Pomodoro: biological weapon against Washington? Information about the tomato.

Once again, eating tomatoes, have you ever thought about what they are? It is unlikely that this is what it is - after all, they are so familiar, you can buy them in any store, even in winter, even in summer. In fact, these vegetables are very interesting, besides, they are popular almost all over the world. Their different varieties are grown on all continents except Antarctica, as well as on most inhabited islands.

Facts about tomatoes

  • The name "tomato" is also correct. In fact, both names are correct.
  • In the presence of moisture and nutrition, additional roots can form on any part of the tomato stem. This plant takes only a few days.
  • Some varieties of tomatoes can grow up to 2 meters in height. And the height of the shortest of them usually does not exceed 30-35 centimeters.
  • The word "tomato" came to us from the Italian language, where it means "golden apple", and the word "tomato" comes from the Aztec language ().
  • Choline, a substance found in tomatoes, helps lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • In Mediterranean countries, in particular in Italy and Spain, cold tomato-based soups are popular. For example, the famous gazpacho soup.
  • Tomatoes are used as a seasoning and in dried form, and in 5-10 days of drying they lose up to 85-90% of their mass.
  • Historically, tomatoes originate from South America. Wild varieties of them are still found in nature there.
  • Tomatoes came to Europe only in the middle of the 16th century, after the Europeans discovered the New World.
  • The world's first recipe for a dish based on tomatoes was published in a recipe book published in 1692 in Naples. At the same time, the author of the recipe claimed that he borrowed it in Spain.
  • Scientists are working in many countries to develop new varieties of tomatoes. For example, when a cultivar was crossed with a wild tomato from the Galapagos Islands at the University of California, it was possible to obtain a variety whose fruits have a salty taste. As experiments have shown, salted tomatoes grow well on sandy soils when watered with sea water.
  • For a long time, tomatoes were considered inedible and even poisonous, and therefore gardeners grew them as an exotic ornamental plant.
  • Tomatoes first came to Russia only in the 18th century, that is, relatively recently.
  • In the first place in the production of tomatoes, and by a huge margin, is China. Next come India and the USA ().
  • Every third tomato in the world is grown in China.
  • The pulp of ripe tomatoes traditional medicine often used to treat wounds and burns. Rapid healing occurs due to the high content in the pulp of tomatoes of the so-called plant antibiotics - phytoncides, which prevent infections from developing.
  • At temperatures below +10 degrees, tomatoes lose their ability to reproduce, and the plant dies without leaving fruit.
  • Under suitable conditions, tomato seeds can be stored for up to 6-8 years without losing their germination.
  • Unlike some other vegetables and fruits, green and unripe tomatoes, when picked, then ripen perfectly on their own.
  • From a botanical point of view, tomatoes are not vegetables or even fruits, but berries.
  • For a long time it was believed that the tomato is an aphrodisiac, but studies have shown that this is not the case.
  • Tomatoes are rich in fiber, as well as vitamins A and C.
  • There is a monument to the tomato in Ukraine, in the city of Kamenka-Dneprovskaya.
  • The largest tomato in the world was grown in the USA, in the state of Wisconsin. He weighed as much as 2.9 kg.
  • There are at least 10,000 varieties of tomatoes. The smallest tomato is less than 2 centimeters in diameter, while the largest reaches a weight of almost 1.5 kilograms. But less than a hundred varieties are cultivated on an industrial scale ().
  • The tomato is a biological relative of the potato and tobacco - all three plants belong to the nightshade family.
  • In North America, over 90% of all home gardens grow tomatoes. It is the most popular vegetable in the US and Canada.
  • More than 170 million tons of tomatoes are produced annually in the world.
  • Tomatoes quickly lose vitamin C if exposed to sunlight during storage.
  • Beneficial features tomatoes do not deteriorate, but only improve during heat treatment.
  • La Tomatina is an annual festival that takes place on the last week of August in the Spanish city of Bunol. Tens of thousands of participants come from different countries to participate in the tomato battle, recklessly throwing these fruits at each other.
  • Unripe tomatoes contain a poisonous substance - solanine. If you eat more than a kilogram of green tomatoes, you can easily get poisoned. Solanine is also formed in ripe tomatoes, which long time kept in the light.
  • Red tomatoes have more nutrients than yellow ones.

In almost every letter with an order for tomato seeds, readers ask how I grow seedlings, are interested in the features of agricultural technology and how plants are formed, etc.
I will try to answer all the questions asked of me in letters, taking as a basis the agricultural technology of the experience of growing tomatoes in the Ural-Siberian zone, the well-known gardener - gardener in the Chelyabinsk region Nadezhda Alekseevna Stukalova.
In her book, she shares her secrets about harvesting. Many years have passed, the book was released in 1998. And I have not yet seen such simplicity of presentation for beginners and experienced gardeners.
I already wrote in my articles that every gardener has his own agricultural technology, his own experience, his own habits of growing a particular crop. But everyone is united by the desire to grow their own unique "I". To embody your "I" "in the tomato business", grow very large ones, about one kilogram or more.

1. General rules growing tomatoes.

To have good harvest at minimal cost, novice gardeners need to determine for themselves a few simple rules.

Rule one. Keep a workbook. In a notebook, note varieties, planting time, top dressing, weather features, etc. and whatever you need.

Rule two. Select varieties, knowing their characteristics: stem height, fruit weight and color, yield from the bush, disease resistance, etc. Determine for yourself how you will use the harvest.

Some gardeners are fond of making salads, lecho, ketchup, of course, large fleshy fruits are needed for this. For juices and pickles, medium-sized crops are suitable. For filling cans are good, small "cherry" and medium.

Finally, when choosing varieties, consider the climate zone in which you live and the place where you will grow plants, in a greenhouse, in warm beds, in open ground. And, most importantly, the possibilities of cultivation, taking into account time, health, age. As a rule, in our time, not young people are engaged in the land, and therefore everyone fell in love with such a wonderful variety "Mongolian dwarf".
Yes! These are not sugar fruits, not giants. These are ordinary tomatoes, but do not require any care, just plant and collect.
Don't buy from random people! Large-fruited, author's varieties are best purchased from well-known gardeners.
There are good "masters - tomato growers" in every collective garden, village. Standard varieties can be purchased from well-known agricultural firms. I purchase the varieties of Novosibirsk Selection and Altai Selection.
Rule three. Constantly monitor the variety renewal.
Rule four. Having acquired a new variety, grow a few specimens for the time being, and occupy the main area with your tested varieties.
Rule five. To extend the period of consumption of tomatoes, grow varieties of different ripening periods: early, medium and late and long-term. Then you will try the first in June, and the last to decorate the New Year's table.
Rule six. Grow seedlings yourself, smaller is better, but more reliable. Once I bought luxurious seedlings of pepper in the market, but I never saw the fruits, it was sown late, and in order to be marketable, they were fed with urea.

2. What are tomato plants.

I cannot help touching on this issue, because when prescribing seeds, or especially when buying in stores, they do not always understand how to form plants.

According to the nature of growth indeterminate, determinant and semi-determinant plant types.

For indeterminate varieties "hybrids" are characterized by continuous growth of shoots, such bushes must be formed. They are high-yielding, and as a rule they are written about (For greenhouses and open ground), although in open ground they yield less, and the fruits are not so significant. In determinant varieties, shoot growth is limited. The shoot ends with an inflorescence. Bush height from 30-80cm. But among the determinant varieties, 3 groups are distinguished. This is where gardeners start to get confused. If determinant is written, then they consider that it is undersized (30-50cm).
It is precocious, the bush is compact, low. The harvest from the bush is small, the fruits are usually medium-sized, but they ripen at the end of June. "Mongolian dwarf" ripens on June 20th. There are a lot of varieties of such tomatoes.
actually determinant. They come into fruiting later than superdeterminant ones. After the formation of 4-6 sometimes more inflorescences, the plant stops growing. The height of such plants is 60-80 cm.
After the formation of 8-10 inflorescences, the growth of the main shoot is limited, these include "Pink Elephant", "Grandma's Secret", "Father", etc.
Varieties and hybrids of these two groups are usually high-yielding with large fruits. "Favorite holiday", "Royal gift", "Southern tan", "Monastic meal", "Mammoth", "Keg". The height of such plants is from 80 to 1m. 20cm They work well in greenhouses and protected tunnels, but they also give a good harvest in open ground.

4. Growing seedlings.

I wrote about my method of growing seedlings, but I receive questions in almost every fourth letter about growing seedlings. I will briefly introduce the method of growing seedlings, care and other activities of Stukalova Nadezhda Alekseevna.
The soil mixture for seedlings should be air and water permeable, rich in nutrients.
Such a composition; 1 hour sod land, 1 hour. leaf humus, 0.5 part of river sand or washed building sand, 0.5 h. peat. On a bucket of a mixture of 0.5 liters of ash. Disinfection of the soil mixture is mandatory.
If this condition for growing seedlings is not met, it may “fall” due to the “black leg”. A reliable way is the action of water vapor.
At the bottom of an old bucket or pan, place a can of herring with the convex side up, after punching holes in it. You can put a metal circle with holes or a grate, or an old sieve, a colander on the fragments of bricks. Pour water into the bottom of the bucket. Pour the soil mixture onto the grate (above the water), without compacting. We put the bucket on the fire for warming up for 50 minutes. The resulting steam penetrates the entire thickness of the soil mixture, disinfecting it.
I prefer my way. I have been harvesting the land since autumn and several times during the winter I bring it home, waiting for the appearance of weeds. Then I put it out in the cold again.
4. 1. Seed preparation.
Tie the seeds of each variety separately into a piece of cloth, leaving a long tail on the tail, stick a patch on it and write the name of the tomato variety on it.
I do not treat the seeds with anything if they are fresh and if they are grown by me. I keep the seeds for 12 hours in solution. "Epin" - 3 drops per 100g of water. There are other active substances containing growth stimulants and microelement salts (Gumix, Gibersib, etc.). But strictly follow the directions suggested on the concentration label. Then sow each variety in a separate jar, sign or number the jars according to the variety sown in them.
4. 2. Seedlings.
To grow high-quality seedlings, calculate the number of plants that you can fit on window sills or on special devices. Each plant should have enough light.
It is dry and hot in our apartments, and tomatoes need a temperature of no more than 14-18 degrees C at night.

