New in Russian. The smartest words and their meaning

In the dictionary of obsolete words, we have placed such terms that are currently practically not used or are used very rarely. Obsolete words and expressions are such words that it is important to familiarize the baby with before reading a fairy tale or explain their meaning while reading, so that the meaning of the work is perceived exactly as the authors would like. Some obsolete words and their meaning will be especially useful for the overall development of the child, for example, measures of length vershok, sazhen and others.

The obsolete words of the Russian language are for the most part those words that have gone out of use in modern world, but which our old grandparents can still very often use in communication. The kindness of Little Red Riding Hood, the tenderness of Thumbelina, the industriousness of Cinderella and many other best features of the characters, we can convey to children in the language of great-grandparents and at the same time instill in kids respect and interest in our history.

If this dictionary of obsolete words of the Russian language does not contain the word you were looking for or you did not manage to fully understand the meaning of existing words - write to us via the feedback form, you will be answered.

Abvakhta - guardhouse Avos - either - perhaps, maybe Azhno - so Azovka - mythical creature Aksamit - velvet Altyn - three kopecks Aspids - poisonous snakes

Babayka - a large oar attached to a boat Bayet - says, tells Baydak - a river vessel with one large sail Balagta - a swamp Balakat - speak Baldakhin - a decorated canopy on posts Balodka - a one-handed hammer Bass - beauty, decoration, panache Batog - a stick of Bergamot - a variety pears Beremya - an armful Bosoviki - slippers Boyars - rich and noble people Swearing - battle Bratim - twin brothers Armor - metal clothing that protects the warrior from blows Bulat - steel weapons Burochki - a type of warm boots for a cold climate, often felt boots Bureau - a table with paper storage box

To go on patrol - to guard, to guard In sugon - in pursuit Vacant time - vacation Vacation - vacation To know - to know Venuti - to blow, to blow Vershok - an old measure of length, equal to 4.4 centimeters Vestimo - of course, it goes without saying Rag - a rag Vityaz - a brave warrior , bogatyr Blub - liquid fat extracted from the fat of marine mammals. It was used for lighting in lamps and street lamps

Galushka - a dumpling boiled in water or in borscht Galyota - a small merchant ship Gan - fortune telling Voice of obedience - a reciprocal voice Gorazd - knows how Hill - a pyramid-shaped shelf for expensive dishes Upper room - room Rowing - a narrow dam on the river

Hay girl - maid Dest - 24 leaves Surprise - surprise, surprise

Estva - food, food If - if

Zhaleika - a pipe made of willow bark Jban - a jug with a lid Burmitsky (Burmitsky) pearls - large and round pearls

Zagnetka - a place in the forearm where heat is raked Zagnka - a place in front of the furnace where heat is raked Start talking - start fasting Ahead of time - Sing Lazarus in advance - flatteringly beg Sinister - little fantastic creatures

Imperial - gold coin of the Indus - even, so

Treasury - money, property, property Kamka - colored silk fabric with patterns Karmazin - dark red cloth Knixsen - a bow with a squat as a sign of greeting or gratitude from females Casing - outerwear made of leather Kokurochka - sweet cake Kolymaga - carriage, in which noble people rode Box - a basket, a basket Oblique sazhen - an old Russian measure of length, the distance from the toes to the end of the fingers of the outstretched hand diagonally is 216 cm Krinitsa - a well, the Krosn spring - a home loom Kudel - a bunch of flax or wool wicker basket

Armor - iron or steel armor worn by warriors Lyko - the bark of a young linden, willow, elm, bast shoes, baskets, baskets are woven from it

Damascus sword - a sword made of especially strong steel It's not a first thing for me - it's not the first time for me Hoe - a manual agricultural tool Muravchaty - overgrown with grass (ant)

The largest - the oldest Whip - a belt whip Namale - soap Nesolono slurp - be deceived in your expectations Nicoli - never

Flint - a stone or a piece of steel for carving fire from flint Odnova - once, once

