Tpu admission to graduate school. The best graduate students and students received rector's scholarships and keys to single rooms in the new TPU hostel

In the International cultural center TPU hosted a solemn reception for students and graduate students who were recognized as the best in 2015. Title " Best Student TPU” and “The Best Postgraduate Student of TPU” in 2016 received 12 polytechnics. 95 people applied for the titles of "The Best TPU Student" and "The Best TPU Postgraduate Student": 64 students and 31 postgraduate students. As a result of the competitive selection, six polytechnics became the "Best Postgraduates" and six more "Best Students" It was they who showed outstanding results in teaching and research activities, excellent knowledge of foreign languages ​​and presented promising scientific developments.

The average score in the record book of all applicants for the title of "Best Students" is not lower than 4.5. For graduate students, the key condition for participation is the presence of victories in scientific competitions, grant competitions for young scientists and the presence of their own inventions.

“The main bet in the competition is made on science, scientific achievements. All participants have a good education, but this education is in the scientific trend. They are successful in their respective industries. These are accomplished researchers who have confidently taken their first steps into great science, an elite that will glorify the university in the near future,

- says the head of the Department of Master's, Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies of TPU Alena Zakharova. —Our competition allows the university to take stock of the year and recognize outstanding young scientists and their leaders. This is how we shape the history of personal success of our best graduate students and students, so that they feel ownership of their own university, their institutes and laboratories.”

Thus, this year the title of “The Best TPU Student” was won by Evgenia Dyrina. She introduced the competition experts to her universal methodology for implementing lean manufacturing tools in Russian companies of any industry. She has been working on it for three years already, most of the results were included in her master's thesis, which Evgenia is preparing to defend just the other day. The student has achieved great success in testing lean manufacturing technology at enterprises of various industries in our region, including the TPU hotel, the LAMA group of companies, the food delivery company, Tomskkabel LLC, Tomsk House Building Company (TDSK) and others.

“I hope that in all the companies where we have been, this work continues in order to reduce unnecessary time and constantly improve the production process,” says a student of the Department of Management at the TPU Institute for Social and Humanitarian Technologies (ISHT) Evgenia Dyrina. “I am very glad that I became the best student. I have been working towards this goal since my first year. At first she was a laureate, then she took second place, and now - a victory. I want to thank everyone who helped me: my supervisor, department, institute, my parents. This is our common merit."

Evgenia's supervisor is a senior lecturer at the Department of Management, ISGT, TPU Nadezhda Gavrikovanotes that it is very easy and pleasant to work with her.

“It is difficult to be the leader of a negligent student, but the best is always easy. You just need to guide him, help. Therefore, victory in the competition is, first of all, the merit of Zhenya, her perseverance, her leadership qualities and determination”,

Nadezhda Gavrikova admits.

The title of "Best Postgraduate Student of TPU" Ekaterina Filippova from the Physical-Technical Institute (PTI). She introduced keratoimplants for the treatment of diseases of the cornea of ​​the eye. Implant analogues exist in the world, but they do not meet clinical requirements. The main difference between Ekaterina's development is the porosity of the implant. This allows you to contain the excess flow of fluid and at the same time nourish the cornea.

“Our implant will be used in the treatment of corneal dystrophy, for patients who have had any surgical interventions on the anterior segment of the eye. Keratopathy is an inflammation that is manifested by a violation of the transparency of the eye and blurred vision. Thanks to our implant, the disease is in remission,”

Catherine explains.

Her supervisor, Professor of the Department of Experimental Physics Vladimir Pichugin, notes that they have developed both a medical component - a method of treatment, and a technical one - a method for manufacturing an implant, an appropriate membrane, permeability, and shape. Now the development of polytechnics is waiting for clinical trials.

All laureates of I, II and III degrees received a special one-time rector's scholarship. On behalf of the university administration, the TPU Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation congratulated the winners Alexander Dyachenko:

“I thank the scientific leaders who brought up such a strong generation of young scientists. We are proud of our best students and graduate students. You are our future, new successes and victories to you for the benefit of Russian science.”

The names of the winners will also be included in the Gallery of Honor of the university. Another surprise prepared by the organizers of the competition and the university administration for the finalists and laureates of the competition is the keys to single rooms in the new TPU residential complex.

Among the lucky ones is the finalist of the competition, a student of ISHT, Do Thi Hanh. On behalf of all foreign students, the girl thanked the teachers of Tomsk Polytechnic University for their support, understanding and help.

“I am proud that I am a TPU student. Thanks to the university for interesting study and student life in a comfortable environment. Thanks to the university, I was able to realize my talents in science. I am glad to have the opportunity to continue my studies here, in the master's program. I wish my university continued success. Tomsk Polytechnic University is the best”,

Do Thi Hanh said.

