Where to celebrate a child 10 years old girl. Teenager's birthday

Having a children's birthday in a museum is a good idea if you want the day to be not only memorable, but also educational.

The museum is a separate, lovingly assembled from exhibits, wonderful world. Each museum has its own atmosphere, rules for choosing an exposition, themes, and audiences. Museum staff and tour guides are often very passionate about their subject and can tell interesting stories.

  • For a children's party, it is better to choose a museum that you know and that your child likes. Children feel more comfortable in a familiar place.
  • Specify the exact venue of the celebration and access to the museum exposition for guests. The Darwin Museum is big, you will need time to find a gathering place.
  • The presence of a dedicated room for tea drinking is a big plus. It is important that acquaintance with the museum is not limited to this room.
  • Find out if you need to bring treats for kids and parents. Make an accurate menu, this will help to avoid disappointments and complaints from hungry and tired children.
  • Museums are more interesting than cafes and restaurants in terms of their surroundings and stories. But as a food, they usually lose a lot. Take the initiative in your own hands.
  • Be sure to order the services of a photographer if they are not included in the program. Game photos in the interiors of the museum will take their rightful place in family albums.


Address: Street. Butyrskaya, 46/2.
Telephone: 495 120-05-20
Section on the website: http://www.experimentanium.ru/birthday/

Price programs with a quest for a group of up to 15 children with 2 adult attendants from 12,000 rubles. You can order additional scientific shows and master classes.
Age: the celebration will interesting for children from 6 to 14 years old.

The Museum of Entertaining Sciences offers exciting show programs, quests, holidays with a banquet in the museum's three-level cafe. The main activity of the museum is the popularization of science and fascinating excursions to the inventions of the past, scientific experiments, spectacular demonstrations of the possibilities of science.

Pros and Features:

  • After the completion of the program, you can freely visit the museum exposition.
  • Sign up in advance, the museum has a very tight schedule with a record for 2 months.
  • The cafe's menu includes hot dishes, pizzas from 360 rubles, chicken and vegetable kebabs, and complex offers.
  • Tables in the common room can be booked for 1 hour.
  • The museum cafe accepts orders for the production of birthday cakes.
  • You can bring your own cake with payment. minimum amount banquet.
  • To celebrate in a separate room, you need to pay for an order of at least 10 people at 800 rubles per person.

Lights of Moscow

Telephone: 495 624-73-74
Section on the website: http://www.ognimos.ru/excursions

Price 10,000 rubles for a group of 12 people. With an increase in the number of participants, an additional payment of 200 rubles is required for each additional person.
Age: For children's day birth museum offers 3 main programs: for children from 3 to 12 years, For kindergarten age and for children 10 to 12 years old. The program for older children includes painting candlesticks and writing with a real goose quill.

Duration holiday program 2 -2.5 hours.

The main theme of the museum is devoted to the history of lighting, the work of lamplighters. Fascinating master classes on making candles and various lamps, historical retrospectives are held. In the programs, children will be told about the ways of making fire and about the ways of lighting rooms and streets in different historical eras.


  • A cozy atmosphere saturated with theatrical magic of light
  • Lots of interactive programs
  • An exciting educational activity, dancing, needlework, learning ancient crafts
  • Possibility of drinking tea in the museum


  • The museum provides a kettle and cups, you need to take care of disposable tableware and napkins yourself.
  • Festive food and drinks can be brought with you. According to reviews, the most thoughtful option for organizing hot meals for children is ordering pizza with delivery.
  • According to reviews, weak alcohol is allowed for adults.

Museum of Animation

Address: Armenian lane 3-5, building 1
Telephone: 495 624-73-74
Section on the website: http://www.ognimos.ru/excursions
Address: VVC, pavilion 84a
Telephone: +7 910 438-0804
Section on the site: http://animamuseum.ru/birthday

Price programs 10-20 thousand rubles, depending on the day of the event and the choice of the program. When choosing the economy option, the duration of the holiday is reduced to 75 minutes, while maintaining all the highlights of the program.

Total time festive program at the museum 2.5 hours.

Age: The tour will be interesting for children from 5 to 14 years old.

The museum offers to get acquainted with the history and technology of creating cartoons. The festive program includes an exciting excursion, the creation of your own cartoon with subsequent viewing during tea drinking.

During the celebration of the DR in the museum video recording allowed!


  • Thoughtful interactive programs for children.
  • The tea party is complemented by animation with a beautiful takeaway of the cake.
  • Gifts for all participants of the holiday.
  • The economic part is well thought out, the price of the program includes napkins, disposable tableware, it is possible to use coolers with water, a microwave, a kettle, a coffee machine. There are cutting boards for cutting sandwiches, knives.


  • The transfer of the time of the holiday when paying in advance is allowed 1 time under force majeure circumstances.
  • The museum reserves the right to cancel unpaid reservations.
  • Products and ready meals for the holiday it is allowed to bring with you.
  • It is allowed to bring champagne or wine for adults, no more than 2 bottles.
  • It is possible to order additional animation, you can invite additional actors and even the director of the museum to the holiday.

Space Museum

Address: Armenian lane 3-5, building 1
Telephone: 495 624-73-74
Section on the website: http://www.ognimos.ru/excursions
Address: VVC, pavilion 84a
Telephone: +7 910 438-0804
Section on the site: Address: Prospekt Mira, 111
Telephone: 495 683-79-68
Section of the website: http://www.kosmo-museum.ru/birthdays

Program cost 7-14 thousand rubles, depending on the chosen program and the time of the event.

Age: The museum offers several different programs for different age groups - 7-12 years old, 4-8 years old.
Average holiday program time from 1.15 to 2 hours 45 minutes.

For children who are in love with the romance of space, there is an opportunity to hold a DR at the Museum of Cosmonautics. In the program, the birthday boy becomes the commander of a spaceship and leads his team through the expanses of space full of secrets and mysteries. Informative tour with a quiz solar system and along the base block of the Mir station.


  • Educational quizzes and quests.
  • Photos in suits of astronauts.
  • There is an attraction "Buran" with full imitation of flight.
  • Quality animation.
  • An opportunity to touch the real history of space exploration.
  • Nominal certificates from the Museum of Cosmonautics for birthdays.


  • The workload of the museum is dense, book a space trip in advance.
  • Children's cafe is common for all groups. Separate places are allocated for each group.
  • Food and excursion program are paid separately.
  • According to reviews, children really praise space-made pizza.
  • Restrictions on groups up to 15 people.
  • It is possible to submit online applications for the holiday.

Zoological Museum of Lomonosov Moscow State University

Address: Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 6
Telephone: 495 629-39-48
Section on the site: http://zmmu.msu.ru/posetiteli/dni-rozhdeniya-v-muzee

Price programs - from 6,000 rubles.

The oldest museum in Moscow invites you to hold an educational and entertaining program within the walls of the museum with the celebration of the DR of the child.

Age: There are 3 main programs. For kindergarten age animal diversity program. For children 6-12 years old a program about bird habits with raising chicks and animal transformers about the amazing ways of moving various animals are offered.


  • From the museum's website, you can say and print an invitation to the holiday.
  • Additionally, you can visit the terrarium. The cost of visiting is 50 rubles for a child and 100 rubles for an adult.
  • After the completion of the program, you can independently examine the exposition of the museum.

Darwin Museum

Address: Vavilov street, 57/1.
Telephone: 499 134-61-24.
Section on the site: http://www.darwinmuseum.ru/section/den-rozhdeniya-v-muzee

Program cost from 9,000 on a weekday for a group of up to 10 people, up to 15,000 for large groups and on weekends.

The museum presents expositions on the origin of species. More than 10 thematic programs are offered for children, designed for different age groups. from 3 to 13 years old. General program time with tea drinking about 2.5 hours.


  • The presence of a separate children's room.
  • Variety of programs and extensive exposition, professional guides.
  • Possibility of an independent walk around the museum after the program.
  • Children's interactive maze "The path of evolution"


  • Food and disposable tea utensils must be brought with you.
  • Time spent in the tea room is limited to 1 hour.
  • There are additional animation programs for tea parties worth 2000 rubles.
  • You can take part in a master class with the manufacture of sand paintings. For a DR ticket, the cost of participation with a picture in a frame is 200 rubles.

Falconry Museum

Address: Moscow region, Mytishchi district, p / o Troitskoye, Lesparkhoza settlement Klyazminsky, 1
Telephone: 495 742-18-82
Section on the site: http://falconry-museum.ru/programmy-na-den-rozhdeniya/

Program cost from 400 rubles for 1 participant when choosing the simplest excursion program up to 2000 rubles plus extras when choosing quests. The cost of food is not included in the price.

For children middle and high school age various programs are offered with a visit to the eco-park and communication with birds of prey, horses, hunting dogs.

Quests, master classes, dog training lessons, feeding from the hand of a hunting falcon, historical retrospectives, a place for tea or a banquet to choose from. From a nomadic yurt to a banquet hall. General duration of the holiday with a quest or excursion program is from 3 hours.

Pros and Features:

  • Food for the holiday is allowed to bring with you
  • The cost of renting a yurt starts from 1000 rubles
  • Horseback riding can be ordered from 200 rubles per participant
  • There is an online application form

Bunker 42 or Cold War Museum

Address: 5th Kotelnichesky lane, 11
Telephone: 499 703-44-55
Website for children's banquets http://www.bunkerplanet.ru
Restaurant site http://www.banket-bunker42.ru/index.html

Average order value is about 40,000 rubles.

