How to do everything with a small child? What to do to always do everything How to learn to do everything.

The sad fact is that many adults are not able to organize their time and space.

Blashenkova Vera inspired me to create this article, to whom I express my gratitude. At the 12th conference of the TREKO.RU portal, Vera said: “You definitely need to write an article on how to keep up with everything and be effective.” At that Conference, I presented a Research Report “Comparison of different approaches to solving business problems”, my youngest child was six months old.

To be honest, I internally shrugged my shoulders and was surprised to myself: “this is obvious and simple.” And I took it “necessarily” as a mockery, because it seemed to me that most people do this, especially women, especially business consultants and business coaches.

At the 16th TREKO.RU Conference, I presented the Report: “How we developed a methodology for creating a system for selecting and evaluating personnel without using intuition” and the finished book “Personnel that really works. Methodology for the selection and evaluation of personnel. I.L. Vikentiev, the host of the Conference, clarified for the audience that I have three children (the youngest was almost 2 years old). And again I was surprised by the questions from business coaches and female business consultants who were in the hall: “How do you manage to do everything? Share your experience." It was only at the 16th Conference that the idea came to my mind that the esteemed Vera Blashenkova spoke quite sincerely and that indeed some participants of the Conferences need practical recommendations on how to do “everything”. It wasn't until the 16th Conference that the thought occurred to me that I could probably do a little more than other people. By the way, it was a dangerous and unnecessary thought that had to be driven out of my head with a filthy broom, because the thought of my “uniqueness” relaxed and unsettled me a little. Looking ahead, I will immediately clarify for dear readers - there should not be any thoughts about your “uniqueness”. There should always be more worthy and strong examples - giants, on which one must be equal (this is how S.V. Sychev advises).

Frankly, I am really surprised by such a statement of the question from practicing business coaches and business consultants from Moscow and St. Petersburg (there are most of them at the Conferences), due to the fact that we teach people to be efficient, optimize business processes. What does this mean? The sad fact is that many adults are not able to organize their time and space.

Actually algorithm

When I began to write this, I realized that I would be forced to write well-known platitudes, of which a lot has been written without me. How to be? After all, everyone can just read a few good and even not very good books, and everything is ready, you can act. Therefore, I will not dwell on platitudes, you will read it without my participation. However, since there is a request, then you need to try to describe the algorithm that I use.

To get started, to keep up with “everything”, you need to take a few simple steps.

  1. Determine what you need to do "everything". Set a goal: Worthy, determine your Maximum life. That is, you need to determine your own motivation, the driving force that will spur you on. And it doesn’t matter what area the goal is from: family, career, raising a genius, creating an oligarch from an ordinary husband. Or is it a goal, tasks that cover several areas of your life. The main thing is to understand IN THE NAME OF WHAT you are going to live your life or some piece of life, if you cannot determine the motivation for your whole life.
  2. When you determine the goal, it will become clear to you what this “everything” in your life is. There will be a clear idea of ​​what is important, what is secondary, and what is not important at all and what you should not even “turn around”. You will determine the so-called and very popular today - priorities, determine your main Tasks.
  3. Define the roles and functions for each role that are involved in the process of achieving the goal, define behaviors and rules for each role. This is important because it will help you not to be distracted later by “inventing” behavior and rules in different life and work situations. This eliminates painful and unpredictable switching.
  4. Carefully allocate time for your actions and do everything that you have planned.

By following this simple algorithm, you will be able to effectively distribute your efforts over time and determine how close you are to the desired result in each period of time. This algorithm stimulates action and allows you to evaluate whether you are going there.

Learn more about each item from my own experience.

