Last news. Latest news The purpose of the lesson is a quiz

(Read the rules for solving puzzles on the game page)

Everyone knows the fables of Ivan Andreevich Krylov. They ridicule stupidity, ignorance, injustice. Ivan Krylov had a chance to deal with all this from early childhood. His father, army officer Andrei Prokhorovich Krylov, although he was a nobleman, had no money and left his only, but truly priceless wealth as an inheritance to his son - an old camp chest with books that he collected for many years, spending the last pennies on them. Vanya saw from childhood that his father spends all his free time reading. There was no money for Ivan's education. Well, once a rich landowner, having heard Vanyusha read poetry, allowed him, out of mercy, to come to his children's lessons. Especially diligently the boy took up the languages ​​- French and Italian. At the same time, he accidentally came across a thin booklet by the French fabulist La Fontaine, and Vanya even tried to translate one of the fables. When Vanyusha was 9 years old, his father died. The mother worked from morning to night, so as not to tear her son away from his studies, and yet there was not enough money. At the age of 11, Vanya entered the service - he copied papers in court, delivered important documents, repaired goose feathers, he had his own desk littered with papers, and he was even called Ivan Andreevich. But often he got it from a stern boss for an "empty and useless activity" - reading all kinds of books.
In addition to books, Ivan also loved the theater. He even began his literary journey by writing plays. Plays were staged. But they were so truthful and witty, and their heroes were so easily recognizable, that theaters soon stopped staging them. Three times Krylov began to publish magazines. But even in them the satire was so sharp that the magazines had to be closed. And only at the age of 37 Ivan Andreevich Krylov found his calling - fables! And immediately became known throughout Russia.
Our people have long called the great Russian fabulist grandfather Krylov. He wrote exactly 200 fables and compiled them into 9 books himself. At the foot of his monument in the Summer Garden in the city of St. Petersburg, the characters of his fables are depicted..

Answers to puzzles:
1. Quartet
2. Elephant and Pug
3. Dragonfly and Ant
4. Crow and Fox

(To go to the game - click on the thumbnail illustration)

Poster size A4 - 960 x 720
File size - 98 kb.

Greetings from grandfather Krylov

A little about the writer

Solve puzzles and find out the names of famous Krylov's fables


Collect mosaics based on illustrations of Krylov's fables

When creating the page were used
materials of the magazine "Chitaika", No. 2, 2009

Andreeva M.S. The casket of wisdom: [script of a literary matinee] // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2004. - No. 2. - S. 3-7.
Apollonova, G. V. Hello, grandfather Krylov! : [script] // Read, learn, play. - 2012. - No. 11. S. 21-25.
Bikeeva, V. A. The poet and the sage merged into one: [script] // Leisure at school. - 2014. - No. 3. - S. 14-19.
Glazkova, L. A."I was not looking for magnificent ranks ...": [script] // Reading, learning, playing. - 2013. - No. 12. S. 21-25.
Glubokovskikh, M.V."Neighbour, my light!...": [script of an educational and intellectual event] // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2017. - No. 11. - S. 6-7.
Glubokovskikh, M.V."Dragonfly and Ant": [script for children 9-10 years old] // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2018. - No. 2. - S. 6-8.
Darsalyamova A.I. The kingdom of the fable: a game - a journey through the work of I.A. Krylova // Read, study, play. - 2005. - No. 7. - S. 43-45.
Drey, O. I. Krylov's fables: [script of the game "Who wants to become a millionaire?" // How to entertain guests. - 2014. - No. 3. - S. 52-56.
Eschenko N. Fables of grandfather Krylov: [script of the game lesson-competition] // Primary School. - 2003. - No. 6. - S. 3. - (Appendix to the newspaper "First of September").
Makarova B.A. Fabulist, which was not: [script of a literary evening about I.A. Krylov] // Read, study, play. - 2003. - No. 12. - S. 42-50.
Makarova B.A. Scenario "The Great Fabulist": [theatrical performance about Krylov I.A.] // Leisure at school. - 2004. - No. 3. - S. 18-23.
Nushtaeva, A.A."I didn't even notice the elephant": an educational literary game. // Read, study, play. - 2015. - No. 6. - S. 88-91.
Peshkun, L.G."Crow and Fox": [script of a literary event for children aged 9-10] // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2017. - No. 5. - S. 8-12.
Polyakova, G. V. Lafontaine's heir: [script] // Reading, learning, playing. - 2014. - No. 2. S. 58-61.
Semenikhina E.V.
"The moral of this fable is this...": [development of the competitive program] // Reading, learning, playing. - 2003. - No. 12. - S. 51-53.
Sergeeva, I. A. Feather and fable: [event scenario and quiz based on the works of I. A. Krylov for students in grades 4-5] // Read, learn, play. - 2013. - No. 12. S. 26-27.
Solovyova, E. V."The moral of this fable is this...": [script of the game program] // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2011. - No. 12. S. 10-11.
Shikulya, O. V. On a visit to grandfather Krylov: [script] // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2014. - No. 9. - S. 9-12.

