Effective use of gas fire extinguishing with freons. Gases used for fire extinguishing Freon 125 HP service life


In accordance with NPB 88-2001*, freons 23 (CF3H), 125 (C2F5H), 218 (C3F8), 227ea (C3F7H), 318Ts (C4F8ts), as well as sulfur hexafluoride, nitrogen, argon and gas can be used in gas fire extinguishing installations. composition "Inergen" (a mixture of gases containing 52% (vol.) nitrogen, 40% (vol.) argon and 8% (vol.) carbon dioxide).
According to additional standards developed for a specific facility, it is also possible to use other fire extinguishing gases.
Freons allowed for use in fire extinguishing installations are fluorine-containing compounds - perfluorocarbons (freons 218, 318C) or hydrofluorocarbons (freons 23, 125, 227ea).
The presence of fluorine in a hydrocarbon molecule has a very strong effect on its properties, since the carbon-fluorine bond is one of the strongest chemical bonds. With increasing fluorine content in the molecule, the thermal stability of organofluorine compounds increases. Intermolecular forces in fluorocarbons are much smaller than in hydrocarbons. All this determines the low reactivity and increased thermal and hydrolytic stability of fluorocarbons.
In general, the process of hydrolysis of freons proceeds according to the following equation:
R – x + H2O → Hx + ROH

Where R is a hydrocarbon radical, x is a halogen.

The rate of hydrolysis is determined by the nature of the freon, metal, temperature and water content in the freon.
As a result of hydrolysis, hydrogen halide is formed, which can have a corrosive effect on metals. Perfluorinated hydrocarbons (freons 218, 318C) and SF6 practically do not hydrolyze. Freons 23, 125, 227ea are hydrolyzed to a fairly weak extent with the formation of hydrofluoric acid (HF).
When determining the toxicity of fire extinguishing agents, the following main components must be taken into account: the toxicity of the agent itself, the toxicity of its decomposition products.
A comparison of data on the thermal stability of fluorinated hydrocarbons shows their rather high thermal stability. Moreover, the greater the degree of substitution of fluorine in the hydrogen molecule, the higher the thermal stability. Cyclic fluorinated hydrocarbons (freon 318C) have much lower heat resistance compared to fluorinated hydrocarbons with a linear molecule.
When in contact with an open flame, incandescent or hot surfaces, fluorinated hydrocarbons decompose with the formation of various highly toxic destruction products - hydrogen fluoride, difluorophosgene, octafluoroisobutylene, etc.
Similar processes occur when extinguishing a fire with sulfur hexafluoride. In this case, highly toxic hydrogen fluoride and sulfur pentafluoride are formed.
The degree of decomposition of fluorinated hydrocarbons when they extinguish a fire largely depends on its size and the time of contact of the fire extinguishing composition with the flame. Therefore, to reduce the toxicity of products formed after extinguishing a fire with fluorinated hydrocarbons and SF6 gas, it is advisable to detect a fire at an earlier stage and reduce the time for supplying the fire extinguishing agent.
Nitrogen, argon, CO2 and Inergen used as gas fire extinguishing compositions consist of components that are part of air. When extinguishing a fire, they do not decompose in the flame and do not enter into chemical reactions with combustion products. These fire extinguishing compounds do not have a chemical effect on substances and materials located in the protected area. When they are supplied, the gas cools and the temperature in the protected room decreases slightly, which can affect the equipment and materials located in it.
Nitrogen and argon are non-toxic. When they are supplied to the protected room, the oxygen concentration decreases, which is dangerous for humans.
The gas composition "Inergen" is safer for humans than nitrogen and argon. This is due to the presence of a small amount of CO2 in its composition, which leads to an increase in the frequency of human respiration in an atmosphere containing inergen and allows one to maintain vital functions in the absence of oxygen.
Basic information about the properties of alternative refrigerants, SF6 gas and carbon dioxide is given in Table 1, nitrogen, argon and the Inergen gas composition - in Table 2
Table 1
Properties of nitrogen, argon and gas composition "Inergen"
(according to NFPA 2001) Units
change Argon (Ar)
(IG-01) Nitrogen (N2)
(IG-100) Gas composition "Inergen"
Molecular mass a.m.u. 39.9 28.0 34.0
Boiling point at 760 mm Hg. C -189.85 -195.8 -196
Freezing point C -189.35 -210.0 -78.5
Critical temperature oC -122.3 -146.9 -
Critical pressure MPa 4.903 3.399 -
Gas density at pressure 101.3 kPa, temperature 20 °C kg  m-3 1.66 1.17 1.42
for n-heptpn% vol. 39.0 34.6 36.5

