How to prepare for the exam at home. How to prepare for the exam in English: a memo to applicants

It will be very correct to start preparing for the exam a year in advance. You can, of course, even earlier, two or three years in advance, but only if you do it systematically, that is, constantly repeat what you have learned. When you learn something new and immediately forget it, time is simply wasted. In this case, it is better to leave the preparation for the graduation year. The only exception is English - it is advised to start preparing for it two years before the exam.

2. Time distribution

In addition to school and homework, on the self-training you need to allocate 1-2 hours a day. Make a schedule for the week: one day - one subject. No need to load yourself with all the items at once, it's tiring. It may be necessary to allocate a little more time to the discipline whose material is most difficult to perceive. And be sure to set aside a day to rest - it is necessary, especially in adolescence.

3. Tutors

You can pass the exam without a tutor, having prepared yourself. But at the same time, you need to know the structure of tasks and theoretical material. If every score is important for you, and the competition for a university is big, a tutor is necessary. It is better if it is a practicing teacher who graduates 11th grade and knows how USE assignments, which traps are expected to be repeated from theory and worked out in practice. Also, the tutor will help with self-control if you need to constantly urge you to do something.

It is better to start looking for a tutor as early as possible, as good tutors are in great demand. You can find this by talking to graduates who have successfully passed the exam with the help of a tutor. Ask them for contact details and run to sign up.

4. Benefits for passing the exam

The exam assignments change every year. Therefore, I strongly do not recommend using the benefits for the exam, which were left from a sister or brother. Even if last year's allowance, it is no longer relevant. Buy benefits only after the trial versions of the exam for this year are posted on the official website of the FIPI. Not all benefits that say “pass the exam for 100 points” correspond to their name.

To choose the best, you need to turn to the Internet - for example, on the popular site, the top of the best manuals for preparing for the exam in various subjects is given.

5. Trial versions of the exam

As you know, in the exam, almost half of the tasks are test ones. They are the easiest to prepare for. In fact, the test part of the exam is a blessing, you can learn how to solve it automatically, and besides, it does not need to be checked by a specialist.

In order to do the test part as quickly as possible, you just need to solve them in large numbers, 2-3 tests every day. By the end of the year, the test part will take you 10-15 minutes. Tasks can be found in the FIPI open bank of tasks, on sites like Reshu Unified State Examination, Studying ru, as well as in USE manuals.

Let's not forget about the practical part of the exam. It is the most difficult, and it takes more time and effort to complete it.

Here, ready-made essays or essays written as an example come to the rescue (this applies to humanitarian subjects). Topics of essays and essays are given in trial USE options. It can be seen that every year the topics of essays and essays are approximately the same, so for each of the topics, choose two good works that are designed according to all the criteria, and use them when writing your own. The main thing - do not write off! Written work is cancelled.

For those subjects where you need to show the solution and find the answer, everything works easier: there is no need to be afraid of plagiarism, the solutions of tasks can coincide. All this can be found on the Internet, on the same sites. Either your school teacher or a tutor can help with checking the second part of the exam.

6. The harder the better

USE tasks are divided into three levels of difficulty: simple, medium and complex. If you intend to score more than 70 points, you need to focus on the most difficult ones, for which they give the most points.

Also, tasks not from school course, so the more difficult the tasks you solve before the exam, the easier it will be for you on the exam itself. Most often, they solve olympiad problems for this. And, of course, it doesn’t hurt to go to the Olympiads in the subjects that you pass.

7. Mindfulness training

Inattention is the worst enemy of schoolchildren. Put a tick in the wrong box, write the answer in the wrong line, do not put a comma in the right box, and so on. How often do these mistakes prevent you from scoring the coveted points on the exam!

Mindfulness can be trained. In addition, this quality will later be seriously useful in life. There are many techniques for training attention, just type in the search engine: “Mindfulness training”, and you can find the technique that suits you the most.

8. Diagrams and tables

After you have gone through a topic, try to write it down briefly in a tabular or schematic form. This will help you to quickly remember the material covered and systematize knowledge. In addition, it is remembered much faster and more reliably.

9. Memory Palace

There is a way by which you can remember several times more than usual. Surely you remember the way to school (entrance, porch, stop, bus, and so on).

If you attach things that you need to remember to these images in your mind, the chance and probability of getting them out of memory at the right time increases significantly. This memorization method is quite ancient, it was described by Cicero and other Roman authors.

10. Speed ​​training

This, of course, is not about physical training, although they also do not interfere. A certain amount of time is given for each exam, and sometimes it is sorely lacking.

In order to do everything on the exam, you will have to practice meeting the given time, so that the quality does not suffer. Divide your time in two.

As a rule, the practical part takes more time. If you are given, say, 210 minutes (that is, 3 hours 30 minutes), leave 35-45 minutes for the test part, 10-15 minutes for a break, and spend the rest of the time on the second part. When you sit down to write another sampler, note the time and try to keep within it. At the exam itself, these 10-15 minutes will be needed to transfer the answers to the form, calm down and mentally prepare for the exam.

I want to wish good luck to those who pass the exam. If you purposefully prepared for the year, you will succeed.

There are a few months left before the Unified State Exam. Eleventh-graders all over Russia are starting the time for shock training. If you have just now decided on the list of items needed for admission and decided to limit yourself to on your own, GUiR will help you figure out whether it is possible to prepare for the exams on your own in a short time.

Self-preparation for the exam: myth or reality?

To begin with, of course, it is worthwhile to understand whether this is possible at all. Teachers agree that this is real, but they remind you of the mass of subtleties that you should think about in advance.

