Full description of the Kesha grape variety. Growing cache grapes Cash grapes with or without seeds

Grapes Kesha– table variety. Characterized by early ripening. The culture of this variety should not be confused with its hybrid forms - Keshi 1 and Keshi 2. Fruit ripening in hybrids occurs in early September, while the Keshi grape harvest can be harvested starting in mid-August. The growing season lasts 122-130 days.

Description of Kesha grapes

The bushes are characterized by medium to strong growth vigor. Bisexual flowers bloom on the vines. The clusters have a cylindrical or conical shape, weigh from 600 g to 900 g. The pulp is dense. It is believed that Kesha grapes are not susceptible to peas. Large round-oval or oval fruits weigh 10-12 g. At first, the berries have a whitish or amber-green tint; as the fruits ripen, they acquire an amber-yellow color. If the berries ripen in the sun, they acquire a light brown tan. Fleshy berries with a harmonious taste have dense pulp, stay on the bushes for a long time, while maintaining their taste. The berries do not crack. The Kesha grape variety is characterized by early fruiting. There can be up to 2 inflorescences on a shoot. The variety is easily propagated by cuttings, resistant to diseases, but despite the fact that it is frost-resistant, it has a hard time withstanding winter without shelter.

Advantages of the Kesha variety:

  • the fruits have high transportability;
  • sugar content up to 25%;
  • stable and high productivity;
  • high commercial qualities.


In addition to the identified advantages of grapes, one can note its weaknesses, taking into account which one can get a good harvest.

  1. Does not overwinter without shelter.
  2. Requires special care.
  3. Untimely removal of stepsons leads to thickening of the crown and loss of productivity.
  4. Needs additional treatments for diseases.

The described disadvantages of the plant must be taken into account, but they do not in any way affect the popularity of the variety.

Agricultural technology for growing grapes Keshi

To grow the variety, no special conditions are required. By following simple planting and care requirements, you can get a good harvest.

Choosing a landing site. Soil fertility

Kesha grapes develop well in sunny areas, protected from gusty winds. The soil must be fertile. Grapes do not like clay soil, as stagnation of water causes rotting of the root system.

Rules for planting seedlings

If planting material is planted in May, by autumn quite large and powerful shoots develop on the bush.

On a note! When growing several types of grapes, it is necessary to plant seedlings mixed, since first and second generation hybrids are not able to self-pollinate.

Stages of work

  1. Planting material must be planted in a permanent place in the spring, when the air temperature warms up to + 15 °C;
  2. In the fall, the planting hole is prepared for spring planting.
  3. The hole is filled 1/3 with fertile soil mixed with high-quality, rotted humus.
  4. If several seedlings are planted in 1 row, the distance between them should be at least 1.5 m.
  5. When planting, you need to ensure that the root collar or grafting site rises 5 cm above the soil surface.
  6. In order for the grapevine to form a regular bush as it grows, the plant must be secured to a support.
  7. 25 liters of water must be poured under each planted plant.

It is better to choose seedlings of high-yielding Kesha grapes in nurseries. They have good quality characteristics and are generally healthy.

Caring for grapes is not easy, but necessary.

In the first year after planting, seedlings do not require special care. They only need timely watering and preventative treatment against pests. But the 2nd year seedling requires more attention:

  1. Pruning of excess shoots is carried out throughout the growing season.
  2. The bush needs hardening. It is carried out 2 times a year. The first time is before the buds appear, and the second time is after flowering.
  3. It is required to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers once a year.

To avoid depletion of the bush, when caring for the plant, it is necessary to thin out the clusters, leaving only 1-2 clusters on one shoot. This manipulation allows you to speed up the ripening of berries.

How to prune grapes?

Controlling the growth of Keshi grapes is the key to good fruiting. If you miss this moment, the crown will thicken, the berries will lack nutrients and they will turn into peas.

To form the crown, the main shoots are stretched in different directions. The resulting space will soon be filled with young fruiting shoots. When the fruits begin to ripen, it is necessary to constantly shorten the shoots and remove damaged and dried ones.

Pruning of shoots is carried out either in the spring, when sap flow has not yet begun, or in the fall.