table 2
Properties of alternative refrigerants, SF6 gas and carbon dioxide

Unit characteristics
measurements Freon 218 (C3F8)
(FC-2-1-8) Freon 125 (C2F5H)
(HFC-125) Freon 227ea (C3F7H)
(HFC-227ea) Freon 23 (CF3H) (HFC-23) Freon 318C (C4F8c) Six
sulfur fluoride (SF6) Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Molecular mass a.m.u. 188 120 170.03 70.01 200.0 146.0 44.01
Boiling point at 760 mmHg. Art. С -37.0 -48.5 -16.4 -82.1 6.0 -63.6 -78.5
Freezing temperature С -183.0 -102.8 -131 -155.2 -50.0 -50.8 -56.4
Critical temperature С 71.9 66 101.7 25.9 115.2 45.55 31.2
Critical pressure MPa 2.680 3.595 2.912 4.836 2.7 3.81 2.7
Liquid density at 20 C kg/m3 1320 1218 1407 806.6 - 1371.0 -
Critical density kg/m3 629 572 621 525 616.0 725.0 616.0
Thermal decomposition temperature C
730 900 - 650-580 - - -
Standard fire extinguishing concentration
for n-heptpn% vol. 7.2 9.8 7.2 14.6 7.8 10.0 34.9
Vapor density at pressure 101.3 kPa, temperature 20 °C kg  m-3 7.85 5.208 7.28 2.93 8.438 6.474 1.88

Impact of GFFE on humans.

The main negative impact of GFFE on humans depends on the following factors:
concentrations of GFFS in the protected area;
duration of exposure (exposure).

Information on the duration (time) of safe exposure to freon 125 and freon 227ea on a person, depending on the gas concentration, is given in tables 3, 4.
Table 3 Table 4
Freon 125
(according to NFPA 2001,
table 1- (b)) Freon 227ea
(according to NFPA 2001,
table 1- (c))
Concentration, % vol. Safe exposure time, minutes Concentration, % vol. Safe exposure time, minutes
9.0 5.00 9.0 5.00
9.5 5.00 9.5 5.00
10.0 5.00 10.0 5.00
10.5 5.00 10.5 5.00
11.0 5.00 11.0 1.13
11.5 5.00 11.5 0.60
12.0 1.67 12.0 0.49
12.5 0.59
13.0 0.54
13.5 0.49

For other GFFS there is no detailed information on the time of safe exposure depending on changes in gas concentration.
In this case, the assessment of the negative impact on humans can be carried out for two fixed concentration values:
Sot – the maximum concentration of GFFS at which there is no harmful effect of the gas on a person after exposure for several minutes (usually less than 5 minutes);
Cmin is the minimum concentration of GOTV at which a minimally noticeable harmful effect of the gas on a person is observed after exposure for several minutes (usually less than 5 minutes).
According to ISO 14520, the concentrations of Cot and Cmin for a number of GFFS are listed in Table 5.
Table 5
Name GOTV Azot
Argon Gas composition "Inergen" Freon 23 Freon 218
Honeycomb, % vol. 43 43 43 50 30
Cmin, % vol. 52 52 52 > 50 >30

The CO2 concentration safe for humans (Cot, with an exposure time of 1-3 minutes) does not exceed 5% vol., dangerous to life with short-term exposure is above 10% vol. To extinguish a fire, a CO2 concentration of more than 25% by volume is required. This indicates an extremely high danger to humans of the atmosphere formed in the room when extinguishing a fire with carbon dioxide.
In all cases, the main way to protect the personnel of the protected premises from the harmful effects of GFFS and its pyrolysis products is timely and organized evacuation before the supply of GFFS. Evacuation is carried out by signals from sound and light alarms, which are located in the protected premises in accordance with NPB 88-2001 and GOST 12.3.046-91.
To protect premises with large numbers of people (more than 50 people), you should not use GFFS, which, when supplied to the protected premises, form a concentration higher than 100%.

