"International Mother Language Day" class hour on the topic. International Mother Language Day International Mother Language Day sayings

Each nation has its own unique and inimitable language, which corresponds to the purpose of man and carries with it a whole heritage. The inhabitants of a particular state have their own characteristic features, traditions, culture, and the language is a direct reflection of them. It conveys the entire identity of the people, so the native language is a source of real pride. And Mother Language Day is a very important and necessary holiday.


Like any celebration, this one has its own historical background. Its celebration was made possible by the events that took place in 1952 in Pakistan. Those from Dhaka University took part in a demonstration against the Urdu language. The majority spoke the Bengali dialect, so it was this language that the protesters demanded to recognize as the state language. However, they not only did not listen to them, but also began to shoot. As a result, four student activists were killed. Following the deaths of these and other people in Pakistan, as well as a series of unrest and liberation movements, Bengali was declared the official language of the country. The struggle for the right to use the manner of communication familiar from childhood was crowned with success. Subsequently, through an initiative (recognized in 1971 by an independent state), the UNESCO organization proclaimed the date February 21 as International Mother Language Day, which has been celebrated annually throughout the world for 14 years.

How this day is celebrated in different countries

It is not for nothing that Mother Language Day is recognized internationally. It is celebrated in many countries. In some of them, people adhere to certain orders and traditions in celebration, in others - each time everything takes place according to a completely new plan. Let's take a look at a few of the countries that first come to mind.


I really want to touch upon this particular country, since here Mother Language Day is considered a national holiday, since the anniversary of February 21 became a turning point in the fate of people and in the history of the entire country. As a rule, residents of Bengal on this day organize a festive procession, lay flowers in memory of the martyrs in Dhaka (at the Shaheed Minar monument), and sing patriotic songs. Cultural programs, festive dinners, and prizes are awarded at city venues. There is also a special ritual associated with this great day for Bengalis. They buy special glass bracelets for themselves and relatives, thereby emphasizing their attachment to their native language and paying tribute to the national traditions and history of their country.

International Mother Language Day is a special occasion in Bangladesh. Every year, any event for Mother Language Day is prepared with special scope and honor. The government and non-governmental organizations of the country encourage in every possible way the holding of various kinds of events, trying to support the love of fellow citizens for their native language, and also do this with the aim of preserving and further developing the indigenous speech.


Let's touch on Europe. For example, in Switzerland, on February 21, Mother Language Day is celebrated in an educational spirit. Promotions, practical classes, and numerous seminars are held. Particularly acute in this country is the issue of families in which children speak two languages ​​and both are native to them. The authorities, teachers and parents are well aware that such children require a special approach, which is why the country is developing individual programs for training and educating the younger generation, which are being successfully implemented.

English-speaking countries

In many countries of Europe and not only (England, Ireland, Singapore, Jamaica, Malta, New Zealand, and even the whole continent, and therefore native English), it must be admitted that it is, in fact, included consisting of six therefore has the most direct relation to the holiday.In any negotiations, travel and simply in communication, it will be your main lifesaver.

Each language is beautiful and wonderful in its own way, so we must not forget it, love it, cherish it and be proud of it!

Mother Language Day in Russia

In our country, love for our native language can be compared to a feeling of true patriotism that permeates everything and each of us. Especially when we are talking about primordially Slavic values, to which we can confidently include the Russian language.

There are many different worthy statements about the Russian word, but no one has yet expressed themselves on this topic better than the classics. The most accurate sayings that clearly reflect our spirit of patriotism include the Russian writer I. S. Turgenev, who said: “... you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language.” Or it is enough to recall the decisive statement of V. G. Belinsky, he argued that “the Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world, and there is no doubt about it.” It is perhaps difficult to disagree with these brilliant people, since thanks to our language we think, communicate, and create.

In our country, Mother Language Day, the script of which is carefully thought out and prepared in advance, is held in many schools, libraries, cultural centers, higher education institutions and other educational institutions. Students carefully select the key in which the topic will be covered, learn words, and rehearse. All designated events, as a rule, are of a solemn, patriotic and educational nature. They are held with the aim of instilling in children a sense of respect and love for their culture, history, traditions and, of course, their native Russian language.

Vanishing dialects

In statistical terms, today, out of six thousand languages ​​existing in the world, more than two hundred are considered extinct; they do not have a single living speaker. There is also the unfortunate linguistic category of endangered and endangered types of speech (with almost no descendants speaking them). And unstable languages ​​that are not successful because they do not have official status, and their distribution area is so small that the prospects for their continued existence leave much to be desired.

In Russia, about 140 languages ​​are on the verge of falling into disuse, and twenty have already been recognized as lifeless.

Each native language has its own characteristics and culture. It distinguishes nations, makes people appreciate and respect their indigenous style of speech, and pass it on from generation to generation. Therefore, Mother Language Day should definitely be supported as an international holiday, encouraged and carried out at the proper level in all countries of the world.

