What does the name Nikita mean for a boy. Nikita - the meaning of the name for the boy, character and fate


Meaning: The name Nikita is of ancient Greek origin. In translation, it means "winner". This name has no other interpretations, but it has a female synonym name. Sounding exactly the same, but in which the stress is placed on the last letter (Nikita). In Russia, the female variation of the name is not in demand ...

The male name Nikita is rarely used today, but newly-made parents who want to name their baby a symbolic and promising male name should pay attention to him, because it has strong energy and a sea of ​​​​positive properties ...

Conversational options: Nikitka, Nika, Nikiha, Nikusha

Modern English counterparts People: Mikita, Nikitas

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Nikita promises a lot of interesting things. The owner of this name is always a person who has ambition, talent, seriousness, poise, but also excessive selfishness. This is a person in most cases, capable of a lot, not understanding how to unlock his potential and use his virtues for his own good. Everywhere and always it needs to be pushed, supported, directed.

On the one hand, Nikita is always a sociable and friendly person, ready for new acquaintances, communication and spending time in big companies. But at the same time, he lacks eloquence. It is difficult for him to establish relationships even with family members - many simply do not understand him. But on the other hand, he is ready to protect loved ones at any cost from all sorts of troubles, even where he himself can suffer from this.

Advantages and positive features: friendly, always doing good to other people, trying never to get emotional and very reserved. And the most important thing is that this person will never go to a bad deed in order to achieve even the most cherished goal.

Nikita treats badly people who try to take advantage of his kindness. He hates people who are selfish, unfaithful, dishonest and unreliable. And he also tends to avoid communicating with people who were once seen in betrayal.

The most interesting thing is that the male name Nikita has been popular in the CIS countries for a long time, while its female variation became known only after the adaptation of the film of the same name by Luc Besson.

The nature of the name Nikita

The nature of the name Nikita is such that it is able to endow its bearer with a whole range of interesting characteristics, moreover, regardless of the influence of additional astrological factors, whether it is a zodiac sign, a year according to the Chinese calendar, or a patron element. The character of the bearer of this name is simple, kind, and such that others always try to be close to the guy named Nikita's nominal variation. Plus, Nikita's character does not allow him to leave people in trouble and ignore their troubles, and this also attracts - he can become a good friend and comrade, such a person, which are few today. And the nature of this name suggests a bright inner world, and this, too, is worth something ...

True, there is one “but” - the nature of this name form may be strong, it may endow all of the above, but in principle it is only a theory, which means that much may differ from what is assumed in this article. Almost everything, including character, depends immediately on many factors, including upbringing, the origin of the guy himself, the environment, and astrological patrons.

Early childhood

The childhood of a boy named Nikita is full of movement, and in such and such a quantity that everyone around, including the parent, can be shocked. Activity, persistence, mobility, restlessness, energy, unpredictability, the desire to develop and an unbearable desire to move forward - these are just some of the characteristics that the male name Nikita itself promises meaning.

This is a child who is not able to sit still, naughty, overly active, always inventing things and activities for himself, unwilling to obey. Another important feature that this parameter promises is the absence of fear and understanding of the word “danger” - he is not afraid of anything, sometimes he takes actions that have no foundation, takes a lot of risks and makes an incredible number of rash decisions. Truth. If all this can scare parents, then peers, on the contrary, will attract. Such is the significance of this name, that thanks to her, despite the fears and worries of the parents.

Peers will try, on the contrary, to be as close to him as possible - in their eyes, he is not just a ringleader, but also a leader, undeclared, unspoken, but a leader. Plus, the value can also endow him with a sense of thirst for justice, honesty, disinterestedness, conflict-freeness and attentiveness, which naturally cannot but be appreciated by peers.


At this stage, the meaning of the male name Nikita can endow the boy so named with even more frightening characteristics. Most often, Nikita, even in adolescence, remains the same mobile, risky, courageous and noisy adventurer, but there is also a “but” - plus to all of the above, love for money can be added, and disinterestedness can be replaced by selfishness. This parameter of his essence is the merit of the direct meaning of the name of the boy named so, although again. This feature may not manifest itself if not only the value, but also the talisman stone of the name form Nikita, and the patron planet have the proper influence.

As for studies, Nikita can exceed all expectations in it - despite his pampering and restlessness, frivolity and inconstancy, he is obligatory and executive, which can bribe teachers. Hence the academic success. Although he himself is attracted by far from all subjects of study - this is an admirer humanities, but by no means accurate.

grown man

Adult Nikita remains subject to such a factor as the meaning of the name form, but other factors also begin to patronize him, in particular, the patronage of the symbol according to the Chinese horoscope plays an important role. However, there are also qualities that promise regardless of the symbol, among them sociability, eloquence, charm, love of life, justice, honesty, fidelity, devotion, good nature, benevolence, and cheerfulness - for all this, a man with the name Nikita needs to be thanked for parents who decide to choose him a name with such good energy.

As for work and professional activity, so everything is simple here - this boy has a love of communication since childhood, which means that he will most likely choose a profession that involves a lot of contacts, communication, acquaintances. Well, the most important thing for him is that the work pleases and brings pleasure, while the financial factor plays a far from paramount role for him.

The interaction of the character Nikita with the seasons

Winter - born at the time of the dominance of the meaning of the winter period of the year, the bearer of the name Nikita, is always restless and impulsive. He is difficult to understand, but purposeful and persistent, which helps him achieve success in his personal and career life. He has a negative attitude towards shouting, criticism, rudeness and teachings - at any moment he can withdraw into himself.

Summer - a boy born in the summer, on the contrary, is a born leader by nature. Talented, comprehensively developed, independent, proud, independent, disciplined and responsible - he was born for leadership. Successful in the line of communication with the opposite sex, charms them with courtesy, but only in return for the proper attitude received.

Autumn - the autumn newborn will become a unique personality, combining such character traits as love for creativity, ease of contact, practicality and wit. Courtesy exceeds all limits of understanding - he is popular among the ladies, strives to be in the center of society, but at any moment he is ready to become an outcast. Touchy and vulnerable, so much so that it sometimes contradicts the floor.

