Full moon in the sign of Scorpio. Synastry for Scorpio Moons

Compatibility horoscope: the moon in the sign of Scorpio at birth, what does it mean - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

It can be very difficult for people whose Moon was in the sign of Scorpio at the time of birth: the calm and soft Moon conflicts with the strong and tough Scorpio. This configuration of the planets influences the fact that the character of this lunar sign is very explosive and unstable. Scorpios are almost always outwardly calm and reserved, but in some cases they turn into a truly explosive and dangerous mixture! Their reactions and behavior become completely unpredictable.

If you are a Scorpio, then those around you probably already know that you don’t waste words and are inclined to keep promises and be responsible for your obligations. In public, you are usually an emotionally reserved and strong-willed person; you are not used to openly expressing your feelings. No matter what happens, you are always collected, concentrated and can think rationally even in the most extreme situations. With those rare exceptions when internal conflict and intensity of emotions become stronger than your ability to suppress them. When Scorpios' patience runs out, they can be truly dangerous, exploding over little things and sparing no words or expressions for those around them. You won’t envy someone who, during such periods, finds themselves in their field of vision and is forced to endure all the aggression, ruthlessness and sarcasm that they have accumulated and carefully hidden within themselves for a long time.

Due to the conflicting configuration of the planets at the time of their birth, Scorpios are very dual personalities. On the one hand, as noted earlier, they are restrained and rational, but on the other hand, they are impulsive, aggressive, quick-tempered, and vindictive. Such extreme behavior can be shocking. strangers, but loved ones get used to such inconstancy and perceive it adequately. After all, Scorpios have so many good qualities that compensate for all their shortcomings. For example, they will never remain indifferent to the grief of others, they will always come to the rescue and help out in the most difficult situations. Even if such actions would go against their interests. And they will do this not theatrically and for the public, often remaining unknown benefactors.

Scorpios have a painfully acute sense of self-esteem; “losing face” is a very big humiliation for them, and such insults are not forgiven even to those closest to them. They always try to subordinate everything around them to their power, to have control and power over any events occurring in their lives. And if in society they do not always succeed in this, then in their own homes they turn into true dictators and little tyrants. Did you put a spoon in the wrong place, leave the table uncleaned, or forget to turn off the light when you left the room? Be prepared for a long reprimand and showdown. Even such trifles irritate Scorpios.

Lunar Scorpios always know what they want from life, they go their own way, and it is often impossible to influence them from the outside. They are accustomed to achieving everything in life with their labor and intellect, so it is impossible to meet among them dependents or idlers who live off the results of other people’s labor.

Scorpios are terrible owners! They are jealous and suspicious, they cannot stand it if someone interferes in their personal life, but they themselves always control and try to subjugate their partner. Not every person can withstand such an attitude! Therefore, as a rule, the role of a second half for Scorpio is suited to a driven, flexible and soft personality, capable of “quenching” his impulsive impulses, and who lives calmly in a state of constant control. By the way, thanks to their natural charm and magnetism, Scorpios never have a shortage of partners and are always surrounded by attention from the opposite sex. And if it were not for the intensity of passions, extremes in behavior and the atmosphere of total control and submission to oneself, their marriages would have been longer and happier.

In order for life to be more harmonious and calm, Scorpios are recommended to work on themselves, calm their emotions, get rid of insane jealousy, let go of grievances, and choose partners more carefully.

Below are the views of famous researchers on the influence of the Moon in Scorpio ♏ on our lives:

what does the moon in the sign of Scorpio mean at birth?

Moon in Scorpio

Negative influence of the Moon in the sign of Scorpio– stubbornness, impulsiveness, hot temper, aggressiveness, sarcasticness, power, dependence on moods.

People with the Moon in Scorpio have tremendous willpower, keen powers of observation and intuition. Their judgments are deep and accurate. Phenomenal memory is their gift and curse. It usually helps them with their work, but also makes them remember emotional trauma for a long time. Some lunar Scorpios never forget a grudge and wait for years for the right moment for revenge. This does not mean that they are cruel and vindictive, they simply are characterized by a readiness at any moment to remember and how for the first time to feel the wound inflicted on their pride - to mentally reproduce the words once spoken by someone and the bitterness they experienced at that moment.

Persistence and perseverance allow lunar Scorpios to successfully overcome obstacles; unfortunately, they encounter them more often than other people. In the life of lunar Scorpios there is often a secret problem related to family or health.

Lunar Scorpios have a natural magnetism that always attracts members of the opposite sex to them, and without effort on their part. But in personal life, this quality can sometimes lead to complications, as a result of which some lunar Scorpios marry more than once. Fear of being dominated may influence them love relationship. In addition, it can be difficult for them to trust someone; it is unusual for them to give their soul to another person, because... they need emotional security and the slightest sense of danger does not allow them to fully surrender to love. Therefore, although passion occupies a fairly important place in the life of lunar Scorpios, their sexuality can sometimes be sublimated into completely other areas, for example, creative activity or a career that requires self-sacrifice. Work is important to most of them because it is through it that they can best express themselves.

Lunar Scorpios have high standards and professional pride is noticeable in all their endeavors. They are ambitious and capable of being good administrators. This is especially true if the Sun or Ascendant (the degree rising at the time of birth in the place of birth) is in an Earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).

Moon in zodiac signs. The Moon is in Scorpio in the natal chart of a man, a woman, or a child. Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio in astrology.

Moon in Scorpio in the natal chart makes a person internally restless and anxious. All the emotions and feelings that a person with the Moon in Scorpio experiences settle in his soul for a long time. The position of the Moon in the watery fixed sign Scorpio makes a person remember for a long time, both good and bad, done to him.

