Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute. Phones of faculties, departments and structural divisions of TI named after A.P.

Congratulations to the winners of the International Scientific and Methodological Competition "Pedagogical Vocation"! Elena Dmitrievna Kolesnikova, a student of the NDO-451 group of the Faculty of PiMDNiDO, and her supervisor, Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Philology, Professor of the Department of Russian Language, Culture and Speech Correction Veronika Georgievna Semyonova, became winners (1st place) of the International Scientific and Methodological Competition "Pedagogical Vocation "!

The work of the volunteer center of the faculty of pedagogy and methods of preschool, primary and additional education Brightening up the everyday life of the guests of the Taganrog boarding school for the elderly and disabled, volunteers of the faculty of pedagogy and methods of preschool, primary and additional education paid another visit to the institution.

The next meeting of the student linguistic circle "My language is my friend" at the Faculty of Pedagogy and methods of preschool, primary and additional education Sciences V.G. Semenov). The theme of the circle was devoted to speed reading. Students of the 3rd year (NDO-431, NDO-432, DOI-431, DOM-431) of the faculty of PIMDNiDO took an active part in the preparation of the event.

Participation of teachers and students of the Faculty of Psychology and Social Pedagogy in the environmental community work day In March 2020, on the territory adjacent to the Temple of the Jerusalem Icon of the Mother of God in Taganrog, an environmental community work day was held, organized by teachers and students of the Faculty of Psychology and Social Pedagogy, activists of the ANO "Ray of Hope" "(Director - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Psychology S. E. Barteneva) and the parishioners of the temple.

Opening of the Center "Anthropology of Childhood" at the TI named after A.P. Chekhov In early March 2020, an inter-departmental methodological seminar "Anthropological paradigm of modern psychological and pedagogical education" was held, dedicated to the opening of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research "Anthropology of Childhood", created at the Department of Psychology of the FPiSP.

A student of the Faculty of Psychology and Social Pedagogy M. Svezhov is the winner of the city competition "Thread of Creativity-2020" In March 2020, the VI city fashion festival was held at the GDK, in which the best professional fashion designers, hairdressers and make-up artists of Taganrog took part .

Career guidance work of faculty students foreign languages On March 10, a career guidance event was held in Taganrog secondary school No. 6, in which students of grades 10 and 11 took part.

Address of the Rector of the Russian State Economic University (RINH) Makarenko E.N. to students, teachers and staff Dear students, teachers and staff of RGEU! Today, the situation in the world in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection is changing every minute. I would like to make a few important points and make things clear.

Information about the educational organization

The Institute was established in 1955 by merging the Novocherkassk Pedagogical Institute and the Taganrog Teachers' Institute.

Today, the A.P. Chekhov Taganrog Institute (branch) "RGEU (RINH)" is a modern, dynamically developing Education Centre, whose main activity is aimed at training a qualified employee who is competitive in the labor market, competent, responsible, ready for continuous self-improvement, social and professional mobility.

University graduates successfully work in educational and social institutions not only in the Rostov region, but also in many regions Russian Federation, head the municipal departments of education, work in the administrations of cities and rural settlements. Many graduates of the institute achieve success in scientific and social activities city, region and country.

The Institute has a developed infrastructure: 5 educational buildings equipped with educational and laboratory equipment, modern office equipment; with constantly and in large volume replenishing fund; two well-appointed hostels.

The Center for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining of Educational Workers provides an opportunity for professional retraining on the basis of higher education in specialties and areas of training licensed at the university. The term of study is 1 year. Upon completion of training, a state-recognised diploma is issued. professional retraining giving the right to conduct educational activities in the field of the received specialty. The Center for Advanced Studies also conducts training in additional programs.

The scientific achievements of the university demonstrate the active participation of teachers of the A.P. Chekhov Taganrog Institute in various conferences and grant competitions.

Scientific schools operate in the university in various scientific areas: mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages; social philosophy; Russian language; general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education (media education and media competence); theory and methodology vocational education and etc.

Student life is organized dynamically and interestingly at the university: sports sections, a pedagogical team, a student theater, a folklore ensemble, a KVN school and much more.

