General characteristics of PJSC Sberbank. Characteristics of PJSC "Sberbank of Russia"

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Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

federal state budgetary educational institution

higher education


Faculty of Economics

Department of Finance

Area of ​​study 38.03.01 Economics

Profile: Finance and Credit

about passing educational practice(practices for obtaining primary

professional skills and abilities, including primary

skills and abilities of research activity)

Blagoveshchensk 2017

The study practice report contains p., 12 tables, 1 figure, 3 applications, 13 sources.

credit institution, horizontal analysis, vertical analysis, active operations, passive operations

The basis of the research methodology is the methods of analysis, synthesis of generalization, monographic method, horizontal and vertical analysis.

The report gives a description of the activity of the object of study, the organizational structure is investigated credit institution, the types of activities, tasks and directions are disclosed, the analysis of the main economic indicators, the horizontal and vertical analysis of financial statements, the characteristics of active, passive and settlement and cash operations of a credit institution are given.

On the basis of information from the accounting (financial) statements, an analysis of the financial condition was carried out, an assessment was made of the financial stability of the enterprise, sources of financing activities, and factors influencing financial condition.


1. Organizational, legal and economic characteristics of PJSC "Sberbank"

1.1 Legal form and main provisions of the Charter of Sberbank PJSC

1.2 Characteristics of the organizational and management structures of Sberbank PJSC

1.3 Activities of Sberbank PJSC

2. Analysis of the main economic indicators of Sberbank PJSC

2.1 Horizontal analysis of assets and liabilities of Sberbank PJSC

2.2 Vertical analysis of assets and liabilities of Sberbank PJSC

3. Characteristics of the operations of Sberbank PJSC

3.1 Characteristics of active operations of Sberbank PJSC

3.2 Characteristics of passive operations of Sberbank PJSC

3.3 Characteristics of settlement and cash operations of Sberbank PJSC


Bibliographic list



PJSC Sberbank of Russia is the largest bank in the Russian Federation and the CIS. Founded in 1841, Sberbank of Russia PJSC today is a modern universal bank that meets the needs of various customer groups in a wide range of banking services. Sberbank occupies the largest share in the deposit market and is the main creditor of the Russian economy. Sberbank of Russia PJSC is a modern universal bank with a large share of private capital. The structure of Sberbank's share capital testifies to its high investment attractiveness.

The main goal of PJSC Sberbank of Russia is to ensure the growth of investment attractiveness and maintain leadership in the Russian financial services market by modernizing management and technological processes. To achieve this goal, the activity of Sberbank of Russia is aimed at improving the client policy, creating a flexible and efficient system of interaction with clients based on taking into account the needs of various client groups.

PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" - universal commercial Bank, which satisfies the needs of various customer groups in a wide range of high-quality banking services throughout Russia. Acting in the interests of depositors, clients and shareholders, PJSC Sberbank of Russia strives to effectively invest the attracted funds of private and corporate clients in the real sector of the economy, lends to citizens, contributes to the stable functioning of the Russian banking system and saving household deposits.

The main activities of Sberbank of Russia PJSC:

Lending to Russian enterprises;

Lending to private clients;

Investment in government securities and bonds of the Bank of Russia;

Carrying out transactions on a commission basis.

Funds for the implementation of these activities are attracted by the Bank from the following sources: shareholders' funds; deposits of private clients; funds legal entities; other sources, including borrowings in international financial markets.

The purpose of the report is to consolidate the knowledge gained in the process of educational practice and to acquire initial practical experience in collecting statistical material and calculating the main economic indicators.

Tasks of the study practice report:

Study of the organizational, legal and economic structure of PJSC Sberbank;

Study of regulatory documents and activities of a credit institution;

Collection, systematization and analysis of the main economic indicators characterizing the activity of the research object;

The study of active, passive, as well as settlement and cash operations of a credit institution.

The basis of the research methodology is the methods of analysis, synthesis of generalization, monographic method, horizontal and vertical analysis of indicators.

The information base of the report is educational and scientific literature, local regulations, organizational documentation, data from the accounting (financial) statements of PJSC Sberbank.

1. Organizational, legal and economic characteristics of PJSC "SBERBANK"

1.1 Legal form and main provisions of PJSC Sberbank

Public Joint Stock Company "Sberbank" is a modern universal commercial bank that meets the needs of various customer groups in a wide range of banking services.

PJSC Sberbank is part of the banking system of the Russian Federation and is guided in its activities by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts, including the regulations of the Bank of Russia and the Charter. Electronic resource: official. website. - 05/17/2010. - Access mode: - 29.09.2017. :

Civil Code of the Russian Federation (parts one and two);

Federal Law of 02.12.1990 No. 395-1 “On banks and banking activities”;

Federal Law of July 10, 2002 No. 86-FZ “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation”;

Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 128-FZ “On Licensing Certain Types of Activities”;

Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ “On Joint Stock Companies”;

Federal Law of March 26, 1998 No. 41-FZ “On Precious Metals and Precious Stones”;

Federal Law No. 40-FZ of February 25, 1999 “On the Insolvency (Bankruptcy) of Credit Institutions”;

Federal Law of July 26, 2006 No. 135-FZ “On Protection of Competition”;

Federal Law No. 46-FZ of 05.03.1999 “On Protection of the Rights and Legitimate Interests of Investors in the Securities Market”;

Bank of Russia Regulation No. 437, dated April 23, 1997, “On the Peculiarities of Registration of Credit Institutions with Foreign Investments and on the Procedure for Obtaining Prior Permission from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to Increase the Authorized Capital of a Registered Credit Institution at the expense of Non-Residents’ Funds”;

Bank of Russia Regulation No. 103-P dated December 30, 1999 “On the Procedure for Maintaining Accounting Records of Operations Related to the Issuance and Redemption of Savings and Deposit Certificates by Credit Institutions”.

The activities of Sberbank PJSC are carried out on the basis of the Bank's Charter.

Name of the bank and its location (postal and legal address);

List of banking operations performed by him;

The size of the authorized capital, reserve and other funds formed by the bank;

An indication that the bank is a legal entity and operates on a commercial basis;

Data on the management bodies of the bank, the order of formation and functions.

Public Joint Stock Company Sberbank of Russia is a credit institution.

The founder of Sberbank of Russia is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The Bank is a commercial organization, the main purpose of which is to make a profit when carrying out activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, including when carrying out banking operations.

The governing bodies of the Bank are: the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Supervisory Board of the Bank, the collegial executive body - the Board of the Bank, the sole executive body - the President, the Chairman of the Board of the Bank.

Bank shareholders can be legal entities and individuals, including foreign ones. Shareholders are not liable for the obligations of the bank and bear the risk of losses associated with its activities, within the value of their shares. The Bank is not liable for the obligations of its shareholders. bank economic asset liability

Sberbank of Russia is not liable for the obligations of the state and its bodies. It is also not liable for the obligations of the Bank of Russia, and the Bank of Russia is not liable for the obligations of the Savings Bank of Russia, unless the Bank of Russia has assumed such obligations.

The Bank has the right to issue, purchase, sell, record, store and carry out other operations with securities that perform the functions of a payment document, with securities confirming the attraction of funds to deposits and bank accounts.

Sberbank of Russia has the right to carry out professional activity in the securities market, including brokerage, dealer, depository.

The authorized capital of Sberbank of Russia is formed in the amount of 67760844000 rubles. It is equal to the total nominal value of the Bank's shares acquired by shareholders Electronic resource: official. website. - 05/17/2010. - Access mode: - 29.09.2017. .

The Bank placed 21586948000 ordinary shares with par value of 3 rubles and 1000000000 preferred shares with par value of 3 rubles.

The authorized capital determines the minimum size of the bank's property that guarantees the interests of its creditors.

The nominal value of the placed preferred shares must not exceed 25% of the authorized capital of the bank.

All shares of Sberbank of Russia are registered. The Bank placed ordinary shares and preference shares of the same type - with the obligatory payment of a certain dividend in the amount of at least 15% of the par value of the preference share.

Shareholders - owners of preferred shares participate in General Meeting shareholders with the right to vote when resolving issues on the reorganization or liquidation of the bank, as well as on the release of the bank from the obligation to disclose or provide information provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on securities.

The Bank has full economic independence in matters of profit distribution after taxation (net profit).

After-tax profit is distributed among shareholders in the form of dividends and directed to the formation of a reserve fund. Profit not directed to the payment of dividends and to the reserve fund remains at the disposal of the Bank in the form of retained earnings.

The Bank forms a reserve fund in the amount of at least 5% of the authorized capital.

The reserve fund is formed by annual deductions in the amount of at least 5% of net profit until the established amount is reached.

Decisions on the payment of annual dividends and their amount are made by the General Meeting of Shareholders on the recommendation of the Bank's Supervisory Board. Dividends are paid once a year. Dividends are paid to shareholders in cash, net of tax, within 30 days from the date of the decision to pay dividends.

The Bank pays insurance premiums to the Fund compulsory insurance deposits individuals by transferring funds.

Sberbank of Russia guarantees the secrecy of transactions, accounts and deposits of customers and correspondents. All employees of Sberbank of Russia are required to strictly observe the secrecy of operations, accounts and deposits of the bank's customers and its correspondents, as well as the bank's commercial secret.

The Bank maintains accounting records and provides financial and other reporting.

The executive bodies of the bank are responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the statements of Sberbank of Russia.

