Design of fire water supply systems for buildings and structures. Rules for the design and use of external water supply

Efficiency and efficiency in extinguishing fires largely depend on the availability and technical condition of the external fire-fighting water supply system. This main circuit has a rather complex design, and when constructing a new facility or equipping an existing one with the system, certain standards and requirements must be observed.

The main document that regulates the procedure for equipping various real estate objects with a main line and other constituent elements of an external fire-fighting water supply system is considered to be a comprehensive set of basic rules 8-13130-2009, which was approved by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief. In addition, installation work is carried out on the basis of SNIP 2.04.02/84.


An external or external fire water supply system (in the documentation you can find the abbreviated name for this system - NPV) is designed to ensure prompt connection of fire fighting equipment to a water supply source.

In most cases, this system is the key to quickly and effectively localizing the fire area, and also allows you to connect equipment of various formats and types. In addition, the described system has a high level of safety when searching for water supply sources.

Depending on the design and the intended operating principle, external fire-fighting water supply systems are divided into two main types, namely:

  • ring type;
  • dead-end type.

A ring water supply allows you to disconnect certain areas of a room or structure from further water supply. Also, unlike the dead-end system, the ring system is characterized by a lower force of the hydraulic shock wave. It is not allowed to loop fire mains with household water supply networks.

Design and installation

An external fire-fighting water supply system should be used in populated areas with a population of up to five thousand. Also, an external main should be installed to extinguish possible fires in public buildings and facilities, industrial buildings and buildings, the total volume of which is up to 1000 cubic meters. In this case, production facilities must belong to segments “B”, “D” and “D”.

When drawing up a detailed design and constructing the structures described, it is important to correctly calculate and subsequently provide a regulatory indicator characterizing the level of water consumption.

The amount of liquid consumed should be from 10 to 35 liters for residential buildings, from 10 to 40 liters for commercial and industrial buildings. An important criterion for accurately determining the quantity in the indicated ranges is the fire resistance class of the property.

It is also worth considering the requirements of approved standards regarding free pressure in the network. So, at the entrance to the structure with a maximum load on the internal water supply inside a one-story room, the free pressure should be at least 10 meters.

If there are additional floors, this parameter should increase by 4 meters in relation to each existing floor. The standards also provide for a maximum free pressure indicator, which for maximum safety should not exceed 60 meters.

When designing an external fire water supply system, the intended water supply system for the administrative unit or individual location where the general fire extinguishing system will be installed should be taken into account.

The total number of individual supply lines may depend on this indicator. In the case of two or more separate water mains, consideration should be given to the need for additional shut-off devices and mechanisms or shut-off valves that will help regulate and concentrate the flow of water to a specific part of a particular property.

When designing exterior fire protection and plumbing systems, special attention should be paid to selecting the proper pipe diameter. Selection is carried out in accordance with technical calculations, taking into account possible operation when individual sections are disconnected.

The regulated diameter of fire-fighting water supply pipes differs depending on the type of settlement. Thus, for the installation of an external fire main within the city, pipes with a diameter of at least 10 cm must be used; for rural areas this figure is slightly smaller and is 7.5 cm.

It also largely depends on third-party factors depending on the geographical location and climate zone. Thus, in areas with the most unstable seismicity, the design and installation of external fire-fighting water supply systems should include several water intake lines.

At the same time, the rules prohibit the implementation of blind sealing of the pipeline at the entrance through the walls of the building. In this case, the hole is sealed with elastic materials, which ensures the free placement of the pipe with a gap of 10 cm.

In regions where fairly low ambient temperatures prevail, proper insulation of the pipeline is a prerequisite. In some cases, it is necessary to install additional equipment that provides forced heating of water in the system.

Connecting equipment

Which are an integral part of the external fire main and are a connection point to fire trucks and similar equipment, must be installed along the edges of roads at a distance not exceeding 2.5 meters from the surface, and not less than five meters from the walls of buildings. In addition, the rules allow direct application on the surface of the roadway itself.

