The structure of the chief power engineer of the enterprise. The main tasks of the energy service - document

The experience of enterprises in the new economic conditions, especially in the last 10-15 years, the centralized command management system that existed in the recent past turned out to be unsuitable for solving the main task: making a profit.

There was a need to centralize the management of the technical operation of all types of fixed assets of the enterprise, concentrating it in one hand: the deputy director - the chief engineer of the enterprise. At some enterprises, the centralization of technical operation was even more closely connected with the efficient use of fixed assets, subordinating it to the deputy head of the enterprise for equipment.

The enterprises develop and refine the organizational structure of the management of the department of the chief power engineer (OGE), an example of the structure of the OGE is shown in fig. 2.

The implementation of the PPR EO System at the enterprise is assigned to the OGE, and in enterprises where, due to the small number of energy services, the OGE has not been created, it is assigned to the OGM. In addition to the above functions, the OGE is entrusted with the following tasks:

organization of uninterrupted supply of the enterprise with energy resources of the required parameters (electricity, steam, superheated water, industrial and drinking water, natural gas, compressed air);

organization of high-quality cleaning of industrial and household Wastewater;

organization of reliable and safe operation of the energy facilities of the enterprise;

organization and control of operation and repair of the energy facilities of the enterprise, as well as technical supervision and methodological management of the activities of energy and technological personnel servicing the energy and energy technological equipment of workshops and water cycles of production;

interaction with regional bodies of the Federal Supervision on the safe operation of equipment;

interaction with suppliers and consumers of energy resources.

The chief power engineer has two deputies: for electrical and heat and sanitary facilities. Subordinate to Deputy The GE for electrical facilities has the following services: an electrical design bureau (PKEB), an electric furnace bureau, an electrical laboratory, an electrical workshop, a communication and electricians workshop of production workshops.

services for heat and sanitary facilities are subordinate to the Deputy State Department for heat and sanitary facilities. The planning, economics and PPR regime and accounting groups report directly to the GoE.

In accordance with the main tasks, the OGE is entrusted with the following work:

drawing up the energy balance of the enterprise. Development of daily and monthly energy consumption limits, analysis of their implementation;

compilation of current and long-term plans energy development;

systematic control of the energy load of the enterprise and the adoption of timely measures to comply with the established limit of consumption of electricity, natural gas and other energy resources;

coordination of the work of departments included in the service of the chief power engineer: thermal power plant, power supply shop, water supply and sewerage shop, gas supply department, industrial wastewater neutralization and treatment shop, electrical repair shop, centralized energy repair shop;

development (together with the production, technical departments and economic analysis) differentiated technological workshop and general factory specific norms for the consumption of all types of energy for the production of products and auxiliary needs, monitoring compliance with these norms;

development of measures aimed at the rational use and saving of all types of energy and fuel;

periodic quality control of energy fuel (natural gas, coal, fuel oil);

drawing up plans for organizational and technical measures aimed at improving the reliability and efficiency of power equipment;

control over the development and implementation by the shops of the enterprise of plans for organizational and technical measures to save fuel and energy resources;

analysis of the cost of generated energy (together with the planning and economic department) and the development of measures to reduce it.

The leadership of the OGE on the basis of unity of command is carried out by the head of the OGE, i.e. Chief Power Engineer(GE).

The structure of the department of the chief power engineer is determined by the tasks assigned to it in the conditions of a given enterprise and should change with the development of the enterprise as the size and structure of fixed assets, technology, and requirements for parameters change various kinds energy and energy carriers.

The following principles can be used as the basis for the development of the organizational structure of the OGE:

The impossibility of separating the organizational structure of the OGE and repair departments from the rest of the tasks of the energy service. All issues of the development of the energy sector can be skillfully resolved by the energy service, but for this it is necessary to create the production and engineering capacities of the OGE so that all tasks of a non-repair nature are performed without detriment to repair and maintenance functions.

The maximum specialization of the production and engineering divisions of the OGE, which allows solving the tasks assigned to the energy service.

A clear delineation of duties and responsibilities for the assigned area of ​​work, the exclusion of duplication of functions of various departments.