Pension - a school with a hostel for students Blame - reproach, reproach Finger - finger Pova - reception of the newborn Polat - wide sleeping bunk in the hut under the ceiling between the stove and the opposite wall Pomelo - a broom wrapped in a rag at the end, serves to sweep the ashes in the stove Tried - tried on Pokhitnik - a thief Pochat - start Clearing - a clearing not overgrown with trees or a lawn in the forest Pryskuchy - fast Pryazhon - fried (fried in oil) Span - an old measure, the distance between the thumb and forefinger of the hand

Rat - an army Reasoner - a person who does nothing himself, but loves to criticize and moralize others Rosstan - a crossroads of two roads Dress up - persuade

Sazhen - an old Russian measure of length, the distance of the arm span from the fingertips of one hand to the fingertips of the other Salop - an old woman's upper dress Sam-ten - ten times more Sam-heel - five times more Sam-Thursday - four times more Seredovich - a middle-aged man A scolding tablecloth - a tablecloth woven with patterns Conscience will not be seen - conscience does not bother Shrike, shrike - a bird from the sparrow squad Student - a well with icy water Susek - a chest in which flour or grain is stored Twist - twist, twist several strands into one a thread

In the first grade, the average student knows about two thousand words and learns up to ten words a day while studying at school. Thus, upon graduation, the average citizen we are considering knows tens of thousands of words. At the same time, we use an average of five thousand words, which make up a constant vocabulary.


It is useful to know buzzwords and their meaning for talking to other people. Rich speech helps to attract attention, interest a person, look better, express thoughts clearly, manage the interlocutor's opinion, and gives many other pleasant bonuses. You can also find those who study buzzwords and their meaning for humiliating an opponent and gaining a sense of superiority. However, this motivation isn't perfect, although a buzzword dictionary can really help you feel better and feel superior to those who don't.

If we talk about the function that smart words carry for communication in everyday life, then rich speech, knowledge of certain quantities and their meanings attract attention. The interlocutor's brain is focused on expressions that are atypical for everyday speech. Therefore, they begin to listen to you more attentively. As a result, your words are better remembered, and you become interesting, sharp-tongued, an interlocutor with whom it is pleasant to communicate.

In addition, knowledge of the list of buzzwords is a status norm for people who communicate with intellectuals, are fond of creativity and use mental labor. If you communicate in this area, you must have the appropriate skills. It is also important to learn how to speak reasoned and to the point, to supply your own speech with interesting accents and tones, which the words proposed below will help to achieve.


A priori. Not requiring evidence, understandable and so, obtained empirically.

Biennale. Originally an art exhibition, nowadays it is also called just a hangout associated with art. Feature - held every two years.

Vesicular. Initially medical term, which refers to vesicles found in the lungs.

Gesheft. The German word originally refers to trade and profit, and is still used in a similar sense, but it can also be used in a different, figurative, sense.

Dissonance. Originally a musical term that refers to an inharmonious combination of sounds. Now it is used quite often, including in combination with cognitive dissonance, into which everyone wants to plunge each other. Usage example: “Your illiterate use of buzzwords introduces dissonance into speech.”

Endova. Dishes for drinking and eating, but also under the valley they mean a kind of gutter between two roof slopes. If the roof has a complex structure, then where two differently directed slopes are connected, a valley is formed. Not often used in modern speech.

Jamevu. A term close to psychiatry, the antonym of deja vu. With jamevu, you are in familiar surroundings or circumstances in which you have repeatedly been before, but you feel as if you were here for the first time.

Is based. To understand, simply associate the given word with the word based.

Indulgence. Previously, the Catholic Church sold a document for the atonement of sins, at retail, wholesale and by weight. Such a commodity was called indulgence. Now used figuratively.

Case. Originally a Latin word, relatively recently it was often used in jurisprudence. In general, it indicates a strange situation, a combination of circumstances that does not depend on the actors, can have both a positive and a negative meaning. Not noticing and stepping into a puddle is an incident, but meeting a good friend is also an incident.

Liquidity. Economic term but is now used in everyday life. Indicates your ability to convert assets or private property into money.

Skimping. Disdainful attitude. For example: “At work, Ivan skimped on his direct duties.”

