A man is plural in English. Plural Noun Exceptions in English

In order not to miss new useful materials,

But there are also special cases when a noun has only a singular or only a plural form ( scissors– scissors, always plural; news- news, always singular). We will get acquainted with these nouns in this article.

  1. We use plural nouns that come in pairs:

    Trousers- pants (two legs, we always say in the plural), and also jeans- jeans, tights- tights, shorts- shorts, pants- underpants.

    Pajamas- pajamas (top and bottom).

    Glasses– glasses (2 lenses), as well as binoculars- binoculars.

    • These nouns are always plural, so they require plural:

      My jeans don't suit me at all. My jeans don't fit me at all. (and not my jeans doesn't)

    • If you need to say in the singular about these things, then you need to use a pair of+ these words:

      Those are fabulous trousers or that is a fabulous pair of trousers. (but not a fabulous trousers)

      I want some new glasses or I want a new pair of glasses.

  2. There are nouns that end in -ics, and most often it is not plural. For example: economics, electronics, maths, politics, physics.

    Politics was his favorite subject in his school that is why he became a politician. (but not Politics were)

    • Word news– news is also not plural, despite how we translate it, it is always singular:

      What is the last news you read in that newspaper? (But not What are the last news)

    • Some words that end in -s, can be both singular and plural, no matter how paradoxical it may sound:
  3. It also happens that some nouns in the singular are used together with the plural form. For example: audience- audience, committee- Committee, company- company, family- family, firm- firm, government- state, staff- team, team- team. These are the so-called collective nouns or collective nouns. You noticed that all these words refer to one thing, but they usually consist of a group of people (family, group, team - all these phenomena cannot consist of one person). And we often think of these phenomena as a group of people ( they- they), so we use the verb in the plural form:

    The government (they) don't want to decrease taxes. The government doesn't want to cut taxes.

    • We sometimes use the plural after the names of companies and sports teams:

      Russia are playing Brazil next Monday. (in a football match) - Russia plays against Brazil next Monday. (meaning football match)

    • But it is also possible with such words to use the singular form of the verb, it all depends on what meaning you put in. If all members of a group, family, state act in unison, in the same way, do one thing all together, then, as a rule, we speak of them in the singular:

      The government wants to stop the war. The state wants to stop the war.

    • We use the plural verb with the word police- police:

      The police have been investigating this crime for more than 6 months! The police have been investigating this crime for more than 6 months! (but not has been)

    • But we can also talk about the singular if we use words like a police officer / a policeman / a policewoman.
  4. We also don't usually use the word person- plural person persons). Most often they say people- People.

    She is a great person. - She's a great person.

    They are great people. “They are great people. (but not persons)

    Many people don't know where to work. (but not Many people don't know )

  5. We think about the amount of money a sum of money), time period ( a period of time), distances ( a distance) as one thing, so we use the singular form of the verb:

    Ten million dollars was stolen from the bank. (not were stolen)

    Five years is a very long time, anything can happen at this period of time. (not five years are)

It is difficult, of course, to remember all these rules right away, however, with the constant repetition of these rules, you will soon not even notice how and where to put the singular or plural.

Run The use of nouns only in the plural and only in the singular

  1. The police ... called in to deal with the riot last night.

  2. I think Physics ... one of the most difficult subjects at school.

  3. My trousers ... far much better than his.

  4. He told me he would never lend me such a sum of money. ...too big!

Plural Nouns

Let's start with the fact that in English there are two numbers: singular and plural. The singular form is used to refer to one thing. (abook). Plural - to refer to two or more things (twobooks).

How are nouns pluralized?

Most nouns form their plural form by additions -s to the singular form. The ending is pronounced as [z] after voiced consonants and vowels, and as [s] after voiceless consonants and vowels. Below are also cases where the ending is pronounced as

For example:

band → band s

shoe → shoe s[ʃuːz]

cat → cat s

There are nuances associated with writing nouns that are formed in this way. We will consider them below.