What is the timing for sowing? Each type of plant has its own time limit. Determine the time using the table.

Seeds are planted to a depth of two seeds. The soil in the containers should be moist, but not waterlogged. The container must be covered with polyethylene and put in a warm place. The optimum temperature for seed germination is + 25 + 27 degrees. Seedlings appear after 3-4 days, you must not miss this moment and place in a sunny place, otherwise the shoots will stretch very quickly. Well, if each variety is sown in a separate container, you can remove from under the film those in which the seedlings have sprouted.
It is necessary to water the seedlings moderately, with settled water warmer than room temperature. It happens that on some shoots there are shells from seeds. Try to wet the “cap” and carefully remove it with the blunt side sewing needle.
Sow seeds with a margin so that you always have the opportunity to select the strongest, strongest plants with large cotyledon leaves. In a good soil mixture, they can not be fed before picking.

4. 3. Pick.
It is better to pick when the seedlings get stronger (both stems and roots). At this time, 3-5 true leaves will grow.
Before picking, dissolve 0.2 hours of manganese in 1 liter of water and carefully, without over-wetting, water the seedlings. It is better to dive into separate containers in such plants during transplantation, the earthen lump is not disturbed, and the roots immediately begin to work. On each container, mark the grade according to your catalog.
The soil mixture for picking can be left the same composition as was done for sowing. You can change the composition with slight deviations. But be sure to put 2-3 granules of superphosphate in each cup. Divide seedlings into low-growing and tall-growing. You need to dive them in different ways. For undersized, fill the cups with 2.3 volumes of soil mixture, make a recess in it with a pencil, lower the plant to the cotyledon leaves, carefully compact it from the sides with the same pencil.
In tall varieties, seedlings are higher. For them, we fill the glass halfway with earth, lay the stem spirally along the wall, pouring the soil mixture. Water, when picking, take the seedlings carefully by the leaves, do not break the protective hairline of the stalk. I never pinch roots. The plant does not need extra trauma. After picking, do not expose the plants to sunlight for 2-3 days.
4. 4. Seedling care.
The health of a plant, like the health of people, is laid at the beginning of life. The tomato is extremely picky about the light, arrange the cups so that you can rearrange them, swap the rows. There are two ways to maintain seedling nutrition: filling the soil mixture for the entire period of seedling growth, I use this method, but skills and experience are needed. The second method is the introduction of nutrients with irrigation during the entire period of growing seedlings.
Mostly amateur gardeners use the second method. Few people use infusions of mullein, chicken and horse droppings. The most convenient liquid complex fertilizers with trace elements. If you do not find them, you can use the universal composition for all top dressing (1 time every 10 days), 3-4 g of nitroammophoska per 1 liter of water. It is very convenient to use completely soluble fertilizers such as kemir, solute and others (there are a lot of them now). It is good to water alternately with a weak solution of manganese and an ash solution (1 l of water, 1 st of ash), boil, stand, drain and add up to 2 l.
When feeding, moisten the clod of earth and only then feed the plants. Increase the number of dressings if the seedlings are pale, the lower leaves turn yellow. In no case do not increase the concentration of mixtures for feeding, you can burn the roots. And yet, growing without illumination, with insufficient illumination, the seedlings are drawn out. Let her loosen up a bit. Carefully lay it in a ring along the wall of the cup, sprinkle with soil. First, try on 2-3 plants, otherwise you can break the whole seedling. In no case do not water the seedlings at night, only in the morning or afternoon!
Be sure to loosen the soil in a cup, after scattering 1 tsp of ash on the surface. To protect plants from viral diseases, I spray 1 time in 7 days with skim milk (1 liter of water, 1 st of milk and 2-3 drops of iodine). 3 weeks before planting, as soon as the weather permits, the seedlings need to be hardened, first take out for 20 minutes, then for more time.
Before planting in the ground, to prevent phytophthora and brown spotting, treat the seedlings with copper oxychloride (5 g of copper oxychloride per 3 liters of water or 1% Bordeaux liquid) against fungal diseases. Dilute as recommended on the package.

5. Biological features.
Tomatoes are heat-loving plants of southern origin. They require good lighting, heat and dry air, the optimum temperature is 20-25 degrees C, during the day and at night -10-12 degrees C. At low temperatures, life processes proceed more slowly. At a temperature of 15 degrees C, flowering is delayed in tomatoes, and below +8 +10 degrees, growth stops and pollen does not ripen.
High temperatures (above 35 degrees C) have a negative effect on plants.
Bright all-round light, optimal day and night temperatures, contribute to the development of a good root system and the formation of a large number of flowers, pollination of flowers occurs normally. Short-term night cooling down to +5 -6 degrees C does not significantly affect the growth and ripening of fruits. In addition to temperature and light conditions, tomatoes have a great need for soil moisture. Soil moisture before fruiting - 70%, during fruiting - 75 - 80%. With a lack of water in the soil, the leaves begin to curl, photosynthesis and plant growth weaken, fertilizer is not used effectively, fruit growth stops, the yield and its quality decrease: the fruits become sick with blossom end rot, and after abundant watering they crack.
Excessive watering of the soil is also impossible, since excessive moisture displaces air from the soil, and if it is lacking in the soil, root growth stops, their breathing is disturbed. Air is essential for the life of microorganisms in the soil.
To provide the root system with air, the roots of tomatoes should be covered with a layer of loose mulch, a dark film, I cover with straw, or weeded grass.
Humidity is of great importance for the good development of plants. The optimum humidity is 65%, at high humidity pollination of flowers worsens, they begin to fall off, the plants themselves are affected by fungal diseases.
To obtain high yields of tomatoes, in addition to organic fertilizers, mineral fertilizers are needed, including macro- and microelements. Among all vegetable crops, tomatoes are the most demanding in terms of assimilable phosphorus, which accumulates in seeds and fruits.

In Russia, microelement fertilizers were used long before 1917.

As a potash fertilizer, ash is applied; as a mineral fertilizer, lime is applied, which destroys acidity. The use of lime and ash is also good in that they contribute to the destruction of eggs and larvae of harmful insects, have a good effect on the quality of fruits and accelerate ripening.
Tomatoes are branching plants, self-pollinators. On the main shoot (depending on the variety), 7-12 leaves are formed, and on the side shoots - much less, the higher the shoot is laid, the fewer leaves on it. Therefore, when plants are formed in 2-3 stems, the upper, strongest shoots are often left.

6. Preparation of ridges.
For tomatoes, the best predecessors are perennial herbs, onions, carrots, legumes, various cabbages, green crops, cucumber, zucchini. Tomato plants cannot be planted after pepper, physalis, eggplant, potatoes. The tomato grows well on slightly acidic and neutral soils (pH 5.5-7). Wood and vegetable ash, ground limestone, dolomite flour are used as neutralizing materials. The main refueling of the soil can be carried out in the spring. Under one plant, I put humus, (superphosphate 20g / m). If mineral fertilizers are not available, fill the soil with compost, adding 1.5 cups of ash to each bucket.
Depending on the size of the plot, the number of seedlings, cut the ridges 120 cm wide, the length is arbitrary, it makes sense to measure the length of the ridge with the length of the covering material. Between the ridges the passage is 50-60 cm. Orientation of the ridges from north to south. It is good to frame the ridges with a board, I have slate, brick, and cover the aisles with sawdust (you can work after the rain).

7. Planting seedlings.
The success of getting an early harvest depends on when the seedlings are planted in a permanent place. You can plant seedlings when the soil at a depth of 12-15cm warms up to + 10-15 degrees. The earlier you plant seedlings, the higher the yield, the earlier you will get ripe tomatoes, but this is if you have shelter. I wrote how to do it in the most primitive way, but proven by me and reliable, they can withstand up to -7 degrees.
Tomatoes like a lot of light, air and nutrition, and the roots are warm.
On the north side of the ridges, plant a backstage of corn, tall flowers. Make furrows across the ridges at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. Fill with humus, ash, scatter 40-60 granules of superphosphate in each furrow, pour. Sort seedlings by variety. This is necessary in order to plant the lowest varieties from the medium-sized ones in your collection in the first row from the east, for example, those that reach 1m during the fruiting period. In the second, those whose height is 1m 20cm, in the third, 1m 50cm, and so on.
Place the highest 2m and more, such as "Tanka Truffles", "Astrakhan", "Sexy" and others. With this placement, all plants will be properly lit.
Withered seedlings, water at least one hour before planting. Place one plant in a checkerboard pattern in a slope in each furrow so that there are 3 leaves above the surface, the rest can be cut off. Arrange the seedlings so that the tops of the plants form even east and west rows, with distances between tops of 50-60cm. Cover the seedlings with earth removed from the furrows. Under the top, carefully place a lump of earth. Water a little, mulch the furrows. Do not confuse the varieties, make a planting diagram, where you mark the plant numbers according to your catalog. In the center from north to south, a solar trap is formed, the soil here will warm up better. Additional mulch from old sawdust and humus and ash will provide additional nutrition. Cover the middle part of the bed with black plastic wrap or an old transparent one. Such planting will allow during the whole season not to loosen, not to weed weeds. In conditions of heat and moisture, tomato roots acquire additional suction, the mass of which is located under the mulching film. Remove it 2-3 times a season, add a mulch layer and close it again.
Do not plant overgrown seedlings in deep holes, tied to a stake, it is better to plant in a slope or lying down.
Place thick wire arcs over the beds. Cover with cling film and seal firmly on all sides. If cold is approaching, additionally cover the plantings. If it's hot, the ends of the tunnels need to be opened early in the morning. Such a troublesome life until June 5-10, and then the film can be removed. It is good to cover the plantings with covering material of grade 40 or 42, and then you can not look at the site for a week. Under such shelter, seedlings will not burn or freeze.

