1 basic concepts and essence of management. The essence of management and its basic concepts

1. Essence of management

Management is an independent type of professionally carried out activity aimed at achieving the intended goals in market conditions through the rational use of material and labor resources using the principles, functions and methods of the economic mechanism of management. Management management in market conditions means: 1. Orientation of the company to the demand and needs of the market, to the needs of specific consumers and the organization of production of those types of products that are in demand and can bring the company the planned profit. 2. Constant striving to improve production efficiency, to obtain optimal results at lower costs. 3. Economic independence, providing freedom of decision-making to those who are responsible for the final results of the company and its divisions. 4. Constant adjustment of goals and programs depending on the state of the market. 5. Identification of the final result of the activity of the firm or its economically independent units in the market in the process of exchange. 6. The need to use a modern information base with computer technology for multivariate calculations in making reasonable and optimal decisions. The term management is analogous to "management", but management is much broader, because It applies to various types human activity. "Management" applies only to the management of socio-economic processes at the level of a firm operating in market conditions. Management as an independent species professional activity assumes that the manager is independent of ownership of the capital of the firm in which he works. May or may not own shares. Provides connection and unity of everything production process. The subject is a specialist manager and the object is the economic activity of the company as a whole or its area. Household activity - activity firms in any sector of the economy (trade, industry, construction, banking, insurance); in any area of ​​the company's activity (R&D, production, finance, sales), if it is not aimed at making a profit as an end result or entrepreneurial income, depending on the specific goals of the company. Household the activity of the company requires such a style of work, which is based on the constant search for new opportunities, the ability to attract and use resources from a wide variety of sources to solve the tasks, achieving an increase in production efficiency. Determination of the goals of the company's activity - Management by setting goals is carried out taking into account the assessment of the potential capabilities of the company and its provision with appropriate resources. (Goals: general - the concept as a whole, specific - for the main activities.) Rational use of material and labor resources - achieving goals at a minimum cost and maximum efficiency. Management has its own economic mechanism, which is aimed at solving specific problems of interaction and implementation of tasks that arise in the process of activity. Ek. fur-m consists of 3 blocks: intra-company management, production management, personnel management.

^ 2. The content of the concept of "management". The content of the concept of management can be viewed as the science and practice of management (No. 3), as the organization of the management of the company and as a process of making managerial decisions. 2. Carries out any kind of entrepreneurial activity aimed at making a profit. (Achieving certain results in the course of entrepreneurial activity). Objectives: transformation of resources (capital, information, etc.) to achieve final results. For their implementation, it is necessary to carry out various types of activities - functions. Depending on the goals, the organization is divided into divisions (groups of people whose activities are coordinated and directed to achieve a common goal). M. as a management organization. An organization is a structure within which consciously coordinated activities are carried out aimed at achieving common goals. The organization is a body, the subject of management is management. M. as different levels of the management apparatus: top management, middle m., lower m. M. as the organization of the work of people, to achieve the intended goal in the most rational way. M. as a management system in which the firm or its division act as a controlled object. A set of objects is a system. The management system must have material, financial, labor and other resources that ensure the implementation of managerial influences. The availability of information about the external environment and conclusions about its impact on the control system increase the efficiency of the system, because allow timely adjustments to the management process and adapt to changes in the external environment. M. as the management of any organization, regardless of the goals of their activities. 3. Any situation requires decision making. Any managerial decision is the result of feedback from the market and other elements of the external environment. Management decisions are made on the basis of information received and processed in the process of preparing decisions. Decision specified for performers and control over execution. Decision-making is the prerogative of managers at all levels who have the appropriate authority. The process of functioning of the management system includes work on its improvement and rationalization.

3. ^ Management as a science and practice of management

The scientific foundations are understood as a system of scientific knowledge, which constitutes the theoretical basis of management practice, provides management practice with scientific recommendations. The first stage of scientific management methodology is the analysis of the content of the work and the definition of its main components. Then the need for systematic use of incentives was substantiated in order to interest workers in increasing labor productivity and increasing production volume. 4 concepts (foreign practice): 1. Scientific management. 2. Administrative management. 3. management from the standpoint of psychology and human relations. 4. Management from the standpoint of behavioral science. 3 approaches (modern): 1. Approach to management as a process. 2. System approach. 3. Situational approach.

The concept of scientific management. Development in the USA since the beginning of the 20th century. Founder F.Taylor, book "Principles of Scientific Management". He considered management to be a true science, based on the foundation of laws, rules, principles of separation of planning from the actual execution of the work itself. Management work is a specialty and the organization as a whole benefits if each group of employees focuses on what they do best. Thanks to this concept, management was recognized as an independent field of scientific research and it was proved that the methods used in science and technology can be effectively used in the practice of organizations to achieve their goals. The authors of this concept devoted their research mainly to the problems of production management.

^ The Concept of Administrative Management. It is aimed at developing general problems and principles of managing the organization as a whole. As part of it, in the 1920s, the concept of the organizational structure of a firm was formulated as a system of relationships with a certain hierarchy. The organization is a closed system, the improvement of the functioning of which is ensured by intra-company rationalization of activities without taking into account the influence of the external environment. The organization can be managed in a systematic way. The concept was called classical control theory. Representative A. Fayol. To manage, to foresee, to organize, to dispose, to coordinate, to control. He considered management as a set of principles, rules, techniques aimed at carrying out entrepreneurial activities most efficiently, using the resources and capabilities of the company optimally. He considered management as a universal process, consisting of several interrelated functions, such as planning, organization. control. Development of principles for constructing structures. organ-ii and management. production.

^ The concept of management from the standpoint of psychology and human relations. Defined management as getting work done with the help of others. A. Maslow. The motives of people's actions are not economic forces, but various needs that can be satisfied in monetary terms. Labor productivity of workers could increase not so much due to an increase in wages, but as a result of a change in the relationship between workers and managers, an increase in workers' satisfaction with their work and relations in the team. 30-50s, the use of interpersonal relationship management techniques to increase the degree of satisfaction of employees with the results of their work forms the basis for increasing its productivity.

^ The concept of management from the standpoint of behavioral science. Modern theory, 60s. Increasing the efficiency of the organization as a result of increasing the efficiency of its human resources. The study of various aspects of social interaction, motivation, the nature of power, the content of work, the quality of working life. Objective: To assist the worker in creating his own capabilities by applying the principles of the behavioral sciences to building and managing organizations. Management as a science of management develops means and methods that would contribute to the most effective achievement of the goals of the organization, increase labor productivity and profitability of production based on the prevailing conditions in the internal and external environment.

1. Approach to management as a process. Defines management as a process in which activities aimed at achieving the goals of the organization are considered as a series of continuous interrelated actions - management functions. (Planning, organization, command, motivation, leadership, coordination, control, communication, research, evaluation, decision making, selection personnel, representation and negotiation, conclusion of transactions).

2.System approach. Managers must view the organization as a collection of interdependent elements such as people, task structure, and technology that are oriented towards achieving different goals in a changing environment. 3. Situational approach. The suitability of different management methods depends on the situation. Because There are many factors both in the organization itself and in the environment. environment, there is no single best way to manage an organization. The most effective method in a particular situation becomes the method that is most appropriate for this situation. A situation is a set of circumstances that affect the functioning of organizations at a given time.

^ Manager and its functions

Manager-manager, manager, holding a permanent position and empowered in the field of decision-making on specific activities of a company operating in market conditions. The organizer of specific types of work, the head of the enterprise as a whole and departments, the administrator of any level of management. Risk and uncertainty require managers to be independent and responsible for decisions made, and contribute to the search for optimal organizational and scientific and technical solutions regarding innovations. Requirements: general knowledge in the field, possession of various skills: administration, entrepreneurship, initiative, practical experience, the ability to analyze activities, the ability to anticipate trends, etc. The ability to manage people (knowledge of subordinates and their abilities, knowledge of the conditions, protection of interests, elimination unable to maintain unity Creative attitude, awareness, ability to use resources and information.