1. Maximum life

Call it what you want: Maximum life or the Biggest goals of your life, but it is necessary to think about it. From the age of 5 I knew that I wanted to be a public and significant person. The most important desire is not to be like “everyone”, which means you need to choose a “unique” profession. From the age of 14, I knew that one of my most important goals was to make my children proud of me. At the same time, so that they are proud of their mother (i.e. me), not because she is a “mother” and “the best” by definition, but for specific actions, a lifestyle. The main thing is to teach them only what I do myself. To be an example. And to be an example, you need to act, act and again - act. At the same time, outlines of criteria for “reasons for pride” appeared, which subsequently, by about the age of 24, were formed in this way. See →

2. Tasks for the implementation of the Maximum

In order to be in time for “everything”, you need to move from general words to specific formulations of tasks, to make fractional and detailed “wishlists” of your Maximum Life. You must determine the actions that will realize your "wishlist", your biggest goals and values. Make a table with "What for" on the left (your biggest goals, your ideal end result) and on the right the specific actions you will take to get there. Such a table is, in principle, a very useful thing, an excellent template for a planning system. Such a table should be done for any tasks that you plan for yourself.

3. Roles, behaviors and rules of life of a strong woman

It is important to define the roles and functions for each role that are involved in the process of achieving the goal, and to define behaviors and rules for each role. Why is it important to define, and in fact - to separate the roles? The separation of roles will allow you not to “burn out”, switch from role to role on your own and voluntarily. If we do not do this ourselves, then reality forces us to change roles, usually with the help of “knocking out”, and this is a lot of stress. Switching roles helps you not get tired, because during the day you rest in one role from another. Rest, as we know, is a change of activity. In our case, these are different roles and different behaviors.

And the most important thing for which it is worth defining roles is to use time to the maximum. Make your life rich, without guilt, fear of missing something, etc. See →

4. Action plan for each day

When everything is clear: direction, goals, tasks, roles and rules - you just need to carefully allocate time for your actions and do everything that you have planned. It’s worth starting with timekeeping, taking into account your time. Only by taking into account everything that you have to do, you will begin to understand what you will have time to do and what not. If work is important to you, make a decision about the distribution of time throughout the year. There are 6,264 hours in a year, and you will have no more than 2,088 hours left to work. Now break it down into months and plan out how much time you'll be spending on what you're doing. Get a table where you will compare your plan and the time you spent in fact. Once you get the work done, you'll enjoy it so much that you'll start planning all the household chores as well. See →

Especially for working moms

Dear working mothers, your main task is not to worry, but to be an example to your children, to be healthy and cheerful. Such a life sets a better example for your children than lengthy training programs and conversations. Children do and get into the habit exactly what you do, and not what you say.

“The laws of Lycurgus were not written down. In his opinion, everything that is important and necessary for the happiness of the state should become part of the custom and way of life of citizens from early childhood. That is why the main attention of the legislator was turned to the upbringing of children. “Lycurgus believed that the care of children should begin with the care of mothers. A woman should be healthy and cheerful. Only then will her children be strong and strong.”

You need to plan all the actions: from work to household trifles. Even calls to your children and time to worry is also time that needs to be considered and planned. Then I answer the questions 1. What to do when the child is very small? 2. What to do when the child is sick? 3. What to do when you get sick yourself? 4. What to do when the family does not share your plans, considers that they are the most important for me, etc.?

The worst thing, in my opinion, is to look back and not see anything ... emptiness ... When we do not plan our lives, we always feel the abyss behind us. When planning, we build a building of results brick by brick that can be touched, felt, and given to other people to use, then the past becomes the right closet in which you have the things you need (experience, knowledge, skills, stories, memories) on the shelves known to us. You should not persuade yourself: I am a woman, it is more difficult for me. Remember that "losers program their own failures in the future."

Good luck in managing your own life!

Reading time: 2 min

The number of tasks completed during the day, compliance with deadlines, as well as the consumption of internal resources are given to different people with varying degrees of complexity. And if the question arises of how to keep up with everything, then the answer is not always in the field of excessive overstrain and lack of breaks and entertainment. Anyone who is late everywhere, stressed and does not have time for anything, most likely cannot devote an extra minute to entertainment and relaxation. The problem here is not the number of responsibilities and tight deadlines, but the ability to determine your capabilities. You can learn how to do everything in a short time, however, this will require significant emotional and volitional costs.