Nouns in s, —ss-sh-ch-x or -z

s, —ss-sh-ch-x or -z, then the plural form is formed by additions -es to the singular form. The ending in this case is pronounced as:

For example:

bus → bus es

class → class es

dish → dish es

church→church es

box → box es

buzz → buzz es

Note: If the noun ends in one letter z, then in the formation of the plural form z doubles.

For example:

quiz → qui zzes

Nouns in y

If the singular noun ends in y

A) y changes to —i and added -es, if in the singular form -y is preceded by a consonant (for example, by, —dy-ry-ty).

acc. +yyi + es

For example:

ba by→ baby ies

par ty→ part ies

la dy→ lad ies

b) to the singular form simply added -s, if -y is preceded by a vowel.

vowel +y → + s

For example:

g uy→ guy s

d ay→ day s

donk ey→ donkey s

Note: Proper names that end in acc. +y singular, usually ending in -ys in the plural.

For example:

Kenne dy→ the Kenned ys(Kennedy family)

Nouns in o

If the singular noun ends in o, then the following options are possible in the formation of the plural:

a) in some cases to the singular form added -es.

For example:

ech o→ echo es

her o→ hero es

tomato o→ tomato es

b) to a noun added -s, if in the singular form -o is preceded by a vowel.

For example:

rad io→ radio s

z oo→ zoo s

The same thing happens with most of the new -o nouns that come into the language.

For example:

concert o→ concerto s

kill o→ kilo s

log o→ logo s

photo o→ photo s

pian o→ piano s

c) some nouns can add either -s, or -es. However, more often still add -es.

For example:

buffalo o→ buffalo (e)s

tornad o→ tornado (e)s

Volcan o → volcano (e)s

Nouns in f or fe

If the singular noun ends in f or fe, then the plural form ends with -weight.

For example:

el f→el weight

kni fe→ kni weight

lea f → lea weight

li fe → li weight

shell f→ shell weight

thie f→ this weight

wi fe→ wi weight

However, some nouns add only -s.

For example:

chie f→ chie fs

roo f→ roo fs

sa fe → sa fes

And there are nouns that, in the plural form, can end either in fs on either -ves. These include dwarf,hoof,scarf And scarf. The last three nouns, however, end more often in -ves.

For example:

dwar f dwar fs / dwar weight

Other cases

There are nouns in English that form their plural differently than most (i.e., in a different way than adding -s).

  1. Remember the plural form of the following nouns:

child → children

foot → feet

goose → geese

man → men

mouse → mice(mouse is an animal)

penny → pence

person → people

teeth → teeth

women → women

  1. Some nouns the singular and plural forms are the same.

deer → deer

fish → fish

sheep → sheep

This also includes some nouns that end in -s.

For example:

series → series

crossroads → crossroads

means → means

Words Chinese,Japanese and other nouns that indicate nationality and end in -ese also have the same form for singular and plural.

Nouns dozen,hundred,thousand,million and some others have the same form for singular and plural when accompanied by a numeral.

For example:

million one → two million

  1. Some borrowings have an unusual plural form.

For example:

analysis → analyzes es

crisis → crisis es

criteria criteria a

phenomenon → phenomenon a

  1. Compound nouns form their plural form in the following ways:
  2. a) if the noun is written separately, then the plural form, as a rule, takes the most important word in terms of meaning.

For example:

mother-in-law → mothers-in law

passer-by → passengers-by

b) if the compound noun is written together, then the plural is formed in accordance with the rule that the second word in the composition of this noun obeys.

For example:

housewife → house wives

There are also nouns that are used only in the plural. We will talk about this case in our other article.

If a singular noun ends in a silent -e preceded by s,c,z or g, the ending is also pronounced as . For example: place →places,horse →horses.

Word pennies also used, but in the sense of "individual coins" in denominations of 1 penny. Word pence used when talking about price or amount of money.

Word persons also exists, but is used in the official sphere. In addition, there is a noun people(people), and its plural form will be peoples (peoples).

Word fishes also exists and is used when it comes to different varieties of fish.

