Doa joints of the foot. Foot osteoarthritis: methods of conservative and surgical treatment

Deforming osteoarthritis of the foot is a chronic degeneration of the foot joints due to degeneration of the articular cartilage, which causes changes in the surfaces of the bones and their deformation, the growth of bone formations and the development of synovitis (inflammation of the inner shell of the cartilage).

Movement is life. Due to hypodynamia or heavy loads on the musculoskeletal system, injuries, excess weight and aging, cartilage structures wear out, provoking various forms of arthrosis. Deforming osteoarthritis (DOA) of the foot is considered one of the most unpleasant manifestations of this process.

In the process of biological aging of articular cartilage, metabolism is disturbed, cartilage elasticity decreases. He himself loses the fibrous structure, becomes covered with cracks, becomes rough, thereby exposing the underlying bone. Osteophytes grow on the edges of the bones, restricting movement. The process is exacerbated by inflammation of the articular cavity due to the entry of microscopic cartilage fragments into it.

This pattern is typical for the development of arthritis, osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis. In the presence of disease on large joints (knee, hip), DOA of the foot, phalangeal, interphalangeal and metatarsophalangeal zones often occurs. The disease was assigned code M 19 according to the international classification of diseases - ICD 10

Causes of DOA stop:

  • trauma;
  • congenital and acquired flat feet;
  • activities associated with increased stress on the feet;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • genetic predisposition.

Other features of osteoarthritis of the foot:

  1. Refers to age-related diseases, more often - female.
  2. Most women with DOA of the feet are overweight, due to which the disease develops.
  3. The ankle joints and metatarsophalangeal joints of the thumbs are most affected at HOME.
  4. This is a chronic disease. It is difficult to treat.

Symptoms and degrees

Symptoms appear gradually. This is due to the stages of the process of destruction of joints and cartilage. It is almost impossible to pay attention to the pathology at an early stage. You can recognize osteoarthritis of the foot by 2 or 3 degrees according to the following signs:

  1. Pain during a load on the foot or immediately after it, more often in the afternoon.
  2. "Jamming" of the joints, accompanied by a sharp pain with every slight movement.
  3. Mechanical pain in the area of ​​the foot some time after its fracture.
  4. Night aching pain as a result of spasm of the periarticular muscles or venous stasis of the subchondral region. When moving the leg, the pain decreases or stops.
  5. Noticeable deformity of the joints and bone structure at an advanced stage.

Depending on the complexity of the course of the disease, the deterioration of the joints and cartilage, there are 3 degrees of DOA of the foot:

Degree The picture of the disease
  • Periodic, infrequently occurring pain.
  • After physical exertion on the foot - pain, discomfort, general overwork.
  • Discomfort is concentrated in the front of the foot.
  • Swelling of the joint is almost completely absent.
  • Severe pain during the day, which occurs during exercise and at rest, can be constant - with a return to other parts of the leg.
  • Noticeable arthritic thickening and seals in the area of ​​the 1st metatarsal bone.
  • Episodic nocturnal aching pains.
  • The beginning of the development of hallux valgus - "bones" thumb legs.
  • Unbearable nature of pain.
  • Painkillers and muscle relaxants are ineffective.
  • Movement is difficult, sometimes completely blocked.
  • The deformity of the affected joint becomes visible to the naked eye.
  • Descent of the thumb down with a clear increase, displacement and hallux valgus.
  • The foot loses its support function, gives complications to the spine.
  • In extreme conditions, a person cannot move independently.

Methods of treatment of the metatarsophalangeal joint

Deforming osteoarthritis affects the metatarsophalangeal joint of the thumb, 1st finger. DOA of the 1st degree of the interphalangeal joints of the foot in women is also common, but the metatarsophalangeal form occurs in the stronger sex 4 times more often. Perhaps the reason for this is a pronounced valgus deformity due to high physical exertion in men. Many professional football players suffer from this type of osteoarthritis. In women, the area of ​​the metatarsophalangeal joints can be deformed by narrow model shoes with high heels.

Before treating arthrosis of the joints of the toes, including 1 metatarsophalangeal, the doctor will conduct a complete examination, including:

  • radiography;
  • MRI diagnostics;
  • blood analysis.