Spring - this "man" is selfish and vulnerable. He does not tolerate criticism and teachings, a philosopher, often delving into dirty linen in order to find the truth. Receptive to other people's problems, experiencing someone else's grief as his own, emotional, demanding of himself and the people around him.

The fate of the name Nikita

As for such a parameter as the fate of the name Nikita in love, marriage and relationships, it does not at all lend itself to one hundred percent interpretation, and all for one simple reason - despite multiple research activities, the fate of the name, whatever it may be, is only a theoretical value , plus a parameter that depends on many side factors.

But if you believe in the correctness of research statements, then you can be sure that the fate of a boy named Nikita in relations with female representatives is such that it implies a stormy personal life. This is a romantic, loving boyfriend, gentleman and gentleman with a good sense of humor and an ideal inner world - he is a magnet for women, a competitor to many men.

But having reached maturity, Nikita will face a lot of problems - one of them is his own fear of the seriousness of the relationship. Such is his fate that he will endlessly run away from marriage, until the very last age - well, he was not created for constancy, monotony of family life, responsibility and marriage ties, he loves freedom.

Love and marriage

Nikita looks like such a courageous, attractive and charming man that women fly to him like moths to the light. He does not give empty hopes, but tactfully and gently makes it clear that he is not interested in them. For a long time, he periodically changes his muses, always choosing a beautiful, smart, strong, patient and at the same time easy-going lady. It should complement his image of a successful, beautiful and accomplished person. But Nikita has absolutely extraordinary views on life, frequent image changes, constant moving, job changes. Not every woman can stand it. As a rule, Nikita's early relationships do not develop into a strong marriage.

Already at a more mature age, Nick seriously approaches the issue of creating a family, but his wife will still have to adapt to his changeable and creative nature. Nikita always follows her desires and does not want to make concessions or compromises. Nick compensates for his tough character with care and a responsible approach to the material support of the family. A patient and intelligent woman will be able to play the role of a leader in the family with good material well-being.

To change the interior of the apartment, to furnish it to your taste - such a desire may arise in him every few years. The wife needs to come to terms with this and be glad that Nikita earns money for all this himself. He also tries to maintain a warm relationship with his wife's parents, but to get into their family relationships won't let anyone. At home, he only rests and does not take part in household chores.

Nikita as Father

Nikita consciously approaches the issue of fatherhood and clearly knows when he will be ready to become a father. He loves his kids very much and enjoys spending his free time with them. But due to the heavy workload at work and hobbies, he does not have much free time. The upbringing of children falls on the shoulders of his beautiful wife. In caring for young children, you should not count on his help either.

Nikita is a rather strict father and is always interested in how the process of raising and educating children is going. In case of disobedience, frequent whims and poor performance, he can punish them. Children adore him and obey, and he teaches them respect for him and their mother. By the way, as his connection with his son is much stronger than with his daughter, so it was with him in childhood.

Sport plays an important role in his life, so in his free time he likes to go with his children to the sports ground, to the pool or to the football field. As the kids get older, he enjoys teaching them how to play tennis, which he loves. Nikita's children can count on early travel and joint trips, perhaps even abroad.

Horoscope named after Nikita


The boy, born under the influence of the meaning of Aries and named Nikita, is assertive and selfish at the same time. He enjoys communication, and wants to be in the center of the people around him, loves to impose friendship, is proud of being in demand. With regard to girls, he is too stubborn, and therefore frightens them and often loses communication.


Taurus - and this bearer of the name Nikita is strong and self-willed by the origin of character and nature, can be purposeful, but is often absorbed by laziness. He puts his interests first and does not respect the opinions of people, and therefore is not popular in society and is not very successful in his career. He does not dream of a serious relationship - he prefers stormy romances to them.


Gemini is charming and intelligent, striving to be perfect in everything without exception, has charm and therefore bathes in the love of ladies. She loves affectionate and gentle, but rarely appreciates them.


Cancer - he is proud of himself, independent, lonely and just loves independence. He repels people, but he himself does not like them for this. The weak half of humanity is not easy with him. Compatibility is not with all zodiacs.

a lion

A lion, a true male, a predator, witty and reasonable, being in the field of view of the world around him, is adored, but most of all he enjoys manipulation, even those close to him. Can love like no one else can.


But the virgin is born a reserved and courteous boy named Nikita, strong by nature, but secretive and demonstrating weakness and benevolence. He hides behind restraint, but is losing ground in relations with the ladies - he is cold with them.


Libra - under this sign of the zodiac, a future prankster appears, a shabby boy named Nikita, such that in the future he will not be able to live on his own. He needs domination, seeks to find one that can save him from the turmoil of life.


But a quick-tempered, emotional, impulsive, irritable and undeniable brutal man will be a scorpion. True ladies are afraid of such a character, but bow before him, try to please and please.


Sagittarius is essentially a man of moods. His actions do not always meet the standards of aesthetics, unpredictable. Together, these traits create an interesting, desirable and respected gentleman, one that parents will be proud of.


Under the sign of Capricorn, a courageous, but sometimes cruel little boy appears from the womb, growing up as a tough personality, a pessimist who does not want to enjoy life as it is. Taciturn, but can suddenly become a sociable and balanced head of the family.


Nikita with the Aquarius zodiac is sentimental, he can also grow up to be a pessimist, but he is always in search of real happiness - he is looking for a wife with a positive attitude of the soul, who can teach you to enjoy everyday moments.


Pisces - the compatibility of this zodiac with others is great, he can please anyone, but his ability to create problems from scratch repels everyone around. But attracts beauties with sociability and eloquence. Will create an exceptionally strong family.

Compatibility with female names

The most best compatibility the name Nikita with such female names as Agnia, Angela, Valeria, Claudia, Flora, Eleanor and Taisia.

To build a strong and happy marriage, a couple should be created with Zinaida, Veronika, Ulyana, Nika or Isabella.

