Communal fees at school. School Council

The communard movement that existed in the Soviet Union was revived in August 2011 by the youth of Voronezh and Moscow, at the same time the first communal gatherings took place. Thus began the active work of an autonomous inter-regional non-profit organization - the Communards Movement, based on the theories of pedagogy created by the great A. S. Makarenko and I. P. Ivanov. The first communal fees were of an organizational nature: the Declaration of the House of Representatives was adopted and the Charter was discussed.


In 2011, the first interregional rally was held near Voronezh, in which young people participated, organized by enthusiasts from Moscow and Voronezh. On it, it was decided to revive the glorious communitarian movement. Communal gatherings and founding conferences took place all summer long. In early August, the interregional organization was created and registered. At the end of the same month, the second communard gathering was already held, where the ranks of the organization were significantly replenished.

The following year, a third branch appeared - in Ulyanovsk. The next interregional meeting was held in 2013, where the membership of this organization in the Union of Volunteers of Russia (All-Russian Public Organization) was discussed. The decision was positive and the entry took place. At the same time, the laws of communal fees have not changed, all structures, the Charter and the current Declaration have been preserved. And most importantly, the traditions of the first Communard movement, which began back in 1956, also turned out to be absolutely interesting, timely and useful for today's reality.


It was the initiative of I.P. Ivanov, a well-known Leningrad teacher. The Communard movement was born from a subcultural association of pioneer leaders, which was called the Union of Enthusiasts. These were creative young people looking for informal ways in the development of Soviet pedagogy. Pioneer leaders were literally in love with the ideas of Anton Semyonovich Makarenko and promoted them in every possible way.

In 1958, this methodology was introduced and the first program of communal fees was drawn up at the School of Pioneer Active, which existed in the Frunzensky district of Leningrad. A year later, this School became known as the Commune, where paraphernalia, laws, and principles of activity (the basis is public benefit) had already been developed. The Komsomolskaya Pravda joined the dissemination of these ideas, with its help the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League became interested in the movement and began to actively help the communard movement.


Half a century ago, the theory and practice of education acquired a phenomenon that had a huge impact on the worldview of many generations of teachers and schoolchildren. The Kommunar methodology succeeded in creating a whole system of organizational forms and methods in the upbringing of adolescents, which formed and developed a collective principle in them, strengthening the process of joint activity of adults and children. And today, Communal gatherings are an ideal model for a team of different ages. The experience of predecessors is taken as a basis in action: student self-government, an exit school for student activists - all this was not born today.

Communal gathering is the main event of the year. It is held on vacation for several days in a row, but the organizers work not only long before it starts, but also many months after. Preparations for the training camp usually begin two months before the holidays. Teams are formed from grades 7-11 (different ages are important here), and school graduates are included in the teams - students and even very adult people who have long graduated from their universities, but who have the opportunity and desire to work with children.

The role of the school

The composition of the detachments is approved by the council of the school where the camps are organized. Naturally, the teachers working here are fully responsible for the conduct of the training camp, for the life and health of the Communard participants. This, one might say, is a "general" that has unquestioned authority, despite all student self-government. As part of the camps, a wide variety of events are held - most often creative or sports, but the activities of the communards, which have a social character, are gaining momentum.

Thoughtful events help to quickly get to know each other and unite in a new team for them. It can be small performances in the form of KVN, dance and song evenings, sports games. Since the first gathering with the field school of the activists, the course of this event has been sufficiently well verified, the programs have been thought out. They include both creative collective affairs, and psychological trainings, and activities in the social sphere. The participants in the communal fees are usually children representing their school council at the city or regional level. There are even parent groups that perform tasks on an equal basis with children, which is also a good form that supports the principle of uneven ages.


This practice has a high social significance, since children simply need this form of education. Those who returned from the training camp literally ignite their class with activity. One can see their sharply increased organizational skills, the ability to get along with the team, the desire to participate in events that are held at the level of the school, city, region. “Communard fees are a small life,” the returnees declare and take student self-government at school into their own hands.

In fact, there are few impressions. The most valuable thing is live communication, joint activity, which increases not only communication skills, but also helps to realize many hidden abilities of each participant. Children get their first ideas about partnership, collectivism, communism. On this stable foundation, a worldview is formed, abilities are comprehensively developed through active promotion of self-education, various programs are being implemented - cultural, sports, social.


This public organization is inter-regional, since there are three regional branches in its structure: Moscow city, Voronezh and Ulyanovsk regional branches of the MOO DK. The governing body is the Meeting of the MOO DK, in the regional branches - the Communards' collection, for which a special program is drawn up, where events are planned in advance: training sessions that contribute to the unity of each detachment, master classes that reveal creative thinking, goal-setting skills. By developing socially significant projects, adults instill patriotism and responsibility in children.

