Modern norms of orthoepy. Orthoepic norms of the Russian literary language

Lecture material

on the subject of the Russian language

Topic "Orthoepic norm"

Soldatova E.N.

Lebedyan, 201_

Orthoepic norms - these are the rules for the sound design of words, parts of words, sentences, i.e., the rules for pronouncing sounds, setting stress, using intonation.

Among the orthoepic norms stand out:

    pronunciation norms(pronunciation norms) - rules for pronunciation of sounds(scam, but not scam, bu[te]rbrod, but not sandwich);

    stress norms (accentological norms) - stress rules(alphabet, but not alpha "vit, dosu" g, A not up to "sug);

    norms for using intonation(intonation norms) - rules of intonation, speech.

Orthoepic norms of oral speech studiesorthoepy(gr. orthos - correct and epos - speech), the subject of study of which are patterns, literary pronunciation. Orthoepy is closely related to such a section of linguistics as phonetics.Phonetics(gr. phonetic from phone - sound) studies the sound means of the language.

Observance of uniformity in the pronunciation of sounds and the setting of stress has importance. Orthoepic errors always interfere with perceiving the content of speech: the listener's attention is distracted by various pronunciation irregularities, and the statement is not perceived in its entirety and with sufficient attention. Pronunciation, corresponding to orthoepic norms, facilitates and speeds up the process of communication. The normative pronunciation of words is recorded in orthoepic dictionaries.

The normative pronunciation of words, the normative stress and intonation of speech are regulated by certain rules that must be followed in order not to go beyond the generally accepted, and therefore generally understandable Russian literary language.

Pronunciation norms vowel sounds

The basic law of orthoepy in the field of pronunciation of vowel sounds of the Russian language isreduction law (weakened articulation) of all unstressed vowels.

In Russian speech, only stressed vowels are pronounced in full accordance with the phonetic norm. All unstressed vowels are pronounced with weakened articulation, less clearly and for a long time, and sometimes even replaced by other vowels, also reduced. So, the vowels A and O at the beginning of a word without stress and in the first pre-stressed syllable are pronounced as [a]:ravine- [a] enemy, autonomy - [a]t[a]nomia, milk - mol[a]ko.

In the remaining unstressed syllables (i.e., in all unstressed syllables, except for the first pre-stressed one), in place of the letters O and A, after solid consonants, a very short (reduced) obscure sound is pronounced, which in different positions varies from a pronunciation close to [s] to a pronunciation close to [a]. Conventionally, this sound is denoted as [b]. For example: head - g[b]lova, watchman - side[b]g.

Akanye (i.e., the indistinguishability in unstressed syllables of sounds transmitted by the letters O and A) is a striking distinctive feature of Russian literary pronunciation. Pronunciation, different from literary, is found in territorial dialects (dialects). So, in North Russian dialects, it is possible to use the sound [o] in unstressed syllables (in this case, the pronunciation coincides with the spelling of the letter O). This pronunciation is called okane.

Difficult cases vowel pronunciation sounds

Pronunciation [o] without qualitative reduction

In the modern Russian literary language, there are cases when, in place of the unstressed vowel O, not [a], but [o] is pronounced. This refers to the pronunciation of some foreign words.

Borrowed words, as a rule, obey the orthoepic norms of the modern Russian literary language and only in some cases differ in pronunciation features. One of these features is the preservation of the sound [o] in unstressed syllables in the pronunciation.

In the pre-shock position, the sound[O] preserved, for example, in words such asf[o]ye, p[o]et, [o]asis, d[o]se, and in foreign proper names:Fl[o]ber, Sh[o]pen. The same pronunciation [o] can also be observed in stressed syllables:cocoa[O], radio[o], three[o]. However, most of the borrowed vocabulary, which is words that are firmly mastered by the Russian literary language, is subject to general rules pronunciation[O] and [a] in unstressed syllables:r[a]man(novel), b[a]cal(wineglass), k[a]stym(costume), r[a]yal(piano), k[b]binet(cabinet), [a]rator(speaker), etc.

Pronunciation of sounds in place of the letters E and Z in pre-stressed syllables

The letters E and I in the pre-stressed syllable denote a sound, the middle between[e] and [and] . Conventionally, this sound is indicated by the sign [and e]: nickel - P[ And uh ]so, feather - P[ And uh ]ro.

Choosing a stressed vowel in place of the letters E and E after soft consonants

The pronunciation of the vowels [e] and [o], denoted by the letters E and E after soft consonants, sometimes causes difficulty, since the letter E is usually depicted without dots in print and in writing. The pronunciation of the stressed vowel after soft consonants in place of the letters E and Y has to be memorized. Remember the pronunciation of the following words:

E["e] Yo["o]


being a newborn

guardianship sharp

settled solvent

Pronunciation of consonants sounds

Basic laws of consonant pronunciation

The basic laws of pronunciation of consonants are stunning and assimilation.

In Russian speech, voiced consonants are obligatory stunned at the end of a word (for example:bread - bread[n], garden- sa[t], dividend - dividend[t]). This stun is one of characteristic features Russian literary speech.

In combinations of voiced and voiceless consonants or voiceless and voiced, the first of them is likened to the second, i.e. either deafening of the first sound occurs (for example:cork - pro[p]ka, leg - but [w] ka), or its voicing (for example:change - [h] dacha, ruin - [h] destroy). Before the consonants [l], [m], [n], [p] and [c] there is no likening. Words are pronounced as they are written:sve[tl] O, [w] dig.

Pronunciation of sound in place of the letter G

In place of the letter G, different sounds can be pronounced: [k], [g], [y], [x] or [c]. The choice of sound depends on its position in the word and the influence of neighboring sounds.

[To] pronounced at the end of a word, for example:lay down - le[k], threshold - poro[k], meadow - onion]

[G] the voiced explosive consonant is pronounced in position before vowels and voiced consonants, for example:But[G] A , behind[G] cash,[G] valt

[X] pronounced in combinations of GK and MS, for example:soft - me[hk] O , easier - le[hh] e, and in the word God - Bo[X]

Letter G

[γ] fricative back-lingual consonant, is an accessory of dialect speech and is typical for South Russian dialects. In the literary language, let's say in a few words, Old Church Slavonic in origin:God- bo[γ]a, God - [γ] god bless - blah[γ]o - and their derivatives

[V] pronounced in endings-oh, -his(For example: red - red[in, first - first [in] oh, he has - have not[V] O), and also in the word Today - se[V] alone.

Pronunciation of CHN and TH combinations

In the pronunciation of words with a combination of CHN, fluctuations are observed.

CHN is pronounced like [ch] in most words of the Russian language. This is especially true for words of book origin.(greedy, careless) as well as words that appeared in the recent past(camouflage, landing).

CHN is pronounced like [shn] in the following words:of course, boring, scrambled eggs, on purpose, birdhouse, trifling, laundry, mustard plaster and some others, as well as in female patronymics on-ichna (Lukinichna, Fominichna).