Based on the tests, a diagnosis is established and an effective treatment plan for DOA of the metatarsophalangeal joint is drawn up, as a result of which the patient must restore motor activity without experiencing pain and overwork. At stages 1-2, conservative treatment is prescribed, at 3 - surgical.

conservative methods

Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs, chondroprotectors and restorative agents, vitamin preparations.

Medicine Example Dosage form Action on the body
Indomycin Tablets, ointment, gel Pain reliever, inflammation relief. As an external agent, it is used for 7-14 days.

The volume of individual daily application is calculated by the doctor.

Ortofen Ointment, solution for injection, suppositories Removal of edema and pain syndrome. An individual appointment is made by a specialist. The course is 1-2 weeks.
Ibuprofen Ointment, cream, gel, suppositories Effective for external use and for oral and rectal use. The course of treatment is up to 14 days. The duration and volume of use is also adjusted by the doctor depending on the neglect of the disease.

Steroid hormones, more often - in the form of injections into a joint that has begun to deform: hydrocortisone, diprospan, kenalog, etc. In pharmacies, they are issued by prescription.

Traditional indications also include methods that can be performed at home:


  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Phonophoresis and electrophoresis with active drugs.
  • Laser therapy.
  • Baths with hydrogen sulfide, turpentine, radon.
  • Mud cure.

Exercise therapy and massage. At the initial stage, minimal loads are required, consisting of a smooth abduction of the toe and heel, imitation of walking in a sitting position, light movements and rotations of the fingers. In the future, the list of exercises can be increased and slightly complicated.

Folk remedies of warming, anti-inflammatory action (baths of thyme and juniper, eucalyptus alcohol tinctures, honey and propolis compresses, ointments from bee venom and subpestilence).

Orthopedic pads and inserts in shoes. Change shoes to loose models with thick soles, low stable heels.

At stage 3, it is proposed to treat osteoarthritis of the metatarsophalangeal joint promptly - artificially immobilize the diseased joint.

Operational Methods:

  • Brandes operation (resection of exostoses) - part of the phalanx of the thumb is removed, a splint is applied to the foot. After 2-3 weeks, a gradual stretching of the phalanx and recovery with the help of exercise therapy will be performed.
  • Arthroplasty - fusion of the phalanx of the 1st finger with the metatarsal bone to complete immobility. Through the incision, a part of the joint with cartilage and bone is removed, the remaining fragments are fused with a fixator. After complete fusion (3-4 months), the pain will completely disappear.
  • Replacement of a deformed joint with an implant. The advantage of the method is the ability to choose the ideal size for the patient. Minus - such a prosthesis can wear out quickly.

Overview of ointments

  1. Anti-inflammatory - relieve inflammation:
  • Diclofenac - emulgel, voltaren, dicloberl.
  • Indomethacin.
  • Ketoprofen - fastum, ketonal, fastum.
  • Dimethyl sulfoxide - dolobene.
  • Nimesulide - nimulide, nise.
  • Ibuprofen - relief, long.
  1. Warming - based on irritating substances, increase the permeability of the capillary system.

On poisons - apizatron, apiriven, virapin, voltaren, viprobel.

On pepper - espol.

Other warming ointments are menovazin, gevkamen, nikoflex.

  1. Ointments from folk recipes on herbs:

Ural ointment; ointment with hops, sweet clover and St. John's wort; honey pastes

Preventive measures and prognosis

When the first symptoms of DOA of the foot are detected, elementary preventive measures give positive results. Walking barefoot in the natural landscape, strengthening muscles exercise, improving blood circulation by self-massage and other active influences on the feet and fingers will prevent the development of the disease and keep the feet healthy.

Pathological changes in the human musculoskeletal system are always painful, and the lack of therapy can provoke partial immobility and lead to disability. Deforming osteoarthritis of the foot is one of these pathologies. The disease is manifested by an inflammatory process in the soft tissues, the improper functioning of some systems leads to premature wear of the cartilage.

Distal lower limb consists of three parts, contains 26 bones and even more joints. Enormous loads fall on this part of the leg, the foot can withstand the weight of the whole body and additional loads. Sometimes this leads to traumatization of individual parts of the joint, which may be accompanied by deformation and inflammation. Deforming osteoarthritis affects people aged 40-50 years, although there are also earlier cases of the disease.