In order to efficiently manage the Gathering, a Central Council of three people is selected - one from each regional branch. In the Soviet school, the most important person of the pioneer age was the chairman of the council of the squad. The school now has a student council president. But the essence has not changed much. Communards are developing various areas of activity, thematically combining deeds and actions into a complex. Such complexes are called "operations". Usually there are several developed directions, and all of them are quite voluminous. Therefore, it is better to consider in more detail the most successful of them.

"Clean Beach"

Operation "Clean Coast", aimed at the problems of the ecological situation in the floodplains of reservoirs, has become very useful and socially significant. Communards and representatives of other affiliated organizations are constantly conducting raids and labor landings, clearing the territories adjacent to small rivers, ponds, lakes, installing signs with campaign materials, talking with vacationers about maintaining cleanliness in their favorite places.

The population of these areas is informed about the environmental situation, which is clearly unfavorable. This is especially true of floodplains of rivers flowing in cities. Communards interact with the executive branch and local self-government, attract volunteers to solve sanitary and environmental problems. The first raids took place in September 2011 in Moscow's Otradnoye, then - annually and everywhere.

"Frontier of Glory"

The military-patriotic orientation is very widely represented in the activities of the communard movement. The most striking example of this is Operation Frontier of Glory. Every summer and every December are marked by departures of Communards to places of military glory. In the summer, subbotniks are held where the soldiers of the Red Army are buried, and in December - during the days of the counteroffensive near Moscow - the Communards always visit monuments to Soviet soldiers: they go near Dmitrov, to Yakhroma near Volokolamsk, where 28 Panfilov heroes stopped the Nazis, and to many other places .

Another operation is called "Memory". The Communards are united in the struggle for historical justice, for objective coverage of the history of the Soviet Union, for the preservation of its cultural heritage. "Memory" - these are pickets and rallies, appeals to the country's power structures. Labor landings are also carried out to participate in the preservation of historical monuments. Patronage is being organized: Communards are watching the monument to Lenin on Losinoostrovskaya and the monument to Kirov on Dobrolyubov, the grave of T. I. Gavrilov, the commander of the partisan detachment in Krasnaya Polyana

Era of Mercy

Communards carry out a huge range of activities in relation to people who find themselves in a difficult situation. Mercy, humanity, compassion are brought up in schoolchildren from a very early age. They collect things, helping points of social assistance, promote assistance to each other among the population. An interesting action is held annually, when the Communards visit low-income families on New Year's Eve. They come dressed as Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, the Snowman and other fairy tale characters, congratulate the children, give them gifts, which they previously purchase with the collected donations.

In Ulyanovsk, Communards patronize a shelter where they help take care of homeless animals - not only financially, but also with their work. In addition, the commune cannot but support certain demands of the residents, which may relate to urban planning policy, as well as ecology and many other burning issues. Petitions are drawn up, meetings are held with the heads of local government structures. But it is not schoolchildren who take part here, but students, although high school students are also keenly interested in the social justice that they want to see in their country.


Communard high school students will very soon have to take their own step in the social hierarchy, and therefore they should already now be able to correctly prioritize, be conscientious not only in their own business, but also in assessing cases for which other people are responsible. They must already now be able to obey and manage, plan and organize.

The structure of student self-government, like no other, works for this purpose. If you look closely, you can see in it the exact model of society. It even has a student council president. It is within the framework of this model that schoolchildren can master the most effective and rational methods and methods of activity that will definitely come in handy in later life.


If student self-government works at school, then the team has developed. Self-government is not the goal at all. It is an educational tool of its highest form. It is in such conditions that each member of the team can develop. However, not everyone will become leaders, which is well known. Eighty percent of people, as always, will only function.

Communal fees for schoolchildren have an educational impact not only on children, but also on adults who are close to them. In a short time, the formation of the team takes place. At the same time, each individual makes an incredibly large contribution to the common cause. Hence the high results of the activity of the communard movement.

Philosophy of communal collection

“The communal gathering is a territory of blissful anarchy, where everything seems to be allowed, but only positive, moral, joyful.

The communal gathering is a kind of factory, but not of stars (this is too banal), but of talents, a factory where child labor is allowed, a factory of positive for the entire academic year.

Who once participated in it will never forget it! Vsevolod Lodygin, 2008 graduate

"Communard gathering is the best environment for self-expression and personal growth"

Ksenia Taskaeva, 2006 graduate

The communal collection has become a good gymnasium tradition, the main collective creative work of the Gymnasium, uniting gymnasium students and teachers.

Communal movement - socio-pedagogical social phenomenon that arose in the late 50s - early 60s of the XX century. The founder of the communal movement is the teacher-scientist Igor Petrovich Ivanov, the theorist of the communal methodology, the pedagogy of common care, the pedagogy of the community of educators and pupils. The idea of ​​the communitarian movement, or rather, the communitarian methodology, appeared as a need to actually create an organization of the children themselves, where adults, as older comrades, organize their life together in an association, think about how best to do it.