Mikhail Chistoserdov, lecturer of the project "The Fourth Question", tutor in history and social studies.

- Mikhail, what do you think: is it possible to prepare for the exam on your own?
– I think it is quite real, but there are nuances. The thing is that you need to have a clear preparation plan, as well as an understanding of what awaits you on the exam itself, what exactly is required in these specific tasks, for example, in tasks with a detailed answer (part C).

That is, the graduate, in parallel with studying and consolidating knowledge in the subject, will have to draw up an action plan, study the formal side of tasks and their structure.

In no case should this moment be missed. Of course, knowledge is important, but the format of tasks largely determines the level of deepening into the material. A graduate may not be aware of how much immersion in the subject is required of him or how broad knowledge he must possess. I often come across a situation where a student begins to study only certain topics that are interesting to him, and all the preparation for the exam ends there.

In addition, knowing the format will help a lot in the exam, at least on a psycho-emotional level. Severe stress can play a cruel joke.


And some of the teachers believe that self-training will not give high efficiency and that it is suitable only for those who do not set ambitious goals for themselves, or for those who began to prepare for a very long time.

Alexandra Bondarenko, lecturer French at MSLU them. Maurice Thorez.

Alexandra, tell us about your opinion. Can I prepare for the exam on my own?
- It is quite possible, but you need to understand what goals you set for yourself: do you just want to pass the threshold or do you need a high score. An important point in self-preparation for the exam in a short time is the base of the child, that is, what knowledge he has at the moment.

For example, if you are going to take the Unified State Examination in a foreign language and you have a language at school, then it is realistic to prepare yourself and pass the exam. If you are self-taught and decide to learn a language from scratch, this, in my opinion, is simply impossible.

After all, the USE is just a format for testing the knowledge of a graduate. It is quite possible to navigate the work with the format without outside help. But to have time to learn the subject and "train yourself on tasks" is unlikely.

Of course, for preparation, in any case, materials are needed: collections, manuals, samples, as well as a list of topics that will be in the exam. But the main difficulty of self-training is that there is no one to check you. Therefore, my main advice: do not hesitate to ask school teachers for help.


So, with an understanding of the tasks and difficulties, we decided. Now let's talk about timing. After all, exams are already on the nose, and having time to learn everything only by the fall is not an option.

How long does it take to prepare well for the exam?

Teachers and methodologists agree that the duration of training depends on individual abilities. A graduate can freely navigate the material, solve tasks from part B well, but at the same time it is difficult for him to write an essay from part C. In general, with very intensive preparation and with an average level of knowledge, you can prepare for the exam in a year or even six months.

Whether a graduate will pass for a high score, while spending a month on preparation, depends, in my opinion, on which “ weak spots» at the graduate. The main thing is that the student himself understands which topics or aspects of the subject “sag” for him. The student must independently diagnose and determine a further plan to fill in the gaps.

When is it better to throw all your energy into studying the USE format and preparing for specific questions? The ideal period is one year. It will be quite enough, as the experience of specialists and course teachers shows.

In a year, you can learn about all the traps of the subject, analyze each task in detail (with a short or detailed answer), create algorithms for all tasks and work on topics that, according to the experience of previous students, turn out to be “sagging” after the school course. At the same time, there will be enough time to deal with not only one subject, but also with three or four. This is usually sufficient for admission.

Yes, it will not be easy, but knowledge about the exam will be fresh and relevant, the guys will completely immerse themselves in the USE format, learn to cope with stress.

Well, to bet only on your own strength or ask for help - it's up to you. But we will tell you about exactly how teachers advise preparing for the exam, in the next article.

Christina Serdyukova.

When choosing future profession There is a question about the place of further study. You can get into the best university in the country and the most sought-after faculty only if you receive an assessment close to 100 points in all the required exams. If the chosen specialty requires historical knowledge, you should find out how best and more efficiently to prepare for the exam in history in order to earn the highest possible points.

USE 2018 in history

History in 2018 is an optional exam. The right to choose is given to the student himself, and depends on the university and the direction of specialization where it is decided to enter.

Those who pass history open the way to the top universities of the country in the most diverse areas

What tasks are included in the exam

You can get acquainted with the demo version of the USE 2018 in history on the official website The exam consists of 2 parts, it includes 25 tasks.

The 1st part covers 19 tasks testing a basic level of knowledge. Almost all offer multiple answers. It is required to correctly enter the desired number in the allotted cells.

Part 2 consists of 6 tasks of increased complexity.

  • Tasks from 20 to 22 are performed on the basis of the excerpt from the document given in the text of the exam. They test not only knowledge of history, but also the ability to analyze and systematize the proposed documentary source.
  • Questions 23 and 24 are reasoned mini-essays of reasoning in which you need to bring at least 2 facts to prove your thoughts based on the given historical material. Otherwise, points will be reduced.
  • Task 25 - a real essay on one of the proposed historical time periods. The task is the most capacious in terms of points (11 points), but also the most difficult.

Preparing for the exam in history in a month is almost impossible due to the huge amount of information


Convenient in preparing for the exam is the site It has the opportunity to pass the entire test and find out the points awarded, or you can select a separate topic and work out the proposed tasks on it. All options are updated monthly. There is also a timer that records the time spent on answers.

A few examples of proposed assignments.