One of the forms of attracting specialists of different levels to the solution of the most serious issues may be the creation of technical councils for the main energy of the enterprise. It includes leading engineering and technical workers, heads of workshops, bureaus and laboratories of the OGE, advanced workers, etc.

Maximum payback of all parts of the service. The introduction of each new engineering unit must be justified by the expected and obtained economic effect from the reduction of repair and operating costs.

Continuous improvement of the structure of the OGE so that, with any changes in the field of main production, to the maximum extent, meet the requirements of production at the lowest cost.

Other principles may be established and applied.

The standard structure provides only fundamental for all industries National economy general recommendations on the structure of the OGE, including in the composition of the energy workshops. The organizational structure of energy shops, and even more so of sections, cannot be uniform in all sectors of the national economy and even at individual enterprises of the same industry.

test questions

1. What is the electrical facilities of enterprises?

2. What does maintenance include?

3. What kinds of maintenance do you know?

4. What is the difference between a tool and an operating system?

5. What documents are operational?

6. What is the purpose of field testing?

7. What types of repairs are there?

8. What is the difference between scheduled and unscheduled repairs?

9. What types of equipment are core and non-core?

10. What repair method is the most promising?

11. What conditions must be met for the implementation of the EA PPR system?

12. What tasks are assigned to the OGE?

13. What principles underlie the development of the organizational structure of the OGE?

Regulations on the energy service

    General provisions

    1. This regulation on the energy service has been developed in accordance with the IPBEE and PTEEP and defines the main tasks, structure, subordination of the energy service and the relationship of the structural divisions of the energy service with each other and with other shops and departments.

      The structure of the energy service includes units involved in the operation and repair of electrical installations.

      The energy service operates all electrical installations that are on the balance sheet.

      Electrical installations can be partially handed over for operational maintenance to third parties in accordance with the concluded agreements.

      In its activities, the energy service is guided by the PUE, MPBEE, PTEEP and other regulatory and technical documents.

      The energy service is headed by the person responsible for electrical facilities.

      During the absence of the enterprise responsible for the electrical economy, the energy service is headed by the deputy responsible for the electrical economy.

    The main tasks of the energy service.

2.1. The main tasks of the energy service are.

    timely and high-quality carrying out of preventive maintenance, repair, modernization and reconstruction of power equipment;

    training of electrical personnel and checking knowledge of operating rules, security measures, job and production instructions;

    ensuring the efficiency and reliability of the operation of electrical installations and the safety of their maintenance;

    prevention of the use of technologies and methods of work that have a negative impact on the environment;

    accounting and analysis of violations in the operation of electrical installations, accidents and taking measures to eliminate the causes of their occurrence;

    development of job and production instructions for electrical personnel;

    compliance with the instructions of state energy supervision bodies;

    compliance by the enterprise with the operating modes set for it by the power supply system;

    operational dispatch control of energy facilities, coordinated with the power supply system, including enterprises - sub-subscribers - tenants.

    Service organization.

    1. Service structure.

Responsible for the electrical facilities of the plant.

Deputy responsible for the electrical facilities of the plant.

Responsible for electrical facilities of structural divisions.

Structural units:

    electrical facilities of the asphalt concrete shop;

    electrical facilities of the concrete-mortar shop;

    electrical equipment of cranes and hoisting mechanisms;

    electrical equipment of automation, instrumentation, computing and multiplying machines;

    electrical facilities of the PSC and P;

    electrical facilities of the energy department;

    electrical facilities of other facilities.

      The person responsible for the electrical facilities of the plant reports directly to the director of the plant, and on technical issues to the chief engineer and is responsible for organizing the operation of electrical installations as a whole for the enterprise within the boundaries defined by the relevant acts of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility.

      On the proposal of the person responsible for electrical facilities, the General Director may appoint structural units responsible for electrical facilities.

      The person responsible for the electrical facilities of the structural unit is responsible for organizing the operation of the electrical installations of the unit and, in relation to the operation of electrical installations, is subordinate to the person responsible for the electrical facilities of the plant, who exercises technical guidance and control over its work.