Man is a social being; to maintain mental health, he needs to communicate with his own kind. And not just communicate, but also understand each other, that is, speak the same language.

The language of communication is one of the most important tools for the development of human society, necessary for preserving the spiritual heritage, way of life and customs. The national culture of a people is alive as long as the national language is preserved. According to UNESCO, there are currently about 6,000 different languages ​​on the planet, and half of them are in danger of being completely forgotten, as their speakers are becoming fewer and fewer.

To promote the preservation of the diversity of national identity, the International Mother Language Day was created at the initiative of the UN.

The main goal of creating this holiday is to preserve the linguistic and, accordingly, cultural traditions of small nationalities. And also, maintaining mutual understanding between people by promoting tolerance and creating opportunities for dialogue.

Why is it worth paying attention to national languages? Wouldn't it be easier if all people on the planet communicated in one language that everyone understood?

The fact is that the national language is not just a means of communication, but a tool for perceiving the surrounding world; it is the language that most clearly expresses the uniqueness of the perception of the surrounding world and describes the world as a specific person sees it. It is the language that reflects the history of the people, connecting traditions and modern life. With the disappearance of another national language, a whole layer of cultural and historical heritage created by generations disappears.

The native language, which a person hears from the moment of birth, leaves a certain imprint on the personality and endows it with a certain vision of the world. It’s not for nothing that in moments of special tension, in extreme situations, almost everyone begins to think in their native language, even if they practically do not use it in everyday life.

Of course, no one denies the importance and necessity of studying the languages ​​of other peoples, since this is an opportunity to understand how other peoples see the world. But it is equally important to respect national languages, especially if there are few speakers and it is in danger of being forgotten.

Why do languages ​​disappear?

It is believed that the language will be preserved as long as at least 100 thousand people use it to communicate. The fewer people who are native speakers of a language, the more difficult it is to preserve it.

Any living language of communication is dynamic. It is constantly evolving, updated with terms, and updated with updated rules and regulations. Unfortunately, like all living things, the language of communication can die. Many languages ​​have disappeared from the face of the planet forever, and scientists have been struggling for years to decipher the surviving documents compiled in languages ​​unknown to modern people.

That is, the emergence, development and even death of a language of communication is, in general, a natural process. However, the oblivion of languages ​​has never passed as quickly as it happened in the last century.

Thus, according to statistics, at the beginning of the century there were 193 national languages ​​in Russia. And by the end of the century there were only four dozen of them left. That is, in just a hundred years, more than one and a half hundred national languages ​​have disappeared from the face of the planet. And this is only on the territory of the former USSR.

It is clear that with the advent of modern means of communication and communications, it is becoming increasingly difficult for small nations to achieve recognition of their national languages. Today, only languages ​​used on the Internet are considered in demand. The holiday was created to emphasize the importance of preserving the languages ​​of small nationalities.

English is considered the dominant language in the world today, although in terms of the number of speakers it will probably soon overtake Chinese. Although English will most likely retain its leading position on the Internet for a long time. According to statistics, the English-language segment occupies 81% of the worldwide network. All other languages ​​occupy a very small percentage. For example, the German-language segment makes up only 2% of the world wide web space.

When did the holiday appear?

The holiday dedicated to the native language appeared at the turn of the century and has been held regularly since 2000.

But when is this interesting holiday celebrated? The date was chosen to commemorate the tragedy that occurred in the capital of Bangladesh in the early fifties. The fact is that in this state, Bengali, the language of the indigenous people of the country, has not been called official. To correct this injustice, students demonstrated in protest. The peaceful protest ended tragically; during the riots that arose, several protesters died from police bullets.

This happened February 21 Therefore, they decided to celebrate the day of honoring national languages ​​on the anniversary of the events described.

How is it celebrated?

The day dedicated to the native language is recognized internationally; it is widely celebrated in different places around the world. Of course, over the years of the existence of the holiday, each country has developed its own traditions of celebration.

In most countries, events in honor of the holiday are educational in nature. Various seminars, public events, and practical classes are held. Moreover, these classes, as a rule, take place in a fun, playful way. Pictures, educational games and other entertainment allow people to get acquainted with the basics of other national languages.

UNESCO has organized a special portal on the Internet to help national minorities whose languages ​​are in danger of disappearing. This resource allows you to study the languages ​​of different nationalities, that is, gain access to knowledge of other cultures.

The key to maintaining peace and mutual understanding is respect for the traditions and culture of other peoples. Each national language is a kind of mirror reflecting the mentality of the people. After all, the language of communication acquired from infancy shapes a person’s national self-awareness.

The desire to understand and experience the culture of other nationalities is a commendable phenomenon. And nothing helps to understand another people more fully than studying their language. Therefore, the desire to learn other languages ​​is the key to understanding the diversity of our world.