The grounds, procedure, forms of reorganization and liquidation of Sberbank of Russia are determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.2 Characteristics of the organizational and management structures of PJSC Sberbank

Organizational structure - a set of bank departments that perform the functions assigned to them. The purpose of the organizational structure is the management of the functioning of the bank Zhukov E.F. Banks and non-bank credit organizations and their operations. M., 2013. S. 87. .

The organizational structure of a commercial bank is determined, first of all, by its organizational and legal form of ownership, which determines the organizational structure of the bank, which, of course, is reflected in the Bank's Charter.

The organizational structure of the bank includes functional units and services of the bank, each of which has certain rights and obligations.

The choice of the optimal organizational structure of the bank is an important condition for the effectiveness of the organization of labor in the bank as a whole, its successful commercial activity.

The main criterion for the organizational structure of the bank is the economic content and volume of operations performed by the bank.

The management structure of the bank includes functional divisions and services, the number of which is determined by the economic content and volume of operations performed by the bank, which are reflected in the License for this bank to carry out banking activities.

As of December 31, 2016, PJSC Sberbank has 14 territorial banks, 79 branches of territorial banks and 15,016 customer service outlets in the Russian Federation.

The governing bodies of Sberbank are: the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Supervisory Board, the Management Board of the Bank. The Management Board is headed by the President and Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank.

The organizational structure of PJSC Sberbank is shown in Figure 1.

The General Meeting of Shareholders is the supreme governing body of Sberbank of Russia. At the General Meeting of Shareholders, decisions are made on the main issues of the Bank's activities. Held once a year. The General Meeting of Shareholders resolves the following issues: approval of the annual report, considers the report of the audit commission, the report of the management, the procedure for distributing profits and its use (the amount and procedure for paying dividends), the development plan for the next year, determines the bank's development strategy, elects the Board of the bank.

Figure 1 - Organizational structure of PJSC Sberbank

In accordance with the Charter, the general management of the bank's activities is carried out by the Supervisory Board. The competence of the Supervisory Board includes issues of determining the priority areas of the bank's activities, appointment of members of the Management Board and early termination of their powers, issues of convening and preparing General Meetings of Shareholders, recommendations on the amount of dividends on shares, periodic hearing of reports of the President, Chairman of the Management Board on the activities of the bank and other issues.

The committees of the Supervisory Board are bodies established for preliminary consideration of the most important issues referred to the competence of the Supervisory Board, and preparation of recommendations on them. The Committees are formed annually from among the members of the Supervisory Board. Each Committee includes independent directors. The committees facilitate working interaction with the bank's management bodies. Decisions of the Committees are advisory in nature. The committees of the Supervisory Board and their powers are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Characteristics of the Committees of the Supervisory Board Electronic resource: official. website. - 05/17/2010. - Access mode: - 29.09.2017.

Committee name


Audit Committee

Carries out a preliminary assessment of candidates for the bank's auditors, prepares recommendations for the Supervisory Board on the selection of an audit organization for approval at the general meeting of shareholders, considers the conclusions of the auditor and the Audit Commission, evaluates the effectiveness of internal control.

Human Resources and Remuneration Committee

Develops principles and criteria for determining the amount of remuneration for members of the Supervisory Board and executive bodies of the bank, determines the criteria for selecting candidates for members of the Supervisory Board and executive bodies of the bank, and also performs a preliminary assessment of these candidates

Strategic Planning Committee

reviews and evaluates long-term trends in the development of the banking operations market, analyzes strategic development projects for the bank, develops proposals for the formation of the bank's policy in the field of risk management, analyzes and evaluates the adequacy and effectiveness of the bank's risk management systems

The current activities of the bank are managed by the President, the Chairman of the Board and the Board.

The Board is a collegial executive management body. The Management Board preliminarily discusses all issues subject to consideration by the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Supervisory Board of the bank, determines the bank's policy in the field of risk management and other areas of activity, discusses the reports of the heads of departments of the central office of the bank and heads of territorial banks on the results of activities, organizes the introduction into the practice of the bank of the most advanced banking technologies, implements projects for the integrated automation of banking operations, ensures the creation of a modern banking infrastructure, and solves current issues of the bank's activities.

Committees of the Bank: the Committee for Retail Lending ensures the implementation of the Bank's policy in the field of lending to individuals, the Committee for Human Resources ensures the implementation of the Bank's Development Strategy in terms of personnel management, the Committee for Processes and Technologies ensures the implementation of the Bank's Development Strategy in terms of the development of processes and technologies, etc. .d Electronic resource: official. website. - 05/17/2010. - Access mode: - 29.09.2017. .

The Bank has a permanent collegial working body - the Board of the Bank, which includes members of the Board of the Bank, heads of territorial and subsidiary banks. The Board is a platform for active discussion of strategic issues of the bank's development and development of optimal solutions that take into account the peculiarities of the regions.

To exercise control over the financial and economic activities of the bank, the annual General Meeting of Shareholders elects the Audit Commission in the amount of 7 people. The audit commission checks the bank's compliance with legislative and other acts regulating its activities, the establishment of internal control in the bank, the legality of the operations performed. The Audit Commission assesses the reliability of the data included in the annual report and contained in the bank's annual financial statements.

1.3 Activities of PJSC Sberbank

PJSC Sberbank was established with the aim of attracting temporarily free funds of the population and enterprises, and their effective placement on the terms of repayment, payment, urgency, in the interests of the bank's depositors and in the interests of the development of the national economy.

The main activities of the Bank Electronic resource: official. website. - 05/17/2010. - Access mode: - 29.09.2017. :

Corporate business - providing services to corporate clients and organizations for servicing settlement and current accounts, opening deposits, providing all types of financing, guarantees, servicing foreign trade operations, collection services, etc.;

Retail business - the provision of banking services to clients - individuals for accepting funds for deposits, lending, servicing bank cards, operations with precious metals, currency exchange operations, money transfers, payments, storage of valuables, etc.;

Operations in financial markets - operations with securities, operations to place and raise funds in the interbank market, to raise long-term funds in the capital markets, operations with foreign currency and derivative financial instruments, as well as other operations in financial markets.

Sberbank offers its customers a wide range of banking products and services within the above areas of activity.

Sberbank of Russia carries out the following banking operations Ibid. :

Attracting funds from individuals and legal entities (on demand and for a specified period);

Placement of attracted funds on its own behalf and at its own expense;

Opening and maintaining bank accounts of individuals and legal entities;

Transfers of funds on behalf of individuals and legal entities, including correspondent banks, to their bank accounts;

Collection of funds, bills of exchange, payment and settlement documents and cash service individuals and legal entities;

Purchase and sale of foreign currency in cash and non-cash forms;

Attracting deposits and placement of precious metals;

Issuance of bank guarantees;

Money transfers without opening bank accounts, including electronic money (except for postal orders).

In addition to banking operations, the bank carries out the following transactions Electronic resource: official. website. - 05/17/2010. - Access mode: - 29.09.2017. :

Issuance of guarantees for third parties, providing for the fulfillment of obligations in cash;

Acquisition of the right to demand from third parties the fulfillment of obligations in cash;

Trust management of funds and other property under an agreement with individuals and legal entities;

Operations with precious metals and precious stones in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Leasing to individuals and legal entities of special premises or safes located in them for storing documents and valuables;

Leasing operations;

Provision of consulting and information services.

Blagoveshchensk Branch of Sberbank of Russia provides services for individuals and legal entities: consumer loans, educational loans, mortgages, car loans, credit cards, loan refinancing. Accepts deposits and deposits: term deposit, online deposit, settlement deposit, savings certificate, DIA payments, compensation on deposits, as well as account search. The Blagoveshchensk branch is part of the "Far Eastern Bank" with a central office in Khabarovsk, which serves the population and businesses in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, the Amur and Sakhalin Regions, and the Jewish Autonomous Region Electronic resource: official. website. - 05/17/2010. - Access mode: - 29.09.2017. .

2. Analysis of the main economic indicators of PJSC SBERBANK

2.1 Horizontal analysis of assets, equity and liabilities of Sberbank

With the help of horizontal analysis, we will study the change in the final indicators of the balance sheet of PJSC Sberbank over time. Let's trace the changes that have taken place over the previous and previous years.

In the table, based on the financial statements presented in the appendix, a horizontal analysis of the assets of PJSC Sberbank was carried out.

Table 2 - Horizontal analysis of the assets of PJSC Sberbank

Indicator values

Horizontal Analysis

Absolute change

Relative change, %

assets, total


At the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Required reserves

Net debt

Net investments in securities and other financial assets available

Deferred tax asset

Other assets

Having considered the horizontal analysis of the assets of PJSC Sberbank, it can be seen that the volume of assets as of 01/01/2017 decreased compared to the previous period by 985,837,610 million rubles. or by 4.54%. This was due to a decrease in cash by 19.18%, due to credit institutions by 2.31%, financial assets at fair value through profit or loss by 187.23%, net investments in securities and other financial assets held available for sale by 2.06%.

At the same time, as of January 1, 2017, compared to January 1, 2016, the funds of credit institutions with the Central Bank increased by 39.34%, required reserves by 23.49%, investments in subsidiaries and affiliates by 22.43%, and also long-term assets held for sale increased by 22.33%.

Table 3 shows a horizontal analysis of equity and liabilities of PJSC Sberbank.