Moon in Scorpio seeks to express itself through Pluto and Mars (junior ruler of Scorpio). Pluto in astrology is the planet of transformation, revolutions, and Mars is the planet of struggle and war. And therefore a quiet life does not satisfy a person with the Moon in Scorpio. He has an internal need to insist on his own, and the reaction to external stimuli in a person with the Moon in Scorpio is usually violent. Passions are constantly boiling in the soul, emotions are raging, looking for a way out.

A person whose Moon is located in the zodiac sign Scorpio often subconsciously looks for or creates heated, conflict situations, because he needs to throw out the accumulated tension. From time to time, a person with the Moon in Scorpio needs emotional shocks.

The Moon in Scorpio makes the character complex and contradictory; a person is internally inclined to argue, to defend his point of view. In communication, such a person often takes everything personally and is too painful. Criticism is immediately followed by aggression or resentment, and an ordinary conversation can easily develop into a quarrel if the interests of a person with the Moon in Scorpio are offended, especially when the Moon is affected.

In a new environment, a person acts cautiously and tries not to reveal himself to unfamiliar people. Although the Moon in Scorpio introduces a tendency to take risks, a person knows how to hide his plans from others.

Moon in Scorpio endows a person with stubbornness and makes him persistent. If a person is interested in something with all his soul, if he wants something, then no amount of persuasion can convince him, he cannot be diverted from his intended path, and even threats will not help. On the contrary, obstacles and opposition from other people will only further inflame the desire to get what he has planned and do everything his own way. With this in mind, a person with Moon in Scorpio should never be forced to do anything.

A man with the Moon in Scorpio is looking for a wife who is emotional, deep, passionate, even a little harmful, with whom his life will not be quiet and calm. A man with the Moon in Scorpio will be faithful only if he really loves with all his soul. The Moon in Scorpio makes a man suspicious, conflictual and jealous.

A woman with the Moon in Scorpio is sensitive, emotional and vulnerable. The Moon in Scorpio in a woman makes her demanding and grumpy. The emotions of a woman with the Moon in Scorpio are very intense, she is a jealous owner, but knows how to preserve feelings and affections. Although in terms of showing love to herself, a woman with the Moon in Scorpio requires a lot of attention from other people. The Moon in Scorpio for a woman makes her a strict mother and a wonderful lover. If the Sun is in a weak zodiac sign in the natal chart, then a woman with the Moon in Scorpio can be a good housewife. But if the Sun occupies a strong position, then the Moon in Scorpio will further strengthen the will and character, and such a woman is unlikely to agree to be a housewife.

A child with the Moon in Scorpio is difficult to raise. It is often difficult for parents to understand what is on their child's mind, because... he is quite secretive. Hysterics on the part of a child with the Moon in Scorpio are not uncommon; if he wants something, then the parents will have to “break into a piece of cake” and fulfill his whim. A child with the Moon in Scorpio is inclined to do harm in order to show his independence. The peculiarity of the character of such a child is that he does not want to obey anyone and therefore does everything in defiance. But even the most persistent parent or teacher will not be able to forcibly remake a child with the Moon in Scorpio. Trying to break such a child means making him even more stubborn and even aggressive. The best thing that parents who have a child with the Moon in Scorpio can do is to show sincere love for him, communicate with him as an equal and in no case consider him in any way worse than themselves. When a parent gives a task to a child with the Moon in Scorpio, it is better to present it in the form of a request, rather than an order.

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Your moon sign is Scorpio

horoscope for January 2018
  • Horoscope for 2018

Birth horoscope for Moon in Scorpio

A person whose Moon was in the zodiac sign Scorpio at the time of birth often looks unrestrained and unpredictable in the eyes of others. Such people rarely listen to other people's opinions, and there is no question of agreeing with them. The main thing for them is to convey their point of view to others, persistently convincing everyone of its correctness and infallibility. They tend to exaggerate the extent of actual or perceived insults, and remember them for a very long time. Lunar Scorpios hone their caustic sarcasm on colleagues or friends. But the Scorpio birth horoscope claims that causticity, a certain cruelty and gloominess are just a mask under which hides a person suffering from loneliness, easily wounded and thirsty for love. If such a person is imbued with an idea, he will fervently follow it, making every effort to bring it to life, recruiting new adherents. Those born with the Moon in Scorpio despise danger, are always ready to take risks, and among them there are a large number of fans of extreme entertainment and sports.

Such people have the rare gift of instinctively feeling a lie, so it is almost impossible to mislead them. They are not afraid of conflicts and quarrels, they do not avoid aggravation of relations, but, on the contrary, provoke it themselves. In tense moments, they seem to gain energy, feeling a surge of strength and confidence in their own rightness.

A measured life is not for these people. In search of a cure for boredom, as evidenced by the Scorpio birth horoscope, they make spontaneous decisions without thinking about the consequences. Over time, they give an objective assessment of their actions, finding in them a reason for worry and repentance. To drown out feelings of guilt and dissatisfaction, they resort to alcohol and drugs. The addiction sets in very quickly, get rid of it bad habits it is very difficult for them.

Innate intuition allows people born with the Moon in Scorpio to predict the future. Especially if problems and troubles are looming. This is explained by the fact that they always expect a trick from people, from fate, carefully looking for confirmation of their own suspicions.

The personal life of lunar Scorpios often does not work out. On the one hand, they experience comprehensive love for their partner, hoping for a reciprocal feeling of the same strength and passion. But, on the other hand, they do not know how to forgive, listen, or seek compromises. They never make concessions; the slightest quarrel develops into a large-scale protracted conflict.

