How to get rid of nettles with vinegar. How to get rid of nettles in the country forever? Proven Ways

In order to permanently get rid of annoying nettles on your personal plot, you should very deeply and carefully process the kidney with a hoe, while cutting off all found nettle roots. It is best to eliminate the plant exactly at its root, then carefully pile it up and set it on fire or throw it into compost pits. The process is very laborious, since the roots of the nettle are connected by a very strong and reliable bond, which will be quite difficult to break.

To get rid of nettles in greenhouses, a thirty-forty-degree solution of potassium salt is often used, which is directly sprayed on the plant. The method does not give a hundred percent result, but it is considered very effective and time-tested.

On those plots of land where the soil is not subjected to deep cultivation, it is advisable to mow the entire layer of nettle from time to time. The soil littered with nettles lends itself unsurpassed to mulching with the help of a special covering or bulk material. In the presence of such a thick layer, the nettle will not be able to germinate at least somehow. Not help to grow and thrive nettles and regularly mowed lawn.

The following remedies will certainly help you to get rid of nettle reliably, quickly and efficiently. Firstly, these are Roundup and Tornado. These preparations will help to get rid not only of annoying nettles, but also of many other types of weeds directly in your garden. Their effectiveness and efficiency have long been tested by the experience of many summer residents.

In ancient times, before important trips, races, and sales, horses were given eight nettle shoots with seeds daily for eight weeks. The horses changed before our eyes: their mane began to shine, their hair became thicker, their strength increased.

I have been friends with nettles for as many years as our site is old. The secret of this weed was passed on by my mother, remember the childhood fairy tale, beloved, about wild swans. Nettles are a haven for beneficial insects. It is an indicator of soil fertility. Nettle is a good burning medicine, it is used for rheumatism, quilting sore joints. A green dye was obtained from nettle leaves and brewed like tea. There are countless ways to use nettle. Recently, iron was found in it, therefore it is prescribed for blood diseases.

Nettle is a wonderful natural fertilizer. Gardeners make green manure by fermenting it. Nettles are put in a barrel, filled with water at the rate of 10 liters per 1 kg of raw materials. EM technologists add 100 ml of Baikal EM 1 to a 100 liter barrel. So the fermentation goes faster and the smell is not formed. From above, everything is pressed down with a load and closed with a lid, film or any material at hand. The water in the container should be up to the top. Leaving an air gap is not desirable. From it, a number of microorganisms in the infusion will not develop. After 3-5 days, the water can be used for irrigation. And bring nettles into the ground, under an apple tree, bushes, crush the earth from flies.

If the nettle is seeded, then keep it in water for 10-15 days. After such fermentation, the seeds will lose their germination. Only a characteristic smell may appear. It can be avoided if the rate of the drug "Baikal EM1" is doubled.

For compost, nettle is very valuable, it contributes the necessary minerals to it. Nettle can be used to ripen fruits and tomatoes. Not quite ripe apples, pears or tomatoes are laid out on a bed of nettles. You can put it in a paper bag with nettle leaves. Check more often and take away those fruits that are ripe.

How to remove nettles from the site? Pulling nettles with bare hands is not worth it, you will burn yourself. Mittens or rubber gloves are suitable. If you still get burned, use folk remedies: rub the burnt place with a sorrel leaf, boiled onion or crushed garlic clove.

For medicinal purposes, nettle leaves, according to legend, must be collected before May 1, later "the devil took them for shirts." Apparently the point is that flowering comes and changes chemical composition plants.

I wish all the Argonauts a gentle sun, health and harvests. And to you, Tatyana Nikolaevna, creative success. You are doing a very important and useful thing for people, the soil and the Planet.

Sincerely, Morozova Tatyana Nikolaevna, Anzhero-Sudzhensk

The material was received by the regional representative of Gaas T.N. after the

her webinar on June 15, 2013, for which NPO ARGO EM1 expresses to Tatyana Nikolaevna


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But it often settles among cultivated plants, in the garden, under fences. Getting rid of it is quite difficult and this process is long.

Should it be removed?

Delete manually

The manual method of struggle takes a lot of effort and time, but is the safest and most effective. Nettle grows where the land is not planted with cultivated plants. In autumn, you need to dig up such areas on a spade bayonet, remove all the roots and burn them.

In the spring, as soon as young shoots appear, weed the thickets as deep as possible, removing all parts of the plant. And so every time with the advent of the young. You need to weed out until the seeds appear.

We use potassium salt

A 30% solution is more often used in areas where weeding is not possible and chemicals will harm plants. This method relieves nettles for a short time, but is harmless and quite applicable as a temporary measure.

We mulch the soil

After weeding and removing all parts of the plant, cover with any opaque material - it can be slate or black film, old boards, pieces of plywood.

As a mulch, hay or mowed grass is well suited, which are laid in a layer of at least 10 cm. Young sprouts will not be able to pass through such a shelter.

