Scalar wave and detector how it works. My creative lab

Figure 6.7Bloch wall zone. In the center of a bar magnet, there is an area of ​​zero magnetism called the Bloch wall. In this zone, the energies change course (phase) by 180 degrees, forming a pattern of an eight-shaped loop in the zone of zero magnetism. Interestingly, the Bloch wall phenomenon is associated with observations of antigravity, levitation, or diamagnetism forces. Where these energies are focused, local tensions of space-time itself arise. Therefore, the Bloch wall effect is the hyperdimensional or n-dimensional facet of magnetism (See Chapter Appendix #32)

In their research, Davis and Rawls discovered that the south pole of a magnet is positive polarity with respect to the north pole, which is negative polarity. By convention, if a bar magnet is suspended from a string, the south pole of the magnet will be the end pointing to the Earth's magnetic north pole. The energies of the magnet simultaneously flow in two directions - from the south pole to the north, then the energy leaves the north pole and flows to the south.

Figure 6.8 Magnetic properties of the left hand. Davis and Rawls established that the left hand has magnetic and electrical properties. Left palm - magnetic northern pole with negative electrical polarity. Rotation is counterclockwise. The back side of the left hand carries symmetrical opposite fields. This is magnetic southern pole with positive electrical polarity. Rotation is clockwise. The two magnetic poles have different characteristics and effects. Rotation fields are hyperfields (hyperdimensional and higher dimensions) that perform actions outside the usual three-dimensional space. The magnetic field is associated with a hyperspatial torsion field.

Figure 6.9 Magnetic properties of the right hand. Davis and Rawls established that the right hand has magnetic and electrical properties. The palm of the right hand is magnetic southern pole with positive electrical polarity. The rotation is clockwise. The back side of the right hand carries symmetrical opposite fields. It's magnetic northern pole with negative electrical polarity. Rotation is counterclockwise. Where there are magnetic fields, there are also unobservable causal potentials of magnetic phenomena (vector potential/magnetostatic scalar potential). Potentials are of hyperdimensional origin and interdimensional influence.

The north pole energy rotates counterclockwise (to the left when looking at the north pole end of a bar magnet), while the south pole energy rotates clockwise (to the right when looking at the south pole end of a bar magnet). The energy of each pole forms a cone-shaped vortex (see figure 2.2), moving outward from the end point of the bar magnet and expanding as it moves through space. Within this outwardly expanding vortex is an internal or "reverse" vortex, a secondary expression of force and energy.

These two energies complement each other and exist together. Magnetic energy is dynamic and has frequency. The frequency arises from the vibration of particles in the field structure, which is in constant rotational spiral motion.

Magnetic energy is dynamic and has frequency. The frequency of magnetism is a resonance established in vacuum.


The center of the magnet point of zero magnetism. This equator of zero magnetism is known as Bloch wall. The earth also exhibits characteristics areas of the Bloch wall.

In the center of the magnet, in the area of ​​the Bloch wall, the energy flow undergoes a phase shift of 180 0 , creating another eight-shaped loop in its center.

Davis and Rawls carried out experiments to weigh a substance at the center of two opposite magnetic poles. As the north and south poles approach each other, counterclockwise and clockwise vortex patterns meet to form at the center Bloch wall neutral magnetism. When a substance was placed in the center of this zone, a measurable change in weight was found. The opposing vortex fields have created a new phenomenon. According to Davis and Rawls, weight change is the result of gravity changes, which is created by two opposite vortex magnetic fields.

“We believe we have established the relationship between magnetism, electricity, gravity and the atomic energy structure, thus showing the basis for the unification of these energies.”


In 1936, Albert Roy Davis discovered that the two poles of a magnet act on biological systems with two absolutely different ways. In the following decades, thousands of experiments were carried out to determine the effects of each magnetic field on big number biological systems - from the study of plant growth to the healing of bones and tissue. Davis's work earned him well-deserved recognition as the founder of the Science of Biomagnetism.

Figure 6.10 Spin interaction of vortex centers. When the north and south magnetic poles meet, the clockwise and counterclockwise rotations don't just cancel out and disappear, they create stresses in the curvature of spacetime itself. There are new field effects. On the hand there are areas of magnetic/vortex polarity of the entire human energy field. These include the energy exchange ports of the skin (acu-puncture points) and all other areas of small and large vortices such as chakras. Interaction takes place between the hand and the centers of the vortices at the hyperfield level. Hyperfields attract high energy - subelementary particles. Virtual (non-observable) reality contains an additional substructure. Field interactions defy conventional explanation. The properties of the torsion field and their interactions underlie these phenomena.

Davis and Rawls observed that the two poles show different energies, and this creates two different effects on living organisms. A study by Davis and Rawls found the following: the palm of the right hand promotes strength, expansion and encouragement; The left palm has the ability to slow down and reduce the state of pain. When using both hands, these effects are combined. Using both hands simultaneously, Davis and Rawls observed the flow of energy through or over surface individual. The magnetic field is able to penetrate the body. But there is a double effect. Energy flows flow in two directions:

“When you apply the laying on of hands or thought energy, what you send will come back and can give even more power than you expressed... it scientific fact” .

These words continue to reflect the conviction and integrity of two great explorers of the 20th century.


Figure 6.11 Formation of a magnetic field. Magnetic poles are formed by voltage or potentials generated in a vacuum. Excessive stresses clockwise or counterclockwise cause observations of spiral vortices at the poles. In a vacuum, excess voltage descends from the north to the south pole, forming the observed magnetic field. (See Chapter Note, No. 34)

Hands provide a vast array of natural electromagnetic fields. Here we consider these fields as a source active information for the subtle-energy body, that is, the fields of the hands are not the source of energy required to make changes in what is inherent self-organizing system. As we will discuss later, the torsion field of the hand transmits information without transferring energy. This is an important scientific concept. Even with subtle levels quantities (that is, the level of energy output of the average person), the interactive effects of this energy on the information field structure is very powerful. The subsequent discussions of this chapter will emphasize the full depth of this statement.


The study of the energies emanating from the hands has been the main focus of qigong research. In China, qi from the practitioner is used for healing in medical institutions. It has been known for thousands of years in China that the energy called qi or ki can be built up, or accumulated, and radiated from the hands.

In China, this energy has been the subject of extensive study and research. Released from the hands, qi was used to influence biological systems for the purpose of healing. The properties of this energy are very important for our discussion, for we all produce and supply qi. Energy flows from a point in the center of the palm near the laogong energy point, as well as from the fingertips. Qi has the effect of influence even at subtle levels, since in hyperspace it is information content - a catalyst for change.

The equipment measured various forms of energy emitted from the hands, including magnetic and electrostatic fields, microwave radiation, infrasonic radiation (sound frequencies below 20 vibrations per second) and UV spectrum. Other observations include pulsed magnetic energy and infrared (red color frequency) radiation from fingertips. The benefits of this healing energy have been extensively documented. As well as the real health benefits of performing various qigong exercises by the patient himself.

With years of practice, many people have developed very high radiation levels. qi. This refers to Qigong Masters. The energy fields they are capable of producing are recorded many times higher than that of the average human. Sometimes the radiation went off scale measuring his instruments. Masters have been the subject of many amazing studies and demonstrations of what energy can do qi.


For example, in one experiment, Qigong masters were asked to influence the light of a laser that was several kilometers away. Under his influence, the laser intensity increased by more than 10%.

In other demos it was possible:

Change the molecular composition of liquid crystals

Change the time of crystal-based chronometers

Change chemical compositions various liquid solutions

Change the composition of gases in an infrared camera

Change the structure and characteristics of DNA and RNA

Change the structure of water

All these “tricks” and much more, not mentioned in the above list, refute the traditional laws of physics. As we begin to understand, the general radiation from the hands, although having measured magnetic characteristics, is much more complex in nature. In an article on the scientific study of qigong, Dr. Yan Xing makes the following conclusions about ki :

ki can be observed and measured

ki demonstrates the properties of both matter and energy

ki can transmit information

Ki can be influenced by human thought and emotions

Key is described as referring to all animate and inanimate objects, that is, all things have ki. Also, ki refers to our four known basic forces - electromagnetic, gravitational, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. However, ki is also associated with energies and phenomena inexplicable by these four basic forces. An example would be an experiment where people used ki to pull pills out of a sealed vial, that is, the pills passed through the wall of the vial. It is clear that this quality is related to ki, which is higher than the four known powers. Therefore, it is impossible to measure all the characteristics of ki with conventional instruments. It is obvious that the hyperfield abilities of the multidimensional human complex are in the game.


Zimmerman focused on the study of radiation from the hands of "healers". Using a highly sensitive magnetic field measuring device called the SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device), Zimmerman was able to measure the pulsed magnetic fields emitted from the healers' hands.

Low-frequency sound waves, ranging from 8 to 12 hertz (cycles per second), significantly dominate the energy spectrum of hand radiation. This is an alpha frequency pattern of the brain's network of neurons, and also corresponds to the earth's natural resonant frequency, the Schumann frequency. Measurements of the magnitude of the biomagnetic field during "healing" are 1000 times higher than the magnitude of the normal biomagnetic field.

In such cases, an increase in the biomagnetic field is not associated with an increase in the current flow in biology. One would expect a correspondence between the strength of the field and the current if the biomagnetic field were generated simply by biological cells. Observations show that there is another source of energy that can be snatched. This energy flow may be the result of being pulled out of the Earth's magnetic field through resonance.

The tuning of the biological system to the frequency of the Earth is carried out for the ideal transport of information to biology. Various wave patterns can be "carried" on a carrier signal - the Schumann resonant frequency. A variety of high frequency signals can modulate the 8 hertz carrier, just as broadcast stations modulate the base frequency carrier to transmit their information. The human brain/nervous system complex tunes in to the scalar-wave radiation of the Earth. As a scalar translator, the Earth collects various cosmic energies and translates them into a frequency language that all life on the planet knows. All life on the planet requires these radiations. Life is in a symbiotic relationship with the planet Earth. Therefore, it is not a mistake that we see the natural frequencies of the Earth in human energy fields!

Table 6.3 Main radiations found in hands

Biophotons are light emitted by biological


Light - multidimensional/hyperdimensional

scalar qi/scalar waves


Figure 6.12 Hyperspace flow in hands. Observations of the properties of magnetism show that in the palm of your hand there is Bloch wall or zone of zero magnetism. This is the entry point for the hyperspace current or "free" energy flow. An increase in the figure-of-eight pattern affects the associated field structures - a corresponding increase in flow. This principle applies to energy anatomy, where the figure of eight pattern exists on the micro and macro scales. (See Chapter Appendices, No. 35)

The role of light in biological processes was rediscovered by Fritz Pop in 1976. A German researcher discovered that all living cells emit photons of light. They are called biophotons. The emitted light is observed in the wavelength band from 200 to 800 nm (nanometers). Thanks to this discovery, we learned that biophotons are stored in and released from the helix of the DNA molecule. The spiral serves as an antenna for receiving and emitting light. Pop determined that the biophotons emitted were stable. It follows that DNA is not only a template carrier, but also plays a significant role in the conduction of light and electricity. When the conduction of electricity works as a coupled process (all the electrons "step" in step), without resistance, this is called superconductivity. DNA is a superconductor of light energy!

It is believed that biophotons are included in the launch of all biochemical reactions in living cells. The emission of biophotons carries encoded patterns required for the associated changes in the physiological states of living systems.

As a source of energy, light is stored in the DNA helix. Cells communicate by emitting light at specific frequencies. Light is the carrier of information. The DNA molecule is not the only molecule in the human body that is photoactive, that is, sensitive to light. The light receptor on the retina, the flavin molecule, can be found almost anywhere in the body. The hemofamily of molecules from which blood hemoglobin is formed, as well as melanin, carotene and many other metalloenzymes, are photoactive.