In addition to thinning the crown, the number of bunches is regulated, leaving only one bunch on 1 shoot.

Pea blooming of Keshi grapes can be observed during periods of prolonged drought. It is necessary to water the bush as needed or cut off part of the bunch, that is, shorten it by half, removing some of the berries.

Grape diseases

The Kesha grape variety, like other plants, is susceptible to various diseases.

Seasonal diseases include anthracnose, gray and white rot, and rubella. The plant can be affected by true and downy mildew.

To avoid the development of diseases, it is necessary to thin out the plantings so that the foliage does not thicken the bush.

Grapes Kesha a popular variety that has earned the trust of gardeners. Thanks to their good taste, the berries can be put on the same scale as delicious strawberries. To get a good harvest of Kesha grapes, you will need to carry out proper care: trim excess shoots, apply mineral and organic fertilizers, avoid stagnant water and cover the plantings for the winter.

Today you can hardly find a plant that was not created as a result of some selection techniques. Or artificially not enhanced through breeding methods.

Description of Kesha varieties

Kesha was bred in Russia, so Russians are the first tasters of the culture.

Medium development variety – the ripening period varies between one hundred and twenty, one hundred and thirty days. The bushes are tall and develop as quickly as possible. The rhizome is strong, has a strong structure, and a large number of lateral branches.

It is characteristic that Kesha is divided into two types - Kesha 1, Kesha 2.

Kesha 1

Very strong bushes and root system , refers to table crops. The bunches are distinguished by their large volumes and weight - one kilogram with an average level of agricultural technology and about two kilograms with enhanced agrotechnical methods.

Some clusters show slight looseness, but this fact depends on insufficient watering.

Advantages of the variety

Kesha 1 grapes are characterized by high sugar content of berries, good yield and resistance to characteristic diseases.

  • early maturation;
  • high level of productivity;
  • large brushes;
  • large fruits;
  • suitability for long-term transportation;
  • resistance to low temperatures;


The grapes of this variety tolerate transportation well and are popular with buyers.

  • Berries light green, with a waxy coating, elongated oval shape.
  • Taste fresh , very sweet, no sour aftertaste.
  • The skin is dense , which makes the crop most suitable for long-term transportation.
  • Brushes have an attractive presentation - buyers willingly take the grapes.
  • Pulp elastic, white, the seed bag is voluminous, there are enough seeds inside the bag for propagation - almost ninety percent of the seed material is suitable for sowing.


Grapevine during fruit ripening.

It is characterized by very early ripening of shoots, and no defects are observed - the vine is strengthened firmly and immediately.

  • Fruiting shoots There are up to eighty percent, there are about two brushes on one process.
  • The variety is resistant to frost , can withstand temperatures down to twenty degrees with a minus sign.
  • Noted minimum sensitivity to mildew, rot.
  • It is characteristic that bunches can remain on the branches for a long time , while the taste only improves - the sugar content increases to twenty-five percent.
  • Cuttings send out root shoots quite quickly , which suggests that yearlings adapt to new conditions as well as possible.
  • Spring planting will produce a harvest in the third year, however, if you follow special agricultural techniques, it is possible to obtain a harvest in the second year.

Kesha 2

Second fruiting of Kesha grapes 2.

Often the second type is called Tamerlane, Zlatogor. A distinctive feature from the previous variety is its even earlier ripening.

It is noteworthy that the breeding took place by crossing Keshi 1 and Kishmisha radiata . The ripening period is one hundred and fifteen days. The brushes have a cone shape, are quite voluminous, and in some cases there is some looseness. It should be noted that if in the first case this fact is due to insufficient watering, then in this case it is a genetic feature.

Main advantages

The variety is characterized by early ripening and large, voluminous clusters.

  • maximum early maturation;
  • large volume of brushes;
  • large fruit units;
  • strong vine;
  • maximum endurance against diseases;
  • frost resistance;
  • suitability for transportation.


Kesha grapes are distinguished by very large berries.