Some words with a combination of CHN in the modern Russian literary language have pronunciation options:bakery And bulo[shn]aya(outdated), kopee [h] th And kopee [shn] th(outdated).

The combination of CHT in modern Russian is pronounced like [pcs] in the wordWhat and derivatives from it(nothing, something, to, anything and the like), except for the wordsomething [Thurs]. In all other cases, the orthographic CHT is always pronounced as [th]:dream, mail, insignificant.

Pronunciation of foreign words with the letter E after a consonant

In most borrowed words, in accordance with the pronunciation rules, consonants are softened before E:ka[T"] no , pa[T"] efon,[With"] series,[R"] vector.

Always before E, back-lingual consonants G, K are softened,X: pa[To"] no,[G"] Duke, with[X"] ema. The sound [l] is also usually pronounced softly in this position:[l"] go, mo[l"] ekula, ba[l"] no and so on.

However, in a number of words of foreign origin, the hardness of consonants before E is preserved: o [t] el,to[e] ex, biz[n] eu,[T] eat boo[T] erbrod, svi[T] ep and etc.

In some words of foreign origin, the consonant before the letter E can be pronounced in two ways. So, the pronunciation of a soft and hard consonant in words should be considered a variant pronunciationcongress - kong[R] essay And kong[R"] ess, consensus - con[With] Ensus And con[With"] ensus. Two pronunciations also exist in wordsgangster, depression, management, manager, pace, dean, deanery, pool, crater, terror, terrorist. In many such cases, the hard pronunciation becomes obsolete and the soft pronunciation of the consonant is preferred: [t"]temp,[d"] ekan etc.

In some cases, a violation of orthoepic norms occurs as a result of inserting an extra vowel or consonant sound into a word.

Pay attention to the correct pronunciation and spelling of the following words:

Unprecedented n[u]ance

I will

Derma[n]tin po[d]cheek

Wildly[o]image precede[n]dent

Thirsty [th] ch [e] extraordinary

Compromise legal[t]adviser

Competitor[n]capable bess[e]rebrenik

ascertain [n]at account

Remember standard pronunciation of these words.

Consonant Consonant

pronounced softly: pronounced firmly

academy [de] antithesis [te]

devaluation [de] genesis [ne]

decade [de] dispensary [se]

demon [de] interview [te]

cream [re] cottage [te]

coffee [fe] lottery [te]

museum [ze] mayonnaise [ne]

Odessa [de] hotel [te]

patent [te] pathos [te]

pioneer [not] service [se]

press [re] thesis [te]

press conference [re] timbre [te]

spokesman [re] trend [te, te]

session [se] dash [re]

theme [te] phonetics [ne]

tenor [te] highway [se]

term [te] eczema [ze]

overcoat [not] external [te]

jurisprudence [de] esthete [te]

Pay attention to the hardness or softness of the consonant before the vowel indicated by the letter E.





[de], [te]
















Stress norms

Among the orthoepic norms, a special place is occupied by the norms associated with the correct placement of stress in words.

stress - this is the selection of one of the syllables in the word by amplifying the voice. The assimilation of the correct stress is associated with a number of difficulties due to its peculiarities in the Russian language.

The first feature of Russian stress is that the stress in Russian words is not attached to a specific syllable in a word (as, for example, in other languages: in French it falls on the last syllable of a word, in Polish it falls on the penultimate syllable, in Czech and Hungarian it falls on the first). This accent is calledfree it can be on any syllable of the word: the first(will, city, sharp), second (freedom, nature, write, beautiful), third (young, milk, watchmaker) etc.

The second feature of Russian stress is itsmobility, the ability to change its place depending on the form of the word. For example, the verbunderstand in an indefinite form, it has an accent on the second syllable, in the past tense in the masculine gender it moves to the first syllable -Understood, and in the feminine gender - on the last -Understood". There are many such words with shifting stress in Russian. Usually, the transfer of stress is associated with the use of a certain grammatical form.

Should be remembered words with a fixed accent:

hospital - go "hospital; soil - soil" nt; quart "l - quart" ly; matchmaker - matchmaker "you.

The third feature of Russian stress is itsvariability over time. In the works of Krylov, Griboyedov, Pushkin, Lermontov, you will find many words with a completely different accent than now. Compare:

The day went out "the bright light;

Fog fell on the blue evening sea (A. Pushkin).

We old people no longer dance,

Music "ki thunder does not call us (A. Pushkin).

Words ghost, symbol, autograph, bus, agent, agony, epigraph, plowing, disarm, shop, case and many others inXIXcentury had a different emphasis.

The process of changing the accent is happening in our time. As a result of this process, some words have two variants of stress. Variants of a word that differ in the setting of stress can be equal and unequal.

Equal Options equally correct, normative:a loop - loop", ba" rust - barge", your"horn - tvoro "g, those" ftel - meatballs "whether. There are few such equal options in modern Russian.

Unequal Options are of two types. In the first case, one option is recognized as the main, preferred, and the second is assessed as additional, less desirable, but still within the limits of the literary language. Such valid options are used in colloquial speech or are obsolete. For example:cookery "riya- add. culinary "I(colloquial), gave- add. gave(colloquial); Ukrainian- add. Ukrainian(outdated), industry- add. industry(outdated), gathered- add. gathered"(outdated).

It should be borne in mind that words with a colloquial accent are unacceptable in official speech and formal communication situations. Compare, for example, optionscontract "r, contract" r (lit., used in various communication situations) andto "talk, agreement" (colloquial, unacceptable in official speech).

The second type of unequal options concerns cases where one option is literary, normalized, and the second is outside the literary norm. Non-literary (incorrect) are colloquial and slang variants of stress. For example:document - document(simple) quarter - quarter(simple) begin - begin(simple).

The category of non-literary includes options, the specific stress in which is traditionally accepted only in some narrowly professional environment. In any other setting, such options are perceived as a mistake. For example:spark - spark"(for engineers) epilepsy - epilepsy(for doctors) compass - compass(for sailors) chassis" - chassis(for pilots).

Stress in Russian in some cases has a meaningful function. Wed:armor - securing someone or something for someone-something, as well as a document for such fastening (reservation for a railway ticket);armor" - a strong protective shell (tank armor) orlock - palace and fortress of the feudal lord (medieval castle);lock - a device for locking something. key (door lock). Wed Also:language pertaining to language as a means of human communication and to speech activity person;linguistic - pertaining to a physical organ of a person or animal, or to a particular food.

Questions for discussion of theoretical material

    What is the norm of the literary language?

    List the types of norms of the Russian literary language. What rules govern each type of norm?

    What is included in the concept of "orthoepic norms"? What are the types of orthoepic norms?

    What are the basic laws of pronunciation of vowels?

    What are the difficulties in pronouncing vowel sounds?

    What are the basic laws of pronunciation of consonants?

    What causes difficulties in pronunciation of consonants?