The possibility or impossibility of doing everything necessary is regulated by external factors, that is, the number and duration of the necessary tasks. Naturally, this cannot be completely ignored, but punctuality and efficiency are also internal habits, similar to getting up early, keeping clean or intolerant of lies. The amount of time in a day is the same for everyone, only someone is able to use every allotted minute.

How to succeed? The best assistant at the beginning of changes to keep up with everything is a list of tasks. It is optimal to start a diary or a program on the phone, which will describe the tasks for the coming day, but also the week and month. The more detailed the days and tasks are described, the more likely it is to fulfill your own wishes on time. For example, if next month or six months later you record a colleague's birthday reminder, then a couple of weeks before the event, you need to make a note about the need to buy a gift, and a few days before that, you need to enable the pre-selection item. The larger the event, the more entries regarding it should appear in the planned schedule - the ability to decompose the process into component actions will help get rid of the rush, and do everything systematically.

Many divide such a diary into personal and work affairs right on one page, someone starts several different notebooks for different areas, some are highlighted with colors or by time. There is no unambiguous advice here - the main thing is convenience. The technique works well with highlighting cases by urgency and importance, as well as indicating the time. At first, you can write down all the little things, up to wiping shoes, washing dishes, sending correspondence - these small things can eventually take the lion's share of your time if they are not included in the daily structure and calculations.

The to-do list must be checked every evening and those items that were not completed today or that suddenly appeared should be entered. Tasks that have arisen again are set in accordance with the deadlines for the relevance of implementation, and overdue tasks are prioritized on the next day. In general, it is necessary to strive to ensure that everything planned for the day is completed. It is better to stay up until midnight than to postpone until tomorrow or the end of the week. This approach helps to avoid the accumulation of unfinished tasks, and also stimulates speed and quality, so as not to finish at night. In addition, thanks to this approach, it becomes possible to feel your capabilities. Some of the timing problems are not due to laziness or planning. If you notice that, with all your efforts, you can’t keep up with the duties of your main job, freelancing, and even make it to the gym, then the best solution would be to redistribute the load or give up something instead of constant night vigils. When you begin to notice that you managed to complete everything on the main task list and there is still time, then you can start looking for additional classes.

To make it easier to navigate the implementation, you need to periodically check the list during the day. You can answer a couple of emails while the meeting is delayed. Every day has similar pauses that can be filled with idle chatter or doing part of the list.

How to do everything and live life to the fullest? It is necessary to take into account all areas of your life, because pauses can be filled not only with working moments.

For example, you can make an appointment with a doctor or a hairdresser, have a cup of coffee, or send a funny picture to your loved one. It is important to understand the difference between using time effectively and wasting it. So if you're replying to an old Facebook friend while you're in the elevator, that's rational. If you have been scrolling through the tape for an hour instead of fulfilling the plan, then you are providing the evening in stress mode.

Daytime can be structured in such a way that it is more than enough for everything, but a schedule is needed for the planned. This should apply to the beginning of the day - the alarm clock must be set so that you have enough time to get ready, when you can not only have time to thoughtfully and calmly get together, but also solve sudden force majeure situations (the need to iron a shirt or replace a burned-out hair dryer). Discipline, which begins with manifestation in free time, begins to shape the whole way of life. For example, you can stop setting your alarm clock after a call to sleep in, or you can learn how to end an empty conversation with a girlfriend when you need to write a project or exit social networks when it's time to go to class.

Leave the house at the appointed time, go to a meeting in an unfamiliar place with a margin in order to have time to orient yourself in the situation. All decisions can be optimized, many actions can be omitted. The fact that you miscalculated the time, did not prepare in the evening or fell asleep in the shower, is only your fault, and not the people who will have to wait for you. The association with a plane that will take off at the specified time anyway works well, whether you arrive for landing or not - a similar attitude should appear in all life events.