  • The weight of the brushes varies within one and a half kilograms; with enhanced agricultural techniques, an increase in weight of up to two kilograms can be achieved.
  • The berries are light green – almost white. The weight of one fruit unit is about fifteen grams.
  • The skin is dense, the flesh is fleshy, the seed sac is voluminous. There are a large number of seeds in the bag, more than in the first Kesh, which indicates the greater value of the second species for industrial propagation.
  • The taste of the berries is characterized by a nutmeg note. The aroma is rich, with a slight muscat trail. It is the difference in tastes that is the main distinguishing feature between the first and second varieties.
  • In all other respects, both types are as identical as possible.


  • Sheet plates Both subspecies are large, have a shape characteristic of grape culture, and have a rich light green color.
  • Veins medium depth, feel good to the touch.
  • Root system strong, durable, the frame of the plant is powerful, strong vines.

Features of planting and care

It cannot be said that Kesha is an extremely demanding variety - no special tricks are needed, but it cannot be left unattended.

Grapes need sun and protection from drafts.

To plant seedlings, you should select a flat, sunny place. It should not be planted in hilly or swampy areas, as the plant does not like large accumulations of liquid. If the terrain is uneven, it is recommended to level the site so that there are no holes where rainwater can collect.

But also the site must be protected from drafts and the possibility of sudden gusts of wind. The trellis growing method, arbor and wall method are suitable. However, as for the wall method, it is necessary to plant the bushes so that on one side there is maximum access to direct sunlight, since grapes are quite demanding of light.

Holes and planting

We dig planting holes 50 cm deep at intervals of two meters.

Due to the power of the root system, voluminous foliage and strong vines, holes are dug according to a 50/50 scheme, that is, half a meter deep, half a meter wide. The distance between bushes should be at least two and a half meters. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the hole. The compost and soil are mixed and the cuttings are planted. The first layer is poured carefully so as not to damage the root, then the soil is compacted tightly.

Seedling care

In the first week, water the seedling daily if there is no rain.

  • At first it is recommended water the plantings every day , especially if there is no precipitation. Further watering is carried out only as needed.
  • It is worth noting that abundant irrigation is required during the growing season. Fertilization is necessary for the plant several times .
  • Typically used potassium and phosphorus fertilizers .
  • Nitrogenous ones should be introduced only at the beginning of the growing season, since nitrogen is involved in the formation of buds, flower stalks, and the foliage system.

To reduce density, as well as for the purpose of crown formation,. You should also trim the stems for sanitary purposes. All damaged and broken branches are removed. It is necessary to cut off dry and old vines affected by pests or diseases.

Grapevine after autumn pruning.

The soil under the plantings is regularly loosened, and possible weeds are eliminated at the same time as loosening. In the fall, it is necessary to dig a small ditch around the bush to lay the vines for the winter.

Bush grafting method

It is worth noting that it can be planted in both spring and autumn. Planting time is calculated relative to climatic conditions and type of planting.

Grafting accelerates fruiting by one to two years.

The bush grafting method is often used. If the event is held in the spring, then the best time is considered to be the period when the air temperature has already stabilized and does not stably drop below fifteen degrees, and the ground temperature will be at least ten degrees.

It is noteworthy that Grapes can be grafted throughout the entire growing season, since you can graft black to black chibouk, green to black chibouk. Among other things, both green and black rootstocks are used.

Basic conditions to be observed when planting

  • preliminary preparation of wells;
  • mandatory compliance with the recommended distance;
  • prevent damage to the seedling;
  • do not use nitrogen when planting;
  • abundant watering;
  • garter of the cutting to the peg;
  • When planting in autumn, insulate the chibouks.

If the event is scheduled for spring, the holes should be prepared in the fall. If planting is autumn - fourteen days before the procedure. This is necessary for maximum absorption of fertilizers into the soil.

In order not to carry buckets, you need to install drip irrigation.

  • To insulate the cutting, you can use a bucket without a bottom or build a wooden cylinder around the cutting.
  • It is recommended to carry out pruning in two cases - autumn or spring. In this case, it is carried out only after leaf fall, when most of the functions of the grapes have already retired. Spring pruningheld in early spring- before the plant begins to awaken, that is, the movement of juice along the stems has not begun. If you shorten the crop later, wounds will form at the site of the cuts that do not heal for a long time - you can provoke weakening of the bush and subsequent drying out.