Despite the general understanding of the need to preserve all national cultures, the situation remains difficult. For example, one of the most multilingual countries today is India. In this densely populated country, there are more than one and a half thousand different languages ​​and dialects. But small languages ​​are in dire straits, as they are gradually being replaced by English, which is the language of international communication in India. Fewer and fewer people consider it necessary to teach their children national languages, which is why there are fewer and fewer native speakers every year.

However, efforts are being made to preserve the national languages. In many schools, learning the native language is considered a compulsory subject. Multilingualism is also encouraged when recruiting for public service.

How do we celebrate the holiday?

Our country is multinational, so International Mother Language Day in Russia is celebrated very widely and variedly.

Events are held annually that are aimed at preserving and supporting the languages ​​of small nationalities. Their study and development is encouraged.

Despite the fact that Russian is the native language of millions of people today, it is also necessary to take care of its preservation. After all, language is one of the components that unites not only citizens of Russia, but also all people living abroad, but who consider Russian their native language.

The Russian language is constantly evolving, absorbing foreign words and terms. This process is completely natural, but there is no need to go too far and try to unnecessarily replace Russian words with foreign ones. Moreover, it is necessary to combat the contamination of the language with jargon and swear words.


The greatest value that every nation should be proud of is their native language. After all, it is the words in the native language that the baby hears immediately after birth, absorbing the culture, customs and traditions of his people along with his mother’s milk.

The best way to get to know a person is to listen to how the person talks. Careful attitude towards the native language is an important indicator of a person’s culture.

Without oral communication, the civilized world could not exist and develop. Every nation has many figurative expressions, proverbs and sayings about language. Since ancient times, Russian people have known that “the word is not a sparrow, if it flies out, you won’t catch it,” “the tongue runs before the feet,” “where there are words of greeting, there is a smile for an answer,” and also that “my tongue is my enemy” and “the tongue is before Kyiv will finish.”

One of the official language holidays can be called International Mother Language Day, proclaimed by the General Conference of UNESCO. In 2011, the President of Russia signed a Decree on the annual celebration of Russian Language Day in Russia. In addition, the UN Department of Public Affairs proposed the establishment of holidays dedicated to the six official languages ​​of the organization. The Russian language also received an official day of celebration - June 6.

Languages ​​are the most powerful tool for preserving and developing our heritage.

International Mother Language Day, proclaimed by the General Conference of UNESCO on 17 November 1999, has been celebrated annually on 21 February since 2000 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.

In turn, the UN General Assembly in its resolution declared 2008 the International Year of Languages.

The year 2010 was proclaimed the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures.

The date for the Day was chosen to commemorate the events that occurred in Dhaka (now the capital of Bangladesh) on February 21, 1952, when students who demonstrated in defense of their native language Bengali, which they demanded to be recognized as one of the official languages ​​of the country, were killed by police bullets. .

Languages ​​are the most powerful tool for preserving and developing our material and spiritual heritage. According to UNESCO estimates, half of the world's approximately 6 thousand languages ​​may soon lose their last speakers. All steps to promote the spread of mother tongues serve not only to promote linguistic diversity and multilingual education and to develop greater familiarity with linguistic and cultural traditions around the world, but also to strengthen solidarity based on mutual understanding, tolerance and dialogue.

On February 21, 2003, on the occasion of International Mother Language Day, UNESCO Director-General K. Matsuura noted: “Why is so much attention paid to the mother tongue? Because languages ​​constitute a unique expression of human creativity in all its diversity. As a tool of communication, perception and reflection, language also describes how we see the world and reflects the connection between the past, present and future. Languages ​​bear traces of chance encounters, the various sources from which they were saturated, each according to its own separate history. Mother tongues are unique in the way they imprint each person from the moment of birth, endowing him with a special vision of things that never really disappears, despite the fact that a person subsequently masters many languages. Learning a foreign language is a way to get acquainted with a different vision of the world, with different approaches.”

And every year, as part of Mother Language Day celebrations, different countries host various events dedicated to a specific theme and aimed at promoting respect, as well as promoting and protecting all languages ​​(especially endangered languages), linguistic diversity and multilingualism. Thus, in different years, the Day was devoted to the following topics: the relationship between the native language and multilingualism, especially in education; Braille system and sign language; raising public awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions based on mutual understanding, tolerance and dialogue; protection of the intangible heritage of humanity and preservation of cultural diversity and others.

Related holidays

Arabic Language Day. Arabic Language Day has been celebrated since 2010. Then, on the eve of International Mother Language Day, the UN Department of Public Relations proposed establishing its own holiday for each of the six official languages ​​of the organization.

French Language Day (International Francophonie Day). French Language Day, like the days of other languages ​​of the United Nations, has been celebrated recently - only since 2010. The introduction of the new holiday was initiated by the UN Department of Public Relations.

Korean Alphabet Proclamation Day. On October 9, South Korea celebrates Hangul Proclamation Day. The original alphabet of the Korean language is called Hangul, and today they celebrate its creation and proclamation in the country by King Sejong the Great.