Neologism. Literally translated from Latin - "new word". It can be a newly created word or a word used in a new meaning. An example from the Internet: Like is a completely new neologism.

Orthodox. Greek word, antonym for heretic. In the original meaning - a person who is faithful to the teachings, who does not deviate from the original postulates. Now it can be used in other contexts.

Puritanism. A peculiar understanding of the purity of views and behavior in society. Characteristic features are moderation, conservatism of views, minimization of pleasures, claims, needs.

Radicalism. Extreme adherence to views, the use of brute methods to create change, more often in social settings.

Maxim. moralizing or wise saying. For example, “after Ivan burst out all evening in the company of friends with deep maxims on the topic of education.”

Interpretation. A similar word is interpretation. In general, we are talking about some kind of commentary, clarification, look at a certain phenomenon. For example, “his interpretation of the Lars von Trier film is different from the generally accepted one.”

Union. A form of union or generalization. Originally a political-economic term, but it can be used in other contexts.

Frustration. The feeling when you want to get what you want but can't reach the goal.

hypocrisy. Creation of a positive image of one's own personality, deliberately bright negative attitude towards free views, ostentatious virtue, modesty (sometimes religiosity). Although in reality the hypocrite is far from the ideals declared aloud.

Time trouble. Lack of time.

Swaggering. Arrogant and disdainful attitude. For example, “The boss, although he kept his distance, was not swaggering, he could communicate normally and joke.”

Chauvinism. Initially, it refers to nationalism and represents its radical form. The chauvinists considered their own nation exceptional and the best. The term can be used in other contexts, but the meaning of the understanding of exclusivity is retained.

Scrupulousness. Following to each “chip”. Behaving according to standards or treating something with care and rigor.

Etymology. Area of ​​knowledge about the origin and meaning of words. In order to replenish your own vocabulary, it is useful to study exactly the etymology.

Jurisdiction. The range of powers that a state body or structure has.

Yagdtash. Hunting bag. Now the term is used as the name of a comfortable stylish bag.

Now that you know some smart Russian words and their meanings, some extra advice should be given. You should not use these terms everywhere, just as different clothes are worn for different situations, so appropriate communication styles are used for different circumstances.

Otherwise, you will look ridiculous, throwing terms around and inserting them indiscriminately into all phrases. The beauty of speech lies in harmoniously combining words, weaving a pattern from their sound and meaning.

Mastering the art of competent communication if desired is not difficult. However, it will be equally important to pay attention to such aspects as correct diction, a well-placed voice and the appropriateness of using certain words.

There are situations when simply using buzzwords and terms is not enough, especially if they are used completely out of place and off topic. To avoid ridiculous attempts to attract the attention of the interlocutor only by inserting smart words, you should definitely study not only the meaning of these words, but also their synonyms and antonyms, the correct placement of stress, declension and gender. For example, a common mistake is to use the word “coffee” in the neuter gender or to try to pluralize the word “coat”.

Another way to show yourself as a competent interlocutor is the ability to avoid banal, hackneyed and “hackneyed” expressions. Instead of “good”, you can say “intelligent” if we are talking about an employee or colleague as a specialist, instead of “beautiful” - “spectacular”, “catchy” if you are discussing the appearance of anyone, even an acquaintance, even a celebrity. With the help of a dictionary, you can choose a synonym for almost every word, at the same time understandable to everyone and at the same time quite unusual. This approach will undoubtedly draw attention to you during communication.

And their meaning. Many of them are probably familiar to you. However, not everyone knows what they mean. The smartest words are taken by us from various areas human knowledge.


Quintessence - in medieval and ancient alchemy and natural philosophy - the fifth element, ether, the fifth element. He is like lightning. This is one of the main elements (elements), the most accurate and subtle. In modern cosmology, quintessence is a model of dark energy (its hypothetical form, which has a negative pressure and fills evenly the space of the Universe). The quintessence in a figurative sense is the most important, essential, main point, the purest and finest essence, extract.


Onomatopoeia is a word that is an onomatopoeia that arose as a result of phonetic assimilation to various non-speech complexes. Onomatopoeic most often is vocabulary that is directly related to objects and creatures - sources of sound. These are, for example, such verbs as "meow", "croak", "rumble", "crow", and nouns derived from them.