But with Victoria, Irina, Kira and Nora, unfortunately, astrologers do not recommend pairing, because none of these unions will bring anything good.

Origin male name Nikita. Will it bring happiness to its owner?

As a rule, when parents choose a name for a child, they opt for the most popular one. And almost none of them think about the fact that the name is a kind of code that has a huge impact on the human subconscious.

That is why it must be chosen consciously, always taking into account the fact that in the end it will reward its owner with both positive and negative qualities. In our article, we will try to tell in as much detail as possible what the representative of the stronger sex, bearing the beautiful name Nikita, will be like.

What does the name Nikita mean according to the church calendar?

Despite such a seemingly alien sound to the Russian language, the name Nikita is in the Church Saints and is represented there by several Saints at once. During their lifetime, all of them had a firm and assertive character, which helped them to move towards their goals without any problems.

Perhaps that is why the modern owners of this name always manage to win in everything and always. In church books, the name Nikita is written as Nikita and it matters All-conquering. According to the Church Saints, the name day is celebrated in winter, and in spring, and in summer, and in autumn.


  • January 3
  • February 13
  • April 16
  • April 17
  • May 17
  • May 27
  • June 10th
  • 30 June
  • July 7
  • September 28
  • October 26
  • October 26
  • December 30th

Saint patron named Nikita

The strongest patron of Nikita is Nikita Gothsky of Constantinople. This man was canonized as a Saint after he was martyred. He was born and lived on the banks of the Danube River among pagans who hated Christians. But still, this did not prevent him from sacredly believing in the Almighty and doing everything so that the people around him accepted Christianity.

His strong faith in God helped him achieve great success in this matter, but on his life path there were those people who did not agree to accept his religion. Moreover, his successes made them very angry, they did everything so that the ruler of the territory where he lived found out about Nikita. He ordered him to be seized and burned alive at the stake.

After the execution was over, and everyone dispersed, the friend of the Holy Man returned to the fire to take his body and bury it according to all the rules. When he approached the fire, he saw that Nikita's body was not only intact, but also emitted an unusually beautiful light. That is why he found a white cloth, wrapped the Martyr in it and took him to Constantinople, where he was buried and canonized.

In addition, the patron saints of this name are:

  • Nikita Pribytkov (martyr)
  • Nikita Pechersky (recluse)
  • Nikita Apolloniadsky (confessor)
  • Nikita Almazov (recluse)

The secret of the name Nikita

The secret of the name Nikita

If you want a strong and purposeful little man to grow up in your family, then give him the name Nikita. As a rule, the bearers of this name from childhood have an unpredictable character with all the makings of a leader. Little Nikita, literally from the sandbox, seeks to command the rest, and sometimes for this he decides to conflict with his peers.

But still, this does not mean that the owners of this name are very conflicted and not able to concede. As a rule, they do this if they see that their opponent does not agree to a compromise under any conditions. Moreover, initially Nikita tries to find mutual language with a person and solve the problem through diplomacy, and only if they fail, they show all their perseverance, strength and firmness.

Such character traits allow men to feel like the arbiters of their own destiny, so they go through life as confidently as possible and almost never get distracted by unnecessary things. But with all such strong character traits, these representatives of the stronger sex know how to appreciate those who care about them. As practice shows, they treat blood relatives with great trepidation and do everything to avoid all troubles and obstacles.

Name Nikita: nationality, origin, name history and meaning

Name Nikita: nationality, origin

Quite a lot of people mistakenly believe that the name Nikita is Old Russian. This opinion is based on the fact that for the first time it began to be used immediately after the mass baptism of people in Rus'.

Yes, initially they began to call them boys precisely during this period. But this is only due to the fact that people strived to ensure that their children had a strong Guardian Angel, whose name is in the Church Saints.

In fact, this name originates in Ancient Greece, therefore, in all sources it is considered Greek. In Greece, it sounded a little different and was pronounced like Niketas. Translated into Russian, it means Winner or Winner.

Popularity of the name Nikita

At the moment, the name Nikita is experiencing another wave of polarity. They are eagerly called boys both in big cities and small towns. True, as recent studies show, Nikit lives most of all in the European part of our country.

The most interesting thing is that this is one of those names that is equally common in all age categories. Perhaps that is why the name Nikita has ceased to be alien to us and that's it. large quantity people considers exclusively Russian.

In some sources, the name Nikita is associated with the militant goddess Nike, who was famous for her unbending will and resourceful mind. Probably, the researchers began to believe that Nikita is a male transformation of the female name Nika and began to translate it as Winner.

In order for you to get a more complete picture of Nikita, we offer you a letter-by-letter decoding that will help you understand what character they have.


  • H- endows the owner of this name with honesty, diligence and determination
  • And- helps to harmoniously fit into any society and find friends even among those people who are their complete opposites
  • To- endows a person with diplomacy and great patience, which help him turn his enemies into true friends
  • And- repeat
  • T-this letter is responsible for Nikita's creative abilities and their ability to see the world in a beautiful light. She endows them with ingenuity and eccentricity, which makes them good scientists, musicians, artists or sculptors.
  • AND- Responsible for leadership qualities. Helps Nikita to choose the right direction in life and does everything so that their will to win is always at a high level.

What does the name Nikita mean for a man, a boy?

Meaning of the name

Little Nikita is very undisciplined, so he is often late for school and sometimes forgets to do homework. True, his absent-mindedness does not prevent him from studying quite tolerably. If parents control this process, then the owner of this name becomes almost the best student in the class. Having matured a little, he becomes more independent and gradually learns to take care of himself.

Growing up, Nikita turns into a smart and strong-willed man who always knows what he wants. As a rule, he goes through life with a firm step, not noticing any big or small obstacles in his path. Such determination contributes to the fact that already at a young age he has everything that for other people is a pipe dream.

The name Nikita in the passport, in English, in different languages: how do you spell it?

To write Russian names in passports, a transliteration approved at the legislative level is used, in which each Russian letter corresponds to a separate Latin one. That is why the name Nikita in this official document is written as Nikita.