Dr. George Yao describes the cell as a living "bioelectric plasma resonating between two poles". Bioplasma is a term previously introduced by Russian researchers who have done a lot of work to study the biofield of living organisms. Plasma is a state of highly ionized or charged particles. The resonance of the cell causes the emission of photons of light. Dr. Yao describes the colors as follows:

Normally, the light is yellowish-gold. But at the poles of the cell, the colors are different. The positive pole of the cell is reddish, while the negative pole is bluish. In general, the entire range of seven colors is produced in one cell.

The biophoton emissions from the hands contain the full spectrum of these colors. The emission of biological light encodes complete and detailed information patterns about the state of the body!


What is light? Our most advanced theories explain light as a reflection of the fifth dimension. Light was generally thought to be of a simple electromagnetic nature enclosed in a three-dimensional space. However, modern physics recognizes light as a multidimensional entity (see figure 2.8).

Tiller adds that light has the qualities of magnetoelectric (from the ethereal realm) and deltron (from the higher subtle realm) radiation. Light is a connector with the subtle sphere, the quantum world and the field of mind!


Imagine playing a specific note, chord, or musical interval in a living cell, and then being able to observe a specific chemical reaction. Imagine turning the chemical function switch by providing the cell with a simple broadcast signal. Imagine sending a signal over the Internet, receiving it over a long distance, and then using that signal to trigger one of the thousands of different enzyme reactions in a cell.

The work of Dr. Jacques Benveniste confirmed the role of electromagnetic signals in communication between cell molecules. Using simple electronics techniques, Benveniste registered specific molecular signals. In 1995, he recorded and played back molecular signals using a simple computer sound card interface. When the recorded signal was "played" back to the corresponding biological systems, the cells reacted as if everything was happening in the presence of the original substance!

According to Benveniste, any molecular signal can be effectively reproduced by the spectrum of frequencies lying in the band between 20 and 20000 hertz - the same frequency band as the human voice! This study sheds new light on the virtues talking to your cells. Sound carries enormous and amazing potential. The essential thing is that sound, light and geometry are harmonically connected!


Biological systems communicate like radio sets, by means of co-resonance. Communication becomes very molecularly specific, and each interaction occurs at the speed of light and in a very unique way. frequency pattern. Water plays a significant role as a medium of communication. It is believed that water amplifies and sends out transmitted signals. Water has memory. It can store information patterns for extended periods of time. It is seen as a liquid crystal. The ability of water to retain the pattern of information stems from the possibility of changing the geometry of the molecular bonds of its molecule. It is possible to form many different structural forms.

resonant tuning circuit
The frequency of information patterns is stored in the network structure of water. The storage capacity of information in water is virtually infinite. Electromagnetic fields can "imprint" the pattern into the water. However, if a pattern from scalar ( not-hertz) waves, it persists for more long time. Rhine reports that scalar not-hertzian patterns in water can be stored and successfully played back even after three weeks. In general, water is beginning to be accepted as an intermediary between the material and subtle energy worlds. Such a statement is based on the ability of water to accumulate, store and transmit energy and scalar information patterns.
Figure 6.13 Scalar wave detection. The figure shows a simple circuit of a scalar wave detector. The circuit is placed in a shielded chamber to isolate it from normal electromagnetic radiation. The camera does not shield from scalar waves. The scalar wave entering the chamber will cause an oscillation in the space-time twist region at the magnet pole. (See Chapter Appendix, No. 36)


Light communicates with subtle-energy bodies! As Bearden explains, there are actually two kinds of biophotons. One kind is really scalar photon. It is not detected by traditional means. The scalar photon is a subtle phenomenon. Scalar photons travel to hyperspace or a vacuum, which of course is home subtle energy bodies! Along with patterns of information, biophotons painted or, more specifically, may stain through mind field programming. The scalar photon provides active information. As such, it is a syntropic stimulus for the self-organizing and permutation actions of the cell ( negative entropy turning disorder, see Appendix B).

Light is a measurable emission from the hands of qigong healers ( in the form of infrared or ultraviolet). But we also heard that the complex ki demonstrates qualities that are not explained by ordinary electromagnetic waves. In fact, some characteristics of ki apply to scalar waves.

A scalar wave can be created by oscillations that occur when spinning electrons are compressed and relaxed. The propagation of scalar waves bends the local space-time. When this happens, the balance of the vacuum potential is disturbed, and the energy accumulated here can be snatched away. (Sometimes this refers to the point of zero energy. When the state of equilibrium is disturbed, virtual particles from the physical vacuum of space turn into observable elementary particles. This can be used in electrical circuits that produce free energy.)

Interestingly, one way to produce scalar waves is to use a caduceus spiral. Such a spiral is made of two interlaced conductors, folded in the form of spirals. The current is applied in opposite directions, causing the visible components of electromagnetic energy to cancel each other out and leaving the scalar component as a potential in a vacuum. Of course, the DNA molecule is a helix, similar to a helix in the shape of a caduceus. DNA has the properties of an active scalar wave.


A scalar wave consists of two superimposed components, each of which interacts with matter in a different way. One component- positive time/ positive energy wave - interacts with negatively charged electrons. Another - negative time/ negative energy wave - interacts with positively charged protons in the nucleus. According to Bearden, every biological cell is made up of subatomic biopotentials. These biopotentials reside in the nucleus of atoms and can form random or unstructured patterns of scalar energy. These patterns also form mirror substructures in a vacuum.


Natural scalar energy is all around us in abundance. Our systems are in a constant flow, or flow, of absorbing and releasing this energy. maybe increase this flow or the rate of flow exchange with the external Universe.

Scalar energy is absorbed by cells, which is expressed in charge or organizations biopotentials. This is something that ordinary fields cannot do. Ordinary electromagnetic fields are not provided organizing potential; they can only affect the magnitude of biopotentials.

Once the cells are charged, they can release the stored potential in the form of two various kinds light photons: one is an ordinary photon, the other is a structured scalar photon containing the complete information pattern of the cell.

If such a pattern is emitted from a diseased cell, then the disease pattern is translated and transmitted to all cells of the body. The cell nucleus can be charged like a capacitor. When the nucleus accumulates scalar energy, it can repeatedly undergo a cycle charge-discharge, providing energy and electricity for a variety of processes on biological and non-biological levels.

Figure 6.14 Feeling scalar waves. The palm is sensitive to scalar waves. Use a quartz crystal and direct its pointed end to the laogong point of the palm of your hand. Practice to become sensitive to the energy emitted by the crystal. Quartz focuses and amplifies the scalar waves of the palm holding it. The acupuncture points of the palm are sensitive to scalar waves. They enter the nervous system. The nervous system conducts scalar waves and "feels" the actions of scalar waves, which are translated into electromagnetic radiation. The nervous system/brain network provides a resonance circuit for detection. Due to non-linear actions, the curvature of space-time in the palm causes some dispersion of scalar waves - they are attenuated in the electromagnetic substructure. Such a detection system makes the hand a sensitive detector of subtle energy.

At the cellular level, scalar waves charge biopotentials, which are the basis for the functioning of the cell. The cell responds with stronger magnetic and electrical alignments and higher charge. It is now able to convert and process more food energy into light energies and store them in the cell as ultraviolet light. The minimum potential or charge to activate DNA for cell division becomes more easily achievable. The higher potential provides the electricity that RNA needs to read DNA. When RNA scans DNA full spectrum of light frequencies (our evolution), this creates a holographic projection of the DNA. When the RNA topologically links this projection, a copy of the DNA is created for reproduction. What incredibly complex and intelligent processing is going on in this micro-universe!

Scalar wave technology has great and amazing potential for our healing ideas. Tomorrow's medicine will be truly vibrational medicine. As Bearden explains, the scientific approach to healing is to create scalar wave containing the healing pattern, and then in the transfer of this information to the cells. ( This has already been achieved, thanks to research (Rife, Prior) - this technology already exists! See also Gulda Clark.)

The healing pattern will reverse the disease and provide permanent immunization to the body's own biofield.


Scalar energy originates at the subnuclear level of the atom. Puharich suggested that scalar waves are formed in the elementary particles of the photon: in the monopoles and antimonopoles of the proton. He also assumes that non-hertzian scalar fields, emitted from the hands originate in the hydrogen bonds holding DNA together.

Glen Rein assumed that between the protons and neutrons of the nucleus, as well as between the nuclei of the same molecule, there is communication. All molecules interact through quantum information networks or matrices. Such an information matrix stores all the characteristics of the molecular structure at the intersection points of the network. Rhine calls this the Intramolecular Matrix Theory. Stimulating a matrix of suitable scalar ( not-hertz) frequency allows access to this information.


The hand is a sophisticated scalar wave detector. The complexity exists because of the brain/nervous system complex and the multidimensional aspects of our being!

In Figure 6.13, we show the principle of scalar wave detection using a bar magnet. The key element is to understand that the pole of a magnet represents area of ​​curvature of space-time. The curvature of space-time affects the incoming scalar waves. In the region of the magnet pole, they will dissipate. The fluctuation of the curvature of space-time at the pole of the magnet will be translated as an observed flow in the corresponding simple scheme. Scalar wave detection is possible through a number of unorthodox techniques. However, such technology exists.

The hand also creates a space-time curvature zone, because the same magnetic pole exists on it. The idea is very similar to the one we discussed in the diagram above. However, the hand is supported very thinly and difficultly. tuned resonant circuit. The nervous system behaves like a waveguide for scalar waves and is an extension of the brain's processing circuitry. The brain is supported by the mind field. We can understand the field of mind as a kind of non-local quantum supercomputer. We are talking about a multi-dimensional, non-local, hyper-dimensional level of sophistication!

Scalar waves dissipate in the palm. Some scattering will occur as a result of the scalar waves being attenuated to the level of ordinary electromagnetic waves that can be sensed by biology. This phenomenon can be equated to the fact that biology is sensitive to microwave activity. Other scalar waves will enter the meridian channels and interact with the nervous system. Of course, the brain is a translator of scalar waves (emitter-detector); and together with the nervous system, the detection of scalar waves in the hand becomes whole body/being hyperdimensional phenomena. This point is the key to understanding the whole process. We cannot simply isolate the hand as a detection device, for in this process we function as integral multidimensional beings!

Figure 6.15 Circulations of magnetic hypercurrents. This drawing shows the rich patterns of the hyperfield. The hyperflow patterns of the north and south poles are taken from Bearden's Excalibur Briefing. Note that each pattern has a central geometric shape - a hexagon. At each pole, the field patterns are significantly different from each other. The North Pole has four primary vortices, the South Pole has two. These circulation patterns are hyperdimensional and form high energy filaments of subelementary particles. Such vortex patterns are traces of substructures that exist in magnetism. Magnetism transcends many levels of virtual existence.

As sources of electromagnetic potential, both hands will both create and respond to deflections in a vacuum. [Deviations occur due to differences in the parameters of the local oscillation of the energy density at this point. Magnetic fields change the local density in vacuum. They change the local symmetry that exists at that point in the normal state. When the symmetry is broken, there is a flow movement from the zone high energy into the zone low energy (see figures 7.2 and 7.3) Such flows can be called scalar flows. Local fluctuations are really fluctuations in space-time itself.]

Deviations in subtle fields are what we are read by hand along with the corresponding tuned resonant circuit. As we evolve in our energy systems, we become more susceptible to these deviations. We resonate through co-resonance. [We use the hand only as a pointer (arrow) ... the entire human electromagnetic system is actively involved in the process of reading.] Wherever deviations exist, some form of scalar flow will always be created. Two hands together can launch a scalar stream (see figure 7.3). The magnetic potentials existing in the hand disturb the natural equilibrium or the equilibrium state of the vacuum density. Thus, the hands create only the source of the disturbance, but are not the source of the “current” flow itself. [In resonant circuits, only a source is required voltage or potential.] We will come back to this later in the next chapter.