When choosing a profession, people born with the Moon in Scorpio strive to find an activity associated with daily risk. They are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to overcome them. Lunar Scorpios join the ranks of firefighters, military officers, police officers and stuntmen. Danger only invigorates them, allowing them to strengthen their character and strong-willed qualities. They can find the only right solution and are always ready to take sole responsibility, which is why they make excellent surgeons and anesthesiologists. The Scorpio birth horoscope emphasizes that in such professions they can most fully realize their inner qualities.

For these people, diseases of the urinary, gastrointestinal and reproductive systems pose a danger. Women have to undergo treatment for infertility and other gynecological diseases. Diet violations lead to constipation and excess weight, as well as edema. The recovery process for lunar Scorpios is delayed, since the illness, combined with forced idleness, robs them of their vitality.

All the most interesting things about the Moon in signs: Moon in Scorpio

Before we begin to describe how the energy of the Moon affects us on the days when it is in Scorpio sign, I would like to quote a phrase from a song "Temptation" Aria groups: “Close your eyes, touch me. You smell like temptation and honey.” So, Scorpio’s days not only smell, but are cloyingly fragrant with temptation and honey, and, usually, nothing particularly good can be expected from this “aroma.”

The Moon in Scorpio literally sets traps at every step, dragging us into various dubious adventures. This time plays into the hands, first of all, of cunning and enterprising people who do not disdain anything in order to benefit from communication and interaction with others.

The lion's share of events occurring during this period related to business, the purchase of goods, obtaining loans and even amorous affairs could become an excellent topic for some crime show about scammers.

In fact, this period does not bring anything good, primarily for those who are unable control your energy. Next to such people, as if by magic, there will definitely be “well-wishers” who will willingly take over the function of managing your desires and emotions. As a result, the risk of being deceived, losing money, subsequently being disappointed in a new acquaintance, and so on, increases.

On the other hand, the Moon being in Scorpio increases our suspicion and criticality, which is somewhat balances negative influences, described above. However, this increases general nervousness, intolerance to caustic remarks, and even aggressive behavior.

Moon in Zodiac signs: Scorpio

Ask yourself this question: “How much can I control my desires? Is it easy for me to avoid temptations? Be as objective as possible. If you are clearly aware that you are a slave to your desires; if you easily give in to temptation; if you are not alien to the feeling of adventurism, coupled with the desire to get easy money... In general, if all this is about you, it will be required of you maximum vigilance during the days of the Moon in Scorpio.

In addition to the heightened desire thrills, Moon in Scorpio in some exaggerated form increases our cravings not only to suspicious financial schemes, but also to various kinds of riddles and secrets.

We don’t even need to be particularly tempted by other people’s secrets - these days we we crave new sensations and we are in anticipation of a miracle, and, therefore, we ourselves are glad to be tempted.

However, such an influence of the Moon promises success in some specific activities, which will be discussed below.

It is not surprising that among the large number of all sorts of “I want” and “I desire”, in the days of Scorpio the “I lust” becomes aggravated. During this period, we are especially drawn to adventures of an erotic nature, but it is foolish to hope that your partner is looking exclusively for “big and pure love.” As a rule, these days false morality and thirst for easy money do not give opportunity to express sincere feelings.

It is noteworthy that the strongest energy of the Moon in the days of Scorpio influences to our dreams. Through the veil of strange and bizarre images, we can be visited by various wonderful visions, which may all be associated with the same temptations. Of course, you shouldn’t get too hung up on your dreams, trying to fit them into the concept of “prophetic dreams.” However, it is worth looking for clues in them that can be used, for example, to improving your material well-being.

Moon signs in everyday life: Scorpio

– The positive aspect of the specific influence of the Moon during this period is that the days of Scorpio are favorable to a wide range of matters related to various research activities, including studying complex issues, conducting experiments and experiments. These days are good for finding ways out of complicated situations, resolving difficult issues with the help of influential people, and strengthening your own authority.

– Days of the Moon in Scorpio are also recommended to be used for studying the basics of esotericism, reflections on the eternal. Despite the fact that scammers are intensifying their activities, this period is suitable for visiting fortune tellers. In order to protect yourself from unnecessary expenses, take a minimum of money with you and “sift” everything said by all sorts of sorcerers through an internal sieve of healthy skepticism.

– If your sexual relationship with your partner leaves much to be desired, Scorpio days favor open discussion with him (or her) existing problems. It makes sense to try to find a solution during this period, when the Moon in Scorpio has a strong influence on aspects of sexuality.

– It is strongly recommended to devote the days the Moon is in Scorpio to yourself and your body: take care yoga or meditation- this is to allow you to direct your energies in the right direction, protecting them from negative influence from the outside.

– Go to the sauna, go on a diet (strict forms of fasting are also encouraged these days), use a variety of methods cleansing the body(except for cleansing enemas - this is an unsafe procedure at this time). It is best to begin cleansing procedures on the waning Moon ( from December to April).

– There is no opportunity to visit the bathhouse – please accept relaxing bath with aromatic oils.

– Men can be advised to go to fishing or hunting.

– For those who like to work on summer cottage It is recommended to use this period for fertilizing gardens and vegetable gardens, as well as for pest control (during the waning Moon). During the days of the Moon in a water sign water the plants well.

– When the Moon is in Scorpio, it is also recommended to carry out prevention of the cavity behind the mouth, including pharynx, tonsils, pharynx and larynx. Also an effective period for preventive health activities aimed at relieving problems associated with thyroid gland, esophagus, vocal cords, cervical vertebrae, nasopharynx, cerebellum.