^ 5. The essence and content of the concept of "entrepreneurship", "business", "entrepreneurial structure"

Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity is a type of independent household. activities carried out by physical. and legal persons referred to as entrepreneurs, on their own behalf and at their own risk on an ongoing basis. Aimed at achieving the intended result through the best use of capital and resources eq. separate subjects of the market economy, bearing full property responsibility for the results of their activities and subject to legal norms. Business business, business activity aimed at solving problems ultimately associated with the implementation of market operations for the exchange of goods and services between eq. market entities using the forms and methods of specific activities that have developed in market practice. It is done for the sake of generating income from the results of activities in a variety of areas. Subjects: physical. and legal faces. It is important for the subject to have at his disposal the capital coming into circulation, bears responsibility. B.-always making ultimately commercial transactions for the exchange of goods or services, the result may be a profit and a loss. B. is a broader concept than entrepreneurship, because business includes the performance of any one-time one-time commercial transactions in any field of activity aimed at generating income. The subject-businessman, merchant status is recognized by law, carrying out entrepreneurial activities on his own behalf. Entrepreneurial structure. The composition of the subjects of market relations, which include only those organizational and economic. units whose purpose is yavl. profit as the end result of the activity.

^ 6. Classification of firms by type and nature of activity.

1. Industrial firms. The activity is based on the production of goods (usually 50% of the turnover is the production of industrial products). The release of the vast majority of products and a significant part of the international. trade are concentrated in the hands of a small group of the largest industrial giants, among which transnational corporations (TNCs) stand out in terms of size and scale of activity. Occupy a dominant position in the trade in patents and licenses, the provision of technical services. The largest industrial firms act as the main exporters of productive capital directed to the creation of their own network of branches and subsidiaries abroad, which means. some of the products are imported from their foreign enterprises. Export is replaced by production at foreign enterprises. The transformation of large companies into diversified complexes is a consequence of the process of diversification of production. (The connection within the framework of a complex of an ever wider range of industries of industrial production through the penetration of one company into completely new industries of production, technologically unrelated. 2. Trading firms. Occupy carrying out mainly operations for the purchase and sale of goods. They can be part of the marketing system of large industrial companies, or exist independently and carry out intermediary operations. They are highly specialized or trade in a wide range of products. Monopoly associations are distinguished (trade in sugar, non-ferrous metals, grain, rubber, cotton, timber, etc.). 3. Transport companies. Carry out international transportation of goods and passengers. Usually they specialize in certain types of transportation: shipping, road, air, rail. 4. Insurance companies. Cargo insurance for international transportation. 5 .Forwarding companies. Carrying out operations for the delivery of goods to the buyer, fulfilling the instructions of other companies. Functions: checking containers, packaging, marking, registration of shipping documents, payment of transportation costs, loading operations, storage, etc.

^ Classification of firms by legal status.

Determines who, in what amount, is responsible for the obligations of the company. Companies registered - jur. persons (associations of persons and capitals, endowed with their inherent rights and obligations, having property isolation. Legal entities of public law - have a public nature of the goals pursued, powers of authority, a special nature of membership. - state bodies, institutions, organizations not engaged in entrepreneurial activities. Legal entities of private law - associations of persons and capitals, registered as firms, regardless of the nature of activity, ownership, ownership of capital Firms: 1. Sole proprietorships 2. Associations of entrepreneurs.

The property of one person or family, cat. is liable for its obligations with the entire capital of the enterprise and all personal property. It can be registered as independent or as a branch of another enterprise of the same entrepreneur. The trade name may or may not coincide with the surname and name of the person to whom it belongs. All business is handled by the owner or managers. Usually small and medium-sized firms, but there are giant companies.

Their division depending on the nature of the association and on the degree of participants in the association for the obligations of the company. Associations of persons are based on the personal participation of their members in the conduct of the affairs of the company. Purpose: concentration of capital and release of participants from risk. Division into: 1. Full partnership. 2. Limited partnership. 3. Society with limited liability. 4. Joint stock company. A partnership is an association of persons, a society is an association of capital. 1.Full comrade - an association of two or more persons to carry out entrepreneurial activities with the aim of making a profit. Each participant personally participates in the activities and is fully responsible for the obligations of capital and property. Losses and profits are distributed among the participants in proportion to the share in the common property. Not required to publish information about the results of households. and fin. activities. The number of members is not limited. May be dissolved if one participant wishes them to leave. In the form of a general partnership, corporate associations are created - the capital consists of contributions-shares, the size is determined by the charter of the cooperative and is the same for all members. The number of members may vary. 2. A limited partnership is an association of two or more persons for entrepreneurial activities, in a cat. Some participants (general partners) are liable for the affairs of the partnership both with their contribution and property, while others (contributors) are liable only with their contribution. Only general partners can represent the partnership. Not obligated to public reporting. 3. Limited Liability Company. - a form of capital pooling. Members are only responsible for the contribution. The capital is subdivided into shares - nominal shares. A written certificate of payment is issued, cat. not yavl. security, cannot be split up and sold to another person without the permission of the company. The share gives the right to participate in general meetings, to receive dividends and part of the company's property in case of its liquidation. The number may be limited by law. Not obligated to public reporting. 4. Joint stock company. - pooling of capital formed by issuing shares, which yavl. bearer document, listed on the stock exchange and can be transferred from one person to another. Liability is limited to the amount paid for the shares. Management is entrusted to one manager, who are responsible for the actions of all their property. Obliged to publish reports on their activities at the end of each financial year. Formed on the basis of the charter.

Division: 1. Public type companies. 2. Private company. 1. According to the legal status, it corresponds to a joint-stock company, the capital is formed by public subscription for shares. Shares are freely transferable to other shareholders. 2. Corresponds to the legal status of a limited liability company. Limited to association articles, cat. establish a special procedure for the transfer of shares, limit the number of participants, prohibit the release of information and determine the procedure for providing public reporting.

^ 8. Classification of firms by the nature of ownership.

Private. They can exist in the form of independent, independent companies or in the form of associations created both on the basis of a participation system and on the basis of agreements between the participants in the association. The firm may be legally independent or be deprived of households. and legal independence. Types of associations: Cartel (association of firms in the same industry that enter into an agreement regarding joint commercial activities. Contractual nature, retention of ownership of participants in their enterprises and ensured independence, joint activities for the sale of products. Syndicate (a kind of cartel agreement, involves the sale of products of its participants through a single marketing body created in the form of a joint-stock company or a limited liability company. Functions can be entrusted to one of the participants. Participants retain legal and commercial independence.) Pool (Cartel-type association. Association of entrepreneurs, providing for a special distribution the profits of its participants.-into a common pot and are distributed according to a predetermined proportion). various enterprises, previously owned by different entrepreneurs, merge into a single production complex, losing their legal. and owner independence. All parties are united. activities. Enterprises are subordinate to one parent company.) Concern (an association of independent enterprises connected through a system of participation, personal unions. The concern fully controls the activities of its constituent companies. An industrial association that includes enterprises from various industries.) Industrial holdings (do not engage in production activities , but exercise control over the activities of incoming enterprises. Companies have independence, conclude transactions on their own behalf. The decision of the main issues belongs to the holding company). Financial group (combines legally and economically independent enterprises of various sectors of the economy. At the head is one or more banks, which manage the money capital of its constituent companies.

^ State Firms. A common form is associations of entrepreneurs - joint-stock companies or limited liability companies.

Cooperative firms (unions). Share associations of consumers, farmers, small producers for the implementation of households. activities for commercial purposes. Task: elimination of intermediary links in the domestic and foreign markets.

^ Private firms exist in the form of an independent company or association, created on the basis of a system of participation or agreements m / y participants. Mb yur independent or devoid of households and yur self-sufficiency. Associations: A cartel of 1 industry firms enter into an agreement regarding joint commercial activities - marketing regulator. Often behind the scenes. A syndicate is a kind of cartel, selling products through a single sales body, created in the form of a JSC or LLC. Functions can be entrusted to one of the participants. The pool is a cartel type, the profit is in a common pot and the distribution is according to a predetermined proportion. Trust various enterprises, previously belonging to different enterprises, merge into a single production complex, losing their legal and economic independence. Unite all sides of the household activity. Subordinate to one head computer. The concern is an independent enterprise, connected by personal unions, patent-persons agree, closely collaborating, financier. The enterprises are independent in the form of JSC etc. Fully controlling the activities of the computer included in it. Combination of products of nature, which includes enterprises of various industries. Industrial holdings are not engaged in production, but by exercising control over the activities of incoming enterprises, the cat is independent, concluding transactions on its own behalf. Main questions resh holdings comp. Fin group - jur and households are independent enterprises of various branches of households. At the head - 1 / several banks, the cat disposes of the cap comp. State-owned firms also enter the world market, spreading the form - amalgamated enterprises: JSC / LLC. Pure state, mixed. Cooperative firms (unions) Shares united consumers, farmers, small-scale producers for the implementation of household activities, pursuing commercial goals. Task: Eliminated intermediary links in the internal and external markets.

