of the processes is unique.

All production structures of enterprises can be reduced to the following types (depending on their specialization):

1. Plants with a full technological cycle. They have all procurement, processing and assembly shops with a complex of auxiliary and service units.
2. Plants with an incomplete technological cycle. These include plants that receive workpieces in cooperation with other plants or intermediaries.
3. Plants (assembly) that produce cars only from parts manufactured by other enterprises, such as car assembly plants.
4. Factories specializing in the production of blanks of a certain type. They are technologically specialized.
5. Plants of detailed specialization, producing separate groups of parts or individual parts (ball bearing plant).

Depending on which product is the result of production, production processes are divided into main, auxiliary and service.

The central place in this set is occupied by the main production process, as a result of which raw materials and materials are converted into finished products. For example, in automobile factories, the main process will be the production of blanks for parts, the assembly of assembly units and the complete assembly of cars.

The main production process is divided into three stages: procurement, processing and assembly.

Auxiliary PP - the process of manufacturing products that will be used within the enterprise. For example, an auxiliary process in an automobile plant includes the manufacture of tools that are used in the processing of car parts, the manufacture of spare parts for the repair of equipment.

Serving PP is a labor process, as a result of which no products are created. It includes transport, warehouse operations, technical control, etc.

The timely and high-quality implementation of the main PP largely depends on how the implementation of auxiliary and service processes is organized, which are subordinated to the task of better providing the main PP.

The organization of production covers all links - from groups of industries and sub-sectors National economy to the workplace.

Based on the content and directions of the organization of production, it is possible to formulate its main tasks:

Choice of the most perfect real elements of PP;
- ensuring their full use and rational spatial and temporal combination;
- economy of living labor;
- improving the quality of products.

The highest form of organization of production is automatic production lines, which are a set of machines that automatically perform technological operations in a certain sequence.

The economic efficiency of automatic production lines consists in a sharp increase in labor productivity and product quality, a significant reduction in cost and improvement in other indicators, as well as in facilitating the work of workers whose functions are reduced to machine control.

Process control depends on the specific structure of a particular enterprise. And also from the method of building a functional system of the enterprise.

With a centralized method, all management functions are concentrated in the functional departments of the enterprise management.

Only line managers were left in the shops and at the sites. To bring the functional apparatus closer to production, a part of this apparatus can be placed on the territory of the workshops that it directly serves. But the workers of this part are subordinate to the head of the general functional department of the enterprise. The centralized system justifies itself with small volumes of production, although it was widely used in the past in all enterprises in “stagnant” times.

With a decentralized method, all service functions are transferred to the shops. Each workshop turns into a closed production unit.

The most effective mixed method, which received greatest application in most businesses. At the same time, issues that can be solved more quickly and better by a workshop or economic bureau are transferred to their jurisdiction, and the functional departments of the enterprise management apparatus carry out methodological guidance of functional units and control over product quality.

Since the main part of the production process takes place directly in the workshop, it has its own process control apparatus. At the head of the workshop is the chief, appointed from among experienced, highly qualified workers and subordinate to the director of the enterprise. He organizes the work of the entire team, carries out measures for the production of mechanization and automation of the production process, the production of the introduction of new technology, and implements measures for the production of labor protection.

Manufacturing Process Resources

AT economic theory one of the main factors in changing consumer demand in the market is the actual presence or absence of goods.

Benefits are means that can satisfy the various needs of a person and society as a whole.

Some of them are available in almost unlimited quantities (for example, water, sun, air), while others are in a limited amount. The latter are called economic goods.

There is a certain classification of economic goods, represented by such goods as:

1. short-lived - these are single-use goods (food);
2. long-term - these are benefits used by a person repeatedly (clothing);
3. real benefits are those benefits that are available at the moment;
4. future - these are the benefits expected in the future;
5. direct - these are goods aimed only at consumption;
6. indirect - these are the benefits that were created to accompany the production process;
7. fungible - these are the benefits that are represented not only by consumer goods, but also by resources used in the production process (substitute goods);
8. complementary - these are the benefits that can satisfy the needs of a person or society only in conjunction with each other.

In order to create economic benefits, it is necessary to use resources in the production process. Resources are tangible and intangible elements involved in the production process.

There are several types of resources:

1. natural resources are natural goods used in the production of goods and services (land, minerals, forests, etc.);
2. human resources are the physical and mental efforts that an employee spends in the production process;
3. capital resources are factories, machines, tools, as well as the money spent on their acquisition;
4. Entrepreneurial resources - the management skills of people that are necessary to organize the production process.

But, unfortunately, all resources are limited. Natural resources are limited due to their exhaustibility. Labor resources are also limited by the physical and mental capabilities of the individual, but are capable of growth. On the one hand, labor resources are limited quantitatively - by the number of the able-bodied population of the country. On the other hand, they can grow qualitatively as the level of education of workers increases, their qualifications improve, etc. Capital resources are limited by their service life. Entrepreneurial resources are limited by the abilities of people, which is why a person cannot produce an infinite number of economic goods.

In society, there must constantly be a uniform distribution of resources between various sectors of the economy in order to produce certain required types of economic benefits. So, if a large amount of resources is involved in one sector of the economy, then other sectors will get less of them.

Those resources that are involved in the production process are the factors of production.

Consider their main types:

1. land - these are natural benefits used in the production process (air, forest, minerals, etc.); land is a limited resource, a fee is charged for it, which is called rent;
2. labor is the physical and mental effort that a person uses in the production of goods and services; a person agrees to realize his ability to work for a payment, which is called wages;
3. capital is expended in the process of production, therefore, it will be provided for use for a fee called interest on capital;
4. Entrepreneurship brings together in the production process land, labor and capital and receives for the risk and effort invested in business, a fee called profit (and in case of failure, the entrepreneur alone bears all the losses).

Factors of production can be owned, managed and used by individuals, firms or the state.

Since resources are limited, a person and society faces important question is a matter of choice. Often a person does not have the opportunity to satisfy his needs, or, conversely, there is an opportunity, but there is no need. Even in Everyday life you can face this economic dilemma, for example, go to the movies or visit the hairdresser, eat ice cream or chocolate. In economic theory, this task is manifested in the need to choose between alternative goods: which should be produced and which should be discarded. By releasing, for example, the maximum number of bicycles, it will be necessary to limit the production, for example, of scooters. This brings us to the concept of production possibilities. Production possibilities are the maximum amount of goods or services that can be produced in a given period of time with given resources and technologies. At the same time, it should be taken into account that resources in the production of these goods or services are used most efficiently and fully.

Types of production processes

The production process is a complex of labor and natural processes ordered in space and time, aimed at manufacturing products of the necessary purpose, in a certain quantity and quality and within the specified time.

The set of jobs forms the basis of the production process, which results in the creation of a finished product or service.

The production process at an industrial enterprise is a set of interrelated labor processes and natural processes, as a result of which raw materials are converted into finished products (products).

The production process is carried out with the help of technologies, which can be understood as ways of sequentially changing the state, properties, shape, size and other characteristics of the object of labor. The manufacturing technology of a product consists of a series of operations performed in a certain sequence.

An operation is a part of the technological process performed on a specific object of labor at one workplace by one worker or team. Production processes according to their role in the overall structure of production are divided into main, auxiliary and service. The main process is called the production process, which is performed directly for the manufacture of the enterprise's products provided for by the plan. The totality of the main production processes is the main production of the enterprise.

The main production of an enterprise usually consists of three stages: procurement, processing and assembly.

At the procurement stage, blanks are produced (castings, forgings, stampings, etc.), which are subjected to further processing. At the processing stage, blanks or basic materials are processed (mechanically, thermally, electrochemically, etc.) and turn into finished parts that are sent for assembly or sold to the outside. The assembly stage of production covers metalwork, assembly, testing, painting, packaging and other processes, as a result of which the finished product of the enterprise is obtained.

An auxiliary process is a process that ensures the implementation of the main production.

Like the main ones, auxiliary processes can be procurement, processing, assembly and finishing, but their purpose is not to produce products, but to create the conditions necessary for the implementation of the main processes. First of all, we are talking about technical control over the condition of equipment, its repair, maintenance, etc., and for this it is sometimes necessary to manufacture certain parts, tools, paint, and perform assembly work. The set of auxiliary processes forms the auxiliary production of the enterprise (for example, tool, repair, energy, etc.).

Service processes are associated with the placement, storage, movement of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, finished products at the enterprise and are carried out within the warehouse or transport departments.

Service processes feed the main and auxiliary production with materials, semi-finished products, tools and fixtures, load, unload and store material and energy resources. Service processes also include the provision of various social services to employees of the company, for example, food, medical care. The totality of such processes forms a service production (economy) (for example, transport, storage, etc.).

Auxiliary and service processes are not directly related to the release of products, but they are necessary to ensure the rhythmic, efficient course of the main process.

All production processes are usually classified according to six main features:

By the nature of the impact on the object of labor, the following processes are distinguished:

Technological, during which there is a change in the object of labor under the influence of living labor (direct human participation);
- natural, when the physical state of the object of labor changes under the influence of the forces of nature (fermentation, souring).

According to the forms of interconnection with other processes, there are:

Analytical, when as a result of the primary processing of raw materials, products are obtained that enter the subsequent processing;
- synthetic, carrying out the connection of semi-finished products received from different processes into a single product;
- direct, creating one type of finished product from one type of material.