– These days you can treat yourself to bright and even a few provocative makeup. But as for clothing, on the contrary, something not very provocative is recommended. Sexual aspects are already pronounced in the days of Scorpio, so it makes sense to use some understatement and mystery in your own toilet, which, as you know, attracts.

– During this period, despite the specific influence of the Moon, it is recommended to restrain your sexual emotions. This is the most correct line of behavior that can preserve your emotional background healthy.

– If someone in your circle is having a holiday during this period, it is recommended to visit Souvenir shop and select the hero of the occasion original mascot. Also welcome is the purchase of anything related to research and scientific activities(including laboratory equipment, machines, etc.). If you need to buy a gift for your partner, don’t hold back your imagination. Lingerie or even daring products from an adult store are the way to go.

– This is also a great time to buy car, but the position of the Moon should also be taken into account: with such large purchases, it is advisable that the Moon does not make disharmonious aspects, especially with Mars and Saturn.

– The Moon enters the sign of Scorpio – people who want to make a profit in any way, without investments, even through deception, become more active. It is not necessary that during this period you will act as a victim of deception or false illusions. It may turn out that you yourself may have a similar desire - to bully someone, to deceive someone, to deceive. Such behavior does not make a person beautiful at any time. However, in the days of Scorpio, the energy of the Moon makes people react extremely sharply to attempts to deceive them (if any are noticed). In this case, acute conflicts cannot be avoided.

– Try not to overload during Scorpio days urinary system and intimate area, since the Moon has a strong influence on these areas these days.

– It is not recommended to carry out spontaneous purchases during the days of the Moon in Scorpio, since there is a high risk of running into scammers and purchasing low-quality goods. If such a need arises, it makes sense to purchase only in serious stores, after carefully studying the issue.

– During the days when the Moon is in the sign of Scorpio, our body becomes more susceptible to all kinds of poisons. In particular, the likelihood of food poisoning increases.

This period requires special attention to food choice. It is recommended not to take risks by giving up mushrooms, defrosted food, and alcohol. Particular caution should be exercised by those who, one way or another, periodically come into contact with toxic substances.

– It is wrong to treat with euphoria in the days of Scorpio any new acquaintance, expecting a lot from him, be it a business, friendly or acquaintance that promises love prospects. As a rule, relationships that arise during this period are quite complex and not very fruitful (there is a risk of falling into a strong dependence on your partner or even become his permanent material donor).

- Don't let it show feeling of jealousy in this period! On Scorpio days, you will need all your energy, so you should not waste it uncontrollably, risking leading yourself to mental exhaustion.

– Finally, it is not recommended to participate in dubious lotteries when the Moon is in Scorpio; invest to various projects; negotiate the sale or exchange of living space; lend large sums of money; will be tempted by any easy offers earnings, no matter how true they may seem to you.

– It is not recommended to plan trips, hikes, or trips abroad during Scorpio days; should not be carried out during this period loud family celebrations and parties; not a very good time to register a marriage.

– Under the influence of the Moon in Scorpio, people become surprisingly touchy. And if the situation did not turn into an open conflict, then the negativity remained, giving rise to internal conflict(Scorpio days also contribute to this).

Such hidden grievances are dangerous serious problems for the health of those who have withdrawn into themselves and harbored a grudge. And if this situation drags on, we can even talk about the appearance of tumors. The way out is to be able to forgive and find the strength to ask for forgiveness when necessary.

– The second danger is associated with the extremely powerful influence of the Moon in Scorpio on the sexual aspects of our lives. Temptations that arise on our path during this period, leading to random connections, can destroy your family or your casual partner's family.

In addition, do not forget about this banal danger as sexually transmitted diseases. This danger also becomes especially relevant in the days of Scorpio, since under the Moon in this sign our reproductive system.

– For the same reason, aggressive methods of treatment and surgical operations on intimate areas and genitourinary system which may fail or threaten complications. It makes sense to postpone this type of treatment to other periods.

Moon in the birth horoscope for a man and a woman: Moon in Scorpio

What kind of life, with a high degree of probability, awaits a person, regardless of gender, who was born with Moon in the sign of Scorpio? Life is like on a volcano: passions run high and emotions run high; courage borders on recklessness; love coexists with jealousy.

People with the Moon in Scorpio often very stubborn. They are not afraid of difficulties; rather, various obstacles only spur their desire to achieve their intended goal. In this they may be hindered by a categorical attitude to questions and sharp negative reaction to any criticism.

Such people can rarely be forced to do anything. against their will. Emotional shocks do not frighten Lunar Scorpios, but, on the contrary, they periodically need them to maintain their general tone.

MEN: Men with the Moon in Scorpio are characterized by increased conflict, which is often accompanied by excessive suspicion. At work, such people need key positions. Or, at least, such work should be associated with reasonable (and sometimes not very!) risks, associated with the need to accept tough decisions and control the situation.

This is why men with the Moon in Scorpio often choose the military profession, policeman; They often find themselves in medicine, in particular in surgery.

As for personal relationships, men whose Moon was in Scorpio in their birth horoscope show stupid jealousy, and, often, distrust of your partner. Such a man will be truly faithful only in relation to the chosen one for whom he has great and strong feelings and who is able to satisfy his ideas about comfort and coziness. You can often observe attempts to manipulate partners.

As a wife, such men want to see a woman who can provide them with the much needed maternal care, will be sensitive, responsive and will be able to create a truly cozy atmosphere in the house. At the same time, she will be able to periodically give him the opportunity to relax in a calm environment and solitude, and will not flatter his soul or impose himself.