    What dialect features of the pronunciation of vowels and consonants do not correspond to literary norms?

    What is an accent?

10. What are the features of Russian stress?

11. What is the role of stress in a word?

12. What can be the variants of words that differ in the setting of stress?

13. What are equal and unequal stress options? What stress variations are outside the literary norm?

As a result of studying the chapter, the student must:


  • features of Russian stress and pronunciation;
  • a system of special marks used in orthoepic dictionaries to indicate pronunciation options;

be able to

  • to determine the reasons for the appearance of variants of stress in words, as well as the pronunciation of individual sounds and their combinations;
  • establish cases of erroneous pronunciation of words and offer a replacement in accordance with the norms of the literary language;


  • norms of literary pronunciation;
  • the skills of analyzing options for placing stress in words and pronouncing individual sounds and their combinations using dictionaries and reference books but the culture of speech.

Orthoepic norms

Orthoepic norms and deviations from the norms of literary pronunciation

Orthoepy (from other Greek. oithos - direct, correct and epos - speech) establishes rules for the uniform pronunciation of words. Orthoepy fixes the norms of pronunciation of sounds, combinations of sounds in certain phonetic positions. Orthoepic norms are the rules for the pronunciation of individual sounds and sound combinations in words.

Orthoepic norms include two types of pronunciation norms: accentological norms (the norms of setting stress (with a broad understanding of the term - the pronunciation of stressed sound refers to orthoepy)) and actually orthoepic norms (norms of pronunciation of individual sounds).

Due to the fact that orthoepic norms regulate the rules for the use of linguistic units of the literary language, they are also called literary pronunciation norms. The norms of pronunciation of sounds are formed simultaneously with the formation of the national language.

Historical reference

Russian literary pronunciation evolved under the influence of historical factors. In the 17th century, at a time when Moscow became the center of the Russian state, the unifier of Russian lands, cultural center, many features of the Moscow dialect are perceived as exemplary and are actively adopted (the Moscow dialect was formed on the basis of the Northern Great Russian dialects under the strong influence of the Southern Great Russian dialects, i.e. it reflected the features of the language variants fixed in different territories). As a result, such features of the Moscow dialect as akanye - pronunciation O in an unstressed position as [a |, - the norm of pronunciation of a combination of letters ch as [shn] in a number of words, etc.

In the 19th century historical and cultural situation is changing. St. Petersburg actively determines not only political, economic, social, but also cultural trends. The nature of the pronunciation of sounds began to be strongly influenced by the Petersburg dialect, which manifested itself, in particular, in the pronunciation of the letter combination ch as [ch], in pronunciation in loanwords e after consonants as [e] and others. the word was pronounced close to how it was written: i [sh, h ik - box, |sh'h]n - cabbage soup, [h] something - what.

Many modern norms for pronunciation of adjective endings, verb endings and suffixes, letter combinations ch and others appeared under the influence of spelling: modern pronunciations such as long>.go[dy|t, gathered, tapped, felted established themselves instead of historical dol|th th, hotsyut, collected] With], knock]vat, felty.

After the revolution of 1917, due to active social changes, a large influx of population into the capital cities, differences in the speech of Muscovites and Petersburgers began to gradually disappear and by the end of the 20th century. have practically disappeared.

Pronunciation variants, which were finally formed in the second half of the 19th century, reflect some features of both Moscow and St. Petersburg pronunciation. These pronunciation options have become entrenched as a national norm.

Deviations from the norms of literary pronunciation are caused by two main reasons. The first is related to the fact that a single orthoepic norm is influenced by pronunciation features that are traditional for a certain territory. Even if the orthoepic norms of the literary language are observed, there are some differences in the pronunciation of individual sounds, which are characteristic of representatives of different regions.

These seemingly insignificant discrepancies lead to the fact that the pronunciation manner of the inhabitants of Samara and Arkhangelsk, Rostov-on-Don and Irkutsk, Voronezh and Yekaterinburg has distinctive features. For example, in the south of Russia, pronunciation in place will be noticeable [g| a special sound [y], paired for deafness / sonority to the sound [x |. This sound is typical for southern dialects: |y|orod, [at]tin, |y|speak, but it will also be found in a less vivid version in the speech of those who generally own the norms of orthoepy. In the north of Russia, Okanye is a stable dialectal feature. Okanye in its pure form may be lost as a result of the development of literary norms, but in place of unstressed | about | in speech educated people living in the northern territories, there is often a sound close to fuzzy [e]: water - [veda], home - [demoy], Then - [pet|. According to the norms of literary pronunciation, in the indicated positions, fuzzy [a] should be pronounced: [vada], [lady], [patom]. In Moscow, on the contrary, in similar positions in place of the fuzzy |a| a clear, open sound |a| is pronounced, which leads to akany. The speech of the inhabitants of the Ural region is characterized by a kind of "patter", which occurs as a result of fast dark speaking, "swallowing" consonants, reducing the duration of vowel sounds. It loses the melodiousness inherent in the literary language and often becomes difficult to perceive.

Thus, the peculiarities of pronunciation, traditional for a particular territory, can manifest themselves in varying degrees of severity in the speech of native speakers of the literary language and, in some cases, cause violations of orthoepy norms.

The second reason for deviations from the norms of literary pronunciation is related to the fact that there is not always a correspondence between the literal and sound appearance of the word. For example, words are written with the letter h, and in pronunciation it corresponds to the sound [w |: horse [sh] but, sku [shn] o, mo, - or spelled with a letter G, in place of which it is pronounced [in]: legal wa], legal wa|; spelled resume, de jure, computer, but pronounced summary [me], [deyure], computer[te]r. Letter G, in particular, it can be pronounced as [G]- annual, [To] -forgery, pledge, [in| -legal, lawful, [X] -God, [h]-accountant, bookkeeping, accounting.

In the indefinite form of the verb in place - be according to the literary norm, a long sound is pronounced c - |zza|:to engage - busy tssa],develop - develop [tsa, strive - striving [scha] and so on. Under the influence of dialects, they often mistakenly speak the way they write, - to engage in], to develop], to strive [to]. In common parlance, in place of letter combinations - to be , -tsya an erroneous pronunciation often occurs, which is characterized by the absence of a long sound [cc|:I don't like it - don't like it ca] instead of correct don't like[s]a. No need to be afraid - fight ca] instead of correct battle[ 1 w]a.

Suffix -sya used in verbs after consonants: laughed, washed. After vowels, the variant -съ is used: laughed, washed. Other pronunciation - laughed, washed - is spacious.

There are quite a lot of various inconsistencies between letters and sounds, letter combinations and sound combinations in the Russian language, it is in these cases that spelling errors often occur: we can often hear incorrect pronunciations of words: boring, idle, computer, producer, bukhalteria, boro]a] and so on.

  • The throat sound [h] - the middle one between the sounds [g] and [x] - is not typical for Russian pronunciation, it can be found in interjections yeah, wow. This sound can be heard in southern dialects.