Task 1. It is necessary to correctly arrange 3 events in chronology:

  1. The murder of Prince Igor.
  2. Founding of Novgorod.
  3. Formation of the empire of Charlemagne.

Not only historical knowledge related to Russia is required, but also basic information on world history. A 1-point event occurred in 945, a 2-point event in 862, and a 3-point event in 800. The answer to task 1 should look like this: 321.

Task 2. It is required to establish a correspondence between events and dates:

When performing this task, you should find events that are 100% known. For example, the baptism of Russia (988) and the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (1941). Further, from the remaining dates, you need to remove those that do not exactly fit: 2013 and 1054. 1564 and 1648 remain. The reign of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov is known for several riots, among which was the salt one. It should correspond to 1648. Answer: A-5, B-3, C-6, D-2.

Task 9. Indicate the correspondence of terms and rulers, in whose time they appeared.

Answer: A-3, B-1, C-2, C-5.

Task 25. It is proposed to write an essay, choosing one of the periods: 1425–1505, 1762–1796, 1941–1943. At least 2 personalities of this period and 2 events should be indicated.

When choosing the period 1941-1943, it is known that the Great Patriotic War famous large quantity commanders: Zhukov G.K., Rokossovsky K.K., Govorov L.A. The commander-in-chief was Stalin I.V. The most famous battles and events in the initial period of the war: the battle for Moscow, the Battle of Stalingrad, the defense of Leningrad, the defense of Sevastopol.

Which majors will require an exam?

Knowledge of history is required for admission to the following areas and specialties:

  • story;
  • archeology;
  • philosophy;
  • cultural studies;
  • art history;
  • sociology;
  • religious studies;
  • theology;
  • political science;
  • linguistics;
  • international relationships;
  • tourism;
  • hotel business.

How to quickly and effectively prepare for the exam in history

Gain in-depth knowledge of Russian history in a short period of time is not possible. In addition, the exam contains tasks that require basic knowledge world history. because of large volume you should start preparing for the history exam in advance, from the 10th grade. For 2 years, you can work out the material in depth, which covers not only the knowledge of dates, events and figures, but also the ability to work with maps, analyze historical documents.

If you decide to take history, it is better to start preparing for the exam at least a year in advance

Study the subject yourself or contact a tutor? This issue is decided by each individually. It should be taken into account that no tutor will be able to put a large number of dates and events into his head. This will have to be drilled on your own. A good tutor will be able to direct and organize the preparation process, tell you about the intricacies and criteria for assessing assignments.

For several months

When preparing for history in a few months, it will be more difficult to master all the historical material in depth.

  • It is recommended to practice the subject every day. Don't jump on history one day and then forget about it for a week.
  • Lessons should be divided into several parts. In part 1, study the theory. The educational material is not just to read, but to draw up a plan or summary based on the information that was gleaned from the topic being studied. Take a short break to better assimilate the material. Then, in part 2, solve tests on the theory you read, of which there are a large number on the Internet. This will help you understand and reinforce the topic.
  • Based on the material worked out, it is recommended to study all the maps available in the textbooks, view illustrations and posters related to the period under consideration.
  • Resting, do not relax. You need to make good use of your free time by looking at documentaries on historical topics.

When studying topics, one should build them in the correct chronological sequence, without tearing out separate pieces of material. Then the cause-and-effect relationships of all subsequent events will be clear.

For 1 month

The less time left before the exam, the less material the examinee will be able to learn. In a month, you can only superficially study the main points of history. An in-depth knowledge of the subject in such a short period is impossible to obtain.

In task 25, usually 3 options for historical periods are offered. As practice shows, the 20th century is necessarily present in them. It is worth paying more attention to the study of materials on this time: the characteristics of historical figures, their reforms, events. There will not be enough time for a detailed study of other periods.

It is impossible to independently study and systematize all historical material in a month. You can resort to the services of professionals. A number of universities offer express preparation for the USE. You should choose educational institution in which history is a core subject.

For 1-2 weeks

It is impossible to prepare a few weeks before any exam. In such a short time, you can only go through all the material again, refreshing it in your memory. Even if the student has a unique memory for a week, you can only memorize the dates and names of the main personalities. But there will hardly be time left to study historical documents, reforms, maps and illustrations, to study in depth any historical period in order to write an essay. It is not worth counting on a high score with this approach to the subject.

How to properly manage your exam time

3 hours 55 minutes are given to complete all tasks in history. In order to have time to complete time-consuming tasks, it is necessary to correctly allocate examination time. For each question from the 1st part, you should not spend more than 3-5 minutes. If in doubt, it is best to move on to the next questions. After completing all the tasks of the 1st part, you should return to the questions left unanswered and try to consider them again.

You can take 10-15 minutes to complete the tasks of the 2nd part. The time should be allocated in such a way that there is a free hour for the essay on task 25.

Some students try to start with the 2nd part, being carried away by writing an essay. It is difficult to control the time in the exam, so this approach can lead to the fact that there is no time left for the rest of the tasks. In addition, starting with complex tasks, you can panic when you find a lack of knowledge on the proposed tasks. It is recommended to move from simple to complex. This will help you better tune in to more complex issues.

Choosing a specialty for which you need USE results history, you need to properly organize the preparation. It is required to rationally allocate time between studying theory, doing tests, getting acquainted with historical maps and illustrations. At least 2 hours a day should be allocated for preparation. It is recommended to study topics in chronological order. Starting to consider the next period, constantly refer to the materials already covered, consolidating them. It is quite possible to prepare for the exam on your own. A good tutor can only give the right direction, explain the subtleties of the design of the 2nd part of the tasks.