To begin to understand what is happening in the hand, and specifically what is the basis of the interaction between the hand and the subtle energy fields, we must continue talking about hyperspace. Hyperspace has been removed from our time and space. Usually, we think that hyperspace is a higher dimensional space. In hyperspace are hyperfields working in this circuit of reality. And yet, hyperfields can produce some kind of visible presence that is known in our reality. For example, the electromagnetic field is a fifth-dimensional hyperfield. It produces the effects of electric and magnetic force fields in our 3D space. And we say that in the electromagnetic field itself there is a substructure or nested virtual reality. There is a hyperspace contour of the neutrino field (see dictionary

^ Biophotons are light emitted by biological


Light - multidimensional/hyperdimensional

scalar qi/scalar waves


orthogonal (90 0) hyperspace flow

in three-dimensional pro-


Figure 6.12 ^ Hyperspace flow in the hands. Observations of the properties of magnetism show that in the palm of your hand there is Bloch wall or zone of zero magnetism. This is the entry point for the hyperspace current or "free" energy flow. An increase in the figure-of-eight pattern affects the associated field structures - a corresponding increase in flow. This principle is applied to energy anatomy, wherefigure eight pattern exists on micro and macro scales. (See Chapter Appendices, No. 35)

The role of light in biological processes was rediscovered in 1976 by Fritz Pop. A German researcher discovered that all living cells emit photons of light. They are called biophotons. The emitted light is observed in the wavelength band from 200 to 800 nm (nanometers). Thanks to this discovery, we learned that biophotons are stored in and released from the helix of the DNA molecule. The spiral serves as an antenna for receiving and emitting light. Pop determined that the biophotons emitted were stable. It follows that DNA is not only a template carrier, but also plays a significant role in the conduction of light and electricity. When the conduction of electricity works as a coupled process (all the electrons "step" in step), without resistance, this is called superconductivity. DNA is a superconductor of light energy!

It is believed that biophotons are included in the launch of all biochemical reactions in living cells. The emission of biophotons carries encoded patterns required for the associated changes in the physiological states of living systems.

As a source of energy, light is stored in the DNA helix. Cells communicate by emitting light at specific frequencies. Light is the carrier of information. The DNA molecule is not the only molecule in the human body that is photoactive, that is, sensitive to light. The light receptor on the retina, the flavin molecule, can be found almost anywhere in the body. The hemofamily of molecules from which blood hemoglobin is formed, as well as melanin, carotene and many other metalloenzymes, are photoactive.


Dr. George Yao describes the cell as a living "bioelectric plasma resonating between two poles". Bioplasma is a term previously introduced by Russian researchers who have done a lot of work to study the biofield of living organisms. Plasma is a state of highly ionized or charged particles. The resonance of the cell causes the emission of photons of light. Dr. Yao describes the colors as follows:

Normally, the light is yellowish-gold. But at the poles of the cell, the colors are different. The positive pole of the cell is reddish, while the negative pole is bluish. In general, the entire range of seven colors is produced in one cell.

The biophoton emissions from the hands contain the full spectrum of these colors. The emission of biological light encodes complete and detailed information patterns about the state of the body!


What is light? Our most advanced theories explain light as a reflection of the fifth dimension. Light was generally thought to be of a simple electromagnetic nature enclosed in a three-dimensional space. However, modern physics recognizes light as a multidimensional entity (see figure 2.8).

Tiller adds that light has the qualities of magnetoelectric (from the ethereal realm) and deltron (from the higher subtle realm) radiation. Light is a connector with the subtle sphere, the quantum world and the field of mind!


Imagine playing a specific note, chord, or musical interval in a living cell, and then being able to observe a specific chemical reaction in a biological cell. Imagine turning the chemical function switch by providing the cell with a simple broadcast signal. Imagine sending a signal over the Internet, receiving it over a long distance, and then using that signal to trigger one of the thousands of different enzyme reactions in a cell.

The work of Dr. Jacques Benveniste confirmed the role of electromagnetic signals in communication between cell molecules. Using simple electronics techniques, Benveniste registered specific molecular signals. In 1995, he recorded and played back molecular signals using a simple computer sound card interface. When the recorded signal was "played" back to the corresponding biological systems, the cells reacted as if everything was happening in the presence of the original substance!

According to Benveniste, any molecular signal can be effectively reproduced by the spectrum of frequencies lying in the band between 20 and 20000 hertz - the same frequency band as the human voice! This study sheds new light on the virtues talking to your cells. Sound carries enormous and amazing potential. The essential thing is that sound, light and geometry are harmonically connected!

Biological systems communicate like radio sets, by means of co-resonance. Communication becomes very molecularly specific, and each interaction occurs at the speed of light and in a very unique way. frequency pattern. Water plays a significant role as a medium of communication. It is believed that water amplifies and sends out transmitted signals. Water has memory. It can store information patterns for extended periods of time. It is seen as a liquid crystal. The ability of water to retain the pattern of information stems from the possibility of changing the geometry of the molecular bonds of its molecule. It is possible to form many different structural forms.

resonant tuning circuit

The frequency of information patterns is stored in the network structure of water. The storage capacity of information in water is virtually infinite. Electromagnetic fields can "imprint" the pattern into the water. However, if a pattern from scalar ( not-hertz) waves, it persists for a longer time. Rhine reports that scalar not-hertzian patterns in water can be stored and successfully played back even after three weeks. In general, water is beginning to be accepted as an intermediary between the material and subtle energy worlds. Such a statement is based on the ability of water to accumulate, store and transmit energy and scalar information patterns.

swirl area


at the pole of a magnet


^ L- spring or


C - variable condensate -

torus for customization

Figure 6.13 Detection of scalar waves.The figure shows a simple circuit of a scalar wave detector. The circuit is placed in a shielded chamber to isolate it from normal electromagnetic radiation. The camera does not shield from scalar waves. The scalar wave entering the chamber will cause an oscillation in the space-time twist region at the magnet pole. (See Chapter Appendix, No. 36)


Light communicates with subtle-energy bodies! As Bearden explains, there are actually two kinds of biophotons. One kind is really scalar photon. It is not detected by traditional means. The scalar photon is a subtle phenomenon. Scalar photons travel to hyperspace or a vacuum, which of course is home subtle energy tel! Along with patterns of information, biophotons painted or, more specifically, may stain through mind field programming. The scalar photon provides active information. As such, it is a syntropic stimulus for the self-organizing and permutation actions of the cell ( negative entropy turning disorder, see Appendix B).

Light is a measurable emission from the hands of qigong healers ( in the form of infrared or ultraviolet). But we also heard that the complex ki demonstrates qualities that are not explained by ordinary electromagnetic waves. In fact, some characteristics of ki apply to scalar waves.

A scalar wave can be created by oscillations that occur when spinning electrons are compressed and relaxed. The propagation of scalar waves bends the local space-time. When this happens, the balance of the vacuum potential is disturbed, and the energy accumulated here can be snatched away. (Sometimes this refers to the point of zero energy. When the state of equilibrium is disturbed, virtual particles from the physical vacuum of space turn into observable elementary particles. This can be used in electrical circuits that produce free energy.)

Interestingly, one way to produce scalar waves is to use a caduceus spiral. Such a spiral is made of two interlaced conductors, folded in the form of spirals. The current is applied in opposite directions, causing the visible components of electromagnetic energy to cancel each other out and leaving the scalar component as a potential in a vacuum. Of course, the DNA molecule is a helix, similar to a helix in the shape of a caduceus. DNA has the properties of an active scalar wave.


A scalar wave consists of two superimposed components, each of which interacts with matter in a different way. One component- positive time/ positive energy wave - interacts with negatively charged electrons. Another - negative time/ negative energy wave - interacts with positively charged protons in the nucleus. According to Bearden, every biological cell is made up of subatomic biopotentials. These biopotentials reside in the nucleus of atoms and can form random or unstructured patterns of scalar energy. These patterns also form mirror substructures in a vacuum.


Natural scalar energy is all around us in abundance. Our systems are in a constant flow, or flow, of absorbing and releasing this energy. maybe increase this flow or the rate of flow exchange with the external Universe.

Scalar energy is absorbed by cells, which is expressed in charge or organizations biopotentials. This is something that ordinary fields cannot do. Ordinary electromagnetic fields are not provided organizing potential; they can only affect the magnitude of biopotentials.

Once cells are charged, they can release their stored potential in the form of two different kinds of light photons: one is an ordinary photon, the other is a structured scalar photon containing the cell's complete information pattern.

If such a pattern is emitted from a diseased cell, then the disease pattern is translated and transmitted to all cells of the body. The cell nucleus can be charged like a capacitor. When the nucleus accumulates scalar energy, it can repeatedly undergo a cyclecharge- discharge,providing energy and electricity for a variety of processes onbiological and non-biological levels.


Figure 6.14 ^ Feeling scalar waves. The palm is sensitive to scalar waves. Use a quartz crystal and direct its pointed end to the laogong point of the palm of your hand. Practice to become sensitive to the energy emitted by the crystal. Quartz focuses and amplifies the scalar waves of the palm holding it. The acupuncture points of the palm are sensitive to scalar waves. They enter the nervous system. The nervous system conducts scalar waves and "feels" the actions of scalar waves, which are translated into electromagnetic radiation. The nervous system/brain network provides a resonance circuit for detection. Due to non-linear actions, the curvature of space-time in the palm causes some dispersion of scalar waves - they are attenuated in the electromagnetic substructure. Such a detection system makes the hand a sensitive detector of subtle energy.

At the cellular level, scalar waves charge biopotentials, which are the basis for the functioning of the cell. The cell responds with stronger magnetic and electrical alignments and higher charge. It is now able to convert and process more food energy into light energies and store them in the cell as ultraviolet light. The minimum potential or charge to activate DNA for cell division becomes more easily achievable. The higher potential provides the electricity that RNA needs to read DNA. When RNA scans DNA full spectrum of light frequencies (our evolution), this creates a holographic projection of the DNA. When the RNA topologically links this projection, a copy of the DNA is created for reproduction. What incredibly complex and intelligent processing is going on in this micro-universe!

Scalar wave technology has great and amazing potential for our healing ideas. Tomorrow's medicine will be truly vibrational medicine. As Bearden explains, the scientific approach to healing is to create scalar wave containing the healing pattern, and then in the transfer of this information to the cells. ( This has already been achieved, thanks to research (Rife, Prior) - this technology already exists! See also Gulda Clark.)

The healing pattern will reverse the disease and provide permanent immunization to the body's own biofield.


Scalar energy originates at the subnuclear level of the atom. Puharich suggested that scalar waves are formed in the elementary particles of the photon: in the monopoles and antimonopoles of the proton. He also assumes that non-hertzian scalar fields, emitted from the hands originate in the hydrogen bonds holding DNA together.

Glen Rein assumed that between the protons and neutrons of the nucleus, as well as between the nuclei of the same molecule, there is communication. All molecules interact through quantum information networks or matrices. Such an information matrix stores all the characteristics of the molecular structure at the intersection points of the network. Rhine calls this the Intramolecular Matrix Theory. Stimulating a matrix of suitable scalar ( not-hertz) frequency allows access to this information.


The hand is a sophisticated scalar wave detector. The complexity exists because of the brain/nervous system complex and the multidimensional aspects of our being!

In Figure 6.13, we show the principle of scalar wave detection using a bar magnet. The key element is to understand that the pole of a magnet represents area of ​​curvature of space-time. The curvature of space-time affects the incoming scalar waves. In the region of the magnet pole, they will dissipate. The fluctuation of the curvature of space-time at the pole of the magnet will be translated as an observed flow in the corresponding simple scheme. Scalar wave detection is possible through a number of unorthodox techniques. However, such technology exists.