Orthoepy- the science of the norms of pronunciation of individual sounds and their combinations, as well as the patterns of stress setting, one of the most important sections of the "culture of speech". Some scientists define orthoepy only as the science of pronunciation, highlighting the norms of stressing into a separate science of accentology.

Orthoepic norms are the norms of pronunciation of words, morphemes, sentences, as well as stresses in them.

For the literary Russian language (i.e., as it is customary to speak in a given historical era), it is characteristic

  • akanye, i.e. pronunciation of a sound close to /a/ instead of /o/ in unstressed syllables (k/a/ rova)
  • hiccup, i.e. pronunciation of a sound close to /i/ instead of /e/ in unstressed syllables (pronunciation of the word forest as l /i/ sa)
  • reduction vowel sounds in an unstressed position (i.e. a change in the quality of vowel sounds in an unstressed position - for example, in the word “mother” unstressed /a/ is not the same as /a/ stressed)
  • stun / voicing consonant sounds (for example, a voiced consonant at the end of a word - oak - du / p /).

The Russian language has three styles of pronunciation (depending on the communicative situation):

  • high (nocturne, poet, for example, when reading poetry)
  • neutral (nActurne, paet)
  • low / colloquial (thousand, right now)

Pronunciation norms just like other norms, they change

  1. senior norm: Kone/w/no
  2. junior norm: Certainly

Vowel pronunciation norms

(we describe the most common norms)

  • hiccup
  • pronunciation of unstressed vowels after w, w, c: sounds /e/, /i/ are pronounced as /s/ - w/s/lka (silk), w/s/l tok (yolk), sound /a/ is pronounced as /e/ - sh/e/gat
  • preservation of unstressed O in foreign words (boa, bolero, radio). I must say that this norm is going away (we are already talking vkzal, rman). The b here denotes a very short sound that cannot be reduced to either /a/ or /o/.
  • pronunciation of the sound e in different positions as e, and, s, b (tEndEr, Itage, but / s / rbrod, mod / b / rnization)

Norms of pronunciation of consonants

  • pronunciation of the sound /v/ in adjective endings (blue/v/o)
  • the pronunciation of a hard consonant before / e / - stand, mash, requiem (the older norm demanded to pronounce consonants softly).(Double pronunciation is allowed in words - terrorist, creed, dean. BUT only a soft consonant sound is pronounced in the words beige, brunette, museum, pioneer, rail, term, plywood, overcoat, cream, hair dryer)
  • the older norm demanded to pronounce w, w softly in words yeast, reins, buzz, squeal, later, before / burn / and. Now it is permissible to pronounce solid w, sh in the same way as in other words of the Russian language
  • pronunciation combination CHN as /shn/ and as /chn/. The tendency to pronounce /ch/. (Check yourself. Do you keep the pronunciation /shn/, as recommended by dictionaries of recent years in the words: mustard, loser, of course, eyeglass, laundry, trifling, birdhouse, boring, scrambled eggs, shopkeeper, candlestick, decent, dog lover, switchman, alarm clock. In the words cordial, capped, milky, a double pronunciation is possible depending on the meaning).
  • the sound Г can be pronounced as /k/ - ko/k/ti or as /x/ - le/x/cue. In the word God it is pronounced / x / - Bo / x /

Stress norms

Quite often a derivative word, i.e. a word formed from another word retains the stress of the word from which it is formed: provide - provision, shine - glow.

  1. Equal, i.e. can be pronounced in different ways: barge - barge, Otherwise, otherwise, sharpness - sharpness, born - born
  2. Fluctuating, i.e. the older norm is leaving, but the new one has not yet settled down: stirs - stirs, deep - deep, snow-covered - snow-covered
  3. Common - professional, i.e. as it is customary to say and as they say in professional jargon: mining - mining (among miners), chassis - chassis (among pilots), convict - convict (among lawyers)
  4. Literary - vernacular, i.e. as it is customary to say among educated people, and as uneducated city dwellers say: catalog - catalog, quarter - quarter, more beautiful - more beautiful.

Attention! Stress in verbs. Just borrow, accept, start!!!

What about the rules of pronunciation and stress?

We must understand that we speak as our environment speaks or spoke, as we are used to. Everything else is perceived as strange.

To change or not to change pronunciation if we suddenly find out that we are speaking incorrectly. Everyone decides this for himself, although sometimes correct pronunciation requires a profession (announcer, teacher, journalist, actor, etc.)

In other words, there is a story about a Soviet academician. The story illustrates a differentiated approach to norms. It happened a very long time ago.

This academician was asked how he says portfolio or portfolio. He replied: “It depends where I will be. In my native village I’ll say Porfel, otherwise they will think that I’m arrogant. At the meeting of the Academy of Sciences I will tell the portfolio, otherwise Academician Vinogradov will wince.

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An important aspect of orthoepy is stress , that is, the sound emphasis of one of the syllables of the word. Stress in writing is usually not indicated, although in some cases (when teaching Russian to non-Russians) it is customary to put it.

Distinctive features of Russian stress are its heterogeneity and mobility. The diversity lies in the fact that the stress in Russian can be on any syllable of the word ( book, signature- on the first syllable; lantern, underground- on the second; hurricane, orthoepy - on the third, etc.). In some words, the stress is fixed on a certain syllable and does not move during the formation of grammatical forms, in others it changes from place (compare: ton - tons And wall - wall- walls And walls).

The last example shows the mobility of Russian stress. This is the objective difficulty of mastering accent norms. “However, as K.S. Gorbachevich, - if the heterogeneity and mobility of the Russian stress create some difficulties in its assimilation, then these inconveniences are completely redeemed by the ability to distinguish the meaning of words using the place of stress (flour- flour, cowardly- cowardly, immersed on the platform- immersed in water) and even functional and stylistic fixation of accent options (Bay leaf, but in botany: laurel family). Particularly important in this regard is the role of stress as a way of expressing grammatical meanings and overcoming the homonymy of word forms. As established by scientists, most of the words of the Russian language (about 96%) are distinguished by a fixed stress. However, the remaining 4% are the most common words that make up the basic, frequency vocabulary of the language.

Here are some rules of orthoepy in the area of ​​stress, which will help to prevent the corresponding errors.

Stress in adjectives

In full forms of adjectives, only a fixed stress is possible on the basis or on the ending. The variability of these two types in the same word forms is explained, as a rule, by a pragmatic factor associated with the distinction between little-used or bookish adjectives and adjectives of frequency, stylistically neutral or even reduced. In fact, little-used and bookish words are more often stressed at the stem, while frequent, stylistically neutral or reduced words are more often accented at the end.

The degree of mastery of the word is manifested in the variants of the place of stress: circle And circle, spare And spare, near-Earth And near-Earth, minus And minus, cleaning And treatment. Such words are not included in USE assignments, since both options are considered correct.