List of scenarios for mass events for children

library poster on bookshelf

Guess the riddle: find the answer in the picture

The crow has that cheat
She managed to take away the cheese deftly.

Assemble the halves to make the names of the fables



wolf and

crow and

Cuckoo and

monkey and

dragonfly and

Chizh and

Check your answers


Half of the names of the fables:
Wolf and Lamb
A Crow and a fox
Cuckoo and Rooster
Fox and grapes
monkey and glasses
Mouse and Rat
Elephant and Pug
Dragonfly and Ant
Chizh and Dove

Who has not heard his living word?
Who in life has not met his own?
Immortal creations of Krylov
We love each year more and more!

M. Isakovsky

Fables I.A. Krylova

Fables I.A. Krylova

Find the correct answer in the text of the fables of I.A. Krylova

Click on the word number to read the definition. Write down your answer in the window that appears. Then click on the word "Enter". If you're having trouble answering, click on the word "Hint" to see a letter or part of a word.


February 13, 2019 marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of the famous fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov. Even the youngest students are familiar with his work. The librarians were able to verify this at the literary hour “The moral of this fable is this…”, which was held for elementary school students. They told the kids Interesting Facts from the life of the writer, they showed dramatizations of fables. And the young readers themselves recognized fables by popular expressions, participated in contests: “Guess the object”, “Find a couple”. The children also demonstrated their artistic abilities by reciting fables known to them by heart. At the end of the event, the children named many human qualities that fables teach: modesty, justice, honesty, kindness.
T.V. Dmitrienko, library card librarian




Lesson outline.

Goals :

Training: Generalize, deepen the knowledge of students on the fables of I. Krylov.

Developing: development of expressive reading skills, organizational and creative abilities, logical thinking.

Educational: the ability to work in groups, fostering a sense of collectivism, tolerance.

Equipment: computer,

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Oral answers to questions

*Who said so?

Before that, my dear, was it?

In soft ants

Songs, playfulness every hour

So that turned his head.


III. Reading by heart

solve puzzles.

1 .(curtain-blackout)

2. Connect with arrows

Crow glasses

swan fox

monkey pike

elephant lamb

wolf cook

Pug cat

3. Fill in the missing words

Woz, glasses, acorns, cheese

* Yes, the Swan breaks into the clouds,

It doesn't bother me at all;

I see little use in it

5. Remove excess.

Dove, how good!

VI. Dramatization of a fable

The conclusion in the fable is called:


2. Moral


4. Reasoning

1. Allegory



4. Repetition

VIII. Outcome.


Mukhamed Galina Petrovna. Lesson - a game based on the fables of I.A. Krylov.

Lesson outline.

Topic: Lesson-game based on the fables of I. Krylov

Goals :

Training: Generalize, deepen the knowledge of students on the fables of I. Krylov.

Developing: development of expressive reading skills, organizational and creative abilities, logical thinking.

Educational: the ability to work in groups, fostering a sense of collectivism, tolerance.

Equipment: computer, interactive whiteboard, book and illustration exhibition

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Today we have lesson game. You will show knowledge of the fables of I.A. Krylova, reveal your creative abilities.

Krylov's fables, according to Gogol, are"The Book of the Wisdom of the People".And Belinsky considered the glory of Krylov as a Russian fabulist: “The greatest, most incorruptible glory of the people».

Divide into 5 groups. Choose a captain. The captain has a flag. When the team is ready, the captain announces the readiness by raising the flag. The judges determine who was first. The captain who raised the flag first receives 2 tokens, the second - 1 token, the captain who did not raise the flag - 0.

II. Oral answers to questions

*Who said so?

Before that, my dear, was it?

In soft ants

Songs, playfulness every hour

So that turned his head.

* In which fable I.A. Krylova uses the word bully with a masculine adjective?

* The characters of which Krylov's fable praised each other "without fear of sin"?