To eliminate the physiological factors of fatigue that reduce productivity as much as possible, include care for your well-being in your daily routine and routine. These are regular check-ups, adequate sleep to keep you awake and exercise to help offset emotional costs.

How to do everything in 24 hours? Rank tasks not on the basis of ease of completion or pleasantness, but on the basis of their importance or proximity to deadlines.

If your filling flew out, then in the morning it is important to make an appointment with the dentist, and not wash yesterday's dishes or prepare a presentation of the project. Start with the most important and complex, reducing the level of responsibility of tasks by the evening. If you put routine things in the first half of the day, then the main forces will be spent on this, and then by the evening it will be quite difficult to take on work that requires creativity or mental participation. All projects, events that affect the future course of life must be completed as quickly as possible, but dusting and collecting puzzles can be postponed for the evening, because the picture of life does not change much from doing or ignoring such things.

The day should be filled not only with useful and necessary plans, but also with periods of rest. A dedicated time slot for lunch, coffee, walking, browsing online shopping offers or chatting with friends. If at work you are distracted by the offers of colleagues to have a bite to eat, and in the middle of dinner with your companion you give working consultations, then you will not be able to effectively express yourself, and your time will be wasted. Such behavior, which maintains the limits, commands respect, and the desire to act to please others ceases to be admired rather quickly.

No need to strive to do everything at once in one breath, usually this only leads to exhaustion. The importance of periodic breaks affects both the efficiency of work and the speed of execution. During physical work, you can lie down or sit down, if the work is associated with mental stress and constant sitting, then it is worth including periodic walks. You can go to the store near the house for bread, water the flowers in the office, go to the next branch if you want to talk to you or just get up to stretch. It is easier for someone to take scheduled breaks once an hour, someone with their help separates the semantic pieces of the tasks performed. Even when thinking about how to do everything with a small child, the rule of the need for breaks is the main thing for maintaining adequate perception, instead of insane immersion in the problems of a newborn.

How to succeed at work

The work of all is associated with a lot of different features, ranging from the duties performed, ending with the place of residence. But there are universal rules that help optimize the work, and sometimes get it done earlier. It’s worth starting with putting things in order - this applies to both the office office and your own home, it is important for those who are on the road or are associated with technical support. The ideal order and organization of space initially help to tune in to the workflow and concentrate. For example, the problem of all freelancers is the lack of an organized workspace, while the presence of soft pillows, cute toys and constantly running up children or pets does not allow them to concentrate on the process. But this is also true for those whose workplace is outside the home - the lack of systematization of files in the computer, the chaotic storage of consumables takes a lot of time as a result.

Look for ways to optimize and facilitate the process of work, thanks to the use of the latest developments, monitor the emergence of new products in your field. It is foolish for an engineer to draw everything by hand when AutoCAD is available, for a surgeon to operate with a scalpel if a laser can be used, and for an accountant to use abacus instead of 1C. Devices that make life easier and save time are present even for creative artists and musicians. You can use lighter, more ergonomic tools or order supplies online without wasting time on personal trips to the store.

Set the silent mode or turn off notifications from social networks. Set restrictions on incoming calls or use special incoming call management features. The less you are distracted by external stimuli, the less time it will take to return to the workflow. Discuss this moment with your loved ones, agree on a method of communication in case of unforeseen situations.

Look for new ways to solve situations not only with the help of gadgets. It may turn out that the inconvenient work of the printing house, which makes you wait a long time for an answer, is solved by changing the printing house itself or opening a printing center. You can not do automatic work if you once ask to write an appropriate program for you, and you can not worry about the timely congratulations of colleagues if you pay for classic gifts with dates and delivery in the necessary service. Try to automate or delegate the routine as much as possible.

The psychological aspect is the fear of seeming incompetent when a person tries to do everything on his own, even if he is really loaded beyond the norm. At such moments, it is quite possible to ask colleagues for help - this will relieve your personal schedule and improve relationships. You don’t need to transfer absolutely everything, but you can ask to answer the call or grab your documents from the one who goes to the printer for printing.