And yet, the choice of the place of stress causes difficulties most often in short forms of adjectives. Meanwhile, there is a fairly consistent norm, according to which the stressed syllable of the full form of a number of common adjectives remains stressed in the short form: Beautiful- beautiful- beautiful- Beautiful- beautiful; inconceivable - inconceivable- unthinkable- unthinkable- inconceivable and so on.

The number of adjectives with mobile stress in Russian is small, but they are often used in speech, and therefore the stress norms in them need comments. The stress often falls on the stem in the form of the masculine, neuter, and many others. numbers and the ending in the feminine form: right- right- right- right- rights; gray - gray- gray- sulfur- sulfur; slim- slender- slender- slender- slender.

Such adjectives usually have monosyllabic stems without suffixes or with simple suffixes (-k-, -n-). However, one way or another, it becomes necessary to refer to the orthoepic dictionary, since a number of words “knock out” of the specified norm. You can, for example, say: lengths And long, fresh And fresh, full And full etc.

It should also be said about the pronunciation of adjectives in a comparative degree. There is such a rule: if the stress in the short form of the feminine falls on the ending, then in a comparative degree it will be on the suffix -ee: strong- stronger, sicker- sicker, alive- livelier, slimmer- slimmer, right - right; if the stress in the feminine gender is on the basis, then in a comparative degree it is preserved on the basis: beautiful- prettier, sadder- sadder, disgusting- more disgusting. The same applies to the superlative form.

Stress in verbs

One of the most tense points of stress in common verbs is the past tense.

The stress in the past tense usually falls on the same syllable, as in the infinitive: sit- sat, moaning - moaning. hide- hid, start - started. At the same time, the group of common verbs (about 300) obeys a different rule: the stress in the feminine form goes to the ending, and in other forms it remains on the stem. These are verbs take. be, take, twist, lie, drive, give, wait, live, call, lie, pour, drink, tear etc. It is recommended to say: live- lived- lived - lived- lived; wait- waited- was waiting- waited - waited; pour - lil- lilo- Lily- lilA. Derived verbs are pronounced the same way. (live, take, drink, spill and so on.).

The exception is words with a prefix You-, which takes on the emphasis: survive- Survived, pour out - poured out, call- called.

Verbs put, steal, send, send the stress in the feminine form of the past tense remains on the stem: stole, stole, sent, made.

And one more pattern. Quite often, in reflexive verbs (in comparison with non-reflexive ones), the stress in the form of the past tense goes to the ending: start- I started, started, started, started; accept - accepted, acceptedb, accepted, accepted.

About the pronunciation of the verb call in conjugated form. Spelling dictionaries of recent times quite rightly continue to recommend stress on the ending: call, call, call, call, call. This tradition is based on classical literature (primarily poetry), the speech practice of authoritative native speakers.

stressin some participles and participles

The most frequent fluctuations of stress are recorded when pronouncing short passive participles.

If the accent is full form is on the suffix -yonn- something about but remains on it only in the masculine form, in other forms it passes to the ending: conducted- carried out, carried out, carried out, carried out; imported- imported, imported, imported, imported. However, it is sometimes difficult for native speakers to choose the right place of stress in the full form. They say: "introduced" instead imported,"translated" instead of translated etc. In such cases, it is worth referring to the dictionary more often, gradually practicing the correct pronunciation.

A few notes on the pronunciation of full participles with a suffix -T-. If suffixes indefinite form -oh-, -well- have an accent on themselves, then in participles it will go one syllable forward: weed- weedy, prick- chipped, bend- bent, wrap- wrapped.

Passive participles from verbs pour And drink(with suffix -T-) are characterized by unstable stress. You can speak: spilled And spilled, spilled And spilled, spilled(only!), spilled And spilled, spilled And spilled; drunk And drunk, supplemented And dopit, dopitA And dopita, dopito And dopito, dopity And supplements.

The participles are often stressed on the same syllable as in the indefinite form of the corresponding verb: having invested, having set, having filled, having taken, having washed down, having exhausted(DO NOT: exhausted) , starting, raising, reaping, watering, putting, realizing, betraying, undertaking, arriving, accepting, selling, cursing, spilling, piercing, drinking, creating.

Stress in adverbs should mainly be studied by memorizing and referring to the orthoepic dictionary.


alphabet, from Alpha And V AND that

airports, motionless stress on the 4th syllable


beard, win.p., only in this form singular. stress on 1st syllable

accountants, genus, motionless stress on 2nd syllable

religion, from the faith to confess


hyphen, from German, where the stress is on the 2nd syllable

dispensary, the word comes from English. lang. through French, where the blow. always on the last syllable




significance, from adj. zn A chimy

X, im.p. pl., motionless stress

catalog, in the same row with the words dial ABOUT g, monol ABOUT g, necrol ABOUT g etc.

quarter, from it. lang., where the stress is on the 2nd syllable

kilometer, in the same row with the words centime E tr, decimal E tr, millim E tr…

cones, cones, motionless stress on the 1st syllable in all cases in singular and plural.

cranes, motionless stress on 1st syllable

flint, flint, hit. in all forms on the last syllable, as in the word fire

lecturers, lecturers, see word bow(s)

areas,, in the same row with the word form p ABOUT honors, h E lustey ... but the news E th

garbage chute, on a par with the words gas pipelines ABOUT e, oil pipeline ABOUT d, plumbing ABOUT d


obituary, see catalog ABOUT G


news, news, but: see m E ness

nail, nail, motionless stress in all forms singular.

adolescence, from ABOUT rock teen

partner, from the French lang., where is the blow. always on the last syllable


dowry, noun

call, in the same row with the words pos S in, otz S in (ambassador), cos S in, but: ABOUT call (for publication)

orphans,, stress in all forms pl. only on the 2nd syllable


carpenter, in the same poison with the words small I p, to I p, schools I R

convocation, see the prize S V

cakes, cakes

scarves, see b A nts

chauffeur, on a par with the words kiosk Yo p, control Yo R…

expert, from the French lang., where the stress is always on the last syllable


right, short adj. zh.r.



more beautiful, adj. And adv. in comp.

beautiful, superior art.



agility, short adj. zh.r.


perspicacious, short adj. f.r., on a par with the words smear AND wah, fuss AND wah, chatter AND wa... but: ABOUT rliva

plum, derived from sl AND wa


pamper, on a par with the words to indulge, spoil, spoil ..., but: the minion of fate





turn on, turn on

turn on, turn on


break in-break in



hand-hand over






call - call

get through




cork up

occupied, occupied, occupied,

occupied, occupied

lock yourself up (key, lock, etc.)


call, call, call,

















start-started, started, started








cheer up - cheer up





seal, in the same row with the words form A th, normalization A th, sorters A th…

vulgarize - vulgarize

inquire - inquire






call back-call back















take off-taken off





speed up






enabled-enabled, see nizved Yo ny






spoiled, see ball ABOUT bathroom





having poured



relegated-reduced, see incl. Yo ny…


















enviable in the meaning of the predicate

ahead of time colloquial

before dark

more beautiful, adj. And adv. in comp.