Table 3 - Horizontal analysis of equity and liabilities of PJSC Sberbank

Indicator values

Horizontal Analysis

Absolute change

Relative change, %

Funds of credit organizations

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

Other liabilities

Provisions for possible losses on contingent liabilities of a credit nature, other possible losses and transactions with residents of offshore zones

Total liabilities

Sources of own funds

Share premium

reserve fund

Revaluation at fair value of securities

This table shows that the liabilities of PJSC Sberbank as of 01/01/2017 decreased by 1486605889 million rubles compared to the previous periods. or by 7.87%.

This was due to a decrease in loans, deposits and other funds of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation by 0.32%, due to credit institutions by 0.69%, due to customers other than credit institutions by 4.98%, financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss by 112.08%, issued debt obligations by 6.02%, deferred tax liabilities by 422.13%.

Having considered the horizontal analysis of the equity capital of Sberbank, we can conclude that as of 01/01/2017, compared to the previous period, the sources of equity increased by 500,768,279 million rubles. or by 17.7%. This is due to an increase in income from the revaluation of securities at fair value by 216.36%, there was also an increase in retained earnings of previous years by 7.99% and unused profit for the reporting period by 56.17%.

2.2 Vertical analysis of assets, equity and liabilities of Sberbank

With the help of vertical analysis, we will consider the structure of the final data of the balance sheet in the form of relative values, and also analyze the change in balance sheet items compared to previous years.

In table 4, based on the financial statements presented in the appendix, a vertical analysis of the assets of PJSC Sberbank was carried out

Table 4 - Vertical analysis of Sberbank assets

Indicator values

Vertical Analysis

assets, total


Required reserves

Funds in credit institutions

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Net debt

Net investments in securities and other available-for-sale financial assets

Investments in subsidiaries and affiliates

Net investment in securities held to maturity

Current Income Tax Requirements

Deferred tax asset

Fixed assets, intangible assets and inventories

Long-term assets held for sale

Other assets

Having considered the vertical analysis of the assets of PJSC Sberbank, we can conclude that as of 01/01/2017, a large share in the total assets is occupied by the net debt of 74.68%. The same can be said about 2016. Net debt is 74.29%.

Net investments in securities and other financial assets available for sale as of 01/01/2017 in total assets amount to 10.45%, funds of credit institutions in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - 4.45%. The smallest share in total assets is held by long-term assets held for sale - 0.03%.

In table 5, based on the financial statements presented in the appendix, a vertical analysis of equity and liabilities of PJSC Sberbank was carried out.

Table 5 - Vertical analysis of equity and liabilities of PJSC Sberbank

Indicator values

Vertical Analysis

Total liabilities

Loans, deposits and other funds of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Funds of credit organizations

Due to customers other than credit institutions

Deposits (funds) of individuals, including individual entrepreneurs

Financial liabilities measured at fair value

Issued debt

Liability for current income tax

Deferred tax liability

Other liabilities

Provisions for possible losses on contingent credit related commitments

Sources of own funds

Total sources of own funds

Funds of shareholders (participants)

Own shares (shares) redeemed from shareholders

Share premium

reserve fund

Fair value revaluation of securities available-for-sale

Revaluation of property, plant and equipment reduced by deferred tax liability

Reassessment of long-term benefit liabilities

Revaluation of hedging instruments

Grant Funding Cash

Retained earnings of previous years

Unused profit for the reporting period

The table shows that as of January 1, 2017, in the total volume of liabilities, the largest share is occupied by funds of customers who are not credit institutions - 89.36%. Then 57.89% belongs to the deposits of individuals, including individual entrepreneurs. The smallest share in the bank's liabilities is occupied by current income tax liabilities - 0.03%. In 2016, the largest share was also accounted for by the funds of clients that are not credit institutions - 86.97%, then 50.16% belongs to the deposits of individuals, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

Having considered the vertical analysis of the sources of own funds, we can conclude that as of 01/01/2017, the largest share in the total volume is retained earnings of previous years - 68.79%. Unused profit for the reporting period is 17.61%. The smallest share in the total volume of own capital is made up of the reserve fund - 0.12%.

3. Characteristics of operations of PJSC SBERBANK

3.1 Characteristics of active operations of PJSC Sberbank

The active operations of the Savings Bank are related to the provision of loans to banks, organizations and the public within the resources available to it. Active operations also include all types of operations with securities. The implementation of active operations leads to an increase in funds in active accounts, reflecting cash, bank loans, investments in equipment, buildings, securities, and so on.

Active operations include:

Operations on placement of funds in securities;

Interbank lending;

Loans to legal entities and individuals.

When lending to legal entities, Sberbank of Russia adheres to the following areas:

1 Support for the following industries and sectors of the economy:

Industries that guarantee the satisfaction of the daily and most necessary vital needs of the population (retail chains, pharmacies, etc.);

Industries that perform life-supporting functions (electricity and water supply, transport, etc.);

Defense-industrial complex;

Small business;


2 Support for existing clients of Sberbank of Russia and fulfillment by the Bank of its legal obligations for lending under concluded agreements, support for the Bank's borrowers whose business continuity is critical for other borrowers of Sberbank of Russia.

3 Lending to working capital and current business needs of clients.

With regard to individuals, Sberbank of Russia follows the following priorities:

Increases the availability of loans by offering various ways their repayment - equal monthly (annuity) or differentiated payments, with the obligatory explanation to clients of all the possibilities and limitations of a particular type of payment;

Helps clients avoid becoming over-indebted by increasing attention to individual solvency when issuing new loans;

Keeps the entire line of retail loan products and continues to optimize it, taking into account the need to maintain the quality of the loan portfolio;

Provides an increase in the financial literacy of the population, consultations and explanations on all products and services of the bank;

Strengthens the work on maintaining and improving the quality of the loan portfolio, carefully assessing the financial capabilities of borrowers and the proposed collateral.

PJSC Sberbank provides the following types of loans:

1) consumer credit;

2) mortgage loan;

3) credit cards.

Consumer loan - a loan provided directly to citizens (households) for the purchase of consumer goods. Such a loan is taken not only for the purchase of durable goods (apartments, furniture, cars, etc.), but also for other purchases (mobile phones, household appliances, food). It acts either in the form of the sale of goods with a deferred payment, or in the form of a bank loan for consumer purposes, including through credit cards. In this case, a fairly high percentage is charged.

Table 6 shows the characteristics of consumer loans of PJSC Sberbank

Table 6 - Characteristics of consumer loans of PJSC Sberbank

Type of consumer loan


Credit amount

Interest rate

Credit term

Consumer loan without collateral

The loan is allocated for any purpose without collateral and guarantee

Up to 3,000,000 rubles

From 13.9% per year

Consumer loan secured by individuals

Issued under the guarantee of two persons that meet the criteria for the borrower

Up to 5,000,000 rubles.

From 12.9% per year

Non-targeted loan secured by real estate

The main condition is a pledge of own property.

Up to 10,000,000 rubles, should not exceed 70% of the appraised value of the property

From 12% per year

Consumer credit to military personnel - participants of the NIS (savings and mortgage system)

For any purpose, including as an additional payment for the purchased apartment

Maximum loan amount: 500,000 rubles. (without collateral), RUB 1,000,000 (with registration of a guarantee of an individual).

13.5% (with collateral), 14.5% (without collateral).

Loan to individuals leading a personal subsidiary farm

Special credit program for owners of personal subsidiary plots.

No more than 1,500,000 rubles. for one household

Consumer loan for refinancing

Making a loan to refinance debt.

Up to 3,000,000 rubles

13.9% and 14.9% per year

The appendix contains a list of requirements for borrowers and required documents for each type of consumer loan. Mortgage loan - the provision of a long-term loan on the pledge of real estate (land, housing, etc.). Table 7 provides a description of mortgage loans of PJSC Sberbank.

Table 7 - Characteristics of mortgage loans of PJSC Sberbank

Type of mortgage loan


Credit amount

Interest rate

Credit term

Acquisition of finished housing

A loan for the purchase of an apartment or other residential premises in the secondary real estate market.

From 300 000 rub.

From 8.9% per year

Promotion for new buildings

A loan for the purchase of housing under construction or housing in a finished new building from a selling company.

From 300 000 rub.

From 7.5% per year

Mortgage plus maternity capital

When purchasing a home on credit, maternity capital funds can be used as a down payment.

From 300 000 rub.

From 8.9% per year

Residential building construction

Loan for individual construction of a residential house.

From 300 000 rub.

From 10% per year

country estate

A loan for the purchase, construction of a dacha (garden house) and other buildings for consumer purposes.

From 300 000 rub.

From 9.5% per year

military mortgage

A loan for the purchase of an apartment, residential building or other residential premises in the secondary real estate market, as well as for the acquisition in the primary real estate market.

Up to 2,200,000 rubles.

10.9% per year

The appendix presents the requirements for borrowers and the required documents for each type of mortgage loan.

The technology for issuing loans in PJSC Sberbank is presented in table 8.

Table 8 - Technology of issuing loans



Consideration period

loan application

Within 2 working days from the date of submission to the Bank of a complete package of documents.

The procedure for granting a loan

The loan is granted at a time, no later than 30 calendar days from the date of the Bank's positive decision to grant a loan. The date of the actual provision of the Loan is the date the loan is credited to the bank card account opened with PJSC Sberbank.

Loan repayment procedure

Annuity (equal) payments.