Kommunarskoe movement :

Formulated and tested in practice the idea of ​​civil, public service, uniting adults and children in an organization, without suppressing the initiatives and interests of children, while maintaining high, significant ideals for a person;

Forms the spiritual and moral experience of relationships and organizational skills in the process of self-actualization of the individual;

It plays the role of a kind of school of life in which adults help teenagers "take a hit", seek and receive answers to significant questions;

3. Five "self": self-organization, initiative, self-education, self-management and self-analysis. The highest personal responsibility for everything that happens around, an active position. At the same time, the denial of any violence, complete voluntariness, constant readiness to obey a comrade or take the lead in any business. Hence the frequent turnover of leadership, the work of duty commanders. A commune is a union of like-minded people, brothers in spirit, in the struggle for a better life. Communards do everything collectively: they plan, work, analyze. But the collective does not average the individual, does not lead to uniformity. On the contrary, it helps to form in each communard a bright, unique individuality. The feeling of the collective generates in the Communards a constant readiness to come to the aid of a comrade, to take on a large share of his burden. Communards say: "Live for the smile of a comrade"

“EVERYTHING IS CREATIVE, OTHERWISE WHY? The day went like this: in the morning - work, in the evening - creative work. Dispute, game, concert - "chamomile", "Trial of the song" ...

There was a search for forms. Creative activities were devised and selected in such a way that they did not require many days of preparation, that they really required creativity and that everyone had to take part in them. And not the way it sometimes happens in camps: 10 half-shift people prepare the collection, learn some “texts”, and 200 listen and watch.

Gradually, such a technique developed. When they decide to spend the evening (or an operation, or a labor landing), they create a business council. The Council of Affairs includes volunteers from each detachment. The council collects the proposals of the detachments, discusses them, reports the plan to the general assembly, supervises the work and then reports to the "light".

Team leaders and duty commanders only help the council. And since creative deeds are every day, then advice on deeds arises every day. It is very comfortable. All the guys learn to invent, plan, manage and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of their work.


  1. reveal the creative potential of children in grades 5-8;
  2. organize and direct the group and individual activities of students;
  3. promote the development of a sense of collectivism and mutual assistance;
  4. to form the ability to work as a team and make responsible decisions;
  5. formation of a healthy lifestyle.


Using the creative potential of classes, organize and direct the group and individual activities of students.

Before the communal gathering, all participants pass fire safety training.

Community dues always have topic, For example:

- “EldiKan Film Festival”;

- “Sport is the ambassador of the world”;

- “Great people of our time”, etc.

Gatherings are held once a year during the autumn holidays (children are constantly in the school building for two days).

Preparation to communal fees passes within 4 weeks (month).

Pupils of grades 9-11 (3-4 people) also participate in the c / s - instructors (that is, those responsible for the preparation of children in grades 5-8, who are almost all involved).

Selected headquarters, who is responsible for the preparation and conduct of communal fees (students 10-11kl). The headquarters prepares the whole program, draws up the communard flag (team emblems are attached to the flag), monitors the preparation of participating teams, prepares competitions, impromptu, and selects a competent jury.

Each class participant prepares:

  • team name,
  • motto,
  • slogan,
  • song,
  • number of amateur performances,
  • emblem,
  • musical number,
  • sports team,
  • choose a captain.

Schedule of events k / s.

17.00 - Opening.

18.20 - Impromptu No. 1

19.00 - Competition of captains.

19.20 – Competition of instructors.

19.40 - Impromptu No. 2

20.00 - Dinner number 1

20.30 - Amateur art.

22.00 - Starts, starts.

22.30 - Dinner №2

23.00 - Competition: boys, girls.

23.15 - Gala concert.

24.00 - Disco.2.00 - Lights out.

8.00 - Rise.

8.15 - Morning exercises.

8.30 - Breakfast.

9.00 - Operation "Treasure".

10.00 - Trail of knowledge.

11.00 - Cleaning of classes.

12.00 - Summing up.

12.30 - Festive banquet.

Scenario of the Communard gathering in 2005.

Subject:"Great Men of Our Time"


It is difficult for the great to be born,
This requires a lot of study
Then connect the beauty and talent -
And you will be just a super giant.

The headquarters comes on stage, while everyone is discussing something, the presenter approaches the microphone ...

Host: I don’t know where he is! ... How can I tell everyone about this now ?!

Someone from headquarters: Anya! And everything is already assembled, and the microphone is also turned on.

Presenter: Good evening, dear friends! Well, actually today he is not so kind. You probably already understood everything. No? I don't even know where to start... I was in such a hurry... it's not my fault... well, I lost the script.

Someone from headquarters: Don't worry! Tell everything in order!

