Libra man Sagittarius woman unusual horoscope. Compatibility of Sagittarius women and Libra men in the business field


Psychological compatibility Libra men and Sagittarius women in a relationship

Libra and Sagittarius are separated by only one sign, which means the compatibility of their elements (in this case, Air and Fire) and, accordingly, personalities. They appreciate each other, especially for the ability to make others smile - both like to see the joy on people's faces. Sagittarius achieve this with their stories or spiritual revelations, and Libra with personal charm.

When fate brings Sagittarius women and Libra men together, mutual attraction immediately flares up between them. The eloquence of Sagittarius amuses Libra, who, however, does not believe a single word they say, although they never admit that they miss the substantive part of the conversation and simply enjoy the chatter of partners. A happy Sagittarius woman cares little about such selectivity of her interlocutor, because she knows that sooner or later the Libra man will be in his hands.

That's right... Sagittarians know how to flirt and, noticing a spark of interest, they will fan the flame until it turns into a kind of forest fire. Libra, of course, is too reserved to openly express passion, but they themselves love it when others do it. These two instantly find contact with each other, and a mutually beneficial exchange begins between them. Sagittarius women can use some of their partner's recommendations in terms of subtleties of behavior: for example, how to properly demonstrate your interest in the object of sighing - in something, and in this area you will not find a better expert than Libra men. And vice versa. After all, if Libra really wants to give themselves free rein, they need, following the example of Sagittarius, to learn to be indifferent to the opinions of others. In the absence of unforeseen difficulties, this union will bring a lot of pleasure to both.

Sexual Compatibility Libra Men and Sagittarius Women

Sagittarius are well aware of the flirting technique, using which they easily seduce their air partners. At the same time, the prelude of intimacy is the embodiment of a certain spiritual ideal. Air and Fire have everything you need to fan the flames of passion. Sexuality in these relationships is mystical in nature, since both partners, being together, feel a connection with their higher self.

Business Compatibility Libra Man and Sagittarius Woman

Business relationships here are best built in a somewhat detached way, when each partner is working on the implementation of his area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork and does not expect too much help from the other. Although such partners may be distinguished by a calm attitude towards each other, they should avoid too personal contacts. Much depends on how passionate these two are about the common cause.

What a Libra man needs to know about a Sagittarius woman

Neither you Libra men nor Sagittarius women waste time regretting your own behavior. Both of you know how to embellish it so as not to worry about what you have done. If Sagittarians feel like they've done something wrong, they just choose a different course of action, but they don't stop until they get what they want, and they never apologize for their actions. Rather, they will blame everything on the one whom they themselves hurt, telling tales about how they fell victim to him. Sagittarius women have a hard time accepting criticism, so if as a result of their actions you have problems, then these will only be your problems. When Sagittarians withhold their love, life becomes dull.

What a Sagittarius woman needs to know about a Libra man

Scales are always on both sides of the barricades. If they want to hurt your pride. Sagittarius, they will easily convince you of your own wrong. The result of an exchange of barbs can be the simultaneous manifestation of the unpleasant side of Libra's nature and your evil component. Sagittarius. However, more often than not, difficulties disappear as quickly as they appear, but if things are left to chance, the relationship can be at a freezing point. Libra men will simply step back and continue to play their former social roles, showing the outside world that nothing much has happened. Life will lose its zest if you lose the love of Libra.

Compatibility Libra men and Sagittarius women: chances for the future

William Tell was a shooter who was ordered to shoot down an apple placed on his son's head with an arrow, which he did brilliantly. This story demonstrates a typical trait of Sagittarius: when circumstances pressure them, they hit the bull's-eye in every sense.

Libra men are leaders. Sagittarius women - followers. Together, these two can achieve anything. The problems between them disappear when both honestly try to understand themselves first, and only then evaluate the people who occupy a prominent place in the life of a partner.