According to the degree of continuity, continuous and discrete (discontinuous) processes are distinguished.

By the nature of the equipment used, there are:

Hardware (closed) processes, when the technological process is carried out in special units (apparatuses, baths, furnaces), and the function of the worker is to manage and maintain them;
- open (local) processes, when a worker processes objects of labor using a set of tools and mechanisms.

According to the level of mechanization, it is customary to distinguish:

Manual processes performed without the use of machines and mechanisms;
- machine-manual, performed with the help of machines and mechanisms with the obligatory participation of the worker (for example, processing a part on a machine tool);
- machine, carried out on machines, machine tools and mechanisms with limited participation of the worker;
- automated, carried out on automatic machines, where the worker performs control and management of the production process;
- complex-automated, in which, along with automatic production, automatic operational control is carried out.

According to the scale of production of homogeneous products, processes are distinguished:

Mass - with a large scale of production of homogeneous products;
- serial - with a wide range of constantly repeating types of products, the composition of the processes is repetitive;
- individual - with a constantly changing product range, here a large proportion of the processes is unique and does not repeat.

The organization of production processes is subject to certain principles that the manager needs to know and take into account. The main among them are: specialization, proportionality, parallelism, direct flow, continuity, rhythm, flexibility, cyclicality, complexity.

The specialization of the production process involves its division into component parts and assignment to individual jobs, production sites of a limited number of detail operations, technological processes. It can be object-by-object, more detailed, operational. Specialization greatly improves the quality and speed of work, therefore it brings a significant economic effect to the company, but at the same time it is often associated with negative social consequences: the work of an employee becomes monotonous, as a result of which, on the one hand, his psychological stress increases, and with the other is dequalification, loss of skills, versatility.

Proportionality is consistency in productivity and production capacity of all production units of the enterprise and individual jobs. Increasing the degree of proportionality allows more complete use of production equipment, fixed assets in general.

Parallelism implies, to a certain extent, the simultaneous execution of technological processes for the manufacture of parts (assemblies) of the same product in time. Increasing the level of parallelism leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle, improving the use of working capital of the enterprise.

Straightness lies in the fact that all objects of production in the manufacturing process in space pass along the shortest path without return movements. This can be achieved with subject specialization and the use of flow-line forms of organization of production. As a result, the efficiency of using Vehicle, as well as production equipment, the cost of production is reduced.

The continuity of this principle lies in the fact that each subsequent operation of the technological process of a given production object begins to be performed immediately after the completion of the previous one, that is, there are no breaks in time. This reduces the duration of the production cycle, improves the use of working capital.

Rhythm implies such an organization of production processes, when certain (equal) volumes of work are performed in equal periods of time and an equal amount of products is produced. The highest level of rhythm is achieved with full compliance with the requirements of the principles noted above. As a result of the implementation of this principle, all the main technical and economic indicators of production increase.

Automation is the highest possible and economically feasible automation of both partial processes and the production process as a whole. The main result of automation is a significant increase in labor productivity.

Flexibility means, above all, a quick changeover of equipment. Not so long ago, the principles of organizing production were focused on the sustainable nature of production - a stable range of products, specific types of equipment, etc. In modern conditions of rapid renewal of the product range, the production technology must also change. Meanwhile, the rapid change of equipment would cause unreasonably high costs for the manufacturer.

Complexity. Modern manufacturing processes are characterized by constant interaction and "merging" of the main, auxiliary and service processes. Therefore, in connection with the well-known lag in the automation of servicing production in comparison with the equipment of the main one, you need to concentrate your attention on the rational organization of the implementation of not only the main, but also auxiliary and servicing production processes.

Production process time

Working time is the duration of the working day established by law, during which workers must perform the work entrusted to them at an enterprise, institution or organization.

Working time is divided into two groups:

1. Working time;
2. Time of breaks.

Working time - the period during which the employee prepares and directly performs the work received. It consists of the time of work to fulfill the production task and the time of work not provided for by the production task.

The time of work to fulfill the production task consists of the following categories of costs of the contractor's working time: preparatory and final time, operational time and time for servicing the workplace.

The time of work not provided for by the production task is the time spent on performing random and unproductive work (for example, correcting product defects).

Break time is the time during which the employee does not participate in work. It is divided into scheduled and non-scheduled breaks.

The time of regulated breaks in work includes the time of breaks in work due to the technology and organization of the production process, as well as time for rest and personal needs.

The time of unscheduled breaks in work is the time of breaks in work caused by a violation of the normal course of the production process. It includes the time of breaks in work caused by shortcomings in the organization of production, and the time of breaks in work caused by violations of labor discipline.

The duration of breaks for rest depends on working conditions.

In relation to equipment, all time costs should be ungrouped so as to carefully identify the nature of its use over time.

In relation to the production process, all time costs must be ungrouped so as to reveal the nature of their content.

Operative time - Top.;
- extra time - Tdp.

Operational time (Top) is the time spent on performing a given work (operation), repeated with each unit or a certain volume of production. It is divided into the main (To), during which the object undergoes quantitative and qualitative changes (for example, removing chips from a part on a lathe), and auxiliary (Tv), which is spent on the actions of the performer that ensure the execution of the main work (for example, installation and removal details).

Additional time (Tdp) consists of the time spent on maintenance of the workplace Tob and the time needed for rest and physiological (natural) needs Totl.

The service time of the workplace Tob is divided into two parts:

1) Organizational maintenance time, including the time required to care for the workplace during the shift, for example, the time for inspecting the machine and testing it, lubricating and cleaning, laying out tools at the beginning and end of the shift, transferring the machine to the shifter, receiving instructions in during the working day.
2) Maintenance time includes the time required for a worker to change a dull tool, clean the machine from chips, adjust and adjust it during operation.

The time of breaks for rest and natural needs Totl when working on metal-cutting machines is set according to the standards, depending on the conditions of production and operation of the equipment. It is calculated as a percentage of the operational time. Physical education pauses also belong to the rest time.

The value of Tp.z. depends on the type of production. In single and small-scale production, where there are frequent readjustments of equipment due to a change in the task, it takes about 12-19%, in large-scale production - 3-9%, in mass production - 1-3% of the working time.

The preparatory-final time has the following features:

1. It is spent by the worker only at the beginning and at the end of work on a given batch of parts, and its duration does not depend on the number of pieces in the batch.
2. Normalized and evaluated separately, a technically justified time limit for preparatory and final work and piecework rates are usually indicated on the job or in a special outfit with a distinctive blue or red stripe, which makes it possible to identify the actual time spent on preparatory and final work and take measures to their elimination or reduction to a minimum for the main workers, since these costs essentially represent hidden reserves for further increasing labor productivity.
3. In mass and large-scale production in areas where the same operations are continuously repeated, as well as in mass production when working on machines that require complex adjustment, the time spent on preparatory and final work is not included in the technically justified time limit for the operation, since this work is performed by adjusters and auxiliary workers (usually between shifts or lunch breaks), while the time required for periodic readjustment (adjustment to the size of the disordered equipment) is taken into account when determining the time spent on maintaining the workplace. In productions of all types, as analysis shows, it is necessary to free production workers from performing any kind of preparatory and final work or, in extreme cases, to reduce them to a minimum (as, for example, provided for in time standards). It is necessary to strive for such an organization of service for workers, in which material, blanks, tools, fixtures and documentation are delivered to the workplace in a timely manner and then removed, as a result of which the cost of working time for this part of the preparatory and final time is reduced in every possible way.

Thus, all working time is normalized useful and is fully used by workers only for productive work.

In lagging sectors and enterprises, where technical regulation is in a state of disrepair and experimental statistical standards are used instead of technically justified standards, workers waste time irrationally. Here, only part of it is spent on useful work / productive /, and the rest of the time is spent on unproductive work and various kinds of losses. In such areas, it is possible to divide working time into normalized and non-standardized, and, consequently, to identify reserves for increasing labor productivity.

In this case, the normalized time includes: all the above categories of working time costs, but the normalized time is not completely useful, but includes various hidden losses, which are a huge reserve for increasing labor productivity and reducing production costs.

1. Under the loss of working time due to unproductive work Tp.n. time is understood to be not provided for by technically justified norms. Such losses include: machine repair; fixing a marriage search for a master, adjuster; tool sharpening due to lack of centralized sharpening.
2. Breaks that do not depend on the worker are time losses for organizational and technical reasons Tp.o. These include interruptions in work due to problems in the organization of production /waiting for material, order, drawing, blanks, tools, containers, etc./ or lack of compressed air energy, equipment breakdown, / i.e. technical reasons.
3. If we consider working time in relation to equipment, then losses for organizational and technical reasons are understood as the time when the equipment is in adjustment or maintenance.
4. Losses of working time due to reasons dependent on the worker include: late start and early end of work, leaving the workplace.

The time of work, depending on the nature of the participation of the worker in the performance of production operations, can be the time of manual work, machine-manual work, and the time of monitoring the operation of the equipment.

When analyzing working time, it is necessary to allocate manual time overlapped and not overlapped by machine time.

So part of the manual time for performing preparatory and final, auxiliary actions and maintenance of the workplace can be performed during machine, automatic operation of the equipment, that is, during the period of monitoring the equipment (familiarization with the drawing and order, sweeping chips, etc. ). The labor rate includes only manual time not overlapped by machine time.

The time of monitoring the operation of the machine is active and passive. Active time is the period during which the worker monitors the progress of the technological process, compliance with the specified parameters or the operation of the equipment, i.e. controls the correctness of the process.