8. Benefits of a sheltered bed.
Even more reliable is the double shelter of the ridge. Covering material is thrown in the first layer, you can attach it to the arcs with wooden clothespins. The second layer is a plastic film, so that it covers the ends, under such a shelter our plants are not afraid of frost -7-8.
In August, with a sharp change in day and night temperatures, abundant dews fall. A “roof” is easily constructed over such a bed, protecting plants from dew, rain (often acidic, etc.). Old water pipes are driven in along the sides, arcs are inserted into the pipes, a film is stretched, you can fix it with twine, clothespins, wire.
Autumn is approaching, the main crop is harvested, but there are still many unformed fruits on the plants. Which ones to grow? Put on the black film that you spread at the beginning of planting in the middle of the ridge, armfuls of hay, straw, small branches, carefully untie the plants from stakes or trellises and lay them on a soft bedding, sprinkle with garlic infusion, “powder” with ashes. And again, as in the spring, put the arcs, cover with covering material, and on top with a film.

The benefit of a sheltered bed with such planting is great.

1. When planting, seedlings are less injured.
2. The possibility of early planting seedlings.
3. Watering and top dressing are economical. They are conducted only in the root zone.
4. No weeds.
5. No need to loosen.
6. Good conditions for fruit set.
7. It is convenient to organize drip irrigation.
8. The possibility of shelter in bad weather throughout the season.
9. Obtaining additional products from the same area.
10. Possibility of shelter for growing late harvest.

9. Watering.
If you followed the recommendations for organizing the ridge and covered the middle part of the ridge with a film (the roots are located there), we water this part from a watering can, a hose with a slight pressure, the soil should not be spilled so that the roots do not become bare.
Do not rush with the first watering, water 7 days after planting. Moisture deficiency stimulates root growth. Further watering is carried out depending on the weather, in drought - after 2-3 days. Watering should be plentiful, preferably in several stages and only in the root zone. Never water over the leaves, the tomatoes can get sick. With a lack of water, plant growth stops. After the end of watering, return the film to its place.
As the plants grow, increase the watering rate. By mid-August, it should be at least one bucket per tall bush. The watering rate is proportional to the height of the plant. Don't let weeds grow.

10. Fertilizers.
Fertile soil contains the whole complex of nutrients. The main elements required by plants are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K); in somewhat smaller ones - magnesium, calcium, sulfur, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Trace elements include: iron, boron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc and copper. Deficiency of any of these results in visible signs of deficiency in plants.
Here is how the famous soil scientist and agrochemist V.V. Zerling, the influence of a lack or excess of nutrients in particular tomato.
Lack of nitrogen (N) causes growth retardation: the stems are thin and stiff; leaves, starting from the bottom, yellow-green, yellow-brown, many small flowers fall off; few fruits, poorly painted, urgently feed with mullein.
With a deficiency of phosphorus (P), the old leaves turn red from the bottom of the tomato, and later the whole plant. The fruits are small, underdeveloped, ripen later. Urgently carry out foliar top dressing with superphosphate. An excess of phosphorus causes a general yellowing of the leaves, reduces the intake of trace elements.
A lack of potassium (K) causes "marginal burn" of the lower leaves; fruits are weak, small with dark spots on the peel and inside the fruit! Leaves are finely wrinkled. Root and foliar top dressing with potash fertilizers will help eliminate the underdevelopment of plants.
With an excess of potassium, the leaves wither and fall off, dull spots appear on them. With a deficiency of (Ca) calcium, tomato fruits have dark spots of dead tissue in the middle. The upper leaves of the plants are whitish.
The lack of magnesium (Mg) is noticeable on the leaves, the veins of the leaf remain green, and the leaf itself becomes discolored.
To avoid this, it is necessary to regularly apply magnesium sulfate to the soil every 10-15 days, in top dressing (10-20g) per 10 liters of water. With a lack of iron (Fe), the upper leaves become pale green or yellow.
Signs of a lack of molybdenum (Mo) are similar to a lack of nitrogen, the only difference is that the upper young organs get sick.
With a lack of (Zn), the leaves are small, yellowed; there are few fruits, they are small, ripen early. More often this disease is present in protected ground.

Once again about the ashes.
Black wood ash is rich in potassium and other mineral elements. Store in an airtight container. When growing tomatoes, ash is often used: when dressing the soil, for dusting plants and soil surfaces, for root and foliar dressings. Phosphorus and potassium in the ash is contained in a form readily available to plants. In addition to potassium and phosphorus, calcium in the ash contains: sulfur, iron, magnesium, boron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc. For example, when applying 70g of ash per 1m3, the need of plants for boron is fully satisfied.
Ash is a good alkaline fertilizer. Ash is used to combat powdery mildew (300g of sifted ash, boiled for half an hour, the settled broth is filtered and brought to 10l), it is pollinated against gray rot 2-3 times during the summer, 10-15g per plant. With a lack of phosphorus and potassium in fruits, the formation of sugar slows down. When applying these fertilizers, the quality of fruits improves, they become sweet, brightly colored, and better stored.
Now you should know why, for some gardeners, the fruits that should be sugar at the break are completely different.
Boric fertilizers improve the taste of fruits, prevent cracking.
Magnesium fertilizers contribute to the accumulation of sugar and vitamin C. Good quality fruits are obtained only with a balanced diet for all elements.

11. Top dressing.

The growth of roots in tomatoes goes on continuously until the end of the growing season, but the growth of above-ground organs goes even more 160 times. That is why the harvest depends on top dressing. Tomatoes do not like to starve, but overfeeding affects them even worse. Nitrogen has a great influence on the plant. Nitrogen is needed for the development of green mass, for fruit formation and the pouring of tomatoes. If plants have increased growth of leaves, stems, shoots, and there are few fruits, it is necessary to exclude nitrogen fertilizers from top dressing. Tomatoes take the most potassium out of the soil. Each gardener applies his own feeding scheme, but here is what N. Stukalova advises in her book.

The first feeding is 10 days after planting the seedlings with a solution of mullein (1:10) or chicken manure (1:20). Subsequent fertilizing is carried out, depending on the condition of the plants, every 10 days with a complete mineral fertilizer (60g of garden fertilizer mixture per 10l of water).

Before flowering, 1 liter of top dressing is applied under the plant, then 2-5 liters each. Fermented grass is used for top dressing. The most useful nettle (even dry). Ash can be used throughout the growing season, scattering in the root zone or in the form of an extract. Feeding with microelements is useful 2-3 times per season. Pound 5 tablets in a mortar, shake in a 0.5 jar, pour, stirring in a 10l bucket, consumption 1l under a bush.
Sometimes flowers from the first brushes fall off, to lose the flowers of the first brush means not to have an early harvest.
It happens that the ovaries fall off. This happens if the ovary is not fertilized or the plant lacks moisture and food - it must be urgently watered and fed. With high humidity, the flowers can also crumble. You need to sprinkle with a solution of boric acid (1 g per 1 liter of water). Boric acid dissolves only in hot water.
The mistake of many gardeners is that after the start of fruiting, they reduce watering, fertilizing, i.e. help the plants die. This is my mistake, as long as the plant is alive, it must be looked after as at the beginning of life.

12. Foliar top dressing - first aid to plants.
Scientists have proven that leaves absorb nutrients in the same way as roots, but more selectively. They absorb from the tinctures those nutrients that the plant lacks, but they do not replace root dressings. Some top dressing can be carried out with mineral and organic fertilizers. The best concentration of mineral fertilizers for tomato is 0.4% (8.5 g of superphosphate, 16.5 g of potassium chloride, 15 g of urea per 10 l of water). To 10 liters of an aqueous solution of macronutrients, add 1 liter of a solution of microelements according to the norm on the labels.
Foliar top dressing with superphosphate affects the setting and ripening of fruits.
It is very good to spray the plants during the flowering period with an extract of 0.5% superphosphate. You need to take 50g of superphosphate pour hot water, mix, hold for a day. For 50g take 10 liters of hot water. Spray the tomatoes with the settled solution. It is good to spray with organic infusion using nettle, lupine, comfrey, lawn grass. Cut all components into a linen bag, place in a container, fill with water. Rotate the bag every 2 days. After a week, the tea is ready, diluted to the color of weakly brewed tea.

13. Formation of a bush.
Gardeners ask this question in almost every 4 letters. As I already wrote, tomatoes have the ability to strongly branch. From each bud located in the axil of the leaf on the main stem grows a lateral shoot - stepson. The removal of these shoots (stepchildren) is called stepchildren. Stepchildren, plants form into one, two, three stems.
With a single-stem form, all side shoots are removed on the main stem; with two stems, also all side shoots, except for one, the strongest, growing under the first flower brush; with a three-stemmed one, they leave another strong stepson located above or below the flower brush. Stepson every week, in the morning or afternoon, so that the wounds on the plant dry out. The stump from the stepson should be left 2-3 cm so that there is no escape on the same sheet. It must be remembered that pinching accelerates the ripening of fruits, but the yield from the bushes will be lower.
I form tall ones in two stems. In addition to pinching, you need to pinch (i.e., remove the tops of the fruiting shoots) - this limits the growth of the plant, which helps to accelerate the formation and ripening of the fruit that has set. The top is cut off 3-5 cm above the second leaf above the last brush with ovaries. In June, July, plants grow 60-70mm per day, they need to be tied up, tying up a bush and brushes contributes to better illumination, which means there will be more fruits. There are a lot of ways to tie - pegs, ropes, net.
But the most convenient way to tie up is the organization of the trellis. The main thing is that the trellis is strong.