Successfully passing the exam is the dream of every school graduate and their parents. Preparation is carried out, as a rule, with the involvement of tutors. And since there are several subjects for rent, the amount for paying for additional classes is not small.

But you can prepare for the exam on your own!

Tools for preparation: study, tests, olympiads

Preparation must begin no later than one year before the test.

Current grades in a subject do not objectively reflect the level of the entire course, for example, mathematics. The USE assesses knowledge and practical skills over several years.

Use every opportunity to replenish and test your knowledge.

  1. During the lessons, listen carefully to the explanations of the teachers. Feel free to ask questions, ask to explain again incomprehensible points. USE materials made up of topics learned in school.
  2. In its own way the essence of the exam- control work of increased complexity. So you don't have to walk test papers. They provide an opportunity to check the level of knowledge, discover topics that should be learned and give the skill of working with tasks. After all, the result depends on the ability to understand the task. Oddly enough, but most of the errors are due to an incorrectly read task, from the fact that they did not understand the question.
  3. Participate in subject Olympiads. They are not limited to the school curriculum and their implementation is somewhat similar to the exam. In the process of preparing for participation, you will gain new knowledge and the skill of working on non-standard tasks.

To increase motivation, consider training precisely as a tool for preparing for the exam.

Teaching is work. Heavy, but doable.

Check out this year's criteria

Every year, in the order of conduct, USE structure changes are made. Therefore, at the initial stage of preparation, familiarize yourself with the exam format that is relevant for the period of delivery.

To do this, on the FIPI website, find the specifications and codifiers for the subjects that you pass. This will give you the opportunity to understand what to prepare for and what will be required of you on the exam. What practical skills do you need to develop?

Pay attention to the criteria for grading tasks with a detailed answer. Review the formatting requirements.

The specification describes the structure of the exam, the composition of the KIM. The codifier contains a list of topics for which there will be assignments for the exam.

All changes in the course and content are made at the beginning of the academic year.

What you need to prepare

For self-study in the exam at home you need:

  • textbooks;
  • reference materials;
  • Internet resources;
  • benefits.

The most important thing you need is desire. Without this component, self-training is unlikely.

The goal of preparation is to understand the material. It won't help just to learn. In a stressful situation, and passing the exam is one of those, the brain reproduces understandable things.

What textbooks and reference materials are needed for, manuals are understandable. Let's take a closer look at online resources. In self-preparation for the exam, they play almost the main role.

Online lectures and video tutorials

Have you decided the KIM USE option and got an unsatisfactory result? This is not a reason for frustration, but a guide to action: learning the material.

Find a video lesson on the topic of the assignment. The advantage of the Internet is that it is possible to choose the style of teaching and presentation of material.

Don't spend a lot of time searching and browsing. Be guided by the fact that in the first issue of the search engine the most popular video lessons, and therefore, the highest quality.

Immediately after watching, solve several problems on the topic. You can do it right there on the demo site.

The Internet in this case replaces the tutor. Only he does not need to pay a large amount for services.

Track the effectiveness of training

If you solve KIMs on one site, use the function of saving the results. Then you can see the progress and analyze the errors. This is necessary in order to determine what material needs to be tightened.

Particular attention to errors associated with absent-mindedness, inattention. An answer not entered, a missing or unaccounted for sign, take points. Memory and attention also need to be trained.

Study the codifiers on the FIPI website

We go to the FIPI website, find the section of the Unified State Examination and GVE-11, open the page "Demo versions, specifications and codifiers". The documents here are structured by subject - download for those that you hand over. The archive can also contain all sorts of useful things like dictionaries, word assemblies, rules and formulas.

First of all, we open the codifier - the sections of the educational program that will be checked during the exam are marked here. Mark topics you know and don't know.


The codifier will give an idea of ​​the number of topics to be studied in each subject. At the beginning of preparation, this volume is terrifying.

But nothing is impossible. Proper planning will help you absorb all the necessary volume.

  • Distribute the preparation by the days of the week: one day - one subject. This will give you a deeper dive into the information. Indeed, in addition to preparing for the exam, there will also be homework for the current educational process.
  • Allocate 1.5-2 hours daily and be sure to take one or two breaks of 15 minutes. A tired brain does not remember information, but “passes” it.
  • Make a plan-task for each lesson, marking the topics studied. You will see the effectiveness of your work and will be able to track what has already been done and what still needs to be learned.

Start the lesson by solving the demo. So you will evaluate the initial level of knowledge and understanding of the topic and understand how much you will have to study on it.

Depending on how much time you have, form a training plan. It is best to start studying at least a year before the exam, but it is quite possible to master the basics quickly - in a month, a week, or even a day.

Make a rough "educational program" in which the topics will go in descending order. From basic aspects to the least significant details. Create a schedule and make sure you stick to it. The hardest thing about self-training is discipline. No one is standing over you with a stick, so organizing yourself is very difficult. In no case do not skip classes - nothing will work if you put off until tomorrow.

Remember that you are not doing it for someone else, so do not deceive yourself. If the material is not learned, allocate an extra day for it or approach the teacher and ask for an explanation. Perhaps one of your friends can help you.

Take the exam demo

There are sites that have demo versions of USE assignments. They can be solved directly on the site and get the result.

Most often, standard tasks are set, without advanced level and practical assignments.

You can solve the demo version from the archive downloaded on the FIPI website, but this is not very convenient - you will have to check it yourself, referring to the answers.

It is more convenient to solve the demo version online, for example, on Yandex.EGE - here the system will check your answers and calculate the number of points. Problems only with part C - it is technically impossible to check the essay, presentation and essay using services. You will have to do this yourself, evaluating the work according to the criteria from the specification.