Video about Kesha grapes

Since ancient times, grapes have been considered a royal plant, as they have a large amount of useful substances and vitamins that are so necessary for the body. And it’s also no secret that it is from it that such a wonderful and tasty drink as wine is made. In order to improve and develop viticulture, scientists are not coming up with anything today, creating and crossing many grape plants to obtain an even higher quality, healthy and tasty variety. One of these hybrids is the Kesha grape.

Grapes "Kesha", photo

If you are the owner, then you have probably thought more than once about growing a rich harvest of grapes. This plant does not require special conditions and does not require complex care. Grapes "Kesha", a description of the variety, a photo of which can be found on our website, will bring you a rich harvest of juicy, sweet and large berries.

Grapes "Kesha" - description of the variety

Kesha is an early grape variety that generally ripens by early August. The ripening period is approximately one hundred days, maybe more, depending on the climate where it grows. Kesha's berries turn yellow before they have time to ripen. Large bunches weigh about a kilogram, sometimes one and a half kilograms. The shape of each berry is round and dark green in color. The weight of each berry is from seven to ten grams. The surface of the berry is dense, which protects it from heavy rains and prevents it from cracking or bursting. The pulp inside is juicy, with a nutmeg flavor and an attractive aroma. In winter, grapes will withstand temperatures down to -24 degrees. The variety is resistant to oidium and gray rot. The harvest itself remains on the bushes for a long time, sometimes until it dries out. Sugar content is 15%.

The berry pulp is juicy, with a nutmeg flavor.

How to plant Kesha grapes on a summer cottage? In order for the grapes to live up to all expectations, they should be planted correctly. How to do it? Consider a few tips:

  1. You need to choose a suitable place in the garden with good lighting, so that there is no darkening, and the sun penetrates well into the planting site.
  2. The soil itself should be light and fertile. Moderate soil moisture inside the root, where the plant is planted and also on the surface. The soil should be prepared twenty days before planting the seedlings. It is also necessary to reduce the acidity of the soil, since its high content is not desirable for the root itself. To do this, you will need a lime mortar, which will include -200 grams of the mixture per square meter of area.
  3. The space around the grapes must also be carefully prepared by destroying the weeds. This will promote good development and formation of the fetus.
  4. Protecting against diseases and pests is the main task of the winegrower. Kesha is subject to attack by many insects, so spraying done on time is the best way to protect the bush.

Important! In winter, especially after planting grapes, the plant needs to be wrapped. Otherwise, severe frosts can cause the branches to die and the root system of the shrub to rot.

How to care for Kesha grapes?

Pruning of grapes is one of the main processes in the development of growth and ripening of fruits. But you should be able to do this procedure correctly, otherwise the plant will die or become sick, and as a result of all this, it will not bear fruit or the harvest will be in small quantities and in poor shape. Autumn pruning is best suited for northern climates.

Kesha circumcision is the main process in the development of growth

What else is included in the mandatory care of grapes?

  1. Fertilizer. Only organic matter can be used. You should also feed the grapes with urea. It will help extend the life of any grape variety. It is important to know that it is better to add urea in the spring, as it will help the intensive formation of clusters with large berries.
  2. Hydration. Although the Kesha plant is not picky, it needs regular, abundant watering. Just don’t do this too often, otherwise the root system will begin to rot.
  3. Loosening the soil. This is done in order to destroy weeds and fill the soil with oxygen.
  4. Protection against infections and pests. Treatment of the bush should be done in early spring, before the formation of clusters begins.

Is it worth hiding shrubs in winter? It is worth covering for the winter in any case, even if the climate is southern. This way you will protect the root system, vines and peephole from unexpected weather events in winter. Grapes do not naturally fall off leaves. This process occurs mainly after the first frost.

What is also important for those involved in the grape business is the elastic skin of the berries, thanks to which you can easily transport it without fear of it bursting or deteriorating completely. Green and unripe shoots, as a rule, die. They wrap the Keshu seedling with rag material, and use polyethylene on top of it and tie it tightly so that the wind does not blow.

Berry crops such as grapes are widespread not only in the southern regions. It is grown by gardeners in different climatic zones. Kesha grapes occupy a special place among varietal crops due to their many positive qualities.