For teenagers offers interesting and rather complex interactive programs, quests, chilling tours of the bunker with sinister and terrifying apocalyptic stories. After the end of the program, you can go to a comfortable banquet hall with chocolate fountains and the opportunity to order a soap bubble show.

Pros and Features:

  • Special atmosphere, the opportunity to learn how to assemble AK for speed
  • Wide range of animators
  • Possibility to choose a children's banquet hall or one of the chic restaurant halls

LaserLand is one of the largest laser tag sites in the capital. They are equipped with advanced technology, which turns laser combat into an e-sport. There are also bowling lanes, slot machines and a children's entertainment town.

st. Azovskaya, 24, bldg. 3, SEC "Azovskiy", st. Vavilova, d. 3, SEC "Gagarinsky", 66 km. MKAD, shopping center "Vegas City", 56 km. MKAD, shopping center "Vegas Kuntsevo"

Culinary Studio of Ilya Lazerson 6+

One of the directions of the culinary school is holding children's parties. Led by the birthday boy, the guys run the adult kitchen on their own, cook and come up with various culinary surprises to feed their parents deliciously. A real chef helps them in all this. Also in the program: dedication, decoration of dishes, a festive banquet, congratulations and fun!

Novorizhskoye highway 5 km from Moscow Ring Road

Game entertainment center ExitGames 6+
1000 square meters of fun

Seems like you're bored? Urgently go to the ExitGames center for a portion of joy, excitement, surprise and drive! Eight mind-blowing quests, friendly battles in laser tag, hide and seek in the dark and other activities will help you get bright emotions.

pr-d Birch Grove, 12

Adventure Museum "Living History" 0+

The museum offers seven interactive programs for children that bring history to life and get closer. Ancient Egypt, knightly Europe, medieval Rus' - an unusual site opens a portal to the past.

st. Staraya Basmannaya, 21/4, building 1, st. Zemlyanoy Val, 27, building 3, pr-d Novodevichy, 10, pr-d 3rd Khoroshevsky, 1, building 1

Climbing wall and children's rock climbing school "Rock Zone"

Birthday in sports style is fun and original! Birthday boys and young guests will let off steam in active games, exciting competitions and safe climbing rides with hanging elements that make you feel like a real Spider-Man! Children's holidays are held in a separate, specially equipped hall.

Andropova Ave., 22

In the Ribambel club, you can order dozens of animation shows for children's parties, taking into account the tastes and age of the birthday people. Girls are offered lyrical stories with fairies and princesses, boys are offered exciting adventures in the style of Star Wars or Pirates of the Caribbean. The general concept of the celebration and the festive menu are developed individually.

Aquapark "Karibia"

The water park has a separate banquet hall for children's parties. Young guests will love the original holiday menu, which includes salads "Thumbelina" and "Fairy Gifts", mini pizza, cheese balls, puffs and pies with fruit fillings. Funny contests, competitions, games and dances will not let the kids get bored.

10b Zeleny Ave.

Children's club and cafe "AnderSon" 0+

Scenarios of children's holidays in the cafe "AnderSon" are so unusual that they will be remembered by the birthday man and his friends for a long time. Where else can you have pillow fights, face cream cake, a thrash-style shooting range or thrilling drift car races? For kids, there are more relaxed activities in the style of Duck Tales and other popular fairy tales.

Strastnoy Boulevard, 4

Kidburg in Moscow 0+

In Kidburg, birthday people will have to unravel the secrets of the pharaohs and the detective symbols of Sherlock Holmes, study the history of the Invisible Man and the incidents of Dunno, go on a sea voyage with Captain Vrungel and witness miraculous magical transformations.

Theatrical passage, 5, st. Avtozavodskaya, 18, Solnechnogorsk district, 18 km of the Leningrad highway from the Moscow Ring Road, Moscow region, Luberetskiy district, Kotelniki, 1st Pokrovsky pr-d, 5

Moscow Zoo 0+

Young naturalists have the opportunity to celebrate their birthday among the animals! Kids will play the main roles in interactive performances and interact with tame animals at the petting zoo. Older children will take part in exciting master classes, quests and competitions in the main territory of the park, ride a pony.

Hi all! Today I will answer Elena's question from Moscow. Here is an excerpt from her message: “Hello Julia. Last year we celebrated my daughter's birthday in a cafe.

In this she is already quite an adult - she turns ten years old. I would like the holiday to be in an interesting place so that neither children nor adults get bored.”

Elena, in the capital, fortunately, there are a lot of places where you won’t even think to get bored.

Today, children's birthdays are celebrated in planetariums, various museums: fairy tales, slot machines, animation, adventures.

Family restaurants and cafes offer children's animation, master classes, educational and outdoor games, as well as a wide selection of menus.

I’ll tell you in detail in the article where to celebrate a child’s birthday in Moscow. Comment, like and share!

Laser tag at Legion club

A child's birthday in laser tag is a great opportunity to combine bright and absolutely safe laser games, saturated with virtual shooting and real adrenaline, with a themed banquet filled with favorite dishes.

Your noisy company will have at its disposal an entourage training ground with a total area of ​​more than 1000 m², equipped with bridges, shelters and manholes.

Responsive instructors monitor the comfort and safety of children during the game. Give your child and his friends a rich and exciting holiday that will be remembered for a long time!

Celebrate your child's birthday

A self-organized holiday is a fairly common way to celebrate a children's birthday. Many parents and children get real pleasure from it and are very successful in preparing and organizing such celebrations. At the same time, the features of the celebration largely depend on the place that you choose for the children's birthday.

At home. If you have a large apartment, where you can organize not only festive table with goodies, but also a small performance, competitions, games - a home party would be a great option. Children will be in front of our eyes, and their parents, if they wish, will also be able to take part in the celebration.

However, not everyone has a spacious living space. In addition, the owners will have to prepare not only a festive table, but also an entertainment program in which every little guest needs to be involved. You should also remember about parents - they will probably want to chat with each other, which means that you will need one more room, for example, a living room.

In the country. A dacha or a country house is a great place for a children's holiday. Fresh air, nature, space - this is exactly what children need. At the summer cottage, you can arrange a lot of entertainment: fun competitions, outdoor games, even quests.

But all this is possible only if the cottage is well-maintained, and the child's birthday falls on the warm season. Another difficulty lies in the transportation of guests: not all parents have cars, and not every dacha can be reached on their own without problems.

In the cafe. Recently, this form of holding children's holidays has become more and more popular, especially if the cafe has a children's playroom. Many establishments also offer children's menu and animation services. In the cafe, you can organize a number of unusual entertainments, for example, a children's culinary master class - this is very exciting and usually kids like it.

But do not forget about the minuses - there are a lot of strangers in the cafe, so other people's children often join the holiday.

At the game center. You can have a fun birthday party in a special children's entertainment center. Kids love places like this! And you will not have any problems with the program - there are "dry" pools, and trampolines, and all kinds of structures that you can climb on, and other joys.

But the problem is the same as in the cafe - too many people, the intimacy of the holiday disappears. In addition, cafes at such centers usually offer a very simple treat - juices and sparkling water, sandwiches, sweets, fruits, so you need to take care of the menu in advance, perhaps order something or bring it with you.

A great advantage of organizing a child's birthday on your territory is the opportunity to arrange a themed holiday. It can be a ball for little princesses, a cowboy party, a real feast of pirates, a party in the style of "Alice in Wonderland" or "Harry Potter". The choice of topics is directly related to what your child is dreaming of during this period.

Preparing for the holiday, you should think through everything thoroughly. Music, decoration of the apartment, table, costumes and masks - everything matters. It will be great if you stock up on accessories for guests: cowboy hats, pirate attributes, masks. Be sure to order a cake that will match the theme, prepare appropriate contests and entertainment.

If you go to the country, then you can arrange a pirate party with an inflatable pool instead of the Caribbean Sea, a Captain Flint (or Jack Sparrow) card and a quest with a sweet treasure in the form of a prize. And in a city apartment, you can organize a party in the style of Winx fairies with creative tasks from each fairy.

It is not necessary to come up with new contests for a thematic holiday: you can adapt well-known ones. For example, at a cowboy party, you can play "Musical Chairs", where the children run around the chairs (there are one less than the participants) to the music, and as soon as the sound is turned off, everyone tries to take the empty chair as quickly as possible.

In the cowboy version of this game, the chairs turn into horses and you need to ride them, and cheerful country music can become musical accompaniment. It would be nice if all the contests were united by one simple story.

When preparing a festive table, do not get carried away with sweets. It is better to prepare a couple of nutritious salads and a hot dish than to focus on chips and chocolates. Children at such holidays, as a rule, eat little, but it is important for them how beautiful and attractive the food looks. Original napkins and dishes will also come in handy.

Instead of sweet carbonated drinks, it would be preferable to make a fruit drink or compote. Allergies and problems with gastrointestinal tract unfortunately not uncommon in children. Check with their parents ahead of time.

How much a child's birthday at home or in the country will cost depends on the number of guests and your imagination. And do not forget that, in addition to treats and game props, you will also need small prizes for the winners of competitions - souvenirs, toys or sweets.

We organize a child's birthday with the involvement of animators: a magician will suddenly arrive

If you feel that you are unable to organize a children's holiday on your own, contact the experts. Event agencies and children's centers will help with the script and animators, that is, you do not have to deal with any organizational issues. Note that this pleasure is not cheap, but there is no doubt about the success of the children's holiday, which is organized by professionals.