The relationship and distribution of responsibilities between the structural units responsible for the electrical facilities and the plant responsible for the electrical facilities should be reflected in their job descriptions and determined by the relevant acts between the structures.

      In the absence of responsible persons in the structural subdivisions, regardless of their territorial location, the responsibility for the electrical facilities of the structural subdivisions shall be borne by the head enterprise responsible for the electrical facilities.

      The electrotechnological personnel of production workshops, sections and departments that are not part of the energy service, which operates electrical and electrotechnological installations, are technically subordinate to the energy service.

The heads of production workshops, departments, areas directly subordinate to which the electrotechnological personnel are, must have a qualification group for electrical safety not lower than that of subordinate personnel. They are appointed by order and must exercise the technical direction of these personnel and supervise their work. These managers who have an electrical safety group III and above are equated in their rights and duties with electrical personnel and are responsible for violations in the operation of electrical and electrical equipment serviced by subordinate personnel.

      Operational dispatch control of electrical facilities within the limits of operational responsibility is carried out on the basis of the energy department of the enterprise by the forces of operational personnel who have undergone special training in accordance with the requirements of the current MPBEE and PTEEP. The number of personnel and shifts are determined by those responsible for the electrical facilities of the enterprise.

      The relationship between the personnel of various levels of dispatch control is regulated in the relevant operating instructions agreed and approved in the prescribed manner (cable network - enterprises - rental enterprise, etc.)

      Operational control is carried out from a specially equipped electrical room, equipped with the appropriate amount of technical documentation, including local instructions for the prevention and elimination of an accident, protective equipment, instruments and equipment.

    Relationships between the structural divisions of the energy service

    1. In operated electrical installations between structural divisions the energy service should establish the boundaries of operational responsibility, within which each structural unit of the energy service is fully responsible for the operation of equipment and networks and compliance with the requirements of IPBEE, PTEEP and other regulatory documents.

      The boundaries of operational responsibility are established by bilateral acts approved by the person responsible for electrical facilities.

      The performance of work in the electrical installations of the structural unit by the personnel of the adjacent structural unit of the energy service is allowed only after the preparation of the workplace and its admission to work by the personnel of the operating unit.

In this case, the structural unit in whose electrical installations work is carried out is responsible for the implementation of safety measures that ensure the protection of workers, the performance of work in the order of current operation in the electrical installations of an adjacent structural unit is prohibited.

During non-working hours of the operational and repair personnel of the PSC and P, ABC and BRC (second shift and night time), the duty personnel of the energy department are allowed to carry out operational maintenance of electrical installations and perform urgent repair work (including in the order of current operation) in the electrical facilities of the PSC and P, ABC and BRC. In this case, at the end of work and at the beginning of the shift, the operational personnel of these workshops are obliged to issue an acceptance and handover of the shift to the duty personnel of the energy workshop in accordance with IPBE. Acceptance and delivery of shifts by phone is allowed. Leaving duty without changing shifts is not allowed.

Production of work and operational maintenance of electrical installations in the electrical facilities of an adjacent structural unit without acceptance of the shift is not allowed.

      To conduct operational negotiations in the structural divisions of the energy service, telephones and personnel entitled to conduct operational negotiations should be allocated.

      In the event of a sudden loss of voltage on the electrical equipment of a structural unit, the latter is obliged to consider its equipment energized, since voltage from an adjacent structural unit of the energy service can be supplied without warning.

      For failures and accidents on equipment that is in service (within the limits of operational responsibility) of the structural unit, caused by incorrect actions of personnel or damage to equipment, the structural unit of the energy service, this structural unit of the energy service is responsible and takes into account these cases.

      Workshops and departments that are not part of the energy service, which have on their balance sheet electrical equipment serviced by structural divisions of the energy service, about all malfunctions in the operation of the serviced electrical equipment, accidents, downtime, disruptions in normal operation, are obliged to immediately inform the operational personnel of the energy service, as well as follow all his orders, concerning the operation of said equipment.