Summarizing everything written, remember:

Greenhouse cultivars in the open field can give a low yield, and vice versa, the open field cultivars do not bear fruit well in the greenhouse.

Chasing the number of varieties, you can miss the quality.

Sow varieties of different maturation periods at different, optimal times for each variety.

Don't overdo the seed preparation. Not only frozen, you will not have time to sow dry.

Do not rush to plant seedlings, the soil should warm up to +10 C. But do not tender seedlings in a greenhouse until June. Late planting of seedlings will bring great trouble and a small harvest.

Plant tomatoes in rows. With late return frosts, the beds are easier to cover from the cold.

Don't skimp on food space. Biological pattern: the thicker the plants are, the smaller the size of the fruit.

Tie up plants in time, even undersized ones. They will warm up better, come into contact with the soil less, and hurt less.

Get your plants right. When choosing a variety, you need to know under what conditions of formation - in one, two or three stems, with or without pinching, it gives the maximum yield.

The disease is easier to prevent. Sometimes it is too late to treat, the harvest is lost.

Tomatoes are better underfed than overfed. "Fatting" powerful, beautiful plants with large leaves give a "skinny" harvest

Water your tomatoes regularly, not just occasionally. Plants, like people, cannot get drunk for the future.

Tomatoes like "wet feet" (roots) and "dry clothes" (leaves).

The material was prepared by Lidia Iosifovna Ishimtseva. Using the literature of N.A. Stukalov "Golden Apples of Love". Material for growing tomatoes according to the method of I.M. Maslova. And my own experience.

Tomato is the eternal opponent of cucumber, a long-awaited summer vegetable, a favorite of children and adults, a convenient product for all kinds of culinary experiments. And this list can be continued for a long time, because the tomato is really universal.

If you, like me, found the scarce Soviet times and the difficult period of perestroika, then you probably remember how it is to “cork” for the winter.

I still have, as if alive before my eyes, numerous small bright red tomatoes that my father pours into the bath so that I can wash them. I splashed elbow-deep in cold water and at the same time ate the most beautiful vegetables on both cheeks.

Still would! After all, tomatoes are so delicious, and in any form! Grandmother “closed” whole small salted tomatoes into large three-liter cylinders. And mom and dad made thick tomato juice with pulp, which the people simply called “tomato”.

We, children, were involved in this family production - I washed vegetables, and my brother grinded them with a manual meat grinder. Sometimes he let me "steer", and I was happy, however, the hand quickly got tired. 😆

Often we were angry that instead of carefree summer walks we had to work, but with what pleasure in the cold season we opened bottles of sour-salty juice and washed down grandmother's homemade dumplings with potatoes!

Well, and, of course, the most delicious childhood memory associated with this product is to find the largest, softest, meatiest tomato, cut it into two parts, salt it and enjoy its juiciness, so that it flows down your hands, but also into your mouth. 😀 Or don't even cut and salt - it's still very tasty.

Today's article is about these amazing vegetables. Or no vegetables at all? Although let me still tell you about everything in order.

Tomato alkalizes your body as it has an acidic pH of 4.3-4.9.

The word "tomato" has a synonym for "tomato", which we all know very well, but in everyday life we ​​practically do not use it. Above, I mentioned that this is how we called the juice from this vegetable, and, to be precise, smoothies from it.

The tomato, which in Latin is called "Solanum lycopersicum", is herbaceous plant, which can live only a year, or maybe several years. Tomato is a species of the genus Nightshade and belongs to the Solanaceae family, which clearly indicates its direct relationship with bell pepper, as well as tobacco, dope and henbane.

The plant of interest to us has a branched root system - it has a large number of lateral adventitious roots, which, in turn, are covered with root villi. Tomato stalks can be either standing or lying on the ground.

Their height (or length) can reach 5 meters, but there are also 30-centimeter "shorty". Tomato leaves are said by botanists to be “discontinuously pinnately dissected, that is, they are divided into separate lobes that have entire or serrated edges.

Tomatoes bloom with yellow inflorescences with sharp convex cores and 5-6 pointed petals. And tomato fruits are juicy berries with 2 or more nests, with a smooth skin and numerous small yellowish seeds. The weight of tomatoes can vary from 5 grams to 1 kilogram.

Tomatoes can be round, elongated, flattened, heart-shaped, cylindrical, and also similar in shape to,. The colors of this vegetable are also varied - it can be bright red, pale pink, pink, raspberry, yellow, orange, white, green, brownish green and even black.

Let's immediately understand what is a tomato? We are all used to considering it a vegetable, as we add juicy pulp to savory dishes, cut into vegetable salads, served for lunch as an appetizer, not as a dessert. Although from a botanical point of view, these are still berries, but you must admit, it’s rather strange to cook compote from tomatoes or decorate them with halves of cakes, right?

The US Supreme Court, apparently, also considered such culinary delights wild, and therefore, back in 1893, ruled that customs duties on tomatoes should be collected as on vegetables.

At the same time, this state body, we must pay tribute to it, nevertheless mentioned that these fruits are fruits. The point is that in English language the words "fruit" and "fruit" do not differ. I propose to agree with the decision of the US court and continue to call the fruits of this plant, as we are accustomed to, vegetables.

Regarding the country that gave the world these amazing vegetables, scientists also have no consensus. They divided into three camps. Some researchers believe that India is the birthplace of tomatoes, since they are mentioned in the ancient manuscripts of this country.

Other experts believe that the Chinese were the first to grow the juicy fruits of interest to us, since it was on the territory of their country that tomato seeds were found, which are more than 2000 years old.

There is also a third group of scientists who adhere to the "Mexican" theory of the origin of tomatoes, according to which this plant has Peruvian roots. Interestingly, the Mexican word for the fruits of this plant sounds like "tumatl". Perhaps it was from him that the generally accepted “tomato” came from.

In the countries of Central and South America, wild tomatoes can still be found.

Europeans learned about them with the help of travelers in America. It was from there that the first tomatoes were brought to European countries - to Spain and Portugal. It happened back in the 16th century. The next country to get acquainted with the juicy pulp of these fruits was Italy, followed by Austria and Hungary.

It is unlikely that the Europeans of that time considered such an acquaintance useful for themselves, because for a long time tomatoes were considered poisonous and unsuitable for food. Then the plant had a purely decorative purpose. However, the most daring chefs, in particular the Italians and the French, gradually expanded the people's ideas about this product, introducing it into more and more new dishes.

The plant was brought to Russia in the 18th century thanks to the order of Catherine II. She wished to see this vegetable on her table, and therefore the European ambassador came to the Empress with a basket of tomatoes and a whole extensive report on these "outlandish fruits, hitherto unseen in Russia."

The Russian nobility, like, at one time, the aristocrats of Europe, at first did not accept tomatoes and treated them with caution. However, through the efforts of the famous agronomist Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov, these fruits soon spread throughout the country.

Today, a rare Russian bed does without these multi-colored fleshy beauties, and other countries are not far behind. Still, because tomatoes can be cooked a lot of tasty and healthy things! In addition, raw tomato berries have a unique taste.

Many people eat tomatoes just like fruit.

The tomato biscuits turned out to be pink on the outside, the texture was crispy on top and soft on the inside, and the taste was like that of ordinary pastries of this kind, but with a slight sourness.

The most interesting thing was later - my mother went into the kitchen, saw a mountain of freshly baked crooked "rounds", praised her assistant-daughter and, apparently, gathered all her will into a fist so as not to scold her for the numerous tomato splashes on the stove, ceiling and walls. 😆 Did you think it's easy for a child to grate such a juicy fruit? Well, or a vegetable!

There are a great many dishes in which the hero of my today's article fits perfectly. Can you imagine pizza without tomatoes? What about spaghetti? Try to cook borscht without this vegetable - it is unlikely that it will be very tasty and beautiful, because it is tomatoes or pasta from them that give it the famous sourness and redness.

I really like to cook vegetarian lasagna based on thin Armenian lavash - I layer it with sour cream, vegetables and grated cheese. And, of course, tomatoes are an indispensable ingredient in this puff dish.

And how many different sauces can be prepared based on these juicy vegetables? Now I'm not talking about industrial ketchups with a dubious composition, but about natural dishes with carefully selected aromatic spices. I really like the combination of tomatoes, fresh garlic, brown sugar, black or, and.

My friend once made sun-dried tomatoes, a dish that is very much appreciated in the Mediterranean countries. They can be added to almost any savory dish, or you can eat them separately with and.

I remember that she simmered them for a very long time on the smallest fire at the minimum temperature in an open oven. Perhaps it is much easier to dry the fruit under the summer sun or dry it in a dehydrator, but I have not personally tried it. Do you have such culinary experience? Please share them in the comments. 😉

The classic recipe involves eating this vegetable splendor, ground in a blender, with stale black bread, better, of course, without yeast.

Numerous salads with tomatoes simply cannot be counted. Surely you cut these juicy vegetables along with cucumbers and herbs throughout the summer, season with some fragrant vegetable oil and thus replenish the reserves of nutrients in your body, I guessed? 😎

Tomatoes are combined with almost all products - any, including sea, and herbs, cheese, mushrooms, olives and black olives, legumes, cereals, seeds. I really love them in tandem with, and I often add fresh Suluguni cheese, pine nuts, to them. All this can be seasoned with cream or homemade sour cream, or you can flavor it with olive oil. Back in the summer, I often cut tomatoes and then mix them with chopped green onions.