The best TPU students

  • Evgenia Dyrina, ISHT, I place, supervisor Nadezhda Gavrikova, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Men.
  • Alexander Petrusev Boris Lukutin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of EPP.
  • Kristina Schukova, IC, II place, supervisor Olga Tokareva, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science.
  • Dmitry Gnedash Elena Molnina, Senior Lecturer, Department of IP.
  • Elizabeth Karepina, IFVT, III place, supervisor Anna Godymchuk, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of NMNT.
  • Elena Gnedash, UTI, III place, supervisor Tatyana Chernysheva, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of IP.

The best postgraduate students of TPU

  • Ekaterina Filippova, Physicotechnical Institute, I place, supervisor Vladimir Pichugin, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of EP.
  • Mikhail Grigoriev, INC, 2nd place, supervisor Diana Avdeeva, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of FMPK.
  • Maxim Piskunov, ENIN, II place, supervisor Pavel Strizhak
  • Irina Miloichikova Alexander Potylitsyn, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of PF.
  • Timur Mukhametkaliev, Physicotechnical Institute, III place, supervisor Roman Surmenev, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of the Technology Center.
  • Ksenia Vershinina, ENIN, III place, supervisor Pavel Strizhak, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of the Department of ATP.
  • List of enrolled
  • Regulations

  • Excerpts from TPU Admission Rules 2020

    1.5. Persons with a higher education (specialist or master's degree) are admitted to postgraduate study programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel.

    2.1. Admission to TPU postgraduate studies is made on the basis of a personal application of citizens in the prescribed form. When applying, applicants present documents proving their identity and citizenship.

    • to August 10– for applicants to places within the framework of the CPC at the expense of budgetary appropriations;
    • to September 18- for those entering the field under contracts for the provision of paid educational services in full-time and part-time forms of education.

    3.2. Admission to TPU postgraduate studies is made on the basis of a personal application of citizens in the prescribed form. When applying, applicants present documents proving their identity and citizenship.

    When applying for admission, applicants for postgraduate studies attach:

    • the original or a copy of a state diploma of a specialist or a master and its annexes;
    • a copy of the document proving the identity and citizenship of the applicant;
    • copy of SNILS (if available);
    • a list of published scientific papers, inventions and reports on research work (at the discretion of the applicant);
    • application for taking into account individual achievements (if any);
    • documents confirming individual achievements, the results of which are taken into account upon admission;
    • 3 photographs 3x4 cm;
    • consent to the processing of personal data;
    • a copy of the certificate of change of surname in case the surname indicated in the document on education does not match the surname indicated in the identity document.

    Applicant to postgraduate studies upon submission of documents is issued a receipt on acceptance of documents.

    • to August 14– to the field under the SPC at the expense of budgetary appropriations;
    • to September 25– for those entering the field under contracts for the provision of paid educational services in full-time and part-time forms of education.

    3.4. To organize and conduct entrance examinations postgraduate chairman admission committee the composition of the examination committees is approved.

    3.5. Applicants to graduate school pass the following entrance tests in accordance with federal state educational standards higher education(specialist or master's level):

    • special discipline corresponding to the profile (specialty) of the direction of training (APPENDIX 1);
    • philosophy;
    • foreign language.

    The level of knowledge of the applicant is assessed by the examination committee on a hundred-point scale, approved by the order of the Rector of TPU. Each entrance test is assessed separately. Applicants who receive less than the minimum number of points at any of the entrance exams do not participate in the further competition. Retaking the entrance exams to graduate school is not allowed. Persons who did not appear at the entrance examination for a good reason (illness or other documented circumstances) are admitted to them in more late dates during the entrance examinations.

    Entrance tests in a special discipline and philosophy are given in Russian. Entrance tests for foreign language rented in English, German or French, in Russian for citizens of foreign countries (with the exception of citizens of states that are members of the CIS).

    3.6. Medalists, winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Student Olympiad "I am a Professional" and the International Engineering Championship "CASE-IN" are equated to persons who scored the maximum number of points for each entrance test when applying for training programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school, relevant areas Olympiads, for places within the target figures for admission at the expense of budgetary allocations federal budget, budgets of subjects Russian Federation, local budgets.

    An applicant who has received the opportunity to be equated with persons who scored the maximum number of points in entrance examinations in connection with participation in the All-Russian Student Olympiad "I am a Professional" and the International Engineering Championship "CASE-IN":

    • has the right to use this opportunity only for admission to one educational organization for one educational program at the choice of the applicant;

    3.7. The winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad of the Tomsk Polytechnic University "Science Express" are equated to the persons who received the maximum number of points for each entrance test and are enrolled in graduate school for training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school, corresponding to the direction of the Olympiad, to the places within the admission control figures due to budget appropriations of the federal budget, budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation, local budgets.