Per last years fundamental changes have taken place in the organization and management of production operations, especially industrial ones. Simultaneously with the downsizing of the majority of industrial ministries, industry-wide all-Union repair organizations (repair associations and trusts) that centralize the repair of basic power equipment were liquidated. The sectoral departments of the chief mechanic and the chief power engineer, which coordinate the main repairs of equipment within industries, ceased to exist. The economic crisis has led to a complete or partial shutdown of many industries. The load on operating enterprises has dropped sharply. Energy repair services of enterprises have lost 40-60% of skilled workers. Up to 70% of repair workers today are people of retirement age. Most of the power equipment (60%) has exhausted its depreciation period, needs to be replaced or overhaul.

If today, due to incomplete utilization of capacities, enterprises can exist, then already at the beginning of the stabilization stage (economic growth), the problem of restoring the resource of the active part of the fixed assets of the energy industry will become especially acute.

Modern mechanical engineering enterprises, as well as the radio-electronic industry, are the largest consumers of energy and energy carriers, in particular electricity, fuel, steam, compressed air, water, etc.

According to the nature of use, the consumed energy is divided into power, technological and industrial. Power energy sets in motion technological equipment, hoisting vehicles; technological - serves to change the properties and state of materials (melting, heat treatment, etc.); industrial and household - spent on lighting, ventilation, heating and other purposes.

The annual costs of consumed energy at enterprises are very significant, and their share in the cost of production currently reaches 25-30%.

The main tasks of the energy economy are:

1) uninterrupted supply of the enterprise, its divisions and workplaces with all types of energy in compliance with the parameters established for it - voltage, pressure, temperature, etc.;

2) rational use of power equipment, its repair and maintenance;

3) efficient use and economical use of all types of energy in the production process.

Energy savings are achieved by implementing the following measures:

Elimination and reduction of direct energy losses in networks and places of its consumption (faulty state of power networks, pipeline connections, hoses, taps, valves, etc.);

Introduction of highly economical technological processes, devices, equipment into production (the introduction of electric induction heating of parts during heat treatment instead of heating in electric resistance furnaces reduces electricity consumption by more than 2 times);

The use of the most advantageous modes of operation of technological and power equipment, ensuring the full use of the power of electric motors and transformers, reducing idle energy costs (the power factor in networks increases - cosine phi);

Secondary use of energy resources - heat (flue gases of furnaces, waste steam from forge shops, heat from cooling water, etc.);

Organization of clear planning, regulation of consumption, accounting and control over energy consumption (compilation of fuel and energy balances for each type of energy).

To carry out the above tasks, as well as to develop and implement measures to save all types of energy, enterprises create energy facilities, the structure of which depends on a number of factors: the type of production, the volume of output, the energy intensity of products, the development of cooperation with other enterprises, etc.

At large enterprises (in associations), the head of the energy economy is the department of the chief power engineer (UGE), at medium-sized enterprises - the department of the chief power engineer (OGE), at small enterprises - the energy and mechanical department headed by the chief mechanic. The chief power engineer is the deputy chief mechanic.

The structure of the energy economy of a medium-sized enterprise (REP enterprise) includes: the department of the chief power engineer, the electric power shop (or site), the heat or steam power shop, the electrical repair and low-current shops.

The department of the chief power engineer is headed by the chief power engineer of the plant, who reports to the chief engineer.

The following functional units are being created as part of the OGE: a PPR bureau, a technical bureau, a planning and production bureau, and an energy use bureau.

The PPR Bureau plans, controls and takes into account the implementation of all types of repair work on power equipment, inspects the correct operation of this equipment; conducts certification and accounting of all types of power equipment; establishes the nomenclature, service life, consumption rates and limits for spare parts and purchased materials; plans to manufacture or purchase material assets for repairs.

The technical bureau carries out all the technical preparation for the production of the PPR system.

The planning and production bureau carries out planning of the enterprise's needs for various types of energy and energy resources. Planning comes down to compiling energy

genetic balances, which are divided into planned and reporting.

The planned energy balance consists in substantiating the needs of the enterprise for energy and energy resources.

The reporting energy balance is designed to control the actual energy consumption, to analyze the use of energy, as well as to assess the quality of work of energy departments.

The basis for compiling planned energy balances is the specific consumption rates of energy, fuel, etc., as well as planned targets for the output of the main production.