Forgive me once again convinced raw foodists, but I really love grilled tomatoes. Cooked in this way, they acquire extraordinary tenderness and sweetness.

Although, of course, I understand all the nutritional and taste value of raw tomato fruits. To get the maximum benefit from them for the body, you need to use them in their original form, fortunately, they taste really divine.

Tomatoes are very beneficial for our skin.

Perhaps I will surprise you, but from tomato seeds you can get an excellent oil, which is used in cosmetology to stabilize and preserve other components. It is about creating natural skin and hair care products.

In addition, if you use tomato oil during the massage, you can get a drainage effect!

To get this valuable substance, tomato seeds are placed under a press and squeezed. It is this oil that is considered to be of the highest quality - extracted by cold pressing and retaining the entire complex of nutrients. Its color is pale, yellowish, and the smell is spicy.

The composition of tomato oil includes fatty acids, carotene, lysine, as well as a number of vitamins and minerals. That is why with the help of this natural cosmetic product, you can reduce cholesterol in the blood, cleanse blood vessels, improve metabolic processes, and improve the condition of skin and hair.

Such oil, although useful, is not found on sale too often, and therefore it is best to use fresh tomatoes for the face, preferably, of course, grown without the use of nitrates.

Tomato mask effectively relieves the skin of pimples, smoothes fine wrinkles, saturates with moisture and valuable nutrients.

With the help of tomatoes, you can increase not only your own beauty, but also ennoble your home. After all, it is not for nothing that Europeans have long cultivated this plant as an ornamental.

If you want to become the owner of a small green bush with small bright and, moreover, edible berries, use ready-made seedlings or grow it directly from seeds. Just a little effort and regular attention - and pretty yellow flowers bloom on your windowsill, which then give way to beautiful fruits.

Bright red tomatoes against the background of green leaves - it's very beautiful!

Today, these delicious vegetables can be bought all year round, but I personally try to do this only in the summer-autumn period, when local tomatoes ripen. Imported plastic tomatoes with white veins are usually hard, tough, not juicy, and seasoned with “chemistry”.

The highest quality fruits are those that are grown on own site without nitrates or, in the absence of such, on the windowsill. Honestly, I’m still a gardener - cacti are crying, so I try to buy tomatoes from trustworthy grandmothers who summer residents.

Now I will share with you how I choose the delicious ripe fruits of this plant.

How to choose the right tomato?

Color is not an indicator of the ripeness of the fruit, as tomatoes are pink, yellow, and even white. Most often we meet red fruits on the shelves. If you are sure that you are buying a variety of scarlet tomatoes, then give preference to bright individuals.

By the way, allergy sufferers who are contraindicated in eating red fruits, berries and vegetables can include yellow or white tomatoes in their diet - so the likelihood of an allergic reaction will be lower.

When choosing tomatoes, it is important to inspect the stalk area. If it is dyed green color, then, most likely, the fruit was plucked immature, and it “reached the standard” already on the counter, and therefore it contains significantly less nutrients than the one that was allowed to ripen on a branch.

Feel free to touch the tomatoes you like, just be careful not to give them away. Quality specimens are elastic, but not hard. When you press them with your finger, a small dent remains in the pulp, but it does not fall inward.

The skin of a natural ripe tomato should be tender, thin. A thick peel indicates a large amount of nitrates in a vegetable.

This is also evidenced by the hard white veins hidden inside the tomato. It would be nice to ask the seller in the market to cut one fruit and show you its pulp. Know: the fewer chambers in a tomato, the tastier it is. The original ribbed fruits of this plant have a large number of such "compartments", and therefore are not very impressive in their taste.

High-quality ripe tomatoes exude a rather noticeable aroma. Do you know what these vegetables smell like? If the smell is barely perceptible or completely absent, pass by - these fruits still ripen and ripen.

How to properly store tomatoes?

The hero of my today's article is still capricious. But, you see, he can afford it. A soft, tender, juicy tomato is simply not able to maintain its shape for a long time, so it must be eaten immediately after purchase. Well, or, as a last resort, within 2-3 days. That's how much tomatoes can "hold" at room temperature in the absence of heat.

The cold will invigorate the ripe fruits a little and help them “stretch” for a whole week, and your task for these 7 days is to figure out in what form you want to eat them. 😀

A large number of ripe tomatoes is a real disaster. They will have to be urgently turned into juice with pulp, into sauce or into homemade canned food. Knowledgeable people, however, it is advised to store the tomato crop in wooden boxes in layers sprinkled with sawdust at a temperature not lower than +8 ° C and not higher than +12 ° C in a well-ventilated area. It's so difficult, but it seems like it's possible.

If you want to stock up on tomatoes for the winter, opt for medium-sized fruits - they store best.

Back in 1964, Soviet breeder Academician Dmitry Danilovich Brezhnev identified three main types of this plant:

  1. Peruvian tomato - Lycopersicon peruvianum
  2. Hairy tomato - Lycopersicon hirsutum
  3. Common tomato - Lycopersicon esculentum

This classification is used in Russia to this day. However, in the world there is a more complete list of types of tomatoes, described by an American named Rick.

There are hundreds of varieties of this plant, and they are all divided according to various criteria. So, for example, according to the type of bush growth, deterministic (weak) and indeterminate (tall) tomatoes are distinguished. Also varieties of tomatoes can be early, mid-season and late. They are also classified according to their purpose - table, sauce, pickling, salad, for obtaining juice and for conservation.

I want to introduce you to several original varieties of tomatoes.

Variety "Banana legs"

In appearance, the representatives of this funny variety really look like either legs, or, or, according to the name, they are banana legs. These tomatoes are bright yellow in color, have an elongated shape with a sharp tip, and sweet, fleshy flesh. Despite this, when fresh, they are quite specific in taste, but they are good after salting.

Variety "Fairy's Gift"

This magical variety of the plant belongs to the early ripening varieties. The bushes at the Fairy's Gift are undersized, but productive. Tomatoes grow large, heart-shaped, orange and delicious.

Variety "Geisha"

Bushes of this savory variety can grow up to 170 centimeters in height. They give surprisingly tasty juicy fruits of pale pink color, the weight of which can reach 400 grams.

Variety "Roma"

The undersized bushes of "Roma" rarely reach a height of more than 60 centimeters, but they consistently give a good harvest in the form of fruits of bright red color, oblong in shape, which are good both fresh and canned. The weight of such tomatoes usually varies from 65 to 75 grams.

Variety "Creme brulee"

Such tomatoes are considered medium-early, they grow on fairly tall one and a half meter bushes and have an original look. Ripe flat-round fruits of this variety are painted in an unusual rich brown color. The weight of creme brulee tomatoes, as a rule, does not exceed 400 grams.

Other varieties of tomatoes:

"Abakan pink" "Lotus"
"Australian" "Moon Delight"
"Avuri striped" "Icicle"
"Accordion" "Lana"
"The Scarlet Flower" "Major F1"
"Alsu" "Mazarin"
"Alpinog" "Malachite Box"
"Scarlet Candles" "Raspberry Vicante"
"Amethyst" "Raspberry Miracle"
"Amulet" "Mammoth"
"Amur tiger" "Mandarin"
"Amish Paste" "Marizol purple"
"Andreevsky surprise" "Marmalade yellow"
"Appetizing" "Honey Drop"
"Auria" "Honey King"
Bayern "Honey Savior"
"Balcony Miracle" "Mikado pink"
"Banana Red" "Mikado black"
"Velvet" "Michurinsky"
"Velvet Highlighted" "Nefertiti F1"
"Father" "Niagus"
"Size free" "Nocturne F1"
"Benito F1" "Osiris"
"Big Beef F1" "Olesya"
"Biyskaya rose" "Oh-la-la"
"Bityug F1" "Orange Heart"
"Swamp" "Orange from Russia"
"Big Yellow Zebra" "Orange with purple spots"
"Brazilian Miracle" "Eagle's Beak"
"Budenovka" Palenque F1
"Burraquer Favorites" "In memory of Korneev"
"Burkovsky early" Paruch F1
"Butuz" "Victory"
"Bull Heart Pink" "Pepper"
"Bull Heart Black" "Pepper Striped"
"Nobleman" "Pepper Black"
"Scales" "Petrusha-gardener"
"Visible-invisible" "Pink Unique"
"Vintage Vine" "Flame"
"Cherry white" "Diva F1"
"Cherry red" "Pudovik"
"Vladimir F1" "Rajah"
"Vova Putin" "Rocket Yellow"
"Ox ears" "Rhapsody F1"
"Vologda" "Red King"
"Wolf Zossi Pink" "Roman striped"
"Flash" "Rosalia"
"Hawaiian pineapple" "Pink cheeks"
"Hercules" "Pink Giant"
"Lemon Giant" "Pink Cadillac"
"Dwarf" "Pink Honey"
"Goliath" "Pink Elephant"
"Pride of Siberia" "Pink Snow"
"Mushroom bowl" "Pink flamingo"
"Goose Egg" "Ruslan"
"Danko" "The best"
"Darenka" "Santa Cruz"
"De Barao" "Sanka"
"De Barao Kabardian" "Sarah black"
Delicious "Sugar Bison"
"Jan" "Sugar Giant"
"Divo" "Heart of Dantes"
"Wild Rose" "Silver Fir"
"Don Juan" "Silesian Raspberry"
"Darling" "Blue"
"Uncle Stepa" "Siren"
"Yellow Mimi" "Lilac Lake"
"Yellow Long" "Sweet Girl F1"
"Golden Andromeda" "Sweet ball"
"Golden Rhapsody" "Black Icicle"
"Zolotnik" "Stolypin"
"The Golden Fleece" "Supermodel"
"Golden Rain" "Superexotic"
"Golden Koenigsberg" "Greenhouse Dark"
"The Golden Cockerel" "Tyler F1"
"Golden domes" "Tunido"
"Zyryanka" "Turandot"
"Ivan Kupala" "Little Red Riding Hood Knot"
"Izmailovsky Ribbed" "Duckling"
"Emerald Apple" "Fireworks"
"Raisin-hybrid" "Fesaloniki"
"Intuition F1" "Fidelio"
"Irma" "French grapevine"
"Cossack" "Hospitable"
"Pink Capia" "Cyclops"
"Cardinal" Qingdao
"Caspar F1" "Cyphomandra"
"Kenigsberg" "Gypsy"
"Kiwi" "Chernomor"
"Chinese pink" "Black Pineapple"
"Cleopatra" "Black Crimea"
"Button" "Black Russian"
"Princess" "Chesnovy"
"Bell" "Chio-chio-san"
"Columbus" "Wonder of the Earth"
"Commune" "Chukhloma"
"Brown Plum" "Naughty"
"Royal Mantle" "Hat of Monomakh"
"King of London" "Chocolate Amazon"
"King of Siberia" "Chocolate Bunny"
"Kosovo" "Chocolate striped"
"Cream Sausage" "Shuntuk Giant"
"Bloody Mary" "Yuvel"
"Cubes" "Apple Lipetsk"
"Kumato" "Jaguar F1"
"Labrador" "Amber"
"Lollipop" "Amber Cup"
"Chanterelle" "Japanese Crab"