In addition, you can celebrate a child's birthday with the participation of animators anywhere: at home, in the country, in a cafe, children's center, in a rest home or in nature, and even in a city park. When holding a holiday in this way, it is worth considering what the theme of the party will be and how many animators will need to be hired.

Holiday agencies usually offer a choice of scenarios for children aged 2 to 13, and this can be a party for girls, boys or mixed companies. Of course, the theme is determined based on the preferences of your child.

Preschoolers are usually delighted with fairy tale characters, cartoon characters and blockbusters. For older guys, you can simply invite a cute, fun host who will easily and excitingly play games like Mafia or Crocodile or organize a quest.

Next, you should decide on the number of animators. In order for all children to be involved in contests and games, one animator is enough for a company of 7-10 people. This is the best option if all children are about the same age, active and familiar with each other.

If you dream of a theatrical performance, you will need at least 2 animators. During the holiday, they will change clothes and portray different characters. You will also need 2 animators to maintain the festive spirit and conduct games for a company of 10 people or more.

The participation of an animator in the birthday of your child can set the holiday in a variety of directions. Let's consider some of them:

So, good entertainers are able to arrange a truly unforgettable holiday for your child and his friends, but at the same time you need to be prepared to bear the costs. So, an hour of work of an animator costs an average of 3,000–5,000 rubles, a one-hour theatrical performance with the participation of two animators will cost about 8,000 rubles, two-hour thematic programs will cost from 16,000 rubles. As for the master class, its cost ranges from 6,000 to 12,000 rubles. An interactive program, depending on the topic and complexity, costs 6,000–15,000 rubles.

How else can you celebrate a child's birthday in Moscow?

If you still have not decided on the venue of the holiday, then we bring to your attention a few more possible options:

Thus, today you can organize a children's birthday with the most different ways. The main thing is to take into account the interests and wishes of the child. The choice is yours!

Assistance in organizing a children's birthday in Moscow

Today in Moscow there are many professional agencies and centers that organize children's parties. The Big Turtle Family Club is one of them. Over the years of their work, the employees of this organization were able to conquer many children's hearts. The club has an ideal venue for children's birthday parties - it is a two-story game studio with an area of ​​120 sq. m, located in the House of the Artist.

Everyone will feel comfortable here: children, adults, and animators. Enough space for games and for a festive feast. Moreover, you can spend the holiday on your own, invite animators from the agency you like or use the services of professionals from the Big Turtle.


The best places in Moscow where a child will get unforgettable emotions on his birthday

Soon your child will be another year older. If you want this day to be remembered by him for many years, if you want to take him to an unusual place, the capital offers you many options for a successful holiday, give your child an unforgettable trip to the world of happiness and entertainment.

A very important day for your child is approaching - his birthday, which he has been waiting for and imagining. But any parent has a lot of questions about this: what to give a child, whom to invite, and most importantly, where to celebrate a birthday.

After all, parents want the child to remember this day, so that everything goes to the highest level, so that the baby is infinitely happy. In a small town, this choice is significantly reduced, but in our capital there are a huge number of places where your child will be happy to be with his friends.

Birthday in Moscow in entertainment centers

Moscow is rich in various children's entertainment centers, visiting which children evoke only positive emotions, joy and immense happiness.

Any child will be grateful to his parents if his birthday takes place in such a center. Let's take as an example the most popular centers of Moscow, which are worth visiting and giving fun to your child. Here is an example of the best entertainment centers for children in the capital.


This is a wonderful children's entertainment center, which is located in the Golden Babylon shopping center. This is a real find for every child, here you will see a sea of ​​children's attractions, slot machines, which, by the way, by accruing bonuses, allow you to win a good prize for the baby.

Of course, visiting this club is not a cheap pleasure, but it is worth it, especially since nothing is a pity for a child on his birthday. Here, your child can make a wonderful and beautiful face painting, and you yourself will have fun finding a hobby to your liking. By the way, there is absolutely no additional payment for the fact that you are present with your child in the hall.

A thousand rubles is enough for one child to play enough. Your kid will be fascinated by slot machines and have fun until the moment when the money on the card runs out, you can also spend bonuses that will be credited during the game.

crazy park

The children's entertainment center CrazyPark is located in the ITC "Europark". Any child will be happy to be here; for his entertainment, various attractions and slot machines are offered, which all children adore.

Your baby's birthday will go off with a bang, if you still decide to come here, because. in the center there is a cafe for the whole family and a platform where holidays and various events are very often held, there is also a stage and banquet halls.

Your child will be infinitely grateful to you for such a holiday, and as a gift, replenish his CrazyPark card, which is the only means of payment for entertainment and treats in this center.


The Igromax children's center is located in the Evropeisky shopping center. This center for children of all ages offers both slot machines and trampolines, carousels and a climbing wall.

For adults, so that they don’t get bored either, there is billiards here. Children will thank you very much if their birthday is held at Igromax, there are attentive animators, entertaining games and a positive atmosphere. Prices in such a center are democratic.


HAPPYLON Magic Park is the largest children's entertainment center in Moscow, perfect for birthday celebrations. Its area is 6500 square meters, there are a lot of slot machines, interesting and exciting rides, roller coasters, a nursery for very young children, a labyrinth for older children, a 5D cinema and much more that your children will undoubtedly appreciate.

This entertainment center has a tavern where you can celebrate a children's birthday, it will be very profitable to come here with a large company, there is a bonus system of discounts, accumulative points, promotions, etc. Although the prices here are rather big, any child will be very happy if you bring him right here.

Visiting children's entertainment centers is always fun, noisy and interesting, there are a lot of advantages in this:

In addition to entertainment centers, a child will like and remember a trip to the puppet theater on his birthday. This is a wonderful place to relax and have a good mood. Here is an example of several popular puppet theater.

Living fairy tale

This puppet theater is perfect for a child of any age, from two years old. The original thing here is that any spectator, no matter what age, will definitely take part in the performance, which is why even small spectators will really enjoy celebrating their birthday here.


This is a professional puppet theater, where real actors and directors work, having a specialized education directly in the field of puppet theater.

If you bring a child to this theater to celebrate his next birthday, he will be incredibly happy, because in each performance the child has the opportunity to communicate with a fairy-tale character, sing along with him, and then take a picture.

Magic lamp

This wonderful puppet theater is also good for celebrating a child's birthday. Everyone here is very polite and friendly, children are invited to change into more comfortable shoes for the duration of the performance, the hall is divided into 3 sectors, one of which is exclusively for children, and in general it is extremely interesting and fun here, the performances are simply wonderful. Each child is given the right to ring the bell himself before the start of the performance, there are always a lot of people who want to.

Where else to celebrate a children's birthday in Moscow

Of course, game centers and theaters are not the only places to celebrate your child's birthday. In Moscow, there are water parks, zoos, circuses, cafes, where the child will not refuse to go either.

Birthday is not always a gathering at the table, it is a holiday that should be remembered for its positive, fun, and most importantly, for the child to be interested.


In order for a children's birthday to be wonderful and fun in a cafe, firstly, you need Interesting games, which will be held in the intervals between gatherings at the table, and secondly, the table should be located near the game room so that the children are comfortable. In Moscow, it is not a problem to invite an animator to a cafe for a holiday who will amuse your children all day long.


The water park is also very a good place to celebrate a child's birthday in Moscow. Every child simply loves water rides, so a positive mood is provided for the whole day. There is also a festive program with the participation of animators, of course, for a fee.

It is best not to invite many people here, because it will not be very convenient. It is advisable to invite children along with their parents, otherwise you simply won’t see them. Treats for your guests will also be original, you are offered a wet cafe on the territory of the water park itself. The child will be happy to celebrate his holiday there.


To spend your child's birthday not only fun, but also useful, you can take him with friends to the museum. There, a festive program is immediately offered, for which you need to pay, but this money is worth it. The program includes a fascinating tour of the museum, a master class and a fun tea party that will delight the baby.

For example, the Moscow Lights Museum offers kids a very interesting program: a journey through the eras, a visit to a ball, a master class in making candles and making fire, tea drinking. Guests can invite about 12 people, they will be very interested.

Zoo in Moscow

There are no special programs for celebrating a birthday at the zoo, but a child can be given a wonderful educational tour, where you can even touch the animals. The zoo has a cafe where you can continue the celebration. Excursions are aimed at different ages of children.


Unforgettable for your baby will be a birthday in the oceanarium of Moscow. Children will simply be happy from such a holiday.

It provides fun programs, excursions with an animator, interesting shows with animals, feeding animals and taking photos with them, magic tricks, master classes, a cinema, and, of course, a festive table. The guys will never forget such a holiday, it is very interesting and original.

Sports facility

A child can also be taken to a sports institution for his holiday so that the fun is active. Many of these institutions provide children's programs, competitions, relay races.

There are a lot of options for celebrating a children's birthday in Moscow, for any age, for any budget. Your child will be very happy that his holiday is not held at home, but somewhere in a more interesting place, where animators, a festive atmosphere, fun programs and much more will delight him, which is simply impossible to imagine at home.

Your child will appreciate any of your choices, you will make a real holiday for him, which many children dream of. Moscow offers many options that you will surely like. The matter arises only for finances, choose what you can handle, the main thing is that the child is satisfied.


Some more interesting ideas

Children's birthday should be celebrated brightly and dynamically. And doing it at home is not always possible and not for everyone. To give your beloved baby one of the most unforgettable days of the year, you can use one of the following recommendations.

A fairly common option may be to hold a children's birthday in one of the children's cafes in Moscow. They are usually located in crowded places - in shopping centers, in places of recreation.