The Bureau of Energy Use deals with the rationing of energy consumption and issues of its rational use.

Electric power shop includes sections: a) an electrical substation with electrical networks that receives, converts to the required voltage and delivers electricity to factory consumers; at the same time, the main equipment is transformers, motor-generators, installations, high-voltage electric motors; b) an installation site that supplies electrical networks to newly installed equipment and repairs existing electrical networks.

Heat or steam power shop combines the sections: a) steam-boiler with pipelines, supplying steam and hot water to consumers; its main equipment is steam boilers for water heating; b) water pumping station and sewerage with water and sewer networks; c) compressor station supplying workshops with compressed air; its main equipment is compressors; d) nitrogen-oxygen, gas generating and acetylene substations.

Electrical repair shop carries out all types of repairs of power equipment in accordance with the PPR system, as well as repairs of the electrical part of technological equipment.

low current workshop includes a communication and signaling section serving the telephone network, radio communications, electric clock installations, dispatch communications, etc.; area for maintenance of instrumentation and means of automation and telemechanics.

Functions of the energy service of the enterprise:

Development of regulations relating to the energy service;

Planning the needs of all types of energy and energy carriers, compiling the energy balance of the enterprise;

Planning of PPR equipment;

Spare parts planning;

Organization of production (supply) of the enterprise with all types of energy;

Operational planning and dispatching of providing the enterprise with all types of energy;

Organization of repair work of equipment;

Development of technical documentation for installation, repair work of equipment and energy communications (networks);

Organization of maintenance of power equipment, networks, communication lines;

Control over the quality of repair work;

Organization of installation, commissioning of new equipment, dismantling and disposal of decommissioned equipment for the energy part;

Supervision of equipment operation rules;

Control over the cost of all types of energy.

The rational organization of the energy economy to a certain extent depends on the correct planning of its production and economic activities, the regulation and accounting of energy consumption.

The energy supply of the enterprise has specific features, which consist in the simultaneous production and consumption of energy. The supply of electricity to the enterprise at each point in time should be regulated by the volume of consumption. Insufficiently full use of it leads to inevitable losses, to underutilization of power. With increased consumption against the schedule, "peak" loads occur.

9. Organization and management of the material, technical and labor potential of the enterprise

9.3. Organization of the energy economy of the enterprise

Tasks energy management of the enterprise:
- ensuring uninterrupted supply of production with all types of energy;
- the most complete use of the capacity of power devices and their maintenance in good condition;
- reduction of costs for consumed types of energy.

Depending on the characteristics of technological processes, various types of energy and energy carriers are consumed at enterprises, for which an energy service is being created. This is electricity thermal energy(superheated steam, hot water), compressed air, gases (natural gas, carbon dioxide, argon, nitrogen, chlorine, oxygen, hydrogen), water of varying degrees of purification, as well as centralized heating, sewerage (storm, waste, fecal, chemically polluted), ventilation and air conditioning systems .

An approximate structure of the energy service is shown in fig. 9.3.

Rice. 9.3. The structure of the energy service of the enterprise

Functions of the energy service of the enterprise:
- development of regulations relating to the energy service;
- planning the demand for all types of energy and energy carriers, compiling the energy balance of the enterprise;
- planning of maintenance work of equipment;
- planning the need for spare parts;
- organization of production (supply) of the enterprise with all types of energy;
- operational planning and scheduling of providing the enterprise with all types of energy;
- organization of repair work of equipment;
- development of technical documentation for installation, repair work of equipment and energy communications (networks);
- organization of maintenance of power equipment, networks, communication lines;
- control over the quality of repair work;
- organization of installation, commissioning of new equipment, dismantling and disposal of decommissioned power equipment;
- supervision of equipment operation rules;
- control over the costs of all types of energy.

Calculation of energy needs and energy balance of the enterprise

The organization and operation of the energy sector is based on the planning of energy production and the determination of the sources of its coverage. The need for energy resources is established on the basis of their consumption rates and the annual production program.

In addition to energy consumption for production purposes, it takes into account its costs for lighting, ventilation, heating, as well as energy losses in factory networks. Process energy requirements are calculated based on consumption rates for operations or types of equipment.