Presenter: Today the whole day is messed up! So the script disappeared, and everything is there: impromptu, competitions ... maybe the guys from the headquarters will find it. Well, what are we going to do while the headquarters is looking for the treasured daddy? Lets play? No! I don't think there's a script for this. Maybe he is somewhere nearby, look around ... (the headquarters goes in search) (the jury members find the folder).

Host: Hurrah! She has been found! (HQ returns)

Presenter: Guys, I found the folder ... I think that she (him) can be called a great detective. (presentation of the medal "Great Detective").

Host: And now, I think, we can start the long-awaited event.

Presenter: I welcome all those present in this hall! And I hope that the communal fees - 2005 will be remembered by all of us for a long time. So, the 2005 communard gathering on the theme “Great people of our time” can be considered open.

Presenter: And now for a greeting, which includes the name, motto, slogan, song and submission of a report, I invite class 8 “a” to the stage (8 “b”, 7 “a”, 7 “b”, 6, 5 “ a”, 5 “b”)

Host: Guys! Do you happen to know what is missing at our event? Yes! So, the teams of the winners of the previous communal fees to bring in a flag and a challenge cup! (the flag of communal fees is brought in, on which the emblems of the teams are already located).

Presenter: And now let me introduce our competent jury: ……….. (the list of the jury consisting of 5.7 names is read out). The jury decides the rating scale.

Presenter: The word for greeting is given to the chairman of the jury………

Presenter: Probably, everyone knows that the tradition of the gathering includes the performance of the communard song, familiar and beloved by all of us. (performance of a communard song)

Communal song.

The sun will shine, wait for it, wait
The communards have everything ahead,
We are here with friends
And don't mind playing.
We will sing with you by the fire,
We will find a friend and understand everything,
Listen let's waltz
Our communard.
Somewhere in the village, mothers are sleeping,
And the communards are still sitting.
The stars shine for them from above,
As if they are calling with them.

Presenter: Well, now the time has come for the most interesting: competitions and impromptu are waiting for you, and with them fun and joy.

Presenter: Team captains are invited to the stage for the draw:

Impromptu Task No. 1 (Music Tour):

Each team will be asked to remake the song and make a video on the theme “Great people”. Is the task clear? You have 25 minutes to prepare. Get started on the task!

Host: “Captain, captain! Smile…” After all, it is you, team captains, who can show what you are capable of. I ask the team captains to come up to the stage.

Presenter: And your task will seem simple only at first glance, but in reality everything is not so simple. You will need to make up the name of a great person from matches. Well, let it be Lomonosov. But for this, you first need to calculate how many matches you need, provided that all matches must be intact. Then it will be necessary to collect material for the inscription on the 2nd floor of our school, and finally, to compose the cherished word on the width of one plank. Is the mission clear? We start at my command: to the start, attention, march (competition).

Host: And now it's time for our mentors. Instructor, I think it's about you. All this time you did not sleep at night, coming up with something interesting, you spent a lot of energy and time in order to prepare your teams, which is why we decided to give you a not very difficult task: you need to sort the cereals, while answering my questions gestures, with the help of hands. Whoever completes the task first gets up and says: “Ready!” And the jury is watching you closely. Attention! Get started on the task! (Leader reads the task)

  1. Exercise:
  2. How many teachers named Leonid are in our school?
  3. Show how a seagull flies.
  4. How many teams are present at the communal gathering?
  5. Best rating?
  6. Show where your team is located in the hall.
  7. If the speed is doubled and the distance is also doubled, how many times will the time decrease? (at 4)
  8. How many fingers are on the left hand?
  9. And on the right?
  10. How many letters are in the word parallelepiped? (14)
  11. How many rows of desks are in the physics classroom?
  12. What time does middle school disco usually start?
  13. And for the older one?

Presenter: And now it's time to check how close your teams are and for the draw I invite team captains to the stage.

Impromptu task number 2:

The team is given the beginning of some catchphrase. It is necessary to think out the second part of the statement so that it is not only fun, but also the meaning of the slogan is present. Is the mission clear? Start doing the task. (read out)

  1. “Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his face” Goethe.
  2. “Everything should be beautiful in a person: both the face, and the soul, and thoughts” A.P. Chekhov.
  3. "Culture will save society if society protects culture."
  4. “All the joys of life are in creativity” Rolland (French writer)
  5. “Yes, Communards is indeed a great event of the year for ESOSH students.”

Host: Young great philosophers! That's what I can call you all now. And here is how the “Great people” of past centuries spoke on the same topics, I will now read it to you: (read out)

Presenter: Surely, everyone is now thinking about something! I don’t know about you, but I’m talking about ... what I really want to eat. I ask everyone to go to the dining room.

