Requirements for the mode of the educational process. Federal State Educational Standards requirements for the classroom Requirements for the classroom

Details Created: March 27, 2017

To conduct training for employees, managers and administrators, it is recommended to organize a specialized training class at the customer’s enterprise. On this page we will publish and update requirements and recommendations regarding the organization of a training class, compliance with which will increase the quality of knowledge of students of our courses and reduce risks when organizing seminars

Classroom requirements

Number of jobs for seminar participants At least 7 (see requirements for student workstations)
Number of teaching positions 1 (see requirements for student workstations)
Training server for installing server software 1 (see requirements for the training server)
The need for a local network connecting a teaching workstation, a training server, and workstations for course participants Yes, from 100 Mbit/sec (for more details, see the requirements for software and hardware of the educational class)
Office laser printer for quick printing of assignments, exercises and educational materials Preferably connected to one of the classroom computers
The need for a training base pre-installed on the training server Yes, installed by ATLAS employees
The need for pre-installation of the DBMS on the training server* Yes, the MS SQL server part is installed by company employees in accordance with the bit depth of the OS used
The need for pre-installation of the DBMS on the work computers of course participants* Yes, MS SQL client part, installed by company employees in accordance with the OS bit depth
The need to pre-install other software on classroom computers**
  • Standard set of office applications (MS WORD, MS EXCELL, ADOBE READER, etc.
  • Specialized CAD systems on the basis of which training will be conducted
The need for a projector connected to the teacher’s workstation and a screen in the classroom Yes, if the number of listeners is more than 2
The need for a teaching board in the classroom It is advisable to have a magnetic whiteboard and markers
The need for Internet access from the workstations of the teacher and course participants Preferably
The need to connect to the Internet to the training server No
The need for flip chat Preferably
Availability of an area for coffee breaks and informal communication Preferably

Note 1.

* - Responsibility for compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of copyright protection for software (hereinafter referred to as the software) used on the server and workstations of users and the teacher during the courses lies with the Customer, with the exception of the software provided by ATLAS for the duration of the trainings developments of INTERMECH, ATLAS and FUSION.

Note 2.

** - If enterprise administrators undergo training in the course “Administrator of the SEARCH PDM System”, pre-installation of the ITERMECH software on the training server and workstations of course participants and teachers is not required, because This process will be discussed in detail in class. Need pre-installed software please. Please specify when ordering courses.

Note 3.

If the customer already has a classroom with installed hardware and software, the configuration of which differs from the minimum and recommended configuration presented here, the possibility of using this classroom is not excluded and should be discussed, depending on the planned courses

Note 4.

In case the customer plans to conduct design courses using the INTERMECH ® CADMECH™ module on one of the CAD platforms (Autodesk ® Inventor™, Dassault Systems ® SolidWorks™, PTC® Creo™, Siemens ® NX™, Siemens ® Solid Edge™ ) or ASCON ® KOMPAS 3D™ or KOMPAS GRAPHIC™ modules, the minimum and recommended requirements for the training server, workstations of the teacher and course students are determined system requirements the corresponding CAD system as the most stringent. Such requirements, relevant at the time of the release of the current version of the CAD system, can be studied on the websites of the developers of these systems:

Requirements for software and hardware in the classroom (bookmarks)