Limba Noastra - National Language Day in Moldova On the last day of summer, Moldova celebrates a traditional and in its own way unique holiday - National Language Day - Limba Noastra. “Limba noastre” means “our language” or “mother tongue”.

State Language Day in Kyrgyzstan. The official language of Kyrgyzstan is Kyrgyz. In 2009, it was 20 years since the day in 1989, the Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz SSR unanimously adopted the Law “On the State Language of the Kyrgyz SSR”.

"Precious Heritage"

The languages ​​we speak today came to us from ancient times. All these years they have undergone changes, continuously developed, and a detailed analysis of these processes will help us better understand both the world around us and ourselves. I offer a selection of facts about the origin and original meaning of well-known words, as well as explanations of some difficult, controversial cases of their use.

Knowledge of the customs and morals of ancient peoples, knowledge of their mythology, their ideas about the world helps to understand the original meaning of many words. And in the same way, the analysis of words helps to understand the lifestyle and views of our distant ancestors. For example, we can conclude that our ancestors meant the concept of “happiness.” The root of this word is part, which means that a happy person is one who has a part, a part of wealth, an inheritance, who has received a share. Note that the word share has the meaning not only of “part”, but also of “fate”, “fate” (the composition of this word is also transparent: u-part).

“Water” and “fire” are the most important concepts in the minds of ancient man. They gave rise to many myths, fairy tales, legends, as well as many words. Thus, the word grief is associated with fire, that which burns in a person’s soul. The constant epithet of this word is bitter: “grief is bitter.” The tears are bitter, but one might say they are also flammable tears; those tears that burn. In the old days, Gorky meant “fiery.” Needless to say, the same root is in the words burn, warm, forge, potter, etc. The synonym for the word grief - the noun sadness - is also associated with fire: that which bakes. Sadness from the stove. The outstanding linguist A. A. Potebnya wrote: “Anger is fire; and from it the heart flares up “more than fire” or, what amounts to the same thing, “without fire”... In general, in words for anger and related concepts, the idea of ​​fire dominates.”

In the mythology of the Slavs, Yarilo, the god of spring, sun, and fertility, occupied an important place. Hence many words with the root yar: yarovoy (spring, sown in spring), yarka (young sheep), ardent bees (young, today's swarm). What does spring mean? It is sunny, shining, clear. It is also warm, hot, then the meaning develops: hot, excited, angry. Hence we have the words: bright, furious, rage.

Looking at the expressions still in the language, red maiden, red corner (in a hut), we guess that for our ancestors, red means “beautiful.” In the word work we no longer hear the word slave. But once upon a time a worker was actually a slave. There have been workers in the village for a long time (remember “The Master and the Worker” by L.N. Tolstoy). The word worker, which appeared in the middle of the 19th century, began to displace worker, worker. The word worker has remained in the language because it has changed its meaning. We are talking about people of intellectual work: scientific worker, literary worker.

In the Russian language there is a comrade and a commodity, which seem to be unrelated to one another. But what was it really like? Traders wandered around Rus', but it was dangerous to set off alone, so they chose a comrade who would help sell the goods. Then the word comrade acquired the meaning “friend, buddy” in general, and not just in trade and travel. After the Great October Revolution, a new life began for the word comrade.

Everyone knows the diminutive suffixes -ik and -ok: house - little house - little house; hour - hour - hour. But no one now perceives as diminutive words thread, particle, scarf, bag (once derived from fur), pin, hammer, bench, crust and dozens of others. We won’t say about the man who took off his belt: He loosened his belt.

Comparison and juxtaposition of words can go beyond the boundaries of one language, and then many similarities and differences in the worldview of different peoples are revealed. The word, human speech has always seemed to people an incomprehensible, mysterious phenomenon. The word was given a special, mystical meaning. The most mysterious were considered to be coincidences in the sound and meaning of words belonging to different languages. For linguists, such coincidences often seem natural.

Thus, we easily find the ancestors and relatives of the word god, first of all, in the Slavic languages, which indicates the deep antiquity of the word. Turning to other Indo-European languages, we find that the Slavic god is related to the ancient Indian bhagah, which meant “wealth, happiness” and the one who gives it - “giver, lord, ruler.” The ancient Persian baga - “lord, god” goes back to the ancient Indian bhajati - “endows, gives.” Thus, scientists come to the conclusion that the original meaning of the word god is “the giver of benefits, the bestower of benefits.” Its meaning as “supreme mythical being” developed in Slavic languages ​​later. Now the consonance of the words god and wealth, rich and poor, in which the prefix y- has a negative meaning, will no longer seem accidental.

Here are some other examples of the origins of words and their correct usage:


Looking in dictionaries, you can be convinced that the original meaning of the word “applicant” is not someone who enters a university, but someone who has just graduated from school (as is known, among graduates there are also those who do not intend to to go somewhere). L. Krysin’s explanatory dictionary of foreign words indicates that the word “applicant” comes from the Latin abituriens (abiturientis), that is, “about to leave.”