Breeding history

Grape selection is becoming increasingly popular. And thanks to the painstaking work of scientists, new varieties appear on horticultural markets, adapted for cultivation in different regions of the country. Kesha is one of the varietal plants that in a short time has gained many fans among winegrowers.

The culture first appeared in Kuban. Scientists are developing new hybrid grape varieties that are most suitable for cultivation in regions with harsh and difficult climatic conditions.

The Kesha grape variety became a hybrid from the Moldovan varietal culture White Beauty and Delight, previously bred at the same institute. Kesha combined the positive qualities of both parents, and in a short time began to be grown en masse in many parts of the country.

The grapes began to be actively used to create derivative varieties with a similar name, and therefore misunderstandings regularly arise. So, on its basis such varieties as Kesha 1 and 2 were bred. The first is also called Talisman or Super Kesha, and the second is Zlatogor, Muscat Kesha.

Advantages and disadvantages

Kesha belongs to the table hybrid varietal crops, and has certain advantages.

  1. The fruit ripening period is 120-130 days.
  2. The bush is characterized by strong and rapid growth and development.
  3. The vines of the plant ripen almost simultaneously, en masse.
  4. Grape flowers are bisexual, so there are no problems with pollination.
  5. The clusters are large, conical or cylindrical in shape, and have excellent aesthetic and commercial qualities.
  6. High yield.
  7. The hybrid grape variety is characterized by high taste, which experts rate at 8 points on a scale of 10. It is also easy to transport.
  8. It is unpretentious in care and cultivation, winter-hardy, can withstand temperatures of -25°C. This allows it to be bred in the northern regions. Creating optimal conditions for the crop will allow you to annually obtain a good harvest of selected, large berries.
  9. Relatively resistant to diseases.

Among the main disadvantages of the Kesha variety are the following:

  • a large number of bunches on a plant provokes shredding - the brushes will be small in size and light in weight;
  • An excess of nitrogenous substances in the soil leads to the death of the crop.

Distinctive features

Kesha is characterized by rapid growth, develops quickly, and begins to bear fruit 4-5 years after planting.

Description of grape bunches of the varietal crop: their shape is conical or cylindrical, not neat, but attractive. The average weight of one bunch is 1 kg. The stem of the grape bunch attaches well to the shoots of the vine due to its length.


The berries are placed on the branch in a structured, loose manner, characterized by large size and oval shape with creamy white skin. It is important to consider that fruits form on almost all shoots, so remove excess fruits in a timely manner. To obtain a high-quality harvest, it is recommended to leave no more than 3 bunches on one branch.

The fruits have dense transparent pulp, with a sweet and sour, rich taste. They can be consumed fresh and are also suitable for long-term storage and transportation.


Kesha has established itself as a high-yielding variety. By creating favorable conditions for its growth, you can annually obtain abundant harvests of high-quality fruits. The culture is self-pollinating, so the number of ovaries is large and requires timely pruning.

The number of clusters that can form on one grapevine corresponds to the age of the plant itself.

By grafting a varietal crop onto an old trunk, the first harvest can be obtained already in the 2-3rd year, whereas with conventional planting the grapes begin to bear fruit in the 5th year.


Based on the Kesha grape variety, several more varietal crops have been created that have improved characteristics. Among them are:

  • grapes Kesha 1 (Talisman);
  • Kesha 2 (Muscat Kesha, Zlatogor)

Kesha 1 or Talisman

One of the first places in terms of taste and harvest quantity is occupied by Talisman grapes. Kesha 1 is known for its features.

  1. The ripening period of the fruits of the crop is 120-130 days.
  2. The varietal grape bush Talisman is self-pollinating, massive.
  3. The shape of the bunch is oval-conical, the density is low. The weight is impressive, with proper care it can reach 2 kg.
  4. The berries of the Kesha Talisman grape variety are large in size, with a red tint and an amber core.
  5. The productivity of the shoots is high, the berries can remain on the vine for a long time without falling off. The fruits of the variety are easy to transport, have an attractive appearance, and have exquisite taste.
  6. Talisman has increased immunity against pests and diseases, and characterizes itself as a frost-resistant variety.