Training server
DBMS server
Dual-socket configuration based on Intel ® Xeon™ processor E5 series
RAID array based on SAS disks. It is not recommended to use RAID 5 on a DBMS server. It is recommended to use (in descending order) RAID 10, RAID 0 or RAID 1
Applications server
Single-processor configuration based on Intel® Xeon® processors E3RAID series, array based on SATA disks 2 Gb RAM
Microsoft ® Windows Server™ 2003 R2 or higher
Microsoft ® SQL Server™ 2005 or higher
HDD 500 GB
Training server
The DBMS server and application server are located on the same machine
Dual-socket configuration based on Intel ® Xeon™ processor E5 series
Microsoft ® Windows Server™ 2003 R2 or higher
Microsoft ® SQL Server™ 2005 or higher
RAM: 8Gb expandable up to 16 Gb
RAID array based on SAS disks. It is not recommended to use RAID 5 on a server to store data files. It is recommended to use (in descending order) RAID 10, RAID 0 or RAID 1
Workstation for students and teacher
Intel ® Core™, AMD ® Athlon™ 64 or later
Microsoft ® Windows XP™ OS (32-bit systems) / Windows Vista™, Windows™ 7 (32-bit or 64-bit systems)
Microsoft ® SQL Server™ 2005 or higher
HDD 500 GB
Microsoft ® Direct3D™ 10 - compatible video card
Resolution 1,280 x 1,024 or higher
1000 Mbit Ethernet for switching between servers and active equipment
100 Mbit for switching between end users and active equipment

Requirements for the scientist Robert Merton “In a series of works of the late 50s and early 60s, Merton moved on to the task of exploring not what a scientist should do, but what he actually does. The idea of ​​norms and values ​​internalized by the scientist due to his commitment to science is preserved, but now the “pathology” of science is brought into consideration - competition, suspicion, envy, hidden plagiarism, etc. (similar to Freud's list of deviations from the norm). According to Merton, the pathology of science contributes to the motivation of the scientist, resulting in “ambivalence” - duality and inconsistency of motives and, accordingly, behavior. In his study of priority conflicts (1957) and multiple discoveries (1961), Merton “became convinced that the real relationships between men of science differ significantly from those assumed by the norms. To describe the real behavior of scientists, in addition to the norms of the scientific ethos, Merton introduces nine more pairs of mutually opposite normative principles. The idea of ​​“sociological ambivalence” is that in our everyday professional activity Scientists are constantly in the tension of choosing between polar imperatives of prescribed behavior. So the scientist:

1) Must convey his scientific results to colleagues as quickly as possible, but he should not rush into publications;

2) Must be receptive to new ideas, but should not succumb to intellectual “fashion”;

3) He must strive to obtain knowledge that will be highly appreciated by his colleagues, but he must work without paying attention to the assessments of others;

4) Should defend new ideas, but should not support rash conclusions;

5) Must make every effort to know the work related to his field, but at the same time remember that erudition sometimes inhibits creativity;

6) Must be extremely careful in formulations and details, but should not delve into pedantry, because this is to the detriment of the content;

7) Must always remember that knowledge is universal, but must not forget that every scientific discovery brings honor to the nation whose representative it was made;

8) Must educate a new generation of scientists, but should not devote too much attention and time to training;

9) Must learn from a great Master and imitate him, but should not be like him.”

Mirskaya E.Z., Ethos of science: ideal regulations and everyday realities, in Sat.: Ethos of science / Rep. ed.: L.P. Kiyashchenko, E.Z. Mirskaya, M., “Academia”, 2008, p. 128-129.

2.9.1. In accordance with Art. 28 Federal Law“On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” programs, methods and regimes of education and training, in terms of hygienic requirements, are allowed for use if there is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on their compliance with sanitary rules.

Hygienic requirements for maximum educational load values

Classes Maximum permissible weekly load in hours
With a 6-day week With a 5-day week
1 - 20
2 - 4 25 22
5 31 28
6 32 29
7 34 31
8 - 9 35 32
10 - 11 36 33

Hours of elective, group and individual classes must be included in the maximum permissible load. With a 35-minute lesson duration in grades 2 - 4, the maximum permissible weekly load for a 6-day school week is 27 hours, and for a 5-day school week - 25 hours.

2.9.2. The length of the school week for students in grades 5-11 depends on the volume of the week and is determined in accordance with Table.