However, the word actually Russified and became independent from the Latin source. Modern dictionaries - both the already mentioned Explanatory Dictionary of Foreign Language Words and the Explanatory Dictionary edited by N. Shvedova - offer two meanings of the word “entrant”. The first, outdated one, is a high school graduate. The second, modern one, is entering a higher or secondary specialized educational institution.

Thanks to

Is it possible to say, “Thanks to the fire, some wonderful theater costumes were burned in the building” or “Thanks to the hurricane, hundreds of people were left homeless”? Of course, it’s better not to say that: it’s somehow strange to say thank you for something like that! It should be remembered that only positive facts can follow the word “thanks to”. Otherwise, it is better to use neutral prepositions “because of”, “due to”, “due to” (“Because of the heavy snowfall, we got lost yesterday”).

For the preposition “thanks”, the context is very important, because even a hurricane can turn out to be good news, as, for example, in this situation: “Thanks to the hurricane, our old shed fell apart, which we had been meaning to dismantle for a long time, but still never found the time.” In this case, the use of this preposition is acceptable.

God and God

Sometimes doubts may arise whether the word “god” should be written with a lowercase or capital letter. Everything will depend on what (or whom) you mean and in what sense you pronounce this word.

If you speak and write about God as a single supreme being in different religions (at the same time, it should be a monotheistic religion that claims that there is one God), then this word should be written with a capital letter - “God”. So, about the holy and sacred - with a capital letter, “God”. Moreover, adjectives derived from it must also be written with a capital letter (“Divine”, “Godly”). And even if in a religious or philosophical text the word “god” is replaced by other words (pronouns), then they are also written with a capital letter: “Thy will be done,” “His holy will be done.”

However, as soon as we “descend from heaven to earth” and move to the level of everyday life, changes immediately occur in the spelling of the word “god”. In stable expressions that no longer have a direct connection with religion (such as “God willing,” “thank God,” “by God”), “God” should not be written with a capital letter. Even if you are a believer, it is quite possible to get by with a lowercase letter in the words and expressions “by God”, “divine taste” or “Granny God’s dandelion”.

By the way, among Russian classics (F. Dostoevsky, for example), the word “god” is written with a lowercase letter.


The question often arises as to whether the majority of comrades “agreed” or “agreed” is correct. Here it is important to understand whether we are talking about animate objects or not. Tables, books, windows, doors are one thing. It’s completely different - students, friends, citizens, comrades, etc.

Let's take the topic of elections. “The majority of voters supported N.N.’s candidacy.” - so we will say. That is, we will have the predicate in the plural, despite the word “majority”. And why all? Because a voter is an animate object, a person!

Inanimate objects do not need a plural predicate. There is no talk of any active action: “most of the windows were illuminated,” “most of the houses were repaired.” It would seem like a nuance, but the ending is different. Now most of you know about this!


Everyone knows the dark joke that “a good deed cannot be called a marriage.” An interesting linguistic effect: marriage is a marriage, and low-quality products are also a marriage. However, these are two different words - what linguists call homonyms.

Looking at the etymological dictionary, one can understand that the word “marriage” in the meaning of “matrimony” was still in the Old Russian language, and its origin is rather vague. It is believed that it came to the Russian language from Old Church Slavonic, and there from Common Slavonic, from “b’arati”, that is, “to take” (“to take as a wife”). In any case, the word is ours, the original one.

The same cannot be said about another “defect” - the one that means unsuitable products. The word “marriage” and “rejector” in this meaning have been known to us only since the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries, and the word “marriage” came from the German language. In it, brak meant “vice, lack,” and before that, even earlier, “wreck.” Compare English brack (flaw, debris).

If earlier, when we saw or heard something amazing, unusual, scary or joyful, we exclaimed “ah!”, “oh!”, “ah!”, “oh!”, but now more and more often “wow!” comes out of our mouths. . This exclamation usually expresses an emotion of extreme amazement or delight. All these are interjections.

In American English, the slang wow is used as a noun meaning “something out of the ordinary”; verb meaning “to stun, to amaze”; interjection expressing surprise and delight. In Scottish slang, the same interjection expresses exactly the opposite emotions: disgust, surprise, grief, condolences.

Most linguists are inclined to believe that the word wow comes from the war cry of the Okoto Indians. There is another version, it is associated with the so-called onomatopoeia theory, which received the mocking name “wow-wow” theory from its opponents. If a Russian speaker hears the sounds “woof-woof” in a dog’s bark, then an English speaker hears the combination bow-wow. In other words, the Russian “woof” can be an analogue of the English interjection wow.

Ice or black ice

Zealous fans of the Russian language have a question, what is the difference between the words “ice” and “ice”. This is the case when ordinary, commonly used words are at the same time the terms of weather forecasters, but their meanings do not coincide.

S. Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary puts “ice” and “black ice” side by side. As you might expect, this is a time when the ground is covered with a layer of ice without snow and, of course, the surface itself is covered with ice. Just one touch: “black ice” is a more respectable word, it is certainly considered literary. But “ice” is a colloquial word.

Forecasters have turned “ice” and “black ice” into two different words, they mean different things. "Ice" is a more general term. Ice is the formation of ice on any surface: on roads, on wires, on trees. When there is ice everywhere, it is ice. Well, icy conditions are something that drivers don’t like: ice on horizontal surfaces, primarily on roads.

One of Anatole France’s heroes expressed his attitude towards languages ​​in this way, which we should all listen to: “Languages ​​are like dense forests, where words grew as they wanted or as they could, there are strange words, even freak words. In coherent speech they sound beautiful, and it would be barbaric to prune them like linden trees in a city garden... Such words are undoubtedly monsters. We say: “today,” that is, “today’s day,” while it is clear that this is a conglomeration of the same concept; we say: “tomorrow morning,” and this is the same as “for-morning in the morning,” and the like. Language comes from the depths of the people. It contains a lot of illiteracy, mistakes, fantasies, and its highest beauties are naive. It was created not by scientists, but by people close to nature. It has reached us from time immemorial... We will use it as a precious heritage. And let’s not be too picky...”

Based on materials from the books by V. V. Odintsov “Linguistic Paradoxes” (Publishing House “Prosveshchenie”) and M. A. Koroleva “Purely in Russian” (“Pagedown Studio”).

Alexander Mikhailov reads the poem “Our Language” by K. Yu. Frolov

Performed by Veniamin Smekhov

Day after day... (2: 21 February)

International Mother Language Day

Target: introduce children to a little-known holiday - International Mother Language Day, develop a caring attitude towards both their native and other languages, pride in their native Russian language, a sense of belonging to their ancestors, people, culture, cultivate patriotism, tolerance, develop children's speech, memory , thinking, oratory, to reveal the talents of children.

Preparatory work:selection of information by 4th grade students about the life of Russians and Bashkirs, selection of photographs for presentation. Organization of an exhibition of folk crafts. Learning a skit (Appendix 1). Decoration of the hall with sayings of famous people about the Russian language (Appendix 2).

Progress of the event

1. Today we will talk about language as a means of communication. It is no coincidence that February 21 is International Mother Language Day! It was established in 1999.

2. On International Mother Language Day, all languages ​​are recognized as equal because each is uniquely suited to human purpose and each represents a living heritage that we should protect.

3. I love my native language!

It is clear to everyone

He is melodious

He, like the Russian people, has many faces,

How powerful is our country...

4. He is the language of the moon and planets,

Our satellites and rockets,

On the council

At the round table

Speak it:

Unambiguous and direct

He is like the truth itself.

5. International Mother Language Day is primarily aimed at protecting languages ​​that are disappearing. And this task is important, because nowadays two languages ​​disappear in the world every month.

6. On International Mother Language Day, all languages ​​are recognized as equal because each one is unique. In Russia there is one official language – Russian. Speakers of various languages ​​live in the Chelyabinsk region.

7. It is no coincidence that today we appear before you in Russian folk costumes. We are representatives of this nationality. It's important to remember that

Russia is a multinational state, on whose territory more than 180 people live; the importance of this fact is reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Russia is a mononational state, since more than 67% of its population is of one nationality, while in official UN documents Russia is a multinational state. Let's remember what national culture is.

8. National culture- this is the national memory of the people, what distinguishes a given people from others, protects a person from depersonalization, allows him to feel the connection of times and generations, receive spiritual support and support in life.

9. “Tradition”, “custom”, “rite”- the most important elements of the culture of every nation, these words are familiar to everyone, evoke certain associations in memory and are usually associated with memories of that “gone Rus'”. The invaluable value of traditions, customs and rituals is that they sacredly preserve and reproduce the spiritual image of a particular people, its unique characteristics, and bring into our lives the best of the spiritual heritage of the people. Thanks to traditions, customs and rituals, peoples are most different from one another.

10.Each nation has its own costume. You can see the features of Russian folk costume on us; they are also presented on the slide. Did you know thatLapti are one of the most ancient types of shoes. Bast shoes were woven from the bast of various trees, mainly linden.

11. Russians, like other peoples, have their own traditional holidays. Such asYuletide weeks, Maslenitsa, Easter, Gatherings (supredki), which were held in the autumn-winter period, Gatherings (round dances, streets), which is presented as summer entertainment for young people on the outskirts of the village, on the river bank or near the forest.

12. Russian hospitality– also an integral part of our cultural traditions. Guests were also always welcome and the last piece was shared with them. No wonder they said: “What is in the oven, swords are on the table!” Guests were greeted with bread and salt. With the words: “Welcome!” The guest breaks off a small piece of bread, dips it in salt and eats it

We welcome dear guests

A lush round loaf.

It's on a painted saucer

With a snow-white towel!