Classification of firms but capital and control.

National. The capital belongs to the entrepreneurs of their country. Determined by the location and registration of the parent society.

Foreign. The capital belongs to foreign entrepreneurs wholly or in a certain part, providing them with control. They are created in the form of branches of subsidiaries and associates of foreign parent companies and are registered in the country of location. Ability to enjoy benefits. They are formed either by creating a joint-stock company or by buying up controlling stakes in local firms, leading to a change in the nationality of control.

Mixed. The capital belongs to entrepreneurs of two or more countries. Registration is carried out in the country of one of the founders on the basis of the legislation in force in it, which determines the location of its headquarters. They call joint ventures when the purpose of their creation is yavl. implementation of joint business activities. Firms, capital cat. belongs to entrepreneurs of several countries, called. multinational. They are formed by merging the assets of firms from different countries and issuing shares in a newly created company.

Classification of firms but cap and control. ^ National cap belongs to the enterprises of their country. Determining the location and registration of the main society (IBM, FIAT, Volvo (Sweden), BP etc). Foreign capital is owned by foreign entrepreneurs wholly or in part, providing control. Subsidiary and associate companies of foreign head firms and a register in the country of location are created in the form of branches. Organization and activities are determined by the legislation of the country of location. Ability to enjoy benefits. They are formed by the creation of joint-stock companies or by buying up controlling stakes in shares of local firms. The mixed cap belongs to the enterprises of 2 or several countries. The registry is carried out in the country of 1 of the founders on the basis of the legislation in force in it, which determines the location of its headquarters. The purpose of creating yavl is to implement a joint undertaking. Often in this form the creation is united: cortels, syndicates, trusts, concerns. Firms owned by the entrepreneurial countries, called multinationals, are formed by merging the assets of firms from different countries and issuing shares in a newly created company (Royal Dutch - Shell, Unilever (Eng, Gall)).

^ 10. Classification of firms by size.

Firms are generally classified into large, medium, small, and large firms based on their size and scope.

The size of the company is determined by the main economic indicators of their activities: the amount of income and assets, the number of employees.

The largest firms usually include companies that are included in the list of the 500 largest companies (Global 5 Hundred Floe World's Largest Corporations), published by the American Fortune magazine.

Large firms with foreign production assets are classified as transnational corporations (TNCs).

Small and medium-sized enterprises act independently as economic

Market entities; they are not part of monopoly associations; have legal independence; are managed by the owner of the capital or partner-owners and carry out activities for the purpose of generating entrepreneurial income. The criteria for classifying enterprises as small businesses are either established by law or developed by associations of entrepreneurs.

Small and medium-sized enterprises are not a reduced model or an intermediate stage in the development of a large firm, but are a special model with specific features and laws of development. They are characterized by features in management and the economic methods used:

High degree of centralization and personalization in management. The head-owner concentrates financial, economic, social functions and powers in his hands, which makes the enterprise dependent on its business and personal qualities;

Lack of a long-term planning system, since the head of the enterprise is busy solving the problems of current operational management and is not able to deal with medium and long-term plans for the development of the enterprise;

High dependence on the external environment (large firms, banks, scientific laboratories, public administration, consulting firms);

Lack of financial resources, both own and borrowed;

Weak development of the information support system, in particular, information about foreign markets, scientific and technological achievements, systems of assistance from the state.

^ 11. International companies as integrated corporate structures.

The international company is organizational form mergers based on the system of participation of controlled companies located in different countries, into a single economic integrated structure based on a single title of ownership belonging to the parent company, registered as entity nationality. An international company operates on a global basis on a global scale to achieve common goals based on intra-company management and technological division of labor in the production process.

International companies are also called transnational corporations, global corporations, groups, which does not change the essence of the concept itself, but reflects certain features of their organization and activities.

^ Participation system and control.

The participation system involves the participation of one company in the share capital of other firms. The essence of the participation system is that in order to control joint stock company it is enough to own a certain share of its shares.

However, the concept of control is not simple and is not limited to the concentration of shares in the hands of one or a few companies. To control the activities of the firm means to determine its strategy, policy, choice of long-term goals and programs, to have a decisive influence or power.

The presence of control over a company is usually judged on the basis of a combination of various signs including financial, personal and other communications.

An important role in modern conditions is played by holding companies, i.e. holding companies created for the purpose of owning controlling stakes in securities, mainly industrial firms. By controlling an industrial company, which has a stake in a number of other firms and financial institutions, it is possible to fully or partially control the entire chain of these companies.

^ Integrated organizational structure.

Depending on the amount of capital owned by the parent company, as well as the legal status and degree of subordination, firms that are in the sphere of influence of the parent company can be divided into the following types: branches (Branch); subsidiaries (Subsidiary); associated companies (Associated company - in England; Affiliated company - in the USA); joint ventures.

^ The concept of "transnational corporation" An international company in UN documents is interpreted as an international operating company (enterprise), referred to as a "transnational corporation" (TNC).

This definition is based on the principles of unity of ownership and management: the presence of control in the decision-making process on the part of the parent company; implementation of a single policy within the firm as a whole; distribution of powers and responsibilities between branches located in different countries and subject to the laws of the host countries.

Distinctive features of TNCs: huge scale of ownership and economic activity; high degree transnationalization of production and capital as a result of the growth of foreign production activities; the special nature of socio-economic relations within TNCs; the transformation of the vast majority of TNCs into diversified concerns.

Intra-company deliveries between a parent company and its foreign firms are recorded in customs statistics as exports or imports of the respective country. And this means that TNCs have the opportunity to have a direct impact on the state of the balance of payments of the countries where their enterprises are located.

^ The concept of "global corporation" Transnational corporations operating in a significant number of countries use a global approach to managing their subsidiaries and affiliates.

The globalization of economic activity requires a global approach to intra-firm management, which is carried out in global TNCs in the following areas: research and development, resource provision, production, marketing, distribution and sales.

^ 12. The concept of "group of companies". Types of integrated company associations.

The concept of "group of companies" A group of companies, enterprises is understood as an association of legally and economically independent firms into an organizational structure headed by a parent company acting in the form of a holding company or a bank.

The group can be industrial, financial or financial-industrial.

^ Industrial holdings are not engaged in production activities, but only exercise control over the activities of their enterprises through a system of participation. The companies included in the holding have legal and economic independence and conclude commercial transactions on their own behalf.

^ The financial group unites legally and economically independent enterprises of various sectors of the economy: industrial, trade, transport, credit, etc. At the head of the financial group is one or more banks that manage the money capital of their companies, and also coordinate all areas of their activities .

^ The financial and industrial group is an integrated association of financial, industrial, trade, transport and other companies based on the consolidation of their capital and interest in the results of joint activities. A bank may be at the head of a financial-industrial group, industrial holding or a specially created management body in the form of a fund or financial organization.

A characteristic feature of the group is the cross (joint) ownership of shares by each company included in the group.

Banks form the core of Japan's financial and industrial groups. The groups also include a large trading company (trading house), an insurance company, an investment company, and one or more vertically integrated industrial associations, also linked by mutual participation in each other's capital.

^ Types of integrated company combinations. Depending on the goals of the association, the nature of economic relations between the participants, the degree of independence of the enterprises included in the association, trusts, concerns and conglomerates are distinguished, which have an international scope of activity, a certain nationality, a formalized organizational structure headed by the parent company.

The trust is an association in which various enterprises that previously belonged to different entrepreneurs merge into a single production complex, losing their legal and economic independence. The trust is distinguished by comparative production homogeneity of activity, which is manifested in specialization in one or more similar

Management (English management - management, administration, organization) is the management of production or commerce; a set of principles, methods, means and forms of management developed and applied in order to increase production efficiency and increase profits.

Modern management includes two integral parts:

leadership theory;

practical methods of effective management, or the art of management.

The concept of "management" has firmly entered our everyday life and has become familiar to business life. However, it must be borne in mind that we are talking about a new philosophy, where other systems of values ​​and priorities operate.