The etiology of the disease

Deforming osteoarthritis of the joints of the feet develops against the background of past traumatic injuries. The disease is not formed immediately, it can manifest itself several months or a year after the fracture. All this time, the patient will feel slight pain after exercise, which is more likely to be attributed to fatigue than to osteoarthritis of the joints. According to statistics, in 50% of cases, a deforming ailment is formed after bruises, fractures, dislocations. The main causes of pathological changes in the foot:

  • wearing uncomfortable shoes with a narrow toe with high heels, so pathologists are more susceptible to women;
  • excess body weight;
  • the presence of a flat, resting on the entire sole of the foot, without a notch;
  • genetic features in the structure of the joints;
  • wide foot;
  • metabolic disorders and endocrine diseases;
  • foot tissues do not receive blood supply to the full;
  • hypothermia;
  • shortening of one of the lower limbs.

Primary degenerative-dystrophic pathologies, for example, arthrosis, polyarthritis, lead to the development of deforming osteoarthritis. The formation of deformation of the joints of the foot is subject to personality, professional activity who require a long stay on their feet, for example, dancers, gymnasts, salespeople, managers, postmen, builders, cleaners.

Stages of development of the disease and clinic

Deforming osteoarthritis has four degrees of development. At the very beginning of the development of the disease, the patient does not experience discomfort, there are no tangible signs of the disease. However, during physical exertion, working without a long rest, there is a slight discomfort, which is attributed to fatigue. It is at this moment that it is important to understand that osteoarthritis has begun to develop, especially if this is not the first time such a symptom has been disturbing. Sometimes there may be a slight pain, which, as a rule, the victims do not attach importance to. Cracking in the fingers is another early sign of the disease.

Osteoarthritis of the 2nd degree of the foot is manifested by deformation, increased pain. During this period, the patient begins to deviate the thumb towards the index finger. Pain begins to occur not only during physical exertion, but also during rest. The disease is accompanied by hyperemia in the area of ​​the metatarsophalangeal joint of the thumb. The joint begins to bulge to the side, in medicine this condition is called Halus Valgus (halus valgus). Deformation of the big toes greatly complicates the selection of shoes.

The disease at 3 degrees is almost impossible to stop. This stage is characterized by the appearance of acute pain, which non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can not cope with. The mobility of the foot is noticeably lost, the patient's gait changes, lameness appears, a crunch is heard by others when moving. The 2-5th toe is deformed. Further, deforming osteoarthritis develops into the 4th degree of development, which is characterized by the loss of the supporting function of the foot. The load on the spinal column is distributed incorrectly, as a result, degenerative changes begin in the joints of the spine. Visually visible nodular growths in the area affected by osteoarthritis of the joints.

Diagnosis and diagnostic signs of the disease

Diagnosis of the disease begins with a history taking, in order to establish the stage of the disease, the doctor will need to perform some mobility tests. When examining, do not forget to mention the drugs that you started taking and say whether they help or not, this information will also be useful in making a diagnosis. In the presence of deforming osteoarthritis of the foot joint, the deformity is noticeable visually, the doctor can immediately tell the patient what disease he has.

To confirm the pathological condition, an x-ray method of examination is required. The resulting image allows you to determine the stage of development of the deforming pathology. Diagnostic signs of the disease:

  • at the first stage, the signs are doubtful, it is difficult to detect the presence of osteoarthritis;
  • the second stage is characterized by a slight narrowing of the joint space, osteophytes begin to form;
  • the third degree is characterized by the growth of osteophytes, as a result of which not only the first finger is deformed, but also the other four;
  • signs of the fourth stage: there is no joint space, coarse bone growths are present.

The results of the x-ray examination give the specialist the opportunity to prescribe a more effective treatment.

Basic therapies

At the initial stages of the development of deforming osteoarthritis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. NSAIDs quickly relieve pain, which greatly alleviates suffering. The representatives of this group include Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Naproxen, Sulindak, Meloxicam, Analgin, Flurbiprofen, Tenoxicam. These agents are non-selective inhibitors that block the COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes. The drugs have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract of the victim, they should not be abused.