In many children's cafes there are groups of animators who arrange various fun contests and quizzes, and small playgrounds with various simple attractions are arranged. And the menu for kids is cakes, cakes, ice cream and all sorts of other goodies. At the same time, the prices are quite reasonable and allow you to inexpensively celebrate the name day of your child.

Many children willingly go to contact with animals. If your child is one of them, you can visit the Moscow Zoo on his birthday. Playing and watching animals, children will be active and happy. And visiting various excursions around the zoo will allow you to gain new knowledge about animals and will remain in your memory for a long time.

A good option for celebrating a child's birthday can be a trip to the Moscow Dolphinarium. This will bring inexpressible delight to your whole family and add a lot of joy, laughter and aesthetic pleasure to the treasury of pleasant impressions. And from the performance in the dolphinarium, your whole family will also receive medical benefits, because the emotions that a person experiences at the same time are able to heal mental wounds and normalize their mental state.

You can also have fun celebrating your baby's birthday by going to any circus in Moscow. That's where the sea of ​​colors, glitter, jokes of clowns and trained animals. You will see your child's eyes sparkle with joy. The very atmosphere of the circus already has positive emotions and impressions that will not let your whole family get bored.

Entertainment complexes in Moscow can also offer their services for holding a children's birthday. In many of them (if the child's age allows) you can play bowling or billiards, frolic in the pool, ride the rides, carousels, watch children's shows, frolic in children's towns. And in the restaurants or cafes located there, you can order a festive table.


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How to celebrate a child's birthday?

Your child's birthdays should be memorable and bright, so that the pleasant expectation of the holiday fills the soul of the baby every year. To do this, it is very important to have information about your child's personal preferences.

Choosing a party organizer

Holding holidays for children has long been a business for some people. In each city there is more than one agency ready to offer animators, hold a quest or a theme party for a children's birthday.

Most of these companies employ real professionals in their field. They take care of all the organization and holding of such a holiday.

Agency specialists will advise you on the best option for a cafe for a children's party and colorfully decorate it for the arrival of the kids, prepare the script for the holiday, and organize competitions and contests. Parents will be happy to watch everything that happens from the side.

As a budget option, you can organize a home birthday party and order an animator Moscow, who will arrange entertainment for the birthday boy and his guests in colorful costumes.

You should pay attention to promising young people who are ready for little money to gain a reputation in the market for providing this type of service to organize a holiday for your baby at an affordable price.

As a third option, it is possible to offer an independent holding of a children's birthday party by the child's parents. True, for this it will be necessary to connect all your imagination to the process of preparing the holiday and put your soul into it, then you will surely see joy in the eyes of the birthday man and his guests, and you yourself will get a lot of pleasure from it.

Preparatory stage

Will your child be celebrating his birthday for the first time surrounded by peers? Then the duration of the holiday should not exceed two hours. If you delay the event, then the children will not be able to calm down from overexcitation for a long time.

You should first agree with your crumbs about the number of his friends at his birthday. Two- or three-year-old kids, as a rule, have not yet made real friends.

Parents can help their child make friends with peers. To do this, you can invite the children of your friends, relatives or neighbors. It is very important that their age is approximately the same as the birthday.

by the most in a simple way organizing a children's holiday is his self-training and holding. This can be done at home, in the form of an outdoor picnic, a quest in a park area or fun gatherings in a cozy cafe.

Whichever option you choose, animators will be appropriate for a children's party in any case. They will give the event a magical charm and make it fun.

Also, a good option would be to hold children's holidays in Moscow in a cafe, where there is a special children's room, which is equipped with everything necessary for such events.

The youngest children come to such holidays accompanied by adults, who can also be involved in the celebration of your child's birthday. Just talk to them about all the details first.

Children from four years of age and older can come to the holiday with their mothers, who will pass them from hand to hand to the parents of the birthday boy, and they themselves will go about their business.

It is very important to find out from them in advance about the preferences of children in food and other features of the kids, so as not to spoil the overall holiday due to problems with one child.

At the festive table there should be food that suits the participants of the event by age. Pay special attention to drinks, which should be plenty, as children are always thirsty, in particular, after active games.

Is this the first time you have a party like this for your little one? Then explain to him in detail about everything that happens before the start of the event, otherwise animators and guests in large numbers can act as an irritating factor for your child's psyche and his reaction will be unpredictable.

Explain to the child how to properly accept gifts and where to put them, what to say to children after congratulations and at the end of the holiday. It will be great if at the end the birthday person gives each guest some small gift in memory of his birthday.

Differences of children's holidays by age categories

For kids from one to two years old, such holidays are usually spent at home. Before you think about treats for guests, you should ask their parents about their children's food preferences.

As an option, the table can be set with neutral products - bananas, apples, cottage cheese cookies, etc. Use a ball for games, and dances can be arranged to tunes from famous cartoons. As a rule, such a holiday will last an hour.

It is best to do it while the kids are awake. The event can start at 10:00.

3-6-year-old children are characterized by increased activity. Remember that after their pranks, you will have to do a general cleaning in the house. You can invite an animator to the holiday or independently transform into a cheerful clown.

The Internet is full of scenarios of such holidays. If everything is in order with your imagination, then you can compose it yourself. In this case, it is very important to take into account the interests of the birthday man. The table can be set as a buffet with cake, cookies, sandwiches, cold cuts, fruit and cheese. Don't forget to decorate the room with balloons.

7-11 year olds love to participate in themed parties, where they can transform into musketeers, pirates, fairies and favorite cartoon characters.

Before choosing a theme for a party, check with your child about this, and then you should warn the guests of the holiday, who should prepare suitable costumes. Decorate the venue of the party in accordance with the chosen theme.

Before the start of the holiday, children can have a light snack. Then, for two to three hours, they will be busy with active games, and at the end of the event, treat them to a sweet table.

12-16-year-olds can organize entertainment and dance programs on their own. Parents will only have to set a delicious and varied table for them.

original ideas

As ideas for a memorable birthday, you can choose:

Important Details

When organizing a children's holiday, you should not forget about such moments:

  1. Do not combine children's and adult company In one place.
  2. Prepare identical prizes for the competitive program.
  3. Tell guests about the location of the toilet, as some of them may be shy and will not ask about it themselves.
  4. Not all children like to take part in competitions. Don't insist. They will decide when to join.
  5. It is always difficult for children to present gifts to others. For this, a warm atmosphere should be created, then it will be much easier for them.


Child's birthday - arrange a holiday at home or go to a cafe

The birthday of a child is a joyful and at the same time troublesome event. Anna Lebedeva tells where it is better to spend a children's holiday.

Every time I have to arrange my daughter's birthday, I remember my childhood. Mom baked the Ryzhik cake from year to year, soaking the cakes with butter cream with boiled condensed milk, and I ran to the bowl with culinary preparations, while no one was watching, and dipped my finger into the sweet raw dough: I really wanted to taste the festive treats.

Then the children's holiday was the same for everyone, because basically the birthday was celebrated at home. I remember how girlfriends from kindergarten or from elementary school came to me, and the apartment turned into one big playroom. Of course, we were not limited to toys. Mom's cosmetics, jewelry, starched sheets were used. The scenario of the game in the children's imagination arose easily, out of nowhere.

We locked ourselves in the room and arranged a "dark" with ghosts, dressed up secretly in mother's dresses and portrayed pop stars with a comb in our hands, and also put a small projector on a chair and watched filmstrips with delight.

Adults sometimes disrupted the course of the game and invited something to eat at the table. This ended with the children ending up under the table, in an imaginary hut.

No one thought about allergies, and "Bears in the North" left like seeds. What has passed into the present from my childhood? Perhaps the tradition is to cook a children's cake and decorate it with candles. No housewife cooks dough the way a mother does for her child. Let it turn out something unsightly, but with love. Everything else remained in the last century, in photographs and in memories.

Today, a children's holiday is a fairly popular event, and parents are happy to look for options based on their imagination and financial capabilities. Now parents are more worried about organizing their child's birthday than the child himself, who will soon be in for a surprise in the form of a huge cake with Maya the bee or a transforming robot.

A month before the holiday, mothers buy elegant clothes for themselves and their child, order hundreds of balloons, cupcakes, paper garlands. Many people prepare a collage of photographs, where every year is captured in the company of their beloved baby.

As with toys, adults set off in pursuit of the best, so that later they can post a couple of photos in in social networks with the inscription: "My bunny - 5" - and wipe the nose of our monotonous past. Now that there are plenty of options, we have become children for whom there is nothing sweeter than a new toy that is about to come off the screen of a cartoon about princesses.

When you have finally found a suitable option and you are ready to invite guests, it is time to listen to the wishes of the child. Do not be alarmed if the child wants to see friends from kindergarten who are unfamiliar to you at his holiday. After all, what can you do for the birthday boy?

Ask the teacher for the phone of the parents and promise them a couple of hours of free time, while you yourself look after their children. I think this will suit most parents. Well, if you get a refusal, do not be upset. Tell your child that his friend is sick.

Today, children do not need to entertain themselves, because there are animators and pre-prepared programs for this. Even museums have created such an option as "Children's Birthday Celebration".

Without asking if the child is interested or not, we arrange a surprise and take him and invited friends to a thematic program where, together with the guide, the children will study butterflies, and at the end of the event they will drink tea with a cake.

And here I sympathize a little with the little birthday boy, who will wait all day for the final part of the holiday, when you can relax, play with friends and finally get to the sweet. When choosing such entertainment, you should pay attention to the age indicated in the release of the program.