Singularity - which is a certain point at which the considered mathematical function tends to infinity or has some other irregular behavior.

There is also a gravitational singularity. This is a region of space-time where the curvature of the continuum turns into infinity or suffers a break, or the metric has other pathological properties that do not allow physical interpretation. - a short period of rapid technological progress, assumed by researchers. The singularity of consciousness is a globally generalizing, expanded state of consciousness. In cosmology, this is the state of the Universe in which it was at the beginning of the Big Bang, it is characterized by an infinite temperature and density of matter. In biology, this concept is used mainly to generalize the evolutionary process.


The term "transcendence" (the adjective - "transcendent") comes from a Latin word meaning "to cross over". This is the term of philosophy, which characterizes something inaccessible to empirical knowledge. B was used together with the term "transcendental" to refer to God, the soul, and other concepts. Immanent is its opposite.


"Catharsis" is a term from modern psychoanalysis, denoting the process of removing or reducing anxiety, frustration, conflict with the help of emotional release and their verbalization. In ancient Greek aesthetics, this concept was used to express in a word the impact on a person of art. The term "catharsis" in ancient philosophy was used to denote the result and process of ennobling, purifying, facilitating the impact of various factors on a person.


What buzzwords do you need to know? For example, the continuum. This is a set equivalent to the set of all real numbers, or a class of such sets. In philosophy, this term was used by the ancient Greeks, as well as in the writings of the scholastics of the Middle Ages. IN contemporary works in connection with the change in the "continuum" is often replaced by the noun "duration", "continuity", "continuity".


"Nigredo" is the term of alchemy, which denotes the complete decomposition or the first stage in the creation of the so-called philosopher's stone. This is a formation from a homogeneous black mass of components. The next stages after the nigredo are the albedo (a white stage, which produces a lesser elixir that turns metals into silver) and rubedo (a red one, after which a great elixir is obtained).


"Entropy" is a concept that was introduced by the German mathematician and physicist Clausius. It is used in thermodynamics to determine the degree of deviation from the ideal real process, the degree of energy dissipation. Entropy, defined as the sum of reduced heats, is a state function. It is constant in various reversible processes, and in irreversible processes its change is always positive. In particular, it can be distinguished that this is a measure of the uncertainty of a certain source of messages, which is determined by the probabilities of occurrence during the transmission of certain characters.


In psychology, buzzwords are often found, and their designations sometimes cause difficulties in defining them. One of the most popular is the word "empathy". This is the ability to empathize, the ability to put yourself in the place of another (object or person). Also, empathy is the ability to accurately identify a particular person, based on actions, facial reactions, gestures, etc.


Clever words and expressions from psychology also include such a direction in this science that explains human behavior. It studies the direct connections between reactions (reflexes) and stimuli. Behaviorism directs the attention of psychologists to the study of experience, skills, as opposed to psychoanalysis and associationism.


Enduro is a style of riding on special trails or off-road, racing over long distances over rough terrain. They differ from motocross in that the race takes place on a closed track, and the lap length is from 15 to 60 km. Racers cover several laps per day, the total distance is from 200 to 300 km. Basically, the route is laid in a mountainous area and is rather difficult to pass due to the abundance of streams, fords, descents, ascents, etc. Enduro is also a mixture of city and motocross bikes.

They are easy to operate, like road vehicles, have increased cross-country ability. Enduro is close in a number of characteristics to cross-country. You can call them motorcycle-jeeps. One of their main qualities is unpretentiousness.

Other buzzwords and their meaning

Existentialism (in other words, the philosophy of existence) is a trend in philosophy in the 20th century that viewed man as a spiritual being capable of choosing his own destiny.

Synergetics is an interdisciplinary area of ​​research in science, the task of which is to study natural processes and phenomena based on the principles of self-organization of various systems that consist of subsystems.

Annihilation is the reaction of the transformation of an antiparticle and a particle upon collision into some particles different from the original particles.

A priori (literal translation from Latin - "from the previous one") is knowledge that is obtained independently of experience and before it.