* List the heroes of the fable who "started to play a quartet."

* “For the strong, the weak is always to blame. That is why we hear a lot of examples in history. But we don't write history." What fable are these words in?

III. Reading by heart

*Choose one reader from the group. Who better to read Krylov's fable by heart?

IV. Work with illustrations, drawings for fables, puzzles for fables

* For the lesson, you should have prepared drawings for the fables. While the judges pick the winnerssolve puzzles.

* Orally sign the name of the fable to the illustrations of the artists.

V. Working with the interactive whiteboard

1 .(curtain-blackout)

* With the help of this item you can see: "What kind of mug is there." What is the subject? (mirror)

* The item that the heroine "got half a dozen for herself"? (Glasses)

2. Connect with arrows

Crow glasses

swan fox

monkey pike

elephant lamb

wolf cook

Pug cat

3. Fill in the missing words

It is known that _____________ is a curiosity with us -

So crowds of ______________ followed the Elephant.

Wherever you take it, towards ______________ them.

Seeing the Elephant, well, rush to _________,

And _________, and _____________, and _______________

(squeal, tear, Elephants, onlookers, squeal, him, Pug)

4. Arrange items in their places

Woz, glasses, acorns, cheese

* Cheat to a tree on tiptoe fits:

He wags his tail, does not take his eyes off the Crow

* Yes, the Swan breaks into the clouds,

Cancer moves back, and Pike pulls into the water.

* Let it dry, - says the Pig, -

It doesn't bother me at all;

I see little use in it

* It will press them to the crown, then it will string them on the tail,

He will sniff them, then he will lick them

5. Remove excess.

Where did the “wolf at night, thinking to get into the sheepfold” get to?

(House, car, kennel, shop)

6. Underline who owns these words:

Dove, how good!

Well, what a neck, what eyes!

To tell, so, right, fairy tales!

Crow, dragonfly, fox, frog, titmouse, monkey

6. Divide into 4 groups of heroes of fables:

Cancer, Demyan, Monkey, goat, wife, oak, swan, pig, clubfoot Bear, Raven, Pike, Donkey, Foka.

VI. Dramatization of a fable

VII.Test. Circle the correct answer.

The conclusion in the fable is called:


2. Moral


4. Reasoning

2 . Determine the name of the technique characteristic of the fable:

1. Allegory



4. Repetition

VIII. Outcome.

Summing up, rewarding students.

Fable quiz by I.A. Krylova

"Guess a riddle"

This bird wants from childhood Become a famous singer. Day and night restless "Kar-kar-kar!" - sings...


She is smarter than all the animals Red coat on her Lush tail - her beauty! This beast of the forest - ...


Came from hot countries There she lived among the vines, And, hanging on them by the tail, I ate a banana.


Pahom rides on horseback. reads a book, And he doesn't know how to read.



and glasses"

Helicopter flies in the sky And how beautiful is his flight, What captivates the eye. His wing is a solid pattern, Large, reticulated eyes. Everyone knows this is...


I work in artel At the roots of a shaggy spruce. I drag a log along the mounds - More carpenter it is.


Ants can lift 100 times their own weight.

Long trunk instead of a nose. On a hot day, he carries water in it. And big ears Waving like sails. This kind giant Inhabitant of distant hot countries. Fruit can eat five tons Gray African ...


The African elephant is the largest mammal that lives on Earth.

Tell me why my friend Sleeps without a pillow, eats without hands In winter, he walks without boots, And if he is happy, does he wag his tail?


She is not a dog, but she barks, The tail is long, red wags. Not a cat, but catches mice, And in a mink raises kids. To the village, to the chicken coop for the bird Will go on a dark night ...


Like bright garlands Decorating the garden Ripe and sweet Clusters hang in it. Ripens, dresses up In a colorful outfit. Everyone will guess It - …


Front - patch Behind - hook, In the middle, the back And it has bristles on it.


I got out of the crumb-barrel, Roots started up and grew, I became tall and powerful I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds. I feed pigs and squirrels Nothing that the fruit of my chalk.

An oak tree can be over 1000 years old.

The gray bird lives Never build a nest Growing up in foreign families Years of life predicts: - Ku-ku, ku-ku - shouts on a branch, - Where are you, where are you, where are you kids? Don't believe her, liar bird! And her name is...


It is important to walk around the yard, He wakes everyone up in the morning. In boasting has a skill, Little Red Riding Hood. And usually with an opponent He gets into fights as usual. His singing cuts the ear - It screams in the morning...