Dinner #1

Host: I welcome you all again! Let's do a rollover! (5a, 5b, 6, 7th, 8a, 8b) Everything is assembled and you can start checking your homework. First on this stage, I invite ... (contest)

Host: We've been sitting too long for some reason. In my opinion, it's time to warm up, for this we have starts and starts (dance competition). You have five minutes to change. (the headquarters is preparing everything for the launch)

Presenter: 5a and 5b (7th and 6, 8a-8) are invited to the second floor for “fun starts”. Fun starts: 2 girls participate, 2 boys.

Relays: 1. Solve the example - (each member of the team must run to the table and solve the example). 2. Correct the mistake - (run to the table and correct the mistakes in the proposed sentence). 3. Obstacle course. 4. Smooth running.

Starts are held with those guys who are not currently participating in fun starts

Presenter: Competitions are ahead of us, and for this we need strength, and for this, in turn, we need to refresh ourselves.

Dinner number 2

Host: Boys and girls! How many of you are here. But only one boy and one girl from the team will participate in this competition! So, the competition “Come on, girls” I ask the representative (girl) from the team to the stage.

Exercise 1:

Does everyone know what a burime is? You are given the final words of the quatrain. You need to come up with a start. Is the mission clear? You have three minutes to complete the task. Get started on the task!

Task 2:

Presenter: I ask the young men to come up to the stage for the “Come on boys” contest. The task for you will be fun and easy! You need to lower the pencil tied to your belt into the bottle. Is the mission clear? Start doing the task.

Presenter: You are all already tired and want to rest. It is so? We hope so! That is why now our program includes a gala concert (music competition). Captains are invited to the stage for the draw.

Presenter: And on this the first day of communal fees ... is not over! Ahead of us is a fun disco, no less fun operation “y” - cleaning, if anyone does not know, which will also be evaluated. Well, and of course, after all this hang up!

While the guys are going to bed, the instructors draw a wall newspaper on the day passed.

Rise to the sound of drums. (children line up along the length of the school corridor)

Host: Good morning everyone! Get on the charger! To start the exercise, I ask a representative of class 8a (8b, 7th, 6, 5a, 5b) to the stage. Charging is carried out by members of the headquarters and one representative from the teams. Morning exercises are accompanied by music.

Presenter: After charging, you should have breakfast! I ask everyone to go to the dining room. (Breakfast)

Host: Are you ready for new adventures? A treasure awaits you. To do this, you need to complete the task: you need to carefully study the map, go through all the stages, find the treasure, return to school. Most importantly, take only the treasure of your class. The treasure hunt takes place on the school grounds. The guys run against the clock. Good luck to you:

A team is invited to the start ... (the first to run ...)

Presenter: You are all present at the communal gathering, which means that you have corrected your grades, pulled up all your “tails”. The next step will not be difficult for you. So, the "Trail of Knowledge".

Path of knowledge: The guys go through the classrooms in a circular system, where they perform certain tasks in a particular subject. (Assignments - questions in a comic form).

Presenter: Soon we will find out who won this year at the communal gathering, then there will be a tea party. But not all at once. First, put the cabinets in order: operation "y".

Presenter: The long-awaited moment has come. Now we will find out who will receive the cup and the flag this year. For summing up and rewarding, I give the floor to the chairman of the jury ... (the jury announces the results).

Presenter: This is the end of the communal fees. I ask everyone to go to the tea party.

The motto of communal fees:

We are the non-golden generation.
In front of you, friends, is a detachment of Eldikans!
More than enough energy in us!
Come on, guys, come on, light it up.
Tremble, rivals, we are going into battle -
Young, promising, bright minds.
Let's not give up before failure
Forward to victory, not otherwise!

Communal fees speech:

Ains, zwei, tet, bies, alta,
Do you know why we came here to you?
We came to play, we came to light,
We have come to conquer your hearts today.
Worthy opponents, but we will defeat them!
Good luck and luck we wish them!

The motto, the slogan for each communal gathering changes. The song remains unchanged.

Communal gatherings have been held in our school for 10 years and do not become obsolete, the guys take part in them with great pleasure and are waiting.

Communal collection "FESTIVAL OF SCIENCES"