First name Nikita different languages:

  • English - Nikita
  • Greek - Nikitas
  • Italian - Niceta
  • Romanian - Nikita
  • Belarusian - Mikey
  • Bulgarian - Niko
  • Serbian - Nikica

Nikita: what is an abbreviated short name, a diminutive?

Nikita: short name

This name, like any other, has its own abbreviated and affectionate forms, which allow close person show your good and warm attitude towards its owner.


  • Nikitka
  • Nikush
  • Nikul
  • Keshunya

Nikita: character of the name, positive and negative features, fate

As a rule, both small and adult Nikitas are distinguished by cheerfulness, mobility and love of life. They do not like to sit in one place and prefer to do some business all the time. It doesn’t matter to them what they do, help their parents around the house or make something with their own hands. The main thing is that what they do should benefit them.

Representatives of the stronger sex who bear this name try not to waste their time, so they always do only what can make them better. Nikitas are very charismatic and know how to find a common language with the most closed and difficult people. But despite the presence of such a large number of positive qualities, there are also small disadvantages in their character.

So, they do not like to be commanded, so if someone starts telling them what to do, then this instantly causes them aggression. In addition, they have a little excessive categoricalness, which sometimes leads to the fact that even the closest people do not understand them.

Name Nikita: love, sexuality, marriage

Nikitas belong to the type of men who have a noticeable sexuality to the opposite sex. Perhaps that is why they easily make acquaintances and conquer the fair sex. For the same reason, they very often fall in love, but as practice shows, they do not start a long relationship.

They decide to marry the woman they love only if she suits them sexually. But most often, excessive sexuality does not allow Nikita to remain faithful to their chosen ones, and sooner or later they begin to cheat.

Moreover, they do it in such a way that the wife very quickly finds out about the rival and all this leads to a break in relations. The owners of this name settle down only in adulthood. Therefore, if they meet their soul mate closer to forty, then they quite calmly live with her until old age.

What kind of women does a man named Nikita like?

The character of the woman Nikita

If you carefully read the previous paragraph, you probably understood that only a patient woman who knows how to gently and correctly defend her opinion is suitable for Nikita. In addition, his chosen one must be well-read and comprehensively developed.

Only if he knows what awaits him at home clever man, able to give advice and support, he will strive with all his might to go home. Also, his chosen one should be sexually relaxed. The owners of this name like women who prefer extreme sports and role-playing games to constancy in sex.

What middle name suits the boy to the name Nikita?

The name Nikita goes as well as possible with the patronymic Leonidovich. It will endow the representatives of the stronger sex, bearing this name, with diligence, compassion and a cheerful disposition. This combination contributes to the fact that Nikita's energy becomes softer, but at the same time his leadership qualities do not disappear.

Another suitable middle name is Mikhailovich. It carries the energy of goodness and justice, thanks to which such positive character traits as compassion and affection for loved ones appear in Nikita's character.

Name Nikita - compatibility with female names

As you probably already understood, Nikita is quite demanding in terms of relationships, so not every woman can understand and accept him. It is best for such men to choose girls capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of a strong relationship.

If a representative of the fair sex with leadership qualities becomes his chosen one, then such a union will not bring anything good and is unlikely to last long.

Nikita will suit women with the following names:

  • Irina
  • Svetlana
  • Ludmila
  • Natalia
  • Olga
  • Darya

Congratulations on Angel Nikita Day short in verse and prose

Congratulations #1

Congratulations #2

Congratulations #3
  • Nikita! I congratulate you on Angel Day and wish your life to consist only of pleasant and warm moments. Let them surround you only loving people ready to support you in difficult times. Be always happy, cheerful and healthy and live your life so that in old age you have something to be proud of.
  • Happy Angel Day to you Nikita! Always remain the same kind, devoted, smart and purposeful. Let everything you have conceived quickly come true, while giving you as much joy and pleasure as possible. Be happy my dear and beloved person!

Song named Nikita

Tattoo with the name Nikita

Tattoo #2

Name Nikita: intuition, intelligence, morality

As a rule, Nikitas have quite normal intuition, which allows them not to get into unpleasant situations. They know how to listen to their inner feelings and thanks to this they know exactly what business they need to take on, and what, in general, they don’t need to waste their time and energy on.

Good intelligence helps the owners of this name to easily learn everything new and to radically change their work without any problems. If we talk about Nikita's morality, then they have moral qualities that are inherent in internally strong people. And this means if they see injustice, they will try to do everything so that the truth triumphs.

Name Nikita: hobbies, talent, profession, business, career

The real passion of the representatives of the stronger sex, bearing this name, are animals and cars. Therefore, a cat or a dog always lives in Nikita's house, which feels like a full member of the family in this territory. The owner of this name is very jealous of his car, therefore, under no circumstances does he allow others to drive.

As practice shows, these men do not become businessmen and the reason for this is their inherent absent-mindedness. But still, if they get a job, they try to do it as well as possible. And if Nikita comes across an understanding boss, then under his leadership he will quickly climb the career ladder.

What zodiac sign does the name Nikita fit?

Zodiac signs Nikit
  • Nikita Twin open, emotional and friendly. But with all this, he has fighting and leadership qualities that help him very quickly achieve what he wants. These men always strive for material well-being, therefore, from their youth, they begin to accumulate capital, which ultimately gives them the opportunity not to live in poverty in old age.
  • Nikita Lev- this is a strong-willed man, behind whose back you can hide from all troubles. Fortune loves him, so all his undertakings necessarily bring him money and moral satisfaction. Men of this sign are more attached to their soulmate, therefore, in this case, Nikit's inconstancy in terms of women is slightly smoothed out.

Talisman stone, amulet to the name Nikita

Nikita has two talisman stones at once. Garnet and beautiful fire opal are suitable for these men. These pebbles not only protect the owners of this name from negative energy, but also enhance inner strength and charisma.

Yes, and remember that these pebbles will give protection only if they are hidden from the human eye. Therefore, it is better to carry them in your pocket in a special protective bag or on a chain under your clothes. If desired, stones can be framed in silver.