In this regard, it is necessary to elaborate on the meaning of the term "management". Russian word"management" and English word“management” are considered synonyms, but in reality their true content is very different. Using the term “management”, we follow the tradition established in international practice, according to which it means a very specific range of phenomena and processes. In fact, the term “management” is not a satisfactory substitute for the term “management”, because in the latter case we are talking about only one of the forms of management, namely the management of socio-economic processes through and within the framework of an entrepreneurial structure, a joint-stock company. And adequate economic basis management is a market type of management, carried out on the basis of an industrial organization of production or commerce.

Thus, the term "management" is used in relation to the management of economic activities, while other terms are used for other purposes.

In our conditions, the terms “organization”, “management” and “administration” should be used. However, government, public and other organizations must also use the principles and methods of management if they want to achieve their goals at a minimum cost.

Management is the management of people working in the same organization with a common end goal. But management is not just the management of people, an organization, but its special form, it is management in a market, market economy, i.e. in conditions of constant change, risk. Therefore, management is aimed at creating favorable conditions (technical, economic, psychological, etc.) for the functioning of the organization, to achieve its success.

The main components of success are:

the survival of the organization in the long run;



From these positions, management appears as a complex system of data from the science of management, the experience of the best managers in the world and the art of management.

As a system of scientific data, management is a set of philosophies, models, strategies, principles, methods and styles of managing an organization, production and personnel in order to increase its efficiency and increase profits.

Management (management) - the impact of one person or group of persons (managers) on other persons to induce actions corresponding to the achievement of the set goals when managers assume responsibility for the effectiveness of the impact (Fig. 1.1).


Management includes three aspects:

"who" governs "whom" (institutional aspect);

"how" management is carried out and "how" it affects the managed (functional aspect);

"what" is controlled (instrumental aspect).

Perhaps the central point of the manager's role in management is his understanding of his general competence. It is clear that the general competence of a manager cannot be a simple sum of the individual competences of employees. However, these competencies are certainly related to each other. The manager must have the amount of knowledge from particular competencies that allows him to make operational and strategic decisions, i.e. know the basics of the interdependence of private competencies, their importance in the business process, key resource constraints and the risks associated with them.

In the activities of any enterprise, goals and limitations should be distinguished that perform the following main tasks in management:

comparison of the existing state with the desired one ("Where are we?" and "Where are we going?");

formation of guiding requirements for actions ("What needs to be done?");

decision criteria ("Which way is the best?");

control tools ("Where did we really come from and what follows from this?" (Fig. 1.2).


Resources needed to manage organizations.

Resources needed to manage organizations include:

material resources (land, buildings, premises, equipment, office equipment, transport, communications), etc.;

financial resources (bank accounts, cash, securities, loans, etc.);

human resources (personnel);

informational resources;

temporary resources.

Management as special kind activity, its specificity.

Management is a specific type of labor activity. It stood out as a special kind of labor together with cooperation and division of labor. In terms of cooperation, each manufacturer performs only part of the total work, therefore, in order to achieve overall result efforts are required to connect, coordinate the activities of all participants in the joint labor process. Management establishes consistency between individual works and performs general functions arising from the movement of the organization as a whole. In this capacity, management establishes a common connection and unity of action for all participants in the joint production process to achieve the overall goals of the organization. This is the essence of the management process.

It is difficult to give a complete definition of management, since it is a very complex, multifaceted phenomenon. There are over 300 definitions of management. Lee Iacocca believes that management is nothing more than "getting people to work."

Akio Morita writes that the quality of a manager can be judged by how well he can organize big number people and how effectively it can achieve the best results from each of them, merging their work into a single whole.

Peter Drucker defines management as a special kind of activity that turns an unorganized crowd into a focused, effective and efficient group.

Werner Siegert emphasizes that to manage means to lead to the success of others.

Michael Mescon believes that management is the process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling, necessary in order to formulate and achieve the goals of the organization through other people.

You can give the following definition: management is the preparation, adoption and implementation of decisions in all areas of the organization's activities aimed at achieving the planned goals.

All the given definitions of management have something in common - it is the influence of the subject of management on the object of management with a specific purpose.

Management as a special kind of labor differs from labor that creates material goods and services. It does not take a direct part in the creation of wealth, but is, as it were, next to this process, directs it.

Management specifics are:

the object of labor, which is the labor of other people;

means of labor - organizational and computer technology, information, a system for its collection, processing and transmission;

the object of labor, which is a team of people within a certain cooperation;

a product of labor, which is a managerial decision;

the results of labor, expressed in the final results of the activities of the team.

Organization as an object of management:

components, levels, basic processes.

An organization is a relatively autonomous group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve a common goal. It is a planned system of cumulative (cooperative) efforts, in which each participant has his own, clearly defined role, his own tasks or responsibilities that must be fulfilled.

These responsibilities are distributed among the participants in the name of achieving the goals that the organization sets for itself, and not in the name of satisfying individual wishes, even though the two often overlap. The organization has certain boundaries, which are determined by the types of activities, the number of employees, capital, production area, territory, material resources, etc. Usually they are fixed, fixed in such documents as the charter, memorandum of association, regulation.

Organizations are private and state firms, state institutions, public associations, cultural and educational institutions, etc. Any organization consists of three main elements. These are the people included in this organization, the goals and objectives for which it is created, and the management that forms and mobilizes the potential of the organization to solve the challenges.

Any organization is an open system built into the external environment with which the organization is in a state of constant exchange. At the input, it receives resources from the external environment; at the output, it gives the created product to the external environment. Therefore, the life of the organization consists of three main processes:

1) obtaining resources from the external environment;

2) transformation of resources into a finished product;

3) transfer of the produced product to the external environment.

At the same time, a key role is played by the management process, which maintains the correspondence between these processes, and also mobilizes the resources of the organization for the implementation of these processes.

In a modern organization, the main processes are those carried out at the inputs and outputs that ensure the correspondence between the organization and its environment. The implementation of internal processes, the production function is subordinated to ensuring the long-term readiness of the organization to adapt to changes in the external environment.

Elements of the management process.

Management is a single process, which is represented by different managerial employees or bodies. The purpose of their interaction is to develop a single control action on the control object. Management personnel include managers (managers), specialists and employees (technical performers). The central place in management is occupied by the manager. He leads a certain team, he owns the right to make and control management decisions, it is he who bears full responsibility for the results of the work of the team.

A manager is a leader, a professional manager who holds a permanent position and is empowered to make decisions on specific activities of the organization. Specialists are employees who perform certain management functions. They analyze the information and prepare solutions for the managers at the appropriate level. The work of these workers is served by technical performers: secretaries, referents, technicians, etc.

So, the management process includes the following elements: a control system (management subject), a controlled system (management object), a control action in the form of a management decision, an end result, a common goal and feedback, which is the transfer of information about the results of the control action from the control object to its subject.

Management as a single process that ensures the consistency of the joint labor process is carried out in different forms, through different management functions. They represent a form of achieving connection and unity of the joint labor process and are implemented through certain types of activities. Allocation of individual functions in management is an objective process. It is generated by the complexity of production and management. The composition of the control functions should ensure an effective response of the control system to any change in the controlled system and the external environment.

Direct control action on the control object is the interaction of three functions: planning, organization and motivation. Feedback is provided by the control function. These are the main management functions, they take place in any, even a small enterprise. In addition to the main ones, there are specific or specific management functions. Their set and content depend on the specifics of the managed object. These functions are associated with the management of a specific area, area of ​​the organization. These include: main production management, auxiliary production management, human resource management, financial management, marketing management, innovation management, etc.

In real economic life, the functions of the management process are manifested in the functions of the governing bodies, and the latter in the functions of their employees. Therefore, management functions act as purposeful types of labor, and self-government - as their totality. The work of specific managerial employees is actions, operations related to the preparation, adoption and implementation of managerial decisions. It embodies the impact of the subject of control on the managed object.

Since management is a specific type of work, a special profession, there must be General characteristics in the content of managers. They are brevity, diversity and fragmentation.

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1. The concept and essence of modern management

2. Functions and principles of management

3. Modern Concepts management

4. Criteria and indicators of management efficiency

5. Management strategy



At present, it is difficult to name a more important and multifaceted area of ​​activity than management, or management, on which both production efficiency and the quality of public service largely depend.

AT foreign countries significant management experience has been accumulated in the field of industry, trade, cooperation, agriculture, etc. as a result of the direct participation of people in management activities. It is enriched by knowledge of the fundamentals of management science, world achievements in the practical organization of economic and social processes.