During this time, the presence of the worker at the workplace is necessary, although he does not perform any physical work. Active control time is included in the normal time.

During passive observation, the worker can observe the operation of the equipment, as not occupied in accordance with the provided technology or free.

All working hours are divided into normalized and non-standardized.

Normalized includes all the time of work, i.e. preparatory and final, operational, workplace maintenance time, rest breaks and natural needs, as well as breaks due to technology and organization of production.

Non-standardized time is the time of breaks, depending on various malfunctions in production and various kinds of losses, depending on the worker.

Equipment usage time consists of equipment operation time and breaks in operation.

The operating time of the equipment is the period of time during which the equipment is in operation. It is divided into working and idling time. Travel time is the time when the equipment is in operation and the main operations are performed on it.

In order to study the actual costs of working time for the performance of individual works, operations and elements of operations, to study the methods of labor used by production leaders, to identify the best and also unnecessary methods of work, to determine the best content and sequence of performing individual elements of the operation, it is necessary to systematically monitor and measure costs. working time in production.

Automation of production processes

Automation of production processes is understood as a set of technical measures for the development of new technological processes and the creation of production based on high-performance equipment that performs all the main operations without direct human participation.

Automation contributes to a significant increase in labor productivity, improving product quality and working conditions for people.

In agriculture, food and processing industries, the control and management of temperature, humidity, pressure, speed control and movement, quality sorting, packaging and many other processes and operations are automated, ensuring their higher efficiency, labor and cost savings.

Automated production, compared with non-automated production, has certain specifics:

To be effective, they should cover large quantity heterogeneous operations;
- it is necessary to carefully study the technology, analyze production facilities, traffic routes and operations, ensure the reliability of the process with a given quality;
- with a wide range of products and seasonality of work, technological solutions can be multivariate;
- the requirements for a clear and well-coordinated work of various production services are increasing.

When designing automated production, the following principles must be observed:

1. The principle of completeness. You should strive to perform all operations within the same automated production system without intermediate transfer of semi-finished products to other departments.

To implement this principle, it is necessary to ensure:

Manufacturability of the product, i.e. the minimum amount of materials, time and money should be spent on its manufacture;
- unification of methods of processing and control of the product;
- expansion of the type of equipment with increased technological capabilities for processing several types of raw materials or semi-finished products.

2. The principle of low-operational technology. The number of intermediate processing operations for raw materials and semi-finished products should be minimized, and their supply routes should be optimized.

3. The principle of less people technology. Ensuring automatic operation throughout the entire product manufacturing cycle. To do this, it is necessary to stabilize the quality of input raw materials, improve the reliability of equipment and information support of the process.

4. The principle of trouble-free technology. The control object should not require additional adjustment work after it is put into operation.

5. The principle of optimality. All control objects and production services are subject to a single criterion of optimality, for example, to produce only the highest quality products.

6. The principle of group technology. Provides production flexibility, i.e. the ability to switch from the release of one product to the release of another. The principle is based on the commonality of operations, their combinations and recipes.

Serial and small-scale production is characterized by the creation of automated systems from universal and aggregate equipment with interoperational tanks. This equipment, depending on the product being processed, can be readjusted.

For large-scale and mass production of products, automated production is created from special equipment, united by a rigid connection. In such industries, high-performance equipment is used, for example, rotary equipment for pouring liquids into bottles or bags.

For the operation of the equipment, intermediate transport is necessary for raw materials, semi-finished products, components, various environments.

Depending on the intermediate transport, automated production can be:

With end-to-end transportation without rearrangement of raw materials, semi-finished products or media;
- with the rearrangement of raw materials, semi-finished products or media;
- with intermediate tank.

According to the types of equipment layout (aggregation), automated production is distinguished:

- parallel aggregation;
- multithreaded.

In single-flow equipment is located sequentially in the course of operations. To increase the productivity of single-threaded production, the operation can be performed on the same type of equipment in parallel.

In a multi-threaded production, each thread performs similar functions, but operates independently of one another.

A feature of agricultural production and processing of products is the rapid decline in their quality, for example, after slaughtering livestock or removing fruits from trees. This requires such equipment that would have high mobility (the ability to produce a wide range of products from the same type of raw materials and process various types of raw materials on the same type of equipment).

To do this, reconfigurable production systems are created that have the property of automated reconfiguration. The organizational module of such systems is a production module, an automated line, an automated section or a workshop.

Manufacturing process technology

Each enterprise unites a team of workers, at its disposal are machines, buildings and structures, as well as raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, fuel and other means of production in the amounts necessary for the production of certain types of products in a specified quantity within a specified time frame. In enterprises, the production process is carried out, during which workers, with the help of tools, turn raw materials and materials into finished products that society needs. Each industrial enterprise is a single production and technical organism. The production and technical unity of an enterprise is determined by the common purpose of the manufactured products or the processes of its production. Production and technical unity is the most important feature of the enterprise.

The basis of the activity of each enterprise is the production process - the process of reproduction of material goods and industrial relations, the production process is the basis of actions, as a result of which raw materials and semi-finished products are converted into finished products that correspond to their purpose.

Each production process includes main and auxiliary technological processes. Technological processes that ensure the transformation of raw materials and materials into finished products are called basic. Auxiliary technological processes ensure the manufacture of products used to service the main production. For example, preparation of production, energy production for own needs, production of tools, equipment, spare parts for repairing enterprise equipment.

By their nature, technological processes are synthetic, in which one type of product is made from various types of raw materials and materials; analytical, when many types of products are made from one type of raw material; direct, when the production of one type, products from one type of raw material is carried out.

The variety of production products, types of raw materials, equipment, methods of work, etc., also determines the variety of technological processes. Technological processes differ in the nature of the manufactured products, the materials used, the methods and methods of production used, organizational structure and other features. But with all this, they also have a number of features that allow you to combine various processes into groups.

It is generally accepted to divide technological processes into mechanical and physical, chemical and biological and combined.

During mechanical and physical processes, only the appearance and physical properties material. Chemical and biological processes lead to deeper transformations of the material, causing a change in its initial properties. Combined processes are a combination of these processes and are the most common in practice.

Depending on the type of prevailing costs, technological processes are distinguished: material-intensive, labor-intensive, energy-intensive, capital-intensive, etc.

Depending on the type of labor used, technological processes can be manual, machine-manual, automatic and hardware.

In any technological process, it is easy to single out its part, which is repeated with each unit of the same product, called the technological process cycle. The cyclic part of the process can be carried out periodically or continuously; accordingly, periodic and continuous technological processes are distinguished. Processes are called periodic, the cyclical part of which is interrupted after the inclusion of an object of labor (new) in these processes. Such technological processes are called continuous, which are not suspended after the manufacture of each unit of production, but only when the supply of processed or processed raw materials is stopped.

The main elements that determine the technological process are the expedient human activity or labor itself, objects of labor and means of labor.

Purposeful activity or labor itself is carried out by a person who expends neuromuscular energy to perform various movements, monitor and control the impact of tools on labor objects.

The object of labor is what a person’s labor is aimed at. The objects of labor that are converted into finished products in the process of processing include: raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products.

Means of labor - this is what a person affects the object of labor. The means of labor include buildings and structures, equipment, vehicles and tools. In the composition of the means of labor, the decisive role belongs to the instruments of production, that is, equipment (especially working machines).

Quality of production processes

The quality of the production process is a set of properties and characteristics of interrelated components of the production process that determine its ability to produce products in accordance with the established requirements of the state, manufacturer and end user.

Despite the fact that the economic and organizational aspects of the problem of quality arose quite a long time ago, the area of ​​practical implementation of quality assurance remains poorly understood. The absence in the literature of a clear and correct definition of ensuring the quality of production processes still indicates an underestimation by the organizers and economists of this property of the system. Part of the difficulty in creating a modern scientific justification for the quality assurance system of production processes and its practical implementation in Russian enterprises is due to the complexity and dynamism of this issue.

The scientific study of the category of quality assurance of production processes is the initial stage in solving the problem of quality assurance, which is acute in modern conditions. The methodological basis of the general economic analysis of the quality assurance of production processes is the concept of the economic nature and essence of not only the category "quality of production processes", but a whole system of interrelated categories, such as "quality", "system", "production processes", "quality assurance", " quality assurance system”, etc., revealing the relationship between them, their content, forms of manifestation and implementation.

Common to all definitions is the idea of ​​quality as a set of properties and characteristics that determine their ability to satisfy the needs and demands of people, to meet their purpose and requirements.

Difficulties associated with the definition of the concept of the essence of quality can be overcome on the basis of a systematic approach and the phenomenon under study. The development of the term "quality" is inextricably linked with the requirements inherent in the concept of "system".

The whole world around consists of interconnected and interacting systems, in connection with which the system becomes a fundamental concept modern science. The use of this term is so diverse that in each individual case it is required to specify, for example, a technical system, a biological system, an information system, a quality system, etc.

In philosophy, the term "system" is given sufficient semantic scope, namely: "a system is any entity, physical or conceptual, that consists of interdependent parts."

This concept can be specified, indicating that the system is "a complex of interacting elements, each of which is necessary to achieve the goal."

With the development of social relations, the term "system" is being transformed. This is due to the increase in the influence of the environment (external) environment on the activity of a single system, as well as an attempt to determine the subordination of existing systems. In this case, the system acts as "an integral complex of interconnected components, having a special unity with the external environment and representing systems of a higher order (global system)".

