A detailed interpretation of the large Lenormand layout. The meaning of card combinations in a large Lenormand layout

With this article, we are opening a column dedicated to the Lenormand Grand Layout: the meaning of houses, the meaning of cards in houses, various methods of reading the Big Layout (knight's move, chains, correspondence, mirror, etc.) - all these issues will be covered.

The large layout of Lenormand is a feature of this system.

BRL is unique and versatile, in it all 36 cards are used. It shows past, present and future; thoughts, feelings, actions, perspectives or their absence; answers all questions at once from every possible area of ​​human life.

Above the Big layout of Lenormand, you can meditate day and night, if you decide to read it in full, or you can also use it for express fortune-telling on a specific issue (work, relationships, buying and selling real estate, money, career, health or children), interpreting only specialized topic at home, and not paying attention to the rest, although it will also take a lot of time, because the Lenormand Grand Layout is read not only linearly and traditionally for Lenormand in pairs or triads, but also along the chains of houses, methods Knight's move" or " Mirror reflection", or " Correspondence". And of course, this is the most the best layout for detailed forecasts for any period of time. The main thing is to mentally set a program for the cards before the layout - decide for what period of time you want to receive a forecast.

There are several options for the Lenormand Grand layout, the most common are:

  1. 8 * 4 + 4 (8 cards in 4 rows 5 row of four cards in the center)

I prefer first option, because, firstly, it is the most popular and more familiar to me personally, and secondly, it clearly the last four houses of Destiny stand out, imminent events, and thirdly, developments in reading BRL by various methods were created for the 8 * 4 + 4 option. In our articles, we will consider examples of reading just such a scheme.

Lenormand Grand Spread Technique:

Before proceeding to the Big Layout Lenormand formulate a question and define a time span on which you want to make a forecast. The question may concern some kind of exciting Querent sphere or whole life for a certain period, for example, if the alignment is done before the new year or for a birthday and a person wants to receive maximum information, advice and recommendations for the current year. You can also consider past events or this moment, the main thing is to indicate it in the request.

Then focus on the question and shuffle the deck in the usual way.

Place three stacks of cards face down in front of you. Turn over each pile so that the bottom cards are visible. You got 3 stacks of cards, and on top of each of them there is one open card. These 3 cards provide background information before the spread itself is made. They define those main energies or undercurrents who participate in the formation of events. If you count the fifth of a triplet, you can see internal state of the Querent, his motives guided by which he will form the events around him. After you have read these three cards, connect the deck and shuffle again.

Arrange the cards as shown in the layout diagram:

After all the cards have been laid out, find the map of Blanca(for a woman, this is card 29, and for a man - 28; if the layout was made for a child, then card 13). Assess her position. Which house did it fall into, which row, how far from the card-signifiers of the topic of the question, etc.

Houses in the Big layout Lenormand

The principle of this layout is that each position is the house of the card, has certain characteristics that are similar to the meaning of the card, therefore, before proceeding with the calculation, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the interpretation of the cards themselves.

House of the card - has the properties of a card, but with its own nuances, as in astrology - it's scenery, place and circumstance where events will unfold, where our blank characters will tell and show their stories. This is the territory of the map, where she rules in full force, the energy of the house and the cards are similar, by analogy with the abode of the planet in astrology.

Remember, you do not need to interpret the meaning of each card separately!
But only combined with home in which she found herself and with her position(side, top, bottom, center).

Interpretation of cards taking into account the meanings of the houses in which they fell is a great opportunity to demonstrate your skills. reading paired cards. But only taking into account the fact that the house will show the place, the scenery, he answers the question - " where?», « in what area?" etc. For example if the map Heart fall into the house Rings, then this may indicate a wedding if Ring fall into the house braids, then a divorce or break in agreements, sharp and painful, if Heart fall into the house snakes, then this is an indication of infidelity, that now you cannot trust your loved one, there is a high risk of deception and betrayal; map Men in the house Stars He wants to clarify the situation.

28 and 29 houses important for questions relations.

To quickly determine which house the card fell into, count according to this method: there are 8 cards in each row, which means the 16th house is the last square in the 2nd row; 25th house - 8 * 3 \u003d 24 + 1, then the 4th row is the first card, etc.

The big Lenormand layout is a legendary layout used by the famous fortuneteller Maria Lenormand herself to truly predict the future. This old layout is used by all fortune-tellers - Lenormand fortune-telling fans. This alignment shows the past, present and future of the life situation of the questioner, in which direction his life situation will develop further.

The big Lenormand layout is an old fortune-telling on the original Lenormand cards from a series of complex layouts, which takes into account not only the independent values ​​\u200b\u200bof each card, in accordance with the position held, but also paired combinations of cards. This alignment is used in cases where it is necessary to make a detailed forecast for any period of time. In the Big scenario, you can view both the general picture of the client’s life situation in a certain time period, as well as individual topics of interest to him: be it work, relationships, health, money, children, etc.

To select a description of another layout, go to the page

Spread technique

By the way, the first card of the layout, the one that lies in the place of the Horseman (except for the client’s card), usually sets the tone for the entire layout, and also shows the querent’s thoughts. For example, what is most important to him or her at the moment. Traditionally, it is paired with the card in position 32, and the card in position 8 is paired with the 25th. Later, the meaning of the cards should be linked into one interpretation.

Cards that will lie closer to the form will show recent events. And the cards that will lie further will show: for the past - prehistory, the farther the card is from the form, the greater the prescription of the event. View this line from the farthest map; for the future - development, how everything will end. The main card in the position of the future will be the one that lies near the form, it will show what will happen in the near future. The rest of the cards following the main one will say what will happen next or will be the result of the main event. If a favorable card lies at the end of the future line, then the forecast will eventually be favorable, regardless of which card lies next to the client’s card.

What is the "Karmic Cross" in the Big scenario? A karmic cross, or, they say, karmic strings, these are cards that lie diagonally from the blank. They provide additional information for studying the past and the future. The upper diagonals are understandable, familiar phenomena, actions, events that a person was forced to accept in the past and will be forced to accept in the future. The lower diagonals are what a person was forced to do and will do.

The position of the questioner's card

If the client's card lies in such a way that there are no cards above it, or there is no before-, after-, or below, this is an indication that information in other areas is currently more important for the client, or that in the client's life now is a turning point. If the past is no longer there, it is gone, which means that it will no longer influence the future and, therefore, it does not matter much for future events. If the client does not have a future in the layout, it means that it has not yet been formed, and the client’s past is very important for its formation. This means that we need an analysis of the past by the client himself, conclusions and determination of the course of action that will help to “build” this future. Thus, a person is given a chance to build his own future.

Counseled - a man is very worried about the future; female client - the past. She does not see the future or it is not significant for her at the present time. If the form was the last in the layout, then the man is worried about the past, the woman is worried about the future. It depends on the direction of view of the figure on the form.

At the moment, the person who came for advice needs to deal with the past. That is where the key to solving real problems lies. The future is not yet predetermined and depends on what actions he takes now.

All the cards below the questioner represent, figuratively called by the gypsies, “what we trample under our feet” - in psychoanalytic terminology, “repressed” - these feelings or events we suppress in ourselves or try to forget. The cards under the feet are blanks - they also refer to the line of the present. This is the client's unconscious anxiety, his suffering, which the querent suppresses, what he does not want to think about, what he would like to get rid of. Sometimes it can be his desires, his plans about which he worries, for which he worries. Also, the cards under your feet can indicate passing events, or as they say, passing events (happened and gone) that have already happened or will happen within a few days.

Inner square. Eight cards in close proximity to the questioner's card. Reveals the most significant events in the life of the counselor. Be sure to pay attention to these cards in contact with the personal card. They will give additional information about the state of the fortuneteller. From them, the so-called "big cross" is considered.

The last four cards, which lie down in the last 5th row, show what will happen in any case in the future. They are called fateful, that is, regardless of the question asked when laying out the cards, the last 4 cards in the 8x4 + 4 layout show what will happen in any case, regardless of whether the person asked about it or not. These cards will show the main events that will occur in a given period of time and set the direction for subsequent development. Pay special attention to this part - it may contain advice or a warning. If the fortuneteller's personal card is in the group of these cards, then the main events are in the future. The fortuneteller is in a state of contemplation of plans or anticipates some important events. He is aware of the need for change and is ready to accept it.

Cards are keys

Partnership.First of all, you need to find the cards Men and Women. Remember that they represent you and your significant other, or the most significant person in your life.









Pregnancy and Childbirth: Birds/Owls - conception; Storks - childbirth; Tree - development, health; Spit - abortion, caesarean; Moon - women's health, fertility, cycle; Pisces/Lilies - male fertility.

Family, home. Look at the map Dom. House - domestic affairs, private life. This is your fortress and the most intimate. Be sure to check the environment maps. The cards lying next to the card - the key of the House reveal the immediate environment of the fortuneteller, may indicate relatives or close friends, family friends. Here information is given about people close and dear to the fortuneteller; if the fortuneteller’s personal card is in the key card group, then this means that the person’s main concerns are related to home, family, loved ones.



Key card combinations

HOUSES in the Big layout

Cards in the Grand layout are read taking into account the Houses in which they lay down, each house is responsible for certain areas in accordance with the meaning of its “native” card. The House in the Big Spread is the place of each card in the spread, which corresponds to the position of the spread and the serial number of the card. For example: the Horseman is the first in the deck, which means that the place where, according to the layout scheme, we put any card that fell out first in the layout, will be the Horseman's House. And if the 6th card lies in the Rider's House - Clouds, then we will say that the Clouds lie in the Rider's House. About the card that we will put in the second position, i.e. in the second House, we will say that she lies in the House of Clover. And if, for example, the Clover card falls on the 16th position, we will say that Clover is in the House of Stars, because. it is the Star card that is in the deck at number 16. The meanings of the Houses correspond to the direct meaning of the cards under this number.

Why Consider Houses? If, for example, there is a Cloud card in the Horseman's House, and we remember that the Horseman is news (one of the meanings), and the Clouds are fast-passing troubles (as one of the meanings), from here we will interpret the first card as the main theme (first card) of the layout for a given period for the client - receiving unpleasant news that struck like a bolt from the blue.

It is often not enough to view only one House. Using the example of the House of the Horseman and the Cloud card, we learned that the main theme of the alignment for the client is some kind of unpleasant news. To deepen the information, we look through the chain of Houses: in the House of the Horseman there are Clouds, and what card is in the House of Clouds? The Fox lies in the House of Clouds, which means that bad news is connected with deceit, possibly gossip. This is already enough, but if there is still a need, you can thus look further at the Fox's House - which card lay down in her House. The main thing here is not to get carried away by the Houses and not to go into the jungle.

Each card can play a "role" in card combinations in the Grand Lenormand spread. But if the card falls into its own house, the qualities of the card are emphasized and enhanced. Be sure to look at the maps in place of number 10 - Spit. But, the Scythe is not only a danger, it is also something very unexpectedly coming. At the discretion, you can consider other "houses" - Pisces, Cross, and so on.

The meaning of each card in a particular House is discussed in the article.

Dom 27 Letter: messages, information, contact card - e-mail, fax, telegram;

House 28 Man;

House 29 Lady;

House 34 Pisces: finances, money;

Mirrors in the Grand layout

As mentioned above - the blank or the cards of interest - the significators in the Big Lenormand scenario are interpreted taking into account the so-called "mirrors".

Mirrors in the Big layout read like this, for example, you look to see if the client has children, and first of all pay attention to the Child card. One of her mirrors will be - Bouquet, he can tell you that the child is a girl, the second mirror will be - Broom, she can tell you that there are two children. Of the 4 cards of the last row, only the two extreme cards mirror each other, i.e. 33 from 36.

In addition, when interpreting the Big layout, you need to pay attention to the corresponding cards, in other words, correspondence, correspondence. What is the correspondence of the cards for? Correspondence is an indicator of the development of the situation in the future. Correspondence allows you to determine the temporal values ​​of the events that have fallen in the scenario. Corresponding cards are cards that lie diagonally across from themselves in a layout. The first row corresponds with the fourth and the second row with the third. For the cards of the last row, the correspondence will be in the next row.

The correspondence of the cards is looked at like this: for example, the 1st with the 32nd, the 2nd with the 31st, the 9th with the 24th and so on. Here it must be remembered that the first row corresponds only with the fourth, and the second row only with the third. Consequently, in the second row, 9 card will correspond with 24, 10 with 23, 16 with 17. As for the 4 cards of the last row, they correspond with each other only with the cards of the fourth row lying next to each other, i.e. 33 mirrors 27, 34 mirrors 28, 35 mirrors 29, and 36 mirrors 30.

Correspondence should not necessarily be considered as a combination of the original and the corresponding card, the environment of the card where the corresponding card falls is also important. For example, the Ring corresponds with the Rats, at first glance it turns out that this is the end of partnerships. And if the Ring corresponds with the Rats that “look” at the Mountain, then the rats “eat” the Mountain and it turns out that such correspondence will show that the obstacles that were in love relationships will go away. Because Rats are such an infection that devours everything that lies next to it for the future, regardless of whether it is good or bad.

If you are specifically interested in the trip, then you need to look at it on the Ship map in the layout. You need to look at where he lies, and according to his correspondence you interpret the future, see how the trip goes. In addition, you need to look at home place 3 - Ship. What card is in this place, for example, the Sun will show that a person is planning a vacation in the summer; Heart - love at a distance; Anchor in the place of the Ship - something related to work, up to its shift. On the Korobl map, it is better to look at a larger trip, for example, a trip, a vacation. Small trips and hikes, for example, a trip to the country, it is better to look at the Horseman.

Knight's move (Rosseln) in the Grand scenario

Horses can also mean events. You can watch them in combination. For example, if the Lady goes with a horse to the Heart and the Scythe, this means strong emotional suffering, painful experiences.

How to use knight moves? Those who are familiar with the game of chess know how a piece moves - a knight. Here the moves are the same as in chess: from the card of interest - the significator, such “moves” are mentally drawn, like moves by a knight in chess, and the card where your mental horse galloped is interpreted.

In the Big scenario, Lenormand has a rule for the sequence of reading “horses”: they are read in a clockwise direction. Those. the first "horse" should be read to the left of the card of interest - the significator, the second of the "horse" that will be higher, etc. around from left to right. It turns out that if the card of interest lies in the 20th House, then the “horses” from it will be cards lying in the 26th, 10th, 3rd, 5th, 14th, 30th, 35th and 33rd Houses, and they will indicate the trend.

The last 4 cards in the layout 8x4 + 4, do not go with knights, and they also do not go.

The connection between the significators in the Grand scenario

You can see if the significators (Man and Woman, Lady and Anchor, Man and House, etc.) are nearby, on the same horizontal, vertical or diagonal. If so, what other cards are included in this line. All this will give additional information about the state of affairs.

Sometimes the cards "blanks" are interconnected by a "horse", or a parallel, or a chain of houses. One or another type of connection in any case will indicate that there is an active aspect between the significators, and our task is to establish its nature.

If there is absolutely no connection between the cards, and even a chain of houses does not help, then in some cases you can look at a card on which both significators go with a horse at the same time. This works very well, but, unfortunately, not in all cases the positions of the spread allow this method to be applied.

Sometimes the significators are located at such a distance from each other that the horses from them fall next to each other and form one line. For example, we are looking at the relationship of the Lady with the Anchor. The Lady is in the place of the Storks (17), and the Anchor is in the house of the Cross (36). The horse from the Lady falls on place 27, the horse from the Anchor - on 28. We look at which cards fell out at this place, combine their values, and we get a link between the significators. But with this method, you should be careful, it is not sufficiently tested.

If each of the forms makes two knight moves on the same cards, then these knights can be considered in interconnection.

Forms 28 and 7 form two knights on 22 and 13, 22 and 13 can be considered together as the nature of the relationship between 28 and 7.