Partial or full early repayment of the loan

It is carried out upon application at the branch of the Bank. The application must contain the date of early repayment, the amount and the account from which the funds will be transferred. The execution of the application for early repayment is made on the date of early repayment specified in the application, which may fall on a working day, as well as on a weekend or holiday. The minimum amount of early repayment is unlimited. There is no fee for early redemption.

Penalty for late loan repayment

The penalty for late repayment of a consumer loan is 20% per annum from the amount of the overdue payment for the period of delay from the date following the date of the fulfillment of the obligation established by the Agreement to the date of repayment of the Overdue Debt under the Agreement (inclusive). The penalty for late repayment of a mortgage loan corresponds to the key rate of the Bank of Russia

Credit card - a bank payment card intended for transactions, settlements for which are carried out exclusively at the expense of funds provided by the bank to the client within the established limit in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement.

Table 9 shows the characteristics of Sberbank credit cards and the requirements applicable to borrowers.

Table 9 - Characteristics of Sberbank credit cards and requirements applicable to borrowers

Type of credit card


Maintenance cost


Loan interest

Client Requirements

Classic MasterCard

Credit card for daily use

From 0 to 750 rubles. in year

Up to 600,000 rubles.

From 23.9% to 27.9% per year

Citizenship of the Russian Federation, age from 21 to 65 years, permanent registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Gold MasterCard

Credit card for daily use, including a range of additional services, special offers and discounts

From 0 to 3000 rubles. in year

Up to 600,000 rubles.

From 23.9% to 27.9% per year

Citizenship of the Russian Federation, age from 21 to 65 years, permanent or temporary registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Premium card MasterCard World Black Edition

A credit card will allow you to return up to 10% of the cost of purchases with bonuses THANK YOU

4900 rub. in year

Up to 3,000,000 rubles.

From 21.9% per year

Citizenship of the Russian Federation, age from 21 to 65 years old, permanent or temporary registration in the territory of the Russian Federation, total work experience of at least 1 year in the last 5 years and a period of work in the current place of at least 6 months

Aeroflot Classic Visa Card

A credit card allows you to earn Aeroflot Bonus miles and exchange them for award tickets of Aeroflot airlines or Sky Team alliance companies

900 rub. in year

Up to 600,000 rubles.

From 23.9% to 27.9%

Citizenship of the Russian Federation, age from 21 to 65 years, permanent or temporary registration on the territory of the Russian Federation, total work experience of at least 1 year over the past 5 years and a period of work in the current place of at least 6 months.

Aeroflot Visa Gold Card

A credit card allows you to earn Aeroflot Bonus miles and take advantage of special offers

3500 rub. in year

Up to 600,000 rubles.

From 23.9% to 27.9% per year

Citizenship of the Russian Federation, age from 21 to 65 years inclusive, permanent or temporary registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Aeroflot Visa Signature premium card

A credit card that allows you to accumulate more Aeroflot Bonus miles

12 000 rub. in year

From 300,000 to 3,000,000 rubles.

21.9% per year

Citizenship of the Russian Federation, age from 21 to 65 years inclusive, permanent or temporary registration on the territory of the Russian Federation

Classic Visa Card "Give Life"

50% of the cost of the first year of service and 0.3% of each purchase goes to a charity

From 0 to 900 rubles. in year

Up to 600,000 rubles.

From 23.9% to 27.9% per year

citizenship of the Russian Federation, age from 21 to 65 years, permanent or temporary registration on the territory of the Russian Federation,

a total work experience of at least 1 year in the last 5 years and a period of work at the current place of work of at least 6 months.

A credit card can be issued at any branch of Sberbank. Required documents for registration: passport of the Russian Federation and an application form for a credit card. Loan term - 3 years.

Thus, PJSC Sberbank provides a wide range of lending services, taking into account the needs of various client groups.

3.2 Characteristics of passive operations of PJSC Sberbank

Deposit operations are bank operations to attract funds from legal entities and individuals in deposits either for a specified period or on demand.

Considering the deposit policy of the bank as one of the elements of the banking policy as a whole, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the main goal of the deposit policy is to attract as much money as possible at the lowest price.

Successful implementation of this multifaceted goal of the bank's deposit policy involves solving such tasks as:

Assistance in the process of conducting deposit operations in obtaining bank profits or creating conditions for making profits in the future;

Maintaining the required level of bank liquidity;

Ensuring the diversification of the subjects of deposit operations and the combination of different forms of deposits;

Maintaining the relationship and mutual consistency between deposit operations and operations for issuing loans in terms of amounts and terms of deposits and credit investments;

Minimization of free funds on deposit accounts;

Conducting a flexible interest rate policy;

Constant search for ways and means to reduce interest costs on attracted resources;

Development of banking services and improvement of the quality and culture of customer service.

Successful fulfillment of the goals and objectives set by the bank in the process of developing and implementing a deposit policy largely depends on the effectiveness of the functioning of the mechanism for forming a deposit policy.

Each of the stages of the formation of the deposit policy of Sberbank is directly related to the others and is mandatory for the formation of an optimal deposit policy and the correct organization of the deposit process. Various structural units jar.

By maturity, deposits are divided into demand deposits and term deposits.

Demand deposit - under the agreement, the credit institution undertakes to return the invested funds at any time at the first request of the client. Since the bank does not accept a deposit for a certain period, the rate on such a deposit is minimal - on average no more than 0.1%.

Term deposit - deposits are placed for a certain period specified in the contract. Most often there are deposits for three, six months or one year. In order to receive the full interest rate, it is necessary to keep the money in the deposit during the entire term of the agreement. Otherwise, the bank will return the deposit, but with a significantly reduced interest - usually at the level of the rate on demand deposits.

Term deposits can, in turn, be divided into separate subspecies according to their purpose: savings, savings or settlement. The simplest of them is savings. For such a deposit, replenishment and partial withdrawal operations are prohibited. Savings deposits tend to have the highest rates.

Savings deposits are designed for those who would like to replenish the deposit during the term of the agreement. They are intended for those who would like to save up some large amount (for example, for an expensive purchase).

The settlement deposit allows the client to maintain control over his funds to some extent, manage his savings by making incoming or outgoing transactions. Another name for this type of deposit is universal deposits. Settlement deposits can also be expense-replenished and expense.

The types of deposits can also be differentiated depending on who they are intended for.

The deposit for individuals is intended for ordinary citizens. Such deposits are protected by the deposit insurance system.

Deposit for legal entities - a type of deposit designed for organizations. With the help of it, companies place temporarily free cash. By agreement between the bank and the legal entity, early withdrawal of funds from the deposit may be prohibited, and this does not contradict the current legislation. In addition, deposits of legal entities are not subject to the deposit insurance system.

Special deposits are offered, as a rule, to a narrower group of persons.

For example, banks can develop special products for pensioners, students, etc. In Sberbank, this type of deposit includes the Social deposit. This is a special contribution for children left without parental care. The deposit is issued for 3 years, the minimum amount is 1 ruble, the interest rate is 4.06% in rubles.

Table 10 - Characteristics of term deposits for individuals in PJSC Sberbank

Type of deposit


Minimum deposit amount

Interest rate

Deposit term

Deposit "Save Online"

Online deposit for reliable savings and guaranteed income.

From 4.05% to 5.63%

From 1 month to 3 years inclusive

Deposit "Top Up Online"

A replenishable deposit for those who prefer to save and save their funds regularly.

From 3.95% to 5.12%

Deposit "Manage Online"

Online deposit for free management of funds with the ability to use part of the funds without losing interest.

3.25% to 4.82%

From 3 months to 3 years inclusive

Deposit "Give Life"

Contribution to help children with serious illnesses. Every 3 months, Sberbank transfers an amount of 0.3% per annum of the deposit amount to the Podari Zhizn charitable foundation

savings account

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The structure of the Group's liabilities is dominated by funds from individuals and corporate clients, the total amount of which at the end of 2017 amounted to RUB 19.8 trillion, or 83.7% of liabilities. In general, the Group's liabilities increased in 2017 by 5.0% to RUB 23.7 trillion.

Client funds

The volume of funds of individuals and corporate clients in 2017 increased by 6.0%. Retail deposits increased by 7.8% to 13.4 trillion rubles, while the volume of time deposits increased by 4%. In 2017, the share of retail deposits in the Group’s total liabilities slightly increased compared to 2016 and amounted to 56.7% (2016: 55.2%). Thus, funds from individuals continue to be the main source of financing for the Group. The volume of funds of corporate clients increased by 2.5% to 6.4 trillion rubles.