Kesha 2 grapes were the result of crossing Talisman with Kishmish, and combined their positive qualities. Among the main advantages of the variety are the following:

  • ripening of grape bunches is earlier compared to related varieties and is 105-115 days;
  • the cluster of grapes Kesha 2 is large in size, dense, can reach 1.5 kg;
  • the vine of the crop is strong, durable;
  • grapes are able to resist diseases and pests, frost-resistant;
  • The berries are large in size, with thin skin, light amber in color, the taste of the fruit is sweet, with a noticeably noticeable taste of nutmeg, for which this grape is called Kesha Muscat.

Planting a varietal plant

Kesha requires compliance with some planting rules. This will allow the crop to quickly adapt to new conditions and turn into a healthy, viable, well-bearing bush.

Boarding time

Spring planting of Kesha grapes should be carried out after the threat of night frosts has passed. The air temperature during planting should be at least +15°C. The same temperature regime should be observed when planting grapes in the autumn.

The Kesha variety can be grown in two ways:

  • using seedlings;
  • by grafting a plant onto an adult grape rootstock.

Based on the description of the Kesha grape variety, it is known that the second method can be carried out throughout the entire growing season of the plant.

In order for the seedling to quickly adapt to new conditions, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules.

  1. The hole for planting the plant should be made in advance. At its bottom you can lay a layer of fertile soil or rotted humus.
  2. It is recommended to grow the varietal crop on fertile, chernozem soil, moderately moist. Excess moisture in the soil can lead to rapid rotting of the root system of a grape seedling, the spread of viral and bacterial diseases in it and, as a result, death.
  3. The landing site should be well lit by sunlight, so it is recommended to place the grape bushes on the south side of the garden plot.
  4. If you plan to plant not one, but several bushes, the distance between them should be at least 1 m.
  5. The root system of a young seedling is fragile, so it must be placed in the hole with the utmost care and caution. The depth of the hole should be such that the root collar is above the soil surface.
  6. To fill the hole with soil, you can use a mixture with mineral fertilizers. This crop does not tolerate excess nitrogen in the soil.
  7. After filling the hole with soil, it is necessary to water the plant generously. It is important to consider the moisture content of the soil itself.
  8. The seedling is tied to a support installed nearby.
  9. Planting grapes in the fall involves warming the young plant before the winter period.

Rules of care

Varietal grapes are relatively undemanding in care, but compliance with basic agrotechnical practices will make it possible to obtain a bountiful harvest.


Soil moisture around Kesha grapes should be moderate, it depends on weather conditions. A lack or, conversely, an excess of moisture in the soil directly affects the quality and quantity of crop fruits.

In a temperate climate and sufficient rain, it is recommended to water the grapes 2 times during the entire growing season: before the plant blooms, and after it. In extreme heat, it is recommended to irrigate the outer part of the crop.

When there is excess moisture, winegrowers make drainage systems near the bushes. This allows excess water to drain without causing rotting of the plant’s root system.

Cleaning and thinning

Regular cleaning of the Kesha grape variety from non-bearing shoots and excess foliage will allow the bunches to grow, develop and ripen to their full potential.

  1. If a grapevine has developed a long tendril that does not have a bud, it should be removed. Over time, a bud will appear at the site of the cut. After this, you should observe it - if a tendril appears again in this place without the presence of inflorescences on it, this grape branch will not bear fruit, it is better to completely remove it.
  2. In this place, 3-5 young branches will appear, some of which will be productive. The rest should be removed.

The density of the grape bush does not allow the fruits to develop and grow. It is recommended to regularly carry out systematic cleaning of the varietal crop.

Tying up

It is necessary to tie up Kesha grape bushes for several reasons.

  1. The varietal crop is distinguished by abundant foliage and a large number of fruits. As they mature, they grow and become heavier. By tying up the bush, we facilitate its growth and prevent mechanical damage that may occur due to the abundant amount of ripening crop.
  2. It is easier to care for a tied bush; spray its above-ground part during the period of heat and fruit ripening.
  3. In case of significant frosts, it is easier to insulate such a crop by creating conditions close to greenhouse conditions.