Sagittarius women need someone who is able to appreciate their true fortitude. They do not want to prove anything, but they need a partner who would give them the opportunity to strengthen their own importance. Inspired, so to speak. Libra men have a natural tendency to notice the good in everyone, but when they have a close connection with a particular person, they are forced to focus only on their partner. However, it should be understood that romantic relationships do not mean abandoning the perception of the rest of life, on the contrary, they allow outside energies to become part of the being of the beloved.

Sagittarius women do not have to scream in pain to be heard, because Libra men like it when people close to them are healthy and frank. They will be able to subtly correct the social awkwardness of their partners, but Sagittarius must know that they will avoid suffering if they follow their mentor. Sagittarians bring magic to their relationship, and in return they acquire sophistication. Subject to the preservation of a certain personal freedom of each, these two will be able to continue to give each other miracles.

How compatible is Libra man in love relationships with other signs of the horoscope

And the Sagittarius man is quite high. These two people are closely related, their interests, aspirations and life positions are intertwined, which allows you to quickly and painlessly overcome all misunderstandings.

Of course, a couple of small troubles and all sorts of surprises will await. It is better to experience them together in order to preserve love and tenderness.

A marriage between representatives of these two signs can become one of the strongest and most indestructible, because the stars themselves favor this. Proximity - emotional and physical - keeps the family union from the destructive influence of the outside world, keeping peace and harmony inside it. Even after many years of marriage, the couple will not lose all the love and tenderness that surrounded them at the beginning of their journey. And may they manage to avoid all the storm of passions, peace and tranquility in

relationship suits both partners. Sagittarius and Libra will never enter into all their feelings based only on mutual trust, sincerity and love, which helps to deal with any difficulties on the way. All minor troubles will bypass them for the reason that the spouses simply do not pay attention to them, preferring to feel and understand each other at the level of intuition.

Friendly Compatibility: Libra Woman and Sagittarius Man

Representatives of these signs can expect a strong long-term friendship. But there are a few "buts". For example, the commercialism of Libra, which can sometimes come out quite inopportunely, their desire to get everything and everyone around them. Such a consumer attitude can be somewhat unnerving for Sagittarians. Libra, in turn, reluctantly put up with the windiness of a friend,

they are looking for approval of their actions, support and understanding in Sagittarius, but not having received this, they can end the relationship, preferring to remain alone.

Libra Woman and Sagittarius Man

In this pair, the dominance of only one of the partners is allowed, and it does not matter who it will be, a girl or a boy. In any case, someone will have to give in. The Sagittarius man in love is quite generous, he does not skimp on gifts, he loves to make surprises for his beloved. But, most importantly, he believes that honesty in a relationship is a sign of true love. And only after some time he understands that, in addition to honesty, there is also loyalty to his wife. He is an idealist, intellectual conversationalist, philosopher and dreamer, often like a little boy who needs support. He gives Libra every reason to be loved by them. Sagittarius will always cheer up and cheer up his companion. Possessing these traits, he may seem, but excessive jealousy adds a fly in the ointment, with which he can bring his partner to tears, without wanting to. Thus, a Libra woman, a Sagittarius man, can create a wonderful couple, whether it be a love marriage or a strong friendship. Their relationship is based on trust, honesty, and sincere affection, and often lasts for many, many years without storms or disappointments.

The planet Venus was named after the goddess of Her Majesty Love. It is she (Venus) who patronizes Libra and does it very responsibly and fruitfully. She endowed her wards with amazing charm, vitality and a certain amount of coquetry.

Sagittarius is patronized by Jupiter himself - the supreme god of the Roman pantheon. Perhaps that is why they are always short of everything. No, not because they are greedy. They just always want more and better than they have. Libra is always full of ideas and thoughts, this is their life.

Their element is air, but it is not some gentle breeze. This is a storm, a hurricane of thoughts and feelings sweeping away everything in its path. Sagittarians can be called quite hot guys. Their element - fire - pushes them to this. And it's not a flickering firefly. Rather striking and unpredictable lightning.

As many believe, the union between the fiery and air signs has every chance of becoming ideal. Astrologers also agree with this, air and flame may well complement and support each other. The union of Sagittarius and Libra can be considered a successful and very promising enterprise.