Modern smart words are not clear to everyone. For example, "metanoia" (from the Greek word meaning "rethinking", "after the mind") is a term that means repentance (especially in psychotherapy and psychology), regret about what happened.

Compilation (in other words, programming) is the transformation by some compiler program of a text written in a complex language into a machine, close to it, or an objective module.

Rasterization is the translation of an image, which is described by a vector format, into dots or pixels for output to a printer or display. This is a process that is the inverse of vectorization.

The next term is intubation. It comes from the Latin words for "in" and "pipe". This is the introduction of a special tube into the larynx when it narrows, which threatens to suffocate (with swelling of the larynx, for example), as well as into the trachea in order to carry out anesthesia.

Vivisection is the performance of surgical operations on a living animal in order to examine the functions of the body or individual organs removed, to study the effects of various drugs, to develop surgical methods of treatment, or for educational purposes.

The list of "Smart words and their meaning", of course, can be continued. There are a lot of such words in various branches of knowledge. We have identified only a few that are quite widespread today. Knowing buzzwords and their meaning is useful. This develops erudition, allows you to better navigate the world. Therefore, it would be nice to remember what buzzwords are called.

Every language has its own slang for teenagers. They abound in films, music, media, social media and the Internet. come into the lexicon of teenagers from the lips of famous actors, pop artists, especially in the stand-up genre.

What is slang

Slang is called non-standard vocabulary used in casual communication. Almost all professions have their own professional slang. Lawyers and doctors are even required to communicate in it in the presence of a client, as ethics require. Moreover, in each family, their own words are passed from generation to generation, the authors of which were sometimes children. They twist words in a way that makes sense to them. Examples:

  • String beads (of course, on a thread).
  • Kolotok (they are also beaten).
  • Mazeline (it is smeared).

Similar creativity of words is demonstrated by the slang of teenagers, examples:

  • Beautiful - well done. It's like "handsome" and "ah, well done!" combined together.
  • Bratella - brother or peer. The root remains, and the word itself has an Italian connotation. And already something criminal looks through. The word "brother" is used between gang members. In general, it is used in the Mitki community.
  • Brake is dumb. The one who slows down "does not catch up" with the rest in quick wit. Often used in relation to a computer or the Internet when there is a slow transfer of information.

Teenage slang doesn't just come out of nowhere. It, like real languages, has the origin of words: borrowing from professional slang, new Russian and thieves Fenya, Anglicisms, newly formed words by combining two words or a root and a suffix.

Often, when the literary language does not have a word denoting a particular concept of teenage subculture, a new word enters the language. It can even pass into the category of literary, if it describes this concept quite fully.

There are many examples of this from the language of programmers. For example, the word "hang". At first it was used in relation to the violation of the computer boot. Later, the meaning "stay somewhere" was added. This is how Wiktionary defines it.

Whether we like it or not, teenage slang has an impact on the Russian language. That is how it should be viewed.

Slang as a means of communication

The language of the teenage subculture is highly expressive, saturated with metaphors, it tends to reduce words (people, inet, comp). Intentional distortion of verbal forms is a protest and a way to get away from frankly foul language, covering the meaning of what was said with a slang shell.

Modern teen slang is, in fact, a code language. Everything in it is subject to obfuscation and obscuration of a clear meaning. Teenagers would burn with shame if they knew that the teacher or parents understood their speech. Despite their apparent adulthood, they are not ready to take responsibility for their words.

Slang turns what is said into a game, something frivolous, a hobby of youth. In fact, it wears off over time. There is no need to encrypt your actions, an adult calls a spade a spade. But for teenagers, it is still important that adults "do not poke their nose into their affairs."

Consider the modern slang of teenagers: a dictionary of the most common expressions.