show all

We have been familiar with tomato smoothies since childhood, that is, juice with pulp.

The benefits of tomatoes

  • These fruits contain a natural antioxidant complex, and therefore effectively protect our body from harmful effects. free radicals and therefore slow down the aging process.
  • Tomatoes help to strengthen the immune system. And choline, which is part of this vegetable, reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.
  • Tomatoes increase the level of hemoglobin, and therefore are indicated for use by people suffering from anemia, as well as pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.
  • Phytoncides, which are present in the fruits of this plant, endow them with antibacterial properties.
  • Regular consumption of tomatoes is an excellent natural prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It is not for nothing that these vegetables so remind us of the heart - they are also mostly red and also consist of chambers filled with liquid.
  • Tomatoes contain serotonin, a well-known hormone of joy, and therefore, if suddenly you are haunted by apathy or, even worse, depression, feel free to eat bright tasty tomatoes.
  • Also, these vegetables have a unique property to stabilize arterial pressure. In addition, tomatoes have a powerful cleansing property - they remove toxins from the body.
  • They are simply necessary for those who suffer from constipation, as they act as a mild laxative. And the pulp of a tomato, applied to a purulent wound, will accelerate its healing.
  • For men, tomatoes will help improve the activity of the genitourinary system.

Harm of tomatoes

Allergy sufferers, alas, are contraindicated in red tomatoes, but they can try to introduce less bright fruits of this plant into their diet - yellow or white. Also, tomatoes should not be consumed by those who suffer from urinary or cholelithiasis.

With hypertension, arthritis and gout, these vegetables are also not worth eating. With serious digestive problems, such as stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, gastritis, sour fruits can harm.

There is also an opinion (not yet supported by scientific evidence) that excessive consumption of tomatoes can cause an addiction similar to nicotine.

Do not rush to smile, because we have already said that the tomato is a close relative of tobacco!

By the way, when I, being a raw foodist, ate pink tomatoes in kilograms, then, from time to time, after such a dinner, I felt a state of light, similar to alcohol, intoxication - there was a slight tingling in my arms and legs, and my consciousness became somewhat clouded. So, adherents of a healthy lifestyle, everything is good in moderation! 😉

  1. The term “tomato”, familiar to the Russian ear, is, in fact, nothing more than the Italian “pomo d’oro”, which means “golden apple” in translation.
  2. There is also an assumption that the roots of our tomatoes are still French, and in this romantic language they are called "pomo d'amour", that is, "love apples". Which of these versions do you like best? Are you for wealth or feelings? 🙂
  3. When the tomato was considered a poisonous plant, they tried to poison its fruits, as you see, unsuccessfully, George Washington, who at that time was not yet the president of America and commanded the rebel army.
  4. Tomatoes are in the top 5 most popular foods, overtaking even bananas.
  5. The leader in growing tomatoes is - who would you think? – of course, China. This country produces 16% of the world's volumes of these vegetables!
  6. The tomato is immortalized in the form of a monument, and in various countries. Original tomato monuments were erected in Ukraine, Turkey and Holland.
  7. The tradition of throwing tomatoes around officially exists in Spain. In the city of Bunol, every year a fun holiday "La Tomatina" takes place, which is a hot tomato battle between everyone.

Would you like to be covered with ripe tomatoes? 😀 What feelings do you have for these unique vegetables? Do you only eat them raw and cook them? Or maybe you, like the ancestors of Europeans, consider these fruits poisonous?

Tomato (tomato) is a herbaceous plant of the Solanaceae genus, grown as a vegetable crop. His homeland South America where wild varieties are still found today. The name "tomato" comes from the phrase "pomo d'oro", which means "golden apple" in Italian. For a long time (until the 17th century), tomatoes were considered inedible, so European gardeners cultivated them exclusively as an exotic ornamental plant. Tomato was recognized as a vegetable culture only in the 18th century thanks to the scientist A. T. Bolotov, who managed to achieve full ripeness of the fruit using the ripening method and the seedling method.

At the present time, tomatoes are considered one of the most sought-after crops in the world, widely used in the food industry.

Botanical description

According to the culinary classification, the tomato is a vegetable, and the botanical classification is a berry.

Due to high demand, many varieties of the product have been bred, which differ in: shape (heart-shaped, flattened, round, elongated), color (yellow, orange, pink, red, purple, maroon), surface character (medium ribbed, strongly ribbed, smooth , slightly ribbed), weight (from 0.02 kg to 1 kg / 1 fruit), the duration of the growing season (very early, early, medium early, late, very late).

The tomato has a monopodial (rod) root system, which is located in the upper layers of the soil. The stem is covered with hairs, erect or decumbent.

According to the height of the plant, the culture is divided into the following types: dwarf (up to 30 cm), low (30-50 cm), medium (50-90 cm), high (90-150 cm), very high (over 150 cm).

The leaves are composed of lobes, alternate. The inflorescence is a racemose curl, depending on the variety, it can be polysyllabic, uncomplicated or simple.

The fruit is a watery, juicy berry with small triangular-kidney-shaped seeds. The surface, shape and size of a tomato are highly dependent on the growing conditions. Under unfavorable factors, the berry loses its ribbing, rounds, decreases in size relative to the usual parameters of the variety.

Tomato seeds remain viable for 5-7 years.

Interestingly, the duration of the growing season of a plant depends on the territorial location of the site. As the fields with plantings move from south to north, maturation lengthens. As a result, the shift in the period of seedlings can reach 30 days.

Chemical composition

Tomatoes do not contain starch and cholesterol, there is virtually no fat in them, as well as sugar, dietary fiber. Traditionally, it is considered the most watery vegetable, while the tomato is in no way inferior to it (95.28 g of water is concentrated in 100 g of the product), therefore it is recommended for use in weight loss diets. Tomatoes contain an antioxidant (lycopene) that prevents DNA mutations and the growth of cancer cells. In the human body, it is absorbed with fats. plant origin(in oil).

Energy value, per 100 g of product:

  • yellow tomatoes, raw - 15 kcal;
  • orange tomatoes, raw - 16 kcal;
  • red tomatoes, raw - 18 kcal;
  • cherry tomatoes, raw - 27 kcal.

The energy ratio is 12% : 9% : 84%.

Anthocyanins, abscisic acid, sterols, triterpene saponins were found in the fruits, essential oil and glycoalkaloids (tomatine, tomatidine) were found in the leaves.

Aldehydes (furfural, benzaldehyde) and volatile alcohols (isovaleric, isobutyl) give a characteristic aroma to tomatoes, and phenols, anthocyanins, anthoxanthines, lycopene and carotene give color to tomatoes.