Main advantages:

  • the cheapest gas;
  • high percentage of application;
  • good thermal stability (900 C).

For several decades, it has been traditionally used in gas fire extinguishing systems. It is the most widespread among refrigerants in the Russian Federation due to its low price. However, when using it, precautions must be taken to prevent any hazardous exposure to operating personnel.

The fire extinguishing concentration is slightly higher than what is safe for humans. Short-term contact of a person in a room with Freon 125 is allowed, but not more than 5 minutes, at standard fire extinguishing concentrations. The time is determined based on medical experiments and extensive operating experience. Gas fire extinguishing with freon 125 is characterized by the highest thermal and chemical stability (900 C).

All manufacturers of gas fire extinguishing systems actively use this fire extinguishing agent in their projects. Over a long period of operation, pentafluoroethane has established itself as reliable and the most affordable price per kilogram for most objects. Disadvantages include a low filling coefficient into the module (0.9 kg/l) and low dielectric conductivity.

You can buy Freon 125 with refilling into the gas fire extinguishing module from the AFES company at a competitive price per kg by contacting our specialists in any convenient way.

Among fire-fighting installations, gas fire extinguishing with freons takes its rightful place. In the vast expanses of the CIS the name freon has taken root, and in the west the name freon has taken root. The long history of the use of these substances, since the thirties of the last century, has proven in practice their reliability and effectiveness. Of the ten gases permitted in Russia as , five are freons 23, 227EA, 125, 218, 318C. The remaining gases that are not included in the list of Code of Rules 5.13130.2009 “Fire alarm installations...” must be approved for compliance with technical conditions and a specific project.

Application area

Fighting fire with water often proved futile or dangerous. Instead of water, carbon dioxide was first used, then, with the creation of freon-type fire extinguishing agents, gas fire extinguishing installations with freons began to be used.

Freons are used for volumetric and surface extinguishing and preventing the formation of an explosive atmosphere. With the help of station installations, closed spaces are protected, and small fires are protected with fire extinguishers.

Refrigerants for fire extinguishing are used in explosive areas, warehouses of fuels and lubricants, etc., as flame arresters. Their main advantage lies in their gentle effect on material assets exposed to fire. They are used in server rooms, data centers, aircraft and ships, archives, generator and transformer substations. Some run in the presence of people, allowing them to be used in museums, galleries, libraries and other public places. But the duration of a person’s stay in the zone of action of these gases is limited to several minutes, depending on the concentration of the substance. The freon fire extinguishing system is used in conjunction with access control and control. The access control system determines the presence of personnel and gives exit commands indicating the evacuation route, followed by blocking the doors, natural and forced ventilation systems.

Advantages and disadvantages

Freons are used in fire extinguishing agents to slow down and subsequently extinguish the flame. They became widespread due to their properties. Freons are dielectrics, which allows their use to fight fire in rooms with electrical equipment under electric current. Due to their high density in liquid and gaseous form, they penetrate into the fire and act as a phlegmatizer and fire inhibitor.

At concentrations of 10% they effectively extinguish the flame. Can work at sub-zero temperatures. The wettability allows it to be used for extinguishing smoldering materials. The possibility of storage in a liquefied state makes it possible to use smaller tanks in volume and number. They are capable of extinguishing a flame within 10-20 seconds and can prevent an explosion of a gas-air mixture.

Freons have a number of disadvantages.

At temperatures above 600 degrees, they begin to emit highly toxic gases that are dangerous to human life, but under normal conditions they are harmless.

Many refrigerants (freons) have been discontinued due to their destructive effect on the ozone layer. They are saturated fluorocarbons, which after use remain in the earth's atmosphere for decades. After the adoption of amendments to the Montreal and Kyoto Protocols, they were prohibited due to increased environmental danger. By 2030, their production will practically cease.

Types of refrigerants for fire extinguishing

Gas fire extinguishing agent freon 23 (trifluoromethane) is a non-flammable, low-toxic gas with zero ozone depletion potential. According to the danger of exposure to humans, it belongs to the fourth class. At temperatures above 600 degrees Celsius, it emits toxic gases such as phosgene. Freon 23 is approved for use in Russia. High fire extinguishing ability. It is stored in liquefied form in cylinders with a pressure of up to 150 bar.