The hand also creates a space-time curvature zone, because the same magnetic pole exists on it. The idea is very similar to the one we discussed in the diagram above. However, the hand is supported very thinly and difficultly. customized resonant scheme. The nervous system behaves like a waveguide for scalar waves and is an extension of the brain's processing circuitry. The brain is supported by the mind field. We can understand the field of mind as a kind of non-local quantum supercomputer. We are talking about a multi-dimensional, non-local, hyper-dimensional level of sophistication!

Scalar waves dissipate in the palm. Some scattering will occur as a result of the scalar waves being attenuated to the level of ordinary electromagnetic waves that can be sensed by biology. This phenomenon can be equated to the fact that biology is sensitive to microwave activity. Other scalar waves will enter the meridian channels and interact with the nervous system. Of course, the brain is a translator of scalar waves (emitter-detector); and together with the nervous system, the detection of scalar waves in the hand becomes whole body/being hyperdimensional phenomena. This point is the key to understanding the whole process. We cannot simply isolate the hand as a detection device, for in this process we function as integral multidimensional beings!


hyper flows


Figure 6.15 Circulations of magnetic hypercurrents.This drawing shows the rich patterns of the hyperfield. The hyperflow patterns of the north and south poles are taken from Bearden's Excalibur Briefing. Note that each pattern has a central geometric shape - a hexagon. At each pole, the field patterns are significantly different from each other. The North Pole has four primary vortices, the South Pole has two. These circulation patterns are hyperdimensional and form high energy filaments of subelementary particles. Such vortex patterns are traces of substructures that exist in magnetism. Magnetism transcends many levels of virtual existence.

As sources of electromagnetic potential, both hands will both create and respond to deflections in a vacuum. [Deviations occur due to differences in the parameters of the local oscillation of the energy density at this point. Magnetic fields change the local density in vacuum. They change the local symmetry that exists at that point in the normal state. When the symmetry is broken, there is a flow movement from the zone high energy into the zone low energy (see figures 7.2 and 7.3) Such flows can be called scalar flows. Local fluctuations are really fluctuations in space-time itself.]

Deviations in subtle fields are what we are read by hand along with the corresponding tuned resonant circuit. As we evolve in our energy systems, we become more susceptible to these deviations. We resonate through co-resonance. [We use the hand only as a pointer (arrow) ... the entire human electromagnetic system is actively involved in the process of reading.] Wherever deviations exist, some form of scalar flow will always be created. Two hands together can launch a scalar stream (see figure 7.3). The magnetic potentials existing in the hand disturb the natural equilibrium or the equilibrium state of the vacuum density. Thus, the hands create only the source of the disturbance, but are not the source of the “current” flow itself. [In resonant circuits, only a source is required voltage or potential.] We will come back to this later in the next chapter.


To begin to understand what is happening in the hand, and specifically what is the basis of the interaction between the hand and the subtle energy fields, we must continue talking about hyperspace. Hyperspace has been removed from our time and space. Usually, we think that hyperspace is a higher dimensional space. In hyperspace are hyperfields working in this circuit of reality. And yet, hyperfields can produce some kind of visible presence that is known in our reality. For example, the electromagnetic field is a fifth-dimensional hyperfield. It produces the effects of electric and magnetic force fields in our 3D space. And we say that in the electromagnetic field itself there is a substructure or nested virtual reality. There is a hyperspace contour of the neutrino field (see glossary of terms) removed from the electromagnetic field contour. So, we have mentioned two levels of hyperspaces removed from physical reality - the electromagnetic field, the neutrino field and, according to Bearden, the next level is the mind field (see figure 2.5).


hyperflow circulation

hexagon pattern

Figure 6.16 ^ Patterns of asymmetric hyperflow. Bearden defines them as a "hyperfield flux" associated with a magnetic field. Notice in the figure that the circulations are not symmetrical at each pole. Also, note the strong hexagonal pattern at each pole. These are fields that occupy other than three-dimensional space, and therefore have an effect on the virtual (non-observable) realities they encounter. When magnetism is discovered, these hyperfields exist outside of our conscious awareness. Hyperfields interact with subtle energies.

In our discussions, it is important to be aware that hyperspaces and their hyperfields are responsible for the phenomena we experience in our simple three-dimensional Euclidean spaces. Magnetism is a phenomenon associated with hyperspace, that is, the causes or potentials that create our magnetic field exist in other spaces - in other dimensions. The mental field operates in hyperfields. Bearden suggested that:

Thought patterns can be "imprinted" into magnetic hyperfields. The energy of thought can “excite the electromagnetic field in the space surrounding the object in order to interact with it, or condense subtle energies into a hyperfield flow of magnetic fields” .


Magnetism associated with hyperfields discovered! Bearden reports finding circulations of hypercurrent associated with a bar magnet. We illustrate this in figures 6.15 and 6.17. In these pictures, notice that each magnetic pole exhibits a different vortex pattern. The vortex pattern of each pole is different. Each pole exhibits different properties. Related to this difference is the discovery that opposite magnetic poles have separate, distinct effects on biological life (as discovered by Davis and Rawls). These effects can be understood through the energetic interactive processes taking place at each pole of the magnet. The pole of a magnet is a source that stimulates the addition or removal of energy from an area in hyperspace. This addition or removal of energy can have a significant impact on biological systems!

Also note the strong hexagonal patterns surrounding the magnetic poles. ^ Do they indicate the network structure of the higher space? We can use hyperflow circulation patterns to enrich our understanding of magnetism in the hand. The laws of magnetism are universal.

hyperflow circulation


Left - North Right - South

Figure 6.17 ^ Hyperflow circulations in hands. This drawing illustrates the rich hyperfield patterns associated with human magnetism. The north and south poles of the hyperflow are borrowed from Briefing Excalibur Bearden. We put them on human hands! The composition is composed of the discoveries of the magnetism of the hand (Davis and Rawls) and the general hyperfield patterns at the magnetic poles (Birden). Note that each pattern has a central geometric shape, a hexagon. The field patterns are different for each hand. The north pole (left hand) has four primary vortices, the south pole (right hand) has two. These circulation patterns are hyperdimensional and form high energy filaments of subelementary particles. They provide interactive field effects in our virtual (unobservable) realities. These vortex patterns are aspects of the virtual substructures of magnetism. Human magnetism transcends many levels of virtual existence.
In Figure 6.17, we have created an overlay of Bearden patterns on a person's hands. Here we have taken advantage of the magnetic polarities discovered by Davis and Rawls. In the figure, it is striking to realize that multiple vortex patterns originate and occur in hyperspace - in a higher dimension. In this space they interact with other field structures!


Homogeneous “free energy” generators

Table 6.3 Main radiations found in hands

Biophotons are light emitted by biological


Light - multidimensional/hyperdimensional

scalar qi/scalar waves


orthogonal (90 0) hyperspace flow

in three-dimensional pro-


Figure 6.12 Hyperspace flow in the hands.Observations of the properties of magnetism show that in the palm of your hand there is Bloch wall or zone of zero magnetism. This is the entry point for the hyperspace current or "free" energy flow. An increase in the figure-of-eight pattern affects the associated field structures - a corresponding increase in flow. This principle is applied to energy anatomy, wherefigure eight pattern exists on micro and macro scales. (See Chapter Appendices, No. 35)

The role of light in biological processes was rediscovered in 1976 by Fritz Pop. A German researcher discovered that all living cells emit photons of light. They are called biophotons. The emitted light is observed in the wavelength band from 200 to 800 nm (nanometers). Thanks to this discovery, we learned that biophotons are stored in and released from the helix of the DNA molecule. The spiral serves as an antenna for receiving and emitting light. Pop determined that the biophotons emitted were stable. It follows that DNA is not only a template carrier, but also plays a significant role in the conduction of light and electricity. When the conduction of electricity works as a coupled process (all the electrons "step" in step), without resistance, this is called superconductivity. DNA is a superconductor of light energy!

It is believed that biophotons are included in the launch of all biochemical reactions in living cells. The emission of biophotons carries encoded patterns required for the associated changes in the physiological states of living systems.

As a source of energy, light is stored in the DNA helix. Cells communicate by emitting light at specific frequencies. Light is the carrier of information. The DNA molecule is not the only molecule in the human body that is photoactive, that is, sensitive to light. The light receptor on the retina, the flavin molecule, can be found almost anywhere in the body. The hemofamily of molecules from which blood hemoglobin is formed, as well as melanin, carotene and many other metalloenzymes, are photoactive.


Dr. George Yao describes the cell as a living "bioelectric plasma resonating between two poles". Bioplasma is a term previously introduced by Russian researchers who have done a lot of work to study the biofield of living organisms. Plasma is a state of highly ionized or charged particles. The resonance of the cell causes the emission of photons of light. Dr. Yao describes the colors as follows:

Normally, the light is yellowish-gold. But at the poles of the cell, the colors are different. The positive pole of the cell is reddish, while the negative pole is bluish. In general, the entire range of seven colors is produced in one cell.

The biophoton emissions from the hands contain the full spectrum of these colors. The emission of biological light encodes complete and detailed information patterns about the state of the body!


What is light? Our most advanced theories explain light as a reflection of the fifth dimension. Light was generally thought to be of a simple electromagnetic nature enclosed in a three-dimensional space. However, modern physics recognizes light as a multidimensional entity (see figure 2.8).

Tiller adds that light has the qualities of magnetoelectric (from the ethereal realm) and deltron (from the higher subtle realm) radiation. Light is a connector with the subtle sphere, the quantum world and the field of mind!


Imagine playing a specific note, chord, or musical interval in a living cell, and then being able to observe a specific chemical reaction in a biological cell. Imagine turning the chemical function switch by providing the cell with a simple broadcast signal. Imagine sending a signal over the Internet, receiving it over a long distance, and then using that signal to trigger one of the thousands of different enzyme reactions in a cell.

The work of Dr. Jacques Benveniste confirmed the role of electromagnetic signals in communication between cell molecules. Using simple electronics techniques, Benveniste registered specific molecular signals. In 1995, he recorded and played back molecular signals using a simple computer sound card interface. When the recorded signal was "played" back to the corresponding biological systems, the cells reacted as if everything was happening in the presence of the original substance!

According to Benveniste, any molecular signal can be effectively reproduced by the spectrum of frequencies lying in the band between 20 and 20000 hertz - the same frequency band as the human voice! This study sheds new light on the virtues talking to your cells. Sound carries enormous and amazing potential. The essential thing is that sound, light and geometry are harmonically connected!


Biological systems communicate like radio sets, by means of co-resonance. Communication becomes very molecularly specific, and each interaction occurs at the speed of light and in a very unique way. frequency pattern. Water plays a significant role as a medium of communication. It is believed that water amplifies and sends out transmitted signals. Water has memory. It can store information patterns for extended periods of time. It is seen as a liquid crystal. The ability of water to retain the pattern of information stems from the possibility of changing the geometry of the molecular bonds of its molecule. It is possible to form many different structural forms.

resonant tuning circuit

The frequency of information patterns is stored in the network structure of water. The storage capacity of information in water is virtually infinite. Electromagnetic fields can "imprint" the pattern into the water. However, if a pattern from scalar ( not-hertz) waves, it persists for a longer time. Rhine reports that scalar not-hertzian patterns in water can be stored and successfully played back even after three weeks. In general, water is beginning to be accepted as an intermediary between the material and subtle energy worlds. Such a statement is based on the ability of water to accumulate, store and transmit energy and scalar information patterns.

swirl area


at the pole of a magnet


C- variable condensate -

torus for customization

Figure 6.13 Detection of scalar waves.The figure shows a simple circuit of a scalar wave detector. The circuit is placed in a shielded chamber to isolate it from normal electromagnetic radiation. The camera does not shield from scalar waves. The scalar wave entering the chamber will cause an oscillation in the space-time twist region at the magnet pole. (See Chapter Appendix, No. 36)

L- spring or



Light communicates with subtle-energy bodies! As Bearden explains, there are actually two kinds of biophotons. One kind is really scalar photon. It is not detected by traditional means. The scalar photon is a subtle phenomenon. Scalar photons travel to hyperspace or a vacuum, which of course is home subtle energytel! Along with patterns of information, biophotons painted or, more specifically, may stain through mind field programming. The scalar photon provides activeinformation. As such, it is a syntropic stimulus for the self-organizing and permutation actions of the cell ( negative entropy turning disorder, see Appendix B).