Table No. 1 " The nutritional value tomatoes by sight"
Components Content in 100 grams of product, grams
yellow orange Red "Cherry"
Water 95,28 94,78 94,52 93,4
Carbohydrates 2,98 3,18 3,89 3,84
Squirrels 0,98 1,16 0,88 1,2
Alimentary fiber 0,6 0,8 1,1 0,81
Ash 0,4 0,59 0,4 0,4
Organic acids (oxalic, succinic, tartaric, citric, malic) 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6
Mono- and disaccharides 3,5 3,2 2,63 2,01
Fats 0,28 0,18 0,2 2,02
Lycopene 2,573 2,16
Lutein + Zeaxanthin 0,123 0,08
Table number 2 " Chemical composition tomatoes by sight"
Name The concentration of nutrients in 100 grams of the product, milligrams
yellow orange Red "Cherry"
Ascorbic acid (C) 9,0 15,0 13,7 24,0
Niacin (B3) 1,179 0,593 0,594 0,49
Pantothenic acid (B5) 0,12 0,186 0,089
Pyridoxine (B6) 0,056 0,059 0,078 0,1
Riboflavin (B2) 0,047 0,034 0,019 0,039
Thiamine (B1) 0,041 0,046 0,037 0,06
Folic acid (B9) 0,031 0,029 0,015 0,0113
Beta-carotene (A) 0,075 0,449 1,2
Choline (B4) 6,7
Tocopherol (E) 0,54 0,40
Betaine 0,1
Phylloquinone (K) 0,0079
Potassium 258,0 212,0 237,0 290,7
Phosphorus 36,0 30,0 25,0 27,0
Calcium 11,0 6,0 9,0 14,3
Sodium 23,0 41,0 6,0 39,0
Magnesium 11,0 9,0 10,0 20,1
Chlorine 56,0 61,0
Sulfur 11,0 11,0
trace elements
Iron 0,49 0,46 0,26 0,9
Zinc 0,28 0,13 0,18 0,2
Manganese 0,11 0,088 0,114 0,14
Copper 0,101 0,062 0,059 0,112
Selenium 0,0004 0,0004 0,0004 0,0004
Fluorine 0,02 0,02 0,023 0,0201
Molybdenum 0,007 0,007 0,007 0,007
Cobalt 0,005 0,005 0,005 0,005
Iodine 0,002 0,002 0,002 0,0021
Bor 0,115 0,115 0,115 0,115
Chromium 0,005

More than 60 million tons of tomatoes, 44 million tons and 36 million tons are grown annually in the world. The largest areas of vegetable plantations are concentrated in China, where the volume of cultivation of the plant is 16% of the total production in the world. Interestingly, tomatoes contain the "happiness hormone" serotonin, which improves mood, and the main part of ascorbic acid is concentrated in the environment of the seeds.

Interestingly, heat treatment (within 2 minutes of cooking) increases the amount of lycopene in tomatoes by 1/3. And red varieties contain more nutrients than yellow ones.

The pulp of ripe fruits contains phytoncides that prevent the development of infection.

Beneficial features

Fresh tomato juice and pulp puree are prescribed for children, adults and women during the period of bearing a baby. This is the best natural source of mineral compounds, vitamins, dietary fiber. Interestingly, the ancient Indian tribes used the vegetable to enhance male potency.

Tomato is a home healer used to treat nervous disorders, depression, gastritis with low acidity, diseases of the eyes, skin, upper respiratory tract, wounds, burns, colds, SARS. And also for the prevention of atherosclerosis, beriberi, increased libido.

The vegetable has diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties.

"Power" of tomatoes:

  1. Reduce blood pressure, prevent the formation of blood clots, normalize acid-base balance.
  2. Prevent the growth and decay of cancer cells.
  3. Improve metabolism, quench thirst well.
  4. Normalize the work of the heart, nervous system, digestion.
  5. They cheer up, support the immune system, give strength to the body.
  6. Neutralize toxins accumulated in the intestines, promote excretion.
  7. Improve the assimilation of information, prevent eye diseases.
  8. Promote weight loss. Potassium salts reduce the ability of body tissues to retain water. As a result, kilograms go away along with excess fluid.

Remember, most of the nutrients are found in the skin of a tomato, so it should not be peeled.

Tomatoes are especially useful for smokers. The biologically active substances that make up their composition break down and remove nicotine toxins and resins from the lungs. In addition, they normalize taste, relieve teeth from tobacco plaque.

In the absence of contraindications, a tomato can be included in the daily diet of up to 5 pieces.

Due to the rich vitamin and mineral composition, it is recommended to spend fasting days on tomatoes from time to time.

Doctors prohibitions

Tomato is a widespread product around the world, which is consumed both raw and processed (salted, pickled, dried, fried, baked). Based on the vegetable, sauces, ketchups, soups, toppings for pies and pizza are prepared. However, how harmless is this product? Let's consider this question in detail.

Tomatoes provide a hidden danger to human health in the following cases:

  1. With individual intolerance. Bright fruits, like citrus fruits, chocolate are the strongest allergens, they can cause hives, sneezing, coughing, swelling, runny nose and pain in the eyes.
  2. With gallstone disease. Tomatoes, which are part of the composition, activate the work of the stomach, pancreas, participate in the process of digestion, increase intestinal motility, have a strong choleretic effect, which can lead to a shift of stones in the gallbladder and only threatens to worsen the patient's health.
  3. With pancreatitis. Tomatoes provoke inflammation of the pancreas. The greatest danger to the health of the patient is provided by unripe, green fruits.
  4. With kidney disease. disrupts water-salt metabolism, which exacerbates problems with the genitourinary system. In addition, canned tomatoes contribute to the growth of kidney stones (if there is such a predisposition).
  5. With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis and stomach ulcers, especially in the acute phase, are direct contraindications to the use of tomatoes.
  6. With diseases of the joints. Oxalic acid, concentrated in fruits, causes severe pain in the movable connection of the ends of the bones, so the product is excluded from the patient's daily menu.
  7. With hypertension. People with heart problems should exclude pickled, salted and canned tomatoes from their usual diet.

It is not recommended to combine the intake of tomatoes with eggs, fish, bread or meat. The minimum break between eating a vegetable and these foods is 2 hours. In addition, food should not be washed down with tomato juice. To avoid dilution of gastric juice and deterioration of food digestion, it is consumed 30 minutes before a meal or in between meals.

Classification of tomatoes

"Maximum benefit - minimum calories" - this is how nutritionists characterize the nightshade herbaceous plant. The low energy value of tomatoes makes it possible to include the product in the diet of obese people. Unlike relatives in the family, which accumulate toxic alkaloids in the pulp, tomatoes contain them in a smaller amount (5 times).

Types of tomatoes in shape:

  1. Fleshy. This is the most delicious type, a distinctive feature of which is the large size of the vegetable. Used to make salads.
  2. Round. A characteristic feature is the correct shape, which gives the product a beautiful presentation. They are used in cooking for stuffing and cooking dishes that emphasize the ideal outline of a vegetable.
  3. Cream tomatoes. They have medium size, elongated shape, have an exquisite taste. Chefs use the product to make sauces, seasonings and preserves.
  4. . These are small tomatoes, the size of a walnut, which are added to salads and whole snacks to emphasize the sophistication of the dish. Unlike large counterparts, the dry matter content in them is 2 times higher. Thus, when using the same amount of ordinary tomatoes and cherry tomatoes, in the second case, the human body will receive 2 times more antioxidants, sugars, vitamins.

Cream tomatoes are valued lower than round Solanaceae. At the same time, the championship laurels belong to small cherry and fleshy varieties that have an attractive appearance (the first) and an unusually sweet taste (the second).

Variety of tomatoes by maturity:

  1. Ultra-early (80-85 days). As a rule, superdeterminant tomatoes belong to this species. The pulp of the fruit is not sweet due to the fact that the culture grows with a short daylight hours.

The following varieties are classified as ultra-early fruits: Zhavoronok F1, Olya F, Cherry Flow F1, Sanka, Children's Sweetness.

  1. Early ripe (90-95 days). This group includes medium-sized determinant varieties and low standard tomatoes.

Popular hybrids: Leopold F1, Primadonna F1, Leader of the Redskins, Tsar Bell.

  1. Medium early (100-103 days). Grown under temporary film cover, in a greenhouse or in open ground, placing beds on the south side of the site. Common varieties: Verlioka plus F1, Moscow delicacy, Blagovest F1, Giant of the Moscow region.
  2. Mid-season (100-115 days). To ripen the crop, the fruits require more sunlight than tomatoes of early varieties.

Mid-season varieties include: Siberian miracle, Ukhazher, Budenovka, Koenigsberg, French grape, Kostroma F1.

  1. Late ripening (120-130 days). The best option for growing tomatoes is a greenhouse. Otherwise, when cultivating the plant in open ground, early frosts can lead to crop loss.

Popular varieties: De Barao, Titan, Bull's heart, Finish, Date, Vladimir F1.

According to their intended use, tomatoes are isolated for fresh consumption (thin-skinned, fleshy, juicy, sweet pulp), for processing (they have a dense structure, fleshy with a minimum number of seeds), for canning (with a hard skin, regular shape), universal varieties (possess all listed benefits).

The traditional color of tomatoes is red. Purple, green, orange, yellow, black, white and pink tomatoes are much less common. The following pigments give the fruits their characteristic color: lycopene, ascorbic acid, alpha- and beta-carotene, phenols, anthocyanins, anthoxanthins.

The best varieties of tomato in terms of taste characteristics are “Miracle of the Earth”, “Dina”, “Appetizing”, “Brown Sugar”, “Bull's Heart” and “Bull's Forehead”.

Indeterminate or determinant

Tomato is a herbaceous plant that, by its nature, can grow like a vine throughout its life. Wild-growing representatives braid accessible zones in their homeland (in America), creeping along the ground. At present, cultural forms with limited growth and high early ripening of fruits have been bred through breeding.

Types of tomatoes as they grow:

  1. Indeterminate (unlimited growth). Tomatoes of this variety are called liana-shaped, climbing in another way. They are cultivated in open, closed ground. The plant grows continuously due to the formation of lateral shoots that extend from the leaf axil. Tall varieties are sown in liter tetra bags, and determinant varieties in wide peat pots.

Lianoid tomatoes are usually unripe, so they are buried in the soil before the rest. This variety continuously bears fruit after laying the first brush for 5 months a year.

Popular varieties: Budenovka, Ox's Heart, Andreevsky Surprise, Pink Magic F1, Grandma's Secret, Raspberry Giant.

  1. Bush. Distinctive feature species - limited growth. The stem of the plant is completed, ceasing to stretch upwards after the laying of three inflorescences between which 1-2 leaves are concentrated. These are early-growing varieties that are cultivated for an early harvest.
  2. Superdeterminant - dwarf plants. They are a branched shrub with inflorescences at the top. No more than 3 brushes are formed on the main stem. At the same time, the vegetative growth of the plant is inhibited for a long time.