Purpose: to increase the cognitive interest of students in subjects.
- preservation of traditions, popularization of the children's organization at school;
- improvement of work on the methodology of educating students on the basis of collective creative activity;
- to promote the development of a sense of collectivism and mutual assistance.
Collection steps:
Class commanders are invited two weeks before the communard gathering. They are offered a chamomile, on the petals of which the sciences are written: literature, Russian language, physical education, mathematics, geography, biology and history. Task: present your science (creative number, song, skit, etc.)
Lead 1: Good afternoon, dear guys, dear colleagues! We are glad to welcome you at the next meeting of the children's organization "BRIGANTINA". Today our holiday is dedicated to the birthday of our Republic. She turns 23 years old!
Vedas2: Attention! Attention! Attention! To take out the flag of the Russian Federation in honor of the opening of the communal gathering, stand still! Bring in the flag! (Anthem sounds). At ease!
Vedas1: Today we are holding a communal gathering called "FESTIVAL OF SCIENCES". And our motto is: “Knowledge is power!!!”
Today you have to show your knowledge, creativity, imagination, and of course, the cohesion of your teams. And our panel of judges will follow everything that happens (representation of the jury)
Vedas2: This academic year, the ranks of the inhabitants of the Republic of Brigantine were replenished with fifth-graders. We congratulate the guys on this significant event and invite them to pronounce the oath. Let's repeat after me:
. We, the younger generation, will always be faithful to our small homeland and will direct all our knowledge and skills to its development!
. Voluntarily take part in public affairs; be ready for collective action and practical solution of joint problems;
. Always be friendly, kind and honest. Remember that the good we have done will always return to us multiplied;
. Be a reliable comrade, respect the elders, take care of the younger ones, always act according to conscience and honor.
Vedas2: We begin the presentation of cities (name, motto, slogan).
Vedas 1: An integral part of the communal collection is the Orlyatsky circle. And now we will ask you to stand in a circle, put your hands on the shoulders of your neighbor and sing the song "You, me, and we are with you."
After the presentation of the teams, everyone goes to the assembly hall.

All teams traditionally sing the anthem of the republic "Brigantine" - we are Brigantines!
Our motto:
It will be difficult - hang on!
It will hurt - don't cry!
There will be wind - do not rot!
Don't hide your eyes in your hands!
If thunderstorms - look!
If tears - erase!
If it's scary - hold on
Remember, life is life!

The solemn part begins with the performance of the anthem "We Brigantines"

(solemn music sounds and two presenters come out)

Lead 1: Above the violent chaos of elemental forces
Thought shone for people like light in the ether.
Searching for secrets, the spirit of man lived,
The power of the mind spread throughout the world.

Lead 2 - Fragments of superstition fell into the dust,
Science has turned the dream into truth:
In steam, in the telegraph, in the phonograph, in the telephone,
Knowing the composition of stars and the life of bacteria.

1 host - How our planet would live,
How would people live on it?
Without heat, magnet, light
And electric rays?

2 host - What would happen? Would come again
Chaos is a dark time.
Greetings to the rays.
Science - a loud "Hurray"!

1 leader:
Why is school today
Very fussy all of a sudden?

2 host:
Because we are today
Celebrate Science Festival!

1 leader:
Without science we are nowhere
Neither here nor there.

2 host:
To become a geologist, a doctor or an astronaut
From childhood, we need to study science.

1 leader:
The laws of physics, the multiplication table,
We teach literature and biology today.

2 host:
And we know for sure that these sciences
We all need everyone!

1st and 2nd leaders:
Well, science, stand in a row -
Let's start our parade!

Music sounds, sciences come out in turn (posters depicting sciences)
1ved: To bring culture to the people,
You need to know the literature.
Wise books to read
Develop the spiritual world.

2 Vedas: Know the story, my friend,
She is the science of all sciences.
To know the future
You have to visit the past.

1 Vedas: Cities, deserts, countries,
Rivers, mountains, oceans -
You will know everything slowly
Friendly with geography.

2 Vedas: To grow and temper
Not by days, but by hours,
Do physical education
We all need guys!

1 ved: Mathematics is everywhere
You only lead with your eyes
And there are a lot of examples
You will find around you.

2 Vedas: The Russian language is clear to all of us.
Beautiful, majestic and clear.
On it we express our thoughts
And we speak, and we write, and we read.
It also has bird voices.
Love and happiness are miracles.
Dense forests, endless fields
And the colors of autumn, and the freshness of January.
There is no other in the world that is so dear to us.
You are noble, you are great
Our favorite Russian language!

1 Vedas: People are connected with nature
Every step and every moment.
Biology must know
Every student in the world.

2 Vedas: Dear sciences, we ask you to take your seats (the guys carry posters with sciences to the tables)

(Clumsy 1 and 2 run out and fight)
Unit 1: Who are you?

Misfits 1 and 2: We are students of a magical school. Here's how to learn!

Clumsy 1:
If you want to be
Everyone at school was respectful
You study for "three" and "two",
Don't write in class
Do not decide, but indulge.
You scream at change
Jump, stomp, roll,
So that below, like a serpentine,
The plaster crumbled.

Clumsy 2:
Run up to the girls from behind.
Pull hard on your pigtails.
Suddenly a teacher will come across -
You push him under the elbow.
And do not be afraid of the director -
Let him be afraid of you!

Clumsy 1:
In class, you shout
To make the teacher jump
For glasses to fall off your nose
And my knees shook.
That's when you get noticed
They will prophesy at the meeting.
Scolded on the line.
Send a note to mom.