Russia has not yet achieved significant progress in the theoretical and practical development of management.

The old structures of management and power in the Russian economy are being reorganized, while Western models of management are being used. However, the mechanical transfer of the concept of management from one socio-cultural environment to another, blind copying of the experience of this or that state is practically impossible and leads to severe economic and social consequences. Management is determined by such basic factors as the type of ownership, the form of government, the degree of development of market relations. Therefore, the development of modern management in relation to Russian conditions largely depends on these factors.

In this paper, we will consider what management is, since this concept has firmly entered our everyday life.

1. The concept and essence of modern management

Management is an area of ​​managerial and economic activity that ensures the rational management of economic processes, the organization of management systems and its improvement in accordance with the tasks of social economic development.

Management - ability, manner of dealing with people, power and art of management, a special kind of skills and administrative skills, management organization, administrative unit.

Management is the process of optimizing a person and his material and financial resources, it is also an art in the way that it requires a constant creative approach.

A manager is a specialist who is hired to organize and manage some area, to carry out management activities.

Management is the process of planning an organization, motivating and controlling it in order to shape and achieve the organization's goals.

Management is a conscious purposeful activity of a person with the help of which he orders and subordinates to his interests the elements of the external environment of society, technology and wildlife. Management should be aimed at success and survival.

In management there is always: the subject - the one who manages and the object - the one who is controlled by the actions of the subject of management, thus. the main task of management is to organize the work of other people, while the highest form of management art is such an organization in which the object of management has the feeling that no one manages it.

There are management of technical systems, economic management, as well as social management, during which various relations between people are regulated.

The goal of management is the desired, possible and necessary state of production, affairs, problems that must be achieved.

Tools of managerial labor include: office equipment, computer technology providing a mechanism and automation of managerial work.

The subject of managerial work is people, the relations between them that relate to this production.

The product of managerial labor is a managerial decision. The price of the solution is determined by the cost and profit. A by-product in managerial activity is: the management system, the psychological climate.

The object of professional activity is the financial and economic activity of the enterprise, material labor resources, regulatory and accounting and distribution documentation.

Entrepreneurship - means the implementation of new combinations in production, the movement to new markets, the creation of new products associated with risk.

Business is an entrepreneurial activity, a business, an occupation for the purpose of making a profit in a certain area of ​​social production.

Business - making money out of money, but necessarily by means of useful productive activity, the manufacture of a product or the provision of a service.

Business management is the management of commercial, economic organizations.

A businessman is a person who makes money, the owner of capital that is in circulation and generates income, and can be a business person of whom no one is subordinate or a large owner who does not hold any real position in the organization, but is the owner of its shares and cannot be a member of its board.

Manager - necessarily occupies a permanent position, people are subordinate to him.

The management mechanism includes: goals, missions, functions, principles, management methods.

The organizational structure of management is determined by the goals, functions, product of entrepreneurial activity.

The process of managing the technology of making managerial decisions and organizing their implementation.

The principle of management rules, norms that should be guided in their activities in the course of solving the problems facing the company, enterprise:

1. Definition of goals and objectives of management;

2. Development of specific measures to achieve them;

3. Division of tasks into separate types of work;

4. Coordination of interactions between various departments within the organization;

5. Formation of a hierarchical structure;6. Decision-making optimization;

7. Motivation, stimulation of effective work.

Management methods - ways, forms of influence of the head on subordinates:

1. Organizational and administrative (instructions, control of execution)

2. Economic (economic calculation)

3. Socio-psychological (taking into account the psychology of personality)

2. Functions and principles of management

Function is a widespread concept used in philosophy, biology, mathematics, and other sciences.

A function in management is a special type of management activity, with the help of which the subject of management influences the managed object.

The management process (management) has four interrelated functions: planning, organization, motivation and control.

Planning - the main function of management is a type of activity for the formation of means of influence that ensure the achievement of goals. Planning is applied to important decisions that determine the future development of the company. According to the concept of the German professor D. Hahn, planning is a future-oriented systematic decision-making process. The essence of planning is manifested in the specification of the development goals of the company and each unit separately for a specified period: the definition of economic tasks, the means to achieve them, the timing and sequence of implementation, the identification of material labor and financial resources to solve the tasks. Planning makes it possible to take into account in advance internal and external factors that provide favorable conditions for the normal functioning and development of a firm, enterprise or other structural unit.


An important function of management is the function of the organization, which consists in establishing permanent and temporary relationships between all departments of the company, determining the procedure and conditions for the functioning of firms. An organization as a process is a function of coordinating many tasks.


When planning and organizing work, the manager determines what exactly this organization should do, when, how and who, in his opinion, should do it. If the choice of these decisions is made effectively, the manager gets the opportunity to put his decisions into action, putting into practice the basic principles of motivation.

Motivation as the main function of management is associated with the process of inducing oneself and other people to other motives of behavior in order to achieve the personal goals of the organization. The study of human behavior at work provides some general explanations of motivation and allows you to create pragmatic models of employee motivation in the workplace.

A motive is an incentive, a reason for action. It is possible to induce to activity by enriching ideas, ... will, knowledge, determining the amount of remuneration, linking it to the result of activity, and also identifying activities through a person’s value system, satisfying the need for power depending on a person’s ability to influence other people.

Control is a systematic monitoring of the implementation of plans, tasks and the results of economic activity, providing feedback with the controlled object using information. Accounting and control are necessary for the management of planning, financial, production and labor discipline in the enterprise. Control as the main function of management formation combines all types of management activities related to the formation of information about the state and functioning of the management object (accounting), the study of information about the processes and results of activities (analysis), work on the diagnosis and evaluation of development processes and the achievement of goals. The control process consists of setting standards, changing the actual results achieved and making adjustments if the results achieved differ materially from the established standards. With the help of control, the manager identifies problems, their causes and takes active measures to correct deviations from the goal and plan of activity.

The principles of organization management determine the requirements for the system, structure and organization of the management process. That is, the management of the organization is carried out through the basic initial provisions and rules that guide managers of all levels. These rules determine the "line" of the manager's behavior.

However, one of the founders of the scientific organization of labor, the creator of the "theory of administration" A. Fayol suggested that the number of management principles is unlimited. And this is true, since every rule takes its place among the principles of government, at least for as long as practice confirms its effectiveness.

In this regard, it is advisable to group all the principles of management into two groups - general and particular.

The general principles of management include the principles of applicability, consistency, multifunctionality, integration, value orientation.

The principle of applicability - management develops a kind of guide to action for all employees working in the company.

The principle of consistency - management covers the entire system, taking into account external and internal relationships, interdependencies and openness of its own structure and the system as a whole.

The principle of multifunctionality - management covers various aspects of activity: material (resources, services), functional (labor organization), semantic (achieving the ultimate goal).

The principle of integration - within the system must be integrated various ways attitudes and views of employees, while outside the firm can occur on their own worlds.

The principle of focusing on values ​​- management is included in the public surrounding world with certain ideas about such values ​​as hospitality. Honest services, a favorable price-service ratio, etc. All this must not only be taken into account, but also build your activities, strictly observing the named general principles.

In the domestic theory of management, particular principles of managing the national economy were formulated by V.I. Lenin and many of them have not lost their significance even today, and their significance has increased immeasurably in the market economy.

The main private principle of management is the principle of the optimal combination of centralization and decentralization in management. The problem of combining centralization and decentralization in management is the optimal distribution (delegation) of powers in making managerial decisions.

The principles of combining centralization and decentralization require the skillful use of one-man management and collegiality in management. The essence of unity of command is that the head of a particular level of management enjoys the right to single-handedly resolve issues within his competence. In essence, this is providing the manager of the organization with the basis of the opinions of managers at different levels, as well as the executors of specific decisions.

Observance of the correct relationship between the one-man boss and collegiality is one of the most important tasks of management, from the correctness, the solution of which largely depends on its effectiveness and efficiency.

The principle of scientific validity of management implies scientific foresight, social and economic transformations of the organization planned in time. The main content of this principle is the requirement that all managerial actions be carried out on the basis of the application of scientific methods and approaches.

The scientific validity of management means not only the use of science in the development and implementation of management decisions, but also a deep study of practical experience, a comprehensive study of available reserves. The goal is to turn science into a highly productive force.

The essence of the principle of planning is to establish the main directions and proportions of the development of the organization in the future. Planning is permeated (in the form of current and long-term plans) all parts of the organization. The plan is viewed as a set of economic and social tasks to be solved in the future.