The presentation of the quality system from such a position allows to overcome a number of shortcomings that exist in the early interpretations of quality. The quality of the system takes into account the dynamism of the external and internal environment of the functioning of the system. Quality reflects the interdependence of the system and the external environment (the “black box” principle), the degree of its independence, the openness of the system, and compatibility. Achieving and maintaining the necessary characteristics of not only the system, but also the results of its activities involves the coverage of the system in statics, that is, in inactivity, and in dynamics, that is, in the course of development, change. This means that the quality of the system is aimed at achieving and maintaining both static and dynamic parameters of the system. However, the manifestation of the property of quality is obvious only in the dynamics of the system - in the process of its functioning. Quality not only influences the course of development of the system and its elements, but also completely determines it.

Proponents of a systematic approach to management confirm that "identifying, understanding and managing a system of interrelated processes aimed at achieving a set goal increases the effectiveness and efficiency of the production system."

The main feature of the systems approach is that it is an orderly way of evaluating and satisfying requirements.

According to scientists, "the system is an integral complex of interrelated elements of the processes of managing objects of support." For all elements, the input and output parameters are determined and the dependence between them is established. This means that the main parts of the system are the input, the process of forming, ensuring and maintaining quality, the output, the management process, and feedback.

This statement means that a new organizational structure should be designed at the enterprise, aiming at the fact that it is the quality of processes that will lead to product quality and is one of the main performance indicators both vertically and horizontally.

In general, organizational changes can be divided into three groups:

1. Transition from a hierarchical structure to a process-oriented one.
2. Organization of cross-functional processes, which allows to combine individual functions into common information flows, aiming at the final results of the enterprise.
3. Organization of training of all employees to acquire full knowledge and increase their level of competence in the field of ensuring the quality of work at each workplace.

These innovations relate to quality, of which the software quality assurance system is an integral part, and allow the formation of a consumer-oriented view of quality as a factor in improving the organization and management of the enterprise.

The above changes are directly related to the basic principles underlying IS ISO 9001:

Consumer orientation;
- leadership leadership;
- involvement of employees;
- process approach;
- a systematic approach to management;
- continuous improvement;
- decision making based on facts;
- mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers that allow the organization to aim for the satisfaction of all interested parties (customer, owner, personnel, supplier and society) in an effective way.

Within the framework of a systematic approach to quality, it is possible to use the process approach used in the PS, according to which a set of individual processes is considered as part of a common software package, and their identification, interaction, and process management take place.

The advantage of the process approach lies in "total control, which covers both individual processes within a system of processes, as well as their combinations and interactions." Moreover, the “... continuity of management” is very significant, which the process approach provides at the junction between individual processes within the framework of the system of processes, as well as in their combination and interaction.

When applied to a quality management system, this approach highlights the importance of:

A) understanding the requirements and meeting them;
b) the need to consider processes in terms of added value;
c) achieving the results of the processes and their effectiveness;
d) continuous process improvement based on objective measurement.

It is generally recognized that the key for the purposes of general management is the representation of an object as a network of processes that determine its mission. Indeed, every organization or system is created in order to do something (create added value). It is the representation of an object in the form of processes that determines all its other “projections”. First of all, it is necessary to define the system and its processes in order to clearly understand, manage and improve this system and processes. Management must ensure that the processes, measurements and data used to establish performance satisfaction are effectively operated and managed.

The output of the process is the product. Products may include services, software, hardware, processed materials, or a combination of these categories. Products can be tangible (for example, equipment or processed materials), intangible (for example, information or concepts), combined. Products can be intentional (eg products offered to the consumer) or unintentional (eg pollution). The requirements for quality systems in accordance with ISO 9001:2000 can be applied to all product categories. As, for example, in the processes performed by management, planning, financial departments or information for other processes.

In GOST R ISO 9000, the basis for representing an organization (system) is a process. According to 1, paragraph 3., the process is "a set of interrelated and interacting activities that transforms inputs into outputs." The term "process" refers to a set of interrelated resources and activities that transform inputs into outputs (resources: personnel, facilities, equipment, technology and methodology).

The inputs to a process are usually the outputs of other processes.

Processes in an organization are typically planned and executed under controlled conditions to add value.

There are many interpretations of the production process, but their comparison indicates the absence of a generally accepted opinion. The author proposes his own revised definition, which combines the interpretations of the "production process" proposed above.

The production process is understood by us as a consistent change in the objects of labor in the totality of all the actions of people and means of production aimed at manufacturing products with predetermined properties, which is carried out in space and time.

Since any process carried out by people is a set of interrelated resources and activities that transform the input into the corresponding output of the process, the organization of production takes place here.

The output of the process is a finished product, the value and cost of which is determined by consumer demand for this product.

The organization of production processes consists in combining people, tools and objects of labor into a single process for the production of material goods, as well as in ensuring a rational combination in space and time of the main, auxiliary and service processes.

Existing standards define quality tasks at all stages of the product life cycle, establishing the procedure and methods for organizing and planning quality, establishing the means and methods for assessing quality management.

According to the authors P.E. Belenky, A.V. Glicheva, M.I. Kruglova, I.D. Kryzhanovsky, and O.G. Lovitsky: "The quality of the production process is determined by comparing the goals that were set for the enterprise and the achieved production results." “The quality of ... a process as a phenomenon can only be determined by comparing its results with the results of other similar processes and with the requirements that are imposed on them in terms of production volume, productivity, cost, etc.”

Since the existence of the production process is inextricably linked with its organization, everything that has been said fully applies to it.

Purpose of the production process

For each enterprise as a whole, the main goal is characteristic, which determines the global, strategic directions of its functioning in accordance with the characteristics and strategy of its development. On the basis of the accepted main goal of the enterprise, the goals and objectives of the production units are developed, ensuring the nature and systemic orderliness of the activities of the team and each of its members.

Goals and objectives are the final milestones towards which the activities of the team are directed. In practice, the goals and objectives are identical in terms of the final results of the work. If the task is presented as the end result of the implementation of the production program, then the goal is the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the work of the enterprise as a whole, its production units.

Quantitative indicators of the purpose of the enterprise can be: the production of output at certain costs; decrease in marriage as a percentage; setting up the production of products on time, etc.

Qualitative indicators are more vague and reflect the tasks of the team in general terms for a certain period: to eliminate unproductive losses of workers and employees; reduce staff turnover; improve the organizational structure of production management based on information technology, etc.

In order to effectively achieve the goals set, it is important that they be communicated to the team in a timely manner and in such a form that would allow checking its final results, identifying the performers' determination and perseverance in achieving them, and providing for rewards and punishments based on the results of their work.

In general, the implementation of goals and objectives by each department requires a clear and strict coordination of their work, coordinated interaction of the team in the production process. At the same time, the tasks of each production unit may be different, but the main management goal remains the same for each of them.

The practical implementation of the goals and objectives is expressed in the production programs of the workshops, the operational shift-daily tasks of sites, teams and proper control over their implementation.

Thus, the process of production management is presented as a set of sequential actions of the management apparatus to determine the goals for production units and their actual state based on the processing of relevant information, the formation and delivery of economically sound production programs and operational tasks.

Structure of the production process

The production system of an industrial organization consists of objectively existing complexes of material objects, a team of people, production, scientific, technical and information processes aimed at producing final products and ensuring the efficient flow of the production process.

The production process is understood as a complex of labor and natural processes ordered in space and time, aimed at manufacturing products of the necessary purpose, in a certain quantity and quality, within the specified time. The production process is heterogeneous in its structure, it consists of many interconnected sub-processes, during which separate parts, assemblies are created, and their connection by assembly allows to obtain the necessary product.

Usually, all production processes are divided according to their functional characteristics into main, auxiliary and service.

The main ones include the processes of processing, stamping, cutting, assembly, painting, drying, installation, i.e. all operations that result in changes in the shape and size of objects of labor, their internal properties, surface condition, etc.

Auxiliary processes are designed to ensure the normal flow of the main ones. These processes are not directly related to the subject of labor, they include: the manufacture of tools and technological equipment, repairs, the production of electricity for the needs of the enterprise, etc.

Service processes include product quality control, production process, transport and storage operations.

The development and improvement of all types of processes must occur in concert. The production process also consists of simple and complex sub-processes, depending on the nature of the operations on the object of labor. A simple manufacturing process is a sequential relationship of manufacturing operations that results in a finished or partial product. Complex refers to the process of manufacturing a finished product by combining several partial products.

Depending on the amount of work required to achieve the final result of the process, full and partial production processes are distinguished. The complete process includes the whole complex of works necessary to obtain the final result of the process. A partial process is an unfinished part complete process. For the purpose of specialization, individual partial processes form working complexes, the structure of which is characterized in terms of their elemental, functional, and organizational composition.

The elemental composition of work complexes includes an integrated and purposeful interaction of objects of labor, means of labor and labor force, i.e., a purposeful movement of objects of labor through the stages of the production process, at each of which the objects of labor are exposed to the influence of means of labor and labor force.

The functional composition is characterized by the functional specialization of working complexes into main, auxiliary and service ones.

The organizational composition provides for the division of work complexes according to the hierarchical level of organizational elements: company, plant, workshop, site, workplace.