There are, however, uncountable nouns that end in -s ( news, billiards etc. ). This is the singular form. They do not have a plural form.

If such nouns are not accompanied by a numeral, then the plural is formed according to the general rule (by adding -s). For example: Hundreds of people were present there.“There were hundreds of people there.

In English, there are two numbers of nouns, as in Russian: singular and plural (in some languages ​​it happens differently). At first glance, it may seem that the plural of nouns in English is formed according to some difficult, incomprehensible rules. In fact, everything is simple, since in most cases the plural is formed according to the basic rule, and the rest of the cases are quickly remembered with practice.

Rules for the formation of plural nouns in English

1. Basic rule

In most cases, the plural of nouns in English (plural) is formed using the ending -s. Pay attention to how this ending is pronounced:

  • After vowels and voiced consonants - like [z],
  • After deaf consonants - like [s].

However, if you get confused in the pronunciation of -s at the end of a word, you will surely be understood.

2. Nouns with -s, -sh, -ch, -x, -z, -ss

What if the word already ends with s? In this case (for greater harmony and ease of pronunciation), you need to add -es. The same goes for the words -ss,-sh, ch, x, -z.

Ending -es helps to pronounce combinations of sounds that would be difficult to pronounce without it. Let me remind you -es added at the end of words -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -z. Imagine what it would be like without -es:

watchs, matches, boxes, buss (!), classes (!!!)

Agree, it is much easier to pronounce the words:

watches, matches, boxes, buses, classes.

3. Nouns with a consonant + y

consonant + ending -y, That -y changes to -ies .

If the noun ends in vowel + ending -y, then to -y added -s. In other words, the plural is formed according to the basic rule.

4. Nouns ending in -o

If the noun ends in -o, you need to add -es.


  • photo - photos (photo),
  • memo - memos (reminder).
  • piano - pianos (piano),

5. Nouns ending in -f, -fe

In nouns ending in -f or - fe, need to replace -f or - fe on -ves.

6. Table: plural nouns in English

This image is a summary of the rules for pluralizing a noun.

Special cases of plural formation in English

English has exceptions to the plural rules. Most of them concern rather rare words, it is most important to remember the cases from the first paragraph (man - men, woman - women, etc.), since they are the most frequent.

1. Main exceptions: the plural is not formed according to the general rules

A number of nouns form the plural in a non-standard way:

Note: the word women is read as [ˈwɪmɪn].

2. Plural and singular forms match

Some nouns have the same plural and singular forms. These include:

3. Nouns used only in the singular

As in Russian, some nouns in English are used only in the singular or plural. These include:

1. Abstract, uncountable nouns

  • Knowledge - knowledge,
  • Love - love,
  • Friendship - friendship,
  • Information - information,

2. Names of sciences, academic disciplines on -ics

Although they end in -s, these words are used in the singular.

  • Econics - economics,
  • Physics - physics,
  • Aerobics - aerobics,
  • Classics - classical literature.

3. And others

  • Money - money,
  • Hair - hair.

3. Nouns used only in the plural

As in Russian, many names of paired objects do not have a singular

  • Pants - trousers,
  • Scissors - scissors,
  • Glasses - glasses (for the eyes, not glasses in the game),

Some words that are used in English only in the plural are used in Russian in the plural and singular:

  • Goods - goods, goods.
  • Clothes - clothes.

Note: clothes is or clothes are?

Difficulty with words often clothes - clothes. Should it be used as singular or plural? How to write correctly: clothes is or clothes are?

We are used to the fact that “clothes” is the singular in Russian, so we strive to use the English clothes in the Russian manner, as if it were a noun in the singular, but this is a mistake. In English, this word is plural and is used accordingly:

  • Wrong: Your clothes are so dirty. Your clothes are so dirty.
  • Right: Your clothes are so dirty. Your clothes are so dirty.

4. Plural of compound nouns

Compound nouns are made up of more than one word and can be written:

  1. Separately or through a hyphen: mother-in-law(mother-in-law), assistant headmaster(Assistant School Principal).
  2. Slitno: post man(postman), school boy(schoolboy).