The energy balance of the enterprise is compiled in the form of a table (Table 9.1).

Table 9.1

Energy balance of the enterprise

Type of energy


Sources of receipt

In modern conditions importance acquire the correct expenditure and all-round saving of energy resources. At industrial enterprises (associations), a special energy service deals with these issues.

To provide production processes energy resources at enterprises organized energy management. Its composition depends on the scale of the enterprise, the energy intensity of labor and production processes, the degree of cooperation with other enterprises and urban energy systems.

The energy sector includes:

­ electricity supply- ensures the production (conversion) of electricity (transformer substations, generator sets, battery stations, power and lighting electrical networks, equipment);

­ heat supply– provides heating of buildings, supply of the enterprise with steam for technological needs (boiler house, heating networks, fuel storage facilities);

­ gas supply– provides production with oxygen, acetylene, and other gases (gas generating stations, oxygen stations, gas networks);

­ pneumatic systems– provide production with compressed air (compressor stations, compressed air networks);

­ ventilation system- ensures the supply of workers with clean air and the removal of polluted air (supply and exhaust ventilation, air purification devices, air conditioners);

­ connection- ensure the operation of the factory telephone network and radio communications;

­ water supply and sewerage provides the enterprise with water for industrial and domestic needs, removal of household and technical wastewater.

­ electromechanical shop makes repairs of electrical equipment and electrical equipment.

The main tasks of the energy economy are:

1. Organization of production consumption.

2. Converting electricity, providing shops, sites and jobs with energy at consumer voltage.

3. Transmission and distribution of energy through general plant networks, switchgear and bringing it to consumers.

4. Energy production.

5. Supervision of all power plants, their repair and modernization.

6. Fuel storage.

7. Ensuring communication between departments of the enterprise (radio, telephone, etc.).

The management of the energy economy at a large enterprise (association) is carried out by the department of the chief power engineer (UGE), at a medium-sized enterprise - by the department of the chief power engineer (OGE), at a small enterprise - by the energy-mechanical department headed by the chief mechanic. The structure of the UGE or OGE includes the inspection of engineering networks and structures, a department or bureau of regulation, an electrical or thermal laboratory. The staff of the department of the chief power engineer is determined depending on the installed capacity of the equipment, the consumption of heat energy, compressed air and water (Fig. 14.3.1.).

Rice. 14.3.1. Scheme of the energy economy of a machine-building plant (indicative)

The energy sector at the enterprise is headed by the chief power engineer, in whose service the following are created:

­ energy use group, which is engaged in the regulation of the consumption of energy resources, the preparation of energy balances, the analysis of the use of energy resources:

­ power equipment group carries out the management of scheduled preventive maintenance of installations and power networks, control over the technical condition of the equipment and the rules for their operation;

­ energy laboratories carry out measurements and tests of equipment and power networks, check instrumentation.

At present, the energy supply of most industrial enterprises is built on a centralized supply system, which simplifies the structure of the energy sector, reduces capital investments and current costs for energy production. However, it is not economically feasible to rot certain types of waste (for example, compressed air) over long distances due to large losses in the lines. Therefore, compressor stations are located in enterprises near places where compressed air is consumed.

The need for energy resources is determined on the basis of the balance planning method. The expenditure part of the energy balance includes the enterprise's need for energy resources for production, household and non-production needs.

The incoming part of the energy balance shows the sources of covering this need by obtaining energy and fuel from outside, generating it at our own installations, and using secondary energy resources.

Energy balances are classified according to the following criteria:

purpose (perspective, current, reporting):

types of energy carrier (private - for certain types of energy carrier - coal, oil, gas and consolidated - for the sum of all types of fuel);

The nature of the intended use of energy (power, technological, industrial and economic purposes).

Promising balances are drawn up for a long period and are used in the design, reconstruction of production and for the development of the energy facilities of the enterprise. Current planned balances are prepared for the year with a breakdown by quarters and are the main form of planning and energy consumption.

The main task of developing a planned balance is to substantiate the planned needs of an enterprise for fuel and energy to fulfill the production program but to produce products - this is the expenditure side of the balance. Substantiation of the most rational ways to cover this need, obtaining energy from the outside, at our own generating installations - the income part of the balance.