Another thing is to go to the children's center, jump on trampolines, ride down the hill, and eat pizza, sweets and cake in between. But for parents of toddlers, such an event can be too tiring, because every step of the child has to be monitored.

Programs with animators in cafes are also popular. Here, children participate in role-playing games, culinary master classes, crafts. In such places there are play areas and, in principle, you can do without outside help, because the children will have fun anyway. Unlike perfectionist parents, they will have fun even at home under the table, where adult guests drink champagne and eat Olivier.


Teenager's birthday

Many parents do not know where to spend a teenager's birthday, how to organize a holiday and what important points to consider. We offer the most relevant and affordable programs for the birthday of teenagers in Moscow!

How to organize a birthday party for a fashionable teenager?

Planning a teenager's birthday depends, first of all, on the age of the child and his preferences. A younger child will prefer a children's party, and a teenager who thinks that he is already an adult wants a cool party. What you need to pay attention to when choosing a program for teenagers:

Where to celebrate a teenager's birthday?

Older teenagers, due to the beginning of a transitional age, are often distinguished by their capriciousness, they no longer like children's holidays. And also, happy birthday greetings to teenage girls should be somewhat different from birthday greetings to a teenage boy.

But what to do if guests of different sexes are equally present at the celebration, how to interest everyone? Is it possible to celebrate a name day so that both boys and girls like it?

If your fantasy has already dried up, then trust KiD. A holiday, and the upcoming birthday will be the day when the dream becomes a reality. Let it be just a game that will last an hour or a little more, but it will leave an unforgettable feeling of a magical atmosphere that the child will remember all year, or even all his life, becoming an adult and nostalgic for the joyful childhood that his parents gave him.

Have you already decided how the future celebration will go? Then add some originality to this event. Paper show - that's what will delight all guests. Everyone will like to have fun dancing to incendiary music and throwing up paper! This is unusual and original, and such entertainment can also be included in absolutely any format of the holiday, from fun children's birthdays to events for older teenagers.

Together with KiD.Prazdnik you can spend an unforgettable birthday party for Moscow teenagers. Your child will appreciate and remember for a long time the unusual holiday that his parents gave him!


Children's birthday party

The best conditions for celebrating a child's birthday in Moscow are offered by the Zamania amusement park network - these are entertainment complexes where there is absolutely everything to provide a child with a fun holiday and a feeling of happiness!

How to turn a child's birthday into an unforgettable holiday?

Birthday is important for a child at any age. Happy holidays contribute to the positive development of the child's personality, help to broaden their horizons, and strengthen intra-family ties. Such an event allows you to relax and take a break from everyday life. Therefore, organizing a child's birthday is a special task. First you need to choose a venue for the event, write a script, prepare entertainment and a menu of delicious treats.

The celebration should be different from those that the child previously visited. To spend the holiday so that it is exclusive, brings a lot of pleasure to children and their parents will be helped. It is unusual to celebrate a child's birthday with us.

Zamania is a chain of popular family amusement parks in Moscow. We organize fun events, embody the most daring and original ideas, offer entertainment for every taste for the whole family. We regularly conduct quests throughout the center, various creative master classes, and animation programs.

When preparing for a birthday, parents should contact the organizers of the holiday in advance, book a room. The more time left, the better the leader will prepare. It is important to have an idea of ​​what the child wants, what his temperament is, what he is fond of, how many guests and what age will be present at the event.

Features of organizing and holding a birthday

You can celebrate your child's birthday in the Zamaniya Adventure Park. The possibilities of our park allow you to spend a holiday for every taste. Everything that children love so much, we embody in our work. These are all kinds of entertainment and vivid experiments, unforgettable games, competitive elements, interactive programs. Our center hosts parties for children of all ages.

Among the features of holding successful children's events are:

Children's birthday entertainment

The game has become an obligatory element of any holiday. Among the standard events, holidays are distinguished using various elements:

The imagination of the organizers allows you to use several of these elements to hold a successful themed holiday. In the arsenal of our organizers are various shows (soap bubbles, paper, theatrical and many others). Birthday games for kids in advance and carefully thought out. Be sure that our team will make sure that the happy memories of a unique celebration are remembered by the child for a lifetime.

You can book a room for 2.5 hours or more, and then visit the gaming area and have fun with friends. Much attention is paid to the safety of children: all loads are pre-calculated, the children are constantly under the supervision of experienced instructors. Here you can explore a soft labyrinth or visit a climbing wall, jump on trampolines, ride tubing.

Tickets for the festival are valid all day, admission is free for accompanying adults.

45 best ideas where you can celebrate your birthday in…

  • 15 things about the Zamaniya children's center in Kosino-Park,…
  • A child's birthday is the most important holiday for the whole family. The first anniversary is eagerly awaited by both the little birthday boy and his parents. 10 years is a conscious age, the first ten. The child already has his own preferences, the best friends with whom he wants to spend this important day. Where to celebrate a child's birthday?

    Unusual birthday

    There are a lot of ways to celebrate a child's birthday at 10 years old. The choice will depend on what the hero of the occasion is fond of. If the birthday parents are creative individuals and know how to organize holidays themselves, come up with contests and quizzes, you can take the preparation of the event into your own hands. In summer, you can organize a trip to nature with a picnic and fun starts, but here's what to do if it's raining and snowing. Where to celebrate a child's birthday in Moscow?

    10 years is the most mischievous age for both boys and girls. How to celebrate the celebration so that it remains in their memory for a long time? Young birthday people seethe with energy, they are able to perform any feats. Many rave about computer games, space aliens, superheroes. Laser Land will offer an excellent option where to celebrate a child's birthday at 10 years old. This is the largest laser tag arena in Moscow. The child can invite the whole class to his holiday. There is everything for an active and exciting holiday. Children's Birthday Party in Laser Land is an amazing program for any age, which consists of: laser fights, bowling, entertainment from the best animators, a lot of attractions and slot machines.

    For space lovers, an original Star Wars themed program has been prepared. Children will be able to take part in exciting battles with space aliens.

    Space Museum

    Both boys and girls will appreciate the star holidays at the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics. Here, for the little guests, a real trip into space on a comic ship is organized. For the birthday boy and his guests, a fascinating excursion is held, after which the children will be able to visit inside a real spaceship. Museum staff will organize an exciting quiz, and after the young space explorers will be invited to a solemn tea party.

    Birthday with fairy tales

    What child does not like toys. None will be found. An unforgettable celebration will be for the hero of the occasion and his friends in the Hamley's toy store. Here they will be able to play with cars, collect Lego, sit behind the wheel of a big London bus.

    Fans of Smeshariki will enjoy spending time with life-size puppets Nyusha, Krosh, Barash. Such a celebration will help organize the Smeshariki Friends Club at MegaKhimki. The organizers will hold fun events, make face painting, and all will end with festive fireworks.

    Or maybe the little guests will want to find the magic door that Pinocchio's golden key opens and unravel the mystery. Nothing is impossible on the big day. At the Pinocchio-Pinocchio Museum, fun activities will be held with them Pinocchio, Cat Basilio, Fox Alice.

    Happy birthday

    Birthday can be not only fun to celebrate, but also to spend it with benefit. The celebration can be combined with an educational event. In Moscow, there are huge opportunities for organizing such a holiday. For this purpose, fit:

    • zoos;
    • museums;
    • children's scientific and educational centers.

    Darwin Museum

    This is one of the largest museums in Moscow. Employees organize programs specifically for the heroes of the occasion. It will be an interesting and informative pastime, both for the birthday boy and his guests. The program contains interactive excursions with the organization of tea drinking. As part of the excursion programs, you can get to know your neighbors on the planet, listen to the most interesting stories about the giants who have disappeared from our earth. For small handfuls, there are programs to choose from, which may consist of:

    • only from the excursion part;
    • excursions combined with exciting quizzes and competitions;
    • excursion programs with elements of independent activity.

    At the request of parents, an animation program can be organized. For example, a master class on tricks.

    The opportunity to spend a festive evening in the slot machine hall will not leave indifferent young birthday people. Yes, not simple ones, but also those that their moms and dads played. The Museum of Soviet Slot Machines does not offer special programs for a children's party, but you can rent a hall here. Guests will be able to play on any slot machines without restrictions. During the holiday, a museum employee will be with them, who will tell you in detail about the exhibits presented and help you deal with the game.
    No birthday is complete without treats. The museum invites its guests to sit on the balcony and have a small tea party.

    Living History Museum

    In the Museum of Living History, you can organize a scientific and entertainment program for children on historical topics. A birthday boy with guests will be able to go to the excavations of Ancient Egypt, attend a jousting tournament or feel like pirates looking for treasures. Museum staff organize excursions and master classes for children.
    The uniqueness of this museum lies in the fact that you can touch most of the exhibits with your own hands, try on ancient clothes.

    Active birthday

    Where you can celebrate the birthday of a child of 10 years old, when guests cannot sit still. For the most active guests there are options for organizing active rest. For an active children's birthday in Moscow, many water parks organize holiday programs. it is a completely safe holiday. An experienced instructor will always be next to the children, who monitors their safety. Water parks offer to celebrate a birthday: “Kva-Kva Park”, “Karibia”, “Fantasy Park”.

    The boys will be delighted with your idea to celebrate their birthday in a karting center in an unusual way. Here you can organize time trials with festive treats. The club "10 inches", "Silver Rain", "Club 21" will help arrange such a celebration.

    And how actively can you celebrate a birthday in the summer?