Here is the end of the fable and who listened - well done!

Quiz on Krylov's fables.

1. Which fable contains the following words: “It is still there”

A) Monkey and glasses

B) The wolf in the kennel

C) Swan, crayfish and pike

D) Demyanov's ear

2. Who did Moska bark at?

A) on a hedgehog

B) Na Uzha

B) a lion

D) on an elephant

3. What is the fault of the Lamb in the fable "The Wolf and the Lamb"?

A) That he muddied water for the wolf

B) That the wolf wants to eat

C) That he woke up the wolf

D) That he scared the wolf

4. Continue the sentence from the fable: “The trouble is, if the shoemaker starts the pies, and the boots are stitched ....”

A) pieman

B) ice cream maker

B) janitor

D) road builder

5. Where did the crow sit down with a piece of cheese?

A) on a stump

B) on a branch

B) on a spruce

D) on a tree

6. Where did the cunning wolf or the fable "The Wolf in the Kennel" go?

A) Nautek

B) in the corner

B) into the forest

D) to negotiate

7. “Why, without fear of sin, does the Cuckoo praise the Rooster?”

a) Because he is handsome

B) For the fact that he praises the Cuckoo

C) Because he is her friend

D) Because he helped her

8. What did the Dragonfly do in the summer?

A) bathed

B) Helped the Ant

B) sang

D) I flew to my sister

9. “I know you.” What fable is this moral from? (connect a fable and a moral with an arrow)

“How many times have they told the world

That flattery is vile, harmful; but everything is not for the future,

And in the heart the flatterer will always find a corner. "Cabin"

"Forward someone else's misfortune

don't laugh, Dove!""A Crow and a fox"

“When there is no agreement among comrades,

Their business will not go well,

And nothing will come out of it, only flour."Chizh and dove"

"Often happens to us

And work and wisdom to see there,

Where you can only guess

Just get down to business.""Swan, Pike and Cancer"

10. What fable is this sentence from: “They are climbing out of their skin, but the cart is still not moving.”

A) Elephant and Pug

B) Swan, Cancer and Pike

C) Monkey and glasses

D) casket

11. From what fable are the following words: “Darling, how good!”

A) Elephant and Pug

B) Raven and Fox

C) Frog and Ox

D) Wolf and Lamb

12. From which fable are these words: “Where is it? What an empty thing! Isn't it stupid that he is so highly valued?

A) Crow and Fox

B) Pig under the Oak

C) Rooster and pearl grain

D) wolf and lamb

13 . "Larchik".

- Various items are collected in the casket. You must remember which character they belong to.

Mirror -

grain -

snare -

piece of cheese -

acorns -

14. “Puzzles. Guess the name of the fable.

15. "Board of announcements"

- Read the announcements. Which of the heroes of the fables could they belong to?

16. "Who said such words?"

  • "Darling, how pretty!

Well, what a neck, what eyes!

  • “Everything about glasses just lied to me;

And there is no use for hair in them.

  • "Friends! Why all this noise?

I, your old matchmaker and godfather ... "

  • "Don't leave me, dear godfather!

Give me the strength to…”

  • “Wait!

How does the music go? You don't sit like that."

Quiz on Krylov's fables, 1 option

Krylov's fables are called a storehouse of folk wisdom. Quizzes will help to better understand the wise fables of the author. Teams receive 1 point for a correct quiz answer.

1. How many fables did I. Krylov write: 100, 200 or 300? (About 200 fables)

2. What is the name of the fable about four unsuccessful musicians? ("Quartet")

3. Which tree did the crow perch on to eat the cheese? (On spruce)

4. What artiodactyl animal did the frog want to look like when it tried to pout? (On the ox)

5. What insect refused to help the jumping dragonfly? (Ant)

6. Whose singing did the donkey like more: the nightingale or the rooster? (rooster)

7. What were the names of the dogs that were talking about the elephant walking down the street? (Pug and Mongrel)

8. What common cause did Pike, Swan and Cancer want to do? (Carry a cart with luggage)

9. Did the Monkey understand that there was her reflection in the mirror? (No. She thought it was one of her girlfriends.)