2.9.3. The duration of the lesson should not exceed 45 minutes.

2.9.4. Children aged 8 or 7 years of age are accepted into 1st grade at the discretion of the parents. Admission to an educational institution of children of the 7th year of life is carried out when they reach at least 6 years 6 months of age by September 1 of the school year. Admission of children to 1st grade is carried out on the basis of the conclusion of a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (consultation) on the child’s readiness for education. Education of children under 6.5 years of age at the beginning of the school year should be carried out in the conditions of an educational institution in compliance with all hygienic requirements for organizing the education of children from the age of six. Education of children in 1st grade should be carried out in compliance with the following requirements:

  • training sessions are held only during the first shift;
  • 5-day school week;
  • organizing a lighter school day in the middle of the school week;
  • conducting no more than 4 lessons per day;
  • duration of lessons - no more than 35 minutes;
  • organizing a dynamic break lasting at least 40 minutes in the middle of the school day;
  • use of a “stepped” training mode in the first half of the year;
  • organization of daytime sleep, 3 meals a day and walks for children attending an extended day group;
  • training without homework and scoring of students' knowledge;
  • an additional week's holiday in the middle of the third quarter.

2.9.5. For health purposes and to facilitate the process of adaptation of children to the requirements of a general education institution in the 1st grade, a “stepped” method of gradually increasing the teaching load is used:

  • in September, October - 3 lessons of 35 minutes each;
  • from the second quarter - 4 lessons of 35 minutes each.

2.9.6. In elementary grades the density academic work students in classes in basic subjects should not exceed 80%. In order to prevent fatigue, poor posture and vision of students, physical education and eye exercises are conducted during lessons when teaching writing, reading, and mathematics (Appendices 2 and 3).

2.9.7. For health purposes, general educational institutions create conditions to satisfy the biological need of students to move. This need can be realized through the daily physical activity of students in a volume of at least 2 hours. This volume of physical activity consists of the participation of students in a set of daily activities of each institution (Appendix 4): in conducting gymnastics before classes, physical education minutes in lessons, outdoor games in recess, sports hour in an extended day, physical education lessons, extracurricular sports activities and competitions, health days, independent physical education. For the same purpose, it is recommended to include subjects of a motor-active nature (choreography, rhythm, modern and ballroom dancing, teaching traditional and national sports games, etc.) into the school component of the curriculum for students of the first stage.

2.9.8. Classes should begin no earlier than 8 o'clock, without holding zero lessons. In general educational institutions with in-depth study of individual subjects, lyceums and gymnasiums, training is carried out only in the first shift. In general education institutions operating in several shifts, training for 1st, 5th, graduation and compensatory education classes should be organized in the first shift.

2.9.9. In compensatory training classes, the number of students should not exceed 20 people. The duration of lessons in such classes is no more than 40 minutes. Corrective and developmental classes are included in the maximum permissible weekly load established for students of each age. Regardless of the length of the school week, the number of lessons per day should be no more than 5 in primary grades and no more than 6 in grades 5-11. To prevent fatigue and maintain an optimal level of performance during the week, students in compensatory classes should have a lighter school day in the middle of the week (Wednesday). In order to rehabilitate health and reduce the time required for adaptation to the requirements of a general education institution, students in compensatory classes are provided with the necessary medical and psychological assistance in the institution (psychologist, pediatrician, speech therapist), specially trained teachers, technical and visual aids, and the involvement of parents in the process of learning and development of children.

2.9.10. In small general education institutions, the formation of classes - sets is determined by specific conditions and depends on the number of students and teachers. It is optimal to provide separate education for first-level students of different ages. It is allowed to unite first-level students into a class - set, but preference should be given to the formation of two combined classes - sets. It is optimal to combine students in grades 1 and 3 (1 + 3), grades 2 and 3 (2 + 3), grades 2 and 4 (2 + 4) into one set. To prevent student fatigue, it is necessary to reduce the duration of combined (especially 4th and 5th) lessons by 5 - 10 minutes. (except for physical education lesson). If it is necessary to combine students of grades 1, 2, 3, 4 into one set, a sliding schedule of classes for children of different ages should be used in order to create conditions for conducting part of the lessons in each class outside of combination (compliance with this requirement is especially necessary for first-graders) (Appendix. 5). In institutions where programmed instruction using sound technology is used from the 2nd grade, the maximum permissible duration of children’s work with program materials must be observed: in writing lessons in the 2nd grade - no more than 20 minutes, in the 3rd - no more than 25 minutes; in mathematics lessons in 2nd grade - no more than 15 minutes, in 3rd grade - no more than 20 minutes. In reading lessons, the use of sound technology is permissible only as audio visual aids. Regardless of the level of education, the number of students in two-grade sets should be no more than 25, and when three or four classes are combined into one set, no more than 15 children.