In separate compound nouns, as a rule, the plural form is taken by the word that has the main meaning:

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The plural of nouns in English is a simple topic, but there are some nuances here that you need to pay attention to. Let's analyze in detail all the rules for the formation of the plural in English.

Special cases of plural formation

There are nouns in English that form the plural without the ending -s, because they change their root vowel:

Nouns used only in the singular

There are a number of nouns that are used exclusively in the singular - these are uncountable nouns. Uncountable nouns include:

Names of substances and materials:

  • Silver - silver
  • Air - air, atmosphere
  • Iron - iron (element), etc.

Some products:

  • salt - salt
  • Sugar - sugar, etc.

abstract concepts:

  • love - love
  • bitterness - bitterness

Names of diseases:

  • Chickenpox - chickenpox
  • Mumps - pig
  • Rabies - deprive
  • Rickets - rickets

Collective nouns:

  • Furniture - furniture
  • luggage
  • rubbish - rubbish
  • fruit - fruit, fruits, etc.

Pay attention to the word fruit.

As a rule, the plural matches the singular: fruit - fruit (fruit-fruit). However, the plural fruits is used to refer to different types of fruit.)

On the table there are apples, plums and other fruits.

There are apples, plums and other fruits on the table.

Languages: Chinese, French, English, Spanish, etc.

Note that the following nouns also do not have a plural form.

Advice, information, progress, knowledge, weather

These nouns are used only in the singular.

She gave me some good advice. She gave me some good advice.

They have very little information on this subject. They have very little information on this subject.

Her knowledge of Italian is poor. She has poor knowledge of Italian.


Set expression Inallweathers- In any weather

Nouns money(money) and hair(hair) is always used in the singular.

Mu money is on the table. My money is on the table.

She has beautiful brown hair. - She has beautiful brown hair.


Hair(in the meaning of a hair) can be used in the plural form.

My mother has lots of gray hairs. My mother has a lot of gray hair.

Noun news(news, news) is always used in the singular.

What time is the News on the radio? What time is the news on the radio?

Names of sciences and sports ending in -ics (mathematics, physics, phonetics, gymnastics, athletics, etc.) are used in the singular, although they are plural.

Athletics is my favorite sport. - Athletics is my favorite sport.


Words politics meaning political views and statistics in the meaning of statistical data are used with verbs in the plural.

Next sport games also have a singular form:

  • drafts, checkers - checkers
  • billiards - billiards

Nouns that are used only in the plural

There are a number of nouns that are used in English only in the plural, although in Russian they are used in the singular:

  • Arms - weapons
  • Clothes - clothes
  • Contents - content
  • Customs - customs
  • Dregs - sediment
  • Embers - hot ash
  • Outskirts - outskirts
  • Premises - premises, house (with adjacent buildings)
  • Proceeds - revenue
  • Stairs - stairs
  • Wages - wages, etc.

The following nouns are used exclusively in the plural, which do not have the ending s / es

  • police - police
  • Cattle - cattle
  • Poultry - poultry
  • People - people
  • Clergy - clergy

Name of many paired items are used, as in Russian, only in the plural:

  • Scissors - scissors
  • Trousers - pants
  • Spectacles - glasses
  • Scales - scales
  • Tongs - tongs,
  • Jeans - jeans,
  • Pajamas - pajamas

But, if they are used with the expression a pair of, then the verb and other determiners are put in the singular:

I need a new pair of trousers - I need new trousers (a new pair of trousers).

Special cases of using the number of nouns

It is necessary to separately stipulate some cases of the formation of the plural of English nouns:

Noun penny(pence) has two plural forms:

  • Penny-pence(when it comes to money)
  • Penny - pennies(when individual coins are meant)

It costs ten pennies. - It costs 10 pence.

Pennies are made of bronze. - Pence (i.e. onepence coins) are made of bronze.

Nouns export and import are used in the plural form exports, imports, when it comes to the quantity or value of exported or imported goods:

Poland exports to the Ukraine have greatly increased. – Polish exports to Ukraine, as well as Polish imports from this country, have increased significantly.