WOMEN: Women with the Moon in Scorpio are also very emotional, but their ability to control themselves often allows them to hide their true feelings from others.

Coupled with the ability to calculate the situation ahead, this gives such women the ability manipulate others sometimes driving them to white heat with his caustic and sarcastic remarks.

On the other hand, this does not prevent Moon Scorpios from finding their place in the team and achieving significant career growth. At the same time, they, just like men with the Moon in Scorpio, tend to choose difficult and, at times, dangerous professions. This, of course, should be confirmed by other elements of their personal horoscope.

For such women it is important to have protected rear areas. They literally turn their home into a kind of fortress or refuge, in which they often seek privacy. Being very passionate, women with the Moon in Scorpio are ready to give all of themselves to their chosen ones, however, the demands that they place on their men are also very high. Excessive jealousy also prevents such women from constructively building strong family relationships.

Lunar Scorpios are categorical about their own health and appearance. The number of those who contact plastic surgery, is quite high among such women. However, their tendency to extremes can in some cases lead to the fact that they simply neglect their appearance, turning into obese individuals.

Be that as it may, both men and women with the Moon in Scorpio draw the lion's share of energy from healthy and regular sex life

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The Moon in Scorpio increases emotional arousal, hysteria and agitation increase in space. We are easily captured by small and large passions. We may be dissatisfied with ourselves and the people around us - everything is seen in black tones. There may be a desire to change something dramatically in life. You shouldn’t give in to this - it’s just an aggravated dependence on fleeting mood swings.

During Scorpio days we can become irritable, nervous, gloomy and moody. At the same time, mental activity improves, concentration on the essence of the problem increases, and the sense of danger intensifies. The lunar force goes into the depths, peers, studies, searches. Dark attracts...

On Scorpio days, dress warmly and try not to get too cold. Avoid spicy and heavy foods, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and, if possible, avoid sedentary work so as not to aggravate hemorrhoids and constipation.

The moon in Scorpio is favorable for the comprehensive restoration of one’s potential - hot baths, astringent masks, nettle massage, active movements, etc.

You should not use hormonal creams and ointments, with placenta extract, unstable cosmetic preparations of natural origin, start using new contraceptives, or be examined by a gynecologist.

On Scorpio days, surgical intervention in the groin area, genitals and the entire excretory system, endocrine glands, gall bladder, colon, ovaries, external genitalia, urinary canals, renal pelvis and bladder, neck and throat, pharynx, pharynx and larynx. Any surgical interventions and complex procedures in the pelvic area are also contraindicated.

The Moon in Scorpio allows you to treat the endocrine system (except for the prostate gland), operate on the upper respiratory tract and throat, remove tonsils, adenoids, treat sinusitis, runny nose, rhinitis, treat and remove teeth.

Moon in Scorpio (Scorpio days) – BEAUTY, HAIR CUT

The Moon in Scorpio is neutral for hair cutting. It is better not to perm at this time; it is not even recommended to wash your hair. You should not use creams and ointments on a hormonal basis, with placenta extract, or unstable cosmetic preparations of natural origin.

To harmonize metabolism and prevent skin diseases during Scorpio days, look at the blue sky more often and choose blue clothes. Don't buy new things for your wardrobe. This is also not the right time to apply decorative cosmetics. A general massage is indicated - with nettle or its decoction, active movements.

Moon in Scorpio - influence on plant growth and development

Scorpio is the second sign of the element of Water. Ruled by Mars. Is moist and fertile. When the Moon is in Scorpio, it is the best time to plant leafy vegetables and herbs.

In general, Scorpio is the second most fertile sign. And it has a good effect on the growth and development of plants. The seeds germinate quickly and amicably. Plants grow strong, have a good root system and are disease resistant. In addition, their powerful stems are capable of holding a bountiful harvest without strain.

These days you can sow many crops, especially those that you want to store long time. The only exception is potatoes. Planted these days it becomes watery with an unpleasant aftertaste.

Successful plantings will be tomatoes, peppers, melons, watermelons, pumpkins, cucumbers and many other crops. The moon in Scorpio has a good effect and the seeds collected these days are obtained good quality and are stored for a long time.

The Moon in Scorpio is a good time for harvesting crops and mowing lawns. Planting trees and shrubs is not advisable. It is also unfavorable to trim dry branches and fell trees, since these days, infection very easily penetrates into the wounds.

Therefore, if there is still a need to replant plants, then you should try to inflict as few wounds as possible and immediately disinfect them or cover them with garden varnish. Moreover, it is worth remembering that the roots at this time have a lot of moisture and are prone to rapid rotting if disturbed.

When the Moon passes through the sign of Scorpio, it is good to cultivate the land, water and feed the plants organic fertilizers. A good period for collecting medicinal herbs.

The Moon in Scorpio is expressed through Mars and Pluto. Mars gives a person a warlike and combative character. Pluto rules change, transformation, abrupt change life path. Therefore, people with the Moon in the constellation Scorpio cannot be satisfied with the calm flow of life. They are constantly looking for an outlet for the passions that rage inside them.

The influence of the Earth's satellite on the lunar Scorpio

People with the Moon in Scorpio combine a dark side and a light side. They can be kind, responsive and energetic, but also despotic, biased, secretive.

The Moon located in Scorpio gives its owners a special magnetism that is very difficult to resist. Men and women conquer others with their energy, willpower and charisma. They take full advantage of this potential to achieve financial independence and spiritual stability. At the same time, much depends on the self-discipline and emotional balance of a person.