But as practice shows, time itself puts everything in its place. The stars first create such unions, and then observe with curiosity what will come of it!

Compatibility in love and marriage

He is a Libra, she is a Sagittarius

The union is very successful, although most people around doubt that it will last long. The Libra man and the Sagittarius woman differ significantly in their outlook on life. Still, their marriage can be unusually strong. A man simply adores his soul mate, pampers her and tries in every way to please.

Sometimes they look rather strange side by side. He is modest and shy. She is cheerful, active and cheerful. He is not at all notorious, he simply does not like to be the object of attention, preferring to watch from the sidelines. Compare and analyze, and most importantly - protect your beloved!

The compatibility of Libra men and Sagittarius women is quite high. This can be seen by observing their family life. They rarely conflict. They just have nothing to fight about! The girl likes the elegance and restraint of her lover.

He is delighted with her manners and generosity. They complement each other perfectly. The rudeness of a woman can spoil the life a little. She does not like to hide and expresses all claims directly. But, as a rule, quarrels because of this do not arise. The man will be offended, but, most likely, will remain silent.

They have every chance to live happily ever after. If only the representative of fire would curb her tough character a little. Otherwise, the insults of a man - Libra, can extinguish feelings and alienate him from his beloved. In order not to annoy each other, it would be nice to go on a picnic or visit friends.

He is a Sagittarius, she is a Libra

This set is almost perfect. These two notice each other from afar, immediately get to know each other and talk as if they have known each other since birth. They have a lot in common. This is amazing flexibility, love of freedom and unconventional thinking. At the same time, they both know how to hide their real feelings.

They have no problem finding a topic for conversation or some kind of joint activity. They will never get bored together. Sagittarius can be somewhat struck by the constant change in the mood of his beloved. But all this is successfully compensated by the amazing worldly wisdom and devotion of the girl.

Fire and Air complement each other, making life brighter and richer. They do not need to limit the freedom of a loved one. One day their souls will become so close that they will feel as one.

Negative aspects of the union

Most astrologers agree that the Libra-Sagittarius union is almost perfect. But with one note. At least one of the spouses must be successful. Usually this "heavy burden" is taken by Air. The fire is always trying to escape somewhere from such problems and obligations.

People around are constantly worried about the question, how can Sagittarius and Libra get along at all? Among such couples, gigolos very often come across. The most interesting thing is that the lovers themselves are not at all worried about this fact. They are ready to contain each other. As long as they are comfortable, and this is the main thing. They don't care who carries the money home.

With such amazing compatibility, it will still not be possible to completely avoid conflicts. The characters, however, are quite different. Libra is very indecisive, Sagittarius, on the contrary, needs to decide everything quickly, backhand. Sagittarians are not afraid to make mistakes, but Libra often has to take responsibility for these mistakes.


In sex

Despite some coldness of Libra, they are incredibly comfortable in the marriage bed with a hot and passionate Sagittarius. The sexual life of this couple is extremely rich and varied. They are great as sexual partners.

Sagittarius constantly surprises his soul mate, making relationships more colorful and diverse. In order to forget about the shortcomings of your halves, it is better to throw out excess energy in bed, which is what they are doing safely. Various fantasies and sexual innovations perfectly relieve their stress and make them closer.

in friendship

Men Libra and Sagittarius - the friendship of this couple can only be envied. But, as always, there is one caveat. They should have approximately the same social status. And it's not even about squeamishness or any self-interest.

They just value their reputation and position very much. If one of them got into a financial hole, got hooked on alcohol, drugs or committed a crime, it will mean only one thing - he no longer has a friend!

As for women. Sagittarius and Libra just love the attention, different activities, and shopping trips. This brings them somewhat closer, although the signs of Air, the energy of Fire is somewhat tiring.

Can a man and a woman be friends in this combination of signs? Why not. But the edge of this friendship is so thin that, almost always, it turns into a big and beautiful feeling called love.

In business

Fire and Air have very similar ways of working in finance, so it is likely that this duo will make a good career for themselves. The couple can easily organize their own enterprise. They will not have to think long, they will instantly form a common strategy and stick to it.

