Tell us about gold earrings with garnet. Pomegranate earrings are a magical decoration that brings love, strength and health.

Under the general name "garnet" a large family of minerals of a wide variety of shades is collected.

The vast majority of stones of this family used in jewelry have a rich dark red color, exactly like the seeds of a pomegranate fruit. But this is not the entire spectrum of shades of the mineral; it also comes in rich green, orange, brown, and pink colors.

Garnet has been known since ancient times, but it received widespread use as a jewelry stone only in XVII - XIX centuries.

Basically, pyrope, a burgundy-colored stone, was used for inserts into jewelry; other colors were less common and were not used in jewelry, but only in craft workshops.

In general, garnet is a semi-precious stone, but because of its noble, beautiful color and iridescence, especially when it is cut, garnet is confused with a precious stone. Therefore, it is often counterfeited.

Magic properties

Pomegranate is a talisman for those who want to own and control the minds of people. It is not for nothing that representatives of the clergy, especially in Catholicism, wear garnet rings.

Of course, pomegranate has always been considered a symbol of love and fidelity, loving couples. Therefore, lovers can and should give it to each other as a sign of devotion. But it is not recommended to give garnet jewelry to teenagers, because then they will be swirled by a whirlwind of passions, while they should be focused on their studies.

People of creative professions - musicians, poets, singers - should have a pomegranate stone with them. It will give you emotionality, inspiration and good mood, and will help you achieve full impact.

There is an opinion that a garnet stone, inherited, brings good luck to the owner.

A stolen property not only attracts trouble, but also deliberately destroys the one who owns it wrongfully.

Medicinal properties

In ancient times, it was believed that pomegranate was able to heal bleeding wounds (due to its color). Rings with garnets were common among warriors of the noble class.

In Rus', midwives, when delivering a baby, placed a pomegranate pebble at the head of the bed to help the woman in labor.

Nowadays, the mineral has been scientifically proven to really help with various mild diseases - fever, sore throat, cough, metabolic disorders, digestion, etc. For people who have had heart surgery, stroke and heart attack, doctors advise wearing pomegranate jewelry for a speedy recovery.

Zodiac sign

Garnet is suitable for the Fire signs of the Zodiac - Leo, Sagittarius, Aries, and also favors Scorpio and Capricorn.

It is better for Pisces and Cancers not to wear jewelry with garnet.

Who is it suitable for and how to wear garnet stone

A bright garnet looks good in jewelry with the same bright stones as it - sapphire, agate, emerald, lapis lazuli. The garnet looks best in a gold frame, but to reveal its healing and magical properties, the garnet must be framed in silver.

A grenade should be worn by a fighter with an iron character, someone who is used to getting his way. Red is the color of determination and determination.

Owners of garnet jewelry are advised not to wear it all the time - the stone should rest.

Garnet also does not like water and sun rays - water washes away part of its fiery power, and in the sun the stone fades. If necessary, clean the stone, this can be done in a soapy solution by dipping it there for a short time.

Garnet is a beautiful gemstone with a rich color very similar to the color of garnet seeds. The shape of pomegranates also resembles pomegranate seeds, although there may be other forms. There are about 20 varieties of pomegranate. They differ in their shades and colors. Among garnets you can find not only rich red stones, but also orange, black, greenish and many others.

For jewelers, garnet is a very interesting material. Using garnet stones, they make amazing jewelry that can only bewitch and bewitch. Garnet is used in the design of earrings, necklaces, bracelets and necklaces, and rings.

Earrings containing garnet stones will be a wonderful friend to any girl or woman. They will look good with silver or red gold. Gold earrings with garnet are intended for women, while both women and girls can wear silver earrings. They can be worn in a business look, and in the evening, and in everyday life. The main thing is not to spoil the image with unnecessary details.

Necklaces, pendants and necklaces with garnet are worn exclusively with evening dresses. An exception can be made for pendants on thin chains. With their help you can complement any image. The shape of the necklace or choker is chosen directly to match the outfit, to match the neckline. For example, for blouses with a high-fitting collar, it is better to use a necklace made of large rings. The length of the necklace should be medium. A dress with a square neckline can be paired with a voluminous garnet necklace, while a strapless dress can be paired with a crew necklace that will visually lengthen the neck.

Rings with garnet can be worn in any style; they will decorate any hands and fingers, regardless of age.

Garnet jewelry looks wonderful in sets. Many jewelry stores and workshops offer such sets in various designs. You can wear this type of jewelry every day, but it is better to do it in combination with an evening dress. Garnet stones look great with red, black and white evening dresses.

Pomegranate is a symbol of good luck, prosperity, good mood and health. Since ancient times, garnet jewelry has been preferred among high ranks and royalty - as amulets against enemies. Above all, pomegranate is a symbol of love and fidelity. Therefore, garnets are often used in wedding rings.