  • Ava - avatar, picture under the username. There is an abbreviation of the word.
  • Go - from the English "go", start, give, call to action. Compare "let" s go "(English) - let's go. Explicit anglicism.
  • Zashkvar - from the prison word "to sour", that is, to use the dishes of a lowered (passive bugger), shake his hand, smoke his cigarette, or simply touch him. In teenage slang, it means "madness", something unfashionable, inconsistent with conventional wisdom.
  • Poch - why.
  • Pal is fake. Obviously, from "singed" - fake.
  • Nyashny - cute, charming.
  • Mimic - extremely delightful.
  • Top - from the English "top", something better.
  • You drive - you cheat.
  • Gamat - from the English "game", to play.
  • Funny is a joke.
  • A bummer - to get into an unpleasant position.
  • Carrots - love.

Processes taking place in the Russian language

The language changes in the lifetime of one generation. And this despite the fact that each generation has its own teenage and youth slang. Journalism, modern literature and numerous blogs are now picking up and spreading slang words.

The writer, bringing a teenager on stage, studies his speech for a realistic reflection. Here there is a gradation of terms and the words characteristic of certain social groups are defined.

Obviously, more educated teenagers use less jargon, as they have a larger vocabulary. The vocabulary of teenage slang for rural and urban groups is also different.

Philologists have an opinion that new words appear mainly in two capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg. Within six months, they spread to the periphery.

Reasons for the origin of teenage slang

Each subculture has its own language. Teenagers are no exception. Her area of ​​interest defines the vocabulary used to denote concepts:

  • Studying at school, college, technical school, university.
  • Cloth.
  • Music, popular bands, the style of their clothes and behavior.
  • Communication with friends, opposite sex, parents, teachers.
  • Leisure activities - discos, walks, meetings and dates, concerts of your favorite bands, attending matches of your favorite sports teams.

Reasons for the entry of new words into the lexicon of adolescents:

  1. A game.
  2. Finding yourself, your I.
  3. Protest.
  4. Poor vocabulary.

Youth slang as a form of self-affirmation of adolescents, it can be considered as a stage of growing up. Where do these words come from? They are invented in passing, trying to explain something, choosing a suitable expression or comparison. If a new word finds a response, is successful in the team, it will almost certainly spread.

The replenishment of slang comes from professional jargon, for example, computer jargon:

  • Broken link - 404 error.
  • Glitch is a glitch.
  • Save video - upload a video file.
  • Copy-paste - "Copy" - copy, "Paste" - paste.
  • Bug is a mistake.
  • Fix - fix bugs.

Many words have roots in thieves' slang:

  • Raise the market - become the initiator of a serious conversation.
  • Bulkotryas - dancing at the disco.
  • Sitting on treason is something to be afraid of.
  • Shmon - search.
  • Chepushil - a person who does not follow the speech.
  • To score an arrow - make an appointment.

The words of drug addicts are also reflected in teenage slang:

  • Gertrude, white, main - heroin.
  • Marusya, milk, plasticine - marijuana.
  • Cupcake, flour, nose, accelerator - cocaine and crack.
  • Get up-grass, dad, shnyaga - raw opium.
  • Wheels - tablets.
  • Wheel - take pills.
  • Bang, rub in, get stoned - make an injection.
  • Chpoknutsya, shirnutsya - enter into a state of drug intoxication.

Jargon heard in time will help to understand what a teenager is interested in and help the child if necessary.

Teenage slang of the 21st century comes from the TV screen. Movies about gangsters, action movies, trailers replenish the baggage of new words. Unfortunately, negative characters are imitated willingly. They are cool". Curses, which were previously purely American, penetrate into the Russian language. Along with them come obscene gestures. All this is sad.

Teenage slang and its meaning

It is worth noting that not all teenagers let slang into their speech. Some use it as a joke. Such guys are usually not considered "their own", although they may be treated with respect.

The use of slang words begins as a game: they don’t understand us, you can talk about anything. Then comes the transitional age, when a person seeks himself, accepts or rejects generally accepted norms. As an alternative to boring life path parents, tedious teachers and narrow-minded neighbors comes a teenage subculture.

This limited world is not difficult to comprehend. The vocabulary of teenage slang is small, anyone can master it. Here everyone is on an equal footing, you can talk about topics that would make parents' hair stand on end in horror. This seeming freedom so attracts the young heart!