Clumsy 2:
Maybe they'll call dad at work.
Maybe even teachers will come
To your important teachers' council,
They will ask questions to you alone.
You'll be famous right away
Popular throughout the school!
What an honor to you!

2 Vedas:
Did you listen carefully?
Do the opposite!

Fails 1 and 2:
We are the smartest in this school!!!
1 led:
And now we will check it. Answer us, wise guys, these questions:
1) in astronomy - I think you are familiar with the phrase "signs of the zodiac." What does zodiac mean in Greek? ("belt of beasts")
Misfits 1 and 2: We don't know.

2) in Russian - Finish the proverb or saying.
One head is good as well
Clumsy 1 and 2: but ours is better
3) in mathematics - A device for measuring angles? (protractor)
Clumsy 1 and 2: eye
Statement requiring proof (theorem)
Clumsy 1 and 2: question

2 Vedas: And you are not smart people! You guys are idiots! (Inna Heinrich's song "The Magician is a half-educated" sounds). And today, smart, active guys, striving for victory, have gathered in our hall!

1 Vedas: Dear Brigantines! From your reports it is clear how many useful and interesting things you do, participate in competitions, olympiads and achieve good results. In the 1st quarter, the autumn holidays were held, and you and your class teachers treated them creatively and responsibly. And now we want to reward you for your efforts.
(Awarding students for winning various competitions and holding autumn holidays)
1 Presenter: Well, it seems that everyone was awarded, it's time to start the 2nd stage of our collection.
Since our Science Festival will be held in the form of a team competition, let's remember the rules of conduct in a team game:
. Learn to listen and hear! Talk one by one! Don't interrupt each other!
. Respect for the jury: do not argue with the jury!
. No criticism!
. Time regulation. The solution of the task only in the allotted time.
. Ability to accurately answer questions
. Raised hand rule. Responsible only for your team. If he answered for another team, the point is counted for it, and your team is removed.
. Don't say what has already been said.

2 host: Our program will consist of several competitions. For this, a panel of judges has been invited. Please love and respect!
1 presenter: 1 competition is called "GREETING". You have 10 minutes to come up with a team name, emblem and motto that matches the theme of our gathering (each team comes up with a name related to their science). (Time to prepare 10 minutes. Score for the competition 5 points).
The jury will evaluate the first competition (teams are called in turn and they are given points)
2 host: 2 competition: Come up with or remember proverbs about your sciences. If you do not remember the proverb about your science, then show all your enthusiasm and come up with your own proverb (allocated time 5 min. Score for the competition 5 points)
1 presenter: 3rd competition: "HOMEWORK". In a staged form, present their science (team commanders draw a petal from a chamomile with a sequence number). (Score for the competition 5 points)


2 host: The next competition is called “BRAIN STORM” (each team is asked 10 questions, there is no time to think, answer-question, for each correct answer - a point. Time for questions 1 min)) .... The host asks questions to the teams in turn:
There are such questions, the answers to which must be given after thinking about the catch, which is necessarily hidden in each of these questions.

1. What continent stretches from the letter "A" to the letter "Z"? (Australia)
2. What occupies exactly half of any island? (Ditch)
3. What is in the river, in the pond, in the lake, in the sea, but not in the ocean? (P)
4. What is the name of the line that cannot be reached? (Horizon)
5. What is the name of the shortest line on the globe between two points? (Meridian)
6. Which continent is washed by all four oceans? (Eurasia.)
7. What river "in calm weather" seemed to N.V. Gogol "poured out of glass"? (Dnepr.)
8. Remember A.S. Pushkin and tell me: what was the name of the sea bay or bay in ancient Rus'? (Lukomorye)
9. Which continent has no rivers? (Antarctica)
10. There are seas - you can’t swim, there are roads - you can’t walk. What is it? (Geographic map)
1 host: History:
1. A statue depicting a lion with a human head (Sphinx).
2. Noble people, royal officials (Nobles).
3. What was the name of the old Russian counting measure, equal to the number 12? (Dozen.)
4. Slave accompanying the child (Teacher).
5. The capital of the first Russian principality (Kyiv)
6. Holiday of seeing off the Russian winter. (Maslenitsa)
7. From what word did the word "penny" come from? (From the word spear.)
8. Which city is named after a large bird? (Eagle)
9. An ancient hero who has survived to our times in the form of porridge? (Hercules)
10. This is what Robinson Crusoe called "unnecessary trash." (bible)
2 host: Physical education
1. An athlete who walks while sitting. (chess player).
2. What is the name of a pole with a paddle for rowing? (Paddle)
3. What is the most numerous sport? (Volleyball).
4. The best weight for lovers of morning exercises (dumbbells)
5. "Bearded" sports equipment. (Goat)
6. She is the key to health (purity).
7. What is the name of the competition of cyclists and skiers? (Race.)
8. Specialist in lifting weights (weightlifter).
9. Which country is the birthplace of the Olympic Games (Greece)
10. How many words does the Olympic motto consist of? (Faster, higher, stronger)
1 host: Mathematics
1. You yes I yes we are with you. How many of us are there? (Two.)
2. There are 5 branches on a maple. Each branch has 2 apples. How many apples are on the maple?... (0)
3. What gets bigger when put upside down. (Number 6).
4. It was with this phrase that the Greek mathematician, “father of geometry” Euclid ended each mathematical derivation. (Q.E.D)
5. There are ten fingers on two hands. How much for ten?(50)
6. There are four corners in the room. There is a cat in every corner. Opposite each cat are three cats. Each cat has one cat on its tail. How many cats are in the room? (There are only four cats in the room)
7. What mathematicians, drummers and even hunters cannot do without?
8. How tall is Thumbelina? (1.5 cm)
9. The titles of which fairy tales begin with the numbers 3, 12? (three little pigs, 12 months old)
10. What does each word, plant and equation have? (Root)