Structure of customer funds of the Group

2016 2017
billion rubles Share, % billion rubles Share, %
Funds of individuals
– Current/demand accounts 2 478,9 13,3 3 052,2 15,5
– Term deposits 9 970,7 53,3 10 368,1 52,2
Total due to individuals 12 449,6 66,6 13 420,3 67,7
Funds of corporate clients
– Current/settlement accounts 1 982,3 10,6 2 204,8 11,1
– Term deposits 4 252,9 22,8 4 189,1 21,2
Total due to corporate customers 6 235,2 33,4 6 393,9 32,3
Total 18 684,8 100,0 19 814,2 100,0

Debt securities issued by the Group

Debt securities issued, RUB bn
billion rubles 2016 2017 Change
billion rubles %
Savings certificates 482,6 374,9 (107,7) -22,3
Loan participation notes issued under the MTN program of Sberbank 473,9 302,5 (171,4) -36,2
Bonds issued:
- in the domestic market 84,3 133,2 48,9 58,0
– on international capital markets 21,1 16,0 (5,1) -24,2
Bills 92,4 103,4 11,0 11,9
Bonds issued under the Sberbank mortgage securitization program 5,5 3,9 (1,6) -29,1
Deposit certificates 1,2 0,7 (0,5) -41,7
Total debt securities issued 1161,0 934,6 (226,4) -19,5

The volume of issued debt obligations in 2017 decreased by 19.5%. To the greatest extent, this decline was caused by the strengthening of the ruble and the redemption of a number of debt securities. Loan participation notes issued under the MTN program of Sberbank decreased by 36.2% due to the redemption of a number of issues. Savings certificates decreased by 22.3%. At the same time, bonds issued on the domestic market demonstrated significant growth (by 58.0%), due to additional financing by Sberbank in 2017 on the Russian market under the program of exchange-traded bonds denominated in rubles. Promissory notes also showed growth, which increased by 11.9% in 2017.

Group's own funds

Own funds, billion rubles
billion rubles 2016 2017 Change
billion rubles %
Authorized capital 87,7 87,7 0,0
(7,9) (15,3) (7,4) 93,7
Share premium 232,6 232,6 0,0
66,9 60,8 (6,1) -9,1
24,0 35,3 11,3 47,1
(19,8) (26,4) (6,6) 33,3
Changes in Accounting for Defined Benefit Retirement Liabilities (1,1) (1,3) (0,2) 18,2
Undestributed profits 2 435,7 3 058,6 622,9 25,6
Total equity attributable to shareholders of the bank 2 818,1 3 432,0 613,9 21,8
Non-controlling interest 3,5 4,0 0,5 14,3
Total equity 2 821,6 3 436,0 614,4 21,8

Group capital adequacy

Capital adequacy (Basel III), billion rubles
Index 2016 2017
Tier 1 capital
Authorized capital 87,7 87,7
Share premium 232,6 232,6
Undestributed profits 2 435,7 3 058,6
Non-controlling interest 4,4 4,4
Own shares repurchased from shareholders (7,9) (15,3)
Office Real Estate Revaluation Fund 66,9 60,8
Revaluation fund for investment securities available-for-sale 24,0 35,3
Fund for accumulated exchange differences (11,8) (21,0)
Remeasurement of liabilities under defined benefit plans (0,7) (1,0)
Excluding goodwill (11,3) (8,0)
Excluding intangible assets (45,0) (60,8)
Other deductions from equity (8,7) (12,7)
Tier 1 capital 2 765,9 3 360,6
Tier 2 Capital
Applicable subordinated debt 475,9 459,7
Tier 2 Capital 475,9 459,7
General capital 3 241,8 3 820,3
Assets weighted with risk-based
Credit risk 23 443,0 25 245,7
Operational risk 2 736,0 3 092,8
Market risk 849,3 1 158,3
Total risk-weighted assets 27 028,3 29 496,8
Tier 1 core capital adequacy ratio (Tier 1 core capital to risk-weighted assets), % 10,2 11,4
Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio (Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets), % 10,2 11,4
Total capital adequacy ratio (total capital to risk-weighted assets) 12,0 13,0

At the end of 2017, the tier 1 capital adequacy ratio calculated in accordance with Basel III requirements amounted to 11.4%. The total capital adequacy ratio calculated in accordance with the requirements of Basel III at the end of 2017 was 13.0%, which is significantly higher than the minimum level set by the Basel Committee (8%). In 2017, capital adequacy ratios showed an increase compared to 2016, which is explained by the outstripping growth of the Group's own funds compared to the growth of risk-weighted assets.

2.1 general characteristics PJSC "Sberbank of Russia"

Public Joint Stock Company "Sberbank of Russia" (hereinafter - Sberbank) is one of the largest banks in the country and occupies leading positions in the credit system in terms of a number of economic indicators. Today it has no equal among commercial banks in terms of the number of territorial banks, branches and agencies.

The mission of Sberbank is to meet the needs of every client, including private, corporate and public ones throughout Russia, in banking services of high quality and reliability, ensuring the stable functioning of the Russian banking system, saving household deposits and investing them in the real sector, contributing to the development of the Russian economy. Official website of PJSC Sberbank of Russia:

The share of Sberbank in the total assets of the Russian banking sector was 28.7% as of January 1, 2016; in the market of private deposits - 46%; the loan portfolio corresponded to 38.7% of all loans issued to the population.

The governing bodies of Sberbank are:

General Meeting of Shareholders;

Supervisory Board;

Bank Board.

The Management Board has been headed by the President and Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank German Gref since November 2007.

The bank's branch network includes 16 territorial banks and 17,493 divisions throughout Russia. Subsidiary banks of Sberbank of Russia operate in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, and Germany.

Sberbank carries out the following banking operations:

Attraction of funds of individuals and legal entities in deposits (on demand, for a certain period);

Placement of attracted funds on its own behalf and at its own expense;

Opening and maintaining bank accounts of individuals and legal entities;

Making settlements on behalf of clients, including correspondent banks;

Collection of funds, bills of exchange, payment and settlement documents;

Cash services for individuals and legal entities;

Purchase and sale of foreign currency in cash and non-cash forms;

Attracting deposits and placement of precious metals;

Issuance of bank guarantees;

Money transfers on behalf of individuals without opening bank accounts (except for postal orders).

Sberbank offers retail clients a wide range of banking products and services, including:


Various types of lending (consumer loans, car loans and mortgages);

bank cards;

Money transfers;

Bank insurance;

Brokerage services Belozerov S.A., Motovilov O.V. Banking: textbook, 2016. - M.: 2016. - p. 59..

Sberbank of Russia serves all groups of corporate clients. Small and medium-sized companies account for more than 32.7% of the corporate loan portfolio. The bank also offers deposits, settlement services, project, trade and export finance, cash management services and other core banking products.

Sberbank is also actively developing its Mobile Bank and Sberbank OnL@yn applications with an impressive client base of more than 25 million active users.

According to the bank's new development strategy until 2018, Sberbank plans to increase its net profit in 2018 by more than 1.8 times compared to the results of 2013 (RUB 362 billion), while the previous strategy set the goal of doubling profit. The bank also plans to increase its assets by 1.8 times, the bank plans to increase fee and commission income by 2.3 times by 2018. Return on equity (ROE) in 2018 should be 18%, cost-to-income ratio - less than 40%. Sberbank's new strategy also assumes a shift in focus to the retail segment. Thus, the bank plans to more aggressively increase its share in the retail lending market from 38% to 42.8% by the end of 2018. In the retail deposit market, up to 46% by the end of 2018 (now it is 45.1%) Sberbank plans to reduce the number of branches from 16.5 thousand to 13-15 thousand. Sberbank's plans in the corporate lending segment, on the contrary, have become more modest. Share in the corporate lending market, according to new version strategy, in three years it should increase from 32.5 to 33.2% (in the previous strategy - 39.7%), in the deposit market - to decrease from 24.7 to 24.2%.

Thus, today PJSC Sberbank of Russia has not only confirmed its reputation as the most reliable bank in the country, having overcome the crisis with a minimum level of losses, but also provided access to banking services to a significant number of new customers. By 2016, the bank significantly strengthened its position in priority market segments, maintaining its leading position in the retail banking market, with a share of more than 80% in the total ruble deposits of the population. The bank's position in servicing corporate clients has significantly strengthened: Sberbank's market share is about 30%, and more than 1 million legal entities are the bank's clients. Sberbank also continues to work actively on the market for internal and external government obligations and corporate securities.

In 2016, in addition to classic lending, Sberbank can offer its customers a full range of banking services. Sberbank deposit rates remain one of the most profitable, while the depositors themselves are maximally protected from the theoretical loss of funds, since the financial organization of deposits is controlled by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and has the highest degree reliability. The most popular deposits include term, special and settlement deposits.

2.2 The mechanism of functioning of remote banking in PJSC "Sberbank of Russia"

Sberbank continues to improve remote service channels. During the year, the network of self-service devices, in accordance with the Strategy of Sberbank, decreased by 4,000 devices and amounted to 52,000 self-service devices with a cash withdrawal function, 34,000 without a cash withdrawal function.

The network of self-service devices has expanded with new software that provides customers with a single space to complete transactions. In these devices (more than 53,000 pieces), the client sees his transactions carried out in the Sberbank Online Internet bank, can print a confirmation check on them and repeat the payment according to the template created earlier in the Internet bank. Customer device availability increased from 93.2% to 95.1%.

The change in the number of active users of the web version of the Sberbank Online Internet Bank in general for Sberbank of Russia PJSC is presented in Appendix 5

Sberbank has released a new, market-unique version of the Sberbank Online mobile application for the Android platform. The version has a built-in protection package with anti-virus software that protects not only the application, but also the phone itself. This made it possible to provide customers with a new functionality for payments and transfers. Significant changes have been made to the design, which is built on the principles of Material Design: three-dimensional surfaces, realistic animation when touched. Focusing on the design concept from Google, Sberbank has made an application that matches the graphic style familiar to Android users.

The Sberbank Online mobile app for iPhone took first place in the ease of use rating of mobile banking apps for iPhone published by UsabilityLab.