    An applicant who, in connection with participation in the Science Express Olympiad, has the opportunity to be equated to persons who have scored the maximum number of points in the entrance examinations:

    • has the right to use this opportunity only when applying for one educational program at the choice of the applicant;
    • when submitting documents, indicate information about the availability of this opportunity;
    • has the right to receive additional points for individual achievements.

    3.8. According to the results of the entrance examination, the applicant (trustee) has the right to file an appeal with the Appeal Commission about the violation, in the opinion of the applicant, of the established procedure for conducting the entrance examination and (or) disagreement with the assessment of the results of the entrance examination.

    3.9. August 10 the acceptance of the original diploma of a specialist or master from persons included in the competitive list of applicants for places within the admission control digits ends. Those who did not submit (withdraw) the original diploma of a specialist or master within the established period are eliminated from the competition and are considered as those who refused to enroll.

    3.10. Persons prepared for scientific and scientific-pedagogical activity, who scored the highest number of points in entrance examinations, taking into account individual achievements, are enrolled in postgraduate studies.

    If the sum of competitive points is equal, the list of applicants is ranked according to the following criteria:

    • applicants with higher scores for individual achievements;
    • applicants with higher scores in a special discipline;
    • applicants with higher scores in a foreign language;
    • applicants with higher scores in philosophy.

    3.11. Taking into account the individual achievements of applicants to graduate school is defined as the sum of points ( but not more than 130 points), which is added to the sum of points received according to the results of entrance examinations, and is awarded for the following indicators:

    • letter of recommendation for applicants for postgraduate studies Laureates of the contest "The Best TPU Student" - 50 points;
    • a letter of recommendation from a TPU scientist with the justification of the motivation for admission, an assessment of the level of general theoretical and special training, experience scientific work and the results achieved, the correspondence of the scientific groundwork to the proposed research topic, the availability of special knowledge (technological process, applied computer program, etc.), assessment of potential abilities for the qualitative conduct of scientific research - 30 points;
    • an article indexed in the international databases Scopus or Web of Science, published in the journal Q1, in accordance with the topic of the dissertation / field of study - 50 points
    • an article indexed in the international databases Scopus or Web of Science, published in the journal Q2, in accordance with the topic of the dissertation / field of study - 30 points per publication/per number of authors;
    • an article indexed in the international databases Scopus or Web of Science (Article, Review, Book), in accordance with the topic of the dissertation / field of study - 25 points per publication/per number of authors;
    • publication of the results of the conference (Conference Paper / Proceedings Paper), indexed in the international databases Scopus or Web of Science, in accordance with the subject of the thesis / field of study - 20 points per publication/per number of authors;
    • an article in publications from the list of HAC, in accordance with the subject of the dissertation / field of study - 20 points per publication/per number of authors;
    • publications in other publications, in accordance with the subject of the dissertation / field of study - 5 points per publication/per number of authors;
    • copyright certificates for inventions, patents, in accordance with the subject of the dissertation / field of study - 20 points for a certificate or a patent/for the number of authors;
    • diplomas of winners of international and all-Russian scientific competitions, student competitions, conferences, etc., the topics of which correspond to the direction of training in graduate school - 2 point for each diploma, but not more than 16 points.
    • awards and titles for success in scientific activity, scholarships received for special achievements in educational and research activities during the period of study in higher education programs - 5 points.
    • participation in the implementation of scientific research under programs and grants - 5 points.

    3.12. Persons who have successfully passed the entrance exams for postgraduate studies and have not passed the competition at the expense of budgetary allocations can be admitted to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services with legal entities and (or) individuals.

    3.13. The procedure for organizing targeted reception

    TPU conducts admissions for targeted training within the target quota for specialties, areas of training included in the list determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The target quota for training programs for scientific and pedagogical staff in postgraduate studies in each area of ​​training is annually established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    The number of admission places for targeted training cannot be increased during the acceptance of documents, entrance examinations and enrollment.

    Admission to targeted training is carried out if there is an agreement on targeted training concluded between the applicant and the customer of targeted training that meets the requirements of paragraph 1 of Art. 71.1 federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", in accordance with the regulation on targeted training and the standard form of the agreement on targeted training established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The parties to the agreement on targeted training may also be TPU and (or) the organization in which the citizen will be employed.

    When submitting an application for admission to targeted training, the applicant shall submit a copy of the target training agreement certified by the target training customer, or an uncertified copy of the specified agreement with the presentation of its original.