The principle of a combination of rights, duties and responsibilities implies that each subordinate must perform the tasks assigned to him and periodically report on their implementation. Everyone in the organization is endowed with specific rights, is responsible for their implementation of the tasks assigned to him.

The principle of private autonomy and freedom assumes that all initiatives come from freely operating economic entities that perform managerial functions at will within the framework of the current legislation. Freedom of economic activity is presented as professional freedom, freedom of competition, freedom of contracts, etc.

The principle of hierarchy and feedback is to create a multi-stage management structure, in which the primary (lower level) links are managed by their own bodies, which are under the control of the next level management bodies. Accordingly, the goals for the lower levels are set by the bodies of a higher management body in the hierarchy.

Constant monitoring of the activities of all parts of the organization is carried out on the basis of feedback. In fact. These are signals expressing the reaction of a controlled object to a control action. Through feedback channels, information about the operation of the controlled system continuously enters the control system. Which has the ability to adjust the course of the management process.

The essence of the principle of motivation is as follows: the more carefully managers implement a system of rewards and punishments. Considering it taking into account unforeseen circumstances, integrating it over the elements of the organization, the more effective the motivation program will be.

One of the most important principles of modern management is the democratization of management - participation in the management of the organization of all employees. The form of such participation is different: shared wages; cash invested in shares; unified administration; collegial decision-making, etc.

According to the principle of state regularity of the management system, the organizational and legal form of the company must meet the requirements of state (federal, national) legislation.

The principle of organic integrity of the control object assumes control as a process of influence of the control subject on the control object. They should form a single complex system that has an exit. Feedback and communication with the external environment.

The principle of sustainability and mobility of the management system suggests that when the external and internal environment of the organization changes, the management system should not undergo fundamental changes. Sustainability is determined, first of all, by the quality of strategic plans and the efficiency of management, the adaptability of the management system, primarily to changes in the external environment.

Simultaneously with sustainability, the management process must be mobile, i.e. to fully take into account the changes and requirements of consumers of products and services.

3. Modern management concepts

Modern concepts of management. The modern phase of the development of management science is characterized by a qualitative transition from local areas of research to the construction of concepts as the basis of the general theory of management. Concept (lat. conceptio - perception) - a system of views on a certain phenomenon, a way of understanding, interpreting certain phenomena, processes, the main idea of ​​any theory. The concept is the foundation for the formation of a scientific approach - the synthesis of certain interrelated scientific views, research methods, methods of experimentation and interpretation of objective phenomena and processes. The concepts formulated in management science have become the basis for highlighting the leading scientific approaches in management theory: process, system and situational. Process approach. It defines the management of the process, in which the activity aimed at achieving the goals of the organization is considered as the sum of interrelated actions - management functions, and each of the functions as a complex of homogeneous (elementary) actions, operations, procedures. The problem of management functions requires separate consideration, since there is still no generally recognized list of them, and different authors name from four to fifteen functions. Systems approach. Interprets the organization as a set of interrelated elements (people, structure, tasks, technology), focused on achieving various goals in a changing environment. Its foundations were formulated by the American scientist Chester Bernard (1886 - 1961) in the book The Functions of the Administrator (1938). However, he used not mathematical, but conceptual apparatus. The system approach in the modern interpretation was formed in the early 60s of the XX century, when the methods of applied mathematics began to be applied in control theory. A systems approach is a general way of thinking and approaching organization and management. Its basis is the interpretation of the system as a certain integrity of interrelated elements, each of which contributes to the characteristics of the whole. The components of such a system are interdependent. In the absence of at least one of them, the system will not work or will not work correctly. Each production and economic organization is a system created from people (social component), capital (economic component) and technology. All components are used together to perform a specific job, to achieve a specific goal. Therefore, the followers of the systems approach believe that organizations are sociotechnical systems. In such systems, it is possible to distinguish complexes of homogeneous elements - subsystems. The concept of "subsystem" has great importance for management, since it makes it possible to create the necessary structural units: departments, sectors, bureaus, sections, etc. The fundamental concepts of the system approach are the basis for the application of the scientific method of studying control systems. This method involves three stages: observation, hypothesis formulation and verification. The first two are also used by other schools in scientific management, and the verification stage (lat. Verus - truth) - establishing reliability - is inherent only in a systematic approach. Verification is carried out on a specific model of the management system, as a rule, in a computer version. The management system model makes it possible to qualitatively determine the parameters of its economic development that directly respond to managerial influence, ways to change them, which most fully meet the goals of the socio-technical system, and also to foresee the consequences of making a particular decision. Supporters of the systems approach most often use analog and mathematical models. Analog models (Greek Analogia - correspondence) - display of the most significant characteristics for the purposes of the study (properties, relationships, structural and functional parameters). Most often, an analog model of a control system is built in the form of mathematical dependencies displayed in a system of equations describing the situational state of the object of study. Mathematical models

4. Criteria and indicators of management efficiency

In assessing management, the greatest difficulty is understanding its result. It is possible to evaluate resources, it is easy to measure time, it is difficult to evaluate the result.

There is an end result in which management is manifested only indirectly, and one can name the immediate result, which is inherent in any kind of human activity.

The direct result of management can characterize a set of criteria and performance indicators.

What is the criterion and indicator of management efficiency?

Efficiency criterion - a sign on the basis of which an assessment, definition or classification of something is made; measure of judgment, evaluation.

The criterion of management efficiency is determined not only by the optimal functioning of the management object, but also by the quality of personnel work, social efficiency (which we will consider when studying subsequent issues).

Let us first consider the performance criteria related to the control object. modern science identifies general, local and qualitative criteria for management effectiveness.

The general criterion is the economic results of the activity of the managed subsystem as a whole, i.e. implementation by the enterprise (or organization) of its mission at the lowest cost.

A group of more specific local criteria:

the cost of living labor for the production of products or the provision of services;

· expenses material resources;

the cost of financial resources;

· Indicators of the use of fixed production assets;

Accelerating the turnover of working capital;

· Reduction of the payback period of investments.

Group of qualitative criteria:

increase in the share of products of the highest quality category;

Ensuring environmental cleanliness;

release of products needed by society;

Improving the working and living conditions of employees;

Resource and energy conservation, etc.

The criterion of management efficiency, in addition, under certain conditions, may be the maximum output of products or the maximum of services.

All these criteria should be reflected in a certain system of indicators of economic efficiency, which we will consider in the second question.

Performance indicator - a quantitative characteristic of the enterprise, indirectly characterizes the effectiveness of management.

Such performance indicators as labor productivity, material intensity, capital productivity of fixed production assets, turnover of working capital, return on investment can be conditionally combined into a group of private or local indicators.

In addition, there are generalizing indicators: profitability and liquidity. They reflect the result of economic activity and management in general, but do not fully characterize the efficiency and quality of labor process management, production assets, material resources.

The indicators that characterize the work of the management apparatus are the strategic effectiveness of management and the timeliness of the adoption and implementation of management decisions.

When evaluating the effectiveness of management, it is necessary to use the entire system of generalizing and particular indicators in an integrated manner. The effectiveness of management activity in relation to the subject of management can be characterized by quantitative (economic effect) and qualitative indicators (social efficiency), which we will consider in the second and third questions, respectively.

5. Management strategy

At first glance, it seems that all the situations that arise in the practice of an established leader, he has already met in the past. But the accumulated experience plays a cruel joke with him. He is trying to put into practice the developed schemes, believing that in fact, nothing fundamentally changed in his life. However, this is not true in principle. We have only recently begun to understand this. And with the understanding that a world in which changes occur smoothly, without affecting the foundations of human life, enterprises and society, has disappeared forever, there was also a serious interest in management strategy.

Our colleagues in the West had this understanding more than 20 years ago. Only a few years have passed since the oil crises of the 70s, and the conditions of the global economic game have completely changed. What gave fabulous profits began to bring losses. The leaders were companies that had previously hid in the dense shadow of monster companies suffocating in the new conditions. Cataclysms that change the picture of the business world occurred regularly, but such serious shocks for the corporate community did not occur any more. Companies were born and died, some of them quickly took off into the business sky and stayed there for a long time (like, for example, Microsoft), while others became stars only for a historically short period and ... disappeared. However, despite everything, the mass extinction of companies still did not happen. And the reason for this is very simple - all survivors have learned to change.