It is interesting and prestigious to study at the A.P. Chekhov Taganrog Institute (branch) of the Russian State Economic University (RINH).

The mission of the university is to train highly qualified specialists capable of practical implementation of the acquired knowledge and possessing the competencies that are in demand in various areas activities.

We have collected background information about the universities of Taganrog, about their main faculties and forms of education. The universities of Taganrog considered are both state and non-state, branches of well-known universities in Taganrog are also described.

If you decide to study in Taganrog at the university, then you should familiarize yourself with all the available universities, find out which university is more promising to enter, which universities have budget places. Here is a list of all available universities and their branches:

1. Federal University in Taganrog (Taganrog campus of SFU)

2. Taganrog State pedagogical institute named after A.P. Chekhov (TSPI named after A.P. Chekhov)

The form of education is full-time and part-time, there are budget places at the TSPI, determined by the USE rating in a given year.

3.Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics (TIUE)

Most of the teaching staff of the institute are doctors of sciences, professors and candidates of sciences. At the university, you can get a secondary specialized, higher education, complete a bachelor's, master's and postgraduate studies. Vouchers are organized for internships abroad under the international exchange program. The institute has a specialized library, which is considered one of the best in the city.

The cost of education at the Institute of Management and Economics of Taganrog is about 60 thousand rubles per year (full-time department) and 35 thousand rubles ( extramural). The full term of full-time education is 4 years, and part-time education is 6 years.

Exams for admission to TIUE: mathematics, Russian language, biology.

4.Moscow socially humanitarian Institute Taganrog (MSGI branch)

MSGI was established in 1996. The branch of the Moscow Social Institute in Taganrog was founded in 2004. The university is not a state university, diplomas are issued by the state. sample.

Enrollment in MSGI is carried out according to USE results. The full term of study is 4.5 years (after the 11th grade), the reduced period of education is 3.5 years (for persons with a diploma of secondary vocational education in a specialized field) and 2.5 years (for those who have already received a diploma of higher education).

5. Don State Technical University– branch

The branch of this institute in Taganrog is called the Taganrog Polytechnic Institute. This is a state university founded in 1999. Enrollment in the university is carried out for graduates of the 11th grade on the Unified State Exam testing and on an interview for graduates of technicians and colleges (profile lyceums).

For admission to each of the directions, various entrance exams are considered:

Mechanical engineering, Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes, Structural and technological support of machine-building industries - exams are required in the subjects "Mathematics", "Russian language", "Physics".

Management - exams are required in the subjects "Mathematics", "Russian language", "Social science".

All males who entered after the 11th grade of high school are given a deferment from the army.

With TPI, you can get secondary vocational education (with a base of 9-11 grades) both full-time and part-time. After receiving a state diploma of higher education, a graduate can continue his studies at the DSTU master's program in Rostov-on-Don.

6. Taganrog branch of the Russian New University

The composition of teachers in the branch of the Russian New University consists of qualified employees: in 2014 it is 7 doctors of science, the same number of professors, 20 candidates of science, 10 associate professors. The best personnel of the city are involved in conducting a special educational program.

The main directions of the university: Jurisprudence, Tourism, Economics, Service, Hotel business, Information systems and technologies.

Forms of training full-time and part-time.

There is an opportunity to receive additional education: advanced training, professional retraining.

All graduates of the university are employed according to their profile.

Taganrog is a student city. A large number of universities are concentrated here, providing applicants with both budgetary and commercial educational places.

We have collected background information about Taganrog universities, their main faculties and forms of education. All applicants, prospective students and their parents are invited to use the services « Greek 6 » , located in close proximity to the TTI SFU buildings. The universities of Taganrog considered are both state and non-state, branches of well-known universities in Taganrog are also described and considered, which can be entered after the 9th grade.

If you decide to study in Taganrog at the university, you should familiarize yourself with all the available universities, find out which university is more promising to enter, which universities have budget places and tuition fees on a commercial basis.