It is worth bringing teen slang, a list of everyday words:

  • To score - came from prison jargon, discarding the three-letter swear word. Now they score not something, but something: to score on homework is not to do homework.
  • Damn - replacing the obscene expression with the corresponding letter. Means annoyance.
  • Kidalovo - from the jargon of scammers, scammers who change money. Means cheating.
  • Cool is an old Offen word. Means "good".
  • Cool - funny
  • Dumb - ashamed, awkward, old-fashioned.
  • A feature is a highlight, something that surprises, a feature.
  • Chmo is an outcast.
  • Shnyaga - something bad.
  • Shukher - “we run!”, Also from the language of criminals.

Summing up, we can say that the meaning of using teenage slang is as follows:

  1. The desire to stand out from the crowd, the gray mass. In this case, the teenage subculture is perceived as avant-garde.
  2. The desire for freedom, the abolition of prohibitions. To such an extreme as changing the common language to slang, children rush out of the tight grip of their parents. They even intentionally shock with their behavior.
  3. A protest against the hypocritical system of adults, when some can do everything, while others are responsible for other people's misdeeds.
  4. Slang helps with the poverty of the vocabulary, obscene speech helps to express thoughts. Communication often takes place in half hints and jokes.

Youth slang, its influence on the speech of adolescents

It would be possible to treat slang as a temporary and easily passing phenomenon if it were not for its deep rooting. Having begun to use slang speech turns, a teenager begins to think the same way. As you know, a person does not have imaginative thinking, like animals. The thought is closely connected with the word.

As a result, modern teenage slang is starting to seep into writing. Soon such a teenager needs an interpreter. Nevertheless, slang is a limited language, without nuances, highlights and subtle shades. To accept it instead of literary means to impoverish not only one's own life, but also the very thoughts about life.

There is a mirror effect of the word: after introducing it into the lexicon, thoughts use it for their expression. Then, according to the principle “out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks”, the language brings out the thought already in slang form. Getting rid of is not easy, it will take conscious effort. If you leave nourishment, that is, communication in slang, it will become impossible to get rid of it.

The Consequences of Passion for Slang

During the formation of personality, and this is just the teenage years, there is also an installation of patterns of behavior or problem solving that will arise already in adulthood. The influence of slang on the speech of adolescents is very great.

Not having enough life experience, teenagers try to learn everything about life. And they think they can do it. Being in their circle, they can look wise in their own eyes. But this wisdom is shattered by the waves of adulthood.

It is impossible to use slang without accepting its ideology. He will definitely influence actions and decision-making. The bravado that comes through in the slang only seems to be "cool".

Teenage slang, dictionary:

  • dose - homework;
  • dzyak - thank you;
  • Dostoevsky - the one who got everyone;
  • email - email address;
  • tin - horror;
  • fat is the highest class;
  • lighter - a girl who likes to have fun;
  • ambush - an unexpected obstacle in business;
  • shy - quickly getting drunk;
  • zoo - insult;
  • bend - do something unusual;
  • imbitsil - retarded;
  • jock - a person with developed muscles;
  • kipish - disorder;
  • kiruha - a drinker;
  • sausage - cool music, cool music;
  • mow for someone - to be like;
  • the rat is a traitor;
  • ksiva—document;
  • cupcake - kid;
  • smoke bamboo - do nothing;
  • labat - play a musical instrument;
  • lave - money;
  • the fox is a fan of the Alisa group;
  • lokhovoz - public transport;
  • loser - loser;
  • burdock - fool;
  • major - a boy with money;
  • mahalovka - a fight;
  • frost - talking nonsense;
  • mulka is a cool little thing;
  • stir up - meet;
  • mersibo - thank you;
  • run up - ask for trouble;
  • nane - no (Gypsy);
  • nishtyak - very good;
  • dump head - highest degree admiration;
  • glasses - to be afraid;
  • fall - sit down;
  • drove - nickname;
  • pepper is a tough guy;
  • bathe - worry;
  • turnip - rehearsal;
  • to steer - to be the most-most;
  • ramsit - have fun;
  • session - concert, meeting;
  • banter - to joke, to mock;
  • move out of the market - change the topic of conversation;
  • one hundred pounds - for sure;
  • studen - student card;
  • type - like;
  • torch - pleasure;
  • trouble - a nuisance;
  • junkie - drug addict;
  • tip-top - everything is fine;
  • frenzy - funny;
  • fak - curse;
  • flood - chatter;
  • bullshit - nonsense;
  • hut - housing;
  • xs - hell knows;
  • hi-fi - hello;
  • civil - good conditions;
  • chika - dear girl;
  • chiksa - girl;
  • spur - cheat sheet;
  • user - computer user;
  • yahu - cheers.