Light is a measurable emission from the hands of qigong healers ( in the form of infrared or ultraviolet). But we also heard that the complex ki demonstrates qualities that are not explained by ordinary electromagnetic waves. In fact, some characteristics of ki apply to scalar waves.

A scalar wave can be created by oscillations that occur when spinning electrons are compressed and relaxed. The propagation of scalar waves bends the local space-time. When this happens, the balance of the vacuum potential is disturbed, and the energy accumulated here can be snatched away. (Sometimes this refers to the point of zero energy. When the state of equilibrium is disturbed, virtual particles from the physical vacuum of space turn into observable elementary particles. This can be used in electrical circuits that produce freeenergy.)

Interestingly, one way to produce scalar waves is to use a caduceus spiral. Such a spiral is made of two interlaced conductors, folded in the form of spirals. The current is applied in opposite directions, causing the visible components of electromagnetic energy to cancel each other out and leaving the scalar component as a potential in a vacuum. Of course, the DNA molecule is a helix, similar to a helix in the shape of a caduceus. DNA has the properties of an active scalar wave.


A scalar wave consists of two superimposed components, each of which interacts with matter in a different way. One component- positive time/ positive energy wave - interacts with negatively charged electrons. Another - negative time/ negative energy wave - interacts with positively charged protons in the nucleus. According to Bearden, every biological cell is made up of subatomic biopotentials. These biopotentials reside in the nucleus of atoms and can form random or unstructured patterns of scalar energy. These patterns also form mirror substructures in a vacuum.


Natural scalar energy is all around us in abundance. Our systems are in a constant flow, or flow, of absorbing and releasing this energy. maybe increase this flow or the rate of flow exchange with the external Universe.

Scalar energy is absorbed by cells, which is expressed in charge or organizations biopotentials. This is something that ordinary fields cannot do. Ordinary electromagnetic fields are not provided organizing potential; they can only affect the magnitude of biopotentials.

Once cells are charged, they can release their stored potential in the form of two different kinds of light photons: one is an ordinary photon, the other is a structured scalar photon containing the cell's complete information pattern.

If such a pattern is emitted from a diseased cell, then the disease pattern is translated and transmitted to all cells of the body. The cell nucleus can be charged like a capacitor. When the nucleus accumulates scalar energy, it can repeatedly undergo a cycle charge-discharge, providing power and electricity

for a variety of processes biological and non-biological levels.


Figure 6.14 Feeling scalar waves.The palm is sensitive to scalar waves. Use a quartz crystal and direct its pointed end to the laogong point of the palm of your hand. Practice to become sensitive to the energy emitted by the crystal. Quartz focuses and amplifies the scalar waves of the palm holding it. The acupuncture points of the palm are sensitive to scalar waves. They enter the nervous system. The nervous system conducts scalar waves and "feels" the actions of scalar waves, which are translated into electromagnetic radiation. The nervous system/brain network provides a resonance circuit for detection. Due to non-linear actions, the curvature of space-time in the palm causes some dispersion of scalar waves - they are attenuated in the electromagnetic substructure. Such a detection system makes the hand a sensitive detector of subtle energy.

At the cellular level, scalar waves charge biopotentials, which are the basis for the functioning of the cell. The cell responds with stronger magnetic and electrical alignments and higher charge. It is now able to convert and process more food energy into light energies and store them in the cell as ultraviolet light. The minimum potential or charge to activate DNA for cell division becomes more easily achievable. The higher potential provides the electricity that RNA needs to read DNA. When RNA scans DNA full spectrum of light frequencies (our evolution), this creates a holographic projection of the DNA. When the RNA topologically links this projection, a copy of the DNA is created for reproduction. What incredibly complex and intelligent processing is going on in this micro-universe!

Scalar wave technology has great and amazing potential for our healing ideas. Tomorrow's medicine will be truly vibrational medicine. As Bearden explains, the scientific approach to healing is to create scalar wave containing the healing pattern, and then in the transfer of this information to the cells. ( This has already been achieved, thanks to research (Rife, Prior) - this technology already exists! See also Gulda Clark.)

The healing pattern will reverse the disease and provide permanent immunization to the body's own biofield.


Scalar energy originates at the subnuclear level of the atom. Puharich suggested that scalar waves are formed in the elementary particles of the photon: in the monopoles and antimonopoles of the proton. He also assumes that non-hertzian scalar fields, emitted from the hands originate in the hydrogen bonds holding DNA together.

Glen Rein assumed that between the protons and neutrons of the nucleus, as well as between the nuclei of the same molecule, there is communication. All molecules interact through quantum information networks or matrices. Such an information matrix stores all the characteristics of the molecular structure at the intersection points of the network. Rhine calls this the Intramolecular Matrix Theory. Stimulating a matrix of suitable scalar ( not-hertz) frequency allows access to this information.


The hand is a sophisticated scalar wave detector. The complexity exists because of the brain/nervous system complex and the multidimensional aspects of our being!

In Figure 6.13, we show the principle of scalar wave detection using a bar magnet. The key element is to understand that the pole of a magnet represents area of ​​curvature of space-time. The curvature of space-time affects the incoming scalar waves. In the region of the magnet pole, they will dissipate. The fluctuation of the curvature of space-time at the pole of the magnet will be translated as an observed flow in the corresponding simple scheme. Scalar wave detection is possible through a number of unorthodox techniques. However, such technology exists.

The hand also creates a space-time curvature zone, because the same magnetic pole exists on it. The idea is very similar to the one we discussed in the diagram above. However, the hand is supported very thinly and difficultly. customizedresonantscheme. The nervous system behaves like a waveguide for scalar waves and is an extension of the brain's processing circuitry. The brain is supported by the mind field. We can understand the field of mind as a kind of non-local quantum supercomputer. We are talking about a multi-dimensional, non-local, hyper-dimensional level of sophistication!

Scalar waves dissipate in the palm. Some scattering will occur as a result of the scalar waves being attenuated to the level of ordinary electromagnetic waves that can be sensed by biology. This phenomenon can be equated to the fact that biology is sensitive to microwave activity. Other scalar waves will enter the meridian channels and interact with the nervous system. Of course, the brain is a translator of scalar waves (emitter-detector); and together with the nervous system, the detection of scalar waves in the hand becomes whole body/being hyperdimensional phenomena. This point is the key to understanding the whole process. We cannot simply isolate the hand as a detection device, for in this process we function as integral multidimensional beings!


hyper flows


Figure 6.15 Circulations of magnetic hypercurrents.This drawing shows the rich patterns of the hyperfield. The hyperflow patterns of the north and south poles are taken from Bearden's Excalibur Briefing. Note that each pattern has a central geometric shape - a hexagon. At each pole, the field patterns are significantly different from each other. The North Pole has four primary vortices, the South Pole has two. These circulation patterns are hyperdimensional and form high energy filaments of subelementary particles. Such vortex patterns are traces of substructures that exist in magnetism. Magnetism transcends many levels of virtual existence.

As sources of electromagnetic potential, both hands will both create and respond to deflections in a vacuum. [Deviations occur due to differences in the parameters of the local oscillation of the energy density at this point. Magnetic fields change the local density in vacuum. They change the local symmetry that exists at that point in the normal state. When the symmetry is broken, there is a flow movement from the zone high energy into the zone low energy (see figures 7.2 and 7.3) Such flows can be called scalar flows. Local fluctuations are really fluctuations in space-time itself.]

Deviations in subtle fields are what we are read by hand along with the corresponding tuned resonant circuit. As we evolve in our energy systems, we become more susceptible to these deviations. We resonate through co-resonance. [We use the hand only as a pointer (arrow) ... the entire human electromagnetic system is actively involved in the process of reading.] Wherever deviations exist, some form of scalar flow will always be created. Two hands together can launch a scalar stream (see figure 7.3). The magnetic potentials existing in the hand disturb the natural equilibrium or the equilibrium state of the vacuum density. Thus, the hands create only the source of the disturbance, but are not the source of the “current” flow itself. [In resonant circuits, only a source is required voltage or potential.] We will come back to this later in the next chapter.


To begin to understand what is happening in the hand, and specifically what is the basis of the interaction between the hand and the subtle energy fields, we must continue talking about hyperspace. Hyperspace has been removed from our time and space. Usually, we think that hyperspace is a higher dimensional space. In hyperspace are hyperfields working in this circuit of reality. And yet, hyperfields can produce some kind of visible presence that is known in our reality. For example, the electromagnetic field is a fifth-dimensional hyperfield. It produces the effects of electric and magnetic force fields in our 3D space. And we say that in the electromagnetic field itself there is a substructure or nested virtual reality. There is a hyperspace contour of the neutrino field (see glossary of terms) removed from the electromagnetic field contour. So, we have mentioned two levels of hyperspaces removed from physical reality - the electromagnetic field, the neutrino field and, according to Bearden, the next level is the mind field (see figure 2.5).



hyperflow circulation

hexagon pattern

Figure 6.16 Patterns of asymmetric hyperflow.Bearden defines them as a "hyperfield flux" associated with a magnetic field. Notice in the figure that the circulations are not symmetrical at each pole. Also, note the strong hexagonal pattern at each pole. These are fields that occupy other than three-dimensional space, and therefore have an effect on the virtual (non-observable) realities they encounter. When magnetism is discovered, these hyperfields exist outside of our conscious awareness. Hyperfields interact with subtle energies.

In our discussions, it is important to be aware that hyperspaces and their hyperfields are responsible for the phenomena we experience in our simple three-dimensional Euclidean spaces. Magnetism is a phenomenon associated with hyperspace, that is, the causes or potentials that create our magnetic field exist in other spaces - in other dimensions. The mental field operates in hyperfields. Bearden suggested that:

Thought patterns can be "imprinted" into magnetic hyperfields. The energy of thought can “excite the electromagnetic field in the space surrounding the object in order to interact with it, or condense subtle energies into a hyperfield flow of magnetic fields” .


Magnetism associated with hyperfields discovered! Bearden reports finding circulations of hypercurrent associated with a bar magnet. We illustrate this in figures 6.15 and 6.17. In these pictures, notice that each magnetic pole exhibits a different vortex pattern. The vortex pattern of each pole is different. Each pole exhibits different properties. Related to this difference is the discovery that opposite magnetic poles have separate, distinct effects on biological life (as discovered by Davis and Rawls). These effects can be understood through the energetic interactive processes taking place at each pole of the magnet. The pole of a magnet is a source that stimulates the addition or removal of energy from an area in hyperspace. This addition or removal of energy can have a significant impact on biological systems!