List of the most promising universities and their branches in Taganrog:

1. Federal University in Taganrog (Taganrog campus of SFU)

The Technological Institute in Taganrog is considered one of the strongest universities in southern Russia. SFedU was founded in 1915 and has gone through several different names, but has provided only quality education in its history. Strong mathematical and physical scientific schools, friendly teams of top-level teachers have been famous at this university at all times.

Taganrog campus SFedU building A

Over time, more and more new faculties appeared at SFU. So, in 2006, the Taganrog State Radio Engineering University (TRTU), Rostov State University, Rostov State Pedagogical University and Rostov state academy architecture and arts.

Today, the university is one of the first federal universities in Russia. It includes 30 faculties, 6 design bureaus, 11 research centers, 22 collective use centers, centers of various directions (more than 150), 8 branches.

Previously referred to as the Taganrog Radio Engineering University, during its educational program, the university has produced talented programmers and specialists in other technical fields working in various industries throughout Russia.

The Southern Federal University of Taganrog has both a budgetary and a form of education on a commercial basis. You can find out about the cost of education and how the passing score at SFedU is calculated at.

You can find out about the availability of budget places at the SFedU at the selected faculty on the official website, in the rules for admission to the university in 2014 (the list is updated every year).

You can see which SFedU faculties are available in Taganrog.

2. Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute named after A.P. Chekhov (TSPI)

The Pedagogical Institute in Taganrog was established in 1955, with the merger of the Taganrog Pedagogical Institute and the Novocherkassk Pedagogical Institute. educational institution has a high status among pedagogical universities. Its graduates get jobs both in the Rostov region and abroad in various social spheres.

The infrastructure of the institute includes 5 educational buildings, modern laboratories and office equipment, a large library fund. Vouchers to the Ivushka camp are organized for students and staff.

To get into the Pedagogical Institute in Taganrog, you must pass an exam (USE). The main subjects for admission are the Russian language, mathematics, social studies, but depending on the specific specialty, the set of entrance exams may vary.

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Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute

federal state budgetary educational institution higher professional education "Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute named after A.P. Chekhov"
(FSBEI HPE “TSPI named after A.P. Chekhov")
international name Anton Chekhov Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute
Year of foundation
Type of state
Rector I. V. Golubeva
students 5340
PhD 100
The doctors 57
professors 35
Location Russia
Legal address 347936, Taganrog, Initiative, 48.
Information site http://tgpi.ru

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute named after A.P. Chekhov" (" TSPI) is a higher educational institution of federal subordination that implements professional educational programs of higher, postgraduate and additional education, located in Taganrog.

General information


From 2005 to 2010, TSPI was headed by Vitaly Vladimirovich Popov, a prominent scientist and philosopher, the founder of a new direction in Russian logical science - the logic of processes.

List of inefficient universities

According to the Minister of Education of the Rostov Region Igor Guskov, in November 2012 the possibility of merging the Don State agricultural university and the Azov-Black Sea State Agroengineering Academy. The Rostov State Conservatory cannot be joined to anything, since it has a socio-cultural significance for the region. As for the Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute, it may become part of the Southern Federal University.

Rectors of TSPI

  • from to present time - Golubeva, Irina Valerievna, graduate of TSPI,
  • - - Popov, Vitaly Vladimirovich,
  • - - Khoruzhenko, Konstantin Mikhailovich,
  • - - Ryabchenko, Alexey Mikhailovich,
  • - - Varnavskikh, Anatoly Borisovich,
  • - - Babin, Boris Nikolaevich,
  • - - Oleseyuk, Evgeny Viktorovich,
  • - - Beskorovayny, Isai Illarionovich,
  • - - Kovyrshin, Nikolai Pavlovich.

Notable teachers

  • Bondarenko, Ivan Ivanovich(-) - Russian writer, Chekhovologist, teacher.
  • Felichkin, Yuri Mikhailovich(-) - Soviet intelligence officer, philologist, teacher.
  • Infantova, Galina Gennadievna
  • Fedorov, Alexander Viktorovich() - Russian scientist-teacher, specialist in the field of media education, film studies.
  • Chesnokov, Petr Veniaminovich(-) - Russian scientist-philologist, teacher.