Real world training

Use all the possibilities of the "rehearsal" of the exam. The exam process is stressful. Practice will help you stay calm in the real world. And this is the key to success.

Ideally, go through the entire procedure, with the entrance through metal detectors, solving problems under the guns of video cameras.

The FIPI website has a description of the most common mistakes made by graduates of past years. In most cases, they were worth the lost points. Read this experience.

Psychological preparation

In the period of preparation for the exam and on the day of passing, often remember Carlson's words "Calm, only calm." You've probably noticed that when you're nervous, it's harder to focus and remember things.

Contributes to an adequate perception of the exam confidence in their knowledge, confirmed by the results of training exams and demos.

Do not take sedatives in last days before the exam. They slow down the work of the brain and in a situation of severe stress give drowsiness.

Physical training

Urgently mobilize all the systems and forces of the body. Physical condition is also an important factor.

During the period of illness, preparation for the exam usually stops, which means that either the workload increases in the following days or something remains unlearned. After an illness, the body needs several days to recover.

Walking, physical activity, enhanced proper nutrition and observance of the daily regimen contribute to the maintenance of physical condition and you will have enough strength and health to prepare and pass the exam.

Each student can independently prepare for the exam. On the part of parents, a willingness to support and help, control over the results of training will be required.

Dear parents, celebrate any, even the smallest successes of the child. Compare his previous level of knowledge with what he currently has. And never compare yourself to other children.

Preparation for the exam in a specific subject

Each of the subjects has its own characteristics that must be considered when preparing for the exam. Based on the feedback from past graduates, we have compiled specific tips that will help you pass the exam with a good score.

How to prepare for the exam in the Russian language

Understand (not memorize, but understand) and remember the rules, memorize the exception words and the basics of punctuation. Do not be lazy, take a set of rules and read them all - mark for yourself those that you don’t remember or remember poorly, then memorize them 1-2 per day, do test tasks. There are millions of such tasks in the network, it is not difficult to search. According to statistics, 11th grade graduates most often make mistakes in the following rules, topics and sections:

  • Spelling - spelling "n" and "nn" in adjectives, participles; spelling "o" and "ё" after hissing; prefixes "pre" and "at".
  • Particles and unions - spelling "not" and "neither"; spelling of unions.
  • Punctuation is direct speech; participial and participle turns, a comma before "and".
  • Vocabulary - introductory words.
  • Grammar - continuous and separate spelling of adverbs; writing adverbs and nouns with a hyphen.

Tip: Be sure to learn the types of subordinate clauses and the declension of numerals. They also "catch" tens of thousands of graduates.

It is also important to learn all kinds of exception words - they do not lend themselves to the rules (at least the rules from the school curriculum) and you just need to remember them. Ideally, you need to arrange them in an acceptable font, print or write by hand, and then hang them over your desktop. Look at them more often - this is one of the most effective ways memorization.

Preparing for Part C more difficult. Here you will need to write an essay-reasoning based on the text you have read. Usually they suggest to note what the author had in mind, and to express their own opinion on this issue. The worst solution is to connect emotions and start “downloading rights” in your storytelling. The best solution is to look at and remember the evaluation criteria and write an essay in full accordance with them, without inventing or inventing anything, adding only a little emotion. Criteria for evaluating the essay are in the specification.

How to prepare for the exam in mathematics

Mathematics is the most difficult subject for self-study. First of all, because of the tasks in part C. It’s quite possible to master parts A and B without a tutor - we learn the rules and formulas, those that are the most difficult to remember, print or write out, after which we hang them over the desktop and look at them as often as possible .

In what basic topics do graduates most often make mistakes:

  • trigonometric formulas.
  • Logarithmic equations.
  • Differentiation rules.
  • Basic theorems of geometry.
  • Primitives and integrals.

When preparing for the exam in mathematics, it is recommended to solve as much as possible. Start with demo versions of exam options. After all, there are not so many rules and formulas in the school curriculum - again, we refer you to the codifier - see what you need to know, what you can use, what is important to remember in the first place. If you feel that the solution of a certain segment of problems is going badly, solve them as much as possible, connect ordinary textbooks from the school curriculum, look at ready-made solutions.

How to prepare for the exam in history

History is not a collection of dates and events. First of all, it's chronological. That is why training should be built not on memorizing dates and personalities, but on building chronological chains, identifying causes and effects. Look at the topics of the codifier - they almost completely repeat the educational program on the history of Russia from ancient times to the present day.

Preparation should be built in this way: if you have at least half a year, then start over (from ancient times) and go through 2-3 topics every day (depending on the time you have).

So you will understand the sequence of events and you will understand that the abolition of serfdom could not have happened in 1451, and Ivan the Terrible could not have visited St. Petersburg.

Topics most often confused by graduates:

  • Theories of the origin of Russia (Norman, centrist and others).
  • feudal division.
  • Trouble.
  • Reforms of Peter I.
  • Patriotic War of 1812.
  • World War I.
  • Revolution of 1917 and civil war.
  • The Second World War.
  • Thaw.

The educational program in history is a huge amount of knowledge. Therefore, if you only have 2-3 months left to prepare, there is no point in trying to study the whole thing. Take the most important events and study them according to the plan. For example, wars: cause, course, main battles, commanders, results. Or reforms: background, dates, content, consequences. It is also worth memorizing key dates - the beginning and end of wars, the implementation of major reforms, the reign of heads of state, and so on.