They invest equally in the case and without hesitation. They often have many useful connections, and the ability to think outside the box gives them the opportunity to find a way out of any situation. Libra loves to work in the same team with Sagittarius. Next to an active and confident person, they forget about their indecision.

Percent Compatibility

The compatibility of these two signs in love is almost perfect - 90%. As for marriage, the figure is slightly below 70%. Family life often requires something more from us than mutual sympathy and even love.

Often they start out as a normal friendship, but at one point they begin to realize that they can no longer do without each other. It happens that when they meet each other they are already married.

And then they sacrifice everything in order to be together. They leave their families, get divorced and go to each other. They are naive, gentle, boundlessly believe in their beloved.

And who will condemn them for this?

The compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius in love will largely depend on how they position themselves - lovers or friends. Sagittarius is always where it is convenient and profitable. Libra does not adhere to such tactics, because they live more with feelings and emotions.

Libra Man and Sagittarius Woman

Partners may have their differences, but there is good compatibility and great potential for harmony in love and marriage. Sagittarius woman and Libra man have many common interests, they understand each other's desires and needs. Both crave excitement and adventure, love to travel and explore new places together. They can build a meaningful and lasting relationship, they can become a loving couple and at the same time best friends.

The Sagittarius woman will be attracted by the friendliness of the Libra man, his open character. He, in turn, will appreciate her optimism and cheerfulness. Together they will not be bored, they will like to talk to each other, everyone will share the partner's ideas and plans. They can build a better future. The Libra man can be insecure, so the Sagittarius woman needs to hold her sharp tongue so as not to hurt her partner. Both of them are not too emotional, they are more guided by logic, but sometimes passions can flare up if one disagrees with the other in some way. The Libra man is not inclined to change his mind often, so the Sagittarius woman, as more flexible, sometimes has to adapt to her beloved. If both have the habit of listening to each other, then the relationship will become balanced in every aspect.

As soon as this couple gets to know each other, a strong mutual sympathy will immediately arise between them. The Libra guy is more reserved in emotionally than his lover, but he likes girls who are energetic and a little unpredictable. Sagittarius, on the contrary, needs a calmer and more stable person to create strong relationships. Together, these young people form a wonderful single whole, in which there is everything, and of course, everything in moderation.

Since the Libra guy loves stability and is not burdened by family life, most likely he will want to strengthen this relationship and propose to his beloved.

The compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius is not bad, these people create strong and harmonious unions. Both signs are intelligent, they read a lot, they are not afraid to dream and make plans that go beyond the generally accepted norms.

Libra and Sagittarius can talk for hours and never get bored of each other. The air sign inflates the fiery energy. He, in turn, pushes the indecisive partner to action, inspires him with self-confidence. Problems arise due to conflict and lack of tact in Sagittarius, excessive passivity of Libra. But, in most cases, they are quickly resolved.

Characters of signs

The compatibility horoscope of Libra Sagittarius signs is influenced by the features of their character. These people have much in common, although there are differences. They belong to the dual signs of the Zodiac, because their nature combines opposite features. Let's take a closer look at their characteristics.

Character Libra

People born under the sign of Libra are constantly tormented by inner doubts. They strive for justice, carefully weigh all actions, but are not sure of the correctness of their own actions. Therefore, they won the glory of indecisive, cautious personalities. If Libra believes that their freedom and legal rights have been encroached upon, they are able to act quickly and efficiently. In other situations, they try to avoid conflict, the spirit of competition is alien to them. Libra achieves its goals through compromise and concessions. Here is a short description of the main character traits of this sign:

  • indecisiveness
  • Heightened sense of justice
  • Diplomacy and tact
  • Elegance, sophistication of manners
  • Kindness and innocence
  • Sociability
  • Sharp analytical mind
  • specific sense of humor
  • Love for comfort.

Libras are delicate and tactful, often acting as diplomats. They try to live peacefully with everyone when they oppress their interests, show the dark side of their nature, become cold and reasonable, and harshly take revenge on the offender. If people of this sign are not pushed to action, and their desires are not stimulated, they become lazy, immerse themselves in their own inner world.