The process of movement of objects of labor forms a material flow, which includes: components (raw materials) purchased by the enterprise for processing and manufacturing parts; parts undergoing sequential processing at different stages of the production process; assembly units (assemblies) consisting of several parts; kits consisting of units and parts; products - a complete assembly kit or finished product.

The production cycle is the period of stay of objects of labor in the production process from the beginning of manufacturing to the release of the finished product within the same organization, therefore it includes the cycles of performing technological, control, transport and warehouse operations (operation time), natural processes and break times.

The technological cycle forms the execution time of a set of technological operations in the production cycle. And the operating cycle includes the time for performing one operation, during which one batch of identical or several different parts is manufactured, this is the time for performing a technological operation and preparatory and final work.

The duration of the production cycle depends on the method of planning, organization and management of the production process in time and space.

Operation time is understood as the time during which the worker directly or indirectly affects the object of labor. It includes time for equipment changeover, technical operations, transport, storage and control and maintenance operations. Natural processes include drying after painting, hardening, etc.

Break times include:

Batch breaks that occur when parts are processed in batches due to their idling while waiting for the entire batch to be processed before it is transported to the next operation;
waiting breaks - a consequence of the inequality of the duration of operations at adjacent workplaces; appear as a result of inconsistency in the end time of one and the beginning of another operation performed at the same workplace, due to which the parts or batches of parts lie in anticipation of the release of the workplace;
picking breaks appear due to the fact that the parts that make up one product or set have different processing times and arrive at the assembly in different time.

Regardless of industry affiliation, any organization seeks to improve the efficiency of the production process by reducing the duration of the production cycle by reducing:

1) the duration of the main and auxiliary technological operations;
2) duration of natural processes;
3) breaks.

The third method is the most accessible and effective, since it does not require large expenditures, which cannot be said about the first two.

Manufacturing process principles

A rational organization of production must meet a number of requirements, be based on certain principles:

The principles of the organization of the production process are the starting points on the basis of which the construction, operation and development of production processes are carried out.

The principle of differentiation involves the division of the production process into separate parts (processes, operations) and their assignment to the relevant departments of the enterprise. The principle of differentiation is opposed by the principle of combination, which means the unification of all or part of the diverse processes for the manufacture of certain types of products within the same area, workshop or production. Depending on the complexity of the product, the volume of production, the nature of the equipment used, the production process can be concentrated in any one production unit (workshop, section) or dispersed over several units. Thus, at machine-building enterprises, with a significant output of the same type of products, independent mechanical and assembly production, workshops are organized, and with small batches of manufactured products, unified mechanical assembly workshops can be created.

The principles of differentiation and combination also apply to individual jobs. A production line, for example, is a differentiated set of jobs.

In practical activities for the organization of production, priority in the use of the principles of differentiation or combination should be given to the principle that will provide the best economic and social characteristics of the production process. Thus, in-line production, which differs a high degree differentiation of the production process, allows you to simplify its organization, improve the skills of workers, increase labor productivity. However, excessive differentiation increases worker fatigue, a large number of operations increases the need for equipment and production space, leads to unnecessary costs for moving parts, etc.

The principle of concentration means the concentration of certain production operations for the manufacture of technologically homogeneous products or the performance of functionally homogeneous work in separate workplaces, sections, workshops or production facilities of the enterprise. The expediency of concentrating homogeneous work in separate areas of production is due to the following factors: the commonality of technological methods that necessitate the use of the same type of equipment; equipment capabilities, such as machining centers; an increase in the output of certain types of products; the economic feasibility of concentrating the production of certain types of products or performing similar work.

When choosing one or another direction of concentration, it is necessary to take into account the advantages of each of them.

With the concentration of technologically homogeneous work in the subdivision, a smaller amount of duplicating equipment is required, the flexibility of production increases and it becomes possible to quickly switch to the production of new products, and the load on equipment increases.

With the concentration of technologically homogeneous products, the costs of transporting materials and products are reduced, the duration of the production cycle is reduced, the management of the production process is simplified, and the need for production space is reduced.

The principle of specialization is based on limiting the diversity of the elements of the production process. The implementation of this principle involves assigning to each workplace and each division a strictly limited range of works, operations, parts or products. In contrast to the principle of specialization, the principle of universalization implies such an organization of production, in which each workplace or production unit is engaged in the manufacture of parts and products of a wide range or the performance of heterogeneous production operations.

The level of specialization of workplaces is determined by a special indicator - the coefficient of consolidation of operations Kz.o, which is characterized by the number of detail operations performed at the workplace for a certain period of time. So, with Kz.o = 1, there is a narrow specialization of workplaces, in which during the month, quarter, one detail operation is performed at the workplace.

The nature of the specialization of departments and jobs is largely determined by the volume of production of parts of the same name. Specialization reaches its highest level in the production of one type of product. The most typical example of highly specialized industries are factories for the production of tractors, televisions, cars. An increase in the range of production reduces the level of specialization.

A high degree of specialization of departments and workplaces contributes to the growth of labor productivity due to the development of labor skills of workers, the possibility of technical equipment of labor, minimizing the cost of reconfiguring machines and lines. At the same time, narrow specialization reduces the required qualifications of workers, causes monotony of labor and, as a result, leads to rapid fatigue of workers, and limits their initiative.

In modern conditions, the tendency towards the universalization of production is increasing, which is determined by the requirements of scientific and technological progress to expand the range of products, the emergence of multifunctional equipment, and the tasks of improving the organization of labor in the direction of expanding the labor functions of the worker.

The principle of proportionality lies in the regular combination of individual elements of the production process, which is expressed in a certain quantitative ratio of them to each other. Thus, proportionality in terms of production capacity implies equality in the capacities of sections or equipment load factors. In this case, the throughput of the procurement shops corresponds to the need for blanks in the machine shops, and the throughput of these shops corresponds to the needs of the assembly shop for the necessary parts. This implies the requirement to have in each workshop equipment, space, and labor in such a quantity that would ensure the normal operation of all departments of the enterprise. The same ratio of throughput should exist between the main production, on the one hand, and auxiliary and service units, on the other.

Proportionality in the organization of production implies compliance with the throughput (relative productivity per unit of time) of all departments of the enterprise - workshops, sections, individual jobs for the production of finished products.

Violation of the principle of proportionality leads to disproportions, the appearance of bottlenecks in production, as a result of which the use of equipment and labor is deteriorating, the duration of the production cycle increases, and the backlog increases.

Proportionality in the workforce, space, equipment is already established during the design of the enterprise, and then refined during the development of annual production plans by conducting so-called volumetric calculations - when determining capacities, number of employees, and material requirements. Proportions are established on the basis of a system of norms and norms that determine the number of mutual relations between various elements of the production process.

The principle of proportionality implies the simultaneous execution of individual operations or parts of the production process. It is based on the premise that the parts of a dismembered production process must be combined in time and performed simultaneously.

The production process of manufacturing a machine consists of a large number of operations. It is quite obvious that performing them sequentially one after another would cause an increase in the duration of the production cycle. Therefore, the individual parts of the product manufacturing process must be carried out in parallel.

Parallelism refers to the simultaneous execution of individual parts of the production process in relation to different parts common batch of parts. The wider the scope of work, the shorter, other things being equal, the duration of production. Parallelism is implemented at all levels of the organization. At the workplace, parallelism is ensured by improving the structure of the technological operation, and primarily by technological concentration, accompanied by multi-tool or multi-subject processing. Parallelism in the execution of the main and auxiliary elements of the operation consists in combining the time of machine processing with the time of setting up for removal of parts, control measurements, loading and unloading the apparatus with the main technological process, etc. -mounting operations on the same or different objects.

Parallelism is achieved: when processing one part on one machine with several tools; simultaneous processing of different parts of one batch for a given operation at several workplaces; simultaneous processing of the same parts for various operations at several workplaces; simultaneous production of different parts of the same product at different workplaces. Compliance with the principle of parallelism leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle and the time spent on parts, to save working time.

In a complex multi-link manufacturing process, everything greater value acquires the continuity of production, which ensures the acceleration of the turnover of funds. Increasing continuity is the most important direction of production intensification. At the workplace, it is achieved in the process of performing each operation by reducing auxiliary time (intraoperative breaks), at the site and in the workshop when transferring a semi-finished product from one workplace to another (interoperational breaks) and at the enterprise as a whole, minimizing interruptions in order to maximize acceleration of the turnover of material and energy resources (inter-workshop laying).

The principle of rhythm means that all separate production processes and a single process for the production of a certain type of product are repeated after set periods of time. Distinguish the rhythm of output, work, production.

The principle of rhythm implies a uniform output and a rhythmic course of production.

Uniform output means the production of the same or gradually increasing quantity of products at regular intervals. The rhythm of production is expressed in the repetition at regular intervals of private production processes at all stages of production and "the implementation at each workplace at equal intervals of the same amount of work, the content of which, depending on the method of organizing workplaces, may be the same or different.

The rhythm of production is one of the main prerequisites for the rational use of all its elements. With rhythmic work, the equipment is fully loaded, its normal operation is ensured, the use of material and energy resources and working hours is improved.

Ensuring rhythmic work is mandatory for all divisions of production - the main, service and auxiliary shops, logistics. Irregular work of each link leads to disruption of the normal course of production.