2.9.11. When using audiovisual TSOs in educational institutions, the duration of their continuous use in the educational process is established according to Table 4.

Duration of continuous use of various technical teaching aids in lessons

Classes Viewing duration (min.)
movies TV shows
1 - 2 7 - 15 15 - 20 15
3 - 4 15 - 20 15 - 20 20
5 - 7 20 - 25 20 - 25 20 - 25
8 - 11 - 25 - 30 25 - 30

During the week, the number of lessons using TCO should not exceed 3-4 for students of the 1st stage, 4-6 for students of the 2nd and 3rd stages.

2.9.12. When using computer technology in lessons, the continuous duration of classes directly with a video display terminal (VDT) and the implementation of preventive measures must comply with the hygienic requirements for video display terminals and personal electronic computers. After classes with VDT, it is necessary to carry out eye exercises, which are performed at the workplace (Appendix 5).

2.9.13. During labor classes, you should alternate tasks of different nature. You should not perform one type of activity throughout the lesson. independent work. Total duration practical work for students in grades 1-2 - 20-25 minutes, for students in grades 3-4 - 30-35 minutes.

The duration of continuous work with paper, cardboard, fabric for first-graders is no more than 5 minutes, for students in 2-3 - 5-7 minutes, for students in 4 - 10 minutes, and when working with wood and wire - no more 4-5 minutes. The duration of practical work in labor lessons for students in grades 5-7 should not exceed 65% of class time. The duration of continuous work on basic labor operations for students in 5th grade is no more than 10 minutes, in 6th grade - 12 minutes, in 7th grade - 16 minutes.

2.9.14. The lesson schedule is compiled separately for compulsory and elective classes. Optional classes should be scheduled on days with the fewest required classes. Between the start of electives and last lesson During compulsory classes, there is a 45-minute break.

2.9.15. In primary grades, double lessons are not conducted. For students in grades 5-9, double lessons are allowed for laboratory, tests, labor lessons, targeted physical education (skiing, swimming). Double lessons in basic and core subjects for students in grades 5-9 are allowed provided they are conducted following a physical education lesson or a dynamic break lasting at least 30 minutes. In grades 10-11, double lessons in basic and core subjects are allowed.

2.9.16. When drawing up a lesson schedule, you should alternate during the day and week for students of the 1st stage the basic subjects with lessons in fine arts, labor, physical education, and for students of the 2nd and 3rd stages of education - subjects of the natural, mathematical and humanities cycles.

2.9.17. The lesson schedule is built taking into account the course of the daily and weekly curve of students' mental performance (Appendix 6).

2.9.18. The duration of breaks between lessons is at least 10 minutes, a big break (after 2 or 3 lessons) is 30 minutes: instead of one big break, it is allowed to have two breaks of 20 minutes each after 2 and 3 lessons. Changes must be carried out with maximum use of fresh air and outdoor games. When conducting a daily dynamic break, it is allowed to extend the long break to 45 minutes, of which at least 30 minutes are allocated for organizing motor-active activities of students on the institution’s sports ground, in the gym or in recreational facilities equipped with exercise equipment.

2.9.19. Homework is given to students taking into account the possibility of completing them within the following limits: in 1st grade (from the second half of the year) - up to 1 hour, in 2nd - up to 1.5 hours, in 3-4th - up to 2 hours, in 5 -6th - up to 2.5 hours, 7-8th - up to 3 hours, 9-11th - up to 4 hours.