It happens that the significators go with a knight to the same card. Most likely, this is what connects people in the present. It is also advisable to see in which house the horse is located. For example, if there is a Mountain or a Coffin in the house, then this may mean a blockage of energy in a relationship, a lack of clarity.

When analyzing the environment of the querent, first of all, pay attention to his thoughts. This is the card above the head of the Woman or Man card. Let's call it the head. The cards above the head are most often perceived as the thoughts of the querent, and the cards under the feet are the realities of the current day, on which this situation (base) is based. It can also be events for a given period of time in which a person participates. The same cards can show what a person is currently experiencing. What he can influence, which is a consequence of his actions or desires. And the cards above the head can be perceived as an external influence on a person, over which he has no power.

At the same time, absolutely all combinations, including horses, for the head card, which it forms with other cards, are looked at. A person has a lot of thoughts in his head, so they all manifest themselves. At the end, they look at the House where the head card fell. And then - a chain of houses. For example, if the head card of the querent is Storks, which are in the place of the Tree, then we look at the Tree, where it fell and what environment it is in. Here, even the House, in which the Tree itself is located, is not so much important, but its environment and combinations. Thus, you will be able to see the situation of health or life at the moment, which the querent is going to or dreams of changing (Storks). In the same way, absolutely all the remaining cards surrounded by the querent are analyzed.

If the layout deals with the issue of relations between a man and a woman, then the first thing you need to pay attention to is which male (if the alignment is done for a woman) card is closer to the 29th card than other male cards. The closest will be a man with whom there is or will be interaction. You need to look at how their cards are located in relation to each other - whether they are looking at each other, or standing with their backs to each other. You need to read the cards that lay between them. These can be cards lying vertically, horizontally or diagonally (do not forget the rule that you cannot leave the lines). Then they look at “mirrors”, “correspondence”, “horses” - do 28.Men and 29.Women have common cards, points of contact that unite them to a greater extent.

If the cards between 29 and 28 lie from the back of the Man to the back of the Woman, then this means that each of them goes his own way, each has his own interests (the husband has football, the wife has cards), i.e. this is not necessarily an indicator of a bad attitude towards each other, although it may be so, for understanding you need to study the alignment in more detail. If the forms Man and Woman look at each other, this indicates a desire for each other, understanding, etc. If the form of one of the partners lies in the layout above the other, this may indicate that one of the partners is more emotional, more sensitive in existing relationships, in addition, this may show a more predominant (more dominant) partner. If another male card lies closer to the Ladies card than the “knight’s move”, this must be considered in more detail, because. this man can be much more important than the one on whom the "knight's move" was made.

For a detailed definition of the relationship in the layout, use.

Also, when interpreting the alignment, it is necessary to take into account the Houses. Suppose, if a Woman in the House of Stars - can indicate a woman with mediumistic abilities, or has taken place, a fateful meeting will take place. Or the Serpent in the House of the Heart - indicates betrayal in love, betrayal, lover.

The cards can help identify the man in the spread and can represent people:

The rider is a young, athletic man;

House - can stand for a man or a husband;

Clouds - ex-partner;

Kosu is a young inexperienced man;

Broom - a young lonely man;

The dog is a friend;

Heart - a man in love, beloved;

Lilies - lover, patron;

Pisces is a successful man;

Bear - an elderly man, father, boss;

Snake - a smart woman, a rival, denotes old women (mother-in-law, mother-in-law, neighbor);

By the way, very often the Snake and the Bear are mistaken for parents;

The fox is an insidious, cunning person;

Mountain - the predominant (dominant) disappointed man, an unpleasant boss;

Bouquet - a very pretty (amiable) charming woman;

Child - child, this card can also show a young mistress;

Tower - a selfish man, an unpopular boss;

The dog is a good-natured friend and, accordingly, a friend;

Owl - a married couple or 2 elderly women; the owl card is a card of the number "2", so it is often interpreted as a telephone conversation between two subscribers.

On the ranking and types of cards in the Big Lenormant layout

The manager is the most powerful card in whose power is dominance over the layout. She is the main one, is responsible for all the cards lying nearby and can control them by changing their value, but she does not change her own value and does not obey neighboring cards (except for Storks). In the layout, we definitely pay attention to the control cards surrounded by the client’s card or the area of ​​topics of interest to him, and we always read other cards from it.

Control cards: Coffin, Scythe, Rats, Fish, Sun, Lilies, Cross, Storks, Park, Heart, Ring

Some control cards should be mentioned separately:

Coffin - she has the power to change the value of nearby cards for the worse, weaken even such strong cards as the Sun - "joy with tears in her eyes."

Spit - can completely change both a negative and a positive situation. Unlike the Coffin - always a surprise.

Rats - it is in her power to change the value of neighboring cards for better or worse, eats cards of the future.

Cross - strengthens all cards that come after it. Dissolves and weakens those cards that stand before him, as if putting an end to everything.

The stork is a manager, but a subordinate, all changes are made only under the influence of neighboring cards.

The sun - in any hand, softens the meaning of "bad" cards, warms the forecast, and always plays a decisive role in the hand, especially in the positions of the present and future.

The rest of the ruler cards guide neighboring cards more gently. Although, for example, such a favorable card as the Park can guide some cards of its environment in such a way that it can be guided both to indicate the wedding and to indicate the cemetery.

Senior card - when reading a group of cards, the emphasis is on it, it is always more important than others, when reading, we rely on it, build on it. Nearby cards only help her explain to us the event passing through her. It does not change its value, but it does not change the value of neighboring cards (with the exception of the House and Star cards).

Senior cards: House, Clouds, Snake, Bouquet, Broom, Ship, Fox - subjugates, sometimes can control neighboring cards, Bear, Clouds, Stars, Book, Mountain, Tree, Dog.

An event map is a map that indicates events. In the layout, such cards should be looked at first. For example, a Letter, even taken separately by a card, will show an event, but Clover cannot show an event in any way.

Event cards: Rider, Ship, Clouds, Snake, Coffin, Bouquet, Scythe, Broom, Tower, Owls, Stars, Storks, Stars - not always, Park, Fork, Rats, Heart, Letter, Lilies - rarely, Key, Pisces, Cross.

A subordinate card is a card that needs the support of nearby cards so that its meaning can be better understood. For example, the Rider - in itself, this card indicates the receipt of news (one of the meanings), and what character this news will be, the cards behind it will explain.

Subordinate cards: Rider, Clover, Tree, Storks, Tower, Fork, Letter, Key, Child, Moon, Anchor, Man, Woman.

Background map - this map shows the background of the event. For example, in the layout, one after the other, there are two cards - the Horseman and the Clouds. The rider is the event, the clouds are the background.

Background maps: Clover, Clouds, Owls - affects neighboring cards, Child, Fox, Bear, Stars, Lilies, Book, Stars, Sun, Moon, Anchor - can slow down, stop neighboring cards.

Favorable is a card that is considered positive.

Positive cards: Rider, Clover, Ship, House, Bouquet, Child, Bear, Storks, Dog, Park, Heart, Ring, Lily, Sun, Key, Fish, Anchor.

An unfavorable is a card that, in its meaning, is related to negative.

Negative cards: Clouds, Snake, Coffin, Scythe, Broom, Owls, Fox, Mountain, Fork, Rats, Cross.

The moon fluctuates between negative and positive.

Neutral means neither negative nor positive.

Neutral cards: Tree, Stars, Tower, Book, Letter, Man, Woman.

Note: Some cards are in several groups at once, which means that they can act in both capacities at the same time, or in one capacity or another, depending on the question and place in the layout. You also need to remember that both favorable and unfavorable cards, although they are considered as such, but depending on their environment and place, can change their meaning with the “vice versa” index.

Cards of stability, stagnation, weighting, slow development - Tree, Anchor, House, Dog, Cross;

Help and assistance cards, partnerships - Bear, Dog, Pisces, Ring;

Stability cards - House, Dog;

Intuitions - Stars, Moon, Child;

Wisdom and Knowledge - Owls, Lilies, Book;

Feelings are indicated by - Heart, Moon, Pisces (very rarely, mostly feelings mixed with profit);

Movement cards - Ship, Rider, Storks, Owls (rarely, mainly communications - telephone, fax), Fork (on foot or in road transport, combined with the "Owl" card - air, with the "Ship" card - sea travel);

Emotions - Clover, Bouquet, Heart, Sun;

Temporality, short-term - Clover, Bouquet;

Competitors - Fox, Snake;

Changes - Ship, Storks, Coffin;

Officiality - Letter, Ring, Tower, Lilies;

Fate, rock - Stars, Cross;

Chance and open path - Key, Clover, Sun;

Doubts and Uncertainty - Fork, Owls;

Obstacles and problems - Mountain, Clouds, Cross, Spit;

Losses of every kind - Coffin, Scythe, Rats;

Contact cards, communications - Rider, Owls, Park;

Transport cards - Ship, Rider, Coffin, Storks;

Cards of money, investments, financial well-being - Pisces, Bear.

Time cards

Clover = approximately one week

Cross = 2-3 weeks

Moon = 4 weeks

Fork = approximately 7 weeks

Park = 3 months

Tree = approximately 1 year


Bouquet = spring

sun = summer

Clouds = autumn

Lilies = winter


Clover shortens time, that is, if it lies with a time card, time is divided in half.

For example: tree = about 1 year, with clover = about half a year

Clover / Sun = early summer

Clover / Lilies = early winter

Owls (Birds) - opposite to Clover, they double the time cards.

If the Owls lie with the time map, then the time interval must be increased by 2 times.

For example: Moon = 4 weeks, with Owls = 8 weeks.

More definition of time on Lenormand cards is discussed on the page

Death in the grand scheme

For death, the Tree card is necessarily involved. She must either stand in the appropriate combination, or with mirrors, or cling to the house cards of the Coffin or the Cross or the Anchor with the Cross. And more precisely, so all together. Cards Tree - Cross - Scythe, Clouds, Coffin. As well as Owls, Rats, Lilies or Bouquet, Stars, Anchor. A particularly bad combination of the Anchor with the Cross is when they are at the end of the layout and the blank card is also at the end of the layout. For example, 29 or 28 in the house of Pisces or the Moon. And the Cross and the Anchor changed places. Appropriate houses are also involved. House of the Tree, Cross, Scythe, House, Coffin. If the death of a close chela, then a lot of cards, if not very close or familiar, then there may be a Scythe - Tree - Cross diagonally from the blank card to the future.

An example of a layout in which you can see the death of a person:

Ring - Bouquet - Moon - Cross - Dog - Sun - Rats - Child - Broom

Pisces - Owls - Tree - Stars - Scythe - Mountain - Clover - Rider - Tower

Lady - Letter - House - Ship - Fork - Book - Bear - Clouds - Key

Anchor - Maine - Snake - Coffin - Park - Lilies - Storks - Heart - Fox

Letter - Tree - Cross

Cross - Stars - Ship - Coffin

If a person dies not next to you, and you find out about it, then be sure to Letter - Coffin or Letter - Cross. By the way, the Star card in the Lenormand layout is always involved in death layouts. The Horus in the Coffin card, in the presence of other cards, of course, can directly simply indicate the hill above the coffin. Cross in the House of the House. Letter - House - bad news from home. Near the Owl Tree and the Tree itself in Owls. Owls as mourning. Letter - Owls - Bouquet - about a woman. All these cards speak of news from the house about the death of a woman. Vertical Dog - Spit - Fork - Park - this is an employee of the authorities. Further vertical with the Book - Book - Mountain - Sun - inquiry, finding the truth and eliminating the mystery.

For the sake of curiosity, such an alignment is not done, it should be laid out only when the client really needs to find out in what direction his life and destiny will develop further.

The big Lenormand layout is a legendary layout used by the famous fortuneteller Maria Lenormand herself to truly predict the future. This old layout is used by all fortune-tellers - Lenormand fortune-telling fans. This alignment shows the past, present and future of the life situation of the questioner, in which direction his life situation will develop further.

The big Lenormand layout is an old fortune-telling on the original Lenormand cards from a series of complex layouts, which takes into account not only the independent values ​​\u200b\u200bof each card, in accordance with the position held, but also paired combinations of cards. This alignment is used in cases where it is necessary to make a detailed forecast for any period of time. In the Big scenario, you can view both the general picture of the client’s life situation in a certain time period, as well as individual topics of interest to him: be it work, relationships, health, money, children, etc.

Usually the Big alignment is done for a long time - 3 months, six months, a year, although you can lay it out for a month, but there are other layouts for this. Before starting fortune-telling, you need to mentally set a program for the cards - decide for what period of time you want to get a forecast. There are two popular options for the layout of cards when divining in the Big layout: the first option is 8 cards in 4 rows, and the 5th row of four cards in the center; the second option - 9 cards in 4 rows.

To consider the general picture of the client’s life situation in a certain time period, it is better to formulate the question before fortune-telling as follows: “I want to know the most favorable probability for me to further develop my general life situation for such and such a period of time.”

In the case of consideration of individual issues on the topic of work, relationships, health, money, children, etc. The question is better formulated as relating to the topic you are interested in. For example, if this is the topic of relationships between a man and a woman, then the question will sound something like: “I want to know the most favorable probability for me to develop a relationship between me and (partner’s name) for such and such a period of time.”

To select a description of another layout, go to the "Fortune-telling Lenormand layouts" page.

Spread technique

Before there, how to do the Big layout, formulate a question and determine the time period that will be considered. Focus and shuffle the cards, move or let the questioner move the deck twice with your left hand. The fortuneteller lays out the deck into three piles face down. Now we have 3 parts of the deck. Turn them over so that the bottom card is face up. These three cards provide us with background information about the situation before the spread is made. The three cards that are open in the piles below determine those driving energies that will participate in the formation of future events. The combination of three cards will show you the deep inner state of the questioner, his subconscious motives, which will guide his actions, forming the appropriate events. After you have finished interpreting these 3 cards, put the deck together.

After studying these cards, shuffle the deck again, focusing on the information received. Further, the cards are taken from the deck from above in order and laid out according to the scheme (in the figure, the scheme is given for a layout of 8 x 4 + 4). Lay out the cards as shown.

The cards are laid out, then a blank card is found (the card of the questioner, the personal card of the fortuneteller, the querent). If the questioner is a man, then it will be the ace of hearts; if a woman is an ace of spades, the child is given a jack.

In the Big Lenormand Spread, each card forms a huge number of combinations with other cards, but it is best to start the interpretation with 4 corner cards. These are cards 1, 8, 25 and 32. They indicate the main theme of the layout.

By the way, the first card of the layout, the one that lies in the place of the Horseman (except for the client’s card), usually sets the tone for the entire layout, and also shows the querent’s thoughts. For example, what is most important to him or her at the moment. Traditionally, it is paired with the card in position 32, and the card in position 8 is paired with the 25th. Later, the meaning of the cards should be linked into one interpretation.

Now start interpreting all combinations of cards. The decisive and turning point of the interpretation is the card of the questioner (it can be a Man, a Woman, a housing issue - a House, health - a Tree, work - Anchor, finances - Pisces, etc.) The entire interpretation of the alignment is based on the position of this card. This means that the meaning of each card must be in accordance with its position relative to the questioner's card. The gypsies call this form of interpretation "drawing a cross into the past, present and future." The meaning will become immediately clear if you know the meaning of each position. You need to know that in the Big scenario it is not necessary to interpret all the cards, usually they consider the big and karmic crosses around the client’s letterhead and (or) individual topics of interest to the client, for example, work (Anchor), finance (Pisces), etc.

What is the "Grand Cross" in the Grand Layout? The big cross is the vertical and horizontal lines coming from the client's card. The vertical line is the line of the present, the horizontal line is the past and future. These lines carry basic information, so they need to be studied carefully (maps are interpreted strictly along the lines).