10. What courtesy did the Crane give to the Wolf? (Pulled out a bone stuck in my throat)

11. What is the third bird mentioned in the fable "The Cuckoo and the Rooster"? (Sparrow)

12. What did the Monkey do with the glasses at the end of the fable? (Hit a rock and break)

13. In which fable is the weak always to blame for the strong? ("The Wolf and the Lamb")

14. How did it happen that the wolf got into the kennel, although he needed a sheepfold? (It was night and he mixed up the buildings)

15. How does I. Krylov advise to deal with envious people in the fable “Passers-by and dogs”? (Ignore them)

16. How are the fairy tale "The Little Fox and the Wolf" and the fable "The Wolf and the Fox" similar? (In both works, the fox deceives the wolf, and he remains hungry)

17. What fable teaches not to laugh at someone else's grief? ("The Siskin and the Pigeon")

18. Who did the Rat from the fable "Mouse and the Rat" consider the most powerful animal: a lion or a cat? (cat)

19. What could not get the fox in the garden, bouncing for an hour? (Grape)

20. Which of the four human shortcomings did I. Krylov make fun of in the fable: “The Pig under the Oak”: greed, cowardice, ignorance or laziness? (Ignorance)

Quiz on Krylov's fables, option 2

1. From which fable is the proverb?“It is not for nothing that they say that the work of the master is afraid” .

"Nobleman and Philosopher"
"Pike and cat"
"Cobblestone and Diamond"

2. Name three fables by I.A. Krylov, in the title of which there is the word "frog"

"The Frog and the Ox", "The Frog and Jupiter", "The Frogs Asking for a King"

3. What was the name of the shepherd in I.A. Krylov’s fable “The Shepherd”, who was tending the lord’s sheep?


4. What "ants" were in I.A. Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and Ant?"


5. Continue the phrase:

And the box is just...opened("Larchik"),
Elephant me and..
did not notice("Curious")
Like a squirrel..
in the wheel("Squirrel")

6. I.A. Krylov was an ardent defender of education. We learn about this from his fables, which expose ignorance. Name these fables:"Monkey and Glasses", Rooster and Pearl Seed"
"Pig under the Oak"

7. What fable is this quote from?

“When you want to be honored by people - With analysis, make acquaintances and friends!”

"The Picky Bride"
"Council of Mice"
"The Peasant and the Snake"

8. The famous fabulist Krylov spoke out sharply against the unjust "order", lawlessness and violence perpetrated against the serfs, the people. This is evidenced by his fables. Give examples of such fables.

"Wolves and Sheep", "Peasants and the River", "Motley Sheep"

9. Give examples of fables by I.A. Krylov, in the name of which there are plants.

"Pig under the oak"
"The Fox and the Grapes"
"Oak and cane"

10. In this fable, the eminent master, with poisonous irony, conveyed to us the image of a king mercilessly cracking down on freethinkers. The fabulist also exposed the pretense and hypocrisy of the royal person. During the life of I.A. Krylov, the fable was not printed. What king, and what fable are we talking about?

About Alexander II, "The Peasant and the Snake"
About Nicholas I, "The Boy and the Snake"
About Alexander I, "Motley Sheep"

11. What was the cat's nickname in Krylov's fable "The Cat and the Cook"?


Quiz on Krylov's fables, variant 3

1. Who did the Dragonfly ask to “feed and warm” her?

a) an elephant

b) Anteater

c) cockroach

d) Ant +

2. What fable had such a moral?

“The trouble is, if the shoemaker starts the pies, And the pieman makes the boots, And things will not go smoothly.”

a) "Pig under the Oak"

b) "Swan, Pike and Cancer"

c) "Pike and Cat" +

d) "Passers-by and Dogs"

3. Who said such words?

"Friends! Why all this noise? I am your old matchmaker and godfather ... "

a) Wolf ("Wolf in the kennel") +

b) Rooster ("Cuckoo and Rooster")

c) Pike ("Swan, Pike and Cancer")

d) Bars ("Lion and Bars")

4. What characters were taken to carry luggage in one of the fables of I. A. Krylov?

a) Crow and Fox

b) Crow and Chicken

c) Swan, Cancer and Pike +

d) Frog and Ox

5. What fable is this passage from?

“Sing, little light, don’t be ashamed! What if, sister, With such beauty, you are a master of singing ... "?

a) "Crow and Fox" +

b) "Crow and Chicken"

c) "The Fox and the Marmot"

d) "Quartet"

6. What was the name of the dog that barked at the elephant?

a) Toska

b) Pug +

c) board

d) Amvroska

7. Who in the fable of I. A. Krylov did not know what to do with glasses?

a) Professor

b) Ox

c) Monkey +

d) Pug

8. Which of the animals is not the hero of the Quartet fable?

a) monkey

b) Leo +

c) donkey

d) Goat

9. What fable is this passage from?

“Though the eye sees, Yes, the tooth is numb ...”