The main disadvantage that one has to constantly face when communicating with this group of people is frequent mood swings. This leads to problems in relationships at work and in the family. Only iron discipline helps to avoid intense passions, violent manifestations of emotions and jealousy.

The moon sign gives its owners the desire to suppress the will of others, to control the lives of other people, and this leads to inevitable conflicts. Deep inside, these are vulnerable people suffering from loneliness and understatement. They are touchy and vindictive.

The inability to express simmering grievances leads them to self-criticism and destruction. These people need to learn to trust their loved ones, forgive not only them, but also themselves. People born with the Moon in Scorpio should learn to control their emotions, be kinder and calmer.

Distinctive characteristics of people whose Moon is in Scorpio

The Moon in this constellation gives a person inner restlessness. He constantly worries about everything and this affects his peace of mind. All negative states remain in his heart for a long time.

Lunar representatives of the sign subconsciously look for an opportunity to throw out internal tension. Therefore, very often they themselves create conflict situations. For good health and peace of mind, they need emotional shocks. Negative manifestations also include:

  • constant spirit of argument;
  • showing aggression or resentment towards criticism;
  • unwillingness to give in;
  • authoritarianism.

When in an unfamiliar environment, Scorpio Moons will always act with extreme caution. They are wary of making new acquaintances and are not inclined to “pour out their souls” to strangers. These people know how to hide their feelings well if they wish.

People can be very pushy. They achieve their goals with enviable tenacity, do not deviate from the path and do not pay attention to the opinions of others. Obstacles that arise only increase their pressure and desire to complete the work they have begun. Those who are close to the Scorpio Moon need to take this feature into account and never try to use coercion in communicating with him.

Positive features include:

  • developed sensuality;
  • attractive sexuality;
  • well-developed intuition;
  • good memory.

Very often, people with the Moon in Scorpio are wonderful family men. They are affectionate, gentle and loving spouses. Children are treated with demands, but with great love. Family life with such people is not easy, but they provide a reliable rear and material well-being.

What career opportunities does the Moon in the constellation Scorpio give?

To achieve power and prosperity, Lunar Scorpios - these people are ready to work 24 hours a day. They may be passionately jealous of those who are more successful and above them in their careers.

If Scorpio believes in his own strength, his hidden potential for creativity is revealed and his intuition becomes sharper. With a lot of effort, Lunar Scorpios achieve leadership positions and a high financial position. As leaders, they do not know pity, and their subordinates either fall under the wrath of their bosses or experience the generosity and mercy of a fickle leader.

It is very important for people to ensure a stable financial situation for their family, so when occupying any position, they will try to make a successful career.

They conduct business with an iron fist. Do not be afraid of competitors, but keep a tight rein on your subordinates. Workaholics and envious people, they seek wealth in order to prove to the whole world that they are right and superior.

Moon in Scorpio for a woman

The Moon in the constellation Scorpio endows representatives of the fairer sex with a vulnerable, emotional and sensitive character. Her character traits also include:

  • grumpiness;
  • demandingness;
  • jealousy;
  • heightened intuition;
  • independence.

A woman in a relationship with the opposite sex is a jealous owner. However, she is capable of loving sincerely and passionately, as well as being faithful. She will demand constant expression of feelings and increased attention from her companion. Her sensitive nature makes her a passionate lover.

The lunar character of Scorpio makes a woman be capricious and capricious. She has a strong will and strong character. This helps her achieve significant success in business sphere, so it is very rare for her to become a housewife. If the Scorpio lunar woman decides to devote her life to her family, she will be a wonderful housewife and loving mother.

Scorpio women learn to manage their feelings from childhood. They hide the raging passions deep inside, leaving only a languid look and a mysterious smile on the surface. In their youth, they may lose self-control, but with age they become the mistress of their emotions.

Zodiac Scorpio develops intuition and a craving for mysticism in people. Scorpio Moon women sense lies well and skillfully establish contact with any person if they need it. Magical sexuality helps them use their charms to achieve their goals. They take their choice of partner very seriously, intuitively guessing their desires and hidden motives.

An impeccable analysis of a man’s behavior towards her allows him to select the best fans for himself, who will please her in everything and will not be able to dominate her. For family life, they choose a faithful and wealthy person who can provide not only material, but also emotional support. You can read the continuation in the article >>>

Moon in Scorpio for a man

The Moon in Scorpio in a man gives him a strong, self-confident character. Stubbornness and determination allow him to successfully achieve his goals. Enormous willpower helps to find a way out of unforeseen situations and overcome unexpected obstacles. This concerns both him professional activity, and personal life.

Moon Scorpio is incredibly sexy. He usually spends the first half of his life searching and giving in to the joys of sexual relations. For marriage, he chooses a passionate, emotional and intelligent woman. His life should be like a stormy sea, and not be a quiet and calm backwater. If a man falls in love, then become faithful, caring and reliable.

You can't give him a reason to be jealous. He is unrestrained, vindictive, and will look for a weak and vulnerable place in his partner in order to take revenge for his experiences. It is better not to try to sort things out with him and conflict - the flow of facts and logical constructions will be endless.

If a man finds a woman with whom he has emotional and spiritual intimacy, he will give her unforgettable feelings, become her true friend and passionate lover.

Moon Scorpios adore their children. Their birth brings them so much joy and happiness that their character softens and becomes more balanced. They pamper their children until they are small, then show strictness in their upbringing. You can read the continuation in the article >>>

Black Moon

The Black Moon can influence a person’s attraction to esoteric and occult knowledge. Those born during this period achieve exceptional success in this field. The negative influence of Lilith gives energy vampirism. This time gives rise to the desire to absorb the energy of other people and manipulate them.