If colleagues often take advantage of your reliability, shift duties more often, or even make it a habit, then it is necessary to stop such violations. Familiarize yourself once again with your duties and continue to refuse to fulfill others. The exception is when you yourself are not overloaded with work or have managed to finish everything, but a good person asks you for help. Do not refuse out of principle, otherwise, when you need help, there will be no one to turn to.

How to succeed? Start work with the most important tasks, and complete the current ones as you go, or if you have strength and desire. Human nature is such that the results of activity depend on the point of application and the quality of use. Here it is important to follow the dynamics of your personal activity in order to know the hours of your highest efficiency, to plan important or difficult moments for them. If you are an owl by type of activity, then in the morning you will suit the planned analysis of mail, planning the next day, automatic data entry or template actions, but then you can start calculating important trajectories or make appointments with difficult clients.

You can do everything at work when you feel your rhythm and work with. The desire to squeeze the result out of oneself by any means, without taking into account internal motivation and condition, can turn into apathy that stretches for weeks. Having a good rest, the body itself will show excellent results, while a half-hour walk can help you.

How to do everything for a woman

The life of a woman is very diverse, and the desire to do everything at the proper level and be in time can sometimes lead to a nervous breakdown. The question becomes especially acute, how to do everything with a small child. The basic principles repeat the techniques of time management, but there are also a few completely feminine tricks to save time. It is important to initially decide what time is not enough and what needs to be done. After all, if all the time is spent on inconspicuous things, because of which important areas of relationships and development suffer, then this situation is corrected in a completely different way than when a woman is late due to unwillingness to come.

The more responsibility and responsibilities appear, the harder it is to cope, and if at first it is still a feasible level, then at a certain stage you can load yourself so that an independent decision becomes simply impossible. It is important for a woman to learn how to ask for help, and it can be anyone - a husband can sit with a child, a colleague can bring documents, a friend can help choose equipment. This will save time needed for rest and replenishment of forces.

There must be breaks and time dedicated to self-care. Rest does not always mean lying flat - here you need to put all the activities that fill you with energy and motivation. The more effective the process of recuperation, the faster you can cope with a regular load, the more strength in life for the fulfillment of desires.

Making a list helps not to forget anything, but the peculiarities of female psychology are such that desires are more readily fulfilled. You can play on this if you replace the list of necessary and mandatory tasks for tomorrow with a wish list. Even if it is a planned trip to a car service, written as “I want a scheduled maintenance” already gives a lot of pleasant emotions and includes creative adaptation. For example, you can drink delicious coffee in the neighborhood or read a chapter of your favorite book.

How to do everything with a child? Combine multiple activities. You can not just walk with the child, but combine it with your own yoga classes in the fresh air, and even engage in physical education of the child. Cleaning is also perfectly combined with physical activity, as well as listening to audiobooks, and if communication with friends is transferred to a beauty salon, then the number of positive emotions soars tremendously, while saving time.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

How can a young mother find a balance in order to devote time not only to the baby and the eternal washing and cleaning, but also to her beloved, her husband, her hobbies and hobbies, and maybe a career that you can start building on maternity leave? If it starts to feel like life is turning into diaper changing and cooking, and you don't like it, it's time to change and change your life!