Totem animal named after Nikita

The hedgehog is considered to be Nikit's totem animal. In ancient times, he was considered a talisman against everything bad, so they did everything so that he could live near the house. In view of this, if this animal is constantly located near the dwelling of the owner of this name, then he will be able to develop in himself an inner intuition that will help him feel people with bad energy at a distance.

Numerology Of The Name Nikita

The number of owners of this name is five. She endows them with high responsibility, perseverance, diligence and openness. All these character traits allow the representatives of the stronger sex, bearing this name, to easily go through life without making enemies for themselves.

Nickname for Nikita


  • Nixon
  • Nikich
  • Nekit
  • Nikitosan
  • Nicotine
  • Wanderer
  • Shaman
  • night samurai

Famous people, celebrities named Nikita: list, photo

Below you can see a photo famous people bearing the beautiful and sonorous name Nikita.


Nikita Malinin

Nikita Mikhalkov

Nikita Efremov

Nikita Presnyakov

Nikita Dzhigurda

Video: NIKITA. Meaning and Interpretation of the name

Forms of the name Nikita

Short form of the name Nikita. Nikita, Nika, Nikikha, Nikusha, Nikenya, Kenya, Nikesha, Kesha, Kita, Mikitka, Nikisha, Nikusya, Nicky, Niko. Synonyms for the name Nikita. Mikita, Nikitas.

Brief and diminutive options: Nikitka, Nikita, Nikukha, Nikesha, Nika.

Patronymic names: Nikitich, Nikitovich, Nikitichna.

Name Nikita in different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 尼基塔 (Ní jī tǎ). Japanese: ニキータ (are-ku-san-da). Korean: 니키타 (nikita). Kannada: ನಿಕಿತಾ (Nikitā). Ukrainian: Mikita. Greek: Νικήτα (Nikí̱ta). English: Nikita (Nikita).

origin of the name Nikita

The name Nikita in Greek means "winner". In Western Europe, you can also hear the female version of this name, it is identical to the male sound - Nikita. The female name Nikita (with an emphasis on the last syllable) appeared after the famous film by Luc Besson "Nikita" ("Nikita", "La Femme Nikita"), where the main character took this pseudonym for herself.

The diminutive nickname Nika is also an appeal to other names (Nikolai, Veronika, Monika, Nikodim, Shushanika, Germanicus, Nina and others) and an independent name.

The nature of the name Nikita

As a child, Nikita often dreams, comes up with various interesting and unusual stories. Everything is possible in his stories. At the same time, he weaves into these tales everything that he draws from the world around him. If Nikita feels offended or quarreled with someone, then these will be sad or scary tales. If he managed to do what was not given before, then the heroes of his stories will also be at their best and at the zenith of glory.

Nikita is a cheerful and stubborn boy. Thanks to his fantasies, he develops creative abilities. With age, Nikita finds himself a profession related to creativity or art. Perhaps he will be able to embody himself in such professions where a non-standard approach to the vision of the problem or to new solutions is needed. But Nikita will not give everything easily and simply. Great success can only be achieved through hard work.

Numerology Of The Name Nikita

"Fives" rarely listen to advice from the outside, they are used to relying on their own experience. They tend to try rather than think. "Fives" love adventure and travel, sitting still is not in their nature! They are players and adventurers, a thirst for risk and excitement accompany everything they do. life path. The native element of the “fives” is bargaining; in any trading business, few can compare with the “fives”. It is worth remembering that the "five" by all means avoid responsibility.


Planet: Venus.
Element: Air and water, heat-humidity.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Green, yellow-blue, pink.
Day: Friday.
Metal: Copper, bronze.
Mineral: Emerald, aquamarine, beryl, chrysolite, sapphire, carnelian.
Plants: Periwinkle, lemon balm, forget-me-not, lady's slipper, non-predatory orchids, iris, cauliflower.
Animals: Pigeon, bull, cat, rabbit, seal, fallow deer.

The name Nikita as a phrase

N Our (Our, Yours)

To Kako
AND AND (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
T Firmly
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Nikita

H - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything in a row, indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, an interest in health. A diligent worker, but does not tolerate "monkey labor."

K - endurance, derived from fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, insight, life's credo "all or nothing."
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature.
T is an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always measure desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and that one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - to act using every minute effectively.
A - a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

The meaning of the name Nikita for life

Nikita is selfish, proud, ambitious and purposeful. He knows his own worth, from a young age sets a goal and stubbornly goes to it in a direct way. He has a strong, strong-willed character, but at the same time he is sensitive and very vulnerable. Any injustice is perceived by him as a challenge. Nikita is a born fighter, he achieves everything in life himself. However, on the love front, he does not have to make special efforts to win the favor of women. They are attracted to Nikita by a cheerful disposition and desire to live. full life. Nikita is amorous, but his mind always takes precedence over emotions, he is honest in relationships. He is not in a hurry to start a family, but if he falls in love, he does not suffer from doubts. True, his marriage is not always happy. Nikita is a leader by nature, does not know how to adapt. If the spouse can put up with his shortcomings, then he will easily part with the leading position in the house and will gladly shift all the worries to her. He is still the head of the family anyway. Seriously takes care of children, takes care of the house, tries to provide all relatives well financially.

The meaning of the name Nikita for sex

He is a wonderful partner and subtle psychologist. Does not allow himself to relax during the intimate process, which gives him the highest degree enjoyment. He experiences orgasm as the highest degree of bliss, and happiness and satisfaction are associated for him primarily with deep love for his partner. Nikita is very sensitive. Not every partner can excite Nikita. For Nikita, a long acquaintance and an unburdened relationship, an appropriate environment, a comfortable apartment and the absence of interference are important. Nikita does not like a long love game, the exchange of caresses of the most diverse kind does not last long. The ideal situation for Nikita is a solemn, intimate festive evening with many erotic stimuli.