The distance between hydrants depends on their performance and the total internal pressure in the main. An important role when installing an external water pipeline and installing fire hydrants is played by high-quality and effective thermal insulation, which will prevent water from freezing in the cold season.

The responsibilities of municipal services in populated areas include mandatory cleaning of hydrants and other fire-fighting devices and mechanisms from snow and ice in winter.

A prerequisite for the prompt connection of fire-fighting equipment to hydrants is the availability of schematic plans and indicators of their location, distance to water intake sources and other information. Such signs are made using reflective paint or equipped with additional lighting sources.

The fire hydrants themselves must be installed in specially equipped wells, providing quick access and connection of fire-fighting equipment. In this case, the laying of the water pipeline itself can be carried out both above the surface of the earth and below it at a certain depth.

Set of rules

The main regulatory document on the basis of which the design and installation of external fire water supply is carried out is a set of rules (codification - SP 8-131 30-2009).

This document was approved in its original version on March 25, 2009 by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, and put into effect on May 1, 2009. In accordance with the requirements of current legislation, the described set of rules was registered by the state agency for technical regulation and metrology.

The current edition of the set of rules for fire protection systems contains 11 main sections, as well as a bibliography. Among the most significant sections, the basic fire safety requirements for the design of external water supply systems, pumping stations and networks, water consumption standards, etc. should be highlighted.

A fire-fighting water supply system is a specialized structure that consists of wide pipes in which the network pressure is increased, which makes it possible to quickly connect fire extinguishing equipment, regardless of the height of the building. The main task of a fire-fighting water supply system is to supply water in the event of any fire.

Projects for fire water supply systems are compiled by specialized firms, in which technologists develop projects taking into account legal norms and the wishes of the customer.
After the engineer inspects the facility, he agrees on the tasks assigned to the fire-fighting water supply system, and only then begins to develop the initial document, which is ultimately agreed upon with the client. The design work consists of creating a detailed plan that will indicate: the installation location of the water supply system, equipment specifications and installation work schedule.
A standard project consists of external and internal communications. From the outside, water intake columns are installed in specially designed cabinets, to which fire hoses are directly connected from the outside. The interior consists of a large number of nodes and wiring, but this depends on the height and layout of the object.

The high quality of technical components is not always enough to completely eliminate the risk of fire.

Already from the planning stage, the installation of internal fire water supply systems is highly dependent, among other things, on the human factor.

During the development of the project, it is necessary not only to strictly comply with all technical requirements, but also to ensure that the resulting structure can be further modernized and expanded. Otherwise, replacing or reconstructing those complexes that become outdated may require too much extra money. In order for the installation to be carried out efficiently, you should only contact specialists who know their stuff from good companies - this will almost completely eliminate critical situations.

Installation of a fire-resistant internal water supply system, like any work of this kind, begins with design (which also includes coordination of the entire project with the customer), during which it is important to avoid serious mistakes.

In this case, the composition of the working draft includes:

  • An explanatory note indicating the type and description of the fire equipment used;
  • Structural schematic diagram, axonometry;
  • Hydraulic calculation for the system near the water supply;
  • Floor plans, which indicate the arrangement of fire cabinets and equipment;
  • Plan for the entire pumping station;
  • Specification of materials, equipment;
  • Electrical part.

After the design is completed, the installation itself is carried out, which can also be divided into stages. Experienced specialists who have been working in this field for a long time can easily guide you in choosing equipment for AFPV, suppliers, and materials.


  • Delivery and purchase of necessary consumables and equipment;
  • Installation of pipelines (fastening to the ceiling with a wall, welding);
  • If necessary, in accordance with design solutions, then remote start buttons, booster pumps are installed, and connection to an automatic fire protection system is made;
  • Then the pipeline is painted and fully equipped fire cabinets are installed. They are usually sealed and then numbered by the customer himself.

After the installation process is completed, the customer is introduced to the features of the entire resulting system and the final project is handed over to him. That's it, the work is finished.