Here is such an animal running around the house)

1. Don't waste time on things you can't waste it on!
Are you sure that it is so necessary for you or your family that you make complex dishes for your husband, wipe the floors three times a day, constantly vacuum, etc., etc.?
One of my friends all the time fries her husband potatoes with meatballs. It takes her at least an hour to peel the potatoes and cut them, and almost the same time to stir, turn, make sure that they don’t burn ... I still don’t understand why she can’t put the potatoes to boil in their skins and then clean it up in a couple of minutes. And with cutlets, a double boiler or slow cooker would do just fine. I cook almost everything in them. To cook porridge, you also need to stand at the stove, stirring for at least half an hour. For what? If you can throw the cereal into the units described above and just press the button. And even put it on a timer in the evening so that the porridge is ready by morning. Total - no need to spend half an hour preparing breakfast, an hour for lunch and an hour for dinner. Even once every couple of days, this is two or three hours saved, which you can spend on yourself and your business. Fortunately, household appliances can now do laundry for us, wash dishes (this saves me an extra hour and a half a day), vacuum the floor (another half hour), grind food and much, much more. In general, call for help household appliances (especially now it is in any price segment and over time you can completely transfer household powers to it).

At Victoria Peak

2. Worry less about “am I a good mother”
We all have a bad mother complex from birth. There, a neighbor walks with her three times a day, leads to developmental games, works on cards, goes to the pool ...
Remember - you are the best mother for your child! And do not try to do as others or as it is written in the book. Trust your intuition. And remember - the baby needs his mother to be happy, rested, satisfied with herself. And not falling from fatigue after the circles wound around the district or annoyed that again it is necessary to drag the stubborn child somewhere. In the end, if you feel that it is comfortable and convenient for you to walk with your child once a day or wash him once every three days, and you don’t have enough time and energy for more, you don’t need to turn yourself into an exhausted washcloth, doing your best to take “the prescribed hours” ". If the nerves that you spend on the road for some activities with a naughty child outweigh the “benefit” of them, you should wait a little when the baby grows up and work out while at home. And you shouldn’t use your last strength to glue developing aids at night - there are quite a few mothers on the Internet who will give you theirs just like that or for a chocolate bar.
Do what brings you and the child pleasure and do not strive for others.

Hand mixer 🙂)))

3. Do everything you can with your baby
The mistake of many mothers is the division of time spent on housework and time devoted to children. Often, mothers play, develop, work with the kids all day, and only after putting them to bed do they take care of the household. Believe me - the child is absolutely equally interested in getting toys out of the box and getting things out of the washing machine. My daughter takes out and brings me things to the dryer from a year and a half. With two "vacuum cleaners" - it's so interesting! "Dusts" her table and crib while I dust the rest of the surfaces. A one-year-old son happily rips off and brings things from the dryer, joyfully training his “Nya!”. And the preparation of any cupcake, pie or cake, all the more, is not complete without a daughter. I just throw the ingredients into the bowl, and she is already diligently stirring them. Busy and helpful. We also do all the shopping with the children. For them, going to the store is a separate entertainment - there are so many interesting things!

With grandmother)

4. Try to believe in other people (delegate authority)
Often mothers believe that others will cope much worse with their babies and do not accept the help of relatives. And as a result, they cannot leave the baby for a minute in the future - the baby, accustomed only to his mother, throws tantrums even to his dad ... Learn to trust and accept help, and most importantly - do not hesitate to ask and entrust. From the very first days of a baby's life, find things that you can delegate to others and spend this time for rest or work. For example, in my family only the husband bathes the children. And he did a great job with both a week old baby and two in the bath. And a grandmother can take a walk with the baby. At least on weekends, if on weekdays at work. Build relationships with your mother-in-law - trust her more, because she raised your husband, so she has more experience than you. And let the grandmothers “have their own correct opinion”, different from yours - you can listen, and then run to study, an exhibition, a meeting, entrusting the baby to a loved one.

5. Analyze what you spend time on
Many young mothers with foam at the virtual mouth are ready to prove for hours on numerous forums that they do not have time for rest, self-education or work. You know what I mean, right? By the way, if you press a button on your computer like “disable pictures” and accidentally open social media news or go to someone’s page, you will surprisingly spend 50 times less time on it than usual. Or shut down altogether!

And some “time killers” are worth getting rid of altogether. I haven't had a TV for many years. And it won't. And the iron is basically a useless thing. A long time ago, most of the clothes did not need to be ironed, it was enough to wash and dry shirts correctly, and there are enough articles on the Internet about ironing children's underwear, as about an atavism of the past, which has nothing to do with the destruction of microbes.