2.9.20. The work of extended-day groups is structured in accordance with the current requirements of the Russian Ministry of Health for the organization and operating hours of extended-day groups. In extended day groups, the duration of the walk for students of the 1st stage is at least 2 hours, for students of the 2nd stage - at least 1.5 hours. Self-preparation should begin at 16:00. The duration of self-training is determined by the class of study according to paragraph.

2.9.20. The best combination of activities for children in after-school groups is their physical activity in the air before the start of self-preparation (walking, moving and sport games, socially useful work in the area of ​​a general education institution), and after self-training - participation in events of an emotional nature (classes in clubs, games, attending entertainment events, preparing and holding amateur concerts, quizzes, etc.).

A classroom is a school teaching space, equipped with visual aids, teaching equipment, furniture and technical teaching aids, in which educational, extracurricular and extracurricular work is carried out with students and methodological work by subject.

The teacher is the rightful owner of the classroom. The furnishing of the classroom with educational equipment largely reflects the tastes and inclinations of the teacher, his methodological techniques, and pedagogical interests. It primarily determines which commercially available teaching aids the school or parent committee will purchase. At the same time, the activities of teachers in equipping classrooms of the same type often take different directions, thereby reflecting the difference in their views on which teaching tools should be used at one time or another in the educational process.

Most offices cannot be created in a short time. The office is created gradually, equipped and improved over several years.

However, classroom equipment that allows for effective teaching of the subject - with all the diversity of teachers' tastes - must meet certain requirements.

General requirements for the classroom:

1. Availability of regulatory school documentation for the opening and operation of a classroom:

Order on the opening of an educational office and its functioning to ensure the conditions for the successful implementation of the educational program in the profile of the office,

Order on the appointment of head. office, its functional responsibilities,

A passport of the office, issued with an indication of the functional purpose, the equipment available in it, technical means, visual aids, textbooks, methodological manuals, didactic materials, etc.

Inventory sheet for existing equipment and inventory,

Rules for using the study room by students,

Certificate of acceptance of the classroom by the school administration for the preparation of the classroom for operation,

Protocol of the decision of the methodological association of history teachers on the readiness of the classroom to provide conditions for the implementation of the educational program for a specific academic year (thematic planning, didactic materials, supporting notes, maps, diagrams, slides, tables, reminders for students (see Appendices),

Work plan of the classroom for the academic year and the future,

Logbook for the implementation of the work plan for the academic year,

Analytical materials on the implementation of the educational program in the current academic year,

Self-analysis of the work of the teacher’s office,

Planned measures to eliminate identified deficiencies in the work of the office.

2. Compliance with safety precautions and sanitary and hygienic standards in the classroom.

3. Compliance with aesthetic requirements for the design of the classroom:

Optimal feasibility of organizing space (teacher’s seat, student seats, presence of a podium, etc.),

Availability of permanent and replaceable educational and information stands, photographic materials, textbook materials, etc.

Requirements for educational and methodological support of the classroom:

1. The classroom is equipped with educational equipment, educational and methodological complex, and a set of teaching aids necessary for the implementation of the educational program.

2. Compliance of the educational and methodological complex and teaching aids with the requirements of the education standard.

3. Availability of a set of didactic materials of standard assignments, tests, tests, essays, compositions and other materials for diagnosing the quality of teaching and educational process.

4. Equipping with teaching aids to provide a variative program, a program of additional education within the framework of the functioning of the office.

Providing conditions for students to successfully fulfill the requirements for educational training on the basis of a classroom.

1. Provision of textbooks, teaching materials, and handouts in accordance with the educational program of the school.

2. Open and visual presentation to students of the minimum required educational content and requirements for the level of compulsory training (education standard).

3. Open and visual presentation to students of samples of indicators of compliance with the requirements of the educational standard.

4. Providing students with a set of standard assignments, tests, essays, tests, etc. to diagnose the fulfillment of the requirements of the basic and advanced levels of the educational standard.

5. Poster material for the classroom: examples of students’ successful fulfillment of the requirements of educational standards, analysis typical mistakes, results of intellectual marathon, olympiads, competitions, student performance creative tasks and etc.