Sagittarius character

The Sagittarius zodiac sign is cheerful, freedom-loving and purposeful. These people always look to the future, live with ideas and dreams that they strive to bring to life. They are full of energy, never stop, do not become discouraged if they fail. The aspirations of archers are lofty, idealistic, they rarely act solely from material motives. Inborn optimism attracts people to them, causes sympathy. Here are the main character traits of Sagittarius:

  • Optimism and cheerfulness
  • Honesty and Straightforwardness
  • Energy and activity
  • Striving for new knowledge
  • Kindness and generosity
  • Generosity and openness
  • Living mind
  • Love for freedom
  • Inconsistency.

With all the positive features, Sagittarians have a lot of negative ones. They do not know how to bring things to the end, they jump from one project to another. Completely devoid of tact, their straightforwardness can inadvertently injure even loved one. The love of freedom of Sagittarius plays a cruel joke with them, they often become unreliable partners, do not fulfill their obligations, betray other people's secrets.

Sagittarius and Libra General Compatibility

Libra and Sagittarius sign compatibility is considered quite good. Both friendship and love are possible between them. Fire and air support life in each other, therefore they experience mutual attraction. When meeting, a guy and a girl quickly find common topics for conversation. They are interested in communicating, even after decades of family life together. Both signs are intellectuals, they read and think a lot, they are happy to share their own thoughts. Their views on life coincide, both are looking for truth and justice, they do not tolerate deception.

Sagittarius and Libra get compatibility in marriage, complementing each other, they are able to smooth out the negative character traits of their partner. Sagittarius pushes Libra to action, deprives them of internal doubts and constant fluctuations. Libra smooths out Sagittarius's conflicting nature, his tactlessness and straightforwardness. They will always give wise advice, which Sagittarius will listen to, direct his energy in the right direction. The couple will achieve great success if they interact correctly.

Problems arise when Sagittarius reveals excessive activity. Libra next to him feel insecure, lose their inner balance. Unfair remarks from Sagittarius can drive an air sign into a deep depression. It is known that Sagittarius's attachments are too superficial, this becomes the cause of Libra's disappointment. In turn, the fiery sign gets tired of the constant indecision of the partner. He is ready to push him, but not all his life. The compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius can be shaken on the basis of everyday life, none of the signs likes to devote time to household chores.

Sexual compatibility of signs

The sexual compatibility of the signs Sagittarius and Libra is not ideal. They have different temperaments, attitude to bed fun. But this does not mean that the love union is hopeless.

Libra Sexuality

The air sign is an aesthete in love. For Libra, the preliminary game, flirting, intimate atmosphere plays an important role. The physical aspect of love, on the contrary, is not so important. Women of this sign consider sexual intercourse itself a little “dirty”. Libra rarely find themselves in bed with random partners, they do not like to make love anywhere. Exceed in addiction to the surroundings they can, perhaps, Aquarius.

At the same time, Libras remain passionate natures. They are amorous, therefore, throughout their lives they change more than one partner. Even in marriage, they will easily go for treason when they meet another person and fall in love with him. In bed, Libra rarely plays the role of a leader, they prefer to submit. Sexual experiments are enjoyed with pleasure if they are compatible with their idea of ​​aesthetics and sophistication.

Sagittarius Sexuality

Sagittarius finds compatibility in love relationships easily, not very picky in his relationships. This does not mean that Sagittarius has sex without feelings, it's just that his loves are superficial, they come quickly, and they leave just as quickly. Representatives of this sign are skilled lovers, largely due to their rich sexual experience. But they don't give of great importance foreplay, tend to quickly move on to the main part.

LIBRA + SAGITTARIUS - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility Libra Man and Sagittarius Woman

Compatibility Sagittarius Man and Libra Woman

psychology. Libra Compatibility with Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Compatibility Horoscope - Libra

#Scales compatibility signs. #Sex. Reciprocity. #Astrology.