Cards that will lie closer to the form will show recent events. And the cards that will lie further will show: for the past - prehistory, the further the card is from the form, the greater the prescription of the event. View this line from the farthest map; for the future - development, how everything will end. The main card in the position of the future will be the one that lies near the form, it will show what will happen in the near future. The rest of the cards following the main one will say what will happen next or will be the result of the main event. If a favorable card lies at the end of the future line, then the forecast will eventually be favorable, regardless of which card lies next to the client’s card.

What is the "Karmic Cross" in the Big scenario? A karmic cross, or, they say, karmic strings, these are cards that lie diagonally from the blank. They provide additional information for studying the past and the future. The upper diagonals are understandable, familiar phenomena, actions, events that a person was forced to accept in the past and will be forced to accept in the future. The lower diagonals are what a person was forced to do and will do.

The diagonals cannot be considered separately from the horizontal. They seem to be projected onto it and show the connection of events. For example, in the horizontal line of the future, you are particularly interested in one of the cards. If you draw a vertical up and down through it to the upper and lower diagonals, respectively, then the lower card, lying at the intersection of the vertical and diagonal, will show what the client will do in connection with the card of interest. And the top card, lying at the intersection of the future line and the upper diagonal, will show what the client will be forced to agree with, what he will be forced to accept.

The position of the questioner's card

The questioner's card is not always in the center. This should also be taken into account when interpreting the alignment.

If the client's card lies in such a way that there are no cards above it, or there is no before-, after-, or below, this is an indication that information in other areas is currently more important for the client, or that in the client's life now is a turning point. If the past is no longer there, it is gone, which means that it will no longer influence the future and, therefore, it does not matter much for future events. If the client does not have a future in the layout, it means that it has not yet been formed, and the client’s past is very important for its formation. This means that we need an analysis of the past by the client himself, conclusions and determination of the course of action that will help to “build” this future. Thus, a person is given a chance to build his own future.

The card of the questioner in the layout was the first. Counseled - a man is very worried about the future; female client - past. She does not see the future or it is not significant for her at the present time. If the form was the last in the layout, then the man is worried about the past, the woman is worried about the future. It depends on the direction of view of the figure on the form.

The questioner's card is shifted to the left. The consulted person has completed an important period in his life, completed a certain cycle of his development, and now his main thoughts and plans are in the future. The past doesn't matter.

The questioner's card is shifted to the right. At the moment, the person who came for advice needs to deal with the past. That is where the key to solving real problems lies. The future is not yet predetermined and depends on what actions he takes now.

The questioner's card is shifted up. Feelings play an important role in the counselor's life. It is likely that at the moment he is in the power of the unconscious (according to Freud, the unconscious is unrealized drives that, due to conflict with the requirements of social norms, are not allowed into consciousness.).

The questioner's card is shifted down. Before us is a person who is able to realistically assess what is happening and can control the situation. However, if there are negative cards at the top, this may indicate excessive concern with non-existent, fictitious problems, fears.

Interpretation of the Big layout Lenormand

The first card of the spread, which lies in the Horseman's house, sets the tone for the whole layout - this card is very important. The first three cards of the spread are like some main message for the querent, along with the corner cards, which are defined as the main theme within the reading of the spread. It is also believed that the first four cards in the top row in the layout - 1, 2, 3, 4 show the present or the situation of the next few days.

The last 4 cards - 33, 34, 35, 36 - a guaranteed future that will happen within 4-6 weeks. It is worth considering first a combination of cards 34-35, then cards 35-36, and at the end combine everything into one. Of course, when laying out the layout, you can specify the interval we need in advance, for example, you can make a layout for 6 months, but the time intervals themselves are often difficult to determine, but the last 4 in this plan are easy to interpret - events will occur no later than 6 weeks.

After that, look at the 4 cards in the center of the spread in positions: 12, 13, 20 and 21. One approach to interpretation is to consider 4 cards as the message of the year, which will be the main one for this year of your life. The interpretation should be carried out as follows: 12 cards are interpreted in tandem with 21, and 13 with 20. You can also connect all 4 cards and try to interpret them together. The second approach treats these cards as "what's on the heart." In any case, their interpretation is certainly important.

Before making a layout, you must decide for yourself where in the layout in relation to the form (client card) there will be the past, and where the future will be. Each predictor decides for himself: for someone (regardless of where the form “looks”), the cards on the left always refer to the past, and the cards on the right to the future, this is one option. For someone, the past is always behind the “back” of the form, and the future is always in front of her “face”, in the direction of the form’s gaze, (i.e. for a Man in one direction, for a Woman in the other) - this is the second interpretation of the alignment . And therefore, the interpretation of the alignment must be done further, based on which option you choose. According to the first option, the future opens on the right side of the layout, you will find out the past by examining the cards on the left side of the layout.

All cards located up above the card of the questioner refer to the line of the present, meaning either real events, or those that are expected in the near future or are planned. Therefore, this vertical upward line is the threshold between the present and the future. The cards show daily problems. What is happening around the fortuneteller at the present moment of time, what is important for him, that he must decide what affects him at the present moment of his life and in some way affects his state, his thoughts.

All the cards below the questioner represent, figuratively called by the gypsies, “what we trample under our feet” - in psychoanalytic terminology, “repressed” - these feelings or events we suppress in ourselves or try to forget. The cards under the feet are blanks - they also refer to the line of the present. This is the client's unconscious anxiety, his suffering, which the querent suppresses, what he does not want to think about, what he would like to get rid of. Sometimes it can be his desires, his plans about which he worries, for which he worries. Also, the cards under your feet can indicate passing events, or as they say, passing events (happened and gone) that have already happened or will happen within a few days.

Diagonals. Additional information for studying the past and the future. The upper diagonals represent conscious actions, planned events, phenomena understandable to the questioner. The lower diagonals make it possible to explore hidden motives, inner desires, everything secret and incomprehensible.

Inner square. Eight cards in close proximity to the questioner's card. Reveals the most significant events in the life of the counselor. Be sure to pay attention to these cards in contact with the personal card. They will give additional information about the state of the fortuneteller. From them, the so-called "big cross" is considered.

Grand Cross or Gypsy Cross. Traditional form of gypsy interpretation. A connection is established between all cards located on a horizontal and vertical line from the card of the questioner. Reveals a sequential time chain from the past to the future.

Karmic cross (karmic strings) look in combination with the Grand Cross. Karmic cross - these are cards lying diagonally from the blank. They provide additional information for studying the past and the future.

“Correspondence”, “mirrors” and “knight’s moves”, if necessary, can be read from any card of interest for a better understanding of it, for example, you want to learn more about the thoughts and events that excite the client at the present time, then you begin to study in detail the card lying at overhead, etc.

The problem areas in which the cards are located: Scythe, Coffin, Mountain, Cross, Clouds, Mice and their environment help to draw conclusions about problem areas in the client's life.

Other topics of interest: cards of marriage, relationships, partnerships (Ring, Heart), work card (Anchor), money card (Pisces), health (Tree), children card (Child) and others that characterize the events of the past, present, future.

The House of the Key and the Key itself are considered as a reliability advisor. The card, which is located in the Key House, shows how or with what the client will solve the problem.

The last four cards, which lie down in the last 5th row, show what will happen in any case in the future. They are called fateful, that is, regardless of the question asked when laying out the cards, the last 4 cards in the 8x4 + 4 layout show what will happen in any case, regardless of whether the person asked about it or not. These cards will show the main events that will occur in a given period of time and set the direction for subsequent development. Pay special attention to this part - it may contain advice or a warning. If the fortuneteller's personal card is in the group of these cards, then the main events are in the future. The fortuneteller is in a state of contemplation of plans or anticipates some important events. He is aware of the need for change and is ready to accept it.

Cards are keys

In the Big layout there are cards - keys, which are simply mandatory to consider. These cards are desirable to find and view the Houses in which they are located, as well as their surroundings. Maps belonging to the same key are interpreted together. Each key has its own meaning.

Pay attention to where in the layout is the personal card of the fortuneteller or the person they are guessing at: if they are guessing for a man, the personal card will be “Man” (ace of hearts), if for a woman - “Woman” (ace of spades). The presence of a personal card in a group of key cards will emphasize the theme of this group. This means that in the life of a fortuneteller this question comes first, consider this line in more detail. See also which thematic group will have a personal card next to it. The presence of a personal card next to a certain thematic group means the same as inside it, but to a lesser extent, the influence of this issue on events is negligible.

In principle, when laying out the Big layout, you can view the area of ​​​​interest to you, considering the key cards according to the same laws as the querent card, i.e. consider its position in the layout, building verticals and horizontals, diagonals and knight moves from it.

Interpretation of the keys in the Big scenario Lenormand

There are 36 key cards in the Lenormand deck, which not only have their own meanings, their nuances and shades, but also form a lot of combinations with other similar multi-valued cards. In order to get additional information on the map of interest, you need to study the maps adjacent to it, look at the "mirrors", "correspondence" (corresponding cards) and "moves of the horses" (what it is, see below), pay attention to the proximity or remoteness between the form and the card of interest - the significator. The place where the card of interest lay down (at the beginning, at the end, in the corners of the layout, etc.) also carries its semantic load when interpreting the layout.

Partnership.First of all, you need to find the cards Men and Women. Remember that they represent you and your significant other, or the most significant person in your life.Pay attention to the cards lying between them.If there is a Dog card nearby, then this is probably your friend, if the Anchor is a work colleague. This is discussed in more detail in this article and its continuation. Another indicator of partnership is the Ring card and the cards surrounding it. The Ring Map is a map of alliances and agreements. It can be a marriage, or just a contract (rent, sale). Here you need to look at the maps of the environment, determine where this Ring is located: in the past or in the future, is it connected with love affairs or with work.

Love. The Heart card is love affairs. Refers to emotions, feelings, matters of the heart, friendship, faith. The cards around the card - the key Heart consider those issues that concern the fortuneteller, make them worry, which are of high importance to him personally. You can see if love comes into your life or, on the contrary, leaves it. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the Heart card will be in the layout in any case. It can be not only Love for a representative of the opposite sex, but for a dog or for work. Love has a lot of nuances and shades, it can be marriage, love affair, sex, or just flirting.

The various keycards of the most popular spheres are the Heart, the Ring, the Lilies, the Sun, the Stars. When the fortuneteller's personal card is in the key card group, this is an indication that emotions are currently leading the fortuneteller. Heart - relationships; Ring - connection, union, marriage; The man is a partner; Lady / Snake - partner; Lilies - sex and as the opposite - romance; Sun / Stars - personal happiness, aspiration.

Friendship. Cards that characterize (designate) a circle of friends: Dog, Bear, Bouquet and Snake; Bouquet / Park - friendly gatherings, parties Dog - a card of a friend or good friend, colleague or friend from school. To find out what awaits your friend, look at the adjacent cards.

Circumstances. Then you need to find the Key card and those cards that follow it. Which house did she fall into, and which card lies in the 33rd house (House of the Key), in order to determine those things that are exactly (definitely) present in the life of the client, since the key shows exactly what is defined by the concept of "undoubted fact" .

Problems. Also, first look at the problematic cards and their environment - meaning the Scythe, the Coffin, the Mountain, the Cross, the Clouds and the Mice. This helps to draw conclusions about problem areas in the querent's life. Consider cards - keys, taking into account problem cards.

Job. Here, cards can show people with whom the fortuneteller has a connection at work. You need to find the Anchor in the layout and look at the cards that surround it. If there are cards nearby that can represent people, then we can talk about a colleague. There may also be cards showing (characterizing the boss). These are the Bear, the Mountain, the Tower (perhaps the Snake, the Fox can also show the bosses).

Anchor - work card, professional stability, some look and search for Fox cards to view work moments and questions. Anchor is stability, not only in work, but also in life. The fox is considered as a job, a work colleague, a boss, an attitude in a team, the qualities of an employee, etc. The moon is professional success, self-realization in work, in creativity.

Profession. The cards next to the key card reveal the fortuneteller's social status, the place he occupies in society, his livelihood, and financial situation. If the fortuneteller's personal card is in the key card group, then the main issue to be resolved is related to making money or a career.

Lilies - family contract, heredity, continuity in work, choice of profession; Tower - management activities, large companies, corporations and branches; Home - work from home, personal small or medium enterprise; Bear is a small firm; or a network of firms, also small; The sun is television; Sun in combination with Owls and / or Oblique - a computer, work "with iron"; Book and Tower - translation activities, education; Tree or Dog - medicine; Broom and Book - journalism; Birds - any profession related to communication, obtaining information; Letter - paper; Stars - esoteric; Clover (especially with a Dog or a Tree) - pharmacology; Ship/Rider - mechanization, work with vehicles; Luna/Bouquet - women's business, design, beauty salons, boutiques.

Money. Pisces / Bear - finance. The money question is shown by Pisces and the cards adjacent to them. Pisces is a salary, income-expenses, cash flow. The bear can also show the financial side of the issue, the Bear is more of a bank deposit, inheritance, fund, general financial condition. In principle, the Bear is power, it is strength, it is financial funds, salary and income. But the majority, nevertheless, see in him a certain personality - a sponsor, and not the financial stability of the client.

Health. They look at the cards Coffin and Tree. The tree is a card of health and stability in relationships. Next to the Garden or Home cards, it can show a medical institution, and with an identity card, a doctor or nurse.

Tree - body, general condition; Coffin - illness, death; Mice / Rats - stress, exhaustion; Birds / Owls - nervous diseases stress; The dog is a doctor; Scythe - the risk of surgery.

Pregnancy and Childbirth: Birds/Owls - conception; Storks - childbirth; Tree - development, health; Spit - abortion, caesarean; Moon - women's health, fertility, cycle; Pisces/Lilies - male fertility.

Family, home. Look at the map Dom. House - domestic affairs, private life. This is your fortress and the most intimate. Be sure to check the environment maps. The cards lying next to the card - the key of the House reveal the immediate environment of the fortuneteller, may indicate relatives or close friends, family friends. Here information is given about people close and dear to the fortuneteller; if the fortuneteller’s personal card is in the key card group, then this means that the person’s main concerns are related to home, family, loved ones.

Children. If the question relates to children, then look at the Child card. The Child card usually denotes children under 13-14 years old, after which there are the Horseman, Dog, Fork, Bouquet. Notice if there are quantity cards nearby. Then probably children can be more than one. If there are no children, then this may refer to heirs (for example, a great-nephew).

The Child card is a child, but a child under 13-14 years old, and after that there are other key cards, such as the Rider, the Dog, the Fork, the Bouquet. Sometimes the Child card only shows certain childish character traits.

Parents. Look at the cards Bear and Snake. The cards between the Bear and the Tower characterize (show) the father. Cards between the Serpent and the Tower can characterize the mother. If in the layout the Bear or the Snake is in the corner, and in the other corner is the Tower, this may show that the father or mother (or together) significantly influences the life of the Woman or Man.

Key card combinations together with the environment is very informative. You need to watch in the following order.

If you are interested in card 6, you should look at combinations 1 + 11, then 2 + 10, then 3 + 9, and 7 + 5, and these pairs completely open the meaning of what is happening now around this topic. If such diagonal combinations as 1+11 and 3+9 still have a further continuation along the plane, then such a diagonal gives even more information. For example, 1+11+16, where 16 can already lead to another topic, serve as a bridge between two different questions.

HOUSES in the Big layout

Cards in the Grand layout are read taking into account the Houses in which they lay down, each house is responsible for certain areas in accordance with the meaning of its “native” card. The House in the Big Spread is the place of each card in the spread, which corresponds to the position of the spread and the serial number of the card. For example: the Horseman is the first in the deck, which means that the place where, according to the layout scheme, we put any card that fell out first in the layout, will be the Horseman's House. And if the 6th card - Clouds, lies in the Horseman's House, then we will say that the Clouds lie in the Horseman's House. About the card that we will put in the second position, i.e. in the second House, we will say that she lies in the House of Clover. And if, for example, the Clover card falls on the 16th position, we will say that Clover is in the House of Stars, because. it is the Star card that is in the deck at number 16. The meanings of the Houses correspond to the direct meaning of the cards under this number.