With deforming osteoarthritis of the joints of the foot, it is recommended to take selective NSAIDs. Medicines are used in the presence of certain pathological processes, for example, inflammation. Selective NSAIDs do not have such a strong effect on the gastrointestinal tract, but they negatively affect cardiac activity, can increase arterial pressure. Often prescribed "Celebrex", "Prexizh", "Arkosia", "Denebol", "Dynastat".

Be sure to prescribe the use of chondroprotectors. Medicines restore cartilage tissue by regenerating cells, restoring blood circulation in the feet. In addition to drugs, therapeutic foot massage, physiotherapy procedures (electrophoresis, ultrasound, magnetotherapy, low-intensity laser irradiation, radon baths, phonophoresis, UHF), physiotherapy exercises are prescribed. Excellent help acupuncture, hirudotherapy, apitherapy. The treatment regimen and physiotherapy are selected individually.

Surgical methods of therapy

The absence of a positive effect and the progression of the disease forces patients to turn to radical methods of treatment. If the joints of the foot are so deformed that even the use of a splint does not help, surgery should be performed to return to a normal anatomical position. The main operational measures taken in deforming osteoarthritis:

  1. In the second stage, in the presence of a small hallux valgus arthroplasty is recommended. In case of osteoarthritis of the foot, treatment with this method involves the correction of the deformity present. The resulting cosmetic defect is removed, the function of the foot is restored.
  2. If severe deformity is observed, it should be treated with prosthetics of the affected joints. The surgeon removes bone growths, if necessary, puts prostheses. The operation takes about an hour.

When resorting to surgical methods of treatment, take the choice of a surgeon seriously. If a doctor in a public clinic does not have a very good reputation, it is better to go to a private surgeon and avoid complications, such as infection, than to spend even more money later.

Preventive actions

Prevention of the disease should begin at an early age. Parents are obliged to monitor the health of the child. Children are encouraged to walk on mowed grass, barefoot on sand, loose earth or a fleecy rug. In case of foot injury, after six months and a year, it is necessary to conduct an x-ray examination to exclude the development of osteoarthritis. An examination should be carried out even in the absence of signs of osteoarthritis, as is known, in the first stages of development, the disease may not manifest itself. Adult patients should follow the following recommendations to prevent the development of deforming osteoarthritis:

  • change your lifestyle, move more and eat right;
  • lose weight;
  • buy comfortable shoes that do not pinch your toes;
  • the maximum height of the heel after the disease should be 3-4 cm.

Deforming osteoarthritis of the feet is a pathology that inevitably progresses if no action is taken. You should always take care of your health, pay attention to the intensity and nature of the pain. Timely detection of the disease gives a good prognosis and the absence of recurrence in the future.

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The disease contributes to the destruction of cartilage and adjacent to the joints bone tissue. At the same time, the recovery process is extremely slow, as a result of which bone spikes are formed and the articular surfaces are deformed. Deformed feet can cause a person's disability, as the process of movement is much more complicated.

The reasons

Deforming osteoarthritis of the foot (DOA) can be caused by a number of factors:

  • Congenital features of the anatomical structure (lack of collagen in the cartilage, weakened ligaments, incorrect structure of one or both feet).
  • Foot deformity resulting from injury.
  • Improper nutrition, overweight.
  • Excessive loads on the limbs in the absence of the necessary training.
  • Flat feet.
  • Frequent wearing of high heels.
  • Metabolic disorders in menopausal women.

Symptoms and stages

Deforming arthrosis of the foot is manifested by various symptoms depending on the stage of development of the pathology:

  • 1 stage - is considered the beginning of the disease. Usually one leg is affected. There are unexpressed pains in the affected articular joint, which appear at the time of physical exertion. The reason for visiting a specialist is increased leg fatigue. At the first stage, there are practically no changes on the radiograph. If grade 1 osteoarthritis of the foot is diagnosed, treatment is considered the most effective.
  • 2 stage – osteoarthritis of the foot of the 2nd degree is characterized by an increase in clinical signs. The pain becomes more intense, but at the same time it is well stopped by painkillers. At the moment of movement, you can hear a characteristic crunch associated with the friction of the composite surfaces against each other. Sometimes you can notice a slight swelling. Casual shoes become tighter due to the growth of connective tissue and flattening of the heads of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the foot. This stage is characterized by osteoarthritis of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the toe with severe deformity.
  • 3 stage - characterized by pronounced pain, which is permanent and is not stopped by painkillers. As a result of the pathological process, the foot and toes are grossly deformed. Osteoarthritis of the big toe provokes its displacement under the second finger, and other small interphalangeal joints also suffer. Mobility is sharply limited or absent, a person has difficulty standing. It is possible to spread the pathological process to the ankle, and due to the redistribution of the load, the knees and spine suffer.