, orthoepy, accentological norms, stress rules, difficulty in placing emphasis, stress in adjectives, stress in verbs, stress in some participles and participles

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Task goals:

  • give an idea of ​​the subject of study of orthoepy;
  • to acquaint with the features of Russian stress;
  • introduce the concept of orthoepic norm;
  • summarize information about the features of the pronunciation of some sound combinations;
  • to systematize and summarize the existing knowledge about the placement of stress in adjectives, verbs, some participles.

Lesson progress

I. Announcement of goals and objectives, lesson plan. Formulation of the problem.

Frontal discussion with the class.

In "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" A.S. Pushkin there is an episode that tells about the first meeting of the heroes with the princess, remember:

"The elder said:" What a marvel! Everything is so clean and beautiful. Someone tidied up the tower Yes, the owners were waiting. Who? Come out and show yourself, Be honest with us."

Did you notice that the princess in the forest tower of the heroes did not behave like the daughter of the king, but rather like a peasant girl?

"And the princess came down to them, Honored the hosts, Bowed low from the waist; Blushing, she apologized, For something she came to visit them, Although she was not invited."

But how did the heroes guess that the king's daughter was in front of them?

"In an instant, from the speech, they recognized that they received the princess:"

Conclusion: It turns out that sometimes it is enough to hear how a person speaks in order to understand who he is, what he is. It is the pronunciation that we will devote our lesson today. A studies this branch of linguistics orthoepy. So we will consider the object of study of orthoepy, get acquainted with the features of Russian stress, with such a concept as the orthoepic norm; summarize information about the features of the pronunciation of some sound combinations; we systematize and generalize knowledge about the placement of stress in adjectives, verbs, and some participles. During the lecture, take brief notes to create reference materials for yourself that you can use in the following classes when completing test tasks.

II. Teacher's lecture with elements of conversation [based on materials from sources 3, 4, 6, 8].

1. Orthoepy (from Greek orthos "simple, correct" and epos "speech") - a section of linguistics that studies pronunciation norms; set of rules that establish a normalized pronunciation.

Thus, orthoepy determines the norms of literary pronunciation - orthoepic norms - and guards them.

Pronounce correctly: Cakes, kitchen, turn on, understood, clogged, upstairs.

- Why is it so difficult to choose where to stress in a word?

Not all Russian speakers pronounce words the same way. The reasons for this phenomenon can be explained in different ways, for example, the influence of vernacular or dialect sometimes affects. The vocabulary that the average person owns is limited. Even dictionaries containing information about pronunciation and stress do not cover the entire vocabulary of the Russian language, as in the "Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language" ed. R.I. Avanesov recorded about 63,500 words, and in the Dictionary of Stresses of the Russian Language, ed. I.L. Reznichenko - 10,000. Pronunciation in the language changes the fastest, one phonetic pattern is replaced by another. That is why many words, if we turn to dictionaries and reference books (they will become our indispensable helpers), currently have pronunciation options. So, in the "Dictionary of stresses of the Russian language" ed. I.L. Reznichenko, equal (equally correct) options are introduced using the union and, for example: A August and August ABOUT vsky, contemporaneous E exactly and at the same time E nno, tv ABOUT horn and creation ABOUT g, terror [te and those], low-cut [te and de].

And in the "Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language" ed. R.I. Avanesov, there is also a distinction between the main and acceptable options. Litter extra (permissible) accompanies a less desirable version of the norm, which nevertheless is within the correct range, for example: dean, -a [d "e], additional [de]. In exam tests, those words and forms that correspond to the normative approach are usually used. However, in our classes we will also meet with options that are accompanied in dictionaries by marks colloquial (colloquial) and simple (colloquial), if during the task we are faced with the choice of a pronunciation option, then as correct answer can only be accepted basic option.

In orthoepy, attention is paid to stress and "literary pronunciation of individual sounds and sound combinations.

Stress - highlighting a syllable in a word with greater power of pronunciation and an increase in duration.

Since a syllable in Russian is formed by vowels, they are called stressed or unstressed.

What do you think is the role of stress in a word?

Indeed, with the help of stress we can distinguish between different words: atl A With- A tlas, deputy ABOUT to - z A mok, muck A-m At ka, coward AND t - tr At sieve, poog Yo ny - burial At feminine.

The place of stress signals us that we are dealing with forms of different words: burden At-n ABOUT shu, circle AND- kr At zhki, shooter AND- page E ki, protein AND- b E ki, club S- class At would, perch AND - ABOUT kuni, d ABOUT horn - dor ABOUT G, - and also with different forms of the same word: braid AND those - to ABOUT sieve, nose AND those - n ABOUT sieve.

Moreover, stress helps to distinguish between functional and stylistic options: laurel ABOUT vy list - family l A vrovyh (scientific).

You are all learning foreign languages, have any of you noticed what are the features of Russian stress, how does it differ from stress in other languages?

Distinctive features of Russian stress are its heterogeneity And mobility. Unlike, for example, the Polish language, in which the stress falls only on the penultimate syllable: jeziOro(Russian lake), colorOwy(Russian color), przystAnek(Russian stop), obcOwac(Russian to communicate), - in Russian words, it can be stressed like the first syllable - book, slowly so the second lie, picture, third - shop, let's run, fourth - calligraphy and even the fifth dental . That is, in Russian, the stress free.

Interestingly, the place of stress in Russian words can be constant: book, books, book, books, books; come back, come back, come back , - but it can also change: leaf, leaf, leaf, leaves; dance, dance, dance, dance . That is, the Russian accent - mobile.

What do you think, what words in our language are more - with a constant place of stress or with a changing one?

- "As established by scientists, most of the words of the Russian language (about 96%) are distinguished by a fixed stress. However, the remaining 4% are the most common words that make up the basic, frequency vocabulary of the language."

Do all words in Russian have stress? How many stresses can one word have?

- "Most of the words of the Russian language have one stress - basic. However, in compound words, there is also additional(side)" Compare: green Yo ny, victorious AND th, in E village And railway ABOUT zhny, vodogryazelech E bnitsa. Words related to official parts of speech do not have their own stress - prepositions, particles, conjunctions: under the mountains ABOUT y, color S and l AND stya, say AND-ka.

The diversity and mobility of Russian stress create difficulties in its assimilation. To reduce the number of errors in our speech, we will use some rules of orthoepy. They reflect orthoepic norms.

2. Message from a pre-prepared student "Formation and development of orthoepic norms" (2-3 minutes, possible variant see in ANNEX 3 ).

3. Continuation of the lecture. Let's look at those stressing rules that can make our lives much easier.

Stress in adjectives

In full forms of adjectives, only a fixed stress on the base or on the ending is possible, it is preserved during declension: adj E gentle, adj E tender, adj E zhnoy, adj E important,adj E zhnyh; compare: big A i, big ABOUT y, big ABOUT mu, big AND X.