Also note the strong hexagonal patterns surrounding the magnetic poles. Do they indicate the network structure of the higher space? We can use hyperflow circulation patterns to enrich our understanding of magnetism in the hand. The laws of magnetism are universal.


hyperflow circulation

Left - North Right - South

Figure 6.17 Hyperflow circulations in hands.This drawing illustrates the rich hyperfield patterns associated with human magnetism. The north and south poles of the hyperflow are borrowed fromBriefing Excalibur Bearden. We put them on human hands! The composition is composed of the discoveries of the magnetism of the hand (Davis and Rawls) and the general hyperfield patterns at the magnetic poles (Birden). Note that each pattern has a central geometric shape, a hexagon. The field patterns are different for each hand. The north pole (left hand) has four primary vortices, the south pole (right hand) has two. These circulation patterns are hyperdimensional and form high energy filaments of subelementary particles. They provide interactive field effects in our virtual (unobservable) realities. These vortex patterns are aspects of the virtual substructures of magnetism. Human magnetism transcends many levels of virtual existence. elegant acquisitionstrengthEvolutionconsciousness Peggy PhoenixDabro David P. Lapierre Contents Acknowledgments...

  • Document

    PegiPhoenixDabro - elegantacquisitionstrength. EvolutionconsciousnessTranslationLyubovDedicated To you who know that... the nature of reality. David P. Lapierre elegantacquisitionstrengthEvolutionconsciousness Peggy PhoenixDabro David P. Lapierre Acknowledgments Be...

  • Peggy Phoenix Dabro Dedicated

    Document PegiPhoenixDabro - elegantacquisitionstrength. EvolutionconsciousnessTranslationLyubovDedicated To you who know ... reality. David P. Lapierre elegantacquisitionstrengthEvolutionconsciousness Peggy PhoenixDabro David P. Lapierre Thanks...

  • Original page "Gravity wave research project". Its author is Alastair Couper. The Russian version is taken from the long-closed site

    It describes the results of research into the nature of gravity, conducted by a group of independent engineers, astrologers and thinkers. We aim to restore the ideas that came to Western culture from Greece and continued by Newton, Faraday, Maxwell and even Einstein in late period his works that allow for the existence of the ether. We believe that the ether is not a chaotic flow, as some believe, but deeply structured. Perhaps what we call "chaos" is simply a misunderstood higher order.

    We are sure that the aether can have several excited forms, and that the phenomena we are studying are related to gravity, but these are not what are called "gravitational waves" in general relativity. The author of these lines sees no need to invoke the concept of relativity, while alternative theories can provide a satisfactory explanation. For example, read the excellent writings of Dr. Aspden.

    Ether is nothing but the root cause of all the properties of the accumulation and transfer of energy that we can observe and measure. We may never know what it really is, but in any case, the idea of ​​a vacuum as an empty place from all points of view is untenable - the vacuum is far from empty.

    The value of our results is not yet known, but they indicate the possibility of observing ethereal flows in near-Earth space, which allows us to confirm some statements in traditional astrology, assist in the prediction of earthquakes and tie together a wide range of phenomena observed in numerous experiments.

    This page has two purposes:

    • First, to educate the general public about these amazing results. We are happy to receive feedback from those who work in different fields, such as subtle biological experiments with poor repeatability, and establish a relationship with the events that we capture.
    • And secondly, to encourage those who are interested in further research. The instruments needed to measure the strange changes in the Earth's gravitational field are quite simple and can be repeated by any radio amateur.

    Gravitational waves and the nature of capacitance.

    Short story.

    In the early 19th century, Faraday, after his astonishing investigations of electricity and magnetism, declared: "Capacity is to gravity as inductance is to magnetism." This idea waited for some time until several attempts were made to understand the nature of gravity, in addition to general geometric considerations (perhaps the most significant ideas came from John Keely).

    By that time, the belief was more or less formed that space serves as a carrier of light, and this medium was called ether. Maxwell tried to clarify the properties of the ether, but the mechanistic ideas of that time did not allow a satisfactory calculation to be made. There was also no actual data on the speed of propagation of gravity, and for lack of best ideas she was assigned the speed of light. The mathematician Laplace, observing astronomical phenomena and not discovering inaccuracies due to the delay in the propagation of gravity, was forced to conclude that its speed exceeds the speed of light by many orders of magnitude. (see "The Speed ​​of Gravity What the Experiments Say" by Tom Van Flandern and other articles at

    At the end of the century, Tesla was experimenting with high voltage and noticed that the observed value of the capacitance of his devices deviated slightly, and clearly not from temperature. He came to the conclusion that these deviations are caused by changes in the "environment", as he called the ether. At the same time, a little-known researcher named Piggott claimed that he could suspend spherical bodies between horizontally placed plates (that is, a capacitor) charged up to about 300 kV. ("Experiments with electricity", volume 8, 1920). Apparently, the result was not very stable, perhaps due to the same changes in the "environment".

    Another researcher of the time (1916) was Dr. F.E. Nipher of St. Louis, Missouri, who conducted similar experiments using suspended lead weights. He wanted to measure the gravitational constant more accurately, repeating Cavendish's torsion balance experiment, but paying closer attention to the charges of bodies. He drew attention to random fluctuations in the balance, and the installation was carefully shielded and thermally stable. After he investigated the influence of high voltage on the behavior of the system, he came to the conclusion: "After removing all errors, experience definitely shows that the value of the gravitational constant depends on the electrical potential of the attracting masses, while the electrical influence is completely eliminated by a metal screen."

    J.G. Gallimore in the 70s studied phenomena in dielectrics under different pressures, behaving as receivers and generators of some kind of energy of a non-electromagnetic nature. Experiments have shown that this energy is not shielded by any known means. He focused his research on piezo crystals as the most efficient dielectric material. Dan Davidson, in the July 1991 issue of Electric Spacecraft magazine, published the results of repeating the Gallimore experiments and noted the same fluctuations that Brown had found.

    Shortly thereafter, engineer Greg Godowanec worked on a sensitive electronic balance. He found that the measured weight experienced periodic fluctuations that could not be explained by changes in temperature or humidity. Empirically, he found a way to effectively compensate for these unwanted fluctuations using a circuit in which the signal source is the mentioned "self-charging" Brown capacitor. At that time he did not know about the work of Brown and Gallimore, and continued to improve his own measurement technique, creating several devices that directly respond to changes in the properties of the ethereal medium, depending on the location of the planets. We now turn to the consideration of detector circuits.

    Gravitational wave detector

    The simplest scheme.

    This diagram shows an experiment that every novice physicist and experienced electronics engineer simply must try. You need to take a large, high-quality electrolytic capacitor with a capacity of 10 to 100 thousand microfarads, connect in parallel with a resistor with a rating of 100K to 1M and a voltmeter with a high input resistance. Then its values ​​are read at any time intervals and plotted on the graph. This exactly corresponds to the experiment that T. Brown conducted in the 70s. He first discovered that most capacitors, left unconnected for a long time, charged up to a voltage of several hundred millivolts. After connecting the load and the voltmeter, the voltage drops to a value of 1 ... 10 millivolts, sometimes more. For long-term measurements, it is important to maintain a constant temperature, because the leakage current of an electrolytic capacitor is quite dependent on it. Instead of a capacitor, a piezoelectric can be used, which is much less dependent on temperature. However, in this case, you will need an op amp with a very high input impedance because the piezo current is very low. You can then try to shield your circuit in any way you can think of - steel or lead sheathing, or even deep underground. Under no shielding methods, the voltage across the capacitor, and hence the power dissipated by the resistor, will drop to zero. Most interest Ask, which arises here - where does this small, but clearly non-zero energy come from?

    You can connect a data logger or a recorder to the circuit. It will show that the voltage changes all the time and there is a set of cycles with different periods in the signal. Brown accidentally found that the signal correlated with the phase of the moon, but this is not always the case. In my experiments, I also found some correlation with the movement of the planets. The reasons for this phenomenon are discussed in the Theory section. Some types of experience can be offered:

    • Place the same capacitors in different places and compare the signals.
    • Place capacitors of different types in one thermostat.
    • Compare the signal of a shielded capacitor and an open one.
    • I have not tried this: take a couple of capacitors and spin them at high speed. How will the voltage change?

    These experiments are very simple, but give good reason to think about many things. For example, every cell in our body is a capacitor with a charged membrane. So, the cell is also sensitive to changes in this "something", like a passive capacitor?

    Schematic of the Godovanz detector.

    This circuit is designed to register various events, depending on the ratings of the elements. Capacitor C1 can be from 100 to 1000 microfarads, resistor R1 - 1M. All op amps should be high quality, with field inputs and low bias (there are a few good ones in the LT series). At the output of U1, there is a noisy, somewhat damped oscillation with a center frequency determined by the time constant of the C1-R1 circuit. It is desirable that this time constant significantly exceeds the period of the signal that we want to record. Audio engineers might expect high 1/f noise from this circuit, and indeed they are. But we want to emphasize that there is no satisfactory explanation for the origin of these noises, and we think that they are explained by nothing else than the gravitational flow passing through C1.

    [Only U1 should be of high quality, the rest of the opamps can be any. Almost any opamp worked fine for me, such as 140UD6, UD12, UD14. I disagree with the statement regarding the source of the noise. The input transistors themselves are noisy. You can verify this by shorting the inputs and balancing the amplifier - the noise will be just awful, also of the 1/f type and uncorrelated with exactly the same other amplifier. - AC].

    There is also a small DC offset in the output signal U1, the origin of which is clear from the first experiment. U2 is used to amplify this bias and may have a gain of about 20. Resistor R2 = 50K, R3 = 1M. In the previous circuit, the signal changes very slowly, since the capacitor reacts mainly to the general flow of gravity. The Godowanz circuit can be sensitive to faster processes by appropriately selecting R2, C2 and C3. A good solution would be to make C3 switchable between 100 microfarads and 10,000 microfarads, R2 value = 5K. In this case, the time constant reaches tens of seconds, and the circuit enters the mode for a very long time after power is applied, up to several hours. Therefore, you need to choose capacitors with as little leakage current as possible. The circuit tends to resonate somewhat. If this resonance is to be suppressed, capacitor C2 can be chosen with a larger capacitance to provide additional frequency response slope. Another pole of the frequency response can be added by shunting the resistor R6 with a capacitor.

    The cascade on U3 must be adjusted to match the device being used for registration. The signal contains a slowly varying DC voltage with some noise level depending on the time constant of the filter circuit R2-C3. The cascade must have manual balancing means to position the graph in the center of the recorder. The power supply must be continuously adjustable. It would be ideal to shield the entire circuit and ensure the temperature is constant. A simple wooden box with an incandescent lamp and a thermostat will do. The simplest circuit signal is discussed in the Data Acquired section.

    This circuit is a replacement for U1 for the previously discussed circuit. In Godowanz's original circuit, it was found that if the capacitor C1 is large enough, say 470 microfarads or more, and the overall gain is high, then low-frequency oscillations are observed. This somewhat surprised the author, who, based on his experience in electronics, believed that the circuit should not behave this way, especially after the usual problems with power supply and return currents of the common wire were identified and eliminated. The improved circuit showed much greater stability. The only change is the addition of an inverter stage, which must be on the same chip as the input amplifier. R2 = R3 = 100K. Godowanets called this instability problem "scalar feedback" because it is not due to the usual signal paths. It must be remembered that the current produced in C1 is not a normal electron current such as that from a battery. Probably, this current appears as a result of the action of the ether flow and corresponds to the "massless displacement current", or scalar current. Thomas Burden has written extensively on this subject. See "The Final Secret of Free Energy" by T.E.Bearden (in English) and also

    [Remember? "Negative electricity" is what Tom Bearden called the energy produced by WTU. Apparently, the current is different. - AC].

    This type of energy flow differs from the usual electron flow and appears as a result of effects in nonlinear optics, including at low frequencies. In the improved design, these scalar currents remain confined within the same integrated circuit, as the two amplifier power leads carry equal and opposite currents to compensate for their effect on the chip's pins. Different types of op amps have different susceptibility to this problem. Greg Godowanets recommends the MAX419 as very stable. As a last resort, we recommend adding a 20 ohm resistor in series with C1. All these measures are aimed at failure if the circuit has time to go out of mode overnight and in the morning you find that the pen of the recorder rested on the rack and draws a straight line.