    At this time, the best option would be to celebrate in nature. A great option would be to visit the Panda Park. These are six rope towns. The staff will help you choose the appropriate age-appropriate trails with ropeways, wobbly bridges and nets.

    In country clubs you can book horseback riding with a picnic in nature. Such services are offered by the equestrian club "Izmailovo", "Belaya Dacha".

    Culinary master classes

    For young housewives, you can organize a birthday in a cafe or restaurant where culinary master classes for children are held. Guests and birthdays will be able not only to have fun, but also to gain useful skills.
    In the Lilac family cafe, children will be taught how to beautifully set the table and decorate dishes. But that is not all. Cafe staff will teach young guests to knit, embroider, and decorate clothes. In addition, here you will be able to show a performance, a concert. In the cafe you can order all the food you need for the holiday.

    The culinary studio Eva will help celebrate birthdays. Here, young guests will be taught to bake the most delicious pizza, cook delicious desserts, which they will eat together.

    The Jenius club organizes creative holidays for children. Here for your guests they will organize not only a master class on creating original dishes, but also arrange an exciting program. Among the animators are the magnificent Princess Sofia, funny Fixies, favorites of all children and adults Masha and the Bear. Children will be able to neutralize the evil sorceress Ursula with the help of the little mermaid Ariel.

    For a birthday, beloved princesses Elsa and Anna Frozen can come to the little birthday girls. They will take young guests to a snowy country with ice castles, snowstorms and huge icicles.
    Club Jenius organizes not only master classes in cooking. For young researchers, there is an opportunity to take part in the Crazy Lab program, where the guys can feel like real scientists.


    The popularity of quests is becoming more and more every day. Many children of 10 years old will no longer be surprised by clowns with balloons, laser tag, bowling and other fun. And the quest will give new impressions and make you work a little with your head.

    The quest can be held in the classroom, at home, on the street. For a complete immersion with transformation into fairy-tale characters, you need to invite leading animators who will hold a quest game in a designated place.

    Quite a few quest organizations have appeared in Moscow that have created rooms with various riddles and secrets. In them, children will be able to solve intellectual problems among colorful scenery, chat with the characters of their favorite cartoons, and have fun celebrating a birthday with friends.


    • Serious games;
    • KidD.Holiday;
    • Quest street.

    In Moscow, there are a huge number of places where you can inexpensively and have a lot of fun celebrating your 10th birthday. Everyone will find places for the celebration to their liking: from active rascals to serious children who are passionate about science.

    Entertainment center LaserLand
    From 6 years old

    LaserLand is a network of entertainment centers in Moscow. The main entertainment in the centers is laser tag, the total area of ​​arenas for the game is 1900 sq.m. All arenas have a different design, mostly in a space style.
    All centers host children's parties with any theme: from Disney Princesses to Star Wars. In addition to the holiday, guests can order cakes and desserts (there is their own confectionery), show programs and master classes. The pricing policy for children's holidays is different, each guest will find what he likes and can afford.

    Amusement park "Immersion"
    From 4 years old

    Immersion is a new format of entertainment for the whole family, the park is located in the main family vacation aggregator in Moscow - in the Riviera shopping center. The park has playgrounds, many sports and intellectual action games.

    The total area of ​​the park is 3,500m2. On the territory there are 5 themed banquet halls, 12 performances with actors, special programs for children (game + banquet hall + show programs + food).
    For adults - programs for stag and hen parties.
    The park has games for all ages - from the Kids zone to an erotic performance (18+).

    European Gymnastics Center
    From 3 years

    A child's birthday at the European Gymnastics Center is an interesting holiday format for children of all ages.
    During the celebration in the large gymnasium, 2 coaches organize exciting relay races for children, fun starts, trampoline training, games in the pool with cubes, entertainment activities and a lot of other interesting things. Not only children, but also their parents will be invited to participate in competitions and activities.
    The duration and time of the event is discussed with the administrator of the European Gymnastics Center. As a rule, holidays take from 2 to 4 hours.
    During the celebration, guests will have free time to play, chat with friends and treats.
    Information and registration for the birthday -

    Legion laser tag club
    From 6 years old

    Celebrating a child's birthday at a laser tag club is always a great idea. The brand new Legion club has 2 playgrounds, 3 banquet halls. It is conveniently located 2 minutes walk from the subway.
    Children are entertained by professional instructors-animators who have dozens of game scenarios in stock. The club has a variety of gaming equipment: machine guns, submachine guns, pistols, grenades, tactical shields, checkpoints, combat bases, first-aid kits, command posts, combination locks, bombs, etc.
    And a very affordable price for the holidays - the average bill for a three-hour birthday is up to 15,000 rubles.

    Children's car park MOTOR CITY GRAND

    From 0 years

    In Motor city Grand, you can organize a holiday, the program of which includes a set of exciting tasks and tests. Animation programs for different ages have been developed for the birthday boy and his guests, and there is a whole City of Racers with real attributes of the highway: Gas station, Wash, DPS, Ministry of Emergency Situations and a fleet of children's electric vehicles.
    Among the programs: Police quest, Transformers and dances of the missing crystal, School of spies or spy stuff, Fire alarm (program - Initiation into Firefighters). And also - Mafia or a robbery in Italian based on the movie "Robbery in Italian" and the game "Crane Kranych or Bob the Builder".

    Children's CITY OF BUILDERS
    From 1 year

    In the children's CITY OF BUILDERS on the territory of the shopping center "Riviera" there are three themes: construction, pirate and marine. Children operate a tower crane, conveyor or conveyor belt, load and deliver soft bricks and huge Lego blocks to the construction site, build houses and erect skyscrapers from soft bricks, and also frolic in the water play area, play sea ​​battle and launch ships. And waterproof vests will help you stay afloat even in the midst of fun.

    At the disposal of children - complete construction equipment (helmets, vests, trowels and hammers) and a whole arsenal of construction equipment. Here the work of a whole brigade is going on, led by young foremen. In addition to soft bricks, there are large Lego blocks with which the guys build buildings and lay the wall of a glass house.

    A construction or pirate themed birthday program will appeal to both boys and girls.

    Game entertainment center ExitGames

    From 6 years old

    Active and intellectual games are collected in a single space of the center:
    6 children's quests with various subjects For children from 6 years old: escape from prison, find a way out of the ship, become students of Hogwarts, investigate the mysterious disappearance of a scientist. In quests, children are accompanied by a costumed animator.
    Hide and seek in the dark: an active adventure based on a favorite children's game. In dark labyrinths, accompanied by sound and light special effects, children will need to hide and search, explore labyrinths and find hiding places and loopholes on teams. The host accompanies the children throughout the game.
    Laser tag for children from 10 years old: laser combat with safe pistols for active players. Children need to develop a strategy, hide in labyrinths and capture the enemy base.
    Ball pool: a fun space with tasks for the little ones - from 3 years old.

    Also, the game center has 4 halls for holidays, where children can have a snack, dance under the X-box, play in virtual reality and solve mini-quests. And for adults, the ExitGames team can offer a separate menu, mafia and poker.

    Family amusement park "Skazka"
    From 3 years

    The Skazka family park in Krylatskoye is one of the most modern and well-equipped children's parks in the capital. The total area of ​​the park is 7 hectares. Park visitors travel through different times and countries, moving from the only animal park in Moscow ice age- ICE Park to the largest Dinopark in Moscow, and then to the ethno-cultural complex "Husky Land", where they enter the unique world of the Far North. From our days - during the time of Baba Yaga and Kashchei the Immortal.
    "Fairy Tale" will help you organize a children's party, where the birthday boy and his friends will become the main characters of an unforgettable adventure. Fascinating scenarios were prepared for the holiday: Alice visiting the Red Queen, traveling with minions, visiting Baba Yaga, Frozen, Fort Boyard, Dino Island; Fantastic show programs made of foam rubber and paper, soap bubbles, transformers and magicians. Also in the park there are themed spaces where you can relax and have a delicious meal.

    Children's car park MOTOR.BIG CITY
    From 1 year to 10 years

    MOTOR.BIG CITY is the largest project of the children's theme park chain. It has 1,200 sq.m, 5 themed rooms for a holiday, painted in the style of European Cities (London, Paris, Rome), a cafe for 70+ seats, a delicious children's and adult menu.
    This is a whole CITY of young racers, pirates and princesses, the largest fleet of children's cars, 10 new game zones, exciting quests, and the School of Superheroes. There are unique water installations for playing with water, of such a size that there is enough space for everyone.
    Birthday in MOTOR.BIG CITY is an exciting adventure in the Big City and the best author's programs for both kids (from 1 year old) and older children (up to 10 years old). Children will learn how to investigate crimes and make an identikit of a criminal, put out a fire and build high-rise towers, carry out a secret mission of the Transformer, pump muscles up to the size of the Hulk, beat off a fire attack with Captain America's shield, and receive an infinity glove.
    Available programs:
    — Sightseeing adventure in the Big City,
    — School of Police,
    - Fire alarm,
    — Alice and the Princesses in the Big City,
    — lol,
    — MARVEL Superhero School.

    Darwin Museum

    6 to 12 years old

    A birthday party at the Darwin Museum consists of a 1.5 hour interactive tour and tea in a private tea room. You can bring the cake and all the treats with you, one hour is allocated for the meal. There are 5 different themes to choose from. After the end of the program, you can walk around the museum and see the interactive exposition "Walk the path of evolution." You need to pay for a children's holiday in the museum, where you can also buy nice invitation cards for guests.