Compatibility of the name Nikita and patronymic

Nikita Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Valentinovich, Vasilievich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Fedorovich, Yurievich is talented from God. However, he is not collected, he cannot do one thing for a long time. It needs to be captivated, interested. Doesn't tolerate pressure, can't be influenced. Ambitious, independent, overly proud. Has an innate sense of justice, noble, sensitive, sensitive. Nikita almost always has success with women, breaks up with her lovers, whom he has quite a few, without scandal and maintains friendly relations with them for a long time. He is not in a hurry to marry, but, having truly fallen in love, he can start a family unexpectedly even for himself. He makes decisions on his own, does not listen to advice. It is difficult for Nikita to live in marriage, it is not easy to please him, the wife will have to adapt to his lifestyle, habits, requests and requirements, if she wants to be with him. Over the years, he becomes more balanced, very attached to the family, cherishes good relationships. True, the economy is of little interest. Has heterosexual children.

Nikita Alexandrovich, Arkadievich, Borisovich, Vadimovich, Grigorievich, Kirillovich, Maksimovich, Matveevich, Nikitich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Tarasovich, Timofeevich, Eduardovich, Yakovlevich is cheerful and carefree. From the side it gives the impression of a frivolous person. He loves women very much, enjoys success with them, often changes sexual partners, can have several of them at once. He does not like obsessive women, keeps them at a distance, not allowing them to lead him. Serious relationship does not start, has no permanent attachments. Marries late, but most often successfully. Allows the wife to host at her own discretion. But the long years of a bachelor's life are not in vain for him - he knows how to do everything around the house and does not consider it shameful. He brings up his sons in strictness.

Nikita Bogdanovich, Vilenovich, Vladislavovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Svyatoslavovich, Yanovich, Yaroslavovich has hard character, resolute. An avid debater, quick-tempered, but knows how to control himself. His sexual potential is high, but he is not prone to a disorderly intimate life, casual relationships. For such Nikita, first of all, feelings are important. He likes beautiful women with a developed intellect. He is a great partner. Does not enter into close relations with female conquerors, does not like boring and affectionate. He chooses his wife for a long time and carefully. Marries in adulthood, reluctantly. The most successful marriage is with a girl much younger than him. From her, he himself brings up a beautiful wife for himself, forgetting about his many girlfriends after the wedding. Takes an active part in the upbringing of children.

Nikita Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerievich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Denisovich, Igorevich, Iosifovich, Leonidovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Semenovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich - an impulsive person, unbalanced, susceptible to failures, survives them for a long time. At the same time, he is cheerful, cheerful, women really like him. Sincere and loyal with friends, hospitable, loves noisy companies. Above all, he puts his own independence, does not burden life with serious relationships with his beloved, does not tolerate long-term relationships. He marries carefully so that he does not have to regret it all his life, because divorce is like a collapse for him. If the relationship with his wife does not add up, he finds solace on the side. Can't stand jealous scenes.

Nikita Alanovich, Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Vladlenovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich, Stanislavovich is impressionable and impulsive. It is difficult to experience failures, does not know how to lose, does not recognize his mistakes. Tends to blame anyone but himself. Intelligent, smart, gallant and noble with women. Amorous, easily carried away, but quickly cools down. Inconsistent, does not become attached to friends. Gentle in communication, but you should not anger him. He is quick-tempered, unbalanced, in a fit of anger - unpredictable. He is prone to overestimating his abilities, boastful, greedy for flattery. He does not marry for a long time, meticulously chooses a partner. In choosing a spouse, he takes into account all the qualities of her character, appearance, degree of intellectual development. The family man Nikita is unimportant, does not differ in constancy, does not like to do housework, but he is strongly attached to his sons.

Characteristics of the name Nikita according to B. Khigir

Translated from Greek - "winner". Nikita is a man who knows his worth. From childhood, he is accustomed to take care of himself and does not cause concern to his loved ones. He studies well, likes to draw, is fond of music. He is more like his mother in character. Having chosen a goal in life, he goes to it in a direct way, without wasting time on secondary things. He does not like being commanded, he prefers to take the initiative into his own hands. By nature, Nikita is a leader. Endowed with some talent from God. Can achieve outstanding success in the chosen profession. Nikita can become a traveler, scientist, director, politician. He loves animals and always keeps a big dog in the house. He enjoys driving a car himself, but he will not repair the car himself. In a woman, she appreciates not only beauty, but also intelligence and spiritual qualities. Family life is always difficult, since Nikita is devoid of diplomacy, does not tolerate someone else's superiority over himself. He loves children very much and spends a lot of time with them.

Positive traits of the name

Independence, purposefulness and speed, but not haste, the desire to patronize, patronize. Loves small children, animals, especially dogs. Little Nikita does not give his parents any trouble; he pleases them with his cheerfulness, mischief. Likes outdoor games, sports. Nikita has been smart and diligent since childhood, knows how to take care of himself, goes to the goal in a direct way, without wasting time on secondary things, does not like being commanded, feels on an equal footing with his older comrades. He prefers to be a leader in any business, he can carry a motley company with him. Nikita has developed creativity, imagination and a sense of beauty.

Negative traits of the name

Choosing a profession by name

Nikita strives for fame, fame, uses her talents for this. He is early interested in commerce, invents various ways for making money. Nikita can be a successful entrepreneur, businessman, banker, public figure, bright actor, talented artist, writer, composer.

The impact of the name on business

Nikita is disposed to succeed in any business he has begun.

The impact of the name on health

Nikita's health will be good if he is not threatened with overload and nervous tension. In this case, high blood pressure, heart attacks, are likely.

Name psychology

Nikita has been surrounded by friends since childhood. He knows how to value friendship, people are drawn to him. Nikita will always help those in trouble and is ready to accept the help of his comrades himself. There will be no conflicts with him if you do not challenge his rights to leadership and freedom of choice.