And the last - learn to set goals! As long as there is no clear action plan, understanding of what you want, well-set goals, there will be no result. By the way, my husband wrote about goals (How to change yourself. How to change your life)

Try to follow these not tricky rules and you will see that you can do many times more, relax and be full of energy, and you have enough time for everything!

Read more:
How to do everything with children or what every woman should have!

Often there are moments when excessive nervousness makes it impossible to think and reason sensibly. To protect yourself from unnecessary worries, you must learn to remain calm in any situation. Some have an innate ability to keep cool in critical moments, while others need experience and time for this.

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The author of the world bestseller "The Richest Man in Babylon", Clason George, revealed the secrets that everyone who wants to realize their most ambitious plans needs to know. They are the key to success and wealth. According to the author, and it’s hard for us to disagree with him, it is money that is the measure of a person’s success.

There are people who constantly stay up late at work, wanting to deliver the project ahead of schedule. Of course, diligence is commendable, but often enthusiasm goes beyond the scope of adequate activity. In some cases, this is due to the nature of the person.

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“No” is such a short word, but for some reason, instead of it, we still often say phrases such as: “maybe”, “I will think”, “maybe”, “maybe you are right”, “yes” ... Anything, but not cherished and so simple - “no”. Why?

All the habits that we introduce into our lives consciously or not, change and control it sometimes to a greater extent than we ourselves. That is why many researchers and scientists conduct all sorts of experiments, observing different habits of different people, in order to understand which of these habits are “right” and will change lives for the better, and which ones are better to get rid of. Everyone wants to improve themselves, and this article can help you achieve that.

Some of us, when we lose something valuable, say: "God gave - God took." Others complain about fate, that, they say, there are unknown forces that have been taken away and that we cannot influence. Regret the loss. Others blame only themselves for inattention, hindsight. In any case, we all know that losing is unpleasant. Without even saying what exactly, but losing what belonged to us is always sad. Well, isn't it sad when you accidentally drop an expensive mobile phone into a rural toilet? Fate? Or carelessness?

Hello, friends! With you Ekaterina Kalmykova. The situation when you do not have time to do anything is known to most women. Few people can boast that they manage to work, feed their children, and please their husband.

Modern girls are preoccupied with the issue of career advancement and forget about family values. Meanwhile, with age, it is the family that will become a reliable rear, and work will fade into the background.

How to keep up with everything at home if you work and chase a high social status? How to find this balance between domestic life and work life? You will find answers to these and other questions below.

You say, "Oh, that's planning again, it's getting nowhere!" It even leads - I will answer you. Thanks to planning, you can clearly structure your work and not worry about lack of time.

The first rule of time management: have a plan.

To make it more pleasant to organize your day, you can buy a beautiful diary. Is it so important for us girls to write in a special notebook?

Tasks for the day should be divided into urgent and important, secondary and remote. Things that can be postponed - postpone, do not load your time with them.

The second rule is that things that take less than 15 minutes should be done right away.

By collecting quick things, you litter your free time and leave no chance to complete them. How to keep up with everything at work and at home in this situation? Just don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Wash dishes immediately without piling up. Make calls to customers immediately, not when you have nothing to do. Then the phrase “I don’t have time for anything at work” will not apply to you.

Don't be scared, no one is telling you to give them up entirely. Just set aside a special time for viewing the Instagram feed and others. No more than 15 minutes twice a day after hours. If you want to be distracted by the Vkontakte feed while writing the report, just remember that the report will not disappear, and you will have to finish it after work. But you can flip through the tape on the way home or during a break, if you really want to.

Is there a child in the house? Surely, disorder and chaos reigns, the ability to find the right thing is practically absent? Do you recognize yourself? Then the next planning rule is for you.

The fourth rule: try to maintain order in everything - in a notebook, in a diary, in clothes, in dishes, in emotions.