When the Black Moon is in Scorpio, a person may feel a decline in mental strength, feel physical weakness and lack of will. During this period, you must be extremely careful not to fall under the influence of others.

White moon

The White Moon in Scorpio supports its owners and gives them curiosity. It encourages people to engage in research, seek the meaning of life, learn new languages, travel and engage in occult sciences. People under the auspices of the White Moon become famous scientists and discoverers.

The time when the White Moon is in this sign is favorable for business, energy practices, and psychological training. During this period, the secrets of the universe may be revealed and extrasensory abilities may sharpen.

When the black and white Moon are in the same sign

Sometimes Lilith and Selena find themselves in the same sign. The combination of the white and black moons in Scorpio indicates a bright individuality and promotes the development of creative potential. Often such people subconsciously feel their own uniqueness; they are easily recognizable, as they always stand out from the crowd.

The sign of Scorpio with two Moons influences a person’s sex life, forcing him to treat carnal relationships easily and naturally. This may have a negative impact on family relationships, provoking constant betrayal.

Influence of the phase of the day

In order to achieve some success in the intended task, it is necessary to take into account the changing phases of the Moon. It is best to plan your affairs based on the favorable data of the Moon phases. The position of the Earth's celestial satellite has a huge impact on the mood of people and the events taking place around them.

Very often this influence extends not only to a person’s private life, but also to ongoing global events on a global scale. The ability to use the most favorable position of the Moon in Scorpio will help you avoid many mistakes.

On the waning Moon, which is in this sign, it is difficult to control emotions, show restraint and not succumb to sudden outbursts of aggression. During this period, nothing can be planned. It is better to spend time doing meditation or spiritual practices.

Moon in the Zodiac

When Moon in Scorpio, the subconscious becomes very active: intuition and the ability to understand the hidden, inexplicable increase. The emotional sphere is overloaded, emotions are tense and can spill out uncontrollably on others. Criticality, suspicion, and causticism increase.

Recommended: engage in creative, intellectual work that requires enthusiasm and a lot of energy; good time to train unusual abilities. The period is good for testing new technology, work related to fire and metal. These days there is an opportunity to solve a problem that has been resistant for a long time, to take on problems to which there is no direct access.

A favorable time for revealing secrets and finding lost things. You can begin repairs related to the destruction of the unnecessary and outdated, but you need to be careful when working with tools. If necessary, treatment of the throat, upper respiratory tract, sinusitis, runny nose, and rhinitis will be successful.

Not recommended: surgical intervention in the groin area, genitals and the entire excretory system, endocrine glands, large intestine, renal pelvis, urinary tract. Avoid large gatherings; It is better to postpone family celebrations to another period (emotional tension can lead to scandals). Be careful in the subway and when working underground.


When Moon in Scorpio, we are drawn to the destruction and restructuring of the internal structure. We are eager to destroy everything “to the ground,” and then build a new world and start a new life. For some time we become like the Phoenix, burning and being reborn from the ashes in a slightly different capacity.

The bad thing is that not everyone has a focus on creation, which means that for such people a period of self-destruction begins. For those who strive for spiritual perfection, Moon in Scorpio provides a favorable period for personality transformation.

And yet, this is a difficult time for everyone: no one is immune from pessimism and misanthropy. This period is characterized complete absence emotional balance, increased nervous excitability and mood swings.

If the inner world of another person, his pain points and vulnerabilities is revealed to us, then, depending on our spiritual orientation, we act in relation to him either as a psychotherapist or as a manipulator.

In the first case, we sincerely try to help, in the second, we press the right buttons, trying to extract the maximum benefit from the situation for ourselves. For those who are interested in esotericism, it is important to know that when Moon in Scorpio clairvoyance awakens and mediumistic abilities are enhanced.

This is a good period for making the most serious and responsible decisions. But these days you shouldn’t start new things or take on new responsibilities.

Impact on those born

Moon in Scorpio means strength of feelings, and people of this placement have especially strong intuition. They must take care to properly use its potential.

The owner has Moons in Scorpio feelings and intuition go hand in hand, and he can use this advantage to find his life partner. However, the fruits of your imagination should not be taken as messages from intuition.

Woman with Moon in Scorpio exceptionally charming, emphasizing her unusual, extravagant features. The desire to seduce and be seduced, while the main path to the heart lies through physical sensations. Eroticism. It is sometimes difficult for a woman to coexist with ease and sexual passion with her inherent sobriety of mind.

A man is attracted to mysterious women and finds it difficult to resist their sexual appeal. Representatives of both sexes have a keen sense of what lies behind external beauty. Mysterious connections, sometimes perverted virtues of a woman.

Lunar horoscope of health and beauty

The genital organs are vulnerable, so it is best not to overload the sexual sphere these days; they are the best for sexual abstinence. These days, exacerbation of hemorrhoids and constipation are possible, while treatment and bowel cleansing are contraindicated. You can treat the endocrine system (except the prostate gland), throat, tonsils, adenoids, sinusitis, runny nose, rhinitis. It is not recommended to eat spicy food.

Emotionally, this is a difficult period. Scorpios It’s better to spend time alone and devote your free time to self-care. Energy costs increase significantly, so Libra, Taurus And Scorpios Some deviations from the diet habit are allowed.

The time is favorable for the comprehensive restoration of your potential. Hot baths and astringent masks will have a very good effect on the body of water signs. To renew your blood, it’s a good idea to drink Cahors.