Young seedlings and only grafted cuttings in the first year of their life are quite sensitive to frost. The varietal crop is insulated using straw, hay, leaves, etc. Having laid out the insulating material around the trunk, they put something heavier on top - a layer of soil, boards, etc.

Feeding and disease prevention

The variety needs periodic feeding. Mulched bushes receive organic fertilizers on their own, so it is additionally recommended to add only phosphorus-potassium minerals to the stem. It is important to remember that grapes are sensitive to excess nitrogen in the soil, which can damage the root system of the plant and lead to its death.

One of the wasp trap options

Among the diseases that grapes can be exposed to if basic agricultural practices are not followed are viral, bacterial and fungal diseases.

A preventative measure against pests and diseases of grape bushes is to treat them with Bordeaux mixture. To do this, use a 1% solution, which is sprayed on the outer parts of the plant.

The hybrid grape variety Kesha combines the most positive qualities, which is why it enjoys great success among winegrowers from different countries and climatic zones.

Such a branch of science as selection is becoming increasingly popular in our time, performing a very important function: more and more new varieties of plants are being developed that are most suitable for cultivation in a particular area. For example, grapes are very demanding on soil and climatic conditions. There are enough institutions in the post-Soviet space that deal with similar problems. All-Russian Research Institute named after Ya.I. Potapenko deals with the problems of viticulture, and several dozen varieties have been bred, including the Kesha table grape, which will be the subject of this article.


The Kesha grape variety belongs to the early or mid-early varieties (ripens in 120-130 days). The bushes of the plant are distinguished by significant growth vigor, with good ripening of the vine, the flower is bisexual (in the main species, Kesha-1, it is female). Clusters of Kesha grapes can be of different shapes: conical, cylindrical-conical, sometimes they may not have a specific shape, with a long stem. They weigh quite a lot - from 600 to 900 g. The berries are white, also large, with an average weight of 10-12, usually oval in shape. There are few seeds, only 2-3. They are characterized by dense pulp with a harmonious sweet taste. The sugar content is high - 22-25% (this property remains from the parent variety Vostorg), and the acidity is average, approximately 6-8 g/l.

Kesha grapes are productive, the number of fruitful shoots can be 75-80%, while the number of bunches per such shoot is 1.2-1.5. The Kesha grape variety can withstand frosts up to 23 degrees and has average immunity to diseases (increased resistance only to mildew). As noted, this table variety is best consumed fresh, and it is not surprising that the tasting score for fresh fruit is very high.


Kesha grapes have varieties. Inexperienced gardeners may not see the difference between Kesha-1 and Kesha-2, or will think that they are the same variety. Their descriptions are very similar, but there are still some differences. We have already looked at Kesha grapes, let’s move on to others.

Kesha-1 also has other names, more popularly known - Talisman, Super Kesha. Firstly, it ripens at a later period (around September), and secondly, the berries and clusters are larger and heavier (12-15 g and 800-1100 g, respectively). It is also resistant to most diseases (while Kesha is only resistant to mildew), the taste is almost identical.

Kesha-2 has even more names - Zlatogor, Tamerlan, Kesha nutmeg. It was bred by crossing the previous variety and Kishmish radiata. This species, on the contrary, is very early, its ripening period is only 105-115 days. Conical clusters can gain weight up to 1200 g; berries are no less large than those of Kesha-1; when ripe, they acquire an amber color. And the taste is different thanks to the nutmeg flavor (this is where one of the names came from - Nutmeg Kesha).

Features of agricultural technology

Kesha grapes do not require any superconditions for the normal development of plants; it is enough to adhere to the general requirements for planting and caring for this crop. He loves the sun, so you should choose an open place. Like most varieties, it is demanding on the soil - try to plant it in fertile soil (or pre-fertilized soil). Abundant watering is carried out in early spring, until buds begin to bloom, the next one - after flowering (approximately the end of May - beginning of June). If there is a drought, it is worth watering additionally. In addition to moisture, fertilizing is also needed. As a rule, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are applied; very little nitrogen fertilizers are added, since an overdose of them can negatively affect the harvest. Experienced gardeners also recommend doing preventive treatments twice a year. Also, do not forget to shape the crown - the vines are directed lengthwise or around the base. Before the process of sap movement begins in the plants, pruning must be done.