In the future, after installation, the water supply system will need periodic preventive inspections, which can also be carried out without any problems by specialists from trusted companies who guarantee quality work at affordable prices.

Often, the water supply of an extinguishing tower is installed in municipal or industrial buildings.
The installation is carried out by a team of specially trained craftsmen who have all the necessary materials and tools. Because it saves the customer time and money.
Installation features include:
-priority when connecting ERW is given to the water from the domestic water supply system, to which it is connected using special valves;
- if the height of buildings exceeds 16 meters, the control must certainly be automatic;
- if there is low pressure in the system, there is a need for additional installation of booster pumps;
- in high structures, ERW must be placed in fire-resistant channels.
The installation is considered complete only after checking the water supply system for water pressure and water flow.

Examination ERV is a mandatory procedure and is carried out regularly every six months - in spring and autumn. This guarantees the durability of the equipment. The verification work must be carried out by real and specially trained specialists who will carefully check the equipment and main components, and if a problem is found, they will fix it with ease.

Maintenance steps:
- visual inspection;
- coating and sealing of all connections;
- checking all components for faults.
After completion of the inspection, a document is issued indicating the time, date, and stages of work for further presentation to the fire safety inspectorate, if required.
So, the fire water supply system has been designed and installed. You need to prepare some documents and everything is ready for use.

Regulations for the maintenance of water sprinkler fire extinguishing systems and fire-fighting water supply systems


List of works

Maintenance frequency

External inspection of the system components (technological part - pipelines, PC cabinets, sprinklers, check valves, dosing devices, shut-off valves, pressure gauges, pneumatic tank, pumps, etc.; electrical part - electrical control cabinets, electric motors, etc.), for absence of damage, corrosion, dirt, leaks; strength of fastenings, presence of seals, etc.


Monitoring pressure, water level, operating position of shut-off valves, etc.


Monitoring the main and backup power sources and checking the automatic switching of power from the working input to the backup one and back


Checking the functionality of the system components (technological part, electrical part and signaling part)


Checking system functionality in manual (local, remote) and automatic modes


In order to ensure the fire safety specified for a particular building, a fire extinguishing system must be provided during construction. The most common and self-justifying method is considered to be the use of water. Provides this design of internal and external fire water supply simultaneously with the development of the building design.

Submit your application

General idea of ​​fire water supply

How is a fire water supply different from a regular one? Why create a separate system? Let's imagine a situation: we need to put out the flame. This can only be done with a powerful jet of water. Will a household tap provide the required pressure? And will it provide a flow rate of 2.5 liters of water per second? But this is the minimum standard that one fire hydrant produces. A temporary lack of water in the structure also cannot be ruled out.

Let us consider the requirements that are taken into account during the design, separately for external and internal water supply systems installed for fire safety purposes.

External fire water supply

The complete system consists of a hydrant, a water intake structure, a water source and water lines. Depending on the conditions and capabilities, water supply units, reservoirs, and pumping stations are installed.

The design decision is made in each specific case individually, taking into account the requirements set out in SP 8.13130.2009.

The main purpose of the external fire water supply is to refill fire equipment with water. It must constantly maintain the specified water pressure. The fire hydrant must be located in a place with free access to it for specialized vehicles. The number of water intake points for fire equipment (hydrants) in a given territory or in a populated area is calculated in accordance with the standards. The remaining components of the system are responsible for ensuring that the required amount of water is always in the tank.

Before drawing up a project for an external fire water supply system, a survey of the area is necessary.

Internal fire water supply

He sets up with the goal of starting to extinguish the fire as quickly as possible: he unfolded the hose, opened the valve, and a stream of water began to flow. It must be designed so that it is always in combat readiness.

The internal fire water supply system consists of pipes and technical means, without which the supply of water to fire hydrants is impossible. Such means include water pressure tanks, hydropneumatic tanks and pumping units.