Why Consider Houses? If, for example, there is a Cloud card in the Horseman's House, and we remember that the Horseman is news (one of the meanings), and the Clouds are fast-passing troubles (as one of the meanings), from here we will interpret the first card as the main theme (first card) of the layout for a given period for the client - receiving unpleasant news that struck like a bolt from the blue.

It is often not enough to view only one House. Using the example of the House of the Horseman and the Cloud card, we learned that the main theme of the alignment for the client is some kind of unpleasant news. To deepen the information, we look through the chain of Houses: in the House of the Horseman there are Clouds, and what card is in the House of Clouds? The Fox lies in the House of Clouds, which means that bad news is connected with deceit, possibly gossip. This is already enough, but if there is still a need, you can thus look further at the Fox's House - which card lay down in her House. The main thing here is not to get carried away by the Houses and not to go into the jungle.

Each card can play a "role" in card combinations in the Grand Lenormand spread. But if the card falls into its own house, the qualities of the card are emphasized and enhanced. Be sure to look at the maps in place of number 10 - Spit. But, the Scythe is not only a danger, it is also something very unexpectedly coming. At the discretion, you can consider other "houses" - Pisces, Cross, and so on.

The meaning of each card in a particular House is discussed in the article Lenormand House's Grand Layout.

House 1 Horseman: good messages, contacts;

House 2 Clover: little happiness, little money, chances, hopes;

House 3 Ship: trip, craving for travel, longing, removal;

House 4 House: stability, home, family;

House 5 Tree: duration, strength, age, health;

House 6 Clouds: fears, insecurity (uncertainty);

House 7 Snake: smart woman, complications, detours;

House 8 Coffin: ending, new beginning, sadness, illness;

House 9 Bouquet: invitation, charming girl, non-professional creativity (hobby);

House 10 Spit: danger, separation (parting), harvest, suddenly and unexpectedly;

House 11 Broom: conversations (negotiations), discussions;

House 12 Owls: excitement, nervousness, phone contacts;

House 13 Child: child, naivete, new beginning;

House 14 Fox: falsity, lies, mysteries, but also cunning;

House of 15 Bears: trust and help, in most cases a man, jealousy;

House 16 Stars: clarity, success, also house of magic, unusual;

House 17 Storks: change, change;

House 18 Dog: friendship, fidelity;

House 19 Tower: separation (separation), solitude and isolation, authorities;

House 20 Park: public, society, meeting;

House 21 Mountain: blockades, obstacles, charges;

Dom 22 Razvilka: solutions, new opportunities;

House 23 Rats: losses (losses), theft, negativity and fears;

House 24 Heart: love, friendship;

House 25 Ring: relationship (connection), partnership, contract, connection (obligation);

House 26 Book: secrets, knowledge, school, training;

Dom 27 Letter: messages, information, contact card - e-mail, fax, telegram;

House 28 Man;

House 29 Lady;

House 30 Lilies: sexuality, harmony;

House 31 Sun: energy, great happiness;

House 32 Moon: feelings, fame and recognition;

House 33 Key: reliability adviser card: how do I find the key;

House 34 Pisces: finances, money;

House 35 Anchor: profession, work;

House 36 Cross: fate (fate), faith and hope, also the future.

Mirrors in the Grand layout

As mentioned above - the blank or the cards of interest - the significators in the Big Lenormand scenario are interpreted taking into account the so-called "mirrors".

What are the "Mirrors" in the Big scenario? It is like a mirror "reflection" of the card you need in two adjacent "mirrors". Such "mirrors" can be obtained if the BR is mentally divided into four parts (for the 8X4 + 4 layout, the bottom 4 cards in the fifth row are not taken into account). The figure clearly shows how the map you need (indicated by the letter “K”) is “reflected” in two adjacent “mirrors” (reflections are indicated by the letters “Z”). In the diagram, the card on the 11th number mirrors the cards on the 14th and 19th places, etc. Thus, you can get "mirror reflections" or simply - "mirrors" of any cards you need. "Mirrors" are always arranged in parallel. Each card has two "mirrors" (reflections).

Mirrors are cards that lie opposite themselves at right angles in the layout. The first row mirrors the fourth and the second row mirrors the third.

What are Mirrors for? Mirrors reveal the topic, give the current state of affairs, the situation at the moment, the state of affairs according to the map of interest, reveal (clarify, confirm, determine) the essence of what the main card is talking about. Mirrors look like this: for example, the first card mirrors from the 8th, the 2nd from the 7th, also the 1st from the 25th. Or the 2nd with the 26th, and the card number 10 mirrors with cards -18 and 15.

Mirrors in the Big layout read like this, for example, you look to see if the client has children, and first of all pay attention to the Child card. One of her mirrors will be - Bouquet, he can tell you that the child is a girl, the second mirror will be - Broom, she can tell you that there are two children. Of the 4 cards of the last row, only the two extreme cards mirror each other, i.e. 33 from 36.

Correspondence of cards in the Grand layout

In addition, when interpreting the Big layout, you need to pay attention to the corresponding cards, in other words, correspondence, correspondence. What is the correspondence of the cards for? Correspondence is an indicator of the development of the situation in the future. Correspondence allows you to determine the temporal values ​​of the events that have fallen in the scenario. Corresponding cards are cards that lie diagonally across from themselves in a layout. The first row corresponds with the fourth and the second row with the third. For the cards of the last row, the correspondence will be in the next row.

The correspondence of the cards is looked at like this: for example, the 1st with the 32nd, the 2nd with the 31st, the 9th with the 24th and so on. Here it must be remembered that the first row corresponds only with the fourth, and the second row only with the third. Consequently, in the second row, 9 card will correspond with 24, 10 with 23, 16 with 17. As for the 4 cards of the last row, they correspond with each other only with the cards of the fourth row lying next to each other, i.e. 33 mirrors 27, 34 mirrors 28, 35 mirrors 29, and 36 mirrors 30.

On the basis of mirrors and correspondence (correspondence), one can also read corner maps.

If "Mirrors" is a reflection of the present state of affairs, i.e. according to them, we look at how things are in the issue of interest, things are currently going on or an explanation of the map of interest, then “correspondence” is an indicator of the development of the issue in the future.

Mirrors and correspondence are best viewed together. Suppose you are considering the card you are interested in, which is located in the 13th house. If her current state of affairs is reflected by the “mirrors”, i.e. the cards lying parallel to it are in the 12th and 21st Houses, then the future development of the situation will be shown by the corresponding card lying diagonally and located in the 20th House. Cards are interpreted as follows: 12 cards are interpreted in tandem with 21, and 13 with 20.

Correspondence should not necessarily be considered as a combination of the original and the corresponding card, the environment of the card where the corresponding card falls is also important. For example, the Ring corresponds with the Rats, at first glance it turns out that this is the end of partnerships. And if the Ring corresponds with the Rats that “look” at the Mountain, then the rats “eat” the Mountain and it turns out that such correspondence will show that the obstacles that were in love relationships will go away. Because Rats are such an infection that devours everything that lies next to it for the future, regardless of whether it is good or bad.

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The big Lenormand layout is an old legendary layout on the original Lenormand cards, it was used by Madame Lenormand herself for the most accurate prediction of the future. In her time, it was called the "Complex layout" (there is data on this in the Madame Lenormand Museum in Alençon). All 36 cards participated in it, because, as you know, the prophetess herself loved layouts in which the entire deck was involved. But unfortunately, Lenormand took the secret of the "Complex layout" to the grave. There are only a couple of references to this layout:
Lenorman told the Russian woman Varvara Petrovna Pukolova-Krekshina that she would die in her own bed at night, because of which Varvara Petrovna slept not at night, but by day ... The fortuneteller made her a "Complicated layout" 9x4 (4 rows of 9 cards in each ) in a sequential layout.
No more data has been preserved either in the diaries of the prophetess or from her students. The advantage of this alignment was that the fortune teller spoke the exact sequence of events in the life of the client. Unfortunately, no one could repeat the virtuosity of such an interpretation. And one can only guess about the ways of reading.

Best of all, the Big alignment is done for periods of one month and at least for life. Before starting fortune-telling, you need to mentally give the cards a program: determine the time period for which you want to get a forecast. You can also look into the past of a person. Then decide on the topic of the question (what are we guessing? - love / relationships, work, finances, etc.). And focusing solely on what is of interest - it is best to mentally formulate the question as follows: - "How will my relationship with *** develop in the next six months", or: - "What awaits me at work in the next month."

Before you make a layout, decide on the subject of the question and the time period. Shuffle the deck and let the questioner take the deck with his left hand "on himself" twice, dividing the deck into three parts, or do it yourself if you are guessing for yourself. You will get three stacks (heaps) of cards. Turn each pile face down so that the last card in the pile is facing you - face up. The three cards that have been revealed to you are the three energies on which future events will be formed. Then interpret them in combination. Their combination will tell about the deep state of the asking person ("why the question was asked"), which guides his actions, which will cause everything that happens in the future. After examining these three cards, connect the deck and shuffle again, after - NOT moving the decks, lay out the cards on top of the deck in order: 9 cards in 4 rows (see Figure 1).

1 HORSEMAN'S HOUSE. Upcoming events (1-4 days). Sometimes ideas.
2 HOUSE OF CLOVER. Lucky case. What's lucky
3 SHIP HOUSE. Journeys of movement, change, aspirations, but also longing.
4 HOUSE HOUSE. property issues; a family; entourage
5 TREE HOUSE. Health, growth and evolution, roots (in the broadest sense - love, relationships, problems, etc.), gender.
6 HOUSE CLOUDS. Uncertainty and "confusion", the emergence of any events, anxiety. Please note: if a figure (a blank, a bear, a snake) fell out in this house, it can speak of a sudden return of a person from the past.
7 HOUSE OF THE SNAKE. Wisdom, intelligence, detours; the medicine; but also betrayal, meanness and betrayal; sex.
8 HOUSE OF THE COFFIN. Renaissance; Regular changes, transformation; transition.
9 HOUSE OF BOUQUET. Success and a small victory, joy.
10 HOUSE OF THE SPIDES. Birth, readiness for something, time to reap the "fruits" good or bad - depended only on past actions. "What goes around comes around"; as well as suddenness and surprise. NO DANGER!!!
11 BROOM HOUSE. Conflicts, quarrels, contradictions; active communication and heated discussions.
12 OWL HOUSE.“What is a person busy with” and “his head is busy”, problems that are being solved; erudition; deep Scan.
13 CHILD'S HOUSE. Child (if any); a new birth, something that will gain momentum and develop; immaturity, trust; passion.
14 THE HOUSE OF THE FOX. Cunning and / or lies, false goals; detailed planning, mistrust and caution.
15 THE BEAR'S HOUSE."Awakening from hibernation", manifestation of activity, strength - (what is your strength), active actions; the house of the second man (lover, for example, or boyfriend).
16 HOUSE OF STARS. Repetition of events (uniformity), karma (fate); esoteric, divination.
17 HOUSE OF STORKS. Actions motivated by love; change for the better, change of place, migration.
18 DOG HOUSE. Attachment and constancy, from which "there is no escape", devotion.
19 TOWER HOUSE. Strength and reliability, high morality; official institutions;
20 PARK HOUSE (GARDEN). Recreation, happiness, society.
21 MOUNTAIN HOUSE. Gradual "ascent" and achievements, protection. But for a person with a passive position in life - problems and obstacles. Also abroad, another city (distance).
22 HOUSE FORKING. Opportunities, multiple options; doubts, uncertainty and hesitation, choice.
23 HOUSE OF RATS. Fears, suffering, loss, failure; uncleanliness. Sometimes - very painstaking work (gnawing), fertility. But mostly - "mouse fuss"
24 HOUSE OF THE HEART. A cordial atmosphere, close relationships, close people. And it's trite - "Than the heart will calm down"
25 HOUSE OF THE RING. Unity, partnership, marriage.
26 BOOK HOUSE. Teaching and learning something, information, often still hidden; personal unadvertised history (secret).
27 HOUSE OF LETTERS. Official papers and documents; personal communication
28 GENTLEMEN'S HOUSE. The questioner or partner of the questioner.
29 LADY'S HOUSE. Querent or partner of the querent.
30 HOUSE OF LILYS. Harmony, peace, positive events; as well as power and authority.
31 HOUSE OF THE SUN. Clear and conscious goals, clarity in general (to shed light). What will give an uplift and a surge of energy (like a breath). Stabilization.
32 HOUSE OF THE MOON. Wave-like flow of something (cyclicity), instability and inconstancy. Emotions and emotional state (well-being). Memories, subconscious, "deep in the soul..."
33 KEY HOUSE. Resources. Guarantees, solution, access, door opening. The card that got into the house of the key will say "how", and the key itself, which got into a certain house, will say "where". For example: Fox in the house key,key in the house at home- With cunning (the fox in the key) I will solve the problem with the property (the key is in the house). Or: the male in the house key, key in the house fish- A man will solve (or help) a problem with finances.
34. HOUSE OF FISHES. Material condition, finances. Satiation and satiety, pleasure, satisfaction.
35 ANCHOR HOUSE. Most take this house for "work". Finding a harbor, informed choice, stability and security. But also a burden. Result.
36 HOUSE OF THE CROSS. What is destined by fate, inevitability, a point of no return. Also duties, the importance of something / someone.



rice. one


Rice. 3. click to enlarge

And so, you laid out the cards - before you is the fate of a person for a specified period of time.

Where to start.

1). Pay attention to the first card of the layout - these are upcoming events. The tone for the whole layout is set by four corner cards - 1, 9, 36 and 28 . They are interpreted in pairs: 1st with the 36th, 9th with the 28th.

2). Attention is drawn to the first four corner cards: 1, 2, 10, 11 . This is something the questioner should pay attention to. Regardless of the topic of the question, these cards can say that it is worth paying attention to some area of ​​his life. He may be quite aware of what is happening, or he may simply not notice things that are happening. These cards are read in order: 1st from the 2nd, 10th from the 11th and the total value of the two pairs is interpreted.

3). The first four cards of the layout (1, 2, 3, 4) are the next events of 1 - 4 days, regardless of the specified time period.

4). Be sure to look at what the last (36th) card fell out - this is "how it all ends." If the card is favorable, then everything will end well, regardless of which cards surrounded the form. If unfavorable, then not the best times are coming.

Next, you should find in the layout a blank card or a card of your question - if the asking man - his blank card 28 (ace of hearts), if a woman - card 29 (ace of spades). If they are guessing for a child, then his (her) blessing will be card 13 (jack of spades). Property, housing or family matters - card 4 Home, Love and relationships - card 24 Heart; marriage, unions, partnerships - card 25 Ring, work - card 16 Stars (many take card 35 Anchor for work), finances - card 34 Pisces, etc. After finding the form, the interpretation of the entire layout is based on the position of the card -forms. If the layout is done for a short time (from 1 to 3 months), then it is not necessary to interpret all the cards if you are new to Lenormand in the layout - it will be too difficult for you. Further from the blank card, a large cross is visually drawn. What is a big cross in a big layout? These are cards located on the horizontal and vertical lines of the card of the questioner (or the question asked), see Figure 2.

Rice. 2

The vertical line is the present; what is now entering the life of a querent. These cards are interpreted strictly along a vertical line. The cards above the querent's card are events that he cannot influence ("fall on his head"), the cards under his feet are his actions. Three horizontal cards above the querent's head - plans, thoughts. Next, the horizontal line is deciphered. This is the line of fate of the questioner. All cards on this line from the first to the last are the main, most important events of the future (fate for a given period). The cards on this line are interpreted sequentially only from left to right, one after the other, and each card is complemented by two cards going diagonally to the right (top and bottom).