How to prepare for the exam in social studies

Preparation is good because there are not so many terms that require remembering the exact interpretation. Here, the outlook is more important, the ability to think logically and answer the questions posed from the standpoint of the norms of law and morality. When preparing, it is enough to study topics from the codifier and solve demo versions of exam options. If, while solving, you stumble upon a topic that you do not know or know poorly, mark it for yourself and study it. Also try to look for causal relationships, rely on facts.

Social science is one of the few subjects that does not have obvious "problem" topics. Graduates make mistakes in everyone equally often, and there is no way to give statistics. But we can note a number of documents that are mandatory for reading and studying in the course of preparation - for example, the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Check out the full list in the code.

As for part C, here you will find an essay on a given topic. It's important not to get too emotional, even if the subject touches on your feelings. Refer to the specification and look at the job evaluation criteria. Build your story around it. Do not try to please the criteria to the smallest detail - keep the style of presentation free. But give examples, indicate arguments, back them up with facts. Ideally, if you can add precedents, using your own horizons.

How to prepare for the exam in biology

Parts A and B are the theory you just need to know. There is nothing transcendental here, therefore we open textbooks and begin to study everything in stages. This can be done even in 2-3 months - most of the materials are easy to remember if you delve into the topic and learn to operate with terms (it is important to know their interpretation, and not stumble at each new meeting with an unknown word). Most often, school graduates get confused and make mistakes in the following sections of the school curriculum:

  • The structure of pro- and eukaryotic cells.
  • Ontogenesis.
  • Human anatomy.
  • Higher nervous activity.
  • Global ecosystem (the teachings of V. I. Vernadsky).

Now let's talk about preparing for part C - it is traditionally the most difficult. Here it is necessary to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. According to the experience of past years, even graduates who know the theory in detail make mistakes precisely in applying their knowledge in the course of a practical task. Therefore, it is worth preparing by studying real examples of completing tasks from Part C and translating the experience gained into your own practice. Use quality video tutorials. They can be found, for example, on the same Yandex.USE. You can see how teachers and experts solve problems - adopt their methods.

How to prepare for the exam in physics

Training should include two basic components - the study of theory, rules and formulas and their application in practice. It is not recommended to just memorize the rules. It is best to solve 2-3 tasks for each formula you studied, or analyze the finished solution. It is important not so much to know as to understand. Ideally, if you have enough time not only for the problem solving promoter, but also for real experiments.

In what topics do graduates make mistakes most often:

  • Galileo's principle of relativity.
  • Hooke's law is the force of elasticity.
  • The Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation.
  • Law of conservation of momentum.
  • Einstein's equation for the photoelectric effect
  • Radioactivity.

The more you decide, the better. If you have at least six months at your disposal, then distribute the preparation time approximately in the ratio of 15 minutes of theory and 30 minutes of practice from each academic hour. Use academic hours - rest for 10-15 minutes every hour. Solving problems takes too much energy, and in order not to get migraines, you need to rest. It is also not recommended to spend more than 2 academic hours per day on self-study.

It is far from always possible to understand the solution of the problem on your own, even if the correct option lies in front of you. But it is really important to catch the logic, otherwise there will simply be no sense from the viewed.

If there is no way to turn to a good teacher or tutor, decide together with other graduates preparing for exams. AT in social networks and messengers there are many communities, channels and chats where high school students solve problems together USE demos discuss them and help each other.

How to prepare for the exam in English

Learning English is the wrong answer. More precisely, not entirely true. In conditions of self-training, it is impossible to learn English in a few months. But to pass the exam by 60-70 points without even having the Pre-Intermediate level is quite realistic. For this, it is necessary for the time remaining before the exam to “switch to English” as much as possible. This means that you have to not only learn grammar, but also:

  • Listen to songs in English by reading and memorizing the lyrics.
  • Watch movies in English with Russian subtitles.
  • Read familiar works in English as much as possible.

Interestingly, the most difficult part of the exam in English, according to graduates, is not part C (essay, composition or letter), but listening, in which you need to work with the text spoken by the announcer. Therefore, learn to understand fast English speech or develop this skill as much as possible if you already know how. This can be done in an interesting way - for example, listening to songs in English. Open the text, clarify the translation of incomprehensible words and phrases. Listen to the song and look at the lyrics at the same time.

As for part C, here it is usually proposed to write a letter or essay on a given topic. This topic does not need to be thoroughly mastered in terms of, for example, history or other science. But you need to have enough vocabulary to be able to talk about it. Therefore, look at the topics indicated in the codifier, and select characteristic words and phrases for each of them - they will have to be memorized. You can use services like Lingualeo - here, even in the free version, there are many collections of thematic words.


It is realistic to prepare for the exam in basic subjects even in a month. The only question is what you can achieve as a result of preparation.

In a day, it’s really possible to learn the basic rules and topics - this guarantees 5-6 points on tasks from Part A, which will definitely not be superfluous. In a month, you can understand the logic of solving problems in the course of performing practical tasks. In half a year it is really possible to undergo in-depth self-training, and in a year - to prepare comprehensively.

It is important not to scatter attention and not to go into a thorough study of the details - this way you can miss the base by spending too much time on the little things.

Learn the main thing about the English USE-2016 and start preparing today. Nuances, tips, useful links - start your journey to successfully passing the exam by reading our article. Do not be afraid of the exam - pass it for all 100!

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What is the exam: numbers, facts

The Unified State Examination (USE) is a general state certification of graduates of the eleventh grade, the results of which are counted upon admission to the secondary specialized educational institution (secondary specialized educational institution) or university (higher educational institution).