Sberbank has updated Sberbank Online mobile applications for all platforms: iOS, Android and WinPhone. Now, to register in the application, you do not need an ATM or a web version of the Internet bank - just enter the card number and confirm authorization using the code from the SMS message. In the new version of the mobile application, you can quickly transfer money not only to a Sberbank client, but also to Visa and MasterCard cards of other Russian banks. For an instant transfer, it is enough to indicate the recipient's card number. In the expense analysis service, you can create your own expense categories and transfer completed transactions to them, which allows you to better control your daily expenses.

The change in the number of active users of the remote service system in the Yaroslavl region is presented in table 2

table 2

Number of active clients - RBS users of PJSC Sberbank of Russia in the Yaroslavl region for 2013-2015, people

It should be noted that active clients - users of RBS systems of Sberbank of Russia PJSC are users who have made at least one transaction within a month using one or another RBS system. Clients who are actually users of RBS systems, but for some reason do not use them in these calculations are not taken into account.

Let's calculate the dynamics indicators using the example of the growth of active users mobile bank(MB) in PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" in the Yaroslavl region.

Chain absolute growth is calculated by the formula:

Changes in 2014 were:

Changes in 2015:

Calculate the chain type of growth using the formula:

Where - the value of the indicator in the current year;

The value of the indicator of the previous year.

Let us calculate the dynamics indicators using the example of the increase in active users of the Sberbank Online Internet Bank (SBOL) in PJSC Sberbank of Russia in the Yaroslavl Region:

Conclusion: the number of active clients - users of SBOL PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" in the Yaroslavl region increased by 88,542 people. in 2014 and for 52,157 people. in 2015, which amounted to 100.19% and 29.48%, respectively.

Such a sharp increase in users over the past couple of years is characterized by the fact that SBOL began to enjoy great confidence among customers. And since 2014, there has been an expansion of the functionality for the operations performed, which allows the holders of bank cards of PJSC Sberbank of Russia to manage their deposits and cards, make transfers via the Internet, and pay for mobile communications without commission. Users have the opportunity to independently register in the system and choose a login and password to enter. To pay for services in SBOL, there are reduced commissions, when opening online deposits - increased interest rates. With the help of SBOL, you can pay for housing and communal services, the Internet, taxes (in total - more than 60 thousand service providers). Let us calculate the dynamics indicators using the example of the increase in active users of the Sberbank Online (MP) Mobile Application in PJSC Sberbank of Russia in the Yaroslavl Region:

Conclusion: the number of active clients - users of the Sberbank Online mobile application in the Yaroslavl region increased by 27,175 people. in 2014 and by 31,762 people. in 2015, which amounted to 141.69% and 68.52% respectively.

Thus, we see that all types of RBS are gaining popularity. The population has become more trusting in this kind of service. PJSC Sberbank of Russia is rapidly developing this area of ​​activity, developing and implementing new technologies in RBS, and offering various products and services, as well as service packages optimized for a specific user.

The Sberbank Online mobile application is developing most actively, since the mobility of the RBS system is important for most users. Many clients practically stop using SBOL, moving to the Mobile application. This is due to the fact that it is much more convenient for them to use tablet computers or mobile phones with an application installed on them than to be tied to a specific personal computer.

2.3 Characteristics of operations conducted by Sberbank of Russia PJSC in the remote banking system

Operations performed through the RBS systems of Sberbank of Russia PJSC in the Yaroslavl Region are presented in Table 3

Table 3

Operations performed through the RBS systems of Sberbank of Russia PJSC in the Yaroslavl Region in 2013-2015, thousand units

Let's calculate the dynamics indicators for completed transactions through the SBOL services of Sberbank of Russia PJSC:

Conclusion: the number of transactions through the SBOL of Sberbank of Russia PJSC in the Yaroslavl region increased by 1,736 thousand units. in 2014 and 1471 thousand units. in 2015, which amounted to 23.45% and 15.85% respectively. Let's calculate the dynamics indicators for completed transactions through self-service devices (OS) of Sberbank of Russia PJSC:

Conclusion: the number of transactions through self-service devices of Sberbank of Russia PJSC in the Yaroslavl region increased by 213 thousand units. in 2014 and 85 thousand units. in 2015, which amounted to 5.95% and 2.24% respectively.

Let's calculate the dynamics indicators for completed transactions through the Sberbank Online mobile application:

Conclusion: the number of transactions through the Sberbank Online mobile application of PJSC Sberbank of Russia in the Yaroslavl region increased by 554 thousand units. in 2014 and 1212 thousand units. in 2015, which amounted to 41.65% and 64.33% respectively. In a separate category of transactions can be identified, transactions performed through the service auto payment (AP). Let's calculate the dynamics indicators for the AP service provided to its customers by Sberbank of Russia PJSC:

Conclusion: the number of AP transactions in PJSC Sberbank of Russia increased by 210 thousand units. in 2014 and 189 thousand units. in 2015, which amounted to 96.77% and 44.26% respectively.

Let's calculate the share of operations performed through the RBS services of Sberbank of Russia PJSC for 2015:

Graphically, these results are presented in Appendix 4

We will conduct a study on the most popular remote banking system in PJSC Sberbank of Russia. Table 6 reflects the number of transactions performed by clients - SBOL users, every month, as well as the amounts of money attributable to these types of transactions, that is, the turnover of funds from transactions performed using RBS.

Table 4

The number of transactions made through SBOL in 2015, indicating the amount of cash turnover on them

Operation share

Payment for services (TV, mobile communications, etc.)

Educational services

Payments to budgetary and non-budgetary funds

Qty. PCS

Sum. thousand roubles.

Qty. PCS

Sum. thousand roubles.

Qty. PCS

Sum. thousand roubles.

Quantity, pcs

Amount, thousand rubles

Quantity, pcs

Amount, thousand rubles

Quantity, pcs

Amount, thousand rubles

Quantity, pcs

Amount, thousand rubles

Quantity, pcs

Amount, thousand rubles


Quantity, pcs

Amount, thousand rubles

Quantity, pcs

Amount, thousand rubles

Quantity, pcs

Amount, thousand rubles

Quantity, pcs

Amount, thousand rubles

Let's calculate the average amount of money for 2015 attributable to each type of operations performed using SBOL.

From the calculation results, we can conclude that the most popular services in the field of Internet banking of Sberbank of Russia are payment for housing and communal services and payment for other services ( mobile communications, TV, Internet, etc.). Also, the largest cash flows are made when making payments through the SBOL for housing and communal services.

At the moment, this industry is very well developed in Sberbank of Russia PJSC. Many SBOL users connect AP, that is, they do not even have to submit a monthly application for payment for a particular service. The banking system itself reads the data left by the user in the SBOL and sends an application for payment within the specified time. The user can both confirm this request and reject it. The Bank is not entitled to debit funds from the client's account without his confirmation (consent).

However, it is worth noting that the “other transactions” category accounts for the largest amount of cash per transaction. It can be assumed that such operations include transfers of clients from their own account to the accounts of other SBOL clients. Then such an indicator is quite reasonable and reliable.

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Management of passive operations of the bank

Sberbank is Russia's largest diversified financial structure successfully developing commercial banking, investment and private banking, as well as leasing and asset management...


This report focuses on the public joint stock company Sberbank of Russia. "Sberbank" of Russia today, almost nothing reminds of the savings banks, the functions of which he performed throughout a significant period of its history. But today, "Sberbank" of Russia has little resemblance even to itself just a decade ago. The ability to change and move forward is a sign of the excellent "sports" form in which Sberbank of Russia is today. The title of the oldest and largest bank in Russia does not prevent it from openly and honestly competing in the banking market and keeping abreast of financial and technological changes. Sberbank not only keeps pace with modern market trends, but also stays ahead of them, confidently navigating rapidly changing technologies and customer preferences. The purpose of the educational practice is to consolidate and apply the theoretical and practical knowledge gained during training at the Department of Finance of Organizations. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to perform the following tasks:

give a general description of PJSC "Sberbank" of Russia;

Consider the organizational structure of PJSC Sberbank of Russia;

· conduct a feasibility study of PJSC Sberbank of Russia;

· to analyze the financial condition of PJSC "Sberbank" of Russia.

The training practice was held at Sberbank of Russia in the Bank of Tatarstan Branch No. 8610, from 03/28/2016 to 04/09/2016.

General characteristics of PJSC "Sberbank" of Russia

Sberbank financial organizational

Public Joint Stock Company "Sberbank of Russia" (hereinafter - PJSC "Sberbank of Russia") is a modern universal organization, one of the largest Russian commercial banks in Russia and the CIS countries.

Sberbank of Russia has a huge branch network: 17 territorial banks and more than 18,400 divisions. It provides services in all 83 subjects of the Russian Federation. Remote service channels have recently been introduced. The Sberbank Online and Mobile Bank applications with a wide client base are being developed.

Also recently, Sberbank has significantly expanded its area of ​​international presence. Previously, it was limited to the CIS countries, but recently the distribution area has increased significantly. Representations appeared in Central and Eastern Europe (Sberbank EuropeAG) and in Turkey (DenizBank). The acquisition of DenizBank was the most significant in the entire 170-year history of the bank. In addition to the previously listed countries, Sberbank also has representative offices in China, India and Germany, and is managed by Sberbank Switzerland AG.

"Sberbank" of Russia was established in the form of an open joint-stock company in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR "On banks and banking activities in the RSFSR" in 1991. The founder and main shareholder of Sberbank of Russia is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The Bank's shareholders are more than 200 thousand legal entities and individuals.