Gas fire extinguishing freon 125 (pentafluoroethane) is used in residential and industrial buildings. The extinguishing agent used is a colorless, non-flammable and non-toxic gas with zero ozone depletion potential. Freon 125 is a thermostable gas with a fire extinguishing concentration of 9.8%. The maximum permissible concentration for humans is 10%. The excess is insignificant, so it is used in the absence of people in the room. When a fire alarm sounds, you must leave the premises. High fire extinguishing ability. Stored in cylinders with pressure up to 60 bar.

Freon 218 (octafluoropropane) has environmental friendliness, safety and fire extinguishing properties similar to other gases of the freon series. Stored in cylinders with a pressure of 20 atmospheres.

Freon 227EA (heptafluoropropane) can be used to extinguish fires in premises where people are present. It is environmentally friendly and has zero ability to destroy the ozone layer. Freon-227ea is a colorless, non-flammable, low-toxic gas. It is thermostable, but at temperatures above 600 degrees it releases toxic substances such as phosgene. It is a good dielectric, which allows it to be used to extinguish fires in server rooms. Stored in tanks designed for a pressure of 20 atmospheres.

Freon 318C (octafluorocyclobutane) is the best among the freon gases in terms of safety for humans, which affects its price. Other characteristics are the same as those of other refrigerants permitted in Russia. Stored in low pressure cylinders in liquefied form.

Operation of refrigerants

Refrigerants 23 are stored in cylinders designed for a pressure of 150 atmospheres, the rest can be stored in cylinders for 60 atmospheres. The choice of one or another cylinder depends on the storage conditions and the requirements for the speed of delivery of the fire extinguishing agent to the fire site. Cylinders are stored at temperatures from -40 to +60 degrees. Direct sunlight must be avoided. In automatic fire extinguishing systems, a special device is provided for constant monitoring of gas mass. Some modules have a reusable locking device, allowing them to be reused. Refueling is carried out at specialized and certified stations.

What modules use refrigerants?

For freon 23, a tank designed for a pressure of 150 atmospheres is used as a gas fire extinguishing module (GMF). MGP are used for storing and releasing fire extinguishing agents by fire alarm signal or manually. They are cylinders with shut-off and release devices. The remaining freon fire extinguishing modules use low pressure containers, ranging from 20 to 60 bar. The volume of tanks intended for refrigerant gases ranges from 5.1 liters to 240 liters. High pressure containers are available in a seamless version.

Calculation of gas fire extinguishing begins with determining the specifics of the object, determining the type of fire extinguishing installation. It is necessary to comply with the requirements of regulatory documents. For example, the calculation of gas fire extinguishing freon 23 must necessarily take into account that it has an operating pressure of 150 atmospheres, unlike other freons. Knowing that the fire extinguishing concentration of gas is above 30 percent, much more is required. Only specialists can take into account all the points. When properly designed, an automatic gas fire extinguishing system can be an economically viable option for fire protection.

Refilling fire extinguishing cylinders with freon

    Gas fire extinguishing has an undoubted advantage over other types of fire extinguishing, because the gas used for extinguishing, freon 125, does not cause corrosion of the equipment, and the consequences of activating the gas fire extinguishing installation are easily eliminated after ventilation. The consequences of water, powder and foam fire extinguishing are not so easy to eliminate. The above-mentioned advantages also include the range of operating temperatures of gas fire extinguishing – from - 400 to + 500, in other words, neither heat nor frost can adversely affect the installation.

    Gas fire extinguishing can be used in specialized premises in which the installation of another fire protection option is fraught with serious material losses and loss of important information, for example:
    - premises for storing cultural property,
    - premises for placing technological equipment,
    - electrical panels, including live ones,
    - diesel rooms, generator rooms,
    - rooms with explosive atmosphere,
    - premises for the location of highly sensitive electronic equipment, etc.

    Use of Freon 125 in fire extinguishing.

    The most commonly used gas recently is freon 125, which is one of the safest gases. It has high thermal stability. An important advantage of freon 125 is that when used, the air is breathable for another 5 minutes, which allows people to evacuate from a dangerous room, and makes it easier for firefighters to access the premises.