  • If before laying out you set the program "future taking into account the past", then the past of the querent is on the horizontal line on the left side of the form (to the form).

After - we interpret the "karmic cross". What is a "karmic cross"? These are the cards running diagonally from the blank card (see Figure 3):

These cards cannot be interpreted separately from

"grand cross", they complement it.

"Karmic cross", this is the state of affairs,

the reason for which are the events shown in

"Grand Cross"

    If the question was subject to "past on

future", then the two left diagonals are relative

rush to the past.

Then we look at the "inner square" - these are 8 cards that are around the questioner's card. (See Figure 4).

These cards show what will surround the querent in the hidden

time interval. Pay special attention to these cards.

Then be sure to watch the "heart of the layout." It's vertical

a line dividing the entire layout into two parts (See Figure 5). Cards

this line is the so-called "message of the hidden time". They dis-

tell the whole story of what's going on. About what a person can not

dream or not realize.

Rice. 5

What are the key cards in the Grand layout? These are maps of the spheres of his life that are of interest to a person.

LOVE everything that relates to matters of the heart, close relationships, the concept of "reciprocal cordial relationships", or "cordial atmosphere" as friendship, interpersonal relationships, whether at work, at home, in the family or among friends (depends on the subject matter of the question given to the cards) - The card is responsible for this Heart".

PARTNERSHIP. If the question was about the relationship between a man and a woman - the key cards will be: 28th " The male", 29th" Woman"and 25th" Ring". The first thing to consider is which cards fell between " man" and " woman", what houses they got into, and what cards surround them. Then the "Ring" card is necessarily considered according to the same principle.

If the topic of the question was "work", "finance", any arrangements - the key card will be the card " Ring"is a map of all unions, agreements, contracts and marriages. Any partnerships look at the map" Ring". The cards surrounding it, the house into which the card itself fell and what fell into the house of the card, will tell about the nature of the development of this issue.

Note: - The Ring card also carries the meaning "What unites ..." "What is in common ..." "Together with ...".

WORK if you want to see what is happening with a person at work, you need to find a map " Stars"and house" Stars", also see which card hit the house Stars and which house the card hit " Stars", which cards are surrounded by. Here both interpersonal relations between colleagues and the fate of this issue in the future can be considered.

There is another opinion of the work key card - this is Anchor. Personally, I look Stars. Both cards can be considered as a work key card.

  • Why Stars? Number 16 , like the symbolism of the Star, is responsible for uniformity, routine and constancy, performance the same responsibilities. 16 this is a clear schedule and regime, but not necessarily "on the clock", certain unchanging rules. Of course, in the Lenormand system, the star map has several meanings, it is also responsible for the exact sciences (calculations - calculations), esotericism, fortune-telling practice, as well as "Karma" and all systems of calculation, but not all people are engaged in "spiritual practices", therefore, in the Big scenario, work is determined on it
  • Why Anchor? Number 35 at its core - it is the "cycle (3) of life (5)" as the "harbour" where man dwells. From here and the interpretation of "stability" (as one of the meanings). The Anchor map basically shows the human environment. This may be his homeland, and that on which the person himself "anchored" ... Therefore, this card can also be considered as "Work". Of course, each card has a deep rich interpretation, but for now we will not get hung up on this.


need to find a map Key"and map" Cross".

Map " Key" is defined as a "certain fact" of what a person has or is guaranteed to have. The symbol " Key"- a symbol of ownership and possession of something. The same card defines those areas where all "Your resources" are spent.

Map " Cross“Your direct duties, “duty”, and what is inevitable for a person (destined by fate”, “given from Above”) are determined.

  • The Cross card does not mean any tests! The symbol "is responsible for trials and sufferings" Ternets"! If for the period of divination a person experiences hard times and a card falls" Cross"- its direct meaning is "these difficulties / trials / suffering / in this period of life are sent from Above." Just like in "good times", the Cross will denote "a bright streak in life sent down from Above." in another case, the card at the base means "Act of the Higher Forces."

FAMILY, PROPERTY close circle, relatives, dearest people, private life and property issues are considered on the map " House". House Houses and surrounding House the cards will tell what is happening or will be happening in the close environment, what is the family atmosphere. If there is an official question of property - this card is also considered, and the card "Tower".

MONEY/FINANCIAL ISSUES map is responsible for this area " Fish". Food and satiety - earnings, salary, cash flow, source of income and in general how things are with finances - the card considers" Fish". Account turnovers (loans, investments, etc.) are considered with the card " Tower". Fish With sun- always promise excellent material well-being. Even if a person has not a penny in his pocket :)

HEALTH look at the map "Tree". The tree will tell about the state of health (if this question is of interest), the vitality of a person.

CHILDREN If the question relates to children, then look at the map Child. card Child usually refer to children under 16-18 years of age. It is worth paying attention to the "Fork" card - if it lay nearby, or the " Child"fell out in the house" forks" - this may indicate several children. the number 22 (in this case) as well as the symbolism fork speaks of "another branch to the existing one." In rare cases, but still possible, the Rats cards can indicate multiple pregnancies."

Key cards in the Big layout must be considered - which houses they got into, and what got into the houses of sticky cards, which cards surround them (1 in front, 1 next, 1 above and 1 below).

What are Houses in the Big Spread? Each card shows numbers from 1 - 36. Each number is unique in its meaning, and each is responsible for certain areas. Number 1 (horseman) - for what is approaching us, a new beginning; number 2 (clover) - for and luck; number 4 (house) - the framework in which we live (environment); the number 21 (mountain) - for achievements, or vice versa for obstacles, etc. The house in the Big layout is the place of each card in the layout, which corresponds to the position of the layout and the serial number of the card. For example: the Horseman is the first in the deck, which means that the place where, according to the layout scheme, we put any card that fell out first in the layout, will be the Horseman's House.

Houses in the Big scenario are needed in order to consider and determine the BACKGROUND of future events, and then interpret their sequence.

For example: The questioner is a woman. In the house " rider"Card Dropped" heart", in the house " hearts"Card Dropped" rats", the card itself" rider"fell out in the house" men".behind the map" rider" cards follow: Woman, owls, cross, ring, lilies. From what it follows:

Approaching events relating to matters of the heart (the heart in the house of the rider) with a man (the rider in the house of the man) of a very unpleasant nature, this will make you worry very much (rats in the house of the heart). We have determined the background of upcoming events. And now the sequence of events is interpreted:

Behind the map" rider" follow the cards: woman, owls, cross, ring, lilies. Soon a woman will actively find out (decide - owls) a very important (cross) issue regarding her relationship (ring), later all the dots over the "and" will be dotted and harmony will be restored (lilies).

and "rats" - means that things are not going well in the family with finances at the moment


What is correspondence in the Grand layout? Correspondence, or "correspondence", is cards lying obliquely diagonally opposite themselves. For example: first the card in the layout corresponds with 36 th, second With 35 th, third With 34 ; 10 -i card is overwritten with 27 -oh, 11 -I'm with 26 th, and so on (see figure below).
Correspondence continues the "work" of mirrors: mirrors reflect the situation at the moment, and correspondence shows further development: The same example with finances:
Fish card mirrors with home and rats, but overwritten with the map "

Why do you need knight moves? Knight's moves show the existing trend, i.e. give information about the direction, movement in the development of the situation, about the desire, indicate the intention inherent in someone or something, or direction in views, actions.

The knight's move (rosseln) gives an additional indication of the state of the topic at the moment. It is looked like this: clockwise 2 cards up and 1 card to the right (or left), or 2 cards down and 1 card to the left (or right). Also on the sides of the card: 2 cards to the right (or left) and 1 card up (or down).

Horses can also mean events. You can watch them in combination.

How to use knight moves?

from the card of interest - the significator, such “moves” are mentally drawn, like the moves of a knight in chess, and the card where your mental horse galloped is interpreted.

In the Big scenario, Lenormand has a rule for the sequence of reading “horses”: they are read in a clockwise direction. Those. the first "horse" should be read to the left of the card of interest - the significator, the second of the "horse" that will be higher, etc. around from left to right.

"Big deal" Lenormand is a classic card divination. This fortune-telling gives a huge amount of information, but it may seem too complicated for a beginner, because all 36 cards are involved in the layout, which must be laid out in a certain order on a fortune-telling sheet. Each card located in a particular house, or square, complements the basic information in the interpretation. Remember, you do not need to interpret the meaning of each card separately! The layout is a detailed forecast from which you can get the necessary information. Lenormand's "big alignment" can be used both to clarify the general situation in a certain period of time, and to find an answer to a separate question. Be sure to include in your question the time period you are interested in, for example: "Please show me the trends of my business in the next three months."

The Lenormand layout involves the use of a significator (usually a Man or Woman card). By analyzing the connections of individual cards with the significator, you can quickly assess how things are with some aspects of your life, such as finances (Pisces), romantic relationships (Heart) or work (Moon).

There are many ways to interpret and interpret Lenormand's "Great Deal", so only a few of them are presented below.

1. Start reading the spread with the four corner cards or house cards 1 + 36 and 9 + 28, which will immediately give you a general idea of ​​the situation. Make up one sentence by combining the main meanings of these four cards. For example, Ship + Serpent and Star + Letter can mean the following: your journey is difficult, but soon you will receive good news.

2. Pay attention to the first three cards of the "Big Spread", which convey the main message on the main theme of the spread.

3. Pay attention to the position of the significator in the layout (in which house he ended up) - this is how you will learn about the client's daily problems. For example, the card Woman, being in the house of the Child (position 13), may mean that the client is worried about the child or is in a difficult situation and feels helpless. The surrounding maps will help you learn more. To do this, you can use the method from, with which you analyze eight cards located directly around the significator.

4. The cards to the left of the significator refer to the past, while those to the right refer to the future.

5. Using the method of sequential presentation, interpret the vertical and horizontal lines that form a cross with a significator at the point of intersection. The vertical line on which the client card is located describes the present, while the horizontal line before the significator and after shows the past and future, respectively (depending on the location of the significator).

6. The cards above the significator indicate the daily problems the client is currently dealing with, while those below it describe the client's subconscious anxiety. The significator at the top of the row shows that you have a good period; if it is at the bottom of the row, then you have to adapt to the circumstances or you are not in control of the situation.

7. Diagonal lines coming from the significator provide additional information for studying the past and the future. The diagonals to the left of it describe the past, and the farther the cards are, the more distant the past is. Similarly, the diagonals to the right of the client's card mean the future, and the farther they are from the significator, the more distant the future is meant.

8. Since all 36 cards are involved in the "Big Layout" Lenormand, he will help you get answers to many of your questions. Interpret specific cards of interest to the client, and remember to pay attention to their position relative to the significator and what house they are in.

9. The closer the cards are to the significator, the stronger their value, and vice versa.

10. The cards must be laid out sequentially on a fortune-telling sheet, with the first being in the Horseman's house in position 1, and the last in the house of the Transition in position 36. Beginners may not at first take into account the meaning of houses when interpreting, with the exception of significant cards that are of interest to them. However, once you gain experience, interpret the cards with the meaning of the houses they are in to get the most accurate answer to your questions. The meaning of the house affects the meaning of the card in the following way: it is the subject, and the house becomes an adjective or adverb. For determining given value you will need the ability to interpret pairs. For example, a Heart in the Bear's house means strong passion, and a Letter in the Mountain's house means communication difficulties.

11. When reading cards in a row, use. Use or to interpret combinations of two or three cards.

12. You can also use the more sophisticated methods of interpreting the Big Spread to get more information. These include "Mirror Reflection" and "Knight's Move" (see below). It will take much longer to interpret the layout with the help of them, but, gradually practicing your skills, you will do it more and more confidently each time.

Note. When the significator comes up on the left side of the spread, then all the cards on the right represent the future, but when it comes up on the right side of the spread, then all the cards on the left represent the past, which most people aren't usually interested in hearing about! In this case, shuffle the deck and try to spread it again. If nothing changes, give up fortune-telling on this day.

Consider an example of divination

The "big layout" of the Lenormand deck is made for Maria, a fashion designer who is worried about the appearance of a competitor in the Fashion House just before the big fashion show. Her significator is in the 7th vertical row, which reveals the present. Vertical rows 1-6 show the past, while vertical rows 8-9 reveal the future. Let's look at this alignment and analyze it.

Four corner cards

The corner cards clarify the main theme of the layout. Maria had the following combinations in these positions: Key + Mice and Snake + Clouds, which say that the issue of loss or theft can be solved by showing cunning and hiding your intentions.

First three cards

The first three cards in the upper left corner of the layout convey the main message to the fortuneteller. Key + Broom + Man means issues discussed with a man. Maria informed me that she did not exclude the involvement of her male assistant in the problems with the display of the collection. If we had, for example, such a combination as Star + Fox + Heart, then this would mean that in order to resolve a delicate love situation, it would be necessary to show ingenuity.

The meaning of cards in houses

Interpretation of the cards, taking into account the meanings of the houses in which they ended up, is a great opportunity to demonstrate your skills in reading paired cards. We always interpret the significator according to the house in which it fell, but you can interpret any cards in the same way according to their houses. In our case, the Woman is in the House of the Star, so we interpret the combination Woman + Star, which tells us that Mary wants to clear things up. If someone's Heart card ended up in the house of the Ring, then this would indicate a possible engagement, but if it ended up in the house of the Snake, it would mean that the client cannot trust his loved one or is jealous. If you are having difficulty interpreting any card in the Grand Spread, analyze its meaning in terms of the house in which it ended up, and the problems will disappear.

The present

The significator of Mary is in the second horizontal row and shows that she is lucky. Her vertical row, which reveals the present, is represented by the combination Tower + Woman + Bear + Moon, which means that she is the best designer of the Fashion House and creates chic collections.

Maps closest to the significator

You will not always be able to interpret the Lenormand layout in this way, but in Mary's layout, the cards below turned out to be the closest to the significator. You can interpret them in the same way as in the Nine Witnesses layout. What do you think they are talking about?

Past and future

Looking at the cards of the horizontal row, located before and after the significator, as well as on the diagonal lines, we see that Mary in the position of the future had a Transition in the house of the Stork and Horus in the house of the Dog. This suggests that unpleasant changes and betrayal of a friend await her ahead. I would venture to suggest that someone she trusts is about to betray her (perhaps when her dresses are moved from the workshop to the fashion show). Interestingly, the Dog ended up in the house of the Mountain - this means that they are friends! And this suggests that someone whom she knows well and whom she trusts wants to interfere with her or, perhaps, holds a grudge.

Key Cards

For Maria's layout, we chose the following cards as key cards: her competitor is the Snake, the fashion show is the Garden, the potential threat of loss is the Mice and backstage intrigues or theft is the Fox. Considering the above information, analyze the positions of these cards, their houses and proximity to other cards. What did you learn? After that, check out the "Mirror" and "Knight's Move" methods to find out more detailed information about Mary's situation.

"Knight's move"

Those who are familiar with the game of chess know how a chess knight moves. The principle of this method is the same as in chess, only instead of chessboard you will have a fortune-telling sheet. From the key card or significator, you mentally make a "knight's move", and look at which card he "jumped".

The "knight's move" can be done in one of three ways:

– Move one position left or right and two positions up or down.

– Move two positions left or right and one position up or down.

– Move two positions up or down and then one position left or right.

In the next figure below, I have highlighted the positions that resulted from the knight's move. Mary's Significator is in B7. Any "knight's move" has a clearly defined trajectory, so it can only end up in positions A5 - Bouquet, C5 - Garden, D6 - Birds, D8 - Sun, C9 - House and A9 - Snake.

We can read the resulting message by starting at the top left card and moving down in an arc, from left to right, using the narrative method: during the upcoming Fashion Week (Bouquet) there will be a lot of people (Garden) and a lot of talk (Birds) about the fashion trends of the upcoming summer season ( Sun); therefore, the Fashion House, where Maria (Dom) works, better beware of any behind-the-scenes intrigues on the part of her competitor (Snake).