Compatibility Horoscope - Sagittarius

The fiery sign of the Zodiac is a passionate nature, with a stormy temperament. But often he replaces quantity with quality. He strives to enjoy himself, thinking little about the partner's feelings. At the same time, do not mind learning new things. If you offer Sagittarius a preliminary sexual game as an experiment, he will gladly accept it.

Compatibility in bed Sagittarius and Libra

If there are real feelings between partners, Sagittarius and Libra may well establish sexual compatibility. The air sign will take the initiative of the fiery one. He will gladly go to experiments, withstand the pressure and exactingness of a partner. Sagittarius will find in the face of Libra a passionate and at the same time obedient lover. They will never be bored together.

Problems in sexual compatibility Libra and Sagittarius arise when he and she do not love each other too much. then the difference in temperaments, approaches comes out. Libra lacks affection, Sagittarius lacks passion. Since the signs are prone to betrayal, their love union ends with trips to the left. If feelings are revived, the couple will again improve relations. Both know how to forgive and do not suffer from pathological jealousy.

Compatibility Libra Woman and Sagittarius Man

When meeting, a Libra woman and a Sagittarius man are able to like each other at first sight. They will be carried away by an interesting conversation, they will not even notice how time flies. If a man is a traveler type of Sagittarius, he will like the intelligence of a woman, her ability to listen, pliability. He will understand that Libra will give him complete freedom. Secular Sagittarius, for whom the goal of life is success, will be carried away by the refined manners of a woman. Libra will be attracted to a man by confidence, determination and indefatigable energy.

The Sagittarius man and Libra woman will build their compatibility on mutual understanding. They travel together, have fun, read, visit, they are never bored. A woman is able to support everything, even the most crazy ideas of a man. She is an indispensable assistant in business contacts, because with her tact, the talent of a diplomat, she knows how to smooth out the rudeness and straightforwardness of a man.

Difficulties arise when Sagittarius gets too carried away with dubious projects. Libra loses confidence in the future, which leads them to internal conflict. A woman should not limit the freedom of a man, tie him to the house. This will only lead to distance, betrayal and collapse. family relations. Libra and Sagittarius will keep their compatibility of signs if they listen to such advice:

  • In any conflict, find a compromise
  • Listens to the opinion of the partner
  • Do not limit the freedom of a man
  • Do not bore a woman with conflicting ideas and adventurous projects.

The initiator of a compromise in a couple is Libra, they are always ready to make concessions in order to avoid conflict. A man should listen to the advice of a woman, they will protect him from many rash acts. A wife must respect her husband's right to freedom, this is the main value for Sagittarius. If a couple is united by true friendship, they will have no problems.

Sagittarius Woman and Libra Man Compatibility

To outsiders, the Libra man and the Sagittarius woman seem to be completely different people. In fact, they have a lot in common. Both are smart, fair, strive for knowledge and improvement. The guy sees in the girl the embodiment of a dream, an active, cheerful person. She is fond of the sophistication of Libra, the ability of a man to love and pay attention, to emphasize the importance of his chosen one in his life. Often relationships are established at the initiative of a woman, against which a man absolutely does not protest.

In family life, everything will go smoothly if the spouses truly love each other. The compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius allows you to achieve an ideal relationship. The husband will give his wife the whole world. She will be able to appreciate his efforts, give self-confidence, push him to action, help him make the right decision. A prosperous couple lives in abundance, rarely quarrels, leads an active social life, travels and relaxes together. In this marriage, harmony and mutual understanding reign.

Destroy the compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius can be life. A woman does not like to do household chores, and a man is in no hurry to take the initiative. The passivity of the scales can irritate the active Sagittarius. A man is outraged by a woman's excessive desire for freedom, her inconstancy and whims. To save a relationship, you should:

  • Distribute household chores
  • Avoid fights in relationships
  • Strives to find a compromise in any situation
  • Spend more time together.

A Sagittarius woman should have her own personal space, her love of freedom cannot be limited. A man should be more active, tolerant of the shortcomings of his half. A girl should learn tact from the scales, pay more attention to home and family. Then the compatibility of the signs Libra and Sagittarius will be preserved for life.