With osteoarthritis of the first degree, a person rarely turns to a specialist due to the absence of clear manifestations of the disease. In the later stages, a characteristic duck-like gait appears - the patient, in order to avoid pain, seems to roll over from one leg to the other.


Osteoarthritis of the feet is divided into several types depending on the localization of the pathological process:

  • Interphalangeal (the articulations of the fingers are involved in the process).
  • Intermetatarsal (damage to the base of the bones of the metatarsus).
  • Metatarsophalangeal (at the junction of the metatarsal bones and the base of the phalanges).
  • Intertarsal.

Which doctor treats osteoarthritis of the feet?

Several specialists deal with the diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis of the feet - a general surgeon, a traumatologist, an orthopedist, an arthrologist and a rheumatologist.


Identification of the first stage of pathology can be difficult due to the poor clinical picture. At stages 2 and 3, the diagnosis can be made with the help of an external examination and symptoms - the deformity of the foot is quite pronounced, and complaints of pain and limitation are in favor of DOA. To clarify the diagnosis, an X-ray examination of the foot is prescribed, the images visualize:

  • Cartilage sclerosis.
  • Multiple cysts.
  • Bone growths (osteophytes).
  • Deformation and narrowing of the joint space.

There are no specific laboratory diagnostic methods; only signs of inflammation can be seen in a blood test.


If osteoarthritis of the foot is confirmed, treatment is required comprehensive and long-term. Both drug and non-drug therapies are used.

Drug therapy involves the appointment of drugs of various groups:

  • Chondroprotectors - inhibit degenerative processes in bone and cartilage tissue. Apply orally or in the form of intramuscular and intraarticular injections. Osteoarthritis of the small joints of the foot is treated mainly with tablet forms, since the joints are too small for intra-articular injection. Chondroprotectors (Chondrotin, Glucosamine) produce a cumulative effect, so the course of administration is quite long, and the effect of the drugs lasts for one to two months.
  • Painkillers - Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are usually prescribed in the form of injections, tablets and gels for external use. The most commonly used are Nurofen, Nise, Paracetamol, Diclofenac, Voltaren. These drugs do not eliminate pathological changes in the joints, but they are able to relieve inflammation and alleviate the patient's condition.

Non-drug therapy consists of several methods:

  • Compliance.
  • Wearing orthopedic products.
  • Phytotherapy.
  • Physiotherapy.

In extreme cases, when conservative methods do not help, and the person practically loses the ability to move, surgery is performed. Most often, the joint between the phalanx of the thumb and the metatarsus is operated on, since it is there that the deformation is most pronounced. The little fingers are deformed less often.

Arthroplasty is considered the most modern method - during the operation, only deformed areas are removed, while the joint itself is preserved. A more serious intervention is arthroplasty - a complete replacement of the joint or part of it. Usually carried out at stage 3 of osteoarthritis of the foot.

In the initial stages of pathology, methods can be a good addition to the main treatment. traditional medicine. Several recipes are effective:

  • Young potatoes are boiled with their skins and crushed with water. The finished slurry is taken orally three times a day for a third of a glass. The total volume of the drunk product must be at least 3 liters. You can also do compresses on a sore joint.
  • A small amount of salt is heated in a frying pan and placed in a cloth bag. It is applied to the limb when pain occurs.
  • Iodine grid - iodine helps to relieve pain, therefore, in case of pain syndrome, a grid is drawn on a joint or finger.
  • 1 tablespoon of mustard is mixed with the same volume of honey and vegetable oil. Warm to a boil, cool and use as a compress.