Pay attention to the Star, a card of ingenuity and creativity, which is of great interest to Mary. She is in position B2, almost in the corner, so the "knight's move" gives us fewer positions. These include: D1 - Clouds, D3 - Ship, C4 - Coffin, A4 - Fish. The message might be: information about your collection must be hidden (Clouds) to prevent its possible theft (Ship); the collection should be securely hidden (Coffin) before being shown to potential buyers (Pisces).

We can also search for information about Mary's collection using the revealing Book card found in position B1. The "knight's move" of this card gives us even fewer positions, so I will add to the interpretation of the cards themselves the meanings of the houses in which they ended up in order to show you another way to interpret the cards: D2 - Letter in the Woman's house, C3 - Dog in the house Mountains, A3 - A man in the house of the Ship. "Knight's Move" gives us a very specific and precise message: make sure that any private messages are sent (Letter in the House of the Woman) by a trusted friend whom no one in the trade knows (The Dog in the House of the Mountain), or with the help of an international courier (The Man in the House ship).

The card of Mary's competitor - the Snake - due to being in the upper right corner of the spread, gives only two positions: B7 - Woman and C8 - Tree. This tells us that the competitor may also be a very persistent woman (the Woman in the house of the Star) and she intends to undermine the well-being of Mary (the Tree in the house of the Book).

The "knight's move" from the Fox card shows where the theft will take place; The fox gives us the following positions: C3 - Dog, B4 - Child, B6 - Lily and C7 - Bear. A friend or co-worker who causes trouble (the Dog in the House of the Mountain) plays on Mary's trust (The Child in the House of the Child); this is an elderly woman (Lily in the Bear's house), who is in cahoots with some strong competitor (the Bear in the Ring's house). This information turned out to be useful for Maria: she understood which of her employees she was talking about.

"Mirror reflection"

The “Mirror reflection” method reveals the present state of affairs and clarifies the situation at the moment. The 9x4 grid of the divination sheet gives us the opportunity to see which cards are reflected in divination. Using this method, you do not take into account the vertical fifth row in the divination process, since this row maintains the balance of the entire layout. The only case when you take it into account is if it contains a significator; in this case, you can only interpret that one card in the middle row.

The upper left quadrant A1 - A4 can be interpreted together with the quadrant A6 - A9, as if you had folded the spread in the center. This method of interpretation is not an obligatory part of interpreting Lenormand's "Big Deal", but if some points are not completely clear to you, using this method you can clarify some interesting connections and relationships that you may have overlooked. A1 – A4 + B1 – B4 can also be interpreted diagonally with C6 – C9 + D6 – D9. You can do the same with the lower quadrants. The top and bottom of one side of the spread and the opposite side are also reflected. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the position of the significator or key cards, which are of great importance in the layout.

Consider the significator of Mary, which is reflected in the positions B3 - Stork, C3 - Dog and C7 - Bear. We interpret these four cards together to make a suggestion or message. I interpreted them along with the meaning of the houses in which they ended up, but you can rely only on the meaning of the cards themselves, if you want. Maria's dream (The Woman in the House of the Star) is threatened by an older woman who works alongside her (The Bear in the House of the Ring) but doesn't get along well with her (The Dog in the House of the Mountain); she intends to betray her and tell (Stork in the House of Birds) about her collection - perhaps over the phone or over the Internet.

This is a very interesting and useful layout of Lenormand. Study it yourself from all sides, analyzing the corner cards, the line of the present, the diagonal.


The questioner's card is not always in the center. This must also be taken into account when interpreting:

The questioner's card is shifted to the left. The consulted person has completed an important period in his life, completed a certain cycle of his development, and now his main thoughts and plans are in the future. The past doesn't matter.

The questioner's card is shifted to the right. At the moment, the person who came for advice needs to deal with the past. That is where the key to solving real problems lies. The future is not yet predetermined and depends on what actions he takes now.

The questioner's card is shifted up. Feelings play an important role in the counselor's life. It is likely that at the moment he is in the power of the unconscious (according to Freud, the unconscious is unrealized drives that, due to conflict with the requirements of social norms, are not allowed into consciousness.).

The questioner's card is shifted down. Before us is a person who is able to realistically assess what is happening and can control the situation. However, if there are negative cards at the top, this may indicate excessive concern with non-existent, fictitious problems, fears.


Horseman's House: Good messages, contacts
In his house:
Snake - complications with the car and movement.
The dog is a visit from a friend.
Tower - the importance of the theme of loneliness and separation.
Man - In the scenario for F: the imminent appearance of a man, literally “jumps”, starts sending SMS, messages, etc.
Woman - In the scenario for F: thoughts only about yourself; the theme of the past is emphasized.
Anchor - A huge number of contacts, papers and communication related to work. Vehicle. The situation is anchored, there is no movement.

House of Clover: Little happiness, little money, also chances (hopes)
In his house:
The tower is a temporary distance.
The ring is a short-term connection.
Man - In the scenario for F: the man is younger in age. Love within us is a natural feeling.

House of the Ship: Journey, craving for long distances, longing, removal, that which a person yearns for and yearns for.
In his house:
The rider is a sport ride.
Snake - the arrival of a relative, friend.
Bouquet - meetings, parties.
The book is a secret longing. A journey the querent knows nothing about.
Man - In the scenario for F: a windy man.
Woman - In the layout for F: the lady is moving away.
Anchor - job change. Business trip.

House of Home: Stability, home, family
In his house:
Coffin - cardinal changes. Large units, pieces of furniture. In matters of health: the whole organism.
The child is a new home.
Stars - a lot of real estate.
The tower is a government building. Alienation from your home.
Mountain - hard work around the house, for example: rearranging furniture.
Heart - in the house of a person they love. Love for your home.
A woman - a lady loves comfort, familiarity, stability. Attachment to the home, homeland, home.
Lilies - family harmony, harmony in the house. A family.
Anchor - lack of work. Work at home. Family business.

Tree House: Duration, strength, age, health aspects
In his house:
Clouds - complications.
Coffin - the theme of health is emphasized in the layout.
Spit - health problems.
Bear - In the scenario for F: Partner for life (life partner); life partner.
Dog - if there are diseases, then they are permanent.
Mountain - someone is sick.
The fork is a vital decision.
The letter is a medical report. Medical examination. Making life commitments.
Man - In the scenario for M: a vital situation, a period. In the scenario for F: a partner for life.
Woman - In the scenario for F: a vital situation, a period. In the scenario for M: a partner for life.
Moon - In the scenario for F: a normal female cycle, the woman is healthy.

House of Clouds: Fears, insecurity (uncertainty)
Clouds in your house: the theme of the past is emphasized.
In their house:
The ship is hopeless longing.
Tree - anxiety for your life and health.
Scythe - mental pain.
Child - In the layout for F: clouded relationship with the child. The influence of the ex-husband on the child.
The dog is a former friend.
Fork in the road - fear of making a decision. Hesitation in decision making.
Heart - ambiguities in relationships.
Woman - In the scenario for M: a lady from the past.
Fish - alcohol addiction.

House of the Snake: Smart Woman, Complications, Detours
In her house:
The ship - the mother is not nearby.
Owls - two women. Phone conversation or communication via the Internet with a woman. Just the Internet or telephone communication. Married couple.
The tower is the mother. Distance.
Fork - complications on the road.
Rats - "Evil Wisdom". The woman is rattling. Disease of the gastrointestinal tract.
Ring - time delays.
The man is a wise and resourceful man.
Lilies - complications with mom, girlfriend, neighbor or complications in the sexual sphere. Loss of harmony.
Sun - In the layout for F: if there is a relationship between M and the Snake, then - cohabitation. The snake in this case can be both a mother and another woman.

House of the Coffin: Ending, New Beginning, Sorrow, Illness
In his house:
Home - a crisis related to family matters or housing problems.
Tree - a disease, health problems.
Clouds - a high probability of a cold.
The snake - the rival will soon disappear.
Mountain - the disease presses. The state of health remains unchanged.
Man, Woman - a strong life crisis, a turning point, the beginning of a new phase in life, which completely changes the current situation, as a rule, the absence of any certainty, i.e. a person does not yet know what lies in the coffin and whether there is anything there.//Disease.//A person buries himself or something in his life, closes, “buries” himself, wants to “forget and fall asleep” (for confirmation see if a Tower or Mountain card is highlighted (e.g. Coffin gives Mirror to Tower or Mountain, usually Storks or Key are blocked by negative cards).
Man - In the layout for F: the lady "buried" the issue of partnership for herself.
Sun - energy through mediality (fortune-telling).
Moon - depression.
Pisces - debts.
Anchor - changes at work.

Bouquet House: Invitation, charming girl, non-professional creativity (hobby)
In his house:
Home is a holiday in the home. Gifts, meetings, invitations. birthday or something like that.
The snake is a young person.
The scythe is an unexpected invitation.
Stars - creating something beautiful with your own hands. Art.
Ring - meeting.
The book is a literary success.
Man - In the scenario for F: a single man.
Woman - In the scenario for M: the woman is not married.
The key is that the solution to the problem / question is possible with the help of a gift.
Pisces - money, gifts.

House of the Scythe: Danger, separation (parting), harvest, suddenly and unexpectedly
A scythe in your house is an operation.
In her house:
Home is leaving home.
Tree - pay attention to health. Danger to life. An acute situation, going according to karma.
The broom is a sharp tongue.
Fox - a person is very worried.
The bear is jealous.
The dog is a long break.
The tower is a dangerous place.
Rats are fears that hurt.
The sun is electrified. Dangerous energy.
The key is to make clear, precise, categorical decisions. Iron solution.
Cross - look whose house the Scythe fell into: something very important awaits in this area!

Broom House: Conversations (negotiations), discussions
In her house:
The house is the official review of the real estate situation. Conflict in the house or over the house.
Owls are a terrible hassle. Conversations, incl. by telephone and other means of communication.
Fox - you have to deceive a lot or talk with a sly one.
Woman - In the scenario for F: the lady is in constant negotiations, talks a lot.

House of Owls: Anxiety, nervousness, phone contacts
Owls in their home are difficult, painful experiences. Care
In their house:
The coffin is a connection with the spirits.
Heart - heart cares, worries, chores.
Ring - two links. Partnership brings nervous stress.
The book is a collection of compromising evidence.

House of the Child: Child, naivete, new beginning
In his house:
Tree - something new and meaningful begins in life.
Spit - the state of health of the child causes concern; the child is seriously ill.
Owls - feelings for a child (for something new, for a young woman).
Bear is a man with a sense of humor. Capricious man.
Rats - fear of the new. It may be the loss of a child, but additional confirmation is needed with other cards.
Anchor - new job.
Cross - the new will be heavy.

House of the Fox: Falsity, lies, mysteries, but also cunning.
If a card depicting people other than M and F (Snake, Bear, etc.) got into the Fox's house, this is self-deception.
In her house:
Rider - receiving a large amount of false information.
The coffin is a false disease. False diagnosis. Someone else's disease, not one's own, pulled onto oneself (if there is damage).
Broom - lies in conversations. "Wrong" communication, for example: virtual.
The bear is a cunning and dodgy man.
The tower is a deception with great consequences.
Mountain - far-fetched problems. False barriers.
A fork is a wrong step, a decision. Thinking of smart moves.
Rats - lies destroyed.
Heart - false feelings.
The man is self-deception. Seducer (+ in BR there should be a combination of Fox + Lily)
The woman is a self-deceit. The lady is misbehaving. A woman is deceiving, as a person is not honest with herself.
The sun is blinding with lies. Between M and F: the couple creates a false impression of themselves; the external impression they create is not the real state of affairs.

House of the Bear: Trust and help, in most cases a man, jealousy.
A bear in his house is strength.
In his house:
Home is my home, my castle. Love for the home lifestyle (comfort, home-cooked food, domesticity, etc.). well-being.
Coffin - no father.
Storks - status change.
Ring - fixation on the material. Connections.
Woman - In the layout for F: the lady took responsibility; stopped monitoring weight; if a lady works, she can hold a high position. The lady is counting on support.

House of Stars: Clarity, success; also the house of magic, the unusual.
The stars in their home are very strong hopes for something. A clear vision of the situation, without illusions.
In their house:
Clover - luck.
Clouds - an unclear future. Blurred clarity (including in the literal sense: a disturbed psyche (“turbidity in the head”), lack of adequacy.
Snake - esotericism, spiritualism. Girlfriend with esoteric powers.
Bouquet - hope for a meeting, for a gift, a surprise.
The tower is a prestigious educational institution.
Rats are dead hopes.
Heart - love is associated with hopes.
Ring - hopes for marriage, an agreement.
Man - In the scenario for F: a man for a woman is a source of hope. In the scenario for M: the return of what was.
Woman - In the layout for F: all in hope. The return of what was.
Moon - the desire to clarify the situation.
Anchor - a good financial situation.

House of Storks: Change, change
In their house:
Horseman - air travel.
Tree - health is undergoing changes.
Coffin - stagnation after change. Change related issues.
Bouquet - an invitation.
Stars - an opportunity to communicate with Angels.
Dog - changes must occur without fail (The dog is responsible for areas that can be vouched for).
The book - the querent does not yet know about the coming changes.
A letter - some papers, conversations bring changes.

House of the Dog: Friendship, fidelity
In her house:
The coffin is a long stagnation.
Tower - loneliness. Loyalty and devotion to loneliness.
Woman - In the layout for F: the lady is not very mobile, but very talkative, talkative.
The key is friendship; a very devoted friend.
Anchor is a protracted situation.
Cross - put a "cross" on a friend.

House of the Tower: Separation (separation), solitude and isolation; government.
In her house:
The ship is a trip abroad.
The snake is the official institution. Mother. Hospital.
A child is a child in the distance.
Fox - deception in an official institution.
Storks - changes with government agencies, bodies, structures.
Fork - abroad. Lonely men.
Ring - distance.
Letter - official papers.
A man - a man has experienced a breakup in a relationship. A man is independent, can be single or divorced. A man puts a wall between himself and other people.
The key is that you will not receive an answer soon.
Pisces - money in the bank, in the account.
The cross is a border.

Garden House: Public, society, meeting.
In his house:
House - boarding house and so on.
The child is a school.
Fox - "wrong" society in which a person rotates, for example: virtual, via the Internet.
The book is a secret meeting. The secret is revealed, known to others.
Man - a man easily rotates in society. The person is open to relationships. May indicate that a man is playing in a casino. In the scenario for F: a lady likes a man.
A woman is a lady open to relationships.
Lilies - feelings are associated with some kind of meeting or communication.
Anchor - frank relationships at work.
The cross is the importance of social life. The importance of a society. Cemetery, burial.

House of the Mountain: Blockades, obstacles, burdens (charges).
Mountain in your home - limits the effect of nearby cards. Now there are many blockades to address current issues.
In her house:
The ship - the impossibility of departure.
Letter - the news is delayed. Lack of communication, communication.
A woman - a lady is depressed, a weight has fallen on her, a "mountain on her shoulders."
The key is that there is no way out of the situation. Difficult way out.

Razvilka House: Solutions, new opportunities
Fork in your house - time to make a decision.
In her house:
Storks - an indication of a specific date: 7 weeks.
Sad - some decision must be made in society.
The heart is a love triangle. There is room in my heart for two. Choice of two, which do you like better?
The ring is the theme of choice for marriage and partnerships.