    For persons entering places within the target quota, a separate competition is held in accordance with the Regulations on admission to targeted training at TPU.

    The list of applicants and the list of applicants for places within the target quota do not contain information related to admission to targeted training in the interests of state security.

    Enrollment to places within the target quota, the preparation of which is carried out in the interests of state security, is issued by a separate order (orders), which is not subject to placement on the official website and on the information stand.

    Applicants who have not passed the competition within the admission quota for targeted training can participate in the general competition for any form of education.

    Unfilled (vacated before the completion of enrollment) places within the target quota are added to the main


    to September 30– those entering the field under contracts for the provision of paid educational services in full-time and part-time forms of education.

    Admission to graduate school is made by order of the rector. At the same time, the scientific supervisor and the head of the postgraduate student's pedagogical practice are approved.

    Ksenia Stankevich won a prestigious fellowship from the European Federation of Medicinal Chemistry. This scholarship entitles her to become a member of the European School of Medicinal Chemistry, which will be held in Italy this summer. In total, there were 13 such scholarships for young scientists from all over the world.

    Together with other graduate students and students, Ksenia Stankevich is working on the creation of bioactive coatings for medical implants. Due to its properties, such a coating will be able to "convince" the body not to reject artificial bones and joints. This development has already received support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the gold medal of the Rosbiotech International Exhibition in 2016.

    To solve the problem of implant rejection, young scientists of Tomsk Polytechnic University propose to coat implants with biologically active compounds that are analogues of the cytokine interleukin-4. This compound is able to control immune cells.

    "Mainly implant rejection is due to backlash immunity cells. Finding a foreign body in the body, they can cause inflammation and a cascade of reactions leading to rejection.

    Our approach is to act on macrophages - cells of innate immunity. Their feature is enormous plasticity, that is, they can change their phenotype beyond recognition.

    Under different conditions, the same immune cells can either fight the implant or, on the contrary, stimulate the healing process. The performance of a particular function by a macrophage depends on the nature of the stimuli it receives. To “manage” macrophages, we use an analog of the cytokine interleukin-4,” says Ksenia Stankevich.

    Thanks to the scholarship won, Ksenia will present the results of this research at the European School of Medicinal Chemistry. The school will be held at the Carlo Bo University of Urbino in Italy in early July.

    "The school will bring together leading scientists who will give their lectures and representatives of large pharmaceutical companies, for example, Sanofi (a French company, is one of the world's leading pharmaceutical corporations - ed.). Six young scientists will have the opportunity to present their developments in oral presentations to world experts . I hope I will be able to become one of them," notes Ksenia.

  • The winners of the competition "For Women in Science" L "OREAL - UNESCO 2019 are determined

    10 scientists from Moscow, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Vladivostok became the winners of the "For Women in Science" L "OREAL - UNESCO 2019 competition. Each of them will receive a scholarship of 500 thousand rubles, according to a message on the competition website published on 4 October.

  • TPU Postgraduate Student Presents Wearable Electronic Sensors Made of Graphene Oxide at the U-NOVUS Competition

    ​In Tomsk, within the framework of the U-NOVUS-2019 forum, the in-person stage of the competition for the development of young scientists was held. On it in the House of Scientists, students, graduate students and researchers from universities in the region presented their projects. Tomsk Polytechnic University was presented by post-graduate student Anna Lipovka.

  • TPU named the most cited article in five years

    ​The most cited publication by scientists from Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) over five years was the work of chemists Alexei Lyapkov and Francis Verpoort; The publication is devoted to organometallic scaffolds, which can be useful for reducing the harmful effects of the chemical industry on environment, Yulia Falkovich, head of the TPU publication activity development department, told RIA Tomsk.

  • Tomsk scientists have created a new antiulcer drug

    Scientists from the laboratory of phytochemistry SibBS TSU isolated from plants a complex of biologically active substances - flavonoids, which became the basis for a new gastroprotective agent with a mild effect and practically no side effects.

  • TPU scientists study what pollutes a river in an industrial region of India

    Researchers from Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) brought water samples from Damodar, one of the dirtiest rivers in India; Having studied the composition and migration of harmful substances, the polytechnics, together with colleagues from Russia, China and India, intend to propose measures to clean up and prevent further pollution of the river, the press service of the university reported.

  • Siberian doctors are the best in diabetes research

    Siberian medical University recognized as the best clinical research center in the world diabetes 2 types. At the international meeting of researchers "Global Study Symposium" in Rome, the university was awarded a gold certificate.

  • Tomsk has developed a biopolymer that controls the time of action of drugs

    ​Scientists from the Laboratory of Polymers and Composite Materials of Tomsk state university(TSU) have developed a biopolymer that will help doctors and pharmacists control the duration of the action of drugs.