Physiotherapy begins after the subsidence of acute inflammation:

  • Electrophoresis with NSAIDs and chondroprotectors.
  • Laser therapy.
  • Wrapping with therapeutic mud.
  • UHF and UFO.

Nutrition plays a big role. With osteoarthritis, it is important to get rid of extra pounds and ensure that the body receives all the necessary elements. The diet must include seafood, dairy products, lean meat, buckwheat, fresh fruits and vegetables, jellied meats and boiled cartilage. Exclude sugar and fast carbohydrates.


There are no specific measures to prevent osteoarthritis of the feet, you can only reduce the likelihood of its development through several preventive methods:

  • Active lifestyle with moderate physical activity.
  • Proper nutrition with maintaining a normal body weight.
  • Prevention of injuries and hypothermia of extremities.
  • Wear comfortable shoes with low heels.

It is important to take care of the joints from youth, avoiding heavy lifting or long periods of immobility. It is necessary to treat injuries in time, since it is much easier to prevent osteoarthritis than to cure it in the later stages.

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Improper functioning of some body systems that affect the musculoskeletal system leads to the fact that cartilage tissues are subjected to premature wear. This process is called osteoarthritis. With osteoarthritis of the feet, in addition to degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cartilaginous tissues, there is also a violation of blood circulation and metabolism in the soft periarticular tissues, which leads to the appearance of foci of inflammation in these areas. All this is clearly visible in the photo.


Type of deforming osteoarthritis of the foot

Description and causes of the disease

This disease usually occurs in women and men over 40 years of age. With inadequate treatment or its absence, osteoarthritis brings more and more trouble to patients with age, proceeding with severe deterioration. In addition to this age group, young people and adolescents involved in sports or work that includes heavy physical exertion are susceptible to the disease.

This disease, depending on the complexity, is usually divided into several stages.

Osteoarthritis 1 degree

It is the initial stage of the disease. Pain at this degree is mild and occurs periodically. Already at this time, physical activity is acutely felt, entailing increased fatigue. The concentration of pain is in the forefoot. The symptoms of the disease are small, so the diagnosis of osteoarthritis at this stage is quite problematic.

Osteoarthritis 2 degrees

At grade 2, thickenings that form in the region of the first metatarsal bone become noticeable. Pain at this stage of the disease is already pronounced, arising, in addition to strong physical exertion, even at rest. If the patient does not respond to increased pain and does not stop constant physical activity on the injured limb, the pain syndrome often takes on a permanent character.

Osteoarthritis 3 degrees

At the 3rd degree of the disease, the movement of the diseased limb is very difficult or impossible. The deformity of the joint becomes very noticeable, and the thumb is lowered down and practically does not move. The pain is continuous and often unbearable.

The main reasons for the development of a deforming variety of osteoarthritis are:

  • flat feet,
  • congenital deformities of the joints,
  • shortening of one of the limbs,
  • previous injuries, sprains, injuries,
  • primary degenerative-dystrophic diseases (arthrosis, polyarthritis, etc.),
  • metabolic disease,
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

Symptoms and diagnosis of the disease

The symptomatology of the disease depends on its degree. However, it is possible to identify the main symptoms that can cause a visit to the hospital with suspected pathology of the foot joints.

  • pain that subsides at rest and worsens during exercise or sports,
  • forced change in gait or body position (a person seems to roll over from foot to foot, trying to reduce the load on the sore joint),
  • periodic or constant increase in body temperature, indicating the presence of an inflammatory process in the body,
  • the appearance of swelling and redness in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diseased joint,
  • increased fatigue, uncharacteristic for the body,
  • visually visible nodular growths in the area affected by arthrosis of the joints.

It should be noted that at the initial stages the disease is almost asymptomatic, so diagnosis can be difficult.

Diagnosis of osteoarthritis is carried out in several stages, as in any disease associated with dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system.

Photo deforming osteoarthritis of the foot

The first step in the diagnosis is a consultation with a doctor. In the second stage of osteoarthritis, a doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis without mechanical studies on such signs as a visually noticeable deformity, complaints of pain, and limited movement of one or more fingers.

Further, if osteoarthritis is suspected, the patient is prescribed an x-ray. X-rays show changes in the joints and cartilage. In addition, laboratory blood tests are used to detect inflammatory processes occurring in the body.