The list of conditions under which the construction of a special internal water supply is necessary, norms and requirements for the components of ERW are given in SP 10.13130.2009.

The internal fire water supply can be fed from the external one.

Design stages

Having received all the input data related to the object, we begin to implement the project. Our engineers are faced with the following tasks:

  • drawing up a block diagram that takes into account all components of the system;
  • reference to a building (VPV) or terrain (NPV);
  • calculation of the parameters of each unit with the selection of equipment and connecting pipes;
  • calculation, supply and distribution of power supply;
  • drawing drawings and working sketches;
  • preparation of estimate documentation.

When performing the above points, it is necessary to use the knowledge and experience of engineers of related specialties: builder, plumber and electrician. With their constant interaction, a water supply system is developed, the need for the installation of technical means is considered: tanks, pumping units. The points for their placement are selected. In a high-rise building, for example, the water tank is located on the roof or upper technical floor (if provided). This is the only way to ensure a fast water supply with the required pressure. In some cases, it is advisable to use hydropneumatic tanks in which water is constantly under pressure. By opening the fire hydrant valve, you get a stream of the required pressure.

When several PCs are opened at the same time, the contents of the tanks are enough for a matter of minutes; during this time you need to have time to turn on the main pumping station, if it is not automatically turned on. All these moments are modeled and calculated by specialists.

The requirements for the construction and equipment of pumping stations, ensuring their reliable operation at the right time, are especially stringent. For example, protection against blackout is carried out either by providing an autonomous power source, or by connecting to at least two different lines or transformer substations.

What does the project customer get?

As a result of cooperation with our company, within the contractual period, the customer receives a complete set of design and estimate documentation, completed on the basis of the technical specifications accepted by us for execution. The kit includes

  • construction drawings with the system layout and installation locations of fire hydrants (fire panels), tank or tanks with their installation and overall dimensions for ERW;
  • construction drawings of each facility (reservoirs, pumping stations, water intake location) with details and connection diagrams for the NPV;
  • a complete specification (list) of all parts, materials, instruments and finished installations (purchased);
  • a set of diagrams: functional, schematic, electrical, using which workers will connect all the elements into a reliable, operational system.

It should be noted that for individual components or equipment, operating parameters are indicated in the documentation. For example, for pumps, pressure, flow and power. The specification indicates a specific type, but a similar one may well be used. This issue is resolved with the customer, the model is specified, since differences in installation dimensions can lead to a hitch during installation.

Fire Technologies LLC welcomes you and offers the design of a fire water supply system by experienced specialists who have perfectly mastered modern requirements regarding the functioning of special-purpose engineering networks and safety standards.

Professional design of a fire-prevention water supply system for a residential or industrial facility is a guarantee of timely elimination of the fire hazard.

Types of water pipes for fire extinguishing systems

When creating communications equipped to extinguish fires, different technologies are used:

  • water is in the pipes constantly (wet);
  • liquid is supplied only when there is an immediate threat of fire (dry).

Based on the type of operation, pipelines are divided into two large categories:

  • Manual. It is usually installed by connecting pipelines equipped with fire shields to the utility network. The coverage area of ​​each shield does not exceed the length of the hose and is, as a rule, 20 m2.
  • Auto. An autonomous network covering the entire building and equipped with sprinklers, each of which is designed for an area of ​​no more than 12 m2. Irrigation begins immediately after an alarm signal is received.

The key to the effective functioning of a fire-fighting water supply system of any type is the precise operation of internal and external networks and the serviceability of the special equipment installed on them, which can only be ensured by competent design of a fire-fighting water supply by professionals.

Design of a fire-fighting water supply system - stages

Specialists must determine the number of fire extinguishing points based on the purpose of the building. The network wiring diagram is drawn up taking into account the type of operation of the pipeline. For the installation of fire hydrants, ventilated cabinets are designed, for the placement of which there are strict rules. After drawing up the project, Fire Technologies LLC takes on the task of getting it approved by the control authorities as soon as possible.

Where design of fire water supply is not required