Reporting(actual) balances serve as a means of control, as well as the main material for analyzing the use of energy carriers, evaluating work in the field of rationalization of energy management and saving fuel and energy.

The need for energy resources is established on the basis of consumption rates and volume indicators. Distinguish differentiated and enlarged energy consumption rates. In large-scale and mass production, differentiated norms for the consumption of energy consumed for a detail operation, a part, a technological process, and a product as a whole are used. In single and small-scale production, aggregated norms of energy consumption per 1 ton of products, or 1000 rubles, are used. gross output.

The need for energy resources for household needs is determined by the standards of illumination, space heating, the size of the production area and time.

Depending on the use of energy, its specific norms are divided into technological and norms for auxiliary needs (lighting, heating, ventilation, etc.). This takes into account the permissible energy losses in the networks.

The planned need for energy and fuel is determined using specific norms, and the total demand is determined by the formula:

Eo \u003d Hp * N + Evsp + Est + Epot (14.3.1.)

where H p is the planned rate of energy consumption per unit of output, kW

N is the planned volume of output in physical or value terms, pcs;

Evsp - energy consumption for auxiliary needs, kW - h;

Est, - energy supplied to the side, kW / h;

Epot - energy losses in networks, kW / h.

Determining the energy needs of the shops is carried out using the specific rates of consumption of motor and technological energy per unit of production and the volume of production in natural or other meters.

Required amount motor energy depends on the power of the installed equipment and is determined by the formula:

W=(N*T*K1*K2*K3)/K4 (14.3.2.).

Where N is the total capacity of the installed equipment, kW;

T is the fund of the workshop or section operation time, h/year;

K1, K 2 , K3, K4 - respectively, the coefficients of equipment utilization in terms of power, time, machine time (determined by the ratio of machine time to piece-calculation time), taking into account energy losses in the network.

The main directions of improving the organization of the energy economy of the enterprise and increasing the efficiency of its work:

development of new methods of production and conversion of energy;

improvement of energy-producing equipment and technological processes;

development of interchangeability of various types of energy and installations conducting it;

creation of new, improvement of existing means of energy conversion;

studying the laws, trends and proportions of the development of the energy sector of the enterprise as a whole;

formation of the concept of optimal energy management;

study of the complex problem of energy, including its impact on environment and the development of scientific and technological progress.

In accordance with the developed directions for improving the energy economy, measures are compiled that are conventionally divided into energy, technological, measures to improve the operating mode, general production and organizational.

To energy include the following measures: replacement of energy carriers with one another (fuel oil, coal gas, etc.); increasing the efficiency of energy generation: widespread use of secondary energy resources; loss reduction, etc.

To technological measures include: the widespread introduction of high-speed metal cutting methods, header heating, progressive methods for producing blanks (precision casting, stamping, embossing, heading), more technological product designs, as well as a decrease in the percentage of scrap and an increase in the yield of good products.

Activities for improving the regime works include increasing the load of equipment, reducing idle runs and downtime of heating) equipment, replacing intermittent equipment with continuous equipment, mechanization and automation of thermal technological processes and power plants, centralization of control, replacement of asynchronous motors with synchronous ones, etc.

To general production The measures include the introduction of economic systems for industrial ventilation and industrial water supply, the replacement of incandescent lamps with luminescent light sources, the use of heat released in production for heating workshops (economizers, recuperators, utilizers).

Organizational measures are the rational organization of control and measuring facilities, the introduction of technical regulation of energy consumption, a clear organization of primary accounting for energy consumption.

The widespread use of appropriate control and measuring equipment in all workshops of the enterprise contributes to the establishment of more reasonable consumption rates and more correct primary accounting.

The main technical and economic indicators characterizing the work of the energy sector include:

unit cost of resources;

the share of energy costs in the cost of production;

energy consumption per unit of production;

the size of the secondary use of energy resources;

the energy-to-weight ratio of labor, which is the amount of energy per worker per year;

power factor and demand factor characterizing the degree of use and quality of operation of electrical equipment.