The order of repetition of the production process is determined by production rhythms. It is necessary to distinguish between the rhythm of output (at the end of the process), operational (intermediate) rhythms, as well as the rhythm of launch (at the beginning of the process). Leading is the rhythm of production. It can be long-term sustainable only if operating rhythms are observed at all workplaces. The methods of organizing rhythmic production depend on the specialization of the enterprise, the nature of the manufactured products and the level of organization of production. Rhythm is ensured by the organization of work in all departments of the enterprise, as well as its timely preparation and comprehensive maintenance.

The rhythm of release is the release of the same or evenly increasing (decreasing) quantity of products for equal time intervals. The rhythm of work is the execution of equal amounts of work (in quantity and composition) for equal time intervals. The rhythm of production means the observance of the rhythm of production and the rhythm of work.

Rhythmic work without jerks and storms is the basis for increasing labor productivity, optimal equipment utilization, full use of personnel and a guarantee of high quality products. The smooth operation of the enterprise depends on a number of conditions. Ensuring rhythm is a complex task that requires the improvement of the entire organization of production at the enterprise. Of paramount importance are the correct organization of operational planning of production, the observance of the proportionality of production capacities, the improvement of the structure of production, the proper organization of material and technical supply and maintenance of production processes.

The principle of continuity is realized in such forms of organization of the production process, in which all its operations are carried out continuously, without interruptions, and all objects of labor continuously move from operation to operation.

The principle of the continuity of the production process is fully implemented on automatic and continuous production lines, on which objects of labor are manufactured or assembled, having operations of the same duration or a multiple of the cycle time of the line.

The continuity of work within the operation is ensured, first of all, by improving the tools of labor - the introduction of automatic changeover, automation of auxiliary processes, the use of special equipment and devices.

The reduction of interoperational breaks is associated with the choice of the most rational methods for combining and coordinating partial processes in time. One of the prerequisites for reducing inter-operational breaks is the use of continuous vehicles; the use of a rigidly interconnected system of machines and mechanisms in the production process, the use of rotary lines.

Continuity of production is considered in two aspects: continuous participation in the production process of objects of labor - raw materials and semi-finished products and continuous loading of equipment and rational use of working time. Ensuring the continuity of the movement of objects of labor, at the same time it is necessary to minimize equipment stops for readjustment, waiting for the receipt of materials, etc. This requires an increase in the uniformity of the work performed at each workplace, as well as the use of quick-change equipment (computer-controlled machines), copying machine tools, etc.

In mechanical engineering, discrete technological processes predominate, and therefore, production with a high degree of synchronization of the duration of operations is not predominant here.

The discontinuous movement of objects of labor is associated with breaks that occur as a result of the aging of parts at each operation, between operations, sections, workshops. That is why the implementation of the principle of continuity requires the elimination or minimization of interruptions. The solution of such a problem can be achieved on the basis of observance of the principles of proportionality and rhythm; organization of parallel production of parts of one batch or different parts of one product; creation of such forms of organization of production processes, in which the start time of manufacturing parts for a given operation and the end time of the previous operation are synchronized, etc.

Violation of the principle of continuity, as a rule, causes interruptions in work (downtime of workers and equipment), leads to an increase in the duration of the production cycle and the size of work in progress.

Straightness is understood as such a principle of organizing the production process, under which all stages and operations of the production process are carried out in the conditions of the shortest path of the object of labor from the beginning of the process to its end. The principle of direct flow requires ensuring the rectilinear movement of objects of labor in the technological process, eliminating various kinds of loops and return movements.

One of the prerequisites for the continuity of production is the directness in the organization of the production process, which is the provision of the shortest path for the product to pass through all stages and operations of the production process, from the launch of raw materials into production to the release of finished products.

In accordance with this requirement, the mutual arrangement of buildings and structures on the territory of the enterprise, as well as the placement of the main workshops in them, must comply with the requirements of the production process. The flow of materials, semi-finished products and products must be forward and shortest, without counter and return movements. Auxiliary workshops and warehouses should be located as close as possible to the main workshops they serve.

Full directness can be achieved by spatial arrangement of operations and parts of the production process in the order of technological operations. It is also necessary, when designing enterprises, to achieve the location of workshops and services in a sequence that provides for a minimum distance between adjacent units. It should be strived to ensure that the parts and assembly units of different products have the same or similar sequence of stages and operations of the production process. When implementing the principle of direct flow, the problem of the optimal arrangement of equipment and jobs also arises.

The principle of direct flow is manifested to a greater extent in the conditions of in-line production, when creating subject-closed workshops and sections.

Compliance with the requirements of direct flow leads to the streamlining of cargo flows, a reduction in cargo turnover, and a reduction in the cost of transporting materials, parts and finished products. To ensure the full use of equipment, material and energy resources and working time importance has the rhythm of production, which is the fundamental principle of the organization of production.

The principles of organization of production in practice do not operate in isolation, they are closely intertwined in each production process. When studying the principles of organization, one should pay attention to the paired nature of some of them, their interconnection, transition into their opposite (differentiation and combination, specialization and universalization). The principles of organization develop unevenly: in one period or another, some principle comes to the fore or acquires secondary importance. So, the narrow specialization of jobs is becoming a thing of the past, they are becoming more and more universal. The principle of differentiation is increasingly being replaced by the principle of combination, the use of which allows building a production process on the basis of a single flow. At the same time, under the conditions of automation, the importance of the principles of proportionality, continuity, direct flow increases.

The degree of implementation of the principles of organization of production has a quantitative dimension. Therefore, in addition to the existing methods of analysis of production, forms and methods for analyzing the state of the organization of production and implementing its scientific principles should be developed and applied in practice.

Compliance with the principles of organization of production processes is of great practical importance. The implementation of these principles is the business of all levels of production management.

The current level of scientific and technological progress implies compliance with the flexibility of the organization of production. The traditional principles of production organization are focused on the sustainable nature of production - a stable product range, special types of equipment, etc. In the context of a rapid renewal of the product range, production technology is changing. Meanwhile, the rapid change of equipment, the restructuring of its layout would cause unreasonably high costs, and this would be a brake on technical progress; it is also impossible to frequently change the production structure (spatial organization of links). This put forward a new requirement for the organization of production - flexibility. In the element-by-element section, this means, first of all, a quick changeover of the equipment. Advances in microelectronics have created a technique capable of a wide range of uses and performing automatic self-adjustment if necessary.

Wide opportunities for increasing the flexibility of the organization of production are provided by the use of standard processes for the implementation of individual stages of production. The construction of variable production lines is well known, on which various products can be manufactured without their restructuring. So, now at the shoe factory on the same production line, various models of women's shoes are made with the same method of attaching the bottom; on auto-assembly conveyor lines, without readjustment, machines are assembled not only in different colors, but also in modifications. It is effective to create flexible automated productions based on the use of robots and microprocessor technology. Great opportunities in this regard are provided by the standardization of semi-finished products. Under such conditions, when switching to the production of new products or mastering new processes, there is no need to restructure all partial processes and production links.

Manufacturing process requirements

Safety of the production process - the property of the production process to maintain compliance with the requirements of labor safety in the conditions established by the regulatory and technical documentation.

General requirements safety requirements for production equipment and production processes are established by GOST 12.2.003 and GOST 12.3.002. The safety of production processes is mainly determined by the safety of production equipment.

Production equipment must meet the following requirements:

1) ensure the safety of workers during installation (dismantling), commissioning and operation, both in the case of autonomous use and as part of technological complexes, subject to the requirements (conditions, rules) provided for by the operational documentation. All machines and technical systems must be injury-, fire- and explosion-proof; not be a source of release of vapors, gases, dust in quantities exceeding the established norms at workplaces; the noise, vibration, ultra- and infrasound generated by them, industrial radiation must not exceed the permissible levels;
2) have controls and display information that meet ergonomic requirements, and be located in such a way that their use does not lead to increased fatigue, which is one of the determining causes of injuries. In particular, the controls must be within the reach of the operator; the efforts that must be applied to them must correspond to the physical capabilities of a person; handles, handwheels, pedals, buttons and toggle switches should be profiled in such a way that they are as convenient as possible to use. The number and visibility of information display means should take into account the operator's ability to perceive it and not lead to the need for excessive concentration of attention;
3) have an equipment control system that ensures its reliable and safe operation in all intended operating modes of the equipment and under all external influences in operating conditions. The control system must exclude the creation of dangerous situations due to violation of the operating sequence of control actions.

The main safety requirements for production processes are as follows:

Elimination of direct contact of workers with raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products and production wastes that have a harmful effect;
- replacement of technological processes and operations associated with the occurrence of traumatic and harmful production factors, processes and operations in which these factors are absent or have a lower intensity;
- complex automation and mechanization of production, the use of remote control of technological processes and operations in the presence of traumatic and harmful production factors;
- sealing equipment;
- use of means of collective protection of workers;
- rational organization of work and rest in order to prevent monotony and physical inactivity, as well as limit the severity of work;
- timely receipt of information about the occurrence of hazardous production factors in certain technological operations;
- implementation of process control and management systems that ensure the protection of workers and emergency shutdown of production equipment;
- timely removal and degreasing of production wastes, which are sources of traumatic and harmful production factors, ensuring fire and explosion safety.

In addition, GOST 12.3.003 establishes the principles of safe organization of production processes, general safety requirements for production facilities, sites, placement of production equipment and organization of jobs, storage and transportation of raw materials, finished products and production waste, professional selection and knowledge testing workers, as well as requirements for the use of protective equipment by workers.

When determining the necessary protective equipment, they are guided by the current system of labor safety standards (SSBT) for the types of production processes and groups of production equipment used in these processes.