When the process of export or import is meant, the singular forms export and import are used:

That company is engaged in the export and import. This company is engaged in export and import.

Some collective nouns can be used with singular or plural verbs, depending on the connotation of the meaning.

With plural verbs, such nouns will be used if all members of a given group of people or structure are meant and the statement can be fully attributed to each member of the group.

In the singular - if the group is considered as a whole.

These are the nouns:

  • Army - army
  • Audience - public
  • Choir - choir
  • crew - team
  • crowd
  • family - family
  • government - government
  • Public - public, society
  • staff
  • team - team

Our team is the best. - Our team is the best.

The team discuss strategy before every game. — The team discusses the strategy before each game.

So countries in the plural, the verb and other determiners are always used in the singular.

The United States is situated in North America.

When it comes about the amount of money, period of time, distance, etc. considered as a whole, then plural nouns are used with a singular verb.

Three thousand pounds was too much to lose in a casino. “It was too much to lose three thousand pounds at the casino.


We also use the verb and other determiners in the singular when we count any two parts as one when they are connected. and:

fish and chips. Fish and chips (one course) Fish and chips is very tasty. Fish and chips are delicious.

"War and Peace" is the longest book I've ever read. “War and Peace is the longest book I have ever read.

In expressions

  • a two-week holiday two week vacation
  • a three year old boy- three year old boy

where cardinal numbers + noun are components of a compound adjective, they do not form a plural.

A dozen is a dozen, a score is twenty, a hundred is one hundred, a thousand is a thousand, a is a million, when they are preceded by a numeral, they have the same form for singular and plural

I have three dozen eggs.

When there is no numeral, the plural is formed according to the general rule.

Pack the pens in dozens, please. – Pack dozens of pens, please.

Hundreds of students came here. “Hundreds of students came here.

I hope you have mastered all the rules for the formation of the plural, as well as special cases of the use of numbers in English.

You can check yourself in the rules for the formation of the plural by doing these

In modern Russian, nouns have two numbers: singular and plural.

Let's take an example. Let's name the items.

Notebook, pencil, lemon are nouns that name one thing. This is the singular form.

Notebooks, pencils, lemons are nouns that name more than one thing. This is the plural form.

Nouns are used in the singular if they refer to one thing, and in the plural if they refer to several objects.

Pay attention to the designation of the singular and plural.

Nouns change according to numbers. This means that the word has both singular and plural forms.

Let's read the nouns and determine their number. Let's divide the words into two columns: singular and plural.

Ant, forest, fly, sparrows, day, bugs, cat, tables, girl, apples.

Let's check.

Nouns in the singular form refer to one thing. These are the words: ant, forest, fly, day, cat, girl.

Plural nouns name many things. These are the words: sparrows, beetles, tables, apples.

Read the nouns and put them in the plural.




Pencil case




Let's check:

Magpie - magpies

Home - at home

Hedgehog - hedgehogs

Penal - pencil cases

Factory - factories

Shovel - shovels

Painting - paintings

Features of the use of nouns in the plural

Let's get acquainted with the correct use of some nouns in the plural.

We speak correctly:

No boots, boots, boots .

Pair boots, boots, boots .

A lot of places, cases, soldiers, apples .


No socks , pair socks .

Many kilograms tangerines, oranges, tomatoes .

Peculiarities of stressing plural nouns

And now let's get acquainted with the correct placement of stress in some nouns that are in the plural form.

director-director A

Chauffeur - chauffeur yo ry

Cake - t O mouths

To find out how to pronounce a word correctly, you can turn to the spelling dictionary or stress dictionary for help.

There are unusual nouns in Russian. What is their secret?

Let's find out.

Milk, flour, honey, leaves.

These nouns do not have a plural form.

Let's consider another example.

Let's name the items.

Chess, clocks, glasses, sledges, scissors.

These nouns do not have a singular form.

We draw a conclusion: in Russian there are nouns that do not have a singular or plural form. We will get to know them in more detail in high school.

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