6. Poster material for the educational classroom: recommendations for students on designing their educational activities, on implementing the program for the development of social skills, on organizing and completing homework, on preparing for various forms of educational - cognitive activity(workshop, seminar, laboratory work, testing, test, colloquium, interview, exam, etc.)

7. Screen for the effectiveness of students’ implementation of the educational standard.

8. Schedule of work of the classroom for the compulsory program, elective classes, additional education program, individual lessons with lagging children, with gifted children, consultations, etc.

9. Samples of individual curricula, student programs, results and analysis of their implementation.

Requirements for planning and organizing the work of the classroom to create optimal conditions for the successful implementation of the school’s educational program.

1. Unconditional compliance by teachers and students with the requirements of the educational standard.

2. Introduction of developmental training methods.

3. Differentiation of training.

4. Humanitarianization of learning.

Requirements for the history and social studies classroom.

The equipment of a history classroom at school consists of three main parts:

Special furniture and fixtures,

Technical equipment,

Teaching aids.

The office should present:

Wall historical maps,

Demonstration pictures and tables,

Handout visual aids,


The office must have:


Music library,


Multimedia aids.

Modern history classrooms also have their own library. The presence of a historical library helps organize extracurricular reading on history.

A special part of the classroom is didactic handouts:

Cards for receiving constructive answers,

Cards - tests,

Demo cards,

Programmed materials.

The design, equipment and maintenance of educational institutions must comply with sanitary rules for the design and maintenance of educational institutions of various educational systems and are designed for 18, 24, 32, 48 and 64 educational groups, i.e. respectively by 540, 720, 960, 1440 and 1920 students.

The main hygienic requirement for educational institutions is the creation of favorable conditions for theoretical training, industrial training and practice.

The second essential requirement is the location of these educational institutions near enterprises that are bases for practical training, but with mandatory observance of sanitary protection zones. Educational institutions should be located on an independent isolated section of the residential territory of cities and towns in industrial areas, close to basic enterprises (especially for educational institutions for vocational training youth). Rural educational establishments should be located in regional centers, near enterprises for the production and processing of agricultural products.

The third hygienic requirement dictates the need to provide favorable hygienic conditions for both classes and recreation for adolescents. For this purpose, three groups of premises should be provided: educational, educational and industrial, dormitories. They must be separated, designed in separate buildings, but in close proximity to each other.

The area of ​​the land plot is provided at the rate of 20 m2 per student, on the territory of which the following zones are distinguished: educational and industrial, sports, economic, residential.

The placement of educational buildings on the site should ensure the correct orientation of the main educational and residential premises, as well as favorable lighting and insolation conditions.

It is recommended that educational and residential premises be oriented to the south. southeast and east, technical drawing rooms - to the north, northeast, northwest, while they should be provided with at least 3 hours of continuous solar irradiation for the period from 22.03 to 22.09 in areas south of 60°N. . and from 22.04 to 22.08 - in areas north of 60°N.3 The building density of the site should be 15-25%, the density of landscaping should be 50%; the distance from the windows of classrooms to tree trunks is at least 10 m and to shrubs - at least 5 m.

In the buildings of educational institutions it is necessary to provide educational premises for theoretical classes, educational and production workshops, educational and sports, cultural and mass purposes, administrative and office, auxiliary, warehouse, canteens, dormitories, sanatoriums.

Educational institutions should have no more than 4 floors, educational and production facilities - 1-2 floors, dormitories - 3 floors.

Educational premises must be isolated from training and production workshops, sports and assembly halls, catering facilities, which are a source of noise and unpleasant odors. In the basements ground floors, you can only place dressing rooms, sanitary facilities, showers, pantries, book depositories and dining rooms.

The height of the floor of educational institutions is assumed to be 3.3 m from floor to floor of the overlying floor, educational and production premises - depending on the technological equipment, the rest - according to the relevant standards.