Variation in pronunciation circles ABOUT you and circles ABOUT y, m E smaller and smaller ABOUT y, car dealership ABOUT dsky and avtozavodsk ABOUT y, m AND nos and minuses ABOUT th caused by the desire to distinguish between little-used or bookish adjectives and adjectives that are often used, stylistically neutral or even reduced. Little-used and bookish words often have an accent on the basis, and frequent, stylistically neutral or reduced ones - on the ending. Today, both options are considered correct: circles ABOUT out And circles ABOUT y, zap A sleepy And spare ABOUT y, around E many And near-Earth ABOUT y, m AND nous And cons ABOUT y, oh AND stny And treatment ABOUT th.

The choice of the place of stress causes difficulties most often in short forms of adjectives. There is a consistent norm according to which the stressed syllable of the full form of a number of common adjectives remains stressed in the short form: beautiful AND out- beautiful AND V- beautiful AND wa- beautiful AND in- beautiful AND You; German S slim - dumb S slim- German S slim- German S slimo- German S slims and so on.

However, in Russian there are also adjectives with mobile stress. Their number is small, but they are often used in speech. For such adjectives in the forms of masculine, neuter and plural the stress falls on the stem, and in the feminine form, the stress is transferred to the ending: etc A out- right- etc A in- etc A You- right A; With E ry - gray- With E ro- With E ry- ser A; page ABOUT nyy- page ABOUT en- page ABOUT ino- page ABOUT yns- slim A. Such adjectives, as a rule, have monosyllabic stems, which do not contain suffixes or have simple suffixes. (-k-, -n-).

But at the same time, you need to know that a number of words "knock out" from the specified norm, for example, you can say dl AND now And long S, sv E zhi And fresh AND, P ABOUT luna And full S, deep ABOUT ki and deep AND, ch At py and stupid S and etc., hence, there is a need to refer to the orthoepic dictionary.

"It should also be said about the pronunciation of adjectives in a comparative degree. There is such a rule: if the stress in the short form of the feminine falls on the ending, then in the comparative degree it will be on the suffix -her: strong A - strong E e, sick A - ill E uh, sad A- sad E uh, alive A - alive E e, slim A - slim E e, right A- rights E e; if the stress in the feminine gender is on the basis, then in a comparative degree it is preserved on the basis: beautiful AND wa- beautiful AND vee, success E shna - success E schnee, oven A flax- oven A better, prot AND vna- prot AND outside. The same applies to the superlative form. "Compare: strong E best, alive E stupid, stupid E softest, tender E best and most beautiful AND oud ABOUT fairest, fairest AND newest.

Stress in verbs

The difficulty in placing stress in common verbs arises when we are dealing with forms of the past tense.

Usually the stress in the past tense falls on the same syllable as in the infinitive: sid E be- sid E la dream A t - dream A la, pr I thief- etc I tala, look E t - look E la.

However, a fairly large group of common verbs (about 300) obeys a different rule: in the form female the stress goes to the ending, and in other forms it remains on the stem. "These are the verbs take, be, take, twist, lie, drive, give, wait, live, call, lie, pour, drink, tear etc. It is recommended to say: live- lived- and AND lo - lived- lived A; wait- waited- railway A lo- railway A li - waited A; pour - lil- l AND lo- l AND whether- lil A. Derived verbs are pronounced the same way. (live, take away, drink up, shed and so on.).

The exception is words with a prefix You-, which takes on the emphasis: V S live- V S lived in S pour - in S lila, in S call for- V S called."

Verbs put, steal, send, send the stress in the feminine form of the past tense remains on the stem: kr A la, sl A la, after A la, stl A la.

And one more pattern. Quite often, in reflexive verbs (in comparison with non-reflexive ones), the stress in the form of the past tense goes to the ending: early A to be- started I, began A shh, started ABOUT shh, started AND s; prin I tsya - accepted I, accepted A camping, accepted ABOUT s, accepted AND s; podn I rise - rose I, lifted ABOUT sigh, raised A sigh, raised AND s.

Pay special attention to the pronunciation of the verb call in conjugated form. "Recent orthoepic dictionaries quite rightly continue to recommend stress on the ending: ringing AND shh, ringing AND t, ringing AND m, ringing AND those ringing I T. This tradition is based on classical literature (primarily poetry), the speech practice of authoritative native speakers. "[Ibid.] Your old acquaintances - Khryusha and Mishutka from the program" can help you never make mistakes in this verb Good night, kids." They learned a very useful rhyme: "I'm saying everything right YU, I don't sound ABOUT nuh ringing YU. You speak correctly AND shh, you don't sound ABOUT niche, but ringing AND sh. We're all right AND m:"

Stress in some participles and participles

Most often, difficulties arise when placing stress in short passive participles.

If in full form the stress is on the suffix -yonn-, then it remains on it only in the masculine form, in other forms it passes to the ending: conducted Yo ny- conducted Yo n, carried out A, carried out ABOUT, carried out S; delivered Yo ny- delivered Yo n, imported A, introduced ABOUT, introduced S, fixed Yo ny - fixed Yo n, fixed A, pinned ABOUT, pinned S. However, it is sometimes difficult for native speakers to choose the right place of stress in the full form. They say: " E zen" instead of delivered yo ny,"translation E day" instead of translation yo ny etc. In such cases, it is worth referring to the dictionary more often, gradually practicing the correct pronunciation.

A few notes on the pronunciation of full participles with a suffix -T-. If suffixes of indefinite form -oh-, -well- have an accent on themselves, then in participles it will go one syllable forward: floor ABOUT be- P ABOUT loty, stake ABOUT be- To ABOUT loty, bent At be- With ABOUT bent, twisted At be- head Yo torn.

Passive participles from verbs derived from pour And drink, (with suffix -T-) are characterized by unstable stress. You can speak: etc ABOUT cast And prol AND ty, pr ABOUT litas And prol AND t, shed A (only!), etc ABOUT litho And prol AND then, pr ABOUT do you And prol AND You; d ABOUT drunk And additional AND ty, d ABOUT Pete And additional AND t, dopit A And additional AND ta, d ABOUT Pito And additional AND then, d ABOUT pitas And additional AND You.

The participles are often stressed on the same syllable as in the indefinite form of the corresponding verb: investment AND in, ass A in, hall AND in, zan I in, zap AND in, out E rpaw(DO NOT: exhausted) , beginning A in, under I in, please AND in, floor AND in, put AND in, mon I in, before A c, entrepreneur I in, prib S in, prin I in, prod A in, damn I in, prol AND in, pron I in, prop AND in, create A V.

The stress in adverbs and nouns should mainly be studied by memorizing and referring to the orthoepic dictionary.