    Based on the results of the last 4 years, freon 125 ranks first in use in gas fire extinguishing.

    Freon 125 (HFC-125):

    Widely used to protect premises without permanent occupancy;

    Ozone-safe, does not destroy the ozone layer, ozone depletion potential (ODP) = 0;

    The residual oxygen concentration after the release of GFFS is 18 - 19%, which ensures free human breathing;

    Effectively provides fire extinguishing;

    Freon 125 is released within 10 seconds;

    To ensure transportation through pipes, a propellant gas is required;

    The pressure in the module is controlled using a pressure gauge;

    High quality/price ratio;

    The standard fire extinguishing concentration for freon 125 is 9.8%.

    The maximum permissible concentration of freon 125 is 10%.

    The safety margin in this case is a fraction of a percent (0.2%).

    This makes it possible to avoid serious damage to the health of a person who spent some time (about 5 minutes) in the room where the gas fire extinguishing agent freon 125 was released.

    Freon 125 is stored in high-pressure modules.

    The propellant gas is pumped up to a pressure of 41 bar.

    The system can be modular or centralized.

    The modular system consists of individual cylinders placed next to a protected source of danger.

    A centralized system is a series of cylinders that can be equipped with distribution devices to protect several rooms from fire.

    The quality assurance system ensures the high quality of all components used in fire extinguishing systems.

  • Gas fire extinguishing composition Freon 125HP does not affect the ozone layer, is environmentally friendly, does not affect interior items, electrical equipment and material assets;
  • In addition, Freon 125HP has maximum thermal stability compared to other refrigerants; the thermal decomposition temperature of its molecules is more than 900° C. The high thermal stability of Freon 125HP allows it to be used for extinguishing fires of smoldering materials, because at smoldering temperature (usually about 450°C) thermal decomposition practically does not occur;
  • Freon 125HP is safe for people, because Fire extinguishing concentrations for freons are an order of magnitude lower than lethal concentrations for exposure durations of up to 4 hours. Approximately 5% of the mass of freon supplied to extinguish a fire is subject to thermal decomposition, therefore the toxicity of the environment formed when extinguishing a fire with freons will be much lower than the toxicity of the products of pyrolysis and decomposition;
  • Freon 125HP (Pentafluoroethane, C2F5H, Halon 25, FE-25, R125, HFC-125) can be used to extinguish:
  • - fires of electrical equipment;
  • - fires of flammable liquids and gases (equipment rooms and pump rooms);
  • - fires in premises where expensive devices and equipment are concentrated (CED, operating rooms, etc.);
  • - fires in valuables storage rooms.

Freon 227e

(HFC-227ea, FM-200)

It is a chemical flame retardant. The mechanism of fire extinguishing with freons consists mainly in the effect of this gaseous fire extinguishing agent on breaking the radical bonds of the physico-chemical chain reaction of combustion, in suppressing the “active centers” of this reaction and creating a non-flammable environment in the protected volume.

Freon-227ea (trade name - HFC-227ea(FM200)) is no less safe than freon-125. But their economic indicators as part of a fire extinguishing installation are inferior to freon-125, and their efficiency (protected volume from a similar module) differs slightly. It is inferior to freon-125 in thermal stability.

- used to protect premises where people are constantly present;

- ozone-safe, does not destroy the ozone layer, ozone depletion potential (ODP) is 0;

The residual oxygen concentration after the release of GFFS is 18 - 19%, which ensures free human breathing;

- effectively provides volumetric fire extinguishing;

- does not conduct electricity;

Does not cause corrosion of metals and destruction of organic compounds, which allows it to be classified as a group of so-called “pure gases”;

- chemically inert;
- release time 10 seconds;

- to ensure transportation through pipes, a propellant gas is required;

- pressure control in the module is carried out using a pressure gauge;

- high quality/price ratio;

Freon 227ea (HFC-227ea, FM-200) is a colorless, tasteless and odorless gas.

It is registered in NFPA 2001 and ISO 14520 as HFC-227ea and is manufactured by the DuPont Group under the brand name FM200.

The standard fire extinguishing concentration for freon 227ea is 7.2%. The maximum permissible concentration (NOAEL) of freon 227ea is 10.5%.

The safety margin is several percent (3.3%).