These are just a few that make up the slang of teenagers, the vocabulary of expressions is far from complete. Excluded obscene expressions and describing sexual activities, the administration of natural needs. Yes, the kids talk about it too. But even this is enough to understand the danger of accepting the subculture of adolescents for life.

What else is fraught with the use of slang

If you do not get rid of this speech, problems will not keep you waiting. It will be difficult to get a decent job, it will be difficult to hold on to it because of the use of certain words. Suddenly, the teenager will feel that he cannot explain what is happening to him to the doctor. He will find that the postman, the social worker, the seller do not understand him.

To live in the world of people and speak in a language that they do not understand is loneliness in the crowd. For a child in a difficult situation, this can end badly. Depression is a frequent visitor in this case.

Parents can help by explaining that slang is a game. You can't play all your life. They will try to find contact with their child, go through this period of growing up together. Trust at this time can do a lot.

How to solve a problem

Parents are very annoyed by the slang of teenagers. Especially when they don't understand what their own child said. At the same time, parents often forget themselves at a young age. They also used buzzwords, and their parents were at a loss.

First of all, to solve the problem, you should start with yourself. How often do informal words fall from the lips of the older generation? They are sometimes not noticed. Surely you have heard (or even used) such expressions:

  • Nafig.
  • Get hurt.
  • To die is not to rise.
  • Otpad.
  • Covered with a copper basin.
  • Flew like plywood over Paris.

These are once fashionable words of the end of the 20th century that have already gone into circulation. If parents use such jargon, it is not surprising that their child will look for his own vocabulary that matches the time. A teenager will not even understand that he is doing something wrong. He just wants to be modern. Do not communicate with him "old slang"?

The trouble is that often the child uses words whose meaning he does not fully understand. In the group of his communication, often, too, no explanation can be found. It's just that everyone says it. This is where sensitive parents can help. They will try to convey to the teenager the meaning of some jargon. Tell about their belonging to the criminal world, for example.

Some words can be used, the main thing is to know: when, where and with whom. Girl calling a molester young man the goat, perhaps, does not know anything about this word, humiliating for criminals. But in the code of honor of a thief - immediately hit the person who called the goat. Whether it's a girl or an old man, it doesn't matter.

street language

Unfortunately, the boundaries between literary and obscene expressions are blurred in society. Swear words are attacked from all sides: in public transport, in a store, on the street, and even from the TV screen. If everyone says so, then this is the norm - this is what a teenager thinks.

In this case, it's time to sound the alarm. Bring to the attention of the child that a free society is not the freedom of vice, but a conscious choice of actions. There is an elementary ethic when it cannot be uttered in the presence of women, children and the elderly, in in public places. Only marginals do this.

Like the cannibal Ellochka, there are people who operate in their lives with a few swear words. They turn them into different parts of speech, decline and combine. This is enough to communicate with their own kind at the level of a monkey trained in sign language.

Parents should not be afraid that their expression of contempt for profanity will offend, make the child withdraw. And, of course, it is not permissible to use "salty words" ourselves.

Set out to explore what words come out of the mouths of literary characters during extreme heat of passion. Share this with your children. In general, good literature is an inoculation against obscene language.

Tell your child about the danger that awaits those who use the words drug addicts, homeless people, punks. What impression is created about a person who uses such words in social networks. Give examples of how photos posted on the Internet and captions to them ruined the reputation of a young man or girl.

Tell us that expressions of national, racial, social and religious intolerance are criminal acts. If a child propagates extreme views, it is necessary to find out who their ideologue is. Maybe a teenager imitates someone? In any case, measures should be taken to prevent the child from being immersed in this subculture.