    Children's club "Brother Rabbit's Hole"

    1-14 years old

    The children's club "Brother Rabbit's Hole" is a unique atmospheric platform for holding children's parties, from the first birthday to graduation and the New Year. Cozy, homely, but at the same time solemn atmosphere will make the holiday sincere and will be remembered for a long time.
    The theatrical programs of the club are immersive performances in which children take an active part, going on a long journey across the ocean, saving the universe, solving mysteries and riddles.
    There are no animators here. The staff includes 15 professional actors, a director, a screenwriter, a costume designer, props, a vocal teacher, a choreographer, a sound engineer, decorators, and managers who professionally organize the holiday.
    Everything was provided for in the Burrow: a meeting of guests (by the way, by Brer Rabbit himself), a snack for children, decoration of the hall and a themed photo area, a theatrical program and show, a solemn removal of a cake with candles and fireworks, tea drinking and even presentation of gifts on the birthday throne. All you need is to come and enjoy the holiday.

    Museum "Experimentanium"
    4 to 15 years old

    Children's birthdays at Esperimentanium are celebrated on a scientific scale, and birthdays are congratulated free of charge on the museum radio. There are several different scenarios to choose from, designed for children 4-6, 7-11 years old and teenagers from 13 years old. All programs last exactly 1 hour and are interactive games with a variety of puzzles and tasks that involve active interaction with the museum exhibits.
    Additionally, you can order a festive banquet in the museum cafe (menu options - 370 or 430 rubles per person), and bring a birthday cake with you (bringing drinks is prohibited).

    Moscow Planetarium
    6 to 14 years old

    There are several scenarios for birthdays in the Planetarium: "Save the Planet of Knowledge" (6-9 years old), "Expedition to Distant Planets", "Star Team" (8-11 years old), "Intergalactic Intelligence" (9-12 years old). You can take the course of a young cosmonaut and learn how real space pilots are trained in just an hour. Each program includes an excursion and competitions lasting 1 hour, as well as a session in the Big Star Hall (30-50 minutes) or a 4D cinema (15 minutes).
    All participants will receive memorable prizes and souvenirs. Additional services: face painting and photography services. You can arrange a festive feast in the Telescope cafe (you can choose from a sweet table with desserts and ice cream and a full meal with hot, snacks and salads).

    Adventure Museum "Living History"

    From 7 years old

    The Living History Museum offers to celebrate a child's birthday by going on a journey through time. There are 7 historical eras and 7 extraordinary programs to choose from. Any program consists of an interactive part (1.5 hours) and tea drinking (1 hour). Tea and utensils are provided by the museum, you can bring everything else with you. It is not necessary to come to the museum to book a holiday. The order is made by phone.
    Programs: "Adventures in the knight's castle" (9-12 years old), "Treasure hunt" (7-11 years old) - children themselves will be able to try how it was: carry buckets on the yokes, handle the grip, spin on a spinning wheel, shoot from a real Luke; “The secret behind the seven locks. Medieval Japan” (8-12 years old), “Expedition to Ancient Egypt” (8-12 years old), “Treasure of Agra. Ancient India” (8-12 years old), “The Great Journey to the Stone Age” (7-11 years old), “Time Code. Ancient Rome” (9-12 years old) – it will be possible to try on the armor of a centurion and a legionnaire, dress up as beautiful Roman women.

    Museum of Animation
    From 5 years

    As part of the holiday, children will take a guided tour of the museum, shoot their own cartoon and watch it on the big screen along with other animation novelties, take part in a master class and learn how to create cartoons in the computer program “Animator for Yourself”. The birthday boy will receive a museum diploma and a DVD with his own cartoon as a gift, and all participants will get a disk with a program for creating cartoons as a keepsake.
    You can choose an economical or full version of the program. In addition to the activities already listed, the full version of the holiday includes congratulations from the museum mascot - Grandfather Cartoonych, a solemn removal of the cake, a children's disco and tea drinking.

    Museum of Soviet slot machines
    Any age

    There are no special programs for children's birthdays in the museum, but you can rent the entire room after hours or have a picnic on the museum balcony. In the first case, the museum will be entirely at the disposal of the birthday boy and his guests, who will be able to play on the slot machines as much as they like. The second option involves gatherings on the balcony, designed for 10 people, and the birthday boy and his friends will receive 15 game tokens. During the festival, a museum employee will be present in the room, who can tell about the exhibits, explain the rules of the game or help in controlling the machines.
    Parents can bring all the treats with them, and you can also order tea, coffee, milkshakes or drink soda from a Soviet machine in a local cafe.

    Museum of fairy tales "Once upon a time"
    5 to 11 years old

    During the celebration of the birthday, the birthday boy and guests will be invited to the hallway of the magical house, where many miracles will await them. In the company of fairy-tale characters, children will complete tasks and pass tests, lie on the stove, try on heroic armor, try rejuvenating apples and find a guiding star. The program is designed for 1.5 hours, after which the holiday can be continued in the courtyard with the parents. The birthday boy will receive a gift from the museum, and you can take a picture with fairy-tale heroes.
    Treats for the festive table are brought by parents, half an hour is allotted for the feast.

    Museum "Buratino-Pinocchio"
    5 to 11 years old

    The birthday boy and his guests will be invited to the magical land of Buratinia, where they will travel in the company of fairy-tale heroes. On the way, the children will complete tasks and pass tests, and then they will find the Golden Key, open the door behind the painted hearth and get into the magic theater "Lightning", where a festive concert will take place, congratulations with games, contests and dances. The program is designed for 1.5, after which the holiday can be continued with the parents in the Tavern of the Three Minnows. The birthday boy will receive a gift from the museum, and you can take a picture with fairy-tale characters as a keepsake.
    Treats for the festive table are brought by parents, half an hour is allotted for tea drinking.

    Moscow City Museum
    4 to 12 years old

    The birthday program in the museum is designed depending on the age of the birthday person, his interests and the number of guests. The program is based on an entertainment program from animators - it can be a costume design master class or a game quest in the halls of the museum. In case of good weather, a street quest will be held for children, while parents will be able to set the table in the meantime. You can bring all the treats with you, and to create a festive atmosphere, museum staff can decorate the hall with balloons and decorations. You can add any master class from invited instructors to the program. The duration of the holiday is 3 hours.

    In the branch of the Museum of Moscow - Museum of Manor Culture— have their own offers for young birthdays. In the Ministry Wing for children from 7 years old, the Angel Day program is held, which includes an interactive tour, a festive tea party and a musical program with ancient music and dances. The program is conducted by a guide in historical costume, and all guests receive invitations in the style of the 19th century. The cost of the program is 13,000 rubles. The number of participants is no more than 15 people.

    Birthdays can also be celebrated Equestrian yard of the museum. The program for children aged 7-12 includes a tour of the World of Childhood exhibition, historical games in the children's room, a visit to the stable and acquaintance with horses, outdoor games and entertaining quizzes. Additionally, you can order a ride in the museum carriage (100 rubles for children, 150 rubles for adults). The cost of the program is 13,000 rubles. To arrange a festive feast, you need to order the “Tea Party in the Museum” program (200 rubles per person).

    Museum-estate "Kolomenskoye"
    From 6 years old

    The museum-reserve has several programs addressed to young birthday people. One of them, the "Family Circle", will take guests through the territory of the Sovereign's Court and the House of Peter I. In the process, you can learn a lot of old songs and dances and try on royal outfits. The duration of the program is 1 hour 50 minutes. Also, interesting master classes are held in the museum-estate, which can also become part of the holiday.
    A festive feast can be arranged in one of the cafes and restaurants located on the territory of Kolomenskoye. Guests are treated to tea and pancakes with jam.

    Theater "Alice's House"
    3 to 7 years old
    "Alice's House" is a theater of unusual holidays for children and adults. Birthday, bachelorette party or baby shower will be prepared and organized here on any day of the week. The refined interior of "Alice's House" is made in the English style, and hundreds of thoughtful little things and unusual items create the atmosphere of a real Looking Glass. Holidays here are held in the format of performances, with props, decorations and bright costumes. The hallmark of "Alice's House" is tea parties: "Traditional English Tea Party" and "Mad Tea Party". In them, the Carroll characters are their own person. There are also programs for kids “Tea Feast with Princess Sofia” and “Peppa Pig: French Picnic”. There are many holiday scenarios, most of which include animation, a mini-performance and a creative workshop.

    Space Museum
    4 to 12 years old

    For birthday people, three interactive programs have been compiled that will interest children 4-8 and 7-12 years old. Depending on the theme, guests can visit different halls: learn how to make tea in zero gravity or find out what astronauts eat. The museum's arsenal includes three gaming excursion programs for birthdays: "Flight to the Moon" (4-8 years old); "Happy birthday, young cosmonaut!" (from 7 years); "Meet Planet Earth!" (from 7 years). Regardless of the option chosen, children will have a bright tour of the museum and a banquet in the company of a cheerful animator. Duration of the holiday: 2 hours 30-45 minutes. Parents take care of food and drinks.

    Cafe "Sea inside"
    Age: from 3 years

    For the birthday boy and his guests on the roof-veranda, they can arrange a quest adventure, during which the guys will puzzle over riddles, go through difficult and fun tests and complete creative tasks. You can spend a holiday in an animation studio, where, in the company of professional merry fellows, children will transform into their favorite cartoon characters, or creative laboratory where you can master many artistic techniques and create real masterpieces. Another festive scenario - "Day without barriers" - will allow children to do everything that adults usually forbid: splashing with water, running around like mad, or smearing themselves with colorful paint.
    You can bring your own cake to the celebration, subject to a deposit.