Methods of treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis

Depending on the stage of the disease, the doctor chooses methods of treatment.

Medical method of treatment

Can be applied with initial stage. With this method, several groups of drugs acting in different directions are used.

  • Pain-relieving anti-inflammatory drugs. The use of these drugs helps both reduce pain and treat inflammation. These drugs are used in the form of tablets or injections, it is also possible to use ointments and gels, but without the internal use of drugs they will not give a visible result. There are also negative aspects to the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs often have a bad effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Legs deformed by osteoarthritis

  • Experienced specialists, together with such drugs, also prescribe drugs that can protect the patient's stomach and intestines from unpleasant and dangerous consequences. The use of this kind of drugs is possible only on the recommendation of a specialist, since their prolonged and uncontrolled intake can end in failure, for example, with the opening of gastric bleeding.
  • Chondoprotectors (medicines) that improve the condition of cartilage in the joints. With the help of these drugs, blood circulation processes are improved, and metabolism is also normalized. This leads to partial regeneration of articular tissues, elimination of the consequences of their destruction, and prevention of disease progression. Chondoprotectors can be divided into two types according to the method of use. The first group of drugs is taken orally in the form of tablets or injections. Medicines belonging to the second group are injected into the joint, as a rule, this procedure is quite painful. Therefore, the place where the chondoprotector will be injected is first anesthetized. The effectiveness of these drugs is great only in the first and second degrees of osteoarthritis of the foot.

Application of physiotherapy

The positive effect of physiotherapy procedures is possible only at the first or second stage of the development of the disease, as well as in combination with drug treatment. There are several types of physiotherapy used for osteoarthritis:

  • therapeutic baths,
  • high frequency magnetotherapy,
  • SUV irradiation,
  • UHF therapy,
  • laser therapy.


This method includes special sets of exercises prescribed by a specialist. Together with the previous methods, this method, with proper execution and special perseverance, can bring tangible relief.


If it is impossible to use other methods of treating osteoarthritis of the foot, for example, in the third degree of development of the disease, a method of surgical intervention is used. The operation is performed under spinal anesthesia and lasts about an hour.

Surgery lasts an hour

Treatment with folk remedies

This method can also be used in combination with the rest and only on the recommendation or with the approval of a doctor. Traditional medicine recipes can reduce pain, relieve inflammation, and improve blood circulation or metabolism in the joints. Here are the most popular recipes folk remedies used in osteoarthritis of the joint:

  • Boil the potatoes together with the peel, crush them together with the water in which they were cooked, and apply inside one-third of a glass three times a day. If you add a little chalk to this mixture, it can be applied to a sore spot.
  • An iodine mesh applied to the affected area helps to reduce pain.
  • Apply mustard plaster to the sore spot for no more than an hour.
  • Heat about 250 g of rock salt and pour into a bag of dense fabric. Apply to a sore spot, periodically warming up as needed. You can use it until the pain subsides.

Prevention measures

Prevention of osteoarthritis of the foot is the implementation of special exercises, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, as well as refraining from strong physical exertion. The main and most effective method, contributing to the prevention of the disease, is a diet. Diet helps to reduce weight, thereby reducing the load on the diseased joint. In addition, the use of a diet helps to improve metabolism. Patients with osteoarthritis or people at risk of this disease should exclude flour and fatty foods from the diet. Dairy products, which contain calcium, should be consumed only fat-free. Improving the processes in the joints contributes to the use of mucopolysaccharides contained in broths from bones and fish, jelly, jelly.

Arthrosis of the metatarsal joint is accompanied by pain, swelling, and the inability to move normally. There is slight redness of the skin. The disease is associated with inflammation of the soft tissues, destruction of the cartilage tissue of the first toe.

The risk factors for the disease have not been fully studied. It is believed that the age factor plays a major role. With age cartilage tissue becomes unable to support body weight. The joints of the first finger can not cope with the severity, they begin to collapse.

  1. Age-related deterioration of the blood supply to the joints, varicose veins;
  2. Changes in mobility, plasticity, cartilage destruction;
  3. Excess weight, creating an additional load on the feet;
  4. flat feet;
  5. hereditary factor.