The area of ​​classrooms and group classrooms should be at least 50 m2, classrooms in the specialty - 60 - 72 m2, classrooms for technical teaching aids - 72 m2, laboratories, rooms for drawing and graphic work, course and diploma design - 72 - 90 m2 and preparation rooms -18m2.

Auxiliary premises (lobby, cloakroom, recreation, bathrooms) should be taken on the basis of: vestibule and cloakroom - 0.25 m2 per student, recreational premises - 0.62 m2 per student, sanitary facilities - one toilet for 30 women, one toilet and one urinal for 40 men, one washbasin for 60 men.

Every educational institution must have a canteen. The dining room and kitchen premises are allocated in a separate block on the ground floor and must have access to the utility yard.

The number of seats in the dining hall should be equal to 20% of the total number of students in secondary specialized educational institutions and 1/3 of the number of students in vocational educational institutions. The distance between tables and serving is at least 150 - 200 cm, between rows and the wall - 40 - 60 cm.

Assembly halls of educational institutions located in cities are designed to simultaneously accommodate 173, and in rural areas - 1/2 of the total number of students, at the rate of 0.65 m2 per seat.

The assembly hall will include a cinema room (30 m2), a radio center (10 m2), rooms for amateur groups (at least 4 rooms per 12 m2), an equipment storage room (10 m2) and a restroom.

In a library - book depository, there should be 50 - 60 units of book stock per student, and 2.2 m2 of area per 1000 units. IN reading room it is necessary to provide 2.2 m2 of space for 1 place. The number of seats in the reading room depends on the capacity of the educational institution:

  • for 540 students - 50 places;
  • for 720 - 55 seats;
  • for 960 - 60 seats;
  • for 1440 - 85 seats.

Equipment and interior decoration premises.

When painting educational and industrial premises, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

The premises of the metalworking and woodworking workshops are painted in calm tones of the green and yellow spectrum;

The same colors, but brighter, can also be used in rooms where students visit before starting work (entrance hall, wardrobe, locker room);

In the area where production equipment is located, calmer, muted tones are recommended that have a calming effect (blue, green-blue, yellow-green);

The stationary parts of metal-cutting machines are painted light green, the moving parts are cream;

Individual elements of equipment and architectural and building structures (trade walls, columns, seats, stands) can be painted in brighter and more contrasting colors;

In recreation areas it is necessary to use warm colors: yellow, yellow-green, orange.

The ceilings in all rooms are painted with white adhesive paint. The floors in the premises must be durable, fire-resistant, waterproof, with low thermal conductivity, low abrasion, silent when walking, accessible for repairs and cleaning. Floors in various rooms of an educational institution are made taking into account the purposes of these rooms.

Floors in educational and educational premises should be made of wood or linoleum on a warm base. In order to prevent various mercury poisonings in chemistry, physics and preparation laboratories, floors must be covered with seamless linoleum, sealed under the baseboards and raised along the wall to a height of 15 cm.

In gymnasiums, the floor is covered with elastic, warm, sound-absorbing, non-slip and single-color materials. The best is a slatted floor. Metal parts for strengthening the shells are sealed flush with the level of the “sixth” floor. The materials used for the manufacture of floors in educational and production workshops must provide a smooth and non-slip surface that is easy to clean.

The heat absorption coefficient should be no more than 5 kcal/cm~-g-deg). The most acceptable are asphalt, xylolite and other heated floors. In auxiliary rooms (showers, toilets) the floors are covered with Metlakh tiles.

Equipment in workshops should be placed perpendicularly or at an angle of 30 - 45° to the light-bearing wall. The distance between rows of machines is 1.2 m, between machines in rows is at least 0.8 mm.

The volume of production premises per worker must be at least 15 m3, and the area of ​​the premises must be at least 4.5 m2.

Thus, the design and construction of new, reconstruction of existing (operating) educational institutions are carried out in accordance with the requirements of chapter SNiP II -66-78 “vocational and secondary specialized educational institutions. Design standards”, which ensure safety, guarantee the preservation of health and human performance.