We bring you a loaf of bread,

We bow down and ask you to taste!

13. Did you know, Not a single house in Rus' could do without folk amulets. The Russian people believed that amulets reliably protect against diseases, the “evil eye,” natural disasters and various misfortunes, to protect the house and its inhabitants from evil spirits, diseases, to attract the brownie and appease him. When preparing for a long journey, a person took a talisman with him so that the goodness and love put into it would warm the soul and remind him of his home and family.

14. Russian folk doll is a historical part of the culture of the peoples of Russia. The doll, as a play image, symbolizes a person, his era, the history of the culture of peoples (Russian rituals and customs). Rag dolls were made in folk traditions using ancient techniques and technologies. Since ancient times, folk dolls have been made from twigs, scraps, and dry grass. Dolls symbolized everything secret and magical that exists in the human soul.

This is only a small part of the customs and traditions of the Russian people. Our small exhibition presents only a hundredth part of Russian culture.

Guys, do you know how many nationalities live in the Chelyabinsk region? The slide shows data from the 2010 census, the table shows.....

Our institution cannot be called single-national, since children of such nationalities as Tatars, Uzbeks and Bashkirs study together with you in the institution. And today we would like to present a short story about the culture of the Bashkirs. And will help me with this (invited guest)

Getting to know the Bashkir culture.

15. Guys, today you clearly saw representatives of two nationalities.Each nation has its own unique culture, history, traditions, way of life. And, of course, the language. Preserving it is a very important task.

And in order to preserve your language, you need to speak and write it correctly."To write well, you need to know your native language well." (Maksim Gorky). Look what ignorance of the simplest rules can lead to.

A scene about an orange, a ring and a pine tree. (Annex 1)

16. Just as it is impossible to imagine the earth without a sower, life without bread, a person without a homeland, so it is impossible to imagine any language without proverbs and sayings.

Game collect a proverb.

Proverbs. On the slide “Collect proverbs”

Think first - then speak.

Don't be brave in word, but show it in deed.

Talk less, do more.

The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

Talk without thinking, shoot without aiming.

Among the people, speech is an ally,

He poured his whole soul into her,

In the very heart, like in a forge,

He tempered all his words.

17. Love your native language, respect traditions. After all, respect and recognition of all languages ​​is one of the main conditions for maintaining peace on the planet. All languages ​​are unique in their own way. They have those words, expressions and phrases that accurately reflect the customs and mentality of the people. Like our names, we learn and acquire our native language in deep childhood from the lips of our mother. It shapes our perception of life and consciousness, imbues it with national culture and customs.

18. Native language!

I've known him since childhood,

It was the first time I said “mom”

On it I swore stubborn allegiance,

And every breath I take is clear to me.

19. Native language!

He is dear to me, he is mine,

On it the winds whistle in the foothills,

It was the first time I heard

I hear the sounds of birds in the green spring...

20. Our event dedicated to International Mother Language Day has come to an end. Love the Russian language! It contains our past, present and future!

Annex 1

Sketch “Ring Words”.

Sad, sleepy, cheerless

Our Zhenya came from school.

(A student enters with a backpack)

He sat down at the table. He yawned once.

And fell asleep over the books.

Three words appeared here


(Three girls enter. They are holding drawings in their hands: an orange, a pine tree, a ring.)


What have you done to us, Zhenya?

We'll complain to mom!


I am not some kind of “OPLESSON”!

Ring (crying).

I am not a “CRAP” at all!

I'm outraged to tears!


Only possible from sleep

Write that I am “SASNA”!


We, the words, are offended

Because they are so distorted!

Zhenya! Zhenya! Stop being lazy!

It’s no good studying like that!


Impossible without attention

Get an education.

It will be late! Just know this:

The lazy person will become ignorant!


If you ever

You will cripple us, boy -

You and I will do something cool:

Treasuring our honor

Name Zhenya in half a minute

Let's turn it into a hedgehog.


You will be a prickly hedgehog!

This is how we'll teach you a lesson!

Zhenya shuddered, horrified,

I stretched and woke up.

Suppressed a yawn

Got to work.

Appendix 2

Sayings about the Russian language:

“Language is the history of the people. Language is the path to the civilization of culture: that is why the study and preservation of the Russian language is not an idle activity because there is nothing to do, but an urgent necessity.” (Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin)

“To write well, you need to know your native language well.” (Maksim Gorky)

"The Russian people created the Russian language - bright, like a rainbow after a spring shower, accurate, like arrows, melodious and rich, sincere, like a song over a cradle: What is the Motherland? This is the whole people. This is its culture, its language. (Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy )

“Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this state passed on to us by our predecessors. Treat this powerful weapon with respect: in the hands of skilled people it is capable of performing miracles!” (Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev)


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Slide captions:

International Mother Language Day 21 February 1 It was established in 1999 by the decision of the 30th session of the General Conference of UNESCO. Celebrated since 2000.