Factors that increase the risk of osteoarthritis of the metatarsophalangeal joint include:

  • Wearing tight shoes;
  • Hypothermia of the foot;
  • Injuries, dislocations, fractures;

There are many causes of the disease. Basically, these are factors in which the blood supply to the phalangeal joints is disturbed, ranging from injuries to inflammatory processes in the body.

How the disease develops

The destruction of the base of the finger begins with cartilage. Over time, the amplitude of movement of the first toe is reduced, it becomes rigid, hard. A bone grows on its lateral side. Movement hurts.

There are degrees of development of arthrosis:

  1. The first stage is characterized by tingling in the finger area, minor pain. At this stage, you should try not to load the foot, use ointments, lotions.
  2. Arthrosis of the second degree is characterized high blood pressure in the area of ​​the joint, leading to fatigue, its deformation begins, the pain becomes pronounced, constant, even at rest. At this stage, a visit to the doctor is mandatory.
  3. In the third degree, movement is limited, even at rest the patient experiences sharp pains that become permanent. The growth in the form of a bone is clearly visible.
  4. The latter is characterized by constant pain. With this degree of disease, changes in the articular tissue become irreversible. Traditional treatment is not suitable, an operation is needed to replace the joint with a prosthesis.

Arthrosis of the metatarsal joint is detected by x-ray.

The main traditional treatment of the disease

Treatment at the initial stage of the disease includes foot massage, physiotherapy exercises, lotions, ointments. The task of therapy at this stage is to relieve pain, to stop pathological changes in the articular tissue.

The pain of the metatarsophalangeal joint is relieved by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: ibuprofen, ortofen. These drugs also help eliminate inflammation.

Traditional treatment includes physical therapy:

  • UHF feet;
  • Magnetotherapy of the first toe;
  • Laser treatment, electrophoresis.

If treatment fails, phonophoresis helps relieve pain, which is used to inject medication into the problem area.

Prescription of therapy depending on the degree of the disease

At the first stage, the disease manifests itself with slight inconvenience when walking, the deformation process is started, the doctor can detect a decrease in the lumen in the articular area during x-rays. At this stage, it is worth reducing the load on the joints of the first toe. To develop the joint, it is recommended to engage in physiotherapy exercises, wear comfortable shoes. Arthrosis of the 1st degree is cured almost completely with the help of physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy procedures, and taking chondroprotectors.

Arthrosis of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the second degree is cured by taking drugs that reduce pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be taken with caution in patients with stomach diseases: ulcers, gastritis. Physiotherapy is used. It is recommended to reduce the load on sore toes.

At the third, fourth degree, the joint of the finger is completely deformed, a bone grows on the first finger, it becomes motionless. It is not possible to cure the disease by traditional methods, surgical intervention is required. The patient is assigned a disability, since he can only move with the help of a cane, experiencing incessant pain. It can only step on the outside of the foot. Treatment is aimed only at relieving pain, which becomes constant, disturbing the patient even in sleep.

Treatment with traditional medicine

There are recipes for the preparation of ointments, decoctions for the treatment of arthrosis of the big toe:

Therapeutic exercise, massage in the treatment of arthrosis

When performing physical therapy exercises, it is worth remembering that the load must be increased gradually. First, the exercises are performed with a healthy leg.

Treatment starts from the starting position, lying on the floor. These can be rotational movements of the feet, alternate abduction to the sides of the toe, heel. In a sitting position, they make movements resembling walking, without lifting the soles from the floor.

The exercise is aimed at increasing the mobility of the metatarsophalangeal joint: tie the first toes with an elastic band, gently move the feet away from each other, pressing the fingers to the others on the same foot. In this position, fix the feet for 10 seconds.

If the exercise causes pain that does not go away within 5 minutes, it is worth reducing the load, stop exercising for a while.

Metatarsophalangeal joint treatment includes foot massage. It can be tapping, stroking, kneading fingers. You should not rush during the massage, the movements are performed gently, smoothly. Before starting self-massage, you should seek the advice of a doctor, a professional massage therapist.

The complete cure of arthrosis of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the first toe is a long, painstaking process. Improvements come imperceptibly with complex, correct, regular treatment.