Change has always happened, but in the past, multiple reorganizations for company employees meant only that they would have to work harder and get paid less for their work. And the attitude towards the reorganizations of the company's personnel was quite Confucian: "God forbid you live in times of change."

However, by the mid-1980s, changes had become the norm for any company wishing to maintain and strengthen its position in the market. Yes, change is not very pleasant, and often painful, but everyone understood that not changing is disastrous. A company that wants not to survive, but to live, a company that wants and knows how to work in the market, must be ready to respond to any external changes. And if she wants to work more successfully than others, then she needs to change already when changes are not yet required. The correct reaction to changes is only a guarantee of survival, but the ability to anticipate them is already an opportunity to work and make a profit. And only the ability and desire to independently build and implement changes is a reliable and sure key to the cherished door of success. However, how to do it? How should the company's activities be structured? What should be its strategy? Science had to answer this.

Michael Porter was the first to answer this question. In 1980, Free Press published his book Competitive Strategy - A Technology for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. It reflected the main factors that determine competition in business and, accordingly, the company's strategy. It was in this work, intended primarily for practitioners, that the main provisions of modern strategic management were formulated, it was in it that Porter simply and clearly identified the main steps necessary for the competent formulation of a company's strategy, and quite clearly showed the consequences of choosing each of the three proposed basic strategies-- wide* differentiation, concentration on a single market segment and cost minimization strategies. The book, which appeared just when it was expected, became a bestseller. Porter gained worldwide fame, and the section on management strategy became a mandatory part of executive education programs.

Since the mid-80s, among the most diverse courses offered to students of the business education system - as students of various master's programs, who often came immediately from the student bench, and well-established heads of large enterprises and organizations who have already achieved professional success, there is almost always a section on strategic management. It exists both in the programs of US business schools and in the programs of management training centers in Europe, and starting from the second third of the 90s, it is impossible to imagine any serious program in Russia without a course in strategic management. Sometimes it is a course of 64 academic hours, as, for example, in State University management, sometimes - only "Introduction to strategic management". But for the most part, the sections devoted to strategic management in Russian business schools are still being formed by directly transferring the relevant parts of the courses from the programs of Western, mostly American, business schools. At the same time, the specifics of the audience, the technology of training, the presence of a well-thought-out set of specific situations, and, finally, the availability of good textbooks on strategic management are extremely rarely taken into account.

However, the need for a serious modern textbook on management strategy now, when more than a hundred universities, business schools and training centers in all regions of the country, without exception, have begun regular retraining of Russian leaders, initiated by the decree "On the training of managerial personnel for organizations National economy Russian Federation' is especially large.

The specificity of the Russian audience studying strategic management was and in most cases remains a lack of experience, and, accordingly, management skills in the conditions of real market relations. The consequence of this is, on the one hand, a lack of understanding of the importance of business philosophy for the success of the company, and on the other hand, the idea that the conditions in which Russian companies are placed are something exceptional that has no analogues in the world.

And it's completely natural. First, too little time has passed since market reforms began in Russia. Secondly, the environment in which Russian companies now operate is somewhat different from that in which their Western counterparts operate. Detailed and compelling evidence of this is provided in the McKinsey report “The Russian Economy: Growth Is Possible. Performance Study of Key Industries”. The situation when the concept of “competitor” is identical to the concept of “enemy”, when the most efficient companies in the economic sense operate at a loss, while the less productive ones prosper, is sometimes explained only by the fact that the “habitat” of each of them is purely individual and depends primarily on skillful "positioning" of the company in relation to the authorities, and only with very large assumptions can be called a market one. Under these conditions, very few managers of Russian companies can see and understand the need to develop their own business strategy. What kind of strategy can we talk about when we often do not know not only what will happen tomorrow, but also what happened yesterday, when the laws of disposition are retroactive, and the conditions under which decisions are made are finally formulated after these decisions made? However, the experience of many, many companies in Russia shows that even in these conditions it is possible and necessary to correctly build their strategy, analyze the market and predict the moves of competitors. But this can be done only freely with the tools of strategic management.

Working in modern world business, one often has to face a lack of understanding of the practical significance of answering the question: “What exactly does the company do and in what area of ​​business?”. "Who cares? Our task is to use available resources efficiently, increase sales volumes, reduce costs, and think about who we are before the time is right ”- this is the usual answer of an ordinary Russian manager to the first key question, from which strategy development begins.

The results of a survey of participants in the TACIS program "Increasing Production Efficiency", training within which took place from 1995 to 1999, indicate that the importance of Western experience for the Russian practice of clearly formulating the philosophy and mission of the company is assessed by modern Russian leaders with great restraint, yielding to the importance of experience in more pragmatic areas such as marketing, finance, etc. And as a result, there is an inevitable concentration on everyday details that are simple and understandable, and a chronic avoidance of solving the long-term issues of the company's life.

An equally serious shortcoming of many domestic managers is the lack of skills in system analysis and multivariate development of enterprise development paths. Both their own teaching experience and the analysis of the graduate works of the program "Increasing production efficiency" indicate that many practitioners experience serious difficulties in the practical application of even such a relatively simple analysis tool as SWOT analysis, not to mention understanding and operating modern tools of strategic management. At first glance, this is strange. Such things are described in sufficient detail in almost all textbooks on strategic management. These are translated books by Porter, Thompson and Strickland, published in 1998, and domestic books by O. Vikhansky and B. Gurkov, as well as one of the new and very interesting materials (a training module edited by S. Popov), which was released within the framework of the modular program of 17 modules for managers "Management of the development of the organization", created within the framework of one of the projects of the National Training Fund. Indeed, the literature on strategic management is no longer a rarity. Rarity, as in many other areas, - good book written in understandable language; a book that you can open when you think about solving a very specific problem: a book that you are not ashamed to recommend to your students and listeners. Let's look at the latest, ninth edition of the book "Strategic Management" by A.A. Thompson and A.J. Strickland from this angle.

Like any textbook in this area, the book, of course, begins with a classic analysis of the industry and competitors according to M. Porter and the definition of basic concepts in the field of strategic management. These are various types of strategies for moving a company “from point A to point B”, and a typology of success factors, and a matrix for practical analysis - that is, everything that must be and is contained in good textbook for strategic management. Although the authors managed to present even this fairly well-known material in a lively and vivid way, you start reading the book with significantly greater interest when it comes to analyzing the five basic strategies for behavior in the markets. This is due to the fact that direct analogies with the situation in Russia come to mind as soon as you start reading the fifth chapter of the textbook.

Is there any chance of success for a small company that has neither money nor its own stable group of customers, but has plenty of strong, large and wealthy competitors, including not only domestic ones? The authors give a quite positive answer to this question. They analyze in detail, due to which a small company can exist and successfully operate in the market. With most new Russian companies lacking even a fraction of the resources available to their foreign competitors, the “guerrilla warfare” strategy described in the textbook and illustrated with several examples is sure to grab the attention of Russian company leaders. “Identify who is deprived of the attention of market leaders, whom they consider not very important for themselves, and start with them. Conduct flashy, infrequent marketing campaigns, confusing the competitor. These, as well as many other tips of the authors, will surely interest the Russian reader.

Of no less interest is how the authors approach the recommendations for building a strategy in various types of industries - growing, mature and gradually ending their existence, i.e. stagnant. Is it possible, and most importantly, is it necessary to work in stagnant industries? Does it make sense? The question is quite legitimate - in our economy, as, indeed, in any other country in the world, there are many such industries, and they will always exist when the sectoral structure of the economy changes. The answer to this question is quite definite: it is possible and necessary. A stagnant industry is not hopeless. But success can only be achieved when one can do at least one thing: identify growth segments in the industry, play on the quality of a traditional product, or strive to reduce costs. Examples of each of these approaches are given in the book.

What should be the strategy in newly emerging industries? Perhaps, building a company's strategy in an industry that does not yet exist, which is just emerging, is the most interesting and attractive thing, especially for those who carry the "oligarch's marshal's baton" in their managerial portfolio. Before our eyes, cellular communication was developing, its market was being created and divided, recognized leaders industries and disappeared those who, it would seem, were doomed to success. What was the strategy of those who started? Why did some do better than others? How to see the strategic mistakes made by various companies in this industry and avoid them when you have to work in a new, as yet nascent industry? The tool for such an analysis is given quite fully in the textbook by Thompson and Strickland.