Mother Language Day is a holiday that began to be celebrated not so long ago. On this day, everyone should think about their attitude towards their native language, whether we are littering it with unnecessary words, and whether we speak correctly. And on this day we must remember how many languages ​​there are on earth, and each one should be appreciated. After all, language is the culture of a people. Getting to know other languages ​​helps you understand how interesting and diverse the world is.

Date in 2019: .

For most people, it is natural to communicate and convey emotions in their native language. Only man has received such a unique gift - to have the gift of speech. And within the framework of one article it is difficult to reveal the depth, the magic that is hidden behind this gift. People at the international level tried to emphasize the originality and uniqueness of each language, each dialect, by creating a holiday of the same name - International Mother Language Day.

From birth, a person hears unfamiliar sounds that flow from the lips of a loved one in song. It is these initially incomprehensible sounds that later become the child’s native language.

And there is no way to make you forget those very first, very dear words. After all, a person remembers up to 80% of words before the age of 7 years. Therefore, the language of childhood becomes the closest for life. And even if only a few hundred people speak it, it will still warm your soul and heart, because it is the language you are used to thinking, it is the language the heroes of your dreams speak.

Language is the spiritual heritage of the nation

Real political battles and even warriors often developed around the topic of language. The way to communicate was dictated not only by the social order, but also by many other conventions.

From time immemorial, every people and nationality has tried to preserve its originality, the main expression of which was language. But circumstances and realities often developed in such a way that local dialects were oppressed or completely prohibited by the colonialists or conquerors. Thus, in many English and French colonies, the native language was simply supplanted over the years due to new laws.

In addition, small peoples are simply dying out. Their language also disappears. According to statistics, about 24 dialects disappear on the planet every year. Only in Russia 2 adverbs are forgotten every year.

Immediately after the revolution, there were up to 193 languages ​​on the territory of the current Russian Federation, and by the end of 1991 there were only 140 of them left.

It cannot be said that human evolution has not previously encountered the birth of new dialects and the extinction of old languages. But in the 20th century this process accelerated significantly.

The development of information technology has given impetus to the spread of international languages ​​with the virtual suppression of little-used ones. In fact, it turns out that a language that is not on the Internet actually does not exist. But out of 6,000 adverbs today, 69% are used by only 1/25 of the Earth’s inhabitants. And 80% of African dialects have no written language at all.

Therefore, it is believed that almost half of the languages ​​known today are on the verge of extinction. This is precisely the problem that is being voiced on International Mother Language Day.

history of the holiday

Issues related to the preservation of a certain dialect have recently become more acute. After all, the dominant position of the English language on the Internet reaches unimaginable positions. This is 81%, while the same German and Japanese account for 2%, French and Spanish occupy a niche of 1% each. Somewhere among the remaining 8% is Russian.

What can we say about rare dialects? Therefore, the initiator of celebrating Mother Language Day was the small country of Bangladesh, which only achieved independence and recognition in 1971.

This idea was supported by UNESCO and since 2000, International Mother Language Day has been celebrated all over the world.

The date of the holiday was associated with a tragic event that occurred in 1952 in Pakistan. Students demonstrated on February 21 to defend their language. However, the demonstrators were shot by the police. But despite such a sad outcome of the event, the Bengali language, with which the riots were associated, was declared official in the country.

It is on February 21, 2017 that Russia and the whole world will celebrate a holiday related to the protection of the native language as a unique heritage of humanity.

Mother Language Day in Russia

The Russian language has always been a national pride for its speakers. After all, it was this language that was spoken by famous classics and emperors, scientists and travelers who glorified Russia.

It is the Russian language that has the status of the state language on the territory of Russia. However, today the Russian Federation is a multinational state. And each nation has its own language, dialect and associated traditions.

On Mother Language Day, the goal of Russians is not only to emphasize their national pride in the state language, but also to talk about the importance of the language of small nations and the uniqueness of the dialects of national minorities. And everything must be done so that these dialects do not disappear, but remain, preserved as national pride, the identity of the entire population of Russia.

But it so happened that Russian speakers live not only in Russia. Many Russian speakers live abroad. And in modern geopolitical conditions, the attitude of some states towards their Russian-speaking citizens is simply puzzling.

It’s hard to judge who is to blame for the current realities, but on International Mother Language Day, February 21, I would like to wish people who find themselves in such a situation patience and not to forget, no matter what, their truly native dialect.

Congratulations in prose and poetry

The word has always inspired the soul, the word called to victory and on the road, with a word you can inspire and calm, give hope and make you happy. Only native words, native speech caress the ear and warm the heart. And even in a foreign land a person tries to hear his native speech. So don't forget about your native language. And if you expect respect for your native dialect on a holiday, and not only treat any languages ​​with respect.

What could be dearer and closer,

The native country, its people.

What could be more expensive?

Native word and friends.

And fill your soul with words:

Communicate, think and read.

Don't give your enemies a chance, remember

And don't forget your language.

Larisa, February 9, 2017.