2 host: Literature
1. How many years did the famous hero Ilya Muromets lie on the stove? (33 years)
2. Name the fairy-tale character climbing out of his skin. (The frog princess)
3. How old was A.S. Pushkin, when was he born? (0)
4. What fabulous headdress cannot be drawn? (invisibility hat)
5. What was the name of the character in the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin, who turned into a bumblebee, a fly and a mosquito? (Prince Gvidon)
6. Poets compose it, dedicate it to kings, heroes. (ode)
7. What is the name of the fabulous long-lived king. (Kashchei-immortal)
8. What is the popular Russian folk tale with three assassination attempts and one murder? (kolobok)
9. A classic of Russian literature with a surname, “overfed with the gifts of nature”? (Griboedov)
10. In what state did the heroes of many Russian folk tales live? (in a distant kingdom, in a distant state (in a distant kingdom, a distant state)

1 host: Biology
1. Who has kidneys, but no stomach and liver? (near a tree)
2. What wild cat got into the car community? (Jaguar)
3. This animal has two right legs and two left legs, two legs in front and the same number in the back. How many legs does this animal have? (Four)
4. Which elephant does not have a trunk? (Chess)
5. What animal and whose serves as a model for spanking children? (Sidorov's goat).
6. The waist of which insect is the reference sample of a thin waist for all women? (wasp)
7. What kind of cereal can grow ... on a person? (barley)
8. Boots with spurs, a tail with patterns. (rooster)
9. This giant has a much longer nose than the tail. (Elephant)
10. This bird carries news through the forest on its tail. (Magpie)

2 host: Russian language
1. What does the expression mean: “Not in the tooth with your foot” (know nothing).
2. Who, according to the Russian proverb, do the feet feed? (wolf)
3. How to turn a big house into a small one? (using a suffix)
4. In which verb is NO heard 100 times? (groans)
5. What stands in the middle of the earth? (Letter "M".)
6. What was tomorrow and will be yesterday? (Today.)
7. If a rooster lays an egg, who will get it? (Roosters don't lay eggs.)
8. Which is lighter - a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron? (The same - both in kilograms.)
9. What part of the word can be found in the ground? (root)
10. Without what musical note can you cook dinner? (salt)

1 presenter: Dear judges, announce the results of the competition.

2 leader: We pass to the next stage of the collection: collective work in classes. (chamomile with burime). Each team will be given the following tasks:
1. Continue the story: "Today I was at the parent meeting with my son ...". The story must be staged, i.e. not just read, it must be acted out using costumes.
2. Burime. What is burime? Burime (fr. bouts-rimes - “rhymed ends”) is a literary game that consists in composing poems, often comic ones, to given rhymes. Example: "silence - spring" Silence disappeared in an instant: Spring has come across the earth!
Again, you must choose a petal (chamomile with burime).
Burime for teams:
longing board

dream flowers
tormentor teacher

Item - skeleton
pointer - hint



Pencil case magazine

beautifully playful

1 host: While our esteemed judges are summing up the results of our communal gathering, I suggest you watch a video collage about today's "Festival of Sciences". Throughout the gathering, our photojournalist filmed you in action. And what happened, you will see on the screen (video presentation)
At the end of the communal gathering, the children are offered “Mood” tokens, where: green - it was great; yellow - great, but I'm tired; red is not interesting. The guys stick these tokens on the ship (drawn on whatman paper)

Evaluation table for quality preparation for the harvest

Team name

Team appearance (uniform, badge, etc.)
Introduction of teams GREETINGS SAYINGS BRAIN STORM Teamwork by class (5 points)
Continue Burime's story

Grade 11

For the community fee, bring with you:
1. Markers and markers;
2. Whatman paper and A4 white paper;
3. Nightlights, pen, pencils;
4. Take a good mood with you and do not forget, please, fantasy.