    [This is most likely temperature drift. But more research is still needed. After all, it can be a useful signal too! A small resistor in series with the capacitor does a really good job of eliminating the resonant "ringing" almost completely. It can be increased to about 1K, this will not affect the current of several nanoamperes. I used this way of setting this resistor: I took the power output with my hand and very briefly touched the input with my finger, observing the response. In a properly configured circuit, the signal should return to its original value as quickly as possible, but without a spike in reverse side. This will correspond to the most flat frequency response. - AC].

    This scheme was the result of five years of painstaking research by Bill Ramsey. It contains a 1 microfarad capacitor that alternately charges and discharges between two fixed voltages. For charging and discharging, current sources of 100 picoamperes are used, which gives an oscillation period of about 20 seconds. In fact, this circuit is identical to numerous cheap function generators. Bill adapted one of these circuits for research by increasing the period of oscillation.

    The period of the sawtooth output signal is measured to determine how it changes over time. Bill used a RusTrak plotter in his work, giving a point every 2 seconds. On paper, Lissajous figures were obtained, which are very sensitive to phase shifts. But you can use the digital representation of the signal. This measurement technique reveals the tendency of the oscillation period to deviate up and down from the center line, but in some cases the period remains equal to 20 seconds for long periods of time, then the deviations resume. Astrologer Nick Fiorenza has proposed a theory that looks quite promising, linking special periods of influence to the movement of celestial bodies.

    Preliminary results from this technique have shown that if the device is not shielded, then interference caused by the earth's magnetic field as a result of eddy currents arising in the capacitor plates can occur. Two detectors, one shielded and one not, show quite different results. Bill suggests that this detector measures the resonant activity of the earth's core, due to the location of celestial bodies. The change in the signal period in the last circuit seems to be caused by the same reason as the change in the capacitor current in the previous circuits - a change in gravity. Interaction between the gravity-induced signal and the Schumann magnetic resonance signal is not ruled out. The output data is quite informative, and the method of their processing is being improved.

    [I would like to add that the challenge is to measure extremely low current and expand the bandwidth. The capacitor produces only a few nanoamps of current, the changes are fractions of a nanoamp. The wider the bandwidth of the amplifier, the worse the signal-to-noise ratio is. Deep low-pass filtering within fractions of a hertz improves this ratio, leaving much of the amplifier noise outside the passband, but at the same time excluding fast changes in the useful signal. By narrowing the band to 10e-3 Hz, we will be able to observe a dozen or two events per day against the background of a low noise level. Personally, I am primarily interested in the sound range, but the current state of the electronic base does not yet allow such a weak signal to exceed the noise already in the region of several hertz. The only real solution to the problem of expanding the band, I see the addition of signals from several hundred sensors, although this is very expensive. The signal-to-noise ratio will then improve by about 3 db for every doubling of the number of sensors. A hundred sensors will give 20 db less noise than one, and a corresponding increase in bandwidth by one decade. Ten thousand sensors - for another decade. Another possible way is to find out what the signal amplitude depends on and provide conditions for its increase. I have a hunch that the signal is most dependent on the total volume of the dielectric. A large capacitor at 4700 microfarads 100 V produces 6 nA, and in non-working polarity, and a small one, of the same capacity, but at 16 V, only a fraction of nA, working polarity.

    I suggest you take a look at my diagram. Now I am writing a program for daily signal measurement.

    The circuit is designed for long-term registration of the oxide capacitor current. The data is presented in the form of a pulse duration at the output. The circuit accuracy is about 1%.

    The cascade on DA1 is a micropower current sensor with a conversion factor of 10v/uA. The current is generated by the oxide capacitor C1 of the order of units of nanoamperes. Relay P1 is used to close the terminals of the capacitor C1 to the resistor R2 during the power off period in order to reduce the time for the circuit to enter the operating mode. You can also use a manual switch. If this is not done, it will take about 30 minutes to enter the mode. Resistor R3 eliminates the resonant rise of the amplifier at a frequency of about a few hertz. The R7-D2-D1-R4 circuit creates an artificial midpoint and two reference stabilized voltages on the LEDs. With resistor R6, the circuit is tuned to the middle of the range. Resistors R9 and R20 set the control current of the operational amplifiers. Capacitors C2-C4 are ceramic, eliminating high frequency pickup that can create effective amplifier bias. The signal through the LPF R12-C6 is fed to the divider R13-15 to limit the input voltage of the comparator. Transistors T1-T2-T4 serve as a stable current generator of 10 uA, charging the capacitor C7 during the measurement period. Transistors T1 and T2 must be selected according to the gain and voltage of the BE, you can use the assembly. If they are separate, their bodies must be glued together. Amplifier DA2 is a comparator. Transistor T3 must be on most of the time to ensure that capacitor C7 is fully discharged. Resistor R19 limits the output current to prevent damage to the port if it is in the output state. The circuit is not very sensitive to changes in supply voltage.

    The measurement cycle begins with the application of level 0 to the control input. Next, the controller must start timing and monitor the state of the output. As soon as 0 appears at the output, counting stops and 1 is applied to the control input again. The measured time is proportional to the voltage at input 3 of the comparator plus some initial delay, which is then subtracted by software. The measurement time is about 10 mS.

    Setting. Serve food. Measure the voltage at the output DA1. It should be 2.5v with random deviations of +-0.2-0.3v. If this is not the case, set the resistor R6. To speed up, you can temporarily reduce R5 to 100k. The rest of the setting is done programmatically and consists in choosing the initial and scale measurement delay so that the desired scale of values ​​is obtained at the extreme values ​​at the output of the first stage. The circuit enters the operating mode for approximately 1 minute. The time can be further reduced by applying the standard balancing of the DA1 operational amplifier. Resistor R10 is used during tuning, if the extreme value of the range is obtained to make sure the comparator is working, then it is placed in the upper position. Capacitor C6 determines the noise level. At this value, the noise is approximately 2-3% of full scale (0-255). A little noise is desirable in order to constantly see that the circuit is working, and also so that very small and slow changes in the signal do not disappear due to the conversion resolution.

    It remains to add that it is undesirable to use an IBM PC as a controller, since it is difficult to provide accurate time measurement. However, if you have an old deuce lying around idle, you can adapt it too. A simple controller based on an I80 or Z80 processor, such as Spectrum, is better suited for this purpose. It must accumulate measurement data in random access memory and, on demand, issue them to the central computer or dump them to disk. It is better if the amount of its memory is sufficient for a daily period of work, then data can be removed once a day. Interrupts must be disabled during the measurement. The Spectrum has a non-maskable interrupt, so you have to sacrifice them, otherwise there will be a lot of interference in the signal. Another way to solve this problem is to organize a 10-12-bit self-contained counter and read its value after the measurement. I use a controller on a Z80, 4 MHz, 64K, 6 8-bit ports (2 pcs. 8255), a built-in second pulse generator (176IE18), a screen on a b/w Sapphire TV, one-bit communication with the central computer, through the printer port . I am programming in cross assembler.

    Theoretical discussion.

    When the birth of a new paradigm begins in physics, there is a need for theorists and their new theories. I don't want to over complicate things, so the following is simplified as much as possible, but no more than that, keeping Einstein's warning in mind. Here is a far from complete summary of the key concepts that have been given a boost by the advent of valuable tools for observing gravitational waves:

    • The science of antiquity was well developed. Wise ancestors left a lot of knowledge for us thousands of years ago. Astrology and astronomy, until relatively recently, were also full-fledged sciences. Great effort has been expended in the construction of structures of magnificent engineering, the true purpose of which we have only recently had reason to think about. For example, the fact that these huge monuments were used to determine the timing of the sowing of grain was simply ignored. A sundial and some stones did the job just fine. Obviously, the ancients used phenomena based on geometry and information more than on our current attempts to control forces and energy. Sumerian astrology has not survived to this day, because modern humanity has calmed down in its confidence in the chaos of the world, but it was very useful in ancient society. Even despite the obvious vanity and limitations of the ancient builders, there is no doubt that any people who could build the Great Pyramid still had some idea of ​​​​its usefulness.
    • As above, so below. In other words, ratios are important, not specific units of measurement. This is consistent with the beliefs of the ancients, who were confident in the interconnection of events on a microscopic and astronomical scale. The standard reason for not accepting astrology is the fact that the gravitational influence of, say, Saturn is less in magnitude than the computer in front of you, by Newton's inverse square law. Therefore, astrology should not work. However, astrology operates not with the forces of Newton's mechanics, but with geometric ratios. The effect is due to the accuracy of the relative position and acts in the form of information, not force.
    • Gravity travels faster than light. In the Universe as a single whole, there must be an information interaction that determines this unity. Ask any illiterate shaman and he will confirm it. Since the transmission of information through the ether does not require the transfer of energy, like light waves, it is not obstructed. Quite a lot has already been written about scalar waves, and the phenomenon of gravity can also serve as an example. There are ancient Egyptian scriptures that speak of the Ocean (ether), waves on its surface (electromagnetism), and underwater sound waves (scalar waves). The SETI (search for extraterrestrial civilizations) project is most likely looking in the wrong place, because space communication cannot be carried out at the speed of light. Almost instantaneous scalar waves are more suitable for communication. This is where the theory of acoustics comes into play. The excellent work of Tom Van Flandern proves the need for gravity to travel faster than light by many orders of magnitude. Another piece of evidence is provided by Dr. Harold Aspden in his work on electromagnetic interaction, which shows "instantaneous action against a background of zero energy with delayed transmission." This brings to mind the rejected theory of long-range action by Newton and his associates.
    • Electricity and gravity are directly related. Thomas Brown suggested this 70 years ago while studying the Biefeld-Brown effect, in which the thrust appears to occur in a capacitor as a function of charge. When considering capacitance, one must remember Maxwell's "bias currents". This is not just a bookish abstraction to explain the current through the discharge gap, but the real dynamic distribution of the ether with characteristics quite different from the flow of electrons that produces them. (For this reason, direct measurement of the displacement current has not been successful, and some have ceased to believe in its existence). Here we can mention the work of Frank Znidarsic on anti-gravity, which can be found on his page. He showed that the capacitance value is an instantaneous value because there is a delay in the propagation of the electric field from one plate to the other. He also describes the "quantum of capacitance" and proves that the capacitance value corresponding to a point in space has some minimum value, based on the properties of fields with spherical divergence. On the contrary, the inductance can have an arbitrarily small value, because the magnetic field has zero divergence.

      All objects in space are capacitively coupled. This connection, although small, changes all the time due to spherical vibrations and sound vibrations of bodies. If the Universe is really a single whole, the interaction must be superluminal. The speed of light cannot provide this.

      This gives some grounds for the superluminal interaction of all points in space. This capacitive coupling, including through the electromagnetic screen, arises due to fluctuations in the effective permittivity of the space itself. (See "Zero Point Energy Extraction", Moray King, p. 64). Another possibility is depicted in the previous picture, where the physical fluctuations of the planet can affect their relationship. (See American Science Journal, March 97, p. 42, drawing of the Sun's sound environment). There are several other hypotheses worthy of attention, for example, Greg Godovanz's notes. Also Keely said on the subject:

      "This neutral center communicates directly with every planetary mass in the Universe. This supreme neutral center governs the existence of every stellar, solar and planetary mass in the cosmos. Gravity is independent of time or space. It propagates throughout the Universe regardless of time and space, instantaneously and without delay." .

      Today there are no specialists in unusual or ethereal energies, and the field is open to all.