III. Orthoepic workout. Text No. 1 (for the methodology, see ANNEX 1).

1. When climbing stairs, hold on to the handrails. Go through the customs check. The customs office has already begun its work. A load divided by two is twice as light. After lifting the suitcase, place it on the conveyor. The expert, who understood his task, began to act. The train arrived at the station on time. Arriving at the place of destination, get your luggage.

Test yourself

1. When climbing stairs, hold on to the handrails. Have you passed customs clearance? Customs has already begun its work. A load divided by two is twice as light. After lifting the suitcase, place it on the transporter. The expert, who understood his task, began to act. The train arrived at the station on time. When you arrive at your destination, don't forget to collect your luggage.

IV. Performing training exercises.

Exercise 1. Read correctly. Sample: live "t - live" l, live "lo, live" whether, lived.

Oversleep - overslept, overslept, overslept, overslept.

Catch up - caught up, caught up, caught up, caught up.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Sold, sold, sold, sold.

Lie - lied, lied, lied, lied.

Alive - alive, alive, alive.

Right - right, right, right.

Pitiful, pitiful, pitiful, pitiful.

Green - green - green - green.

Tough - tough, tough, tough.

Accepted - accepted, accepted, accepted.

Raised - lifted, lifted, lifted

Sold - sold, sold, sold.

Given - given, given, given.

Busy - busy, busy, busy.

Exercise 2. Mark the stress. Specify the meanings of the given words.

Cut an atlas - open an atlas, armor for a ticket - impenetrable armor, armored seats - armored vehicles, put food in a glacier - climb a glacier, a developed country - a developed rope, reveal a conspiracy - a conspiracy from pain, eat an iris - an iris blossomed, an evil sharpness - the sharpness of a blade, a characteristic act - a characteristic person, language politics - language sausage.

Exercise 3. Stress the following words. See a dictionary for help.

Agency, pamper, hyphen, agreement, democracy, quarter, loan, kilometer, beautiful, kitchen, sheath, impassable, arrears, renegade, distinguish, facilitate, sharpen, borrow, inquire, reward, force, purchase, sentence, mold, induce, briefcase, statue, case, coach, strengthening, porcelain, flyleaf, solicit.

V. Execution test task options (see APPENDIX 2). Independent work

Part 2. I. teacher's word[based on sources 4, 5] . In the first part of our lesson, we noted that the subject of the study of orthoepy is also "literary pronunciation of individual sounds and sound combinations. Let's pay attention to the pronunciation rules of some combinations. We will take them into account in everyday life.

1. Combination mid or zch(at the junction of the root and the suffix starting with the letter h) usually pronounced the same as a letter sch, that is, like a long soft [u"u"] - ra[u"u"] from, [u"u"] astute, different [u"u"] ik, sign [u"u"]ik, uka[u"u"]uik.

2. In place of the letter G at the end -th (-his) the sound [in] is pronounced: big [in] o, blue [in] o, ko [in] o, th [in] o, second [in] o, other [in] o, revived [in] o. Consonant [in] in place of a letter G also pronounced in words Today, today, total .

3. The combination of consonants in verbs in -tsya And - be pronounced as double [ts].

4. Combination ch has an interesting history. "Back in the 18th century, the spelling combination ch was consistently pronounced as [shn], as evidenced by the phonetic spellings recorded in the dictionary of the Russian Academy (1789-1794): tie, cap, kopeeshny, lavoshnik, button, factory, etc. However, over time, this option begins to be replaced by the pronunciation [h" n], which arose under the influence of writing. "Today, words with a combination ch are pronounced differently: 1) as a rule, the pronunciation corresponds to the spelling, that is, it is pronounced [h "n]: durable, country, eternal, start, swing; 2) in some words in place ch pronounced [shn], for example: of course, boring, on purpose, birdhouse, Savichna, Fominichna(the number of such words is decreasing); 3) in a number of cases today both options are considered normative - [h "n] and [shn], for example: candlestick, bakery, dairy(note that in some cases the pronunciation [shn] becomes obsolete: creamy, brown). "In some cases, pronunciation options distinguish between different lexical meanings: cordial[h "n] attack - friend cordial[shn]; pepper pot[h "n] (pepper vessel) - damn pepper pot[shn] (about an evil, grumpy woman)."

5. "Combination thu pronounced like [pcs] in a word What and its derivative forms ( something, something). In the word something is pronounced [h "t], in the word nothing both options are acceptable" [Ibid.].

6. "Fricative" [?] in the literary language is allowed in words Oh God, accountant, yeah, by God, Lord.

7. The final [r] is replaced by the sound [k] (not [x]!): creative [k], dialogue [k], the exception is the word God[boh]". [Ibid.]

II. Exercises for the pronunciation of individual sound combinations.

1. Read the given words aloud. Pay attention to the pronunciation of ch as [ch] or [sh]. In what cases is double pronunciation possible?

Bakery, mustard plaster, cream, shopkeeper, comic, maid, milkmaid, of course, laundry, boring, match, penny, loser, bachelorette party, on purpose, bribe taker, trifling, decent, unprofitable, Ilyinichna.

2. Based on the rhymes of poetic texts taken from the works of A.S. Pushkin, determine the pronunciation of the combination of ch. How would you explain the discovered orthoepic phenomenon?

On the winter road, boring
Troika greyhound runs
Single bell
Tiring noise.

It's sad, Nina: my way is boring.
Dremlya fell silent my coachman,
The bell is monotonous
Foggy moon face.

Or a dull look will not find
Familiar faces on a boring stage
And, aiming at an alien light
Disappointed lorgnette,
Fun indifferent spectator,
Silently I will yawn
And remember the past?

But Lensky, not having, of course,
There is no hunting bond of marriage,
With Onegin I wished cordially
Acquaintance shorter to reduce.

But, they say, you are unsociable;
In the wilderness, in the village, everything is boring for you,
And we: we do not shine with anything,
Even though you are welcome.

VI. Summarizing. Homework.

Exercise 1. Form the forms of short adjectives, mark the stress in them. Using the spelling dictionary, specify what forms pronunciation options can have.

Rough, stupid, deep, yellow, fatty, sour, thick, strong.

Exercise 2. Read correctly, paying attention to the combinations of highlighted consonants and the letter e .

Co. f e, dispan With er, shos With e, sw T er, ka f e, steam T ep, T ennis, mo d spruce, R elsy, T ermin, porridge n e, a T spruce, T text, ty R e, d ephis, in T errier, aka d emia, d ekada, d effect, mu h hey con T text, pio n ep, R eid, chimpanzee h e, T ermin, R name, With session, d e T vector, sports m en, fa n era, R ace, d e facto.

Exercise 3. Make sentences or phrases with these pairs of words, paying attention to different stress.

Folded - folded, portable - portable, mobile - mobile, approximate - approximate, draft - draft, perfect - perfect, expired - expired.


  1. Baranov M.T. Russian language: Ref. materials: Proc. allowance for students / M.T. Baranov, T.A. Kostyaeva, A.V. Prudnikova; Ed. N.M. Shansky. - 4th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988. S.20.
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