Down with the weed - how to get rid of nettles on the site forever! Working ways to get rid of nettles. Is it possible to control weeds without chemicals? Read today's article to help your garden.

Calculate a summer cottage for planting from nettles- Not a pleasant job. Many craftsmen have adapted to use weed at home. recipes and beauty tips, but most of us see stinging nettle as a nuisance plant that is unpleasant to come into contact with.

How to get rid of nettles on the site:

  • With a hoe.
  • Shovels.
  • Rake.
  • Weeding by hand.

The "grandfather" method is weeding. It is indeed effective if you need to get rid of weeds, but how much time and effort it takes - after removal, you don’t want anything, not to mention planting.

Purchased nettle remedies on the site

With the help of drugs that flooded the market, you can get rid of nettles on the site forever. Gardeners use "Roundup" how universal remedy, as well as "Tornado" from weeds and annoying plants mixed with simple tips on how to get rid of nettles.

Weed control in the area:

  • Treat the nettle on the site according to the instructions on the drug package.
  • Cover with chipboard, metal sheets, cover with a tarpaulin.
  • Walk the skating rink, put heavy boxes or bricks.

Combination drug treatments and neutralization of factors beneficial for nettles that affect development, allow you to cope with the weed in a short time. The plant does not receive light, the seedlings are shackled in development, there is no access to air and moisture, therefore they begin to rot. You can sum up the treatment by weeding - put on thick gloves, put on clothes with long arms, and say goodbye to nettles on the site forever.

Other chemicals that are used to get rid of weeds in early spring: 30% copper sulfate, Bordeaux liquid, or 20% iron sulfate. Herbicides, of course, are safer, and they give the best result according to summer residents, but without manual weeding and preventing the spread of nettles on the site, a good result cannot be achieved.

Folk remedies for nettles on the site

Is it possible to get rid of nettles on the site forever with the help of folk remedies instead of purchased drugs? It is quite likely, since the gardeners used the recipes below for many years in a row before the rise of the chemical industry.

How to get rid of nettle folk remedies forever and ever:

  • Sprinkle with salt. Cover with a tarp.
  • Treat with diesel fuel or gasoline diluted with water.
  • Spill with a solution of potassium salt (30%).
  • Make injections with vinegar or just pour them over.

After the first treatments, you need to mow the nettle, lay out roofing material or use a film and repeat the processing procedure proposed in the first part of the article. A 10 cm layer of mulch is also effective - it does not let air through. Can be used as other mowed grass, or fallen leaves, spruce branches.

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How to get rid of nettle

After skin contact with nettles, redness, itching and peeling occur. A plant that has grown on the site spoils the beauty of the landscape and reduces the amount of the crop. There are two ways to get rid of nettles on the site: chemical and mechanical.

Harm from nettle

Nettle is a garden weed. Grows in beds, shading and drowning seedlings of cultivated varieties. The developed root system of the nettle infringes on the rhizomes of other plants, leading them to death.

Source: Depositphotos

How to get rid of nettle: cutting off the ground part of the plant

The plant carries viruses and diseases. May beetles, aphids, wireworms live on its leaves. The roots are susceptible to fungal diseases.

Nettle bushes reach 2.3 m in height.

The weed quickly spreads over the site, crowding out other plants.

How to get rid of nettle bushes in the country forever

If the grass is still young, then it is uprooted or mowed. 3-4 weedings over the summer will save the site from nettle thickets. Remove the bush from the ground with the root, using a chopper or flat cutter.

The nettle is removed in parts: first, the ground part is cut off, then the root is removed.

Weeds removed from the soil are poured into a pit and burned. The area freed from nettles is plowed to a depth of 25 cm and covered with a dark film or roofing material.

If nettle thickets are large, then special chemicals are used:

  • "Glyphos". Penetrating into the leaves and roots of the plant, it acts already 5 days after spraying. The drug is not addictive. Its chemical composition allows planting crops on the treated area.
  • "Tornado". Penetrating into the plant through the leaves, it reaches the roots and destroys them. The drug is used for nettles with developed leaf plates from 5–7 cm long. The product is mixed with clean water without impurities, otherwise the poison loses its effectiveness.
  • "Raudup". Within 5 hours, the drug is absorbed by nettle leaves, reaching the root in 6 days. The plant withers, turns yellow, dries and dies. Spray the product in warm, dry calm weather.
  • "Fosulin". It acts on the roots and leaves, leading the plant to death. When processing the drug, it is important to prevent contact with agricultural crops and shrubs. Do not spray near raspberries, vineyards and orchards.

Treatment with drugs is carried out during the period of nettle growth. Means are safe for children, animals and birds.

Filling the site, nettle displaces everything cultivated plants. There are several ways to get rid of nettles: weeding, plowing, digging, treatment with chemical herbicides.