The supreme governing body of Sberbank of Russia is the general meeting of shareholders.

The Bank is a legal entity and, with its branches, forms a single system of Sberbank of Russia.

The history of the development of PJSC "Sberbank" of Russia began, on November 12, 1841, the Russian Emperor Nicholas I signed a decree on the establishment of savings banks in Russia "for the delivery of funds for savings in a correct and profitable way." This date began to be considered the birthday of Sberbank.

A few months later, on March 1, 1842, an employee of the Loan Treasury, Nikolai Christofari, crossed the threshold of a newly opened cash desk in St. Petersburg. He could not even imagine that at that moment he was becoming the first client of a financial institution whose history would be inextricably intertwined with the history of Russia.

Sberbank is the historical successor of the Savings Banks, founded by decree of Emperor Nicholas I, which at first were only two small institutions with 20 employees in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Then they grew into a network of savings banks that operated throughout the country and even in difficult times helped to maintain the stability of the Russian economy. Later, during the Soviet era, they were transformed into the system of State Labor Savings Banks. And in modern times, they have turned into a modern universal bank, a large international group, whose brand is known in more than twenty countries of the world.

Table 1.1 below shows the stages of development of PJSC Sberbank of Russia.

Table 1.2. Stages of development of PJSC "Sberbank" of Russia

Foundation and development of banking in Russia. The first client of the first bank in the country. Growth to 500 clients per day

"Golden Age" of the first bank of Russia and the development of financial literacy of the population.

3875 savings banks

2,000,000 issued passbooks

The first revolution and global changes in the policy of Sberbank. Savings banks began to make money transfers, issue their own loan certificates, and conducted operations with interest-bearing and securities.

Sberbank during the Great Patriotic War and post-war period, participation in projects of national and global importance. A new Charter of state savings banks was established.

Development and transformation of Sberbank during the “thaw”, “stagnation” and “perestroika”. The number of savings banks doubled from 40,000 to 79,000. The number of bank customers increased 12 times.

Global changes of Sberbank of Russia: life according to new economic laws. The first ATMs began to function. The Non-State Pension Fund of Sberbank was created. Sberbank Online service launched.

Activities and measures of Sberbank of Russia in a difficult financial situation: the crisis has been overcome. The Sberbank Business Online system began to work. Sberbank entered the top 20 largest banks in terms of market capitalization. The Bank became the general partner of the Sochi-2014 Olympic Games.

A new stage in the history of Sberbank of Russia: the introduction of innovative solutions, new programs and advanced technologies. New future of the country.

Sberbank canceled all commissions for consideration and issuance of loans. Interest rates were reduced twice.

Sberbank is a modern universal bank with a large share of private capital, including foreign investors. The structure of Sberbank's share capital testifies to its high investment attractiveness.

Today PJSC Sberbank of Russia, as one of the market participants, occupies a leading position in the Russian banking sector, as well as in the lending market, this rating is shown in Figure 1.1.

Rice. 1.1.

The main goal of PJSC Sberbank of Russia is to ensure the growth of investment attractiveness and maintain leadership in the Russian financial services market by modernizing management and technological processes. To achieve this goal, Sberbank of Russia's activity is aimed at improving the client policy, creating a flexible and effective system of interaction with clients based on taking into account the needs of various client groups.

PJSC "Sberbank" of Russia is a universal commercial bank that meets the needs of various customer groups in a wide range of high-quality banking services throughout Russia.

Acting in the interests of depositors, clients and shareholders, PJSC Sberbank of Russia strives to effectively invest the attracted funds of private and corporate clients in the real sector of the economy, lends to citizens, contributes to the stable functioning of the Russian banking system and saving household deposits.

The main activities of PJSC "Sberbank" of Russia:

attracts funds of individuals and legal entities in deposits;

Places funds on its own behalf and at its own expense;

Opens and maintains bank accounts for individuals and legal entities,

Performs settlements on behalf of clients;

· collects bills of exchange, cash, payment and settlement documents and provides cash services to individuals and legal entities;

buys and sells foreign currency in cash and non-cash forms;

attracts deposits and places precious metals;

Issues bank guarantees;

· carries out money transfers on behalf of individuals without opening bank accounts;

Carries out leasing operations;

provides brokerage, consulting and information services;

· issues and maintains bank cards;

· carries out issue, purchase, sale, accounting, storage and other operations with securities, and much more.

Funds for the implementation of these activities are attracted by the Bank from the following sources: shareholders' funds; deposits of private clients; funds of legal entities; other sources, including borrowings in international financial markets.

Educational practice was completed in the department of lending to medium and large businesses of the Bank of Tatarstan branch No. 8610.

Providing services to medium, large and private individuals is a priority activity of the Bank of Tatarstan branch No. 8610.

"Bank of Tatarstan" No. 8610 is actively developing lending programs, offering its customers profitable loans for project and investment lending to businesses, improving housing conditions, Vehicle, higher education and many other financial issues. Sberbank of Russia helps to carry out payment transactions, takes responsibility for storing and increasing the funds of its depositors.

Each client of the Bank of Tatarstan branch No. 8610 can always count on the help of qualified specialists, an individual approach and attentive attitude.

The reliability of PJSC Sberbank of Russia and its impeccable business reputation in Russia and abroad are confirmed by high ratings from leading rating agencies.

SWOT analysis of PJSC Sberbank of Russia is shown in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2. SWOT-analysis of PJSC "Sberbank" of Russia


Sberbank of Russia is a reliable credit institution. The Bank has high ratings, both in Russian and international rating agencies, and is also one of the largest companies in Russia; The controlling stake in the bank belongs to the state. In case of problems with the bank, it can count on the help of the main shareholder; It has a developed regional network of branches throughout Russia; The publication of quarterly reports in accordance with international standards testifies to the high transparency of the bank's activities; It has high liquidity of its securities, which for a long time were perceived by the market as a protective paper. The Bank has a diversified resource base, which gives it stability.

Weak sides:

The low flexibility of the bank to changes in external conditions will contribute to a gradual decrease in the market share attributable to it; Increasing competition in the Russian market for the provision of banking services.

Features: -

Sberbank of Russia seeks to strengthen its position as a leader in the retail sector; The bank plans to issue global depository receipts (GDRs) for existing shares on the London Stock Exchange. Bringing shares to Western trading floors will further increase the liquidity of securities.

Threats: -

The possibility of a conflict between the development of the business of Sberbank of Russia and the interests of the main shareholder; Strengthening competition in the market for the provision of banking services in the event of accession to the WTO and the entry of foreign banks into the Russian market; Possible increase in the volatility of stock prices due to personnel changes in the bank's board.

We present the main technical and economic indicators of PJSC Sberbank of Russia from 2013 to 2015 in Table 1.3, which is presented below.

Table 1.3. Key technical and economic indicators of Sberbank PJSC

Main characteristics

unit of measurement

Main indicators of the income statement

Operating income before reserves

in billion rubles

Profit before tax

in billion rubles

Net profit

in billion rubles

Main balance indicators

Provision for loan portfolio impairment

in billion rubles

in billion rubles

Client funds

in billion rubles

Key quality indicators

The ratio of loan impairment allowance to non-performing loans



Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov"

Finance Department

Department of Risk Management, Insurance and Securities


discipline: "Securities Market"

on the topic: Characteristics of the issuer PJSC "Sberbank"

Completed: students of group 2305

full-time education

Faculty of Finance

direction "Corporate finance"

Ekaterina Prigozhina


  • 1. General information about the issuer
  • 4. Dividend history for the entire existence of the joint-stock company

7. Issues of Eurobonds

8. Issues of depositary receipts (DR)

  • Bibliographic list
  • share capital eurobond depository
  • 1. General information about the issuer
  • The bank was registered on June 20, 1991. The main office is located at: 117997, Moscow, st. Vavilov, d.19.
  • Sberbank of Russia is the largest bank in the Russian Federation and the CIS. The assets of Sberbank of Russia make up a quarter of the banking system of the state, and the share in banking capital is at the level of 30%. According to The Banker magazine (July 1, 2009), Sberbank ranked 38th in terms of core capital among all banks in the world.
  • The average daily volume of trading in Sberbank shares is about 40% of the trading volume on the MICEX.
  • The founder and main shareholder of the Bank is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. As of the last reporting date, he owns 57.58% of the authorized capital of the Bank. The remaining shareholders of Sberbank of Russia are more than 273 thousand legal entities and individuals.
  • As of February 1, 2016, the bank is in first place in the banking system of Russia, the amount of assets is 23,039.79 billion rubles.
  • The structure of the bank's physical representative offices as of December 19, 2015 consists of:
  • · 11871 additional offices;
  • · 3801 operating cash desk;
  • · 640 operational offices;

Bank licenses:

Licenses of a professional participant in the securities market:

For the implementation of brokerage activities No. 077-02894-100000 dated November 27, 2000, without limitation of validity;

For the implementation of dealer activities No. 077-03004-010000 dated November 27, 2000, without limitation of validity;

For the implementation of securities management activities No. 077-03009-001000 dated November 27, 2000, without limitation of validity;

For the implementation of depositary activities No. 077-02768-000100 dated November 08, 2000, without limitation of validity;

For the implementation of the activities of a specialized depository of investment funds, mutual investment funds and non-state pension funds No. 22-000-1-00012 dated October 04, 2000, without limitation of validity;

For carrying out activities of an exchange intermediary making commodity futures and option transactions in exchange trading No. 1496 dated December 24, 2009, without limitation of validity.