It is worth knowing that pomegranate does not like direct sunlight and water. It cannot be worn all the time - it should sometimes be in the box and rest. Pomegranates require special care - cleaning. To clean a garnet, you can use a soap solution, a soft cloth and a jewelry brush. First, dip the pomegranate in a soapy solution and wait a couple of minutes, then wipe with a cloth. Next, the pomegranate needs to be rinsed and cleaned with a brush, and wiped dry. Another option involves cleaning the pomegranate using salt (edible or sea). The jewelry with the stone is dipped in a salt solution for several minutes, after which it is removed, washed with cold water and dried.

Garnet jewelry can be a wonderful addition to any look, but you should use it carefully and in moderation, then the appearance will be simply magnificent.

In the Middle Ages, pomegranates were called carbuncles for their resemblance to burning coals. And the specific name of this stone “garnet” appeared in the 16th century. Legends were formed about the magical and healing properties of the mineral. The pomegranate was worn as a talisman, sacred stone and amulet.

Properties of pomegranate

The main property of pomegranate is its ability to awaken passions, desires and feelings. True, such an ability can turn against the owner of this stone, so this person must be strong in spirit. In contact with the body of a person overcome by passions, the garnet begins to shine with inner light.

Garnet has the ability to protect its owner from danger. Travelers took the stone with them so that the difficult undertaking would end safely. It was also worn by warriors, for whom luck was a welcome companion in campaigns and battles.

It is believed that the carbuncle protects friends and loved ones from betrayal. Therefore, connoisseurs of permanent relationships value pomegranate. If you were given a ring with this stone, it means that you were assured of love, fidelity and friendship.

The healing properties of pomegranate are also famous. The stone is recommended to be worn by people prone to frequent pulmonary diseases. It helps with a sore throat, severe headaches and high fever. To enhance the healing properties of the pomegranate, it should be worn in a silver frame.

Who should wear a pomegranate?

Garnets favor air signs of the zodiac. Red stones bring great benefits to women, making them wiser and more restrained. But it is always worth remembering that pomegranates bring happiness only to passionate emotional natures. People who are inert and lacking initiative get absolutely nothing from this mineral.

Rare green garnets help their owner choose the right direction, which is why insecure people love them. But you should not wear red and green stones together, as they are too different and can conflict with each other.

Garnet is suitable for creative people who gain inspiration by capturing the emanations of the stone on a subconscious level. Sculptors, artists, musicians, poets can keep red and green stones together. The carbuncle will help to collect and identify the image, and its brother of a different color will help bring an ephemeral idea to life.

People who want to relax and be at peace for a while should avoid wearing a pomegranate. The stone will not let you relax and will constantly cause a storm of emotions.

Eleonora Brik

Garnet is a popular stone that is used to make earrings, bracelets, rings and other jewelry. This mineral is characterized by an original luster that varies from weak to bright glassy. The stone seems to shine from within - perhaps this is why it has long been believed that garnet is suitable for passionate and strong natures.

This stone is sometimes imagined to be exclusively bright red, but in reality there are garnets of several shades, including:


An example of a beautiful and rare type of garnet is green uvarovite.

It is characterized by small crystals - on average 2-3 mm.

Properties of pomegranate

People have long noted the healing and even magical properties of pomegranate. For example, it was believed that it protected against dangers, so it was taken with them on trips and military campaigns. Garnet was also famous as a stone for lovers. Presenting it as a gift symbolized love and friendship. Some even believed that this stone would help protect the marriage from infidelity.

The Persians believed that the pomegranate protected against enemies and natural disasters, and helped to conquer and strengthen power. That is why such stones were traditionally used by rulers and military leaders. In Ancient Greece and Rome, garnet jewelry symbolized, on the one hand, strength, and on the other, devotion and love, so they were worn by both men and women.

Medicinal properties of pomegranate

Modern doctors are skeptical about the healing properties of pomegranate, but the miraculous power of this stone was believed in different cultures - from India to Ancient Rus'.

Silver earrings with garnet, Sokolov;(price on the link)

Here is just a small list of ailments for which pomegranate was used in the treatment.

Colds. It is believed that this stone can cope with throat inflammations and lowers fever.
Immunity problems. Pomegranate is recommended to be worn by people with weakened bodies prone to seasonal diseases.
Childbirth pains. In antiquity, they believed that this stone helped the painless and quick birth of children.
Diseases of the nervous system. Most often, the calming effect is attributed to green garnets.

Today, not everyone believes in the magical and healing power of stones, but this does not reduce the popularity of garnets. Jewelry made from this beautiful mineral helps highlight the advantages of one’s appearance and create a unique image.

What types of appearance does pomegranate go with?

The rich range of colors has turned garnet into a universal stone, so it can be combined with different types of appearance. Green and red shades are suitable for those with red or brown hair. Blonde curls in cool shades are organically combined with rhodolite, a variety of garnet of a pleasant pink color.

Silver ring with tsavorite, SL;(price on the link)

Those with black hair will be decorated with all types of red garnets. Jewelry with melanite would also be an original option. It is an opaque black stone with a glossy sheen. Garnets of these shades are most often cut not into gold, but into silver, which also goes well with dark hair.

Which zodiac signs are suitable for pomegranate?