House of the Rat: Losses (losses), theft, negativity and fears, failures.
Rats in his house - the rat ate itself, its negativity, self-destructed. Be careful, it may indicate illness or loss!
In their house:
The house is in need of repair.
Spit - unexpected losses.
Broom - an unpleasant conversation.
The child is sick.
Fox - false fears.
Dog - long-standing delays in business. Problems at work.
Garden - a secret meeting (Rats eat openness).
The heart is the absence of love. Unhappy love. Loss of love. Tosca gnaws.
Man, Woman - Experiences. A person “bites” himself from the inside. Disease. A person is very afraid of something. This person has a lot of problems that make him think, he is gradually losing ground under his feet, because. problems constantly lead him into difficulties, he experiences constant fear, which possesses him, and hesitation. Debts, a constant lack of money. Fears for his life, future, fate. Pathological tendency to cleanliness.
Lilies - lack of purity, purity.
The key is uncertainty about the decision.
Cross - fear for your life.

House of the Heart: Love, friendship.
A heart in your home is very good! Happiness in love. Love for life.
In his house:
Clouds - past relationships.
Coffin - broken love. Often falls on lonely people: the heart is free, not busy.
Bouquet - the daughter is in love.
Spit - strong emotional experiences.
Rats - money through love. Love fears. Lack of love.
Lilies - high relationships.

House of the Ring: Relationship (connection), partnership, contract, connection (commitment).
In his house:
The ship is a change in marriage.
Coffin - 100% recovery will not come, the disease will constantly make itself felt.
Spit - a break in relations.
The child is an innocent bond.
Storks are a periodic return of the same situation. New contract.
Dog - long-term or long-term relationship. Devotion to the relationship, which means there is no change.
Tower - parting.
The garden is a publicized relationship. wedding combination.
Man - In the layout for F: A man is very concerned about the issue of relationships. Married man.
A woman - a lady is in a relationship (in the layouts for both M and F).
Anchor - attachment.
The cross is a karmic relationship.

House of the Book: Secrets, knowledge, school, learning, etc.
A book in your house - everything is hidden, unknown. Many secrets, not yet lies on the surface.
In her house:
Owls - the secret is connected with the ancestors.
The fox is a profitable solution that has not yet matured.
The bear is a teacher, a mentor. The person is hiding something and the situation with him is not yet clear.
The garden is a secret meeting. The secret is revealed, known to others. Secret society.
Rats - the discovery of secrets.
The ring is a secret relationship.
Woman - In the scenario for M: a secret romance; the partner is still in the future, unknown to the querent; the question of relations is not yet ripe.

House of Letters: Messages, information, contact card: e-mail, fax, telegram, etc.
In his house:
Coffin - problems with loans, debts.
Broom - discussions. Official litigation.
Owls - worries about papers, documents.
Heart - abundant communication: emails, sms, etc.
Ring - agreements, contracts.
Woman - In the layout for F: the lady is in the grip of some kind of news. The woman is sociable and sociable.

House of Man: The place of the querent or partner, and of partnership as such.
A man in his house - In the layouts on M: Self-confidence, controlling the situation. In layouts for F: emphasizes the importance of the relationship question.
In his house:
Tree - In the layout for F: Long-term partner.
Coffin - A man faces an unknown future, he has a turning point. In the layout for F: work in a team, team, partnership.
Bouquet - relationships need to be cherished, looked after, otherwise they will fade. Falling in love, meetings, communication at the level of hints, as if in the "language" of flowers, when words are not needed. A handsome man who loves women's society, polite, amiable, sociable. Bachelor.
Spit - In the layout for F: Spontaneous and lightning-fast development of relationships. The unexpected appearance of a man, in general: a surprise associated with a man. It's time to reap the rewards of dating men.
Broom - In the scenario for F: talking about a man, about partnership. Two men.

House of the Woman: The place of the querent or partner, and the partnership as such.
A woman in her house - In a scenario for F: at this point in time, she is only concerned about her own person and life.
In her house:
Rider - In the layout for F: the lady is mobile and fit, she can be athletic.
Tree - In the layout for M: partner for life. In the layout for F: health problems, vital problems.
Coffin - In the layout for F: Illness, malaise. Depression.
Spit - In the layout for F: toothache; sharp pain; a cut (see what's in Kosa's house?). The desire to drastically change something in oneself, in one's life, existence. A sharp and categorical person. Sharp-tongued, lady, "prickly" character. In the scenario for M: it's time to reap the benefits of dating women. Surprise from a woman.
Owls - In the scenario for M: Two women.
Child - In the scenario for F: the lady has a good sense of humor.
Stars - In the layout for F: a woman is worried about the fulfillment of her hopes.
Storks - In the scenario for F: the lady is waiting for changes (what they are connected with, see neighboring cards).
Dog - In the layout for F: fidelity, devotion, but also anxiety, expectation.
Tower - In the scenario for F: a woman is alone, without a man.
Mountain - In the layout for M: obstacles in partner life or the absence of a partner as such (if there are extraneous indications for that). There may also be some idealization: like a partner - as something unattainable, for which one must fight.
Rats - Fear of loss. In the layout for F: fears for yourself, your life.
Book - In the layout for F: the lady is hiding something about herself. Secrecy, a person is closed.
Man - In the layout for M: a man is concerned about partnerships.
Key - In the scenario for F: The lady is looking for a solution.
Pisces - In the layout for F: Tears. Worries about financial condition.
Owls - experiences. In the layout for F: two men.
Child - In the layout for F: a younger partner. Young looking partner.
Bear - In the layout for F: the young man, as it were, repeats for the lady of his father.
Tower - In the scenario for F: a woman is alone, without a man. A man from abroad, a foreigner. If there is additional confirmation, for example next to M - Bouquet: the man is lonely.
Mountain - In the layout for F: the absence of a man. Barriers in partner life or the absence of a partner as such (if there are extraneous indications for that). There may also be some idealization: like a partner - as something unattainable, for which one must fight.
Rats - fear of loss.
Heart - In the layout for F: a man for a lady in her heart, she thinks about him. In the scenario for M: the man is in love.
Woman - In layouts on F: All the thoughts of the lady are occupied by the man and the theme of partnership.
Lilies - In the scenario for F: a man is either super in sex or cold.
Moon - In the layout for F: thoughts about a man, partnership. May mean cheating husband

House of Lilies: Sexuality, harmony.
In their house:
Spit - In the layout for M: a threat to the genitals or an operation on the genitals (prostate, etc.). In the scenario for F: sexual relations are dangerous. Aggressive sex. Threats to intimate relationships. The threat of inflammation of the appendages.
Child - innocent flirting, lack of sexual relations. Innocence, immaturity of sexual life.
The garden is an organization, a society under the brand name "luxury", prestigious.
A man is a search for harmony, peace is needed.
Woman - In the scenario for F: a new love scam, flirting.
Sun - harmonization due to energy.
Anchor - the situation is frozen.
Cross - "cross" on personal life.

House of the Sun: Energy, great happiness.
In his house:
A tree is a long life together.
The coffin is a loss of energy. Wrong energy consumption, energy is taken either by you or from you.
The stars are justified hopes.
A woman is selfishness, narcissism. Energy and optimism.
Anchor - vacation.

House of the Moon: Feelings, fame and recognition.
In her house:
Wood - sensitivity, long reflections.
Clouds - hysteria.
Snake - In the scenario for F: The importance of family attitudes along the female line. The role of mother and heredity.
Bouquet - In the scenario for F: the lady has recognition in society.
Fox - self-deception, illusions.
Garden - may indicate generic, hereditary diseases, problems.
A letter is an emotional message.
Cross - serious exhaustion, overwork.

House of the Key: Advisor card, reliability: how do I find the key? Decision-making.
In his house:
Fox - a false, dishonest decision.
Man - In the layout for F: the decision is related to partnerships.
Woman - In the layout for F: a period of gaining confidence in life. Finding an exit.
Cross - the event will be held with a double, enhanced guarantee (pay more attention to the surrounding maps and houses)!

House of Pisces: Finance, money.
In their house:
A coffin is always debt, both one's own and that someone has borrowed a large amount from a querent.
Bear - stability. Your own boss, leader.
Tower - state, state money.
Rats - either money problems; spending too much or hoarding money.

Anchor House: Profession, work.
Anchor in your home - at the moment, the querent has an acute issue of work and stability.
In his house:
Clover - unjustified hopes.
Clouds - at work the requirement: "No smoking!"
The child is a new job. Work with children.
Garden - a profession associated with publicity.
Heart - stable feelings.
Ring - the situation does not change, it can be repeated in a circle.
Woman - In the layout for F: the lady clings to stability, looking for solid ground under her feet.
Luna - work on the night shift, at night.

House of the Cross: Fate (fate), faith and hope, also the future.
The cross in his house is a karmic situation, a person works out his karma.
In his house:
The coffin is a loss.
A scythe is a very serious sign (see other cards, in some layouts it means the death of a person or animal, but additional confirmation is needed).
The child is a sign of Fate.
Stars are spiritually gifted individuals. Listen to your intuition and act on it.
Stork - fateful changes.
The tower is a hospital.
Mountain - enhances both the connection between the last cards, and the importance and severity of what is happening.
Rats are karmic debts. Lack of finance is a karmic situation. Fear for your life, future, destiny.

Working with Lenormand cards has significant differences from working with other predictive systems, such as TARO cards, runes, ordinary cards, etc. Simple images of cards are easily perceived by our subconscious. After a little practice, during which you will learn to navigate the meanings of the cards, you will enter into resonance with the deck and the interpretation of even large layouts will not cause difficulty. You will simply see an image of the answer to your question or a picture of future events.

It is better to start working with cards with small layouts consisting of several cards. Gradually complicating the layouts, you will master those for which the entire deck is used. However, do not rush to take on large hands until you feel confident with each individual card.

Remember that working with cards is akin to a magical action. By interpreting the alignment, you are turning to your subconscious. Before you start working, you need to give him the opportunity to tune in. It is good if stone and grass are selected (based on individual horoscopic data), which will help your subconscious. During the alignment, nothing should be distracting: no extraneous noises, no voices, no smells.

If you feel close to the element of fire, a lit candle will also help you focus. In addition, the cards must have a permanent place from which you take them to work. It is advisable to store the cards wrapped in a piece of black material made of natural fiber (it is best if it is wool).

Before shuffling the cards, you need to completely forget about all the problems that are not related to the layout. Become a pure transparent crystal, ready to receive the information flow. Focus fully on the question of interest and start shuffling the cards. Stir until you feel that the cards have taken their position. This can be felt as a slight resistance of the cards to shuffling. As soon as you feel this moment, immediately begin laying out the cards.

When a spread is formed, the first thing to do is try to capture the vibration of the entire spread as a whole, without going into the details of individual cards. Listen to yourself, to your body. What feelings, sensations, associations do you have? Try to see the picture of the answer. After you have a general idea of ​​​​the alignment, begin to study the alignment in sections according to the plan below.

In this chapter you will find many layouts that will help you find the answer to various questions, make a forecast for the period of time you are interested in. We recommend that you master the layouts in the order given, gradually moving on to more complex ones. Do not immediately take on the solution of world problems, first learn to accurately and fully answer the simplest everyday questions.

And only when you feel confident in yourself, take on more responsible and complex ones. Refrain, especially at first, from predicting death, serious illnesses. Remember the karmic responsibility that you take on by an incorrect prediction of such significant events.

Lenormand cards are a great tool that will help you organize your life more conveniently, better understand yourself and the people around you.

Big layout Lenormand

General characteristics.

This alignment is used in cases where it is necessary to make a detailed forecast for any period of time. Before mixing, you must mentally set a program for the cards - decide what period of time you want to study.

Operating procedure.

Shuffle the cards and let the questioner remove the deck with his left hand. Then take the deck (face down) and arrange the cards in the order shown.

Schedule structure.

The present(3 cards in the lower left - 35, 21, 19). Show daily problems. What is happening around a person at the present time and in some way affects his condition.

The senses(7 cards in a cross - 11, 7, 5, 1, 6, 8, 12). Refers to emotions, heart affairs, friendship, faith. In this part, we consider those issues that excite us, make us worry, which are subjectively of high significance.

A family(3 cards on the top left - 29, 15, 13). Cards in this group reveal the immediate environment, may indicate relatives or close friends (“family friends”). Here we will find information about people close and dear to us.

Profession(3 cards at the top right - 14, 16, 30). This group reveals the social status of a person, the place that a person occupies in society, his means of livelihood. Here, cards can show people with whom there is a connection at work.

Fate(3 cards in the lower right - 20, 22, 36). They represent fate. These cards will show the main events that will occur in the considered period of time and set the direction for subsequent development. Pay special attention to this part - it may contain advice or a warning.

Card reveal scheme


Pay attention to where the questioner's card is located. Her presence on the open line will give emphasis to this topic. This means that this question is in the first place in a person's life. Consider this line in more detail.

The senses. When the card of the questioner is among these cards, then we are dealing with a person who is currently ruled by emotions.

The present. A person devotes too much energy and attention to current momentary affairs. "The turnover is stuck."

Fate. The main events are in the future. A person is in a state of thinking about plans or anticipates some important events. He is aware of the need for change and is ready to accept it.

A family. The main concerns of a person are connected with the house, family.

Profession. The main question to be solved is related to making money or with a career.

The presence of the questioner's card next to the open line is the same, but to a lesser extent. Pay attention to neighboring, touching cards. They will give additional information about the condition of the consulted.

Short layout

General characteristics.

This layout is used for a more detailed study of a topic. It already matters the combination of cards and their remoteness or proximity to the card of the questioner.

Operating procedure.

Before shuffling, remove the questioner's card from the deck and place it in the center. Shuffle the cards and remove them. Lay out as shown.

Schedule structure.

First part.

Contains positions 9, 1, 16, 8, 7, 15. They reveal the past of the issue. What has already been done, the forces that have shaped the present situation.
9 - external forces of the mental plane. Ideas that came from the outside world, someone's advice or help.
1 - own ideas and plans in the past. What hopes the questioner himself placed on this question.
16, 8 - past events of the physical plane. The card in position 8, due to its proximity to the card of the questioner, has more power. The card in position 16 only complements and corrects it.
7 - feelings, emotions that were in the past.
15 - feelings and emotions of the subconscious mind that influenced. Hidden motives, which often may not even be realized.

The second part.

Contains positions 10, 2, 6, 14. Reveals the state of the questioner in this matter at the moment.
10, 2 - "what's in the head." What the counselee thinks about the matter at the moment. The card in position 10 has a weaker value.
6, 14 - "what's in the soul." How the counselor feels about the issue. It often happens that the top cards reveal the declared values ​​and attitudes, and the bottom cards reveal those internal motivations that actually guide a person's actions.

The third part.

Contains positions 11, 3, 4, 12, 5, 13. Lifts the veil of mystery over the future.
4, 12 - reveal the main events on the physical plane. A card in position 12 may speak of more distant consequences.
3 - how a person will assess the current situation.
11 - assessment of others or correlation with social norms.
5, 13 - emotional state in the future. The card in position 13 has a weaker value.

Numerological layout

General characteristics.

Used to study the development of a particular issue. During this layout, the numerological meaning of each card is actively used. When interpreting this layout, each card is interpreted only in terms of the position it occupies - combinations of cards are not taken into account.

The order of work and the structure of the alignment.

Focus on the question, shuffle the cards. After you have stopped shuffling, place the deck face down.
Take the top card and put it in position 1.

1. Position 1 - This position reveals the background of this issue. The past that affects the present situation. The number of this card will determine the next, just as the past determines the present. Look at the number of this card and count from the top in the deck (without mixing it!) The card lying with the corresponding serial number.
Place the card found in this way in position 2.

2. Position 2 - reveals the state of the issue and the current forces in the present. The number on this card will determine the next, just as the present determines the future.

3. Position 3 - the future.

Now we need to find the fourth card - advice on what to do, what principles to follow in the current situation. Council is determined by three factors - what we have laid in the past, what we are doing in the present and what awaits us in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to add up the numbers of all three cards. The resulting number will correspond to the advice card.


If the card number is in position 1 or 2 more quantity cards remaining in the deck (it can be No. 36 CROSS and No. 35 ANCHOR), then in this case we stop the layout, take out the specified card and stop at its interpretation.