The history of the creation of the joint-stock company and the founders.

In 1987, as part of the perestroika reforms, savings banks were reorganized into the Savings Bank of the USSR - this is how the financial institution familiar to us received a name known to the whole world.

In July 1990, by a resolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, the Russian Republican Bank of the Sberbank of the USSR was declared the property of the RSFSR. In December 1990, it was transformed into a joint-stock commercial bank, legally established at the general meeting of shareholders on March 22, 1991. In the same 1991, Sberbank became the property of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and was registered as a "Joint Stock Commercial Savings Bank of the Russian Federation"

The Joint Stock Commercial Savings Bank of the Russian Federation was established in the form of an open joint stock company in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR “On Banks and Banking Activities in the RSFSR”. The founder and main shareholder of Sberbank of Russia is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (over 60% of shares in the authorized capital). Its shareholders are more than 200 thousand legal entities and individuals. Sberbank of Russia was registered on June 20, 1991 with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Registration number - 1481.

The corporate name of the bank, fixed by the constituent documents - Joint Stock Commercial Savings Bank of the Russian Federation (open joint stock company).

Abbreviated name of the bank: Sberbank of Russia.

The bank is a legal entity. Together with its branches, it constitutes the common system of Sberbank of Russia Conditions for the provision of brokerage services of PJSC Sberbank of Russia, part 1, clause 3. =56e14fc25cc4.

Year of foundation:

Changes in key indicators of the Russian economy throughout 2014 were determined by a number of negative external factors: a collapse in oil prices on the world market, a significant increase in geopolitical tensions, followed by the introduction of sectoral sanctions against Russia. Nevertheless, the influence of external factors only exacerbated the slowdown in the economy, which began at the end of 2012, determined by structural problems, and accelerated the transition from stagnation to a crisis recession.

The actual closure of the exit to foreign markets capital and a significant deterioration in the terms of trade against the background of falling oil prices became an additional factor in the increase in capital outflow and provoked a significant depreciation of the ruble.

The deterioration in economic growth prospects and the decline in real incomes of the population revealed the problem of the quality of the loan portfolio of banks, increasing the amount of overdue debt from 4.1% to 4.6%, especially in retail lending.

The quality of the mortgage loan portfolio remained at a high level, where the share of overdue loans amounted to only 1.3%.

The retention of a part of overdue loans among corporate clients was achieved by the high rates of lending to the latter, but the deterioration in the financial situation of many large borrowers focused on the export-import business created a need to restructure their loans. Also, the events in Ukraine caused a significant deterioration in the quality of loans from Russian banks, which were provided to Ukrainian borrowers.

Position of Sberbank of Russia in the industry.

The decline in the quality of the loan portfolio, which provoked the growth of additional reserves, and a sharp increase in the cost of funding from the Bank of Russia reduced the profit of the entire banking sector by almost 40% compared to 2013. Financial markets also closed the year with a decline - the RTS dollar index fell by 45%, the MICEX ruble index - by 7%. Russia's sovereign rating was downgraded to the lower end of the investment grade rating group.

Against such a difficult external economic background, Sberbank retained its leading positions in the main segments of the Russian financial market.

2. The number of placed shares and the authorized capital of the company

Currently, the total number of outstanding shares of Sberbank is:

ordinary shares with a nominal value of 3 rubles. - 21,586,948,000 pcs.

preferred shares with a nominal value of 3 rubles. - 1,000,000,000 pcs.

The maximum number of declared ordinary shares is 15,000,000,000 pcs.

The structure of shareholders of Sberbank as of the date of closing the register of shareholders (the end of the trading day on April 20, 2015) is as follows:

Table 1 - the size and structure of the authorized capital as of 01.03.2016

The total number of shareholders is more than 221 thousand

Table 2 - Issue of ordinary shares over the entire existence of the joint-stock company*

quantity, pcs

placement price

share premium

issue volume

placement method

release status











1 share 50 rub=1 share 3000 rub


Open Subscription

1 share 3000 rub = 1000 shares 3 rub

Issue posted and in circulation

Table 3 - Issue of preferred shares throughout the existence of the joint-stock company*

date of state registration of the issue

state registration number

quantity, pcs

placement price

share premium

issue volume

placement method

release status






Conversion of previously placed shares with a lower par value


1 share 60 rubles = 20 shares 3 rubles

Conversion upon splitting previously placed shares

Issue posted and in circulation

*Blanks not filled due to lack of data

The number of issues of ordinary shares for the entire period of existence of the joint stock company - a total of 13 issues of ordinary shares

Number of issues of preferred shares for the entire period of existence of the joint-stock company - 7 issues

Figure 1 - Dynamics of the authorized capital

Table 4 - Authorized capital and its changes throughout the existence of the joint-stock company

Quantity, pcs

MC from ordinary shares

Share in the UK

Quantity, pcs

preferred shares

Share in the UK

3. The number of bond issues carried out by the joint-stock company for the entire time of its existence

Table 5 - Bond issues documents*










In circulation

Kj = Nom * Cj * (T(j) - T(j-1)) / 365 / 100%

RUB 18,500,000,000

By concluding purchase and sale transactions at the placement price of the Bonds in CJSC MICEX Stock Exchange



RUB 10,000,000,000



RUB 10,000,000,000



RUB 10,000,000,000



RUB 10,000,000,000



RUB 10,000,000,000



RUB 10,000,000,000

4. Dividend history for the entire existence of the joint-stock company

Table 6 - dividend payment history

Year of payment

At the end of the year





Dividend size in relative terms (usually)

Dividend size in relative terms (pref)

Total Dividends

AT last years JSC Sberbank of Russia, based on the size of its profit, methodically increased the amount of dividends paid on all types of shares. The bank's dividend policy is aimed at increasing the investment attractiveness of shares of its own issues, increasing their tradability on stock exchanges of all levels.

Dividend established by the charter of a joint-stock company for preferred shares.

The minimum amount of dividends on preferred shares may not be less than 15 percent of their nominal value.

5. The share of the state in the authorized capital of the issuer. Having a golden share

The state acts as a shareholder through the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, owning 50% + 1 vote in the total volume of the bank's shares.

The share of the authorized capital of the credit institution as of 01.01.2016 - the issuer, which is in state (federal, constituent entities of the Russian Federation), municipal property: 0.03%

6. Large shareholders (more than 5%)

OJSC Sberbank of Russia is an open market company. Sberbank shares are freely traded both on the Russian stock market and in London and Frankfurt.

Since the Bank's corporatization in June 1991, 13 issues of the bank's shares have been placed among investors (Russian and foreign individuals and legal entities). The authorized capital is formed in the amount of 67.76 billion rubles and consists of 21,586,948,000 ordinary and 1,000,000,000 preferred shares with a par value of 3 rubles each.

The main shareholder of the bank is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, whose share in the authorized capital of Sberbank is 50% plus one voting share, in voting shares - 52.32%. There are no other shareholders with a share exceeding 5% among the founders of the bank.

Table 7 - Share in the authorized capital as of the date of closing the register of shareholders

Figure 2 - Chart "Share of Shareholders in the Authorized Capital"

Table 8 - Free float value

7. Issues of Eurobonds

Table 9 - Eurobonds*

Release date


Paper type

Placement price

maturity date


Paying agent

Placement method

Sberbank 2006



Sberbank 2011



Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Citigroup

Sberbank 2013



Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Citigroup

Sberbank 2013



Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Citigroup

Sberbank 2014



Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Citigroup

Sberbank 2015



Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Citigroup

Sberbank 2015



Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Citigroup

Sberbank 2016


In circulation

Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Citigroup

Sberbank 2017


In circulation

Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Citigroup

Sberbank 2017


In circulation

Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Citigroup

Sberbank 2017


In circulation

Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Citigroup

Sberbank 2018


In circulation

Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Citigroup

Sberbank 2019


In circulation

Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Citigroup

Sberbank 2019


In circulation

Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Citigroup

Sberbank 2019


In circulation

Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Citigroup

Sberbank 2019


In circulation

Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Citigroup

Sberbank 2021


In circulation

Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Citigroup

Sberbank 2022


In circulation

Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Citigroup

Sberbank 2022


In circulation

Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Citigroup

Sberbank 2023


In circulation

Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Citigroup

*Blanks not filled due to lack of data

8. Issues of depositary receipts (DR)

Table 10 - Issues of depositary receipts (DR),

9. Planned issues of securities

Issues of securities by Sberbank of Russia PJSC are not planned.

10. Annual general meeting of shareholders (last, forthcoming)

Agenda of the Meeting of Shareholders:

On the approval of the annual report

1. On approval of the annual accounting (financial) statements

2. On the distribution of profits and the payment of dividends for 2014

3. Approval of the auditor

4. Election of members of the Supervisory Board

5. Election of members of the Audit Commission

6. On the election of the President, Chairman of the Board

7. Approval of the Articles of Association in a new edition

8. Approval of the Regulations on the General Meeting of Shareholders in a new version

9. Approval of the Regulations on the Supervisory Board in a new edition

10. On approval of the Regulations on remuneration and compensation paid to members of the Supervisory Board, as amended

11. Approval of an interested party transaction

Bibliographic list

1. PJSC Sberbank of Russia //

2. PJSC "Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS" //

3. Information portal Сbonds Financial information //

4. Information portal RusBonds Interfax Group //

5. Information portal Investfunds Cbonds Group //

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