At the moment, the exam is carried out in 14 subjects, of which 4 are foreign languages(English, German, French and Spanish). To get a certificate, a graduate needs to pass 2 mandatory exams: Russian language and mathematics. Additionally, each university independently determines which exams applicants are required to take for a particular specialty. From 2020, the Unified State Exam for English language also plan to make it mandatory.

In 2016, a trial exam in English is planned to be held in early April: the oral part - on the 8th and the written part - on the 9th (these results do not count). The main exam will start on June 10.If, for a valid reason, a graduate cannot take part in the certification, he has the opportunity to take the exam later, in a reserve period.

If you disagree with the results of the exam, you can file an appeal - your answers will be rechecked.

After successfully passing the exam, the participant is issued a certificate valid for the current year and 4 subsequent years. It must also be presented at school to receive a certificate of secondary education.

Upon admission to the university, the applicant submits an application, indicating USE scores; the selection committee checks their authenticity. At the same time, you can apply to no more than 5 universities in 3 areas.

At the end of 2015, it was enough to score 22 points to pass the exam in English. However, for admission to language faculties prestigious universities countries needed to get 60-70 points for this type of exam (according to admissions committees Moscow State University, MSLU, etc.); passing scores of universities are updated annually.

  • In Moscow Center for Independent Diagnostics opened, where you can take a trial USE and OGE at any time (and not only for schoolchildren, but also for parents), and you can take it as many times as you want.

What to take with you to the exam and how to behave on the exam

Be sure to take your passport and a black gel (capillary) pen with you.

The list of prohibited items is much more extensive: these are any media (phone, tablet, etc.), any video and audio equipment, books, notes and cheat sheets, as well as proofreaders and pencils.

During the exam, you can’t stand up, talk - of course, with the exception of the oral part of “Speaking”. If you need to leave the classroom for a while, you will be accompanied by one of the examiners. The participants are video-surveilled and any violations can be punished by removal from the exam (and the issue of retaking will be decided by the State Commission).

The structure of the exam in English

The test consists of four compulsory written parts, for which the test taker receives a maximum of 80 points: they are "Listening", "Reading", "Grammar and Vocabulary" and "Writing".

The fifth, optional oral part, was introduced more recently and is called "Speaking": it can earn you a maximum of 20 points. Passing "Speaking" is a must, even if you don't aim at a language university: it's pretty easy way score an additional 10-15 points (which is not so little).


9 tasks, 30 minutes

Listening is the perception of speech by ear. After listening to several fragments in English, you should understand what they said and answer in writing a few questions about each fragment. Fragments sound 2 times, the response time is fixed. The topics of monologues and dialogues that will be offered for listening are weather forecasts, announcements, TV and radio programs, interviews, reports.

An error specific to this part of the exam: the examiners choose the answer option that contains the words most often heard in the audio fragment. But you can hardly answer the questions correctly without understanding the essence of what is happening. To better understand the meaning of the conversation, pay attention to the intonation of the speakers and the sounds that you hear in the audio clip (sea noise, car signals, music, etc.). It is very important to be able to recognize subtext, sarcasm in the speaker's speech, which can radically change the meaning of the statement.


Only regular listening to English speech with memorization of unfamiliar words will help.

At the first stage, it will be very useful to read and listen to books voiced by native English speakers. At the same time, be sure to choose books adapted to your real level: pre-intermediate, intermediate, etc.

It is very effective to watch English-language films “in three touches”: without subtitles, with English subtitles (with writing out new words) and with double subtitles (in Russian and English). It is advisable to limit viewing sessions to 5-15 minutes (the level of perception decreases further). So that your vocabulary does not develop one-sidedly, try to watch diverse films: on everyday topics, from the life of lawyers, doctors, scientists. And it is desirable that these be series: by watching several seasons one episode a day, you can perfect the appropriate vocabulary to perfection, after which you can proceed to a series on a different topic.

A little later, it makes sense to switch to listening to radio news: without visuals and subtitles, information is more difficult to perceive, especially given the fast pace of reporters' speech. We recommend listening to the broadcasts of the BBC radio channel, because the videos for listening to the exam will be read with British pronunciation.


9 tasks, 30 minutes

This task tests your ability to read and understand unfamiliar text without a dictionary: you should be familiar with about 97% of the words. And again, read the task carefully, a typical mistake in this part is a misunderstanding of the question asked.


To replenish vocabulary in all available ways, tirelessly repeat learned words and try to use them in context - this is how they are better remembered. According to the 2016 codifier, popular science publications and excerpts from works will be offered for reading fiction. Read modern online newspapers and magazines: The Guardian, The New York Times, BBC, Listverse, etc. It will be very useful to study the USE solution for English reading, analyzing the mistakes you make.

Grammar and vocabulary

20 tasks, 40 minutes

In fact, this is almost the easiest section of the exam in terms of format. The first half of the section consists of reading small passages of text and filling in the missing words. For substitution, the proposed word must be grammatically changed (or left in its original form, if required by the rules) or a suitable single-root word must be selected, for example, absolute - absolutely, win - won, Russia - Russian.

The second half involves filling in the gaps in the text with the proposed words - you don’t need to modify the word, you just need to choose one of the four options. As with all multiple choice tests, if you don't know the answer, pick one at random - chances are it will be correct.


If you know English in good level, this section will not present any difficulty for you. Special preparation for the format of this task is not required - it is enough to repeat the grammar of English (and not stop working on vocabulary).