In summer, a massage with nettles is good - just shake yourself with it, but only if you do not suffer from allergies, if your blood vessels and heart are in order. If not, then limit yourself to a general massage, nettle decoction and active movement. Breast massage is prohibited.

Taurus You should pay attention to the condition of the skin of the neck and bust. Compresses on the neck area alternately with hot and cold water, gargling with the addition of motherwort infusion, valerian, and a contrast shower have a good anti-stress effect.

Diet and walks in the fresh air are necessary Sagittarius. During this period, you can begin a course of treatment with adaptogens - tincture of ginseng, eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea, Manchurian aralia. For women - Scorpios Avoid overheating your lower body and choose low-heeled shoes.

Effective surgical and conservative treatment varicose eyelids Aquarius And Pisces. Virgo And Twins can begin a course of facial skin rejuvenation and smoothing out fine wrinkles. It is good if cosmetic treatment is accompanied by taking homeopathic preparations of iodine and sulfur.

Deep facial cleansing is allowed Aries And Leos. At this time, you should not use hormonal creams and ointments, with placenta extract, unstable cosmetic preparations of natural origin, or start using new contraceptives.

To harmonize metabolism and prevent skin diseases these days, look at the blue sky more often and choose blue clothes.

Lunar calendar for working in the garden, at the dacha

Scorpion(element of Water, ruled by Mars) - a wet, fertile sign. The moon at this time makes the fruits tastier and more fragrant. Many crops can be sown, especially those intended for long-term storage. But potatoes planted and harvested at Moon in Scorpio, is watery and acquires an unpleasant taste during storage.

If you sow the seeds when Moon follows the sign Scorpio, they come in quickly. The plants grow tall and strong with a powerful root system, and the stems and branches can easily support juicy and large berries. The harvest is stored for a long time and is well stored if collected at the appropriate time. There are a lot of seeds produced, of good quality, and they are stored well.

Plants resist various diseases well. Sowing leafy vegetable and flower plants will be successful. These days you cannot plant trees or propagate plants by roots, because they are saturated with moisture. Do not harvest or dig up flower bulbs.

Effective pruning of trees and berry bushes, grafting, fertilizing, watering, pest control, plowing and loosening the soil. The sign is good for canning fruits and vegetables, and when Scorpion is in the waning Moon (closer to the new moon) - it’s time to ferment cabbage.

In the fall. The moon is uncomfortable here, because the intensity and constant internal struggle of the sign of Scorpio contradicts the lunar concepts of everyday life. Complex, often negative emotions overwhelm a person, and without noticing that their source is in himself, a person paints the world around him with gloomy colors. If the lunar Scorpio has enough internal purity, he can become a passionate fighter against various vices, but he needs constant willpower so as not to plunge into the surrounding dirt.

The boundless energy of Scorpio, manifesting itself in lunar functions, gives people insatiability - sometimes it is literally a passion for food, sometimes for sex, in some cases for work, for money, for knowledge, for drugs, for alcohol. Once Lunar Scorpio sets his sights on something, it can be difficult for him to stop without the help of external restrictions. Needless to say, such a lifestyle is often destructive to health. In this case, the specific functions of the female body suffer the most.

Lunar Scorpios intuitively understand everything secret, hidden from an idle glance, and they themselves make a mysterious and deep impression on other people, magnetically attracting representatives of the opposite sex to themselves. However, for a harmonious existence, they need to learn to get rid of the most painful and dark part of their energy, and this is not at all easy. The most obvious way out of a stressful situation for the Moon in Scorpio is sex, and a full, harmonious sex life is simply necessary.

go to its owners. But there are other ways to restore lost balance.

At the beginning of his studies in astrology, when computers were very rare, the author, through an acquaintance, used a computer in the editorial office of a well-known newspaper. From time to time, one of the editorial staff showed an interest in astrology, and we had to give them tours of their own computer-generated horoscopes. The position of the Moon and ways to get out of stress served as one of the “horses”, since they made it possible to tell a person something significant about himself and his problems without much effort.

One day, a very young girl, an editorial employee who had just graduated from school, approached the author. Her moon was in Scorpio, but talking about sex in this situation was not entirely convenient. I remembered the Moon in Scorpio’s predilection for everything concentrated and rich, and said: “When you are older, it will be useful for you to drink a glass of good cognac to recover from stress.” To which this young maiden replied: “Why when older? Even now I do not neglect such a remedy.”

The strong intuition of lunar Scorpios often tells them how to restore internal balance. For this reason, many of them adore hot water, to the limit of tolerance. Moreover, at the limit of their tolerance - ordinary people They would be afraid to stick their finger into such boiling water. Meanwhile hot water It symbolically agrees very well with the watery sign of Scorpio, the abode of hot Mars, and therefore literally serves as a magical means of harmonizing internal energy.

Those with the Moon in Scorpio are difficult parents. On the one hand, they are able to incredibly pamper their children, investing all their energy and resources into them. But the other extreme is also possible - excessive stinginess. Scorpios are generally big fans of extremes. It happens that periods of frantic generosity and unimaginable stinginess alternate with each other. The ultimate goal of the lunar Scorpio is to get full control over the child, to penetrate into the smallest corners of his soul. This may be a good thing, since the connection between parent and child in this case is very close and intense. However, as a result, emotional dependence often arises, making the child dependent, unable and unwilling to lift a finger without a powerful parent.

A child with the Moon in Scorpio may perceive his mother as an imperious dictator, but he himself may play the role of a dictator in relation to her, controlling all her money, energy and time. It is the Moon in Scorpio that creates favorable conditions for what in psychology is called the Oedipus complex.