A woman who manages everything, first of all, is mentally and physically assembled. She does not allow herself excessive laziness and tries to bear for her actions.

Fifth rule: the presence of new interests.

Get yourself an interesting hobby that you do not mind spending at least an hour a day on. It could be anything: learning a new language, hitting the gym, or taking a driving class. A new business is a powerful incentive to put things in order in life and at work.

Work and family - let's live together: how to remove chaos at work

How to get everything done at work?

This is a difficult question, especially if you are in a responsible position. Nowadays, many vacancies at home have appeared, but this has not solved the problem of academic performance in the frantic pace of life.

Many working mothers ask: I don’t have time at work, what should I do? At the same time, it seems to them that they are geniuses, and failures are associated with other people. When working from home, discipline is especially important. often have a lot of work to do, but at home there is always something distracting. Then, as at work, a strict boss will helpfully give a kick for the slightest deviation from business.

How to keep up with a working at home mom?

First of all, you need to make a list of small tasks for the day and start doing them. The same advice applies to office workers. Do the little quick stuff first, like making phone calls at work, discussing a project with co-workers, sorting through work emails, and answering important ones.

After completing quick tasks, you can proceed to more global ones. Big things need to be done in several stages, which should be reflected in your diary. This way you will not have the idea that the project, which should be ready on November 1st, can be started on October 30th.

Do not be afraid of large tasks, because once you break them down into several small subtasks, it will be easier for you to perceive them.

Many people say the phrase "work less, do more." Of course, when a person works, he practically does not have time for himself, for his beloved, for his family. If the job would disappear, then he would build his own business, and complete the garage, and so on. No, I wouldn't build it and I wouldn't finish it.

Because a person who does not know how to build his time with work will not build it without it.

How do you get things done after work?

The answer to this question is simple - finish the work on time! According to statistics, people who leave half the work for the second part of the day are twice as likely to be late at work than those who try to do everything in the first part of the day. Want to leave work early? Do not be lazy during the work process and you will have more time for your family.

How to keep up with everything at work and at home, if work and home are the same place?

If you are the mother of a student or kindergartener, the best opportunity for productive work comes when your child is in kindergarten or school. Take advantage of this time, do not be distracted by secondary matters, communication with friends and so on.

Clearly decide how much you will work and how much you will do housework. Identify what exactly distracts you from work and try to get rid of it. If you live with family, ask them to take over some of the responsibilities, at least for a few days a week. And remember, nothing slows down the workflow like a mess.

Keep things and thoughts in order, then you will not have to waste precious time looking for things and remembering the right events.

How to manage to live and work?

The secret is to learn how to properly allocate your time, you need to remove from your life everything that prevents you from moving up. Remember that others are not to blame for the fact that you do not have time to do anything.

Learn how to allocate your time so that it is enough for friends, work and family. There are 24 hours in a day, so at least three hours of them can be devoted to a family or a favorite business (person).

How to be the master of your time

To finally become a pro in the matter of time management, pay attention to the author's course by Evgeny Popov "Master of Time".

From the course, you will learn how to properly organize your life so that work and family become friends forever. Everything about time scheduling, its monetization, as well as a lot of other interesting information is contained in the course and is waiting for you to study it.

Having spent quite a bit of time, you will learn how to build your schedule so that every day will bring you profit and a sea of ​​positive emotions.

Maybe you like to sit at the computer and dream that your hobby will bring you income? "Master of Time" will tell you how even the most useless activity can bring you dividends. The planning approaches that are described will open your eyes to many things.

By carefully studying the information and putting it into practice, you will forget what a lack of time is. This will not be taught at school or institute. You will not find such information on the Internet. All the secrets, all the tricks of time management are outlined in this course and are looking forward to when you use them.

Friends, this is the end of our conversation today. Dear readers, share your rules and secrets, how do you manage to do everything? I will look forward to your answers.

See you soon!

Ekaterina Kalmykova was with you,