Characteristics of the name Nikita according to the seasons

"Winter" Nikita, especially "December", does not like to write essays, not because he does not know how, it's just hard for him to put his thoughts on paper, it's easier to tell it all. He is a complex, emotional boy, fidget. It's hard for him to do just one thing. It is important for him to alternate mental stress with physical. Nikita enjoys cycling all day long, watching cartoons, military films, programs about animals. He is too energetic, his energy is looking for a way out, if he is limited in some way, he can play pranks in spite, do what his parents do not like. He is persistent, stubborn. Outwardly similar to the mother, but the character is paternal. Growing up, he becomes self-confident, knows his own worth, is able to achieve great success, is purposeful.

"Spring" Nikita is selfish, easily hurt, squeamish. Painfully perceives criticism, does not tolerate comments, although in his heart he agrees that he was wrong. The spirit of contradiction lives in it. He is able to admit his mistakes himself, but if someone points out these mistakes to him, he will vehemently defend his innocence. Parents should carefully lead him to think about whether he is doing the right thing, make him think about what is happening. All his life he has been looking for the truth, he is not in a hurry to draw conclusions, he is able to put himself in the place of another in order to sort out problems. The nature of the philosophical warehouse, very spiritual. Has a literary and artistic gift. Able to deeply empathize. He is very attached to his parents, always finds support in them.

"Summer" Nikita is versatile talented. He loves nature and animals very much. Good-natured, to some extent an altruist. Specific, fair. Somewhat slow. Cannot stand pressure, too independent from early childhood. Does not know how to adapt to anyone, proud and independent. Having acquired a family, he does not seek to establish his leadership, all household chores fall on the shoulders of his wife, but in work he will not allow anyone to be ahead. Obsessed with ideas, knows how to implement them, easily takes responsibility, is not afraid of difficulties. Just like the "spring", "summer" Nikita is a vulnerable person, it is easy to offend him, outwardly he does not show it. He is very sociable, willingly makes new acquaintances, is well versed in people. In childhood, it is very difficult to determine what he is more inclined to - how versatile his interests are. Parents should not direct his abilities along any particular channel; having matured, he himself will find his place without much difficulty.

"Autumn" Nikita is the most unique personality of all Nikita. All abilities are embodied in it. He is a writer, and a musician, and a dancer, and an actor, and a director, and an artist, and a mathematician, and a physicist, and a chemist. Everything comes very easy to him. A favorite of the public, not a single celebration is complete without him, he is in great demand among the girls, his friends are jealous of each other, everyone wants to get more of his attention than the rest. Nikita is very reasonable, purposeful, practical. He knows how to give good advice, support his neighbor at the right moment. Charming, witty, resourceful.

Famous people named Nikita

Nikita Kozhemyaka (hero folk tale times of Kievan Rus, recorded in several versions in different regions of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia)
Nikita Choniates ((1155 - 1213) sometimes incorrectly called Acominat Byzantine historian, writer)
Nikita Antufiev, better known as Nikita Demidov (Russian industrialist, founder of the Demidov dynasty)
Nikita Mikhalkov ( Russian actor and film director, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1984), chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia, laureate of the Oscar film award (1994) in the nomination "Best film for foreign language for the film "Burnt by the Sun")
Nikita Paflagon (Byzantine philosopher of the late 9th - early 10th century, student of Aretha of Caesarea)
Nikita Bogoslovsky (Soviet and Russian composer)
Nikita Dolgushin (ballet dancer, choreographer)
Nikita Zotov (dumny clerk, teacher of Peter I)
Nikita Muravyov (one of the main ideologists of the Decembrist movement)
Nikita the Stylite (reverend, miracle worker of Pereyaslavl)
Nikita Khrushchev (First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU from 1953 to 1964, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR from 1958 to 1964, Hero Soviet Union, three times Hero of Socialist Labor)
Nikita Moiseev (Russian scientist and public figure)
Nikita Odoevsky (prince, governor, diplomat, influential member of the Russian government)
Nikita Trubetskoy (prince, field marshal general (1699–1767))
Nikita Dzhigurda (Russian actor, People's Artist of the Chechen Republic)
Nikita Mikhailovsky (Soviet actor)
Nikita Semyonov-Prozorovsky (bard, Soviet and Russian theater, film and dubbing actor)
Nikita Zuev ((1823-1890) Russian teacher and cartographer)
Nikita Romanov (son of Ivan Nikitich Romanov, cousin of the first Romanov tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, last boyar of the non-royal Romanov line)
Nikita Mikhailovsky (Soviet actor, pseudonym - Sergeev)
Nikita Kamenyuka (Ukrainian football player, midfielder and captain of the Zorya club (Lugansk))
Nikita Tolstoy (Russian linguist-Slavist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and then of the Russian Academy of Sciences; works on the history of Slavic literary languages, dialectology of Slavs, Old Slavonic and Church Slavonic, ethnolinguistics and lexicology)
Nikita Tolstoy (Soviet physicist, Russian public and political figure; was one of the founders of the scientific and pedagogical school in the field of magneto-optical phenomena and quantum optics)
Nikita Magalov (an outstanding pianist, belonged to the family of Georgian princes Magalishvili)
Nikita Salopin (Russian theater and film actor)

What can you say about the meaning of the name Nikita? After all, in last years many parents call their sons Nikita, whose name they sometimes do not know the meaning of. This name is associated with strength and masculinity, with decency, kindness and many other qualities.

That is why this ancient name is very often given to a newborn boy by those mothers who really want their child to be the smartest and strongest. But what is the meaning of the name Nikita, its origin and what qualities does the person wearing it have?

The name Nikita is of ancient Greek origin, it is translated as "winner". This suggests that Nikitka always achieves her goal and does not lose heart. And he is always ready to help his family and comrades.

If you turn to Wikipedia and various dictionaries, you can find out that initially the name Nikita sounded like Mikita, but later changed. The character of the owner of this name is very soft. Nikita rarely gets into conflicts and takes offense at people.

This beautiful name is widely used throughout the world in various forms. Full form name - Nikita, and the abbreviated form - Nicky. It can be affectionately called Nikitka, Nikisha or Nikitochka.

What kind of life awaits him?