ANCHOR speaks of the possibility of shaping subsequent events in the way we need it.

The CROSS speaks of the influence of higher forces, the fishery of which, for some reason, we cannot know. In such a situation, one must be ready to accept everything that will be sent by Fate;

If adding the card numbers results in a number greater than 36, then we continue to add the numbers.

For example:

33 + 26 + 22 = 81

If the council card number is already contained in the first three cards - the situation is quite simple and does not need a council of cards;
the presence in the layout of cards No. 28 or No. 29 indicates a strong influence on the question of a person.

The layout of “Seven houses”

General characteristics.

This alignment is good to use when you need to make a fairly detailed forecast for a short period of time. As practice has shown, the events predicted by this alignment occur within the next month.

Operating procedure.

Before starting the layout, remove the questioner's card from the deck and place it in the center. Shuffle the cards and arrange them as shown in the picture.

Schedule structure.

In this spread, the cards are divided into groups of three each. Three cards belonging to the same group are interpreted together. Each group has its own meaning. The logic of connecting three symbols into one concept is as follows: the first card symbolizes the soil, the initial conditions; the second - the acting forces, the changes taking place; the third is the result.

Interpretation of groups (numbers assigned from left to right clockwise):

Group 1. Gives information about the general condition of the questioner in the period of time under study, his thoughts and feelings, sometimes the state of health.

Group 2 The closest environment is family, relatives, closest friends and all emotionally close people. These cards show who will be next to the person being consulted in the near future, whose help or support he can count on.

Group 3. This group reveals hopes and desires. If there are obviously inappropriate cards here (for example, No. 8, No. 21, No. 36, etc.), they will show fears or doubts of the questioner.

Group 4 Here we can see the real plans of the consulted person, which he is going to implement in the near future.

Group 5. A group of unexpected influences that the counselee does not yet feel and with which he will have to face. The cards in this group can show both help and obstacles.

Group 6. Opens the near future. Events in the next two weeks.

Group 7. Shows more distant events that will occur in the remaining two weeks.

Search layout

General characteristics.

The layout can be used to find people or lost things. The meaning of positions is based on the values ​​of houses accepted in astrology.

Operating procedure.

Before you start mixing, you need to choose a card that will indicate the lost.

If we are looking for a person, then it is best to designate him:

No. 28 MAN,
№29 WOMAN or:
#13 CHILD.

In rare cases, animal cards can be used:

No. 7 SNAKE - intruder;
No. 14 FOX - a deceiver;
No. 15 BEAR - patron, boss, etc .;
№18 DOG - friend.

If we are looking for an item, then we need to choose a card that describes the lost as accurately as possible. At this stage, some difficulties may arise, so try to be creative in this matter. Here are some guidelines for notation:

No. 1 HORSEMAN - any means of communication: telephone, pager, fax, etc., information media: cassettes, disks, diskettes;
No. 3 SHIP - a car and any means of transportation;
No. 9 BOUQUET - this card can designate any thing if it is of value as a gift;
No. 10 KOSA - piercing and cutting objects, knives, tools, weapons;
No. 21 MOUNTAIN - semi-precious and ornamental stones;
No. 25 RING - jewelry;
No. 26 BOOK - books and any printing products;
No. 27 LETTER - letters, documents;
№33 KEY - keys and any small metal objects;
№34 FISH - money, valuables. Flower cards (No. 2 CLOVER, No. 9 BOUQUET and No. 30 LILY) can indicate art objects, any beautiful things, clothes.
No. 31 SUN is associated with gold,
No. 32 MOON - with silver.

After the card denoting the lost is chosen, the deck is thoroughly shuffled and laid out face down in the order indicated in the figure. Next, you need to find the selected card. Only the house position and the adjacent two cards are interpreted. The remaining cards are not studied.

Schedule structure.

In this layout, the cards are divided into groups of three, which we conventionally, by analogy with astrological traditions, call houses.

House meanings:

First house. Denotes a personal place of the asker, a place or room in which he spends a lot of time or keeps his personal things. The lost is somewhere very close and will soon be found. The time spent searching is calculated in minutes or hours.
Direction - east.

Second house. The lost item may be among your valuables. It can be a safe or a box where you keep cash. Indicates where you store money, valuables, or jewelry boxes. It will take a little time to search - from several hours to three days.
Direction - east northeast.

Third house. Neighbors, brothers and sisters, relatives (aunts and uncles), a place of study are in charge of this house. Try to search for the lost in places where books, papers, letters, stationery are stored, maybe even in a mailbox or in your car.
Direction - north-northeast.

Fourth house. The place to look for is your own home. Room for elderly relatives, kitchen, places where the earth is stored (garden around the house). In a broader sense - the parental home, homeland. The item will be found within a few days.
Direction - north.

Fifth house. Children's room, bedroom, places for entertainment (theaters, exhibitions, gambling houses, discos, etc.). Lovers. The thing is not in plain sight and needs a more thorough search.
Direction - north-north-west.

Sixth house. Place of service, meetings. State institutions. Polyclinics. A room in a house that is rented out or used as an office. Places where pets are. The item is well hidden and will take a long time to find.
Direction - west northwest.

Seventh house. Personal belongings of your spouse or business partners. But most often, if there is a card of a lost thing here, then it is stolen, and its return is very doubtful.
Direction - west.

Eighth house. This house is extremely inauspicious. A thing can be badly damaged or disassembled, a person is in danger.
Direction - southwest.

Ninth house. Institutes, colleges, churches. Higher organizations, the workplace of the chief. In any case, what you are looking for is far enough away from you. The search may take several months.
Direction - south-southwest.

Tenth house. Place of work, employers. The place in your home where you usually do business. The lost item may be where you think you lost or left it. The time spent on the search is calculated in days.
Direction - south.

Eleventh house. Under the control of this house are places where papers and financial records are kept. Club rooms or just a meeting place for friends. The house has a living room. The time spent on the search is calculated in weeks.
Direction - south-southeast.

Twelfth house. This house describes hard-to-reach places or places of isolation. Places where medicines, various chemicals are stored. He controls secret enemies, prisons, hospitals. If the chosen card fell into this house, then the item is very well hidden and difficult to find.
Direction - east southeast.

Gypsy layout

General characteristics.

This alignment can be used when there is a need to find out the most important events in a person’s life that will occur in the period of time that interests us. Just like in the previous scenario, before mixing the cards, we must set the time period that we will study.

When interpreting this layout, one must take into account not only the independent meaning of each card, but also its location in relation to the card of the questioner and the relationship with other cards.

Operating procedure.

Focus and shuffle the cards. Let the questioner remove the deck with his left hand twice. Now we have 3 parts of the deck. Turn them over so that the bottom card is face up. These three cards provide us with background information about the situation before the spread is made.

The combination of three cards will show us the deep inner state of the questioner, his subconscious motives, which will guide his actions, forming the appropriate events. After you have finished interpreting these 3 cards, put the deck together. Shuffle again, focusing on the information received. Lay out the cards as shown.

Now we begin to interpret all combinations of cards. The decisive and turning point of interpretation is the card of the questioner. The whole interpretation is based on the position of this card. This means that the meaning of each card must be in accordance with its position relative to the questioner's card.

The gypsies call this form of interpretation "drawing a cross into the past, present and future." The meaning will become immediately clear if you know the meaning of each position.

Schedule structure.

The future opens in the part located in front of the questioner's card, on the right side of the layout. You will find out past events by examining the cards behind the card of the questioner, on the left side of the layout. Everything located above the questioner's card means either real events, or those that are expected in the near future or are planned.

Therefore, this vertical upward line is the threshold between the present and the future. All the cards below the questioner represent, figuratively called by the gypsies, “what we trample under our feet” - in psychoanalytic terminology, “repressed” - these feelings or events we suppress in ourselves or try to forget.

Inner square. Eight cards in close proximity to the questioner's card. Reveals the most significant events in the life of the counselor.

Gypsy cross. Traditional form of gypsy interpretation. A connection is established between all cards located on a horizontal and vertical line from the card of the questioner. Reveals a sequential time chain from the past to the future.

Diagonals. Additional information for studying the past and the future. The upper diagonals represent conscious actions, planned events, phenomena understandable to the questioner. The lower diagonals make it possible to explore hidden motives, inner desires, everything secret and incomprehensible.


The questioner's card is not always in the center. This must also be taken into account when interpreting:

The questioner's card is shifted to the left. The consulted person has completed an important period in his life, completed a certain cycle of his development, and now his main thoughts and plans are in the future. The past doesn't matter.

The questioner's card is shifted to the right. At the moment, the person who came for advice needs to deal with the past. That is where the key to solving real problems lies. The future is not yet predetermined and depends on what actions he takes now.

The questioner's card is shifted up. Feelings play an important role in the counselor's life. It is likely that at the moment he is in the power of the unconscious (according to Freud, the unconscious is unrealized drives that, due to conflict with the requirements of social norms, are not allowed into consciousness.).

The questioner's card is shifted down. Before us is a person who is able to realistically assess what is happening and can control the situation. However, if there are negative cards at the top, this may indicate excessive concern with non-existent, fictitious problems, fears.

The alignment is made to obtain an accurate forecast for the selected period. Before shuffling the deck, you need to mentally send your program to the cards for the desired time period about which you want to receive information.

Operating procedure

After mixing, the questioner should remove the deck with the fingers of his left hand and take it (face down), after laying out the cards like this.

The present.(Three cards located at the bottom left - 35, 21, 19) mean everyday difficulties, everything that happens to the questioner in a given time period, affecting his general condition.

The senses.(Seven cards located in the cross - 11, 7, 5, 1, 6, 8, 12) are responsible for the emotional state, heart affairs, friendship and faith. The questioner will find out the answers to the exciting questions that are significant for him, causing feelings of experience.

A family.(Three cards located at the top left - 29, 15, 13) show the environment of the questioner, his relatives, "family friends" and all the people dear to him.

Profession.(Upper cards on the right - 14, 16, 30) - the status of the questioner in society, connections with people at work and his ability to obtain financial resources for life.

Fate.(three cards located at the bottom right - 20, 22, 36) show the fate of the questioner, the events that await him in the time period under consideration and suggest the right direction for his development. Much attention should be paid to this part of the layout, there is important advice here.

Card reveal scheme

Remarks. It is required to pay special attention to the position of the questioner's card, its location on the open line gives emphasis to the topic. This means that for the questioner this question occupies the main place in life. Let's take a closer look at this line.

The senses. If the card of the questioner is located among these cards, then this person is controlled by violent emotions.
The present. The questioner spends a lot of energy and pays great attention to everyday affairs, he is obsessed.
Fate. The main events that will take place in the future. The questioner makes plans and thinks about them, understands that something needs to be changed and is ready to accept it.
A family. The main concerns are only family matters.
Profession. The most important question related to earning money and building a career that needs to be addressed.

The presence of the questioner's card next to the open line is the same, but to a lesser extent. Pay attention to neighboring, touching cards. They will supplement information about the state of the asker.

The layout of the "Seven houses"

This alignment is used by many specialists for a detailed forecast for a short time period. Usually all these events occur within the next month.

Operating procedure

Before starting the alignment, you need to remove the questioner's card from the deck and put it in the center. Mix and make a layout, as indicated below.

Spread structure

Cards are divided into certain groups of 3 each. The cards are located in the same group, subject to joint interpretation. Each group has its own special meaning. The first of the cards is a symbol of the soil, the second is the forces acting at the moment, the third is the final result. Group numbers are assigned from left to right.

Group designation

No 1 - shows general information about the state of affairs of the questioner in a given period of time, his state of health, feelings and even thoughts.
No 2 - indicates the close environment of the questioner, this applies not only to the family, but also to everyone who is emotionally connected with the person. With the help of these cards, you can understand who will soon be next to a person.
No 3 - shows the desires and future hopes of the questioner, as well as some of the fear cards - No 8, No 21, No 36 and the like.
No 4 - this group reveals the immediate plans of the questioner.
No 5 - the group indicates possible influences that the questioner does not know about, it gives clues and points out obstacles.
No 6 - shows events that will happen in the next 2 weeks.
No 7 - indicates events that will occur in the last 2 weeks.

With the help of these layouts, a person will learn about many upcoming events and choose the right direction of movement.

Houses in the "Big layout"

Houses in the large Lenormand scenario have such meanings.

House Description

Rider Events that will come true in the coming days from 1 to 4.
Clover A case that brings happiness and what exactly is lucky for the person being asked.

Ship Trips, journeys, possible changes, aspirations, and in some cases longing.

At home Matters related to property, family and those closest to you.

Tree Health of the questioner, growth, root love relationships and problems.

Cloud Unclear questions, confusion, anxiety.

Important: if one of the figures fell out in this house during the layout (blank, snake, bear), then this means the appearance of a person from your past.
Snakes Wisdom, deep mind, detours and medicine, but in certain cases, treason and meanness.

Coffin Change, transition or rebirth

Bouquet Small victories, successes and joyful events.
Braids Birth or readiness for something, a time to receive good or negative, depending on one's past actions. Doesn't mean danger.
Brooms Heated disputes, conflict situations and various contradictions.
Owls What a person's thoughts are busy with, what problems he solves, great erudition.
Child The birth of a child, if there is, then a new baby, something that will gain momentum, the immaturity of a hobby.
Foxes Cunning, deceit, mistrust, planning events to the smallest detail, as well as caution.
Bear Awakening from a state of sleep, manifestation of activity in actions, the house of another man (lover, boyfriend).
Stars Uniformity of events, karma, divination, esotericism.
Storks Change of place of residence, actions caused by love, positive changes.
Dogs Attachment, devotion and constancy.
Towers Reliability, high human morals and strength.
Sada Rest in pleasant company and happiness.
Mountains Gradual ascents, great achievements, but for those people who have a weak position in life, some problems and various obstacles. This is also the distance and the possible relocation abroad.

Forks Various options for the realization of opportunities, some uncertainty and doubts about the correctness of the choice.

Rat Fears, certain human suffering and failure. Hard work.
Hearts Close people and cordial relationships.
Rings Partnership and marriage.
Books Teaching something, hidden information or secret.
Letters Obtaining official papers, personal communication.
Men The questioner or the partner of the questioner.
Women Questioner or partner of the questioner.
Lily Harmony and tranquility, good events, authority, and power.
Sun Clarity of consciousness and awareness of goals. A tide at the energy level and a general stabilization of the situation.
Moons The cyclicity of something, impermanence, emotions and deep spiritual memories.
Key Access and opening of many doors. The card located in the house of the key will tell "how", the one who got into the house will say "where".
For example: a man in the house of the key, the key in the house of fish - he will be able to solve the problem with money.
Pisces Finance and material well-being, satisfaction.
Anchors Stable results and safety, but also some burden.
Cross The impossibility of avoiding what is destined for fate and duty.

At home they play in a big layout importance their interpretation must be taken seriously.


In order for the interpretation to be as detailed as possible, reflection of the cards is applied with the help of 2 “mirrors” (cards) located side by side.

The letter (K) denotes the analyzed map, and two letters (З) denote its “mirrors”. These reflections will important information, confirm the value of the analyzed map or significantly supplement.


Using it, you can track a lot, learn about the development of the situation in the past and its future. Correspondence is required to be read diagonally: the corresponding cards are arranged diagonally, one opposite the other, relative to the center of the layout.

The use of mirrors and correspondence is allowed for corner and key cards.

The large alignment of "Lenormand" is ancient and legendary, it allows the questioner to look into the past, find out the present and correct the future. Applying it, you get advice for all areas of life and the required recommendations. It is convenient for forecasting and makes it clear which path to choose, what needs to be changed or corrected for success in any business. You need to learn how to do it correctly, and then changes for the better will begin in life. It should not be done just for fun, this approach will not bring anything good. Those who are serious about the layout and take into account its tips will succeed. Remember - the alignment itself will not change your life, it will give the right direction, and then everything is in your hands.

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