Within the framework of the SSBT system, mutual coordination and systematization of all existing normative and normative-technical documentation on labor safety are carried out.

The standards of subsystem 2 of the SSBT "Standards of safety requirements for production equipment" indicate the means of collective protection, the use of which is necessary in the considered production equipment. All standards of subsystem 3 of the SSBT "Standards of safety requirements for production processes" have a section "Requirements for the use of protective equipment for workers", which defines the list of personal protective equipment.

General environmental requirements for production equipment and processes are established by SN 1042-73 and the standards of the Nature Protection system.

The main regulatory indicators of the environmental friendliness of production equipment and technological processes are the maximum allowable emissions into the atmosphere, the maximum allowable discharges (MPD) into the hydrosphere and the maximum allowable energy impact (PEI).

Maximum allowable emission into the atmosphere (MAE) is a standard that establishes the content of pollutants in the surface layer of air from a source or their combination, which does not exceed air quality standards for populated areas. The MPE standard is aimed at limiting emissions and is due to the fact that with existing methods of reducing production waste it is almost impossible to avoid the penetration of harmful substances into the atmosphere, which must be reduced to levels that ensure compliance with maximum permissible concentrations (MACs).

The norms for the maximum allowable discharge of substances into a water body are established taking into account the MPC of substances polluting the aquatic environment in places of use, the assimilating capacity of a water body and the optimal distribution of the mass of discharged substances among water users.

The SEE standards are the basis for the environmental impact assessment of the source. The implementation of the normative indicators of the source is achieved by improving it at the stages of design, production and operation.

Control over the accounting of safety requirements is carried out at all stages with the help of expertise. The procedure for the safety review of projects for new equipment and technologies and the issuance of conclusions on them is established by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and is carried out by the State Expertise of Working Conditions with the participation of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision bodies of the Russian Federation, and in some cases in other supervisory authorities. In relation to equipment and technological processes that have analogues, as a rule, a calculated assessment of the expected level of negative factors and a comparison of the obtained values ​​with the maximum permissible values ​​are made. When creating prototypes, the actual values ​​of the impact of these factors are determined. If these values ​​exceed the allowable values ​​established by the SSBT, the equipment is modified by introducing appropriate protective equipment or increasing their effectiveness.

With regard to equipment and technological processes that have no analogues, the identification of hazards and the negative factors associated with their occurrence is carried out. Here, to identify industrial hazards, a modeling method is used using diagrams of the influence of cause-and-effect relationships on the implementation of these hazards.

Ecological expertise of equipment, technologies, materials includes industry and state expertise. Sectoral environmental expertise is carried out by organizations identified as leading organizations that review the documentation of new products or their samples. State ecological expertise is carried out by expert divisions of the bodies government controlled in the field of nature management and protection environment at the national and regional levels.

Ecological expertise is aimed at preventing the possible excess of the permissible level of harmful effects on the environment during its operation, processing or destruction. Consequently, the main task environmental expertise is to determine the completeness and sufficiency of measures to ensure the required level of environmental safety of new products during its development.

Such measures to ensure environmental safety can be:

Determining the compliance of design solutions for the creation of new products with modern environmental requirements;
- assessment of the completeness and effectiveness of measures to prevent possible emergency situations related to the production and consumption (use) of new products, and the elimination of their possible consequences;
- assessment of the choice of means and methods for monitoring the impact of products on the state of the environment and the use of natural resources;
- assessment of methods and means of disposal or elimination of products after the resource has been exhausted.

Based on the results of the environmental review, an expert opinion is drawn up, including an introductory, ascertaining and final part.

The introductory part contains information about the materials being examined, the organization that developed them, information about the customer, the body that approves these materials.

The introductory part contains information about the materials being examined, the organization that developed them, information about the customer, the body that approves these materials. It also provides data on the body that carries out the examination, and the time of its conduct.

In the ascertaining part, general characteristics reflection of environmental requirements in the project submitted for examination.

The final part of the expert opinion contains an assessment of the entire range of measures for the rational use of natural resources and environmental protection. This part ends with recommendations for the approval of the submitted materials or a decision to send them for revision. When returning for revision, comments and proposals on design solutions should be specifically formulated with an indication of the period for revision and submission of the project for re-examination.

An expert opinion in full is mandatory for organizations - the authors of the project, customers and other performers.

State ecological expertise is preceded (as a rule) by sectoral expertise.

When putting products into production, the safety and environmental requirements provided for by GOST 15.001 are necessarily taken into account. According to this standard, verification of new technical solutions that ensure the achievement of new consumer properties of products should be carried out during laboratory, bench and other research tests of models, mock-ups, experimental samples of products under conditions that simulate real operating conditions.

Prototypes are subjected to acceptance tests, in which, regardless of the place of their conduct, the manufacturer and the authorities exercising supervision over safety, health and nature protection are entitled to take part.

The evaluation of the completed development and the adoption of a decision on the production and use of products is carried out by the acceptance committee, which includes representatives of the customer, developer, manufacturer and the State Acceptance Committee. If necessary, bodies exercising supervision over safety, experts from third-party organizations may be involved in the work of the commission.

To exclude the possibility of operating equipment that does not meet safety requirements, the enterprise checks it both before commissioning and during operation. New equipment and machinery upon receipt at the enterprise undergo an entrance examination for compliance with safety requirements.

During the operation of the equipment, an annual check of its compliance with safety and environmental requirements is carried out. The department of the chief mechanic and power engineer is obliged to annually check the condition of the entire fleet of machine tools, machines and units in terms of technical indicators, safety indicators, based on the results of which repair and modernization plans are drawn up.

The most important component in ensuring the environmental friendliness of equipment and technological processes during operation is the preparation of an environmental passport of the enterprise in accordance with the requirements of GOST

The ecological passport consists of the following sections: title page; general information about the company and its details; brief natural and climatic characteristics of the area where the enterprise is located; a brief description of the production technology and information about products, a balance sheet of material flows; information on the use of land resources; characteristics of raw materials, used material and energy resources; characteristics of emissions into the atmosphere; characteristics of water consumption and water disposal; characteristics of waste, information about the reclamation of disturbed lands, information about the transport of the enterprise, information about the environmental and economic activities of the enterprise.

The basis for the development of an environmental passport is the main production indicators, projects for calculating MPE, norms for MPD, environmental permits, passports for gas and water treatment facilities and waste disposal and use facilities, forms of state statistical reporting and other regulatory and regulatory and technical documents.

The environmental passport is developed by the enterprise and approved by its head, agreed with the territorial environmental supervision authority, where it is registered.

The environmental passport is kept at the enterprise and in the territorial body for environmental protection.

Production process objects

The object of the production process is production and production systems.

Production is understood as a purposeful activity to create something useful - a product, a product, a material, a service. Moreover, the most important element of the production process is the technological process, which determines the production and organizational structure of the enterprise, the qualification composition of employees, and much more.

Production systems consist of workers, tools and objects of labor, as well as other elements necessary for the functioning of the system when creating products or services. The elements of the production system are workers and material objects - technological processes, raw materials, materials and tools, technological equipment, equipment, etc.

The structure of a production system is a set of elements and their stable relationships that ensure the integrity of the system and its identity to itself, that is, the ability to preserve the basic properties of the system during various external and internal changes.

Thus, the production system assumes the presence of an external and internal environment, as well as feedback between them. The components of the external environment that affect the sustainability and efficiency of the enterprise's functioning include macro - (international, political, economic, socio-demographic, legal, environmental, cultural spheres) and microenvironment (competitors, consumers, suppliers, legislation on the tax system and foreign economic activity), infrastructure of the region (banks, insurance and other financial institutions, industry, healthcare, science and education, culture, trade, catering, transport and communications, etc.). The components of the internal environment of the enterprise include the target subsystem (quality of manufactured products, resource saving, sales of goods, labor and environmental protection); supporting subsystem (resource, information, legal and methodological support); controlled subsystem (R&D, planning, organizational and technical preparation of production); control subsystem (development of a management decision, operational management of the implementation of decisions, personnel management).

The tasks of the PM are:

1) constant introduction (development) into production of new, more advanced products;
2) systematic reduction of all types of production costs;
3) improving the quality, consumer characteristics while reducing prices for manufactured products;
4) reducing costs in all parts of the production and sales cycle with the constant development of new products, expanding the range of products and changing its range.