2 tasks, 80 minutes

Since the reading of the answers from the examination forms is performed using computer scanning, write the answer neatly, clearly and legibly, with division into paragraphs and structuring.

Task number 1: "Letter to a friend"

Volume: 100-140 words

Imagine that you have received a letter from an English-speaking friend and are writing a reply. You must understand the questions asked in the text and answer them in your "letter".

Typical mistakes:

  • ignorance of the rules for writing personal letters (repeat them for sure!)
  • misunderstanding of the essence of the questions asked
  • lack of answer to one of their questions
  • inability to correctly formulate their own questions according to the specified plan
  • not using linking words

Task #2: Essay

Volume: 200-250 words

You are invited to express in writing an opinion on some approval for a specific plan. And again, you need to read the task very carefully and in no case deviate from the proposed plan.

The essay should be in a neutral style (avoid colloquial expressions), coherent, divided into paragraphs in accordance with the logic of the narrative.

If 30% or more of your answer matches the source (that is, you use the words from the “problem conditions” in your answer), the task does not count.

How to count the number of words in an essay

If the letter above is less than 90 words and the essay is less than 180, they will not be counted (you will get 0 points). If they are too long, the verifier will count only 154 words in the first case and 275 in the second, everything else will not be checked: you may lose the farewell phrase or signature (in a letter) or conclusion (in an essay).

What are the rules for counting words? All the words of the essay are taken into account, in the case of a letter, everything from the address to the signature. One word counts as:

  • all numbers in digital form (12, 2015, 10,000)
  • all short forms and abbreviations (I'm, don't, can't, USA)
  • Difficult words(well-known, good-looking, sixty-four)

In numerals expressed in several words, all words are considered (two thousand and fifteen - 4 words).


The advice is simple - write an essay. Lots of different topics. Count words, control the coherence of the text, do not forget to highlight paragraphs (one thought - one paragraph). Well, your work should be checked by an English teacher who is familiar with the requirements for the assignment.


4 tasks, 15 minutes

During this part of the exam, an audio recording of your answer is made, which is sent for processing (checking) at the end of the exam. In other words, the role of the examiner is performed by a computer (but one of the organizers of the exam is constantly present in the audience). You see all tasks on the monitor - the time counter is also displayed there.

Upon completion of the exam, all answers are submitted for verification: each examination record is checked by two trained specialists according to uniform evaluation criteria.

Task number 1

In the first task, you will be asked to read a popular science text in English in one and a half minutes - first “to yourself”, and then aloud. One and a half minutes are also given for preparation. You need to read the passage correctly, with natural intonation, without unnecessary pauses.

Task number 2

As a second task, you are invited to read the text of the advertisement and ask 5 questions to it - in accordance with the proposed plan. Preparation time - 1.5 minutes, each question should be no longer than 20 seconds (watch the timer).

Task number 3

The third task: choose and describe one of the three proposed photographs. Time to prepare - 1.5 minutes, to answer - 2 minutes. The story must be built on the points of the proposed plan. The narrative should be logically coherent and contain an introductory and concluding phrase.

  • Recall that the text is connected by expressions like firstly, secondly, thirdly (firstly, secondly, thirdly), consequently (therefore), finally (finally). The topic of introductory words and linking words needs to be worked out thoroughly.

Task number 4

In the fourth task, you are asked to compare two images. Here it is also extremely important to carefully read the text of the task and cover the proposed plan in the story: for example, find similarities between the pictures and point out the differences. A typical mistake is a description of each picture separately, while what is needed is a comparison, a comparison of two images.

You have 1.5 minutes to prepare - keep an eye on the timer to start on time and not exceed the story limit, which is 2 minutes. It also requires an introductory and concluding phrase and observance of the coherence of the presentation.

Typical "traps" of the 3rd and 4th parts of the exam are questions like "where and when" (where and when), "who / why" (who / why), etc.. Answering the first question of a pair, you can completely forget about the second - and lose points.

  • Tip: If you notice that you've made a mistake, don't panic. Some errors are acceptable and do not affect the score, the main thing is not to get confused and not to be completely silent.

The total time for this part of the exam is 15 minutes.


Speech is a skill, and the ability to speak English must be developed. Listen English speech and repeat what you hear. Use every opportunity to communicate in English: visit conversation clubs, speak English with friends. It is extremely important that the interlocutor not only listens to you, but points out mistakes and corrects, therefore, in order to prepare for this type of exam, it is very desirable to find a qualified tutor.

10 typical misconceptions when preparing for the exam in English

  1. It makes no sense to study the format of the exam: a person who is fluent in English will easily pass the exam with the highest score
  2. If initially your knowledge is below the Upper-Intermediate level ("above average"), you have no chance to pass the exam
  3. If you don’t speak English, it’s impossible to pass the exam, because they introduced “Speaking”, and without it you won’t get the necessary points
  4. You can prepare for the exam in English in just six months (or even faster)
  5. After reading tips, secrets and “life hacks” for passing the exam, you will be ready for the exam
  6. For successful delivery, it is enough to listen to lectures and video lessons of teachers
  7. The best way to prepare is to run demo tests multiple times and check answers
  8. If the trial exam is passed perfectly, classes can be stopped.
  9. During the exam, you can make a “call to a friend” or use a cheat sheet
  10. Answers will be available for purchase before the exam.

And remember: it is impossible to prepare for the Unified State Examination “on the night before the exam”, start at least six months before the exam (or better, 1-2 years before the exam).
The English USE-2016 is scheduled for June, so you need to start preparing for it immediately. High scores for you!

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