But it is not enough to develop a strategy, it must also be implemented. The leader must be able to translate his understanding of the strategy into concrete practical steps. And it can be much more difficult to take these steps than to carry out all the preliminary analytical work: after all, the implementation of the strategy is associated primarily with the redistribution of people, their tasks and powers, changes in the organizational structure and often requires both new people and a new organization of work. And where people are concerned, the issues of motivation, the creation of a system of incentives and rewards, the development of a corporate culture and a system of values ​​inevitably come to the fore. The final three chapters of the textbook are devoted to these and some other aspects of ensuring the correct implementation of the strategy. Naturally, all provisions and conclusions are illustrated by examples from practice, unfortunately, mostly American practice, although the names of most of the companies mentioned are well known to the Russian reader.

management management strategic


1. Vikhansky O.S. Management: Textbook / Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. - M.: Economist, 2006. (marked by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation)

2. Gerchikova I.N. Management: Textbook. M.: UNITI-DANA, 2007. (marked by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation)

3. Dorofeev V.D. Management: Proc. Manual / Dorofeev V.D., Shmeleva A.N., Shestopal N.Yu. - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. (UMO stamp)

4. Korotkov E.M. Management. - M.: INFRA-M, 2009. (UMO stamp)

5. Management: Tutorial/ Ed. V.V. Lukashevich, N.I. Astakhova. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2007. (UMO stamp)

6. Meskon M.Kh. Fundamentals of management: Per. from English. / Meskon M.Kh., Albert M., Hedouri F. - M.: Williams, 2007.

7. Tebekin A.V. Organization management: Textbook / Tebekin A.V., Kasaev B.S. - M.: KNORUS, 2007. (marked by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation)

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The emergence and objective necessity of management as an independent type of activity is due to the social division of labor, the development of cooperation and the increase in the scale of production. Management practice has experienced quite a long and profound evolution. In the early stages of the development of capitalist production, the entrepreneur-owner, as a rule, managed the enterprise himself. The development of production at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries. posed the question of management in a new way: the development of technology and new technologies, the growth in the scale of production, dramatically complicated management, singled it out as a special field of activity requiring special knowledge. The need to solve problems led to an active generalization of experience, to the search for effective methods production and labor management.

Control is a conscious purposeful activity of a person, with the help of which he organizes and subordinates to his interests the elements of the external environment - society, animate and inanimate nature, technology. The elements to which management activities are directed form control object. A person or a group of people who performs managerial activities is called subjects of management. If management is of an official nature, then its subject is organizationally and legally formalized in the form of a position or a set of positions that form a management unit. Management activities is a specific kind of labor process, and therefore is characterized by all its inherent elements - the object of labor, the means of labor and the labor itself, as well as its result.

The subject and product of labor in management is information. In the first case, it represents the initial information: as a result of management activities, based on the initial information, a solution, information on the basis of which the control object can take specific actions. The means of managerial work is everything that contributes to the implementation of operations with information (computers, telephones, pens and papers, etc.).

Management is diverse and exists in a variety of types Keywords: technical management, public administration, ideological management, economic management.

Technical management is the management of various kinds of natural and technological processes (supply of electricity, movement of trains, processing of parts on machine tools). Public administration - management of the socio-economic life of society through various institutions (legal system, ministries, local authorities). Ideological control consists in introducing into the consciousness of members of society the concepts of its development, formed by various political parties and groups. Economic management is the management of production and economic activity commercial and non-commercial organizations operating within the framework of market relations.

For economic management, the term is used "management". However, management takes place only when the economic entity is completely free, operates in a market environment and focuses on its needs and requirements, regardless of whether it sets profit as its immediate goal or not. The term "management", in fact, is an analogue of the term "management". But “management” is much broader, as it applies to various types of human activity, various fields of activity, to government bodies. The term "management" is applied only to the management of socio-economic processes at the level of a separate organization operating in market conditions. The purpose of management is to increase production efficiency and increase profits.

Management is a field of knowledge and professional activity aimed at shaping and ensuring the goals of the organization through the rational use of available resources. In the scientific and methodological literature on management issues, there is no single definition of the concept of "management". Management can be seen from different points of view: as a phenomenon, as a process, as a system, as a branch of scientific knowledge, as an art, as a category of people engaged in managerial work, as a management apparatus.

How phenomenon management is a purposeful, planned impact on the object of management by the subject of management. How process management includes a number of sequential functions. These functions include planning, organization, coordination, motivation, control. Management as system is a collection of interdependent elements, such as people, information, structure, etc. C scientific point of view management is a science that studies management problems. The main tasks of management as a science are: explaining the nature of managerial work, establishing cause-and-effect relationships in managerial processes, identifying the conditions under which the joint work of people is most effective. Management is often seen as art which is based on the underlying concepts, laws, principles and methods. This approach is based on the fact that any organization as an object of management activity is a set of complex socio-technical systems, the functioning of which is influenced by numerous external and internal factors. Accounting for all these factors requires a scientific approach and the art of its application.

Management as a process

Management is often associated with people whose job it is to coordinate the efforts of all personnel of the enterprise to achieve the goals of functioning. Management is seen as an action control apparatus, a specific body through which the work of all departments and the use of resources are organized and coordinated. Therefore, the management apparatus is an integral part of any economic entity.

Management as a complex concept includes: questions of organization of production(formation of enterprises, determination of their structures, sizes, logistics, etc.) and tasks for workforce management.

Organization of production is to bring into conformity, the best for given specific conditions, quantitative and qualitative combination in time and space of all elements of production (human resources, tools and objects of labor, technology). The organization of production forms a system that has internal organic and external rational connections. The production organization system solves a number of tasks that determine its objective content:

Production preparation;

Organization of departments for the normal course of the production process;

Separation of functions and cooperation of the main and auxiliary production;

Optimization of the sizes of divisions and the firm (enterprise) as a whole;

Logistics (planned preventive);

Planning (marketing);

Organization of labor (stimulation, regulation, etc.).

Workforce management- targeted impact on the team of workers (coordination of their activities) to solve the tasks, bringing the actual progress of work in line with the given (planned). Manage - to lead the enterprise to the goal, trying to make the best use of its resources. Management is to:

Anticipate (study and establish a program of action);

Organize (build a double organism of the enterprise: material and social);

Dispose of (activate the personnel of the enterprise);

Coordinate (bind and unite actions and efforts);

To control (observe that everything happens in accordance with the established and given orders).

Management can be viewed from three points of view: content, organizational and technological. FROM substantive point of view management is aimed at identifying the goals and methods for their implementation in a given period. FROM organizational point of view- the establishment of management functions as certain stages of decision-making and their implementation, the definition of management participants and the order of their interaction. FROM technological point of view- obtaining information and determining the procedure for its processing and storage, office work, etc. The totality of all these approaches determines the essence and content of management.

Textbook output:

Fundamentals of management. Chernyshev M. A., Korotkov E. M., Soldatova I. Yu., prof. I. Yu. Soldatova., Chernysheva M. A., Ed. prof. I. Yu. Soldatova., Soldatova I., Chernyshov M.A. - editor-compiler, Publisher: ITK "Dashkov and K", SCIENCE / INTERPERIODICS MAIK, Nauka-Press 2006


Section Logical Structure

2.1. The essence of management

Management (management) - the impact of one person or group of persons (managers) on other persons to induce actions corresponding to the achievement of the set goals when managers assume responsibility for the effectiveness of the impact (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Control ring

Management includes three aspects:
- "who" governs "whom" (institutional aspect);
- "how" management is carried out and "how" it affects the managed (functional aspect);
- “what” is managed (instrumental aspect).

Perhaps the central point of the manager's role in management is his understanding of his general competence. It is clear that the general competence of a manager cannot be a simple sum of the individual competences of employees. However, these competencies are certainly related to each other. The manager must have the amount of knowledge from particular competencies that allows him to make operational and strategic decisions, i.e. know the basics of the interdependence of private competencies, their importance in the business process, key resource constraints and the risks associated with them.

In the activities of any enterprise, goals and limitations should be distinguished, they perform the following main tasks in management:
- comparison of the existing state with the desired one ("Where are we?" and "Where are we going?");
- formation of guiding requirements for actions (“What needs to be done?”);
- decision criteria (“Which way is the best?”);
- control tools (“Where did we really come from and what follows from this?” (Fig. 7).