Superdet fruits are the earliest ripening, up to 90% of the total crop ripens in 20 days.

Varieties and hybrids: Children's sweetness, Alaska, White filling, Sanka, Betalux, Children's sweetness.

  1. Determinants have an average strength of growth, which stops after the formation of 5 brushes. Unlike the previous species, the rate of shoot development is more pronounced. Determinate varieties ripen 7 days later than superdeterminant ones, and the harvest period is considered to be more extended. Therefore, it is beneficial to plant them in greenhouses, so the area is used more rationally.

The most common varieties are: Ladies' Man, Dubok, Sakhalin, Siberian Early, Amur Dawn, Aurora F1, Early King, Golden Heart.

A variety of determinant varieties are standard tomatoes with a strong stem, low "growth". They do not require tying the plant.

The best varieties of tomato (standard): Edelrot, Harzfeuer F1, Moskvich, Snow White, Riddle.

  1. Semi-determinant - tall tomatoes. The plant has unlimited growth and tops after the formation of 10 inflorescences. These are late-ripening varieties of large sizes.

Popular hybrids: Red Arrow F1, Northern Express F1, Yvet F1.

Today, determinant varieties of tomatoes are the most popular. The positive features of which include: early ripeness, high yield (due to the laying of ovaries due to a smaller number of leaves), simultaneous return of fruits from several brushes at once. Among the disadvantages of this species, one can single out: a predisposition to diseases, a lower overall yield due to the limited growth of brushes, the need to apply mineral fertilizers in an increased amount and remove stepchildren (to avoid overloading the crop with ovaries).

Selection criteria and storage

Due to the wide range of varieties and hybrids of tomatoes on sale, you can get confused in their diversity and get bushes with rotting fruits, lowered under the weight of their own branches, instead of a high yield. Before buying seeds, determine the purpose of cultivating tomatoes: for fresh consumption, transportation to remote regions, processing and storage.

Seed selection criteria:

  • productivity;
  • regionalization;
  • taste qualities;
  • disease resistance.

Most gardeners prefer to grow vegetables in greenhouses. This is especially true for areas with short and cold summers (northern regions). For full growth and development of the plant, the width of the greenhouse should not be less than 2 m, and the length - 4 m. At the same time, the distance between the beds should exceed 0.4 m. And its width is 0.8 m. It is believed that it is better to grow tall and short varieties. With proper combination, the harvest can be obtained within 7 months of the year.

How to choose tomatoes:

  1. Assess the size of the fetus. Avoid large vegetables, most likely chemical fertilizers were used in the process of growing them. The exceptions are varieties with large fruits, weighing up to 0.5 kg - "Pink Giant", "Biff", "Bull's Heart". In other cases, it is recommended to give preference to medium-sized tomatoes.
  2. Examine the shell of the fetus. It should be uniform in color, shiny, even, without spots, cuts and dents. Remember, dirt, dust, harmful microorganisms can accumulate in places of damage, which, when ingested, disrupt the natural intestinal microflora and the digestive process.
  3. Examine the cut of the tomato. If the internal chambers are full, and juice has come out on its surface, then the tomato is fresh.
  4. Smell. Green tomatoes almost do not smell, and fruits exuding a delicious juicy aroma are considered ripe.
  5. Examine the stem area. It should be the same color as the entire surface of the tomato. Green, yellow seals indicate that the fruits were plucked in an unripe state. As a result, such a product is deprived of all useful properties.
  6. Check elasticity. Fresh tomatoes are neither firm nor soft to the touch. In the first case, the fruits are considered immature, in the second - long plucked.

Remember, too soft tomatoes indicate that the product has already begun to rot.

Rigid veins from the stalk around the circumference of the tomato, the light green color of the pulp indicate the use of chemical fertilizers in the process of growing vegetables and the abundance of nitrates in their composition. Refuse to buy such a product.

The most useful are ground tomatoes, containing a maximum of useful nutrients.

Tomatoes are stored in a dark place at a temperature of 20-25 degrees for a maximum of 3 days. Otherwise, they will overripe, become soft and begin to rot. Vegetables placed in the refrigerator lose their flavor. However, their shelf life is extended to one week. Unripe tomatoes are stored in a paper bag along with apples.

To increase the shelf life of a large batch of tomatoes, vegetables are stored in boxes and boxes with their stalks up, shifting each row with sawdust, straw or burlap. The ideal storage temperature for the product is 10 degrees above zero. In the event of a decrease in the indicator, the fruits can get sick and become moldy, while an increase can overripe and deteriorate. In addition, good air circulation in the room should be ensured. Fruits of compact size with a dense peel are best preserved.

Application in traditional medicine

Tomato is a good diuretic that eliminates diseases of the bladder and kidneys, it improves the functioning of the heart, reduces the likelihood of heart attack and stroke, and prevents atherosclerosis. The nutritional value of fruits is determined by the content of lycopene, vitamins B, C, K, PP.

Interestingly, 100 g of tomatoes contains 2-3 times more than in fish, chicken meat and milk. At the same time, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid, should stop eating tomatoes, since the acid that is part of them has a corrosive effect on the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. This feature tomatoes are used on the farm to clean plumbing.

Home health recipes:

  1. To improve metabolism. Ingredients: fresh tomatoes (1 kg), Antonov apples (300 g), garlic (cloves from 2 heads), horseradish (100 g). Grind all components. Take 30 ml of gruel on an empty stomach.
  2. against anemia. Red tomatoes are a source of ascorbic acid and lycopene. These compounds improve the absorption of iron, which is involved in hematopoiesis. To combat anemia, it is recommended to take 150 ml of freshly squeezed tomato juice daily 10 minutes before a meal.
  3. For the treatment of respiratory diseases, cough elimination. Ingredients: garlic (50 g), horseradish root (100 g), fresh tomatoes (1 kg). Grind all components to a uniform state using a blender. How to use: 15 ml 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  4. against varicose veins. To eliminate pain and bluish spots, fresh tomato slices are applied to swollen veins as a compress. The vegetable is fixed with a bandage, the bandage is left for 3 hours. After the specified time, the legs are rinsed with cool. The procedure is carried out daily until a stable result is obtained.
  5. Against purulent wounds and abscesses. Tomato pulp accelerates wound healing. In addition, the fruits are credited with an antiseptic effect. According to clinical studies, it has been established that the phytoncides contained in tomatoes inhibit the growth of pyogenic bacteria. The pulp of the fruit is ground into a homogeneous gruel and applied to the wound, ulcer, abscessing place for 15 minutes, then removed with distilled water.

American scientists have come to the conclusion that the most effective natural way to protect against cancer is to eat fresh tomato salad daily and. The products contain substances that inhibit growth and prevent the decay of malignant cells.

Skin Benefits

A tomato mask improves complexion, softens the dermis, gives it elasticity and freshness, and eliminates oily sheen. Useful properties of fruits depend on their degree of maturity. For cosmetic procedures, it is recommended to use ripe red, pink or yellow tomatoes. They contain a maximum of vitamins. Phytoncides contained in the pulp of tomatoes fight inflammation caused by rashes and allergic reactions. A prevents skin aging, increasing the ability of the epidermis to regenerate.

Mask recipes:

  1. For normal skin (nourishing). Ingredients: the pulp of one tomato, chicken yolk, flour. Mix until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained. Apply the mask on the face for 10 minutes, rinse.

Another recipe for a nourishing mask: mix grated tomato mass (from 1 fruit) with grape juice (30 ml), warm boiled water (15 ml), honey (15 ml). Leave the mask on the skin for 10 minutes, remove the remnants with a napkin, wipe the face with tonic.

  1. For dry skin (moisturizing). Ingredients: cottage cheese 20% (15 g), tomato (0.5 pcs), whole cow's milk (30 ml), olive oil (5 ml). Grind the components well, apply the product on the skin for a quarter of an hour, wash.
  2. For oily skin (tightens pores). Ingredients: tomato (1 pc), lemon juice (5 ml), flour (15 g). Mix the components of the mask, apply on the face, rinse with water.
  3. Treasury (for cleansing the dermis from keratinized particles). Ingredients: sour milk (15 ml), "tomato porridge" (from 1 fruit), olive oil (4 drops), ground cereals(15 g). Mix the scrub components thoroughly, apply to the skin, massage it thoroughly, rinse with water.

In addition, on the basis of tomato juice, a refreshing lotion is prepared from distilled water (70 ml), alum (2 g), tomato pomace (30 ml), glycerin (5 ml) to reduce skin sweating. Tonic is recommended to be applied to cleansed face skin in the summer.


Tomato is one of the healthiest and most common vegetables in the world. The chemical composition and medicinal properties of the product depend on the type of fruit and the degree of their ripening. Tomatoes are classified according to the shape of the fruit (large fleshy, round, cream, cherry), ripening time (ultra-early, early-ripening, medium-early, mid-ripening, late-ripening), plant height (indeterminate, superdeterminant, determinant, semi-determinant), color and purpose. Brown fruits are suitable for winter harvesting, and red, yellow, orange for eating, and green for preservation.

The composition of tomatoes includes carotenoids, organic acids, minerals, pigment substances (xanthophyll, carotene, phenols, anthocyanins, anthoxanthins, lycopene), vitamins A, PP C, B, K. With regular use of the vegetable, heart function and skin condition improve, normalize metabolic processes and body weight, immunity increases, strengthens bone, the energy resources of the body are replenished, excess fluid is removed, the development of iron deficiency anemia stops.

Tomatoes are excellent antidepressants that promote the production of serotonin. The weekly norm of tomatoes should not exceed 40 pieces. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you can harm your health and provoke inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. In addition to internal use, tomatoes are used externally as part of face masks, compresses for wounds, swollen veins.