The residual oxygen concentration in the protected area after gas release is about 19%, which is sufficient for free breathing.

This makes it possible not to suffer serious damage to the health of a person who spent some time (about 5 minutes) in the room where the gas fire extinguishing agent freon 227ea was released.

Freon 227ea– non-flammable, non-explosive and low-toxic gas, under normal conditions it is a stable substance.

Freon 227ea stored in high-pressure modules in a liquefied state.


The most common gases used in fire extinguishing at present are freons 125 and 227ea. Studies have shown that the time of safe exposure of people to freons (even at concentrations one third higher than the fire extinguishing concentration) is at least 30 seconds, which allows for evacuation in most cases.

Therefore, they are usually used in SGP for rooms where people are constantly present.

In demand where the priority is the preservation of material assets that can be damaged by water, foam or aggressive chemicals:

  • art objects
  • archival documents
  • electronic devices

Freon 227ea is low-toxic for humans - inhaling freon vapors for several minutes will not lead to disruption of life.

HFC 227ea does not displace oxygen (as compressed gases do, diluting the atmosphere)

Freon 125 is as effective as freon 227ea. Just like freon 227ea, freon 125 does not damage documents and sensitive electronics, and therefore is actively used where careful handling of objects located indoors is necessary. Its advantages include excellent ability to extinguish smoldering materials, but it cannot be used in rooms where people are constantly present, as it is toxic.

No type of freon (including freon 227ea and freon 125) does not conduct electricity; this substance is chemically inert and does not cause corrosion, due to which it is classified as “pure gases”.

Freon 125 and freon 227ea are designed to extinguish a wide variety of fires:

  • class A (combustion of solids)
  • class B (combustion of liquid substances)
  • class C (combustion of gaseous substances)
  • class E in the initial stage of development (electrical installations under voltage up to 110 kV)

Freons have a relatively low storage pressure, making them easy to transport and store. That is, less space is required to install a gas fire extinguishing system based on them. The supply of refrigerants from the cylinder occurs under the pressure of a propellant gas, which can be nitrogen or dried air.

Carbon dioxide CO 2 (carbon dioxide)

A colorless gas with a density of 1.98 kg/m3, odorless and non-flammable for most substances. The mechanism by which carbon dioxide stops combustion is its ability to dilute the concentration of reactants to the point where combustion becomes impossible.

Carbon dioxide can be released into the combustion zone in the form of a snow-like mass, thereby exerting a cooling effect. One kilogram of liquid carbon dioxide produces 506 liters. gas The fire extinguishing effect is achieved if the concentration of carbon dioxide is at least 30% by volume.

Requires the use of weighing devices to control the leakage of fire extinguishing agent, usually a tensor weighing device.

Traditionally used to protect industrial facilities (only in premises where personnel are absent or can only be present periodically):

  • diesel
  • flammable liquid warehouses
  • compressor

Such facilities are characterized by intensive fire development due to the presence of class B fire load according to GOST 27331 (diesel fuel, oils, gasoline, etc.), cables, high-voltage electrical equipment, as well as a number of other features.

Cannot be used to extinguish alkaline earth, alkali metals, some metal hydrides, developed fires of smoldering materials.

A colorless and odorless liquid, sometimes called "dry water". Obtained by the 3M Corporation during research to replace freon 114 (banned in 1993). First demonstrated in 2004. This is a new generation gas used to extinguish fires, an innovative substance that is a safe and effective means of fighting fires.


  • safety and harmlessness to people (to a high degree)
  • safety for devices and equipment with electronics, documents, furniture and interior items
  • ease of transportation and use (without “dangerous goods” marking)
  • compact design of the fire extinguishing system
  • high degree of efficiency in extinguishing fire
  • You can refill gas cylinders (modules) right on the spot


The extinguishing efficiency, subject to early detection of fire, for all gases used in AUGP can be considered equally high.

The main requirements that you should pay attention to when choosing a fire extinguishing system are:

  • high efficiency of extinguishing flammable substances present in the room
  • compatibility with materials and equipment (including electrical equipment) of the protected premises and safety for them
  • ensuring the safety of people in the protected premises
  • environmentally friendly
  • economic efficiency of spent material resources

We are ready to design an option to suit your needs. Call us, or use email.