a) "Swan, Pike and Cancer"

b) "Tit"

c) "Passers-by and Dogs"

d) "Fox and grapes" +

10. How many violins did the animals have in the Quartet fable?

a) three

b) one

c) two +

d) four

11. What did the main character of the fable "Titmouse" want to do with the sea?

a) drink

b) buy

c) burn +

d) clear

12. What event that took place in Russia is referred to in the fable "The Wolf in the Kennel"?

a) about Patriotic war 1812 +

b) the accession to the throne of Alexander I

c) about the birthday of Nicholas II

d) the abolition of serfdom

13. From whom did the Donkey offer to learn singing in the fable "The Donkey and the Nightingale"?

a) a canary

b) a parrot

c) a crow

d) at the rooster +

Scenario based on the work of I.A. Krylov

"His fables will outlive the ages"

Who has not heard his living word?

Who in life has not met his own?

Immortal creations of Krylov

We love each year more and more.

From the school desk with them we got along,

In those days, the primer was barely comprehended.

And forever remain in my memory

Winged krylov words.

(M. Isakovsky)

Today we are holding a meeting dedicated to the work of I. A. Krylov. This was an amazing person. During his life he wrote a lot: plays for the theater, articles for magazines, stories. But the modern reader knows him primarily as the author of fables. That's what we're going to talk about today.

Krylov's fables are short in size, but capacious in content. They are written with an amazing sense of humor. They do not contain tedious moralizing, but only briefly underlined truths that should not be forgotten.

READING the fable "Cabin"

It often happens to us

And work and wisdom to see there,

Where you can only guess

Just get down to business.

Someone brought a casket from the master.

Finishing, cleanliness Casket rushed into the eyes;

Well, everyone admired the beautiful Casket.

Here comes the sage into the mechanics room.

Glancing at the Casket, he said: "A casket with a secret,

So; he is without a lock;

And I undertake to open; yes, yes, I'm sure of it;

Don't laugh so hard!

I will find a secret and I will open the Casket for you:

In mechanics, I'm worth something."

Here he took up the Casket:

Spins it around

And he breaks his head;

Now a carnation, then another, then a bracket shakes.

Here, looking at him, another

Shakes his head;

They whisper, and they laugh among themselves.

In the ears only reverberates:

"Not here, not like this, not there!" The mechanic is more torn.

Sweat, sweat; but finally tired

Behind the casket

And how to open it, did not guess at all;

And the casket just opened.

It is known that a good teacher, be it a teacher or an educator, must be an artist. That is why our competition involves the manifestation of creative abilities on the part of students, the ability to present educational material in an interesting and new way for young children.

And we invite 3 people from each group to this stage.


We ask the representatives of the groups to take part in the draw.


Our artists chose the fable of I.A. Krylov. And now they will go to the gym to prepare their numbers. Let's give them a round of applause.

And we, in turn, invite everyone present in the hall to take part in a quiz. Be active and attentive. Listen to the end of the question and raise your hand if you are sure that your answer is correct.


Well done! You proved your knowledge, and very good knowledge, of Ivan Andreevich's fables.

Now count your tokens.

PRIZE for the winner of the quiz

It's time for a competition that will help us identify the most artistic students. We are starting a competition for staging I.A. Krylov's fables!

Let's take a look at the jury:


We invite the team of the group _____ to stage the fable "The Wolf and the Lamb"

We invite the team of the group _____ to stage the fable "The Crow and the Fox"

We invite the team of the group _____ to stage the fable "Dragonfly and Ant"

We invite the team of the _____ group to the stage to stage the fable "The Mouse and the Rat"

We invite the team of the _____ group to the stage to stage the fable "The Fox and the Groundhog"

We invite the team of the group _____ to stage the fable "Pike and the Cat"

Thanks teams.

Krylov created original fables and translated fables of other peoples. But, using the often traditional fable plot that was found in Lafontaine or Aesop, Krylov always transformed the fable, drawing in it pictures of Russian life, Russian nature, Russian life.

Krylov the fabulist influenced all Russian writers, the development of all Russian literature. Pushkin and Gogol, Nekrasov and Ostrovsky learned from him the originality of language, picturesqueness, accuracy of characteristics and the ability to find true poetry in the life of the people.