At enterprises, along the movement of the material flow, various logistics operations are carried out with it, which together represent a complex process of converting raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and other objects of labor into finished products.
The basis of the production and economic activity of the enterprise is manufacturing process , which is a set of interrelated labor processes and natural processes aimed at manufacturing certain types of products.
The organization of the production process consists in combining people, tools and objects of labor into a single process of production of material goods, as well as in ensuring a rational combination in space and time of the main, auxiliary and service processes.
Production processes at enterprises are detailed by content (process, stage, operation, element) and place of implementation (enterprise, redistribution, workshop, department, section, unit).
The set of production processes occurring in the enterprise is a total production process. The process of production of each individual type of product of the enterprise is called a private production process. In turn, in a private production process, partial production processes can be distinguished as complete and technologically separate elements of a private production process that are not primary elements of the production process (it is usually carried out by workers of different specialties using equipment for various purposes).
As a primary element of the production process should be considered technological operation - a technologically homogeneous part of the production process, performed at one workplace. Technologically separate partial processes are stages of the production process.
Partial production processes can be classified according to several criteria: according to the intended purpose; the nature of the flow in time; way of influencing the object of labor; the nature of the work involved.
For the intended purpose distinguish between main, auxiliary and service processes.
Main production processes - processes of transformation of raw materials and materials into finished products, which are the main, profile products for this enterprise. These processes are determined by the manufacturing technology of this type of product (preparation of raw materials, chemical synthesis, mixing of raw materials, packaging and packaging of products).
Auxiliary production processes are aimed at manufacturing products or performing services to ensure the normal flow of the main production processes. Such production processes have their own objects of labor, different from the objects of labor of the main production processes. As a rule, they are carried out in parallel with the main production processes (repair, packaging, tool facilities).
Service production processes ensure the creation of normal conditions for the flow of the main and auxiliary production processes. They do not have their own object of labor and proceed, as a rule, sequentially with the main and auxiliary processes, interspersed with them (transportation of raw materials and finished products, their storage, quality control).
The main production processes in the main workshops (sections) of the enterprise form its main production. Auxiliary and service production processes - respectively in auxiliary and service shops - form an auxiliary economy. The different role of production processes in the overall production process determines the differences in control mechanisms various types production departments. At the same time, the classification of partial production processes according to their intended purpose can only be carried out in relation to a specific private process.
Combining the main, auxiliary, service and other processes in a certain sequence forms the structure of the production process.
Main production process represents the production process of the main product, which includes natural processes, technological and work processes, as well as inter-operational waiting.
natural process - a process that leads to a change in the properties and composition of the object of labor, but proceeds without human intervention (for example, in the manufacture of certain types of chemical products). Natural production processes can be considered as necessary technological breaks between operations (cooling, drying, aging, etc.)
Technological process is a set of processes, as a result of which all the necessary changes occur in the object of labor, i.e., it turns into finished products.
Auxiliary operations contribute to the implementation of the main operations (transportation, control, sorting of products, etc.).
The working process - the totality of all labor processes (main and auxiliary operations). The structure of the production process changes under the influence of the technology of the equipment used, the division of labor, the organization of production, etc.
Interoperative decubitus - breaks provided by the technological process.
By the nature of the flow in time distinguish between continuous and batch production processes. In continuous processes, there are no interruptions in the production process. Production maintenance operations are carried out simultaneously or in parallel with the main operations. In periodic processes, the execution of basic and maintenance operations occurs sequentially, due to which the main production process is interrupted in time.
By way of impact on the object of labor allocate mechanical, physical, chemical, biological and other types of production processes.
By the nature of the work involved production processes are classified into automated, mechanized and manual.

The direct manufacture of the main product or the performance of the main work, which constitutes the content, and a variety of auxiliary processes that ensure the continuous and normal course of the main production. Various auxiliary industries at socialist enterprises form auxiliary workshops or services for repair, energy, transport, and others, as well as material and technical supply and laboratory services.

The principle of parallelism implies the simultaneous execution of different sets of works related to a) different stages (parts) of the production process of the same type of product (simultaneous flow of different stages), which means the continuous flow of the process in all its parts in continuous production or its continuous repetition in cyclic processes b) to private manufacturing processes different types products c) to the main and auxiliary processes d) to partial processes for the manufacture of semi-finished products included in the finished product in the form of parts, components.

In the current five-year period and in the future, the mechanization and automation of the main and auxiliary oil refining processes will be even more widely developed. The mechanization and automation of individual elements of production and technological processes are giving way to an interconnected system of automatic control and regulation. The use of electronic computers makes it possible not only to reduce labor costs for servicing technological installations, but also to conduct the process in an optimal mode, taking into account specific production conditions.

In addition to the technological process, the production process includes hundred and auxiliary ones, which ensure the uninterrupted flow of the main ones, i.e. with. technological processes . Auxiliary processes include the transportation of raw materials, semi-finished products, their storage in intermediate tanks, equipment maintenance, analysis, etc. Auxiliary processes have their own technology for execution and are also divided into component parts - operations.

An increase in product removal from a unit of equipment operating according to a periodic technological scheme can be achieved by reducing the time for loading raw materials and unloading finished products, reducing the process mode due to the use of better and longer-lasting catalysts, mechanization and automation of auxiliary processes and heavy manual production operations.

Auxiliary - processes for servicing all departments of the enterprise (processes for the production of various types of energy, repair of equipment, manufacture of spare parts, special devices, molds, etc., transportation and storage of raw materials, materials, fuel, etc.).

The concept of operation in continuous chemical processes is retained only as a production and auxiliary function associated with the maintenance of the apparatus (observation, supply of certain components, adjustment, etc.). The set of operations is characteristic not only of the main, but also of the auxiliary processes, since there is a certain technology in the auxiliary processes.

The actual mining process (excavation of a mineral in working faces) is accompanied by many auxiliary processes that provide it (energy supply, ventilation of workings, drainage, maintenance of mine workings, repair and replacement of worn equipment, work on safety and environmental protection, and a number of others). In mines, a significant part of this work has to be carried out underground.

Both the main and auxiliary processes are very complex, and they can be divided into organizational and technically separate parts - partial processes. Thus, the exploration process is divided into the following partial processes: preliminary exploration, detailed exploration, preliminary exploration, and detailed exploration. In turn, in the search processes, complexes of works performed by individual parties are distinguished, and in exploration processes - processes

Production at the enterprises of the oil and gas industry is a complex set of basic technological and auxiliary processes. In the course of production, workplaces are supplied with various types of energy, basic and auxiliary materials, tools are regularly maintained and repaired, mechanical and electrical equipment is systematically moved, transported in large quantities and in a diverse range of material and technical means, produced products - oil and gas, which need to be prepared ( bringing to commercial qualities) and further transportation through pipelines, etc. With the development of production based on new technology, the division of labor is increasingly expanding and deepening, and the need arises for an ever more complete and clear separation of auxiliary processes from the main ones. This separation proceeds through the creation of 1) specialized enterprises that perform certain work to service production (for example, most enterprises receive electricity from outside) 2) specialized auxiliary shops and services at the enterprise itself.

At the enterprises of the oil, gas and oil refining industries, auxiliary processes include work of various significance and industrial and economic orientation, the most important of which in drilling, production, transport and oil refining should be attributed

Unlike the established concept of a complex-mechanized method of carrying out work, which allows the performance of individual operations manually, it is advisable to introduce the concept of a fully mechanized method of carrying out work as a transitional stage to automation. A fully mechanized method of carrying out work should be understood as such a method in which all main and auxiliary processes and operations are performed by machines that are consistent in performance. The transition from the complex mechanization of individual processes and types of work to the complex mechanization of the construction of objects is promising.

The purpose of auxiliary processes (which include the repair of tools, energy generation, logistics of spare parts, etc.) is to create normal conditions for the implementation of the main production processes.

the main production process at enterprises is carried out with the help of auxiliary farms. At enterprises of transport and storage of oil and gas, auxiliary processes include

The process-oriented cost accounting method proposes to reallocate the costs of auxiliary processes to key processes. By ancillary, we mean processes that are not directly involved in creating the value of a product or service. For example, the activities of the personnel department, the information technology service department, accounting and other support services, being extremely important for daily work the enterprise, however, does not take part in the creation of products and its promotion to the market. For example, the costs of the information technology support process (for simplicity, we will identify them with the costs of the department of the same name) can be distributed among key processes - such as production, customer service, and others, in proportion to the time spent on average

The most important types of auxiliary processes in drilling are as follows

A normative design solution should be understood as a technical solution (corresponding to the current level of production) of individual technological installations, blocks, assemblies, structures, equipment for the arrangement of the main and auxiliary processes of the designed objects of multiple use.

Ensuring the normal course of oil and gas production, in addition to well-organized in-field transport, involves a number of other auxiliary processes. These include, in particular, the study of wells and monitoring the progress of their operation, maintaining fixed production assets in working condition on the basis of current and major repairs of ground and underground equipment.

Practice shows that one of the most important directions for increasing the efficiency of the entire complex of main and auxiliary processes in oil and gas production is, first of all, the specialization of individual structural units in the performance of work that is homogeneous or close in content and the consolidation of such structural units within production associations.

The continuous and normal course of the main production process is impossible without organizing the timely repair of equipment and regular maintenance of it, providing the enterprise and jobs with material resources, all types of energy, transport services, etc. With the development of production, an ever deeper division of labor occurs, more complete and a clear separation of auxiliary processes from the main ones. This separation proceeds both through the creation of specialized enterprises that perform certain work to service production, and through the organization of specialized auxiliary shops and services at the enterprise itself. The allocation of auxiliary work from the main production, the organization of specialized auxiliary shops and services contribute to the improvement of the technical and economic performance of enterprises. In drilling and production of oil and gas, the company's production structures were reorganized. At the same time, all auxiliary farms are concentrated on the bases of production services. All the work of this base is aimed at ensuring that the needs of the main production in various kinds of services are met in a timely and complete manner and thereby contribute to the fulfillment of planned targets for the enterprise as a whole with minimal labor and funds.

Technological progress in the extraction of oil and gas and the construction of oil and gas wells leads to an increase in auxiliary work, an increase in the role of auxiliary farms. The performance of oil enterprises increasingly depends not only on the main divisions, but also on. their service systems. At the same time, at the majority of drilling and oil and gas producing enterprises, there is a significant gap in the level of mechanization of the main and auxiliary processes, which negatively affects