There is no single point of view about which zodiac signs the pomegranate is suitable for. The variability of interpretations is associated with the ancient history and complex symbolism of this stone, which managed to be a companion of knights, a talisman for lovers, and even a symbol of the power of rulers. Most often, the following zodiac signs are recommended to wear garnet:

Scorpios. This stone will help them maintain high spirits and add faith in themselves and in loved ones.
Aquarius. Pomegranate will help them achieve success in their career and personal plans, and protect them from adversity and problems.
Gemini. For those born under this zodiac sign, pomegranate will help them find harmony with themselves and the world and maintain calm.
Leos. A pomegranate talisman will bring them good luck in work and everyday affairs and improve their health.

How to wear a pomegranate

It is not recommended to wear garnet all the time - it is useful to remove jewelry made from this stone from time to time and “separate” it from the owner. Some associate this rule with the strong energy of the mineral, while others with the fact that it is better to protect it from constant exposure to sunlight. In order for the garnet to maintain its shine and beauty, the stone must be regularly cleaned yourself or taken to a jeweler.

Pomegranate does not tolerate exposure to water well.

Therefore, it is better to remove rings and bracelets with this stone when cleaning, washing dishes, etc.

Garnet rings are worn on different fingers. Sometimes they are given a symbolic interpretation: on the little finger they will help to establish productive communication with others. A ring with a red garnet on the ring finger will help in personal matters, and the same decoration on the middle finger will lead to creative and career success.

26 November 2014, 15:46

The deep color of the mineral is reminiscent of a magical elixir that bestows vital energy and attracts love. For many centuries, interest in the question of the magical properties of garnet stone and who it is suitable for has not waned. It is not difficult to become the owner of a wonderful stone. In order for a gem to bring only good, it is important to know its abilities and take into account who the garnet stone is suitable for according to the horoscope.

The name of the mineral means “grainy” in Latin. It first appears in European sources of the 13th century. Other names of the gem are anthrax, bechet, carbuncle.

Garnets include about 14 varieties, united by structure and physical properties:

  • Strength.
  • Resistance to thermal influence.
  • Reduction in the speed of sound when passing through a mineral.

Garnets differ in their chemical composition, which determines their color: there are yellow, green, black, red and others. Known varieties include:

  • Pyrope and almandine are the most common specimens. They have different shades of red.
  • Uvarovite and grossular are green stones.
  • Hessonite is dark yellow and orange.
  • Melanite - black garnet.

Garnet can be both a precious stone and a gem. It all depends on the quality and color of the mineral.

Prices for stones vary and are determined by size, external characteristics and craftsmanship.

Large diamond-cut specimens (with many small flat edges) in attractive red shades of varying degrees of intensity: from pink to scarlet and dark burgundy are valued at a higher price.

Garnets are mined on the Kola Peninsula, the Urals (green stones), and Canada. The highest quality minerals used in jewelry come from Madagascar. Exceptionally rare blue varieties have been found there.

Historical facts and beliefs

Since ancient times, the magical significance of the stone has been known. Garnet was used as a magnet to attract love and vitality. Products with it served as decoration and amulet. It is known that:

Today you can find a variety of items with garnet on sale: trinkets, earrings, pendants, necklaces, bracelets, brooches. It goes well with both yellow and white precious metals.

In Prague, the European capital of medieval alchemists, the Pomegranate Museum was created, and one of the popular Czech souvenirs is jewelry and costume jewelry, where the main element is the garnet stone.

The gem is credited with magical and healing powers. An energetically strong stone, such as garnet, can bring both benefit and harm.

The question of whether to get a pomegranate needs to be agreed upon with your zodiac sign. The influence of the talisman is different:

Those whose zodiac sign is friends with pomegranate will receive maximum support from the amulet. The magical properties of the gem will be useful:

In general, the talisman is favorable to active and active people. If you are prone to laziness and passivity, garnet may conflict with the energy background and have a negative impact.

Healing properties

The stone is famous not only as a magical amulet. The mineral will support physical and mental health, as well as:

How to care for a talisman

The amulet garnet requires a careful and careful approach. To ensure that the use of the mineral does not have negative consequences, Important points to remember:

  • Ideally, the decoration or souvenir should be given as a gift. Such a talisman carries a powerful positive charge of the giver’s good feelings and is the most effective helper.
  • When choosing and purchasing a gem, you should be guided by intuition. You have to like the stone.
  • It is advisable to purchase a new copy. If you purchased vintage jewelry, you need to do an energetic cleansing. To do this, take the talisman in your hand and hold it in cold water.
  • When storing, it is necessary to take into account its interaction with other stones. The mineral's friends are sapphire and emerald, and its enemies are pearls, turquoise and moonstone. You shouldn't keep rivals together!
  • Dirt should be removed with a soft cloth. Occasionally you can wash the mineral in a solution of water and salt. Frequent contact with liquid is undesirable: the gem belongs to the fire element, and in water it may lose its magical potential.

When wearing jewelry, you should watch your emotions. If there is a feeling of discomfort when wearing a product with pomegranate, it is better to refuse it. There is a high probability that the stone is not suitable, in which case it makes sense to find another amulet.