Vkgu basty bet. East Kazakhstan State University

university: East Kazakhstani State University[EKSU]
City: Ust-Kamenogorsk
Educated: July 5, 1952
-Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Technology
-Psychological and pedagogical faculty
-Faculty of Ecology and Natural Sciences
-Faculty of Economics and Business
-Faculty of History and International Relations
-Faculty government controlled and rights
-Philological faculty
-Faculty of Culture and Sports
-Faculty of distance learning
-Faculty of pre-university training
And so here you are EKSTU on my blog about education, I'll start with the specialties that I got not without difficulty!

Specialties of EKSU by faculties:

Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Technology

5V140100 Information systems
5В060200 Informatics
5B011100 Informatics
5B011000 Physics
5В010900 Mathematics
5В060100 Mathematics
5В012000 Professional education
5В071000 Materials science and technology of new materials
5В080600 Agricultural machinery and technology
5В072800 Technology of processing industries

Faculty of Psychology and Education

5В010100 Preschool education and upbringing
5В010200 Pedagogy and methods of primary education
5В010500 Defectology
5В050300 Psychology
5В010300 Pedagogy and psychology
5В090500 Social work

Faculty of Ecology and Natural Sciences

5В011200 Chemistry
5В060600 Chemistry
5В011300 Biology
5В060700 Biology
5В060900 Geography
5В011600 Geography
5В060800 Ecology
5B073100 Life safety and environmental protection

Faculty of Economics and Business

5B050900 Finance
5В050600 Economics
5В050800 Accounting and audit
5В050700 Management
5В090200 Tourism
5B090800 Rating
5В051100 Marketing

Faculty of History and International Relations

5В020200 International relations
5В011400 History

Faculty of Public Administration and Law

5В051000 State and local government
5В050200 Political science
050301 Law

Faculty of Philology

050207 Translation business
5В011900 Foreign language: two foreign languages(English german)
5В010900 Journalism
5В011700 Kazakh language and literature
5В011800 Russian language and literature
5В012100 Russian language and literature in non-Russian language schools
5В012100 Kazakh language and literature in non-Kazakh language schools

Faculty of Culture and Sports

5B010400 Basic military training
5В010800 Physical Culture and sports
5В010600 Music education

I will not write for you bonny things, I will only say that at the present time East Kazakhstan State University. S. Amanzholova is a major modern educational, spiritual, scientific and cultural center in the Eastern region of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Which employs 1300 teachers and staff, including PhD doctors, as well as: doctors and candidates of science.
AT university More than 12 thousand students study at 8 faculties. The educational process is carried out by 33 departments.
Education is carried out according to a credit three-stage technology: bachelor-master-doctor, training is underway in 47 specialties of higher vocational education and 20 specialties of postgraduate education.
Records of EKSU:

In 2008, according to the General Rating of the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education, S. Amanzholov EKSU took 6th place among the 60 leading universities in Kazakhstan.
2009 EKSU signed the Great Charter of Universities and, together with 600 leading universities of the world, supports the principles of the Bologna Process.

Having searched the entire Internet, for some reason I did not find any photos of other buildings EKSU, in addition to the main building, there is the 5th building (where lawyers study), the 9th building (humanities) and, like, the 3rd ...

By the way, many girls study in the 9th building!<3