    Chain of restaurants "Uryuk"
    Age: from 1 year

    The basis of the program can be a puppet show and master classes in soap making, pottery, wood painting, plasticine modeling or jewelry making. You can organize an animation program on a pirate, circus or Indian theme, arrange a show of soap bubbles or scientific experiments, a disco. The duration of the programs is from 60 minutes.
    Guests can bring their own treats or order them on site. The room for the holiday will be decorated with balloons at the expense of the institution.
    Children's holidays are held in all Uryuk restaurants that have children's animation: Uryuk on Prospekt Mira, on Marshal Zhukov, on Smolenskaya, on Pilyugin, on Vavilov.

    Chain of cafes "Khachapuri"
    Age: 4 to 14 years old

    There are no standard programs in Khachapuri: each event is thought out before the holiday. You can hold a small family feast at a separate table or rent a separate room or a whole restaurant. Program components can be cognitive activities, arts and crafts workshops, mobile or Board games, competitions, competitions and quizzes or a large-scale street quest outside the restaurant.
    You can bring your own cake to the party. There are still some restrictions: if the holiday takes place in the common hall, guests are not allowed to invite animators in costumes of fairy-tale characters or superheroes - this violates the concept of the institution.

    Chain of family restaurants "Ribambel"
    Age: from 1 year

    The club's arsenal has already accumulated more than a hundred holiday scenarios, so that every young birthday boy can choose the most interesting for himself: from the mystical "Spies" to the "Kingdom of Princesses". Each program can be supplemented with creative master classes, soap bubble shows, alchemical tricks or performances of robots or trained animals. The Ribambel club area will surely appeal to children: kids can “swim” in the pool with balls, and older children can explore the “magic river” and themed houses.
    "Ribambel" holds holidays on a turnkey basis: from organizing an event to a festive table with refreshments. From the outside, you can only invite a photographer or cameraman. Usually a children's party lasts no more than 3 hours, but you can order a 5-hour program.

    Family Cafe Lilac in Sokolniki Park
    For any age

    The basis of the holiday program can be a children's performance, a concert or, for example, a science show. Fascinating master classes are offered to choose from: kids are offered to cook festive dishes, cook fragrant soap, decorate T-shirts, paint gingerbread cookies, create jewelry, paintings from seeds, crafts from feathers or salt dough, weave from beads, try their hand at pottery, origami art or macrame. You can invite a living statue or a caricaturist, magicians or trainers, a children's DJ, silent mimes or incendiary presenters and animators to the celebration.
    You can’t bring your own treats to Lilac, but there is a confectionery in the cafe where you can order a birthday cake of any complexity.

    Restaurant Bocconcino
    Age: from 2 years

    There are several programs to choose from, differing in budget, duration and types of entertainment. The main components can be theatrical performances, musical concerts and classes and creative workshops. You can invite a children's DJ, decorate the hall with balloons or flowers, print personalized invitations for guests.
    Treats for guests must be ordered at the restaurant - the Bocconcino confectioner will prepare a birthday cake.

    Chain of cafes "Shokoladnitsa"
    Age: from 5 years

    In "Shokoladnitsa" you can celebrate the baby's birthday, graduation kindergarten, the end of a quarter or academic year. An exciting holiday program from a real Magician with a disco and competitions, as well as a master class "Academy of Chocolate Art" awaits young guests. There are other animation programs: "Laboratory-Shoko" with exciting experiences and experiments, culinary classes "Chocolate Legend" or "Marmalade Adventure", after which the kids will have sweet figures created by their own hands. You can invite a clown, a fairy-tale character and a photographer to the holiday, and if you wish, you can spend the holiday on the road - at home, in the country, at school or kindergarten.
    You cannot bring your own treats to the cafe, you can choose a treat from the children's menu.

    Confectionery factory and cafe "Konfael"
    Age: 3 to 15 years old

    Each holiday program is based on a chocolate master class: guests will draw chocolate pictures or make sweets with their own hands. The duration of the programs is from 60 minutes. A fascinating lecture about chocolate, its history and cooking recipes can be held for the birthday boy and his guests. A celebratory tasting of all three types of chocolate, which are prepared at the Confael factory, will help to consolidate the information received.
    Treats for the festive table must be ordered on the spot. Children can bake a cake themselves, which will be decorated with birthday candles and served with tea. If desired, the chocolate program can be held on the road: in this case, the parents set the festive table on their own.

    Network of family cafes "AnderSon"
    Age: 1 to 14 years old

    A holiday can be arranged in any of the cafes of the network, except for the cafe on the ak embankment. Tupolev and on Strastnoy Boulevard. A birthday at Anderson can be celebrated in a variety of ways: watch a puppet show, have a pillow fight, throw cakes, and much more (only in the café of programs for the birthday boy and his guests). For example, for a birthday, you can order The Puppet Show Anderson, an interactive performance in the best traditions of the Muppets and Sesame Street.
    Of the restrictions: you are not allowed to bring your own cake - everything can be ordered in a cafe. It is necessary to book a hall and time in advance, an advance payment of at least 30% is required.

    Toy store Hamleys in the shopping center "European"
    Age: from 3 years

    Which of the kids did not dream of a birthday in a toy store? This dream can come true in the Hamleys store in the European shopping center. A huge selection of toys and professional actors and animators will help the birthday boy and his friends to be transported into a wonderful fairy tale. The mascot of the store, a cute Hamley bear, will also bring congratulations in person. There are several exciting programs to choose from: “Pirate Party”, “Princess Ball”, “Transformers Battle” or “Soap Bubble Show”.

    Moscow Zoo
    Age: from 3 years

    You can also celebrate a child's birthday on the territory of the Moscow Zoo. The program includes an interactive theatrical performance, a tour of the zoo, a quest around the zoo, a visit petting zoo, animation program and presentation of a birthday cake. Activities are adapted to all ages. The total duration of the program is from 2 to 3 hours

    Climbing wall "Rock City"
    Age: from 7 years old

    With the No Clowns project, you can celebrate your birthday at the Skala City climbing wall. Clowns, groovy animators and fairy-tale characters with plastic noses will not be invited to the holiday. Instead, the birthday boy and his guests are offered a series of competitions with original contests and games. There are several scenarios to choose from. You can choose a small program: with a relay race, a climbing wall, horse fighting, a game of saboteurs or a coliseum. A large program for children 7-10 years old can be supplemented with jumps, and for children 10-13 years old - jumps and biathlon.
    in Lianozovo, in Tsaritsyno or in Fili park .

    Equestrian club "Izmailovo"
    Age: from 4 years old

    Communication with horses in the Izmailovo equestrian club will give children a charge of positive emotions and a great mood. The events are hosted by professional hosts, and the horses and ponies are beautifully decorated to match the moment. On the territory of the club there is a cafe where you can arrange a festive feast, a banquet hall for 70 seats and a spacious forest glade for a picnic. Guests are offered a children's menu and many additional treats, such as a chocolate fountain.

    Water park "Kva-kva park"
    Age: from 3 years

    In "Kva-kva Park" you can celebrate a children's birthday surrounded by water splashes and fun rides. Programs differ in duration, age of participants and cost. The shortest - "Impromptu" (2950 rubles) - lasts only 15 minutes and consists in shaking the child from the animator in the costume of a fairy-tale character. As part of the half-hour program "The Secret of the Seven Seas" (3800 rubles), the child and his friends will be initiated into sailors and treated with a birthday cake. Entrance tickets must be paid separately. There are also longer and more intense programs for schoolchildren who already know how to swim. You can also order photo or video shooting, set a festive table for the birthday man and his guests.

    Beauty salon "Victoria's Dreams"
    Age: from 7 years old

    A birthday party in a beauty salon will make the dreams of little fashionistas come true. The Beauty Birthday program is designed for 5 or more participants aged 7 years and older. The birthday girl and her guests will be able to do festive styling, light make-up and manicure, after which they will take part in an interesting master class. For example, you can learn how to create beautiful bracelets with your own hands. The administration of the salon completely lays the gastronomic chores on the shoulders of the parents, who need to take care of the treat. There are no special restrictions in Victoria's Dreams. You can arrange a holiday in any of the two Victoria's Dreams salons in Moscow: in the flagship salon on Leninsky Prospekt or in branch on Petrovsky Boulevard .

    Children's Center for Scientific Discoveries "InnoPark"
    5 to 13 years old

    In the science park, children are offered several options for a holiday in the format of a quest: "Mysteries of the Green Beard" for children 8-13 years old, "Space Odyssey" (10-13 years old). There is also a version of the interactive game "Message from Space", the program is suitable for children from 5 to 10 years old. Duration of programs: 1 hour. The program includes a visit to the mini planetarium. Additionally, you can rent a children's room, hold a competition, a master class, invite a photographer. There are discounts for holidays on weekdays.

    Scientific and educational center "Eureka-Park"
    Age of children: from 5 to 13 years

    In "Eureka-Park" you can celebrate a child's birthday on 4 different exciting programs, depending on age and preferences: Musical Journey (from 5 years old); Homemade animation kitchen (from 5 years old); Academy of Focuses (from 7 years old); The magic of light and color (from 7 years old) (Chemistry program). The holiday lasts 2.5 hours, of which 1.5 hours is an interactive master class in which children are sure to do something themselves, and 1 hour is provided for tea drinking. Products are brought by parents, and refreshments can also be ordered at a restaurant (located in the same building).
    Additionally, you can organize a disco and invite the host to play with the children.