    • The planets are not the only sources of gravity. We know from the work of Ray Thoms that the positions of the planets in the solar system show a higher level balance as a result of their collective behavior, transmitted through resonances and harmonics that are common to all distances. But there are also sources of destabilization, such as comets and collisions, that can disrupt this order. Therefore, the solar system is teetering on the brink of stability:

      "KAM tori" are geometric models that can be used to solve multi-body motion problems such as planets. This follows from the argument that the solar system as a global object is on the verge of chaos, while small short-term instabilities known as resonances can serve as subtle corrections to the overall dynamics. (From Nigel's lecture).

      Since each planet is in the orbit necessary for resonance, it is a conduit, or receiving station, for focusing a particular energy coming from space. This principle is true for the Sun and its position in the Galaxy, and for the Moon and its position relative to the Earth. Astrologer Nick Fiorenza has proposed an interesting theory for finding the path of least energy resistance between rotating systems. His work considers a disk, or flat field, around any rotating body that crosses the equator and goes to infinity. If we imagine such a disk around the Earth and its intersection with the solar system (in the plane of the ecliptic), we get a straight line. Another straight line is similarly obtained from the intersection of the disk of the Galaxy with the disk of the solar system. Nick claims that energy is transferred when a celestial body passes through these lines, in particular, the Moon. This is evidenced by the data obtained as a result of the sensor at a fixed frequency. This picture is quite similar to that proposed by Dr. E.O. Wagner to describe the possible shape of the distribution density of the so-called "black matter" surrounding the planets, solar systems and galaxies.

    • In the development of a new astrology, geometry is in the first place. Over the centuries, the astrological tradition has been rigged and confused. Zodiac signs, although useful to many, have more cultural significance than astrological. The astrology of the Earth must begin with [the study of] the most general elements, which are called aspects. It was found that gravitational detectors register the most interesting data precisely when the planets occupy certain angular positions on the horoscope. The angles between the planets, as Nick Fiorenza points out, can be thought of as musical intervals. 180 degrees corresponds to an octave, 120 degrees to a fifth, and so on. Therefore, the maximum energy flow will correspond to a musical chord. Some chords form consonances, others do not. There is still much to be learned about the Earth's musical preferences, but Newton's principles based on distances and sizes are not used here. We can say that the types of events that astrologers are waiting for, such as the alignment of the planets on May 5, 2000, will not bring anything interesting because of their geometric simplicity. The following horoscope is drawn up for the event shown below. Pay attention to the abundance of elements in the range of 14-16 degrees. The angle between the Sun and the Moon is also close to 60 degrees. Not surprisingly, the detector registers an event at this time. But there are still many unaccounted for factors, and many questions remain to be answered.

      [I do not understand anything in such horoscopes, but I suggest looking at exactly how the planets were located on August 8, 1996. - AC].

    • DNA is an antenna for scalar or gravitational waves. The work of Dr. Glen Rein shows how DNA can be twisted and unwound using non-Hertzian waves. This is part of a mechanism that allows individual genes to be turned on and off. It can be assumed that the gravitational (scalar) background can influence cellular processes, especially rapid cell division. The birth of a child is accompanied by huge changes in metabolism. Perhaps this makes his genetic apparatus extremely susceptible to gravity and gives reason to draw a horoscope at the time of birth.
    • All this can be wrong! I now doubt this, but I use this principle as the most useful in avoiding the mind-numbing logical positivism with which my studies were saturated. Theories are needed to plan our next steps, but one can never be sure that one particular theory will eventually give way to another. So all of the above is in the nature of hypotheses, in the hope that they may benefit others.

    Data examples and techniques.

    It explains how to set up schemas and provides examples of processing data for presentation in various formats.

    This figure shows the spectrum of an electric longitudinal wave signal and its changes over time, obtained using the fast Fourier transform. This is the signal from the output of the Godovanz detector. This type of event, in which the planets align in a favorable way, does not happen often and usually requires many days of signal recording to register it. Noteworthy is the relative energy jump at a frequency of 0.1 Hz, which lasts for several minutes. The detector filter has a cutoff frequency of about 5 Hz, and a 1 volt peak-to-peak signal is fed to the spectrum analyzer, making 40 samples per second or more, depending on the level of noise in the signal. I mostly use high sample rates rather than complex filters and most of the data is dropped out. The data is recorded for an hour and then I skim through it and look for periods in which the spectrum becomes consistent and less noisy for a long time. Sequential averaging of the spectrum facilitates the analysis. Currently, we can process already recorded data and we do not have tools to predict the timing of these events. This work requires a lot of patience, since the data rate is very slow. It's a bit like fishing.

    This spectral pattern of the same data reveals additional details. It can be seen that the "islands" of energy of the same amplitude are shifted to the region of higher frequencies. Probably, this property does not apply to the ether itself, which simply acts on a passive meter. I believe that this is the result of the interaction of the ether and the condenser. Increasing the frequency indicates non-linear processes occurring in the material of the capacitor. Note that this process happens all the time and does not depend on the position of the planets, as in the previous graph. A purely linear system does not produce signals with frequencies that were not present at the input. I consider this non-linear process to be the source of a small, but measurable, non-vanishing voltage produced by a capacitor.

    This is a Godowanz detector signal with a low time constant filter (about 1 Hz) and high gain, which shows large deviations from the center level, which is usually around 25 millivolts, as seen on the left side of the graph. This type of event was observed several times during the day with a fairly accurate interval of 8 hours, and the pulse shape was repeated. The government is currently developing several projects such as HAARP and underwater testing of high power sounds that can affect the Earth's energy field. It's hard to say exactly what the graph captured, but the signal has clear signs of artificial origin, and I'm very worried that powerful energies are appearing on Earth that are so effective in disturbing its natural balance. This suggests another worthy application of this technology - to reveal processes hidden from the general public.

    This is another type of signal processing from the Godowanz detector, called "below discrete", or "scattered dot overlay". This technique was originally used by Bill Ramsay with a RusTrak recorder. This recorder writes one dot every two seconds on paper that is pulled at a speed of one inch per hour. The detector can be tuned to a high bandwidth, say 20 Hz, and the resulting graph is usually patches of dots. (Natural mechanical damping of the pen plays a decisive role). Under some unusual conditions, which have not yet been established, various images sometimes appear, such as the circles shown above, which form within a few minutes. In this case, the images were obtained exactly when the Sun and Moon, respectively, passed through the zenith of the observation point (there was just a new moon). By observing this data for a long time, one can easily recognize such events, but they are quite rare. The presence of such a picture requires that the signal contains a frequency of 0.5 Hz or its harmonic; statistically, this means the usual deviation from the Gaussian distribution that one would expect from noise sampling. There may be signals with other frequencies, but this has not yet been investigated. This can be seen in the 3D spectrum plot shown above. We have recently started to apply digital signal processing, and surprises can be expected from the development of graphics. This area has not yet been explored.

    Here, at the bottom of the figure, we see a graph of a fixed frequency sensor on a RusTrak plotter. The slanting shading in the left and right parts of the plot shows that the generation frequency was close to 0.05 Hz. The horizontal lines represent an integer ratio of the oscillator and recorder frequencies with phase change (this is called Lissajous figures). The top graph is the filtered Godowanz detector signal and it shows a deep dip at the same time. We also see periods in which the fixed frequency detector signal does not correlate with the upper signal. Perhaps it is sensitive to both gravitational and magnetic fields. We haven't quite figured this out yet. [Sucked from the finger. - AC].

    This plot shows that the fixed frequency detector detects long periods of phase lock very close to 0.05 Hz. These periods are different from simple oscillator deviations and are usually associated with the angular alignment of the planets.

    [I see no reason for such a link. If the same factor acts on this circuit, then the signal should be the antiderivative from Godovanets, which can be obtained by passing the signal through the integrator. The horizontal line means the constant slope of its derivative, and nothing more. Strictly mathematically, the correlation between a signal and its derivative (or antiderivative) tends to zero. Although "by eye" it is obvious that the signals are somehow connected. The matter is complicated by a tenfold difference in frequencies and the presence of an ascending and descending signal. To improve clarity, it is better to take a sawtooth signal with one sharp edge and a frequency of 0.5 Hz, however, the sensitivity of the method will drop.

    "Great King of Intimidation"

    Here I nevertheless decided to show my data, although I myself think that they say little about anything. Noises in the upper left part of the graph - due to the fact that the illumination was measured inside the room in which I walked, opened and closed the window to look at the Sun, clouds floated by, etc. Thermal stabilization was not used. As you can see, the experiment is not too clean. But for the first time, I think it's forgivable ;-)

    Here are some more samples of my raw data. The signal was taken at a frequency of 1 sample per second. As you can see, sometimes there are strange interferences that I would not explain with the theory of probability. Of particular interest is the signal at 15:55, immediately after which there is some "silence on the air" - AC].

    Gravitational wave detectors

    Gravitational wave detector (gravitational telescope) - a device designed to register gravitational waves. According to general relativity, gravitational waves generated, for example, as a result of the merger of two black holes somewhere in the Universe, will cause an extremely weak periodic change in the distances between test particles, due to fluctuations in the space itself, which will be recorded by the detectors.

    The most common are two types of gravitational wave detectors. One type, first implemented by Joseph Weber (University of Maryland) in 1967, is a gravitational antenna - usually a massive metal bar cooled to a low temperature. The dimensions of the detector change when a gravitational wave falls on it, and if the frequency of the wave coincides with the resonant frequency of the antenna, the amplitude of the antenna oscillations can become so large that the oscillations can be detected. In Weber's pioneering experiment, the antenna was an aluminum cylinder 2 m long and 1 m in diameter, suspended on steel wires; the resonant frequency of the antenna was 1660 Hz, the amplitude sensitivity of the piezosensors was 10 -16 m. Weber used two detectors that worked for coincidences and reported the detection of a signal, the source of which was most likely the center of the Galaxy. However, independent experiments did not confirm Weber's observations. Of the currently operating detectors, the spherical antenna (Leiden University, Holland), as well as the ALLEGRO, AURIGA, EXPLORER and NAUTILUS antennas, work on this principle.

    Another type of gravitational wave detection experiment measures the change in distance between two test masses using a Michelson laser interferometer. Mirrors are suspended in two long (several hundred meters or even kilometers long) vacuum chambers perpendicular to each other. The laser beam splits, goes through both cameras, reflects off the mirrors, comes back and reconnects. In the “calm” state, the lengths are chosen so that these two beams, after recombining in a semitransparent mirror, cancel each other out (destructively interfere), and the illumination of the photodetector turns out to be zero. But as soon as one of the mirrors shifts a microscopic distance (and we are talking about a distance orders of magnitude less than a light wave - about thousandths of the size of an atomic nucleus), the compensation of the two beams will become incomplete and the photodetector will pick up the light.

    Currently, gravitational telescopes of this type are operating within the framework of the US-Australian GEO600 project, the Japanese TAMA-300 and the Italian VIRGO:

    The measurement data of the LIGO and GEO600 detectors are processed using the project [email protected](distributed computing on thousands of personal computers).

    The LISA experiment is being developed, in which the laser interferometer will be located in space, with a shoulder length of 5 million km and a sensitivity to shear of test masses of 20 pm.

    The types of detectors described above are sensitive to low-frequency gravitational waves (up to 10 kHz). High-frequency variants of gravitational wave detectors are also being developed, for example, based on the mutual frequency shift of two spaced oscillators or on the rotation of the plane of polarization of a microwave beam circulating in a loop waveguide.

    see also

    • MiniGrail - Gravitational wave detector
    • LCGT
    • CLOVER telescope
    • EGO - European Gravitational Observatory
    • [email protected]- a distributed computing project to search for gravitational waves.
    • PSR B1913+16 is a binary system - a pulsar, the study of which gave the first indirect confirmation of the existence of gravitational waves.
    • PSR J0737-3039 is a binary system of pulsars, the study of which provided weighty indirect confirmation of the existence of gravitational waves.


    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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