From early childhood, the boy has a very kind and cheerful character, but an extremely categorical and persistent disposition. Small child can take care of his pets all day long and play with blocks and cars.

This is a very kind, affectionate and obedient child, and everything in him is simply doomed. But deep down, this boy is extremely sensitive and very touchy, it is very easy to hurt him in the very heart. But Nikita himself can hardly offend anyone.

When Nikitka grows up, then his character becomes more adamant, but he still remains kind-hearted and cheerful. Nikitka from the very moment of birth is a born father. He is ready to help absolutely everyone, he has a big heart and a warm soul. Therefore, the fate of remaining lonely does not threaten him, many people will always be drawn to him, and everyone will like him without exception.

He easily communicates with both friends and colleagues, so he easily achieves great success, but his assertive nature has hindered him all his life, especially in communicating with his superiors. If he believes that he knows exactly how to do it better, he will argue for a long time and persistently, contradict and be very upset if his opinion is not taken into account.

But, despite this, his fate is very happy and filled with fun. His family will always come first, and especially his beloved wife and children, and work and career growth will come second. But the young man is very energetic and very hardworking, so he can do absolutely everything: achieve great success in his career, and build a house where harmony will always reign.

He loves to work with children and always endows them with his spiritual warmth, not sparing a single bit of time and effort for his heirs. The children of this man always grow up cheerful and cheerful, because their father simply does not have a soul in them.

As for his personal life, here for a man whose name is Nikita, a very happy fate is also prepared. He attracts representatives of the opposite sex to his person like a magnet, standing out against the background of strong and catchy young people who have emptiness inside and who are most often only interested in career growth. The young man conquers girls with his infinite kindness and warmth.

He is very smart and independent. The young man is not looking for various adventures, but humbly waiting for true love, because he knows exactly what he wants. Strong sympathy and devotion are of no small importance to him, and in this regard, this man is a conservative. Nicky will never tolerate infidelity from her wife in her life.

With whom will he be unspeakably happy?

What is the compatibility of a man with female names, and who is more likely to become his chosen one? Primarily, great importance has not the attractiveness of a girl, but what Nicky will be able to see in her.

If a girl has such positive qualities of character as decency, honesty and femininity, then she has every chance to win him. And it doesn’t matter at all what the name of his future chosen one will be. But there are female names that suit this man.

The best compatibility is with girls named Alexandra, and. Of these five girls, the guy will be truly happy with Anastasia, since Anastasia has many of the qualities that Nikitka appreciates so much, but a happy marriage awaits him with other women. With women named Irina, he has excellent sexual compatibility.

Nikita is one of the first male names that was inscribed in church calendar. There are also many martyrs, saints and monks in whose honor there are church holidays. Nikita's name day is celebrated on January 3, February 13, March 4, April 2, September 22, September 28, October 26, November 19, November 28, and you can also congratulate the birthday man on December 30.

So, this is what the name Nikita means. Nikitka is an unusually beautiful name, and its owner is the best husband and father in the world. This man can rightfully be proud of his nice name and it will bring him good luck!
Author: Kristina Kovgunova

It means "winner" in translation. Since ancient times, it was considered the most popular in Rus'. Remember Nikita Kozhemyaka - the great Russian hero. He did not know defeat in battle, and truly was a real Winner.

Nikita: the meaning of the name. Character

From early childhood, this child is mobile, like mercury. He understands everything, grasps a lot on the fly. It is almost impossible for a stranger to talk to little Nikita. The boy will look at him for quite a long time: what if this uncle or aunt is evil? But if the child believed the adult, then it would be simply impossible to tear Nikita away from him. Questions are pouring in like from a cornucopia. In the company of children, little Nikita is a real ringleader. He always has many friends. However, there is one "but" - parents must carefully monitor their own behavior so as not to grow an Egoist out of the Winner. Even raising a child can be very spoiled. Screaming and spanking in a relationship with Nikita will not help. This will only make the baby closed and unsociable. It is worth showing more patience and trying to understand what problems your child has, help to deal with them. After all, despite his big name, he is rather indecisive and gets lost in a difficult situation.

Age and change in character

"Winner" - this is the meaning of the male name Nikita. And this trait becomes more noticeable with age. The older he gets, the more success he achieves in life. Most likely, having matured, Nikita will become a successful businessman, and there will always be many friends around him on whom he can rely on everything. This is not surprising, because since childhood he used to help everyone. However, he has such a character trait as self-confidence and inability to sensibly evaluate his actions. If at a certain period of his life he does not learn this, then fate may cease to be favorable to him.

How the seasons affect the meaning of the name Nikita for a child

Winter Nikitas do not like creativity very much. At school, getting them to write an essay is simply an impossible task. It is easier for Nikita to tell everything in words than to transfer thoughts to paper. He is sorely lacking movement during his studies. This child is a real fidget, and therefore the combination exercise with mental labor for him is the most important condition for good academic performance. He is persistent and very stubborn. Growing up, learns to set goals and achieve them in any way. However, he always knows his own worth.

"Spring" meaning of the name Nikita for a child

Children of this season are very vulnerable and selfish. They do not accept criticism, even if they know they were wrong. Admit the mistake himself - please, but agree that he is wrong - never. At the same time, Nikita, born in the spring, is very attached to his parents. He is able to empathize with others and take their place, and therefore can give a lot of good advice.

The meaning of the name Nikita for a child born in the summer

This boy is exceptionally talented. He is slow and fair. No one can bear pressure from above. Independent from early childhood. In his family, he does not strive to be the main one - the solution of all problems will fall on the shoulders of his wife. But in work, no one can go ahead of him. If Nikita cannot decide what he wants from life in childhood, you should not decide this for him. The child will grow up and find his own path.

The meaning of the name Nikita for a child: autumn baby

A child born in the fall is the most incredible of all Nikita. He seems to have collected the best in himself. This is the ringleader, artist, artist, mathematician, and so on ad infinitum. He will always find an interesting story or a funny joke for friends, give good advice and help in difficult times. He has many friends, and the girls around him curl like moths around a flame. Here he is - Nikita the winner.